
Rose Gates
By Marian Chivers
Materials Required:
Copper and Black Tissue Paper, Scraps of Green
Mulberry and Tobacco Nature Paper.
Tracing Paper and Scissors.
Collage Sheet: CS001.
3mm Quilling Paper: Green, Black, Orange,
Yellow, Sage Green and Olive.
5mm White Quilling Paper and Quilling Tool.
8 Burgundy Paper Roses: FLW06-01 and
2 Burgundy Rosebuds: FLW13-01.
Scrapbook Plaque: SCS008.
Sticker Wording: XL282U-01.
35cm Length of 1.5mm Diameter Soft Wire.
Sticky Fixer and Glue Stick.
P.V.A. Craft Adhesive.
Card Mount: AP56U-92 Pearl White.
To Make The Card:
Fold the card and lightly draw around the ap-
erture onto the flap behind. Cut out the marked
aperture but don t stick it closed yet.
On the card front mark a faint line for the
outer edges of the trellis, (shown as grey bars on
the diagram) measuring 7mm out from the aper-
ture each side and 13mm up from the top.
Tear a rough patch of tobacco paper around
3cm x 7cm to fit under the aperture, cut the top
straight and use the glue stick to stick into place.
Tear a little strip of green Mulberry  grass for
each side of the aperture just under the trellis
and use the glue stick to fix into place.
each end in to make heart shapes. Assemble
these over the diagram, if you want to keep
The gates are made
Actual Size
the magazine clean place a polypropylene bag
from small scrolls of
or similar over the diagram and use masking
quilling paper so cut
tape to keep in place. Glue four scrolls side by
18 strips of black paper
side and then four more in a row above these,
to 17cm long and use a
the heart shape goes upside down on the top.
quilling tool to roll 16
of them to  S shaped The side bars of the gate are made in the same
scrolls. Fold the other way as the trellis and fence. Cut four 25mm
two in half and roll squares of black tissue paper and work each as
follows. Place
a square,
Top of Card
against the
wire as shown.
Roll the square
Glue End
up onto the
wire, glue
the point so it
does not unroll and slide off the wire.
Glue one bar to each side of each gate.
Cut four 2cm long strips of black
paper, slip two of these strips around
one bar of each gate (to the left of one
gate and to the right of the other) and
glue the ends pressing them flat together
as shown to make the little hinges. Turn
the open card face down and position
the gates in the aperture. Glue the
straight bits of the  hinges behind the
aperture and glue the card closed.
Next make the trellis from copper
tissue paper as follows. Cut twenty eight
Actual Size
25mm squares, four 35mm squares and
five 100mm squares. Roll these pieces
onto wire, copper side out, in exactly
the same way as described above for
the gate ends.
pretty. Use 6 full roses, cutting off each stem
close to the flower and glue these around the
The trellis is worked directly onto the card
trellis. Cut two rosebud stems off about 1cm
and is supposed to look rustic, so don t worry
from each flower and glue onto the trellis using
about exact placing of the pieces, but do cut all
the photo to guide you.
the ends off square as you go. Begin with the
short trellis and fence pieces coloured brown on
Make 11 leaves from the green paper, use
the diagram, placing them roughly as shown
about 15cm lengths wound to a loose coil and
within the marked outline on the card and cut- pinched to an eye shape. Glue these leaves
ting them to length as required. Two bars near
around the trellis as shown in the photograph.
the top are a little longer, use the slightly longer
Make 2 olive green leaves in the same way.
pieces for these.
Make 4 daisies as follows. Take a 10cm length
Next add a long strip each side on the marked
of 5mm white paper and fringe down one side,
lines placing them over the ends of the pieces
glue a 10cm length of 3mm orange paper to one
already on the card, add another long strip across end. Roll from the orange end onto a quilling
the top, trim the pieces as required and use small tool and glue the end before removing from
dabs of glue to stick them together. Take the last the tool. Glue the daisies at the bottom of the
two long pieces and push the end of one into the fence, two on each side with one olive green leaf
other to make a long strip. Feed a length of wire between them and gently press the white petals
through this long strip, bend to the shape of the open just a little.
arch and add to the card trimming as required.
Cut the wording sticker into individual words
Finish the trellis and fence by adding the bars and place on the oval scrapbook sticker. Glue this
coloured in blue on the diagram, use the short onto the card front, decorate with a full rose on
lengths and two slightly longer ones as before. each side and drape a green spiral across them.
Cut a length of light green quilling paper in Make an insert from the collage sheet, fold it
half lengthwise, spiral around a piece of wire and facing out and cover with tracing paper, glue into
drape around the arch going in and out to look the card so it shows through the window.
We hope you enjoy this free article taken from a back issue of the
Craft Creations Magazine. You may hand make copies of the card(s)
featured in this project, to give away or sell, as many times as you
like. You may not use the project, text, pattern or pictures for any
other purpose nor make the project using any automated process.
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Craft Creations Limited
Ingersoll House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, EN8 9HD, England.
Tel: 01992 781900 Fax: 01992 634339
The details above are correct as of 1st July 2008, but are subject to change without prior notice.


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