Holy Land Revealed (description)

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Course Lecture Titles

36 Lectures
30 minutes / lecture

1. The Land of Canaan (



2. The Arrival of the Israelites




3. Jerusalem—An Introduction to

the City (



4. The Jerusalem of David and

Solomon (



5. Biblical Jerusalem's Ancient

Water Systems (



6. Samaria and the Northern

Kingdom of Israel (



7. Fortifications and Cult

Practices (



8. Babylonian Exile and the

Persian Restoration (



9. Alexander the Great and His

Successors (



10. The Hellenization of Palestine




11. The Maccabean Revolt (



12. The Hasmonean Kingdom




13. Pharisees and Sadducees




14. Discovery and Site of the

Dead Sea Scrolls (



15. The Sectarian Settlement at

Qumran (



16. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the

Essenes (



17. The Life of the Essenes (



18. From Roman Annexation to

Herod the Great (



19. Herod as Builder

—Jerusalem's Temple Mount



20. Caesarea Maritima—Harbor

and Showcase City (



21. From Herod's Last Years to

Pontius Pilate (



22. Galilee—Setting of Jesus's

Life and Ministry (



23. Synagogues in the Time of

Jesus (



24. Sites of the Trial and Final

Hours of Jesus (



Available Exclusively on DVD:


36 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture




Average Customer Rating:

5 out of 5

2 of 2 (100%) customers w ould recommend the
course to a friend.

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As the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity, the Holy Land (the
area in and around modern-day Israel) is one of the most important
regions in the world. With a rich history stretching back over 3,000
years, this area is a sacred land for three major faiths and the
setting for defining events in religious history, including

the life, ministry, and death of Jesus;
the construction and destruction of the First and Second Jewish
the composition of the Old and New Testaments, and parts of
the Dead Sea Scrolls;
the dramatic siege of Masada; and
the journey of the prophet Muhammad to Jerusalem.

The majority of our knowledge about these and other captivating
events comes from a wealth of written sources, including the Old
and New Testaments, non-canonical works such as the Apocrypha,
and works by the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus.

But the Holy Land is also filled with physical evidence that attests to
these events—evidence that has only been revealed during the last
200 years. With the information uncovered at various sites—from the
rubble of an ancient citadel in the City of David to the contents of
rock-cut tombs in the Kidron Valley to individual pieces of
correspondence from caves in the Judaean Desert—archaeologists
have shed intriguing new light on our understanding of the history of
this area. In some cases, their findings have clarified what we
already knew. In other cases, they've radically reshaped our views.

Now, comb through these and other remains for yourself with The
Holy Land Revealed
, an unforgettable experience that will add new
dimensions to your understanding of the millennia-long narrative of
this dynamic place. Delivered by archaeologist and award-winning
Professor Jodi Magness of The University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, who has spent her career excavating at sites in and
around Israel, these 36 lectures give you an insider's look at how
archaeology helps us relive and encounter firsthand life during this
formative period of human civilization. And it's a chance to get up
close and personal with ruins, artifacts, murals, documents, and
other long-buried objects that will take you deep beneath the pages
of the Bible.

Travel to a Mysterious Land Rich with History

How does one begin to approach this region, with a history
stretching from the arrival of the Canaanites around 3000 B.C.E. up
through the Muslim conquest around 640 C.E.? While it's easy to get
lost in the whirlwind of political and religious groups in places like
Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Megiddo, Jericho, and Petra, if you have the
right guide, the tumultuous story of the Holy Land is easy to

That's why Professor Magness's chronological approach makes

Holy Land Revealed

Taught By

Professor Jodi Magness

, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania,

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Course No. 6220

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Hours of Jesus (



25. Early Jewish Tombs in

Jerusalem (



26. Monumental Tombs in the

Time of Jesus (



27. The Burials of Jesus and

James (



28. The First Jewish Revolt;

Jerusalem Destroyed (



29. Masada—Herod's Desert

Palace and the Siege (



30. Flavius Josephus and the

Mass Suicide (



31. The Second Jewish Revolt

against the Romans (



32. Roman Jerusalem

—Hadrian's Aelia Capitolina



33. Christian Emperors and

Pilgrimage Sites (



34. Judaism and Synagogues

under Christian Rule (



35. Islam's Transformation of

Jerusalem (



36. What and How Archaeology

Reveals (



The Holy Land Revealed such an invaluable guide to grasping this
period of ancient history. She gives you an expert's look at this
winding story, but makes it all the more accessible by organizing the
course around three major periods:

Old Testament and Post-Exilic period (c. 3000–1st century
This period served as the backdrop for some of the most
fascinating stories in the Hebrew Bible and early Jewish
history.Gain a greater understanding of events such as the reign
of King Solomon, the destruction of the First Temple, the
Babylonian exile, the birth of sects such as the Pharisees and
Sadducees, and the rise and fall of the Hasmonean Kingdom.
New Testament period (1st century B.C.E.– 1st century C.E.):
Spanning the rule of King Herod to the life of Jesus through the
destruction of the Second Jewish Temple in 70 C.E., this era
forms the core of the New Testament. Delve into everything from
life in Herod's impressive palaces to archaeological finds from
the villages around Galilee.
Post–Second Temple period (70–640 C.E.): After the destruction
of the Second Jewish Temple by the Romans, the Holy Land
was the site of political and spiritual turmoil. Examine the two
major Jewish revolts against Roman rule, Jewish and Christian
life under the early Byzantine Empire, the conquest of the region
by the emerging Islamic empire, and more.

You'll also see how other great civilizations and empires played key
roles in the story of the Holy Land. These include the

Babylonians: The Babylonian Empire conquered Jerusalem in
586 B.C.E. A large number of the Judean population went into exile in Babylon,
where the authoritative texts of the Hebrew Bible were edited, and where the
concept of synagogues possibly originated.
Greeks: In 332 B.C.E., Alexander the Great first passed through the Holy Land on
his way into Egypt; after his death, the Ptolemaic and Seleucid kingdoms each
ruled the region. The stamp of Hellenistic culture can be seen in the remains of
defensive towers at Samaria and the layout of the Idumaean town of Marisa.
Romans: After Pompey's siege of Jerusalem in 63 B.C.E., the cities of the Holy
Land fell under the authority of the Roman Empire. Following this came
centuries of conflict between the Romans and Jews (including the famous Bar-
Kokhba Revolt), but also a cultural imprint that was reflected in many early
synagogues and churches.

Explore a Wealth of Archaeological Wonders

The Holy Land Revealed is packed with detailed analyses of architectural wonders
that provide a physical context for stories from this region. It's a three-dimensional
impression that recreates this long-lost world, adding richer layers to stories and
events you may be familiar with and providing powerful introductions to those that
might be new to you.

You'll walk through ancient water systems and tombs, comb through the ruins of
early synagogues and sacred temples, and tour the remains of stables,
scriptoriums, and cave dwellings. Along the way, you'll visit some astounding places,

the Temple Mount, the veritable center of Jerusalem and a sacred site of
powerful importance for the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths;
Caesarea Maritima, a marvel of ancient architecture and engineering, and also
the Roman harbor where Paul was imprisoned, as recounted in the book of
Acts; and
Masada, one of the most famous fortresses in the Holy Land and the site of a
dramatic last stand by Jewish rebels against the Roman Empire.

Every lecture is also enlivened by archaeological discoveries frequently tied to
related depictions in religious and historical texts. You'll encounter

the Merneptah Stele, an ancient Egyptian stone slab from 1209 B.C.E. inscribed
with history's earliest mention of Israel;
the Cyrus Cylinder, a cuneiform edict from the 6th century B.C.E. Persian king
announcing the repatriation of exiled peoples; and
the James Ossuary, a controversial burial container with the mysterious
inscription that identifies the remains as belonging to “James son of Joseph
brother of Jesus.”

Provocative and Intriguing Questions

A deft blend of religion, archaeology, history, and culture, The Holy Land Revealed
creates a narrative tapestry of life in the ancient Holy Land. The region is one that
Professor Magness has devoted her entire career to studying and understanding;
as such, every lecture is suffused with a passion for the subject that is nothing short
of contagious.

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Average Custom er Rating: 5 out of 5
2 of 2 (100%) customers w ould recommend the course to a friend.

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Product Reviews

Can I give her a '6' ?


December 1, 2010

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Course Content
Course Value


(read all my reviews)

Location: Florida

What's more, her approach of comparing archaeological and documentary
descriptions with those in canonical texts raises a host of intriguing questions.

Did Herod's infamous “slaughter of the innocents” happen the way it is
described in the New Testament? Or was it instead inspired by the ruler's
murder of his own sons?
How does Jesus's Passion along the Via Dolorosa compare with how the route
actually existed during that period in Jerusalem's history?
Was there really a mass suicide at the fall of Masada? If so, did it truly happen
the way Josephus describes it in his historical narratives?

Prepare yourself for a provocative, engaging, and unforgettable journey back in time
with The Holy Land Revealed.

About Your Professor

Dr. Jodi Magness is the Kenan Distinguished Professor for Teaching Excellence in
Early Judaism in the Department of Religious Studies at The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. She earned her B.A. in Archaeology and History from The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem and her Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology from the
University of Pennsylvania.

For her engaging teaching, Professor Magness won the Archaeological Institute of
America's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Her other honors
include a Fulbright Lecturing Award from the United States–Israel Educational
Foundation, and fellowships from institutions including the American Council of
Learned Societies and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

A trained archaeologist with more than 20 years of field experience, Professor
Magness has excavated throughout Israel and in Greece and has codirected
excavations of the Roman siege works at Masada and a Roman fort at Yotvata. She
is the author of numerous scholarly books on the archaeology of the Holy Land.
Among them are The Archaeology of Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls , which
won the 2003 Biblical Archaeology Society's Award for Best Popular Book in
Archaeology, and The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine ,
which won the Irene Levi-Sala Book Prize.

Available Exclusively on DVD

While this course works well in all formats, the DVD version features more than
1,000 visual elements to enhance your learning experience, including detailed
three-dimensional maps of the Holy Land and a wealth of revealing photographs
and illustrations.

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Customer Ratings & Reviews Summary

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"I watched the 36 lectures in 4 days.
Either I need to get a life or I was captivated and couldn't bring myself to hit the
stop button.
Could it be both ??
I'm sure there are always a few nerves at TC when they introduce a new
No need for trepidation here -- just pop the Manishevitz and say Mazeltov !!

This one is a sure WINNER.
Professor Magness hits a home run, all the way from Jerusalem to Caesarea

She skilfully blends history and archaeology into a fascinating series of

Save up to $570 when you buy

Holy Land Revealed


Jesus and the Gospels

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Jodi Magness course


November 30, 2010

Overall Rating
Course Content
Course Value


(read all my reviews)

Location: The Villages, Florida

However, in the fullness of time I predict there will appear in this forum some
carpers-- attacking Prof Magness for including or omitting something or other,
or for her interpretation.

Boys and girls, remember anything to do with religion is subjective-- this isn't
algebra or arithmetic !

Just enjoy it."

7 of 9 people found this review helpful.

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"For years, I've been an avocational, virtual and vicarious student
archaeologist, going back to the spark fired in me by Dr. Nelson Gleuck, when
I'd attend his public lectures on his return from his breakthrough digs in, then,

Reading BAR and other magazines, books, archives and "breaking news
emails", conferences, and the many Biblical History videos on many media
channels, filled me with a lot of information about the fascination, controversy
and excitement of Biblical history.

Jodi Magness's new 36-lecture course finally put it all together for me, in a
chronologically, historically and religiously-based sequence that now "makes
sense" of many of the complexities of Biblical history and how archaeology
has illuminated it, regardless of one's faith or skepticism.

The video and audio quality of the presentations is excellent. The slides Dr.
Magness uses to illustrate points of literature and photos of sites and relics
make this course far more educationally valuable than mere CDs or attempts
to keep up with TV programs.

AND, since these DVDs are in my personal possession, I don't have to make
notes; all I do is hit "Rewind" on the remote. Can't be more convenient than

Further, for any religious congregation with an Adult Education Program, Dr.
Magness's individual lectures make a great addition to bringing the history
and the word of the bible to modern times.

I highly recommend Jodi Magness's lecture series as the best way for
archaeology students -- enrolled in school or seeking education at home (or
while traveling with a portable DVD player) -- to make great sense of what is
frequently seen as a complex period of history, community-building, war and
human social development.

The cynic in me says we, as humans dealing with one another, have not really
changed very much over the 5,000+ years of biblical history. The major -- and
distressing -- change over the years is we now have the technology to
slaughter more of our adversaries when we can't agree on the position of "My
god is better than your god." Jodi Magness's lecture series explains how we
humans really behave.

I think Jodi Magness's lecture series is the best way for archaeology students
-- enrolled in school or seeking education at home (or while traveling with a
portable DVD player) -- to make great sense of what is frequently a complex
period of history, community-building, war and human social development."

11 of 11 people found this review helpful.

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