dyd szcz tematy id 144878 Nieznany

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Dydaktyka szczegółowa: tematy egzaminacyjne i zagadnienia szczegółowe

23 czerwca, 2014

1. The use of authentic materials in the EFL classroom

 definitions of authentic materials

 characteristics of authentic materials
 advantages/disadvantages

2. Computer assisted language testing

 developmental stages of CALT (software, hardware, affordances)
 CBTs, WBTs, CATs

3. The implementation of computers in ELT

 inherent advantages of computer technology
 characteristics benefiting the teacher

 characteristics benefiting the learners
 shortcomings

4. The digital natives vs. immigrants dichotomy

 features of digital natives/immigrants, including capacity for learning and

learning modes

 implications for the EFL classroom

5. E-materials evaluation

 types of materials evaluation
 CALL materials evaluation

 selected evaluation criteria (T-related; L-related, language-related, technical


6. The use of ICT in teaching speaking skills

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 rationale for computer-mediated communication
 Project-Oriented Computer Assisted Language Learning (ProCALL)

 approaches to Web-based speaking
 Web-based teaching of pronunciation (text-to-speech applications)

7. The use of ICT in teaching listening skills

 virtues of ICT-enhanced listening
 computerised listening compehrension practice

 online listening materials and tasks (including text-to-speech applications)

8. The use of ICT in teaching reading skills

 characteristics of online reading

 types of online reading materials
 pre-, while- and post-reading online tasks

9. The use of ICT in teaching writing skills

 effects of Web-based writing
 student-related goals in Web-based writing

 teacher-related goals in Web-based writing
 traditional approaches to writing vs. Web-based approaches

 online tools for teaching writing

10. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

 definitions of CLIL/taxonomy

 aims of CLIL instruction
 components of CLIL instruction

 advantages and challenges of CLIL

11. Error Analysis

 goals of Error Analysis

 research procedures

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 findings

12. Error correction in teaching methods

 error/mistake dichotomy
 types of error correction
 correction in methods from Grammar-Translation to Cognitive Code

13. Intercultural competence

 rationale for intercultural language teaching

 Intercultural Approach vs. British Studies Approach
 components of intercultural competence
 methods in intercultural language teaching

 challenges beyond intercultural teaching

14. The role of grammar in teaching methods

 treatment of grammar in methods of teaching from Grammar-Translation to

Cognitive Code

 Krashen's zero position on grammar and fundamental rule

15. Interlanguage transfer

 types of interlanguage transfer
 examples of interlanguage transfer

 significance for ESL instruction

16. First language acquisition and its implications for language teaching

 similarities between L1 and L2 development (Presence of developmental sequences;

Evidence of acquisition order; Impact of linguistic universals and markedness; Role of

input; Role of stimulus/response learning; Impact of ZPD (Zone of Proximal


 differences between L1 and L2 development (Acquisition/Learning Hypothesis; The

Critical Period Hypothesis; Fossilization; Social Factors)

 implications of the above for EFL instruction

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17. The role of the teacher in teaching methods

 role of the teacher in teaching methods from Grammar-Translation to Cognitive



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