I had lost my wallet id 208253 Nieznany

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Anna Zielińska

I had lost my wallet.

Last year I was at a music festival, but unfortunately I had my wallet stolen. It was very crowded, and
when I went to buy some food, I noticed that I didn’t have my wallet when I checked my pockets.
First thing I thought was that I dropped it somewhere, but the line of people waiting for their turn to
buy some food was so large, that finding the wallet somewhere on the ground would be practically
impossible. So I came back looking for my friends, full of hope, thinking maybe I hadn’t taken my
wallet in the first place. Unfortunately I had taken it with me and apparently pocketed it, therefore I
started to worry. The worst thing wasn’t losing my money, I hadn’t had a lot of them anyway, losing
all my documents, key card to my hotel room, plane ticket and more importantly my passport was
the worst thing, as I was abroad in a foreign country, not knowing their native language enough to
communicate. We started to look for my wallet everywhere but with no luck. Finally we decided to
go back to our hotel, so the next day we could report my loss at a police station. That didn’t happen,
at least not exactly as I had it imagined. As I found out later police decided to find me first. I had been
captured and handcuffed at a hotel reception and taken at the police station straight to the
interrogation room. I hadn’t told them much then, probably because all I could say was ‘Good
morning’, so before I could blink I found myself locked up in a police custody. On the next day they
brought me a translator, so I could finally find out what has happened, explain myself and demand
explanation. Apparently my wallet wasn’t lost but stolen, and more so said thief decided not only to
rob me, but also to rob a nearby shop. He was an amateur obviously and forgot about security
alarms, so he left in a hurry dropping my wallet in the process. Police found it out and I became their
suspect. Thankfully my friends were there to testify and security cameras confirmed our story. I had
gotten my wallet back and even had gotten a compensation, together with an apology. I will always
remember that day as one of the most crazy and funny days of my life, especially that everything had
ended well for me. I’m just wondering if the thief had been captured, guess I will never find out.


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