angol od lilki id 64766 Nieznany

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1.My ideal job is is connected with my field of studies – Management and Production Engeenering. I
would like work in a big production company as a manager specialist of some kind of planning. In my
ideal job I would earn a lot of money and have flexible work time.

2.I think in my future job the most motivating factor will be a salary. In my opinion money is the most
important thing at work. Another motivating thing will be my boss appreciation. It can let me feel
important and needed. I think that extra bonuses like mobile phone or company car could motivate
me to work hard.

3.Building network is very important in building up career. Meeting new people and making business
with them let us meet another people etc. Beside when we have to do some tasks at work, we can
ask for help someone of our network. Building networking makes our work easier.

1. I think a project is successful, when we have good leader and cooperative and creative team. If
they want to achieve a target, they have to do their work and fulfill their duties. Communication is
important to get information. Training to get new experience. Control do check if everything goes
2. I think I prefer to be a part of the project team because it’s less stressful and I can concentrate on
my work. I have a problem I can go to the leader and ask him, I can learn something new from him
and I can get new experience.
3. Do you like being involved in long hours project?
I don’t like it because I have a private life and I want to spend time with family and friends. When you
are involved in long- hours project, you don’t have time to relax.

1. Work- life balance is very popular nowadays, because everyone wants to have a private life. If the
employess have leisure enought time, are not overworked and have time for their Wites, husbands
and children, they will work effectively, they might also be less likely to take time of sick or leave the

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II. The empoyers can ensure employess with free weekends, give more paid leaves. They can also
extend the lunch break. If the employee is after hours, maybe the next Day to come to work later.
III. If I learn very long I will take a break, I go to a walk, and I watch a movie. I never learn all day. I
regularny relax by doing exercise or sociallizing with friends.

I. In Poland, people use different types of services for ex ample cash machine, online Ravel agency,
banks, newspapers, courier service, mobile phone, online shopping, creche.
II. There are a lot of advantages of shhoping online for example: it’s faster than traditional shop, it
always is open. The online shopping allows you to save a plenty of time. Shopping of ten is cheaper
and than traditional way. You can buy things from every country in the Word. But on the Rother hand
shopping online Has a few drawbacks. You can’t see closely the things which you buy. These things
can have some flaws, defects and if you buy on the Internet you will need to have a bank account.
III. I think it is very good system, because it’s friendly to environmental. It is less cars and therefore
less pollution. Employees don’t drive alone and they aren’t sad, because they have company on the
way to work.

I.In my opinion the customer it isn’ t always right, because they often have too big expectations and
requirements. Sometimes it is impossible to make a customer happy because he has just for example
bad day. Than customer thinks that nothing in our company is good enough for him and than he isn’t
II. The company have to ensure care the highest goods and services to customers. They have to tailor
their goods to meet the specific requirements of their clients. They need to try to sort out any
problems. The customer should receive efficient and helpful services.
III. The company should have call center 24/7. Call center should be open to assist customer with all
issues concerning their products and services.

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I. People travel for business most because business travelers believe that technology such as email
and „virtual” meetings Can not replace face to face contact. Business travelers enjoy travelling for
business because they like variety, can oppurtinity to see the World and meet the new culture.
Many companies cooperate with foreign companies and business meetings are necessary.
II. Traveling for business can be very tiring, stressful and sometimes boring, can affect the personal
life. If you are businessman, you have to travel for business, even if you don’t want to. You can’t
choose the country, accommodation or the date. It all depends on your boss. You can’t have free
time for sightseeing. When you travel for pleasure you can choose everything. Where you stay, when
you go, who take with you. Everything depends on you.
III. If I were hosting a foreign visitor, I would try to the best entertain, I will show interesting sights
and places.

Companies use a lot of security measures, for example alarms, camera system, passwords at doors,
nie wiem co jeszcze :/

Breaches ?

3.If I were in charge of security in a large supermarket, I would introduce security measures such as:
CCTV, security pass for employess, burglar alarm, password security at each doors. I will employ
security. I hope that these measures would drop a level of steeling in this supermarket.

1.Advantages of working in a team: you don’t take responsibility alone if something goes wrong, each
team player has different skills and abilities , ideas. If you work as team, you will finish project earlier
than if you worked alone. You can meet new people, have a strong working relationship with
colleagues. You can share the work among themselves, everyone has less tasks and is happier.
Disadvantages: Some people don’t like when someone else tells them what to do and they would
rather work on their own than with other people. They can’t welcome suggestions from other
people and it can makes a lot of misunderstanding
2.While working in a team people give different roles, someone have to be team leader which is
responsible for the rest of the team, gives tasks others, person responsible for compliance deadline,
man responsible for touches.

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3. I don’ t think teamwork is only possible when working face to face . Nowadays we have mobile
phone , internet and we can work together even as we are far away each other. There are video
conversation which replace the work face to face.

1. Logistics is the process of planning , implementing, controlling the efficient and cost- effective flow
of raw materials finished products and relevant information from point of right to point of
consumption in order to meet customer requirements. Logistic can include: customer service,
information flaw order processing, packing, returns handling, transport and storage.
2. In the delivery process package could be lost or disappear without trace. Supplier can let us down
and we won’t get the our product on time. Package can remain damaged. One of the elements of the
supply chain Cannot realize its obligations.
3. Supply chain will work effectively if company use logistics system. Each elements supply chain will
ensure the best and the fast test services.

I. It dependet on certain person’s preferences. As for me my office are fairly well located. It would be
nice if it was well- equipped, I meat that it should a computer, large comfortable chair. I wish office
decor was state- of the – art and spacious. Between employees there should be relaxed atmosphere.
In the office there should be security.
II. I’m not sure but „sick building syndrome” is a group of symtom like cold hands, cought and head
aces that appear only in the sick building often a work place. It’s connected to latch of sunlight,
uncleaned air conditioning system.

Cos tam

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I. In my opinion the most important inventions of mankind are: car – because we mustn’t walk to
work or travel by bus, telephone- we can communication with family and friend when we are
outdoor, TV- we can see a favorite serial or news, computer- we can write and save very important
document we don’t have a pan and paper.
II. I think technology makes life easier ,for example invention that makes my life a lot of easier is
mobile phone. Right now mobiles phones have so many different functions that it is almost only
thing I need when I’m outdoor.
III. I’d like someone to innovate an iron that will do it’s work by itself because I hate ironing…

I. Many kinds of breakdown: break, scratch, crack, if machine hasn’t start/stop, cut
II. You may call, send an email or visit the shop and make a complain personally.
III. No, it isn’t acceptable to produce goods and pro vide services that are not 100% perfect, because
it is cheating people. Everyone wants to buy goods that are 100% perfect and haven’t got any defect.
Perfect products are pleasant to use.

I. mhmm… At first I would see job advertisement in internet, newspaper or job center. At second I
woud write letter and Cv and send it to employer. Next I would be waiting for a message from
employer and I get ready for an interview.
II. In my field of science it is a lot of characteristic processes. For example: different kind of
spectroscopic methods such how infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, raman
spectroscopy. Different kind of distillation for example: simple distillation, pressure destilation. We
also must do report about work in laboratory, so we must know how we recycling printer ink

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III. Recycling printer in cartridges. First take the cartridge out of the printer. Second put the cartridge
into an envelope. Next put the new cardridge into the printer finally get the paper into the printer.

I. In my opinion success is the fact that you have achieved something you want or something that has
achieved a good resulat.
II. The ways of motivating employess are: properly assign tasks, employee appraisal, meet his
expectations, provide a way for relief, some other factors that could prevent motivation of
employees, let them set goals, remove other irritating factors.
III. Appraisal process should be beings with manager’ s monologue about expectations in the
employee. Next worker should be provide that he will do everything within his power to satisfy

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