Jezyk angielski arkusz V poziom rozszerzony12

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Arkusz V


Czas pracy 60 minut

Instrukcja dla zdającego

1. Proszę sprawdzić, czy arkusz egzaminacyjny zawiera 7 stron.

Ewentualny brak należy zgłosić przewodniczącemu zespołu
nadzorującego egzamin.

2. Obok każdego zadania podana jest maksymalna liczba

punktów, którą można uzyskać za jego poprawne rozwiązanie.

3. Ocena końcowa jest otrzymywana w wyniku pomnożenia

przez 2 sumy punktów uzyskanych ze wszystkich arkuszy
danego poziomu.

4. Należy pisać czytelnie, tylko w kolorze niebieskim lub


5. Błędne zapisy należy wyraźnie przekreślić. Nie wolno używać


6. Do ostatniej kartki arkusza dołączona jest karta odpowiedzi,

którą w tym arkuszu wypełnia zdający.

1. W karcie wyników zamaluj całkowicie kratkę z literą

oznaczającą właściwą odpowiedź, np. . Jeśli się pomylisz,
błędne zaznaczenie obwiedź kółkiem i zamaluj inną

7. Podczas tej części egzaminu nie można korzystać ze słownika.

Życzymy powodzenia!



ROK 2003

Za rozwiązanie

wszystkich zadań

można otrzymać

łącznie 17 punktów.

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na naklejkę

z kodem

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Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego

Arkusz V

Zadanie 12. (4 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższą recenzję, a następnie, w pierwszej części zadania, zdecyduj,
które ze streszczeń podanych w punkcie 12.1. najlepiej oddaje jej treść. Zakreśl literę
A, B lub C. W drugiej części zadania, w punktach (12.2. – 12.4.) wybierz jedną, zgodną
z tekstem i poprawną pod względem gramatycznym parafrazę podkreślonych części
zdań. Zakreśl a, b, c lub d. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

The Almeida Theatre in Islington is about to close for two years for refurbishment. How

appropriate then that its farewell production should be such an excellent staging of The

Tempest, the play, which (12.2) many believe was Shakespeare’s symbolic goodbye to the

theatre. But this is no sentimental farewell. Director Jonathan Kent has used the Almeida’s

crumbling architecture to present a forcefully bleak vision of the play. Prospero’s island,

(12.3) as designed by Paul Brown, is a heap of rubble on to which water pours in buckets

from the roof. Ian McDiarmid’s scrawnily weathered and windswept Prospero makes perfect

psychological sense of this environment, conveying a powerful sense of depression and


This is an astonishing production. It is so packed with startling feats of invention that

(12.4) it makes you see The Tempest as if for the first time. The deceptively simple design

casts a surreal spell and a succession of surprises and shock tactics intensifies the dreamy

magic mood. For example, when Aiden Gillen’s Ariel is told to go by Prospero, he dives into

a pool of water and vanishes from sight. He later emerges from the aquatic depths covered in

a dark bird’s wings.

The production leapfrogs beautifully from one image to another, treating the play as a series

of rapidly changing, inexplicable moods. Kent’s interpretation suggests strongly that there can

be no happy ending. There will be for the Almeida, though.

(Według magazynu THE WEEK 6 January 2001)

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Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego

Arkusz V



12.1. Which of the following summarises the review in the best way?

A) It is an enthusiastic review. There are no weak points except the state of the theatre


B) It is an enthusiastic review with no weak points mentioned. The poor state of the

theatre building is the advantage.

C) It is a positive review, however, some weak points are mentioned.


12.2. a)

is believed to be


is believed to have been


was believed to be


was believed to have been

12.3. a)

as it was designed


like it was designed


as was designed


like was designed

12.4. a)

you are made see


you are made to be seen


you are made seen


you are made to see


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Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego

Arkusz V

Zadanie 13. (6 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych poniżej możliwości wybierz właściwą,
tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wpisz w każdą lukę jedną
z trzech możliwości A, B lub C. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.


No doubt the thought has popped out into your head before: I wish I (13.0.-przykład)

__A__ just move outta here! Maybe you’ve battled with your parents (13.1.) _____ times, or
you feel as if you (13.2. )_____ more privacy living in a city bus. (13.3.) _____ the reason,
the desire to get out from under your parents’ roof can be intense – so intense that some kids,
like Rose, don’t even wait until they (13.4.) _____ 18 before packing their stuff and leaving.

Rose, 17, lives in Seattle. (13.5.) _____ her junior year, in the fall of 1997, her

relationship with her father began to deteriorate. (13.6.) _____ annoyances became major
issues. “If I had a sock or something on the floor, my dad (13.7.) _____ go into my room, take
all my clothes and throw them in the garbage,” she explains. Her mother says that the
aggravation was mutual: “We would almost never see Rose, and when she walked in, rather
than her father saying, ‘Hi, Rose, welcome back,’ they had confrontations” Her mother
figured that Rose was just growing up. “Rose was going through the normal adolescent
process of breaking (13.8.) _____,” she says. “To do that, you have to pound the authority
figure. That was my husband.”

At (13.9.) _____ there was almost no communication between Rose and her father. She

says a few times she’d come home to find herself locked out. On those nights, she slept in the
backyard. Soon after, she started bunking with friends. When Rose finally decided to move
out for good, her mom was shocked. “I was like, ‘That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever
heard,” she says. But her dad, a social worker, wasn’t surprised. “It came as a (13.10.)_____,”
he says. “I don’t mean to sound like an unconcerned parent. When she (13.11.) _____ the
decision, my wife and I talked about it. We were not going to hold her back from doing
something she wanted to do.” Rose chose (13.12.) _____ in with a friend’s family. She lived
there, 10 minutes from home, for five months at the beginning of her senior year last fall.
Then Rose moved in with her 20-year-old sister.

(Według magazynu SEVENTEEN March 1999)

13.0. – przykład

A) could

B) can

C) had been able to

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Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego

Arkusz V


13.1. A) once too many

B) one too many

C) one too few

13.2. A) had had

B) will have

C) would have

13.3. A) Whatever

B) However

C) Despite

13.4. A) are turning

B) turn

C) will have turned

13.5. A) While

B) In

C) During

13.6. A) Smaller

B) Minor

C) Less

13.7. A) should

B) might

C) would

13.8. A) down

B) away

C) through

13.9. A) one point

B) the point

C) a point

13.10. A) relief

B) shock

C) surprise

13.11. A) did

B) made

C) got

13.12. A) moving

B) move

C) to move


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Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego

Arkusz V

Zadanie 14. (7 pkt)

Z poniższego artykułu usunięto kilka zdań oznaczonych w tabelce literami A – I.
Przeczytaj uważnie tekst i dopasuj brakujące zdania, tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny
tekst, wpisując odpowiednią literę w każdą lukę. Jedno zdanie nie pasuje do tekstu,
a jedno zostało już dla przykładu wstawione. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz
1 punkt.


The snow began falling three weeks ago in Galtür, Austria, and it didn’t stop, even

after it had covered the entire town with enough powder to shut down roads and immobilise
ski lifts. Monika Spitzbarth and her husband, Roland, had come from Zurich to ski the
Austrian Alps, but the storm and heavy snows kept them lodged in their hotel room at the
Ballunspitze resort.(14.0.-przykład) __G__ “There was a terrible roar outside, and everything
was suddenly dark,” recalls Monika. “It was like being inside a car as it goes through a car
wash.” Somewhere outside, people were screaming.

(14.1.)_____ A large barn that stood only a few feet away had disappeared, ripped to

shreds and buried by a wall of snow that crashed down Galtür’s 2,500-meter-high Adamsberg
mountain. Cars were flipped over their tops. Snow and debris, packed 10 meters deep, cut a
swath through the village. (14.2)__ __ Almost immediately, tourists and locals began digging
frantically at the piles with their bare hands. (14.3.) _____Rescue workers, held back by the
blizzard, didn’t arrive until the next day. Underneath the brick-hard snow, they uncovered
bodies that had been torn apart and crushed by the force of the avalanche.


Sadly, this season’s Alpine fatalities did not begin, nor are they likely to end, with the

avalanche in Galtür. Since January, record snowfalls along Europe’s mountainous spine have
triggered a series of horrific avalanches, from the Alpes-Maritimes to the Carpathians.
(14.5.)_____ Already, at least 40 people have died there this season. In France, five people
were killed in a series of avalanches beginning on January 12 in Chamonix. On February 21,
nine people were killed and another disappeared under a wall of snow in the Swiss town of
Evolene, near the resort of Sion, which is bidding for the 2006 Winter Olympics.
(14.6.)_____ In Switzerland alone, more than 100,000 tourists were stranded, many at high-
end resorts like Zermatt and Davos. Even if the snow lets up, as it did last weekend, the runoff
is likely to produce major flooding in the European lowlands over the next month. Already,
some streets along the Seine in Paris have been closed by high water, and there is widespread
flooding on the Rhine.

Back in the mountains last week, rescue efforts were underway, with a fleet of

helicopters from Austria, Germany and the United States airlifting more than 12,000 people
out of disaster areas. (14.7.)_____Though experts say that similar snowfalls are recorded in
the Alps every 20 to 30 years, most people found it difficult to look at last week’s drama as a
phase in an innocent natural cycle.

(Według tygodnika Newsweek March 1999)

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Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego

Arkusz V



No one knew how many people were trapped below.


The average annual death rate from avalanches in Austria since 1992 has been
about 25.


After several minutes of chaos and darkness, the Spitzbarths looked out of their


As the shock slowly wore off, many began looking for someone or something to


By the time the ordeal was over, the death toll from the disaster in Galtür had
risen to 31 people.


They quickly freed about a dozen people.


Last Tuesday, just after 4 in the afternoon, the Spitzbarths were playing yet
another game of cards when the sky went black. (przykład)


Still, avalanches are not as big a danger as they once were.


Two days later, an avalanche hit the village of Valzur, just down the valley from
Galtür, killing seven people.



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