GWT Working with the Google Web Toolkit (2006 05 31)

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Working with the Google Web Toolkit


Robert Cooper


The Google Web Toolkit

(GWT) was rolled out for JavaOne 2006 at an innocuously titled session. Due to

what I assume was a timing miscommunication, the Google Blog scooped the presentation, but the impact
was no less felt.

GWT is, in essence, a JavaScript generator. The interesting thing is what this JavaScript is generated
from: Java. GWT takes Java code written against a special API and converts it into browser-runnable
Ajax code. If that weren't enough to make it cool, it also includes a test harness (see Figure 1) that will
execute the Java code inline with a test browser, allowing you to step-through debug (see Figure 2),
profile and unit test your Ajax front end in your favorite IDE or at the command line.

Figure 1. GWT includes a console window with hierarchical logging.

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Figure 2. Java execution in the test browser allows for step-through debugging of code.

As they say, "But wait! There's more!" GWT also includes a basic RPC framework for making calls back
to your server application in the form of a servlet. The


allows you to implement

service methods on an implementation and expose these to your generated Ajax application. This is done
by simply adding new


methods to the servlet, and the GWT will handle serialization and

deserialization to and from the client. How much would you pay for a framework like this? Don't answer

GWT also includes a set of core DOM mapped classes and layouts that are more familiar to desktop
application developers, such as the

dock panel


horizontal panel

. Prefabbed widgets such as


for context popups,


for popup blocker friendly dialogs, and



Outlook-bar style displays. There is also a URI and History management system for maintaining a
bookmarkable and "back buttonable" state through your application.

Getting Started

GWT is really just an executable Java application with some hooks into


and either Mozilla or

MSIE under Linux and Windows, respectively (sorry Mac users, you are out of luck for now). When you
download the GWT, it comes with several sample projects, including "KitchenSink," the GWT equivalent
of SwingSet. You can run the batch file in the samples/KitchenSink directory to see it run. Two things
will pop up: the GWT server monitor application and browser window where you can see the application
run. Executing

java --help

with your platform's *dev.jar and

gwt-user.jar will show you the options available:

Google Web Toolkit 1.0.20
GWTShell [-port port-number] [-noserver] [-logLevel level]
[-gen dir] [-out dir] [-style style] [-notHeadless] [url]

-port Runs an embedded Tomcat instance on the specified
port (defaults to 8888)
-noserver Prevents the embedded Tomcat server from running,
even if a port is specified
-logLevel The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO,
-gen The directory into which generated files will be
written for review
-out The directory to write output files into
(defaults to current)
-style Script output style: OBF[USCATED], PRETTY,
or DETAILED (defaults to OBF)
-notHeadless Causes the log window and browser windows to be
displayed. Useful for debugging.
url Automatically launches the specified URL

Google includes an


script that will generate a set of batch files, scaffolding classes,

and directories for a new GWT project. For our purposes here, however we are going to bypass this and
start from scratch. First you will want the GWT Maven plugin installed. You can install this by unzipping

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the plugin project and typing

maven plugin:install-now

. Also, you will want to copy the gwt-user.jar

to ~/.maven/repository/ manually. Since this JAR needs to be included in your final
WAR file, it needs to be registered as a dependency in the Maven POM file.

Related Reading

Head Rush Ajax


Brett McLaughlin

Table of Contents
Sample Chapter

Project Basics

GWT uses a basic structure that might seem a little alien at first, so let's take a quick tour. The code we
will be using is available as a ready-to-run application in the


section. It provides an

implementation of a simple Table class that will toggle a CSS element on a selected row and an RPC call
to fetch information for the table from the server.

First is the [Module].gwt.xml file. This is an XML marker in your project that maps to an


class for a particular module. Think of a module as being a self contained display, like a


. In

"Table.gwt.xml," our module is as follows:


<!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. -->
<inherits name=''/>

<!-- Specify the app entry point class. -->
<entry-point class='com.totsp.gwt.client.TableEntryPoint'/>


Next, to start up our module, we need a root HTML document to run. Here we are using
src/java/com/totsp/gwt/public/Table.html. To embed your entry point into your HTML document, you
need to include two things. First, add a


tag that indicates what the module you want to include is:

<meta name='gwt:module'

Second, at the point in the HTML where you want the GWT to start rendering, you include the gwt.js
boilerplate JavaScript file:

<script type="text/javascript"

This will then run a default script and inspect the


value to decide what it needs to start up.

Also notice that you place your HTML host page, CSS files, and graphic assets in the


package of

your Java source tree, not in the web app. This is a little counter-intuitive, but the


and the


steps expect to load them out of here. You can't, however, really put them in the web app

folder, because GWT will clobber them with defaults if you do.

Pretty simple so far. Now we need to start actually writing our classes. The first one is our


implementation. This is what actually starts rendering stuff.

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public class TableEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {

private Table table;

public void onModuleLoad() {
table = new Table( null, "myTable" );
getData(); //just ignore this for the moment.

Looking over these classes, we have a few things here. First is the


class. This maps, roughly, to

what you would think of as the JavaScript


object. It exposes




among other things. The


is a singleton class that returns the root for placing widgets via


. This singleton methodology is pretty convenient for working with, so we are going to add this to

our classes. Next is


. This is the base class for widgets and is used for event handlers, such as the

following from the "Hello" example:

Button b = new Button("Click me", new ClickListener() {
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
Window.alert("Hello, Ajax");

To start up our


class, we need to override the


method with our code to build

our display. For the purposes of this article, we are only going to use our simple





class contains a very simple operation. It extends


, then adds itself as a listener to

itself. When a table row is clicked that isn't the header row (if there is one), it adds a CSS style name
postfixed with


to that row. Everything else is done in the CSS.

public void onCellClicked(SourcesTableEvents sender,
int row, int cell) {
.removeStyleName(selectedRow, selectedStyle);
if ((source.getHeaderRow() == null) || (row > 0)) {
.addStyleName(row, selectedStyle);
selectedRow = row;

The table also has a method for populating data from a


. Let's look at that next.

Building the Table

Our table class here just does a pretty simple thing: draw a table from a


implementation, then toggle a stylesheet class on the selected row so we can highlight it. To do this, we
are going to extend the GWT's


class. This is a class that represents an HTML table, but lets

the author create table cells on the fly. To populate our table we are going to use a very simple


that we can fetch from our RPC servlet. For now, lets just look at the code.

The first step is to build your service interface. Ours is pretty simple:

public interface DataService extends RemoteService {
public Person[] getData();

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Next, we need to create an


interface for the service. This is done entirely with naming conventions.

You need to create an interface that matches the service interface and all methods. However, instead of
return types, every method is


and the last argument is an


implementation, thusly:

public void myMethod( Param p..., AsyncCallback callback)

. Finally, the interface class name

should match the


interface name, postfixed with



For our simple service, it looks like this:

public interface DataServiceAsync {
public void getData(AsyncCallback callback);

Next, you need your service implementation. This needs to extend the GWT's


servlet and implement your service interface.

public class DataServlet
extends RemoteServiceServlet implements DataService {

public Person[] getData(){

Whew. Almost there. Now we want to add the servlet to both the web.xml (so it will be there when we
deploy the war) and we want to add a declaration to our Table.gwt.xml file. This second entry tells the
GWTShell to load the servlet and also mounts it in the testbed Tomcat and generates client stubs for you.

<servlet path="/DataService"

Now, we are ready to deal with the call itself. GWT only supports Asynchronous calls. There are a
number of technical reasons for this, notably that the most obvious path to do a synchronous call would
be to spin waiting for the response. Unfortunately, many browsers will not actually fire the


event until said spinning is done. But hey, this is Ajax, not Sjax. Right?

Now we add the


method to our


class. To do this, we need to get a


implementation from the


class, then create an


handler. This is a

simple interface that just has an




method to handle the return state of the


private void getData(){
DataServiceAsync dataService =
(DataServiceAsync) GWT.create( DataService.class );
ServiceDefTarget endpoint = (ServiceDefTarget) dataService;
dataService.getData(new AsyncCallback(){
public void onSuccess(Object result) {
new SimpleDataSource( (Person[]) result ) );

public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
Window.alert("Unable to get data from server: "



Notice the unfortunate cast to


. Why they couldn't have made a


clazz, String url)

method is a bit beyond me, but you gotta do it.

Now, we simply call the


method on our table object and voila, the table will render itself

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with the new data. Also notice that our objects that move from the server to the JavaScript world have to


. This also supports arrays and basic collections, although in my experience,

collections are sometimes sketchy and may give you cryptic errors. It's best to avoid them where possible
for the moment.

Revisionist History

As anyone who has used (most) Ajax or RIA apps knows, the back button can be the bane of your
existence. Fortunately, GWT includes a means of dealing with it. The


class allows you to store a



token that you can use to capture the display state and redraw as needed. This is

accomplished by inserting the token into the anchor part of the URL on the page and writing the


as needed.

Let's modify our simple example to support the back button. First, we want to capture state changes and
store them in the


object. To do this, we will add a new


to our table in our



//Add a new listener to record the row history
table.addTableListener( new TableListener(){
public void onCellClicked(SourcesTableEvents sender,
int row, int cell) {
History.newItem( ""+row );

Now, we want to capture changes to the back button and update our selection on our table appropriately.
So we will make our





public class TableEntryPoint
implements EntryPoint, HistoryListener {

public void onHistoryChanged(String historyToken){
table.onCellClicked( table,
Integer.parseInt( historyToken ), 0);

Now, whenever you click the back button, it will track back to the last selected item. The last step is to
make sure our initialization works in case the page is bookmarked or gets a hard reload. To do this, we go
back to our


method on the


and modify the


handler of the


. This will check to see if there is a stored token in the History object and reset the state of

the table to the selected row stored in the history token.

public void onSuccess(Object result) {
table.setSource( new
SimpleDataSource( (Person[]) result ) );
if(History.getToken().length() != 0){
table.onCellClicked( table,
Integer.parseInt( History.getToken()), 0);

The final step is to go back and modify our HTML host page with a hidden iframe that the GWT script
uses for history manipulation:

<iframe id="__gwt_historyFrame"

This is a pretty primitive example, but hopefully you understand enough to make use of the History class
in a more complicated application. Figure 3 shows the sample application's table display.

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Figure 3. Our finished table widget in the GWT browser.

That's Not All!

There is still more coolness in the GWT. There is still more not covered here, included a JavaDoc
based-annotation system for typing collections (Java SE 5 generics aren't supported for




testing frameworks, and lots of cool widgets to use and extend. Also, be sure to check out the GWT

provided examples. Although I admit I find some of the programming idioms a bit strange -- and it may
simply be my history as "Not a GUI developer guy" -- they definitely give you a feel for what can be
done with the framework. In fact the DynaTable example is a much more robust version of what we have
built here.

The Maven Module

The GWT Maven module provided with this article gives you a few options for working with the Google
Web Toolkit in a Maven project. You will notice in the sample code provided the following set in the


The first line is the path to your GWT installation. The second is the target you want the GWTShell to
start with when you call the


goal. This will run the shell and open the test browser.



the module declaration you want to use when you call


. Finally,


is the log level to

show in the GWTShell when you are testing. You can look at the Mevenide properties panel in your
project properties to see the rest of the settings. They pretty much map one-to-one with the command-line
arguments for GWT.

The final target is


. This will start the GWTShell in debug mode allowing you to step trough

your Java code. Once you call this target, the debugger will come up and wait for a connection before
anything is rendered. In NetBeans, you can click on "Attach To Debugger," select your local machine,
and port 8888 to connect. You can then set breakpoints in your code and move through the web app in the
debug browser! This is by far the greatest feature of the GWT. Debugging JavaScript -- even with


-- always felt a little lacking. GWT lets you keep using the same tools you're used to with no


Lastly, you want to make sure you have a


executed before your


Maven goal. You

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can accomplish this by adding in the project



<preGoal name="war:war">
<attainGoal name="gwt:compile"/>

License Concerns

How much would you pay for all this? Well, it is free. However, it is not under any OSI license you might
be familiar with. Google has

terms available

-- basically you are free to use it, but not redistribute it

outside your organization. Now, I am no lawyer, but I am seriously troubled by this clause, however:

you may not distribute Google Web Toolkit Development Tools or any services or software
associated with or derived from them, or modify, copy, license, or create derivative works
from Google Web Toolkit Development Tools, unless you obtain Google's written
permission in advance.

One thing that GWT seems built to do is allow people to build new and interesting components. Indeed,
when I first saw it, it screamed "whole new community" of GWT-based widgets. It would seem to me,
however, that this is forbidden as a derivative work. It is also worth noting an interesting part of the
privacy notice on the download page:

Privacy notice: When you use the Google Web Toolkit's hosted web browser, the application
sends a request back to Google's servers to check to see if you are using the most recent
version of the product. As a part of this request, Google will log usage data including a
timestamp of the date and time you downloaded the Google Web Toolkit and the IP address
for your computer.


Sample code

for this article

The Maven plugin

for use with GWT

The Google-Web-Toolkit

group on Google Groups

The GWT Team Blog
The GWT Home Page

Robert Cooper

is an independent Java developer in the Atlanta area, working with J2EE technologies

and web/web service projects.

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Copyright © 2006 O'Reilly Media, Inc.


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