1 (104)

background image

• learn about reasons for applying


• read and listen to dialogues,
• talk to the doctor, patient and his


» to cover the dressing,

• to keep the dressing in the right


• to immobilize joints,
• to support the abdominal muscles,
• to keep the coating warm.

background image

Doctor: I'd like to check Mrs.
Rattler's right knee wound.
Call me when you are
changing the dressing please.
Nurse: Okay. I should be
doing it in 10 minutes.

RN: Mrs. Rattler, we need to dress the wound and put a new bandage on
your arm.

Pt: Why are you going to put a new bandage on?

RN: To keep the dressing in the right place.

Pt: How does my wound look like?

RN: It looks better then yesterday, but it hasn't

healed yet. I see some redness around the wound. This ointment will help.
Now keep your arm straight please, and tell me if the bandage is too loose
or too tight. Now try to band your arm. Does it hurt?
Pt: Okay, you did just fine. I'm able to bend my arm and I don't feel any
pain right now. Thank you, nurse. Please show my daughter how to change
the dressing on my elbow, please.
RN: There is no problem, any time Mrs. Rattler.

Ważnym słowem w pracy pielęgniarskiej jest:

1. You should assess the patient

for complications.

assessment [a'sesmant] - ocena
assess [a'ses] - ocenić, oszacować

można go zastąpić słówkami:

2. I'm going to monitor the

wound for redness.

observe - monitor - be alert

3. She's observed her elbow for


4. Be alert to swelling.

Nurse 1: Do we
have to assess the
wound for infection
twice a day?
Nurse 2: No, the
order says every

Doctor: There are no

complications after your


Patient: Thank you, I was

in good hands.


(OO + adjective + infinitive = żeby,





too tight to keep on. The

bandage is too loose to cover the

W trakcie zmiany opatrunku pielęgniarka zauważyła jeden z objawów zakażenia
rany, tzn.
zaczerwienienie - redness, inne objawy infekcji i komplikacji:


background image

Ph The dressing of Mrs. Rattler left elbow, needs

to be changed BID. Her wound is still infected.

Clean the wound with NS and use the same

antibiotic, please.

RN: Do you want to see the wound? It has become

swollen and painful.


Oh, yes. Please call me, when you've uncovered patient's elbow.

I have to assess the wound again to order a new ointment. I'm afraid

that the patient has edema because she didn't keep her arm elevated.

RN: She should do it QID or more often, but she really doesn't like it.


Did she complain of arm numbness?

RN: No, she didn't.


Thank you, nurse. Be alert to pus discharge, please.

RN: Okay, doctor. 'I will.

Complete the sentences:

1. The nurse has applied the bandage to......... the coating .....................

2. She will use the bandage to .......... the dressing.

3. The doctor has bandaged Pt's leg to .....................the joint.

4, Patient's abdominal ......... are ...............with the ............ bandage.

5. To keep the................in the ................ apply a circular ................

(There might be more than one possibility):

Aby udzielić informacji pacjentowi lub jego rodzinie o zmianie
opatrunku, stosuje się w zdaniach
imperative verbs:

• dress a wound once a day,
• clean the wound with NS,
• apply the ointment,
• put the gauze packing on,
• bandage it not too tight or not too


• reinforce the dressing if it's too loose,
• visit us as soon as possible if any complications occur,
• encourage your Mom to keep her arm elevated,
• call me any time,
• assess the wound for infection.

1. to note

2. c/o

3. assess for

4. be alert for

5. reinforce

6. bandage

7. apply

1.You have to apply the

2. The doctor ordered

3. Because the bandage was too loose

4.The nurse has assessed

5. Our patient e/o

6. This patient should be

7. Please encourage her to

8.The order was QID

9. Change the elbow dressing

10. Why did you

a. numbness

b. dressing

c. NS

d. complication

e. wound

f. discharges

g. signs and symptoms

a. wasn't it?

b. keep her leg elevated.

c. PRN, please.

d. collar due to head injury.

e. plaster cast for pt's elbow.

f. use this ointment for the abrasion?

g. his wrist pain.

h. the knee for swelling.

i. transferred to Surgical Unit.

j. a nurse reinforced it.

Match the verbs with the appropriate nouns:

Match the phrases from the first column with the phrases from the
second column to make sensible sentences:

Document Outline


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