Marura Repetytorium PR Quick Test 11B key

CLASS: SCORE: & & & & & & & & & & & / 15
I. Uzupełnij brakujące litery w wyrazach. (4 pkt)
1. Resistance to drugs can be an obstacle to a successful treatment (a way of curing an illness)
of cancer.
2. For most habitual heroin users it is extremely difficult to beat their addiction (inability to stop
taking harmful substances).
3. Some people are born with a handicap, while others become disabled (unable to use a part of
your body) as a result of an accident or disease.
4. After two hours of intense workout, I felt considerable pain in my muscles (pieces of body
tissue that can be tightened and relaxed).
II. Dopasuj wyrazy z obu kolumn, tak aby utworzyć poprawne wyrażenia. (4 pkt)
1 plaster a theatre
2 runny b symptoms
operating c nose
eye d wounds
withdrawal e strain
allergic f to strawberries
heal g an examination
undergo h cast
III. Przekształć poniższe zdania na konstrukcje emfatyczne odnoszące się do podkreślonej
części zdania wyjściowego, używając podanego wyrazu w niezmienionej formie. Użyj od
dwóch do pięciu wyrazów. (3 pkt)
1. Her friend really believes that she will fully recover from her illness.
DOES Her friend does believe that she will fully recover from her illness.
2. My sister helped an elderly lady to cross the street.
WAS It was my sister who helped an elderly lady to cross the street.
3. You certainly need a thorough medical checkup.
WHAT What you need is a thorough medical checkup.
Express Publishing: Matura  Repetytorium. Poziom rozszerzony Quick Test 11B
IV. Przeczytaj tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, które zdania
są zgodne z treścią tekstu (TRUE), a które nie (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem X
odpowiedniÄ… rubrykÄ™ w tabeli. (4 pkt)
I decided that I was sick of smoking. It was becoming far too expensive and was not doing my
health any good, so it was time to give it up. I knew though, from previous experience, that I would
not be able to go cold turkey, so I decided the best way to go about it was to gradually cut down on
how many cigarettes I smoked a day until I could go without them. I also needed to get rid of the
bad habits I had to do with smoking to help me cut down.
The first thing I did was to get rid of the ashtray next to my bed and leave my cigarettes in
another room when I went to bed, so that I could not have a cigarette as soon as I opened my eyes in
the morning or during the night. As I couldn t be bothered getting out of bed, it made it easy to
break this habit.
As I always had to have a cigarette every time I had a cup of coffee, I needed to learn to drink a
cup without having one. I would only have to have a sip or two before lighting up, so I started
making myself finish a cup before I had one. It was only a habit, so it wasn t that hard to do and
before long, I could drink a cup without a cigarette and could even wait for a while after the coffee
before lighting up.
I also had a cigarette every time I ate something even if it was a couple of spoonfuls. The minute
I finished the last mouthful, I would light up, so I made myself wait for about five minutes after I
finished eating before I could have a cigarette. Gradually, without realising it, I could go longer and
longer after eating before I needed a cigarette.
Making myself go a certain amount of time between each cigarette, seemed like a good way of
cutting down. Fifteen minutes between each cigarette to start with, gradually increasing the time
between each one. It was fairly hard at times and also got quite monotonous continually watching
the time. A few times I cheated and had a cigarette sooner than I was supposed to, but overall I
stuck to the times I imposed on myself and after a time, it gradually got easier and easier to go
longer and longer without a cigarette.
Eventually I found myself counting the hours between cigarettes, spreading it out so that I would
only be smoking five cigarettes a day. I mostly stuck to five a day and was quite happy with that for
some time but knew that if I didn t stop altogether, I would end up back where I started, so
eventually cut that to three, then two, then none. It certainly wasn t that easy and I had to keep at it,
but in the end I got there. Hurray.
They say you never really get over smoking and they are right. There are occasional times when
I miss smoking and feel like a cigarette and I know I could easily start smoking again if I let myself,
but I won t because I don t want to be addicted to smoking ever again.
Adapted from
1. Smoking was strongly connected with the author s other activities.
2. The author would smoke before having a cup of coffee.
3. Maintaining intervals between cigarettes was the author s strategy.
4. The author was afraid of relapsing into the habit.
Express Publishing: Matura  Repetytorium. Poziom rozszerzony Quick Test 11B


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