EGR Quick Test 3B

CLASS: SCORE: & & & & & & & & & & & / 15
I. Wpisz właściwe słowo. (4 pkt)
1. Our computer science lab is _ _ u _ p _ _ _ with modern computers.
2. I have to learn a lot. My teachers are very _ _ m _ _ d _ _ _ .
3. My parents want me to _ t_ _ n _ after-school activities, e.g. a French course.
4. You don t have to pay to be in our club because _ _ m _ _ _ _ h _ _ is free.
II. Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach. (4 pkt)
1. She (woli czytać) ............................................................................................ to watching TV.
2. This activity (nie zajmuje) ............................................. much time  only 20 minutes a day.
3. It s 8 p.m. She (nie wróciła) ..................................................... from school yet. I m worried.
4. English is (łatwiejszy niż) ................................................................ other foreign languages.
III. Uzupełnij zdania (1 4) tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Wykorzystaj
podane wyrazy i dodaj niezbędne elementy, aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne
zdania. (4 pkt)
1. I visited granny every Friday after school.
USED I ........................................................................ visit granny every Friday after school.
2. The coursebook was not cheap enough, so she didn t buy it.
TOO The coursebook was ................................................................................. for her to buy.
3. Wearing a uniform is necessary in this school.
HAVE Students .................................................................................. a uniform in this school.
4. Our school trip was so fantastic. We enjoyed ourselves.
HAD We .............................................................................................. time on our school trip.
IV. Przeczytaj opisy różnych lekcji (1 3) oraz listę przedmiotów (A D), a następnie do
każdego opisu dopasuj przedmiot i wpisz jego symbol w odpowiednie pole poniżej. Jeden
przedmiot nie pasuje do żadnego opisu. (3 pkt)
1. We discussed some elements from the periodic table. And then Mr Brown did some experiments
and the lab smelled so bad. The smelly substance was hydrogen sulfide! We all had great fun.
2. We just did exercises, you know push-ups, sit-ups and the like. All throughout the lesson! I am
not very fit, so I was really exhausted afterwards.
3. We thought we would play, but we ended up discussing Microsoft Excel. The computer at my
desk didn t work, so right now I can make no sense of all these formulas Mr Brown presented.
A. Information Technology B. Physics C. Physical Education D. Chemistry
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. ____
Egzamin gimnazjalny. Repetytorium. Quick Test 3B (Poziom rozszerzony)


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