
=== Admin Interface by Avenue Factory === Contributors: _hq Donate link: Tags: admin, interface, ux, ui Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 3.8 Stable tag: 4.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: Restores visual balance and tactility to WordPress 3.8; this improves the admin experience with minimal code. == Description == WordPress 3.8 comes with great UI improvements to its admin interface, but its typography, spacing, and layout have lost the tactile feel that it once had. This plugin restores that tactile feel and generally improves the admin experience of what WordPress 3.8 brings. == Installation == 1. Unpack the downloaded package 2. Upload the folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 4. That's it! == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why do I need or want this? = While I fully embrace the new direction of WordPress 3.8's interface design, it appears to chaotic and with no balance, right out of the box. Sure, prior to WordPress 3.8, textures, typography, and icons were really outdated. However, after comparing the two admin interfaces, the older interface had a clearer sense of focus and all of the major layout elements were balanced with each other. Looking at WordPress 3.8 now, it just seems that the sidebar, widefat table elements, and the general type size are fighting for attention. = What makes you an expert to even say this, let alone provide this plugin? = Nothing more than my sense of aesthetics, which is completely relative; so really nothing. Having said that, I have been a developer working with various designers, obsessing over pixel perfect code, and just creating solid UI/UX experiences. Regardless, if you agree that the admin UI can be improved and compartmentalized a little better, then try out the plugin and see if it's worth your while! I just want to help make WordPress better, and I believe this is a topic that needed to be raised in some way, and especially in a way that encourages WordPress 3.8, becuase its direction is truly great, and will allow WordPress to flourish even more. = Can we make further improvements, like the form data fields in the Options pages? = Absolutely! We can always further improve, as long as the suggestions are minimal and respect the direction of WordPress's admin interface redesign. Again, as a disclaimer, this is subjective and I am not a member of the UI team, but simply a person in the WordPress community. == Screenshots == 1. /screenshot-1.png 1. /screenshot-2.png 1. /screenshot-3.png == Changelog == = 1.0.0 = * The initial plugin, making slight visual modifications to the admin menu, its children, along with modifications to the wpadminbar, along with the thead and tfoot to any widefat table. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.0 = N/A


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