prezentacja na angielski

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Presentation by:
Karol Bartkowski

Saving the

Saving the



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In the last decade, energy

consumption in the home has

increased by 40%

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You do not believe that you can

have something to do with it?

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Think about what light bulbs

you use at home, how often

you use the washing

machine, dryer, dishwasher

and if you leave the TV on


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What to do to reduce energy


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First of all, during the long absence can be disconnected
from the power devices such as a TV, computer, printer,

Do not leave lighted lamps in the room, which is currently
not used

Next, of great importance is the selection of appropriate
lighting. Using energy-saving light bulbs can save up to
80% energy

Last but not least, try to use daylight as long as possible

Finally, try to get your washing machine working at full load

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Interesting Facts:

Interesting Facts:

Did you know, that….

Did you know, that….

…now you can see the lights of Los Angeles
from the moon?

…altogether, all electrical appliances on stand-
by use as much energy as the whole Morocco?

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The End

The End




„Matura Explorer” – student’s book

Document Outline


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