English Skills with Readings 5e Chapter 46

46 Editing Tests

The twelve editing tests in this chapter will give you practice in revising for sentence-skills mistakes. Remember that if you don't edit carefully, you run the risk of sabotaging much of the work you have put into a paper. If readers see too many surface flaws, they may assume you don't place much value on what you have to say, and they may not give your ideas a fair hearing. Revising to eliminate sentence-skills errors is a basic part of clear, effective writing.

In half of the tests, the spots where errors occur have been underlined; your job is to identify and correct each error. In the rest of the tests, you must locate as well as identify and correct the errors.

Following are hints that can help you edit the next-to-final draft of a paper for sentence-skills mistakes:

Editing Hints

1 Have at hand two essential tools: a good dictionary (see page 500) and a grammar handbook (you can use Chapter 5 and Part Five of this book).

2 Use a sheet of paper to cover your essay so that you will expose only one sentence at a time. Look for errors in grammar, spelling, and typing. It may help to read each sentence out loud. If a sentence does not read clearly and smoothly, chances are something is wrong.

3 Pay special attention to the kinds of errors you yourself tend to make. For example, if you tend to write run-ons or fragments, be especially on the lookout for those errors.

4 Proofreading symbols that may be of particular help are the following:

omit in the the meantime

insert missing letter or word beleve

cap, lc Add a capital (or a lowercase) letter My persian Cat

Editing Test 1

Identify the five mistakes in paper format in the student paper that follows. From the box below, choose the letters that describe the five mistakes and write those letters in the spaces provided.

a. The title should not be underlined.

b. The title should not be set off in quotation marks.

c. There should not be a period at the end of a title.

d. All the major words in a title should be capitalized.

e. The title should be a phrase, not a complete sentence.

f. The first line of a paper should stand independent of the title.

g. A line should be skipped between the title and the first line of the paper.

h. The first line of a paragraph should be indented.

i. The right-hand margin should not be crowded.

j. Hyphenation should occur only between syllables.

“my candy apple adventure”

It was the best event of my day. I loved the sweetness that

filled my mouth as I bit into the sugary coating. With my second

bite, I munched contentedly on the apple underneath. Its

crunchy tartness was the perfect balance to the smooth sweet-

ness of the outside. Then the apple had a magical effect on me.

Suddenly I remembered when I was seven years old, walking

through the county fairgrounds, holding my father's hand. We

stopped at a refreshment stand, and he bought us each a

candy apple. I had never had one before, and I asked him what it

was. “This is a very special fruit,” he said. “If you ever feel sad,

all you have to do is eat a candy apple, and it will bring you

sweetness.” Now, years later, his words came back to me, and

as I ate my candy apple, I felt the world turn sweet once more.

1. _____   2. _____   3. _____   4. _____    5. _____

Editing Test 2

Identify the sentence-skills mistakes at the underlined spots in the paragraph that follows. From the box below, choose the letter that describes each mistake and write it in the space provided. The same mistake may appear more than once.

a. fragment d. apostrophe mistake

b. run-on e. faulty parallelism

c. mistake in subject-verb agreement

Looking Out for Yourself

It's sad but true: “If you don't look out for yourself, no one else will.” For example, some people have a false idea about the power of a college degree, they think that once they possesses the degree, the world will be waiting on their doorstep. In fact, nobody is likely to be on their doorstep unless, through advance planning, they has prepared themselves for a career. The kind in which good job opportunities exist. Even after a person has landed a job, however, a healthy amount of self-interest is needed. People who hide in corners or with hesitation to let others know about their skills doesn't get promotions or raises. Its important to take credit for a job well done, whether the job involves writing a report, organized the office filing system, or calming down an angry customer. Also, people should feel free to ask the boss for a raise. If they work hard and really deserve it. Those who look out for themselves get the rewards, people who depend on others to help them along get left behind.

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________  5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________

Editing Test 3

Identify the sentence-skills mistakes at the underlined spots in the paragraph that follows. From the box below, choose the letter that describes each mistake and write it in the space provided. The same mistake may appear more than once.

a. fragment e. missing commas around an interrupter

b. run-on f. mistake with quotation marks

c. mistake in verb tense g. apostrophe mistake

d. mistake in irregular verb

Deceptive Appearances

Appearances can be deceptive. While looking through a library window yesterday, I saw a neatly groomed woman walk by. Her clothes were skillfully tailored her makeup was perfect. Then thinking no one was looking she crumpled a piece of paper in her hand. And tossed it into a nearby hedge. Suddenly she no longer looks attractive to me. On another occasion, I started talking to a person in my psychology class named Eric. Eric seemed to be a great person. He always got the class laughing with his jokes, on the days when Eric was absent, I think even the professor missed his lively personality. Eric asked me “if I wanted to get a Coke in the cafeteria,” and I felt happy he had chose me to be a friend. While we were sitting in the cafeteria. Eric took out an envelope with several kinds of pills inside. “Want one?” he asked. “They're uppers.” I didn't want one, I felt disappointed. Erics terrific personality was the product of the pills he took.

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________  5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________

Editing Test 4

Identify the sentence-skills mistakes at the underlined spots in the paragraph that follows. From the box below, choose the letter that describes each mistake and write it in the space provided. The same mistake may appear more than once.

a. fragment e. apostrophe mistake

b. run-on f. dangling modifier

c. irregular verb mistake g. missing quotation marks

d. missing comma after introductory words

A Horrifying Moment

The most horrifying moment of my life occurred in the dark hallway of my building. Which led to my apartment. Though the hallway light was out I managed to find my apartment door. However, I could not find the keyhole with my door key. I then pulled a book of matches from my pocket. Trying to strike a match, the entire book of matches bursted into flames. I flicked the matches away but not before my coat sleeve catched fire. Within seconds, my arm was like a torch. Struggling to unsnap the buttons of my coat, flames began to sear my skin. I was quickly going into shock. And began screaming in pain. A neighbors door opened and a voice cried out, My God! I was pulled through an apartment and put under a bathroom shower, which extinguished the flames. I suffered third-degree burns on my arm, I felt lucky to escape with my life.

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________  5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________

Editing Test 5

Identify the sentence-skills mistakes at the underlined spots in the paragraph that follows. From the box below, choose the letter that describes each mistake and write it in the space provided. The same mistake may appear more than once.

a. fragment e. faulty parallelism

b. run-on f. apostrophe mistake

c. missing capital letter g. missing quotation mark

d. mistake in subject-verb h. missing comma after    agreement    introductory words

Why I Didn't Go to Church

In my boyhood years, I almost never attended church. There was an unwritten code that the guys on the corner was not to be seen in churches'. Although there was many days when I wanted to attend a church, I felt I had no choice but to stay away. If the guys had heard I had gone to church, they would have said things like, “hey, angel, when are you going to fly? With my group of friends, its amazing that I developed any religious feeling at all. Another reason for not going to church was my father. When he was around the house he told my mother, “Mike's not going to church. No boy of mine is a sissy.” My mother and sister went to church, I sat with my father and read the Sunday paper or watching television. I did not start going to church until years later. When I no longer hung around with the guys on the corner or let my father have power over me.

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________  5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________

Editing Test 6

Identify the sentence-skills mistakes at the underlined spots in the paragraph that follows. From the box below, choose the letter that describes each mistake and write it in the space provided. The same mistake may appear more than once.

a. fragment f. missing comma between two

b. run-on    complete thoughts

c. faulty parallelism g. missing comma after

d. missing apostrophe    introductory words

e. missing quotation mark h. misspelled word

Anxiety and the Telephone

Not many of us would want to do without our telephone but there are times when the phone is a source of anxiety. For example, you might be walking up to your front door. When you hear the phone ring. You struggle to find your key, to unlock the door, and getting to the phone quickly. You know the phone will stop ringing the instant you pick up the receiver, then you wonder if you missed the call that would have made you a millionare or introduced you to the love of your life. Another time, you may have called in sick to work with a phony excuse. All day long, youre afraid to leave the house in case the boss calls back. And asks himself why you were feeling well enough to go out. In addition, you worry that you might unthinkingly pick up the phone and say in a cheerful voice, “Hello, completely forgeting to use your fake cough. In cases like these having a telephone is more of a curse than a blessing.

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________  5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________

Editing Test 7

See if you can locate and correct the ten sentence-skills mistakes in the following passage. The mistakes are listed in the box below. As you locate each mistake, write the number of the word group containing that mistake. Use the spaces provided. Then (on separate paper) correct the mistakes.

5 fragments _________  _________  _________  _________  _________ 5 run-ons _________  _________  _________  _________  _________

Family Stories

1When I was little, my parents invented some strange stories to explain everyday events to me, my father, for example, told me that trolls lived in our house. 2When objects such as scissors or pens were missing. 3My father would look at me and say, “The trolls took them.” 4For years, I kept a flashlight next to my bed. 5Hoping to catch the trolls in the act as they carried away our possessions. 6Another story I still remember is my mother's explanation of pussy willows. 7After the fuzzy gray buds emerged in our backyard one spring. 8I asked Mom what they were. 9Pussy willows, she explained, were cats who had already lived nine lives, in this tenth life, only the tips of the cats' tails were visible to people. 10All the tails looked alike. 11So that none of the cats would be jealous of the others. 12It was also my mother who created the legend of the birthday fairy, this fairy always knew which presents I wanted. 13Because my mother called up on a special invisible telephone. 14Children couldn't see these phones, every parent had a direct line to the fairy. 15My parents' stories left a great impression on me, I still feel a surge of pleasure when I think of them.

Editing Test 8

See if you can locate and correct the ten sentence-skills mistakes in the following passage. The mistakes are listed in the box below. As you locate each mistake, write the number of the word group containing that mistake. Use the spaces provided. Then (on separate paper) correct the mistakes.

1 fragment ______ 2 missing commas between items

1 run-on ______   in a series ______  ______

1 nonstandard verb ______ 2 apostrophe mistakes ______  ______

1 missing comma around 1 capital letter mistake ______

  an interrupter ______ 1 homonym mistake ______

Search for the Perfect Pajama Bottoms

1I met a strange character in my job as an Orderly at a state mental hospital. 2Jacks illness was such that it led to strange behavior. 3Jack, a middle-aged man spent most of the day obsessed with pajama bottoms. 4He seemed to think that someone might have a better pair of pajama bottoms than his. 5He would sneak into other patients rooms. 6And steal there pajama bottoms. 7Other times, he would undress a distracted patient to try on his pajamas. 8He would try them on find they were not perfect and discard them. 9Some days, I'd come upon three or four patients with no pajama bottoms on, I'd know Jack was on the prowl again. 10He were tireless in his search for the perfect pair of pajama bottoms. 11It was clearly a search that would never end in success.

Editing Test 9

See if you can locate and correct the ten sentence-skills mistakes in the following passages. The mistakes are listed in the box below. As you locate each mistake, write the number of the word group containing that mistake. Use the spaces provided. Then (on separate paper) correct the mistakes.

2 fragments ______  ______ 1 missing comma after introductory

1 run-on ______   words ______

1 irregular verb mistake ______ 2 apostrophe mistakes ______  ______

1 missing comma between 1 faulty parallelism ______

  items in a series ______ 1 missing quotation mark ______

Fred's Funeral

1Sometimes when Fred feels undervalued and depression, he likes to imagine his own funeral. 2He pictures all the people who will be there. 3He hears their hushed words sees their tears, and feels their grief. 4He glows with warm sadness as the minister begins a eulogy by saying, Fred Grencher was no ordinary man . . . ” 5As the minister talks on Freds eyes grow moist. 6He laments his own passing and feels altogether appreciated and wonderful.

Feeding Time

7Recently I was at the cat house in the zoo. 8Right before feeding time. 9The tigers and lions were lying about on benches and little stands. 10Basking in the late-afternoon sun. 11They seemed tame and harmless. 12But when the meat was brung in, a remarkable change occurred. 13All the cats got up and moved toward the food. 14I was suddenly aware of the rippling muscles' of their bodies and their large claws and teeth. 15They seemed three times bigger, I could feel their power.

Editing Test 10

See if you can locate and correct the ten sentence-skills mistakes in the following passage. The mistakes are listed in the box below. As you locate each mistake, write the number of the word group containing that mistake. Use the spaces provided. Then (on separate paper) correct the mistakes.

1 run-on ______ 2 missing commas around

1 mistake in subject-verb   an interrupter ______  ______

  agreement ______ 1 missing comma between items

1 missing comma after   in a series ______

  introductory words ______ 2 apostrophe mistakes ______  ______

2 missing quotation marks ______  ______

Walking Billboards

1Many Americans have turned into driving, walking billboards. 2As much as we all claim to hate commercials on television we dont seem to have any qualms about turning ourselves into commercials. 3Our car bumpers for example advertise lake resorts underground caverns, and amusement parks. 4Also, we wear clothes marked with other peoples initials and slogans. 5Our fascination with the names of designers show up on the backs of our sneakers, the breast pockets of our shirts, and the right rear pockets of our blue jeans. 6And we wear T-shirts filled with all kinds of advertising messages. 7For instance, people are willing to wear shirts that read, “Dillon Construction,” “Nike,” or even I Got Crabs at Ed's Seafood Palace. 8In conclusion, we say we hate commercials, we actually pay people for the right to advertise their products.

Editing Test 11

See if you can locate and correct the ten sentence-skills mistakes in the following passage. The mistakes are listed in the box below. As you locate each mistake, write the number of the word group containing that mistake. Use the spaces provided. Then (on separate paper) correct the mistakes.

3 fragments ______ 1 mistake in pronoun point

  ______  ______   of view ______

2 run-ons ______  ______ 1 dangling modifier ______

1 irregular verb mistake ______ 1 missing comma between two

1 faulty parallelism ______   complete thoughts ______

Too Many Cooks

1The problem in my college dining hall was the succession of incompetent cooks who were put in charge. 2During the time I worked there, I watched several cooks come and go. 3The first of these was Irving. 4He was skinny and greasy like the undercooked bacon he served for breakfast. 5Irving drank, by late afternoon he begun to sway as he cooked. 6Once, he looked at the brightly colored photograph on the orange juice machine. 7And asked why the TV was on. 8Having fired Irving, Lonnie was hired. 9Lonnie had a soft, round face that resembled the Pillsbury Doughboy's but he had the size and temperament of a large bear. 10He'd wave one paw and growl if you entered the freezers without his permission. 11He also had poor eyesight. 12This problem caused him to substitute flour for sugar and using pork for beef on a regular basis. 13After Lonnie was fired, Enzo arrived. 14Because he had come from Italy only a year or two previously. 15He spoke little English. 16In addition, Enzo had trouble with seasoning and spices. 17His vegetables were too salty, giant bay leaves turned up in everything. 18Including the scrambled eggs. 19The cooks I worked for in the college dining hall would have made Julia Child go into shock.

Editing Test 12

See if you can locate and correct the ten sentence-skills mistakes in the following passage. The mistakes are listed in the box below. As you locate each mistake, write the number of the word group containing that mistake. Use the spaces provided. Then (on separate paper) correct the mistakes.

2 fragments ______  ______ 1 missing comma between two

2 run-ons ______  ______   complete thoughts ______

1 mistake in pronoun 1 missing quotation mark ______

  point of view ______ 1 missing comma between items in

1 apostrophe mistake ______   a series ______

1 misspelled word ______

My Ideal Date

1Here are the ingredients for my ideal date, first of all, I would want to look as stunning as possible. 2I would be dressed in a black velvet jumpsuit. 3That would fit me like a layer of paint. 4My accessories would include a pair of red satin spike heels a diamond hair clip, and a full-length black mink coat. 5My boyfriend, Tony, would wear a sharply tailored black tuxedo, a white silk shirt, and a red bow tie. 6The tux would emphasize Tony's broad shoulders and narrow waist, and you would see his chest muscles under the smooth shirt fabric. 7Tony would pull up to my house in a long, shiney limousine, then the driver would take us to the most exclusive and glittery nightclub in Manhattan. 8All eyes would be on us as we entered and photographers would rush up to take our picture for People magazine. 9As we danced on the lighted floor of the club, everyone would step aside to watch us perform our moves. 10After several bottles of champagne, Tony and I would head for the top floor of the World Trade Center. 11As we gazed out over the light's of the city, Tony would hand me a small velvet box containing a fifty-carat ruby engagement ring. 12And ask me to marry him. 13I would thank Tony for a lovely evening and tell him gently, “Tony, I don't plan to marry until I'm thirty.

Sentence-Skills Achievement Test

Part 1

This test will help you measure your improvement in important sentence skills. Certain parts of the following word groups are underlined. Write X in the answer space if you think a mistake appears at the underlined part. Write C in the answer space if you think the underlined part is correct.

The headings (“Fragments,” Run-Ons,” and so on) will give you clues to the mistakes to look for.


__________  1. After a careless driver hit my motorcycle, I decided to buy a car. At least I would have more protection against other careless drivers.

__________  2. I was never a good student in high school. Because I spent all my time socializing with my group of friends. Good grades were not something that my group really valued.

__________  3. The elderly couple in the supermarket were not a pleasant sight. Arguing with each other. People pretended not to notice them.

__________  4. Using a magnifying glass, the little girls burned holes in the dry leaf. They then set some tissue paper on fire.

__________  5. My brother and I seldom have fights about what to watch on television. Except with baseball games. I get bored watching this sport.

__________  6. My roommate and I ate, talked, danced, and sang at a fish-fry party the other night. Also, we played cards until 3 A.M. As a result, we both slept until noon the next day.


__________  7. She decided to quit her high-pressured job, she didn't want to develop heart trouble.

__________  8. His car's wheels were not balanced properly, for the car began to shake when he drove over forty miles an hour.

__________  9. I got through the interview without breaking out in a sweat mustache, I also managed to keep my voice under control.

__________ 10. The craze for convenience in our country has gone too far. There are drive-in banks, restaurants, and even churches.

__________ 11. My most valued possession is my stoneware cooker, I can make entire meals in it at a low cost.

__________ 12. The shopping carts outside the supermarket seemed welded together, Rita could not separate one from another.

Standard English Verbs

__________ 13. I am going to borrow my father's car if he agree.

__________ 14. For recreation he sets up hundreds of dominoes, and then he knocks them over.

__________ 15. He stopped taking a nap after supper because he then had trouble sleeping at night.

__________ 16. There was no bread for sandwiches, so he decided to drive to the store.

Irregular Verbs

__________ 17. I learned that Dennis had began to see someone else while he was still going out with me.

__________ 18. That woman has never ran for political office before.

__________ 19. I knowed the answer to the question, but I was too nervous to think of it when the instructor called on me.

__________ 20. They had ate the gallon of natural vanilla ice cream in just one night.

Subject-Verb Agreement

__________ 21. Her watchband have to be fixed.

__________ 22. There is two minutes left in the football game.

__________ 23. He believes films that feature violence is a disgrace to our society.

__________ 24. The plastic slipcovers that she bought have begun to crack.

Consistent Verb Tense

__________ 25. Myra wanted to watch the late movie, but she was so tired she falls asleep before it started.

__________ 26. When the mailman arrived, I hoped the latest issue of People magazine would be in his bag.

__________ 27. Juan ran down the hall without looking and trips over the toy truck lying on the floor.

__________ 28. Debbie enjoys riding her bike in the newly built park, which features a special path for bikers and runners.

Pronoun Agreement, Reference, and Point of View

__________ 29. At the Saturday afternoon movie we went to, children were making so much noise that you could not relax.

__________ 30. We did not return to the amusement park, for we had to pay too much for the rides and meals.

__________ 31. Drivers should check the oil level in their cars every three months.

__________ 32. At the hospital, I saw mothers with tears in their eyes wandering down the hall, hoping that her child's operation was a success.

__________ 33. Sharon's mother was overjoyed when Sharon became pregnant.

__________ 34. You must observe all the rules of the game, even if you do not always agree with it.

Pronoun Types

__________ 35. Nancy and her often go to singles bars.

__________ 36. No one in the class is better at computers than he.

Adjectives and Adverbs

__________ 37. The little girl spoke so quiet I could hardly hear her.

__________ 38. Lola looks more better than Gina in a leather coat.

Misplaced Modifiers

__________ 39. I saw sharks scuba-diving.

__________ 40. With a mile-wide grin, Betty turned in her winning raffle ticket.

__________ 41. I bought a beautiful blouse in a local store with long sleeves and French cuffs.

__________ 42. I first spotted the turtle playing tag on the back lawn.

Dangling Modifiers

__________ 43. When seven years old, Jeff's father taught him to play ball.

__________ 44. Running across the field, I caught the Frisbee.

__________ 45. Turning on the ignition, the car backfired.

__________ 46. Looking at my watch, a taxi nearly ran me over.

Faulty Parallelism

__________ 47. Much of my boyhood was devoted to getting into rock fights, crossing railway trestles, and the hunt for rats in drainage tunnels.

__________ 48. I put my books in my locker, changed into my gym clothes, and hurried to the playing field.

__________ 49. Ruth begins every day with warm-up exercises, a half-hour run, and taking a hot shower.

__________ 50. In the evening I plan to write a paper, to watch a movie, and to read two chapters in my biology text.

Capital Letters

__________ 51. When the can of drano didn't unclog the sink, Hal called a plumber.

__________ 52. I asked Cindy, “what time will you be leaving?”

__________ 53. I have to get an allergy shot once a Week.

__________ 54. Mother ordered a raincoat from the catalog on Monday, and it arrived four days later.


__________ 55. I asked the clerk if the store had Stevie Wonders latest CD.

__________ 56. He's failing the course because he doesn't have any confidence in his ability to do the work.

__________ 57. Clyde was incensed at the dentist who charged him fifty dollars to fix his son's tooth.

__________ 58. I cant believe that she's not coming to the dance.

Quotation Marks

__________ 59. “Don't forget to water the grass, my sister said.

__________ 60. Martha said to Fred at bedtime, “Why is it that men's pajamas always have such baggy bottoms?” “You look like a circus clown in that flannel outfit.”

__________ 61. The red sign on the door read, “Warning—open only in case of an emergency.”

__________ 62. “I can't stand that commercial,” said Sue. “Do you mind if I turn off the television?”


__________ 63. Hard-luck Sam needs a loan, a good-paying job, and someone to show an interest in him.

__________ 64. Even though I was tired I agreed to go shopping with my parents.

__________ 65. Power, not love or money, is what most politicians want.

__________ 66. The heel on one of Lola's shoes came off, so she spent the day walking barefoot.

__________ 67. “Thank goodness I'm almost done” I said aloud with every stroke of the broom.

__________ 68. I hated to ask Anita who is a very stingy person to lend me the money.

Commonly Confused Words

__________ 69. To succeed in the job, you must learn how to control your temper.

__________ 70. Fortunately, I was not driving very fast when my car lost it's brakes.

__________ 71. Put your packages on the table over their.

__________ 72. There are too many steps in the math formula for me to understand it.

__________ 73. The counseling center can advise you on how to prepare for an interview.

__________ 74. Who's white Eldorado is that in front of the house?

Effective Word Use

__________ 75. The teacher called to discuss Ron's social maladjustment difficulties.

__________ 76. I thought the course would be a piece of cake, but a ten-page paper was required.

__________ 77. When my last class ended, I felt as free as a bird.

__________ 78. Spike gave away his television owing to the fact that it distracted him from studying.

Part 2 (Optional)

Do Part 2 at your instructor's request. This second part of the test will provide more detailed information about your improvement in sentence skills. On separate paper, number and correct all the items you have marked with an X. For example, suppose you had marked the word groups below with an X. (Note that these examples are not taken from the test.)

 4. If football games disappeared entirely from television. I would not even miss them. Other people in my family would perish.

 7. The kitten suddenly saw her reflection in the mirror, she jumped back in surprise.

15. The tree in my cousins front yard always sheds its leaves two weeks before others on the street.

29. When we go out to a restaurant we always order something we would not cook for ourselves.

Here is how you should write your corrections on a separate sheet of paper.

 4. television, I

 7. mirror, and

15. cousin's

29. restaurant, we

There are over forty corrections to make in all.

 1. ______

 2. ______

 3. ______

 4. ______

 5. ______

 6. ______

 7. ______

 8. ______

 9. ______

10. ______

11. ______

12. ______

13. ______

14. ______

15. ______

16. ______

17. ______

18. ______

19. ______

20. ______

 1. ______

 2. ______

 3. ______

 4. ______

 5. ______

 6. ______

 7. ______

 8. ______

 9. ______

10. ______

11. ______

12. ______

13. ______

14. ______

15. ______

16. ______

17. ______

18. ______

19. ______

20. ______


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