[QAF fanfiction]Nothing Keeps The Pain Out

Nothing Keeps The Pain Out

by DreamCatcher

The Diner
Friday 6.00pm

Brian walked into the diner and went straight to the usual booth. Sitting down opposite Emmett and Ted, he turned and smirked at Michael.

“Hey, you finished work early today.” Michael grinned as Brian sat down next to him.

“Yes Dear.” Brian replied as he scanned the diner, his eye catching onto a dark haired, brown eyed twenty something trick. He sat back and smirked, knowing the effect he was having on the stranger. He was about to pay a quick visit to the bathroom, when his view was replaced with a colourful waist coat. Before he could mount his complaint he was hit along the side of his head.

“Hey!” He scowled at Debbie. “What was that for?”

“Okay you little asshole, what happened to taking Sunshine to school this morning?” Debbie stared down tapping her glittery pen on the note pad. “If you've let that boy take a day off school just to fuck him, I swear I'll-”

“Hey.” Brain ducked slightly, expecting another slap on the side of his head “I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I didn't take the little twat to school because I haven't seen him since Monday.”

Debbie frowned, realising Brian was telling the truth. Dropping down next to Ted, she placed the pen and pad on the table in front of her.

“What's wrong?” Michael asked.

“I got a call off his prick of a dad. He wanted to speak with Justin, he said he'd been to the school and he wasn't there.”

Brian sat up slightly suddenly becoming more interested in the goings on with his blond twat. “What did the homophobic prick want to talk about? I thought Justin's family never wanted to speak to him again.”

“I don't know. He hung up when I told him I didn't know where he was.”

“Why would Sunshine not go to school?” Emmett spoke up. “He told me he was enjoying it since Hobbs left.”

“Isn't he close to graduating too?” Ted asked, receiving a nod from Brian.

“I don't know, but I doubt this is the first time. What I want to know is where he was last night. I thought he was staying with you.” She looked at Brian.

Seeing that Debbie was concerned, Brian decided to lay off the sarcastic reply. “No, like I said I haven't seen him since Monday. Did he tell you he was coming over?”

“No, he just said he was going out, and that he'd head straight to school from where ever the hell he was going. The little shit ran off before I could ask him where.”

“He's probably with one of his friends. You know what teenagers are like.” Ted said.

“Well, he better be. I don't like the thought of him being out there on his own.” Debbie replied forcefully, letting the whole diner know how she was feeling.

“Ma, he's not a kid, he can look after himself. Stopping worrying about him.”

“Funny you're always telling me he's too young.” Brian raised his eyebrow, shutting Michael up quickly. Standing up he grabbed his coat. “Look if it'll make you happy.” He said tongue in cheek to Debbie. “I'll go check out a few places see where our ray of Sunshine has got too.”

Debbie stood up and placed both her hands on the side of his face. “You're a good kid.”

“Yes Ma.” Brian replied looking visibly uncomfortable at the praise.

As Brian started to walk out Debbie called after him.

“And don't forget to bring him straight home. I know how easily you're dick gets distracted.”

Brian walked out the door cringing at the thought and to Michaels loud groan of `Mom'.

Daphne's House

Having already checked out his loft, Debbie's, Woody's and a couple of other haunts, he decided to see if Daphne was home by now.

He'd dropped Justin off at his friends house a few times in the past year, so he knew where she lived, but pulling up at the house he saw something was very different with the place.

Climbing out of the jeep he was faced with a housing estate sale sign, planted firmly in the front lawn.

That wasn't only the major difference, there were no cars in the drive way and the front windows were bare of any curtains and netting.

“It's not really your sort of place.”

Brian spun around facing an elderly lady holding a small plant pot in her hands.

“Sorry didn't mean to startle you there. I'm Grace, I'm the neighbour.” She replied, her words lacking any welcoming feeling.

“Urm... hi.”

“I know you're thinking nosy neighbour, but don't worry if you move in, you wont hear a peep from me.” She smiled coldly, her lips in a tight expression.

“Sorry?” Brian was still trying to catch up to the conversation, wondering why he was receiving this cold attitude. He'd never fucked her, maybe he knew her son.

“You're thinking of buying the house aren't you? It's just the way you were looking at it.”

“No, no.” He snapped out of his daze. “I'm looking for the family that lives...” He looked back to the house. “Or is that lived here?”

Brian couldn't call which words had caused it, but the ladies demeanour quickly changed from cold to shocked.

“You're a friend of the family?” She placed the pot down on the wall.

“More like a friend of a friend, I was looking for a someone, I thought Daphne would...” Brian froze when the lady gasped slightly, then seemed to stumble backwards. He reached for her arm steadying her.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes...yes...it's just oh that poor child. What a tragedy.” She mumbled.

“Excuse me?”

“Daphne, she died, three weeks ago.”

Brian let go of the lady's arm and stepped back as though he was trying to get away from the words being said.

“I'm sorry.” Grace reached out to comfort Brian this time. “I shouldn't have been so blunt.”

“No it's okay, I didn't know her that well...it's just...shit...how did she die?”

“She drowned in the pool at the back of the house.” She glanced sadly at the once welcoming home that now lay bare. “It seemed see slipped and banged her head on the side, fell in and drowned. Her best friend found her and tried to resuscitate her, but sadly it was too late to save her.”

As soon as Brian heard the words he knew who that friend was. “Justin.” He whispered to himself.

“How did you know?” She asked alarmed.

He snapped his head up. “Shit, it was him?”

“You know Justin?”

“That's who I was looking for...Christ I can't believe this.” He turned around to pace. “None of us knew. I didn't know. Three weeks? Shit!” He shouted angrily, not caring any more about having a stranger witness his outburst.

“The family held the funeral a week later, then moved out four day's after that. I think they've gone to live with one of the family members.” She carried on talking, allowing Brian to digest the information. “I've known Justin since the Chander's moved in eight years ago, a lovely polite young man. I've tried speaking to him since her death, but-”

“You've seen him lately?” Brian turned back around.

A sad expression flittered across her face as she reached for his arm.

Brian allowed himself to be led down the side path of the house, not questioning why they were currently on their way to the back of the house.

“The Chanders' wanted to move away quickly, they weren't looking for some sort of quick sell...they'd understand. That's why I was trying to put you off the house, I didn't want anyone finding him like this.” She stopped at the edge of the lawn, then pointed towards the pool. There by the edge sat Justin, still in his uniform, his backpack along side it. “He comes everyday around this time, I think he's even been staying in the house. Like I said I've tried talking to him but he wont say a word to me. I found his father's phone number last week, but the bastard hung up. I didn't know anyone else to call.” She gently patted his arm. “Can you help him?”

As soon as Brian laid eyes on his blond angel he saw it. He saw the pain and anguish residing in the lithe body, the hunched shoulders carrying the world and the lack of light that gave him his name.

Inside he cursed himself and everybody in the family, how could no one have seen any of this? Why hadn't the school rang up and told them? Why hadn't Justin's father told them? Why had Justin kept this secret and suffered alone?

He gently patted the ladies arm, then hesitantly, started to walk across the patio, too scared to make a noise just in case Justin saw him and ran.

Grace watched as the stranger walked towards Justin. As she turned to leave she hoped and prayed that Justin would no longer be suffering in silence.

As soon as Brian reached Justin he knelt down next to him, noting out of the corner of his eyes, the drained pool.

“Justin.” He spoke quietly and softly like speaking to a new born baby or a wild lion, unsure which reaction he was going to get to his sudden appearance. “I'm sorry baby.” He reached out to caress the side of Justin's cheek but Justin winced before he made contact so he dropped his hand back onto his lap.

Brian had noticed Justin hadn't once moved his attention away from the spot in front of them. When he too looked down, he noticed that the area was a lot whiter and cleaner then any other area around the pool. It hit him where they were sitting.

“I wish I'd known sooner Justin.”

“You don't care.” Justin looked up at him, his first words whispered.

“No...no that's not true.” Brian shook his head fighting back his defence mechanism, knowing whatever he felt right now was not important. The only thing that counted was helping Justin. “I didn't know, none of us knew.”

“No...you don't care about me. No one cares about me.” Justin reinstated firmly almost like a toddler demanding something they're weren't allowed.

“Justin, we all care.” Brian grasped hold of his hand, holding on tightly, not allowing the teen to pull away. “If we knew...we would have been there for you... at the funeral.” He saw Justin wince at the mention. “Then...now, we all care you're part of the family. Debbie loves you like a son, so does Vic, Emmett adores you, so do Lindsey and Melanie and I...” His words petered off, hurting not only Justin but himself. He couldn't understand how he could react or not react when Justin needed him the most. But as Justin pulled his hand out of Brian's looking ready to run, Brian quickly snapped out of his own negative behaviour.

“I care Justin, I care a lot about you more then the others...I know I don't show it, but I do, please believe me. I want to be there for you, I need to be.” Seeing the words slowly penetrate through to the teen, he decided there was no going back. “I act like a jerk and I know it hurts you and I'm sorry. I've never let anybody not even Michael into my life as much as I have you. You're a big part of my life, you make me a better person, a better father to Gus, a better friend. I wont let you suffer alone any more Sunshine, please let me help you.”

Brian wanted to reach out, wrap his arms around his angel and not let go, but he was scared of scaring him...he just needed a sign that he would be allowed in.

“It's all my fault.” Justin whispered out his confession, falling into Brian's arms.

As soon as Justin was inch a way from Brian, Brian pulled him into his body, his right hand going to the back of his head gently stroking, while his left hand held tightly onto his back.

“It's okay Sonny Boy, you're going to be okay now. You're going to be okay now.” He softly murmured, never wanting to let him go again.

On the way to the Loft

As Brian sat in his jeep he kept an eye on Justin, who hadn't said a word since he had fallen into his arms by the side of the pool.

He'd been able to get Justin to leave the garden and into the jeep without a word or any resistance. Looking at him now, it seemed to him that Justin had shutdown both physically and mentally. Inside Brian was cursing himself and others for not noticing the pain Justin was in.

After pulling up into his parking space, Brian snapped off his seat belt and turned to face Justin.

I want you to stay with me Justin, at the loft, but I'm not going to force you into any decision. If you want to stay at Debbie's I'll take you there.” He reached for the teens hand. “Nobody is going to make you do anything you don't want.”

He watched Justin closely trying to read him like he used too, but he couldn't, there was nothing there. Like when he found him at the edge of the pool Justin's face was blank, void of anything that could answer Brian's questions.

“I don't know.” Justin finally spoke up, looking down, unable to look Brian in the eyes.

“Okay.” He rubbed Justin's hand with his thumb, trying to comfort him. “Why don't we go up to the loft, then see where things go from there.”

Justin nodded head still bent down.


Walking into the loft Brian was reluctant to let go of Justin's hand which he had been holding onto since they left the jeep. Smiling slightly he led him to the couch and sat him down, dropped the back pack by the side of the couch, then headed back to the door and locked it. He wasn't in the mood for any unwelcome visits, but part of him was also scared Justin would make a run for it. He didn't want to ever take his eyes off the teen again.

He turned back around taking in the forlorn figure on his couch. It was as though he'd found Justin but the wrong one, this wasn't his blond angel, this was some stranger.

“Are you thirsty? How about some food?” He walked into the kitchen area heading for the fridge, needing to keep busy, to keep talking for the both of them. “Okay, there's not much in. Shall I order us some take out?” He closed the fridge door. “How about Chinese?” He leant his hands on the counter. “Or some Italian?”


“What Jus?” He walked over and quickly sat down next to him.

“I...I'm...” Justin pulled at his trouser legs. “She...Daphne...she...I...”

Brian waited patiently, listening to the painful stumbling by the person who would usually be stringing out sentences a dozen a minute. Knowing he had to tread carefully though, he sat listening to the painful stutters.

“I...” He paused once again. “I'm really tired Brian.”

Brian frowned feeling a heavy pain settle on his chest. “It's okay, come on.” He stood up and held out his hands then pulled him to his feet.

Leading Justin to the bedroom, the place were his usual thoughts were that of fucking and sucking, he was now replacing them with thoughts of comfort and support.

Brian gently took off Justin's blazer and tie, then the shirt and trousers, dropping each article of clothing straight to the floor, sometimes little habits didn't matter.

He pulled back all the blankets then waited for the teen to climb in, once Justin settled down into the bed Brian pulled the covers back over him, then sat down on the edge. Running the back of his hand down the teens face soothingly, he waited for the inevitable as Justin's eyes started to droop and his breathing even out. Once he knew Justin had fallen into a deep sleep, he leant forward and kissed him gently on the lips.


“I know...Christ Debbie, do you really think I'm that cold hearted?” Brian quickly looked up towards the bedroom making sure Justin hadn't woken up. “I told you, he's asleep, has been since we got here...no, I'm not going to fuck him.” He whispered harshly, getting extremely frustrated with the third degree. “Look this isn't about what we want it's about Justin. If he wants to see you he'll tell me, but we're not going to smother him, he doesn't need that right now...no, I'm not an expert but neither are you, all I know is that I've got Sunshine here who's fucking traumatised and I'm not letting him out of my sight ever again” Shit, he cursed himself quietly. “No I mean...yes...fine...I will...yes mom I promise to phone...a bag of clothes would be helpful...yes...and bring some of his sketch pads just in case...well that schools for shit it didn't do anything about the bullying. What? You expected it to actually give a damn about Justin's welfare now? Fine, you call them if I did I'm bound to say something I wont regret...ha ha very funny...his dad? Fuck him too.” He placed his hand over the mouth piece as he heard some sound. “I've got to go...okay tomorrow morning...I will... goodnight Debbie.”

He quickly hung up the phone and rushed into the bedroom catching Justin just as he rolled out of the side of the bed .

“I've got you.” Brian hugged him to his chest. “I've got you Sunshine, it's okay now you're okay.”

“No...no...Daphne...god no...please wake up, please wake up, please wake up.” Justin started mumbling, fighting the hold Brian had on him.

Suddenly, becoming aware of the fact Justin was still asleep, Brian held on tighter. “Shush, shush, Justin wake up, come on Sonny Boy, wake up for me. Come on baby let me see those beautiful blue eyes, come on baby please wake up.”

The more Brain murmured words of comfort the more Justin seemed to fight the hold Brian had on him. He was hoping it was a sign that Justin was fighting to escape the nightmare.

“I'm sorry...I'm sorry...all my fault...all my fault, Daphne wake up, not my fault, no not my fault, please don't hate me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Justin's words came out in breathless loud sobbing causing both of them to shake with the vibrations.

Brian's right hand quickly grasped the back of Justin head soothing back the hair. “Justin it's not your fault, please baby wake up.” He pleaded, rocking both of them back and forth. He was unable to listen to the words and sounds that Justin was creating for much longer. It was killing him to hear the pain and anguish.

He knew if he couldn't wake up Justin, he'd have to call a doctor and he was unwilling to do that right now. Knowing he had to be cruel to be kind he quickly pulled the teen back and held him by his upper arms. “Justin, wake up now!” He winced at his own voice, wanting to take the teen back into the surrounding comfort of his body, but he had to wake him up. Immediately Justin's eye's flew open.

The moisture from the tears still clinging to his long eyelashes, cheeks rosy from the heat, Justin's confused blue eyes suddenly focussed in on Brian's own pain filled hazel ones.


“I couldn't wake you up baby.” He explained hoping the sharp shock he'd given hadn't caused more damage.

“Dreaming? It was just a nightmare?” Justin asked alarmed, but with a slight tinge of hope mixed in his tone.

Brain was about to nod and reassure him when he realised what Justin really meant. He dropped his glaze down to his lap, his hands sliding down Justin's arms. Looking back up, Justin had taken his silence and reaction as his answer.

Justin pulled away, climbing out of the bed and heading straight into the bathroom. Before Brian could follow, the door had been pulled shut and the lock turned. Brian wiped his face with his right hand and stared at the closed door, hoping he wasn't going to regret placing the lock on that door he stood up and left the bedroom.


Brian was standing by the steps leading up to the bedroom, the only sound he could hear was his own breathing as he strained to listen for any sound coming from the bathroom.

It had been nearly twenty minutes since Justin had pulled away from him, and he was fighting the fear that something had happened.

He was about to find a screwdriver for the lock, he wasn't sure if he even owned one, when the door opened. Not wanting to look like he'd been waiting in the same position for the last twenty minutes he quickly stepped over to the counter, tidying up the lack of clutter.

“I don't have any clothes here.”

Brian spun around at the sound of Justin's voice. It was the first time he'd heard a full clear sentence from the teen, and he was hoping this was a good sign.

Jogging up the few steps he went to one of the drawers. “You left some clothes here from last time. I always forgot to give them back.” He pulled out some sweats and a sweater. He handed them over.

“Thanks.” Justin forced a small smile. Pulling on the clothes he sat down on the end of the bed.

“How are you feeling?” Brian cringed at his own question, but Justin didn't seem to take it in a condescending manner.

“Kind of like I'm still dreaming.” Justin admitted honestly. “Everything's really distorted. I don't even feel real any more.”

Brian dropped down next to him, then decided to push the boundaries. “I'm sorry Daphne died Justin, I might not know what you're going through, but I do know that you two were extremely close.”

“Like you and Michael are.” He stated.

At Justin's words, Brian felt a pang of fear of losing Michael hit him, then realised that he had just received a small sample of what Justin must be going through. “Yeah like me and Michael.”

They both stayed silent for a few minutes, both unsure what to do and say.

Brian spoke first. “I was going through my cupboards and found some tinned soup and there's some bread and ham, how about I make you something to eat?”

“I'm not really hungry.”

“I bet you haven't eaten all day.” Brian stood up. “Come and help me warm up the soup Sunshine.” He held out his hand. “Don't tell anyone, but I'm not that great in the cooking department. I missed it out in school and went straight to Fucking 101.”

Justin smiled, the first genuine smile all day and took hold of Brian's hand allowing himself to be pulled to his feet. “I'll do the soup, you can make the sandwiches.”

Still holding onto Justin's hand he led him down the steps. “It's a deal.”

Brian's Loft
Saturday 8.45am

Brian yawned and stretched out his arms trying to unlock the tense muscles in his back and shoulders.

After their late night meal of soup and sandwiches -which Brian noticed Justin only ate half of -, Brian had locked up the loft and fell into bed next to Justin. Justin had thanked him for the food and had slipped to the far side of bad, physically pulling away from Brian's touch. At first Brian had felt as though he'd taken one step forward then ten steps back, but he remembered what he'd told Debbie only an hour before, Justin needed space. He had managed to get Justin to talk and eat if only a little, if he was reluctant to be close to Brian in bed, well that was something the teen would work through in his own time. Brian wouldn't force him, he knew he'd be there whenever that time was.

He'd woken up a hour ago thanking whatever God's around for the lack of nightmares and peaceful sleep that Justin had received. Laying there next to him, he had placed his hand softly over Justin's heart and stayed there feeling each beat. Justin could never know how much he loved having him next to him. No matter how selfish it sounded he hoped Daphne's death wouldn't take that away from him. He'd felt last night what losing Michael might feel like, but if he was honest losing Justin physically and mentally could hurt just as bad.

After dragging himself away from Justin's sleeping form he worked almost silently, clearing up Justin's school clothes left on the floor all night and the plates and bowls still in the sink, hoping Justin would get as much sleep as possible. If last night's nightmare told him anything it was that Justin had been unable to sleep properly for the last three weeks.

He was about to switch the computer on to download some files Cynthia had promised to send him -he had phoned and told her he'd be working from home for the weekend-, when a knock came at the loft door. Expecting Debbie who was bringing round some of Justin's clothes and belongings, he walked over and opened the door, he wasn't expecting the other Novotny.

“What are you doing here?” Brian was pushed aside as Michael stormed in.

“So he's here is he?” Michael glanced into the direction of the bedroom.

“Keep your voice down will you.” Brian closed the door reluctantly; having heard the tone of voice in his best friend, he decided he was not in the mood to deal with Michael.

“My mom's in a right state because of him. I was in a middle of a date when she called me. I had to go over there last night and stay with her.” Michael hadn't seemed to hear Brian's request as he slumped down into the couch, his voice rising as he let out his barrage of whining. “Couldn't he, have gone home last night? Why'd he have to stay here? I thought you got rid of him.”

“Christ Michael, didn't Debbie tell you what's been going on?” Brian looked down at his best friend and wondered silently and not for the first time, why he was still best friends with such an immature person.

“Yeah and I'm sorry, but didn't you hear me? I was in a middle of a date. I don't understand why you let him stay here.” He sulked sitting back into the cushions. “He's already got my room, and my mom and uncle Vic, now he's got...” Michael stopped speaking.

Brian held the grin that was fighting to appear. “You were about to say something Mikey?” He asked seriously, making Michael jump to his feet.

“Just tell him to go home, hasn't he got his own family? He's everywhere I go, and I'm fed up of my life getting ruin... I mean disrupted by that trick.” He stormed out, nearly bumping into his mom as he went.

“Hey careful, you nearly made me spill Sunshine's breakfast!” Debbie called out.

“Oh we wouldn't want that!” Michael shouted back as he walked down the stairs

Debbie frowned and turned back round. “What's with that little shit?”

Brian shook his head and took the brown paper bag of food. “The usual.”

As Debbie closed the loft door and Brian placed the bag of food, enough to feed everyone and anyone on the counter, Justin walked down silently in his sweats and sweater, looking a lot more awake then someone who had just woken up would have.

Debbie smiled, tears already coming to her eyes. “Sunshine.” She held out arms expecting Justin to fall into one of her breath taking away hugs, but he flinched slightly and stepped back, forcing a smile of his own to hide his discomfort, though it didn't work.

Brian quickly broke the tense moment. “Mother Debbie brought enough food to feed every Babylon boy ever to have visited the backroom. Jesus Debbie, you do realise there's only two of us here.”

Realising Brian's tactic Debbie quickly turned to him. “I'm sure you can force yourself to eat something more then protein and coffee.”

“But that's the most important meal of the day.” He teased tongue slipping into the side of his mouth.

“Don't get mouthy.” Debbie pointed her rosy red painted finger nail at him, a small smile creeping onto her own face.

“Debbie brought you some of your clothes Jus. Why don't you take a shower and change.”

Justin smiled slightly at Debbie picking up his bag then walked to the bathroom, locking the door once he was in.

Debbie fell into one of the stools at the counter as soon as they heard the shower. They both stayed silent for a while, listening to the water running.

“How couldn't I have seen this?” Debbie asked.

Knowing what she meant he poured her some coffee, then leant both arms on the counter. “He hid it well.”

“Too well, the poor kid looks a mess.”

“What did you expect? He found his best friend dead, tried to save her, then kept it a secret from everyone he knew for nearly a month. A month were none of us noticed that something was wrong with him. It was only because of that shit of a father calling did we realise something was wrong.”

“I fucked up big time.” She whispered, drying her eyes with a tissue.

“We fucked up, we're all to blame, but he doesn't need our fucking guilt or pity right now, just our support...” Brian quickly stood up straight. “Christ I'm sounding like you.”

“We all know you're not an asshole twenty four seven kiddo, even if you do try to make us believe it.” She smiled. “And as this is the day for surprises, I'm going to have to agree with you.”

“Fuck, now I need to sit down.” Brian walked around the counter and dropped down into the other seat, but not before receiving a clip round the ear.

“You little shit.” She said affectionately. “As I was saying, you're right Justin needs our support, all our support, and if the best place right now is with you, then he needs to stay here.”

“Are we going now?”

As they heard Justin's voice, they both turned around.

“Go where?” Brian asked, noticing that Justin was holding onto both of his bags.

“I think I'm going back with Debbie.” Justin spoke quietly as though he was unsure of his own voice.

Brian frowned and stood up walking over towards him. “You want to go back to Debbie's?” He asked noticing that Justin wouldn't even look him in the eye, it felt like he was ashamed to even voice his own wants.

Justin nodded, staring at the floor.

“You do know that I don't mind you staying here? Debbie's not here to take you back.”

Justin nodded again. “I know.” He whispered. “I think I should go now. Thank you for everything Brian.”

Justin started to walk to the door, surprising both Debbie and Brian.

Brian watched as Justin opened the loft door and walked out. He couldn't bring himself to move or speak, for some reason he felt as though Justin had walked out of his life and it was killing him inside.

“What he wants.” Debbie repeated quietly. Then reached up and patted him on the cheek. “Come around, visit him okay? Don't take it to heart and punish him for his choice.”

Brian looked down ready to argue back, when he realised she was right. He would have kept away feeling hard done by, feeling slighted, when right now his insecurities weren't the issue.

He smiled and kissed her cheek. “Don't forget to set an extra seat for dinner mom.” She smiled at his way of reassuring her and walked out.

As he stood alone in the middle of his empty loft, Brian couldn't understand why he was feeling hurt and upset, it wasn't like Justin had walked out of his life, it wasn't like he'd finally decided to move on, was it?

Debbie's Home

Sometimes he wished he was back in his own room, back with his family, surrounded by everything that he knew as home and familiarity. When those times came he'd smile and enjoy the memories, but then he'd remember why he was living in Michael's old bedroom, with it's old wallpaper and memories of a time when Brian and Michael were teens.

He hated not having a home, a family, it use to be the thing that kept him up at night, make him cringe with jealousy when he saw Brian with Gus and Debbie with Michael, now, now he'd give up any sort of family to have his best friend back.

He'd told Debbie that he was tired and that he needed to sleep, but lying in Michael's old bed, he couldn't shut his eyes. He knew he'd dream if he let himself sleep, the nightmares full of guilt and pain filled him with terror, but that wasn't the worst thing. He was scared to fall a sleep because he was scared to wake up. Every day for three weeks as he'd woken up for a few of those minute moments between waking and sleeping, he'd think that everything was okay. He wouldn't be aware of what he had felt or what he'd seen or lost... he'd be in that time thinking everything was how it was supposed to be. But then it would happen and he'd open his eyes to the sunlight but also to reality. That's why he couldn't sleep, at least if he stayed awake he'd always be in this numb state, always knowing the truth without the hope being snatched away.

For the last two hours he'd been staring at the picture on the wall, trying hard to get lost in those deep hazel eyes, but he couldn't escape no matter how hard he tried. He knew deep down that he needed to be looking into the real ones, not a black and white drawing.

He'd woken up this morning feeling safe and at peace for the first time in weeks, he knew it wasn't just waking up in Brian's bed, but also the knowledge that Brian was close by. He was going to go to him, thank Brian for the night before, thank him for not pushing him into talking when he first heard the news, or rather not pushing him.

Michael had never liked him, from their first meeting he was snappish and rude, although he guessed meeting half naked and in Brian's bedroom would probably piss off any one who lusted after the hazel eyed god. But even when he was slowly being accepted by the others, Michael was always there snapping at him, treating him like he was some sort of pest. Even after he helped Brian and Michael get back together he was never thanked well, Brian did, but that involved the bedroom, but Michael kept on with his unwelcome manner.

He never expected those words this morning; the blame and the criticism, maybe he should never have expected sympathy and comfort, but still it hurt a lot, and that was why he was here at Debbie's instead of with Brian where he wanted to be.

He never wanted to come between Brian and Michael, he saw what happened with Brian when they weren't talking. Yes, he personally got to spend more time with Brian, but he wasn't who Brian wanted around, he was just a replacement, a distraction. It hurt him coming to that conclusion but at the time he saw how hurt Brian was and he knew he needed to get them back together. That's why he told Brian this morning that he wanted to go back to Debbie's, he knew how angry and annoyed Michael got when he was around Brian and he didn't want Brian to have to put up with Michael's anger or even lose him. He knew Michael was more important to Brian then he was, and he was never ever going to put Brian in a situation that made him lose Michael's friendship again. After losing his best friend he knew what the pain felt like and he wouldn't contribute ever again to Brian pain. If that meant he wouldn't see Brian again, he would just have to cope.

A couple of taps at the door and then he heard it open, he didn't bother to turn around, he knew who it was.

“Sunshine, I've brought you some hot chocolate and cookies. I'll leave them on the table.”

He kept his eyes on the wall, waiting for Debbie to leave him alone once again, he heard the floor squeak as she stood staring at the back of his head, then a few sniffles, a sigh then she was leaving, and the door was shut once again. He knew he'd be left alone for the rest of the day, but that's what he wanted wasn't it?

Debbie's Home

Brian opened the unlocked door and walked into the front room spotting Vic sitting in the recliner.

“Hey Vic.” He dropped his coat onto the stair banister, glancing up for a moment, then turned to sit down on the couch.

“He hasn't come down since he got here.” Vic said, noticing where Brian's thoughts where.

“Has he said much?”

“Not a word, to either me or Deb. She went out to grab some food for dinner, we're not really in the mood to cook tonight.”

Brian leant forward, his elbows on top of his knees. “I thought he would have spoken to you, I know he talks to you about a lot of things.”

“He kept the death of his best friend secret for nearly a month, I don't think he can talk to anyone right now. To be honest I was really surprised to see him here this morning, not that I don't want him here, but I thought he'd want to stay with you.” Vic hoped Brian would answer the question he'd been asking himself all day.

“Debbie and me decided that whatever Justin wanted to do he could-”

“I know that, but that doesn't answer why he chose to come back here.” Vic raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah I've been asking myself that too. I told him I wanted him to stay, and after last night I thought he was opening up a bit, I thought it was a positive thing, but then again maybe he was just trying to keep me happy.” Brian shrugged his shoulders sitting back into the cushions.

“Maybe you could go up and see him.”

“I'm not sure, I don't want to-”

“Sorry you must have misheard, I meant you will go up and see him now.” Vic interrupted repeating forcefully each of the words. He watched as Brian's reluctance, even nervousness disappear as he stood up.

“You know I always wondered how you could make someone like Debbie do anything, now I know how.” Brian shook his head climbing up the steps two at a time.

Vic chuckled lightly. “It's a gift.”

Pushing the door open slowly Brian stepped into Justin's bedroom spotting the teen curled up in bed, his back towards him. He was about to leave thinking Justin was asleep when heard movement. Justin turned to him.

“Hey.” Brian smiled, “Can I come in?” He closed the door and smiled again when Justin nodded.

Justin sat up leaning on the headboard, pulling the covers up to his chin as Brian sat down on the edge of the bed.

“I had to go into work at lunch time. Someone had fucked up the boards for that air freshener proposal, you remember the one?” Brian asked.

“The Smell n Smile range?”

“Ah, now it's aptly named...” Brian held out both arms as though he was presenting the new name. “Freshness; one squirt banishes those nasty odours.”

Justin wrinkled his nose up. “I prefer Smell n'Smile.”

“To be honest me too, but they pay good bucks for us to give them a new look and name even if it's just as bad as the old one, but don't tell anyone I told you that.”

“I'm sure no one would believe me if I told them all advertising was a load of-.”

“Thank you Sunshine.” Brian smiled, tongue firmly in the side of his cheek as he reached over to tickle the teen.

Justin giggled at Brian's antics then sat back, a small smile still on his face.

“Is this where you want to be Justin?” Brian suddenly asked.

Justin's smile slipped from his face as he thought about the question, he knew what he wanted to say but he knew that he couldn't. “Yeah.”

“Okay, I promise I wont ask you again.”

Hearing those words Justin felt a sharp pain attack his chest but instead of showing it he forced a smile. “Thanks.”

Before Brian could say anything else the door opened and Debbie poked her head around the side.

“Sorry to interrupt boys.” She shook her head dislodging the image of two 16 year olds talking and laughing on the very same bed over fifteen years ago. “Christ that was a bit of a deja vu!” She said to herself. “I've put some food out, do you want to come down for something to eat Justin?”


“Don't worry Debbie hasn't cooked Sunshine.”

“You little shit, for that you don't get any apple pie.”

“Ah mom, I hate you.” Brain whined. “Come on Jus, keep me company downstairs.”

Justin looked reluctant but slowly he nodded his head and climbed out the bed and left the room.

As Brian went to follow, Debbie stopped him.

“I'm really proud of you Brian.” She patted his cheek smiling. “You're doing great with him, just keep going okay? I think you're the only one who's going to be able to help him through this.”

Brian nodded seriously, then bit his bottom lip. “Does that mean I get some apple pie now?”

Debbie laughed and replied. “I'll think about it.”

Brian's Loft
Sunday 10.30 am

Usually Brian would be at the Diner having breakfast with the boys after a Saturday night of fucking, sucking and trick picking, but after last nights dinner he had stayed late talking to both Vic and Debbie about the next few weeks and how they could help Justin.

He had told them that he didn't think the teen would appreciate being dragged to a counsellor and that it was highly unlikely that he would talk to some stranger, but he had agreed that if Justin wouldn't talk more to him then they would look into finding someone.

Debbie had told him she would be speaking to Justin's school on Monday, hoping to find out why nobody had told them about Daphne's death, but she also wanted to make sure Justin was handling the work, especially as he had finals soon.

They had all agreed that Brian should spend more time over at the house and to take Justin to and from school; none of them wanted him to go missing again.

Brian found it strange that he was playing such a big part in helping Justin and not trying to get out of the responsibility. Just under a year ago, he wouldn't have imagined that he'd be helping out someone other then his immediate family, let alone some 18 year old teenager. But then again, Justin wasn't just some teenager. He knew from the moment he laid eyes on him he would never have let him into his life as much as he had, if on some level he didn't care deeply about him.

It wasn't a one way thing though, he knew how much Justin enjoyed being with him but although he wouldn't admit it, he loved being around him too. He liked the fact Justin could be a typical teen one moment, teasing him and their friends and the next, standing up to the likes of his father and Hobbs as though it was no big thing. Christ, he'd told Justin that he'd teach him to be the best homosexual possible, but sometimes he felt as though Justin was teaching him, and it wasn't just him. He knew Michael's jealousy wasn't just because Justin hung around him and the gang, it was because this kid, this blue eyed blond haired 18 year old was standing up and being what Michael was too scared to be himself; a proud gay man. He might have the looks of a kid, but he was definitely a man.

As soon as the phone rang he grabbed it.

“Hello...oh hey Debbie...who?...Calm down...What the hell? He what? No, it's okay I'm coming...just lock the doors...well call the cops...I'm leaving now... No, I have to hang up, call me on my mobile...yes... just don't let him near Justin...” Grabbing his keys and coat he quickly rushed to the door. “I'm hanging up now.” Brian threw the phone across the floor, not caring whether or not it had smashed.

Sliding the door shut, he rushed down the stairs realising he hadn't turned the alarm on, but at that moment he couldn't care less whether or not he was burgled.

Debbie's House

As soon as Brian pulled into the street he saw the guy on Debbie's porch shouting and waving his arms around angrily. Tires screeching he drove up onto the pavement getting as close to the house as possible. He jumped out the car, left the door open and ran towards the man.

“Hey!” Reaching the guy, Brian spun him around to get a good look at him. The man was in his mid thirties, dark brown hair, brown eyes, his face red with anger.

“Who the hell are you?!” The guy shouted at him, both his hands clenched into fists, something which Brian noticed straight away.

“Someone who actually belongs here. Now who the fuck are you?” Brian stepped in front of the door.

“None of your fucking business!”

“It's my business when you're harassing my family. Now get the fuck out of here before I call the cops.”

The door opened and Debbie stepped into the gap. “Brain?”

“Go back inside Deb.”

“Where's that fucking kid? I want to see that murderer now! Where is he? Where are you hiding him?!”

The guy went to push past Brian but as soon as he touched him Brian grabbed his jacket and threw him across the porch.


Brian quickly turned and went into the house. Making sure the locks were secure, he turned around and saw Justin in the hallway shaking with fear.

“Jesus.” Brian went to Justin wrapping his arms around the teen. As he pulled him to his chest he felt shudders coursing through Justin's body.

“I'm calling the cops.” Debbie said rushing to the phone.

“I know him. I know him.” Justin mumbled.

“Who is he?”

“He's Daphne's uncle.” Justin sobbed.

“Shit.” Brian held on tighter. “It's okay don't worry.”

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Justin carried on mumbling. “It's my fault, it's all my fault.”

“Justin this isn't your fault.” Brian replied kissing the top of his head.

“One of the neighbours must have called the cops, they're on the way.” Debbie said as she tried to ignore the loud banging on the front door. “Don't worry Sunshine he'll be gone soon...thank god Vic's not here.” She whispered under her breath, but as soon as she did a loud crash entered the house.

As the window smashed Brian wrapped his other arm around Debbie and covered both her and Justin with his body.

“He killed my niece! He killed my niece!”

Brian straightened up turning around to see the rock lying in front of the two seats, broken glass covered the floor and furniture.

They were all luckily too far away to be damaged by the shards but Brian still looked both of them over.

“Debbie you okay?” He asked grabbing hold of Justin once again, he knew there was no point in asking him, nobody could be okay with what was happening.

“You fucking bastard! I'm going to rip your balls out of your fucking mouth!” She screamed, looking ready to take action.

“I'll take that as a yes.” Brian muttered wrapping one arm around Justin to pull him close and grabbing hold of Debbie's arm. “You're not going anywhere ball breaker.” He pulled her and led Justin into the kitchen away from the window and door.

“Let me go, I'm going to show him he can't mess with my family!” She screeched out the last of the words like a mother hen or more like tiger ready to protect her young.

“And then watch you get arrested? I don't think so.” Brian placed Justin in one the seats. “I'll handle this.” He went to walk away but Justin quickly latched onto his hand.

“No, Brian please don't.” Justin sobbed. “Don't go outside.”

“I'll be fine.”

“No, I don't want you to get hurt.”

“Me too.” Debbie said firmly.

Brian wasn't used to backing down, but he could see how frightened Justin was and didn't want to add to his guilt.

“Okay...okay.” He pulled Justin to his feet, sat himself down then pulled Justin onto his lap. Justin placed his head in the crook of Brian's neck.

Daphne's uncle could still be heard shouting as the sound of police sirens filtered through. The slamming of four doors and the shouting from the cops silenced the stranger immediately.

“About bloody time.” Debbie said a touch of relief in her tone.

“We've got the guy cuffed, could you let us in ma'am?” A young women asked through the broken window.

Debbie headed towards the door and opened it allowing the officer in.

“I'm Officer McFadden.” She introduced herself as another cop followed her in. “This is my partner Gregory, is everyone okay in here?”

“Depends what you mean.” Brian replied honestly with no hint of sarcasm as he held onto Justin, who still hadn't moved from his position.

“Is he okay?” Gregory asked sincerely.

“Physically yeah.” Debbie glanced at Justin.

“We can call in an EMT?”

“No, it's okay, it's just a lot to deal with.” Debbie answered.

“Of course.” McFadden replied taking out her note pad and pen. “We just need to get some information. Do you know who the guy is?”

“Not personally, he's he...” Debbie stopped not really sure how to answer.

“His name's Simon Chanders.” Justin spoke up as he looked at the officer. “His niece died three weeks ago, she drowned in the back garden pool. I was her best friend. I found her and tried to resuscitate her but it was too late. The coroner's verdict was accidental death, she slipped and banged her head... she was unconscious when she fell in the pool.”

Brian held onto Justin tighter listening for the first time the details coming from Justin's mouth but that wasn't the worst thing, the worst thing was the fact that Justin's voice was void of any emotion, it was almost like he was reading a news report.

“I went to the funeral but I never spoke to any of the extended family. I met Simon a couple of years ago...He said I was a murderer.” Justin's emotionless voice quickly changed as he started to sob. He dropped his head back onto Brian's shoulder.

“I'm sorry.” The female officer told him. “Could we get your names?”

“Debbie Novotny.”

“Brian Kinney. This is Justin Taylor.”

“Thank you. We're going to need to know in the next 24 hours whether or not you're going to want to press charges.”

“Christ.” Debbie dropped down into a chair. “I understand he's in pain but he has no right to come here and do this.” She indicated not just to the window but to Justin too. “He's just a kid.” She sighed softly, then shook her head. “No, it would be too much and there's enough on everyone's plates right now.”

“We understand, it's a delicate situation. Regardless of his loss though, it's mandatory to keep him after a public disorder offence. Hopefully after the twenty four hours he'd have calmed down enough for us to talk to him. He'll get warned to keep away from this address and Mr Taylor, if he doesn't, we'll arrest him.” She took out a small card. “Here, if there's any more problems or you have any questions, call this number. I'll make sure any call comes straight to me.” She handed the card to Debbie who stood up.

“Thank you.”

Gregory pocketed his note pad. “I'll put a call in when I get back to the car, get someone to come over to board up the window for you.”

“That would be great, thank you officers.” Debbie lead them to the door.

Both of the officers left leaving the three alone in the house, but no sooner had the door closed it opened again.

“What the...” Vic dropped the grocery bags to the floor alarmed.

“Long story.” Debbie sighed.

Debbie House

Brian sat once again on the bed in Justin's bedroom, this time watching as Justin slept. Now and again he would run his fingers through the blonde hair then down his cheek, hoping his touch would comfort him.

After Vic arrived Debbie told him what happened while Brian helped Justin back upstairs.

Brian thought Justin would want to get away from the house but he seemed more tired than anything. He closed the curtains, pulled the covers down, then tucked him in kissing him on the forehead. Justin hadn't said anything but instead held onto the side of his coat, blues eyes pleading with him. Brian quickly slipped out of his jacket, kicked off his shoes and lay down on the bed. Pulling Justin onto top of him he then threw the cover over both of them.

“Sleep Sunshine, I'll be here.” He said holding onto him.

He had held on for only ten minutes when he recognised the hitch in Justin's breathing and knew Justin had fallen asleep. He stayed in that position soothingly rubbing Justin's back for another twenty minutes, until he gently left the bed without waking him.

He quietly placed his shoes back on and went down to help tidy up the glass, praying Justin would sleep peacefully for a few hours.

Someone had been and gone to board up the window and Brian personally called Cynthia to phone someone else to fit in a new piece of glass. He told Debbie and Vic he'd pay and only won the argument after asking them if they would rather let Justin pay. Before he was smacked across the head for the question, he explained that Justin would be filled with so much guilt and blame that he'd be begging to pay to fix the damage. Both Debbie and Vic had agreed but not without first telling him that they could afford it and weren't a charity case, which he replied that they should probably redecorate; Debbie smacked him across the head.

It was over two hours later. Thankfully Justin was still quietly sleeping without showing any outward signs that he was suffering from shock, Brian wished he could believe it would stay that way when he woke up.

He was about to head back downstairs hoping to leave Justin to some more peaceful sleep when he heard the door slam shut and then someone screeching. Michael had arrived.

“Brian.” Justin turned onto his back slowly opening his eyes, trying to focus on him.

“Hey.” He sat back down on the bed. “Sorry, did he wake you?”

“Doesn't matter.” Justin sat up. “What time is it?”

“Nearly three. Are you hungry?”

“Why does everybody keep trying to force food down me?”

Brian winced at Justin's tone. “Sorry.”

“No.” Justin shook his head. “No I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you.”

“Don't worry I think you've got the right too.”

“Maybe but you don't deserve it.” Justin replied.

Justin looked at the closed curtains. “I have to get out of here.” He stood up grabbing his shoes and his coat.

“Where do you want to go?”

“Anywhere.” Justin looked Brian in the eyes. “I just have to get out of this house.”

“Come on.”

As they walked down the stairs they saw Michael sitting on the couch, Emmett and Ted where in the other two seats. They stopped talking when Brian and Justin appeared.

“Hey baby.” Emmett stood up. “Are you okay?”

Justin forced a smile. “I'm fine.”

“We're heading out.” Brian went to the door knowing before his hand touched the handle someone would speak up.

“Brian where are you going?” Michael asked.

“I just told you; out. Don't wait up for us.” Brian quickly got the door opened and led Justin out before any more protests.

The Jeep

They had been driving around for nearly an hour neither of them speaking a word, both comfortable with the silence.

Justin spoke up first. “I was late.”

Brian was about to ask what he was talking about but Justin carried on.

“I was supposed to meet Daphne just after two but I missed the bus and the next one was late. I got to her house nearly forty minutes late.”

Brian gripped tightly onto the steering wheel at hearing Justin's words. He wasn't sure whether or not he should pull over.

“I walked down the path to the garden calling out for her, I think I was saying sorry or something.” He shook his head as though he was trying to dislodge the exact memories. “When I got into the garden she wasn't there, so I was about to head inside the house when I saw something in the pool...I didn't know.”

“Christ.” Brian made up his mind. Pulling the jeep across the lane ignoring the beeping from the other cars, he parked the car.

Brian unbuckled his seat belt and turned to face Justin.

“I keep thinking back to the exact moment that I saw her, it keeps going around in my head like some sort of scene from a horror movie. I didn't think it was her at first it didn't register, I don't think I wanted it to.” Justin dropped his head into his hands. “God. Her lips were so blue it didn't look real...and I tried...there was blood all over her head...but I tried, I did.”

“Justin.” Brian placed his arm around his shoulders. “You did everything you could, I know you did.”

“I did.” Justin looked up. “I dialled 911 they told me what to do but we were taught at school I knew what to do.”

“I know.” Brian stroked the back of his neck as he watched the tears slowly fall down his cheeks.

“Is it my fault? I got there late, if I wasn't late she wouldn't be dead. I killed her Brian, it's my fault.” Justin started to grow hysterical.

“No.” Brian pulled him to his chest. “No Justin, it was an accident, just a tragic accident. I know you're hurting, you've been through so much but this isn't you're fault, you didn't kill her. There's so many what ifs Jus, what if she hadn't slipped? What if it had been raining and she hadn't gone outside? What if you planned to meet another time? So many different ifs. You weren't too blame please believe me, please stop blaming yourself.”

“But Simon he's her family he said I was a murderer.”

“He's upset, people say some really hurtful nasty things when they have to deal with a loss. Tell me something.” He pulled Justin up to look at him, drying his tear tracked face with his right hand. “You went to the funeral didn't you?”

“Yeah, I sat with Daphne's mum and dad at the front, she held my hand throughout the service.” Justin said.

“See Sunshine, they knew how important you were to Daphne; you were best friends for such a long time. Daphne's mum wouldn't have been holding your hand if she felt you were at wrong. You tried to save their daughter, they couldn't have asked any more from you.” Brian reached forward and kissed him on the lips. “I'm so proud of you Justin.”


“Justin you tried everything to save your best friend, I know you did because I know what type of person you are. No more guilt Jus, Daphne wouldn't want you to feel like this.”

“I just want the memories to stop, I can't make them go away.”

“It sounds so fucking clichéd this but it takes time, it will get better I promise you and I never promise anything Sunshine.” Brian told him honestly.

“Sometimes I know that, but there's this voice that keeps telling me that I have to feel guilty, that it's my fault.”

“That's called grief and it's a nasty fucker but you've got me to beat it now. So you don't need to cope on your own any more, okay?”


“Come on let's go back to the loft and pig out on pizza.”

“You too?” Justin smiled.

“Yeah but no telling anyone.”

The Diner
One Month Later
Friday 6.15pm

Brian watched as Justin walked around the diner smiling and chatting to the customers. He grinned himself when he received a smile as Justin walked past the booth.

Things had been gradually getting better, Justin had been talking more to him but also to Debbie and Vic. He had also kept his promise and was spending more time with Justin, not that it was a chore though.

What probably helped things along was the call from Mr Chanders; Daphne's father. He had called a day after the rock through the window incident and apologised to Debbie, but also too Justin. Justin had got off the phone telling them that he had been invited to see the Chanders any time and that he would always be a part of their family. From there Justin seemed to be feeling better about things and they all felt they were getting their Sunshine back.

“You're going to give him a complex Bri.”

Brian turned to face Lindsay who was smiling. “Excuse me?”

“Since we got here you haven't stopped watching Justin, he's going to think there's something wrong.” She sipped her cup of coffee.

“Hey Sunshine?” Brian called out to Justin who was behind the counter. “Lindsay says you're going to get a complex with me watching you all the time. You don't mind me staring at your bubble butt do you?”

“When do you ever need my or anybody else's permission?” Justin grinned then walked a way.

Brian smirked slipping his tongue into the side of his cheek.

“You're a terrible influence on him.” Lindsay said as she laughed.

“I think you've got it the other way round.”

As Justin walked past, Brian reached out to snag his apron tie, pulling him onto his lap.

“Brian I'm working.”


“You're finishing school soon aren't you Justin?” Lindsay asked.

“Yeah couple more weeks. I cant wait for it to be over. They're actually holding the prom two weeks before the exams start.”

“Are you going?” Lindsay asked regretting her question when she noticed the smile slip from Justin's face.

“I was...we...me and Daphne had decided to go together.”

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-”

“No no don't apologise I don't want to stop talking about her, that wouldn't be fare to her.”

“Yeah, she'd have kicked your butt.” Brian bounced Justin slightly. “She really had a strong right hook on her.” He winced remembering that night in Woody's.

Justin laughed. “Yeah she told me you winced like a big girl's blouse.”

“Oh did I now?”

“You probably did.” Lindsay added firmly.

“What is this gang up on Kinney day?” Brian acted upset but his kiss to the side of Justin's neck told them other wise.

“So yeah.” Justin continued. “We where going to go to the prom together being without dates and all, but now it wouldn't be much fun on my own.”

“I'd like to be your date.” Brian said teasingly.

“Sure, and hang out with a bunch of fucking 18 year olds. You'd head straight for the punch bowl and refuse to leave until it was finished.” Justin replied.

“That's a bit harsh Sunshine... I would never drink punch.”

Justin laughed as he stood up then leant down and fell into a deep and breathless kiss. “Don't worry Brian I would never put you through such an embarrassment. I've got to get back to work.”

As Justin left Lindsay turned to Brian, leaning forward.

“You could surprise him. Take him to the prom, he would love it.”

Brian frowned looking at her as though she was crazy. Lindsay sighed.

“Fine it was just a suggestion.” She stood up dropping her hands on the table and leant down to face him. “But just think how happy he'd be if you did go with him. Taking a few hours off from fucking some trick wouldn't kill you would it?” She kissed his cheek and left leaving Brian to her words.

The Loft
13 days Later

Justin rushed up the stairs with a smile on his face.

He had just got back from school and was heading to the diner when his mobile rang, recognising the ring tone he gave Brian, he answered it. He'd actually been surprised that Brian was calling him as he was supposed to be at work.

“Hey Sunshine.”

“Hey, what's up? I was about to head to the diner.”

“Change of plans, I need you to come over to the loft.”

“Aren't you working? And what do you mean change of plans? Debbie's expecting me, I can't just not turn up. I have to-”

“If you let me talk Jus, I would tell you that Debbie knows that you're not working tonight and I finished work early. You need to hang up and get over here. Okay?” Brain asked.

“Be there soon.”

That was twenty five minutes ago, he was now outside the loft door.

When he stepped inside he thought Brian would be waiting for him but he wasn't there. He was about to head into the bedroom when Brian walked down the steps.

“About time Sunshine.” He held out his arms. “You coming or going?”

“Brian?” Justin frowned at Brian, he had never seen the man looking so beautiful before.

Brian was wearing a black tux, a white silk scarf resting on his shoulders and in one hand he held onto a red rose.

“What's going on?” Justin walked towards him confusion written all over his face.

Brian held out the rose in front of him. “Did you forget already?”

“Forget what?”

Brian lightly brushed the rose petals across Justin's lips. “Didn't I tell you I'd be your date to the prom?”

“But we were messing around, you weren't serious.”

“Maybe I need you to help me recapture my lost youth.”

Justin smiled taking hold of the rose. “It's ridiculously romantic.” He threw his arms around Brian.

“Yeah, just promise me you won't tell anyone Sunshine?”

The end


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