Is proper to learn it english why

Is proper to learn it english why?

Acquaintance of foreign language try (look) , but there is particularly english not important zmiernie. Probably, acquaintance of english would be inept in which (who) domain of life not has. Dependent on it not if (or) you would like to visit foreign countries if (or) you look for work, you can be some that quickly (rather) if (or) you will adjoin with necessity of use of english later. Conviction reigns in poland still, that science of language does not understands it compulsion, so, many pupils (disciples) try (look) on make irritate (chafe) all and it does not learn he (it) in whole. Fact comes for it, that many teachers uses with obsolete methods of instructing still and it forces from pupils (disciples) tame grammatical exercises executable < practice >, in whole on other guns (sections) not concentrating, as e.g. vocabulary, correct pronunciation, if (or) auscultating with language. If pupil (disciple) will leave for border if (or) even if movie wants to observe in english, it does not understands nothing simply, but it discourages him (it) even more. Because what for lose time on science still, have instructed we by five last since ? Is proper to devote it on science of foreign language why so,? English is most important language in the world, by millions of people use. If anybody < somebody > is interested traveling, it opens english for each practically nook doors in the world. Not important if (or) you are in restaurant if (or) you want to reserve chamber (peace) in hotel, it enables english it. There is one of most important criterion for persons at choice of (election of) employer searching for new work english. Even if it is not required he (its; his; it) for work directly, employers give foreign language always person knowing perfectly fory. In present times, when there are computers in each house practically, majority people must have contact with english, as he (it) is universal information language. With this language for action in internet mum < have > too as well as in computer games. Even when we are relaxed listening to music, e.g. acquaintance of english can become much needed, in order to understand words sung in foreign language.

English will add me for that ?? :

  1. In the course of road work

  2. When you want to offend somebody

  3. In the course of visit in church

  4. In the course of shopping

  5. Traveling car

  6. In the course of vacations

Marcin Daczkowski


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