Ross Jeffries Bisexual Reframe Pattern

This is the amazing, ingenius, "I only date bisexual women" pattern:

Have you ever thought about the difference between ordinary women and bisexual women?

It's really interesting, because when I first started dating bisexual women, I started dating them because I liked threesomes, and I still do. But as I got to know these girls, and really discover what they were about on the inside, I found that they have qualities and characteristics that you don't find in ordinary girls.

Bisexual women have a sense of freedom, an openess, and adventurism. A sense of comfort with not only their own sexuality, but all things sexual. Because they realize, on a very deep level, they know that in this form, we're sexual beings.

But they also have another realization. They know that deep down, that our true essence, is a being of light.

And, in my experience of dating bisexual women, I have also found them to be alot more fun, not only because of threesomes, but there are certain things that I can really appreciate about them, such as the absence of jealousy, for example. Every guy has had the experience of dating a girl who gets angry at them for noticing the presence of another woman. But a bisexual woman, on the other hand, will usually notice her first! And with the absence of those kind of jealousies in a relationship, it makes it much more natural and easy to be honest and open, to truly be friends as well as lovers, which I think is the essence of really being able to connect on a much deeper me, I think that being able to have that kind of connection is priceless, don't you?

When you ask a girl if she's bisexual, she'll probably ask if YOU are:

HER: Are you?

YOU: No.

HER: Why not?

YOU: Because it's really about energy. Because first of all, in our society, bisexuality is considered to be socially extreme. Either you have to walking down the street with a sign, you know, saying, "We need our rights!" and "This is the way to go!" OR, you have to be on the other side, the religious rights, saying, "This is Sin, you're gonna go to hell!". However, this is true in America, but this isn't true anwhere else in the world. Especially in Asia.

In Asia, that's where Tantra and other sexual arts were born, and in Asia there's the concept of the Saphyism (???) which is the sexual nurturing between women. In the Saphyism, a woman's first lover is another woman. She teaches her all about her body. She teaches her how much pleasure she can enjoy, how to enjoy it, and she teaches her about the beauty of her physical body, and many of the other delicate skills and traditional ways that women interrelate with each other. And it's very much a nurturing process and when she's blossomed, then she's prepared to join with a male. See, in the East, women being toghether is looked upon as very normal, there's nothing unusual about it at all.

You even see this exact same thing happening here, even though it's repressed. You just see this natural sexual nurturing, because women are YIN energy and men are YANG energy. Now, YIN is a very loving and nurturing energy, and YANG energy is a power energy, it's a strength energy. Now, two YANG's conflict. That's why gay men have a tendency to be so feminine. Two men being toghether is very unusual, and that's why, with gay men, you always see either one masculine one and one feminine one, or just two feminine one's.

Now, this YIN energy is different here, because in this culture, it's repressed. But it's everywhere. For example, you always see women going to the bathroom toghether, holding hands, putting on each other's makeup, playing with each other's hair. It's even done on the most important day in a woman's life: when she get's married! She has her bridemaids attending to her, nurturing her. This sexual nurturing is absolutely embedded as a fundamental part of being a woman. And, just because a part of that has been criticized and has been pushed away socially by this extremist attitude that we have in our culture, not allowing the woman to fully develop who she truly is inside, and allowing her to fully explore the energies and give and recieve the love that she deserves, and that is natural for her to share with another woman.


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