Questions to prepare for History of England

Questions for History of England test in February 2014.

  1. England in the times of the Romans. What changes were introduced and how the Romans changed the life of the island.

  2. The invasion of Angles, Jutes and Saxons and their settlement in Britain. How was England changed by this invasion?

  3. The importation of Christianity; how much the new religion changed the people's mentality and their identity.

  4. The consequences of the advent of Christianity in Britain.

  5. How much did the Vikings invasion change the life in Britain?

  6. The Norman Conquest was “a blessing” for England; when did it take place and how much did it contribute to the creation of English identity?

  7. Discuss briefly the reign of the Plantagenents in Britain.

  8. What changes did England face in the time of the Tudors; characterize them briefly and provide relevant examples.

  9. Discuss the time of the Reformation in 16th century Britain and provide illustrating examples.

  10. How much did the Tudors' succession change the history/politics/life of England?

  11. What are the Elizabethan times and when did they fall? Characterize England during the reign of the famous daughter of Henry VIII.

  12. What is the Stuarts era often referred to? What historical events of major importance contributed to the growth of English sense of nation?

  13. Discuss some major dramatic events in the times of the Stuarts starting from the time of James I? Provide examples.

  14. What is the time of the Age of Reason? Please use other names for the time and characterize the era's most important historical events (examples).

  15. What is the House of the Hanoverians and why such name. What does the epoch bring to the development of the English nation in various areas of life?

  16. Whys is the 18th century called the Age of the Englightenment? What are major political changes that took place in that time?

  17. Discuss briefly the historical growth of parliamentary system in Britain, the creation of political parties and their influence on the life of the nation. Examples, please.

  18. Please characterize briefly some major political changes in the time of Queen Victoria.

  19. How much did Victorian Age contribute to the growth of English sense of nation and its colonial power?

  20. The 19th century is often addressed as the time of the Industrial Revolution. Please explain and provide examples.

  21. Please characterize England as a colonial power during the times of Queen Victoria's reign. Enumerate major changes and achievements, which placed England as one of the major powers of technological growth in the West of Europe.


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