Zestaw 15 Elementy wiedzy o krajach obszaru języka angielskiego


A: Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji

Jesteś tymczasowym pracownikiem biura informacji turystycznej w Londynie. Rozmawiasz z turystą zainteresowanym zwiedzaniem miasta w krótkim czasie.

- Zapytaj, jak długo będzie przebywać w Londynie.

- Zaoferuj mu/jej dwie wycieczki jednodniowe.

- Zapewnij turystę, że informacje o tych wycieczkach znajdzie w przekazanych przez Ciebie materiałach.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący/

A: I'd like to see as much of London as possible in a short time. Is there anything you can recommend?

B: How long are you staying in London?

A: Just three days.

B: We might have something ideal for you. I'd recommend two one-day trips. One is the Kings' London, which is historical, and the other is the Writers' London, which is more cultural.

A: That would be great. Do you think there will be places available at such a short notice?

B: Oh yes. I'll give you these two brochures with the descriptions of all the landmarks.

A: Thank you so much. How much is each trip and where do we go to sign up?

B: Each trip is 18 pounds 99 per person. All the information you need is provided in the brochures: the route, the meeting point and so on.

A: Thank you very much.

B: Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Znajomym londyńczykom przebywającym w Polsce opowiadasz o pojawieniu się pewnego dnia w Twojej okolicy rzadkiego w naszym kraju czerwonego dwupiętrowego autobusu.


- w jakich okolicznościach zauważyłeś/zauważyłaś autobus,

- w jakim celu ten autobus jeździł w Twojej okolicy,

- jak zareagowali na pojawienie się autobusu znajdujący się w pobliżu ludzie.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: I once saw a red double-decker in my street.

B: Do you mean a London bus? Here?

A: Yes. I was coming back home in the afternoon and suddenly I saw it going along the street. There was some music playing on it. It stopped and several people from the inside invited passers-by to get on it. Some of them did. I did too. It turned out that a new English language school wanted to advertise their courses in that way. I don't know where they got the bus from but I think it was a great idea. It really made people stop and pay attention to them.

B: Was it a real bus?

A: Yes, it even had authentic names of streets or bus stops on it. Some people got on the bus and asked if that bus could take them somewhere several stops from that place. Of course the bus didn't have a definite route but it took people to the centre. It was going there anyway. I travelled myself.

B: It's a wonderful way to advertise, isn't it?

A: Oh yes, it is indeed.

C. Negocjowanie

W ramach kursu językowego w Wielkiej Brytanii przygotowujesz z kolegą/koleżanką z innego kraju krótki quiz o krajach anglojęzycznych. W rozmowie z partnerem:

- zaproponuj swój zakres tematyczny quizu,

- nie zgódź się na jego/jej propozycje i podaj uzasadnienie,

- zaproponuj kompromisowe rozwiązanie i wyjaśnij, dlaczego uważasz je za lepsze.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: Let's think what we could concentrate on in this quiz.

B: Yeah. What do you suggest?

A: I think we could focus on Britain, its history, geography and culture. For example three or four questions on each.

B: I was actually thinking of something not so obvious. How about the United States? People hear the name of the country all the time, they can give you names of cities and not much else. We could change that.

A: Yes, you're right. Britain may be too obvious. But the USA questions may not be very original, either. People hear about the States all the time on the news and they may be fed up with it.

B: OK, there's something to it. Do you have any other ideas?

A: Actually, yes. We could base the quiz on the countries of the Commonwealth. The teacher told us to prepare this quiz on the knowledge of any English-speaking countries. So this is it. We could have questions about Britain and the US in it.

B: Yes, you're right. We could include questions about other countries as well.

A: Exactly! Pakistan, South Africa, Canada, Ireland, Australia. For example, one country - one question.

B: I like it. Let's do it.

A: I think it's going to be a good, difficult quiz. But it'll be worth it.

Zadanie 2. Rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji

It is a picture of a young man in London. It is clear that it is London because in the background of the picture we can see Big Ben. The man is about 25 years old. He's got short, straight, blond hair. He's dressed in a black T-shirt and a white jacket over it, and blue jeans. He's keeping both his hands in the pockets of his jacket. He's looking to the left with a serious expression on his face. He's standing in a London street. In the background, there is a sign of the London underground to the left, and behind him there is Big Ben and the tops of some government buildings.

  1. Is the man in the picture a tourist who is on holiday in London or someone who lives and works there? Why do you think so?

I think the man in the picture is not British but he looks like someone who has been in London for some time. He may be a student or a person who is working there in a temporary job. He doesn't look like a tourist. Tourists carry things with them, for examples cameras or guidebooks, in a bag. He doesn't have any bag with him. He may be someone who is waiting at a bus stop and checking when the next bus is due to arrive. His serious face seems to show he is a little worried that he may be late.

  1. If you had a chance, where would you like to work or study in Great Britain? Why?

A good place to study and work in Great Britain is London, of course. I think London is a large city with a lot of opportunities and a lot of places to see and visit. I would like to live in London for a year to get to know this city really well. On the other hand, other places are also good. Oxford, Cambridge or Edinburgh for example. They are famous cities, with rich history and very good universities. Because I have always wanted to visit Scotland, I would choose Edinburgh if I had a chance.


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