Something In the Rain

Something In the Rain

By Mary C.

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Jump to new as of February 24, 2002

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Posted on Saturday, 2 October 1999

I cannot pretend to know all about the wine country of California. The only time I was there I was there for my sister's wedding and she lives in the Fresno/Clovis area. Okay this is the deal, Longbourn is a very small vineyard, Netherfield is a middle-sized vineyard, and Pemberley is a humongous vineyard. Mr. Bennet is Mr. Bennet as usual, the same goes for Mrs. Bennet. Lizzie and Jane went to college with the help of their Aunt and Uncle Gardiner, Mary is a "budding" botanist, and Kitty and Lydia are Kitty and Lydia as usual. Mr. Bingley has inherited Netherfield, not leased it. Lizzie works for an advocacy program for migrant workers and Jane also works for the program as a teacher of the youngest children of migrant worker families. William Lucas is the Mayor of Meryton, California. The rest is the more or less the same.

It was a cool, crisp, perfect autumn afternoon, and as Lizzie turned her Jeep into the church parking lot, she checked her watch. "Thank heavens we made it on time, Char. Isn't that your Dad just being introduced?" asked Lizzie Bennet of her good friend Charlotte Lucas, eldest child and daughter of Mr. William Lucas, Mayor of Meryton, California.

"Yes it is Lizzie. I didn't think we would ever get the Jeep back on the road." replied Charlotte.

"Char, tell me all the news of what has been happening while I was in Sacramento? My Mom called me last Wednesday, which is unusual enough, but it took me more than ten minutes to get her calm and she still was incoherent." asked Lizzie.

"Wednesday? oh, that was when Old Mrs. Warren's heir took possession of Netherfield. Apparently he is a handsome, rich, single gentleman." replied Charlotte.

"Oh, that would have my Mom that excited. So have you seen him, Char?" asked Lizzie.

"Yes I have. He seems to be an amiable young man." replied Charlotte, as the two young women got out of the Jeep.

They quickly made their way to their places in front of the mobile stage, where His Honor Mayor William Lucas got ready to make his welcome speech, as Lizzie and Charlotte took their seats.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the Twentieth Annual Meryton Harvest Fiesta. The Ladies of Mission Los Dolores have provided their annual dinner which will begin serving at 6:00, thanks to the fine efforts of the students of the Meryton High School, we were able to have Miss Tish Hinojosa come to sing at tonight's concert, which starts at 8:00, and the dance will begin at 10:00. Now before I introduce Miss Bennet and her little ones to sing for you, I have one more pleasant announcement to make. Would Miss Bennet & Miss Elizabeth Bennet please come to the stage now."

A very surprised Lizzie Bennet stood up to make her way to the stage. "You knew about this didn't Char?" said Lizzie in a mock scold.

"Yes, Dad made us promise not to say a word to you or Jane." replied Charlotte Lucas, as she watched her friend mount the stage where she was met by her sister.

"As many of you know, the Meryton Migrant Advocacy Council presents an annual award to the citizen of Meryton who has done the most to help better the lives of the migrant farm workers in the Meryton area. This year I am pleased to announce that the Meryton Advocates of the Year are Miss Jane Bennet, for all her work in the Migrant Early Education Program and to Miss Elizabeth Bennet, for her tireless efforts on behalf of the Migrant's Health Clinic." said William Lucas.

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Posted on Saturday, 9 October 1999

As Lizzie made her way up the steps to the stage, she noticed that her sister Jane was waiting for by the speakers podium. The older angelic blonde hugged her younger dark haired sister. "Oh Lizzie, this was quite a surprise, I even think that the children were in on it. What happened to you and Charlotte? Your jeans are filthy, and they weren't when we left the house." asked Jane, in a concerned tone.

"We had to stop and fix a flat tire, and wouldn't you know it, the spare was flat. Char told me that there was a bit of excitement in Meryton, that Old Mrs. Warren's nephew, wasn't it arrived on Wednesday. I suppose that Mom wanted Pa to go pay a call the very next day?" said Lizzie, in a quiet tone, as they joined Mayor Lucas by the podium, where he presented the plaques that honored the two sisters.

"I just want to thank the council for the honor, but I will say that this award truly belongs to the Migrant Clinic. Without it Meryton would never be able to provide proper medical care for those who would not be able to see a regular doctor." said Lizzie in to the speaker, smiling at her Father who sat in the front row with her Mother and the three youngest Bennet sisters.

Jane just shyly thanked the Migrants Council for the opportunity to teach young children who were not able to go to school regularly. She was also thankful to be able to do her part to keep the youngest members of migrant families out of the fields where they did not belong. With that, Jane hurried off the stage where the children from her Head Start class were waiting to go on stage to sing their welcome song for the audience. Not surprisingly to Lizzie, Jane all but dragged her off the stage with her. "Please Lizzie, I need you to help me, just to get them on stage. You are so good with them. They always love see 'Elisabeta'." said Jane, as she and her sister let themselves be hugged by the children.

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Posted on Saturday, 16 October 1999

As usual, when Lizzie found herself among the children in her sister's Headstart class, she was mobbed by the children. Hugs were given all round. Jane quickly restored order and led the children onto the stage, where they began their welcome song for the audience, who clapped appreciatively.

"Jane, I am going to go look for Dad and rescue him from Mom. No doubt she is still after him to visit Mrs. Warren's heir." said Lizzie, as she left the stage.

"Yes she is but she will be surprised to know that he has payed him a visit already. According to Dad he is a very amiable young man. He should be at the dance tonight. He has brought his sisters, a brother-in-law, and his best friend with him. I am not sure, but I heard Mom and Aunt Mattie say that the friend has a vineyard in Modesto. They say it is the largest in the area. He should do nicely for you Lizzie." said Jane in a teasing tone. Lizzie laughed at this, as she hurried off in search of her parents and her three younger sisters, of which, the two youngest: Kitty and Lydia found her first.

"Lizzie! Lizzie! you'll never guess what. Old Mrs. Warren's nephew arrived on last Wednesday. Maria Lucas told us that Mr. Bingley will be at the dance tonight. Isn't that excellent. Maria said he is a hunk, " both girls said at once in an excited tone.

"You just forget about what Maria Lucas said, young Ladies, for your Father will not oblige you by going to call on him. So you will never dance with him." said Martha Bennet in a petulant tone.

"Then I guess that visit was for nought, Martha, my Dear, " said Daniel Bennet, walking up to give his second born daughter a warm hug. "I've missed seeing my little Lizzie. Did you get all your work done in Sacramento?"

"Actually I was able to get quite a bit done. Who knew that I would return to such confusion. Did Mrs. Warren's nephew finally move into Netherfield. It will be good to see it producing again, this year." replied Lizzie.

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Posted on Friday, 19 November 1999

"It is a possibility. Mr. Bingley did say something about bringing Netherfield into production again." replied Daniel Bennet, as he gave his second daughter a big hug.

"I missed you Dad. It was too bad that you couldn't come with me. You could have seen some of your old friends at the Capital building. Uncle Edward and Aunt Maria and the Cousins were well." said Lizzie, returning the hug. As father and daughter walked along, they were joined by Mary, the third of Mr. Bennet's daughters, a somewhat stiff young Lady whose main interest were botany and preaching sermons on the proper behavior of young ladies.

"Lizzie! Lizzie! I have been experimenting with a new strain of grapes. They are supposed to be rot resistant." said Mary, excitedly.

Lizzie was about to reply to this, when Lydia spoke up, "No one cares about your old grapes, Mary. I want to dance all night tonight. Mama says that I may, and you will never have a partner, Mary." At that Mary started chasing her youngest sister towards the church hall, where the Ladies of Mission Dolores were serving supper.

Lizzie rolled her eyes, and thought to herself "Home again, home again." the whole absurdity of her family made her start laughing, unfortunately, she wasn't watching where she was walking and she bumped into a very tall gentleman, whom she had never seen before. "I'm sorry." she apologized, but the gentleman just looked at her as if she were a bug or something, which seemed all the more absurd, which brought a very mischievous look to Lizzie's face.

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Posted on Saturday, 11 December 1999

"Lizzie, we've saved you a place in line, " called Charlotte Lucas from the buffet line. "Jane asked me to save you a place." Lizzie hurried over to where her sister and her best friend stood, where they quickly let her cut in line.

"Lizzie, you had the strangest look on your face as you came in. What happened? I couldn't tell if you were upset, or amused by something." said Jane.

"Yes, what gives, Lizzie?" asked Charlotte.

"It's that man again, that odious, frightful man. The one who was under the impression that I needed help changing a tire, as if I have never changed a tire in my life. Then he has the audacity to look at me as if I were a bug he would liked to have squished. It is not as if it was my fault my jeans got dirty. What is he doing here, any way? I have never seen him before in my life." replied Lizzie, in a slightly angered tone.

Jane was about to make an observation, when Martha Bennet came hurrying up to her daughters, her face red from the exertion. "Girl! Girls! You'll never guess what I have heard, Mr. Bingley, his Sisters, Brother-in-law, and his best friend have arrived. There they are now." she said in an excited tone. As the girls looked in the direction, their mother indicated, Lizzie could see a handsome young man with fair hair, two young women who resembled him somewhat, but it appeared to Lizzie's eyes, they did care for events such as Meryton's Harvest Fiesta. The younger of the two wore a dress of a hideous orange color, but that was not who had drawn Lizzie's eyes, for there was the man she had encountered on her way into the church hall.

Martha Bennet, noticing whom her second daughter's gaze fell upon, became still more excited, so excited that she just had to identify the young man. "Girls! Girls! that is Mr. Darcy. He is Mr. Bingley's best friend, he owns Pemberley, the largest vineyard in Modesto. They say he makes at least three hundred thousand a year." sad Mrs. Bennet in a tone that could be heard across the hall.

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Posted on Thursday, 16 December 1999

All members of the party from Netherfield, save one looked less than pleased with the whole of Meryton's Harvest Fiesta. "Really Charles, why did you have to decide to actually come here. I know that Aunt Cordelia wanted you to have Netherfield, but Meryton, Modesto it's not. Did you hear that woman broadcasting to all and sundry of Mr. Darcy's net worth, and she supposedly is the mother of the prettiest girls in the area. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they are all like her." complained Miss Caroline Bingley, of her brother's choice of taking up his inheritance. She had supposed that he had planned to come to Meryton, inspect Netherfield, and sell it, certainly not to move in. Mrs. Louisa Hurst's feelings on the case were no better, but she tried to keep the veneer of a Lady and did not express her feelings in the manner her sister used, and at the moment all her husband cared about was his stomach.

Meanwhile, back on the other side of the room, Jane, Lizzie, and Charlotte had all sat down at table, trying their best to ignore Mrs. Bennet's play-by-play account of Mr. William Darcy and Mr. Charles Bingley, and what they were worth. "I am looking forward to the concert tonight, Char. I am glad the High School was able to get Tish Hinojosa to play. I really like her songs." said Lizzie.

"Yes, I hope she sings the song about the migrant worker family, it always makes me sad." said Jane.

Hearing their sisters talking, Kitty and Lydia decided to take the two empty places next to them. "I can't see why we couldn't get Brittney Spears or The Backstreet Boys to play at the concert. Why do we always have folk singers?" complained the youngest Bennet sisters in one voice.

"I hope Chris Denney and Mark Sanderson are able to get off from work tonight. They said they would. Chris said he wanted to dance with me." said Kitty.

"He did not, he said he was going to dance with me!" replied Lydia, in an outraged tone. Lydia Bennet's favorite person in the world was herself and one of her favorite sports was baiting her next older sister.

"He did not say that!" replied Kitty, just as outraged. Both sisters loved to dance, and the pilots who worked for Colonel Forrester's Crop Dusting service were their favorites, and they loved to argue over who liked the other sister more.

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Posted on Friday, 17 December 1999

Following supper, everyone left the church hall, and returned outside to the mobile stage that was set up in the parking lot. This was where the concert would be and where the band would play for dancing later that evening.

Lizzie, Jane, and Charlotte quickly found seats for the three of them. Lizzie had been especially excited about the concert ever since it had been announced that Tish Hinojosa would be performing at this years Harvest Fiesta. She had always enjoyed her singing. As soon as everyone had taken a seat in front of the stage, and once again, Mayor Lucas was introduced and her acted as Master of Ceremonies and introduced the greatly looked forward to performers.

Before I go on with the concert, I just want to let you know that all song lyrics that I will be quoting from were written by Tish Hinojosa, and are copyright 1992 by Manazo Music. I am doing this to take care of all the legal stuff.

"Gracias, Mayor Lucas. I would like to dedicate my first song to the Meryton Migrant Advocacy Council, and most especially to Jane and Elizabeth Bennet for all the hard work they have done this year." Miss Hinjosa announced, as she began to play the intro to the song:

"Mom and dad have worked the fields,
I don't how many years.
I'm a boy, but I know how,
and go to school when work is slow.
We have seen our country's roads,
Bakersfield to Illinois.
and when troubles comes our way,
Oh yeah, I've seen my Daddy pray.

There's something wrong with little sister,
I hear her crying by my side.
Mama's shaking as she holds her,
We try to hold her thru the night.
And Mom says close your eyes Mijito,
dream of someplace far from here,
like the pictures in your schoolbooks
someday you can take us there.

There's Something In the Rain
I'm not sure just what that means.

Abuelita talks of sins of man,
of dust that's in our hands.
There's something in the rain,
well what else could cause this pain,
Those airplanes cure the plants, so
things can grow, Oh no, it must be
Something In the Rain.............
............until we break the killing
chains, there's Something In the Rain"

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Posted on Wednesday, 22 December 1999

I just have a couple of things to say before I go on with the concert. All songs that I am quoting the lyrics from can be found on the recording "Culture Swing" on Rounder Records. Thanks lots, Your Gentle Author.

The first was applauded, and the second song was introduced by Ms. Hinojosa. "The next song is all about love's few words."

"Every Word ever said
Deep in love doesn't end
We've been there, it was then
That we knew it began
I feel my world unfolding
In colors when you hold me
And I believe in every word again
Time's a tale waiting by
Memories tell me why
Every road twist and trial
Baby's breath, midnight sigh
I feel my world unfolding
In colors when you hold me
And I believe in every word again
I feel my world unfolding
In colors when you hold me
And I believe in you and me
And songs of love, and I believe
in every word again, again"

"I loved that." thought Lizzie to herself and for some strange reason she found that she was wondering what that arrogant young man, her mother said was Mr. Bingley's best friend thought of the song. At the same time, though Lizzie didn't notice, that selfsame young man was watching her every reaction.

"I love the sound of a fiddle playing across a parking lot on a moonlit night."

"Closer Still than e'er my arms have held you
Or the beating rhythm of my heart
I belong to you in frozen mem'ries
And framed in gold is my desire
Closer Still than starlight soft upon you
For though a million shine tonight
Deep inside is where one lonely forgotten
Dream is waiting here
Closer Still
Closer Still is every word that takes me
To the fire burnin' without end
In the moonlight pale a song is sayin'
That time will find us back again
Closer Still our shadows must be swayin'
For I can almost hear you say
Deep inside is where one lonely forgotten
Dream is waiting here
Closer Still"

Again, both Lizzie and Darcy were each thinking about what the other thought of the song. Unfortunately, for Mr. Darcy, his thoughts were interrupted by the strident tones of Caroline Bingley, who was, truth be told, his least favorite person in the world at the moment. He had heard the young lady with the fine dark sparkling eyes laugh as they encountered each other again after that unfortunate meeting on the way to the church of Mission Los Dolores.

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Posted on Thursday, 6 April 2000

The concert was a success so far in Lizzie's eyes, and as the next song proved to be a real upbeat number, many members of the audience got up to dance, and it was really no surprise to Lizzie, that, despite their protests as to the musician playing, the first up to dance were her youngest sisters: Kitty and Lydia. What really surprised her though, was when Mr. Charles Bingley came to ask her sister Jane to dance. Lizzie couldn't help tapping her toes to the song, which was one of her favorites.

"Down where the winding river runs by the Alamo
A certain senorita parted from her beau
One broken-hearted cowboy sang his sad refrain
Calling to the moon to bring her to his arms again

Years have passed, the moonlit path where Rosie said goodbye
Every parting has a reason why
Was it that her leathered beau couldn't tell a cowgirl no
And she didn't want to wait in line
San Antonio Romeo

Cowboy angels love to watch him ride
Steal the show, love's your rodeo
Where's my San Antonio Romeo

It ain't cool to make wrangler settle down
Well I hear that Rosie's coming back to town
Blue-jeaned Valentino would you stay around
Walk along the river once again
San Antonio Romeo

Cowboy angels love to watch him ride
Steal the show, love's your rodeo
Where's my San Antonio Romeo"

Lizzie and Charlotte had been up to dance with two of the other members of the Migrants Advocacy Council, and had just returned to their seats so that they might catch their breath, when Lizzie happened to overhear Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy. Mr. Bingley was attempting to convince the proud appearing man that he should dance, dance surprisingly with her. "She's pretty enough, but enough to tempt me, and I am in no mood to dance with someone who has been overlooked as a partner, likely because she wears jeans with mud on the knees. You just go back to your own partner and her smiles."

"Did you hear that Char, and he the one who caused the mud to get on my jeans in the first place, how dare he. Well we will just see about that." said Lizzie, as she watched Mr. Darcy cross the parking lot to stand with Miss Caroline Bingley and the Hursts. Despite Lizzie's ill feelings toward him, she couldn't help feeling his stare. It was very disconcerting to feel his eyes on her, and to know that they were on her the whole of the evening.

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Posted on Thursday, 21 September 2000

As Lizzie and Jane drove back to Longbourn later that night, Jane asked Lizzie how was it that Mr. Darcy had caused such downright hostile behaviour towards the man.

"As Char and I were driving back to the church, you know I told you we had to stop and fix a flat tire on my jeep, what you don't know is that I had to walk all the way to the garage to get a new tire, as the spare was flat. As I was walking by where that big puddle always forms when it rains hard, this car comes tearing out of nowhere and splashes me all over. That's why my jacket is hanging up in back. I got a really good look at the driver and it was the high and mighty Mr. William Darcy. After I come back to the jeep, I am in the process of changing the tire, when Mr. Darcy has the audacity to stop and ask if he could help me. Oh Jane, all I wished to do was tell him where he could go jump, but I Char and I were trying to get the jack set up, and you know that it can be difficult at times, well this time it was being extremely difficult, and I slipped in some mud. That is how the knees on my jeans got dirty. Then he had the audacity to laugh at me. Tolerable, I'll give him just tolerable." replied Lizzie.

"Oh Lizzie, one of these days your temper is going to cause you to say something that you'll regret." said Jane, in her sweet tempered tone.

"What did you think of Mrs. Warren's heir, Jane? Did you like dancing with Mr. Bingley?" asked Lizzie.

"Lizzie, I do think that he was very nice, and I believe that I could fall in love with him. His eyes are so blue, and he has such a cheerful smile." replied Jane, just as Lizzie turned the jeep into the drive to Longbourn, the Bennet's home and vineyard.

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As usual, the Bennet Family breakfast table was a very noisy affair, but the morning following the The Meryton Harvest Fiesta, it was even noisier than usual.

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Posted on Saturday, 23 September 2000

The members of the Bennet Family adding most to the noise and confusion on that particular morning, were Kitty and Lydia, who were trying to do their level best to wheedle extra spending money from their Mother.

"Mom, can Kitty and me go to Meryton Mall after school? Aunt Mattie promised that she and Uncle Amos would give us a ride to the Lucases tonight. I saw this really fab dress at Old Navy, it only costs seventy dollars. I have to buy it or I won't have anything new to wear." complained Lydia, around a mouthful of toast and scrambled eggs.

"Please Mommy, there is a really cool dress that I have to have too." begged Kitty.

As Mrs. Bennet got up to get her purse, Mary started to gather up her books, purse, and keys, readying herself to drive to Meryton Community College for her morning botany class.

"I am only going to wait ten more minutes, and if you two don't hurry up, I am going to leave without the two of you." said Mary, as she put on her jean jacket.

"Mo-om! Mary said she is going to leave for school, and not wait for us." whined Kitty and Lydia

"Mary! You will wait for your sisters. You will not leave them." said Mrs. Daniel Bennet, returning to the dining room with her purse.

"Mo-other! Professor Smith said I am going to have to be dropped from his class if I am late again. If Kitty and Lydia can't learn to be more organized like me, they can just walk or take the bus. I will not be late again." replied Mary.

Not wanting to have to listen to her to younger daughter' temper tantrums this early in the morning, she dug through her purse, took out two one hundred dollar bills and gave one each to Kitty and Lydia, and a ten dollar bill to Mary "for lunch". Then the three sisters hurried out to Mary's two year old Ford Escort LX Wagon.

Following the departure of the three younger Bennet Sisters, Lizzie and Jane finished up the last of their coffee and gathered up what they would need for work.

"I can meet you for lunch today, Jane. The clinic van will be at the center today for the vaccination program." Lizzie told her older sister, as they walked out to Lizzie's jeep.

"Thank you, Lizzie. Maybe Char can also join us, if she can get away from City Hall." replied Jane, as the two sisters got into the jeep, and Lizzie started it up and they were soon on their way to work.

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Posted on Friday, 27 October 2000

First of all, I just would like to apologize to anyone out there who might be of the opinion that there is too much of a political agenda in this bit, but I am of the belief that, as Lizzie works for concerns that are for the betterment of migrant farm workers, naturally it would stand to reason that Cesar Chavez would be one of her heroes.

After dropping Jane of at the Migrant Outreach Center, where her Head Start class was held, Lizzie made her way to the Migrants Health Clinic. She had an extremely busy morning on her schedule, including acting in her capacity as coordinator of the monthly vaccination program, which meant among other things, driving the clinic's van to the Outreach Center. As she was entering the clinic she called a friendly Good Morning to Juan Perez, the mechanic who kept the somewhat obstreperous vehicle in reasonably good running order, which it was that morning, which came as a surprise to Lizzie.

"Good Morning Anna. It would seem that "The Beast" has decided to be obliging this morning by actually starting, I am very surprised." said Lizzie to Anna Sanchez, one of the clinic's nurses, who was readying the supplies for the vaccination program.

"You have a visitor in your office, Lizzie. A tall, dark, good-looking visitor." stated Maria Lucas, who worked at the Clinic as a co-op student.

"Is he still in there, Maria?" asked Lizzie, suddenly having a pretty good idea who her visitor might be. Knowing that the arrogant Mr. William Darcy might be in her office, infuriated her and yet it intrigued her enough that she didn't even wait for Maria's answer, and hurried quickly to her office, where she soon had her answer.

"Mr. Darcy, what brings you here? It has been my experience that owners don't usually bother with concerns of workers, or the organizations that attempt to make their lives better." said Lizzie, in a no-nonsense tone, as she entered her office.

"Miss Bennet, I have come here to convey congratulations on your accomplishments from Doctor Antonio Gutierrez, I believe that he is the brother of your clinic's doctor. Antonio is the doctor at our Worker's Clinic. I have been given to understand that, though the Migrant's Advocacy Council provides the funding for the clinic here, it is you who kept things running single-handedly, at great personal sacrifice." replied Darcy, as he took the chair in front of Lizzie's desk.

"So you have come to d--n me with faint praise, then." said Lizzie in mocking tone.

Darcy saluted Lizzie's hit, with a smile. As Lizzie reached for the coffee pot and two mugs, Darcy looked around the office. The first things he noticed were the framed photographs that sat on her desk. There was one of Lizzie and her four sisters, all wearing dresses, obviously made from the same pattern, but all in colors that were supposed to reflect the wearer's personality. Another obviously of her parents, more than likely taken at an anniversary of some sort. There was another of Lizzie, her elder sister, the one Bingley identified as Jane and Mayor Lucas' eldest daughter Charlotte, this was taken on the campus of, if he was not mistaken, Berkeley. The last photograph was of Mr. Bennet, obviously in his younger days, standing on the capitol steps in Sacramento, with Cesar Chavez, the legendary leader and organizers of the United Farm Workers. Darcy also recognized that this particular picture was taken after one of Chavez's great triumphs on behalf of the UFW. He also noticed that the picture was signed to Lizzie, and it was obviously one of her greatest treasures, and Cesar Chavez was one of her heroes.

"Your Father was a great admirer of Chavez, I see, and I suppose, it is like Father, like Daughter?" asked Darcy, in a challenging tone, for, it was surprising to see another vineyard owner standing with the great Champion of the cause of the migrant farm worker.

"Yes, my Father was, and as you can see from this photograph, so am I. I would imagine that you, as an owner, are surprised that another owner would have supported the efforts of Chavez to organize the workers in the area, but as you are more than likely aware, Longbourn is small, and our profits are not all that high, but our standards are high, and Longbourn wines are of the highest quality, as you very well know. Last year, two of Longbourn's Zinfandels came very close to beating out two of Pemberley's best, and I am very much aware that even you had conceded that our Burgundies deserved the Gold Medals they won two years ago, when they went up against Pemberley's." replied Lizzie, answering challenge for challenge.

"I have also been given to understand that you run Longbourn, also." shot back Darcy.

"Of necessity, I do run Longbourn, but as I was about to say, as our product is of high quality, we must needs be on good terms with our workers, but I don't have time to be discussing all this with you, I have a busy morning, but if Mr. Bingley has been invited to tonight's gathering at the Mayor's residence, I would be glad to continue this discussion. I really must be on my way, and I don't trust the clinic's van. It may have started half an hour ago, but it may just decide to be obstreperous again." replied Lizzie, in a similar tone.

"Perhaps Charles has been invited, and perhaps I may just change my mind about going, for you see, I actually am a great admirer of Chavez, myself. The UFW lost a great man and a great champion in 1993. I will be happy to continue this discussion with you, tonight." replied Darcy, as he got up from his chair, and left Lizzie's office, who quickly followed, shut the door and locked it behind her.

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Posted on Saturday, 4 August 2001

"Then I should not keep you," said Mr. Darcy, rising from his chair, as Lizzie rose from hers." Elizabeth, I know that this will sound presumptive, but is there any way possible I might accompany you and observe your program. We have a similar program at Pemberley, but, if your award of last evening is any proof, my sister has many bugs to work out of our immunization program. I am well aware of how much larger Pemberley is than Longbourn, I am also well aware of how more efficiently run are the Migrant Advocacy programs here. Maybe I ask too much today, perhaps I should have asked another day."

"You continue to amaze me, Mr. Darcy. I have just not known many owners who are this concerned with the welfare of their workers. Perhaps I speak in generalities, but this has been my experience. Yes I have heard of some of the reforms that you have instituted at Pemberley, but as the owner of the largest vineyard in Sonoma County, it is hard to picture you as being interested in "La Causa"." replied Lizzie.

"Perhaps another day then. We might speak of it tonight at the Mayor's house. Do you know why the mayor is giving this particular party?" asked Mr. Darcy.

"I have an idea, but I am not supposed to know. While I was in Sacramento, I celebrated my birthday, and if I know my friend Charlotte, she has plotted with my sister Jane to surprise me tonight, as Jane said something about meeting Charlotte for lunch at Bonterra." replied Lizzie, as she and Mr. Darcy left her office. Lizzie locked the door. Leaving the Clinic, Mr. Darcy made his way to his car and Lizzie made her way to the Clinic's van, opened the door, climbed in and attempted to start it. The engine sputtered for a moment, coughed and tried to come to life, but once more the engine died. This caused Lizzie to set her chin in her most determined fashion, opened the van door, attempted to jump out and found her foot twisting, as she fell to the parking lot.

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Posted on Wednesday, 8 August 2001

Lizzie's head would have hit the pavement if it had not been for Mr. Darcy's actions. Moving quick, he caught Lizzie in his arms and in so doing knocked the wind out of her. Noting this, Mr. Darcy eased up on his embrace.

"Forgive me Elizabeth. I didn't mean to knock the wind out of you," said Mr. Darcy, as he helped Lizzie back to her feet." Are you all right?"

"I think I may have twisted my ankle," replied Lizzie." I did that last year in the same stupid way. Why oh why do things like this happen to me." thought Lizzie to herself, as it occurred to her that once more she had appeared to Mr. Darcy in a less than advantageous manner. Silently, Lizzie heaped all the less than ladylike words in her vocabulary on the clinic's van, for it was not for nothing that it was known by the clinic staff as "The Beast". She had even said that she didn't trust that the van had been working that morning.

"Let me help you to your feet and you can assess the damage to your ankle, Elizabeth." said Mr. Darcy, doing just that. As he helped Lizzie to her feet, and she tried to stand, a sharp pain shot through her left ankle.

"It's sprained. D--n that "Beast!" swore Lizzie, as Mr. Darcy, helped Lizzie back inside." That is one more morning I was not able to get over to the center for the program."

"Perhaps if you let your ankle rest, you might be able to continue on with the immunizations. I am good with engines if can believe it, I might even be able to see just what is wrong with your van." said Mr. Darcy, as he removed his oh-so obviously expensive suitcoat and tie, rolled up his shirtsleeves and began to look under the van's hood. He soon found the trouble, a simple matter of some wires that had come loose. Lizzie discovered that her ankle wasn't as badly hurt as she had thought, after elevation and some ice.

"Mr. Darcy, I would like to thank you for your assistance. Perhaps you might accompany me after all." said Lizzie, as he helped her back into the van.

"Might I ride in the van with you, Elizabeth?" asked Mr. Darcy, as he put his suitcoat and tie in his car." Will it be okay if I leave my car here?"

"I suppose so." replied Lizzie, as Mr. Darcy opened the passenger side door, and climbed into the van.

Lizzie once more started the van, this time it was more obliging, as it started and continued to run.

0x01 graphic

Posted on Thursday, 21 February 2002

I would like to dedicate this next part to Eby, in thanks for her kind comments.

"Elizabeth, do have any idea just what this gathering at the Mayor's residence is for?" asked Mr. Darcy, as he gallantly assisted Lizzie with her jacket.

"I have my suspicions," replied Lizzie. "I celebrated my twentieth birthday while I was in Sacramento, and if I know my sister Jane and my friend Charlotte, they have conspired together on a surprise party for me."

"So you are going to have to pretend to be surprised when you arrive at the Mayor's residence tonight?" asked Mr. Darcy.

"I imagine I must," replied Lizzie." Jane and Charlotte must have worked hard to plan this for me."

"Elizabeth, would it be to much of an imposition if I invite myself along with you while you do your immunizations?" asked Mr. Darcy.

"If you do not make too much of a nuisance of yourself. I am afraid that I am on a tight schedule, for I am meeting Jane and Charlotte at Bonterra for lunch." replied Lizzie, as she opened the door of the van, and slid into the driver's seat." So far so good." thought Lizzie to herself, as she put the key into the ignition, and made an attempt to start the engine. At this point, the clinic's van decided to live up to its name and reputation as "The Beast", and refused to start. Lizzie tried two more times, uttered a very unladylike word, opened the door to the van, prepared to jump out, and missed her step, and was about to fall, but Mr. Darcy seeing this, caught Lizzie before she hit the rough gravel of the parking lot.


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