Comparatives and Superlatives Exercise at Auto

Comparatives and Superlatives Exercise

 Circle the correct answer.

(1) Diana was much taller _______ Charles.

(2) This one is better _______ that one.

A  as

B  like

C than

A  as

B   like

C  than

(3) This hamburger is bad, but that one is _______ .

(4)  Moscow is a long way away but Ulan Batur is even _______ .

A  badder

B   worst

C   worse

A  further

B  more far

C father

(5)  She's beautiful I agree, but her mother is _______ .

(6)  Texas is big but Alaska is _______ .

A  beautifuller

B  most beautiful

C  more beautiful

A  more big

B  biger

C  bigger

(7) American Beauty was the _______ film that year.

(8) Of all the sofas I've seen so far, this one is _______ .

A  worse

B  best

C  better

A  nicer

B  the nicest

C  most nice

(9) I'm not short. I'm just _______ tall as Hans.

(10) Samantha is just as rich _______ David.

A  as

B  like

C than

A  as

B  like

C than


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