
ïż WBTE Detect var framesTable = new Array(); /* Search */ function checkFrame(frameLoc) { if (framesTable[frameLoc]){ return true; }else{ return false; } } function storeFrame(frameLoc) { framesTable[frameLoc] = true; } function findDetect(win) { if (win.detect != null) return win.detect; if (checkFrame(win.location)) return null; storeFrame(win.location); if (win.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < win.length; i++) { var theDetect = findDetect(win.frames[i]); if (theDetect != null) return theDetect; } } return null; }; function getDetect() { if (window.detect) return window.detect; var theDetect = findDetect(parent); framesTable = new Array(); if (theDetect == null) theDetect = findDetect(top); framesTable = new Array(); return theDetect; }; function showErrors() { detect = getDetect(); addDiv('panel', detect.getDetectMsg('', '')); var panel = returnObjById('panel'); addBR(panel); addDiv('', messages.getMessage('runCourseInfo')); addBR(panel); addButton('run', messages.getMessage('runCourse'), panel); } function returnObjById( id ){ if (document.getElementById) return document.getElementById(id); else if (document.all) return document.all[id]; else if (document.layers) return document.layers[id]; } function addDiv(id, inner){ var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = inner; addElement(div, null); } function addButton(id, name, where){ var btn = document.createElement('input'); btn.setAttribute('id', id); btn.setAttribute('type', 'button'); btn.setAttribute('value', name); if (typeof(btn.addEventListener) != 'undefined' && btn.addEventListener) { btn.addEventListener("click", function(){ runCourseDespiteThat(); }, 0); }else{ btn.attachEvent('onclick', function(){ runCourseDespiteThat(); }); } addElement(btn, where); }; function addBR(where){ var br = document.createElement('br'); addElement(br, where); } function addElement(theElement, where) { if(!where) { where=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; }; where.appendChild(theElement); } function runCourseDespiteThat() { var content = findFrame("content", top); if (content) content.location.href = '_index.html'; } WBTExpress Detect


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