Bob Proctor and Joe Vitale Personal Development Abraham Hicks Law Of Attraction 7 Day Ecourse Day 2

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Seven Day




Day Two

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7 Day Personal Development E-Course

Day 2

Lesson 2 – Happiness is a choice

Yesterday we discussed mental attitude, the emotion gratitude and being
grateful for all that we do have in our lives. There will always be greater and
lesser persons than our selves but we are looking for results that will ultimately
make us successful and happy in what we choose to pursue in life. True
happiness is a direct result of being grateful. True happiness is the end result of
certain thoughts, emotions and situations and our response to them.

Happiness also has a physiological basis. The combination of facial muscle
movements used to smile trigger’s certain areas of the brain responsible for the
release of endorphins and serotonin, the bodies 'feel good chemicals'. This
reaction results in euphoria, which, while elusive to some, is totally under your
control. You have the ability to turn these chemicals on or off just by your actions
and the thoughts you hold in your mind.

You will now make your smile your calling card. It is one of the most effective
tools you posses for relating to other people. Your smile will make friends, forge
bonds, break ice and calm storms in time of turmoil. You must use your smile
constantly! You must always smile first and that will tell everyone you come into
contact with what you expect in return. When people smile in return you are
bestowing on them, however small and brief, feel good emotions, an endorphin
and serotonin induced happy euphoria. You give the gift of happiness, literally.

Smiling also helps to break something called the animosity cycle. The animosity
cycle describes the way ill-will or bad tempers have a way of being contagious
and passed from person to person. You might start the day in an upbeat mood
but during successive encounters with bad tempered people your up beat mood
can slowly, or quickly, be replaced by the negative mood you have repeatedly
encountered. The animosity cycle is also responsible for magnifying ill-will and
hostility between two people who are already on poor terms with each other. As
the sense of distrust, anger or ill-will is exhibited towards you, you return the
same, usually magnified in an attempt at one-upmanship. Relationships and
friendships have been ruined by the animosity cycle. Countries have gone to war
because of the animosity cycle. People have died because of the animosity
cycle. Where you encounter the animosity cycle, you will counter with a sincere
smile and make the choice to be happy. When you encounter the animosity cycle
in your day to day activities, it is time to talk and to smile.

When you choose to smile, you become master of your emotions and the true
possessor of a grateful spirit. You also encourage others to do the same.


Have you ever visited a friend and they weren’t their usual happy self, or gone to
a shop and the assistant obviously wasn’t having a good day? Imagine if there
was a way for you to change their attitude by not saying a word. When we say
happiness can be yours we are also saying you have the ability to give
happiness to others.

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Remember happiness is a choice! You can determine each moment of each
day, whether you want to be happy or not. Remember back to a specific time
where you were not happy and the affect of a hello, a how are you, or even a
simple smile changed the way you felt. Imagine that you have the possibility to
help change others, by choosing your own happiness.

"People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never
forget how you made them feel.

-Maya Angelou

Exercise: Smiling


All Day Event - continuous

Today's exercise will be very simple, but a very effective way to change your
outlook and the outlook of others. It will set the standard for the remainder of this
course. It will impact on everything you do. It is an extension of the media fast
and daily gratitude exercise. You should be smiling now as you read this and you
should be smiling whilst you do your daily gratitude’s. Yesterday we took the first
step to eliminating the daily dose of negativity so many of us are exposed to in
the form of sensationalism in news reporting. Then we followed on with that by
focusing on the good things in life we are truly grateful for.

Today you will greet everyone with a sincere smile. Just simply smile while you
talk to everyone, whether face to face or on the phone. Even though you may
think people cannot see you smile over the phone, smiling carries a positive
disposition and is easily detectable by someone expecting a sincere conversation
with you. Smiles are contagious. They affect your biochemistry and can have a
lasting affect not only on you but all the people around you. Smiling will change
your world in an instant and it will change your perception of others in an instant.

This may seem like a very simple exercise, and you're right, it is. Just take a
quick minute to write down what experiences you may have had throughout the
day with people, just by smiling. How did this affect you and your ability to get
things done with this person?

Over the past few days we have given you the tools for you to become successful
in any area of your life. Remember, this is about YOU and the transformation of
YOU getting the results you desire.

Dare to Empower Yourself!

Peter Hallam


07 3103 3757

United States:

415 992 7784

United Kingdom:

020 3286 8933

P.S. If you know a friend, family member or associate you think may benefit from
this information, then send it to them immediately.

To take advantage of the business opportunity on which this short course is
based, and to create the life you deserve visit here


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