DJ Manly Welcome To Beaconsfield (pdf)(1)

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Welcome To Beaconsfield


DJ Manly

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places, and incidents either are products of the author's
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance
to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is
entirely coincidental.

Welcome to Beaconsfield

Copyright ¤ 2008 DJ Manly

ISBN: 978-1-55487-072-1

Cover art by Martine Jardin

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in
part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other
means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden
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Published by eXtasy Books

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Part 1

t was three days before Christmas and bitterly
cold in New York City. The downtown

Manhattan precinct was swamped with calls. It
seemed that crime was suddenly soaring out of

“You’d think the cold would be enough to keep

them inside,” Clint Walker replied to an
overwhelmed detective who asked him what in
hell they were supposed to do with all these

At that moment, Gian Davinci dragged a man

into the precinct and corralled him into a chair in
front of his desk.

“You got the wrong guy, dude!” The young

man with a black skullcap on his head screamed at
Davinci, who was in no mood to listen.

Gian shook the snow off his long black hair

with disgust as he removed his long black leather
coat and threw it over his chair. “Shut up!” he
growled. “You were at the scene. You were
carrying a TV and a DVD player out of an


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electronics shop. It doesn’t take rocket science to
figure it out, Jesus Christ.” Gian glanced over at
Clint who stood at his office door chuckling.
“Sure, go ahead,” he called good naturedly, “you
can laugh.”

“You look cold,” he pointed out then, still

laughing, disappeared inside his office.

Gian rolled his eyes. Work had been hell lately,

in part due to the weather. They were on the brink
of yet another blizzard and they were all on
overtime due to a flu epidemic. The cold snap they
were experiencing was bitter, but it had done
nothing to curb crime. In fact, for some reason
people seemed to be going nuts.

“I have a right to a phone call,” the guy yelled.
Gian sighed and poured himself a cup of coffee.

“Yeah, well you better call a lawyer,” he muttered,
walking over to him and pulling the cap off the
guy’s head. He tossed it on his desk.

“Hey,” the guy protested, pointing to his hat.

“You can’t do that. I think that’s police
brut…brutal…ity or…somethin’.”

“Tell it to a judge,” Gian plunked down in his

chair and brought up the form he needed on the

“I don’t know any lawyers. Couldn’t you cut

me some slack?” the guy pleaded. “It’s only a
couple of days before Christmas and I got a sick
grandmother and—”

“I’d play the violin,” Gian told him, “but I

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couldn’t afford the lessons. Name?”

When he had finished booking the guy, Clint

came out and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Hey, Cap,” Gian said.
Gian always called him Cap at the precinct, but

at home, he was Dad. He’d first met Clint at the
age of twelve. He was continually getting into
trouble and Clint took an interest in him, finally
figuring out that Gian was calling out for help.
Gian’s parents died in a car crash when he was
ten. His uncle had taken him in and at the age of
eleven began sexually abusing him. Clint and his
wife, Sam, had no children of their own except for
a little girl from Africa they’d adopted. When Gian
was twelve, Clint and his wife legally adopted him
as well.

Clint and Sam were his parents in every sense

of the word and after a few years of living with
Clint, Gian fell in love with police work.

Clint was going on about Christmas now. Sam’s

parents were arriving tomorrow and Gian knew
Clint dreaded the thought of it.

“Do you want me to pick up Grandma and

Grandpa Smith at the airport?” Gian asked,
fiddling with one of the Christmas decorations,
which had come unstuck from the wall.

Clint shook his head. “I’ll do it. Sure you

wouldn’t consider moving back into your old
room just for the holidays?” He gave him a
hopeful look.

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Gian laughed. “Stop whining. They’re only here

until New Year’s.”

“It’s going to be a long holiday.”
“I would come home for the holidays, but I’m

on nights all week.”

“Even on Christmas night?” Clint gasped.

“Your mother won’t like that.”

“I volunteered to let the guys with a family

have it off. Some have kids.”

“You’re a good guy,” Clint slapped his back.

“What did you get me for Christmas by the way?”

“On my salary?”
Clint rolled his eyes.
“I’ll never tell.”
Clint moved closer, lowering his voice. “Are

you bringing that nice young fellow for Christmas
dinner again this year?”

“Clint,” Gian whispered back with a smirk,

“Don’t worry. I’m not with that nice young fellow

“Don’t make fun of me,” Clint clicked his

tongue. “I’ve made progress on this subject.”

“Yes, you have,” Gian slapped him on the back.

“You can whisper about my being gay now, as
opposed to just nodding when no one’s looking.”

“You know I’m supportive,” he protested. “I

participated in a March last summer for parents of
gay children.”

“I’m just teasing you. And yes you did. I was

proud of you.”

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“I do wish you’d find someone to settle down

with though,” Clint poured himself some coffee.
Around them, the phones were ringing and some
woman was yelling and cursing at a uniform in
the corridor.

“No one wants to settle down with a cop,” Gian

sipped his cold coffee, “Especially not someone
like me who’s married to the job. I’m never home.
You know how Mom gets and you don’t even go
undercover any more. I could be gone for months
on some case. What kind of life is that for

“There is someone out there for you.”
“And lots of em’, too,” he winked wickedly.
The Captain shook his head. “Too much


Gian laughed. Suddenly someone called to him

and he went to answer the phone. A few minutes
later, he was out the door again.

As Clint was walking out, Gian came back in,

dusting off his hair. “False alarm,” he announced.

Carlos Gambini, the desk sergeant suddenly

hollered to Clint. “Captain, there’s a guy over
there,” he pointed to a man sitting on the bench
beside the door, “who insists on talking to
someone in charge.”

“No problem,” Clint glanced at Gian, “you see

that guy over there,” Clint pointed.

Gian turned to look at him, “Yeah.”

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“He says he needs to talk to someone in charge.

Well I’ve got good news for you, guess what,
you’re in charge,” he sang and walked out before
Gian had time to reply.

Gambini laughed when he heard Gian groan.
“What’s his problem?” Gian asked Gambini,

leaning on the desk.

“Don’t know. Wouldn’t tell me, but he says it’s


“Isn’t it always?” Gian quipped.
The man stood when Gian walked over to him.
“I’m Sergeant Davinci. What’s this about?”
“Mark Taylor. Can we talk somewhere…” he

looked around, “private?”

“Sure, come on,” Gian told him. On his way

past the front desk, he said, “Anyone want me, I’m
in the Captain’s office.” Gian unlocked Clint’s
office, walked in and then indicated the chair in
front of the desk. The man closed the door behind

Gian shrugged out of his coat and threw it

aside. He fell into the chair and stuck one booted
foot on top of the desk. “What’s this about?”

“If I knew there were cops down here that

looked like you, I’d come by more often.”

Gian fixed him with a serious stare. “Mr.

Taylor?” He was not in the mood.

“Oh, sorry, look, I need to tell you something

that’s been going on where I work…well…
worked, past tense. I was fired the other day.”

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“What does this have to do with me?” Gian

replied absently.

“I worked at Beaconsfield. Do you know it?”
“Yeah, it’s a juvenile lock up.”
“What if I told you that there are guards there

sexually abusing some of the residents?”

There was silence. Gian put his foot down and

leaned forward. “You have proof of this?”

“I was there when it went on.”
“In the same room?” Gian lifted an eyebrow.
He nodded.
“How long did you work there?”
“Three years.”
“And you witnessed this going on for three


“Just about,” he replied.
“And you are just in here now reporting it?”

Gian’s voice grew a little louder. “Did you
participate in this abuse?”

“Well…” he hesitated, “not like the others.”
“What about the administrator, does he know

anything about this?”

Mark shook his head. “I doubt it. It’s done late

at night, down in the basement, in the boys’
section. There’s a room.”

Gian raised an eyebrow, then sat back in his

seat. He remembered going there once a few years
back when he was a rookie, but he had only been
driving the squad car. They had dropped a girl off
who’d been convicted of assault and battery. He

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fixed his gaze on Taylor. “Are you willing to lodge
a formal complaint?”

“No?” Gian echoed. “Then what in hell are you

doing here?”

“I thought you might arrest the three guards. It

was the head guard, Andy Falcon, who fired me.”

Gian sighed. “I can’t just march in there and

arrest someone without evidence. I suggest you go
to the labour commission, Mr. ah…Taylor.”

“But I tell you…there is abuse going on. Don’t

you care? You’re a cop, aren’t you?”

“Are any the boys willing to talk?”
“Oh no, they won’t say anything. Can’t you just

go in and investigate?”

“I have to have probable cause. I just can’t take

your word for it because you are pissed about
losing your job. What about any of the boys who
are no longer in the system…victims willing to

Mark thought for a moment. “Ah…I know one,

but he’s a bad character. I don’t know…if…”

“Well, do you know his name, where he lives?”
“Maybe,” Gian repeated with a sour look on his

face. “What do you want from me exactly?”

“I want those three guards arrested.”
“Arrested for what exactly, abusing kids or for

firing you?” Gian stood. “Until you bring me some
proof and are willing to put ink to paper—”

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“I thought the police would care at least…”

Mark Taylor stood, too. “I thought you could do
this tonight.”

“Listen, I told you, we need evidence and if

you’re not willing to even fill out a complaint,
how in hell do you expect me to do anything?”

“Maybe I can think of that guy’s name. What if

he would tell you stuff?”

“It depends on what stuff he is going to tell

me,” Gian threw back.

“What if you pick me up tomorrow at one in

the afternoon and I take you to him?”

Gian rubbed his rough jaw. “Look, this better

not be some sort of a hoax, Mr. Taylor.” He
pointed at him. “If you’re wasting my time, I
won’t be happy.”

“Here’s my address,” he handed him a card.

“I’ll expect you at one o’clock. I swear I’m not

“You do realize that if you’re telling the truth

and if you actually witnessed this stuff without
reporting it, you’re an accessory.”

He swallowed. “I’ll deny everything I said to

you tonight.”

Gian ushered him out of the office. “Okay, I’ll

be there, be waiting outside.”

He nodded and left.
On the way home, Gian thought about what

Mark Taylor had told him. If what he had said
was true, it was disturbing. It was too bad the

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slimy bastard didn’t come forward until he lost his
job. What a creep.

The next day at one in the afternoon, Taylor

was waiting on the curb at the address he had
given to him. He climbed into the car and flashed
a smile at him. “Were you scared to come up to
my place?” He asked him, checking out the car.

Gian drove away from the curb and ignored the

insinuation. “What’s the address on this guy?”

“Wow, you’re all business. Okay, he lives just a

ways down the street. Go straight until 128th then
hang a right. It’s on the corner. I forget the
address.” He checked out the siren sitting on the
dashboard. “So is this really a police car?”

“Yeah,” Gian replied briskly, “go figure.”
“You got a boyfriend?”
Gian cast him a look. “Why in hell would you

ask me that?”

“I saw you on television last year. There was a

local telethon for AIDS and you were one of the
fundraisers for the New York City police force and
Fire Department. You said you were gay.”

Gian stopped at a traffic light.
“I thought that was pretty brave.”
“What’s so brave about it? I’m not ashamed of

who I am.”

“So, you got a boyfriend or what?” Mark


“Don’t worry, Mark. Even if I didn’t have one,

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you wouldn’t even make the list.”

“Oh, okay, not good looking enough for you,


“It’s not your looks. I’m not inclined to be

turned on by people who participate in the sexual
abuse of children. Sorry, it’s just this thing I have.”

“You would have been turned on if you’d been

there,” he accused.

“Watch your mouth. Children don’t turn me

on,” Gian replied hotly.

“Some of them are older, seventeen, eighteen,

young men waiting for transition houses. They’re
hardly boys,” Mark replied. “And some of those
boys, as you call them, have done more in bed
then you have, I bet. They’ve been prostitutes.”

“And that makes it all right to abuse them?”

Gian threw back at him angrily. “These people are
in custody. They are under the protection of the
state. Whether they enjoy it or not is irrelevant.
And when you are confined to an institution, you
don’t have a hell of a lot of choice, do you?”

“I think some of them do enjoy it, even if they

protest,” Mark told him.

“Look, just shut up, okay, before I slug you.”
Mark fell silent.
Gian pulled up in front of a rundown old

tenement building. “What is this guy’s name?”

“Jerry, Jerry Samson.”
Gian got out of the car and shut the door. Mark

stepped out of the passenger side. It had stopped

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snowing, but it was still cold.

They walked up the stairs of the building

together. It was a dump, dirty and smelly, people
yelling and screaming in their apartments. When
they arrived on the third floor landing, Mark
pointed to the apartment door. “Thirty-one, he
lives in that one.”

“Knock on the door. I’ll be right behind you,”

Gian told him, looking around him.

Mark knocked.
A young guy answered the door. He was

completely naked except for a pair of dirty
underwear. The sweet smell of pot wafted out into
the hallway.

“Markie,” he howled, “how in the hell are you,

sweet stuff?”

Mark turned around, “Jerry, there is someone I

want you to meet.”

“Great…great…come in, come in.” He ran his

gaze over Gian. “Hell, Mark, is this my Christmas

“No,” Gian said as he walked in and closed the

door behind him, “I’m not your Christmas
present.” He opened his jacket and showed him
the badge hanging around his neck.

The place was a mess, clothes and food


“Hey, what is this, Mark? What’s going on? I’m

clean, Man,” he looked at Gian.

“I’m not here to arrest you,” Gian said, “just to

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ask you a couple of question.”

“About what?” he stammered.
“About Beaconsfield.”
He laughed. “No shit.” He was obviously

stoned. “So, Officer,” he came closer to him, “is
that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to
see me?”

“It’s a gun in my pocket,” Gian told him

without expression.

He danced away from him. “Couldn’t resist,”

he told Mark, laughing. “He is a big boy, isn’t he?”
He went to sit at the table and ran a hand through
his hair.

Gian didn’t want to sit on anything. He gazed

at him. What a fucked up mess he was. “Taylor
here tells me there are boys being sexually abused
at Beaconsfield. Is that true?”

He looked up at him. “Could be. Why should I

tell you?”

Gian shrugged. “‘Cause I’m askin’.”
“What do you care?”
“I’m standing here in this garbage dump, aren’t


He rubbed his forehead. “What did you go tell

him that for, Mark?”

“I got fired,” Mark replied.
“That figures. Anyway why ask me this shit

now? I’m out of there.”

“Right, so you got nothing to lose.” Gian told


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He met his gaze. “God, you’re a looker, aren’t

you? If we’d had guards who looked that
good…well…” he laughed, “might not have been
so bad in there. The jerks working there are ugly

“So you were sexually abused there?” Gian


“You might say that.”
“A lot of other boys, too?”
“By the same men?”
“Yep,” he replied. “Although sometimes they’d

bring in strangers…you know…who would pay,
but mostly on the weekends. The rest of the time,
it would just be them.”

Gian frowned. “What about the director?”
“He don’t know shit. He’s gone at night. It was

always at night.”

There was silence. Then Gian said, “Would you

be willing to tell that to a judge?”

“Nope. What’s done is done.”
“Done for you, but what about the boys there


“Used to it probably, besides they’re not my


Gian sighed. “No. It doesn’t seem to be

anyone’s problem,” he said, glaring at Mark
Taylor. He headed to the door. “Thanks for

“You’re more than welcome, sweetie, and

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anytime I can do nothing for you, let me know,”
he called after him as he and Mark Taylor made
their way outside.

Gian remained silent until he got into the car

and then turned to Mark. “That was a waste of
time. I’ll take you home.”

Before Taylor got out, he paused and looked at

him. “What are you intending to do about all

“Nothing I can do,” Gian replied.
“Nothing? How can you do nothing?” Mark


“The same way you did nothing for three years

Taylor, except that I got a better excuse. I have no
evidence except for the word of a disgruntled
employee who was fired and a stoned kid who
used to live at Beaconsfield. My advice to you is to
find yourself another job.”

He was back at the precinct sitting at his desk

an hour later. There were a lot of things going
through his mind. You just couldn’t take on an
institution like that. You needed proof. He knew
that those places were breeding grounds for
sexual abuse, but he had nothing.

When Clint came in, Gian went to talk to him

about it. Clint was concerned, but he said the same
thing. “I can’t authorize any investigation unless
we have more proof than that.”

Gian nodded. “What if there’s a prostitution

ring going on in there as well? I mean, if I could

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find men who were actual clients out there…well
then we might just be able to get an undercover
operation approved right?”

“How are you going to find clients? They aren’t

exactly going to be shouting it on the rooftops.”

“Mark Taylor knows a lot more than he’s letting

on. He must know how Johns get hooked up out

“I don’t like it. We don’t have any evidence and

who would we send out there?”

“Me. I’ll go,” Gian told him. “I could apply for

Mark Taylor’s job.”

“I don’t think it should be you.”
“Why not?”
“It brings back a lot of shit, Gian.”
“I’m way past that now, Clint. Talk to the


“He’s not going to let you disappear without

probable cause,” Clint shook his head.

“All right, God damn it, I’ll get proof.” Gian

slapped his hands on the desk.

“I’ve seen you like this before, determined,

passionate. There’s no stopping you, is there?”

“If I can get one of those two jerk-offs to put

this stuff in writing, do you think the
commissioner will let me go out on this one?”

“I don’t know, but don’t waste too much time,

okay? I’ll give you twenty four hours to bring me
something I can take to the commissioner, then we
put it on the back burner.”

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“Thanks,” he said, grabbing his coat.
“Gian,” Clint said, “you do realize what a

challenge it would be to go undercover there? The
person would have to keep their cool, perhaps
witnessing some things without…well…losing…”

“You don’t think I can do it?”
He nodded. “Of course you can do it. Go on


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Welcome to Beaconsfield



December 25, One Thirty a.m.

aniel looked over at Cory who was laying
there in the dark on the bunk bed below him.

“Maybe they won’t come tonight because it’s
Christmas,” he whispered.

Cory raised his gaze above him. “Keep telling

yourself that, Daniel,” he threw back at him. “If it
makes you feel better.”

“Why are you trying to discourage me?”
“I’m not trying to discourage you. I’m trying to

get you to face facts. You haven’t even been here a
year yet and you’re a naive little punk. I’ve been
here four years and I told you before, Christmas
don’t make no difference to them guys. If
anything, they get worse. They sneak a little liquor
and party on down.”

“I don’t want to go there tonight,” he


“Come down here, Danny,” Cory told him,

reaching up to him.


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Danny scampered down into bed with him and

Cory put his arm around him.

Danny was only thirteen years old. Even

though his whining got on his nerves, he felt kind
of protective toward him. He hated those guys
more for what they did to Danny than for what
they did to him. Sure they hurt him and they
humiliated him, but he could take it. He was a
grown man now and any day now, he knew he’d
be out of here.

Danny cried like a baby the first time they’d

taken him down there to that hellhole. There had
been a lot of blood.

Cory had screamed at them and called them

animals, which earned him a punch in the mouth.

Usually when they got hit, it was in a place that

didn’t show, but that time Andy lost his temper
completely. He had to tell the director he fell. Now
as they lay together in the stillness of the night,
Cory could feel Daniel tremble and he knew it was
only a matter of time.

It was usually Pug who came to get them. They

called Paul Decouteau, Pug. He was originally
from Louisiana and he had a face like one of those
dogs. It was Cory who gave him the name and it
stuck, although none of the boys dared call him
that to his face. He was a mean bugger and the
youngest of the three. He stood about five ten and
had prematurely grey hair and long sideburns.
His hair matched his steel grey eyes and eyebrows

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and he was always spitting. Cory was sure that he
must have been the type of kid to pull wings off
butterflies. He enjoyed torture. He once tied a
string around his testicles and pulled him up off
the ground. The more Cory cried out in pain, the
more he pulled. Cory learned to swallow his tears,
which helped considerably, since Pug would soon
become bored and leave him alone.

The other guard was twenty eight year old Tim

“Earring” Anderson. He had a large gold hoop in
one ear, which he removed when the director was
around. He wasn’t as sadistic as Pug, but he had
some pretty kinky tastes. He was blond and
skinny and had a tattoo of a dragon down the
length of his back.

The boss was Andy Falcon. He must have

weighed around three hundred and fifty pounds,
none of it muscle. When he was on top of you, you
could hardly breathe. He was no more than five-
five in height with rolls of fat around the middle.
He was proud however of his enormous sexual
organ and used it like a weapon. He could be
brutal. Cory had two ribs cracked once by him and
a dislocated shoulder when he was fourteen.

Sometimes they brought strange men down to

that room and they had to do as they were told or
face the consequences. Cory knew they made a lot
of money sometimes on the weekend, but the boys
never saw any of it.

Cory had been around the longest of any of the

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others. Some of the boys who had been taken to
that room with him in the past were now gone.
Other new boys appeared all the time. Right now,
there were five of them who bore the brunt of it
all. Andy chose only the boys he fancied.
Unfortunately, he had remained one of Andy’s

as he referred to them when he was in one of

his rare good moods.

Daniel was the latest victim. He was blond with

rosy cheeks and blue eyes and popular with some
of the men who came on the weekends because he
was so young.

The three others they brought down often were

fourteen-year-old Frank who had been a street
prostitute like himself, sixteen-year-old Tony who
looked more like a girl than a boy and another
sixteen year old everyone called, Ace, because he
was good at cards. Suddenly Cory stiffened. He
heard footsteps coming down the hallway. He
knew those footsteps.

Danny whined again, “Please, Cory,” he said.
“It will be okay, Danny, don’t worry. Just do

what I told you, close your eyes and think of other
things.” Cory felt tears threaten. He held them
back. He had found out a long time ago, it did no
good to cry.

When Pug came in and walked over to the bed,

Cory sat up.

“Come on,” he hissed, “get moving.”
Cory took Daniel’s hand and pulled him off the

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bed. Daniel cowered beside Cory as Pug pushed
Cory ahead of him. “Come on, ain’t got all night.”

They walked down that long dark corridor, the

corridor Cory had walked a thousand times. Cory
held Daniel close to him. He could feel his fear.

They turned and walked down some stairs,

both in their bare feet and pyjamas. They reached
the basement and walked down to the end of the
hall past the furnace and into that room.

Andy and Tim were in there, passing around a

bottle of liquor.

Pug pushed them both inside and bolted the


“Merry Christmas, boys,” Andy bellowed.

“Come over here,” he said to Cory “and get some
Christmas pudding.”

As he walked over to him, Tim reached out and

ripped off the pajama bottoms.

Daniel hid his face as his, too, were pulled

down by Pug from behind. Cory turned to see Pug
place Daniel on a stool and tie his hands over his
head to the radiator above.

All Cory could do was listen to Daniel’s

helpless cries and try to ignore the pain and
humiliation he felt.

When it was finally over and the three men

passed out from too much liquor, Cory managed
to get himself out of his binds. He was good at
that now. He untied Daniel, who was half-asleep,
and all but carried him back to the room. They

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were safe now, at least until the night came.

* * * *

Gian sat beside his sister Kayla, telling her
something that was making her laugh. They had
finished dinner and were waiting for dessert.

They continued to whisper something to each

other, which caused Clint to give them a severe
look. He was trying to look patient as he sat
listening to his father-in-law who insisted that
New York was a decadent city.

When Grandpa Smith began talking about how

terrible the world was becoming , Gian leaned
over to Kayla and made a scary sound, which
caused her to laugh.

“Yes, my goodness,” Martha Smith was saying,

“today, nothing means anything and young
people are having sex and babies. It’s horrible and
those…those…gay persons…my goodness, they
just want to do everything now…have babies and
get married. I think that’s immoral.”

There was total silence in the room, even Sam

who was bringing out the dessert stopped in mid

Clint took a breath. He didn’t want to have a

fight on Christmas Day, but Gian was sitting right
there in the room. He’d better say something.
Better him than Gian. He cleared his throat.
“Well,” Martha repeated, “we all have to change

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with the times. Ah…look at that marvellous cake,”
he said as Sam put it down in front of them.

Kayla squeezed Gian’s hand under the table

and grinned at him. She leaned in and said, “I love
you, even if you are immoral.”

He grinned back. “Oh thank you, thank you.”
Clint was rambling on about the weather,

relieved to be past the subject. He was digging
into his dessert when Sam suddenly said,
“Mother, I would like to say something.”

Everyone froze. Martha Smith looked at her

daughter. “Of course, dear, what is it?”

“I don’t think gay people are any more or less

immoral than anyone else and I realize now where
I got those despicable idea’s I had years ago. I’m
so glad,” she smiled, “that my son made me a
better person because of who he is and I’m proud
to say that my son is gay.”

Mrs. Smith almost lost her fork.
Kayla and Gian widened their eyes at the same


Clint just mumbled, “Well said.”
There was no more discussion of that subject

the rest of the day.

Later in the kitchen, Gian reached over and

kissed his mother. “That was the nicest thing
you’ve ever said,” he told her. “Thank you. I know
it took a lot of guts.”

She looked at him and touched his cheek. “I’m

as proud of you as I can be and I will never let

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anyone put you down for being who you are. You
are so handsome, strong and smart. You’re a good
man, Gian, and you happen to be gay and that’s
part of who you are, too. I can never be ashamed
of that.”

He hugged and kissed her again. “Thanks for

being so good to me. You and Clint, well you were
what was missing in my life, and Kayla, too.”

“You better say and Kayla, too,” she complained,

coming into the kitchen.

Kayla was five foot eight, very slim with black

curly hair and beautiful eyes. All of a sudden, she
jumped on Gian and grabbed him around the
neck, “Okay, immoral queer cop, you, let’s go. It’s
your move.”

He laughed, turned around and, heaving her

up onto his shoulders, raced up the stairs.
“Immoral queer, eh? You’ll see when I take your

“Never!” She shouted from upstairs, whooping

and hollering. “You may be a queen, but you’ll
never take mine.”

“Oh, you’re going to pay for that one!”
“What in hell is going on now?” Clint asked,

coming into the kitchen and hugging his wife.

Sam shook her head and laughed. “Just like old

times, isn’t it?”

* * * *

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The following morning, Kayla woke Gian up
early. She jumped up and down on his bed like a
kid. Gian rolled over with a groan. “Witch!” He
accused with a smirk as he sat up and rubbed his

“Look what I found,” she laughed, dangling an

old battered pair of skates at him.

“Oh God,” he growled, “Where did you find


“Out in the garage. So, come on, get up. Let’s go


“What time is it?” he asked as he pushed her off

his bed so he could look at his alarm. “Ah, it’s only
seven-thirty. Go back to sleep,” he moaned, rolling
over and covering his head with the blanket.

“No way,” she hit him. “Come on, it will be

fun. I’ll buy you hot chocolate after.”

“With whipped cream?” he asked, peeking out

from under the blanket.

He sat up and grinned. “Chocolate sprinkles,


She laughed. “What a baby. I have to bribe


“I can’t go for long though Kayla,” he said. “I’m

working at three this afternoon.”

“How come?”
“Because I’m a nice guy,” he said between

clenched teeth as he got out of bed and threw on
his robe. “Make me some coffee. I’ll take a shower

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and we’ll go.”

“All right, it’s a deal.”
An hour later, they were skating on a little pond

not far from the house. It was a place they had
skated together years ago. He had mixed
memories of those days…the days he’d first came
to live with Clint, Sam and Kayla. Clint had sent
him to counselling to deal with the sexual abuse
he had suffered at the hands of his uncle, but it
was tough. He still acted out every once in awhile.
He ran away once, but didn’t stand a chance of not
being picked up, given who his foster father was.

Therapy had been hell. He’d blamed himself for

the abuse. He felt somehow he had invited it and
he had a difficult time accepting the fact that
sometimes he had been aroused, especially once
he hit puberty. The counselling helped him to
understand that he was a child and was no way
responsible for the advances of his uncle. She also
let him know that it was all right and perfectly
normal to experience arousal. This was sometimes
involuntary and beyond an abused child’s control.

She also taught him to embrace his sexuality.

He was gay and he needed to separate his
sexuality from the abuse he had suffered. They
were two different things. One was bad, the other
was good. If he was ever going to have a normal
sex life, he had to be comfortable with who he

Eventually, he had embraced his sexuality, even

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developed pride in it. The counsellor hooked him
up with an organization, which dealt with gay
teenagers and he made friends.

Kayla was his shining light through it all. She

treated him like her brother from the start and
made him feel as if he finally had a family. They
would go skating often and sometimes talk for
hours, going round and round on this pond. He
loved her dearly. He felt really fortunate to have
been chosen to be Clint and Sam’s son. These
people had changed his life. He didn’t want to
think about what would have happened to him if
he hadn’t gotten away from his uncle.

Now his mind was on Beaconsfield as he raced

around the pond after Kayla on his old beat up
skates. He had nothing to take to the
Commissioner, but that didn’t mean Mark Taylor
and Jerry Samson were telling lies. It didn’t matter
what Taylor’s motives for coming to him were, the
fact was that everything he heard sounded
plausible. He was going to talk to Taylor again
today. He knew more than what he was letting on,
the scumbag.

Maybe the D.A. would be willing to grant him

immunity from prosecution if he gave a statement.
A statement would have to be enough to open an
investigation. The one thing he hated about his job
was the red tape and regulations. Sometimes he
knew something bad was happening, but his
hands were tied. Before you got permission to do

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anything, it was too late. If there were boys being
victimized by guards in Beaconsfield, then one
more day was one day too many.

In the coffee shop, Gian drank his hot chocolate

as Kayla laughed at him. “You have whipped
cream all over your mouth. You’re such a baby.”

He wiped his mouth and presented her with a

screwed up face. “Thanks. I’m sure that inspires
the citizens of Manhattan, knowing there’s a baby
on the police force. They can sleep soundly at

She grinned. “Instead of drawing his gun, he

takes out his rattle and shakes it at you! Baby
Cop…coming soon to theatres near you.”

“Yes. Be afraid,” he said, “be very afraid.”
They both howled with laughter.
“So tell me stuff. How is work?” She sobered.
“Work is…frustrating and exhausting.”
“And you love it?”
“I’m a glutton for punishment,” he replied.

“What about you? How’s the legal stuff?”

“Tough, but I really like it. Don’t tell Dad but I

think I’m going into Civil rights law.”

“He’s going to blow a gasket,” Gian laughed.

“But I think it’s great.”

“He tells me there’s no money in it. He is

talking like…corporate law.”

Gian stuck a finger in his mouth like he wanted

to vomit and Kayla grinned. “My sentiments

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“Do what you want.”
“I plan to. How come you didn’t bring anyone

to dinner this year? Was it because of Grandma

“No,” he shook his head. “That would have

been a good reason to bring someone to dinner,
the most flamboyant gay boy toy I could find. I
would have done him right at the table or on the

Kayla howled with laughter. A few minutes

later, she sobered and met his eyes, “What about
that hunky fire fighter guy, what was his name?”

“Yeah. Um…he was nice.”
“He was too nice to have to sleep alone all the


“I would have devoted some attention to that


“Believe me, I wanted to, but we had shifts

from hell. We were lucky to see each other once a
month. He’s living with a city counsellor now,
quite a step up from a street cop.”

He shrugged. “I’m not ready to settle down


“Too much fun playing the field, eh?”
“Don’t have time to do that either,” Gian

laughed. “I did go to Fire Island last summer,” he
raised his eyebrows comically.


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“I’ll tell you about it when you turn fifty.”
“Ha, ha.”
An hour later, they left the coffee shop and

headed home. Sam had dinner waiting for them.
They all sat down to leftover turkey.

“Gian, I’m having a party for some of the brass

tonight,” Clint told him. “You’re going to be here,

Gian made a face at Kayla who hid a smile.

“Well…ah…as much as I would hate to miss such
a fun filled evening, I can’t, I’m working three to
eleven today.”

“Oh.” Clint muttered. “Forgot. You’ll enjoy it,

Kayla,” he added.

“She will, she will,” Gian nodded. “She was just

telling me how much she is looking forward to it.”

Kayla hit him under the table and they both

erupted into laughter.

“Funny,” Clint clicked his tongue, looking at his

wife who was grinning as well.

Sam’s father looked over at Kayla and winked

at her. “Maybe Kayla will meet a nice guy.”

“Yuck, I’m not marrying any cop, Grandpa

Smith,” she said, looking at her father and brother.
“Sorry,” she added.

“Don’t blame you there,” Gian said, getting up

from the table. “Sorry, guys, I have to get ready
for work.”

By two o’clock, Gian was putting his bag into

his car. “I’m sleeping at my place tonight, Dad,”

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Gian told Clint when he came back inside. “I’ll be
in late anyway. I’ll come by tomorrow.” He came
into the living room and adjusted his gun in its
holster. He leaned down and kissed Sam’s mother
on the cheek. “Bye Grandma Smith,” he said.

She patted his arm. “You be careful.”
“I will.” He went over to shake Grandpa’s

Smith hand. “See you tomorrow,” he said.

“Okay son,” he replied. “Go and give them


“I’m not going to war, Grand Dad,” Gian


Kayla gave him a big hug and a kiss and so did

Sam. “Bye mom,” he said.

“Thanks for the DVD player, your father and I

love it.”

“Good. I’ll rent a DVD before New Year’s and

we’ll watch it together.”

“That would be lovely.”
“No cop movies,” Kayla called after him as he

headed to the door.

“Okay, but no cheesy love movies either.”
She laughed. “All right and by the way it’s your

move again.”

“Yeah, I know,” he waved at her and went

outside. “You can say that now since you stole my
damn queen.”

As he drove along in his car, he turned on the

radio and listened to Hotel California by the Eagles.
With all the snow, it didn’t feel like California. He

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pulled up outside of the building where he had
picked up Mark Taylor the other day. It wasn’t
officially three yet so he really wasn’t on duty. He
had a half hour to talk Mark Taylor into doing
probably the first decent thing he’d ever done in
his life.

* * * *

It was three in the afternoon at Beaconsfield and it
was the day after Christmas. Cory sat in the
Television room watching some mindless
Christmas show. The three rancheros, as Cory
liked to call them, didn’t come on until almost
midnight tonight so they were safe for the time
being. This was his favourite time of day. It was
quiet and they got to do what they wanted. There
was no school or counselling sessions today.

Daniel was playing ping-pong in the other

room with some of the other boys. He seemed to
be a very strong kid in spite of the abuse he had
suffered. After it was over, he would almost seem
like a normal kid in the daytime but as the sun
went down, Cory could see the panic set in.

It was a Friday, which meant there would

probably be guests tonight down in the room.
Paying customers that would come in for a little
fun sometimes requested specific boys. He never
knew a weekend of peace. He was always in
demand. He couldn’t figure it out really. He

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wished he could because he would do something
to make himself less appealing.

When he looked in the mirror, he saw an

unhappy young man with long dark curly hair
and sad eyes. He didn’t think that he was
especially attractive, but many men had told him
he was.

Anyway, right now, he wasn’t going to think

about later. He was appreciating the moment.
That’s how he lived in here, moment to moment.
It’s how he’d always lived. It had been just him
and his mother when he was a kid. She was a
junkie and, try as she might, she just couldn’t
seem to kick the habit. He was prostituting himself
at twelve, trying to earn some money to buy food
and pay the rent. They had been kicked out from
almost every apartment his mother rented. Then
he’d been arrested and when he first came to
Beaconsfield, he was almost relieved…then the
abuse began.

* * * *

Mark answered the door with a huge smile on his
face. “Couldn’t stay away, eh baby?”

Gian scowled. “Right. Something like that,” he

muttered, his voice heavily laced with sarcasm.
“And don’t fucking call me Baby.”

“Sorry, Mr. Sensitive… Well come in Stud, Mi

Casa e Su Casa.”

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Gian walked in and looked around. It was a

small crappy place with old furniture and pictures
of naked men on the wall. Tacky. “Who’s your

Mark laughed. “Want his number?”
“Yeah, so I can advise him to go into another

line of work.”

“You are so cute,” Mark told him. “You sure

you don’t moonlight as a stand-up comic?”

“No, I’m too busy dealing with the scum of the

earth. And you can call me, Detective…my name
isn’t Stud either.”

“Ah.” Mark replied, sitting down on the sofa.

“So, since I imagine you didn’t come here to ask
me to dinner, what can I do for you?”

Gian walked over to the window, “I think you

and I want the same thing, even though it’s for
different reasons. We want to see those guards
behind bars, right?”

Gian turned around and looked at him. “But

you got to give me more to go on.”

“I’m not making any statement to incriminate


“What if I was able to get some sort of

guarantee that you wouldn’t be prosecuted?”

“You could do that?”
“Oh God baby, so powerful, you’re giving me a

hard on now,” he rubbed his thigh and winked.

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“You do realize,” Gian said, “that you came to a

police station and confessed to a cop that you had
sexually abused boys in custody?”

“I…I never said I…and I told you I’d deny it.”
“My word against yours. Anyway, I could

arrest you right here if I wanted to.” He unhooked
the cuffs from his belt.

“For what?”
“I’ll think of something.”
“If I gave a statement, you could guarantee I

wouldn’t go to jail?” Mark stammered.

“I don’t know. That depends on how much

you’re willing to tell me.”

“What do you want to know exactly?” He

looked nervous.

“I want to know how they solicit clients for the

purposes of prostitution. I want to know names of
guards, of clients, of boys. That’s a good start.
Then I want you to describe to me exactly what is
going on in there, what you witnessed.”

“In detail?”
“In detail,” Gian replied.
“All right. Sit down and I’ll…”
Gian shook his head. “Not here, downtown.

Come on.”

Mark sighed. “Damn, there goes my chance at


“Maybe you can track down a pedophile and

tell him your stories, I’m sure he’ll be jumping you
in no time.”

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“Ha, ha, funny guy,” Mark said and they

headed to the car.

* * * *

Tonight, they were all brought downstairs as soon
as the shift changed. It was Tim with the big
earring that came and got them tonight.

They were all stripped naked before they

entered and paraded in front of four men, all over
fifty. One man was smoking a big cigar. He went
to Daniel and pulled him around so his back was
facing him then dragged him into the other room.

Cory closed his eyes as he heard him scream.

After a few seconds, he made a move toward the
closed door but, Ace put a hand on his arm.
“Don’t, Cory, it will be worse for you.”

“Someone has got to do something,” Cory


“You got a lot to say over there sweetie,”

another man said, standing up now. “Come here,”
he demanded. The man had handcuffs. He
handcuffed Cory’s hands together. “Get down on
your knees and crawl,” he barked.

Ace was being brought over to him now. One of

the men spanked him with a paddle. He was
blindfolded, a steel bar placed in his mouth.

As Cory performed fellatio on the man, he felt

Ace enter him.

“That’s it,” the stranger cooed to him. “You like

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that…now for some real fun.”

Cory moaned in pain as Daniel screamed in the


* * * *

Gian placed a hand over his eyes as Mark
described some of the sexual torture that took
place in the bowels of the Beaconsfield institution.
“It was stimulating. No taboos, you know. You
would have been getting off yourself,” Mark told

Gian reached over the conference table at that

point and grabbed Mark by the neck. He pulled
him halfway across the table. “You son of a bitch.”
He yanked him closer, shaking him as two other
cops in the room tried to pull him off. “You stood
there and let this happen. You fucking piece of—”

“Take a break,” one of the cops told him.
Gian’s chest was heaving. He quickly left the

room. He paced for a while outside the
interrogation room, swearing. How in hell could
someone do these things? He had nothing against
kinky sex if it was consensual, but this was not by
consent, this was imposing your will on helpless
children, forcing them to do sex acts with
complete strangers. Most of these men were just
brutal animals. His uncle had never done things
that bad to him.

Mark Taylor was as despicable as all the rest of

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them as far as he was concerned and for him to
suggest that he might be turned on by it, made
him feel like ripping his heart out.

He took a breath and went back in. “Okay,” he

said, glaring at Mark Taylor. “I’m working on
immunity for you, but I’m warning you, save your
comments about what you imagine sexually
arouses me because I swear to God, these guys
here won’t be able to stop me from beating the
crap out of you.”

Mark grinned at him.
“I’d listen to him if I were you,” one of the other

cops told him.

“Maybe he turns me on when he gets that look

in his eye,” Mark teased, fluttering his eyes at

Gian sat back down across from him and gave

him a meaningful look, “Guess you’ll be the only
dead man with a hard on.”

The other two cops laughed and then began to

fire questions at Taylor again.

Gian was still there in the morning when Clint

came in. Mark Taylor had signed a statement.

Clint sighed after he read it. “It’s disgusting. It

reads like pornography.”

“Tell me about it. Think it’s enough to open an


Clint looked at Gian. “You haven’t slept.”
“I’ll sleep later. Never mind that, what do you


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“I’ll do what I can. No guarantees.”
“I want to go in now, damn it, not tomorrow.

Can’t you see what these kids are living?” Gian
slammed his fist on the desk.

“I don’t know about the immunity for Taylor.”

Clint sighed.

“Look the guy is a shit, but I kind of promised


“How are they getting the men to go there?”
“Yeah. They have a private chat room that

appeals to men who like boys. They give them a
location, then go meet them and bring them there
blindfolded so they don’t know where it is. After
they become regulars, doesn’t matter if they know
the location.”

“You want to go as a client or a guard?”
“A guard.”
Clint nodded and got up out of his seat. “I’ll

talk to some people. Go home and sleep. I’ll call
you when I get some news.”

Gian went home, but he couldn’t sleep. He kept

thinking of the things Mark Taylor said about the
abuse that went on in that basement. It brought
back memories of when his uncle would come into
his room at night. He sat up in bed. That feeling of
fear, trepidation, of counting hours, then minutes
and finally seconds. It made his heart pound like a
drum in his chest. He hadn’t felt like that in a long

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time. He got up and washed his face, then looked
at himself in the mirror.

What looked back was a man, not a boy, a man

who had broad shoulders and a smooth well
muscled chest, a man who was handsome and still
felt cursed by that. He closed his eyes. He hadn’t
seen his uncle for years, but he could still picture
his face and sometimes feel his hands on him.

He opened his eyes again. It was gone, the fear,

the image in his mind. He lifted his long hair from
his neck and leaned down to splash water on his
face. He walked back to bed naked, not pausing to
see himself in the full-length mirror. If he had, he
would have seen a well-toned body, a beautiful
man, but then he rarely stopped to look.

* * * *

New Year’s came and Gian went to a party given
by one of his friends. There were a lot of good-
looking gay men there, but Gian wasn’t very
interested. His mind was elsewhere.

Clint had promised him some progress on the

Beaconsfield investigation, but so far the
department was dragging it’s heels.

Patrick O’Reilly, a young lawyer who he had

gone to college with, came to stand beside him. He
handed him a glass of champagne, then nudged
him with his elbow. “Hey, handsome, are you
here at all or off in crime story land?”

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Gian laughed and gave him a hug. “Hey, cutie,

where’s your ball and chain?”

“He’s flirting with every guy he comes across,”

Patrick grinned with that sweet smile. He had fire
red hair and freckles.

Gian laughed. “I see.” He envied Patrick. He

seemed to have it all, a regular nine to five job and
a live in partner that he adored.

“That’s what you should be doing,” he told

him. “There are gorgeous men here, undressing
you with their eyes, and you’re ignoring them.”

He finished his champagne. “I’m preoccupied,

that’s all. So how is life?”

“Not bad, busy. We never see you anymore. I

left one hundred messages for you on your
machine, you don’t return them.”

“I hate those things,” Gian replied.
“Then why do you have one?” Patrick shook

his head.

“I don’t know,” Gian replied, lifting his

eyebrow. “My mother would kill me if I didn’t.”

Patrick laughed. “We miss you. Come to dinner

next week.”

“Okay. I think. Call me.”
Patrick gave him a doubtful look.
Gian laughed. “Call me at work,” he handed

him his card.

“Detective Davinci. I’m impressed.”
“Don’t be.”
“Since when do you have cards?”

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“Since the department tells me I have to have


“See that guy over there,” Patrick pointed to a

gorgeous looking African guy.

“Yeah. Cute.”
“Cute? He’s beautiful. His name is Liam. He is

successful, sexy and really nice. He asked me
about you tonight…several times.”

“Several times, eh?” Gian smirked. “Did you

tell him I’m a cop? That usually makes them stop.”

“No,” he punched him. “I didn’t want to make

him run away,” Patrick teased. “Why don’t you go
talk to him?”

“Talk to him about what?”
“About…I don’t know…something…or…don’t

talk at all,” Patrick winked.

“Sounds good. I’ll just go over and jump him.”
Patrick smiled. “You’re not still moping about

that fire fighter guy, are you?”

“God, no.”
“That’s good because he’s here somewhere

with his boyfriend.”

“Great,” Gian replied, swallowing.
“So you are…still hung up on him.”
“I just don’t need to see him in his perfect little

domestic situation, that’s all. Introduce to me to
Liam over there.”

“That’s my boy,” Patrick slapped him on the


Liam turned out to be a really nice guy. He was

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an architect who worked for city planning. They
talked for quite awhile, but Gian didn’t feel any
spark between them. And then he saw Jeremy
with his boyfriend. For some reason it made him
feel like crap.

Jeremy came right over to him as soon as he

saw him. He reached out his hand, which was
rather awkward. Gian took it. “Hey.”

“Gian,” Jeremy said, “I didn’t expect to see you


“I didn’t expect to see you either.”
There was another man beside him suddenly.

“Gian, this is Ron Talbet, Ronnie, this is Gian. Do
you remember the cop I told you about?”

Ron gave him the once over and then shook his

hand, “Oh yes,” he said and then excused himself
to talk to someone else.

Jeremy looked wonderful. Gian tried to avoid

looking at him too much so he looked around the
room. There was this huge silence between them.

“Busy?” Jeremy asked, meeting his gaze.
Gian nodded. “You?”
“There are always fires,” he replied.
“I guess so.”
“Still a cop?” he asked.
Gian raised an eyebrow “Would it make a

difference if I wasn’t?”

“It might,” Jeremy said very softly, meeting his


He didn’t know what to say to that so he just

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cleared his throat. “Well, it was nice seeing you
again…and meeting…ah…Ron.”

Jeremy seemed to want to say something else,

then changed his mind. “It was nice seeing you,
too, Gian,” he replied and walked away.

Soon after, Gian said his goodbyes and left.
He walked alone on New Year’s Eve while

people around him walked arm in arm. He
thought of Jeremy for a minute and it made him
feel really sad, sadder than it should of have. He
thought he’d dealt with that piece of history, but
apparently he hadn’t done it very well. Seeing him
tonight, especially with his new lover, had been

Instead of going home, he turned in the other

direction toward the village and went into one of
the gay bars. The only men in there on this night
were the desperate and the lonely and it was a
hard thing to admit, but he was one of them.

* * * *

They were back in the classroom now and Cory
was relieved that the holidays were over. There
had been one party after another and he didn’t
think he could take any more. Now it was back to
routine. He would be dragged out of bed maybe a
few nights a week instead of every night. At least,
that’s what he told himself.

The teacher talked about love today. What was

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love? What did it mean? What was the difference
between romantic love and family love? She
wanted them to write an essay for English on that

Cory had often wondered about it. He never

had much love from family and, as for romantic
love, all he knew of that was what he saw in the
movies. What would it be like if a handsome man
fell in love with him, a young man with a heart
stopping smile and a smoldering kiss? In spite of
all the abuse he had suffered, he knew the
difference between lust and passion. He knew that
the stuff he’d experienced had nothing to do with
love or desire.

He dreamt sometimes of sex that was free of

pain, sex that was pleasurable and tender and
passionate in the moments when it should be. And
he wasn’t opposed to kinky sex either, but it
would be what he decided to participate in, some
light bondage or even sex toys maybe, if they were
used to excite rather than to brutalize. And then he
too would have control. He imagined that one day
he would be with some beautiful man, oh he
would have to be incredibly sexy without any
inhibitions. He would be big and strong and he
would sometimes let him have the control. He
would explore that beautiful taunt and muscular
body and give him sexual pleasure, too, maybe tie
his hands lightly behind his back and…um… a
man that wanted only him, that trembled at his

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touch, that was so beautiful, his heart would
almost stop whenever he’d look into his eyes.

The teacher suddenly taped him on the

shoulder and said, “Cory, are you listening?”

“Yes,” he said, snapping back to attention.

“Love, you want me to write about love.”

She smiled at him. “Yes.”
“No problem,” he replied.
Cory liked Ms. Anderson. She was a nice

teacher. Sometimes when she was alone at her
desk, he went to her and wanted so much to tell
her what was happening at night when everyone
slept. He was afraid that she wouldn’t believe him
or maybe she would hate him if he told her.

He was worried about Daniel. He was

becoming more and more withdrawn. Cory did
everything he could to try and protect him, but he
found that he was pretty powerless. Daniel’s age
made him a target for pedophiles and a lot of the
men that came there on the weekend were
interested in Daniel because he was so young.
What didn’t help is that he looked even younger
than his age. He wanted so much to tell someone
and he’d hinted about it often, but he just knew no
one would believe him.

One night when they strung Daniel up and

were literally torturing him, Cory yelled at them to
stop. Andy hit him so hard in the stomach with his
club that he went flying across the room. His
stomach hurt for a week after. His protests were

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for nothing. There was nothing he could do for
him except hold him after, telling him that he
needed to find other things to think about when it
was happening. Andy had warned them that he’d
kill them if they talked and Cory knew he’d do it.

Three times he had tried to run away and taken

Daniel with him, but the facility was maximum
security and all three times he’d been caught.
Once it was Andy who caught him and he was
taken downstairs and beaten on the buttocks until
his skin had torn from the flesh. After that, he
never tried to run again.

No, he knew that no one would come to save

them. There was no white knight on a big horse
that would come to chase the bad men away. That
only happened in movies. There was nowhere to
run and no one to tell. It was a battle of endurance
and he was determined to survive and he would
do anything he could to ensure that little Danny
survived with him.

He vowed that once he was out of there, he’d

go directly to the nearest police station and make
them listen.

* * * *

Except for the news Gian had received yesterday,
New Year’s Day had been a complete waste of
time. As he sat in the conference room waiting to
talk to the cops who would be a part of his new

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operation, his mind went back to yesterday.

“So,” the guy had smiled at him seductively

from where he lay on the bed, “you’re some sort
of hero cop, eh?”

Gian pulled on his pants and ran his hand

through his hair. He didn’t feel much like a hero
this morning. It was after eleven and he had to
shower and change so that he could get to work.

“I’m no hero,” Gian told him gruffly.
“You sure look like one and you sure as hell

fuck like one,” the guy reached for him. “You fuck
like a real champion.”

“I got to go.”
Who this guy was, he couldn’t remember. He

couldn’t even recall his name and, in the morning
light, he wouldn’t have been his first choice as a
bed partner either.

He hated these times, waking up with a

strange guy. It was so damn uncomfortable. He
kept telling himself that this was the last time he
was going to do that, but it never was.

He had gone into that bar last night and drank

way too much. How he had gotten back here with
this guy, he didn’t know. He was relieved to see a
couple of used condoms on the floor, so at least he
hadn’t been that stupid.

“How come you work on New Year’s Day,

gorgeous?” The voice asked him as Gian started to
put on his boots and look around for his shirt.

“Ah, criminals don’t celebrate, I guess,” he

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The guy pulled his shirt from underneath the

tangled mess of blankets and dangled it in the air.

“Come and get it,” he ran his eyes gaze over


Gian walked over to the bed and reached out

for it. The guy pulled it further away. Gian met his
eyes. “Look, I got to go to work. So stop fucking
around.” He reached over and yanked it out of the
guy’s grasp. Gian put on his shirt and his coat.

“Call me sometime?” the guy called out as Gian

headed for the door.

“I wouldn’t count on it,” Gian muttered under

his breath.

When he got home, he noticed the answering

machine was flashing. He turned it on and
stripped off his clothes.

“Gian, its Patrick, how’s next Saturday, I’ve

invited Liam.”

Gian sighed and pushed the button. “Gian,” it

was Kayla. “Are you coming over tonight or
what? Call me.”

He pushed it again. “Davinci, its Commissioner

Howard. I’d like to talk to you about the
Beaconsfield case. Come up to my office when you
get in.”

Gian rushed to take a shower and pulled on

clean underwear, jeans and a black sweatshirt. He
assembled his gun, threw his badge around his
neck and headed downtown.

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* * * *

Now he sat drinking stale coffee and waiting for
people. He had scribbled a whole lot of stuff down
on a pad, none of which would have been
decipherable to anyone else but him.

Clint opened the door now, along with the

Commissioner who was a tall gaunt man in his
fifties with thick glasses. Bobby Denardo and
Sandra Aston, two detectives Gian usually
enjoyed working with, walked in behind them.

Denardo gave Gian a high five and Sandra blew

him a kiss.

The commissioner cleared his throat. “We think

we have enough information to begin an
investigation, but the news isn’t in yet on what’s
going to happen to Taylor.”

“I did promise that-” Gian leaned forward.
“You don’t promise anything,” he eyed him.

“That’s the D.A.’s call, not yours.”

Gian sat back in his seat and sighed. “We

wouldn’t be at this point without Taylor’s
statement.” He threw down his pen.

Clint glanced at him. “We’ll work something

out. All right, what we need to do is get someone
inside to take Taylor’s place. The Director—”

Gian looked hesitant, interrupting, “I’d prefer

to go in without anyone on the inside knowing
about it.”

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The commissioner shook his head. “I know the

director, he’s a good man. He won’t blow your
cover and he’s as concerned about this as we are.”

“So he knows already?” Gian sat up in his seat.
“Yes,” Clint interjected. “The department felt

that informing Mr. Mason was the right thing to

“I don’t think department resources should be

wasted on this for a long time,” Howard was now

God, how he hated bureaucrats.
“If we send you in there, Gian, you should be

able to get in and out with the information you
need within a month’s time, “Howard told him,
matter of fact.

“How ‘bout a day?” Gian replied with a sneer.
Clint shot him a be careful look.
Howard ignored his remark. He got up. “Send

him in, but I want a report once a week on the
situation. This is a delicate one and is to be played
by the book. Davinci,” he pierced him with his
eyes, “is that clear?”

But it was Clint who replied. “Yes sir, strictly

by the book.”

Howard left the room.
Gian rolled his eyes. “He hates me, that man.”
Denardo laughed. “Don’t worry. He just

doesn’t get your particular kind of charm.”

“He is blind to your sex appeal,” Sandra added,

pulling back her long red hair and twisting an

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elastic band around it.

Clint cleared his throat. “All right, all right,

enough of that. Denardo, I want you to work on
getting the records set up that show Gian belongs
to the Guard’s Union. Sandra, get working on a
resume and make sure the sources can be
confirmed in case they are checked.”

Sandra and Bobby stood. They were ready to

get to work.

“We’ll get right on it, Cap,” Sandra said.
“I want it by the end of the day. All right,” Clint

continued after the other two left, “I’ve spoken to
Director Mason, Gian. He’s already expecting you
to come in. There’s no reason for you to interview,
but the records will be in the files in case someone
wants to check you out.”

“When do I go in?”
“Tomorrow. You can keep the hair, but you

have to tie it back. They’ll issue you a uniform
there at the facility. Have you thought about how
you will proceed?”

“I obviously won’t be considered an insider

right away. I thought I’d try to get some
information from the boys involved first. I’ll work
afternoons during the week and nights on the
weekend, that way I can get to know the boys
without the other three around.”

“Sounds like a smart plan. This is a very

delicate situation, Gian. You have to be careful.”

“I realize that.”

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“I have a name for you. You can keep the first

name, I changed the last. It’s Gian Franca. Is that
all right?”

“Sounds fine to me.”
“Remember, you have to call me once a week so

I can tell Howard something.”

“Look I got some work to do at my desk. I

better finish up my reports before I get into this.”

Clint shook his head. “I’m still waiting for last


Gian laughed. “No worries. I’m going right

now. Heard from Kayla?”

“Not since she went back to California. New

semester. She’s probably busy.”

“She’s going to make one hell of a civil rights


Clint sighed. “You, too? Ganging up on me, you

and your sister.”

He grinned and left the room as he heard Clint

yell, “There’s no money in civil rights law.”

* * * *

Welcome to Beaconsfield.

The sign was carved into

the lawn, beautifully landscaped. Except for the
gates and electronic cameras, Beaconsfield looked
like a private school. An arrow in the parking lot
indicated which side the boys division was on. He
parked his police issued green Toyota Corolla in a
lot marked visitors and walked across the parking

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lot to the front entrance. There was another sign
which read, Director. He rang the buzzer and was
admitted. A woman at a desk greeted him.

“Hello, you must be the new guard, Gian

Franca. My name is Nellie Carmelita. Mr. Mason
will be right with you. Welcome to Beaconsfield.”

“Thank you,” he said, looking around. The long

tiled hallways were so shiny you could see your
face in them and the place was dead quiet except
for the loud ticking of an industrial clock on the

Mr. Mason was a short, blond haired man in his

forties. He came out and shook Gian’s hand.
“Please,” he said, “come into my office.” He had
shifty eyes and he never quite looked directly at

Gian followed him into a midsized office with a

huge desk. There were pictures of children on the
wall, his children Gian presumed.

“I want you to know from the onset that I had

no idea anything improper was happening here at
Beaconsfield. I would like you to believe me when
I say that your department has my complete
cooperation in this matter. Anything you want,
you shall have at your disposal.”

“I will work afternoons during the week and

nights on the weekend for the time being. This
may change. Can you arrange that?”

“It will take some effort , but, yes, I can arrange

it. Consider it done.”

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“I need your guarantee that no one else will

know my real identity.”

“All right, I’m ready to start.”
“I will call Ron Collins. He is the head guard in

the day. He’s very experienced and will show you
everything you need to know. He is aware
someone new is starting today and that you have
come highly recommended. We received the
paper work this morning by courier so if anyone
chooses to look up your file, it’s in order. I will
enter it into the computer this afternoon.”

“How many boys here?”
“In this unit, close to fifty. They range in age

from thirteen to eighteen. And then there’s Cory.
He’s going to be nineteen soon. He’s more of a
trustee than an actual resident. As soon as we can
find a suitable transition house, he’ll be

“I see.”
“We have accredited teachers on the premises

and the boys get a good education here.”

“I will need to see their files later on this

evening. Right now, I’d like to take a look at your
employment records.”

“Certainly,” he said, rushing over to his desk. “I

will bring those up for you right now. May I ask
which employees are under suspicion?”

“I assure you, all my staff have been screened

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“Screening processes only work if the subject

has a record.”

“Yes, I know ’ but wouldn’t they—”
“Let the police handle this.”
“Of course. I will leave you alone so you may

review the files in peace.” He paused, “I can’t
believe that anything out of the ordinary is
happening here. I have good employees. I’ve had
no problems with anyone and if something of this
nature is going on here, why didn’t someone tell
me? Why didn’t the boys—”

“Fear,” Gian said. He went to sit in front of the

computer as Mason punched at the keyboard.
“There you go. I’ll come back at noon with

“All right,” Gian said absently and began to

scan the files.

Mason left the office, shutting the door behind

him. You didn’t have to be a detective to see that
Mason was running scared. If he did in fact find
what he had come here for, there would be a full-
scale inquiry into the running of this institution. It
would be Mason in the hot seat. He could very
well lose his job or worse.

Gian reviewed the files of the employees. He

was especially interested in Decoteau, Falcon and
Anderson. Falcon had been responsible for hiring
the other two. They were all bonded and had
previously worked as security guards. These were

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the names that had been specifically mentioned by

He took a look cursory look at the other

employment files. Most of the guards had been
there awhile working days because they had

There were seven teachers who taught in the

boys sector. All their records seemed in order with
nothing unusual there. There was a psychologist
on staff and six counsellors who worked very
closely with the residents. All these people
worked in the daytime. Aside from that, there was
a maintenance crew of three men, two women and
five people who worked full time in the kitchen, as
well as three part time laundry staff. Finally, at the
top of the food chain were Mason and his

Gian called Sandra on his cell phone a few

minutes before lunch. “Hi, it’s me,” he said.

“Me who?” she teased.
“Cute. Look, I’m going to send you the

Beaconsfield employment records in a zip file in a
few minutes on the mainframe computer. Can you
do a thorough check on the three primary suspects
for me?”

“The one’s Taylor mentioned in his statement?”
“Those are the ones.”
“How’s it going?”
“I haven’t done anything yet. I’m going to be

orientated today by the supervisor on this shift. I

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won’t call again until I have something to say.
Check those out and, if there is anything pressing,
leave a message on my machine at home and I’ll
get back to you.”

“I love the strong, silent types,” she replied.

“Bye, handsome.”

“So long,” he laughed and hung up.

Ronald Collins was a nice man with a pleasant

smile. He walked with a slight limp, an injury he’d
received when he was in the military. Gian
followed him to a supply room. Collins studied
him a minute. “You’re not that big around the
middle, but you’ve got broad shoulders and big
arms. What are you, thirty-four waist?”

“Right on,” Gian smiled.
“And you’re a tall one, aren’t ya?” He looked

him up and down. “How tall are you anyway?”

“Six three,” Gian replied.
Ronald, who stood about five ten, whistled.

“God, I’d love to be that tall. And all muscle.
Ladies must love you.”

Gian smiled faintly.
“Okay, these should be long enough,” he

handed him a pair of brown pants. “Sixteen or
seventeen collar?”

“Right again.”
He slapped his thigh. “Hot damn, I’m never

wrong. You take a medium shirt if the sleeves and
shoulders are roomy. I think I’m going to give you

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a large. These are not the biggest of shirts.” He
handed him a matching dark brown shirt with
gold buttons and Beaconsfield Security printed on
the sleeve.

“Good idea,” Gian took the shirt, glad there

were no fashion police around. They were uglier
than the police garb he wore back when he was in

“And shoes, nine or ten?”
“Ten. Rather have them big.”
Ronald slapped him on the back as he handed

Gian a pair of brown-laced shoes. “There you go,
son. We have hats, but no one wears them. They
are ugly mothers. You’ll have to tie that hair back
for me, I don’t mind, but Mr. Mason will have a

Gian grinned. “I’ll tie it back.”
“Good, get yourself outfitted and I’ll get you

some equipment. You will need a walkie, a club
and a regulation flashlight on the nightshift. We
only use the club if we have to and then I just give
a tap at the knees, knocks ‘em down, don’t hurt
‘em none.” He shook his head and then grinned at
him. “Most the time, I don’t have any problems
with these boys here. They aren’t bad boys really.”

“Thanks for the tip.”
“Call me Ron or Ronnie, everyone does. I’ll

meet you down the hall. I got to put some fresh
batteries in the radios.” He stopped. “You and me,
we’re going to get on just fine. The other two on

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this shift are good boys, too. I’ll introduce you
round once I show you the grounds and explain
your duties.” He left now, closing the door behind

Gian pulled on the pants, straight cut and none

too big. The shirt fit great around the torso, but it
stretched taunt across his shoulders and he gave
up trying to do it up around the neck. He combed
his hair and tied it back at the nape. He looked at
himself in the mirror and decided that the uniform
was rather tight, but what choice did he have?

When he met Ron down the hallway, Ron told

him he looked great. So much for taste, he
thought. Anyway, he took the radio and fastened
it to his belt along with the club. They were so
heavy compared to what they issued on the police
force now.

Ron made him sign for some keys and showed

him the supply room.

There was a desk in there with a clipboard

where they had to keep track of their rounds and
any problems during the shifts so that the next
guy would be informed.

Ron took his job very seriously and Gian knew

he was proud of it. He thought Ronald was rather
sweet. He was introduced to two other guards
who were friendly and welcoming and then
Ronald told him that he would take him on his
rounds and show him what his duties were.

Gian adjusted the radio on his hip and followed

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Ron Collins down the corridor.

* * * *

Ace was in a good mood today. He had just
received a letter from his father with fifty dollars
in it. He was trying to encourage Cory to play
cards with him in the recreation room just before

“No way, are you nuts?” Cory replied with a

hoot of laughter. “Only crazy people play
blackjack with you. Besides I have no money.”

“Damn,” he said, walking over to the window.

“No one will play with me.”

Cory made a face and opened up a magazine.

He was about to say something when Ace said,
“Well, time for lunch. I hope there’s something
good to eat tonight.”

“Spaghetti,” Cory said, standing up. “I like the

way the new cook makes it.”

“Well, let’s go get it then, baby,” he said,

throwing an arm around him.

They laughed, scampering down the hall to the


After getting their plates, they sat with some

other boys. Daniel came in shortly after and sat
beside Cory.

Cory grinned at him. “Hey, kid.”
“Hey, Cory,” he said. He didn’t smile back. In

fact, he didn’t smile at all lately.

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Suddenly Ace nudged him. “Hey, take a look at

that over there in the line,” he said. “Maybe I’ve
died and gone to heaven.”

There were a lot of boys looking suddenly.
But there were two teachers standing in the

way of his view and Cory couldn’t see a thing.
“What? I don’t see anything.”

“Wait, he’ll be coming this way with his plate

soon. Ooh baby, maybe it’s my birthday.”

Cory made a noise of irritation. “Eat your…” he

began taking a bite of his spaghetti, but then
paused in mid bite and looked up.

There was a man walking down the aisle

between the tables. He was tall and well built with
black hair tied back at the neck.

The boys all turned to look at him at the same

time. There was some heavy duty whispering
which was drowned out by the general noise in
the cafeteria and then some wolf whistles.

“That shirt is pretty tight,” Cory said.
“Umm…looks like he could burst right out of it,

the pants, too.”

“Oh I could bust him right out of it anytime.”

Cory smiled. “Haven’t seen a guy who looked that
good…well…can’t remember when.”

“Must be Mark Taylor’s replacement,” Ace


Frank leaned over now and looked at Cory.

“Christ, that’s a hard on, eh Cory?”

“Say that again,” Cory agreed, turning to look

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over at the table where Gian sat with Ronald

Frank was rough trade all the way and not

afraid to speak his mind. He sometimes said
things that made even Cory blush.

“Leave him to Cory and me,” Frank told Ace.

“We know how to treat a man like that, don’t we,

Cory turned his eyes back to him. “Yeah, and

that’s one hell of a man.”

“I could tie him up and rape him until he

begged for more,” Frank jeered.

Ace howled with laughter. “Fuck you, Frank.

Did you see the muscles on that guy? And get a
load of the size of him, man, he’d blow you over
with his little finger.”

Cory couldn’t argue with that. “He’s right, but

hey…can’t blame us boys for dreaming.”

They all laughed.
Suddenly Mr. Mason got to his feet and called

for attention. “Listen up boys, we have a new
addition to the staff.” He pointed to Gian who
nodded and then went back to his lunch. “Gian
Franca is one of our new security men. I trust you
will treat him with the same respect as the others.”

Someone yelled out. “I have no problem

respecting that…I’ll worship at his feet if he

Mr. Mason made a face as all the boys erupted

into laughter. Eventually the cafeteria quieted and

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they went back to eating.

“He’s Italian,” Cory mentioned.
“Are they good lovers?” Daniel said for the first


Cory looked at him. “Daniel, you’re too young


“I don’t think I’d mind him so much. He’s

really handsome.”

Cory smiled and patted his head. He got up

and returned his tray to the front. The day passed
quickly. He spent the afternoon in class, ate
supper and then sat to do homework. After the
homework was done, they were permitted to
spend an hour and a half of free time in the
recreation room or watching television. They
could go out into the yard if they wanted, but it
was too cold.

Cory went to his room and started to work on

that essay about love. Daniel had his books in
front of him, but didn’t seem to be doing anything.
He stared off into the distance.

* * * *

Gian walked down the hallway and looked into
each room. There were two boys to a room. Most
of them said hello. He said, “Hi,” and kept going.

When he came to the last room at the end of the

hall, he knocked and walked in.

He knew right away that the older one was

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Cory. He recognized him suddenly from his
picture in the file, nineteen and waiting for a
suitable transition house. Taylor had mentioned
Cory, a former prostitute and the consistent target
of abuse by the guards. He’d been there for a few
years. He was Andy Falcon’s favourite and, just by
looking at him, he knew why. He was a good-
looking guy with dark curly hair and the type of
eyes that always seemed flirtatious. He was slim
and rather graceful looking and for some reason
right now, his face was red as a beat. He stood
when he saw Gian.

“Hi,” Gian said.
“Hi,” Cory replied.
“Everything all right in here?”
Daniel looked at him now. “You’re handsome,”

he said.

Cory gave him a look of shock. “Daniel! That’s


Gian smiled at him. “Why thank you and you

are quite handsome yourself,” he told him as
Daniel came over to stand in front of him. Gian
placed a hand on his head. He couldn’t have been
more than thirteen years old.

“You’re really tall, too.”
“Daniel,” Cory snapped. “What’s got into you?

Sorry,” he looked at Gian.

“Not a problem,” Gian replied. “You’re very

red in the face, Cory. Do you have a fever?” He
walked over and placed a hand on his forehead.

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“No. No. I’m fine,” he stuttered.
Gian backed away. “How do you find it in


“It’s ah…all right.”
“You know if you need anything or…” he

paused, “you need to talk to anyone about
anything, you can talk to me.”

Daniel was still standing there looking up at

him, his eyes wide.

Cory blinked. “About what?”
Gian shrugged. “Anything you like,” he

replied, then ruffled Daniel’s hair and walked out.

* * * *

“Daniel,” Cory got off the bed and took his arm,
“what’s gotten into you? You’d swear you never
saw a man before. You can’t just tell strange men
they’re handsome.”

“But he is handsome,” Daniel said. “And if he

likes me, maybe he’ll protect me from the others
and they won’t hurt me anymore.”

Cory pulled Daniel into his arms and crushed

him against him. “Oh, Danny, poor little Danny,”
he whispered. “I wish I could make it all go

* * * *

Gian quickly checked his messages when he got

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home and then turned his answering machine off.
He sat in front of the television set and closed his
eyes. He would work three more day shifts and
then switch to nights where he would finally meet
those three guards.

Today had gone pretty well, although his

encounter with Daniel had been tough. The kid
showed definite signs of being a sexually abused
child and he was so young.

Some sexually abused children stood out in that

they didn’t know how to deal with sexuality
appropriately. The only way they could relate to
adults was on a sexual level.

Cory was an adult, but Gian could tell that he

was terrified. When he had suggested that he
could talk to him, he looked as if he might bolt
and run.

He had focused on a couple of the other boys in

that unit Mark had mentioned in his statement.
There was Frank who was around sixteen years
old who said, “Stay awhile and I’ll show you a
good time,” when he’d walked in the room. And
there was Ace, not quite as bold as Frank, but yet
he’d looked at him as if he might devour him
whole. Tony was around seventeen and very soft
spoken. He got out of bed when he came in and
paraded himself totally naked in front of him.
When Gian told him to put some clothes on, he
acted like he didn’t even realize he was naked.

He wondered if these boys acted out like that to

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the other guards. Maybe they did, but the guards
weren’t trained to see the signs. Some of the
counsellors must realize it.

The next day, he was back at Beaconsfield,

doing his rounds after lunch right before first
period when he smelt smoke. The boys weren’t
allowed to smoke in the bathrooms. They could
only smoke outside in the designated area.

As he neared the door, he could hear talking.

He stood stock-still and listened.

“What is that guy’s name anyway?” one voice

asked softly.

“That weird old man who burned Daniel with a

cigar?” Another asked.

“I don’t know, but I sure hope he doesn’t come

Friday night. He tied me to the bed once for

“Pervert. Old bastard,” the other voice replied.

His voice was very light and girlish. It sounded
like Tony.

“I wouldn’t mind that new guard tying me to a

bed,” was the next announcement. That was
Cory’s voice or at least someone who sounded a
hell of a lot like him. It was deeper, more mature.

“Tell me about it,” the other murmured. “He’s

so sweet and what a smile. He’s a hunk and a half.
He came to my room for bed check the other night
and I walked out in front of him completely

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“No,” Cory laughed. “Are you kidding? What

in hell did you do that for? What did he do?”

“He said in that deep masculine voice of his put

some clothes on, please

I almost came right there. He

could give me an orgasm just talking to me.”

They were laughing. Gian decided that before

he overheard any more of this, he should

“Wonder what it would be like to make love to

that,” Cory sighed.

“Wonder what it would be like to make love to

what?” He walked in and pushed open the stall
with his boot.

They both scrambled off the toilet where they

were perched. Cory lifted the lid and threw the
cigarette in.

“Hi,” Cory waved at him, coughing a bit. He

gave him a lopsided grin.

Tony winked at him. “Hi there, sexy.”
“Wonder what it would be like to make love to

whom, Cory?” Gian asked him, raising an
eyebrow. He knew he was embarrassing him, but
he couldn’t resist. It was punishment for breaking
the rules.

“Ah…just how much of that conversation did

you hear, sailor?” Tony gave him the softest smile.

“Enough,” he said. “Anyone ever tell you

smoking isn’t good for you?”

Cory was red again.
There was dead silence. “Okay, out of here,”

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Gian motioned, “You know you’re not supposed
to smoke in the bathrooms.”

“We needed privacy,” Cory said as he came out

of the stall, meeting his gaze.

“For what?” Gian demanded as they all walked

out of the bathroom.

“To discuss you,” Tony brushed up against


Gian narrowed his eyes. “Bring along a

magazine, I’m sure it would make for much more
interesting bathroom entertainment.”

With that he walked off. Cory and Tony burst

into laughter. “He’s not going to punish us?” Tony
said to Cory, surprised.

“No, cause we’d like it too much,” Cory replied,

running a tongue over his lips which made Tony
laugh all the more.

“Did you see those big brown eyes?”
“I saw, I saw,” Tony moaned as they went off to

class together.

Later that afternoon, Gian felt someone tap him

on the arm. He turned around to see Daniel
standing there.

“Hi,” he said.
“Hi, Daniel. What’s up?”
“Can you come with me to my room?”
“Because there is something I need in the closet

and I can’t reach.”

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“All right,” Gian looked at him curiously and

followed him down the hall.

When they arrived in the room, Daniel said,

“Can I do something for you?”

Gian narrowed his eyes. “Do something for


“Yes, would you like to put it in me, or maybe I

could smoke your pole.”

He said these like he was asking him if he

wanted to play ball or go outside for a walk. Gian
swallowed. “Daniel, you’re a child, a little boy. I’m
a grown man. Grown men don’t do those things
with children unless they are very sick men.”

“But it would be all right if you did it. You

would be nice to me.”

“I can be nice to you without doing those

things. Who are you afraid of, Daniel? Is there
someone you want me to protect you from?”

He opened his mouth, then closed it as Cory

came in.

Cory looked from one to another, then grabbed

Daniel and pulled him away. “What are you doing
in here alone with Daniel?”

“Nothing,” he said. “We were talking.”
“Daniel,” Cory said sharply, “leave us now.”
The little boy walked quickly out of the room.
Cory glared at Gian. “You wanted to talk,”

Cory eyed him, “Let’s talk.” He walked over,
closed the door and leaned on it. “You’re a big boy
and I’m a big boy. I’m all grown up, even legal.

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Daniel is just a baby.” Cory said. “If you need
something, take it from me…not a little boy…if
you’re man enough.”

Gian took a step backward as Cory came closer.

“You think I wanted to…molest Daniel? Why
would you think that?”

“I know he’s young, but I have the experience,”

Cory said, placing his hands on his chest.

Gian took Cory’s hands off his chest and went

to open the door. “I’m going to ask you this one
last time…why did you think I was trying to
molest Daniel? Is someone here molesting him?”

Cory backed away. “No. I just thought that…”
Gian shook his head. “I assure you Cory, I am

not a child molester. You and Daniel have nothing
to fear from me.”

Cory met his gaze. “I just want you to know

that I will protect Daniel at all costs and if you’re
looking for…you know that kind of thing, then
take me. That’s all I’ve got to say.”

“Message received,” Gian said, opened the door

and walked out.

* * * *

The night, Cory lay in bed listening to Daniel
chatter on about some television show. Finally, he
asked him. “Danny, what was that guard doing in
here today, you know, the good looking one?”

“I asked him to come and help me get

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“I asked him if he wanted to put it in me or—”
“Daniel! What would you do that for?” Cory

asked him severely, sitting up. “With all the other
stuff…all the times I try and stop it, you go and

“I want to do it with him, and if I do, no one

else will dare. He has kind eyes and he’s really big
and he wouldn’t let anyone take me away. If I
really pleased him, he’d protect me from the other

Cory sighed. He had tried to protect Danny, but

sometimes he couldn’t. “What did he say when
you asked him that?”

“He said no. He said I was a little boy and little

boys and men didn’t do those things together
unless the big men were sick persons.”

Cory let that sink in. “He wasn’t going to

molest you then?”

“No. He asked me if someone was doing that

and he told me that he would stop them.”

“He did.”
“You didn’t tell, did you…the details because

you know what would happen if anyone knew.
No one would really do anything for a long time
and we’d get beaten up bad.”

“No, honest, Cory, I didn’t tell him anything,”

Danny gulped, tears running down his face, “but I

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wanted to.”

“You must never tell because he could get fired

or leave here and we’d be alone. Andy would kill
us if he found out. I’ll protect you.”

“But you can’t, Cory, because you too are

getting hurt.”

It was quiet and Cory took him into his bed and

pulled him close. Tears collected in his eyes.
“Shush,” he swallowed.

* * * *

Friday came and Gian had a hard time sleeping in
the day. Tonight he would finally meet those
bastards and he was more determined than ever to
nail them. He just had to play it cool for now.

He was tired when he arrived at seven o’clock

for the twelve-hour shift.

The boys were all in the recreation room,

watching a movie.

He met Tim Anderson first. He was wearing a

big hoop earring. He shook his hand and Gian felt
like washing it after.

Gian was surprised when he slid up beside him

in the recreation room and said, “You’re a cutie. I
heard you were a looker, all that beautiful hair.
How long you been growing it?”

Gian pretended to be friendly. “Just haven’t cut

it in awhile.”

Tim, who was thinning on top, patted his own

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head and said, “Inherited from my dad. I’m only
twenty-eight. Good thing I’m hairy down where it
counts, eh?” he laughed, slapping Gian’s arm.

“Right,” Gian murmured dryly.
“Hey, you got a hell of a bicep there. You work


“When I have time.”
“Nice. Take off your shirt for me later, I’d like

to see the rest.”

Gian ignored that.
“Oh, here’s Andy,” he said. “Andy, come meet

the new guy.”

Gian gave Andy a contained smile. He was big

and fat and damn repulsive. He smelt like stale
cigarettes, French fries and sweat.

“Well, well,” he said. “You’re on my watch, eh?

Well, you be doing the bed checks tonight. Be sure
and tuck in the little ones now.”

Gian met his eyes and nodded.
“Pug is somewhere around here, ain’t he?”

Andy Falcon asked Anderson who nudged Gian’s

“He depends on me for everything. I’ll go and

find him, boss.”

“Go then. Gian, is it?” Andy glanced at him.
“That’s right.”
“We need to get to know each other. So, how

come you’re switching shifts?”

Gian shrugged. “Used to nights, I guess.

Thought I’d try them both out. I don’t mind.”

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“Good. Look, we guys have a little party here

on the weekends because after the boys are
sleeping, we get bored. You could get yourself
invited if you play your cards right.” He looked
him up and down. “Which door you bang on,

“Pardon me?” Gian replied, playing dumb.
“You like it in the back or the front? What team

you pitch for, darling?” He insisted. “Sure as hell
can’t tell by looking at you. Ah, just a minute,” he
said, looking over at the boys.

Before Gian could answer, he was waddling

down the aisle telling one the boys to stop
throwing stuff. “I’ll get out my club,” he
threatened and the boys settled down

“You got to be tough,” he told Gian when he

came back. “Show them who the boss is ‘cause
they’ll run the place otherwise.” Again, he ran his
gaze over him. “You got quite a package down

What a sleaze, Gian thought. “Thanks.” He

made an attempt at a smile.

“It’s going to be a quiet party tonight. How old

are you, honey?”

He shuddered inwardly at honey. “Twenty

three,” he replied.

“Do you like to have a good time?”
“Sure, I like to have a good time.”
“Well, maybe we might just invite you one of

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these times.”

He walked off and Gian finally felt like he

could breathe again.

The time came for the boys to go to bed. Gian

went to do bed check.

When he came to Cory’s and Daniel’s room, he

could tell that they were very tense. “You guys all
right?” he asked, sticking his head in the door.

Danny shook his head.
“We’re fine,” Cory said.
All the lights went out except the emergency

ones in the hallway.

He did the rounds often, three floors, upstairs

then down. He waited. Then about midnight he
saw Pug wandering the halls. He stopped and
stayed in the shadows, waiting to see where he
was going. Pug went into Frank’s room and took
him out. He had his hand on his shoulder as he
led him down to the end of the hallway.

“Who else is coming tonight?” Frank asked.
“I’m going to get Daniel and Cory.”
Gian sucked in some breath. He took the stairs

two at a time to the third floor. Quietly he crept
into the room where Daniel slept and lifted him
out of the bed. He carried him down three flights
to the utility room. There was a cot in there. He
laid him on the cot.

Daniel opened his eyes and yawned. “What’s

going on?”

“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “Stay here. I’m

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going to lock the door. Only I have the key. Go
back to sleep.” He covered him with a blanket and
left, locking him in. Then he high tailed it back up
to the third floor. Pug was there. He had Cory up
against the wall.

“Where is he? Where in the hell is Daniel, you

little prick!” He pulled down Cory’s pajama
bottoms and grabbed his penis hard.

Cory gasped.
Gian came down the hall. “Pug!” he said.

“What in fuck are you doing?”

“Daniel has disappeared and this little bastard

has hidden him somewhere again.”

“I saw Daniel running outside,” Gian said.

“That’s what I came to tell you.”

Pug paused. “Hey, come here,” he said softly in

a voice that made Gian quite ill.

“You want some of this action? I’d love to

watch you do it to him.”

Cory looked at him with tear-filled eyes,

scrambling to pull up his pants. Gian looked at
Pug. “We need to find Daniel?”

“I’ll look for the little prick. Here,” he handed

Gian a pair of handcuffs, “it’s better when he’s
tied down.”

Gian swallowed. “Better go before he gets


Pug ran down the hall.
Gian took Cory’s arm and led back into the

room, the handcuffs dangling in his hands. He laid

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him down on the bed and put the blanket over
him. “Did he hurt you?”

Cory nodded. “No, I’m all right.”
“Go to sleep. No one will bother you tonight.”

* * * *

Cory sat up in bed as he watched him walk to the
door. “Aren’t you going to…”

But he was gone.
Cory eventually fell asleep, biting the blanket to

quell the pain in his groin. When he woke up,
Daniel was asleep in bed beside him. He looked
more peaceful than he had ever seen him.

Saturday was lazy day, a time to complete

homework or even go outside. Some of the boys
had visitors, but Cory never got any. It was just
his mother anyway and she was often too high to
care about visiting him. She’d basically told him
that now that he was an adult, she wasn’t
responsible for him anymore. He guessed that
meant she didn’t have to visit him anymore either.
He wanted to leave this hellhole, to be free of the
abuse he’d suffered here, but he didn’t know how
he could leave Daniel. What if the authorities
didn’t believe him when he got out and Daniel
was left here all alone?

Cory kept asking Daniel what had happened to

him the night before, but he couldn’t remember.
He was fearful about tonight however because

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Andy was going to be angry that they’d messed
up their party. Oh well, he would cross that bridge
when he came to it.

He kept thinking about that new guard and

how he had led him to bed, laid him down,
covered him up and walked away. He didn’t even
touch him when they were alone.

“Maybe he’s impotent,” Frank said at

suppertime when Cory told him about it in a
hushed voice.

“He is not!” Daniel protested hotly. “He’s

perfect and he’s not whatever it is you
say…im…pot…..or whatever,” he stuttered.

“You don’t even know what it means!” Frank

accused, laughing.

“Yes I do and he’s not that!” Daniel stood and

raised his fists.

Cory’s eyes widened. “Danny, what’s going on

with you?”

“Take it back!” he said to Frank, ignoring Cory.
When Frank cried, “Impotent, impotent,”

Daniel threw a punch at him and Frank ducked.

One of the guards came over and demanded to

know what was going on as Cory took Daniel’s
arm. “Nothing,” Cory said. “They’re just fooling

“Knock it off,” he said and walked off.
“Good thing that was Cartwright,” Cory told

Daniel. The nightshift hadn’t come on yet.

“I don’t care,” Daniel said, pouting as Frank

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walked off. “He doesn’t have to say those things
about Gian.”

“Why are you so protective of him for?”
“I like him, that’s all.”
When the nightshift came on, Cory was playing

cards with Ace for pennies and losing as usual.

Gian walked into the recreation room at eight

o’clock. He looked around and then walked back

“There’s my sweetie,” Ace cooed.
“How come he’s your sweetie?” Cory teased.
“He just is.”
“Bull. Maybe he’s mine.”
“Or mine,” Tony piped in over Ace’s shoulder.
“He wouldn’t be interested in you,” Ace

scoffed. “You’re too much of a sissy.”

“Fuck off,” Tony threw at him and walked


Daniel was sitting in the corner with his head

back on the sofa. His eyes were closed. He had
been sulking since suppertime and Cory knew
why. Saturday nights were the worst for Daniel
because that man with the cigar came and he was
one sick bastard. He was a high paying client and
Andy wouldn’t let Daniel out of his sight until that
creep arrived.

Cory threw down his cards. “I give up, take all

my pennies, I can’t beat you,” he said. “I even
suspect you cheat.”

“Do not,” Ace blubbered. “Come on, who’s

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next? Come on Frank, Tony?”

They were into a show on television and

ignoring him.

Cory went over to sit with Daniel. “What cha

doing? Sleeping?”

“No, but I’m not going tonight, Cory.”
Just then Andy came barrelling in. “Daniel, I

want to talk to you!” He bellowed.

Daniel was trembling.
Cory stood. “Andy, he’s sick. He’s not feeling


Andy swept Cory out of the way with his hand,

causing him to stumble and fall on his knees. He
grabbed Daniel by his shirt. “Get up here, you
little turd. Where in the hell were you last night?
We looked all over for you! Is that what you think
we have to waste our time on?”

“I’m sick, Andy, I’m sick,” he started to cry.

Andy began dragging him toward the door.

Cory screamed at him, “Leave him alone. Leave

him alone!”

The boys in the room were frozen to the spot

with fear as Daniel yelled, “I’m sick, Andy, I’m

Cory jumped on Andy’s back and he threw him


Just then Gian came through the door. He

looked at Andy and then at Daniel who was
dangling at the end of Andy’s fist by his collar.
Cory was getting up off the floor.

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His first instinct was to grab Daniel away from

Andy and then beat the crap out of him, but of
course he wouldn’t get anywhere doing that. He
had to save Daniel from Andy, but he couldn’t
make an enemy of him yet.

“Oh Andy, look, Daniel is really sick. Look at

his face. You have the right idea isolating him
from the other boys. It could be contagious.”

Andy didn’t know what to say.
“Come to me, Daniel. I’ll look after you,” Gian

demanded, meeting the boy’s eyes. “Daniel,” he
snapped, “come over here now.”

Andy loosened his hold for a second and Daniel

struggled free, running into Gian’s legs and
clinging to his waist.

Gian picked him up and took him out of the

room, leaving Andy standing there.

Andy turned around. “Go back doing what you

were doing,” he said to the other boys. “There’s
nothing to see here.”

Cory sat on the sofa, breathless. He had been so

frightened. He wasn’t sure what had just

Later that night as he lay in bed, he heard the

familiar footsteps. Daniel had not come back, so he
assumed he was in the sickbay. He was relieved.

Pug came to get him. He pulled him out of bed

and pushed him along the hall, down the stairs
and then down the other long hallway. Cory hated
this hallway. The cement was cold on his bare feet

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and he never knew who he was going to meet at
the end of it.

When he walked in, the man with the cigar was

there. He was bitching about his little Daniel not
being available.

“Won’t Cory do?” Andy said, trying to appeal

to him by walking over and pulling down Cory’s
pajama bottoms.

“Turn around and bend over,” the man barked,

rising and coming over to him. I’m going to see
how long it takes you to bleed, boy.”

Hot tears fell on Cory’s cheeks.

* * * *

Everyone froze when Gian walked in with Tim.
Gian quickly summed up the scene, trying to
figure out how he could spare Cory without
making it too obvious. “Tim,” Gian said, looking
at him, “I am disappointed.”

“How come?”
“Well, I come in and find this guy here. I’m not

interested in watching.”

All the while Gian felt the old guy looking at

him. He knew this guy was paying big bucks and
they’d let this pervert do whatever he wanted.
Gian winked at the guy with the unlit cigar
between his teeth. “You like them young, eh? This
guy you got there is too old. He’s an adult man.”

“You have a good eye,” he said. “The younger

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they are, the better I like them.” He paused. “But a
man like you…” he announced, “you could
dominate me. You could make me your slave.
How about taking off that uniform and showing
me if you got anything to offer?”

Gian stifled an urge to retch. “Bet I could fuck

you so hard your ass would explode,” Gian told
him, knowing exactly what this guy wanted. He
liked to terrorize kids, but when there was a man
in the equation, he enjoyed being dominated.

The Cigar man smiled. “You’d have to gag me

and tie me down. You’d have to rape me and I’d
fight you.” His eyes were glossing over.

“All right you demented little piece of shit, but

not in a crowd,” Gian told him. That just came out.

Luckily, the cigar man loved the verbal abuse.

“In the back room then?”

“That’s fine. Let’s go.”
“But what if I don’t like it?”
“I’m in charge, not you. You’ll like it if I tell you

to,” Gian remarked. He took off his club. “I didn’t
become a security guard for nothing,” he slapped
the club in his hand.

“Hey,” Tim said. “I want to watch.”
“No,” Gian replied. “I’m not interested in an

audience and take Cory upstairs, too, or it’s a no

“I’ve been so very, very bad,” the man moaned.

“Please master.” He got on his knees.

Andy looked at Tim. “Privacy. The client has

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needs and Gian here has been nice enough to fulfil

“Crawl into that room, you lowlife,” Gian


Cory’s eyes widened.
The cigar man crawled into the room.
“You’re really good at that,” Andy grinned.

“What an actor.”

Gian looked at Andy, “You owe me. I know

you’re getting paid for this.”

“I’ll cut you some.”
“I don’t want money. I want you to take him

upstairs,” he said, pointing to Cory. “And later,
he’s mine.”

“You want him now?”
“No, when I’m finished with the old guy.” He

walked over to Cory. He looked at him for a
moment and then wiped the tears off his cheeks.
He wanted to take care of him suddenly. He undid
his Beaconsfield shirt, took it off and put it around
him. “Wait for me in your room.”

Cory nodded.
“Wow,” Tim ran his hand over one of Gian’s

arms. “You got bigger biceps than me and look at
those pecs. I’ve been working on mine for years

“Tim, shut up,” Andy said “and take Cory back


Tim quietly left with Cory.
“There’s a whip on the wall in the other room,”

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Andy said. “Have fun.”

Gian went into the room and looked at that

pathetic bastard kneeling there, his hands together
as if they were tied. “Don’t hurt me,” he pleaded,
his gaze roaming over him. “If you take off those
pants, I’ll be really scared,” he whispered, his
chest heaving.

“Really?” Gian replied, his voice full of hate.

“Well, you’re not going see what I got in my
pants. You are a dirty scumbag, you know that, a
lowlife not fit to crawl over the earth. I heard all
about what you did to Daniel. You want a
beating? It will be my pleasure to give you one.”
Gian leaned over him, his lips very close to his ear.
“I’m going to give you the beating of your life and
then I don’t ever want to see you back here again.
Is that clear?”

He nodded, breathing hard.
Gian took the whip down off the wall. “I’m

going to enjoy this much more than you know,” he
said, and each time he cracked the whip across the
man’s buttocks, he whispered, “This is for

* * * *

Cory sat on the bed and looked at Tim.

“I want to fuck you, Cory,” Tim told him,

“don’t you like me a little?”

He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter, does it, if I like

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you, or not? You’re going to do it anyway.”

“My biceps aren’t as nice as his and he has

fantastic pecs, but maybe he’s got no balls and a
small cock.”

Cory sighed. “Could be, but I doubt it.”
Tim ran his hands over him. “Lie down and let

me touch you.”

Cory shivered at his touch, but it wasn’t half as

bad as that cigar guy. He lay back, prepared for
his fate. Tim got on top of him and Cory turned off
his mind. Suddenly he gasped as he felt Tim being
pulled off him. He sat up to see Gian, who had
Tim by the collar. He wrapped Gian’s shirt around

Tim was on the floor. “What did you do that


“Because Andy said he was mine tonight. I

don’t want your sloppy seconds,” Gian growled.
“Now, get out!”

Tim got to his feet. “Maybe we could share.”
“Yeah and maybe we couldn’t,” Gian glared at


“I think you’re hot.”
Gian shoved him toward the door. “I think

you’re not. Now get out.”

He left with a sigh. “You’ll change your mind,”

he called on the way down the hall.

“Yeah right,” Gian mumbled, “not even if the

only thing left to fuck was a hole in the ground.”

Cory gasped, then laughed. “I can’t believe you

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said that to him.”

“What?” Gian came over to the bed.
“What you just said about the hole in the

ground. That was wild.” Cory shook his head.

Gian looked down at him. Slowly, Cory

removed the shirt from around his shoulders and
lay on the bed. “You are so hot, everyone here
thinks so. I can’t believe you want me. I want you,
too. Finally I really want to do it with someone.”

Gian looked at him. He reached down and

drew the blanket up over his nakedness.

Cory sat up. “What’s wrong?”
“I…can’t do this,” he said.
“But you said you wanted me.”
“Listen to me,” Gian said, sitting on the edge of

the bunk. “If anyone asks, we did it tonight, all

“Why are we lying? Why don’t we just make


“I…” he hesitated.”I can’t.”
“I don’t understand. Are you impotent?”
“Impotent?” His eyes widened.
“You know…can’t get it up?”
Gian laughed faintly. “I know what it means,


“Just do as I ask you,” he whispered.
“Will you kiss me goodnight?” Cory asked.
“No.” Gian got up from the bed. “Get some

sleep. It will all be over soon.”

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Cory watched him leave. What would all be

over soon?

* * * *

When Gian left the room, he was shaking. He had
just beaten an old pervert with a whip and part of
him had enjoyed it in a sadistic kind of way. And
then there was the way Cory made him feel when
he looked at him lying there naked…and that, he
didn’t even want to begin to think about.

The following night, Gian called Clint. He told

him about his experiences so far.

“Are you all right?” Clint asked.
“No. I’m very depressed. Is it enough or not?”
Clint sighed. “Can you witness without


“Damn it, Clint, I can’t stand by and watch

these boys being sexually assaulted. No, I won’t
do that.”

“You need to get some of the boys to talk to


“I’m working on that.”
“Can you take pictures?”
Gian moaned. “Pictures?”
“Make them believe you’re one of them. Tell

‘em you like to take pictures, or videos.”

“They’re not going to buy that.”
“Do what you can. Go straight nights now.”

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Gian sighed and hung up. He phoned Mason to

request the night shift. Before he went to work that
evening, he threw up twice.

Daniel was ready to come out of sickbay, but

when Gian came to work that night, he insisted he
remain there.

Cory was in visiting with Daniel when Gian

arrived. He was surprised to see him there at night
during the week.

“I think he needs another few days,” Gian said.
“But I feel all right,” Daniel protested.
Gian came over to him and smoothed back his

hair. “Stay here, Danny, its safe here.”

“Will you visit me?”
“Of course.”
Cory looked at him, then away. Gian left with a

nod at Cory, but he didn’t say anything. Cory was
hurt that he’d rejected him last night. He wouldn’t
even kiss him, yet he’d gone off into a room with
that old cigar man.

* * * *

“What’s wrong, Cory?” Daniel asked him.

“Nothing. See you later,” he stormed out. He

found Gian coming out of the recreation room.
“So,” he accused, “you prefer old men to me, eh?”

Gian lifted an eyebrow. “What are you talking


“You know what I’m talking about. I’m talking

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about last night. If you had tried me, you…”

Gian took his arm and quickly steered him into

the bathroom.

“This is more like it,” Cory said, trying to wrap

his arms around him.

Gian untangled himself from him. “I asked you

to tell people we had done it last night and here
you are announcing at the top of your lungs that I
never touched you.”

“Why didn’t you touch me? Do you find me

ugly?” Cory demanded.

“No, Cory. I don’t find you ugly,” Gian sighed.
“Then why the old guy and not me?” Tears

stung his eyes.

“I had my reasons.”
“I’m hurt that you…I mean…I really wanted to

do it with you last night.” He lowered his head.

Gian lifted his chin with his finger. He smiled at

him. “I’m flattered. Thank you. But I can’t make
love to you, Cory,” his voice softened, “not now
and not ever.”

Cory looked up at him with sad eyes. “Who are

you anyway?”

Gian stepped away from him. “I’m a guard,” he

said. “Now go and get ready for bed,” he added
hastily. “And remember, you promised to keep
our secret?”

“I don’t understand why you want me to lie,

but if anyone asks, I’ll say we did it. Were you
supposed to be any good at it?” Cory added with

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a grin.

Gian smiled faintly. “That part, I’ll leave up to

your imagination.”

Cory took one last look at him, “With a guy

who looks as good as you do, shouldn’t be hard
for my imagination to work overtime.”

He reached out and ruffled his hair, much the

same way as he did with Daniel.

Cory gave him a curious look. “You treat me

like a little boy.”

“That’s because to me,” Gian replied, “you are

a little boy.”

“But I’m not. I’m almost nineteen and I’m not

even officially supposed to be here.”

He left Gian in the bathroom, not quite sure

what to make of this guy. He just knew that in
spite of his physical attractiveness, he was a very
odd character.

* * * *

Gian thought a lot about what Clint said to him on
the phone. He really hated this assignment. He
hated pretending to be a pervert and he hated
waiting. He wanted to put an end to this and he
knew that if he wasn’t careful, he could blow the
entire thing.

He hadn’t been prepared for Cory, that’s for

sure. Not only was Cory already suspicious of
him, he seemed to be genuinely attracted to him.

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He was nineteen years old and a man. He had to
keep his distance from him because he had
literally been tempted last night for a fraction of a
second when he lay naked on that bed in front of
him. That wasn’t good.

It wasn’t the first time he’d been tempted on an

undercover assignment. Sometimes the job called
for it and, attracted or not, he was forced to sleep
with someone. He hated using and manipulating
people and sometimes he had no choice, but
having any sexual contact with Cory could hurt
this case. It was unethical and a potential powder

He had managed to put Daniel in a place where

he at least was protected for the time being. He
had talked to Mason and Mason agreed to keep
him in sickbay for as long as it took. He couldn’t
protect them all, but Daniel was the most
vulnerable right now and he was suffering

He was going to have to become an insider,

whether he wanted to or not. He had to convince
those creeps that he was just as sick and twisted as
they were without actually participating. That was
a trick.

He was beginning to get close to Daniel, who he

was sure in time would confess everything, but it
would take awhile. That was perfectly normal
given his experience with adult men. As for Cory,
he wasn’t sure how far to push this with him yet.

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He could turn on him, tell Andy he’d been asking

He had bought a movie camera and tonight he

would tell Andy that he wanted to take pictures
for his own personal viewing pleasure

. He would see

what kind of reaction he’d get. He seriously
doubted Andy would go for it, but it was worth a

Next week, Mason promised that Daniel would

be moved out of sickbay and transferred to
another facility. No one would ever hurt him
again. But right now, he had to keep working on
him, try to break him down so that he would tell
him about the things that had happened to him.

Gian began doing bed checks. He saw the one

they called Pug supervising some of the boys as
they came out of the bathrooms after brushing
their teeth. He watched him pull Ace aside,
whisper something in his ear and then fondle his
genitals roughly before he pushed him away.

Gian made his hands into fists and slammed his

jaw together. It was hard to stand there and watch
that, but he had to let the little things go until he
was sure he had enough of a case to arrest all three
of them.

Pug came down the hall now. He did have a

face like a bulldog, ugly as sin. “Hey, stud,” he
cooed. “All quiet down here?”

“It’s fine,” Gian said. “What about you?”
“Cool. So,” he said, lowering his voice, “how

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long you been into S and M?”

“A while. I like to experiment,” he shrugged.
“Maybe sometime we could experiment


“Maybe,” Gian replied. “But I like to take

pictures you know…use a video camera.”

Pugs eyes widened. “You’re one sick puppy.

You like to watch it after you do it, eh?”

“Well, its something to watch,” Gian met his

eyes boldly, giving him a cocky grin.

“I bet it is,” he drawled, his gaze following

Cory down the hall. “You see that?”

“Yes, I see it,” Gian replied.
“That’s one hot guy. You should have seen him

when they first brought him in…what a cocky
street whore he was. The rougher you gave it to
him, the better. I’d love to see the two of you
together. Bet he’d really get off on you.”

“I would love it, but he’s not my type.”
“Oh, he’s everyone’s type when you want it

rough and dirty. He’s one horny guy. What about
the other night, did you enjoy it?”

“The other night…yeah…well it was all right

for an entree.”

Pug laughed. “Let’s go get him, bring him

downstairs just the two of us before Andy comes,
rip off his clothes and do him good.”

“I can’t right now. I have bed check. Maybe


“I wouldn’t mind ripping off your clothes,” he

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said softly, close to his ear.

“Oh yeah?” Gian regarded him with a bland

expression. “Don’t distract me, honey. I have work
to do.”

“Hey,” Pug said as Gian began to walk away,

“tell Cory I’ll see him later and that you and me
are going to do him good. That should get his
juices flowing.” He started laughing.

Gian gave him a forced smile. “Sure, if I get the

chance.” When he arrived at Cory’s room, he was
already in bed, the lamp on. He was reading a
book. “Ready for bed?” Gian walked into the

“Are you giving me an invitation?” Cory


“Yeah, an invitation to turn out the light and go

to sleep.”

Gian laughed. “Well, I for one like boring old


“Is Daniel ever coming back? I miss him,” Cory

said. “Is he all right?”

“He’s fine. Don’t worry about Daniel,” Gian

told him, leaning over and switching off the lamp.

Cory reached up and wrapped his fingers

around his wrist.

Gian paused.
Cory pulled his hand down to his lips and

kissed it.

Gian slowly slid his hand out of his grasp.

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“What was that for?”

“Just because you’re the kind of man I’d want,

if I were out there looking for one.”

“Ah.” He wasn’t sure what to say to that.
“Goodnight, Gian Franca,” Cory murmured. He

rolled over and closed his eyes.

“Goodnight, Cory,” Gian replied softly and left.

“What’s this shit about taking pictures?” Andy

demanded as Gian came out of the guard’s office.

He was face to face with Andy now, all three

hundred and fifty pounds of him. Gian towered
over him, which made him feel somewhat bigger,
at least in height.

“Nothing, I just told Pug that I like to video

tape shit, that’s all.”

“What shit?” He eyed him.
“Like the boys. I’d like to video tape the boys.”
“With you?”
“Not necessarily. They could be with you. It’s

just a hobby of mine. Maybe you could turn it on
for me sometimes when…you know, the boys are
down there and you are getting hot.”

“How bout you turn it on for me?” Andy took a

step toward him. There was no one in the hallway.
It was dark except for the emergency lights.

He smelt really bad. How repulsive.
“You talk the good talk, baby, but do you walk

the walk?”

“I really like to watch,” Gian breathed, bringing

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his mouth close to Andy’s neck. “It turns me on.”

Andy began to undo his shirt, revealing those

rolls of fat. He had breasts as big as any female.
He was breathing hard. “Suck on these,” he
invited, lifting his nipples.

“Here? Now?” Gian looked around. “How

‘bout we do this downstairs later so I can give
those my full attention?”

Andy reached out and brushed his hand

against Gian’s groin. “I want to see it.”

“Downstairs. Will you let me bring my


Andy began to do up his shirt. He looked up at

him. “You might be pretty, but that doesn’t mean
a damn thing. I’ll expect you downstairs later and
bring that camera. I’ll give you a show you won’t
forget. And when you come, bring Cory and Tony
with you.”

He swallowed. “Okay.”
“You do like them, don’t you?”
Andy eyed him, then he reached around and

pulled the tie off his hair. He looked at him for a
moment. “Damn, you are something to look at.
Tonight we’ll spend some time looking at the rest
of you.”

Gian watched him waddle off down the hall.
Andy paused suddenly and turned around. “I’ll

have another uniform issued, cause baby tonight
I’m going to rip that thing off you with my teeth.”

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“Can’t wait,” Gian whispered. Andy laughed

all the way down the hall. Gian went into the
bathroom and ran cold water over his face, being
within inches of that fat bastard made him feel as
if he’d been rolling around in vomit. He couldn’t
imagine having to put his mouth on any part of
that, let alone suck those woman sized breasts.
Damn, there was something’s he wouldn’t do,
even for the NYPD.

He put off going to get Tony and Cory until the

last minute. He brought the video camera with
him. He could do this. He could fake what ever he
needed to in order to get this on film. Even if he
had to touch that piece of garbage, he would if it
meant he could be the one to put his ass in jail.

Cory was half asleep when he walked him

down the hall. Tony seemed resigned. “Who’s
there?” he asked.

“Just us guards,” Gian said.
Cory glared at him. “So, you’ve joined the

perverts finally?”

“Just shut up and hurry,” he said. In order to

convince the guards, he had to try and convince
everyone. If he did this right, he’d make himself
the main player tonight and he would spare the
boys misery. Andy was focused on him.

He decided as he pushed both of them in the

room that he better give an academy award
performance because Andy was looking for more
then talk.

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Tim came over to him. He was shirtless and he

did a curl with his bicep. “I’ve been working out,”
he said. “Soon they will be a nice as yours, nicer.”

“Congratulations,” he said.
Cory and Tony stood over by the wall. Cory

was giving him a look that was tearing out his
heart, but he had to ignore him.

Andy came over. “Are you ready to put your

cock where your mouth is?”

Tim and Pug laughed at the joke.
“If you’re willing to let me film it? Unless I’m

on camera, I can’t get off.”

“A vain mother, isn’t he?” Pug sneered. “He

might not even have anything worth filming.”

“Set up the camera and we’ll find out,” Gian

teased, running a hand down to his groin.

Andy told Pug to turn on the camera. He sat it

on the small table. The red light went on.

Andy then turned to Tony and Cory. “Come

here, boys,” he demanded.

They both came closer.
“Pug, take off their clothes.”
Gian put up his hand. “Wait. I don’t want

anything taking attention away from me. This is
my show and right now it’s Andy I want.”

Andy grinned, taking off his shirt. “Make sure

you watch boys because it’s going to make you

Gian sucked in some breath. He needed to

focus because when Andy came close to him, bile

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began to rise in his throat.

Andy grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled.

The buttons flew in the air and he yanked it off
one arm, then another. He took his time running
his hands over his chest, pinching his nipples so
hard Gian winced. “Nice,” he said.

Pug and Tim reacted to the stimulation by

fondling themselves.

* * * *

In spite of the fact that Cory was quite
disappointed to find that Gian was no better than
the others and that he had shitty taste in men, he
felt himself get hard looking at him. He was close
enough that he could imagine that Andy was not
between them and Gian was touching him.

Andy undid the belt on Gian’s pants and slid it


Cory stifled a moan.

* * * *

Gian looked over at the camera to check the light.
It was still working.

Andy took his time unzipping his pants, then

reached up and bit his nipples. He backed away
and Cory pleaded, “Andy, don’t stop.”

Gian’s expression was unreadable. He was

trying to come up with a fantasy in his mind so he

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could get hard, but damn it was a challenge.

Andy stripped the rest of his clothes off.
That was the worst, Gian thought. If he was

beginning to get erect, he had lost it altogether
when Andy took off his clothes.

Andy pushed Cory onto his knees and made

him take his cock into his mouth.

Gian concentrated on that for a minute and he

was instantly hard. He felt ashamed of getting
erect over that, but for a second he wished Cory
was doing that to him. Anyway, didn’t matter
how he got there, he was there. He was hard as
rock and the camera clicked away.

Andy pulled Cory up to his feet and turned him

around, not close enough to touch Gian, but closer
than he was before. “You like that?”

“Oh God yes,” Cory replied.
Andy laughed. “Pug, hold him.”
Pug took him back to the same place.
“Then you’ll probably like this,” he said,

reaching for Gian’s zipper. Instead of pushing
down his pants and underwear, he lifted his
erection out of his pants. He was standing in the
way and Cory couldn’t see anything.

Tony could however and he cried out. “Baby,”

really loud which caused Andy to laugh.

Andy slapped his cock brutally for a moment,

which caused Gian to draw his head back and
stifle a groan of pain, then he stood aside and
looked at Cory. “What do you think of that?”

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Cory’s gaze settled over him. It was beautiful,

but then everything about him was beautiful. “I
want it. I want him. Can I have him?”

“Maybe,” Andy replied.
“No,” Gian said, looking at Andy.
Andy pulled down his pants and underwear.

“Step out of them. Let’s see what’s so great about
you! Turn around.”

Gian turned around, feeling like he was on

display. He had lost the hard on already. This was
not sexually stimulating at all.

“Nice ass.”
He suddenly felt Andy grab him from behind.

For a horrifying second, he thought he was going
to enter him and he would have fought him, but
instead he spread his cheeks and began to lick

Gian closed his eyes. He tried to give the

impression that he was enjoying the sensation. He
was fondling him again at the same time and then
he stopped and turned him around. “Can I tie
your hands?” he asked.

Before Gian could reply, he showed him the

handcuffs. “It’s just for the boys.”

Andy lifted his wrists and clamped them to a

specially fitted pole above him.

Andy looked at Cory and Tony. “Devour him,


Gian pulled on the cuffs. “No, Andy,” he said.

“I wanted you, not them.”

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“You want that instead of me?” Cory snapped

as Pug grabbed him.

Gian didn’t reply.
Cory was glaring at him. “See this,” Cory lifted

his erection, “you gave this to me, you bastard,
and now you don’t want to pay up.”

Pug was laughing as Andy moved closer to

Gian. He ran his hands over him and then took a
handful of what looked like grease. He oiled his
hand and his arm. Gian’s eyes widened. “What are
you doing?”

“You want it, baby, or you want me?”
Gian closed his eyes then opened them. “Look,

undo these all right.”

“And then what?” Andy teased, rubbing his

own chest and pulling on his nipples.

“What would you like me to do?”
“I want you to ride me like the stud I know you


Cory cried out suddenly as Pug grabbed him.
Tony was being tormented by Tim.
“Anything you want,” Gian replied. “But the

boys go back upstairs. No audience.”

Andy released his wrists. Gian rubbed them

where the cuffs had been.

Andy handed him the grease. “You’re a big guy

so grease me well and do it slow and deep. I like
the sensation and talk dirty to me while you do it.
Tim, take the boys upstairs.”

Gian actually gagged. Thank god he turned his

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head so the other two guards didn’t see. Cory
however saw his expression and gave him a
strange look on the way out.

Damn, he was as soft as dough again and he

had no idea how in the hell he was going to get
hard enough to do this. Thank God, he could hide
his lack of erection behind Andy’s enormous butt.
He’d seen this done although he’d never done it
himself. It wasn’t his idea of a good time.

“Deeper, baby,” Andy urged as he began. “Talk

dirty to me.

Damn, this was the grossest thing he’d ever

done. He felt the bile rise in this throat. “Let me
tell you,” he began, “tell you ah…what I’m going
to do to you once I bury my fist into your
enormous ass. You know I can do this far better
with my fist than my cock. I can go deeper until
you squirm, cry out for mercy.”

“Do it, baby, do it!”
He drove his arm as deep into him as he could

possibly go and held onto his stomach as he did it.
When Andy came, it was disgusting. He turned
around, grabbed Gian, kissed him deeply on the
mouth and then came all over him.

When he looked up, Cory was still in the room.

Tim had fastened him with cuffs now and Tim
motioned to him. “Take Cory because he’s dying
for it, right kid?”

Gian told himself to remain calm. His arm was

covered with grease and God knows what. God,

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he was going to soak it in peroxide when he got
out of here. He picked up a towel and wiped his
arm. He felt physically ill.

“Do it, Gian, fuck him, “Andy demanded.
“Then go over to the far wall and watch from

there,” Gian instructed. “If you’re too close, I can’t
get hard.”

They all moved away. He could fake this. No


He placed his arms around Cory’s waist and

pressed his groin against his buttocks.

Cory struggled.
“Struggle, that’s okay,” Gian growled, “turns

me on even more.”

“Pervert,” he struggled again.
Gian tightened his hold on him, he kept his

hands above his waist, brought his lips near his
neck to look like he was kissing him.

* * * *

Cory was struggling less now. Gian felt so good
against him. He wished he’d touch him, bring his
hands down and fondle his genitals. His cock was
aching for his caress. His groin against his
buttocks was making him hot. He got hard,
completely helpless in his arms like this.

Gian’s hair brushed his cheek. Cory laid his

head back on his shoulder and moaned against

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“Oh look how hard he is,” Andy moaned. “He

likes you, Gian.”

“Um…I can see that,” Gian replied.
“Touch me,” Cory urged, squirming in his

arms, which was not making it easy.

“Listen to me,” he whispered. The others were

jeering, making noise, they couldn’t hear. “Don’t
say a word. I’m only going to pretend to do this.
Move like I’m inside you.”

Cory lifted his head up. Then he started

struggling again. “You bastard! Why don’t you
want me? What in hell is wrong with me?”

Gian tightened his hold on him. “Stop this,” he


But he was swearing at him now. “The others

want me, but you…you…”

Gian didn’t know what the hell to do or how to

shut him up, so he moved around him and
grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed him
hard and, for a moment, there was blissful silence.

The kiss deepened as Cory returned it two fold

and then Gian came back to reality and pulled his
mouth away. He stepped behind him again. He
pushed against him. “Yell or moan or something,
God damn it!”

Cory was in shock, stunned that he was only

pretending to have sex with him. It was damn
frustrating and it wasn’t because Gian was soft,
because he was hard as rock.

Gian came against him, keeping his eyes closed,

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making believe he was inside him. It was amazing
that he could come just by pretending. He didn’t
even want to imagine what really being with him
might be like. Anyway, he hadn’t done anything
outside the law, nothing he could truly be
reprimanded for, but everything about this case
made him feel like shit.

He moved away.
Cory gave him the dirtiest look and Andy

laughed. “Guess he didn’t take to your cock like I
thought there, pretty boy.”

“Guess not,” Gian said. “I’m tired now.”
“No problem,” Andy said as Tim and Pug

began to do up their pants.

Gian wiped himself off with a towel and began

to dress. He put his shirt back on without the
buttons and went to get his camera. This would
never have to happen again. He congratulated
himself. If he could make it through that, he could
do anything.

Andy handed him the camera.
Gian looked for the film, but it wasn’t there.
“Looking for this?” Andy asked, holding it up.
Gian sucked in some breath. “It’s mine.”
“No. It’s mine,” he said. He threw it on the floor

and stepped on it. It cracked in two. He then bent
over, picked it up and pulled out the tape.

Gian wanted to kill him.
Andy came over to him and then leaned in,

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running his tongue over his chest. “Um…you I
could get into…very tasty, nipples so hard and
brown just the way I like them.” He stepped away.
“Go take Cory back to his room and then we’ll talk
you and me.”

“Talk about what?” Gian asked him, his voice

angry. “You had no right to destroy that. We had
an agreement.”

“We will discuss this video thing. It might be a

new line of work.”

Cory was now free of the cuffs. He went to put

on his pyjamas, but Andy snatched them away.
“No. Stay naked. It’s a real turn on.”

He ran his hand through Cory’s hair and then

looked at Gian. “The two of you are so beautiful
together. We could make a mint.”

This was getting too weird. Gian sighed. “I’m

no porn star.”

“You look like one,” he smiled. He walked over

to Cory and slapped his buttocks hard, then he
pushed him on his knees and whacked him with
his belt buckle.

Gian fought to stay still.
Cory was crying.
“Next time if you react inappropriately when

Gian takes you, I’ll beat you harder than this. How
dare you struggle! You belong to us. We do what
ever we choose with you, you understand? If I
want to rape you, I will, if I want to torture you, I
will. You are here for my pleasure.” He yanked

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him up to his feet.

Cory nodded, tears on his face. “I’m sorry,

Andy. I know you can do what you want to me.
I’ll be good.”

“Gian, will take you back now.”
Gian made Cory walk in front of him. He took

off his shirt as they reached the first landing and
put it around him.

Cory turned around and looked at him


When they reached the end of the hallway,

Cory turned around and said, “You hated doing
that to Andy, didn’t you?” When Gian didn’t
answer, Cory said, “Andy turns you right off, you
can’t even get a hard on for him.”

He was not stupid, that’s for sure. Gian sighed.

“Look, its time for bed, okay? Are you all right?”

Cory shrugged. “I’m used to it. It will hurt like

hell for a few hours, then it will be all right.”

Gian looked down to see blood running down

his leg. “Come on,” he said, pulling him down the

“Where you taking me?”
“Just shut up.”
“Are you taking me somewhere you can

pretend to fuck me again?” Cory sneered. “You
are one weird dude.”

Gian ignored the comment. He unlocked the

medical office and turned on the light. “Get up on
the table, on your stomach and spread your legs.”

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“Oh, now you want me! Well, it’s too late, I’m

no longer interested.”

“Cory,” he snapped. “You’re trying my

patience. Just do what I say before one of those
fucking bastards catch me.”

Cory blinked at him. “May I remind you that

you are one of those fucking bastards?”

“No, I’m not,” he said, searching in the

medicine cabinet.

“Then why didn’t you do something tonight

when Andy hit me?”

“Because I couldn’t,” Gian sighed. “Now, will

you do as I say and get up on the table?”

Cory went to lie down on the table, then turned

over. “Be gentle cause I’m sore and….I’d really
like to see your face when you cum.”

Gian closed his eyes for a minute. The voice

was so soft, it was barely audible. Damn, for him
to believe he was one of those animals. He
swallowed. Looking at the way he was laying
there expecting him to just…like an animal, like a
god damned animal. His hands were shaking and
he leaned against the wall for a minute. He bit his
lip. He felt so sad suddenly and there was a storm
going on inside him, a mix of anger and rage and
just plain sadness…for there to be such monsters
in this world and for this to have gone on without
anyone caring. God, when he thought of little
Daniel, he wanted to string those men up and beat
them bloody. He had to get a grip.

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* * * *

Cory lifted his head and turned to look at him.

“What’s wrong with you?” He asked. “Change

your mind again? You are more then a little weird.
I think you’re even weirder then those jerk offs
downstairs. At least they know what they want.”

Gian came over with the alcohol and ointment.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He
began to clean the wound.

Cory jumped. “Ouch, what in hell are you

doing now?”

“I’m playing doctor, bear with me.”
Cory lay still until he had finished. His hands

were so gentle, he hardly felt any pain and having
him touch him so gently there in that area gave
him a raging hard on. “You better stop,” Cory told
him as he finished smearing on the ointment, his
breathing a little laboured. “You’re making me
hard as hell.”

“I’m finished,” he said, moving back.
Cory turned over and looked at him.
Gian took the shirt and laid it over Cory’s lap,

covering his erection. He had to control this
sudden desire he felt whenever he was close to

“I can’t figure you out,” Cory shook his head,

arranging the shirt over him. “You are always
covering me up. Do you find me that ugly?”

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“Cory, stop asking me that!” he snapped. “You

are not ugly. You are…” he paused, looking at his
face. He reached over and touched his hair for a
second, then drew his hand away, “you are the
most beautiful…” then he stopped.

Cory reached for his hand. “I am the most

beautiful what?”

He was looking at him so intently that Gian

blushed. He had never done that before.

Cory smiled at him. “God, you’re sweet,” he

said, touching his cheek. “I’m embarrassing you.”

Gian looked away for a minute, but Cory

reached up and turned his face around. “You
know you gave me my first kiss tonight. Too bad
we couldn’t have been alone.”

“First kiss?”
“Yes, I’ve never been kissed like that before,”

Cory said. “It left me breathless. Why did you kiss
me like that?”

“To shut you up,” Gian replied.
“If I make a lot of noise now, will you kiss me

like that again?”

“No. It was a one time deal,” he replied. “Now

get down off that table and let’s get out of here.”

Cory followed him out and waited until he

locked the door. “I really liked it,” Cory told him
as they made their way to his room.

“Don’t like it too much,” he said.
Cory turned around and looked at him. “I don’t

get you.”

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“Good,” he said. “You’re not supposed to. Now

go to sleep.”

“You could be the love of my life,” Cory said

softly as he walked into his room.

“I’m not, believe me.”
“I think you are.”
“Think whatever you want,” he muttered. “You

just told me a few minutes ago that I was weird.”

“More than weird, I said,” Cory teased.
“Well then I’m not exactly a good pick for the

love of your life, am I?”

“But you kiss really good.”
“Really well, I kiss really well…and you can’t

base a relationship on kissing,” he replied and left
the room.

Cory crawled into bed. No, he thought, but it

would sure as hell be worth a try.

* * * *

Andy had clothes on, thank God when he went
back down into that room. He would be glad
when this night was over. He was exhausted and

Andy was rattling on about movies. “We could

do snuff films. Keep the young ones and, when
they get older, get rid of them.”

Gian stiffened. Jesus, was there no end to this

man’s evilness? “Not a good idea,” Gian shook his
head, “too much explaining to do. It would mean

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kids would disappear.”

“So? We get prostitutes off the street that no

one cares about. You could do it.”

“Me?” Gian replied. “Do what? Kill someone?”
“You’re so beautiful. They’d be content to die in

your arms.”

This was getting to be way too much. “Just

straight porn would be better.”

“All right. You and the boys.”
“Can we talk about this another time, Andy?

I’m beat. Time for me to go home.”

He got up and waved to the other two. “See

you tonight.”

Andy winked at him. “I loved what you did to

me tonight. Tomorrow night, I want you to use
your billy.”

Gian felt sick. “Sure, sexy,” he winked back.

“Anything you want.” As soon as he got home, he
stepped into the shower and stayed there for
almost an hour. When he got out, he couldn’t
sleep. He pulled out a bottle of whiskey and got
blind drunk, then went to sleep. Somewhere in his
sleep, he knew what he had to do.

Clint met him later that day at a coffee shop.

“You look like shit,” he said.

“I feel like shit. Clint, I want hidden a camera in

that room at Beaconsfield.”

“I thought you were going to play the pervert

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card and…”

“I did, but Andy smashed my tape. You can go

in there in the day and set it up when they’re off
duty. I’ll show them where to put them. I can’t
wear a wire for obvious reasons.”

Clint rubbed his arm. “We’ll have to get the go

ahead, Gian. You know it’s an ethical—”

“Get the go ahead. Look, Clint, they’re talking

porno movies now. They even said snuff films last

“Jesus. Can you get that kid to talk?”
“I’m going in now to talk to him. He’s scared,

but I think I can break him.”

“Okay, get that kid to make a statement. Maybe

we won’t need the camera.”

“Remember, he’s a little boy. His testimony

may not stick. Clint, how long is this going to

“A week at the most, after you break the kid.”
“It better because I hate this,” Gian replied,

running a hand through his hair. “If I get Cory to
talk, it would be better. He’s not a minor…but I
don’t know if I can trust him.”

“It’s a judgment call.”
Gian nodded, then without another word, he

got up and left the coffee shop.

* * * *

Daniel was looking out the window of the

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infirmary. He was glad to see Gian. “Hi,” he said.
“I’m lonely in here. When can I go?”

“We’re going to move you to another facility.

Would you like that?”

“Only if Cory comes, too.”
“Cory will be out of here soon, Daniel. He’s

older than you.”

“But I won’t leave him here alone.” Daniel

came over to where Gian stood.

“Why not?”
“Cause its scary and he’s my friend.”
“What if I told you I could protect him from the

bad men?”

“Yes, but you have to want to tell me about

them and tell other people. There are people out
there who can stop these bad men from hurting
you, Cory and the other boys.”

“But what if they come…” Daniel’s eyes filled

with tears. He hugged Gian’s waist.

Gian hugged him back. “I won’t let them,

Daniel. I promise you. I will protect you. You have
to believe me or this will never stop.”

“What do I have to say?”
“Everything, you have to say everything they

did to you and to the others.”

“Will you be there with me when I say it?”
“Yes. I promise. I’ll be there with you and I’ll

hold your hand.”

He nodded. “Okay, but I won’t have to say

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anything here, right?”

“No,” Gian smiled. “I’m taking you away from

here, today.”

Daniel hugged him again. “Cory will be all


“I promise that I will be here to protect him.”
At two o’clock that afternoon, Gian arrived

with Daniel at the Manhattan precinct.

Social services were there within the hour.
Daniel was scared and he held on to Gian’s

hand the whole time, not allowing him to leave
the room.

When it came time for Gian to go and speak

with the District Attorney, Daniel began to cry.
“Don’t go, Gian. Don’t leave me, you promised.”
The tears came in rivers.

Ms. Tangelli from social services looked

surprised. “He’s very attached to you.”

Gian nodded at her, then leaned down and

looked directly at Daniel, placing his hands on his
little shoulders. “Listen to me. I’m going to have to
protect Cory now. Cory is all alone there. You
want me to protect Cory, don’t you?”

“Yes, I want you to go and protect him,” he

urged, trying to stop crying. Then he said, “Gian,
are you really a policeman?”

Gian winked at him. “Yeah, I’m really a

policeman. Promise you won’t tell?”

“I won’t tell,” he said, shaking his head. “But

that doesn’t mean you won’t marry me when I

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grow up, does it?”

Gian laughed. “We’ll talk about that later,


The social worker was smiling.
“Here’s Ms. Tangelli. You like Ms. Tangelli,

don’t you?”

“Yes,” he said. He reached up and took her


She smiled at him. “How bout some French


He grinned. “Okay.”
Gian rubbed his head affectionately. “I’ll be

back. Be brave.”

Daniel looked at him. “You, too. You be brave,


Gian nodded. His heart was in his throat. “Take

care of him,” he told the social worker as he left.
“He’s just a little boy, you know.”

Gian left the department feeling all keyed up.

There were a thousand emotions running through
him. The meeting with the D.A. had been more
frustrating then anything else. They couldn’t
guarantee cameras. “It might seem like
entrapment,” he was told. “Daniel’s statement
looks promising, but would it hold up in court?
He can’t hold your hand on the witness stand.
He’s a little young. What about some of the older
boys? Won’t they testify?” Gian told him he was
working on it. “We could get them on child abuse
and they will end up doing a couple of years, get

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some counselling for pedophiles and be back at it,
but the snuff films…”

What in hell kind of world did they live in

anyway, he thought, driving toward Beaconsfield?
Did someone have to die before he could arrest
these guys? Did he have to let that big ton of shit
slobber all over him again? How long could he
protect these kids? He was doing the best that he
could, but Andy and his followers were going to
be expecting more and more from him as time
went on. And what about the Johns? He had
chased one away, but he couldn’t get rid of all of

He was not feeling very optimistic. He knew

that he was pretty much on his own. The only
thing he could do in the meantime was try to
protect the boys and endure what ever he had to,
until he could get his own camera in there.

At least he had saved one boy from the likes of

these monsters.

When he arrived that evening, Andy was in a

foul mood. “What in the hell did they do with
Daniel?” He demanded.

Pug was standing next to the recreation room

and Gian heard him say. “I was told they moved
him. He was sick or something.”

“God damn it,” Andy said. “What if he talks?”

* * * *

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Cory came out of the recreation room now,
making a wide path so that he could pass Pug at
the door. He looked up at Gian as he came down
the hall. “Hi,” he said.

Gian briefly nodded at him and kept going.
Cory turned around to watch him join the

others at the door. The three of them were talking
and laughing about something. Gian Franca was a
walking contradiction. Sometimes he acted like he
enjoyed those guys company and other times, he
could have sworn he was repulsed by them. Cory
went to sit in the library. He picked up a book he
was doing a report on and started to read.

A few minutes later, Tony came in, “Did you

hear that Danny is gone?”

Cory gasped. “Gone where?”
“I don’t know. He’s gone. He was taken from

sickbay, transferred apparently.”

“Well, I’m glad. At least he’s out of here. I

would have liked to have said goodbye to him.”

“Talk to the new guy, Franca, he’s the one who

took him out of here today.”

Cory stiffened. “He took him?”
“Yep. I saw him put him in his car. I was

outside shovelling the path.”

“That bastard. I knew he wanted him for

himself!” Cory scraped back his chair.

“Where you going, Cory?” Tony asked, but

Cory ran out of the library.

Gian was still in front of the door with Andy

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and Pug when Cory made a lunge for him. The
move was completely unexpected and the impact
of his body at running speed knocked Gian to the

Cory was on top of him, punching, “You

bastard, you son of a bitch,” Cory screamed at
him. “What have you done with Daniel?”

Gian grabbed his wrists and flipped him on his

back. He covered him, holding him perfectly still.

Cory tried to spit at him.
Gian tightened his hold. “Stop it, Cory. You’re

making things worse, just shut up,” he gave him a
warning look with his eyes.

“What’s he talking about?” Andy demanded.
“You took him. Tony saw you put him in a car.

Where did you take him, Gian? He’s just a kid, a
little kid, you sick fuck!”

Gian pulled him to his feet.
“Want me to take him?” Pug demanded.
“No, he’s mine to deal with.” Gian replied,

dragging him down the hallway as Cory struggled
against his hold. He threw him into an isolation
room and slammed the door. “Calm the fuck
down! Daniel is fine.”

“What did you do with him?” Cory demanded,

drawing his foot back and kicking him hard in the

“Jesus, you’re vicious,” he groaned, rubbing his

shin. “Daniel has been transferred.”

“Yeah, to your bed I bet.”

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Gian reached out and slapped Cory across the

face. It wasn’t hard, but it stung. “Don’t you ever
say that to me again!” He told him angrily. “Don’t
you ever insinuate that I would touch that child in
that way or I swear to God, I’ll kick your ass.”

Cory reached up and rubbed his face. “What

am I supposed to think?”

“Nothing. Stop thinking. All you do is think,

and you’re not making this easy. Listen, in the
future, when you want to accuse me of something,
come to me privately all right? The whole
institution doesn’t have to know about it.”

“So you didn’t take Daniel?”
Gian sighed. “Yes, I did take him, but it’s not

what you think. Don’t worry. He’s safe all right?”
Gian rubbed his leg again. “Now stay in here and
think about your behaviour.”

“You think about your behaviour,” Cory sat

and folded his arms.

“That’s all I do lately, think about my

behaviour, so don’t worry. I’ll be back when I
think you’ve had enough punishment.”

“Not much of a punishment,” Cory scoffed.
“It’s the best I can do at the moment,” he made

a face. “Be grateful,” he said and shut the door.

Cory gave the door a confused look.

* * * *

Andy was waiting for him when he came back

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down the hall. “Everything under control?” he
asked, matter of fact.

“Yep,” Gian replied.
“What was that all about?”
“I have no idea,” Gian played innocent.
“Did you take Daniel somewhere in a car


“Why in the hell would I come here in the

middle of the day to take Daniel somewhere in my
car after working all night?”

“I don’t know,” Andy mused, “you tell me.”
“Ask Mr. Mason about it. Maybe they

transferred him somewhere else.”

“But why?” Andy persisted.
“You’re asking the wrong person, Andy.”
“Tony says he saw you put Daniel in the car.”
Andy eyed him.
“Maybe Tony saw someone who looks like me

with Daniel.”

“Highly un-bloody likely,” he snorted. “Not

many men around that look like you.”

Gian lifted an eyebrow. “Well, I guarantee you

it wasn’t me. Now sorry to break up this chitchat,
Andy, but I have rounds to do. It’s bedtime.”

“We need to talk about something after. Oh and

don’t bother taking Cory to bed. Bring him
directly down, he has a client. Bring Frank with
him. It’s rough trade tonight.”

Gian nodded. “Fine,” he said, walking away.

He knew what rough trade was. Gian made his

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rounds thinking about what he could do to keep
things under control tonight. When he got to
Frank’s room, he told him he was wanted

“Oh yeah,” he said. “Regs.”
“What? Who are they?” Gian asked him.
“Oh, two deadbeats who get off on dressing up

like leather guys.”

Gian placed a hand on Frank’s shoulder before

he left the room. “Are you going to be all right,

Frank met his eyes. “I’d be better if you’d move

that hand down just a twinge lower,” he teased.

Gian removed his hand. “I’m serious. Are these

guys mean?”

He shrugged. “Naw, just goofy. Don’t worry.”
Gian watched him disappear. He sighed. He

was more than worried. He hated this. He had
been in this position often when he was
undercover. Someone would get beaten up in
front of him and he’d have to stand by and let it
happen. He’d always be trying to make the
situation better, protect the person without giving
away his identity, but it was tough.

Now as he went to get Cory in isolation, he felt

that anxious feeling again. If only he could get
Cory to open up, follow in Daniel’s footsteps. He
was an adult, old enough to hold up under
questioning. The D.A. would be more confident he
could win.

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Gian went into the room and found Cory in the

same place he was before he left. “I was
wondering when you were going to pick me up,
honey,” he smirked at him.

Gian scowled. “Not funny. You have to go


“Oh, the screwballs are here,” Cory muttered,

getting up with a sigh.

“Cory,” Gian said, blocking his path.
Cory looked up at him. “Yes, honey? With you

standing in my way like that, makes me think you
want to do me right here and now.”

“Stop it,” he snapped. “I wanted to ask you


“The answer for you, baby, is yes, yes, yes.” He

met his eyes. “Anything you want, you got it, as
the man in the song says.”

“Really?” Gian asked softly.
Cory sobered. “Yes, I think so. Really. What’s

your little fantasy?”

“It’s not a fantasy. It’s a question. Have you

ever tried to tell anyone what is happening here?”

Cory looked stumped. “What do you mean?”
“I mean…have you ever gone to Mr. Mason

and told him that the guards are abusing you?”

Cory laughed bitterly. “You think he’d believe

me? A former prostitute? You got to be kidding!”

“What if I told you that someone might be

willing to listen to you if you wanted this all to

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Cory narrowed his eyes. “Why in hell would I

do that? Nothing would happen. I’d still be here.
Andy and those guys would still be here and I’d
be black and blue. No fucking way! Besides,” he
eyed him, “I’d have to tell them about you, too.”

“Me?” Gian’s eyes widened.
“About your participation. You and Andy


“And what, Cory? Have I ever done anything to


Cory paused. “No, not really.”
“What about the other boys?”
“Daniel maybe, I don’t know.”
“I never touched Daniel,” Gian met his gaze.

“Look at me and tell me honestly if you believe I
molested Daniel?”

Cory shook his head. “No. I don’t think so


“Okay then.”
“Look, I have to go, the leather boys are waiting

for me.”

Gian grabbed his arm. “Think about what I

said. If I could guarantee someone would listen
and you would be away from those guys, would
you talk?”

Cory pulled away. “I don’t know what your

game is, but let me tell you something, you can’t
guarantee shit and if you don’t tow the line, you’ll
be out of here. You don’t have to play games to
have me, Gian. If you want me, say the word, but

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don’t promise me things you can’t deliver. No one
gives a fuck about us boys in here, so keep
dreaming. And follow my motto, if you can’t beat
em, join em.”

With that, he was gone and Gian closed his

eyes. Doubling up his fist, he drove it into the wall
with such force it left a gaping hole. He left the
room and ran down two flights of steps to catch
up to Cory. “Wait,” he said. “I’m supposed to
bring you.”

“Why? Its not like I don’t know the way,” Cory

made a face at him.

“I have orders.”
Cory walked faster. “You don’t have to follow

me around like a puppy. A person would think
you liked me.”

Gian didn’t reply. They came to the room and

walked in. There were two men dressed in leather
from head to toe tying Frank down to a table. It
was bizarre, like he had walked into a circus show.

“Hi, guys,” Cory said, walking over to them.

He turned around and gave Gian a sassy look.
“Guess you’ll just have to suffer, ‘cause you can’t
have me tonight.”

“Is that your boyfriend?” One of the guys asked

through his mask.

“No, he means nothing to me,” Cory said


Gian sighed inwardly. He was playing a head

game with him.

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Andy was there suddenly and Gian’s intestines

twisted into a knot.

“Hi, babe, you and me got talking to do then

later,” his eyes went to the billy club, “you’re
going to be my daddy,” he cooed.

One of the men with the masks came over to

Gian and said, “I’d love to be your daddy.”

“Hey, never mind him. What about me?” Cory


“I’ve never seen this one,” he looked at Andy.
“I’m not available,” Gian replied, giving the

guy a deadly look. “So fuck off.”

“Why not?” He persisted.
“I have a date…with destiny,” he quipped.
“He’s impotent,” Cory chimed, laughing.
Gian held his tongue.
“Frank told me so, didn’t you Frank?” Cory


“I said maybe,” Frank managed to say through

his mouth bit.

“Are you?” the man asked him.
“He is,” Cory said, “because he doesn’t want

me and wouldn’t you say,” he sided up to the guy
in the mask, “that any man who doesn’t want me
has to be impotent?”

The man beside him grabbed him and kissed

him. “Yeah, I’d say that.”

Gian rolled his eyes.
“And it’s a real shame,” Cory continued,

moving closer to Gian, “cause he has one hell of a

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package. Bet it would make you cum just looking
at this guy naked, but it’s faulty equipment.”

Andy watched the exchange between them and

laughed. “Okay Cory, go do your thing. Mr.
Impotent and I have to talk.”

Gian followed Andy into another room.
“He likes you,” Andy laughed.
“What?” Gian’s face blanked.
“Cory, he has the hots for you big time. He’s

trying to make you jealous and he’s baiting you.
Are you too stupid to figure it out?”

“I’m not into it,” Gian replied. “Now what do

you want to talk about, Andy?”

“A business proposition between the two of us.

Partners fifty-fifty.”

“In the porn business,” Gian said.
“Yes. But really sexy films, not the boring crap

of today. I want to do things that even the most ex-
rated porn’s won’t do.”

“Using the boys here?”
“Of course, and you. You are so beautiful that

you could stop time, Franca. Don’t you think I
don’t notice how hot the boys are for you and the
other two guards, as well? If we made an
occasional snuff movie, we’d be rich.”

“I’ll give it some thought.”
“Good. Now,” he moved closer, “you and I got

a horny date. Take off my clothes and lick me all

Gian stood. “Andy, there’s nothing I’d rather

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do, but I forgot something. I forgot to lock the
office upstairs.”

“Forget the office. It’s okay. Do it later.”
“No. I left some sensitive stuff there. What if

someone found it? Hold that thought. I promise
I’ll be right back.”

Andy groaned as Gian left the room. He tried

not to look at what was going on with Tony and
Cory and the two men in leather, but at least there
was no violence.

He ran upstairs and then removed the pen he

had in his wallet. He had brought a small tape
recorder into the room that was made like a pen.
He pressed rewind and then play. He heard the
last three seconds of the conversation he had had
with Andy. If the D.A. wasn’t going to help him
get the evidence he needed, then he’d get it

He tucked the pen away in his locker and then

took a long breath. He had to work up his courage
to go back down there. He didn’t want to come
within ten feet of Andy Falcon tonight, but he had
no choice. He had to stay in his good graces and
that meant he would have to do what he had to
do. He’d known this when he took this job.

He squared his shoulders and walked back

down the stairs. When he walked in, the leather
men were gone. He walked into the other room to
find Andy lying naked on the bed and Cory sitting
on the floor next to him.

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“Got horny,” he said to Gian, “so Cory took

care of me.”

“Then guess you don’t need me,” Gian


“Oh yes I do. Cory and I decided that tonight

we want to see you naked and Cory and I have a
bet about you being impotent.”

“A bet,” he said flatly.
“Don’t make me lose,” Cory looked at him.
“You bet against me,” Gian told him.
“Sure I did. It’s not normal, you haven’t had me


“I think you are just a little full of yourself,”

Gian scoffed. “Not every man who sees you wants

“Then you’re a freak, abnormal and…asexual,”

Cory taunted.

“If you say so,” Gian answered.
Andy motioned to him. He held up a greased

billy club. He handed it to Cory and turned on his
stomach. “Give handsome the club,” he instructed.

“Maybe I should,” Cory said, looking up at him

from the floor. “Maybe I should do this to you.”
He crawled over to his feet and moved his hands
up Gian’s thighs.

Gian sucked in some breath. “You won’t be

doing that to me.” He took the club out of his
hand and threw it aside.

Cory clutched his knees, raising his eyes to his

groin. “Let me take it out, hold it a minute?”

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Gian moved away from him. “No,” he said.

“Go to bed. I want to be alone with Andy.”

Cory frowned, narrowing his eyes. “Fine,” he

got up and threw the blanket down. He stood
there completely naked. “But you look at me and
tell me you don’t want me!”

He looked at him and away. “Go to bed,” he

said, his voice hard.

Cory swore. “If you want that more than me,”

he hissed as he walked past him, “then have a
good time.”

Gian took a breath. Then he heard Andy say,

“I’m waiting.”

“I’m coming,” he replied and picked up the

club off the floor.

* * * *

Cory did something he hadn’t done in a long time,
he cried bitter tears when he got into bed. Not
only did Gian not want him, he preferred a smelly,
stinky, fat man to him. Although the other night
he could have sworn that he was turned off by the
sight of Andy naked. How could he want him? He
didn’t understand.

* * * *

Gian went home after his shift and slept the entire
day away. He felt like shit when he woke up. He

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stopped by the station and told Clint that he was
recording conversations at the institution. He gave
him the first tape.

“How are you getting away with it?” Clint

asked. “Be careful, Gian. Falcon is dangerous. If he
caught on, he would—”

Gian cut him off. “I can’t do this forever and I

can’t wait for the D.A. to take their thumb out of
their ass.”

“Have you had to do things that are difficult for

you, Gian?”

“Damn right, more than just difficult,

disgusting is more like it and I have a boy with
hurt feelings on top of that.”

“Cory. The one I’ve tried to get to talk to me.

He won’t, and worse he seems to have developed
this crush on me. I can’t return his affections even
if I wanted to. He thinks I don’t like him.”

“And, do you want to?” Clint’s eyes widened.

“How old is he?”

“Clint, relax, number one he is almost nineteen

and I said, even if I wanted to, not that I wanted
to. If circumstances were different and…” he
trailed off, “never mind. Anyway, I have it under

“I hope so,” Clint replied.
“How’s Daniel?” Gian enquired.
“He’s in a group home and doing all right, but

he has nightmares.”

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“I’ll go by and see him tomorrow after I leave


“He’ll like that.” Clint looked at him. “Gian, the

commissioner says this case is taking too long. He
wants to pull you off and I’m fighting him on

“Damn it, Clint. I want to end it now, too, but

the D.A. wants more hard evidence. If
Commissioner Howard pulls me out, it’s over. The
D.A. wants to make it stick and I understand that.
But no one will help me. They block me at every
turn. What do they expect me to do, invent

“They’re afraid when they drag their asses into

court that they’ll get off because the defence will
cry entrapment. If that room is bugged by the
NYPD, it could look like a set up.”

“Stupid,” Gian sneered. “Guilt is guilt. How

can they be set up for being creeps? I have a
solution. I could beat the crap out of them.”

Clint patted his arm. “I know how frustrating

this job gets, Gian. Be careful, son.”

Gian nodded. “I will.”
“If you get Cory and some of the older boys to

come forward, along with the tapes, I think the
D.A. would go for it.”

“Easier said than done, now that I’ve pissed

Cory off.”

“Well, he has a crush on you, use it. Charm

him. You’ve got more than your share of that.”

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“Clint, he wants sex,” Gian said. “I can’t do sex.

So what do you suggest, I have simulated sex with

“Sweet talk him.”
Gian shook his head. “I can tell you’re not gay,

Clint.” Gian laughed, “and not eighteen years old
either. Talk is the last thing he wants from me,
sweet or otherwise.”

Clint smiled at him. “Might be surprised.

Maybe he needs a friend.”

Gian grinned. “Right,” he said, not buying it.

He raised a hand and left the office.

When Gian arrived at Beaconsfield that night,

Ace was acting out. Tim had him on the floor with
his arm behind his back, whispering in his ear.

“Leave me alone,” Ace yelped, “son of a bitch.”
“Problems?” Gian asked, coming over to where

they were on the floor.

Cory and Frank stood close by, looking pensive.
“He’s being a little shit and I’m going to break

his arm if he doesn’t smarten up!” Tim growled.

Gian took Tim’s arm and pulled him up to his

feet. “Let me try.” He leaned down and extended
his hand to Ace. “Get up.”

Ace gave him a hesitant look, then reached out

for his hand. His face was wet with tears. He
wiped them away, embarrassed.

“What’s going on?” Gian asked him.
“I don’t know. Nothing,” he said. “I don’t feel

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so hot, that’s all.”

“It’s a bunch of crap,” Tim spat. “Just trying to

fuck with my head.”

Ace glared at him. “Son of a bitch. I hate you.”
Tim took a step toward him, but Gian placed a

hand on his chest, preventing him. “I’ll take him to

Cory looked at Frank. “Wow, he took care of

that fast,” Cory whispered as Gian took Ace’s arm
and steered him out of the recreation room.

“He’s just blowing you, Franca,” Tim called

after him.

But they were gone.

* * * *

“Okay,” Tim looked at Cory and Frank. “Stop
standing around. Go and do something like

Just then Andy came in. “Where’s Gian? I need

to talk to him.”

“He’s taking Ace to sickbay,” Tim complained.

“Ace is just bullshitting him. That Gian is gullible.
He lets these kids pull him around by the prick.”

“He’s not gullible,” Cory protested. “He’s

compassionate, something you wouldn’t know
anything about, Tim.”

Tim sneered. “Keep out of it, you little shit.

Then he mocked, “He’s not gullible, he’s just
compassionate.” He stuck his finger in his mouth.

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“Why don’t you say it again and make me vomit.”

Andy looked concerned.
Just then Gian walked back in.
Tim glared at him. “I was handling things all

right,” he whined. “Why don’t you mind your

Gian ignored him.
“I don’t think you need to drag these kids to

sickbay all the time, Gian,” Andy chastised him.
“They are rarely sick, just faking.”

“Okay,” Gian replied. “If you want to take the

chance that the kid is really sick and doesn’t get
medical attention, then fine. But I’m glad you’re
the head guard and not me. I’d hate to have to
answer a lot questions if the kid croaks on you.
Want me to go and get him?”

Andy hesitated and then shook his head.

“Leave him there.”

Tim groaned. “Andy!”
“Look, I’m the boss. I have to take

responsibility for all this shit.” He stopped and
then looked at Cory and Frank. “What are you two
still doing here? Go do something.”

They both scrambled out of the room.
Cory sat in the library beside Frank, looking

through a travel book. “I want to go to Europe one

“That would be fun. Maybe we could go

together. Do backpacking and shit.”

“Yeah,” Cory said.

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Tony came in now, looking bored. “Where’s


“Sickbay. You missed a good one,” Frank said

and began to explain what had happened.

“Cory said that to Tim?” Tony squealed,

referring to Cory’s comment about Gian being

“He’s nuts about him,” Frank teased.
“Am not,” Cory protested, looking down.
“Are, too. I bet you write all about him in your


“I write everything in that book.”
“Where do you hide it?” Tony asked, giggling.
“Never mind.”

* * * *

Gian happened to be going past the library and he
overheard the conversation. A diary. Cory kept a
diary. He wondered how long he had been writing
in it and if he made reference to that room
downstairs. That could be an excellent source of
evidence to add to the case he was building.

He had called Mason and asked to meet with

him in the morning. He had come up with
something he felt that the D.A. couldn’t find any
problem with. He just had to convince Mason to
do it and do it right away.

He walked into the library now and told the

boys it was time to get ready for bed. He felt

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Cory’s gaze on, him but he avoided looking at

Tony and Frank groaned a bit and then filed


Cory let the others go on ahead. He stopped

and looked at Gian for a moment, then asked,
“Why don’t you like me?”

Gian glanced at him. “Where did you get the

impression that I don’t like you?”

“You don’t even like looking at me.”
“That’s untrue.” Gian shook his head.
“No, lately you look directly at the other boys,

but not at me. I make you uncomfortable.”

“Come on, Cory. This conversation is a waste of

time. I like you. Id like to be your friend if you’d
let me, but you don’t trust me.”

“I’d like to be more then your friend if you’d let

me,” he threw back at him. “I’m eighteen and a
half. In six months, I’ll be nineteen for Christ’s
sakes if that’s the problem.”

Gian met his eyes. “I won’t be here in six

months, Cory, and neither will you. Now go on
and get ready for bed. It’s getting late.”

“Why bother, I’m only going to get pulled out

anyway. And what do you mean you won’t be
here in six months. Where you going?”

“I don’t know for sure, but I might move on to

another job or something. Now go on, I’ll be up to
check on you later.”

Cory sighed and left the library.

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Gian went up to the third floor. He waited until

Cory was down the hall and then into his room.
He started searching for that diary. It was not in
the drawer, not in the closet. Finally, he got the
idea to look under the mattress and there it was a
thick red book. Gian took it out, flipped through it
rapidly. It was full of writing. Some of the dates
were that of three years back. Perfect. He couldn’t
take it now, Cory might miss it. He’d wait until
tomorrow morning when Cory was in class then
he’d copy it and put it back before it was missed.

He lifted the mattress and slid it back in place.

Cory came in soon after in his pyjamas.

He seemed surprised to see him standing in the

middle of his room. “Come to kiss me
goodnight?” He raised an eyebrow.

“No,” Gian replied. “Just a room check.”
“What is up tonight anyway?” Gian asked him.
“You’d know better then me, they’re your


“They’re not my….” Gian began, “doesn’t

matter.” He waved that away. “I just wondered if
anyone was coming in tonight.”

“Not that I know. There’s been a lot less of that

since you’ve come. They must be distracted,” he
ran his gaze over him meaningfully. “Can’t say I
blame them. I’m sure it will just be the jolly old
crowd of three, four now, sorry.”

There was a bitter edge to his voice. “Don’t you

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want it to stop?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Maybe I like it,” Cory replied, meeting his eyes


“That’s bullshit,” Gian told him.
“I get off sometime, so what’s that?”
“That’s just involuntary bodily reaction. That’s

not because you like it. You are not sexually
attracted to any of those guys.”

“I’m sexually attracted to you, but you like big

fat slobs,” Cory threw at him. “And maybe little

Gian sighed. “You really are pissing me off.”
“What do you want me to think?” Cory balled

his hand into a fist. “You say go tell people what’s
happening here, but why in hell don’t you tell
someone? Sometimes you seem to approve and
other times, it’s like you want to kill those guys.
Which is it? You get off, but you feel guilty after?
Is that it?”

“Something like that,” Gian lied. “Go to bed.”
“Are you going to be with them tonight?”
“I don’t know,” he answered.
Cory crawled into bed and pulled the covers

over his head. “I’m a slut. Don’t try saving me. I
don’t need a hero. If you had a brain, you’d take
what I offered.”

Gian had no way of responding to that. He left

the room.

Gian went downstairs at around eleven o’clock.

He kept Andy talking about all his plans for

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pornography. All the while, he taped their
conversation. Then he got in a heated discussion
with Tim about how he had pushed his weight
around earlier.

Pug was drinking and in a foul mood. “I’m

going to get Cory, he can make me feel better. I
hate this job, this life. Damn.” He stood.

“I can make you feel better,” Gian told him,

meeting his eyes. There was no way he was
bringing Cory down here tonight, not in this

He looked surprised. “I don’t think so. I want

someone I can take my frustrations out on. You’re
too big,” he laughed.

“Not man enough?” Gian challenged him.
Andy took an interest now in the conversation.
Pug didn’t answer.
“The man asked you a question, Paul,” Andy

slapped himself into a chair.

“The question is, are you man enough, Franca?”

Pug stood.

Gian walked over to him. “Try me. I’ve got a

few frustrations of my own that might require
some venting.”

“Well then come on, baby,” he yelled, grabbing

his shirt collar.

* * * *

Cory woke up at around three in the morning and

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looked at his alarm. No one had come to get him
and by this time, he felt pretty safe. He sighed
with contentment and went back to sleep.

* * * *

When Gian walked into Mason’s office at a little
after eleven, his eyes widened. “What in the hell
happened to you?”

He had a black eye and a swollen lip. “You

should see the other guy. I think you are going to
have to call in a replacement tonight.”

“My God,” he whispered. “What can I do for

you, besides get you a hospital bed?”

Gian laughed weakly, causing his mouth to

sting. “I’ll live. I’ve been worse. Look, I need you
to install cameras here.”

“Yes, hidden cameras. I want you to draw up

an initiative and date it two months ago. In this
report, you state your intention of installing
hidden cameras to increase security.”

“But you want me to lie?”
“Yes. I want you to lie.” Gian sat, wincing. He

didn’t even want to think about last night.

“We don’t have the budget for—”
“Listen, I want you to call someone today and

have a camera installed in that room the guards
use down in the basement. You can put the others
in or not, I don’t care. If anything is said, your

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response is that you were doing it bit by bit so as
not to blow your budget. This is between you and
me for now.”

“And why I am doing this?” he asked.
“Because I can get what I need on tape and the

lawyers for the defence can’t claim the guys were
set up. You didn’t install the cameras for the
purpose of catching them doing anything. It was
done for security. You understand?”

“I do but I—”
Gian stood. “Listen to me, Mason. You are the

fucking director here. You run this hellhole.
Anything that happens here is your god damned
responsibility. This is a small price to pay. If you
don’t do this, I swear to God, when this is all over,
you are going down, along with the other snakes.”

Mason saw the flash of anger in those eyes. This

was a guy you didn’t want as an enemy. He meant
it. He nodded. “All right. I’ll call right now.”

“I’ll wait for him, so I can tell him where I want

it,” Gian said. “Oh and I need to use your copy

“No problem,” Mason said.

* * * *

He went up the stairs to the third floor and
walked into Cory’s room. The diary was there,
right where he had last seen it. He took it and
went back down stairs. He copied every single

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page, slipped it inside his jacket and went back up
to the room. He replaced it and came back
downstairs again quickly.

The alarm guy was there waiting for him in

front of Mason’s office. Gian led him downstairs
to the room and showed him exactly where he
wanted him to put the camera.

Then he went home and lay on the sofa. He was

sore and exhausted, but satisfied that the camera
had been a good idea. He took out the
photocopied pages of Cory’s diary and began to

* * * *

Ms. Anderson liked his essay on love. She wanted
him to read it aloud, but he didn’t want to. “Do
you mind if I read it?” she asked.

Cory shrugged. “If you want to.”
“Romantic love is just like any kind of love, but

there’s more to it. I think all love means wanting
to be around that person, share good times and
bad. You would trust that person will all your
heart and want to sacrifice for them. That person
would always want to make you happy and never
hurt you. They would forgive you for anything.
Romantic love is the same except that whenever
you see the person, your heart skips a beat. You
feel dizzy and weak and you want to touch that
person. You dream about them and, when they

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don’t feel the same, it hurts a lot.”

Frank jumped out of his seat and said, “I know

who Cory loves, Miss. I know who he’s talking

“Shut up,” Cory threatened, “or I’ll plug you


“Enough. Frank, sit down.”
“Cory loves Gian Franca and he wants to sleep

with him.”

Cory got up and went to sock Frank, which

caused the teacher to call for security as they
rolled around on the floor.

Ronald Collins came immediately and put both

Cory and Frank in solitary to think about what they
had done.

* * * *

Gian fell asleep reading the diary. He read about
nights of torture and agony and Andy Falcon was
mentioned everywhere. Tim and Pug too were
mentioned, as well as clients with weird tastes and
brutal natures. There were other kids talked about,
kids that had left the institution. He had just got to
the part where he was mentioned, but he couldn’t
keep his eyes open anymore. He fell asleep.

Later that afternoon, he made coffee and picked

up the diary again. Cory referred to him as the new

and as he read the passages while trying to

drink his coffee, he felt a little guilty. This was

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private and it was about him. But it had to be read
before he could decide if it would constitute
worthwhile evidence.

The descriptions of him were graphic.

Apparently he was the topic of conversation
among the boys. Cory got into describing him in
detail and he wasn’t shy about his choice of

As the days went by, Cory wrote more and

more about him. He spent two pages describing
the way he smiled, an entire page on his voice. He
couldn’t help but be touched. At one point, Cory
wrote, “I could very well be in love with this guy
if he’d give me the time of day. I literally tingle all
over when he’s near. There is like this sexual
energy that comes from him, maybe it’s in those
beautiful brown eyes of his. I swear I’ve never felt
like this before. If he touched me, I’d be on my
knees in a second.”

There were pages also where Cory cursed his

name in every sentence. “He’d rather shove a bat
up a fat guy than even touch me. I don’t
understand it! Am I that repulsive? I can’t be as
repulsive as that fat bastard, Falcon!”

He wrote further on, “I don’t know if he saved

Daniel or used him for his own pleasure. I don’t
know anything anymore, except God help me, I’m
addicted. Instead of dying of torture and abuse in
this place, I might just die of heartbreak.”

Gian put down the pages and sighed. He felt

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like shit, from his violent encounter with Pug last
night as well as from reading Cory’s most intimate
thoughts. His intention was not to torment some
poor kid, but apparently he was doing just that.

Last night he had gotten into it with Pug. Andy

had set it up. They would see who would cry
chicken first, giving each other abuse until one of
them gave up. He completely lost it, getting
caught up in the sex and the violence. Pug finally
eventually gave in, covered in blood. He could
hardly stand up. He put up his hand like a white
flag at one point and then lost consciousness on
the floor. Andy declared Gian the winner, but he
didn’t feel like a winner. He felt like hell. He was
sore all over and bleeding himself. But damn,
there was a part of him that enjoyed giving that
much pain to Pug.

He took a shower and went to Beaconsfield. He

was stiff and sore all over. Andy met him in the
hall. “We’re a man short tonight,” he told him.
“Keep your eyes open. Wow, aren’t we cute,” he
laughed. “By the way, you were great last night.
What a turn on, so masculine and strong. Bet Pug
won’t challenge you again.”

Gian watched him leave. He had won points

with Andy that was sure. He walked into the
recreation room and three of the boys looked up at
him, shocked at what they saw.

Then Cory came in. He looked at him and then

let out a gasp. “Holy shit, what happened to you?”

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“Fooling around,” he said.
“Um…what’s the other guy look like?” Cory


“He’s taking a sick day.”
Cory grinned. “My hero. Who was it?”
“Never mind.”
“We’ll know anyway,” Frank came over, “who

ever doesn’t show up was the one.”

“It was Pug,” Gian said, “now go back to what

you were doing.”

There was a round of applause.
Cory still looked concerned. “Why didn’t

anyone come for me last night?”

“They were otherwise entertained,” he replied

and walked away.

Cory looked at Frank, his eyes misting over,

“He did that for me.”

“What? Get real,” Frank laughed.
“No. Pug must have been in his mean mood.

He always comes after me when he gets that way.
He didn’t come for me last night.”

“Believe what you want, honey,” Frank shook

his head. “It’s your fantasy.”

“No, it’s not a fantasy, Frank. I know what he

did. He took on Pug, so that he wouldn’t take it
out on me. What I don’t understand is why did he
do it.” Before Frank could say anything else, Cory
left the recreation room and went down the
hallway looking for Gian. He found him finally in
the little room the guards used to store their

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Gian was just locking it when Cory approached


Cory turned him around and took his arm.

“Come with me,” he said.

Gian narrowed his eyes. “What? Where?”
Cory led him to the infirmary. “Open the door.

I’m going to put something on that lip. It could get

“Its fine,” Gian protested, but Cory insisted he

open the door. Gian complied and Cory led him

“Sit,” he said.
Gian hid a smile. “Yes, boss.”
“Don’t get smart,” Cory told him, searching in

the medicine cabinet. He took out alcohol, cotton
and ointment. He came close to him and soaked
the cotton in alcohol. “Now this is going to sting.”

He pressed the wet cotton to Gian’s lip and he

recoiled with a low hissing sound. “Damn, that
hurt,” he said.

“Big baby. Of course it hurts, stupid,” Cory

shook his head.

Gian again hid a smile. He raised an eyebrow.

“Now, what are you planning to do to me?”

“Not finished yet. I have to clean it,” he

insisted, wiping the cotton over it again.

Gian winced. Ouch,” he said. “I think it was

better when it was infected. It hurt less.”

“Shut up,” he said. Then he looked at his eye.

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“Damn, he gave you one hell of a black eye. May I
ask why?”

“No, you may not,” Gian replied.
“Ice pack, we need an ice pack. It’s really

swollen.” He went over to the fridge and pulled
out a soft ice pack.

He came back and pressed it against his eye.

Gian groaned. “Damn, you are rough.”

“I’m not rough,” Cory laughed. “You know for

a big guy, you’d swear you were about five years
old. Now, hold that on your eye. While you hold it
there, you’re going to tell me why you did that for
me last night.”

“Did what for you?” He put down the pack.
Cory picked it up and put it back again. “You

know what. You took on Pug so he wouldn’t beat
me up. Why?”

“I didn’t do it for you,” Gian told him. “We

were having fun.”

“Some fun,” Cory scoffed.
“It was…for awhile,” Gian grinned.
Cory shook his head. “Were you the type of boy

who was always getting into fights as a kid?”

“Actually, yes,” he replied, which was true, but

there was a reason for that. And although he
didn’t like discussing it, he thought it might be the
time to tell him why he got into fights.

Cory met his eyes. “Why?”
“Because my uncle was molesting me,” he

replied. It was still hard to say.

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“How come?”
“My parents died in a car accident when I was

ten and he took me in. It started when I was
eleven. I never told anyone. I just acted out, got
into fights, stole things and took drugs.”

“So,” Cory asked hesitantly, “how did it stop?”
“I finally got arrested by someone who cared

and I told him to lock me up. He wanted to know
why I didn’t want to go home and I told him.”

“What happened then?”
“He adopted me.”
Cory’s eyes widened. “Really? What about your


“I never saw him again. Didn’t want to either.”
“But now, you don’t feel…I mean, are you over


“After some counselling, yes. It took time.”
Cory reached over and caressed his hair. “Did

he hurt you?”

“Sometimes, yes.”
“Were there times you…well you enjoyed it?”

Cory looked away.

“Many times. I thought it was me, my fault, but

it wasn’t. It never was.”

“I feel like that sometimes, like…I want it, but I

don’t want it to be like that or with them. Do you
know what I mean?” He moved his hand away
from his hair.

Gian got up out of the chair. “I know what you

mean. If you told someone, then maybe…I mean,

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it would stop, not only for you, but for all the
other boys in here. Can you just walk away when
your time is done and not think about the ones
who will come after you? The Daniels…and the
Tony’s and—”

“Stop!” Cory snapped. “I’m not responsible for

the whole damn world. All my life I’ve been used.
No one has ever done anything for me. I don’t
owe anyone anything.”

“I didn’t say you did,” Gian replied.
“Anyway, sit. I’m not finished with you.”
Gian sat again. Cory began to put some of the

ointment on his lip. “You are supposed to apply
the ice often you know.”

“Yes, Doctor.”
Cory grinned. Then he said, “Oh, by the way,

thank you.”

“For what?” he asked, raising that eyebrow of


“For letting me sleep last night.”
Gian met his eyes. “Did you have sweet


“Yes,” he replied, moving away from him. “I

was dreaming about you.”

Gian remembered what he had written in his

diary. When I’m close to him I feel weak. I actually

Gian got up and crossed the room. It was

better to avoid being alone with him, not get too
close. “Let’s go. It’s almost bed time.”

Cory went out into the hallway and watched as

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Gian locked the door.

They walked together down the hall without a

word, then Cory went to his room to get ready for

Gian met Ace in the hallway soon after. He

gave him a shy smile and continued walking. He
knew what the smile was for.

Tim was still angry at him for hauling Ace off to

sickbay. When he walked by him, he heard him
say, “Asshole,” under his breath.

He was preoccupied with his own thoughts

tonight. He knew that anytime the commissioner
might decide to pull him out, decide it wasn’t
worth the department’s resources. If they did, it
would be all over.

He also knew that he was going to have to push

the limit, but it was hard. He knew of cases where
undercover officers were asked to kill someone or
stand by and watch while someone was killed. It
wasn’t easy. When you became a cop, you swore
to serve and protect. In all good conscience, he
couldn’t have sex with minors to provide evidence
and yet he couldn’t fake everything because Andy
was not a fool. This job required you to do things
at times which were unpleasant and even illegal,
but you were always walking a tightrope. You
could leave yourself open for prosecution, too.
Sometimes it was hard to claim you had no choice
in the matter and, unless you could prove you had
to break the law in the name of justice, internal

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Affairs would hang you out to dry.

The camera was a good idea, but he had no idea

if it would hold up in court. He knew he had
stepped in too many times to protect the boys. He
was only prolonging the inevitable. He had to get
something on camera that he could convince the
D.A. to take to the jury. The audio tapes he was
making were good, but not enough.

He needed another week at least. Everyday he

expected to hear a message on his answering
machine requesting that he come in to the
precinct. It hadn’t happened yet, but he knew it
was coming.

Andy was standing next to him now, watching

the boys streaming down the hall from the
bathrooms. “Stop stalling, get moving,” Andy

He was checking out the boys. “There’s a new

kid just come in,” Andy said close to his ear. “He’s
twelve, a blushing little virgin. Check it out,” he
said as a sweet cherub-like blond kid walked past.
“I’m putting him in with Cory. Tonight we’ll bring
him down for initiation.”

Gian clamped his teeth together.
“Hey, Cory, come here,” Andy motioned to him

as he came out of his room.

He steered him around the corner.
Gian stood perfectly straight, thinking of that

new little boy. He made his hands into fists and
then crossed his arms to keep himself in one place.

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How he wanted to knock him into next week, the
big ugly pig.

Sometime later, Gian was beginning to wonder

where Cory was. He wasn’t in his room. He met
Tim in the hallway and asked him.

“Probably downstairs,” he gave him a heated

look. “I’m not his keeper. Andy is probably
fucking him upside down and sideways. I’ve got
to get the new kid,” he said, pushing by him.

Tense, Gian finished off his bed checks, turning

out the lights. He saw Tim with the new boy. He
was dragging him off down the hall. Tonight
could be the night he got everything he wanted on
that camera, but damn, he couldn’t stand by and
watch them hurt that little boy. He was going to
have to be there.

When the quiet came, Gian made his way

downstairs again. He knew that Cory and Ace
were missing, as well as that little boy. The door
was locked when he arrived so he banged hard on
it. If Andy hadn’t of answered it, he would have
knocked it down, case or no case. Andy was
completely naked and when Gian stepped inside
that room, he was relieved to see the little boy
sitting in a chair eating candy. “Who is he?” Gian
asked Andy, wondering where the other two boys
were, probably in the other room.

“His name is Samuel. Isn’t he a doll?” Andy

asked, reaching out his hand to take his. “I was
just about to introduce Samuel to a new toy. “You

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can play with it. It will get hard and be really
funny,” he said to the child.

Gian tightened his fists at his sides. He was

filled with rage and he had no idea how he was
going to control it.

“Let Uncle Andy help you take off your clothes

so you are not so hot. Doesn’t he look hot, Gian?”

Gian cleared his throat. “Why don’t you let him

eat his candy?”

“I’m not hot.” Samuel said.
Andy laughed. “I have other candy for him.”
“I have candy for you, too,” Gian said, trying to

keep his voice light and pleasant. “Let’s lose the
kid and—”

“Will you use the bat on me tonight? No grease,

just straight, impale me, baby, but take off those

“Where are Cory and Ace?” Gian asked him,

his gaze on that little boy. If that bastard laid one
hand on that kid, it was over. He’d kill him himself.

“With Tim.”
The camera was working and he knew he was

going to have to play this very carefully. If he
wanted this on camera, he would have to let it
play out. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t let Andy
touch that kid.

Gian walked into the other room. Cory and Ace

were tied down to tables. Tim was taunting both
of them. Tension was tying his shoulders into

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Tim noticed him now. He turned around, half-

naked and grinned at him. “What about you?
Want some of this?”

“I don’t like an audience.”
Tim came over and took Gian’s hand. He

placed it on his erection. Gian withdrew it

Tim went to Cory. “See how horny he is. Reach

under and feel his prick. Its hard as rock. This one
likes it a lot.” He motioned to Gian. “Why don’t
you come over here and give it to him? He’s raw
and ready. I’ve done it twice already.”

“I think maybe he’s had enough now,” Gian

hissed through his teeth.

“No, I’m going to fuck him until he bleeds.
Gian reached out and grabbed Tim around the

neck. He squeezed.

Cory’s eyes widened.
“How would you like someone to fuck you

until you bleed, you fucking piece of shit?” He
reached over and ripped the big hoop off his ear.
Gian released him. Blood gushed everywhere.

“You bastard,” he screamed.
Cory reached down to untie his legs.
Tim made a lunge for Gian now and Gian hit

him hard in the face, knocking him down. Then he
kicked him right under the chin. Blood and teeth
flew. Tim was out cold. Gian looked at Cory. “Go
upstairs to your room and stay there.”

Cory stiffened. “What about you?”

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The door burst open and Andy barrelled in.

“What in fuck is going on in here?”

“It’s over Andy,” Gian said, “and if this fucking

case doesn’t stick, I’m going to kill you myself.”

“What…” he looked over at Tim on the floor as

Cory and Ace backed into a corner.

Gian reached down and slid a gun out of his leg

holster. He pointed at Andy’s forehead. “Where’s
that kid?”

“Samuel,” he called. The little boy ran into the


Gian reached out and grabbed him. He put him

behind him. “You’re under arrest for being a
fucking god damned piece of garbage,” he threw
at him. He was so angry, he was sure he was
going lose it. “You have a right to remain silent
and a right to an attorney and all that shit. Make a
move. Give me an excuse and I’ll blow your head

Andy laughed faintly. “A guard who thinks

he’s a cop.”

Cory looked at Ace, who stood in shock.
“Cop,” Cory mouthed.
Gian reached for his cell phone and pressed the

speed dial, holding his gun directly on Andy. He
waited for someone to answer. “Yeah, this is
Davinci. Get two squad cars here at Beaconsfield,
protective services and an evidence team and you
better bring something to fumigate your squad
cars because you’re going to be putting garbage

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into it. Oh yeah, call Mason, there will be people
wanting to talk to him.” He was about to hang up
when he glanced over at an unconscious Tim,
“Almost forgot, better bring an ambulance.
Although it will be no loss to the world if he
doesn’t make it, I think one of the excrement fell
down and hurt itself.”

Cory and Ace hugged together in the corner.
“So you’re a cop,” Andy laughed.
The little boy was shivering beside him. Gian

took off his shirt and wrapped him in it, then
picked him up in his arms, sitting him on his hip.
The gun never strayed from its target.

“But you enjoyed our little sex sessions, didn’t

you honey?” Andy ran his hands over himself and
licked his lips. “How are you going to explain that
to the judge?”

“I’m going to tell you something, Andy, and

this is the God’s truth. I’ve had to do a lot of
disgusting things undercover, but coming within
fifty feet of you has to be the most revolting thing
I’ve ever done. Every time I touched you, I went
home and scrubbed myself raw.”

Andy’s smile disappeared.
Cory clapped his hands.
Andy took a step. “You little…”
Gian moved forward and positioned the gun

directly under Andy’s fat neck. “Like I said, just
give me a reason, please, please. I’m desperate to
pull the trigger.”

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Cory came forward now, glaring at Andy. “I

hate your guts. I hated you touching me, looking
at me, using me. You are a bastard and I hope
wherever you go, you rot.”

“Oh, he will,” Gian grinned at Andy Falcon.

“And on top of that, when the inmates find out
that he’s a child molester, well…they will be
inserting objects into him that will make a billy
club feel like a popsicle stick.”

Ace went up to spit on Andy. “I’d like to watch,

hear your scream, you fat ugly bastard.” He
started to cry.

Suddenly they could hear sirens in the distance,

“Well, Gian smiled, “looks like my friends are

“I’ll meet up with you one day, sweetheart,”

Andy threatened, “and I’ll show you what pain is
all about.”

“I don’t think so,” Gian replied. “I don’t spend

much time at the Pen, but if the day ever comes, I
say, bring it on.”

They heard footsteps running down the hall

now. The door burst open. There were three
uniformed officers, two ambulance technicians,
and several plainclothes officers.

“Hey,” Denardo held up a hand to Gian as two

uniformed officers slapped the cuffs on Andy.
“Are you all right, man?”

Gian nodded.
“Disgusting tub of lard, aren’t ya?” Denardo

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looked at Andy. “Cover him up, will you? I just

Sandra looked down at Samuel. “Hi, there.”
“Hi,” he said.
“He’s okay.” Gian replied, handing her the little


“I’ll take him up to child services. They are

talking to the other boys,” Sandra said, looking

“The camera is there,” Gian pointed to the top

of a shelf.

“All right. The evidence team is upstairs.”
Gian looked over to see that an ambulance

technician had given Cory and Ace blankets and
asking them if they were all right. “Give me a
minute with those two,” he said. “I’ll bring them

She nodded as the medics took Tim out on a


“Is he dead?” Gian called out.
“He’ll make it,” one guy called back.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Gian replied.

* * * *

Cory wrapped the blanket tighter around him. He
hadn’t taken his gaze off Gian. It all made sense
now, everything. Gian was standing in the middle
of that dank room, looking at all the discarded
contraptions on the tables. He still held the gun in

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his hand and Cory noticed he was gripping it so
tight his knuckles were white. Cory walked over
to him and reached for his hand. He touched it
gently. “It’s okay now, Gian,” he said softly.

Gian looked down at the gun. Slowly he

released the pressure on it.

“It’s finally over,” Ace came to join them.
“Are you all right?” Gian asked.
Ace nodded.
“Yes, now I am. Looking at you makes

everything all right.”

Gian turned away for a minute. Then he

reached for one of the vibrators lying on the tables
that was still buzzing and hurled it across the
room. It crashed to the floor, permanently

“The evidence team is on the way down,” Gian

said, taking a step back from Cory.

Cory studied his face. “Davinci. I like that. It

suits you more than Franca.”

Gian tried to smile.
Ace cleared his throat. “I’ll, ah…wait in the


“So,” Cory said after Ace had left the room,

“what kind of a cop are you and don’t say, a good
one, because I already know that.”

“A very good one?” he offered with a little grin.
They laughed a little, “So you don’t have shitty

taste in men after all?”

“Well, maybe I do have shitty taste, but not

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quite that shitty.”

Cory smiled. “So the reason you wouldn’t

touch me was because you were on the job, not
because you didn’t like me, right?”

“Cory…” Gian began. “Maybe we shouldn’t—”
“You’re standing two miles away from me,”

Cory commented. “Are you afraid of me?”

“Maybe its not you I’m afraid of.”
Cory caught his breath. “I’m trying not to cry.”
He nodded.
“Everything makes sense now. Everything you

did was to protect us and you did take Pug on
because of me, didn’t you?”

“Yes, but in all honestly, I enjoyed beating the

crap out of him immensely so it had fringe

“You did say you were the little boy who was

always getting into fights.”

“That was me.”
“Am I going to see you again?”
“You’ll see me during the trial and—”
“That’s not what I mean,” Cory said, meeting

his eyes. He reached out and touched his eye.
“Swelling is down.”

“You’re a good doctor.”
Cory’s hand was trembling. Gian reached up

and captured it in his own. He held it for a minute
and then released it. “We should go on up now.”
He looked away.

“If I said I was falling in love with you, you’d

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just laugh right?”

Gian looked at him again. “No, I wouldn’t

laugh, Cory. I’d be flattered but—”

“There’s that but again,” Cory sighed. “It’s

because I was in here right? I’m old enough so it’s
not that. You can’t be that much older than me.
How old are you, anyway, officer?”

“Four years.” There was a pause, then Cory

said, “Am I your type?”

“You’d be anyone’s type,” Gian told him,


There were footsteps now coming down the


“One night,” Cory whispered, leaning close to

him, his mouth against his cheek. “One night is all
I ask. There are so many things I want to do with
you,” he moaned softly. “Think about it?”

* * * *

Gian moved away quickly now as police officers
came in with their boxes of forensic equipment.
He sucked in some air as he watched Cory walk
out into the hall and join Ace. A few seconds later,
he followed them upstairs.

* * * *

Cory sat upstairs in the cafeteria with the other

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boys. Little Sam sat with a young woman who
said her name was April. She played cards with
him. He seemed completely immune from what
was going on around him. Gian had spared him
from all this shit.

Frank and Tony were asking Cory and Ace all

kinds of questions. Frank was bragging that he
knew Gian was a cop all along.

“You did not,” Cory challenged. “You had no

idea. None of us did.”

“I did know,” Frank countered.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?” Tony


“I was trying to protect him. He told me in


“What a liar,” Cory scoffed. “He didn’t tell you


“What’s his real name then?” Ace asked Frank.
“Ah…he told me, but I can’t say. Could screw

up stuff.”

“Say his first name,” Cory coaxed.
“Can’t. It’s a real nice name, too,” he cooed.

“Told it to me when he was kissing me goodnight
one night.”

Cory’s eyes widened with anger. “Stop saying

that shit. You could get him into trouble. He didn’t
lay a hand on any of us. And Gian is his real
name, so there.”

Just then Bobby Denardo came into the room.

He looked over at the female officer who sat at one

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of the tables, writing some stuff. “Where is Gian?”
he asked.

“Downstairs with the evidence team. Why?”
Gian walked in now. “I’m here. What’s up?”
“Good, here,” Denardo told him, tossing him a

gold badge on a rope. “Decoteau made a run for

Gian met Bobby’s eyes. “Well, let’s go and get

the son of a bitch,” he said.

Sandra Aston closed her book. “Hey,” she said,

“if you guys think you’re going off by yourselves
and having all the fun, forget it.”

Gian laughed and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Girls just got to have fun.”

She took her gun out of its holster and held it in

the air. “You said it, babe,” she winked at him and
then the three of them disappeared out the door.

Cory watched them as they walked across the

parking lot. Gian was way out in front, the other
two running to catch up. There was a police car
there, its lights flashing. Gian said something to
the officer and the young rookie tossed him the

Cory just knew that Gian would get in the

driver’s seat and sure enough, he opened the door
and climbed in. Denardo got in the back and the
woman climbed in beside Gian.

He sounded the sirens and roared out of the

parking lot on two wheels. “Get him,” Cory urged,
under his breath. “Get that prick.” He went back

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and sat. He noticed that all but Frank, Tony, Ace
and himself had left the room. Two officers came
over to sit near them along with several people in
civilian dress.

“My name is Officer Harris,” one of them said.

“We need to ask you a few questions. It won’t take
long. We are also here to answer any questions
you may have.”

“Will we get to stay here?” Tony asked.
“Yes. For now. There will be police officers

acting as guards temporarily until other guards
can be hired.” Harris said.

“Will we have to testify?” Cory asked.
Harris nodded. “Yes. We are especially

interested in your testimony, Cory, since you
aren’t a minor. You will all be asked to give
statements, but not tonight. It’s too late.
Tomorrow, someone will come and get you and
bring you down to the police station.”

“Will we have to stay there long?” Frank asked.
“No. A few hours,” Harris replied. “There will

be social workers that will also be on hand to help
you understand everything, okay?”

They all nodded.
“Will I see Gian…Officer Davinci tomorrow?”

Cory asked.

“Ya, he’s in love with him,” Frank giggled.
Cory shot Frank a dirty look.
Harris smiled. “I don’t know. He is the

arresting officer, so you will probably see him

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Cory nodded.
“Now, the excitement is over for the night. You

will see a lot of police around, but don’t let that
worry you,” one of the social workers said. “I
think you can all go to bed.”

The boys got up, not unhappy about going to

bed. They were all exhausted.

When Cory got into bed, his mind turned to

Gian. He saw him in that basement when he had
suddenly become a cop and he saw him outside
driving away in that squad car. He was like a
different person yet, he was the same.

He felt free suddenly. He knew tonight no one

would come and drag him out of bed. He wept
with gratitude. He wished he’d been stronger. He
could have helped Gian a lot more than he did. He
wished he’d been able to tell someone about what
had been going on in here long ago. He’d been
scared. Suddenly, he didn’t feel fear anymore.

He knew that he should stop dreaming about

him, especially now that he knew he was a cop.
Gian was out of his league. He probably already
had a boyfriend or two or three. Maybe he wasn’t
even gay. He never did say. Maybe that was just
an act as well. Anyway, it didn’t matter what he
was, Gian was not going to be truly interested in
him, a former street whore, and a loser.

* * * *

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It was almost five in the morning before they had
tracked down Paul Decoteau. He was coming out
of a blind pig, drunk as a skunk. Gian got out of
the squad car, Sandra and Bobby at his heels. They
both knew their friend had to finish this. All they
could do was back him up. It had become

“Hello, Pug,” Gian said, as he walked around

into the alley where he was taking a piss.

“Jesus,” Sandra said, when she saw his face,

“what in the hell happened to him?”

“I beat the crap out of him,” Gian said. “Want

to see me do it again?”

Pug was struggling to do up his pants. “Hey,”

he slurred, “don’t you come near me with my
pants all undone and everything.”

Gian walked over to him. “Don’t worry, it

doesn’t do a thing for me. So you want to come
peacefully, or what?”

“Or what!” he sneered and began to run.
Gian gave chase. He grabbed Pug by the back

of the collar just as he was rounding the corner.

Bobby and Sandra waited in the distance.
Decoteau took a swing at him and missed.
Gian swung back and knocked him to the

pavement. He moaned a little as Gian slapped the
cuffs on him and dragged him to his feet.

“You got a mean right hook there,” Bobby told

him on the way back to the car, watching

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Gian paused and looked at him. “Don’t worry, I

won’t do what I really want to do to this prick
because he’s not worth rotting in the joint for.”

Bobby nodded. “Good man.”
“It doesn’t mean I can’t fantasize about it.”
Sandra grabbed Paul and pulled him over to

the car. “Fantasize away, honey,” she told him.
“Kick his ass. Okay,” she said, “assume the
position.” She frisked him and began reading his

“Do that again,” he slurred.
“One shot deal,” she muttered, pushing him in

the car, “and the only action you’re going to get
from this gang.”

When they got him downtown, Gian booked

him. Decoteau was surprisingly quiet.

By eleven in the morning, Gian was ready to

collapse. He had his head down on the desk when
the commissioner stormed through the squad
room and shouted out his name. “Davinci,” he
said, pausing in front of the desk, “don’t go
anywhere, you’re needed this afternoon.”

Gian lifted his head off the desk. “Does it look

like I’m going anywhere?”

“Go take a nap in the Captain’s office,” Howard


“Good idea,” Gian muttered and dragged

himself to his feet.

“Oh and, Davinci,” he paused as Gian stood

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still to hear his comment, “good job.”

Gian nodded, then walked into Clint’s office.

He didn’t bother turning on the light. He closed
the door, lay on the sofa and went into a coma.

* * * *

A place was found for Cory at a transition house.
He was heavily involved in the upcoming trial. He
was made to realize that his testimony was critical
to putting these bastards away. He was all for that.
He saw very little of Gian over the following
months however, which was a great
disappointment. Gian was in and out of the room
when the boys gave their statements, but none of
them ever got the opportunity to say more than
hello to him.

When the trial finally arrived, it didn’t last long.

There was a lot of public pressure to bring these
three Beaconsfield guards to justice. It had turned
into a bit of a media circus.

It was a hot July day when the boys involved

began to testify. Some film and tape recordings
had been taken into evidence, but a great deal of it
had been deemed inadmissible. Gian was on the
stand for over two weeks.

This was the time Cory got to see the most of

him, but it was from a distance. They never got
close enough to talk. When he was outside the
courtroom, he was always surrounded by media.

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* * * *

Gian didn’t give Cory’s diary to the D.A. In fact,
he never even mentioned it to the prosecution
because he knew they had enough evidence. And
given the things Cory had said about him in there,
it may have done more harm than good.

He had never told Cory he had photocopied it.

He kept it at home in a drawer where no one
could see it. He figured that Cory had experienced
enough humiliation, he didn’t need any more.

The trial was tough. There were reporters

everywhere and people were horrified at the
things they were hearing. Most of the gruesome
details were kept private, but still it was tough on
everyone involved.

Gian was hounded by reporters everywhere

and he was even offered a book and movie deal to
tell his story, which he flatly turned down. There
was no way he wanted to ever relive that.

On the day the three men were convicted, the

courtroom erupted into cheers and applause.
People were on their feet and the judge banged
her hammer repeatedly calling for order. Each
guard got five years without possibility of parole
and Andy Falcon got ten. Mr. Mason lost his job
and was charged for criminal negligence.

The boys were hugging each other and crying

as the prisoners were being led away.

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Gian was relieved to see that they were going

down, but a little disappointed in the sentence. He
would have liked to see them get more prison
time, but he’d have to be content with that. He
walked over to Andy before he was led from the
courtroom and leaned close to his ear. “I know a
lot of people up there, Falcon, and I’m going to
make sure they know you’re coming. They’ll be
waiting for you. I only wish I could be there.”
Then he gave Andy one of his most charming

Andy met his eyes. “If I ever get you alone

you’ll wish….” he hissed.

“If you ever get me alone, Falcon, you’ll wish

you had friends,” Gian met his eyes. “Take him
away to where he belongs,” Gian told the prison
guard, who nodded at him and took Andy away.

He watched as Pug and Tim filed past him.

“Have a nice trip, boys. Make sure you have a lot
of haemorrhoid cream,” he told them, “and get the
prescription kind. You’re going to need it.”

Pug sneered at him. The scars he had given

him, still visible on his face. “Guess you’ll
remember me, eh, Paul, every time you look in the
mirror. You were one hell of an ugly son of a bitch
to start with. I think it might even be an

Pug cursed at him as he disappeared out the


“Asshole,” Tim said as the guard pushed him

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* * * *

Cory stood there waiting for the courtroom to
clear some. He came closer to Gian and waited for
him to turn around. When he did, Cory said,

“Hi,” Gian said. “How are you, Cory?”
“Good and you?”
“Better now. Glad it’s over.”
“Me, too.
“I wish the sentence had been—”
“You did your best.”
Gian nodded.
“You were enjoying yourself there,” Cory


“I was. I couldn’t resist,” he smiled. “It gave me

great pleasure to see them helpless for a change.”

Wow, that smile was like someone knocking the

wind out of you for a second. It was

“How’s it going now at the transition house?”

Gian asked him, jarring him back to earth.

“Oh, good. Everyone is really nice.” Cory

paused, looking down, then said, “I’m getting out
in a few weeks. I’m trying to find a job.”

“Good,” Gian said. “Are you receiving


Cory shrugged. “They offer that, yes, but I

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don’t need it really. I’m fine. Besides, it’s a little

“Cory,” Gian met his eyes. “You do need it.

Trust me. Look, it’s a tough world out there. You
need to be strong, to be able to cope and…what
are you going to do when you get out? What kind
of a job?”

Just then an older man that Cory recognized as

a police captain came up and threw his arm
around Gian’s shoulder. “Hey, I’m so proud of
you,” he said. “Coming home? Mom’s making a
celebration dinner tonight, your favourite. Kayla is
home for the weekend.”

“The captain is your father?” Cory was


“Yes,” Gian said.
“We adopted Gian when he was about your

age,” Clint said. “And we never regretted it.”

Gian grinned. “That’s a lie,” he teased.
Clint laughed. “I’ll wait for you outside.”
“Okay,” Gian replied.
“You’re lucky,” Cory said.
“Yes, I am,” he replied. “Well, you be good.

Take care.”

He was about to leave when Cory said, “So,

that’s it huh?”

Gian opened his mouth to reply when Sandra

came up to him and grabbed him. “Come on, hero.
We’re getting blasted tonight.”

Gian laughed. “Later, all right? I promised my

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parents I’d go home for supper. My sister is there,

“Okay. How bout we meet you at the pub at


“Sounds great.”
“Bring the old man,” Sandra joked.
“I’ll try,” Gian laughed.
“You have a sister?” Cory tried to capture his

attention again.

“Ya. She was adopted as a child. Clint and Sam

got her in Africa as a baby.”

“Nice,” Cory replied.
“Not really. She’s a big pain in the butt,” Gian


Cory gave him a longing look. “Can I ask you


“Sure,” he said.
“Do you have any…I mean, is it just me or do

you feel something, too? You know…attraction
or…” He was having a hard time getting it out,
but he had to know.

Then all the other boys came over. They

monopolized Gian’s attention and Cory couldn’t
say anything more. By the time they had moved
on, Gian had left.

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hat summer turned into winter and then
summer again. Gian had been working on three

separate cases, all of which were frustrating him.
When he finally wrapped up the third one, he
asked Clint for vacation time.

“Maybe in the winter,” he was told.
“Who in the hell wants to vacation in the

winter, Clint?” Gian demanded.

“You do,” Clint said.
“I do?” Gian echoed sarcastically.
“Yep. Check the roster, you’re on nights next

week. Now go home, take your two days and
pretend you’re in Florida, its hot enough.”

It was a scorching summer. Thank God he

didn’t have to wear a uniform. He took his two
days and floundered on the beach, too lazy to
swim. There were loads of good-looking guys
around giving him the eye, but he was even too
tired for that.

When he came back to work on a Saturday

night at ten, he was not in a good mood. He put on


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a pair of jean shorts that ended at the knee and
wore a loose fitting white tank top. He adjusted
the gun holster over his shoulder and threw the
badge on his belt. The holster was uncomfortable.

“Wear it on your hip,” some of the others were

saying to him in the precinct when he complained.

“No way. I hate that. I feel like John Wayne,” he


Everyone laughed.
Gian leaned down to tie his running shoe and

received a pat on the butt from Sandra. “Fresh,”
he batted his eyelashes at her. “Are you going to
take me home and use me?”

She laughed. “You wish.”
At midnight, he was coming back from taking a

report on a corner store robbery when he spotted a
fight going on outside a bar. The bar was called

, it was a rough gay bar that lay just outside

the village.

The area was supposed to be patrolled by black

and whites, but they were nowhere in sight.

There was a crowd urging on the two men who

were beating the hell out of one another. Gian
pulled the car to a stop and sighed. It was too
damn hot for this shit and his instinct was to keep
driving, but he couldn’t in good conscience do
that. He got out and slammed the door.

The fight went on, no one realizing that the tall

man coming toward them in shorts was a cop.

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* * * *

Cory stood outside the door in the alley watching
the fight. It was entertainment and, due to the
heat, business was slow tonight.

When he recognized the man walking through

the parking lot, his heart skipped a beat. He’d
know him anywhere. He was in his dreams almost
every night. He was dressed in shorts and a tank
top, his long hair tied back at the nape. There was
a gold badge hanging off his neck.

“All right, all right,” he said in that deep voice,

“move aside. I’m a cop. What in hell is going on
here?” He picked his badge up off his chest and
showed it to people in the crowd, who moved
aside to let him in.

The two men were rolling around on the

ground. One was bleeding from the head. The
other had a broken bottle in his hand. Gian took
the bottle and threw it aside. then picked the guy
off the ground and pushed him to one side. He
bent down to check out the other guy. “Looks like
you’re going to need stitches.”

“He’s hot,” one of the other prostitutes from the

bar said to Cory.

“Um,” Cory smiled. “I know him. He’s a street


“Ah. You know him…in the biblical sense?”
“I wish. No, but I have seen him naked,” Cory

whispered with a wink.

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“Lucky you.”
“Hey, you’re cute,” one guy said, as he pulled

the bleeding guy over to the step and sat him

“Thanks a lot,” Gian replied dryly. He looked

down at the man. “Now, you want to tell me what
happened here?”

Cory came over and looked at Gian. “It’s his

lover. He slept with another guy and they got into
it. Happens all the time. How you doing, Gian?”

Gian blinked, “Cory?”
“Ya. It’s me. Looking good.”

* * * *

Gian ran his gaze over Cory. He was dressed in
tight red leather shorts and an open jean vest. His
hair was long and untidy. He was filled with a
strange sense of desire and pity for him. He knew
he was working.

“What are you doing in this dive?” Gian asked

him. He knew what this place was for.

“Not much,” Cory looked around.
Gian turned back to the guy who was bleeding

on the steps. “Want to press charges?”

“Naw. I love him. It was my fault anyway.”
Gian sighed and looked at the other guy who

already was saying that he was sorry. “Better take
him to the hospital for stitches,” Gian told the guy.
“And get counselling, or something!”

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“Come on honey,” he said, pulling him up.

“Sorry I lost my temper.”

Gian rolled his eyes. “Try making love, it frees

up space in the emergency wards,” Gian said, as
they walked off.

“Thanks, officer,” one of them called back.
Gian picked up the broken bottle and threw it

into a dumpster.

* * * *

Cory stood at the side of the door, watching him.
God he was so handsome. What he wouldn’t give
just to kiss him. He had grown a moustache. It
suited him.

“Don’t worry about those guys,” Cory told him.

“They’re in love.”

“Ah, hate to see them one day if they fall out of


Cory reached up and touched the moustache.

“Nice. When did you decide on that?”

“It kind of decided on me,” he said with a

shrug of broad shoulders.

Cory nodded. “Don’t grow a beard. You have a

beautiful face and you don’t want to cover it up.
The moustache is all right because it’s thin and
you trim it well.”

“I’ll take that under advisement,” Gian replied,

with a smile.

Cory laughed. “What cha’ been up to?”

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Cory nodded. “Me, too.”
“Doing what?” Gian eyed him, although they

both knew the answer.

Cory laughed. “Want to cuff me officer, take me

in? I wouldn’t mind.”

Some guy near by called out, “Who in the hell

would mind? Tie me up, baby, and rape me.”

Cory grinned. “You have a fan.”
“Only one?” Gian mocked, ignoring the


“You got two.”
“Ah,” Gian nodded, raising an eyebrow. “The

other one would be you?”

“Of course. So how ‘bout it, going to cuff me?”
“I’m not going to take you in, Cory,” Gian

shook his dark head, “but I am disappointed.”

“Disappointed? Why?” Cory asked, his voice

sounding shrill. “Disappointed to find the guy you
saved from the boogie men was just a whore
anyway? You wasted your time on me.”

“I never said that,” Gian replied, shaking his


“But you were thinking it,” Cory told him,

reaching over and running his hand over his

“No,” Gian said. “I was thinking that you could

do better than this.”

“Really? How?” Cory met his eyes. “Checking

groceries? Waiting tables?”

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Gian shrugged. “Maybe.”
Cory withdrew his hand and looked down at

the ground. “You never did give me that one

“No, I never did,” Gian replied, his voice

strained. He began to walk away. He stopped,
turned around and lifted a hand. “See ya,” he said.

Cory watched him walk to the car that was

haphazardly parked on the curb, tears came up in
his eyes, but he forced them away. “Think maybe
one day you might reconsider?”

Gian paused at the car and then opened the

door. He looked at him and slowly he shook his
head from side to side, “Too much competition,”
he said and then got into the car.

Cory watched him drive away. Gian didn’t look


* * * *

Gian took out the diary when he got home and
read some of it. He read the parts where Cory
talked about his feelings for him. He closed his
eyes for a minute, remembering how he had
avoided intimate contact with him at Beaconsfield.
Even back then, even though he tried not to dwell
on it, he was attracted to him. Seeing him tonight
took him by surprise. It’s not that he had forgotten
about him. It was just that they had lost touch and
Gian figured that it was for the best. Cory had this

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crush on him and it wouldn’t have taken long for
them to become sexually involved. They weren’t
meant to be together and tonight had confirmed it.
Cory had gone back to the streets. So every man
was getting it, every man who paid the price that

He got up off the sofa and walked into the

bedroom. No, they weren’t meant to be, a
prostitute and a cop, a cop who wasn’t even home
long enough to have a relationship. But maybe a
relationship was not what he wanted right now.

He lay down and thought about what he said.

One night, he had told him. There are so many things I
want to do with you.

He still remembered the little

thrill that went down his spine when he had told
him that. “Baby,” he murmured, turning over in
bed, “there are a lot of things I’d like to do with
you, too.”

Who in the hell knows what he was thinking

when he went back to the Stud on his night off the
following week. He knew he wanted to see him.
Cory wasn’t there when he came in, so he went up
to the bar and ordered a beer.

It was dark in the bar. It smelt of cigarettes and

sex. It was cooler tonight. People were dancing on
the dance floor. He had worn a pair of jeans, faded
and tight and he knew their effect very well. He
wore a simple white t-shirt tucked into the jeans.
The t-shirt showed off the muscles in his arms and
his torso and contrasted with his bronze skin. He

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left his hair loose and didn’t shave. He felt a little
rough trade tonight. He wasn’t a cop. He was just
a young man on the prowl, but he was looking for
only one guy.

He drank two more beers then stopped. It was

just enough to take away his inhibitions. It was
almost midnight. If Cory came in, then so be it. He
was getting tired of standing here. Besides they
were having too much fun on the dance floor.

He looked over to a couple of guys sitting at a

table nearby. They were good looking enough and
they had been undressing him all night with their
eyes. He winked at them, then turned back
around, giving them a view of his rear in those
jeans. He knew he had a great ass. It made him
laugh these games. It had been a long time since
he had played them. He leaned over to the
bartender and said, “You know Cory?”

“Ya, I know Cory,” he smiled. “He’s our sex


“Ya? Well, is he coming in tonight?”
“He’ll be here. Never misses. Doing a John right


Gian nodded, trying not to dwell on that. He

felt those two guys now on either side of him,

“Hey,” one said.
The other moved his hand down in front of

Gian’s groin and brushed it with his hand.
“Oops,” he said, “Sorry.”

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Gian laughed. “Trying to see if I’m as nice in

front as I am in back?”

“Hell, baby,” the other one said, placing a hand

on his ass, “You’re nice all over.”

“Want to dance?” The other one asked.
They were playing a fast Rickie Martin song.

“You guys come as a package deal?” Gian

“That bother you?” one guy threw at him.
“Not so far,” Gian told them. “Let’s go.”

* * * *

Cory walked up to the bar seconds later and asked
the bartender for a coke. The bartender seemed
distracted as he handed it to him. “What’s up?”
Cory asked.

“He could make a grown man fall to his knees

and cry,” he growled.

“Who could?” Cory looked out on the dance

floor where the bartender was looking. Then he
saw him. He was hard to miss. He was taller than
almost every other man in the place and the other
guys flocked around him like bees to honey. God
he looked delicious tonight, his hair loose, those
tight jeans. What in hell was he doing here?

“He asked about you?” The bartender leaned

forward. “You know that big hunk of man?”

“Ya,” Cory smiled. “I know him.”
“Ah…a client.”

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“No,” Cory snapped. “He’s no client. Never

that.” He drained his coke and waited for him to
come off the dance floor.

Gian was walking back toward the bar now,

his t-shirt plastered to him, his hair wet. Um, sexy
as hell.

“Well,” Cory said to him, “this is a strange

place for you to go dancing, isn’t it?”

* * * *

He was wearing short shorts again, this time, they
were jean shorts and they revealed way too much.
He was wearing a jean jacket on top, open with no

Gian ran his eyes over him. He ordered a beer.

“I didn’t come here to dance.”

Cory stood straight.
There was something in his eyes he’d never

seen before. He liked it. He liked it a lot.

“What did you come here for?” Cory asked,

moving a little closer to him as he began to drink
his beer.

His back was leaning against the bar, his legs

comfortably apart. Gian put down the beer. “Want
to find out?”

Cory blinked. “Ah…wait…I mean…”
Gian moved up to him and placed an arm

around his back. He pulled him roughly against
him. He lowered his mouth to his ear. “I want to

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go somewhere where I can rip those shorts off you
because what’s in them is driving me crazy right

Cory felt his hand on one of his buttocks. His

erection was pressing against his thigh. He felt
himself breathing harder. He laid his cheek
against his chest.

Gian released him. “Unless you’re not


“Me…not interested?” He started laughing.
Gian tilted his head. “Something funny?”
“This is a joke, right? You’re screwing with my


“How much?” He asked softly. “How much for

the night and I get to do everything…everything I
want.” He met his eyes boldly.

Cory cleared his throat. He could hardly speak.

“What does everything mean?” He leaned against
him. “Say it,” he whispered. “Tell me what you
want to do?” His knees were weak.

“I’d much rather show you than tell you, but I’ll

do both at the same time if that turns you on,” he
told him, again taking a step back.

“You’re teasing me now,” Cory smiled at him.
“Maybe, but if you want this,” he said running

his hand seductively over his chest down to his
groin, “then you’ll have to leave here with me

Cory nodded.
Gian was behind him as they left the bar. “I’ve

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been drinking,” he told him outside, “so let’s rent
a room?”

Cory turned around. “I have one.”
“You still didn’t tell me how much,” Gian said,

following him.

“You didn’t tell me what you want to do,” Cory

replied, swallowing.

“Yes I did. I said everything.”
Cory walked fast. He didn’t want him to touch

him just now. He was afraid that he’d get carried
away. They walked into the hotel and up the
stairs. Cory took out his key. It was a typical dive,
but not uncommon for prostitutes. This one was

Gian came into the room after him and closed

the door. There was a double bed and a lamp on
the table. Cory switched it on. On the left hand
side was a makeshift closet and bureau.

Cory stood there looking at him. “You really

don’t expect me to charge you?”

“Yeah, why not?”
“Because I’m…I mean…”
“Look Cory, I’m not the Salvation Army. I’m

not here to reform you. I’m here because I want
sex. It’s that simple. Don’t think because I’m a cop,
I’m an angel.”

“Never thought that,” Cory smiled, moving

over to him.

Gian’s gaze went to those shorts. “Take them

off,” he demanded.

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This was a side of Gian he didn’t know. It was

Gian the man and it transformed him from cop to
man with a sexual appetite and desire in his eyes.
It was turning him on like a furnace.

Cory removed the shorts, his shoes and the

jacket. He watched Gian as he watched him and
he was halfway there.

Gian ran his gaze over him. “Do you know how

much I wanted you back at Beaconsfield?”

Cory moved closer to him. “No.”
“Sometimes I wondered what made the

difference between me and Andy. I would see you
and…I…” he stopped.

Cory reached up and touched his face. “You’re

nothing like Andy Falcon. You’re just a man,” he
said softly, “a man with desires and needs.” He
yanked the t-shirt out of Gian’s pants and pulled it
over his head. All that hair fell down over his
shoulders. He smoothed it back with his hand.
“You’re trembling,” Cory told him, undoing the
snap on his jeans. “If you knew how much I
wanted to do this, you would be quite shocked.”

Gian looked down at him. “Shock me.”
Cory pushed the jeans down over his hips and

took out his erection. He held it and then lowered
his lips to it. “God, I ached to do this back at
Beaconsfield. I used to pretend that Andy was

Gian raised an eyebrow. “That must have taken

some imagination.”

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They both laughed and Gian pulled Cory up

straight. He took him into his arms and stroked his
back, kissed his hair.

Cory raised his face to his and Gian kissed him

deeply then moved him over to the bed and laid
him down. He looked at his naked body for the
longest time and then he moaned. “Jesus,” he said.
“I must have been a saint,” he leaned down,
placed his lips on his chest and began moving

“I think you might be in danger of losing your

title,” Cory moaned.

When Gian ran his tongue over the length of his

shaft, Cory dug his nails into the mattress. He
reached out one hand and found some of his silky
hair. He wrapped it around his fist, hearing Gian
grunt in protest when he pulled. Cory released his
hold when Gian took his cock into his mouth and
began to massage his balls. He came seconds into
it and sprang up in bed from the impact as Gian
reached for his hand and swallowed.

Cory gulped back hot tears. The absolute

pleasure of it was overwhelming and he had to be
pressured back down as Gian moved back up to
his chest and kissed him there. Cory stroked his
hair, his eyes closing, groaning when he felt
fingers moving again over his cock and the other
hand reaching under him to tease his anus. He
slammed his head down into the pillow, his eyes
squeezing tight. He’d never just laid here before

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and had someone give…they always took and it
was almost unbearable. “I need to…” he began as
Gian pushed up his legs and pulled him

“Shush,” Gian told him. “I want to drive you


A finger moved around the outer muscles of his

anus, then pushed inward. Slowly it massaged his
entrance and then was suddenly replaced by the
smooth lapping of his tongue. Cory almost leaped
off the bed. “What are you…”

“What?” Gian asked, looking up at him, “no

one’s ever rimmed you before?”

“I’ve done it but…”
“Lay back, close your eyes,” he urged, “let me

love you.”

Love? Was this love? God, it surely felt like it.

He relaxed, closed his eyes, drifted, the tension
gradually increasing every few seconds, his cock
hard as rock. Gian’s hair brushed his thighs, his
tongue probed him, opening him, bringing him to
the point that he would have begged. When he got
up off the bed for a second, Cory thought he’d die,
but he was back immediately, tearing the condom
package, hastily pushing it onto his erection.

Cory watched, his gaze caressing the length of

him. A big, thick, beautiful cock waved proudly in
front of him.

“I want to fuck you,” he met his gaze.
“You asking?”

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“I’m pleading,” he smiled almost shyly.
Cory sat up and pulled his mouth to his. He

kissed him hotly, deeply. It was his answer and
the message was understood.

Gian pulled Cory’s legs up over his broad

shoulders. “If I’m hurting you, tell me. I’ll be

“You won’t hurt me,” he shook his head. “Just

be you. You could never hurt me.”

Gian’s cock sliced into him like a blade, initially

uncomfortable and then his body wrapped around
it and possessed it, made it his. It fit. He fit. Cory
had never known any man who felt more like he
belonged there. As he bore down, possessing him
to the limit, moving sensuously, steadily and then
letting go so that passion and lust became their
only master. The bed rocked. Animalistic thrusts
and cries seized them both in its grip and didn’t
release, making separate that room in space and
time from all earthly places. It was surreal and, as
Gian’s cock left his body, he crawled up to
collapse on top of him, Cory held him, their slick,
sweat drenched bodies clinging to each other quite

Cory didn’t want to sleep. He was afraid. There

was so much he wanted to do. He wanted to touch
him all over, kiss every inch of his beautiful body.
He touched him almost reverently, kissed his
mouth, whispered things against his hair and, out
of exhaustion, drifted off to sleep with Gian in his

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When he woke up, his greatest fear was

realized. He was alone. Worse, there were two,
one hundred dollar bills lying on the table beside
the bed. He sat up and looked at the place he had
laid. There were no words to describe what he had
felt in his arms last night.

Would he come back again? He didn’t know,

but at one point, he was sure he had heard Gian
whisper something like you make me happy
before they’d gone off to sleep. Maybe he’d come

* * * *

Gian kept telling himself he couldn’t have a male
prostitute for a lover. After that one night with
Cory, he told himself that was it. He wasn’t going
to see him again. But he couldn’t stay away. The
next available night he had, he went back there to
that bar to find him. Cory was there when he
walked in. He didn’t have to ask. Cory smiled at
him and they left the bar. It began like that and
developed into a ritual. Whenever he was free, he
went to that bar to find him. They’d go to Cory’s
room and make love all night long. In the
morning, he always left before Cory woke up and
he always paid.

When his shift would change and he wasn’t

able to see him, it would feel as if he was in hell.

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He literally ached to touch him. He knew it wasn’t

One night when he met Cory at the hotel as

usual, Cory was standing around with another
prostitute bragging about this guy who paid him
five hundred dollars for a weekend. As Gian
walked toward them, he heard Cory say, “It was
fun. There was five guys and hot, wow. Anyway, I
got tied up and suspended on a rope and damn
they played with every inch of me.”

Something knotted up in Gian’s gut.
Cory reached out to him when he spotted him.

“I missed you. Are you ready to go? I’m so happy
to see you tonight. It’s been almost a week since
I’ve touched you. I need to have you naked in my

Gian gave him a faint smile and they walked

outside. He fell silent, deep in thought. It had been
almost six months since they’d started meeting
like this and, in a way, it suited him. There were
no demands on him. And for the most part, he
could pretend there was no one else but him. They
never discussed Cory’s John’s. When he heard
Cory talk like that in the bar, it snapped him into
reality. He tried to push it aside, but it had put
him into a really bad mood.

“You’re quiet,” Cory said, wrapping his arm

around him.

“I’m okay.”
“I love you,” he whispered.

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Gian looked down at him. “Do you?”
“Yes, of course. You know that. Do you love


Gian pushed back some hair off his face. “Yes, I

think I do.”

“You think,” Cory laughed. “Oh, you’re such a


Gian tried to smile, but he was still hearing

those words Cory said back at the bar.

In the room, Cory began to take off his clothes.

He had put on weight the past little while. He
seemed to be taking better care of himself now. He
was more beautiful every time he saw him.

Gian just stood there. “Tell me about your fun

weekend?” His voice was strained.

“The one you bragged about with Steve back at

the bar.”

“Oh, it was nothing.” He stood there naked,

smiling at him. He ran his hand seductively over
his chest. “Want me?”

Gian nodded. “Yes,” he said. “Is there a time

when I don’t want you?” He was already hard. He
closed his eyes when Cory undid the zipper on his
jeans. He felt like a heroin addict, addicted to
something that would kill him.

Cory took his erection into his mouth and an

involuntary moaned escaped his lips. He looked
down at him on his knees in front of him. When he
was away from him this long, it felt like the first

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time all over again.

“You enjoyed your weekend?” He managed

between clenched teeth. The images in his head
enraged him in spite of the pleasure. He reached
down suddenly and pulled Cory off the floor.
Cory looked surprised when he backed him
against the wall.

“What’s wrong with you tonight?” Cory asked.
“You want me to tie you up?” He demanded.

“Is that what you want?” He forced him around so
that his face was against the wall. “You want it
rough? I can be rough. No problem, baby. Maybe
it’s just not kinky enough for you. Maybe you
really did like it back there at Beaconsfield.”

* * * *

Cory grunted as he felt Gian press his erection
against his ass. “Gian, what’s wrong…why are

An arm wrapped around him and Gian went

into him, a lot rougher than normal. At first it
frightened him a little, but it felt so good. Gian
pressed him to the floor now, arm around his
neck, pumping him hard. Cory cried out with
passion. “Yes, baby, yes,” he moved against him.
He was moving faster and harder, growling
something, then abruptly pulled out. He picked
him up and dumped him on the bed on his back.
He spread his legs, pushed them up and back,

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going into him again. He threw his head back and
came inside of him. Then he broke away,
breathing hard. He pushed up off the bed and
paced the floor a few times.

Cory sat up and looked at him. “What’s wrong,

Gian? Why did you stop?”

He turned around and looked at him. He shook

his head and began to pull on his pants.

“Hey,” Cory got off the bed, “where you going,


“Don’t,” he put up a hand, “don’t play me and

don’t treat me like one of your customers.”

“What did I do? Did I do something wrong?”
“I don’t think we should…” he put on his shirt.

“I don’t want to see you anymore.”

Cory paled. “What?”
“It’s over!” he said stiffly, looking for his coat.

He pulled out his wallet and emptied it on the
floor. “There, take it. Take it all!”

“I don’t want it,” Cory cried out. “I don’t want

any of it. I just want you.”

“You don’t want me, you want your weekends

with your five johns hanging you from the ceiling
and that’s cool,” he said. “You want to be whore,
be a whore,” he yelled. “But leave me alone
because Jesus, Cory,” he said, his eyes filling with
tears, “I don’t like what you bring out in me and
damn…my poor heart can’t take it.”

“You’re the one who insisted on paying me.

You made yourself a John,” Cory said, tears

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streaming down his cheeks. “I love you, I fucking
love you. I never asked for money.”

Gian shook his head. “You’re like a drug. I

want more and more of you, but you’re not mine
and I have to break the addiction, Cory. It’s killing
me.” He walked out and shut the door.

Cory pulled on his pants and went running

down the stairs. “Gian, Gian!” he yelled after him.
He caught up to him halfway down the street.
“Listen to me,” he said breathlessly, “I’ll do
anything you want.”

He paused, looked at him. “The way we met.

Cory, don’t you see? This is wrong, everything
about it stinks. Two guys with fucked up
backgrounds playing some sort of game…I don’t
know.” He shook his head.

Cory wrung his hands together. “It doesn’t feel

like a game to me. You don’t have to pay me. Why
do you?”

“Because you are who you are.” He reached out

and touched his shoulder. “You’ve been through
so much, a hurt little boy inside, and you can’t
touch that pain because—”

“What are you talking about?” Cory demanded.
“You know. After my uncle did what he did to

me…after he sexually abused me, I cried out for
help. I was a child and I knew unless I faced what
had happened to me, I’d always be a child crying
out for help. I was lucky, I had Clint and Sam and
my sister. You haven’t even acknowledged what

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happened to you. And somehow you think it’s
your fault and that’s why you’re out here on these
streets. I can’t save you, Cory. The only one I can
save is myself.”

Cory stood there stunned. “That’s just an

excuse, an excuse for you to run away, to deny
what you feel for me.”

“Deny what I feel?” He choked. “Oh no, I can’t

deny it and that’s why I have to get out before this
swallows me whole. Just…” he put up his hand,
“forget about this. Forget it ever happened and I’ll
try to do the same.”

Cory watched him walk away. He stood there

in the same spot for the longest time before he
turned and went back to his room.

* * * *

It took Gian everything he had to stay away from
Cory. He buried himself in work, worked on his
days off and tried not to think about him. When he
found he could hardly stand it anymore, he’d go
out and pick up a stranger. It seemed to ease the
ache for a few hours, but it would always come
back again the next morning. He should have
followed his instincts and never touched him.

Occasionally, late at night when he’d just come

off shift, he would drive by the Stud bar, hoping to
catch a glimpse of Cory from a distance.
Sometimes he would. He’d be either hanging

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around outside the bar or walking on the street
nearby. But he was rarely alone and Gian would
drive on, feeling worse. Eventually he forced
himself to stop doing that altogether.

He had gone and fallen in love with a

prostitute. Could he have been any more of an ass
than that? And it certainly seemed that Cory had
no intention of getting off the streets or even
taking a look at the reasons he was out there. Cory
hadn’t offered to give up the life for him. If he
really had given a damn about him, Gian figured
he would have.

* * * *

Cory thought that Gian would come walking into
the bar one night, but six months had gone by and
he hadn’t seen him. His friends told him to forget
about that cop, but that was easier said than done.
How do you forget your own heartbeat? Never
once had Gian asked him to give up the life. If he
had said, “Cory, I love you, stop working the
streets and come live with me,” he would have
gone in a second, but he never did. He always
pretended what he did didn’t bother him, but in
the end, it was the reason he walked away.

All that money he had given him, Cory had put

into an envelope and hid under a loose floorboard
in his room. He couldn’t bear to spend it. One
night, he took it out and counted it. There was

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over six thousand dollars there, each two hundred
dollars representing one night of love with him,
one night in his arms. He held the money to his
heart and sobbed like a baby.

He missed him so much it hurt. He was all he’d

ever dreamed of. He knew he wasn’t worthy of a
man like that. He didn’t deserve him. He was a
whore. That’s all he knew and that’s all he would
ever be. All his life he’d been used. Maybe that’s
all Gian had done, too, use him.

When Gian didn’t come back to him, he hooked

up with Evan out of loneliness. Evan was a
generous guy and, most of the time, he was nice.
But he had a vicious temper when he was
drinking. He was tall and dark haired like Gian,
but skinny and average looking. He was into
heavy bondage, which Cory didn’t mind once in
awhile, but he would have preferred just straight
sex. He wasn’t much of a kisser and not very
tender, although he could be passionate when the
mood struck him.

Evan worked in a factory and he had a nice

apartment. He asked Cory to move in with him
and didn’t seem to mind what Cory did for a
living. Sometimes he’d invite his friends over and
they’d have a real orgy, but then he would get
drunk and Cory would go and stay at his friend’s
house until he sobered up because he got mean.
He didn’t realize that Evan’s temper would grow
more vicious as time went on.

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All the while, he dreamt of Gian. Sometimes he

would fantasize about him when Evan was inside
of him. It made sex with him tolerable.

One night when one of his friends brought up

Gian’s name, Evan demanded to know who he
was. Cory had never told Evan about Gian. He
was jealous enough. He didn’t need to fuel it.
“Ancient history,” Cory said quickly, waving it

“But he was a doll,” his friend, Steve said, “you

should have seen this guy. What a man. He was a
God. Really tall and all muscle, long black hair
and big brown eyes, Cory, do you remember those
eyes? They were like big pools of liquid

“Yes,” Cory said softly. “I remember.”
“Yeah, but could he fuck?” Evan demanded,


Cory was quiet.
“Answer me, could he cut it in bed? Bet he had

a wee cock about this big.” Evan showed Cory and
Steve the tip of his thumb.

Cory looked at him. “He was an incredible

lover,” he whispered. “And he had a beautiful
cock. But he’s gone now.” He got up, left the room
and went into the bathroom.

“He’s still in love with him,” someone said


Evan followed him into the bathroom. “That

true? You still love him?”

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Cory wiped the tears out of his eyes. “No, and

don’t worry, Evan.” He put his arms around him,
“He’s not coming back to me.”

“He better not come back. I’m better in bed than

him, right?”

Cory hugged him. “Yes,” he lied. “You’re much


* * * *

Two months later, Gian went out with two male
friends to a gay bar in the village. It was a nice
place, classy and anyone was welcome. His sister
Kayla was home from law school and decided to
come along with them.

They were dancing and having a good time

when Gian stopped dead in the middle of the
dance floor. He was looking above him at a table
on the second floor.

Kayla moved up to him. “What’s wrong,

honey? You like someone just punched you.”

“I just saw someone I knew, that’s all,” he

replied without expression.

At a table just above him was Cory. He was

with a tall lanky man with thin black hair.

“Who is he?” Kayla asked.
“Someone I…” he began, swallowing.”

Someone I once loved.”

“Really?” she said. “I didn’t know there was

anyone. Is it the cute one with the curly dark

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“That’s him.” He turned around and took his

sister’s arm. “Stop looking up there. I don’t want
him to think I’m staring at him. Just dance.”

“Did he hurt you? If he broke your heart, I’ll—”
“No. I broke my own heart.” He patted her

arm. “And stop being so over protective.” He
didn’t expect to see him here in this place. It was
expensive and classy, not at all a hang out for
prostitutes. He couldn’t believe how fresh the
wound felt. It had been over eight months since
he’d been in the same room with him.

His two friends were laughing as they began

bumping together on the floor. They came over to
grab Kayla and Gian around the neck and started
doing some stupid line dance, laughing like fools.
Gian couldn’t help but be drawn into it all and he
was laughing with them.

* * * *

Cory sipped his drink. He paused and looked
down on the dance floor to see what all the
commotion was about. Then his heart began to
pound in his chest like some kind of wild dance. It
was Gian. My God. He was dressed up tonight
with black leather pants and a deep purple shirt,
open at the neck. He didn’t know the two other
young guys, but the woman dancing next to him
was probably his sister because she was a tall

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African woman with ebony skin. Very pretty.

When Evan excused himself to go to the

bathroom, Cory felt free to indulge himself by
watching Gian. He remembered holding him as if
it was yesterday. He remembered how his skin
felt, how his lips tasted. He could picture himself
touching every inch of his body. He closed his
eyes for a moment.

“That guy is looking at you,” Kayla told her

brother. “Why don’t you go and talk to him?”

Gian sighed. “Yeah, maybe I will just say

hello.” It was pretty stupid to ignore him. He had
to be mature about this. He just couldn’t pretend
they’d never met.

* * * *

Kayla watched her brother as he climbed the
stairs. How could such a good-looking man be so
unlucky in love? She noticed how people watched
him as he walked up those stairs. He could have
probably picked up any number of men here
tonight. It wasn’t only what people saw when they
looked at Gian that was the most important, it was
what they didn’t see. He was the modern day
hero, a man who cared, sweet and kind. Her
brother deserved to be happy. The man he finally
chose to love for the rest of his life would be the
luckiest man alive but where was he?

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* * * *

Cory sucked in some breath as Gian approached
the table. He was sure he was going to just walk
on by, pretend he wasn’t there. But here he was.

“Hello,” he said.
Cory nodded. “Hi.” His hands were shaking.

He folded them together and hid them under the

“Who is the guy that was here with you a while

ago?” He asked without hesitation.

“His name is Evan. We live together now. He

works at a factory at the docks. We are very
happy. We’re a couple.” He didn’t know why he
felt compelled to say that.

“You want to hurt me?” Gian asked him,

meeting his eyes. “Why don’t you just slug me, its
faster that way?”

There was a silence as Cory looked away. Then

afraid that he would walk away, Cory quickly
looked back at him. “How’s work?”

“Work,” he shrugged.
“One of those guys over there your lover?”
“Both of them, every night,” Gian replied, then

tilted his head and said, “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“I suppose I asked for that,” Cory nodded,

looking down at his lap.

“I suppose you did. Do you think I’m sleeping

alone every night, waking up every hour, calling
your name?”

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“Are you?” Cory met his eyes.
“No,” Gian replied. “But you’d be happy if I


Cory looked down again, “I’d be happier if


“If I what?” Gian asked him.
“If you…I think you should get back to your

friends,” Cory said, finding it harder now.

* * * *

Gian was about to turn and leave when he noticed
something. He bent down a little closer to him and
peered at him. “What happened to your eye?”

“My what?”
“Your eye.” He inspected the bruise. “It’s

yellow, like someone hit you.”

* * * *

Cory pushed his chair back to create a distance
between them. “Nothing. Leave it alone.”

Gian stood up straight. “Did someone hit you?”

He demanded.

“Gian, leave it alone okay? I can take care of


“It doesn’t look like it,” Gian replied.
Just then, that man Cory had been sitting with

came back. He gave Gian a dirty look. “He’s not
working tonight, honey. Get lost.”

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Cory stood. He put a hand on Evan’s arm. “It’s

all right. He’s an old friend.”

“Well, old friend,” he said, glaring at Gian,

“fuck off.”

“Who in the hell do you think you’re talking

to?” Gian shot back. “I wasn’t talking to you, I was
talking to Cory. He can tell me to leave if he wants
me to, not you.”

“Who in the fuck is this guy?”
“Evan, its okay. Gian, I think you better go. I


Evan pushed Cory out of the way. Cory fell

back on the floor. Evan reached over and grabbed
Gian by the shirt.

“Take your hands off me!” Gian bristled. “You

may beat up on Cory, but man, I’m warning you,
I’ll kick your ass if you don’t let go of me, you

Cory scrambled off the floor. The table went

flying and the glasses with it. People at the
surrounding tables jumped up from their seats,
yelling. Several other tables crashed to the floor as
Evan and Gian struggled.

There was one punch being thrown after

another. They were struggling near the railing and
at one point and Evan tipped Gian half way over
the banister.

“Evan, don’t!” Cory yelled out. He ran over and

pulled Evan back, which earned him a punch in
the mouth.

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Gian managed to hang on to the railing and

pull himself back over again. Then he got in a
good punch that sent Evan flying halfway across
the floor, knocking over more tables.

Cory looked over at Gian to make sure he was

all right. He was wiping some blood off his jaw.
His shirt was ripped and his knuckles were
bleeding, but he was on his feet. Evan, however,
was another story.

Cory walked over to where Evan laid and knelt

down beside him.

Gian was standing over them now.
“Evan, can you get up?” Cory asked him, trying

to pull him to his feet, but he wasn’t strong

“What a touching scene,” Gian sneered.
Cory looked up at him. “Are you all right?”
“What do you care?” he snarled.
Cory looked away and bit his lip.
“Get out of the way,” Gian told him, “so I can

see if he needs medical attention.”

Cory stood and let Gian kneel down beside

him. “Come on,” Gian said, “you’ll be fine.” Gian
stood and looked at Cory. “You’ll be happy to
know that your boyfriend is going to live. He’ll
come round in a minute.”

The manager had called the police and

suddenly two officers were there surveying the
scene. They walked over to where the crowd was
gathered and told people to stand back. One of

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them went to check on Evan who was still on the

They didn’t recognize Gian as a police officer.

“Sir,” one of them said, “what happened here?”

“We got into a fight. What do you think

happened here?” Gian remarked, still wiping at
his jaw.

Cory looked at the cops. “Just a little fight, no

damage done.”

“There was damage done to the property,” one

officer said. He looked at Gian and flipped open
his book.

Gian’s sister was now standing near him,

concerned. The two other men also stood near by.

“I thought your kind were a little less violent,”

the officer remarked.

“Our kind?” Gian mouthed. “What in fuck does

that mean?”

Cory winced. Gian was in a foul mood. Damn,

he hoped he didn’t get into trouble for this.

“Sir, do you have any identification?”
“Want to see my driver’s license or my badge

number?” Gian growled, taking out his wallet.

“You on the job?” the cop asked, blinking at

him in surprise.

“Yeah, there’s a few of us less violent types on

the force.” He handed him his identification. “But
don’t say anything. It’s like the military, don’t ask,
don’t fucking tell.”

Cory winced.

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The officer looked embarrassed. “You’re Gian


“Sergeant Davinci to you,” Gian met his eyes.

“Sir,” he said. “I’m sure this is all a


Damn, Gian was a sergeant. He hadn’t even

known that. There was so much he didn’t know
about him.

“I’m sure we can work this all out,” the other

cop said. “If you agree to pay the damages, I’m—”

“No problem. Give the manager my address

and have him send me a bill. I’m sure you guys
know that on my generous salary from the NYPD,
it should only take me half a dozen years to pay
him off. Can I go now or am I being arrested?”

Evan was on his feet with the help of one of the

cops. He glared at Gian.

“You’re free to go, Sergeant Davinci.” The

officer nodded at him respectfully.

“So, this is your cop lover,” Evan sneered, “Or

maybe he was your cock sucker,” he yelled at

Gian moved so fast, the two cops couldn’t

contain him. He went for Evan and, in a flash, had
him on the floor again. The two officers tried three
times unsuccessfully to pull him away. Finally,
they half lifted him off Evan and carried him

Evan was laughing. “Should lock that freak


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Cory ignored Evan and ran outside. The police

officers were talking to him, trying to calm him
down. He was pacing angrily and staring at the
bar. Twice he tried to break through to go back in,
but the two cops blocked his path.

Kayla and the two men Gian had come in with

brushed past Cory and stood near Gian.

When the police officers went back inside the

Club, Kayla walked over and put an arm around
her brother. They headed toward the car. The two
other guys walked behind them.

“Gian,” Cory yelled, running across the street.
Gian turned around and looked back at him,

then shook his head and kept walking.

“Are you all right?” Cory asked him, standing

in front of him now. “You’re not hurt, are you?”

Gian raised stormy eyes to his “Why do you

keep asking me that? Do you want to lick my
wounds or something?”

Cory sighed. “I just wanted you to know that I

don’t love Evan.”

“I don’t give a fuck who you love! Why bother

telling me that?”

Cory shifted from one leg to another. “Evan is a

little jealous.”

“A little jealous?” Gian raised an eyebrow.

“What does he think about the line of work you’re

“He…doesn’t mind that. It’s not the same.”
“Oh, I see,” Gian sniffed. “How did he know I

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was your so called cop lover anyway…or cock
sucker as he called it?”

“One of my friends mentioned you recently,

that’s all.”

There was a strained silence.
“Gian, maybe its best if you change bars, or

something,” Cory suggested gently. “Evan really
likes this place and it could be awkward if—”

“Your boyfriend can kiss my ass!” Gian scoffed.
“It would avoid trouble, that’s all,” Cory


“If Evan wants to avoid trouble, let him go

somewhere else. I’ll come here as often as I like,
Evan or no Evan, and you can tell him so for me.”

Kayla took Gian’s arm and started to pull him

away. “Come on, let’s go.”

He followed her to the car where the other two

waited. He got into the back seat and they drove
away leaving Cory standing there.

It had started to rain. Cory closed his eyes. It

was so painful seeing him, more painful than he
would have believed. “I love you, Gian,” he
whispered in the dark, rain dripping down his
face. When he went back inside, he was soaked to
the skin.

* * * *

Kayla got out of the car with her brother. Tonight
she would stay with Gian. He needed to talk,

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although he would claim he wanted to be alone.

When they got inside his apartment, he said, “I

don’t need a babysitter, you know.”

“I knew you were going to say that. Big tough

guy. So, what was all that about tonight?”

Gian took an ice pack out of the freezer and

pressed it against his mouth. Then he tore off his
shirt and threw it on the floor. “He ruined my
shirt, the bastard.”

“Gian!” Kayla sat on the sofa. “What happened

there tonight? You could be reprimanded for this.
You’re a cop!”

“I know I’m a cop, Kayla. Just let me worry

about that, okay?”

“What was that?” She insisted.
“It was what it was,” he snapped. “I need a


She got up and poured them both some scotch.
He drank his in one gulp.
“You in pain?”
“Some. It will pass.”
“That’s not what I meant. Who is that guy?”
“What guy?”
“The sweet looking guy who told you he didn’t

love Evan. Who is Evan?”

Gian sighed. “It’s a long story.”
“Well, I have time. Tell it to me.”
Gian poured himself another drink and sat in

the chair, closing his eyes.

“You love that guy,” Kayla said.

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Gian opened his eyes. “Past tense.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Well, you don’t know.”
“Was he your lover?”
“He’s everybody’s lover,” he sneered.
“He’s a prostitute, a male hooker, a whore who

really enjoys his work. Gian’s voice was laced with

“But he loves you.”
“He does not!” Gian stood, banging the empty

glass down on the table.

“Well, I was watching him tonight and I tell

you, it was you he was concerned about. He
looked like he was going to die when that guy had
you over that railing. Not to mention that I almost
had a heart attack. He pulled him off, you know?”

“Big deal.”
“How long were you his lover?”
“A year and a half maybe, but I paid for it,

every bloody time.”

Kayla shook her head in confusion. “You paid

that guy for sex? Why?”

“Because I told you, he’s a prostitute.”
“But he loves you. Why did you pay him?”

Kayla asked, pouring herself another drink.

Gian didn’t answer.
“Why did you pay him?”
“Because I…I didn’t want to get too involved,

especially with a prostitute. I never thought it

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would turn into what it did. It was supposed to be

She put down her drink. “But you

were…are…in love with the man.”

“Yes, but Kayla,” he threw up his hands,

exasperated, “he never offered to give up that life
for me. It wasn’t my place to ask him. And my life
is so messed up…the way I work, no one wants to
live with me. Look at Jeremy.”

“Jeremy is not the same, Gian. You gave up on

him. You were sure you couldn’t make him
happy, so you let him go. He would have come
back if you would have asked him.”

“I can’t make anyone happy, Kayla, I work all

the time.”

“So what? If someone loves you, they’ll adjust.

What about truck drivers or doctors?”

“Not the same. I put my life on the line


“You didn’t think you had anything to offer this

one either, so you kept paying him for sex because
that way you thought you wouldn’t get too
involved. Is that right?”

He sighed. “Yes.”
“So what went wrong?”
“I fell in love.” He groaned. Then with a sigh,

he said, “I told myself his work didn’t bother me.
We didn’t discuss it so it was all right. Then
suddenly, I couldn’t stand the thought of him with
other men. One night I overheard some stuff and I

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lost it completely. So I told him it was over.”

“Why didn’t you try to work it out? Why didn’t

you ask him to leave that life?”

He shook his head. “I didn’t know myself

anymore. I lost it. I wanted to…it doesn’t make

“Tell me?”
“I wanted to possess him totally and I thought

that if I did that, I’d have the rest of him, too. I
became a mad man, I didn’t know that man. I
don’t want to be that man, Kayla. And there he
was again tonight. Every time I’m with him, I
debase myself, fighting with his lover. Damn, how
immature. And I’m a cop, Kayla, how does that
look for a cop to be fighting with his ex lovers
boyfriend, an ex lover who’s a prostitute?”

“Honey, I’m sorry, but you are human you


He sighed. “He’s not for me.”
“Where did you meet him?”
“Remember the big sex abuse case?”
“Of course.” She paused. “He was one of the

boys in the…”

“He was an adult waiting for placement and I

didn’t lay a hand on him in there. So you can

“Thank God. How come you never asked him

to give up the life when you were seeing him?
Didn’t you even discuss it?”

“I had no right to.”

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“Yes, you did,” Kayla looked at him. “You were

in love. He loved you, too, right?”

“He said he did,” Gian shook his head. “But I

doubt it.”

“Why would you doubt it? Gian, you are

worthy of love. I thought the counselling cleared
all that up when you were a teenager?”

“It’s never cleared up,” he scoffed.

“Counselling makes it tolerable and that’s another
thing…Cory doesn’t think he needs help. All his
life he’s been used for sex, that’s all he knows. We
could never have a relationship unless he is
willing to acknowledge that.”

“You should have insisted. Why didn’t you

say, if you love me, you’ll give this up, get
counselling, and come live with me?”

Gian put the ice back on his mouth. “Because

I’m stupid maybe or…I don’t know. Now he’s
with that jerk. He hits him, you know?”

“Are you sure?”
“Yes. He had a bruise over his eye. It was

yellow, which meant he had a black eye a while

“A john could have given it to him.”
“Yeah, but,” Gian shook his head, “he was

uneasy when I asked him. He’s afraid of him. And
you saw what a temper that asshole had.”

“So, is that what the fight was about?”
“Not really. He didn’t like me talking to Cory.

He thought I was trying to hit on him.”

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“Oh, so because of that, you decided to slug the


“He started it,” Gian replied angrily.
“Why don’t you go and talk to Cory? He wants

you, Gian. I saw it in his eyes and you want him.
You could go to the Club once in awhile and—”

“I’m not going there to stalk Cory.”
“Not stalk. Just let him see you. Talk to him,


“It’s over, Kayla,” Gian muttered. “What I want

now is bed.”

Kayla got out the blankets and pillows for the

pullout. “We’ll talk about this some more

“Oh good, can’t wait,” Gian replied

sarcastically, and headed for his bed.

* * * *

Cory stayed at one of his friends apartments that
night. When Evan was in that mood, he didn’t
want to be near. He’d be all cooled off tomorrow.

“How romantic,” Ray was saying when Cory

told him what had happened.

“Not romantic at all,” Cory replied, making up

the sofa, “scary. I was afraid he was going to get

“Evan is a big guy. Don’t worry.”
“Not Evan, Gian.”
“He’s a cop. He can handle himself.”

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“What is a sergeant?”
“It’s a rank, I guess. Why?”
“Is it high?”
“Yeah, I think it is. In the army, they have

platoons under them.”

“He never told me that,” Cory got into the bed

and sighed. “I know so little about him really and
yet I feel I know him inside out, does that make

“Cory, you still got it bad for that guy.” Ray sat

beside him.

Cory nodded. “Can you blame me?”
“I told him tonight that I didn’t love Evan.”
“He said, I don’t give a fuck, in his usual sarcastic

way,” Cory tried to imitate Gian’s deep voice,
making it sound surly, which caused Ray to laugh.
“He was angry. And you should have seen him
when the cops showed up. Damn, he’s so cocky. I
thought he was going to get hauled into jail
talking to the cops the way he did. But the cops
were embarrassed when he asked them if they
wanted his badge number.”

“I bet.”
“There was a change in tone. But now he’s got

to pay for the damages in that place and he didn’t
even start the fight. Evan started the fight. I’m so

“Well, I don’t think he’s very happy either.

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Don’t give up, Cory. If he didn’t still care, that
fight wouldn’t have happened, right?”

Cory half nodded. “Maybe.”
“You said he intends on still going to that Club,

you’ll see him again. If you love each other, it will
be okay in the end.”

“You’re a hopeless romantic with your head in

the clouds. And I don’t want him to go to that
place. I don’t want him fighting with Evan. He
could get hurt. And I can’t bear seeing him. It’s
physically painful. I love him so much. When he
left me that night, he ripped my heart to shreds.”

“Then don’t let him go,” Ray told him.
“Oh Ray, we were mismatched from the

beginning. You know how we met, he came into
Beaconsfield undercover. You know he’s such an
honourable guy. He never touched me once in
there, not once, although I was an adult. He told
me later that he wanted to, said he was saint.”

Ray gave him a compassionate look. “But that’s

the past. He came to you right after you met up
again. He came to you. He wanted you.”

“Yes, but he paid as if he were a customer. I

never understood that. I still have every cent he
gave me and you know, I’m going to give it back
to him,” Cory said stubbornly. “I didn’t make love
with him for money. I made love with him
because I wanted him. I wanted him the minute I
saw him. I still do.”

Cory kept talking, telling Ray about things that

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happened at Beaconsfield, moments that he
tucked away. Ray sat with him until the wee hours
of the morning talking, until he finally fell asleep.

* * * *

Gian was busy at work. Fall had arrived and
people were doing stupid things. Halloween was
just around the corner and Gian had been invited
to a party, which he couldn’t attend because he
was working. He did go out for a drink after work
and he ran smack into Jeremy. They talked for a
while over a beer.

“I’m on my own now,” Jeremy informed him.
Gian really wished he could give a damn.

“Sorry to hear that.”

“Why did we break up anyway?”
Gian watched Jeremy’s hand move across the

bar toward his. “You didn’t like me being a cop,

“Pretty stupid reason. You look good, Gian. I

miss you. Do you want to come back to my place
for a…drink?”

Gian moved his hand just as Jeremy went to

touch it. “No,” he said. “I’m tempted, but I can’t
go there again.” He left Jeremy at the bar and
walked home. It was one of those beautiful
autumn nights where a light jacket was all you
needed. He stood looking out over the Hudson
River for the longest time. He felt little joy.

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He remembered the last time he saw Cory. It

was almost four months ago to this day. That was
when he had gotten into that huge fight with his
boyfriend. He had made the last payment this
month on the two thousand dollars in damages he
owed to the Club owner. Evan probably should
have paid some, but it would have been too much
trouble to ask.

He looked at his watch. It was after midnight.

He started to head home, then changed his mind
and headed for the village. Maybe checking out
guys would distract him. He needed something to
distract him. He regretted not going home with
Jeremy for a moment. He could have been in a
nice warm bed right now making love instead
walking around the New York City streets all

He walked into the nearest gay bar and sat

down. Within minutes, three guys had come over
and tried to pick him up. He was polite, but told
them he’d rather be alone. A half hour later, he
left, bored. He considered taking a taxi home, then
changed his mind. He walked. It took him over an

When he arrived at the corner of his street, he

noticed that someone was sitting on the steps. As
he got closer, he recognized the guy as Ray, one of
Cory’s closest friends. What in hell did he want?
His first thought was that something had
happened to Cory.

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“Gian,” Ray stood as he came to the steps. “Do

you remember me?”

“Yes. I remember you. Is Cory all right?”
“Yeah, he’s fine. Look, I came by to give you

this,” he handed him a package. “Took us awhile
to figure out where you lived so…” he paused
”Cory wanted you to have this, months ago. He
thought you could use it to pay for the damages to
the Club.”

Gian looked at it. “What is it?”
“I don’t want his money,” Gian protested,

handing it back.

Ray pushed it at him again. “It’s not his money.

It’s your money.”

Gian narrowed his eyes. “How did you find me


“Wasn’t easy.”
Gian opened the envelope. It was full of one

hundred dollar and fifty dollar bills. “Where did
he get all this?”

“From you,” Ray insisted.
“I don’t get it. Where is he?”
“Ya, Cory. Where is he…with that jack off Evan

piece of garbage?”

Ray nodded. “At the Stud.”
“Where you going anyway?” Gian asked him.
“Anywhere you’re going, sweetie” he smiled at


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“I mean, are you going back there, too?”
“Ya. Unless,” he looked up at the building,

“you need a lube job or something.”

“No, thanks. I’m fine for now. I’ll get the car

and drive you back.” He tucked the envelope
inside his jacket and hunted for his car keys. He
pulled the car around front and Ray jumped in.

* * * *

As Gian drove out into the road, Ray watched
him. He looked at his hands as they sat casually
on the wheel. He was a very masculine guy,
rugged and strong. He wouldn’t have wanted to
be a criminal that he was after. He was extremely
good looking and sexy, but without really trying
to be, he just was. “You know,” Ray said
suddenly, “Cory loves you.”

“Ray,” Gian replied in that deep voice of his,

watching his rear view mirror as he changed
lanes, “leave it alone.”

“I can’t leave it alone,” Ray complained. “I’m

the shoulder Cory cries on most often. I truly wish
he’d forget about you.”

“I’m sure he has.”
“No,” Ray shook his head. “Believe me, he

hasn’t. If he would forget about you, I’d take him
in a second because he’s quite wonderful. Besides,
that Evan guy is a creep.”

Gian glanced at him. “He hits him, doesn’t he?”

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“Not all the time. When he’s drunk. When he’s

sober, he’s not that bad, but Cory can do better
than that.”

“Bastard,” Gian hissed. “If he wants to hit

someone, he can try hitting me.”

“I hear he already did that,” Ray laughed.
“But I was still standing afterward and he


“Cory told me about it. He thought Evan was

going to hurt you. He was pretty scared that

“He needn’t have worried.”
“I told him that. I think Cory forgets you’re a

cop sometimes. Of course, very few cops we ever
saw looked liked you.”

Gian pulled the car into the parking lot of the


bar without comment.

Ray got out and ran into the bar. He wanted to

warn Cory that Gian was here. “Cory,” Ray said,
pulling him up from where he sat at a table near
the bar. “Where’s Evan?”

“Playing pool, why? What’s wrong?”
“Cause Gian is here.”
Cory swallowed. “He is? Where?”
“Yes. He—”

* * * *

“What in hell is this all about?” Gian was standing
in front of him suddenly. He threw the envelope

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down on the table.

“Hi, Gian,” Cory said softly. “How are you?”
“Never mind how I am. What is all this money


“It’s yours,” Cory told him. “It’s all the money

you paid me to have sex with you. I never touched
a cent of it.”

“Why didn’t I spend it or why did I give it

back?” Cory asked him quietly.

“Both,” Gian replied hotly.
“I couldn’t take money for something I wanted

that badly.” He stood and came a little closer. “I
wanted you,” Cory told him, meeting his eyes.
“You never had to pay for it. I thought the money
would help you pay for the damages at that Club.
You didn’t start the fight.”

“Neither did you,” he accused.
He put his head down.
“Anyway…do something with it,” Gian said,

shaking his head. “Take a trip somewhere. Buy a
new boyfriend.”

Cory picked up the envelope and held it out to

him. “Are you for sale?” His eyes were red with
unshed tears.

“No, sorry.”
“I think you better go because Evan is here

somewhere and he won’t be happy to see you,”
Cory picked up his drink and downed it. It looked
like he’d need another as soon as Gian walked out

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the door.

Gian nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t feel

like getting into it tonight with your lover.” He left
the envelope on the table and walked away.

* * * *

Ray came over and put his arm around his
shoulder. Silent tears streamed down his face.

Then Cory stiffened as he saw Evan coming

toward them, his face full of rage. “Was that who I
think it was?” He yelled, grabbing Cory and
dragging him in the direction of the back door.

* * * *

Gian was just about to get into his car when he
heard yelling and swearing. He paused and then
ran across the street and around to the alley.

“Please, honey,” it was Cory’s voice. “He came

in by accident, police business, nothing more. He
wasn’t here to see me, honest. It’s over between
us, really…please Evan…”

“Don’t Evan. He’s telling the truth,” Ray was

pleading. “There is nothing between them

Gian walked steadily down the alley, his

footsteps echoing on the pavement.

Ray turned around. “Thank God,” he said,

running up to him. “You got to stop him. He’s

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gone mad. You got to stop him,” he said
frantically, pulling on Gian’s arm.

Gian gave him a look which said, be still. Ray

backed up to the wall and stayed there.

Cory was on the ground, his mouth was

bloody. His shirt was torn open, his pants undone.

“I can do you in a way that you won’t

remember him no more,” Evan slurred with his
drunken voice, trying to turn Cory over on top of
a heap of garbage bags as he continued to struggle
against him.

“I don’t think so,” Gian said loudly, his voice

echoing in the alleyway.

Evan paused. He turned around, releasing

Cory. His pants were open, his eyes bloodshot. He
swayed on his feet.

“I think you’d have to be damn good at it for

him to forget about me, and looking at you now
and at the size of that dick, I’d say you didn’t
stand a chance.”

“You son of a bitch. I’m going to finish you off,”

he growled. “Sniffing around what belongs to me,
eh? Go find your own whore!”

Gian laughed. “Come on, Evan, come and get

me if you’re man enough.”

Cory stood and wiped the blood off his mouth.

“Gian,” he warned. “Don’t. Just go home and…”

Evan took out a knife. The steel glinted in the


Gian laughed. “Ooooo….I’m scared now.”

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“You’re a cocky bastard, aren’t you?” He made

a threatening move toward Gian.

“You’re hurting my feelings, Evan. You do

realize that if you come at me with that knife, you
are attacking a police officer. You can go to jail for

“Well what about murdering a police officer,

can I go to jail for that?” He screamed and made a
lunge for him.

* * * *

Cory turned away, clutching Ray’s arm. “Call the

Ray ran inside.
Cory saw the blade swipe through the air.

There was blood and lots of grunts and curses as
the two men rolled around on the pavement
together. They struggled with the blade back and
forth. Blood flew through the air and as Cory tried
to move closer to see what was happening, it
splattered all over him. Cory screamed into the
silent night. People from the bar were outside
now, watching.

“Someone, do something,” Cory pleaded, but

no one moved. And after what seemed like
eternity, there were sirens. Evan staggered to his
feet while Gian lay still on the pavement. Blinded
by tears, he tried to find his way to Gian, but Ray
grabbed him and pulled him back.

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“No,” he cautioned.
Suddenly, he saw Gian move. He reached out

and grabbed Evan’s ankle. With a grunt, he pulled
him face down on the pavement. He was on top of
him now, pulling his arm tight across his back,
holding him still.

Police were running down the alley. They

pulled Gian up off Evan who had now lost
consciousness. “Get an ambulance,” one officer

Cory put a trembling hand over his mouth as

he saw the pool of blood spreading out over the
pavement. At first he thought it was coming from
Evan, but then he realized as they lifted Evan into
the ambulance that it wasn’t. He gasped as he
looked over to where Gian was standing with a
police officer. His face was covered with blood.
His forehead was coated with it and it was even in
his eyes.

Bobby Denardo pulled up now to the curb and

came racing down the alley. “Gian,” he cried out.
“Christ, are you all right?”

Gian nodded, leaning against the wall.
Cory and Ray came over to stand beside him.
“Gian,” Cory said, taking off his shirt, “you

should sit down or something.” He started wiping
blood off Gian’s face who was protesting that he
was fine. As soon as Cory had wiped the blood
away, his face was covered in blood again.

Bobby Denardo stepped closer to Gian.

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“There’s too much blood,” he said.

“Where’s it coming from?” Cory demanded

frantically, looking at Bobby Denardo, who was
inspecting Gian’s head.

Denardo checked his forehead, then his eyes

widened. “Jesus, Gian, we got to get you to the

Cory saw that he had a gash in his head filled

with blood that just kept pouring out of the
wound in thick sticky drops. Cory’s heart beat
wildly. “Fuck, fuck,” he said.

“I’m fine,” Gian said weakly. He took a step,

but then fell to his knees.

Cory went down beside him. “My God, My

God, baby,” he whispered. He rolled up the
bloody shirt he had been wiping his face with and
pressed it to his head. “Where’s the ambulance?”
he cried out. “Why in the hell didn’t they do
something when they were here?”

Bobby sucked in some air. “Because this guy

here thinks he’s immortal and probably told them
he was okay.” He pulled Gian up onto his feet.
“Keep the pressure on his head, Cory. I’m taking
him to the hospital. He’s losing too much blood.
He could go into shock.”

They half carried him to the car. His head hung

limply back. He was weak, but he was still
conscious. Cory supported his neck and shoulders
as Bobby Denardo took the second half of him.

Cory got in the back seat, pulling Gian with

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him. Bobby pushed the rest of him in. Cory laid
Gian’s head on his chest where he kept pressing
his shirt to it. The blood was pouring down his
face again now.

“Keep him talking. Don’t let him pass out. He’s

lost a lot of blood,” Bobby told him from the front
seat. He threw the siren up on top of the car and
peeled out into traffic.

Cory cradled Gian’s head against him. With one

hand, he stroked his hair that was now matted
with blood and pressed the shirt against his head
with the other. Cory wiped away the streams of
blood that ran down his face. All that blood scared
him. He couldn’t remember being this scared
before. He wanted to pray, but he didn’t know
how. He couldn’t think.

He pressed Gian closer, kissed his cheek and

rocked him like one would a small child. “Now,
Gian, stay awake,” Cory insisted. “Don’t pass out
on me.”

He heard him mumble, “I’m okay.”
“Good. You’re my tough boy, my hero…my

love.” He kissed his head. “I love you so much,”
he whispered hoarsely, trying not to cry. “Did you
hear me? I said I love you….I can’t live without
you, so don’t you die on me, you bastard. Talk to
me.” He shook him a little, crying now. Cory was
now covered in his blood.

Gian half opened his eyes. “You say you love

me and that I’m a bastard in the same breath.

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Which is it?” he insisted, his voice barely audible.

“Both,” Cory looked down into his face. He

held him tighter, rocking him in his arms again.
“You do love me, don’t you, Gian? Don’t you?”
He saw him nod a little, but he couldn’t talk
anymore and then he lay very still. “Gian, Gian,”
he said. “Bobby,” Cory cried. “He’s not moving.
He’s not talking.”

“Hold on, hospital is around the corner. Don’t

die on me, Gian! Don’t you die on me!” Bobby was
shouting, pounding the steering wheel with his
fists as he peeled into the hospital parking lot on
two wheels. “Jesus,” he yelled, almost colliding
with an ambulance. He jumped out of the car and
yanked open the door in the back seat. ‘‘Get
somebody to help me.”

A few minutes later, Gian was on a stretcher

being whisked into the emergency.

Cory couldn’t move. He sat there in the back

seat of that car, thinking about all the time they
had wasted. Gian had said he loved him, at least
he’d nodded when he asked him. Now, he was
going to lose him, all because he had gotten
involved with that idiot Evan.

He took a breath and got out of the car. He

walked into the emergency room as if in a dream.
Everything swam around him. Nothing seemed
real. He sat on a bench and put his face in his
hands. He knew he must have been a sight with
no shirt on, his chest and pants covered in blood.

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People looked at him in horror. But he didn’t care.
His whole world was coming to an end.

Bobby Denardo came down the hall a little

while later.

Cory stood, anxiously. “How is he? Was he


“I don’t think so,” Bobby said, shaking his

head. “At least he wasn’t when they brought him

Bobby Denardo’s shirt and pants were soaked

with blood, too. Cory noticed that there was a trail
of it down the hallway. A janitor appeared
suddenly with a mop and a pail and began to
clean it up.

Cory sat back down.
Bobby sat beside him, putting his head back,

closing his eyes. “Do you mind if I ask what’s been
going on between the two of you?”

Cory heard his voice suddenly and it brought

him back to the present. “The first time I saw
Gian,” Cory said, “was at Beaconsfield, which of
course you would know right, since you worked
on that case.”

Bobby opened his eyes and leaned forward. “I

know where you know him from, but what’s
happened since then?”

“He hasn’t told you?” Cory looked at him.
“He doesn’t talk about his romantic

involvements with me. He did introduce me to
Jeremy once but—”

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“Who’s Jeremy?” Cory asked, blinking.
“A fire fighter he was involved with for awhile.

Jeremy lived at his place most of the time, but it
didn’t work out and he moved out.”

“Do you know why?” Cory asked.
“I think it’s because of the job. It’s very hard to

have a steady relationship with anyone, gay or

Cory thought about that for a minute. “You’re

right. It must be tough. Was he in love with him?”

“With Jeremy? I don’t know. Like I said, Gian

doesn’t say much. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not in
the closet, he just doesn’t bring it up. Everyone on
the force knows he’s gay. It took a lot of guts for
him to come out like that, but he’s a tough guy.
You got to respect him. He grew up rough.”

“Wasn’t he adopted by the police captain?”
“Later in life, but he was getting into trouble

left and right when he was a kid. He lost his
parents young and was taken in by his uncle.
Guess it didn’t work out there.”

“His uncle molested him,” Cory said.
“How do you know that?”
“He told me. He used to come into his room

when he was eleven and that’s why he was acting
out. He talked about it when we were…well,
seeing each other.”

“So there is something going on.”
Cory nodded. “We were lovers for a while, then

he just said he didn’t want to see me anymore.”

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“It could have been because of what I do, but he

swore that didn’t bother him. I would have given
it all up if he’d asked me.”

“But he didn’t?”
“No.” Cory sighed. “Now I could lose him. I

love him, Bobby,” Cory looked at him, fighting the
tears. “I love him.”

Just then, he saw the Captain come down the

hall followed by a middle-aged blonde woman.

“Where is he, Bobby? Where is Gian? Is it bad?”

Clint insisted, glancing at Cory.

“They’re working on him now.”
“What happened?” Sam urged. “He wasn’t

even working, was he?”

“No. He was off,” Bobby said.
“How bad is he, Denardo, be honest?” Clint


“He has a head injury, he’s lost a lot of blood

and he was unconscious by the time we got him

Sam started to cry.
Clint hugged her. “Who is responsible for this?

Who did this?”

“He got into a fight with a guy at a bar. He…”
Cory stood, his knees weak. “He was protecting

me from my boyfriend. Evan had a knife and—”

“Who in the hell are you?” Clint demanded, not

recognizing Cory.

“Don’t you remember the Beaconsfield case,

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Clint?” Bobby urged.

“That was a long time ago. Are you working

the streets now?” He demanded.

Cory nodded, ashamed.
“And what in hell was Gian doing at the Stud


? He doesn’t hang out there now, does he?”

Clint barked.

“It’s hard to explain. I don’t really know, Clint.”

Bobby shook his head.

Clint took his wife’s hand. “Come on, we’re

going to try and find out what in hell is going on.”

They took off down the hallway.
Cory sat back down, Bobby beside him. They

said nothing. There was nothing left to say.

The night turned into morning and Cory paced

the hallway. He went to the chapel and tried to
ask God to save Gian, but he didn’t know how. In
the end, he simply said, “Please.”

The Captain and his wife sat still without

speaking, in the waiting room. Bobby fell off to
sleep at one time, then woke up and went to get
coffee for everyone.

Clint called his daughter early in the morning

on his cell phone. She was finishing her last
semester in law school. He told her not to panic,
that he would keep her informed.

Cory could hear her crying on the other end of

the line from where he stood several feet away.

Finally at around nine o’clock, a doctor came

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down the hall. “Are you the family of the young
police officer with the head injury?”

Clint stood, Sam with him, her knees trembling.

“Yes. Is he going to be all right?”

Bobby and Cory came closer.
“The upside is that we managed to stabilize

him. He lost a lot of blood. We repaired the gash
to his head. The danger was that he would go into
shock, but he’s a really tough young man.
Unfortunately, he’s still unconscious.”

“What does that mean?” Sam asked, her eyes


“We’re not sure. We will have to wait and see.”
“Is he in a coma?” Clint demanded anxiously.
“We don’t know if we can call it that yet.

He’s…ah…just not awake yet.”

“I don’t understand,” Sam insisted. “Are you

saying he might not wake up at all?”

“It’s too early to tell,” the doctor shook his

head. “I’m sorry.”

“Can we see him?” Sam asked.
“In a couple of hours,” the doctor said.
Cory walked away quickly. He ducked into a

bathroom and cried. He could hear Clint, his wife
and Bobby Denardo talking low, trying to reassure
each other. When Cory came out of the bathroom,
Clint was on his cell phone calling Kayla again.

Cory left the hospital five minutes later,

walking and walking. He didn’t even know what
happened to Evan and he didn’t wait to find out.

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When he arrived at the apartment, he packed all
his clothes and went back to the hotel where he
had stayed before. He sat in his room all day,
trying to decide where to go from here. He knew
one thing, this was a turning point in his life. He
was getting out of the business and he was going
to take that counselling he’d been offered before.
He also knew that he didn’t want to live his life
without Gian and that no matter what, he was
going to stay by his side.

He changed his clothes, took a shower and

went back to the hospital.

When Cory asked if he could see Gian, he was

told it was family only. He waited in the hallway.
No one came to tell him anything and he had no
right to ask. But he was going to stay here in this
hallway for as long as it took.

Clint and Sam went in and out of intensive care.

They didn’t say anything to him, but they noticed
that he had been there all day and half of the
evening. Cory noticed that sometimes they were
crying when they came out. This upset him.

Finally he got enough courage to approach the

Captain. “Can you tell me how he is please, Sir?”
Cory enquired, wringing his hands in anticipation.

“He’s weak and he…” he paused, taking a

breath. “He hasn’t opened his eyes.”

“What do the doctors say?” Cory urged.
“The doctors think he will wake up eventually,

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but they can’t say for sure. For now, we have to
wait and see.”

“He’s not in a coma, is he?” Cory asked,

searching Clint’s face.

“They’re not calling it that but…” Clint shook

his head, unable to go on. He put up a hand and
walked away, disappearing down the hall.

Cory sat down. He had a terrible headache. He

just needed to see him, to make sure he was all
right, but that was impossible right now.
Suddenly he looked up to see Gian’s sister
running down the hall. She had a flight bag slung
over her shoulder. When she saw Cory, she said,
“Where is he? Where’s my brother?”

“Down the hall in Intensive Care. Your mother

is with him now.”

She continued on past him, running.
Cory got up and paced again. It was almost

midnight. A few minutes after Kayla went in, she
came out crying.

Cory asked her if she was all right.
She wiped her eyes and nodded.
“How is he?”
“He just lies there. He doesn’t open his eyes.

Doctors don’t say anything.”

She looked at Cory. “What happened?”
“He got into it again with Evan. You remember

the first time?” Cory asked her.

Kayla met his eyes. “What in hell is wrong with

you? Why are you still with that guy?”

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“I’m not. I left him,” Cory hung his head.
“Why was he fighting with him this time?”

Kayla demanded. “I thought it was over between

“He was trying to protect me. Evan was drunk

and he was trying to rape me in an alley. It was
my fault, Kayla, my fault that he was even there at
all. He came to give me back the money.” Cory ran
a hand though his hair, tears standing in his eyes.
He was exhausted and drained emotionally. He
felt like curling up in a corner somewhere and just

“What money?” she demanded.
“The money he paid me for sex,” Cory replied,

meeting her eyes. He expected her to be shocked,
but she wasn’t.

“Oh, that money.”
“You knew about that?” Cory gasped.
“He told me.”
“I kept it. I never used it. Kayla, I know you

have no reason to believe me, but I love your

“I believe you,” she replied. “I told him that

already.” She walked to a chair and sat. Tears
streamed down her cheek.

“You did?”
“Yes. You don’t hide it well,” she looked up at

him. “You know what kills me is that he…if
something happens to him,” she sniffed, “he
deserves to be loved. He deserves…” she started

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to cry. She looked up a Cory. “He loves you. Don’t
you know that?”

“He left me,” Cory replied, tears running down

his face.

“Because he loved you,” she replied. “That’s

why he stopped seeing you.” She was crying
again, hard this time, then she looked up and said,
“You were breaking his heart.”

A wave of agony washed over him. “Why

didn’t he tell me? Why didn’t he just ask me to
stop? I would have. I would have done anything
for him,” Cory whispered, kneeling down beside

“He didn’t ask you because he’s too proud and

because he wanted you to show him you loved
him by offering to give up that life. You need
counselling, but he didn’t think you would do

“I understand everything now, just when I

might lose him. We both waited for the other one
to make the first move and neither one of us did.”

Kayla wiped at her eyes again. “Go and be with

him. He needs you, Cory. Dad, Mom and I…it’s
not the same. He needs to know you love him.”

“I can’t go in there…I…tried. They won’t let

me,” Cory said, frustrated.

“I’ll fix it. Stay here.”
A few minutes later, she came back. “I

convinced Mom and Dad to go to the cafeteria. I’ll
go down, too. I’ll keep them there for an hour.

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They understand, at least a bit, but I’ll make them
understand more.”

Cory hugged her. “Thank you.”
“I’m not doing this for you,” she said. “I’m

doing this for my brother.”

Cory walked slowly toward the intensive care.

When he reached the door, he hesitated, afraid to
go in. Then he took a breath and pushed open the
door. He froze.

Gian was lying there, still. There were machines

everywhere, one that made a constant beeping

Cory came up beside him. He covered one of

his hands with his own.

His head was bandaged on one side and he

looked like he was sleeping.

Cory lowered his lips to his hand and kept

them there, pressing his cheek against it. He didn’t
know where all the tears were coming from, but
they poured down his face now, dropping on the
blanket. He felt his chest heave as he sobbed. Then
he raised his head and looked at his face. He
traced a finger across his jaw, then pressed his lips
against his mouth. He smoothed back some of his
hair, placing his face against his.

“So,” Cory managed to say aloud, “this is how

you repay me.” His voice shook. ‘‘Is this my
punishment? Well, have to hand it to you, it’s a
hell of a good one.” He licked his lips. “I was
thinking about the first time we met today and

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how all the boys were making so much out of you.
I saw you through the window and you looked so
handsome in the sunlight with that stupid
uniform on.” He laughed a little. “I never saw a
guard look so sexy in those horrible brown
uniforms. Bet you hated wearing that because you
dress so well.”

He stopped, taking a breath, his chest hurt from

crying. “Anyway, if I never told you how grateful
I am for all those times you protected my butt up
at Beaconsfield and of course…this time,
too….well, thank you.” He stopped talking,
looking at the monitor. He closed his eyes.
“And…ah…” he began again, his voice shaking so
much he could hardly get the words out, “and
ah…all that time we…spent together….I can’t
believe you…well God…you must have known
how much I…” He put his head down. “All I’ve
ever wanted is you, Gian, and if I’m a screw up,
I’ll try to do better. I’ll do what ever you
want…just don’t leave me. Don’t leave me.” He
was crying on his hand.

A very low and weak voice said, “Well, you can

stop shaking my bed for starters.”

Cory raised his head. Gian’s eyes were open.

He was looking at him. Oh, those beautiful brown
eyes. How happy he was to see them. Cory
brushed his tears out of the way so he could look
at him. “You’re awake!” Cory kissed his hand and
then he began to laugh. He looked at the ceiling.

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“Thanks,” he said.

“Shush, not so loud,” Gian said. “I don’t want

them all in here poking and prodding me again.
And who’s up there on the ceiling that you got to
be thanking?”

Cory started to laugh. “Never mind. How do

you feel?”

“How do you think I feel?” He lifted an


Cory grinned. “Stupid question?”
“Tell me about it,” he replied with a groan.

Then he paused. “So, did you mean all that?”

“You heard everything I said?”
“Most of it. Think I woke up just about the time

you tried to tell me that you loved me.”

Cory laid his head beside his on the pillow for a

minute. “Oh, well I do, I do, baby,” he whispered.

Gian smiled. “And then there was that part

about how you’d spent the rest of your life being
my slave as punishment for—”

“I don’t remember that!” Cory protested,

laughing. “I never said such a thing.”

“Ah…well, I guess I’ll have to pass out again,”

he looked at him through one eye.

“Okay, okay, I’ll do it,” Cory kissed his mouth.

“Anything you want, just tell me you love me.”

“I love me,” he teased.
“Me!” Cory demanded.
“I love you,” he said. “You’ll come and live

with me now and no one gets to touch you, but

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Welcome to Beaconsfield



Cory nodded. “I’ve never wanted anyone, but


“We’ll find you something to do where you

can’t get into trouble and I can keep an eye on
you. And you will go for counselling.”

“Yes, anything.” He pressed his lips to his

temple. “I’m not going to mind you keeping an
eye on me. I’m going to keep an eye on you, too.
You’re no angel.”

Gian grinned. “I can’t be anything else right

now. Cory, about my job. You know that my job is
a pain. I—”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll learn to fret over

you and miss you, but I’ll never stop loving you, I
promise you that. I know it won’t be easy

Gian squeezed his hand. “Good enough,” he


“Now I think I should call in the doctor, okay?”

Cory suggested.

Gian nodded. “But don’t go anywhere.”
“Try and make me,” Cory blew him a kiss.
When the doctor came in, he smiled at Gian.

“Looks like you’ve come back to the land of the
living. You had us worried there for awhile, kid.”

“Kid,” Gian mouthed, looking over at Cory.
Cory burst into laughter.
“I’ll go and tell your family,” Cory said. “I

know they’re worried.”

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“Thanks,” Gian said, smiling at him.
Cory ran down the hall and slid on his two feet

right up to the door leading to the stairs. He was
on top of the world. The nurses gave him an odd
look, but he didn’t give a damn. He ran down six
flights of stairs to the cafeteria. “He’s awake,”
Cory said, out of breath. “He’s going to be all

They were all hugging.
Kayla came over and looked at him. “What

about his heart, is it in good shape now?”

“It’s on the mend,” Cory nodded with a wink.

“I’ve volunteered to nurse it back to health.”

She laughed and hugged him. “Dad, Mom,”

Kayla said, turning to Clint and Sam, “looks like
we have a new addition to the family.

Cory was shocked. He stood frozen, not sure

what they would say.

Clint smiled and patted him on the back.

“Welcome, son,” he said.

Sam put an arm around Cory’s shoulders. “Do

you like fried chicken?”

“I…I think so,” Cory smiled at her.
“Good, you’ll fit right in.”
“Especially if you like indigestion,” Kayla

whispered which made Cory laugh. ‘‘And
eh…you owe me.”

They went upstairs together and, when Gian’s

family walked into the room, Cory hesitated,
remaining in the hall.

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Welcome to Beaconsfield


It was Clint that came outside and grabbed his

arm. “Hey, what do you think you’re doing? If
you’re part of this gang now, you’re going to have
to listen to Gian’s bitching, too. We’re not doing it
all alone.”

* * * *

Sam was fussing over Gian, but Cory saw her
freeze as he came in.

Sam nodded at Clint. “Come on, Clint,” she

said, “let’s go home now.”

Clint kissed Gian on the forehead. “Sounds


“Kayla?” Sam motioned to the door.
Kayla laughed. “Okay.” She leaned down to

kiss Gian’s cheek. “You owe me big time.”

He laughed. “I’ll let you take my queen,” he


“I already did that,” she threw back at him.
He grinned, “Oh yeah,” he waved at her.
She left without another word.

* * * *

Cory came closer. He pulled up a chair and sat
close to the bed, taking Gian’s hand. Gian
entwined his fingers with his. “I’m going for
counselling,” Cory told him.

Gian looked at him. “Good. It does help.”

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“Um, but you know what really helps me put

all the past demons behind me?”

“No, what?” Gian asked him softly.
“Having a man like you who makes your heart

race when he walks into the room, who’s loving
and kind, passionate and sweet.”

He laughed. “Oh,” he said. “Introduce me to

that guy one day, he sounds like a winner.”

Cory crawled up on the side of the bed and laid

his head on his shoulder. He grinned, giving him a
mild slap. “He is a winner.” Then he moved his
hand over his chest and kissed his cheek.

“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah but you can’t have him because he

belongs to me,” Cory’s voice sounded faint,

“You should go home and get some sleep, you

know,” Gian suggested softly, running his hand
over his hair.

Cory yawned, settling down beside him. “I’m

right where I want to be. I don’t ever want to sleep
without you again.”

Gian smiled and pulled him closer. “You won’t

ever have to,” he whispered.

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About the Author

I write not only for my own pleasure, but for the
pleasure of my readers. I can’t remember a time in
my life when I haven’t written and told stories.
When I’m not writing, I’m dreaming about
writing, doing something wild and adventurous,
or trying to make the world a better and more
open minded place to live in. I adore beautiful
men, and I know I’m not alone in this! Eroticism
between consenting adults, in all its many forms is
the icing on the cake of life!

D. J.’s website is located at:


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