

May 17:
Fixed keybindings
Added Call Stabled Pet to ZPet bar
Renamed Arcane Dispel to Tranq Dispel

Feb 14:
Fixed a bug with ZPet not working properly.

Feb 14:
Put the special feature back on the Aspect bar (/sigh).
Added an option to enable/disable the special feature.
Everything should now be perfect for everybody.

Feb 13:
Added an option to toggle Tooltips on/off.
Fixed a problem with Square buttons not saving.
Disabled the special feature on the Aspect bar.
It will no longer toggle between the first two aspects as intended (NOT A BUG!).
If you wanted it, you'll just have to make a macro yourself.

Feb 08:
Fixed an error with the cooldown display.

Feb 08:
Fixed several bugs with the new action bars.

Feb 08:
Complete redesign of Hunter action bars.

Nov 26:
Fixed some localization.

Nov 20:
Added /tracktarget - Automatically changes your track to the target's type.
Added Aspect of the Dragonhawk to the list.
Tranq Shot dispels should now display.

Oct 22:
Updated Keybindings (inside /zhunter menu).
Button bars close when clicked again.
Removed error when loading non-hunters.

Oct 15:
Patch 3.0.2

Aug 19:
Localized (I think) for enUS, deDE, esES, frFR, koKR, ruRU, zhCN, zhTW

Aug 17:
ZPetAttack and ZPetObey key bindings are working again.

Aug 14:
Fixed the Key Bindings (I think?)
Fixed errors when loading a non-hunter.
Fixed certain chat options.

Aug 9:
You can now disable the special feature of the first Aspect button (requires '/console reloadui').
Fixed a bug when changing the trap or track spells.
Added an enable option for each bar.
Disabling ZAutoStrip is working again.
Removed ZTranq from the options.
Fixed certain options.
Fixed random errors.

Aug 4:
Redid a lot of junk.


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