Sean McDowell 10 Quick Dating Tips [That Every Guy Should Know]

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10 Quick Dating Tips

That every guy should know

by Sean McDowell


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Get prepared for the date.

It's amazing how often this step is overlooked. While appearance isn't

everything, cleaning yourself up before going out goes a long way. The saying
goes - “You can't change the genes in you, but you can change the jeans your

in.” and it's absolutely true. Wearing a nice clean shirt, some neat pressed
pants, and an up-to-date pair of underwear makes the impression that you are

able to take care of yourself and also reflects good hygiene. While this might
seem like common knowledge, it's overlooked often enough to earn it's place on

our dating tips list.

Keep busy before your date.

Idle minds have time to over-think and over-complicate the situation. Don't
dedicate the entire day to waiting for your date to happen, you're a busy

person with lots of things to do – and if you don't have anything to do – find
something! We've created a checklist of things you could be doing on



. Your time is important, you're important – which brings us to the next


Never seem too available.

Desperation is the king of date killers. You need to keep the mindset that you

are an important busy person that your date is lucky to know. While you can
have a mutual respect for your date (even without knowing them intimately)

you are taking time from your busy schedule to give her a chance. By always
being available, never hanging up the phone first, or constantly calling your

date – you're almost guaranteeing you won't have a second date.

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Recharge your batteries.

Dating can be tiring, especially when managing multiple dates with different
women. If you feel like taking a night off – a weekend off – a week off go

ahead and do it. Your dates will understand that you're busy or have personal
matters to attend to and they will be there when you're ready to share your

time with them. If they request that you have a drink with them on Friday
night, just let them know that you'd like to but can't make it this Friday – it's

that simple. You're not required to share with them why you can't make it, but
it's suggested that you schedule another time you're available to talk or go out.

By taking some time off you can be in top condition both mentally and

Drop the comparisons between new and old dates.

Phrases like “Jennifer is cute, but not as cute as Sarah – the girl I met last

week” are sabotaging your relationship with Jennifer. Compare dating to
playing the lottery, the more you play – the better your chances of winning.

Whether you define winning as forming a long and exclusive relationship or just
getting your date into bed you have a much better chance if you play the odds.

If your date is attractive and intelligent enough to date in the first place, she's
already met your qualifications – why further limit your options?

Be prepared for a fresh take on dating.

Let's face it, technology plays a big part in our lives whether you notice it or

not. If you've been out of the dating loop for several years or haven't really
ever been in the loop you need to learn to use technology to your advantage in

the world of dating. Fortunately we're not just talking about microwave ovens
and longer lasting light bulbs here – we're talking about communication

mediums. Text messages, emails, instant messages – these are all forms of
communication that modern people use and can use for dating. While the

traditional “Hey baby, what's your number?” is still alive and kicking, it's often
easier to get positive response if you're asking for something less personal such

as an email or IM name. You may find that fairly often they write down their
phone number just in case you can't get in touch with them on line anyway.

Aside from communication methods, the Internet provides for an interesting
new medium of meeting people. The “Online Dating Craze” has started to

become acceptable and extremely effective in matching hot dates.

Click here

for a list of just some of the “new” ways you can meet people.

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Remember what dating is.

Dating is the meeting and communication of two people, which means in
layman's terms you need to learn a little about your date through conversation.

Conversation can not function if it is one-sided. Consider this, your
conversations with your dates are structures – just like buildings. One of the

strongest shaped buildings in existence are pyramids because of their triangle
shaped sides. In comparison, the triangle conversation is one that includes

three sides; My side, Your side, and Our side. Talk about yourself and allow
them to listen, allow them to talk about themselves and you listen, and talk

about each other and listen. Show interest in talking, listening, and sharing –
and you can't go wrong.

Show some class that isn't low.

Be confident, but courteous. There is nothing wrong with opening a door or

pulling out a chair. Show some respect for your date while showing respect for
yourself. If you drink, do it in moderation – if you smoke, do it in moderation.

Leave the beer chugging pizza pounding gorilla at home or with your buddies at
the tailgate party - not all women appreciate class, just the one's worth a

damn. In case you were wondering, nothing screams “Don't Date Me!” like
cheesy pick-up lines – leave those at home too.

Not every lottery ticket is a winner.

This is a fact that you've accepted to be true. The same with dating, not every

date / approach / conversation / pick up attempt is going to be successful.
Cope with this fact and move on. Numbers game, remember?

Confidence is key.

This is possibly the most important thing to remember – not just in dating; but

in life. Being confident in your ability to do something is what sets you apart
from the slack jawed gawker pinned to the wall unable to converse with

anyone in the crowd. To put it bluntly, people are only capable of respecting
those who seem confident in their decisions and actions – even if they are the

wrong actions. Being confident is a difficult concept to grasp though, and can
require much practice to fully master – fear not –

visit our website

for several

confidence building boot camp lessons.

BNB Ideas Inc. © 2005 – Republishing this article in web or print is strictly forbidden unless otherwise authorized. Copyright violators

will be and have been prosecuted successfully. If you would like to include this article in your website please contact BNB Ideas Inc. c/o

Sean McDowell about free reprint rights.


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