Liz Andrews VoyEx

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


ISBN 9781419921490
VoyEx Copyright © 2009 Liz Andrews

Edited by Mary Moran.
Cover art by Syneca.

Electronic book Publication March 2009

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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
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Liz Andrews

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To taking a break, every good writer deserves one now and then.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the

following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Fantasy Island: Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

NFL: National Football League

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Chapter One

The universe was conspiring against her.

Stacey Gentry lowered her eyelids for a few scant seconds, trying to calm her

frustration, before being startled by a blaring horn. She opened her eyes to stare at the

three feet of open space in front of her car and then glanced in her rearview mirror to

see the man in the car behind her gesturing with both hands. Dear God, was he

kidding? Even if she moved, it wasn’t as if they would be going anywhere anytime

soon. She shook her head in defeat and lifted her foot from the brake, allowing her car

to roll forward before stopping once again.

The digital clock display glowed at her mockingly. She should be home by now.

One of the reasons she worked second shift was to avoid rush-hour traffic. Of course

she also loved her job as a nurse. When she moved back her small hometown of

Pinecrest she wasn’t sure if she would like the slower pace. After she started working in

the emergency department at the local hospital, she discovered she had more than

enough adrenaline on a daily basis.

Still, there shouldn’t be a jam at eleven fifteen. Instead of being on her balcony, she

was stuck on the highway due to a truck that had lost its load. The sad thing was she

could see the lights of her condo complex in the distance. Just a few hundred feet more

and she could exit and make it home before it was too late.

And then a miracle occurred. Traffic moved and like the parting of the Red Sea she

was able to maneuver her car through to the exit ramp. Yes, she cheered, raising her fist

in victory. She might still make it home in time.

When she finally pulled into the carport, she glanced at the dashboard clock. Eleven

thirty-seven. She grabbed her purse as she exited the car and slammed the door behind


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her before pressing the lock key on her remote control. She sprinted up the stairs and

burst through the door. Already she could begin to feel herself calming.

Her condo was her oasis. She’d decorated it herself with a combination of

comfortable yet stylish furniture and personal touches. The room exuded warmth with

caramel-colored walls and sage green tones. The glowing clock on her DVD player

reminded her once again of the time. Dropping her purse, she headed into the kitchen

and poured herself a glass of wine. Then checking to ensure all the lights were off, she

walked toward the balcony.

Stacey took a deep breath before she opened the sliding glass door, stepped onto

the terrace and pulled the door closed behind her. She moved over to the lounge chair

without a sound and sat. As she made herself comfortable, she peeked through the

wrought iron railing to the pool area below. Although the pool was officially closed as

of eleven o’clock, for the last week Stacey had been watching as a couple arrived, most

often about half an hour after closing.

She had no idea what the woman’s name was, but the man was Joe, the complex

superintendent. If Joe had a last name, Stacey didn’t know it. In fact, since she moved in

a year ago she never had the need to call him for anything. The only reason she knew

his name was because of the woman.

“Joe, you are so bad.” The blonde giggled as Joe slipped the buttons open on her


Without conscious thought, Stacey leaned forward in her chair to watch as the

woman’s pale skin was revealed. It wasn’t as if she were attracted to the woman or even

Joe for that matter. It was what she was seeing between the two of them that had her

hot and bothered.

When she first discovered the twosome, it had been by accident. She most often

came home straight from work, watched a little television and then headed off to bed.

But on that fateful night she’d decided to have a drink on the balcony and enjoy the

good weather. And, man, was she glad she had.


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Stacey would have never considered herself a voyeur, but that was before she sat

mesmerized on her chair, watching the couple and their very public display of affection.

And despite knowing it was wrong, she found herself night after night rushing to her

balcony to see if she’d be awarded with a peep show. Sometimes she was, sometimes

she wasn’t, but tonight appeared as if it were going to be a “was” night.

Lucky, lucky her.

With her gaze glued to the scene playing out before her, Stacey placed her feet flat

on the lounger and raised her hips in the air. She placed her hands at her waist and

pushed her pants, including panties, off her body and kicked them to the floor. Biting

her lower lip, she spread her legs and slipped her hand between her splayed brown


She turned her head to stare down at the couple as her fingers brushed against her

moist lips. The couple stood next to the pool, as if they’d just finished a swim. The

woman was cradled in Joe’s arms as he released her from what looked to have been a

heated kiss. Without reservation, Joe pushed the wet bra cups off the woman’s breasts

and bent his head toward the bounty he’d just exposed. He took a nipple into his mouth

and sucked as if starving.

At the sight of their lovemaking, Stacey took a shaky breath. Her other hand crept

toward her breast and she ran her nails over the sensitive tips. Most of the time she

liked to go slow and draw out the pleasure. But because she had been late tonight, she

didn’t know if she’d have that luxury.

Stacey’s gaze was riveted on the woman and watched as she arched her back and

pressed the juncture of her thighs against Joe’s questing hand. Stacey’s own fingers

smoothed the slickness of her pussy around her clit, scoring the tingling bundle of

nerves with the lightest touch before slipping a finger inside.

“God, Joe, I need it. I need it bad.” The woman’s voice drifted upward.

Stacey silently echoed the sentiment. Her fingers began to pinch at her peaked

nipples through their cotton barrier. She was too involved to take the time to remove


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her shirt and bra. Unbelievable as it seemed, she already felt as if she were on the verge

of an orgasm after only a few minutes. Adding another finger into her play, she began

to thrust them deep before returning to tease at her clit. Although she bit her lower lip

in an attempt to keep silent, a slight moan escaped her.

That was when a voice called out in a low tone. “I thought you were going to miss

the show tonight.”

What the fuck!

She gasped as she jackknifed into a sitting position and looked around for the

source of her distress. A quick look to the pool below assured her the couple hadn’t

been disturbed by either the voice or her frantic movements.

“Did I startle you?”

That was putting it mildly. She glanced toward the condo next door from where the

voice had emanated. Their shared balcony was divided by a wall, but if she was leaning

on the railing and looking to the left, she could catch a glimpse of his patio. Which

meant he could as well. Thank God she was far enough back she doubted he could see

much. Still, it was disconcerting to say the least. And God only knew what he might

have heard.

“Are you still there?”

She could pretend she had gone inside and then try to sneak back out later, but that

was childish. Besides, she had every right to do what she wanted in her own home, or

outside her home, on her balcony, in the dark, as long as no one saw and called the


Gathering her nerve, Stacey licked her lips before speaking in a soft voice, mindful

of the frolicking exhibitionists down below. “Yes, I’m here.” Her voice sounded odd

and strained to her own ears.

The low chuckle he gave sent tingles along her spine. “I’m glad to hear that.”


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During this peculiar exchange, she continued to sit half naked on her lounger. Any

normal person might have lost the urge to masturbate by this point. Instead, Stacey felt

her nipples peaking. There was no doubt something wrong with her, but the idea he

might have heard her one of these past nights had her more aroused than she’d ever


“How long have you been watching me?”

“I haven’t watched you at all. I’ve been watching the show down at the pool.” He

paused for a moment before adding, “Just the same as you have.”

It was one thing to realize she’d become addicted to watching the couple below and

quite another to know her neighbor was aware of her proclivity. She racked her brain as

she tried to bring up a vision of the man. If her memory served, he was a taller

gentleman with dark hair and a muscular build. That was about all that came to mind.

He’d only been in the building for about three months and because of her work

schedule she hadn’t found the time to welcome him to the complex. So much for


“Right.” Embarrassed now, she closed her legs and reached for her pants. “I think

I’m going to head in now.”

“Don’t leave on my account.”

“I wasn’t,” she lied, intending to run and hide as quickly as possible.

“Then why are you leaving? It looks like things are beginning to heat up.”

He didn’t know the half of it.

Raferty Mastersen smiled with satisfaction when he didn’t hear his neighbor leave

right away. Good. She was thinking about staying. He’d been looking for an

opportunity to break the ice with her for quite some time now.

He remembered the first time he caught sight of the dark-skinned beauty. His

buddy and he were carrying in his couch and she was walking down the hallway


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toward her condo. She was of average height, but that was the only thing average about

her. The one word he could think of to describe her was voluptuous. She was curvy in

all the right places.

She had a perfect hourglass figure with bountiful breasts, a curvaceous bottom and

a nipped-in waist. Although he only saw her for a moment, he noted she had expressive

brown eyes and sensuous full lips. Her dark hair was bobbed short and framed her

heart-shaped face, rounding out what he felt was the perfect package of womanhood.

He had stopped dead in his tracks and just stared as she passed them. He almost

dropped to his knees to thank God when she stopped at the door right next to his and

he realized they were neighbors. He hadn’t had a chance since then to make her

acquaintance. His job as a police detective had him working some odd hours in the last

few weeks. He’d finally cleared up a tough case and had been reassigned back to his

regular shift.

Just when he thought there was no likelihood of them getting together, he made the

momentous decision last week to relax on his balcony and enjoy the late evening. The

first surprise was the couple fucking poolside. The second was the sound of his next-

door neighbor enjoying the show. At first he hadn’t been sure he was really hearing

what he thought he heard.

But her breathy little gasps as she orgasmed had been unmistakable. If he thought

he was interested before, the sound of her climax made him even more eager to take her

in his arms. Tonight, when she arrived later than usual, he decided it was time to stop

hiding in the shadows. If he wanted to know this woman better, and he knew he did,

then he needed to say something.

When he heard her undressing, he’d joined in and unfastened his jeans, pushing

them, along with his briefs, off his hips. His cock had sprung free and his hand closed

around his hard member. Urged on by the sounds from next door, he moved his hand

with measured strokes as he viewed the scene below, knowing she was also watching.


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Only when he thought she was on the edge of her climax had he decided to reveal


“So have you decided?”

“Decided what?” Her voice was hesitant and shaky.

“To stick around and watch the show.” For a brief moment his attention returned to

the couple below them. The woman was now nude as Joe delved between her legs with

his obviously skilled tongue. “You like to watch, don’t you?”

“I…” He could hear her shifting, as if she weren’t sure what to say next.

“So do I.”

She snorted. “Most men do.”

“Some women as well.” Although he realized she was a rare find. Gorgeous and

voyeuristic. What more could any man desire?

“I suppose you’re right.” He listened as she shifted again and tried to imagine what

she looked like as she touched herself. Her legs had no doubt been splayed open as her

fingers caressed her moist flesh. He wondered if she was bare and had to bite back a

groan at the thought.

His hand returned to his straining cock. He gathered the pre-come leaking from the

tip and spread it around down the length. “Of course I’m right. You like to watch and

you’re a woman.”

“Um, well…yes.” He smiled in the darkness, glad to know she was no shrinking

violet. She might have been shocked at being discovered, but she wasn’t going to deny

her desires.

“Look at them. What’s not to like?” He turned his attention to the couple once

again. Joe was lying on his back and the woman was kneeling over him, her mouth

engulfing his cock. “She’s so enthusiastic. You can tell she’s enjoying giving him head.

It isn’t just a chore.”


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He heard her shifting once again and wondered if her hands had returned to

touching herself as his had. Or perhaps she had never stopped. Although she didn’t

respond to his comments, she still hadn’t left either. Taking that as a good sign, he

continued his commentary. “And he’s so appreciative. Look at his face. He wants to

come so bad, but he’s holding back.”

“Do you…do you think she doesn’t want to swallow and so he’s holding back on

her account?”

He almost didn’t hear her question, her voice was so soft. His cock jerked with the

knowledge he had her asking questions about the scene in front of them. “Perhaps, but

maybe he wants to wait until he can be buried in her soft, warm pussy. To feel her body

clenching around his cock as she comes.”

“Oh God.” Her exclamation cut through the night air. Thank God the couple below

was too involved in each other to hear her.

“Are you touching yourself right now, wondering what it would feel like to be


“What…you can’t…I don’t think…” Her words burst forth in a rush.

“Exactly, don’t think, just feel.” With a firm grip, he wrapped his hand around his

cock and jerked it over the heated flesh. “Answer me, are you touching yourself?”

The silence stretched seemingly without end and, for a moment, he thought she

wasn’t going to answer. Maybe he had pushed her too far too soon. But then her

breathy voice drifted over to him.

“Yes, I am.”

His smile of satisfaction was back. He wanted to be the one who got her off tonight,

who made her come. “Look,” he urged as he turned his attention back to the couple at

the pool.


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Joe pushed the woman off him and to her feet. He moved her forward until she was

straddling him then held his cock in one hand, centering it between the juncture of her

thighs as she lowered herself onto him.

“Do you imagine yourself in her position?”

“Yes, but it’s not like I want to fuck Joe.”

Raferty chuckled at her oh-so-adamant statement. “I’m glad to hear that.”

His attention was drawn back to the woman below when she pushed herself

upright and asked, “How am I going to get fucked like this?”

“Ride me,” Joe’s voice wafted up to them, as did the woman’s answering giggle.

“See how much fun they’re having?” Raferty’s cock felt full to bursting, but he

pushed any thoughts of coming out of his head. He wanted this to last. “They’re not just

going to have sex, they’re playing.”

A loud moan drifted up from below as well as the sharp sound of Joe’s hand

slapping against the flesh of the woman’s ass. Raferty heard a slight gasp from his

neighbor too.

“Did you like that?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“I think you did. You want to feel a palm on your ass, urging you to ride a hard

cock.” He had no idea if his words were increasing her desire, but they were doing a

number on him. The thought of the luscious beauty bending over for a slap as he fucked

her from behind had him salivating. “Are you touching yourself thinking of it? Are

you?” His last question came out a little harder, demanding an answer.

“Yes, God, yes. I want it.”

Good, not only was she interested in watching and a little slap and tickle, she

responded well to his forcefulness. “Are you wet?”

“Yes.” Her voice had lost some of its earlier strain and had taken on a husky



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“Tell me.”

He waited, knowing this would be the deciding factor. She could decide at this

point it had gone on long enough and call a halt to whatever it was they were doing.

But somehow he didn’t think so. Thank God he was proved correct.

“I’m wetter than I think I’ve ever been in my life. I feel as if I could fly apart with

one touch.”

“Then touch yourself and fly, baby. I want to hear you come.”


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Chapter Two

Why, she wondered to herself, and not for the first time tonight, was she doing

what a virtual stranger told her to do? It was as if she couldn’t help herself. Her hand

was between her legs and her fingers were thrusting into her aching pussy. His soft-

spoken words, along with the visual sensual feast of the couple below had sent her into

maximum overdrive.

Eyes wide, Stacey stared at the fucking couple below. She pulled her fingers from

her body and brushed them over her clit. Her back arched at the contact and she

groaned, knowing it wouldn’t take much.

“God, what I wouldn’t do to see you right now.” Her neighbor’s voice was thick

with desire and she wondered if he was masturbating as well. The idea of him jacking

off as he watched her pleasuring herself was as exhilarating as watching someone else.

Since he couldn’t see her, she decided she might as well describe it for him.

“My fingers are so wet…” she gasped as she pushed the digits back inside her. “I’m

fucking myself, but I can’t go deep enough.”

“More, tell me more.”

“I need to come, so bad it almost hurts.” She wasn’t exaggerating. The ache she felt

was like none other.

“Do it then.”

His command was all she needed. Once again pulling her fingers free, she

strummed her clit, allowing her moans to drift across the night air. After only a few

strokes, she could feel the tension taking over her body. Bracing her feet on the floor,

she pushed her hips up to meet every downward stroke with an upward thrust. The

hand not between her legs gripped the arm of her lounger until she thought her fingers

might cramp. She could feel herself getting closer to the edge of release.


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“I’m coming.” Stacey moaned the words as the wave hit her, her fingers stroked

faster across her clit. The couple below forgotten, she threw her head back and closed

her eyes as her pussy clenched.

“That’s it, baby, ride it out.”

She heard his words as if from a distance, but still followed his commands. Instead

of stopping, as she most often did, she continued to rub her fingers across her oh-so-

sensitive clit. The second orgasm had her raising her hips and arching her back,

determined to ride it to the end.

Before she could halt it, a keening cry escaped her lips. As she collapsed onto the

lounger, Stacey glanced down to the pool to see if she’d been overheard. The couple

was at that moment too involved with each other to have noticed her errant shout. She

lay back on the lounger and attempted to regain some semblance of normalcy.

“That was amazing.” Ragged breathing accompanied her neighbor’s compliment.

She wondered if he’d found his own release as well. The thought of his hand wrapped

around his cock stroking himself to completion as he listened to her breathy cries had

her feeling aroused again already.


He chuckled. “We should do this again. Like tomorrow night.”

Shock held her speechless for a moment. Before she could formulate a reply, the

couple below reached their climaxes, shouting with abandon. They didn’t seem to care

if they were overheard.

“Umm…I don’t know.”

“Aww, don’t get shy on me now.”

She wasn’t shy. Not by a long shot. On the other hand, she wasn’t going to allow

herself to be pulled into some sexual game with a stranger just to prove it. The problem

was, the orgasm, hell, orgasms, she’d just experienced were some of the best in her life.

“What, no answer?” he chided.


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“I was just thinking.”

“Are you trying to talk yourself into or out of it?”

He was very perceptive. “Both, I think.”

“I don’t want to push you.”

“You’re not.” She sat up and reached for her clothes. “I’ve just never done anything

like this before.”

“Neither have I.”

She snorted. “Couldn’t prove it by me. You seemed like an expert at it.”

“Truth be told, I went to a class and got a certificate. Dirty Talk 101.”

“You must have been first in your class.” Standing, she slipped her pants back on.

She left her panties off but picked them off the floor and shoved them in her pants


“That almost sounded like a compliment.”

She smiled as she made her way over to the wall that separated the two of them.

Turning around, she leaned back against it and closed her eyes. “Why, are you fishing?”

“Not at all. I’m just sitting here waiting for your decision.”

Ha, just sitting there. His presence alone made it almost impossible for her to think

straight. Did she really want to invite someone with such an obvious strong personality

into her life? Then again, was she willing to let this chance slip through her fingers?

Opening her eyes once more, she glanced down at the couple below. While she’d

been attempting to make sense of the situation she was in, they’d gathered their clothes

and dressed. She watched as they wrapped their arms around each other and strolled

from the pool area. For the first time she wondered why they came to the pool for their

sexual escapades.

“Why do you think they do it?” She had no idea why she asked him. Maybe it was

just a convenient change of subject. Or perhaps she thought he had some insight she



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“You mean Joe and…” he trailed off for a moment as if he didn’t know the

woman’s name either.

“Yeah. Why do you think they come here?”

“It could be a lot of reasons. Maybe they’re having an affair,” he suggested.

“Could be.” Though she’d hate to think she was getting off at the cost of someone

else’s heart. “I’d prefer to think it’s something different.”


“This might be a way to spice up their sex life. They could be hoping someone is

watching. The idea they could get caught is also a thrill.”

“How would you know?”

“I don’t. I can only imagine.”

“Sounds as if you have a very active imagination. I bet it makes for a great sex life.”

“My imagination is the only thing active about my sex life.” Oh my God. Did she just

say that aloud? From his sexy chuckle, the answer was a resounding yes. “I’m going in

now.” Before she said or did anything else to embarrass herself.



“Tomorrow. I’ll be here. Will you?” Common sense told her to say no, but she’d

never been one to listen to it before. “I’ll make it worth your while,” he added.


“You’ll have to come back to see.”

She licked her lips before replying with a bit of hesitation. “Okay. Goodnight.”



“My name is Raferty.”

“Oh.” Imagine that, exchanging orgasms as well as names. “Mine is Stacey.”


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“I know.”

Before she could inquire into how, she heard his sliding door shut.

She took a deep breath and looked around the balcony, wondering what tomorrow

night would bring. She knew one thing, she’d be there to find out.

* * * * *

Raferty glanced at his watch for the tenth time in the last fifteen minutes. His

anxiety was almost laughable. He’d been pacing earlier until he realized what he was

doing and forced himself to sit. It was premature to assume he’d know what was going

to happen. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder if he’d be hearing a knock at the door soon

or the sound of silence.

He needed to find something else to do besides watching the clock. Standing, he

walked over to the television and stared down at the screen without actually seeing it.

The eleven o’clock news had been on about ten minutes. He’d know soon enough if

Stacey had decided to accept his invitation. When his schedule coincided with hers, he

could set his watch by her arrival home and, other than last night, that was a quarter


He thought he might have shocked her a bit last night. He didn’t believe it was

usual for a woman to masturbate for a complete stranger. On the other hand, what did

he know? Maybe this was happening all over town and he was oblivious. His thoughts

returned to his sensual neighbor.

It had been obvious she enjoyed herself. The remembered sounds of her breathy

little cries and ragged breathing had him hardening even now. Her enthusiasm had

been his undoing. Although listening was good, watching would have been better. That

was why he decided to up the ante and invite her over for the evening.

He wondered how she would react when she found the note on her door. He’d

penned the missive on a whim, inviting her to check out the view from his side of the

world. He’d even promised there’d be no funny business. Now he wondered if she


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would be fascinated or offended. Without thought, he glanced at his watch again. He’d

know soon enough. She should be getting home any minute now. Reaching down, he

pressed off the power button on the television.

As he glanced once more at his watch, he decided to take the damn thing off before

he broke his wrist twisting it to check the time. This was ridiculous. He was standing

around like some callow youth, wondering if the girl he asked to prom was going to say

yes or no. Running his hand through his hair, he headed toward the kitchen but was

waylaid by the ringing doorbell.

“I’m coming.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he winced. He needed to think

before he spoke next time. He swung open the door with an open smile, noting Stacey’s

smirk. “Sorry about that.”

“It sounded like you were…busy.” She pressed her lips together as if attempting to

stop her smile, but it wasn’t working.

Rather than try to defend himself and dig a deeper hole he moved on. “You got my

note,” he indicated the white paper clutched in her hand.

She nodded and then stared at him with a question evident in her eyes. “How did

you know my name?”

“Wow, that wasn’t the first question I was expecting. I asked around. You know,

small towns, no secrets.” Realizing they were still standing in his doorway where any of

their nocturnal neighbors could eavesdrop on their conversation, he stepped back and

asked, “Do you want to come in?”

She glanced up and down the hallway as she nibbled at her lower lip.

He held his hands up in mock surrender. “Hey, I promise, no funny stuff, just like

the note said.”

She snorted. “And how do I know you’re not a serial axe murderer?”

“I can get you references.”


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“Right.” She pursed her lips. “Then I’d just get a bunch of white folks saying shit

like, ‘He seemed like a really nice guy. I had no idea he kept shrunken heads in the

basement.’ No thanks.”

“You’d get a whole bunch of folks saying that, not just the white ones.”

“Multicultural serial killer, are you?”

“I’m not one to judge.” He arched a brow. “You can be black, white or purple. As

long as you like to watch people get down and dirty, you’re okay in my book.”

“Funny.” Her mouth twisted up in a smile as she bypassed him, walked into the

condo and looked around. “Still decorating?”

“Ouch. Does it look that bad?”

“No…well…yes. It looks pretty barren.”

Looking around, he had to agree with her. His furniture was top of the line because

he liked to be comfortable, but there was nothing in the condo that told the story of who

he was. The walls were still the off-white apartment look and he had nothing hanging

on the walls. There was no cute bric-a-brac on the tables and nothing personal in the

room. Because of his schedule, he hadn’t had the opportunity to do much to the place.

But now that he was back on a regular shift, he needed to make the time. Maybe he

could even convince her to help him.

“Yeah, I guess I need some help, huh?”

“Uh, yeah.” She crossed her arms over her chest as she turned back toward him.

“But I didn’t come over here to talk about your decorating woes.”

“Right, my note.”

“Yes, your note. When you mentioned this last night, you didn’t say anything about

making it an up-close-and-personal experience.”

“And yet you still came over.”

“I was intrigued.”


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“And maybe a little turned-on?” He knew he had been and could only hope she felt

the same.

When she put a hand to her face, he wasn’t sure if it was to hide from him or to feel

the heat from a flush. Nevertheless, she answered. “Yes, maybe a little.” She lowered

her hand and looked him in the eye. “You know this was a lot easier when we weren’t

in the same room.”


She looked at him as if he were insane. “Are you kidding?”

“Not at all.” Raferty wanted to know everything about her, from what embarrassed

her to what aroused her. “You don’t have to be shy around me.”

“I’m not shy. I just don’t know you, yet you know the sound I make when I come.”

“Lucky me.”

“I’d say.” She crossed her arms again and her expression grew serious. “What do

you want from me? What do you want to happen tonight?”

This wasn’t how he’d planned on having this conversation. What he wanted from

her didn’t just end with tonight. Although how he would approach her about it was one

of those things he hadn’t quite worked out yet. So he tried for the diversion instead,

knowing it would only head off the inevitable. “Would you like something to drink?”

She blinked and cocked her head. “Was that supposed to be some sort of lame

attempt to change the subject?”

“No, but I thought you might be interested in a cocktail after a long day’s work.

Besides, I thought we could adjourn to the balcony while we had this discussion.”

He watched as myriad emotions washed over her face. “Fine, I’ll have a sea



“Let me guess, you don’t have the ingredients.”

“I don’t even know what goes into a sea breeze.”


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She rolled her eyes. “I should have figured. What are you offering?”

“Vodka, tequila, rum—”

“Do you at least have a diet soda?”

He smiled in triumph. Having a sister was finally going to come in handy. “Yep,

three cans.”

“Good, throw it with some rum and I’ll be happy.”

As he mixed their drinks, he watched her wander over to the balcony and glance

outside. She opened the slider with ease and walked into the night, leaving the door

partway open. Finishing his duties as bartender, he flipped off the light and headed out

to join her. He could only hope the evening wasn’t the end but the beginning of

something great.


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Chapter Three

Stacey took a deep breath and tried to calm her racing heart. She’d done the

unthinkable and showed up on her neighbor’s doorstep at his behest. All because after

last night she wanted to put a face to the sensual, seductive voice that had made her

come so long and hard.

And what a face. She couldn’t explain it, but his lazy smile and piercing blue eyes

just seemed to promise sin. How it was she had only a vague recollection of him, she

had no idea. The man was gorgeous. He was tall and muscular, just the way she liked.

The entire time they’d been talking in his living room she had to control her urge to run

her hands through his black hair.

Instead she had tried to play it cool. There was no reason he should know just how

much he affected her. Needing to regain her composure, Stacey stepped outside in

order to put some space between them. Of course if he asked, she’d tell him she was just

checking to see if the performers had arrived yet.

She leaned against the railing and stared down to the pool area, but it was still

empty. Although not much different from her own vantage point, the angle from his

balcony did afford some added coverage for the viewer in the form of a shaded tree

while still allowing her to see everything happening below. While she had to be seated

and hiding behind her railing, Raferty could stand right where she now stood and

observe the entire scene.

Just as she did, he had a couple of chairs on his balcony along with a low glass table

to the side. It was all very cozy and she could practically see him sitting out here

listening to her just on the other side of the dividing wall. She wondered how many

nights he’d heard her, without a doubt masturbating at the same time as she. The


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thought made her cheeks heat with embarrassment. She thanked the Lord that with her

skin tone he’d never be able to tell.

“Enjoying the view?” His husky voice seemed to dance along her spine and ignite

all her nerve endings.

The break had done nothing to taper her reactions to him. As he stepped up behind

her, she could feel the heat from his body warming her back. Her nipples puckered in


“Your drink.”

“Thanks.” She grabbed the glass and took a sip of her drink. Instead of stepping

back, as she’d expected he’d do, he stayed close to her side. Taking a deep breath, she

went on the offensive.

“No one’s here.”

“You know as well as I do they don’t come every night.”

No, and neither do I. As soon as she had the thought, she mentally kicked herself. She

had sex on the brain. His presence wasn’t helping either. Torn between wanting to run

and hide or to lean into his muscled arms, she felt stymied and unable to do anything at


“Maybe they won’t show.” And I’ll just go home and forget about this lapse of judgment.

But once she made this step, could she ever go back? She’d masturbated for this man.

She couldn’t turn back the clock now.

“They don’t—” A giggle pierced the night air.

As if they were connected, she and Raferty turned toward the arriving couple. With

a hand wrapped around the wrought iron, he stepped behind her and caged her body

between him and the railing.

“Ready to watch?” The question only just registered. But the feeling of his breath

caressing her ear had her shivering in reaction. “Cold?”


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She shook her head. At this point she didn’t think she could have summoned the

ability to speak.

“Good, I’d rather you be hot.” She didn’t realize it was possible, but he stepped

even closer. Technically he was touching her. In fact, the heat of his body radiated

against her back. But he was following the letter of his note, no funny business. He

could have pressed himself tight against her, but he didn’t. Maybe that was the

problem. Perhaps if he did it would break the spell. Instead she felt as if she were in a

dream. A very erotic one.

“Joe’s not wasting any time tonight.”

She blinked and realized all this time she’d been so intent on Raferty she’d almost

forgotten why she was here. Her gaze shot back toward the couple below. They were

seated in the steps section of the pool and the woman’s t-shirt was wet. She wasn’t

wearing a bra and even at this distance the dark circles of her nipples were more than

visible. That was, as long as Joe’s hands weren’t covering them.

“Her nipples must be very sensitive.”

She swallowed hard and croaked, “How do you know?”

“Watch. Every time he pinches her nipples hard, she arches into his hands and her

head pushes back on his shoulder.”

As Raferty finished speaking, she stared as Joe moved from massaging the woman’s

breasts to pinching her nipples. Stacey watched as the woman threw back her head, her

mouth parted, her hands gripping Joe’s thighs at the caress.

“What about you?”

The question caught her off guard. “What about me?”

Raferty bent his head until his chin was almost resting on her shoulder before he

spoke. “Are your nipples sensitive? Do you like soft caresses, or do you like it harder

and rougher?”


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Although his steady breath warmed the side of her neck, she felt shivery at the

thought of answering his question. Her nipples, already puckered, had tightened to

almost the point of pain while he talked. They ached to be touched, plucked, squeezed

and pinched. She closed her eyes for a moment and imagined Raferty’s lips, so near her

ear at the moment, closing over one of her throbbing nipples. The warm, wet suction of

his mouth drawing on her tender flesh. She had to bite back a moan at the feelings the

image evoked.

Her voice was raspy with desire as she answered him. “Yes, my nipples are

sensitive and I like them touched harder.”

A deep groan was his only reaction, but it was like a shot of adrenaline through her

system. He was still playing by the rules, no funny business, but now she wanted him

to break those rules and do all the things they’d just been talking about. Instead they

stood there in awkward silence. Her gaze was focused on the couple below, who had

moved from the pool.

Somewhere along the line the woman had lost her top and her breasts were now

fully visible. Especially since she held them uplifted within her own hands, as if

offering them to Joe. Stacey could hear the woman speaking, and although she couldn’t

quite distinguish the words, the tone more than told the story. She was asking for

something. Most likely to have Joe suck on the nipples she was most desperate to offer

him. Stacey knew how the woman felt. She wanted to turn in Raferty’s arms and do

some begging of her own. Instead she stood as still as a statue and watched the events

unfolding below her.

Joe, rather than paying attention to the blatant offer of the woman, seemed more

intent on other things. He pulled the cushions from the lounge chair and arranged them

on the concrete. Then turning back to his companion, he finally obliged her entreating.

He lowered his head to the bounty she offered, licking at her nipple before sucking it

into his mouth.

“Can you feel the pull in your own nipples?”


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This time she didn’t even hesitate to answer him. “Yes, they ache.”


He might think so, but the frustration was crawling at her. She had one hand

wrapped around the railing and was squeezing the glass in her other hand in an effort

to avoid reaching out and touching them herself.

“Careful. You wouldn’t want it to shatter.”

Her desires were not lost on Raferty. If he knew what she wanted, what she needed

so bad, why was he continuing to hold back? She’d get no answers from him unless she

asked outright, and she was still too chicken to do that. As a distraction, she lifted the

glass to her lips to take a drink before refocusing on the action below.

Joe had moved the woman so she was kneeling on the cushions on all fours. Her

skirt was pushed up around her waist and she was completely bare beneath it. She

spread her knees wide, and from this angle, Stacey could see her ass and pussy on


This was the usual time Stacey would be on her own balcony, her hands between

her legs. Instead she stood here, paralyzed within Raferty’s arms and unable to relieve

her growing sexual frustrations. She was beginning to wonder if her decision to come

over here tonight had been a good one.

Raferty was beginning to wonder if he was a masochist. Why else would he have

added that stupid line in his note about no funny business? He’d in effect trapped

himself in this untenable situation. He knew she was turned-on. Hell, she’d all but

admitted it. But if he broke the bond of his word, even if she wanted it, then he was no

better than a liar.

They’d both have to suffer through until the end. After tonight though, he had

other plans for Stacey. And he hoped, just as she’d been by the note, she’d be intrigued

enough to do some further exploring. He would have to sacrifice now for the

anticipation of what might be.


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A small moan escaped Stacey, and Raferty pulled himself from his musings to see

what caused her reaction. Joe was standing in front of the woman, his cock in her

mouth and his hands wrapped in her hair. At first glance it didn’t look like anything

more than the usual blowjob. But something had pulled forth her moan.

“Are you liking what you see?”


“Tell me. Tell me what you like.” He wanted to hear about her desires, to know

what turned her on.

“He’s…it’s how he takes control.”

Raferty liked the way this conversation was heading, especially if she said what he

was hoping she would.

“What do you like about it?”

“He’s in charge, but he’s not an asshole about it.”

Hmm, interesting. “So you like a man in charge.”

“I…” As if she all of a sudden realized what she revealed, Stacey grew quiet.

“It’s okay, you know. To like a man to dominate you in the bedroom.”

“I’m not a shy little mouse.”

“No one said you were.” He knew he was walking a fine line here. Stacey seemed

to recognize what she liked, although she was having a hard time admitting it out loud.

“It just means that once in a while you want the man to take charge. But not be an

asshole when he does,” he added with a chuckle.

“Yeah.” Her brief agreement was amusing. She lifted her glass to her lips and

drained the rest of the liquid. Reaching out, he took the tumbler from her fingers and

set it on the table. Now she wouldn’t have that crutch to lean on any longer. She

lowered her hands and rested them on the railing next to his.

“Talk to me. What else do you like?”


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He watched as she gripped the wrought iron and took a deep breath before

speaking. He was surprised to hear her voice was strong and clear although pitched


“I like how he pulls her hair as he fucks her mouth. It’s very domineering and sexy

as hell.”

“Have you ever had your hair pulled like that?”

She shook her head in denial.

“How do you know you’ll like it then?”

“I’m not sure I would. But watching it… God, it’s just so… I can’t even describe

how it makes me feel.”

“It makes you want to touch yourself. To rub your fingers over those dark pussy

lips until they’re slick with your juices. It makes you want to pinch and pull at your

nipples because you can feel it in your clit.”

“OhmyGod.” Her words flowed forth in a rush.

“You want to touch yourself right now, don’t you?”

“Yes, yes.” Her breathing was hitched. He knew if he pushed his hand into her

pants right now she would doubtless soak him.

“So do it.” He might have promised no funny business, but that didn’t mean he

couldn’t persuade her to do something for herself.

“No, I couldn’t.”


She turned her head to give him a look as if she couldn’t believe she was talking to

such an idiot. “Because I’m not here to give you a free show.”

He smiled and bit back the hearty laugh he wanted to let loose. “I think you not

only like to watch, but you’re a lot more like them than you want to admit.”

When he mentioned the couple, she turned her head back to stare down at them.

Joe had just pulled his cock from the woman’s mouth and was moving behind her. He


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knelt down and palmed her ass. Raferty watched as the woman pushed back against

the caress and spread her legs farther. She was more than ready for the fucking to

begin. Rafferty and Stacey wouldn’t be around to see it, however.

“Shall we go back inside?”

“Inside.” Stacey licked her lips as she tore her gaze from the couple. “You want to


“Yes, shall we?”

From the hungry look in her eyes, she didn’t, but that was the plan. Raferty wanted

to leave her wanting more. As he stepped away from her body, she almost wilted. He

took her elbow in his hand and guided her back through the sliding glass door. She

slipped from his grasp and walked toward the front door. “Um, it’s been nice.” Her

confusion was more than evident, but he hoped that in the long run it would be well

worth it.

He opened the door for her before responding. “Yeah, I’m glad you came over.” He

almost smiled as her brow furrowed.

Stacey took a step forward as if she were going to leave but then stopped and

turned back to him. “Let me ask you a question. Why did you say I was like them?” Her

low-pitched question confused him for a moment until he remembered his earlier


He wasn’t going to couch his words in euphemisms. “You want to be watched.

You’re turned-on by the idea of someone seeing you do something sexual.”

“Why do you think you know so much?”

It was now or never. “I belong to a club that caters to people with a variety of sexual

kinks. Voyeurism and exhibitionism are not as uncommon as you think.”

“You mean people go to this club to watch other people have sex?” She sounded

somewhat shocked, but he could hear the underlying fascination in her voice as well.

“They go to watch, to be watched and to do a whole hell of a lot more than that.”


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“And why do you go?”

Ahhh, that was a very good question and not one he was sure he wanted to reveal

just yet. Still, he wasn’t going to lie to her. “I started going when I was invited by a good

friend. I found I liked the atmosphere and the people I met there.”

“And can anyone go to this club?”

Oh yeah, she was more than intrigued. “Anyone who is invited by a member, and

I’m a member. Why, are you interested?”

“I…uh…well…” Indecision clouded her voice.

Deciding to throw her a lifeline, he added, “I was planning to go this weekend if

you want to join me.”

“Really?” Her enthusiasm returned in a flash. “Well, if you’re already going, sure,

I’d love to join you.”

“Good, I’ll pick you up at your apartment at seven o’clock on Saturday.”

“Okay.” Stacey headed down the hallway to her apartment but stopped and turned

when he called out her name.

“One more thing. Although I won’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable,

my assurance of no more funny business no longer relates.”

Even at this distance he could see her digesting the information bit by bit. Then she

nodded and smiled. “Agreed.”


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Chapter Four

Stacey jumped as the doorbell rang. Even though she’d been ready and waiting for

fifteen minutes, she was more tense than she’d realized. Now that Raferty had arrived,

she wondered if she’d made the right choice. Of course she could still back out. It

wasn’t too late. She could just open the door and say she’d changed her mind. But it

would be a lie.

All her life she’d been the quintessential good girl, doing what she was told was the

right thing. Even moving back to town had been so she could help out her parents. And

where had it gotten her? Sitting on her balcony, alone every night, hoping to peek at

someone else having sex so she could get off. She hadn’t changed her mind at all. In

fact, she planned to take a hold of this chance and enjoy it to the fullest.

As apprehensive as she felt, she was also experiencing a tingle of excitement and

anticipation. She had no idea what to expect tonight other than what she conjured in

her imagination. And she’d never find out standing here. Walking to the door, she

swung it open. Although she didn’t know what to expect, she was pleasantly surprised

at how good he looked.

He was dressed in black trousers and a dark red, almost maroon button-down shirt.

Since he wasn’t wearing a tie, the shirt was open and exposed the tanned column of his

neck, which looked very lickable. She blinked and brought her attention back to his face

as he cleared his throat.

He held out his hands. “No whips, no chains, I promise.”

She chuckled at his joke, a tad embarrassed to admit she’d had some wild thoughts.

“I did wonder what the dress code for this type of…club might be.”

“Anything and everything can go there, but I think you look perfect.”


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She smiled at the huge sense of relief she felt. Standing in front of her closet earlier,

she had agonized over her wardrobe choices. She had settled on a swingy black skirt

and teal-patterned blouse. Silver jewelry and black heels complemented her outfit.

She’d even gone so far as to buy a matching teal lace bra and panty set. She wanted to

look good if it got to the point she took off her clothes. Even admitting to that possibility

had her trembling just a bit.

“Are you ready?”

She nodded and followed him from the apartment. Tonight was going to be an

adventure like no other. Earlier in the evening she called her friend Toni Eppard and

although she felt a bit awkward, she’d given Toni the basics of her plans for the night.

They agreed Stacey would call Toni when she and Raferty arrived at the club then

again when they left and finally when she was home. Toni had been very cool about the

entire thing, but made Stacey promise to meet soon for coffee so she could hear more

about this new man and the wild evening they were going to have. Stacey could only

hope she had a good story to tell.

Her nerves kept her silent on the walk to the car, but once they were on their way to

the club, Stacey began to talk. “You never did tell me the name of the club.”

“It’s Club VoyEx, a combination of Voyeurism and Exhibitionism.”

The name certainly gave a hint of what was to come. “So why have I never heard of

this place before?”

“Because it’s out of town.” He turned toward her, his gaze intent on her. “That’s not

going to be a problem, is it?”

“No, not at all.” She and Toni had discussed the possibility since neither one of

them had even heard a whisper of that sort of club around here. “I guess it’s the kind of

place you don’t see too often around here.”

“No, not really. But even living in a bigger city like Banning, it’s not the type of

place you hear about. They keep a pretty low profile.”


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“Club VoyEx caters to a very select clientele. Membership is by invitation only and

guests must be accompanied by another member in good standing. A lot of people do

some pretty wild things there and they don’t want their name in the newspaper the next

morning. The club guarantees anonymity.”

She snorted. “Please. How can they guarantee that?”

“They have a lot of lawyers who put together some ironclad membership

agreements. No one wants to mess around with these people. I’ve never heard of one

peep coming from a Club VoyEx event.”

“Still, if someone wanted to, they could tell. They just might lose their membership,


“It’s not worth the risk. Besides, anyone talking would be revealing themselves as


“In more ways than one, I suppose.”

He laughed outright, breaking the slight tension in the car. “Oh hell yeah. You will

see more of some people than you ever wanted to.”

“I’m a nurse. I’ve seen the good, the bad and the ugly.”

“A nurse, that explains it.”

“Explains what?”

“The second shift. Not too many second shifters in town. I was wondering what

you did for a living.”

“Now that you brought it up, I was thinking the same thing myself. Your schedule

is just…odd.”

“Yeah, I’m back on a regular shift now, but it’s been hectic.” Still holding on to the

wheel, he held out his right hand. “Detective Mastersen at your service.”

As she shook his hand, she cocked her eyebrow in thought. “Detective? As in police



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“Hmm, so that means you have handcuffs?”

His bark of laughter rumbled through the car. “Is this another fantasy of yours I

need to hear more about?”

“What…no…jeez. I was just wondering.” Just because a random thought came to

mind didn’t mean she had to voice it. When was she ever going to learn how to keep

her big mouth shut?


Deciding not to go on with this discussion, she instead asked, “Tell me about your


Although she could see the smartass smirk on his face, he answered her question.

And every other question she threw his way. Conversation between the two of them

went so smooth Stacey soon lost all trace of nervousness and it wasn’t long before they

pulled off the busy road into a semi-crowded parking lot.

From the outside appearance of Club VoyEx, Stacey never would have pegged it as

anything more than a high-class private establishment. The inside was much the same.

There were a number of seating areas scattered around a dance floor. Instead of chairs

though, padded benches with matching backings curved around each table. The

furniture was dark, heavy wood, accented with navy and maroon fabrics. It looked as if

it could be any normal supper club.

Raferty got them a couple of drinks and they wandered around the first floor.

Stacey kept expecting to see some oddities, but everyone seemed normal. The patrons

all looked as if they could have been going to the symphony or some other fancy event.

To think she even worried for a moment about what she wore now seemed


“What are you looking for?”

“Nothing really. It’s just all so…ordinary.”


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Raferty chuckled. “You look a bit disappointed.”

“I’m not disappointed. I was just expecting something…more.”

“Such as?”

“I don’t know. I just know it wasn’t this. This place looks like a fancy club.”

“Looks can be deceiving. The upstairs is a whole different story. Just wait.”

Stacey didn’t know if that was a threat or a promise, but she was ready to find out.

“Then let’s check out the top floor.”

Before she could change her mind, Raferty quickly propelled her to the bank of

elevators. Just his luck one opened as they arrived and they were soon on their way to

the third floor.

“Okay, I probably should have asked before we were in the elevator, but what’s


He wanted to laugh at her chagrined expression but controlled the urge. “There are

different types of rooms. Some are viewing, where you stand behind a two-way mirror

to watch the activities. The participants don’t always know if they’re being watched but

the possibility exists. Then there are the interactive scenes.”

It was no surprise his final statement brought forth a question. “What are those


“That’s where everyone is all in one room together. And the people watching can

participate to whatever level they feel comfortable.”

“Oh.” The elevator reached its destination and they stepped out into a deserted


He waited for her to say more, but when she didn’t, he forged on. “So do you have

a preference, or is this not what you were expecting?”

Indecision marred her brow for a moment, and he was sure she was ready to call

the entire evening off. He’d been certain she was ready for the next step, but perhaps he


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had pushed her too far too fast. Disappointment ate at his gut at the thought of them

taking a step backward, but he was willing to go at whatever pace she was comfortable.

Stacey licked her lips in a nervous sort of way before speaking once more. “I want

to…I want to try the interactive scene.”

“Are you sure?” He didn’t want her to regret her decision and blame him. “Because

this is a pressure-free night. We don’t have to do anything or go anywhere you don’t

want. In fact, if you’d prefer we can just have a drink.”

“No. I’m sure. I want to go.” She let out a shaky little laugh. “I’m a little nervous,

but I want to do it. Not it it,” she hastily added. “I meant—”

“I get what you mean.” Smiling, he placed his right hand over his heart. “I solemnly

swear there will be no it it taking place between you and me tonight. But that’s all I

swear to. Everything else is up in the air.” He winked to show he was teasing.

“I can live with that.” Stacey took a deep breath as if she were preparing herself for

what was to come. “I’m ready, Mr. Roarke.”

“Then welcome to Fantasy Island.” He walked toward the nearest door, opened it

and stepped through, pulling her across the threshold.

A large X cross dominated the room, but it was the woman that held their attention.

She was nude except for a pair of high heels and a blindfold, standing spread-eagle

with her wrists and ankles fastened to the wood of the cross.

“Excellent. We have guests, my dear.” The speaker was a distinguished, older,

dark-haired man sitting in a chair in the corner. He was dressed in a navy suit, and for

all the world seemed as if he could have been at a business meeting. Raferty nodded his

head in vague recognition. He knew the man by sight, but couldn’t remember his name.

“Please come in. You’re welcome to play with my pet Crystal all you like.”

Stacey took a swift indrawn breath at the man’s offer and swiveled her head around

to look at him. “Is he serious?” she whispered.

“Completely. This is interactive, after all.”


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With a hand on the small of her back, Raferty propelled her forward. Crystal turned

her head toward them upon their entrance but remained silent. She was tall and thin

with long blonde hair. Her nudity highlighted her beauty, but he was far more attracted

to Stacey, who was fully clothed.

“So are you going to touch her?” Stacey still sounded incredulous.

“No, you are.”

“Me?” Her voice had changed from a soft whisper to a squeak.

“Come on, I’ll help you get started.” He placed Stacey slightly in front of him,

although a bit to the side so he could watch her reactions. Then wrapping his arm

around her, Raferty took her hand in his and laid it on Crystal’s shoulder. “Look at how

erotic that is, your dark hand on her ivory skin. The contrast is very enticing.”

He watched Stacey intently as she stared at her hand for a long moment. She took a

visible swallow then splaying her fingers, she traced them along the woman’s

collarbone. Crystal stood completely still, not moving at all, but her body’s involuntary

reactions gave her away.

“Umm, very nice,” Raferty commented. “Look at her nipples peaking just from that

little caress.”

“She likes them pinched.” The comment emanated from the man in the corner.

Leaning down, Raferty licked the shell of Stacey’s ear before whispering, “I’ll do

yours if you do hers.”

Stacey stood frozen, as if she couldn’t make up her mind. Intent on helping her with

the decision, he moved his hands to her blouse, quickly slipping the buttons from their

fastenings until the material gaped open. Cupping her breasts, he could feel Stacey’s

own nipples poking at the lacy material of her bra.

His subtle prodding must have worked because Stacey moved her hand from

Crystal’s collarbone to her small, high breasts, lightly stroking over the flesh. She didn’t


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realize it, but her tentative touches were probably more tantalizing than any overt ones

she might have attempted.

Crystal’s nipples were straining upward, begging for Stacey’s touch. As if just now

noticing, Stacey dragged her nails over one hardened nub, eliciting a shaky breath from

the restrained woman. During this time he’d been caressing Stacey’s breasts, teasing her

as much as she teased Crystal.

Finally Stacey reached and grasped a dark pink peak, pinching it between a finger

and thumb. To his surprise, she didn’t immediately let go, but held tight, applying more

pressure. As Stacey watched, Crystal groaned and shifted her legs, arching her back

into the caress. Although Stacey’s actions initially surprised him, he lived up to his

promise. Slipping a hand between the lace of her bra and her dark flesh, he ran his palm

over her breast before returning the favor she’d just bestowed.

Her reaction was a sight to behold. She moaned and pushed her ass back toward

him. Her eyes closed and he could see her tongue, just peeking out from between her

lips. And still she held on to her own prize, only now she was twisting and pulling at

the tender flesh.

“Do you want to do more?” His question had her opening her eyes as if waking

from a daze. She immediately released her hold on the other woman.

“I…like what?”

“She has an entire body to explore. And only one nipple has received any attention

at all.”

She blinked and licked her lips. “I’ve never…this is the first time I’ve ever done

anything like this.”

“Touched a woman sexually?”

She nodded but remained silent.

“Are you having a good time?” Although he was pretty certain of the answer, he

wanted to hear her admit it.


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“Good, because I know I am. And I think Crystal is too.” Although the other

woman remained silent, the flush staining her body and her jerky breathing more than

indicated her desires.

“So am I.” The man who was sitting in the corner decided to join their conversation.

Raferty wasn’t sure when, but sometime while Stacey had been playing with Crystal the

man had pulled out his cock and was now stroking himself as he spoke to them.

The evening had just taken a wild right turn and he had to wonder how Stacey

would handle the ride.


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Chapter Five

Stacey stared at the man in surprise. Although he’d acknowledged their presence

when they entered the room, she had pretty much forgotten his existence until he spoke

again. To look over and see a man almost fully dressed with just his cock out had given

her a momentary shock. Although why, she wasn’t even sure, since she was standing

with her blouse open in front of a completely nude woman. In fact, Raferty was the only

one in the room fully clothed.

Now that the man in the corner had her attention, however, she couldn’t tear her

eyes away from the sight of his cock. It wasn’t overly large, but seeing him calmly

stroking himself increased her passions, which she didn’t think was possible.

“Why don’t you get more comfortable?” After being silent for so long, the man in

the corner seemed to have a lot to say.

Instead of answering him, she asked her own question. “What’s your name?”

“Will it make it better for you if you know my name?”

Better for her how? More arousing? Doubtful, since she was already aroused

beyond her wildest expectation. Easier to accept that she was doing this? Maybe. “I just

wondered. Mine is Stacey.” She wasn’t going to reveal Raferty’s name, but he had no

compunction about the matter.

“I’m Raferty. I think we’ve met before.” She turned her head to look at Raferty at

hearing this news. Although she knew he’d been here before, she never thought about

the fact he’d done something like this in the past, perhaps with some other woman. She

wasn’t sure how she felt about that and right now she wasn’t in the mood to analyze

those feelings either.

“Glenn. And you’re right. We met at last year’s Mardi Gras party.”


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Now that the niceties were over the room was silent once again except for the

sound of their breathing. Although Raferty had removed his hand while they were

talking, Stacey could still feel the imprint of it on her breast. And she missed the

sensation of his flesh on hers. In fact, she was ready for more.

Turning to Glenn, she asked, “How do you propose I get more comfortable?”

Glenn cocked his brow and a wide smile spread across his face. “I must say you’ve

continued to surprise me.”

“Not me.” Raferty placed his hands on her shoulders, massaging them lightly. The

feel of his hands on her was making her crave his touch on her skin. As if reading her

mind, he slipped a finger beneath her collar and tugged at her blouse. “I think we need

to get rid of this.”

“The bra too,” Glenn added.

Stacey should have felt indignant at his demanding tone, but instead she was

turned-on. She was certainly learning something new about herself all the time.

Raferty soon divested her of her blouse and bra, laying them on a nearby table.

When he returned, he stood directly behind her, his hands resting lightly on her hips. “I

think Crystal is beginning to feel a tad lonely.”

Stacey knew the ball was now in her court. Earlier when she’d been touching the

other woman, it had all seemed like a dream. But now, if she did it again, she would be

fully cognizant of what she was doing. Reaching out, she stroked her hand down

Crystal’s body, between her breasts and over her flat stomach. The other woman

shivered in reaction. Stacey pulled back her hands and clasped them together, unsure if

she should go on.

She felt Raferty gently squeeze her hips and lean in to whisper in her ear. “Relax,

take your time and do whatever it is you feel comfortable with. Touch her how you

would want to be touched.”

Nodding, she reached out to explore the soft yet firm flesh of the other woman’s

breasts. Earlier she hadn’t taken the time to notice all the nuances of Crystal’s reactions.


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But now she watched as her touch caused Crystal to shift in her bonds and her hands to

grasp at the straps that kept her held fast.

Feeling encouraged by the responses, Stacey stepped forward until their bodies

were almost touching. Entranced by the lady in front of her, Stacey lowered her mouth

to the creamy-white flesh. She took her time and used her tongue, slowly tracing a

spiral all around, carefully avoiding her areola before finally moving to one of Crystal’s


Aroused, she curved her tongue around the hardened nub before sucking it

between her lips. The feeling of the hard nub in her mouth was not so different than

when she’d done the same thing to a man. Yet in some ways it was completely

different. As a woman, Stacey knew of the tug Crystal must be feeling right now in her

clit. It was a heady experience to be on the other side, the one causing those sensations.

At first Stacey just used suction, but moments later she began to nibble at the tender

flesh, grazing it with her teeth. Seemingly before she could stop herself, a soft moan

escaped Crystal. It was a surprise, but Stacey’s own arousal was intensified with each

soft sound breaking from the pretty blonde’s lips. With a final swipe of her tongue, she

released Crystal’s nipple.

The two women stood there breathless for a moment. She could feel Crystal’s warm

breath, and before she changed her mind, Stacey grasped the woman’s hips and leaned

forward to press her lips against Crystal’s. The blonde’s mouth was soft and sweet, and

Stacey’s eyelids drifted closed as she began a tentative delving with her tongue.

Raferty moved aside Stacey’s hair and began to kiss her neck where it joined her

shoulder. He nibbled on the tender flesh, teasing and tormenting Stacey as she reveled

in the unfamiliar taste of Crystal’s lips. While she was busy doing that, Raferty slipped

his hand around her waist and began to pull up the material of her skirt, tucking the

bottom of it into her waistband.

In the meantime, Stacey decided to do some exploring of her own. With the lightest

of touches, she trailed her fingers down Crystal’s hipbones and over her bare mound.


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The blonde gasped when Stacey caressed her outer lips, spreading the moisture she

found there back and forth. If before she’d only assumed her touches had aroused

Crystal, she now had solid proof. Just as she knew her own pussy was likewise as wet.

Raferty pushed her thong down over her hips to her knees. The lacy material fell to

the floor and she stepped out and kicked them away. “Spread your legs for me.” She

quickly moved to comply with his softly worded command, knowing she was finally

going to feel his touch where she needed it the most.

Her trimmed bush was now exposed to his exploring fingers. His hand swept over

her pussy lips, gathering her cream on his fingers. Parting her silken folds, he pressed

two fingers inside her aching pussy with ease as the heel of his hand rubbed against her

engorged clit.

Her hips jerked in need as she pushed back at him. His rock-hard cock pressed

against her ass, telling her in no uncertain terms he wasn’t unaffected. At the same time,

Stacey continued to tease Crystal, alternating her touches soft and firm, bringing her to

the brink of climax just as Raferty was doing to her. Her body was on fire from the

multiple sensations overtaking her.

Breaking away from Crystal, Stacey pleaded, “Oh God, Raferty, please, stop

teasing. I need to come. Now please.” Stacey didn’t care if she had to beg. She was

ready to do anything at this point. Her need was overriding everything else.

Raferty chuckled and licked at the shell of her ear. “I’ll help you come, but you’ll

need to return the favor.”

Stacey needed no further urging and brought her hands into the mix. While

pinching at the engorged bundle of nerves, Stacey slipped first one and then two fingers

into Crystal’s pussy. The blonde began to thrash as wildly as she could, desperately

seeking release.

Realizing she wouldn’t find relief until the other woman did, she redoubled her

efforts on Crystal’s pussy, teasing her clit as the other woman pulled against her


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restraints. Finally she let out a scream and bucked against Stacey’s hand before

slumping forward.

Pulling Stacey back from Crystal, Raferty turned her in his arms and pressed her

against the wall. “What are you doing?”

“Giving you pleasure.” He dropped to his knees in front of her and placed her leg

over his shoulder. Using his tongue, Raferty parted her nether lips and lapped at her

sensitive flesh. Stacey went wild at the touch of his mouth on her pussy. Pulling back,

Raferty asked, “Do you like that, baby? Do you like the feel of my tongue against your


“Yes.” Stacey gasped. “Please don’t stop. Please.”

Raferty slid his fingers in and out of Stacey’s pussy while he continued to suck on

her clit. Jolts of pleasure shot through her and she undulated under his hand. His

talented tongue and fingers were giving her no respite. She felt herself building to a

climax and knew it wouldn’t be much longer. Grasping his head, she thrust her hips

forward, aching for him to make her come.

“Now, Raferty, I need to come now.” Answering her pleading cry, he moved his

hands from her pussy and grasped her ass. Holding her tight, he sucked hard on her

clit. With a cry of relief, she came, her body jerking in the throes of her release.

Twenty minutes later Raferty could still taste Stacey’s sweetness on his lips. After

she’d finally recovered from her orgasm, he’d helped her redress and they’d returned

downstairs for a relaxing drink, leaving their newly made friends to continue on their

own. Although he wasn’t sure how relaxing it was since every time Stacey laughed or

touched his arm, his cock throbbed painfully.

But he made her a promise, one he planned to keep no matter how much he wanted

to fuck her stupid. Besides, he wanted to see more of her. Tonight was only the

beginning, not the end. Raferty wasn’t being arrogant in his estimation, just confident.

Stacey practically sparkled as she sat talking to him.


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He could tell the evening had been an eye-opening experience for her in more ways

than one. Stacey had seen a lot more than she’d probably been expecting, but he was

certain she’d discovered a few things about herself too. She wasn’t just a voyeur. She

had an exhibitionist streak in her as well.

One that he was more than willing to help her explore.

“Is every night here like this?”

Raferty chuckled. “Actually, Club VoyEx is only open for public parties on the

weekend. The rest of the week they have lectures or other private events.”

“Wow. I must have really led a sheltered life because I had no idea so many people

were into this type of thing.”

“When did you realize you were into this type of thing?” They hadn’t really talked

much about her interests, but Raferty was curious.

“Um, I’m not really sure. Probably in college. I had the roommate from hell who

thought rules were made for everyone but her. She used to sneak her boyfriend in our

room and they would go at it all night. She didn’t care if I was there or not, and she

didn’t know the meaning of discretion. I’m talking on top of the covers, on the desk,

against the wall. You name it, she did it. After a while I stopped being annoyed and

became turned-on.” He watched as she swirled her drink in the glass before asking him,

“So what about you, when did you get into this?”

A smile graced his lips as memories flooded forth. “In high school my best friend

and I used to double date. I realized I liked to listen to my friend and what he was

doing while I was with my own girl. Although I didn’t know what it meant at the time.

Then, just by chance, I ran into my buddy again after college and he invited me to the

club. It was as if a whole new world was opened to me.”

“In what way?” She leaned forward as she spoke, her interest more than evident in

her gestures as well as the glow on her face.


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“Just like you, I never knew there were other people who enjoyed the things I did,

let alone clubs like this one. I felt at home. The things I saw, heard and experienced here

were amazing.”

“What kind of things?” she asked with apparent glee.

“Nosy, aren’t we?”

Her eyes shone as she prodded him. “Come on, I know you want to tell me.”

Raferty settled back into his seat. “One of the first scenes was of a man and a

woman in a room lying on a bed and making out. I can still remember their names,

Chuck and Randi. I was standing with a few other people watching the events unfold

when all of a sudden this man in our group started taking off his clothes. No one

stopped him or said anything as he stripped. Once he was naked, he walked over to the

bed and just stood there stroking himself.”

Stacey sat in rapt attention, not saying a word.

“At first I thought he was kind of bold, even though he was doing exactly what I

wanted to do.” Stacey chuckled at bit at that as Raferty continued on with his story.

“Chuck had moved down and was eating Randi’s pussy when she turned and asked the

other guy if she could suck his cock.”

“Wow, I guess I shouldn’t be stunned but…”

“I was amazed at the time too. He joined them on the bed and she immediately took

him in her mouth. It was a sight to behold, watching the three of them. But it was only

the beginning.”

“What—” Stacey took a deep swallow before continuing. “What happened next?”

“Chuck and Randi started having sex and the other guy looked like he was going to

come any minute when out of the blue he pulled out of Randi’s mouth. I wasn’t sure

why at first. I guess I thought he was going to come on her breasts maybe.”

“Or maybe he was just being polite. Some women don’t like to swallow.”

“How about you?” Raferty asked. “Do you swallow?”


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“Yes.” Her quiet, firmly worded answer brought a smile to his face.

“Good to know. Back to the story though. Chuck looked over at the guy and said he

could fuck him in the ass.”

“Oh my God, really?”

“Yeah, I thought for sure the other guy would decline and just jack off, but once

again I was surprised. He nodded, picked up a condom and some lube off the bedside

table and in a few minutes he had prepared both of them.”

“Had you ever…”

“No, never. It was a first for me to see two men together.”

“Did it turn you on?”

Raferty nodded. “The whole thing was a turn-on. When the other guy moved onto

the bed behind Chuck, Randi started taking dirty, telling him how Chuck liked it hard.

By this point everyone watching was on the edge, ready to see what was going to

happen next.”


“Chuck stopped fucking Randi for a few minutes and just lay there while the guy

penetrated him. The look of ecstasy on Chuck’s face blew me away.”

“Did it make you think you were gay?”

“What, the fact I got off on seeing the two guys together?” When Stacey nodded,

Raferty had no doubt where this question was coming from. He figured she was

suddenly wondering if her explorations with the woman upstairs meant something.

“No, I love being with women. And besides, I knew I enjoyed watching. To me that was

all that mattered.”

While he told her the story, he noticed how her eyes dilated and her nipples

hardened. She was getting turned-on all over again. And he was becoming more and

more intrigued by her.

“I have to say, it’s been a night of firsts for me, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.”


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“I’m glad. I would have hated to think we came out tonight so you could have a

bad time.”

Just as he’d intended, she laughed and her entire face lit up. “Yeah, that would have

been terrible.”

“Since you had such a good time, are you interested in coming again?” He

deliberately left the double entendre in his question and was pleased with her response.

Instead of acting outraged or coy, a wicked smile hovered on her lips.

“I’m more than interested.” She tilted her head and gave him an assessing look.

“Does this mean you’re asking me?”

“Yes, it does.”

“Then I’m accepting.”


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Chapter Six

Unable to put her off any longer, Stacey was meeting Toni for drinks tonight and a

heart-to-heart. It wasn’t as if she were hiding from her friend. Just that even after almost

a week she wasn’t sure how she was going to describe her relationship with Raferty.

Were they dating, or were they just some sort of odd fuck buddies? Which didn’t really

explain things either when she considered the fact they hadn’t actually had sex.

Entering the restaurant, she immediately saw her friend waving from a table and

walked over to join her, seating herself across from Toni.

“Hi, I got here a little early and already ordered us a couple of drinks.”

Stacey lifted the glass in front of her and took a sip. “Perfect.”

“Good. We’ve made our pleasantries, now let’s get to the good stuff. I want to hear


“Hold it. I’m going to need at least two sips before I spill my guts.” Stacey took

another drink before setting the glass back down on the table.

Toni gave a mocking growl. “You’re killing me here. I don’t think you realize how

close to the edge I am. I had to talk myself out of showing up on your doorstep Sunday

morning. I love gossip and I love juicy stuff. You’ve got both, so give.”

Stacey laughed. “Okay, okay. Let me just start by saying we didn’t have sex. He

promised not to push me on that and was a complete gentleman.”

“I waited almost a week for that?” Toni seemed almost indignant, as if Stacey had

gypped her somehow.

“I didn’t say nothing happened. In fact, some things went on that I’ve never done



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Toni furrowed her brow with obvious frustration. “Am I going to have to drag the

information out of you?”

“I’m sorry. I forgot how much you enjoy every little detail. It’s a club for voyeurs

and exhibitionists, but it’s more than that. Think swingers club but without the having

to fuck others element. People are really cool there. It’s interactive and let’s just say I got

hands-on. Is that specific enough for you?”

“Hell no, that’s not specific enough. Hands-on, that sounds like a story I need to

hear.” Toni was relentless.

“We went into a room where another couple was. The woman was nude, restrained

on a Saint Andrew’s Cross. Raferty convinced me to do a little exploring with her while

he did some of his own with me.” Stacey thanked the Lord for the fact no one could tell

when she was blushing because she was certain her entire body was flushed with

embarrassment. “It’s just not your normal first date experience.”

“So what was the other guy doing?”

Stacey blinked, wondering if she heard her correctly. “Is that the only thing you can

think to say?”

“Well, no, I was going to ask if this means you and Raferty are dating now too.”

“I swear, you must be the coolest friend on the planet. I was worried you were

going to be all freaky about it.”

“Please, I’ve done some things in my own life that might seem shocking to others.

I’m not here to judge. Only to hear all the dirty deeds. So…the other guy?”

“He was sitting in the corner watching. At one point I noticed he was masturbating.

Afterward, he took her down from the apparatus and invited us to stay. I think to join

them in sex, but we declined.”

“Wow, I guess he really got off on the watching part.”

“Oh yeah. I know for me it’s pretty powerful. But I never knew I enjoyed being

watched too. It made me feel rebellious and carefree at the same time. And kind of sexy.


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Like, hey, look at me.” Stacey lifted her drink to take another sip before adding,

“Sounds weird, huh?”

“No, not weird at all. It sounds like you’ve found something that works for you.

Which I think is great.”

“Thanks.” Stacey really was grateful for her friend’s support. She wasn’t sure how

she would have felt if Toni had been judgmental about the whole thing.

“Now on to the next question. Are you and Raferty dating?”

She’d been hoping against hope Toni had forgotten that part of their conversation,

but it wasn’t to be. “Hell, I don’t know.”

Just then their waiter approached and they decided to order another round of

drinks as well as a couple of appetizers to share. When he left the table, Toni leaned in.

“Let’s figure this out. Did he pay for dinner?”

“We didn’t go to dinner. Just to the club. But he did pay the entrance fee and for the

drinks there.”

“Hmm, no dinner, but he paid for everything else.” Toni tapped her chin as if in

deep thought. “Did it feel like a date?”

Stacey rolled her eyes. “Have you been listening? This was as different from any

date I’ve ever been on in my entire life.” Still, as she thought back on the evening, in

some ways it had felt as if it were a date. They were definitely a couple at the club and

Raferty was very solicitous to her the entire evening.

“I can almost see the wheels turning. What?”

“I guess, in some sort of crazy way, maybe it did feel like a date. He did ask me if I

was interested in visiting the club again and I agreed. We’ve made plans for this


“Well, why didn’t you say so in the first place? Asking you out again is a pretty

good indication he’s interested in the whole dating process.”

“I guess I keep thinking maybe we’re just friends with benefits.”


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Now it was time for Toni to look incredulous. “Okay, I know this is my opinion, but

I don’t think that’s true. He didn’t push you on the whole idea of sleeping together right

away, even after your somewhat unorthodox meeting.”

“I suppose you’re right. I just wish I knew for sure.”

“The only way you’re going to know is to ask him.”

“Gee, thanks, I never thought of that.” Sarcasm laced Stacey’s every word.

“Hey, no problem. I’m the queen of stating the obvious.” Toni downed her drink

and then looked around for the waiter, who seemed to have disappeared. Turning her

attention back to Stacey, she smiled. “I think you should insist on dinner tomorrow

night though. The man should feed you before he gets to play with you.”

Stacey was taking a sip of her drink and started choking at that comment. After

finally clearing her throat and taking a large gulp of water, she wiped her eyes.

“Actually, you bring up a very good point. I’m pretty sure there’s going to be more

going on than just playing.”

“In what way?”

“We are going to a sex club. There’s a good chance we’re going to have sex. And a

distinct possibility there will be an audience as well. One that may or may not want to


“So are you okay with that?”

Stacey chewed on her bottom lip as she thought about Toni’s question. “Yeah, I am.

I want to live life, not sit on the sidelines.” Their waiter returned at that moment with

their drinks and appetizers. Stacey watched as he walked away and was out of hearing

distance before she spoke again. “So now that I’ve spilled my guts, I want to hear your


“What stories?”

“I believe you mentioned doing something that could be construed as shocking.”

To her surprise Toni actually blushed. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”


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“Spill it, girl.”

* * * * *

Raferty took a look in the mirror to check his appearance before walking out the

door. He’d been looking forward to tonight since he dropped Stacey off at her condo

last week. It had been difficult, but he’d avoided his desire to seek her out since then,

waiting until tonight. His job had been hectic, which actually helped in his endeavor to

build up the anticipation for this evening.

After their first visit to the club and Stacey’s enthusiasm, he started making plans

for their next trip. He could only hope she was as open-minded the second time around.

Stacey had proved to be remarkably adventuresome, so he wasn’t too worried. Instead,

he was more concerned he was going to be late picking her up.

Grabbing his keys, Raferty locked up and headed next door to ring the bell at her

condo. When she swung the door open, he felt as if the breath had been knocked from

his lungs. She was wearing a red formfitting dress that ended just above her knees. The

top of the dress was lined with hook and eye enclosures running along her abdomen

and pushing her breasts up and out, as if on display.

She took one look at his silent expression and laughed. “I take it you approve.”

“Hell yeah.” He was actually proud of the fact he’d been able to say those two brief

words since all the spit in his mouth had dried at the sight of her.

“Good.” She waved him back and he retreated a step while she pulled the door shut

behind her. “Let’s go.”

Raferty had to shake the fog that seemed to have taken a hold of him as she swept

past. Still, he enjoyed the view as she strode down the hall, the back of her dress almost

as appealing as the front. He discovered the top was pulled tight and tied with strings

like a corset. Even more enjoyable was the sashay of her hips in the tight skirt. Her ass

was one he might be tempted to write poetry about. It was more than a handful, round

and mouthwatering.


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At the end the hallway, she glanced back over her shoulder and cocked a brow as

she noticed he was still standing outside her door. “Are you coming?”

Not yet, but soon I hope. “Yeah, on my way.”

He walked down the hallway to join her and they rode down the elevator in silence.

Just like a perfect gentleman he held open the car’s passenger door before slipping

behind the wheel. Pulling out of the parking lot, they were soon on their way. The jazz

music he had playing filled the lack of conversation, but he began to notice her shooting

him little glances from the corner of her eye.

She seemed as if she wanted to talk to him about something and was just trying to

work up her courage to broach the subject. He decided to cut to the chase. “So what are

you thinking?”


“There’s no one else in the car.”

She grimaced in a self-depreciating manner. “That was a pretty stupid question,


“Not stupid so much as a good delay tactic.” He could see her ploy a mile away.

“You won’t let a girl get away with anything, will you?”


“I was thinking about what you might have planned for the evening.”

He had a feeling she wasn’t worried about his plans but more interested in the

details. Still, he decided to be a little obstinate. “What makes you think I have any

specific plans?”

Lips pursed, she cocked an eyebrow at him. “Please, I’m not stupid. I figure you

have a whole setup for tonight. I was just wondering what it was.”

“Were you hoping for something in particular?”


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“Hmm, no, not really.” Somehow her answer seemed false to him. Raferty was

willing to bet she’d been thinking of something specific and was just too embarrassed to

say what it was.

“Are you sure? Because if there was—”

She interrupted him before he could go any further. “No, I was just thinking in


“Tell me.”

“I…ahh…well, mostly I was thinking about being watched. Knowing someone

would be seeing me…us, fooling around.”

“Did it make you wet?” He knew her brief description so far already had him semi-


“Yes.” She licked her lips before adding, “Just imagining it made me feel sensual

and powerful all at the same time.”

He liked the sound of that. “Describe the scene you were fantasizing about.”

“Truly there was nothing specific. We were at the club, in a room and fooling

around, kissing and touching each other. There were people watching and I could hear

the murmur of their voices.”

He was a bit surprised to learn she was thinking of people actually in the room with

them, not that he was averse to the situation at all. “What were they saying?”

“Most of it was indistinct, but sometimes I imagined I heard someone describing

what we were doing or giving suggestions.”

“How did that make you feel?”

She gave a short laugh. “Honestly? I was thinking if they wanted to they should just

do it themselves.”

“I guess I don’t have to ask if you are worried about others participating then.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want to have full-on sex with a complete stranger.” He couldn’t

help but be glad to hear that. The only cock he wanted in her pussy was his. “But if it


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was something like the last time we were at the club, perhaps in reverse, I have no

problem with that.”

Raferty stole a quick glance over at her. “No euphuisms here, I want to make sure I

understand you completely. Are you willing to have another woman touch you? What

about another man?”

“With my previous caveat in place, yes to both.”

“Then we’re both on the same page.” Raferty was more than fine with what she was

describing. It sounded just up his alley. “Just in the spirit of clear and concise

communication, does that mean you’re okay with having men and women touch me, or

you’re okay with having men and women touch you?”


“Good to know.” He smiled. “I’ll see what I can do to make sure that happens.”

“What about you? Is there something you want?”

“Yes.” He knew exactly what he wanted, both tonight and in the future as well.



“I think that can be arranged.”

He could only hope tonight was the beginning of a very special relationship for

them both.


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Chapter Seven

A sense of expectation rushed through Stacey as they walked into the club.

Although they’d briefly talked about his plans, he hadn’t revealed as much as she’d

hoped. Still, the anticipation only heightened her desires. She looked around at the

other patrons in the bar and wondered if any one of them might be involved in

tonight’s activities.

“Would you like a drink?”

She started to shake her head and then changed her mind. A drink would be nice,

just what she needed to take the edge off. Stacey was completely confident being here

with Raferty. Even so, she couldn’t help but be a tad nervous. It wasn’t every day she

agreed to have sex with an audience, a participating one at that.

“Yes, thank you. A glass of wine sounds great.”

He nodded and headed toward the bar. As he walked away, she noticed a couple of

women and even one man glanced in his direction. She felt a jolt of satisfaction

knowing he was with her tonight. As far as what the future held, who could say. Stacey

knew she was definitely interested in seeing him again, both here at the club and in a

more normal dating situation as well.

Walking back, a glass in each hand, Raferty had a speculative look on his face. He

handed Stacey her wineglass and then joined her at the table. “You look like the cat that

ate the canary.”

“Excuse me.”

“You know, you look as if there’s something you know that no one else does, and it

gives you that little Mona Lisa smile.”

“I have no idea what you mean.” To her chagrin, the smile in question flitted over

her lips. She couldn’t help herself.


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“Ah-ha. You are such a little liar.”

“I’m just happy, having a good time. Is there anything wrong with that?”

“No, nothing at all.” He reached across the table to take her hand in his. “I’m glad

you’ve been enjoying yourself. It’s been a pleasure for me as well.”

She smirked a bit. “Well, not as much pleasure as I had. At least I got off. You went

home frustrated.”

“Perhaps,” he quipped. “But that just makes tonight all the more sweet.”

She could only hope so.

Instead of releasing her hand, Raferty stroked his thumb back and forth over her

skin, in an almost subconscious way. The only sign he was feeling anything more than a

casual friendship was the barely banked fire in his gaze. They continued to talk for a

few more moments as they finished their drinks. Taking a final swallow, Raferty set his

glass on the table.

“I think it’s about time we headed upstairs?”

Stacey smiled. “Let’s go.”

Hand in hand they walked toward the elevators and the higher levels of the club.

Instead of going to the top floor though, Raferty pushed the button for the second floor.

“What’s on this floor?”

Raferty chuckled. “Something different. Something I’m hoping you’ll like.”

“Still not willing to tell me too much yet, huh?”

He just smiled and as the elevator reached their destination, the doors opened and,

with his hand at the small of her back, they entered the hallway. She could feel the heat

of his hand permeating through her dress. It made her skin tingle and she wanted to rip

the dress from her body and feel him, flesh to flesh.

“There are a couple of different rooms on this floor, but one in particular I’ve

reserved for us tonight.”

Reserved, well, well, he had put some time and effort into this.


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“I can’t wait to see what you picked.”

“Do you think it will give you some sort of insight into my psyche?”

She cocked her head and look over at him. “Maybe. I’d like to know what makes

you tick.”

“I’m an open book.” Raferty came to a stop at the next door. The time for

speculation was over. She was going to discover what he had planned. “Ready?”

“More than ready.” Stacey reached out to swing open the door, only to find what

looked for all the world like a medical office. She stepped into the room and looked

around at all the accoutrements.

“In the mood for a little role playing?”

His voice in her ear had her shivering with delight. Although this hadn’t been what

she was expecting—did she even know what she’d been expecting?—the idea of role

playing with Raferty was an intriguing one.

“Am I a naughty nurse? Because you know I do that every day.” Unsure how she

felt about being the dominating one in this scene, especially since it was her first, she

thanked her lucky stars when he put her fears to rest.

“No, I’m the dirty doctor. And you can be the naïve, unsuspecting patient.”

She chuckled at the image that popped into her head. She’d never been attracted to

any of the doctors at work, but Raferty’s idea was exciting her more than she would

have ever believed. “Sounds…intriguing.”

“Why don’t I let you get changed and I’ll be back in a minute.” Raferty grabbed the

curtain and pulled it closed around the exam table area.

Enclosed in her little cocoon, Stacey began to disrobe. She unhooked the top of her

dress just enough that she could pull it over her head. With the corset fit she hadn’t

worn a bra, which only left her in panties, thigh-high stockings and heels. Debating for

a moment, she decided to leave them all on and grabbed the gown to wrap around


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herself. In a fit of daring she wrapped it around so the ties were in the front instead of

the back.

Easier access that way.

“Ms. Gentry, are you undressed?”

At first she thought the role playing might seem silly, but as soon as he spoke she

slipped into her character. “Yes, Doctor.”

The curtain was pulled back to reveal Raferty, now wearing a doctor’s white coat

and holding a medical chart. It also revealed two more people, both dressed in colored


“Doctor, who are they?” She infused her voice with both fear and interest.

“Did you forget about my medical students Bruce and Cindy?”

“I guess I must have.” Stacey glanced at the two standing behind Raferty, but

neither of them looked familiar. Nevertheless, both were something to look at. Bruce

was a tad taller than Raferty but not as broad-shouldered. He looked Native American

with dark brown hair pulled back and secured at his neck and eyes that appeared

almost black. Cindy was practically his exact opposite, very petite and pale with red

hair cut into a bob and pale blue eyes.

“Up on the table please.” She did as he bid, sitting on the edge of the table, feet

dangling down. All business, Raferty flipped open her chart. “It says here you’ve been

having some odd feelings.”

His not-so-subtle hint wasn’t lost on her. “Oh yes, Doctor. I’ve had the strangest

tingling, right here.” She began to rub her breasts.

“Ah, ah, ah. Leave the examination to the professionals.” He pushed her hands

away and just as she’d hoped when she donned the gown, he quickly untied the

garment. Pushing back on her shoulders, he had her lie back against the incline. Then to

her utmost delight he waved the other two people over.


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With Bruce on Stacey’s right and Cindy on the left side of the table standing next to

him, Raferty drew the edges of the gown back to expose her breasts. Her nipples

immediately peaked knowing three pairs of eyes were trained on her. Raferty took the

stethoscope from around his neck and fastened it to his ears before lifting the

diaphragm to his mouth. Breathing heavily on the disc to warm it, he then placed it on

her chest and listened.

If she didn’t know any better she might have believed this was any normal

examination. Until he brushed her engorged nipple with the back of his knuckles.

Stacey gasped at the unexpected contact.

“Interesting reaction.” Raferty stepped back, allowing Cindy to move closer to the

table. “Doctors, please commence with your examination.”

Stacey’s breasts were grasped simultaneously by the two “students”. It was an odd

sensation, one hand so calloused and obviously masculine and the other, soft and

feminine. Stacey watched with wide-eyed enjoyment. Bruce was surprisingly tender,

cupping her right breast as he massaged her. Cindy, on the other hand, grasped her

erect nipple and squeezed, eliciting a groan from deep in Stacey’s throat.

“Are you experiencing the tingling right now, Ms. Gentry?” Raferty’s question

drew her attention to where he stood.

“Oh yes.”

With a brief nod to Bruce and Cindy, they both released their hold on her. Stacey

groaned in disappointment, but it was short-lived. The two bent their heads to each lick

and suck at a taut nipple. Stacey pressed her shoulders back against the padded table,

pushing her breasts out in invitation, one that was quickly accepted. She let out an

eager moan as they each drew an erect bud deep into their hungry mouths.

The sensation of having both her nipples sucked at the same time was one that sent

currents of desire coursing through her. Stacey looked up to see Raferty watching the

scene before him, his own passion evident in his gaze. He reached out to trace his finger

down her abdomen, eliciting a shiver of reaction from her.


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“Are you still experiencing the tingling sensation, Ms. Gentry?”

Stacey took a swift indrawn breath as the sucking turned to nibbling on Cindy’s

part. “It’s more of a…throbbing now, Doctor.” A throbbing that was echoed a tad bit

lower as well.

While Stacey reclined under the ongoing attention of Bruce and Cindy, Raferty had

made some adjustments to the table where she was lying.

“I think a more through examination is in order.” Raferty pulled open her gown,

exposing her panties. He traced the moisture saturating the red lace. “What do we have


Stacey shifted under his questing fingers. “That’s the other problem I need help


“We need to remove these so I can see what the problem is. Up.” With that one

word she pressed herself backward and lifted her hips for a brief moment so he could

strip the panties off her. As he pulled them free of her feet, he lifted a leg and settled it

in one of the stirrups.

“Hey—” Stacey tried to sit up to see what he was doing, dislodging Bruce and

Cindy from their task.

“Nothing to worry about, Ms. Gentry. You need to remain calm.” She sank back on

the table as Raferty placed her other leg into the second stirrup. Her pussy was now

wide open for him. Sitting on a high stool, he beckoned Bruce and Cindy. “Students,

please join me. As you can see, you both have caused a subsequent reaction in the

patient. But before we start, what did you learn in your examination?”

Bruce spoke first. “She’s very responsive and reacts well to stimuli.”

“And she likes it rough,” Cindy added with a gleam in her eye.

Interesting. That would definitely be something they could explore another time.


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Raferty reached out and stroked Stacey’s pussy, running his fingers through the

cream gathered there. She shifted her hips and sighed. “That feels so good.”

He knew something that would feel even better. Without hesitation Raferty pressed

two fingers into her pussy. Stacey jerked her hips and moaned, but it wasn’t a sound of

pain, rather one of pleasure. As he began to thrust back and forth he noticed her hands

were gripping the sides of her gown as she rocked her hips in rhythm.

“Ms. Gentry is beginning to look overheated, Bruce. Perhaps you need to take her


Bruce walked to the head of the table and hit a switch that lowered Stacey to a

supine position. Then hoisting himself up, he knelt over her head. “Normally I’d use a

thermometer for this, but I hope you don’t mind this as a substitute.” He unfastened the

drawstring of his scrubs and pushed them down over his hips to reveal his erection.

Raferty pulled his fingers from Stacey’s pussy and stood for a moment to observe

her reaction. Her eyes were wide, looking at the unfamiliar cock so close to her. But

they were alight with hunger as well. She opened her mouth and, with his hand

wrapped around it, Bruce fed his shaft to her.

He rocked his hips back and forth with every thrust and groaned, as inch by inch,

Stacey took him deeper and deeper into her mouth. Seeing her taking the other man so

intimately had his own cock stiffening in response. Something Cindy noticed


“Can I assist you, Doctor?” She ran her hands along the front of his pants and


“Why yes, I think you can.”

With a small half smile, Cindy reached out her hands to unbuckle his belt. She

unbuttoned his pants and lowered the zipper before slipping her hands inside to stroke

his hardening cock through the thin barrier of his underwear. While she teased him, he

toed off his shoes and kicked them to the side. Then he stripped off his doctor’s coat

and shirt to stand before her bare-chested.


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“Oh my, you do have something here I can help with.” With a final stroke she eased

her hand free. Grasping his pants and briefs, she pulled them off his hips and down his

legs. He pushed them the rest of the way off and stepped out of his clothing, picking

them up and laying them on the chair behind him. His erect cock jutted out at an angle

from his body, a testament to his desire. With a quick lick of her lips Cindy sank to her


Raferty stood there as Cindy stroked a finger down the length of his cock. He

trembled at the contact and her eyes glowed as she watched his reaction. She wrapped

both hands around his shaft and he moaned in appreciation. But as good as her hands

felt, he knew her mouth would be even better. She leaned forward and eagerly engulfed

his cock.

The incredible heat of her mouth, the soft but firm, wet caresses of her swirling

tongue, the tugging motions of her cheeks as she pulled him in were bliss. She slid her

hands down to the base of his cock and massaged his balls as she took him deeper. He

groaned in delight and closed his eyes to enjoy the sensations.

For a long moment, Cindy just sucked, tasting the flesh of his cock in her mouth.

She worked her jaw, massaging the underside of his shaft with her tongue. Finally, she

started gliding her smooth, soft lips up and down his shaft, slowly increasing the

strength of her suction as her fingers stroked his balls. Her mouth made soft, sexy

noises as she blew him.

Raferty gritted his teeth as he fought off his impending orgasm. As great as Cindy

was, he knew where he wanted this night to end and this wasn’t it. He wanted to be

deep in Stacey’s pussy, staring into her eyes so she knew exactly who it was fucking


A noise from the table had him opening his eyes and glancing up. Stacey had

reached down to finger herself and Bruce sounded as if he were close to the brink as

well. Raferty gently pushed Cindy off him and she rocked back on her heels as she

released his cock. “Bruce.” It was just the one word, but it was all the other man needed.


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He glanced over his shoulder and, groaning in regret, pulled back from Stacey’s mouth

and clambered off the table.

Rock-hard, Raferty took a step toward Stacey, ready for the real fun to begin.

Stacey’s hand stilled as Bruce pulled away from her. In a daze, her body was on

overload and posed at the brink with no relief in sight. She glanced up as Raferty

stepped up beside her and watched him in rapt attention as he lifted her hand. He took

her fingers, which had so recently been stroking her clit, and sucked them into his



“Let me try.” Cindy didn’t lick her fingers however. Already on her knees she just

scooted over and swiped her tongue over Stacey’s pussy. Stacey trembled at the light,

intimate contact. It wasn’t enough to get her off, only enough to tease and tantalize her


“How does she taste, Cin?” Bruce’s voice was thick with desire and Stacey noticed

he was palming his rock-hard cock. The taste of him still lingered on her lips. He’d been

very gentle with her, letting her become accustomed to his size as she took him in her

mouth. His words of praise and encouragement had made her enthusiasm for the task

all the greater.

“Hmm, spicy, very nice.” Cindy gave Stacey’s pussy another lick, this time delving

her tongue inside a bit before rising to her feet with a smile.

With her hand still clasped by Raferty, she knew she’d receive no relief from herself

or Cindy, who was moving away. Stacey wasn’t too proud to beg for what she wanted

though. “Please, Raferty, I need to come.” She wanted Raferty inside her aching pussy,

wanted him to fill her and quench her hunger.

“I want that too, baby.” Raferty stroked her face, his thumb rubbing over her

swollen lips that had so recently been sucking another man’s cock. Cindy had moved

back to Raferty’s side and Stacey noted she had a condom in her hand. Stacey’s gaze


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was glued to the scene playing out before her. With a devilish smile, Cindy ripped open

the foil packet and took Raferty’s cock in her hand. She jerked him once, twice and a

third time before he gave a rough groan and tried to push her hand away. “Just put it


Cindy chuckled and placed the tip of the condom on the crown of his cock then

rolled it down the thick length. When she was finished, she flashed Stacey a quick grin

before slapping Raferty on his ass. “I think you have someone who needs satisfaction.”

“Yeah, well, I do too.” Bruce walked up behind Cindy and wrapped his arms

around her body. Palming her breasts, he asked, “Are you ready to be fucked?”

“Hell yes.”

Stacey echoed her sentiment in silence. Thankfully Raferty was prepared to do just

that. Standing between her legs, cock in hand, he began to rub his latex-covered stalk

back and forth along the seam of her pussy.

“Stop teasing me, Raferty. Fuck me, fuck me now.”

“My pleasure,” Raferty said in a seductive voice seconds before he pressed forward,

sinking his cock into her, one excruciating inch at a time.

“Oh God, more.” This is what she wanted. The time for teasing was over. She

needed it hard, rough and fast.

“If that’s what you want.” Raferty pulled back and then thrust his cock home,

penetrating her pussy until he was balls-deep inside her.

“Yes.” This is what she wanted, what she’d been anticipating all night long. The feel

of him inside her, filling her was everything she’d hoped for.

“Good.” He pulled back and then propelled forward again. Stacey lifted her hips to

meet him and the motion grazed her sensitive clit. She groaned and rolled her hips,

causing him to return the movement in earnest.

His cock pushed in harder and harder as he gathered speed. One hand found her

breast and began massaging the soft flesh while his mouth latched on to a nipple. His


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rhythmic tempo continued to build until he was slapping his balls against her ass with

each stroke.

A groan next to Stacey had her turning her head to watch Bruce and Cindy. Cindy

was bent over at the waist, her hands braced against the counter in front of her. Bruce’s

thick cock was pounding the petite redhead from behind and she was pushing back

with equal fervor. Cindy’s gaze met Stacey’s and the other woman gave her a little


Raferty lifted his mouth from her breast and glanced to the fucking couple. “Yeah,

baby, look at them, watch him fuck her.” Raferty pistoned inside her as he spoke.

Stacey’s gaze locked on the couple in their throes of passion. Cindy’s body was

flushed pink and her pert breasts, even as small as they were, jiggled with every back-

and-forth movement. Bruce held on to the redhead’s hip like a lifeline, his fingers

curved into the pale flesh. But the most arousing part of the scene was listening to them

talking to each other.

“How was it, Cin, playing with her big breasts, nibbling on her nipples?” He

punctuated every word with a thrust into her petite body.

“She liked it. I wanted to do it harder.” Stacey could feel her own body warming at

the other woman’s words, especially when Raferty tweaked her nipple and flashed her

a wicked grin.

Bruce continued to question Cindy. “And did he like it when you sucked his cock?

Did you take him deep and swallow him whole?”

“Yeah, he liked it.” Cindy’s voice was becoming winded as she spoke.

“But what about when you licked her pussy, Cin, you barely got a taste. I bet you

wanted to take your time, really get in there and fuck her with your tongue.”

“Oh fuck, damn.” Cindy moved one hand off the counter to plunge in between her

legs, frigging her clit with wild abandon.


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It was all becoming too much for Stacey and her body began to tremble and shake

with each thrust of Raferty’s cock. All the sights and sensations were working together

and she could feel her orgasm building to a feverish pitch. “Oh God, I’m going to


“Do it, Stacey. Come for me. Come all over my cock.” Raferty continued to thrust

inside her, his body like a machine that wouldn’t, couldn’t stop.

Her pussy clenched as the orgasm hit and waves of pleasure spread over her body.

“Raferty.” She cried out his name as she came.

For his part, Raferty continued to piston into her for a few brief moments further

until with a final groan, he came in a pulsing surge. His body fell forward between her

outstretched legs and his face lay cushioned on her breasts.

Stacey’s mind and body slowly began to return to normal as she came down from

her euphoric orgasmic high. She circled her arms around his body, enjoying the feel of

his muscles. As if in a distance she could hear Cindy and Bruce crying out their own

climaxes, one right after the other. But she continued to concentrate on the man

wrapped in her embrace.

Raferty finally lifted his head, a wry smile gracing his lips. “That was…something.”

“Oh yeah, definitely something.”

Standing, he eased himself out of her body and walked over to the sink to clean up.

He returned with a warm washcloth, running it over her tender flesh.

A rustle of clothing reminded her of the other couple within the room and she

watched as they finished dressing. With his arm wrapped around Cindy’s shoulders,

Bruce smiled. “It was a blast. If you ever want to do it again, let us know.”

“Yeah,” Cindy eyed them both up and down for a long moment. “Please do. I

enjoyed myself.”

The couple exited the room as Raferty helped Stacey moved her legs from the

stirrups and sit up. “You okay?”


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“Yes.” Then with a smile and a saucy grin she added, “I have to say, this is the best

second date of my life.”


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Chapter Eight

“Okay, what’s her name?”

The question caught Raferty off guard and he jerked his head around to look at his

partner Jared Gamble. Raferty had been remembering Stacey and the last time he’d seen

her. But to be caught daydreaming about a woman while on the job was not good. He

knew he was going to be in for some razzing and could only hope to avoid the bulk of it

with some evasion.

“Whose name?”

Jared let loose a guffaw. “I may look stupid but, man, you are dumb. We’ve worked

together for two years, so don’t play me, boy. I know what that goo-goo-eyed look

means. You’re getting some. And it must be good too ’cause you’re clamming up about


For a brief moment Raferty thought about denying it but figured why waste his

time. Jared was worse than a woman when it came to gossip. Thankfully, he only

wanted to hear it, not spread it.

“Yeah, I might have met someone. My next door neighbor Stacey. We’ve gone out a

couple of times.”

“Not the hot black chick?”

Damn, Raferty forgot Jared had been the one who helped him move in and had

seen Stacey that fateful day as well. In fact, he was now recalling just how much his

partner had commented on her beauty. Raferty might have been willing for Stacey and

him to fool around with other couples at the club, but there was no way in hell he was

going to let his partner anywhere near her.


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Jared was a player, through and through. A hard-drinking loud Irishman with red

hair to top off the stereotype, his good looks and smooth talk had allowed him to con

more than one woman out of her panties.

“Earth to Raferty, come in, Raferty.”

“Yeah, yeah, what?” Raferty was no longer in the mood to discuss Stacey or their

time together.

“So you went out with the sexy neighbor lady and what…things didn’t work out?”

Raferty frowned. “No, things were fine, are fine.”

A smile spread over Jared’s face. “Good, good, tell me more. When are you going

out again?”

“Soon, we need to coordinate our schedules,” Raferty said, finally answering

Jared’s question.

Jared cocked an eyebrow. “Are you sure this date was good?”

His question implied just the opposite. Irritated, Raferty replied, “We had a great


“Did you get an invite to stay the night?”


“Really? It doesn’t sound like you were able to close the deal with her. What did

you do on this date, go bowling?” Jared laughed at his lame attempt at a joke, but

silence descended in the car. His partner knew about Raferty’s association with VoyEx

because he was a member as well. Raferty wasn’t sure if he wanted to share the exact

nature of his relationship with Stacey, however. Jared was staring at him expectantly.


“We went to the club.”

Disbelief was more than evident on Jared face. “On the second date.” He whistled

through his teeth and leaned back in his seat. “You are one lucky bastard, you know



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Raferty was well aware of his good fortune. She had accepted him for who and

what he was. A guy who just so happened to have a few kinky idiosyncrasies. The fact

she seemed to enjoy such pursuits as well was a bonus as far as he was concerned.

“Yeah, I know.”

“This is something more though, isn’t it?” Jared was too damn perceptive


“Maybe. It could be. I don’t know.” Raferty knew he sounded like an idiot. “All I do

know is that I want to find out if there can be more.” Although he’d been thinking it to

himself, this was the first time he’d said anything out loud. And it felt right. The only

thing that could make it better would be when he could tell Stacey. Because he had the

feeling she was on the same page.

In the past, both he and Jared had met women who were down for fun at the club

but weren’t interested in anything deeper. And most of the time they were okay with

that. But lately, at least in his case, Raferty was looking for someone who could fulfill all

his needs. And Stacey might very well be that woman. He couldn’t wait to find out.

At the first opportunity he had, Raferty found a quiet place and made a phone call.


“Hey, Stacey, it’s Raferty.”

“Hey there.” Her voice sounded tired and he wondered for a moment if everything

was okay.

“How are you?”

“Fine.” Her response didn’t invite any further questions so he decided it was best to

move on.

“I know you mentioned you might have tomorrow off and was thinking we could

get together.”

“Uh, that might not be such a good idea.”


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Her words hit him like a blow to the back of the head. Just when he thought things

were going so well. Suddenly she didn’t want to see him? Maybe it wasn’t tiredness he

heard but apathy.

“Don’t go all silent on me now.” Her voice was laced with irritation. “Tomorrow

just isn’t a good day this month to be going out on a date.”

“If you don’t have tomorrow off—”

“I have the day off. It’s just not a good day to go out on a date.” He could hear her

irritation level rising with every word.

He wasn’t ready to give up so soon, however. “What would be a good day?”

The heavy sigh came across the phone line loud and clear. “One where I wasn’t a

moody, bloated bitch.”

All the puzzles pieces were falling into place, even if he didn’t like the picture.

“Hey, I completely understand but—”

“Yo, Raferty, time to hit the streets, man.” Jared’s shout was loud enough to ring his


“I can tell you’re busy, so be careful and call me later. We’ll have to make plan

another time.”

“Wait—” She hung up the phone before he could finish his thought. Damn it! He

wasn’t sure how he felt about the fact she assumed every date of theirs was

automatically a sex thing. He was just going to have to dissuade her from that notion.

And the sooner the better.

* * * * *

Stacey was exhausted. It was her day off and instead of sleeping in as she’d wanted

to do she’d hit the gym for a much-needed workout. She’d fallen out of her usual

routine and it was beginning to show. After working out, she’d spent the next few

hours running errands. It was a good distraction after her sleepless night. Raferty’s

phone call had kept her up ’til the wee hours of the morning. She had obsessed over the


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way she’d cut him off, wondering if she should call back and apologize. Either way, the

conversation had been a disaster.

After the joy she felt at his phone call, disappointment set in as soon as she had to

decline his date. Blatantly using his busy work schedule as an excuse, she’d taken the

coward’s way out and hung up the phone before he could say much of anything. She’d

been obvious as to the why they couldn’t go out, but somehow it had seemed as if he

wanted to talk more. And she wasn’t in the mood to hear he would just find another

available partner if she was unavailable.

She was disgusted at her wayward thoughts. She shouldn’t be assigning guilt to

something he hadn’t even done. It was only her imagination. Besides, she had a

tendency to overreact during this time of the month and this was a major incident of

exaggerated drama if she ever saw one.

Maybe she was feeling a bit too emotional, but she didn’t want to know if she was

only a booty call. Shaking her head to dispel that thought, she decided to jump in the

shower and put on some comfy clothes. After that she was going to sit on the couch,

watch chick flicks and eat comfort food.

Twenty minutes later she was right where she predicted she’d be with a glass of

wine in one hand and a dark chocolate bar in the other. She usually didn’t keep either in

the house, but she’d picked up both on her errands today, knowing she’d need them.

Other than the cramps from hell, she was actually feeling very mellow. The doorbell

ringing disturbed her mood, however.

Stacey debated for a moment about just ignoring it, but then decided she better see

who had decided to bug her. She clicked the remote to pause the DVD, set her

wineglass down on the table and popped the last chunk of chocolate in her mouth.

Stalking to the door, she peeked through the peephole and frowned.

What the hell was Raferty doing at her door…holding a pizza?

She looked down at her attire, comfy sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt with a

small hole in it. Great, this was so not how she wanted to see him next. On the other


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hand, if he wanted to stop by, who was she to deny him the chance to see her at her

worst? She swung open the door and plastered a smile on her face. “Hey, Raferty,

what’s up?”

“I thought you might like some pizza and a beer.” He shook the six-pack he held in

his other hand. “It’s sausage and mushroom. I hope you like it.”

“Yeah, it’s my favorite, but—”

“No buts. Are you going to invite me in before this is too cold to eat?”

Stacey stepped back and waved him into the condo. “Good pizza is just as tasty

cold, you know.”

He chuckled as he carried the box into the kitchen. “True. Where do you keep your


Confusion furrowed her brow as she closed the door and trailed into the kitchen

after him. Heading to the cabinets, she grabbed the plates and handed them over. “Um,

I don’t mean to sound ungrateful for the dinner offer, but I thought you understood

why I turned you down for a date tonight.”

“Yeah, about that.” He shot her a quick unpleasant look before turning his attention

back to the food. “I’m kind of offended actually.”

“Excuse me?”

Raferty filled both plates before he answered. “Just because I asked if you wanted to

get together doesn’t mean I naturally assumed we’d be having sex. Even if it wasn’t that

time of the month I don’t make those sorts of assumptions.” He popped open a beer

and offered one to her.

“No thanks, I have some wine…” She gestured to the living room.

“Good, let’s eat.” Raferty headed to the living room and she followed in



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Stacey sat at one end of the couch, her feet tucked under her and began to nibble on

her slice. She watched as Raferty dug into the pie with gusto. The man confused her as

much as he intrigued her. Could things really be as simple as they seemed?

“You’re awfully quiet.”

Stacey figured she must have zoned out at some point while she was thinking

because when she looked over, she saw he’d finished his two pieces already. “Just


“About what?”

“I know you said you don’t make assumptions and I understand having sex has

always been my choice, but you have to realize all our dates have been…”

“Sexually oriented?”


“Then let’s change it up. Tonight we can just have pizza, a drink, maybe watch a

movie and learn a little bit more about each other. What do you say to that idea?”

Although it shocked the shit out of her, she liked it. More than she wanted to admit.

“Sounds like a plan.” She took a big bite, savoring the greasy goodness of her favorite

comfort food. “So what’s on the agenda for a movie?”

“I must admit, I wasn’t sure what you would like, so I didn’t bring anything. I am

ready and able to rent one whenever you like, although I see you already have a couple

of your own.” He gestured to the DVD cases lying on the coffee table.

“Yeah, I started to watch one of those, but they’re for when I’m watching by myself.

For a date we should probably watch something else.”

“What makes you think I wouldn’t want to see the latest version of My Boyfriend is a

Goober but I Still Love Him?”

She laughed and shook her head. “No, I like to watch action adventure or horror

when I’m with a guy. Then I have an excuse to grab his arm and snuggle during the



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“Same goes for me with a romantic comedy.”

“Oh yeah, big tough guy cop is going to duck and hide his head, huh?”

“Uh, no. But if I can grab you and snuggle—” He leaned forward, plucking the

plate and wineglass from her hands. He took a few seconds to set them on the table

before pulling her across the couch and into his embrace. “All the better. And, if you

think it makes me Mr. Sensitive, why not?”

She snorted. “Yeah, but now I know all your secrets.” She allowed herself to settle

into his embrace, not questioning how easily he had wormed his way into her good


“I guess I’ll have to come up with new ways to tempt you then.”

“Why don’t you tell me a little bit about Raferty the man?”

“Raferty the man, hmm…” He stroked his fingers along her arm, sending tingles

shooting along her skin. Two hours ago she’d been Grumpy McGrump, not feeling sexy

in the least. But it seemed as if her body were attuned to his, even if it was a damn

inconvenient time. “Are you sure? He’s a pretty boring subject. I want to hear about

Stacey the woman. She’s much more interesting to me.”

“I’ll make you a deal. You tell me something and I’ll return the favor.”

As he pondered her offer, she decided to see if he was just as affected by her touch.

She snuggled a bit more and casually laid her hand on his thigh. Before she could

attempt any experimentation, however, he gave his answer.

“Deal, but no holding back, okay?”

“Sounds good to me.” She was very interested in all about him and personally she

had nothing to hide.

“My younger sister and I were raised by my mom. My dad took off when I was ten

and I haven’t seen him since. No big loss as far as I’m concerned. My grandfather was a

great male role model. He was the one who steered me out of trouble when I started to

go down the wrong path in high school.”


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“He sounds like a wonderful man.”

“He was. He passed away last year.” Stacey could hear the depth of emotion in his

voice when he spoke and knew just how much his grandfather had meant in his life.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. It was his time. He lived a long and fulfilling life and he was ready to go.

It’s just those of us left who grieve.”

“I didn’t know you were so philosophical.” She squeezed his thigh in an attempt to

soothe him.

“Yeah well…” It was obvious Raferty was uncomfortable with the direction of the

conversation. Either that or he had taken her gesture to be more than one of consolation.

“Your turn.”

Raferty wasn’t going to allow Stacey’s innocent caresses to tempt him from his goal.

He was here for one reason, although he was struggling to remember that right now. To

prove to Stacey she was more than just a casual fling with him he needed to keep things

completely non-sexual. And truth be told, he was enjoying their conversation. They

might have mixed up the order a bit, but this getting-to-know-each-other stage was

making him like her all the more.

“I’m an only child, raised by two parents who just celebrated their fortieth wedding

anniversary. They were married for almost ten years and thought they couldn’t have

any children, when, oops, I came along.”

“I bet they were surprised.”

“To say the least. But instead of being resentful when I showed up out of nowhere, I

was the most spoiled child around. They doted on me constantly. In fact, they still do

today. I have to be firm or they will do everything for me.”

“Poor you.”


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Stacey lightly smacked him on his thigh. “You can be sarcastic all you like, but it

can be a burden sometimes. It’s very easy to start relying on them and just allow them

do stuff. Then I realize I have absolutely no independence whatsoever.”

“I never had that problem. I was a little too independent. My rebellious period

didn’t last long though, and I was awarded a scholarship to college. I received my

bachelor’s degree in criminal justice.”

“Did you always know you wanted to be a police officer?”

Her question was one he’d answered many times before. “No, actually I had no

idea what I wanted to do when I started college. I took a psychology class and we had

to take a personality test. That’s when I found out what I might be good at doing for a

living. I thought ‘what the hell’ and started taking some classes in criminal justice. I fell

in love with the work and haven’t looked back since.”

“Well, I always wanted to be a nurse. I loved to fix up my dolls and the various pets

we had when I was growing up. I don’t know how many times our cats would be

running away from me, a bandage trailing off their paw as they made their escape.”

He chuckled at the image she evoked. He could just see her in cute little pigtails,

trying to hold down a frantic animal and heal it with her wondrous touch.

“Did you grow up here?”

“Yeah, although I moved away for college. I just moved back home this summer

after my mom had a bit of heart trouble. After a lot of soul searching, I decided I

wanted to be close to home. As their only child, I wanted to be there for my parents as

much as they’d been there for me through the years.”

“Was it hard to move back?”

She shrugged her shoulders and gave a matter-of-fact sigh. “At first I was worried

small-town life would be too slow paced for my liking. But working at the hospital in

the emergency department has taught me there is plenty of excitement here. Besides,

ever since I met my new next-door neighbor, I’ve been having all kinds of new and

stimulating experiences. Life is definitely not boring.”


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“I’m glad to hear I’ve brought a new dimension to your life.”

She turned her head and smiled up at him. “Oh, you definitely have. What about


“I would have to say, yes, you have made my life much more interesting.”

She rolled her eyes before settling herself back against him. “Well, that’s good to

know but not what I meant. Did you grow up here?”

“No, but shouldn’t you know that already? I mean there is only one high school in


“That doesn’t mean I would have known every single person.” She gave an

exasperated little sigh, one he was beginning to recognize. “Besides, there are a couple

of surrounding area high schools plus the one Catholic school.”

“I beg your forgiveness. To answer your question, no, I moved here about two

years ago.”

“Okay, I have to ask. What made you move to a small town like Pinecrest? I mean, I

grew up here, so it makes more sense for me to have moved back home. But as far as I

can tell, you had no ties here at all.”

“You are right about that. But there was an opening on the force for a detective and

it was an opportunity too good to pass up. I would have had to wait five more years to

get a promotion like that in Banning.”

“And you didn’t mind moving away from your family?”

“Hell no. I love them dearly. But they are just far enough away they aren’t in my

business and close enough I can get home to see them if I need to.”

“So what makes a detective job so desirable? How is it different than just a regular

police officer?”

“Any kind of police work is great, but being a detective allows me to use my degree

as well as my natural investigative skills.”


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“But you don’t have a cool uniform if you’re a detective. You just wear a nice suit or

something, right?”

“As a detective I get to wear all kinds of clothes, especially when I work

undercover. But I do have a dress uniform for special occasions.” Why he felt the need

to tell her that, he had no idea. Except for the fact she seemed so interested. What was

he saying? Women loved a man in uniform.

“What kind of undercover work?”

He started to tell her of a number of his closed cases. She occasionally asked

questions as he spoke, but he began to notice her comments were coming further and

further apart. Finally she stopped responding completely and he realized that along

with his arm, she’d fallen asleep.

Moving as carefully as he could, he pulled his arm from beneath her. She looked so

peaceful sleeping there, but he knew she’d probably be more comfortable in bed. He

stood and gathered her into his arms. Her place was set up similar to his own and he

was able to find her bedroom with ease.

She seemed to wake up for a moment as he settled her on the bed, but then just

turned on her side. He wanted to crawl in next to her, but pushed that thought away.

Their relationship might have started a bit unorthodox, but he was determined to court

her the way she deserved.


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Chapter Nine

Sunlight pierced Stacey’s gaze as she slowly opened her eyes the next morning.

Why were the curtains open? She always closed her curtains before she went to bed. As

awareness seeped into her consciousness, she realized she was wearing the same

clothes as she had been last night.

Last night!

Raferty had come over and they’d spent the evening talking. She remembered him

telling her about his undercover assignments and then…nothing. Searching her

memory bank was useless. She had no idea how she ended up in bed or when Raferty

left. At least she assumed he left since the apartment was silent.

Throwing the covers back, she sat up and stretched her arms over her head. She

needed a hot shower and hot coffee. Caffeine was calling louder than the shower, so she

headed toward the kitchen to start a pot. Her mission was diverted, however, when she

noticed a paper tent propped up on her coffee table. She picked it up and began to read.


I let myself out and locked the door behind me. Hope you had as good a time as I did. We

never did watch your chick flicks. If you’re up for it, I’d like to take you out on the town. I’ll be

gone most of the day, but I’ll stop by around six.


She folded the note and laid it back down on the table. Her thoughts were racing.

Were she and Raferty really going to start a serious relationship? She’d have to search

her closet and figure out what to wear on this mystery date. A small snort escaped her

at the thought she was worried about what to wear when the man had seen her looking

like the biggest slob on the face of the earth. To say nothing of the fact he’d seen her

naked as well.


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Shaking her head at that realization, she decided not to dwell and instead get

started on her day. After setting the coffeepot to begin perking, she quickly hopped into

the shower. The hot water began the process of waking her up, but it was the first cup

of coffee that finally had her feeling like a human being again.

Stacey went about her day just like any other, but the prospect of her date was a

constant niggling in the back of her mind. Raferty had seemed okay with just hanging

out last night. In fact, he hadn’t even kissed her. Which begged the question, was she

pleased or upset by that fact? She wasn’t too sure herself. Still, she couldn’t help

wondering what Raferty’s expectations for tonight might be.

Since he hadn’t given her a clue as to what they were doing, Stacey decided to dress

in comfort. Black jeans and boots were topped by her favorite soft red sweater and

accented with a simple silver chain. Her makeup was light, nothing too extravagant,

although she did put on her red lipstick. Staring at herself in the mirror, she knew just

how good she looked.

Right on time the doorbell rang. Stacey swept up her purse and went to answer it.

As she swung open the door, she noted Raferty’s expression changed from one of

anticipation to rapt interest.

“Wow.” He looked her up and down, his gaze raking down her body. “You look


“Thanks. I wasn’t sure exactly what to wear. Your note was a bit vague.”

“You’re perfect.”

Who could resist such a compliment? She pulled the door shut behind her and

together they walked down the hall, hand in hand. He didn’t look too bad either,

dressed in jeans and a black long-sleeved sweater. If she had to say so herself, Stacey

would have to admit they looked very good together. A thought that put a smile on her

face the entire ride down the elevator.

Other than a few small pleasantries in the lift, they were both pretty quiet walking

out to the car. And as was becoming his habit, Raferty opened the car door for her.


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Once they were settled and on the road, she turned to ask the question that plagued her

the entire day.

“So where are we going?”

“Well, to tell the truth, I debated quite a bit about it. At first I thought dinner and a

movie, but we can’t really talk at a movie, and I want to know more about you.”

“True, although I do hope you’re going to feed me because I’m starving.”

He laughed at loud. “You know, that is one of the things I think I like most about


“What’s that?”

“I revise my earlier statement. It’s actually two things. You have no trouble telling

me exactly how you feel. And you like to eat. I’ve got to tell you, both are very

refreshing in a woman.”

She could actually feel herself flush, a fact that completely surprised her after all she

and Raferty had shared. To be embarrassed by his compliments. Who would have


“You know a woman might become distracted by all the kind words you’ve been

throwing in my direction.”

He was silent for a second or two and she turned to head to stare at his profile,

wondering too late if her words had insulted him.

As they approached a stop sign, he brought the car to a halt and turned toward her.

“I’m not saying anything that isn’t true.” He reached out and slipped his hand behind

her neck, pulling her close. Their lips met and her body responded with dizzying speed.

The intensity of her reaction took her by surprise. She sank into the kiss as he claimed

her mouth. Her arms reached up to grasp his shoulders, straining to move closer to him

although she was hampered by the seat belt.

The loud honk of a horn eventually broke them apart. Stacey pulled back slowly, as

if waking from a deep sleep. That one kiss transported her for a moment, away from the


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reality of the interior of the car to a world that was just his arms. This man affected her

like no one else ever had. They sat in silence, staring at each other. He looked at her as if

he were trying to look into her soul. The horn honking again had him cocking an

eyebrow as if in regret and then settling back into his seat.

“Guess we need to get on our way.”

“Um, yeah.” Stacey attempted to remember what they’d been discussing before he

completely turned her head. “So where are we going tonight?”

“We’re taking a dinner cruise around the lake.”

“Really? I’ve always wanted to do that.” A dinner cruise was considered one of the

most romantic dates in town and one she’d never had the opportunity to experience.

Having a real relationship was turning out better than she’d originally thought it


From the thrilled expression continuing to beam from Stacey’s face, Raferty could

only surmise that the dinner cruise idea was a hit. Too bad it hadn’t been his. As much

as it pained him, he officially owed his partner big-time. For once the bastard had

known what he’d been talking about when he suggested the cruise to Raferty.

It was definitely proving to be a better plan than the simple dinner he’d thought of.

Come tomorrow morning he would be fifty dollars poorer, but the smile on Stacey’s

face was well worth the green he’d have to give up.

After getting their drinks, he joined her near one of the many windows where she

stood, staring out at the murky water. The sight of her took his breath away. More than

ever he was amazed he’d found such a woman. Although their sexual compatibility

was something he was quite pleased about, he didn’t take lightly the fact he could talk

to her as well.

“You want to spend some time on the deck before dinner?”

“Do we have time?”


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Raferty glanced down at his watch before answering. “At least twenty minutes.”

“Then yes. Please.”

There were only a few other couples outside. The temperatures were cooler out

there and not many were willing to brave the lake winds. Of course his Stacey wasn’t

one to worry about such things. He already knew she was willing to take a few risks for

a great reward.

They reached the railing and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they

stood looking out at the wake created by the boat. The sun was just setting and the glow

over the water was a sight to behold.

“God, it’s gorgeous out here, isn’t it?”

He had to agree, although he was looking at her and not the lake. “Very nice.”

She glanced over at him and smiled before taking a sip of her drink. “You know, we

never really talked about last night. I guess the wine must have done a number on me

because I was out.”

“I know. You totally missed my carrying you into the bedroom.”

“You carried me?”

“How the heck did you think you got there?”

“Um, I don’t know. I figured I was mostly asleep and thought you just helped me to


“Well, I did do that by carrying you, but you were fully asleep.”

She shook her head in obvious bemusement. Turning, she leaned back against the

railing. “Sorry about that. I made for quite the interesting date last night, huh?”

“Don’t apologize. And besides, I had a great time conversing with you. Although

I’m not sure if I should be worried or not. You did fall asleep when I was talking about

myself, after all.”

She chuckled. “Actually, I found your job fascinating. I’m glad I got to know more

about you.” She reached out and ran her fingers along his arm, sending a shot of


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awareness through him. He may be dense on occasion, but he was pretty sure she was

coming on to him. It would be so easy to step forward and push her back against the

barrier to steal a kiss.

He’d be hard pressed to stop at just one kiss. He would want to touch her silken

skin. Which would lead to more and more. And yes, although it was true they were

basically in a public surrounding, that hadn’t stopped them before. In fact, it was one of

the things that heightened both their pleasure. Of course if he gave in to his desires, he

would possibly destroy everything he was trying to build between the two of them.

He’d promised himself he was going to prove he had more interest in her than just

sexual. It had been pretty obvious last night she initially thought that was the only

reason he would want to see her. Determined to change her mind, he was going to

show her they could have a relationship without every encounter leading to sex. Which,

as far as he was concerned, meant he needed to control himself around her, at least for


“It’s only the beginning. There’s a lot more to know, for both of us.” He leaned

forward then and kissed her, just a light brush over her lips. Even that small contact had

him aching for more. Pulling back, he glanced around and realized they were

completely alone on deck. “I think it’s time for dinner.”

She blinked as if in surprise and then looked around. “Um, I thought we had


“It looks like everyone else has gone in. We don’t want to miss anything.”

“You’re right.” She hooked her arm through his. “What’s on the menu?”

“To tell you the truth, I have no idea. It’ll be a surprise for both of us.”

“It’s a good thing I’m not a picky eater then, huh?”

They reached their seats just a few minutes before the waitress. The menu actually

gave them a few selections. They decided to each order a different entrée so they could

share. The ambience of the cruise lulled them both into a flirty mood. By the end of the


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night Raferty was wondering if the romantic setting was taking him down a dangerous


Stacey had continued her little, not-so-innocent touches on the car ride home. By the

time they reached the condos he had to adjust himself when he exited the car. He just

needed to walk her to her door, say good night and hightail it to his own place before

he broke his own vows.

“Why don’t you come in for a drink?”

It didn’t seem as if his plans to cut out early were going too well. Still, he didn’t

want to be rude. “Um, okay, maybe just one drink.”

Once in the condo, she poured him a drink and they both took a seat on the couch.

Sitting next to him, Stacey laid her hand on his thigh as they chatted. He couldn’t help

but think if she slid her fingers up just a few more inches she might encounter the

evidence of his desire. As if reading his mind, she did just that. And she didn’t seem too

surprised by what she’d discovered either.

“Hmm, it seems like you enjoyed tonight just as much as I did.”

Her caress on his cock zapped his brain to the point he couldn’t think for a few

moments. He swallowed before he spoke. “Um, Stacey, what are you doing?”

She gave a throaty chuckle and a gentle squeeze. “If you have to ask I must not be

doing it right.”

Shit. This was exactly where he didn’t want to be. If he said the wrong thing he

might insult her. But if he didn’t get out of here quickly, he knew he’d soon find himself

in a precarious situation. Setting his drink down, he pulled Stacey into his arms, leaning

down to capture her lips in a searing kiss.

Then, in a move he was sure she found surprising, he stood and pulled her up with

him. “You’re doing everything right. It’s just been a long evening and I’m going to head


“You’re going?”


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“For now. But I want to see you again, on your next day off.”

Confusion furrowed her brow, but she nodded. He gave her another brief kiss and

let himself out of her condo. The second the door closed behind him, he let out a tense

breath. This relationship-building thing was going to be hard, physically as well as

mentally, but she was worth it. Stacey, he found, was beginning to be worth the world

to him.

With nervous apprehension Stacey ran up the stairs to her condo, shopping bags in

hand. She had plans for this evening and was therefore running late, as usual.

Nevertheless, she wasn’t about to allow bad traffic and a slow cashier ruin her night.

There were still forty-five minutes left before Raferty was due to arrive, plenty of time

for her to prepare. If he showed up, that is.

When they talked early in the week about getting together their schedules hadn’t

lined up. Although he indicated he’d be home tonight, she initially had to work. Stacey

was able to switch shifts with another nurse, which allowed her to get off earlier than

she normally did. Unfortunately, Raferty hadn’t been home when she called, so she’d

taken a chance, left a message on his door to come on over in a couple of hours and had

run to the store.

Glancing at Raferty’s condo on her way to her own place, she saw the note was

gone. As she skirted past his door, her heart raced with the hope tonight turned out as

well as she imagined. After a few more dates that ended similar to the night of their

dinner cruise, she thought she’d finally figured out what the hell Raferty was doing. At

first she was a bit annoyed by his high-handed attitude to control their relationship. But

after thinking about it, she began to understand what he was trying to do. Nevertheless,

she had her own plans.

Stacey let herself in and dropped her bags on the floor as she headed into the

bathroom for a quick shower. Before she took two steps however, the phone rang. She

groaned and contemplated not answering but reluctantly picked up the receiver.


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“Hey, Stace, I was just going to leave a message. I thought you were working


She rolled her eyes at Toni’s words and wondered, not for the first time, why she

had the unfortunate inability to just allow the phone to ring. “Actually, I was working

and switched my shift.”

“Hmm, any special reason why?”

“Yes, I’m having Raferty over tonight.” As she spoke, Stacey continued toward the

bathroom, stripping her clothes off along the way.

“I guess your date to the club went well then.”

That was putting it mildly. “I would categorize it as a ten.” With a start she realized

she hadn’t talked to Toni in a while. “In fact, we’ve been on a few more dates since


After changing her mind about a shower, Stacey threw some bath salts into the tub

and started the water. She could multitask and take a bath while still talking on the

phone. Because she was pretty sure this wasn’t going to be a two-minute phone call.

“Really? Wow, this sounds like it’s getting serious pretty quick. You know I so

badly want to ask all the details, but I won’t because I know you’re getting ready.”

“Thanks, I think. Although somehow I suspect you’re just putting off the inevitable

interrogation for a more convenient date and time.”

Toni chuckled. “You know me so well.”

Stacey tested the water with her toe. Slightly hot but not scalding. She stepped into

the tub and slowly sank until she was almost fully immersed. “So why did you call?”

“Can’t I have called just to say hi?”


Toni gave an audible gasp. “You are so mean to me.”

“Did you call just to say hi?”


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The sound of a heavy sigh drifted over the phone line. “No.”

“I rest my case.” Stacey tucked the phone between her ear and shoulder and

snagged the soap. She began to lather the washcloth with the jasmine-flavored scent.

“Okay, so I was nosy about your date. I had no idea it was now dates, which of

course makes me even nosier. I know I promised to wait until later, but couldn’t you

give me a hint, especially about the club? I’m very curious about that place.”

“A good time was had by all.” That should be ambiguous enough to satisfy Toni.

“All? Does that mean what I think it means?”

Stacey should have known better than to assume Toni would be content to take

what she said at face value. “I don’t know, what do you think it means?”

“Let’s just say I did a little investigating about that club. With what you oh-so-

briefly mentioned and my sources, I can only assume there were other people

involved.” Toni seemed to have a more than avid interest.


“I knew I’d regret my promise, but I’m going to control myself and not say another

word until we can be face-to-face. Although I do have another question for you.”

“What’s that?”

“Is this turning into true love?”

“Oh please, how the heck would I know?” Although, if she was honest with herself,

she had wondered the same thing. Especially when she figured out his plan to woo her.

If her suspicions were correct, Raferty was trying to prove something to her. It was as if

he needed her to realize sex wasn’t the only thing they had. Which was kind of sweet in

a way, although frustrating as hell. It may not be true love, but it was definitely


“Yeah, and when was the last time you willingly switched shifts for a guy? A guy

who gave you a ten date I might add.”

“Let’s just say I’m willing to see where things go from here.”


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“Listen up. I want to get together as soon as you have another day off. And, I want

to meet this guy. We’re having a party at the end of the month. You should bring him


“Okay, fine,” Stacey agreed, but couldn’t help but wonder if Raferty would still be

around by the end of the month. She had a feeling that after tonight, she’d know one

way or the other.

After saying her goodbyes, Stacey quickly completed her bath. Glancing at the

clock, she calculated how much she had left to accomplish in the limited time. She still

might be able to finish everything if she worked fast. Even so, she spent a little extra

time on herself as she dressed. Stacey wanted this night to be just right and that

included her appearance.

When Raferty finally arrived, she was just lighting the candles. Flipping off the

switch, the room was bathed in a soft glow. Perfect. She put the matches in the drawer

and hurried to answer the ringing bell.

Swinging open the door, she smiled as she took in Raferty’s expression. He looked

her up and down, his own welcoming smile growing broad, although confusion was

still evident in his eyes.

“You got my note.”

“Yeah.” He continued to stare until she chuckled softly. “Sorry, you just

look…wow, beautiful. But what’s with the costume?”

Swinging the fur-lined handcuffs she was holding around one outstretched finger,

she replied, “I thought tonight we could play my way.”


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Chapter Ten

Raferty wasn’t sure what game Stacey wanted to play. If he were honest with

himself, he knew he’d instantly become excited when he’d discovered her note on his

door and realized she planned something special. With no idea what it might be, he

showered and changed, waiting until the last minute to show up at her door where

she’d promptly greeted him in a naughty cop uniform.

He nodded to the novelty item she was holding. “You know, my handcuffs are a lot

sturdier than those things.”

“Maybe so, but tonight is my night. Are you interested?” He didn’t need any

intuitive powers to figure out she was over the no-sex ban he’d tried to implement. Not

that he was too sad to see it go.

Intrigued, horny and ready to see what would happen next. “Oh hell yeah,” he

said, walking into the condo and slamming the door behind him. He quickly turned her

around, pushed her back against the door and pressed his front to hers. It was

immediately apparent she could feel his hardened cock when her eyes widened at the


“Oh my. I guess my offer holds some…appeal.”

“Baby, everything about you fascinates me.”

With his hands braced against the door, he gazed into her eyes for a moment before

lowering his lips to hers. The kiss was slow and deliberate. Raferty wanted to take his

time and enjoy her mouth. Their lips were slightly parted, their tongues exploring. She

shifted and he could feel her move one of her hands between their bodies to cup his

growing erection. He rocked his hips into her caress, enjoying the feel of her hands on

him. Unfortunately it didn’t last as long as he’d like.


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Breaking their kiss, he watched as Stacey took a deep breath before pushing him

away. “Stop distracting me. I have a plan for tonight.”

“The handcuffs.”

“Exactly.” She straightened and ducked under his arm. He turned around and

leaned back against the door. He watched with amusement as she walked around the

living room and slapped the handcuffs on her thigh. Whatever role-playing game she

had planned, she was getting into character. “I’m glad you decided to come in of your

own accord, Mr. Mastersen.”

“I was glad to, Officer. You said you had some questions.” He slipped into his role

easily, waiting to see where she was going to go with this.

“Yes, but before we get to that, I need to make sure we won’t have any more

incidents like this earlier one.”

“What do you mean, Officer?” Raferty took two steps forward and Stacey

immediately retreated before she stopped abruptly. He pressed his lips together,

fighting his urge to smile. She was trying so hard to come off like a badass, but the

effect was totally ruined by her short skirt and a blouse that barely covered her breasts.

She nodded back toward the door. “You, kissing me like that.”

“You didn’t enjoy the kiss? Because I was pretty sure you liked what I was doing.”

She cleared her throat. “My likes or dislikes are not in question here. I’m in control,


“Whatever you say, Officer.”

“Good, you won’t mind if I just make sure you’ll keep your hands to yourself then.”

She shook the handcuffs for emphasis.

“Of course I don’t mind.” He held out a hand, and with a swiftness and ease he

wasn’t expecting, she clasped a furry handcuff around one of his wrists. Taking his

other arm, she pulled it behind his back and soon had him locked into place. Of course,


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if this was going the way he thought, he was more than obliged to be her prisoner.

“There’s really no need for all this, Officer. I’m completely cooperative.”

“We’ll see about that. But first, I need to make sure you’re not carrying anything

dangerous.” She stepped behind him and began to pat him down. The feel of her hands

roaming over his body was pushing all thoughts except one from his head—being

inside her. When her hands lingered over his ass for a moment, he wished he was

standing there nude.

Stacey came around to the front of him and began to move her way down his body

once again. This time, however, she avoided the one area he’d been hoping she’d spend

some time and went to her knees to pat down his legs. This put her in a perfect position

as far as he was concerned and he waited to see what she would do.

She slowly raised her head to stare up at him. “I think you have a concealed

weapon here, Mr. Mastersen.” She moved one hand to trace the bulge pressing against

his zipper.

“It’s nothing dangerous, I assure you.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Stacey began to unfasten his jeans. Her movements were

slow and deliberate, making her touches all the more arousing. His cock felt hard as

steel and he wondered how much more he could take. She pulled down his zipper with

excruciating slowness, drawing out his discomfort as well as his pleasure.

“Stacey, baby, you’re killing me here.”

She chuckled but didn’t speak. Instead she began to tug on his jeans, pulling them

off his hips and down his legs. His boxer briefs soon followed and his cock sprang free,

jutting from his body as it was released from its confines. As he watched, Stacey licked

her lips and he groaned at the sight.

A brief smile graced her mouth before she pressed her lips together. “I don’t know,

Mr. Mastersen, this looks like a pretty formidable weapon to me.”

Fuck. He knew he should probably be thinking of a clever reply but all his mind

could muster right now was the thought of her lips wrapped around his cock. Her


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tongue licking over the head, her throat opening to take him deep. He was wished his

hands were free so he could thread his fingers through her hair and press his straining

cock forward into her mouth.

“Nothing to say?” Her eyes twinkled. “Maybe a closer inspection is in order.” Her

fingertips trailed from the base to the tip of his member as she explored him. He could

feel his thickening shaft jerk as her hand wrapped around his pulsing cock. She rubbed

her thumb over the engorged head, smoothing the pearl bead of arousal gathered there

into his overheated flesh.

Leaning forward, she swiped her tongue over the area just explored by her thumb.

He took a deep breath as she licked at his crown before opening her mouth to suck him

inside. Pleasure surged through him. “Yeah, baby, suck me.”

Stacey’s mouth was moving back and forth over his cock, laving it with her tongue

as she caressed him with her lips. Her hands still gripped the base of his shaft,

squeezing rhythmically.

He arched his hips, clenching his teeth as she continued teasing him with long, slow

strokes of her tongue. Raferty’s delight swirled through him as she opened her mouth

wider and took him deeper. She sucked harder and moaned, sending vibrations

rocketing through him.

“Yes, fuck yes,” he cried as he thrust into her mouth.

Her tongue circled and teased as her lips moved over him. At the same time her

hand cupped his balls, massaging them lightly. The intensity of the sensations

expanded and he could feel his climax building. As if sensing he was teetering on the

brink of orgasm, she pulled away. He groaned as she released her hold on his cock and

rocked back on her heels.

“Not yet. I have plans, don’t forget.” She stroked her tongue over him briefly once

again, causing him to jerk in reaction.

“Damn it, you’re torturing me.”


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Stacey stood then and pushed against his shoulders. Under normal circumstances it

wouldn’t have budged him. The unexpectedness of the move, however, combined with

his hampered legs and arms, caused him to stumble backward and fall onto the couch.

“No, I’m not torturing you. At least not yet.” She smiled then, a wicked little grin

that had him wondering if he should be worried or not by that comment.

Raferty sat on the couch in silence, his arms behind him with a dazed but desire-

filled expression on his face as Stacey sank to the floor and removed his shoes and

pants. She could appreciate his confusion since she barely recognized the seductress she

had become. Nevertheless, she was enjoying the role she was playing.

With her gaze locked on his, Stacey stood and began to unfasten her shirt, pushing

the buttons through their holes with unbelievable slowness. Raferty sat back watching

her, his gaze flickering down to her fingers before returning to her own. Instead of

slipping the blouse off, however, she just pushed it open and cupped her lace-covered


“I could do that for you.” Raferty’s offer had her smiling.

“Actually, you can’t. Not unless I take off the cuffs. And I’m not willing to do that

just yet.”

“Unfair,” Raferty groaned, and she had to suppress the bubble of laughter that

threatened. Oh yeah, she was having a lot of fun with this.

“It’s too bad too. I can practically imagine your hands on my breasts, squeezing

them, pinching my nipples.” She followed her words with action, imitating every

movement she described. As much as she was taunting him, she was also driving

herself crazy. And as good as the caresses were, she felt hampered by her bra. Stacey

pushed the material down and freed her breasts. “Now isn’t that better?”

“Not really.” His petulant response had her moving closer.


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“I’m sorry. Maybe you’d like a closer look.” She took another step toward him,

bringing her flush against the couch. Leaning forward, she draped herself over him and

braced her arms along the back of the sofa on either side of his head. “How’s this?”

With her breasts dangling in his face she figured he was in no mood to complain. In

fact, he leaned forward, nuzzling at her flesh. She moaned at the feel of his lips and

tongue on her. When he sucked a nipple into his mouth she rocked forward, almost

losing her grip on the couch. Raferty moved to the other breast, nibbling at the tip until

Stacey finally forced herself to pull away.

“Sweet as chocolate.”

Stacey took a deep breath as she straightened and stepped back from him. She

needed to keep her mind on the goal. What she really wanted to do right now, though,

was sink onto his cock. She glanced down to see the organ in question was freely

leaking pre-come. Reaching out she swiped her fingers over the head of his erection,

gathered the fluid there and brought them to her mouth. “Salty.”

He closed his eyes, and if she wasn’t mistaken, she noticed him clenching his jaw as

well. Before he could open his eyes again, she slipped off her blouse and bra to stand

before him topless. “You’re missing the show.”

Cracking open one eye, Raferty stared for a moment before finally opening the

other. “It’s torture beyond belief, but I can’t not look at you. Especially when you’re so

lovely and bare.”

“You got to taste too, although not very much.”

“Not much at all,” he agreed.

Stacey reached under her skirt and hooked her fingers in her silky panties, pulling

them over her hips and down her legs before kicking them away. “Maybe I can offer

you a little taste of something else.”

She moved her hands back under her skirt and between her legs. Her teasing was

affecting her just as much as him. She rubbed her hand back and forth over the wet,

swollen flesh. Then parting her legs wider, she pressed her fingers inside.


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“Feels so good, but it’s not enough. It’s not your cock inside me, throbbing hot and


A growl from the couch had her halting her movements. “No more.” Raferty

pushed himself up and off the sofa. She watched as he strained against the cuffs,

locking his arms behind him. With a crack, the plastic fastening broke open. He quickly

advanced and pulled her into his arms. “You’re mine now.”

As much fun as she’d been having, him seizing control once again thrilled her as

nothing else had. She’d teased and taunted him since he arrived and now he was in

charge, ready to take what she had so coyly offered. “Yes, I’m yours.”

He lifted her then, his hands cupping her bare bottom. She started to wrap her legs

around his waist. But instead of taking her back to her bedroom as she’d expected, he

stepped back and returned to his seat on the couch, this time bringing her down with

him. She could feel the length of his cock along her thigh and rubbed herself against it

as she straddled him. A sharp smack to her ass had her halting her movements.

“The time for teasing is over.” He pushed his hands between her thighs and swiped

his fingers along her wet seam. “Good, you’re ready.”

“Condom.” As she gasped out the one word, Raferty froze. Although she hadn’t

had an exact plan of how the evening was going to end, she wasn’t entirely unprepared

either. Reaching over to the end table, she was able to find one of the foil packets she’d

left there and ripped it open with her teeth.

Raferty took the latex sheath from her and, after a brief bit of maneuvering, rolled it

over his straining erection. Without any further hesitation, he adjusted her body over

his and with his cock in hand impaled her onto his thick shaft. Stacey gripped his

shoulders as her tender flesh stretched to accommodate him. The fullness of him was

everything she’d been craving. “So thick, so good,” she moaned as she fully seated


“Ride me.” His growling command was like a starting gun.


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She clenched her thighs around him and leaned forward to ride him. Her body slid

against his with mind-numbing pleasure. The impact of every thrust thundered

through her. Her erect nipples brushing against his chest sent spirals of desire surging

through her.

Rising over him, she splayed her hands over his chest. She moved slowly, flexing

her pussy and riding him with achingly slow strokes. A groan escaped her lips as she

increased her pace and rotated her hips, grinding against him.

“Yeah, baby, that’s it.” She could see the passion in his gaze as he encouraged her

and it drove her desires higher.

Her focus was on the two of them and their slick, soaked bodies. She spread her

legs wide and arched her back, speeding up her movements. Small breathy cries

escaped her as she rode him harder and faster.

“More, Raferty, harder.”

His fingers gripped her hips and he surged upward, slamming into her. His cock

pressed against her G-spot and she whimpered as the new sensations flooded her. “Oh

God, Raferty.”

“Take it, take me.”

As he drove into her again, Stacey tightened the walls of her pussy around him,

reveling in the feel of friction they were producing. Her orgasm was almost upon her

and she struggled not to scream. Raferty plunged deeper, touching her womb. She

clutched at his shoulders and bit her lip as a low moan escaped her.

Her body spasmed as her climax hit and she felt as if she were shattering as the

sensations flooded her. Raferty surged inside her again then once more before he gave a

low groan and came. Heart pounding, she collapsed over him, exhaustion

overwhelming her.


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Raferty lay in rapt wonder, Stacey draped over him. This evening had turned into

one spectacular night to remember. He could still feel the tiny aftershocks of her pussy

pulsing around his cock.

“That was some interrogation, although you didn’t ask me any questions.”

A soft chuckle greeted his comment. Stacey pushed herself off his chest to meet his

gaze. “Are you complaining?”

“Oh no, Officer, not at all.”

“That’s good.” She smacked his chest lightly. “Although I should be mad at you

right now.”


“You broke my handcuffs. And you took over.”

“I told you my handcuffs were better than those flimsy things. Besides…” he

cocked an eyebrow as he stared at her. “I had the feeling you liked it when I seized


“Maybe.” Although she tried to avert her gaze he wasn’t going to allow her to

avoid him so easily and with a finger beneath her chin, turned her head back toward



“Okay, yes, I liked it. Although I did have plans for this evening and you kind of

turned the tables on me.”

“Yeah, I noticed there was an agenda in place. What was that all about?”

“I’m not the only one with an agenda, you know. I may have been a little slow, but I

eventually saw through your ploy.”

“What ploy was that?” Playing dumb was juvenile, even he admitted that. It still

didn’t stop him from trying the tactic in an attempt to divert her.

“The no-sex thing. What made you think it was okay to institute a ban on sex in our



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“I didn’t—”

“Bullshit.” She poked him in the chest for emphasis. “Don’t lie to me. You made a

unilateral decision.”

He took her hand and pulled it away from his chest. “What I was going to say

before I was so rudely interrupted is that I didn’t think it was okay. At least I don’t

think so anymore.”

“But you did.”

She had him there.

“I might have, at one point, thought it was a good idea. I was trying to prove—”

“Ah-ha.” Triumph shone through on her face. “I knew it. Why would you ever

think such a harebrained scheme was a good idea? Okay, maybe that first night it was

kind of sweet, letting me know you didn’t need sex for us to get together and have a

good time. But after that?” She cocked a brow and frowned.

“Our relationship started off rather uniquely, you have to admit that.”


“So…I just wanted to let you know there was more there than a few nights of kinky


She shook her head. “It must be a man thing. Would it have been so difficult to just

tell me that?”

She might like to pretend otherwise, but he knew it would have never been that

easy. “I could have, but would you have believed me? It’s not like we knew each other

very well. This way we not only had time to become better acquainted, I was also able

to prove my point.”

She didn’t say anything for a moment and he wondered what she was thinking.

“Fine, okay, I get it. I may not like it, but I get it.”

He wanted to laugh, but he knew better. She needed this victory and he wasn’t

going to deny her of it. Instead he decided to change the subject.


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“So what was with the cop getup?”

She chuckled and laid her head on his chest, snuggling against him. He began to

stroke her back with one hand while he rested the other on her thigh.

“Are you trying to distract me?” she asked, instead of answering his question.

“Is that what I’m doing?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Well yeah, anytime you touch me I get distracted.”

“I suppose that’s a compliment of sorts.”

“Of course it is.”


She didn’t pretend not to know what he wanted. “I wanted to play a bit but have a

night just for us too. It’s not that I don’t enjoy watching and be watched. Or even

having others participate.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Because as much pleasure as I take in kinky activities, being

with you is pretty damn special too.”

“I feel the same way.”

“What, that being with you is pretty damn special?”

She smacked him in the chest. “No, being with you. Although sometimes…”


With her hands on his chest she pushed herself up. She gave her hips a wiggle and

his cock perked up in interest. Raferty was certain she knew exactly the reaction she

was going to receive when she made that little move. Especially after she cocked her

eyebrow and gave a little smile. “Sometimes I enjoy talking and just being with you. It’s

nice and comfortable and normal. Other times, though, I like how damn kinky you are

because it allows me to do all the things I’d only fantasized about but was never

actually brave enough to do.”

“So we’re in agreement then, we like each other.”

“It’s more than like. I’d say there’s a strong element of lust in there too.”


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Raferty pushed his hips up, watching as her eyes dilated. They both were very

familiar with that lust she was referring to. “So where does this leave us?”

“We’ve both used the R word.”

“The R word?”

“Yeah, you know… Relationship.”

“Sounds good to me. We’re dating, in a relationship, which thankfully comes with a

very active sex life.”

“No thanks to you.” Her eyes twinkled as she quickly changed the subject. “You

realize of course this means meeting my friends.”

He chuckled. “Why do I get the feeling this meeting is already arranged?”

“Not arranged so much as anticipated.”

“I look forward to meeting your friends. In fact, I’m looking forward to a lot of


“Such as?”

“Learning your likes and dislikes. Beyond what I already know, that is.”

“Chocolate ice cream.”

“Football, college mostly, but NFL too.”

“Me too.”


“I’m not a complete girly girl. Although I do like to pamper myself.”

“That one I already knew.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Sure. Your hair is never out of place.” She rolled her eyes at that comment, but he

continued on as if he hadn’t seen it. “Nails always done, toes too. And you almost

always wear makeup, even on the weekends.”

“You’re very observant.”


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“I have a mother and sister. You have to know a few things to survive in a house

with a couple of women.”

“I’d love to meet your family.” As soon as the words slipped out, a look of chagrin

passed over her face.

“Hey, none of that now. If I get to meet your friends, the least you can do is meet

my family and not feel guilty about wanting to meet them.”

“I don’t feel guilty exactly. I just didn’t want to presume.”

“We’re in a relationship now, remember?”

“Oh yeah, how could I forget?” She gave another little wiggle and he smacked her

skirt-covered ass. “Hmm, that’s another thing I like.”

Damn. He had no idea how he’d stumbled onto such a woman, but every minute

that went by was one more he was certain he was never going to let her go. She gasped

as he surged to his feet, bringing her along for the ride. “I think it’s time we moved this

to the bedroom.”

Before heading down the hall, he picked up the three condoms lying on the table.

She might have had plans for this evening, but so did he. Tonight was only the

beginning for the two of them.


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About the Author

Liz Andrews is a critically acclaimed, multi-published author who enjoys writing

erotic romance almost as much as she enjoys reading it. A romantic at heart, Liz is a

fierce believer in happily ever after and heroes who make the heart swoon. When not

writing, the Ohio native enjoys reading, going to the movies and hosting dinner parties

for her friends.

You can check out month updates on what’s happening with Liz at her newsletter,

Liz welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address

on her author bio page at

Tell Us What You Think

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Also by Liz Andrews

Hankie Pankie

Hotter Than the Fourth of July

Also by Liz Andrews & Lena Matthews

Myth of Moonlight

Shadow of Moonlight

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you



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