the present perfect tense

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1. Write as many of the irregular past participles as you can.

Become ………………. Begin ………………. Break ………………. Bring ………………. Learn ……………….

Come ………………. Drink ………………. Eat ………………. Fall ………………. Leave ……………….

Forget ………………. Give ………………. Hold ………………. Keep ………………. Let ……………….

Know ………………. Make ………………. Pay ………………. Think ………………. Stand ……………….

2. Complete the present perfect sentences with the verbs in brackets.

I ______________ (speak) with the boss.

They ___________ (not/eat) anything.

She __________ (forget) my phone number.

I __________ (make) a mistake.

You _________(not/shut) the door.

John __________ (work) very hard.

I __________ ( not/hear) from Mary.

Mary ___________ (not/learn) anything.

I ___________ (break) a cup.

We ____________ (remember) Ann’s birthday.

The rain __________ (not/stop)

I ___________ (not/ see) Mary today.

3. Form sentences in the present perfect tense using the elements in
parentheses. Use contractions where appropriate.

She __________________ her clothes. (wash/ already)

He ___________________ some detergent. ( borrow / just)

She __________________ her clothes. (finish/ drying)

He __________________ change. (get/already)

She _________________ her laundry. ( finish)

He _________________ Change. (forget/ bring)

He _________________ to the grocery store. (go/already)

She ________________ an apartment. (rent/already)

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1. Write as many of the irregular past participles as you can.

Become ………………. Begin ………………. Break ………………. Bring ………………. Learn ……………….

Come ………………. Drink ………………. Eat ………………. Fall ………………. Leave ……………….

Forget ………………. Give ………………. Hold ………………. Keep ………………. Let ……………….

Know ………………. Make ………………. Pay ………………. Think ………………. Stand ……………….

2. Complete the present perfect sentences with the verbs in brackets.

I ______________ (speak) with the boss.

They ___________ (not/eat) anything.

She __________ (forget) my phone number.

I __________ (make) a mistake.

You _________(not/shut) the door.

John __________ (work) very hard.

I __________ ( not/hear) from Mary.

Mary ___________ (not/learn) anything.

I ___________ (break) a cup.

We ____________ (remember) Ann’s birthday.

The rain __________ (not/stop)

I ___________ (not/ see) Mary today.

3. Form sentences in the present perfect tense using the elements in
parentheses. Use contractions where appropriate.

She __________________ her clothes. (wash/ already)

He ___________________ some detergent. ( borrow / just)

She __________________ her clothes. (finish/ drying)

He __________________ change. (get/already)

She _________________ her laundry. ( finish)

He _________________ Change. (forget/ bring)

He _________________ to the grocery store. (go/already)

She ________________ an apartment. (rent/already)

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