McCoy Nikki Keeper Of The Gods 2 Master Of Wrath

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A Total-E-Bound Publication

Master of Wrath
ISBN # 978-0-85715-638-9
©Copyright Nikki McCoy 2011
Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright August 2011
Edited by Stacey Birkel
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,
United Kingdom.

Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature
readers. This story has a heat rating of Total-e-melting and a sexometer rating of 2.

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Keepers of the Gods


Nikki McCoy

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To my best friend, Jennifer. You are, and have always been, my light in the darkness, my

anchor in times of despair, and my passage to love in more ways than you’ll ever know.

Thank you for being you, and for allowing me to be me.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Bugatti: Bugatti Automobiles
Lexus: Toyota Motor Corporation
Scion: Toyota Motor Corporation
Mercedes: Daimler AG
Marriott: Marriott International
Crown Royal: Diageo North America, Inc.
501 jeans: Levi Strauss & Co.

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Nikki McCoy


Chapter One

Loken plunged his blade into the Keeper’s gut and wrenched upwards until it found a

new home in the man’s heart. Twisting savagely, he watched as the light died from dull eyes,

then yanked the knife free and spun in a crouch. Unfortunately, the only assailants left

standing were too preoccupied to meet the business end of his dagger. He relaxed his

muscles and cleaned his blade on the jacket of his last kill. A nearby boulder—wide, flat and

free of blood—made for a convenient perch on which to watch the remaining Keepers fight a

losing battle.

As always, the woman’s fluid grace and technique was a marvel to watch. Her flowing,

black hair followed the arc of her body through twists and flips like a live extension…as did

the three-foot sword she used to dismember her opponents. There were only two left now

and Loken grinned in amusement as their every attempt to turn and flee was disabled by the

offensive attacks of the ruthless assassin.

Finally realising that escape was futile, the two came up with the brilliant idea to rush

the female together with blunt knives in hand—their guns having been stripped away at the

onset of the fight. The ensuing outcome of that tragic mistake was as predictable to him as

the pathetic pleas of mercy that had spewed from the men’s mouths just moments ago. The

woman feigned surprise by taking a step back and turning around to show them her

vulnerable back, lining them up beautifully.

In one smooth move she made a full-body rotation, bringing the sword up so that

exactly one inch of the tip kissed the tender skin below their jaws. Only when the thud of

their bodies hitting the ground sounded did she turn back to wipe her blade on the shirt of

one of the men before sheathing it in the scabbard strapped to her back.

With no surrounding cities or mountains to hinder the vast-reaching glow of the full

moon, her flashing smile and exultant eyes were easily seen in the darkness of the night as

she faced him. Loken raised one eyebrow and pointed to a previously fallen Keeper who was

trying in vain to crawl away undetected some distance from them. The woman glanced in

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that direction and after drawing a throwing knife from her belt, effortlessly pegged the man

in the back of the neck.

“That was your kill,” she said angrily.

Loken shrugged. “Apparently the stab wound in his shoulder wasn’t enough for him.”

“You’re getting sloppy.”

“Nope. Just keeping you on your toes.”

Kiress snorted and looked at the nine lifeless bodies littering the otherwise peaceful

stretch of desert landscape. “Like this misguided bunch of freaks could give me a decent

challenge. Did you hear the shit that sorry excuse for a Keeper was puking up? Knowing I

have a genetic commonality with these losers makes me want to peel my own skin off.” She

shivered dramatically to emphasise her revulsion.

The Keeper in question, also the leader of the ragtag band of recruiters for the son of

Death, had gone through the same old tired spiel they’d heard from countless other

followers. “Serve Mikel and the God of Death will grant you everlasting favour and power at

his side!” As though empty promises could sway the minds of two people who had just run

them off the road, taunted them from their vehicles then pulled out deadly weapons in an

obvious bid to end their lives.

You had to admire that kind of stupidity. It took talent.

“Loki, we’ve been at this for a year,” she growled. “When the hell are we going to get a

hold of this Mikel?”

Loken stood and sheathed his own blade. “As soon as you quit lopping off the heads of

the leaders long enough for me to get some new information.”

The innocent batting of lashes and parting of heart-shaped lips in shock was adorable

and completely false. Kiress matched him in nearly every aspect. From the striking features

to the volatile attitude and predilection for combat—their only difference being his

ruggedness and penchant for wrath compared to her angelic countenance and penchant for


Their bond as fraternal twins ran deeper than any blood relationship he’d seen in his

millennium of existence. Her disarming tactics might still work on their mother, the Gods

only knew why, but he was immune to them. Mostly.

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Chuckling, he walked over to take her battle-calloused hand in his. “There’s still a band

rumoured to be passing through Roswell an hour from here. If we find them before the night

ends, I’ll let you kill as many as you want if you save the leader for me. I’ll even let you help

me torture the information out of him.”

Her chagrin turned to bubbling excitement in less than a heartbeat. “You’re on.”

Carefully, he loosened the iron-fisted grip he kept on his wrath, allowing a small

portion he had siphoned from the men at the start to bleed from his psyche and enter into his

sister’s. It was more potent than the average energy people emitted by far.

This transference wasn’t normally necessary. As half-Gods, their abilities far exceeded

those of a Keeper, but the dry, nearly barren state of New Mexico didn’t offer the kind of

wildlife and vegetation needed to restore her energy once she unleashed her power.

At her nod, he resealed the wall around his vicious nature and walked several yards

away. Kiress took a moment to centre her emotions. Long black hair trimmed in a straight

line came to the middle of her back, blending in with the tight black corset and low-riding

leather pants that hugged her lithe, athletic body. Luminescent skin contrasted beautifully

with long lashes and rose-red lips.

Ugly business of ending Mikel’s and his father’s campaign of tyranny aside, he enjoyed

this time spent with his sister. Though they kept in constant contact through their mental

link, they were too much alike to spend long periods of time in each other’s presence.

Over the centuries, they’d sought out wars separately in which to satisfy their personal

cravings—he being drawn to wrath and she to the passion that it created. On the anniversary

of their birthday they would reunite, using that time to visit with their mother. Unbeknownst

to the older woman, they also took that time to tally the scores of their kills and schemes.

Not including the past year, Kiress was in the lead.

With deep blue eyes turned violet in the silvery cast of the moon, she pinned each

corpse with the intensity of her gaze. Bright red flames engulfed the bodies around her in

succession. Within seconds, the consuming tendrils flared then increased in density,

becoming blue while incinerating flesh and bone to a fine, white ash. Chilled gusts of wind

swept away the stench until all that was left were the remnants of souls lost to the

overambitious dreams of a God.

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A sudden explosion rent the air to his right, causing him to flinch in wake of the ball of

fire that launched the Keepers’ SUV several feet into the air. Debris shot in all directions,

coming dangerously close to his Bugatti Veyron. When he was finally certain his car would

survive its near death experience, he shot his twin a threatening glare.

“Just keeping you on your toes,” she threw back sweetly.

Loken opened his mouth to snap a retort but was cut off by the vibration of his cell.

After pulling it from the front pocket of his pants, he frowned as he saw his mother’s

number. She knew they hunted the rebel Keepers at night, having been the one to ask them

to come home and help eradicate the deadly menace to those who chose to live in peace.

Granted, they were overdue for a visit, but it wasn’t like her to remind them during fighting


“Mom?” Silence greeted him. Suspicion bloomed instantly and he clenched his jaw to

keep the impatience from his tone. “Who is this?”

A gust of breath was blown into the receiver on the other end before a tired voice came

on the line. “I’m sorry. My name’s Ruschard. She never spoke of having living relatives. This

was one of the two numbers I found in her phone and I thought…” There was another sigh

as though the man was pushing through an uncomfortable situation. “I thought that

whoever it was deserved to know.”

The name sparked a memory. His mother, unlike Kiress and him, was a socialite. At

each family gathering, she delighted in keeping them up to date on the lives of her friends.

So caught up would she get in the fondness and occasional bouts of exasperation she held for

them, one might think she was speaking of close family members who couldn’t make it to the


He and Kiress didn’t mind. They had long ago learnt to accept the necessity of their

isolation—even cherish it when they heard of some of the harrowing trials others went

through in the name of family. Yet, even after a thousand years, their mother still felt guilty

for not being able to provide the kind of life she’d wanted for her children. She was well

aware of the characteristic traits they’d inherited from their father and speaking of her

friends was her way of reminding them that they possessed some of her gentle and sociable

genes as well.

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Ruschard, if he recalled correctly, was a good friend of Taven, the man his mother had

been seeing for quite some time now. Their relationship wasn’t a true mating but it contained

an abiding love that kept their loneliness at bay until the Goddess of Fate found and guided

them to the people they would be destined to spend the rest of their lives with.

“I know who you are. What happened?”

After another pause, a voice that embodied a wealth of sympathy said, “Taven and

Marissa were killed last night. I called to warn them but I don’t think they were able to leave

in time. Again, I’m sorry.”

There was no moment of respite most people were granted as their minds tried to work

past the shock of losing a loved one. He was well acquainted with the finality of death and

even more so with the violence that came with murder. The barrier which kept the wrath he

absorbed from overtaking his other emotions cracked under the force of his rage.

The only thing that enabled him to regain control was sensing the waves of concern and

reflected anger emanating from his sister. This news would be hard enough on her without

the added turbulence of the emotions she was picking up from him. With great effort, he

suppressed the clawing need to unleash the storm brewing inside him and focused on the

next words that came through the phone.

“We were getting ready to prepare them for dispersal but we can wait if you’re able to


Rationally, he knew that the man would not have been to blame had he gone through

with the dispersal ceremony without Kiress and himself present. No one knew—had

known—of their existence, and for good reason. But the thought of a stranger scattering his

mother’s ashes while praying to the very Gods who would have killed her children if given

the chance still set his blood to boiling.

“Thank you. My sister and I would prefer to take care of it ourselves. Who killed

them?” He knew the answer. While his kind could be killed by any being—be it God or

Keeper, human or animal—the majority of them were being slaughtered for the very shift in

power he was trying to prevent.

Ruschard’s voice took on a decidedly harsh tone. “Mikel’s minions. A group of them

came through my city searching for recruits. By the time I got word of it, they’d already left.

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So far we’ve counted five deaths and twelve missing from your mom’s town. I’ve alerted

Keepers in the surrounding areas but it’s impossible to know where they’ll strike next.”

The confirmation was both a blessing and a curse. It gave his anger enough purpose

and direction to keep his head above the grief, but it also signified his failure. Though he’d

heard of the power struggle going on between Keepers and the God of Death, he hadn’t

given a shit about it until his mother had asked for her children’s help. Her fear was their

fear, and they would do anything to make her happy. Of all the lives he had saved at her

behest to find and kill Mikel, he had failed to prevent the death of one of the few people he

did care about.

“We’ll be there in four hours.” Ending the call, he met his sister’s troubled gaze and

prepared himself to take the brunt of her passion. “Mom is…gone. They’re holding her body

for us so that we can perform her ceremony.”


“We need to leave now.”


Loken followed his sister’s retreating form. “We’ll figure out what to do when we get


“No!” Her scream preceded the kaleidoscope of emotional energy that was hurled from

her body on the wings of a blast of heat and noise like the clapping of thunder. With gritted

teeth, he absorbed as much of it as he could, staggering back under the oppressive weight.

His mind automatically compartmentalised each feeling, quickly storing them away before

they had a chance to steal his sanity.

From his perspective, Kiress had got the raw end of their father’s traits. Wrath was, for

the most part, one-dimensional, but passion was made up of a seething cauldron of emotions

that could easily drown a person with their intensity. Some of the energy spilled over,

resulting in a circle of fire that shot from her body and consumed everything within a

hundred foot radius, himself included.

“Kiri!” He dived to the only patch of ground that wasn’t spitting flames and rolled

around to salvage his clothes and flesh. Grabbing onto an ankle, he yanked hard, catching his

twin off-guard. She landed next to him in a heap and he took advantage of her momentary

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surprise by enfolding her body in his larger one. The physical contact allowed him to drain

her of her violent reserves, leaving only enough energy to sustain consciousness.

“Take it all,” she said through their mental link.

The heartfelt plea was not born of cowardice, but rather strength. They both knew their

limitations, and the fact that Kiress was willing to admit she’d reached hers spoke volumes.

Murderers they may be…but not of the innocent. She would never forgive herself if another

were wrongfully harmed due to her inability to control her powers. Kiress sagged in his arms

as he sapped the last of her energy.

Unfortunately, there was nothing to be done about the fire except to disappear before

humans came to investigate. Cradling his sister to his chest, he navigated his way along

sparse patches of dry earth to his vehicle. Once Kiress was secured in the passenger seat, he

began the drive to Pueblo, Colorado, easing up on the gas only when his scanner picked up

on police in his vicinity.

The additional vitality he’d absorbed fairly sparked along his skin, begging to be

released. He would need to, and soon, but it would have to wait until he was alone. He’d

discovered the hard way during his youth the kind of damage large amounts of negative

energy could have on nature and those around him. Desperate to take his mind off his

destination, he concentrated on his prey, going over every detail his mother had informed

them of.

The God of Death had committed blasphemy by impregnating two Keepers. From these

unions he’d created offspring that possessed more powers than any single Keeper or God.

Driven by fear and ignorance, the Gods themselves would have destroyed the babies had

they known about them, as they had every other halfling in history. As it was, one son had

disappeared while the other, Mikel, had been raised in secret to be his father’s protégé. Since

then, Death had used Mikel to implement his plans to gain power over the other Gods.

Keepers naturally absorbed energy from all livings things. That constant influx

revitalised their bodies, granting them immortality, but only so much could be accumulated

at a time. When Keepers reach their capacity, they send the excess up to the Gods, who in

turn use it as their main source of sustenance. If Mikel ever managed to coerce enough

Keepers to pay homage to his father alone, it would tip the divine scales and leave the other

Gods dependent upon Death for their rations of energy.

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After this scheme had been discovered five years ago, the other Gods had stripped

Death of his energy and locked him away in an unknown realm. Mikel, however, had

vanished without a trace. There was no apparent pattern to his occasional sightings. Neither

were there any clues left as to where those Keepers who had made the choice to serve

Mikel—rather than die at the hands of his men—were being held.

Loken knew he was missing something. He’d successfully tracked down people before

with far less information on them. Of course, none of them had been half-Gods like him. Still,

Mikel was reported to be somewhere in his thirties—not nearly enough time to develop

evasion skills equal to Loken’s centuries of experience in tracking. Maybe that was his

problem right there. The father had obviously taught the son. He should be concentrating on

where Death would choose to hide and strike next, instead of Mikel.

Which brought him back to square one. For the first time in his life, he regretted not

bothering to learn more about the Gods his mother worshipped. He knew next to nothing

about any of them.

When they arrived at their destination, Loken placed a light hand on his twin’s cheek.

Slowly, he concentrated inwardly and sought out the few tendrils of positive energy he’d

kept isolated lest they suffocate under the magnitude of the negative. Drawing them to the

surface, he sent them into Kiress, adding his own measure of calming fortitude.

“Wake up, ladybug.”

Deep blue eyes blinked open, containing a wealth of sorrow he would give anything to


“I don’t want to do this.”

“I know,” he consoled, “but you won’t be alone.”

She huffed and got out of the car. Loken noticed two vehicles parked in the small

driveway and a third along the kerb. One belonged to his mother, the others most likely to

the Keepers who’d discovered her body. The cottage appeared the same as it had been nine

years ago when his mother had moved in. White clapboard siding with colourful beds of

plants and flowers gave it a quaint, welcoming appeal. The front door was opened the

moment they stepped onto the porch and Loken had to pause at the strong current of

violence and grief that wafted out.

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He instantly absorbed it, not wanting it to carry to his sister. It told him more than

words ever could that his mother and her lover had not gone down without a fight. For all

that the woman lived in harmony with the world, she became vicious when it came to her

convictions. His pride in her swelled at the knowledge.

The man who greeted them was portly, with kind eyes that widened at the sudden

alleviation of disheartening energy. “You must be Marissa’s kids. Glad you could make it.

That’s quite some talent you got there. Bill and I had been trying to get rid of the bad energy

in here before you arrived but it was a little difficult. I’m Ruschard. And you are…?”

“Loken. This is my sister, Kiress.”

They shook hands and thankfully dispensed with further preliminaries. “We’ve been

supplying the bod—I mean…your mother and Taven, with low levels of energy. Where will

you be performing the ceremony?”

“Runyon Lake. It’s close and should be deserted at this time. I am aware that Taven was

a good friend of yours, but if it’s okay with you, we would like to perform his ceremony as

well. He wasn’t my mother’s mate, but I know she loved him as one.” The request for

privacy was implied and Ruschard took the hint gracefully.

“I think he would appreciate that. I’ve already sent my prayers to the Gods. We’ll take

our leave then and check on the other deaths.” He looked as if he wanted to say more but

thought against it, for which Loken was grateful. Condolences that did nothing but remind a

person of their loss had never been his cup of tea.

Both men left and he followed the low hum of energy to his mother’s bedroom where

she was laid peacefully alongside her lover. Their hands were intertwined above the cover of

a black sheet. Aside from keeping the bodies from decaying, a constant inflow of energy also

prevented rigour mortis and relaxed the facial muscles. Marissa and Taven may have died

violently, but their expressions reflected a state of blissful tranquillity.

No words were needed as he and his sister carried the couple to the cars. Loken took

Taven in theirs while Kiress took Marissa in their mother’s car. At the lake a small, cherry-

oak fishing boat tied to a pier provided a sufficient funeral pyre for the two, once he’d ripped

out the bench seats. Additional guilt rode him hard. Not for the theft, but for the fact that his

mother deserved so much better for her ceremony than what was on hand.

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Kiress stood stoically a short distance away as he laid Marissa and Taven side by side

on the make-shift raft then gave it a smooth shove. Gentle ripples in the otherwise placid

water carried it towards the centre. Grasping his sister’s hand and giving it an encouraging

squeeze, he watched as the boat ignited in a blazing gust of flame. For the woman who had

sacrificed so much of her life to grant him his, he broke his lifelong renouncement of the

Gods and prayed for her soul, as he was sure his sister did.

When the last finger of flame licked upon the surface of the lake, fading plumes of

smoke dissipating in the predawn air, he lifted Kiress’ hand and kissed her knuckles.

“You should stay here and take care of her possessions.”

“Don’t pull that big brother bullshit on me,” she snapped. “Thirty seconds never

bought you higher authority in the past. It damn sure ain’t going to now.”

Loken chuckled and shook his head. It had been worth a shot.

“So what do we do now, Loki? We’ve been chasing Mikel’s goons for a year and he’s

always one step ahead. I can’t understand how he can disappear just minutes after someone

reports a sighting.”

“Like Elvis.” He grunted as a pointy elbow made sharp contact with his ribcage. He

supposed he deserved that. It had been meant as a joke but the retort to her words struck a

chord he hadn’t considered before. “Wait a minute. You might be on to something. We’ve

been running in circles trying to follow leads and yet attacks are happening almost

simultaneously around the country.”

“But he’s reported to be associated with several of those attacks.”

“But he’s never there. Maybe we should start looking in the places where he isn’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“Think about it. He can’t risk getting caught and yet he’s exposing himself like an

amateur. He wants us to underestimate him. It seems to me the safest place for him to be is

where he’s not. Which states has there been the least amount of sightings in?”

Kiress gazed up at the cloudless, slate blue sky as she pictured the US map she’d been

marking to keep track of Mikel’s progress. “California, Texas, Florida and I think Nevada.”

“All high population areas with plenty of uninhabited, surrounding lands. It would be

easy for him to set up base without drawing attention.”

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Understanding lit a spark in his sister’s eyes. “Or bas-es. If we’re going to appoint him

intelligence, then it would be smarter to have several fall-back locations instead of only one.”

“True. Let’s start at the one in California and go from there.”

“Uh-uh,” she objected. “You go to California. I’ll hit up Nevada.”


“We both know this will go faster if we split up. I’ll take Mom’s car and call you if I find


There was no point in arguing. Her pigheadedness knew no bounds. So he tried for

guilt. Wrapping her in a tight embrace, he said, “If you find him, please wait until I get there.

I can’t lose you as well.”

With an exasperated sigh, she pulled back to glare at him. “Fine, but I get the kill.” At

his nod, she gave him a peck on the cheek then headed for Marissa’s car, mumbling, “When I

get a hold of him, I’m gonna rip his ass open so wide he’ll be able to see it when his eyeballs

drop out of the hole. I’ll dance his pathetic corpse right on up to his father and serve him the

abomination he wrought piece by piece. Take that back to your hell-realm, you spineless,

pitiful, reject motherfu—”

The slam of the car door cut off the rest of the sentence and Loken had to grin as tyres

squealed and the car was propelled down the narrow dirt road. He cast one last glance out

over the lake. Though not a single trace was left to mark the ceremony of his mother, the fire

that had consumed her flesh would be forever etched in his mind.

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Chapter Two

A sneer of disgust twisted Cyann’s lips at the cloying haze of pollution that was visible

even under the cloak of night, though it was to be expected in a city that never rested. Streets

bustled with people who stopped only at the threat of being run over by impatient drivers.

The cacophony of noises created by man and machine could be heard from miles away,

outdone only by the thousands of colourful lights that created a glow visible from even


The rise in the quality of living for humanity was negated by the audacious disregard

for nature. He would have been appalled, as he had been so many times in the past, if the

loathing for his Gods and certain members of his own race didn’t greatly exceed that which

he held for humans.

This wasn’t the first time a God had tried to bring to life visions of grandeur by

convincing Keepers to pay homage to only them. It was why the Vishian had been created.

The impenetrable fortress had housed thousands over the millennia during times of domestic

war. Once the offending God was neutralised and his or her followers realised that nothing

would come of their revolt, things would return to normal and the chastised Keepers would

be released from the Vishian.

However, this war was different. While the God of Death could no longer play an active

role in his enterprise to dominate the other Gods, his son was doing more damage than

anyone in the history of Keepers. That, however, was not what had Cyaan scouring the

countryside in search of the demented half-God. Mikel had something he wanted—needed—

and he would stop at nothing to get it back.

Abandoning his perch overlooking the engorged eastside of LA, he strode with purpose

down the rocky hill and expanded his senses to their full capacity. Violent energy abounded

in the crowds he passed through like a shadow, but the renegade Keepers he hunted tended

to give off a slightly different vibe—more subtle and methodical in its low-key vibration.

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A tingling sensation raised the fine hairs on the back of his neck as an unmistakable

vibrance hit him. After veering into an empty alley, he paused to make sure no humans had

taken notice of him.

“Show yourself, Fate. I don’t have time for your games.” In a muted display of

shimmering, pearlescent lights, the Goddess of Fate took corporeal form several feet to his

left. Cyaan would have been impressed by her attempt to tone down her usually overly

theatrical appearance if not for her brazen outfit that left nothing to the imagination. It made

him wonder just how many Keepers she’d seduced using that tactic. He knew of at least one

but was unwilling to think about his friend at the moment.

“You’ve got to stop this, Cy. Mikel’s followers need to be brought to justice, not to


Cyaan ground his teeth at the reminder that Death was still allowed to collect the souls

of deceased Keepers and find a place for them among the Gods where they could be eternally

cared for. Rationally, he knew it was necessary. Death was the only one capable of doing his

job, but each soul was testimony to his son’s loyalty and Cyaan had no doubt that the God

took pride in it.

“They gave up their right to justice when they started killing their own kind.”

“What happened to you? You used to hold on to the renegades you caught until they

could be transported to the Vishian.”

“Five years!” he shouted, no longer caring who witnessed their conversation. “Five

years he’s spent in the hands of that sadistic bastard.”

Fate flinched at his outburst, wringing her hands in the pink gauze that billowed

around her generous assets. “At least we know he’s still alive.”

Cyaan laughed humourlessly at her ineffectual words of consolation. “And so is Mikel.

Until that man is dead, you’ll see no mercy from me. Now go do something productive like

find the asshole for me so I can rip his heart out.”

Fate stamped her foot in frustration then winked herself away in an upwards spiral of

twinkling flashes.


As much as he wanted to tell Fate to fuck off and stop harassing him about murdering

misguided killers, he knew the Gods would only send another deity to hound him. With his

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luck, it would most likely be the Goddess of Love. Not that he minded the presence of his ex-

lover, but he couldn’t deal with her sympathy right now. Hatred was his faithful companion,

keeping his head above the misery.

Once more he opened himself up to the barrage of energy, seeking out that tell-tale flow

that ran just a shade more muted than the rest.

There. Across the street and moving rapidly. Cyaan darted out of the alley and moved

in behind the group. He counted five in all, easily identified by their dark clothes and cluster

formation. Those that failed to get out of their way fast enough were shoved aside

effortlessly. Curses and angry threats followed in their wake as they manoeuvred their way

to the end of the street.

As Cyaan kept his distance, waiting for an opportunity to corner them in a deserted

alley, he noticed the peculiarity of their actions. At each business door, one man would go in

while the others stood sentinel outside, scanning the crowds and streets in every direction.

When their comrade returned, they would move on to the next business, repeating the

process. It was obvious they were searching for something but he didn’t have the patience to

wait and find out what.

Pulling a dagger from its sheath at his back, he swiftly made his way ahead of the

group as they passed an alley and nicked the foremost man on the wrist. With a taunting

grin, he turned and sped down the passageway, rounding a corner where a bald bulb lit the

back entrance to a restaurant. Like rats to bait, they scurried after him, coming to a halt when

they realised his intent.

The man holding his wrist regarded him with annoyance more than anger. “Great. Now

I have to waste time on the raging vigilante. Steff, Manny, keep searching for the boy. We’ll

catch up to you soon as we’re done taking care of this.”

Cyaan raised his brow in surprise. The fact that they knew him on sight wasn’t a

shocker. He’d made quite a name for himself among the renegades. However, the fact that

they had more important matters at hand than fighting for their lives was a new one. The

snide comeback on the tip of his tongue died as a stranger appeared behind the group,

blocking the path of the two men sent to continue their search.

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“Leaving the party so soon? Well that just won’t do. Let’s see if we can’t liven things up

a bit.” White teeth flashed in a sinister grin as he pulled a wickedly curved blade from inside

his leather jacket.

Cyaan barely bit back a gasp as the deep bass of the man’s voice danced along his skin

like a sensuous ripple of electricity. Hair so black it appeared blue in the dull light fell in

waves to his shoulders and framed a face that was ruggedly mesmerising. Black jeans

matched a tight shirt that clung to his powerful body like a second skin. The man looked like

delicious sin on a stick and Cyaan actually salivated at the thought of swiping his tongue

over every inch of the hard flesh he knew had to lie beneath those clothes.

The glint of steel caught his attention and he twisted his body in time to avoid the blade

that shot past his neck. Familiar, composed rage settled over him, centring his mind and

providing a profound sense of clarity. He could say it was the countless years of training that

enabled him to predict the leader’s round kick, or the experience of tens of wars that

deadened his heart as he pivoted and smashed the man’s head into the brick wall, but it

would be a lie.

The last five years of learning to live with hatred so strong that it consumed his every

waking moment had honed his skills to perfection. Keeping one hand at the leader’s throat,

he hooked his dagger upwards, plunging it deep into the man’s gut. A second man tackled

him from the side and his grip on the bloodied blade was lost, but he span in time to avoid

meeting the ground with his face. The guy had him in a grapple hold about the waist,

causing him to land awkwardly on his hands and knees.

A third figure ran to his front and swung a foot out towards Cyaan’s head while the

second released him to produce a small blade from his belt. Cyaan caught the leg in one hand

and yanked hard. As the man fell to his back, Cyaan bucked with his legs, throwing the

second from his back while grabbing the knife-wielding wrist in both hands. Their eyes met

and the flicker of fear that passed through the other’s was unmistakable.

He knew what the man saw. Maybe he was going mad in a way, but it came with a

purpose. Using the slight advantage, he twisted the wrist and shifted his weight to his upper

body, shoving the blade with brutal force into the man’s chest cavity.

Without pause, he wrenched the knife free and brought it up just as the third rose to

lunge at him. The whistle of steel sounded close to his ear and the hilt of a dagger jutted out

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from the renegade’s throat. Shock widened the Keeper’s eyes before his body crumpled to

the ground in a lifeless heap. Cyaan whipped around and spotted the stranger walking

stealthily towards him. Distantly, he took note of the last two men lying in pools of blood

several yards away.

The man was all coiled strength and rippling muscles as he strode past then bent to

retrieve his dagger from the corpse and place it into its scabbard. Cyaan straightened with

him, held captive by the gaze that locked onto his. Four feet separated them and the

proximity was like standing next to an inferno. The energy rolling in waves from the stranger

reminded him of a wild animal, poised to strike at the slightest provocation. It called to him

on a primal level that went well beyond his carnal needs.

Lust competed with tense wariness, and for the first time in too long, his cock came to

life of its own accord. Blue eyes deep as the ocean on a stormy day ringed in a circle of black

travelled down his body, searching and devouring in their intensity. He felt his skin heat and

blood pool in his groin as they found the erection straining painfully against his leather

pants. A quick dip of his own gaze to below the man’s waist showed Cyann he wasn’t the

only one aroused.

The man parted lips surrounded by a masterfully sculpted goatee and darted his

tongue out, moistening them. When their eyes locked again, Cyaan lost his hesitancy. He had

to taste this dangerous man. To feel the power locked inside that magnificent body. One step

closed the distance between them and his heart hammered wildly in his chest but it was the

other man who took action first.

The back of Cyaan’s neck was grabbed by the other man in a possessive hold as wet lips

crashed into his. He opened willingly to the tongue that plunged into his mouth, plundering

his depths in a combative show of dominance. Cyaan was tempted to give in, if only to see

how far the man would go, but the challenge was more than he could resist.

They were roughly the same height, making it easy to counter the aggressive swipes

with his own. Grasping the man’s midsection in both hands, he brought their bodies

together, moaning as the pressure sent a shiver down his spine.

He didn’t realise they’d been moving until his back collided with the alley wall. The

stranger placed his hands on either side of Cyaan’s head and used his body to trap him there.

The kisses became more urgent, almost desperate, and the chafing of sharp hairs along his

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lips and cheeks became painful. It ignited his blood and let loose a tide of desire that swept

through him with the force of a rogue wave. He lifted the man’s shirt and splayed his hands

across the firm expanse of smooth ridges that flexed with each grind of his hips.

Cyaan needed more, though. His body raged with the urge to tame the wild beast

cornering him while his mind demanded that he take control—make it clear that he would

settle for no less than everything. With an almost violent shove, he rotated their positions,

swiftly pushing the man against the wall and giving him no choice but to endure the

captivity of the cage Cyaan’s body made. A growl came from deep in the stranger’s chest and

his eyes sparked with fierce hunger.

Cyaan knew he needed to act…and quickly. They were too evenly matched. Both proud

warriors unable to bow down to the will of the other despite the explosive passion between

them. Guided by touch while his mouth continued to drink in the man’s alluring taste, his

fingers released the clasp of a weapons belt then moved on to the buttons of the pants. A

heavy length fell free as he pushed the material down and he clenched it tightly in one hand.

His lust surged at the pulsing thickness of the rod filling his palm.

The stranger let out a low, strangled groan as his hips thrust forwards. “My turn.”

Their bodies spun again and the breath left his lungs as he was slammed back into

brick. A tug at his fly and the brief draught of cool air was replaced by burning flesh. Cyaan

hissed as his throbbing member was squeezed from base to tip in a merciless grip. The man

raised the hand on his neck to his scalp and fisted his hair, pulling him into another searing

kiss that denied him his next breath.

He gathered the slick drops of pre-cum oozing from the head of the dick he held and

began pumping it furiously. The thin layer of skin that sheathed it slid like silk along his

calluses, but there was nothing soft or yielding beneath it. Cyaan revelled in the hard glory of

the man’s beautiful cock, feeling every inch and engorged vein with his grasping fingers. The

stranger mimicked his actions with a ferociousness of his own. Undulating into the intense

friction, Cyaan reached his other hand under the man’s shirt again and pinched one pebbled

nipple, earning him a menacing snarl that vibrated against his lips.

Every nerve in his aching shaft spread sparks throughout his entire system, setting him

ablaze with powerful need. Yanking his mouth free, he ground out, “Don’t stop.” The words

came out more as a threat than a plea and his arousal reached new heights when the man

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doubled his efforts. Cyaan knew the stranger was reacting more to the provocation than any

eagerness to please, but that only stimulated him further.

A tingling sensation raced up his spine as his balls drew tight, heralding his imminent

climax. Pleasure bowled through him with unstoppable speed and his back arched. A

guttural shout was ripped from his lips as his orgasm was pulled from him in fast, harsh

strokes. His cock erupted like a geyser, spraying hot ropes of semen onto his shirt. Teeth

clamped onto the stretched cords in his neck. The rush of charged energy that hit him when

the stranger joined him sent spasms through his dick, prolonging his pleasure until he grew


The pain in his neck gradually eased as the man loosened his teeth to gulp in air. Their

chests heaved, butting together with each deep inhalation. Sweat plastered thin tendrils of

hair to the stranger’s face and his swollen lips were a deep red, almost blending in with his

black goatee in the dim light. The scent of their combined release permeated the air around

them, mixing with the smell of sweet coffee on the man’s breath.

Eyes fringed by dark, long lashes regained focus and Cyaan saw the realisation in them

even as it struck him.

“Shit. You’re my mate.”

Those words from the stranger confirmed what his body had known all along but what

his mind was still grappling at. “Yes,” Cyaan said—his voice rough and low.

The man stumbled back in shock, giving Cyaan his first view of the semi-erect cock he’d

held in his hand just moments ago. He thought he saw a flicker of fear but it was quickly

masked by a blank expression. With slow, deliberate movements, Cyaan tucked himself back

into his pants and shed his trench coat to remove his sticky shirt. The man did the same,

though his gaze never strayed from Cyaan’s chest once it was bared.

“What’s your name?”

The stranger looked up in a daze that transformed into a guarded scowl almost

instantly. “None of your concern.”

His hard tone threw Cyaan off and he could do no more than watch as the man

gathered his weapons belt and cinched it around his waist before heading to the entrance of

the alley. When the man’s intent to leave registered in his mind, anger flushed through him

at the complete disregard. Truthfully, the idea of being responsible for another mate was one

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step above terrifying, but if his senses were correct, he knew this stranger could more than

take care of himself.

“What are you doing?”

“Walking away,” the stranger said without a backwards glance.

“So you’re going to leave our mate in Mikel’s hands?” That brought the man to an

abrupt halt. Dark blue eyes fixed on his again as the stranger turned to face him.

“Excuse me?”

When Cyaan was sure he had the man’s full attention, he calmly retrieved his dagger

and wiped it before putting it in its sheath. “I know what you are. My daughter is also a

halfling and I’ve had to keep her existence a secret for thousands of years. So I understand

your…reluctance to involve yourself with me, but we have another mate to think about and I

could use your help.”

Indecision warred with curiosity on the man’s face and Cyaan allowed the honesty of

his statements to flow into the energy he exuded. A relationship between mates should be

based on truth and openness but in their situation, it was a dire necessity. Though the

prospect of having additional brawn to aid him in defeating Mikel was enticing, he had to

admit it wasn’t the main reason why he couldn’t let the man leave.

Whereas their missing mate was slight of frame and outgoing, this one had a physique

that rivalled Cyaan’s and a mysterious edge to his countenance. He was intrigued by both

and unwilling to part with either.


Cyaan felt his lips curve in a relieved grin. “Loken. I’m Cyaan, or just Cy. Where are

you staying?” When suspicion thinned the man’s lips, he let out a tired sigh. His body still

thrummed with the echo of their passion but it was a blow to the ego to have discovered he

had a second mate…only to find said mate had the same reluctance to be with him that his

other mate had held. It seemed that both men had past conflicts to work through before they

would accept him.

“At least come with me to my hotel room so I can tell you more about…our mate.” He

couldn’t bring himself to say the name. Shame latched onto it and locked it in his throat as

tightly as it did the day he’d failed the smaller man. “I also need to call Time to take care of

this mess.”

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“The Gods approve of you killing Keepers, even if they are Mikel’s men?”

Cyaan recalled the frustrated grimace that always crossed the God of Time’s face when

the deity was called to clear away the dead bodies. “Hell no,” he said with an evil grin. “It

was a God that started this war and as far as I’m concerned they can clean up their own

damn mess.”

Loken’s answering grin was like a jumpstart to his heart. The man was gorgeous in a

lethal, take-no-prisoners kind of way. Cyaan knew then they would get along just fine. “Well,

go on then. Wouldn’t want you to miss an opportunity to piss off the Gods. I’ll wait outside

the alley.”

Buttoning his coat, he called Time to him, smirking at the God’s irritation. Their routine

of slaughtering and cleaning suited him perfectly but annoyed the God to no end. After

exchanging a few words, Cyaan left to meet Loken on the sidewalk.

“My car is a few blocks from here. Which hotel are you staying at?”

“The Marriott, downtown.”

The man nodded and led the way to a nearby parking garage. Cyaan let out a low

whistle of appreciation when they came to Loken’s car. “Nice. Good to know your tastes are

as excellent as your skills.”

“Which ones?”

Loken’s eyes fastened onto Cyaan’s crotch, twinkling with mirth. With a laugh, Cyaan

replied, “I was a little too busy to see you in action, but I have no doubt you fight as well as

you please.”

The man’s face darkened but there was no animosity. Getting into the car, Loken asked,

“So how is this supposed to work? I can tell you’re just as dominant as I am. And I don’t

please. I give.”

Cyaan chuckled softly. His mate had a point. The chemistry between them was

amazing, but it lacked one essential component—their third mate. “I think you’ll get your

answer to that once our triad is complete.”

Loken shot him a perplexed look but didn’t comment.

The trip to the hotel was relatively short. Cyaan had been staying there for a week but

his bags were still packed. There was no point in getting comfortable with the amount of

travelling he did. His mate dropped the duffel he’d grabbed from the back seat of his car to

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the floor and smirked at the queen-sized bed. Cyaan merely shrugged. He hadn’t been

expecting company, and after what they’d recently shared behind a restaurant it was

doubtful either of them would be bashful enough to want to take the couch.

“Bathroom’s through there. I’ll take a shower after you.” With him would have been

better, but Cyaan didn’t think he’d be that fortunate. And the walls were definitely too thin

for what he had in mind.

After Loken took a small travel pack from his bag and closed the bathroom door behind

him, Cyaan unwrapped two plastic cups from the dresser. Filling both with a few fingers of

Crown Royal from the refrigerating unit, he sat on the edge of the bed and idly sipped at his

drink while contemplating the night’s events.

He still had trouble wrapping his head around the discovery of having a second mate. It

wasn’t unheard of, but extremely rare. In fact, his friend Seth was the only Keeper he’d met

that had more than one. The fact that one of Seth’s mates, Jamie, was a halfling—just as

Loken was—didn’t escape his attention. Rumours of such matings had been passed from ear

to mouth among his kind since before he was born, yet none of those had been confirmed as

far as he knew.

Was it possible that all half-Gods were born with a destiny to have two mates?

Cyaan itched to call on Love and ask if she had any insights into the possibility but that

would have to wait until he was alone. Somehow, he didn’t think Loken had quite yet

warmed up to the fact that he was no longer on the endangered species list simply because of

the energy and blood that flowed through his body. Come to think of it, the man’s

guardedness might be due to his ignorance of the radical change that had taken place five

years ago.

Another sip of liquor slid down with ease as his thoughts scattered and conjoined,

creating and discarding ideas at a rapid pace. It wasn’t until a tug at one of his blond locks

jerked him out of his reverie that he noticed the defined torso dripping with beads of water

in front of him. A happy trail made of fine, dark hairs drew his gaze to the loosely wrapped

band of terry cloth slung at an angle around provocative hips.

On impulse, he leant forwards and caught a single drop of water on the tip of his

tongue, delighting in the contrast of chilled wetness against hot flesh. Loken sucked in a

sharp breath and took a step back.

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“I think we should talk before this goes any further.”

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Chapter Three

Talk. Right. Damn.

He couldn’t think clearly in the man’s presence. Cyaan retreated to the bathroom but

not before noticing the erection that tented the towel concealing parts of the man that

shouldn’t be hidden. At least not when they were alone. Wrapping a towel around his own

waist after his shower, he plaited his hair into a single braid then padded out to find Loken

drinking in the same pose of contemplation. Refilling their cups, he sat at the head of the bed.

“You have a daughter?”

Cyaan appraised the man sitting across from him. The talk wasn’t going to be easy

knowing that a scrap of cloth was all that kept him from staring at Loken’s full glory. A light,

natural tan accentuated a fine dusting of black hair across his chest. With his hair pulled back

into a ponytail, the high angles of his face were more pronounced, giving him a slightly

native-American look. There was still a restless edge to his energy but not nearly as

noticeable as before.

“Yes. Kaia. Her mother is the Goddess of Love. We’d had to keep her hidden for almost

three millennia up until five years ago.” That was when a large number of Keepers, himself

included, had risen up against their Gods and demanded that halflings be given the right to

live and be punished based on their actions and not the blood in their veins. He was hoping

Loken would reveal the God who had sired him, or at least that he was aware of the battle

that had occurred five years prior, but the man only nodded.

“This mate of ours…he’s male, right?”

A trace of nervous energy floated from Loken and Cyaan smiled. He guessed he’d be a

little put off too if he was gay and his mate turned out to be female. “He’s male.”

Loken’s face relaxed in relief. “So…you’re bi?”

“Yeah, and you’re gay. You want to call the kettle black?”

“Got the point,” Loken said wryly.

“Thank you.”

“How about a sexy, smoky grey with delicious layers?”

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Cyaan burst out laughing, the alien sound almost startling him into silence. It was nice

to know the man found him attractive even though he’d tried to walk away. “I can handle


His mate smiled widely before sobering. “So how did our mate end up in Mikel’s


With a fortifying sigh, Cyaan forced past his lips the name he’d been unable to say

aloud since the day the man had disappeared. “His name is Jace. He was originally mated to

a halfling before we came into the picture but that was over three hundred years ago. His

mate was killed by the God of Wrath before he got a chance to meet him.”

Loken’s face paled considerably and a miasma of agitation clogged the air around him.

He downed the contents of his cup then refilled it, leaving the bottle within close range.

“Well, doesn’t that just suck all balls? My mate’s mate killed by my father. Small world, eh?”

He gulped the next shot and poured himself more.

From his carriage and air of deadly confidence, Cyaan had suspected one of his parents

to be the God of some volatile aspect, but the coincidence was ever so slightly bizarre

and…morbid, in a way.

“He won’t hold it against you. His own father sent him out to kill the halfling.

Something about wanting his son to prove himself a man by upholding the laws of the Gods.

By the time Jace realised the boy was his mate, Wrath had already killed him. It took Jace

three hundred years to recover from failing his mate.”

“Wait, if Fate never told him about the boy then it wasn’t his fault.”

“No, but he took responsibility regardless. He became my mate when he heard of

another halfling in trouble and decided to stand with us and fight for Jaime’s right to live.

Jaime is the other son of Death who, as I’m sure you know, is also Mikel’s father. He’s a good

man. It took a lot of courage for him and my daughter to face a potential rebellion had we not

been able to convince the Gods to rescind their edict.”

Loken frowned in confusion. “So this Jaime refused to join his father and brother?”

Cyaan smiled as he thought of the young man that was so much like their mate. “He

was raised by humans and had no idea that Keepers or Gods existed, or how to deal with his

power of precog. When my friend Seth found him, Jamie was having visions of a man

hunting him. That man was Mikel. His brother wanted to use his powers to further their

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father’s cause. We thought we could keep him safe but Mikel lured him away with a false

vision the night before we confronted the Gods.

“Jace went with him to protect him but Mikel’s men still found them. Death put up

some kind of cloaking spell on his sons and Jace, but Kaia was able to locate them a week

later. When we raided Mikel’s base of operation, I tried to get them out but the bastard’s men

swarmed us. Mikel was holding Jamie and Jace when Death ported them to some unknown

location two seconds before the Gods stripped Death of his powers.”

“Then why isn’t Seth helping you since his mate was taken, too?”

Self-loathing was like a hot iron to his heart, but the retelling of events oddly gave him a

measure of solace. “He is helping, but Jamie is safe at home with him and Loland, their other

mate. At the last moment, Jace distracted Mikel long enough for Jamie to get free. He

sacrificed himself to save the halfling.”

“Damn. And I thought I had it bad in life.”

“I take it your father doesn’t know about you?”

Loken’s laugh came out as a bitter grunt. “I wouldn’t be here right now if he did. My

mom hid me until I was able to take care of myself. She was a strong woman.”

There was a faint twinge of sadness that prompted Cyaan to ask, “Did she die?”

Loken cast his gaze around the room as if he hadn’t heard the question. However, the

lack of response was answer in itself. Cyaan didn’t want to run the risk of pushing the man

away so he sat patiently, giving Loken his space.

“You planning on leaving soon?”

Cyaan followed the direction of his nod to his packed suitcase next to the dresser.

“Yeah. Not sure where yet. I wasn’t able to get any clues from Mikel’s men here.”

“Mind if we hold camp for a little longer? I came here to test a theory I have.”

The smile that lifted his face was pure victory but he held it in check. He didn’t want to

get his hopes up just yet. “Are you saying you’ll stay with me?”

“I’m saying I’ll help you find our mate. We’ll see how things go after that.”

Disappointment flared but he quickly mastered his emotions and hid his frown behind

a sip from his cup. It was enough for now that the man had agreed to assist him in getting

Jace back, and too much to ask for commitment at such an early stage in their relationship. At

least that’s what he told himself, but the sting of rejection remained.

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The comfort of knowing he might have years in which to change Loken’s mind was

tempered by the fact that Jace might spend those years as he had the last five. Under the

control of a madman.

Clearing his throat, he set his drink aside then pulled back the covers. “Thanks, I

appreciate it. You can take the couch if you want, though I wouldn’t recommend it. My ass

got numb after sitting on it for an hour the other day.”

Loken stood and tossed the towel around his hips to the floor. “I’ll pass if that’s all right

with you.” Slipping in between the sheets, he furrowed his brow and bit his lip, his

nervousness obvious. Damned if it wasn’t one of the sexiest sights Cyaan had ever seen. “I’ve

never slept next to someone before, so I apologise in advance if I snore or hog the sheets or

anything else you might want to kick me out of the bed for.”

The admission of such isolation pained him, but it also reminded him of how difficult

this whole situation must be for his mate. On impulse, he leant down and feathered his lips

over the man’s mouth. Loken opened immediately and their tongues slid together in a slow,

sensuous dance. The fiery passion of before returned in a gentle, leisurely roll that was no

less addicting in its intensity. Powerful arms encircled his midsection and when he inhaled

his mate’s breath, contentment flowed in with it.

When the kiss came to a gradual end, his cock lay full and heavy against Loken’s thigh,

pushing at the soft cotton that confined it. “I’ll take my chances.” The urge to take things a

step further was nearly irresistible, but he tamped it down. He wanted to savour their next

experience and explore every inch of the man’s body. If that happened now, he wouldn’t be

able to stop until he was satisfied and that could take all night. Or morning…as the case was.

Cyaan was prepared to move away so he was pleasantly surprised when Loken refused

to let him go. Stripping the towel from his hips and resting his head on the man’s shoulder,

he drifted off to sleep with a sliver of optimism lodged in the fortress of cynicism that

surrounded his heart.

* * * *

Itch. Rest. Itch. Rest.

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For several minutes, Loken lay contemplating which one was going to take precedence

over the other. The itch on his nose was rapidly becoming maddening but his body was

experiencing the most restful sleep it’d had in centuries. Finally the itch won out, pulling him

into full consciousness. As he tried to reach up with one hand to relieve his nose, he

discovered he was trapped. Blinking his eyes open, he saw long, white strands of hair

stretching across his chest and tangling around his arms.

Smiling, he recalled unfastening Cyaan’s plait after the man had fallen asleep and

getting lost in the feel of it splayed out over his skin and gliding through his fingers. It was as

white as it was soft and so long that he could wrap it around his wrist five times. Arching his

back, he nudged the hairs out from beneath him with his elbows and took care of his nose.

In the silence of the room, he studied his mate. The man was magnificent. A straight

nose and firm, thin lips gave him an aristocratic look, but it was his eyes that arrested Loken

and held him mesmerised. So light a green it was like staring into the sun through green-

stained glass.

Muscles that could probably cut steel if they were any more defined lined Cyaan’s

entire body. More than that, the man knew how to use them—and not just in a fight. Loken

doubted his mate was even aware of the seductiveness of his movements, or the impact his

elegant form had on others. If the car had been parked any further away than it had been last

night, Loken would have given in to his baser nature and started knocking the head of each

person who had strained their neck to gawk in lust at the man.

After easing himself as smoothly as possible from the press of Cyaan’s warm body, he

took a moment to admire taut flesh over sculpted features only a shade lighter than his. The

temptation to delve beneath the sheet and peek at what he had yet to view with his eyes was

overwhelming. Loken pulled the covers back while running his other hand over Cyaan,

following the fabric down, memorising the sleek texture and hard ridges.

When a line of blond curls appeared, Cyaan tossed his head to the other side then

straightened onto his back. The motion tugged at the sheet and his stiff length popped free,

bobbing lightly against his abdomen. Loken’s mouth watered at the sight of the beautiful

cock. It was long and curved upwards, the engorged head a dull red that had a tantalising

drop of pre-cum glistening in the slit.

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Unable to resist, he dipped down and captured the drop on the tip of his tongue. The

taste was both sweet and bitter, luring his mouth further down until his lips squeezed the

shaft just below the head. Thigh muscles bunched under his palms and a soft gasp came from

above. He hadn’t meant to wake the man but he couldn’t stop now. A current of erotic

energy rolled into him, stimulating his own cock and spurring him on.

Shifting so that he kneeled between Cyaan’s parted legs, he clasped the base of the shaft

in a firm grip then swirled his tongue around the head. Inch by inch he swallowed the hard

flesh, moaning at the feel of the thickness filling his mouth. Sucking on his way up, he

repeated the process several times in slow, torturous moves.

When the shaft was slick with saliva, he removed his mouth and began pumping it in

strong, sure strokes. A groan pulled his gaze to half-lidded, peridot eyes glazed with passion.

Cyaan’s normally thin lips were parted and flushed as though he’d been biting them. Loken

wanted to ravish them—demand that they satisfy him as much as he wanted to possess

them—but the intoxicating scent that filled his nostrils drew him back to the pulsing member

in his hand.

Musk and clean sweat made for a powerful aphrodisiac and he bent lower to lave at the

heavy sac beneath the prick he was working. Cyaan bent his knees, giving him better access,

of which he took full advantage. Taking one ball into his mouth, he then pushed forward and

pressed the arch of his tongue along the perineum, massaging it gently at first. Switching to

the other ball, he sucked and rubbed harder while increasing the speed of his hand.

Cyaan’s hips bucked and Loken felt fingers thread through his hair and lock on. The

power of the man’s grip was foreign, exhilarating, and a challenge all at once. Though he was

no stranger to giving head, his partners had always been submissive. And going down on

them had always been his form of rewarding them for pleasing him. This man, however,

robbed him of his self-discipline and for the first time since he could remember, he wanted to

give without expecting anything in return.

Of course, that didn’t mean he was going to relinquish control. Somehow, the thought

of fighting for dominance with the strong man beneath him was just as heady as asserting it

over a sub. Placing both hands on Cyaan’s hips and holding them down in a crushing grip,

he swallowed as much of his mate’s length as he could. The flavour of pre-cum bursting

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along his tongue as he slid up and down at a fast pace made him suck all the harder. He had

to taste all of the man.

Short, frantic breaths turned to strained grunts and Cyaan’s hands tightened as he tried

to writhe on the bed. Loken denied him that movement and increased his efforts. A sizzling

bolt of sexual energy was all the warning he had. Hot streams of cum shot into his mouth as

a guttural shout rang in his ears. Using the muscles at the back of his throat mercilessly, he

drained every last drop from his mate’s shaft.

His body was a lit fuse, buzzing with excitement and need. Rising up, he shook off

Cyaan’s hold and fisted his aching member. He wouldn’t last long. Not with the heated look

in the pair of green eyes that pierced him with lust. He straddled the man’s waist and

pumped his cock furiously, bracing one hand against the wall at the head of the bed when

Cyaan cupped his ass to bring him closer to that tempting mouth. His balls pulled in tight as

his back stiffened at the surge of pleasure that rocked his loins.

At the last moment, Cyaan brought his lips forwards and the heat of his mouth took

Loken right over the edge. Jerking with intensity, he came in a mind-shattering orgasm,

spurting his seed deep into his mate. A loud grunt was pulled from him as he was sucked

dry with as much enthusiasm as he’d shown. Sweat pricked on his brow and his chest

heaved as he desperately tried to pull in oxygen.

When his body was fully depleted he fell forwards, stopping himself in time from

collapsing onto Cyaan by planting his hands on either side of the man’s head and locking his


They stayed like that for several seconds, both trying to calm the racing of their hearts

and regain composure. Finally, Cyaan’s mouth curved up in a sexy grin that made Loken

laugh lightheartedly. Damn, it had been a long time since that sound had left his lips without

an underlying layer of cynicism.

“That was the best breakfast I’ve had in years.”

Loken laughed again and slumped to the side, lying on his back next to his mate. “Me

too. Beats room service any day.”

Cyaan propped himself up on one elbow and captured his mouth in a slow, languorous

kiss. Slow-burning desire rekindled deep within Loken as their tongues met and savoured

each other and shared the taste of their release. He didn’t know what it was about this man

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that sparked his lust and interest. Other than his stunning looks, Cyaan was everything but

his usual type. Strong-willed, confident and powerful. It threw Loken off-balance like

nothing ever had before, but it was beyond thrilling.

His lips tingled as the kiss ended, leaving him wanting more.

“So what’s this idea that brought you to LA?”

“I’ve been chasing rumours of Mikel’s whereabouts for a year now with no luck. I

thought he was somehow managing to stay one step ahead of me but I’m a master tracker. I

should have caught him by now.” He wasn’t exaggerating his skill, and Cyaan’s quiet

acceptance of his confession was appreciated. “I don’t think the Keepers who reported seeing

him were lying, but it just doesn’t add up. That’s when it occurred to me that he might be

hiding out in the places where there have been no sightings of him.”

His mate nodded. “I’ve been running into the same problem with eyewitnesses. I don’t

doubt their claims of seeing him, but it’s like chasing a ghost. Mikel does have the power of

illusion. It would make sense that he’s putting false information into the minds of Keepers to

keep his real location a secret. I’ve been all over this city, though, and haven’t heard anything

about him being here.”

“Exactly. Neither have I. I want to check out large areas of land bought within the last

five years that are far enough away to afford him privacy yet close enough to the city to give

his followers access to the energy humans provide.”

“That could take a while but it’s better than anything I’ve got so far. In fact, it sounds

like a great plan. It’s early yet. Let me pull up a list of properties and see if we can narrow it

down.” Cyaan gave him a brief kiss and rose to fire up his laptop on the dresser.

Loken lay for a few minutes, staring at the man as he brushed his hair then plaited it

down the middle of his back. Only his sister and mother had shown such blind faith in his

ideas. Not that he was really into socialising with others, but it floored him that this man

trusted in his instincts so willingly in such a short amount of time. Loken got the distinct

impression that Cyaan wasn’t the type of man to indulge someone simply because of who

they were.

* * * *

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By just after sundown, they’d constructed a list of nearby lands purchased by men with

suspicious identities. There were a few paid for upfront with cash with which Loken wanted

to start their investigation. As they set out, his mind wandered back to the conversation

they’d had last night.

Cyaan had made no further move to gain a promise of commitment from him past their

current endeavour, and he wasn’t ready to explain his reluctance. Yet with each minute that

passed in easy companionship, he found himself wanting to take back his blunt words of the

night before and tell the man he was staying because he wanted to and not just to find their

missing mate.

If Kiress were there, she’d probably slap him upside the head to knock some sense into


After driving for several hours and confirming that four of the properties were legit, it

was getting hard to stifle his frustration. Though he felt they were on the right track, hunting

the half-God had long since passed the point of tediousness.

Cyaan must have picked up on his agitation. “We’ve covered quite a bit so far. What do

you say we get in some kills before calling it a night?”

Loken flashed him a grateful smile then headed back to the city. “You read my mind.

Any part you want to hit in particular?”

The other man shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. I usually walk around until I feel their


It was a struggle to keep his surprise from showing. While any Keeper could learn to

distinguish traits in others that individualised their field of energy, normal Keepers could

only detect and absorb energy within a radius of twenty yards, twenty-five at the most. To be

able to stretch that in order to ferret out Mikel’s men spoke volumes about the man’s talent

and determination. His own ability to extend his senses was well above average but mainly

due to the power he’d inherited from his father.

Finding a safe parking garage for his car, they began stalking through the streets. Loken

had to admit they made a striking pair. Both dressed in black leather and a hand taller than

the people they manoeuvred through, it was difficult to remain inconspicuous.

As they rounded the corner of a street less populated than most, Loken paused at the

sound of angry words and curses from a distance. For the neighbourhood they were in, it

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wasn’t uncommon to run into fights or crimes of some form or another, but there was an

anomaly that tugged at his curiosity. Wrath and sickening arousal pervaded the air except

for a small space in which no energy existed among the group. It was like having a blind spot

in the midst of sea of colour.

“What is it?”

“You can’t feel that?”

Cyaan creased his brow and took a second to concentrate on their surroundings. “I feel

the anger coming from the alley,” he pointed to the end of the building they were standing in

front of, “but they’re only humans.”

“True, but it’s what’s not there that disturbs me.” His feet pulled him in the direction of

the conflict before he could think twice. Staying close to the wall of the building, he saw six

men, all young adults dressed in baggy clothes, passing a seventh among them with harsh

shoves and occasional slapping.

From their jeering, Loken would have gathered that it was nothing more than the

common ignorance of gay bashing but for the hole in the field of energy was coming from the

man being harassed. Loken could feel nothing from the victim. The complete absence of

energy from a living being should have been technically impossible, and yet what he felt, or

rather didn’t feel, was undeniable.

A glance at Cyaan’s confused expression told him his mate was aware of the oddity.

The man in the middle appeared to be very young if his size was anything to go on. A full

head shorter than the hoodlums surrounding him. The lack of muscle definition in his thin

body was easy to see despite being covered by a T-shirt and pants too big on his slim hips.

No shoes adorned his feet.

Long blond hair hid his face, though it flew wildly as he tried to defend himself. He

swung a punch to one man’s jaw that looked like it caused more shock than pain. When that

man grabbed him, uttering a threat about teaching him a lesson, he responded by spitting in

the other’s face. Ballsy, but Loken could see the situation going south rather rapidly.

He didn’t need to take a walk in the subconscious minds of the group to know they

intended to rape their prey after they beat the fight out of him.

A vicious blow to the smaller man’s face landed him on the ground where the men

crowded in and took turns kicking him. When the one who’d been punched leant down to

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tear the shirt from the man’s back, Loken decided to step in. He was far from a Good

Samaritan, but there was something about the victim that intrigued him.

Walking into full view of the group with Cyaan at his side, he called out, “Mind if we

join in?”

All heads but that of the victim turned as one. One man, the leader apparently, threw

the tattered shirt to the ground and took a step forwards. “This is a private party. Get lost

before we have to rearrange your pretty faces, too.”

Loken winced at the bad cliché. Who the hell used that line anymore? “You know, it’s

times like these I wish I didn’t have morals about fighting unarmed men,” he said to Cyaan.

The men took that as the provocation it was and brandished a pitiful collection of

pocket knives. He didn’t bother to show his blade. As much as he was yearning for blood,

getting it from these men would be ultimately disappointing.

“Better. Now let’s have a little fun, shall we?”

The leader jerked his head at three of his comrades who advanced on him and Cyaan.

The first made an open lunge with his knife-hand that could have been in slow motion for all

the speed and accuracy it lacked. Clamping onto the wrist as it passed over his head, he then

twisted until the knife fell from numb fingers and pushed the man—none too gently—into

the wall, face-first. Blood gushed from the guy’s broken nose as he bounced back and hit the

ground hard.

Crouching low, Loken span his leg out, sweeping the second man off his feet before

bringing his booted foot down on his throat. A high-pitched scream let him know that Cyaan

was taking care of the third assailant. Sure enough, he watched his mate snatch up the man

by his neck and toss him through the air at two more men running to get into the action. All

three tumbled to the ground then untangled themselves in a hasty recovery.

With barely intelligible curses, they charged en masse. Cyaan stepped forwards and

brought up his arm in a jarring thud across the throat of one man while spinning away from

the arc of a knife aimed at his gut by another. Loken pulled his attention from the sight of his

mate’s fluid body and focused on the one who’d been hurled through the air.

He was limping on his left leg, his balance off as he swung his fists in a one-two punch.

These were easily avoided and Loken used the man’s forward motion to yank him closer by

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his shirt. Turning, he gave a sharp back kick to the man’s knee, which broke with a satisfying

snap. He could have done without the unmanly shriek that followed, however.

He pivoted and found his mate tossing aside a man with both eyes swollen shut. One of

these nights he would have to sit out on the fun just to admire Cyaan’s beautifully ruthless


“Who the hell are you?”

Turning back to the leader, Loken saw that the man held the victim tightly to his chest

with a knife pointed at his neck. Though blond tresses still kept the smaller man’s face from

view, Loken could imagine the fear hidden behind them. It angered him on a level he

couldn’t understand but he didn’t want to risk the man’s life by provoking the thug.

Sapping every ounce of wrath from the leader, he left him with nothing but

unadulterated fear and said in a low tone, “I’m the one who’s going to kick ass if you don’t

let him go immediately.”

The man dropped his knife instantly and released his prey, stumbling from the alley

with his friends in tow. Once Loken was sure they wouldn’t return, he looked back to the

victim who was now trembling with his back to the far wall. The absence of energy was

disconcerting. As he took a step forwards, the young man stepped to the side, keeping the

same amount of distance between them.

“We’re not going to hurt you. I just want to ask you a question.” And how was he going

to do that without divulging the gift of his kind? Without feeling the vibrance of life every

person gave off, it was impossible to tell whether the other man was human or Keeper. Then

again, if he was human, it was highly unlikely that anyone would believe his story about a

stranger being able to feel—or not feel—the energy he should be emanating.

The man was obviously homeless and in bad shape.

“How are you hiding your life’s energy?”

Seconds drew out in tense silence. Finally, a shaky hand was lifted to scrape back his

long hair and reveal shadowed green eyes. His face appeared older than Loken would have

guessed, yet was youthful in a timeless way. The pale features were finely drawn and

exquisite like the rest of his body. He and Cyaan sucked in a breath, though apparently for

different reasons.


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That name was the only thing that could have torn his gaze from the younger man, and

it did for a split second. Cyaan was staring at the victim with a mixture of horror and awe.

His mate’s reaction led him to believe that this was their missing third party but it seemed

too easy to just run into him on the street, being attacked by humans. If he were a Keeper, it

would have been a simple matter to drain the humans of their energy, allowing him to get


Cyaan stepped closer this time and the man skirted away again. “Jace, please. Let me

help you.”

The man suddenly wavered on his feet. As one they rushed forwards, catching him

before his head cracked on the pavement. Jace was out cold. Anguish poured from Cyaan as

he cradled the man and rocked him gently. Tears stained his cheeks though no sounds of

grief escaped.

“Is this really our mate?”

The pain in the red-rimmed eyes of the warrior sliced through his chest like a scythe.

“Yes,” he whispered hoarsely. “I still can’t feel him, though. What the hell did that bastard

do to him that he doesn’t even have energy when he’s passed out?”

The last words were emphasised with a growl and Loken could only shake his head in

bewilderment. Even if the man had managed to find a way to suppress his vitality while

conscious, he shouldn’t be able to while unconscious. Loken used his power to slip into the

other’s mind for some kind of clue, but it was like wading through thick sludge. The

thoughts and desires eluded him no matter how hard he tried to grasp at them.

“Let’s get him to the hotel. Running into Mikel’s men doesn’t seem like such a great

idea anymore.” He slipped off his jacket and watched as Cyaan bundled their mate into it

then picked him up.

The trip back to their room was laden with dread. There had been no mistaking the

scars and vivid bruises that covered the man’s chest. What they discovered when the small

man woke up was sure to test their strength of will.

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Chapter Four

From the corner of the room he saw a frightened man curled up on a bed in the foetal position.

Rays from the sun streamed in through the window and lit his golden hair on fire. The bright light

shone on his pale skin, exposing the dark stripes and handprints there in harsh relief. The man was
skinny, shivering despite the electric fireplace that heated the room. The man was weak, unable to

defend himself from the maker of those marks.

The man was him.
An imposing figure entered from an adjoining bathroom. He knew this predator intimately.

Black eyes and short, black hair held more familiarity than his own features. Water dripped down

Mikel’s chest, forming rivulets that ran in jagged paths over his bulging muscles. He was naked as
well but unlike the cowering man, his cock was fully erect in anticipation.

Mikel climbed onto the bed like a prowling feline, smiling as his prey whimpered and flinched at

his touch. Strong hands caressed and pinched the small body, pushing until the man lay flat on his
back. Then Mikel was kissing him, wrapping locks of blond hair around his hands so that the man

couldn’t turn away. The kisses were soft at first then grew in demand. Teeth bit down on the man’s

lips several times and drew blood, causing him to writhe underneath the large body blanketing his.

This excited Mikel further. Leaving the mouth, he alternated between licks and bites down the

line of his captives’ neck. The expression on the man’s face was pained but there was no resistance. He

knew what would happen if he tried to push away.

Mikel parted his legs and entered him slowly. There was no hurry. The fight had been taken out

of the man long ago. It was so much easier to simply give in. With long, hard thrusts, Mikel rocked

him on the bed, holding him close in a tight embrace. Denying him the freedom to move. He brought
their mouths together again, pulling more whimpers from the man as he punished his lips.

Mikel pumped in forceful strokes until he found his release, though the man’s member remained

flaccid. Keeping himself buried deep within, he clasped the heavy leather collar at the man’s neck,
cutting off his airflow.

Mikel’s features suddenly darkened and in a voice charged with possession, he growled, “Come

back to me.”

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A bone-chilling scream wrenched him awake. Images of Mikel flashed behind his lids

and he opened them wide, desperate to find something, anything to latch onto to get the

picture out of his head. Bright light from above seared his eyes, forcing him to turn his head

and blink rapidly as colourful dots clouded his vision.

Once it cleared, he could make out tan curtains and a matching bedspread covering

him. Gulping in breaths down a sore throat, he raised his head to take in his surroundings.

He wasn’t in Mikel’s room, or any place that he recognised, and the relief was almost too

much to hold in. Energy fraught with worry and anger seeped into him and he immediately

reinforced his shield.

If he took in too much he would have to release it, and that was not acceptable.

Anxiety spiked as he found two large men standing at the foot of the bed he was in.

They looked like avenging angels of dark and light. Both tall enough to reach the ceiling

without stretching and clad in black leathers, they were so alike and yet dissimilar. Where

one had raven hair falling to his shoulders, the other had white. Blue-violet eyes and a goatee

to vibrant green eyes and a smooth jaw, but everything else matched. Especially the air of

authority each held.

“Jace?” The white-haired man moved as if to come closer.

He sat up and scrambled back as far as the wall would let him. The man stopped but it

didn’t ease his fear. He had managed to escape from Mikel but he was weak and penniless.

Until he completed his mission and returned, he was at the mercy of anyone who sought to

take advantage. And currently that was the two huge men in front of him.

“Jace, you’re safe here. Do you remember me? It’s Cyaan, your mate.”

A shudder shook him at that word. He didn’t want to be mated. Couldn’t be. It would

kill him inside. Panic flared and he jumped from the bed only to watch as the floor rose up to

meet him in a sickening rush. Strong arms caught him about the waist and a wave of pain

caused his stomach to contract. Dry heaves racked his body but nothing came up.

He hated this. Hated his body for being weak and his mind for fracturing. He knew that

neither man was Mikel, or even Mikel’s men, but he couldn’t stop his body from reacting in

fear and his thoughts from scattering. The band around his midsection disappeared as

someone rubbed soothingly along his back and threaded their hands through his hair to

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massage his scalp. Low murmurs drifted down in a comforting monotone that sounded

vaguely familiar.

As the violent heaves tapered off, he slumped to the side in exhaustion. There were

more important things to do than rest. He was on a timetable and had to get a message to the

man he’d met so long ago. If Mikel found him before then, there would be no second

chances, but soothing touches and whispers worked together to banish his train of thought.

The calming tone of the voice reminded him of the one he’d kept locked inside. For

years, he’d hidden the memory to keep it from being tainted by the horrors of his life. Only

in silence and privacy would he take it out and recall how that voice had pulled him out of

the darkness…just as this one was doing. The lilting cadence was the same, as was the

underlying command that he obey.

His eyes snapped open again as recognition set in. The man’s earlier words came back

to him. Had he heard them right? Slowly unfurling himself, ignoring the dull ache that never

left his body, he stared up into a face he’d seen before. Crystal clear, green eyes gazed down

at him from a face that was so elegant it was almost painful to look at. White wisps of hair

pulled from his braid hung in feather-light disarray over his forehead.

“Cy…” He cleared his raw throat and tried again. “Cyaan?” A smile parted those

chiselled lips and hope swelled in his chest. If this really was the man he’d been searching

for, then he would have succeeded.

“Yes, love. It’s me. How are you feeling?”

The question confused him but he pushed it aside. “Kaia.”

Cyaan frowned. “What about Kaia?”

Irritation replaced his elation at finding the man. He knew what he needed to say but

the thoughts wouldn’t form into coherent sentences. His years of silence were working

against him.

“Mikel is after Kaia.”

Cyaan’s face paled considerably. “Where is Mikel now, Jace?”

He thought about that for a moment. News of Kaia’s location had come in roughly one

week ago. Mikel and a large portion of his men had been readying to kidnap her the night he

had escaped. That was two days ago. They should be gone but he knew his captor. The man

would delay for as long as he could to find him and take him back.

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“He’s still here.”

Nodding grimly, Cyaan stood and reached for a cell phone on the TV stand. His words

were hushed but Jace could make out enough to discern that the conversation involved Kaia

and her safety. Relief was a foreign yet welcoming wash over his tense nerves.

He’d accomplished his goal. Another halfling would be saved from Mikel’s ruthless

clutches. Of course, his interference would only put a crimp in his captor’s plans, but it had

been the right thing to do. It was time to return and receive his punishment. Knowing what

was in store for him pulled a small groan from his throat.

“Let’s get you back onto the bed.”

He felt a hand come down on his thigh and he flinched away. Sitting up awkwardly, he

stared at the forgotten man next to him. Up close, the stranger’s roguish sexuality was

captivating. Hard lines formed a face and body formidable in its massive stature. His

presence was both frightening and compelling at the same time.

“My name is Loken. It’s nice to finally meet you. Cyaan and I have been searching for

you. I guess, in a way, you found us, though.”

Jace met the man’s violet gaze in confusion. They’ve been looking for me? He couldn’t

imagine why. It was obvious this man was a warrior just as Cyaan was. There was an

undercurrent of wild fierceness to him that the compassion in his eyes couldn’t mask. Mikel

was the one they wanted. And Mikel was the only one who wanted him.

A shudder of revulsion pulsed through him.

Misinterpreting the movement, Loken backed up to put another foot of space between

them. “Do you want to take a bath? Are you hungry?”

His hand flew to his stomach in a knee-jerk reaction to the suggestion of food. He

started to shake his head on impulse but stopped. Mikel wasn’t there to manipulate his

refusal to eat. The bastard wouldn’t get the satisfaction of watching him take pleasure in

something as simple as sustenance. Moreover, food would keep him from fainting again

while he made the journey back.

He couldn’t eat too much, though, as it might make him tired. Sleep meant visions, and

the next one was sure to be far worse than the previous. As he nodded, a warm smile spread

across the man’s face. It reached his eyes and Jace felt a curious shift in his energy. The aura

of danger around Loken receded, taking some of Jace’s anxiety with it.

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“Food it is. I’ll be back as soon as possible.” He reached his hand out but let it drop

before it made contact.

Gratitude and disappointment flooded Jace, confusing him even further. He was

missing something, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

Loken rose and waited for Cyaan to finish his call. “Is your daughter alright?”

“Yeah,” Cyaan sighed. “She and her mate are taking their girls to a property of mine in

Canada. There aren’t as many attacks there.”

“Good. I’m making a food run. Want anything?”

“Whatever’s fine. I need to call on Love anyways. I’d feel better if I knew she was

keeping an eye on Kaia and her family.”

Loken nodded then glanced over to Jace. An emotion flickered in his expression but it

was gone in the next blink. “I’m off then.” He looked back to Cyaan and hesitated.

Something passed between them before Cyaan pulled the other man in for a brief, passionate


Jace felt his insides bunch in a nauseating clot. A jumble of feelings so strong they’d

almost slipped past his control rushed through him. The idea that Cyaan would still want

him had never even occurred to him in the entire five years of his captivity. He was damaged

beyond repair—both inside and out. And his mission had not been about reuniting. He had

to leave and he knew it.

But it hurt.

No one could blame the man for moving on and finding someone who could bring him

happiness. Someone he would be proud to love…and who could love him in return. Jace was

an intruder. There was nothing for him amongst the presence of decent people.

After Loken left, Cyaan closed his eyes and leaned his head back, concentrating on the

deity he was summoning. “Love? A word please?” Instantly, a swirl of streaming lights

descended from the ceiling. They created a vortex that condensed until the form of a tall,

statuesque woman appeared. Hair like corn silk spilled down to her waist over a white suit

that clung to every curve.

“Hello, darling. It’s been a while. How are things…?” Her words tapered off as her soft,

grey eyes zeroed in on Jace. Shock slackened her jaw seconds before it firmed in a grim set.

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Jace saw the recognition in her gaze. They’d met once at the onset of Mikel and Death’s fight

for godly supremacy, but if there was any welcoming joy, he couldn’t see it.

“Cy, is that…your mate?”

Cyaan raked a hand through his unbound hair. “We found him earlier tonight but

that’s not what I called you for.”

“Oh my…” She fluttered her hand to her mouth. Dragging her gaze back to Cyaan, she

whispered, “I need to talk to you.”

“I can’t leave him alone, Love. I barely just got him back.”

The Goddess of Love tugged on Cyaan’s arm, drawing him to the door on the other side

of the room. The two began speaking in hushed tones too low for Jace to hear. Furtive

glances were cast his way and the energy in the air took a decided dip into oppressing


Jace let his mind go blank with practiced ease. He knew they were discussing him but it

didn’t matter. As soon as the food arrived, he would take it and leave. Their worry over an

additional burden was for naught. Time passed without measure as it always did when he

shut down. The walls that encased his energy and emotions were reinforced with apathy.

Eventually, the scent of musk and aftershave drew his attention. Cyaan was kneeling in

front of him with shoulders slumped in weariness. “Why don’t you lie down on the bed?

Loken should be back soon then you can get some sleep.”

Jace bit back the urge to laugh at that preposterous notion. “I just need to eat then I’ll be

gone.” He figured the least they could do was feed him. If it was more information they were

after, they would be sorely disappointed. All of the titbits he’d gleaned from Mikel were

most likely already known.

“What do you mean, gone?”

“I escaped to warn you about Kaia. She’s safe now. There’s no other reason for me to


An incredulous look passed over the man’s features, quickly swallowed by a stone-cold

visage. Gone was the tender sympathy of moments ago. Suddenly, they were too close for

comfort. Jace got to his feet but Cyaan followed him up, not giving an inch.

“Where will you go?”

“Back to Mikel.”

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Cyaan’s demeanour grew colder, if that were even possible. The door opened behind

him and Loken came through carrying several grocery bags. Not bothering to acknowledge

the other man’s presence, Cyaan asked, “Why?”

Why? All of the reasons tumbled around in his mind in a tangled mess. There were so

many, and each one fought for supremacy. Yet it was the reason he had never considered

that fell out of his mouth before he could stop it. Cyaan may have wanted him once, but that

was long ago and nothing compared to what he so obviously had now with Loken.

“There is nothing for me here.”

“What did I miss?” Loken dropped the bags on the floor then walked to stand beside


“Our mate wants to go back to the demented asshole that held him for five years.”

Loken’s face mimicked Cyaan’s earlier expressions. All but for the flash of—was that

pain?—preceding the flat refusal. “No.”

Jace stood facing off over four hundred pounds of immoveable muscle and resolute

attitude. He should be scared—cowering under their will, but his mind was still trying to

comprehend Cyaan’s last sentence.

“What does he have on you, Jace? Do you love him now? Is that why you want to go

back?” Anger broke through the cool façade of Cyaan’s tone, twisting his words into a

malicious accusation.

That came in loud and clear. He thinks I love him? Jace had lived for centuries in his own

private hell. And just when he’d gained an ounce of the pride he’d once had in volumes to

help the halfling, Jamie, Mikel had swooped in and stripped him bare. Of everything.

It was then he realised that he had still been holding onto a shred of hope when he’d

made his escape. The memory of Cyaan had carried him through countless nights of

degradation and humiliation. He could have found any Keeper not under Mikel’s control

and asked them get a hold of the Gods so that they could warn Kaia. But there was only one

who had come to mind…and that man was in love with another.

Pain so fierce it bashed relentlessly against the fortress surrounding his energy nearly

consumed him. Without thought, he took one long step forwards and reared his fist back. It

cracked along Cyaan’s jaw with surprising force, splitting his lip and snapping his head to

the side.

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Loken was on Jace at once. The large man wrapped him up in a firm yet gentle hold.

The lock of the strong arms might have been made of steel for all it gave under his struggles,

but he couldn’t stop.

“You think I love him for taking my will from me? Every night he made me want to

please him. Every day I wanted to be his plaything. I wasn’t strong enough. I couldn’t keep

him out of my head…”

More words seemed to detach from his mind and spew forth. They flooded his mouth

in an uncontrollable flow while his thoughts careened down an endless path of self-loathing.

If Cyaan and Loken had held any regard for him before, it was surely destroyed now.

Though not even he could understand what he was saying, it was damning all the same.

There would be no hiding the fact that he no longer deserved to call himself a man. He

was nothing more than Mikel’s coveted pet. Unworthy of love, let alone compassion. The

knowledge was too much to bear and he felt a small fissure worm its way through the walls

of his fortress. Fear seized his heart and froze his body. The tide was coming, breaking its

way through the fissure and gaining momentum beyond his control.

In a last ditch attempt to prevent the inevitable, he turned in Loken’s hold and grabbed

the front of his shirt desperately. “My energy… I can’t stop it. Mikel will sense it and find me.

Please…don’t let me sleep…”

It was all he could get out before the torrent of his energy and emotions blasted through

him. They took his breath away and devoured him whole. Jace felt the last of his defences,

along with his consciousness, crumble under their force.

* * * *

“Take him,” Loken ground out.

Cyaan reached out and caught Jace’s limp form just as it toppled from Loken’s grasp.

“Are you all right?”

Loken staggered back, bracing one hand against the wall to keep from falling over. His

lips were drawn in a pale line and a fine sheen of sweat coated his face. “I need to release his

energy. It’s too much.”

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If the tremors shaking Loken’s body hadn’t tipped him off to that, the sudden intensity

of his energy would have. The volatile waves emanating from the man-made Cyaan feel like

he was standing at the tip of a live volcano. “Go on. I’ll take care of our mate.”

He watched Loken stumble from the room then took Jace into the bathroom and

undressed him. Guilt was a furious demon gnawing at his insides with razor sharp teeth.

Some of the confessions that had left the younger man’s mouth had confused him but all had

brought to life the worst of his fears over the past five years. All of the suspicions about what

Mikel had been doing to Jace over the last five years had been confirmed.

In a fit of jealousy, he’d broken his promise of safety and forced his mate to reveal

horrors no one should have been subjected to. Jace hadn’t shouted. He hadn’t needed to. The

vehemence in his voice had been more than sufficient to get his true feelings across.

Images painted by the harsh words of his mate played in his mind’s eye. With a mental

shake, he pushed them away and started a bath. The creases of stress had faded from Jace’s

face, but the brightness of the overhead lights revealed the truth behind his serene features.

Dark circles under his eyes and gaunt cheeks spoke of the lack of sleep and

malnutrition he’d had to endure. Beneath his clothes, numerous bruises and cuts from his

scuffle with the humans littered his back and protruding ribs. Scars both old and new

marked his entire body. Some by instruments Cyaan was familiar with, and some he hadn’t a

clue as to what could have caused them.

Yet the myriad of blemishes only made the small man more appealing. Cyaan took a

moment to relish the way Jace’s naked body fit so perfectly against his. Somewhere in all of

that troubled beauty was the man he’d come to admire more than anyone else in his long

years. If it took him an eternity to draw that man out of the tortured shell Mikel had made of

him, he would do it.

After setting Jace into the tub with a towel behind his neck, he reached for the soap and

a washcloth.

“Let me do that. Please.”

Cyaan looked up to find his other mate standing in the doorway. From the other’s

haggard appearance, he was tempted to urge him to rest but thought better of it. Loken knelt

beside him and began to wash their mate almost reverently while Cyaan held him above


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“I shouldn’t have said what I did. When I went with the party to free him and Jamie, I

found him hanging in a cage. Raped, beaten and covered in his own blood. When he

provided the distraction Jamie needed to get away, he knew what was in store for him and

still he sacrificed himself. How could I have accused him of wanting that again?”

Loken kept his face hidden by dark hair as he spoke quietly. “No you shouldn’t have

said what you did. I may not have heard the whole conversation but you’re not the only one

who felt betrayed by his words. I could just as well have been the one to stick a foot in my


Cyaan watched Loken’s hands smooth across pale flesh in the softest of touches.

“I think it was a good thing, though. The energy that he was holding in was…unlike

anything I’ve ever felt before. I’m naturally attracted to wrath. I can manipulate it, hide it.

Place it into the hearts of others or take it away. But what Jace was holding inside was a mix

of energy, and the sheer amount alone should have torn him apart. Let alone the violence of


Loken pierced him with a tormented gaze. “He was suffocating. A few more days and

he could have died—just to keep Mikel from sensing his energy before he got his message to


Realisation hit Cyaan in a rush. “That’s why he didn’t defend himself by taking the

energy from the humans who attacked him. It would have been an overload.”

Loken nodded then returned to washing their mate. “If Mikel really can sense his

energy, then we should leave soon. From what I know of the half-God, he shouldn’t have the

ability to sense energy from long distances, but then neither should Jace be able to hide his

energy like he did. I transformed it before releasing it, but I don’t want to take any chances.”

“So you’ll stay with us until we can take care of Mikel?” He managed to keep the plea

in his heart from coming through in his tone. Loken’s antipathy for Keepers and Gods who

would have killed him not too long ago was understandable. And the circumstances

surrounding Jace’s current behaviour would be daunting to anyone. No one could blame

Loken for walking out without a second glance.

But he needed Loken just as much as he knew Jace needed him.

Cyaan wanted to tell him of the man their mate really was. Not that he’d personally

known Jace before Mikel had changed him. But he’d seen the wonders of the man. Jamie had

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been an abused, frightened little halfling when Jace met him. In only days, Cyaan had

watched the halfling bloom with confidence under the unconditional friendship Jace had

offered him.

However, it would be a battle for Jace’s trust and Loken had to decide for himself

whether it was worth it to him.

They traded places so that Loken could wash Jace’s hair. As the dirt fell away, its

golden lustre shone through. It was long. So much longer than it used to be. Cyaan

wondered if that was by choice as he waited with bated breath for Loken’s answer.

“You’re right. There is something special about Jace that can be unlocked if we can gain

his trust. Even though I’ve only known him for a few hours, I know he’s worth however

much time that takes.”

Cyaan jerked his head up sharply. He was sure he hadn’t voiced his thoughts aloud.

Loken met his narrowed gaze with a guilty grin.

“I can also step into the minds of others. Usually my power is limited to feelings and

images of their thoughts and intentions, but if they’re loud enough, I can hear them too. You

were practically screaming at me just now.” Loken chuckled at Cyaan’s pinched look of

irritation. “Don’t worry. It’s a voluntary power and up until now I haven’t used it on you.”

His eyes averted as he drained the water and lifted Jace from the tub. Cyaan dried the

slim figure then followed his mates into the room.

“Everything in him calls out to me.” Loken sat and readjusted Jace in his lap, staring

down at the man with a look of wonder. “I’ve never wanted to protect someone so much in

my life. I don’t think I could walk away now if I tried. I saw him in your mind. Happy and

strong. I want to be the one to get him there again…with you.” As he looked up, their eyes

locked. “I just wanted to make sure you would still want me around. Now that you have Jace


The note of insecurity in Loken’s voice went straight to his dick. Arousal pounded

furiously through his blood until he could feel his heartbeat in his groin. He knew what those

words cost his mate. A warrior’s pride could see him through the most trying of wars, but to

swallow it for a chance at love showed more strength than most possessed.

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Whatever demons lay in his past, Loken was putting his heart on the line. And damned

if that didn’t make Cyaan want to throw him down right then and fuck him until they were

both begging for release.

He strode swiftly to the bed, leant down and crushed Loken’s soft waves in both hands.

Their lips came together in a heated clash and when Loken opened to suck in air, he dove in.

Tongues duelled in sensuous combat, each one trying to overpower the other. The passion

his mate put behind his strokes was exhilarating, but the kiss was meant to be more than

simple indulgence.

It was a message.

Yanking hard enough to cause a flare of pain, he tilted the man’s head back and used

his height to gain the upper edge. A growl rumbled through his chest at the gasp that fled

Loken’s mouth. And suddenly his mate gave up the fight. Cyaan was given free rein to

plunder his mouth and control every aspect of the kiss. Pleasure was his to give and take as

he saw fit.

A long moan vibrated across his lips. The desperation and need it contained had his

cock throbbing against the confines of his pants. He answered with as much possession as he

could pour into the kiss. This is mine, he said with his lips, his tongue, his hands. And you will

never take it away from me.

Lungs burning with the need for air, he pulled back and nipped the man’s lower lip. “I

never planned on letting you go. Your willingness to stay just makes this easier on the both

of us.” Their quickened breaths intermingled in the few inches of space that separated them.

Cyaan was unwilling to let go until his mate acknowledged the truth in their kiss. That

walking out on what they had was no longer an option.

Violet eyes focused on his in wry merriment. “You’re one cocky little fucker, aren’t


He released one hand to rub the hard column of his erection. “There’s nothing little

about the way you make me feel. And my cock is going to be fucking your ass the first

chance it gets.”

Loken’s brow quirked in challenge but his lust-filled gaze on Cyaan’s bulge said more

than enough. Cyaan groaned and relinquished his hold. “Get our mate ready. If we stay here

any longer I won’t be able to let you off that bed.”

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Chapter Five

“You’ve got to wake him up sometime.”

Loken ignored the comment and continued his silent vigil over the fragile form of his

mate. For the past seventeen hours he had been constantly depleting Jace of the energy his

body was involuntarily absorbing from him and Cyaan. It kept the man unconscious,

preventing his body from slipping into a state of sleep.

Though Jace had given the impression that Mikel could only detect his energy if he

released it, there had to be a reason why the man chose to hide it completely. Jace had

already proved able to suppress his energy during sleep, but Loken didn’t want to take any

chances. Not until he knew why it was so important for his mate to do so.

“I’ll be in the kitchen making something to eat. Bring him down when you’re ready.”

The sound of the bedroom door closing alerted him to Cyaan’s departure. He couldn’t

tear his gaze away from the peaceful countenance of their mate. Cyaan had been right. Jace

was the submissive counterpart to their dominant natures. The essential balance to their

aggression. Everything from the man’s small stature to the faith he’d put in Loken’s ability to

safely release his stored energy made him a diamond in the rough.

The fact that he was absolutely gorgeous didn’t hurt matters either. Beams of morning

sunlight shining in from the open window lit his yellow hair up like a beacon. His skin still

seemed paler than it should be, but it glowed with life nonetheless. Full lips tempted Loken

to brush his fingers along them just to marvel at their softness. He wanted more than

anything to see those lips curve up in a carefree smile the way they had in Cyaan’s memory.

To feel them against his body, seeking out ways to pleasure him.

Would they part in fear or twist in hatred when he allowed the man to wake up? Kiress’

warning floated unbidden into his thoughts.

“Don’t ever give your heart to a mate. They’ll betray you the first chance they get, just like all of

the other Keepers and Gods they blindly worship. Just like my mate would have if I hadn’t left before

that could happen. Trust me, they’re all the same.”

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His twin hadn’t gone over the details of her brief encounter with her mate. She’d only

let on that her mate had been eager to tell the Gods of her presence which, at the time, would

have meant certain death to his sister. But the bitterness of her words had left a lasting

impression. It had almost caused him to lose the opportunity he had now. To discover what

he’d been missing in the thousand years of his existence.

He wasn’t ready to tell her of his eagerness to get to know his mates yet. Jace’s reaction

to being mated to a halfling after being tortured by one still hung like a noose over their

budding relationship. Like Cyaan, he wouldn’t give up on the man, but neither could he

force his love.

Revelling in the warm embrace of the mating pull one last time, he strengthened his

resolve. While his attraction to Jace was undeniable, the lure of one’s mate was mainly felt

through the energy they exuded. It was how he’d known Cyaan was his mate. However, he

had no doubt that once Jace woke up, he would lock away his energy again, taking the

reassurance of the pull with it.

Slowly, he returned a small portion of energy to Jace. Immediately, it was replaced by

the bizarre sensation of emptiness as the man tucked it away where no one could reach it.

Blue eyes flecked with bits of green and gold blinked open. Odd. He could have sworn they

were predominantly green the last time he’d looked into them.

Jace bolted upright, eyes darting around the room as though searching for something.

“Mikel isn’t here. I made sure to cloak your energy before I released it at the hotel.

You’re safe.”

When Jace’s first word came out as a croak, he got the distinct impression the man

wasn’t used to talking. “How?”

Loken let out a strained sigh. He didn’t think either of them was ready for this

conversation, but the truth was imperative if they were going to learn to trust one another.

“I’m a half-God. My power exceeds that of normal Keepers.”

Jace shrank back as far as he could without falling from the bed. Not wanting to spook

the man further, he increase the distance by backing up to the window. The abject horror on

his mate’s face constricted his throat with foreign emotions.

“I won’t hurt you. I’m not Mikel.”

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Several minutes passed as Jace continued to stare at him. Eventually, uncertainty

replaced fear and his mate shook his head. “I know that. I know you’re not him. I just… My

mind doesn’t work properly anymore.” Shaking his head again, the man’s expression turned

quizzical. “You kept me unconscious, didn’t you? How did you know that would keep the

visions away?”

Confused, he took a step forwards. “What visions, Jace? Are they why you’re hiding

your energy?”

A shiver coursed through the small body. “What are your powers?”

Loken frowned at the rapid change of subject. He wanted to store every piece of

information to pull out later for questioning. “I can manipulate wrath.” Realisation spread

over Jace’s face and Loken cursed himself for laying out another truth so bluntly.

“Your father killed my mate.”

All he could do was nod. When Jace lapsed into silence, he scrambled for anything to

mitigate the impact of that knowledge. “My father would have killed me as well had my

mother not kept my birth a secret. I can’t change what happened, but you have others in your

life now.”

It was Loken’s turn to watch in horror as large tears shimmered and spilled from eyes

now a deep, sea-green colour. The alteration declaring the man’s mood was amazing and

heartbreaking at the same time. He took another step forwards, his body demanding that he

comfort the younger man.

“Not anymore. I’m not fit to be Cyaan’s mate.”

This time he couldn’t stop himself. He was gathering the trembling body in his arms

before he took his next breath. Jace let out a surprised yelp and squirmed to free himself but

Loken merely held him closer.

“Shhh. Calm down. Feel my energy. You know I won’t hurt you any more than I would

Cy. You’re both my mates. You’ll have to be a little patient with me, though. I’ve never been

in a relationship before but I swear I won’t abandon you. What Mikel did does not lessen you

in my eyes, nor in Cy’s.”

Silence stretched between them. It was unnerving not to be able to sense the man’s

emotions through his energy. The temptation to slip into Jace’s mind for some clue as to how

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he felt about the news was strong, but he stifled it. The conversation he’d had with Cyaan

during the car trip came back to him.

“I’m glad you decided to give this a chance, but I feel you should be aware of

something before you make a full commitment.”

Loken had been about to repeat his earlier statement. He was already too involved with

both of his mates to forestall commitment. But something in Cyaan’s tone stayed his tongue.

“You should know that Jace may never fully recover from his trauma.”

“Give him a little more credit. We may never know everything that happened to him,

but he still had the courage to escape to warn you about Mikel’s plans for your daughter.”

“It’s not just that. When Love came to the hotel room earlier, she sensed something in

Jace that doesn’t quite add up.”

“You mean his energy?”

Cyaan had sighed aggrievedly. “His ‘love’, to be specific. She said it was…broken.

Apparently on rare occasions, a person can become so damaged that they never mend.

Usually some kind of psychosis follows the break. When the presence of love is diminished

or destroyed, the next strongest emotion will take its place. In most cases, anger will fill the

void, consuming the person until they lose their mind.”

A chill had crept down Loken’s spine. “That’s impossible. When I took his energy, it

was near debilitating but it wasn’t psychotic.”

“No, he hasn’t reached that point yet. What I can’t figure out, though, is how he was

damaged. He got over the death of his first mate when he decided to help Jamie.”

“Maybe it was because Mikel took him away from you.”

Cyaan had shaken his head at that. “He still wasn’t ready to get into a relationship

when I met him. He refused to talk to me or even be near me before Mikel kidnapped him.

We never had a chance to learn to love each other. Whatever devastated him happened

during his captivity.”

Both men had looked at the vulnerable form of their mate lying unconscious in the back

seat of Loken’s car. Jace had made it blatantly obvious that he harboured no love for Mikel.

How, then, could that emotion even have been a factor during his imprisonment?

“What are you saying, Cy?”

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“I’m saying that he may never be able to love us in return,” Cyaan had spoken quietly.

The idea was harrowing, to say the least. The risk that he’d sworn he’d never take had

suddenly become a perilous gamble. He could leave immediately with his heart still intact

and live with his regrets. If he chose to stay, there was the very real possibility that their triad

would remain incomplete. Without love from all corners, he and Cyaan would be left chasing

a hopeless dream.

Yet nothing had ever felt as right as holding the precious cargo in his lap every time

he’d cradled his mate. No. He couldn’t leave. More than anyone, Jace deserved a chance at

happiness. If he had to swallow a little pride and a whole hell of a lot of dignity, then he

would do it.

Finally, Jace squirmed again and he reluctantly allowed him to pull away.

“You should have let me go. He’ll never stop looking for me. If he finds me here, he’ll

kill you and Cyaan.” Though his voice wavered, his conviction seemed inexorable.

Wiping away the tracks of tears, Loken replied with just as much conviction, “He will

never hurt you again. We will find a way to stop him. Until then, Cyaan and I will keep you

safe no matter what happens.” Because I’ll be damned if I let that bastard take another person I care

about. The thought was unbidden but rang with truth. Destiny may have chosen for them to

be mates but it was Jace himself that brought out feelings he’d only experienced with his

family and Cyaan.

The smell of smoke distracted them. Loken smiled as he recalled Cyaan’s grudging

admittance that his culinary skills left a lot to be desired. That still hadn’t kept the man from

buying mass amounts of food that required more preparation than pushing buttons on a

microwave or lighting a fire. Lacking in kitchen skills as well, Loken had done his part by

buying a cookbook. Jace needed a healthy diet but providing that was going to take some


“Come on. I think we might need to rescue the food from the cook.” He rose from the

bed and walked to the door, looking back at his mate before opening it. Jace was fidgeting

nervously where he’d left him. “Is something wrong?”

“I need to use the bathroom.”

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“It’s right through that door.” He pointed to an adjoining bathroom. His mate walked

to it but kept his eyes trained on Loken as he slowly closed the door, as if expecting to be

denied privacy at any second.

Loken scrubbed a hand over his face. Boundaries would need to be amongst the first set

of rules he and Cyaan set for their mate. Whereas in the past he looked forward to testing

them with his lovers, Jace apparently needed encouragement to enforce them. For that

matter, he wasn’t even sure the man would consent to a Dom/sub relationship. If not, the

adjustment would be interesting.

Jace reappeared a few minutes later looking a little less bed-rumpled. His golden hair

had been brushed and left loose to hang almost to the small of his back. The T-shirt and jeans

they’d bought for him were a little too big but sufficient. It had taken them an hour to

reluctantly decide against lying that they’d had no time to go shopping in order to watch

their mate run around in nothing but their oversized shirts.

The night still had potential, though. They had honestly forgotten to buy pyjamas.

Sleeping in the nude with the smaller man was far preferable. However, Loken had a feeling

it would be a feat just to convince Jace to share a bed with them, clothed or otherwise.

They made their way to the kitchen, Jace walking stiffly at a slow pace. His injuries

weren’t severe but his body still needed time to recuperate. Cyaan’s house was nothing out

of the ordinary—a simple two-story building with a stucco exterior and a two-car garage. It

was the extra things that made it stand out.

Each room was predominantly occupied with books on every subject known to

man…and a few that weren’t. Even the kitchen wasn’t safe from shelves and casements

stacked with texts and novels…and one lone cookbook that had yet to be cracked open.

Outside, the grounds were an oasis in the midst of dry brush and miles of uninhabited land.

A good forty acres of luscious grass and trees provided comfort in the dry climate.

The highlights were the arms range and fighting ring that had been set up in the back.

Targets built for practice with guns, bows and arrows, knives and hand-to-hand combat to

accommodate the large cache of weapons Cyaan had stored in a weather-proof shed littered

the lawn. But all of this was located in a forgotten, Gods-forsaken back corner of Kansas.

Kansas! Still, his mind already wandered to the thrill of testing out the equipment with his


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Who was currently having issues with his stove.

Smoke billowed from a pan containing what once might have been eggs while Cyaan

was prying small, black objects from an aluminium sheet. Loken rushed to open the

backdoor before the fire alarm triggered.

“I assumed when you said you’d cook the house would be relatively safe from burning


“Tell that to my daughter,” Cyaan grumbled. “Change of plans. Breakfast is now

hamburgers out on the grill.”

His enquiring expression went unnoticed. Cyaan’s attention was completely snared by

Jace standing guardedly in the doorway.

“Is there something wrong with the stove?”

“Fire,” Cyaan replied absently.

Loken was tempted to let the man drink his fill of the sight of their mate. Having Jace

with them was a miracle. Maybe it was the knowledge that he was one step closer to

avenging his mother’s death. Maybe it was the fact that his younger mate’s presence filled a

void he hadn’t even realised was in his soul. There was no real logical explanation for the

fulfilment he was experiencing. It just was.

What must it have been like for Cyaan to hold something so precious in his grasp only

to have it wrenched away?

Yes. The man certainly did deserve his fill, but Jace needed food in him.

“Come again?”

When Cyaan managed to pull his gaze from Jace, he turned a scowl on Loken. “Kaia

insisted on buying me an electric stove. Said I had to get out of the stone ages. Trouble is

there’s a different setting for each food you cook. How am I supposed to know how hot each

setting gets?”

Loken shrugged, at a loss. He spent most of his time in other countries where electric

stoves were a luxury. For that matter, so was electricity. “So what does that have to do with

the grill?”

“Grill has fire. Something tangible I can adjust. Fire means food. Grab the burgers, will


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Chuckling, Loken pulled the patties from the freezer and assorted condiments from the

fridge. There was a cherry oak picnic table outside where Jace took a seat across from him

while they watched Cyaan work the barbecue pit with ease. The sky was cloudless and the

air dry. Cyaan had changed from his normal attire of black leathers to more casual jeans and

a button-down shirt but the heat from the grill must have been too much.

The man stripped his shirt off and tossed it onto a collapsible chair beside the pit.

Lightly tanned flesh over hard muscle gleamed in the light. Sinews flexed as a fine sheen of

sweat made his skin glow beneath the summer sun. Loken wanted badly to rub himself

against that large frame. To find out how much additional heat they could create from the

friction of their bodies writhing together.

His cock swelled in his pants as he recalled the image of Cyaan’s mouth opening in

welcome of his orgasm the day before. It brought to mind all sorts of wicked scenes they

could get away with outside in the middle of nowhere. Without a neighbour in sight,

suddenly Kansas wasn’t looking all that bad to him.

Glancing over, he caught Jace staring open-mouthed at Cyaan’s glistening form. An

idea came to mind that he couldn’t resist. Nonchalantly, he pulled his own shirt off and leant

back as though soaking up the rays of the sun. From the corner of his eye, he saw Jace now

staring at him. The colour of his mate’s eyes had changed once again to a soft blue filled with


More than the thrill of knowing his mate found him attractive was the deep satisfaction

of being responsible for putting an emotion other than fear or wariness on Jace’s beautiful

features. Well, technically it had been a joint effort, but he could hardly feel jealous when

Cyaan provoked the same reaction in him.

Suppressing his grin, he poured drinks when Cyaan finally brought edible food to the

table. As they settled in to eat, the talk was kept light. Their attempts to draw Jace into the

conversation were brushed off by several noncommittal shrugs. In between small bites, the

quiet man would glance up when he thought they weren’t looking and appraise them.

Racking his brain for a way to lure their mate from his shell, his eyes wandered over to

the targets in the yard. “I was thinking maybe we could break out some of your weapons.

Jace, I’d like to show you how to use a few of them.”

“That’s a great idea,” Cyaan chimed in. “It’ll keep our skills sharp in the meantime.”

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Jace toggled a suspicious gaze between the two of them before fixing it on Loken.


Though his reason was justifiable, he didn’t think it wise to state it just yet. The battle

was far from over. With Jace convinced that Mikel would continue to search for him, the man

needed some basic defensive skills at the very least.

“It would help get your body back into shape. And keep us in shape as well.”

His mate narrowed his eyes. “It won’t help. When he finds me, he’ll make sure I can’t

get away.”

“He won’t find you.”

A flash of anger sparked in Jace’s eyes. “You don’t know that.”

“Even if he finds you, there’s no way Loken and I will let him take you again,” Cyaan


Jace was shaking now. He stood up with his hands clenched at his sides. “You weren’t

strong enough to stop him the last time. You couldn’t even find me. I had to get to you.”

Cyaan’s face drained of colour. “You’re right,” he whispered. “But it’s over now. He

won’t hurt you again.”

As if incensed by Cyaan’s hushed tone, Jace flung his plate across the lawn. “It will

never be over!” he shouted. Faster than Loken thought possible, Jace was in the house and

slamming the door behind him.

Pain was written in every contour of Cyaan’s body. Loken found himself trapped in

indecision. The need to console both of his mates was nearly overpowering. Finally, it was

Cyaan who took the choice out of his hands.

“Let him go. The worst thing we can do right now is push him.”

As much as he wanted to chase after their mate, the man was right. Jace had to come

around in his own time. “You know it’s not your fault, right?”

The large man smirked through his inner turmoil. “Reading my mind again?”

“Don’t have to. I felt the love you wanted to give him in the image I saw through your

eyes. No one who feels that strongly would allow their mate to be taken if there was

anything they could do about it.”

Cyaan smiled sadly but let the issue drop.

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Chapter Six

Jace threw his back against the locked bedroom door, trying in vain to slow the

pounding of his heart. His emotions reeled in so many different directions he felt as though

they were splitting him apart.

Why did I say that?

He’d wanted so much to believe in their words. Still did. For the first time in too long he

felt safe. Every time Cyaan spoke, his voice pulled him from the darkness of his fears—just as

it had the day Cyaan had come to rescue him five years ago. And the way Loken had held

him this morning, so gentle and yet so firm, was like a gift. One that he wasn’t worthy of but

would cherish always.

They didn’t know, though. How could they? It wasn’t just fear that had him convinced

Mikel would steal him again. It was so much more than that. The man had killed his own

men over Jace before. He was capable of anything if he thought it would bring his slave back.

And what would Cyaan and Loken think if they knew the truth behind Mikel’s obsession?

Cyaan had already accused him of loving his captor but that had been in anger and

ignorance. Jace knew he couldn’t take it if that anger turned to disgust.

Pressing the heels of his palms to his burning eyes, he was shocked to see them come

away wet. He was crying again. He hadn’t cried once during his imprisonment. It was a

weakness he couldn’t afford. Not then and certainly not now. At any minute both men

would be breaking down the door, demanding to know what the hell had caused his


First running to the bathroom, where he washed away the evidence of his weakness, he

then stood on the far side of the bed, waiting for them to burst in. Countless minutes passed.

Long enough for him to get his erratic breathing under control and stop his body from

quaking. His door remained locked with not a sound on the other side.

When his knees started to ache from standing in one position, he sat down on the bed,

eyes never leaving the door. Time stretched and eventually a soft knock came.

“Jace? Lunch is ready. Do you want to come down?”

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Cyaan’s voice was tentative—containing not an ounce of the anger he’d been expecting.

The patience in that tone was false, though. It had to be. Kindness had never been a staple in

his life. Mikel’s one true virtue was that he displayed his true colours up front. What would it

take to get Loken and Cyaan to take off their masks?

“No.” Instead of sounding strong, the answer came out as more of a tremulous

defiance, but it was the best he could manage.

Several seconds later, Cyaan said, “Okay. I’ll leave it out here in the hallway. Loken and

I will be downstairs if you need anything.”

Footsteps receded down the hall. After a while he unlocked the door and poked his

head out. A tray piled with hotdogs, baked corn and iced tea lay unattended on the floor. He

snatched it up then locked himself back in. His stomach cramped at the delicious smells.

By the time he’d eaten half of everything, his stomach was cramping again. It wasn’t

used to taking in so much food at once, let alone two meals in one a day. He had to place the

tray back out into the hallway to keep from eating more.

When dinner came in the same fashion, he wanted to apologise for his behaviour but

held back. He knew it was wrong to lump the men into the same maniacal category as Mikel.

In fact, he’d preached the same thing to his friend. Jamie’s history of abuse had kept him

from trusting in the loving domination of one of his mates. Watching the young man

embrace his submission because of his advice had been sweet pleasure and torture at the

same time.

He’d wanted that once. A Master who could see past his faults and false bravado and

love him with a firm hand. But his situation was different, wasn’t it? Jamie’s other mate had

also been submissive whereas both men claiming to be his mates were so obviously Masters.

And the pain of his abuse was…no. That wasn’t fair. He couldn’t say it had been worse than

Jamie’s, merely fresher.

He flopped back on the bed with a sigh. Already he could tell that the men were

different from Mikel. What he’d always wanted. They were control and patience to Mikel’s

brashness and greed. Yet his mind refused to acknowledge this when they were around. His

body wasn’t the only thing Mikel had crippled.

Shortly after he’d taken a quick shower, there was another knock. “Jace? Can we come


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It was Loken who spoke this time. The man’s nervous energy combined with Cyaan’s

caused Jace’s to spike. Before he knew it his hand was on the knob, his body leaning close in

anticipation. One twist would bring them into view. But they would want to talk, or maybe

even share the room. He wasn’t sure he was ready for either yet.

Sinking to his knees, he whispered, “No.” His chest filled with pain at the next words.

“All right. We’ll be in the room just down the hall. Wake us if you need anything at all.”

He was left alone once again, only this time there was no relief in his solitude.

Some time later, quiet voices drifted down the hall. Curiosity got the better of him and

he rose from his position on the floor to peer outside. Dim light shone from a crack at the

bottom and side of another door nearby. Padding on silent feet, he made his way over and

peeked through the small opening.

Loken sat naked on a bed leaning against the headboard while Cyaan paced on the

other side of it in nothing but his jeans. “…Just frustrating is all. Maybe he’s right. I was so

concerned about getting him out of the fight that I wasn’t paying attention to where he was


“It’s not your fault, and you’re still dressed.”

Cyaan raked a hand through his white hair then absently pushed his pants off. “I

should have been watching out for Mikel. I didn’t react fast enough.”

On his next pass, Loken grabbed his hand and pulled him down. “You can’t be in two

places at once. Jace knows this. He’s a smart, beautiful man that has a lot of anger he doesn’t

know how to deal with. All we can do is be here to help him through it.”

“And if it’s too late?” Cyaan sighed and leaned his forehead against Loken’s. “I can’t

lose him again.”

“You won’t have to. We’re both here now.”

Loken lifted his lips, capturing Cyaan’s. Their mouths fused together in a languid kiss

while their hands explored every inch of skin on each other’s large bodies. The way their lips

and tongues came together softly at first, then with more insistence reminded him of the

touch he’d seen them share at the hotel. It spoke of love, as did the energy rolling from them

in gentle tides.

Irritation surged briefly. Not because they were sharing this moment without him, but

because he was keeping himself from it. This was nothing like the false love Mikel had forced

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onto him. It wasn’t one-sided or filled with unwanted pain. It was something he’d longed for

his whole life.

Yet he couldn’t bring himself to walk out of the shadows and share in it.

Jace was held in fascination as Cyaan slowly pushed Loken onto his back then worked

his way down. He licked and kissed until he came to Loken’s nipples. Jace tensed when he

saw a flash of teeth and watched Loken arch his back and moan. His own back arched as

blood rushed to his groin. A jolt of arousal hit him so unexpectedly that it froze him in place.

His member that had lost its life years ago was suddenly revived.

Cyaan continued his trail of kisses to the hard length that jutted out from small, black

curls. He licked the tip then lowered his mouth inch by inch, sucking his cheeks in every time

he came up. Soon, the whole member was slick with saliva and Cyaan increased his

movement. Loken’s pelvis swivelled up with each pass as though drawn and released by the

mouth around his cock.

Jace’s breath hitched as his dick throbbed in his pants. So long. It had been so long since

he’d felt anything other than disgust for sex. Watching the erotic scene before him was like a

feast after a five year fast. Shame for spying filled him even as he reached down to unbutton

his pants.

Loken tapped the other man’s thigh and said, “Come here. I want to taste you.”

Without releasing his hold, Cyaan swung one leg over and adjusted himself so that his

own engorged member was dangling above Loken’s face. Loken pulled on the hips above his

head and engulfed Cyaan’s cock in one smooth move. The two groaned at once and began to

work each other with fervour. Long, sleek muscles flexed in rhythm with their hips while

sounds of passion filled the air.

It was getting harder for Jace to keep his breathing quiet. He pumped his aching cock a

few times, gathering pre-cum in his palm to spread over its length. As he set up a slow,

torturous rhythm, he imagined himself pleasing them. What would it feel like to have both of

them vying for his mouth? Holding him still while they made love to his throat with their

large cocks?

After several minutes, Cyaan stopped and turned, taking possession of Loken’s mouth

in a demanding kiss. “I have to be inside you. I want to fuck you till I can’t see straight.”

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Loken reached blindly for a small bottle of lube on the stand next to the bed. Cyaan

took it and poured some onto his fingers. As Loken raised his knees, Cyaan slowly slid one

finger inside his mate’s exposed hole, bending forwards to nip at Loken’s nipples. From the

other man’s reaction, it looked as though the bites were increasing in pressure. Another

finger was added and soon Loken was writhing beneath his mate.

“Fuck. Fuck me now,” Loken hissed.

“Are you ready? I’m not a small man.”

“I know. Therein lies the fun.”

Cyaan growled and poured a good amount of liquid into one hand. Condoms were

unnecessary since the energy Keepers either absorbed or burnt any infections or diseases out

of their system. While smearing it onto his thick member, Cyaan leant down and took

Loken’s mouth roughly. Loken wrapped his legs around Cyaan’s waist and let out a long,

low groan.

From his angle, Jace couldn’t see everything, but he didn’t need to. The intense arousal

flowing from them charged his. Heat flushed through his skin as he moved his hand faster.

Cyaan buried his face in the crook of Loken’s neck, causing the other man to turn his

head to the side, towards Jace. His eyes were closed and his lips parted. The expression on

his face was enough to push Jace over the edge but he squeezed his cock just below the head.

He didn’t want to come just yet.

Cyaan moved slowly at first, his body sliding lazily against Loken’s. After a while, he

picked up the pace, their hips coming together in a light clash. Loken’s breath came faster

and faster and when he looked up at Cyaan, he growled, “Harder. Fuck me harder.”

“What if Jace hears?”

“I don’t think we have to worry about that.”

Cyaan frowned then grinned wickedly as he sat up on his haunches. Taking Loken’s

thighs in each hand, he drove himself forwards in fast, solid thrusts, forcing his mate to take

him deep. With each slam, Loken’s body was shoved forwards so that he had to reach back

and brace himself against the headboard. The slap of skin on skin echoed throughout the

room and a fine sheen of sweat filmed their glorious bodies. Cyaan was relentless as he

ploughed into the other man, his fingers digging in hard enough to leave bruises.

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Loken began to pant and writhe on the bed, shaking his head from side to side. His eyes

were now squeezed shut and strands of hair whipped across his forehead. Cyaan released

one thigh and reached between them to grasp Loken’s cock. He started pumping it in strokes

that matched his pounding, not once losing his rhythm. When Loken’s moans grew in

volume, Cyaan leant down and moved his other hand to Loken’s shoulder, driving himself

in even harder.

Jace felt his balls tighten and draw up. He couldn’t hold back any longer. Hips surged

forwards of their own accord as he pumped furiously. Biting his tongue to stifle his cry, his

body flamed as he erupted. Warmth filled his hand and still he jerked from the force of his


Just as Loken let out a loud shout, Cyaan covered his mouth with his own, denying the

man his voice. After a few more thrusts, Cyaan grunted and pressed down on Loken, his

body shaking and chest heaving. They lay tangled around each other for several long

moments, breathing heavily.

When Cyaan finally rolled to the side, Jace heard him whisper, “Thank you.”

Jace backed away to leave but not before hearing Loken reply, “My pleasure.”

Once in his room, Jace ran to the bathroom, trying desperately to get his body under

control. He was hot and shaken and more stimulated than he’d ever been in his life. After

washing off, he laid in bed, going over every word, every image of the scene he’d witnessed

until he had them memorised.

* * * *

The next morning he was prepared for the knock at his door.

“Jace. Get dressed and come down for breakfast.”

It wasn’t a request. The urge to defy simply to see what Cyaan would do was fleeting.

The night had been long and full of resolutions—one of them being that he would enjoy what

freedom he could while it lasted. The sheer mass of the man on the other side of the door

took his breath away. Sometime during the endless hours of keeping himself awake, he had

talked himself out of feeling so intimidated by Cyaan.

It might as well have been for nothing.

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Almost six and a half feet of solid brawn clad in illegally form-fitting leathers stood

before him. Bare arms crossed over a black vest bulged, but not excessively. When Jace

looked up, and up some more, green eyes danced down at him from a face made for every

gay man’s fantasy. How could someone so exquisite be interested in something like him?

Then Cyaan’s voice washed over him like liquid silk.

“Good boy. Let’s not keep our mate waiting.”

Jace felt his cheeks burn. The episode of several hours ago still echoed in his mind and

the praise only brought it to the forefront. Cyaan walked to the end of the hall then turned to

wait expectantly. As a gentle smile curved his lips, Jace’s flush grew deeper.

Cyaan couldn’t know that he’d been watching, could he? No. With his energy pent up,

they couldn’t have detected him. Loken was pouring coffee in mugs when they walked into

the kitchen, every inch the massive, walking sex dream as Cyaan. It would have been hard to

tell them apart if not for their hair colour.

Loken was wearing leather as well, though only on the bottom half of his body. Jace

smothered a groan as he felt another blush coming on.

The word modesty did not exist in their dictionary.

Despite the distraction they presented, he managed to get through the meal without

making a fool of himself.

“All right, let’s go. I want to start you out with throwing knives first. They’re good

distance weapons and easy to hide on your person.” Loken led the way out to the picnic table

where several weapons were laid out.

Jace bit back his frustrated retort. He still didn’t understand why they thought he

should learn to protect himself. If Mikel found him, the man would come in full force, and

Jace would go with him. There was no doubt that Cyaan and Loken could fight, but he

wouldn’t take the risk of them getting hurt. Not over him.

Loken handed him a knife then pointed to a tree ten yards away. Grabbing another

knife to demonstrate, he said, “Hold it like this, with the tip between your forefinger and

thumb. You want to swing with your arm, using the power behind your shoulder, not your

entire body. Flick your wrist like you would a dart.”

Jace wanted to laugh. “This is a waste of time. Why don’t you two practice while I


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“Jace,” Cyaan said softly from his left. “You will do this. Now stop procrastinating and


The man’s voice was full of authority, which only served to irritate him further.

Flipping the blade in the air, he caught it at the tip then sent it flying. It hit home in the centre

of the head on a man-sized wooden dummy twenty yards away. The tree remained


Neither man spoke for a while. He ignored them. His internal rants about the

uselessness of exercise were still going on inside his head.

Another knife was handed to him. “Do that again. Same target.”

He threw. The blade splintered the wood exactly one inch from the first knife.

“Again. That one.”

Loken pointed to a different target further out. The knife sank home in the middle of its



Jace looked back to find both men staring at him as if he’d suddenly sprouted fur.

Nervousness replaced irritation. Glancing at the third target, he saw that the knife wasn’t

embedded as firmly as it should have been. Cursing his weak body, he turned back to the

men. Stupid their idea may have been, but he didn’t want to disappoint them.

“Sorry. I’m a little out of practice. I’ll try harder.”

“Harder? That was…that was amazing! Damn boy.” Loken grabbed him up in a fierce

hug, lifting him off his feet before setting him down. “I’ve never been so impressed in my

life. I’m not even that good out of practice.”

The smile on the man’s face was bursting with pride. Jace’s face lifted in response. It felt

weird. His cheeks weren’t accustomed to forming that expression, but it couldn’t be stopped.

Loken’s compliments made his insides bubble in joy.

“Damn, you’re gorgeous.” Loken traced a finger softly over his cheek.

Leaning into the touch seemed like the most natural thing in the world. His skin tingled

while his cock roared to life. More than anything he wanted Loken to kiss him at that

moment. He could initiate it. He wanted to, but his courage failed him.

“Jace, why have you been holding out on us?”

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He whipped around to Cyaan’s unsmiling face. Without thought, his head bowed and

the words, “I’m sorry, Sir,” rushed out of his mouth. Realising what he’d said, he looked up

to see if the man was upset.

A slow grin curved Cyaan’s lips. “It’s okay, boy. But no more keeping secrets from us.”

Wanting to test the waters, he replied, “Yes, Sir.”

The man’s grin turned to a full-fledged smile. The internal war was ended. If practicing

got him those kinds of results, he was all for it.

“Who taught you to throw like that?”

The glow gradually faded. “My father. He trained me to kill my mate.” The mood

shifted decidedly.

“Seth told me about that. You didn’t know he was your mate at the time. And you

didn’t kill him.”

Jace shrugged, not willing to dwell on the subject that had sent his life into a

downwards spiral for centuries. “My father never let me stop training after that. Even when I

refused to keep using my skills in battle.” He clamped his mouth shut when his voice

wavered slightly. No good came of reliving the past. Picking up a bow from the table, he

notched it with an arrow. “Can I try this one now?”

The subject was thankfully dropped. The rest of the day was taken up by meals,

exercise and more praise. He couldn’t get enough. It was soon discovered that hand-to-hand

combat was his weakest point. They worked with him on it in thirty minutes stretches, his

muscles being too atrophied to withstand more.

After dinner, both men walked him to his room and bid him goodnight. The yearning

in their energy for more was written plainly in their body language. They wanted him to join

them as much as he wanted to. But he couldn’t. Fear of being touched intimately, of their

disappointment if he pulled away, kept him locked in his self-loathing.

The next day followed the same routine. His skills were improving but his strength was

waning. The lack of sleep was taking its toll. He didn’t want to think about what would

happen when his body gave out. Each night was spent on the floor against the locked door of

his bedroom. If Cyaan and Loken had made love since he’d caught them that night, he didn’t

know. No sounds came again from the room down the hall.

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On the fourth morning, irritation from sleep deprivation was clawing at his emotions.

They bounced around without control or provocation. When no one came to knock on his

door at the usual time, he went in search of the men. Cyaan’s voice drifted from the living


“Yeah. He’s here and safe.” There was a pause, then, “No. I don’t want his location

known right now. He claims Mikel will keep hunting him and we don’t want to take any

chances.” Another pause. “He’s not ready yet. Give us about a week before you send them.

He may not be ready to answer questions then either but Loken and I have a few ideas. We

can start from there. I won’t force Jace to talk until he’s willing.” After a few moments, he

said, “Yeah, thanks man. Talk to you soon.”

Dread filled him. “I’m not ready for what?”

Two pairs of eyes locked onto him. Loken stood and walked towards him. “Nothing

that you need to worry about right now.”

“No secrets, remember?” Both raised their brows at his belligerent tone but right then

he didn’t care. They were hiding things from him under the guise of protection.

“We’d like to ask you a few questions about Mikel but not today. Not until you’re

comfortable speaking about him.”

“Who’s coming?”

Cyaan glanced at Loken then answered, “We’ve invited a small group of Keepers

invested in taking Mikel down to come here. It’s only to share ideas and formulate a plan of


Jace’s mind clouded over with fear. Just when he was starting to get used to the idea

that his mates didn’t judge him for having been the enemy’s plaything, more Keepers were

coming. They would see right through him—despise him for being the entertainment of the

man that was killing their kind. How could they not? The men coming would undoubtedly

be warriors. None of them would have allowed Mikel to live if they’d been in constant, close

proximity to the man the way Jace had. None of them would have been that powerless.

It wasn’t until strong arms wrapped around him that he realised he was trembling.

Cyaan’s heady scent surrounded him.

“Calm down. Whatever you’re afraid of, we’ll take care of it. If you don’t want to see

anyone, you don’t have to.”

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He knew the words were meant to soothe but they caused the opposite effect. They

thought he was too frail to fight his own battles. Technically, it was true—physically and

emotionally. However that didn’t prevent the irrational bout of anger that consumed him.

Wrenching out of Cyaan’s arms, he pivoted towards the back door. “I’m fine. Exercise,


Not waiting to see if they would follow, he stomped outside and began practicing.

Neither man was pleased when he declined breakfast and lunch. Again, he didn’t care. His

body was burning through its energy to keep his anger up. Food with no adrenaline in his

system would put him to sleep in a heartbeat.

It was during hand-to-hand manoeuvres that his concentration started to waver, along

with his equilibrium. He was fast enough to dodge Loken’s swing but not the sweeping kick

that landed him flat on his ass.

“Boy, what’s going on?”

“Nothing,” he mumbled. His body betrayed him by wobbling to the side as he gained

his feet.

“Don’t lie to me again. What’s wrong?” Loken’s stance relaxed, letting Jace know there

would be no more practice until he produced an answer.

“Nothing you need to worry about,” he threw back. “This is bullshit anyway.” Before

he could turn to leave, Loken snatched his chin with a firm hand, forcing his head up. He

was able to wrestle out of the hold, but only because Loken chose to release him rather than

cause bruises.

“You haven’t been sleeping. Does it have anything to do with the visions you spoke


Cyaan’s huge frame blocked the route to the back door. “None of your fucking

business. I can take care of myself.”

Cyaan’s voice was calm but no less authoritative. “Who is sending you visions, Jace? Is

it Mikel?”

His mind was screaming at him. It was breaking. Fracturing. The way Mikel had

trained it to do. It made it so much easier for his captor to control him, subjugate him. “I

don’t need you,” he said vehemently. “Either of you. I’m leaving.”

“No!” both men shouted.

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“Then make me stay!” he shouted back. “Lock me up like he did. Go ahead.” Silence

followed and he took that as his opportunity. Bolting out of their reach, he ran for the house.

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Chapter Seven

“He’s testing our limits.”

Loken sighed. “I know.”

“He wants to see if we’ll punish him.”

“I know.”

“Do you think it’s wise to do so yet?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well, that was enlightening.”

“His situation doesn’t exactly come with a manual.” Loken adopted a contemplative

look. “But it does come with a few insights—or at least one in particular.”

“And that would be?”

“I’ve been checking in on Jace with my power at night.” At Cyaan’s stern look, he

quickly said, “I know, I know. I shouldn’t have done it without his permission, but it’s not

like we can feel his energy to know where he is. I can’t even discern his thoughts, but I had to

know he was safe.”

Cyaan thought about it and nodded. Hell, he’d have done the same thing if he had the

power to.

“The night we made love, he was standing outside our door. I don’t think he’s as

reluctant to get ‘involved’ as we think. He might be ready for us, but unable to show us.”

“So what do you suggest?”

“I suggest that we show him it’s okay to want love after what happened to him. It’s

obvious he’s crying out for help, and so far, giving him space has produced limited results.”

A plan was forming in his mind before Loken finished his sentence. He trusted his

mate’s judgement and right then he was willing to do almost anything to get through to Jace.

“I’m inclined to agree with you. Get the lube from our room while I head off our wayward


Loken grinned excitedly. “He’s in his room packing his things. I’ll meet you there.”

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“Have I ever told you that you creep me out sometimes with that mind-reading shit?”

he joked as they started for the house.

“No, but you love me anyway,” Loken shot back.

Cyaan stumbled on the steps to the back porch, jaw hanging open.

“You’ll have to forgive me for sneaking into your mind for that one. I had to know I

wasn’t the only one falling.”

The man brushed a kiss across his lips on his way past but Cyaan pulled him back for

more. It lasted for no more than a few seconds but contained all of the passion and gratitude

he felt at that moment. “I do, you know.”

“I know,” Loken breathed back. “Now let’s go show our mate how much we love him.”

Damn! He was the luckiest man alive. And here he’d thought finding Jace would be as

good as it could get. Loken’s support was the guidance he’d been missing the whole time. As

Cyaan neared the room, he breathed a sigh of relief to find the door ajar, then sucked it back

in at the slamming of dresser drawers. Jace was currently shoving his new clothes into a

garbage bag, the suitcases having been stowed away in the shed out back.

“Jace, stop this.”

The younger man’s motions didn’t slow. Long, golden strands hid his face but Cyaan

spotted the tell-tale trembling in his hands. Discarding his patience, Cyaan gripped his

mate’s arms and span him around. His composure was almost lost at the sight of sore eyes

overflowing with tears. Jace struggled to no effect.

“Enough!” It was spoken in a low, deep tone followed by a small shake. “You are not

leaving, do you understand?” Seizing control while Jace was temporarily stunned, he

ordered, “Take off your shirt.” Green eyes widened in shock as more tears welled. “I know

what’s underneath. Don’t be ashamed. You are my mate. Loken’s mate. That’s all that

matters.” When it looked as though Jace wouldn’t bolt, he released the man’s arms. “Take it


Indecision creased the man’s features. Cyaan could tell Jace was near to breaking, but

he also knew his mate wanted to obey. Jace’s confidence in his own self-worth had been

shattered time and again. It was small wonder that he viewed submission as a weakness.

When the respect of limits was taken away, so was one’s pride.

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His job as a Master was to give that back to Jace. Show him the strength that came with

the willingness to submit to the domination of one who wouldn’t abuse his gift.

“Trust in yourself. No one, not even Mikel, has the power to change the man that you

are. You proved that by defying him to find me.” Jace’s eyes flicked to the doorway where he

could feel Loken’s solid energy. “I can only give you what you need if you let me.”

The choice was left entirely up to his mate, and Cyaan knew he’d picked the right

words when Jace lifted the hem of his cotton shirt with quivering hands. His slender chest

and flat abs were exposed under the soft sunlight streaming in through the window. The

definition of sleek muscle was just starting to show, filling in the gauntness of his previously

starved body.

Milky white skin stretched taut over his finely-formed figure. Cyaan wanted to kiss

every scar that marked it. Memorise its silken texture with his mouth and hands. Where one

might see flaws, he saw strength of character that outshone the brightest of stars in a clear,

midnight sky.

Yellow strands billowed over Jace’s shoulders, curling at the ends. It might have given

him an effeminate appearance but for the chiselled features of his face. High cheekbones

angled over a smooth jaw line. Plush lips parted beneath a straight nose.

It was the uncertain yearning in his gaze, however, that had Cyaan’s blood thrumming

with excitement.

Jace’s need to submit without fear of reprisal called to him on a level he’d never

experienced with a sub. It was in the way Jace’s body and mind responded automatically to

his authority. Indeed, he was ashamed to admit that he’d overlooked it in the face of his own


But no more.

There was a reason why his mate had been fated to have two Masters, and he’d be

damned if he failed the younger man in that department.

“I want you to forget about everything but pleasing your mates. Now tell me, what is

the difference between a command and a demand?”

Jace’s confused attention was rapt. Deep green eyes flicked to Cyaan’s groin where his

erection was outlined in the binding of his leather. When they met his gaze again, the sudden

flare of need in them bolstered his confidence.

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Following his instincts, Cyaan stepped closer until they were inches apart. “Touch me.”

There were several seconds of hesitancy before his mate’s hand tentatively cupped his

swollen member. That simple contact caused his hips to jerk forwards. Jace’s eyes glowed

with sudden lust as he moved his hand down to message Cyaan’s covered sac underneath.

“I didn’t give you permission to let go of my cock.” The man rapidly brought his hand

back up, adding additional pressure but remaining still for further orders. Cyaan reached out

and began undoing Jace’s jeans while he talked. “A command is given as a request to one

who chooses to fulfil it because they want to. A demand is the claiming of a right, regardless

of a person’s willingness or compliance. We will never demand anything of you.”

Jace’s pants hit the floor and Cyaan took the slim, jutting cock in hand. With a sturdy

grip, he palmed the rigid length in fast, furious strokes. The sudden onslaught had Jace’s

knees buckling beneath him. Cyaan snaked an arm around his waist, pulling his mate close.

He didn’t relent. Copious drops of pre-cum slicked his hand with each pass over the

engorged head. Mercilessly he pumped, squeezing his fist around the tip with every


His mate was close. He stroked faster, wanting to bring his mate to the brink of release.

Jace’s short pants turned to pleading moans that had his own member pulsing with

excitement. When his mate’s body stiffened, he applied enough pressure at the tip to cause

pain and pressed his thumb into the weeping slit of the head. Loud whimpers escaped and

he took possession of the man’s mouth, drinking them in like the sweet rewards they were.

“I didn’t give you permission to come yet, either.” Their breaths exchanged in rapid

huffs. Jace’s eyes had morphed to a dazzling shade of blue. The change in them declaring the

shift in Jace’s emotions was triumphant victory that he could barely suppress.

“Take me out.” This time there was no hesitation. Eager fingers slid between their now

compressed bodies and unbuttoned his pants. They found his straining cock but held still,

waiting for his next command. His boy learned well.

Picking up the slight man, he ordered, “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

Loken was right there as though reading his mind. It was actually very likely, but

Cyaan didn’t think so. Their connection ran deeper than any he’d shared with another Dom.

Loken kicked Jace’s pants away as Cyaan lifted him. Thin arms encircled his neck and he felt

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them being tugged, bringing Jace closer to his front. Alarm sparked in Jace’s eyes as they

travelled over his shoulder to where Loken now stood.

“I am your mate. Yours as much as you are mine,” Loken said in his deep voice. “Feel

me. Trust me. Can you do that?”

A shudder racked Jace’s body but he nodded in acquiescence.

“Answer me, boy.”

“Yes, Sir,” Jace breathed.

Cyaan shifted his mate so that their cocks were aligned while Loken moved around to

Jace’s back, sandwiching the man between them. He supported one of Jace’s thighs with one

hand then grasped both of their cocks with the other. Without prompting, Loken reached in

to pour a liberal amount of lube, slicking Cyaan’s hand so that it glided over them in easy,

slow strokes.

A few seconds later, Jace gasped, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. From the

flexing of Loken’s arm, he knew his other mate had introduced a finger into Jace’s tight hole.

“Lean back, baby. We have you.” Jace obeyed beautifully. When the man’s wrists

pulled at the back of his neck, Cyaan realised what Loken had been up to. Jace’s wrists were

cuffed around him. Their mate’s pants grew louder, letting him know each time Loken

added a finger.

“I’m going to enter you now. Beg for me. Let me hear that sweet voice of yours.” Loken

took hold of Jace’s other thigh while he lined up his cock. Cyaan stroked faster, his arousal

flooding his system in driving waves.

Jace surprised them both when he pleaded breathlessly, “Please! Please fuck me. Fill


A shout left his lips as Loken brought Jace’s lithe body down onto his waiting cock.

After pausing to give their mate time to adjust, Loken clasped both of his hands around

Jace’s slim waist, driving himself into the man’s passage in hard, sure thrusts. Jace’s head fell

back onto Loken’s shoulder, his passion-filled cries streaming unchecked from his open

mouth. Cyaan’s hips bucked in time with his furious strokes.

Loken grunted with the force of his pummelling, increasing his already relentless pace.

Their heated gazes connected and Cyaan saw in the other man a reflection of his untamed

desire. The treasure between them was more than they deserved and everything they’d been

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searching for. Fire raced down his spine. His orgasm was shooting past his control with a life

of its own.

“Please, I can’t…I can’t…”

Loken thrust harder. Lunging into their mate’s depths just as Cyaan increased the

relentless friction of his hand.

“Give it to me, baby. I’ve got you. Come for me!”

Jace screamed, spurting creamy jets of seed onto his chest. His submission took Cyaan

right over the cliff of pleasure. His balls emptied, shooting his release from his cock in a

torrent of ecstasy so intense he forgot that anything, anyone else existed but them. Loken

impaled their mate once more before shouting out his orgasm.

For that one moment in time, the world fell away as their energy entwined. Jace’s

vibrance was added to theirs, completing the triangle of their bond.

For that one, fleeting moment.

When it passed and the remainder of Jace’s energy was absorbed by Loken, he still

basked in the glory left behind. A piece of Jace’s energy remained lodged in his psyche.

“That was…I don’t know what that was. It was like coming home when I didn’t even

know I had one.”

Cyaan grinned at the awe in Loken’s voice. Carefully extracting himself from Jace’s

limp limbs, he unclasped the locks on the cuffs. Loken took their unconscious mate into their

bedroom while he grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom to wipe them down.

“We’re going to need a bigger bed.” Loken was propped up on one elbow, head in hand

while the other hand threaded slowly through their mate’s hair.

Cyaan settled in on the other side, also propping himself up. He, too, had to touch the

beautiful man. It was like a piece of paradise had fallen into their laps. “I thought you

couldn’t stand it here.”

Loken shrugged. “It’s growing on me. Add in a second garage, a bigger arsenal of

weapons, another floor… I could get used to it.”

“Another floor?”

“Yeah. I can’t believe you don’t have a playroom here. It’s a prime location for one.”

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“Sorry,” Cyaan retorted drily. “I was too busy taking my lovers to my other houses

with dungeons.” He chuckled at his mate’s growl. “If it’s all right with Jace, then I’m all for it,

though I don’t think you’d find much mercenary work here.”

Grinning excitedly, Loken responded, “Oh, I’m sure we can talk him into it. And I’m

not too worried about the mercenary gig. Things change. Priorities change, you know?”

Both men looked down at the fragile form between them. “Yeah, I know. How’s the


“Not nearly as strong or violent this time. I’ll need the energy you absorbed from him in

order to release it before I wake him up. It still amazes me how he managed to hold so much

in. I was forced to release mine every few weeks when I was surrounded by blood-thirsty

armies and feuding villages. Yet the energy I accumulated didn’t have a quarter of the hatred

and rage as his did.”

Loken was right. No Keeper should have been able to withstand that. It had almost torn

Loken apart and he was a half-God. Their boy was definitely a mystery.

* * * *

The following morning was spent making a breakfast that was not only edible, but tasty

as well. It was a joint effort that brought them to the conclusion that the electric stove had no

business being in their home after the third batch of eggs was ruined. A gas-powered one

was on order before they brought the end results to Jace on a tray.

Also coming would be an ultra-king-sized bed.

Getting into the spirit of shopping, Loken had ordered a set of custom-made throwing

knives with a black finish for their mate. They were Jace’s favourite weapons, handled with a

skill one could only be born with. Engraved on one side of the handles would be the words

‘Our Boy’, with ‘JS’ on the other for Jace Salizone. An exorbitant amount would have them

there in three days—and it was worth it.

Especially after the thanks he gave them once he saw his breakfast. No words were

needed. The man took one look at the food and laughed for the first time since they’d found

him. It contained so much carefree joy that it obliterated the blow to their egos. Granted,

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hamburgers, steak and hotdogs got old after a while, but he’d thought they’d come out

pretty well.

“I take it you finally figured out how to use the stove?”

Cyaan sat against the headboard beside Jace while Loken took a position lying across

the foot of the bed. “It took a lot of threats but eventually it decided to cooperate. We decided

to let it live. It’s going up for adoption at the local thrift store in the nearest town from here.

A replacement is on its way as we speak.”

“One with fire?”

“Of course. We’ll just have to keep Kaia out of the kitchen when she comes to visit.” He

was relieved to see Jace smile over that. The man’s earlier reaction to the prospect of guests

hadn’t exactly been reassuring.

“What were your other mates like, Sir?”


“Seth told me you had two mates in the past. What were they like?”

Caught off guard, Cyaan paused for several seconds. Thinking of the two that had come

before Jace and Loken brought back fond memories as well as the pain that still lived in his

heart over their deaths. It was a fair question, though he suspected Jace was stalling. He and

Loken had agreed not to push him to talk but their mate’s refusal to sleep was a different

issue. One that was affecting his health.

“Petunia was my first mate.” At Jace’s lifted brow, he chuckled. “Yeah, she didn’t like

her name either. Fortunately, she was a submissive so my nickname for her, ‘Pet’, worked

around company and in private. Her father wasn’t too fond of it, though. Wasn’t crazy about

me, either, but that didn’t stop her from leaving home to be with me.

“She was the most spontaneous, outgoing person I’d ever met. She loved to help others.

We had to move to the country just to have room for all the strays she took in. Everyone

knew of her kind heart.” He was unable to keep his anger out of his next words. “It was

while I was away that a group had approached her about rallying for a cause that went

against the ruling King’s edict. A cause they were willing to die for.”

“She was killed,” Jace whispered.

Nodding, he took a breath and continued. “The King had ordered his guards to kill

anyone opposing his decree. She was slaughtered.”

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“Is that when you learned to fight?”

Cyaan grinned at Loken. The man knew him well. “I also learned that revenge really

can be sweet.” Jace leaned over and kissed him chastely on the cheek. His eyes were tinted

green, conveying his sadness over the death of his first mate. “That’s when Love felt me. She

was impressed by my passion. We never expected Kaia to be born of a night of consolation,

but we never regretted it, either.

“After that, there was Adrien. He was young and ambitious when I met him. A sponge

for knowledge. Once I’d told him everything I knew on history, he started reading on every

subject he could think of. In fact, most of the books here were his. We would sit for hours

debating the merits of theories and opinions of people across the world.”

“Sounds like I would have liked him,” Jace said with a reminiscent expression.

“Do you like to read?”

A becoming blush spread over the man’s cheeks. “I’ve always wanted to be a scholar. I

could disappear for days with a good text, or twenty.”

“What did you study in college?” Loken asked.

The younger man’s face fell, eyes averting to the scraps left on his plate. “I didn’t. My

father…he thought it was a waste of time. Why read about history when you could be

making it, right?” The last was said bitterly, obviously a reflection of his father’s sentiments.


Cyaan decided to let the subject drop but kept it in the back of his mind. “I was mated

to Adrien for almost nine hundred years. He and Kaia were as close as brother and sister.

The trouble they would get into…” He shook his head at the memories. Those two together

had been chaos in the guise of charm he hadn’t been able to say no to. “He died in a boating

accident. It was instant, without pain. And it happened while he was doing something he

loved. I think that made it easier for me to accept it.”

They all fell silent for a time. He appreciated that they didn’t offer condolences. There

had been enough of those upon Adrien’s death. One could only take so many ‘I’m sorrys’

before the urge to strangle someone took over.

“So, tell us why you haven’t been sleeping.”

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Chapter Eight

Jace cringed inwardly and tried to marshal his rapidly churning emotions. He’d known

it was coming. Both men were obsessed with his health. Not in the sickeningly egocentric

way Mikel had been. Their worry was understandable. If not for his recent enforced slavery,

he might have even been offended if they didn’t express concern over his behaviour.

That, however, didn’t make the explanation any easier to give.

He could lie. His energy was once again buried deep inside, unable to betray his

feelings. Without it, the men would only have facial and body cues to rely on, but looking at

them, he knew they deserved the truth. He also knew that they wouldn’t let him go

afterwards, even if their regard for him did change to disgust and revulsion.

Suddenly, everything was too close, too crowded for comfort. He needed room to


“Can we talk about this somewhere else?” Somewhere away from the intimacy of a

bedroom. “And after a shower?”

The two shared a look then nodded. “Your clothes are in the first two drawers of the

dresser. We’ll be waiting in the living room.” Cyaan kissed him lightly on the lips.

Loken stood and placed a finger under his chin, lifting his head until their eyes met.

“Don’t be too long.”

“Yes, Sir.”

After Loken’s kiss to his forehead, they gathered the tray and left him alone. As Jace

showered, his mind flitted through every conceivable way to discuss the topic with the least

amount of innuendos. Innuendos would undoubtedly mean more questions that he wasn’t

sure he was ready to answer right then. If ever. There was just no preparing for a

conversation that was bound to strip what last few vestiges of pride he had left.

Frustrated, he dried off then brushed his hair. Against his better judgement, he glanced

in the mirror and saw a stranger staring back at him. No. Not a stranger. Mikel’s creation.

From his hair to his depleted body to the defeated look in his eyes. All of it belonged to

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Mikel. It was as clear to him as the scars that littered his pale skin. He’d come to accept it

long ago.

Why, then, am I having trouble doing so now?

Because if Loken and Cyaan ever came to accept that, Mikel would have won his battle

to dominate Jace—mind, body and soul. All of the sacrifices Jace had made would have been

for naught. His self-induced starvation, sleep deprivation and thousands of torturous hours

learning to contain and hide the energy he took in. None of it would matter if the men

waiting for him realised it was too late to save him. Yet it seemed inevitable.

After dressing slowly, he made his way to the living room on bare feet. Before coming

to the entrance he heard both men talking. He could tell they were trying to speak quietly but

their voices were so deep, the words carried to him easily. It sounded as though they

were…arguing? That was a first.

“No. He’s definitely a Lexus kind of guy.” That from Cyaan.

“A luxury vehicle? Are you even from this planet? Only snobs drive those cars.”

“Hey, I have a Lexus.”

“My point exactly,” Loken said smugly. “Trust me. I have taste. Sedate is boring.”

“So I’m a boring snob now?”

“Don’t feel bad. I hear it’s an inevitable factor of old age.”

“I’ll remember that when we’re picking out furniture for the playroom.” Cyaan said


Loken snickered. “If you’re going for ego, why not just get him a Scion? It rhymes with

your name.”

“Too cheap, and it’s not like you don’t want to get him a sports car to assuage your


“I do and it would. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with looking good in a fast car.”

Cyaan grunted, obviously not convinced. “You have an unnatural obsession with your


“Nothing wrong with that, either. Okay, okay. How about we settle on fast and sturdy?

That way our mate can stay safe and look good doing it.”

What the hell? They were arguing about which car to buy him? As he stepped out from

his concealed spot, he looked at both men as if they’d lost their minds.

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“Damn, now the surprise is ruined. Did you know he was there?”

“No. He was probably sucked out of the bedroom by the gravitational pull of your


Loken flashed Cyaan an exasperated look then turned to Jace. “Well boy, I guess you’ll

just have to help us decide. Sports or luxury?”

The subject was so far off the dreaded issue of Mikel that Jace burst out laughing. It

came from deep within and felt so right that he didn’t want to stop. It faded all too quickly,

however, in light of what he knew couldn’t be put off any longer. His only consolation was

that they would still have each other.

Taking a deep breath, he walked over to the vacant brown armchair across from the

couch where Loken sat. Cyaan approached him to caress the side of his face, brushing back a

lock of hair.

“Nothing you say will change the way we feel about you.”

The lump in his throat prevented an answer from coming out. Tears stung his eyes but

he blinked them away. As Cyaan took a seat beside Loken, he couldn’t help but wonder if the

man’s statement would hold true when all was revealed.

“Mikel sends me visions in my sleep.” There. A sound explanation summed up in one

sentence. If only it were that easy. With a sigh, he added, “He knows I have to sleep

sometime. He’ll keep sending them until either he finds me or I return.”

“Why does he want you back so badly? Was he planning on using you to further his


Jace let out a gust of humourless laughter. That scenario would have been preferable as

it didn’t involve his abject humiliation. Jumping up from the chair, he circled around it and

began pacing. “At first he thought I was Jamie’s mate and that that’s why I helped Jamie get

away. He tried everything he could think of to punish me.”

Jace shuddered at the memories of that first year with Mikel, even though it was far

from the worst of them. The daily beatings hadn’t been so bad. They’d involved only

physical pain which was dealt with by escaping into his mind. It was after they’d ceased that

he’d started on the path to fear.

The days on end when he’d been chained in a lightless cell to recuperate from his

wounds had been preludes to Mikel’s parties. Once he was considered ‘pretty’ again, he was

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brought out for the entertainment of Mikel’s men. To be used in any way they saw fit. He

was the men’s reward for recruiting more Keepers to Mikel’s cause.

“When I didn’t break, he just doubled his efforts. After a while, he discovered that

Jamie was happy and living his life with his real mates. That pissed off Mikel even more. He

decided to switch tactics. He began…he s-started using his power to force me to love him.”

Cyaan lowered his brows in confusion. “You mean he used his visions to control you?”

Oh shit! They didn’t know. Why hadn’t Jamie told Cyaan? Not that it would have made

a difference. One piece of knowledge could not have changed the past.

“Mikel also has the power to control someone’s mind by using their energy. He thought

making me love him would turn me against Jamie. Somewhere along the line, he fell in love

with me.” The next words flew out of his mouth before he could bite them back. “He grew

obsessed. If his men tried to touch me again, he killed them. I wasn’t allowed to leave his

side. Every day he took my will and forced me to act like I loved him.”


“When I passed out from lack of energy, he would shove his into me. I was t-too weak

to resist. I couldn’t… He wanted me beautiful, but I hated him. I s-stopped eating, stopped

talking. I thought he would lose interest but it only got worse. He started to believe we were



It was getting harder to push the words past his constricting throat. Even harder to keep

the bile churning in his stomach from rising. “He wanted to consume me until there was

nothing left. Hiding my energy was the only way to k-keep my mind from him. The only

way I could escape. I was going insane. Losing myself…” Strong hands banded around his

arms, bringing him to a jolting halt.

“Jace! It’s over. You survived.”

Cyaan’s blurred halo of hair came into view as Jace lifted his gaze. Tears that attested to

his shame kept him from making out the man’s expression. “But I was too weak to kill him. I

couldn’t even keep him from…” He was yanked forwards and crushed against the warm and

steady frame of Cyaan’s chest. Loken blanketed him from behind, engulfing him in a cocoon

of heat and security that denied his body the tremors that shook it.

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“I have lived for three and a half millennium and never once have I met a Keeper strong

enough to withstand the power of a halfling. You risked your life to save my daughter.”

“And you kept me from making the biggest mistake of my life,” Loken said from

behind. “I would have walked away from Cyaan—from love—if he hadn’t told me about

you. It was your strength that I fell in love with first.”

The pressure on both sides increased, nearly suffocating him. But it was their energy

that was overpowering. Pure and unbridled, it swept through him like a tornado. The impact

of their love would have driven him to his knees if not for the support of their bodies. The

indisputable truth of it spiralled through him until he had no choice but to acknowledge it.

Squirming in their arms until the band of their hold loosened, he looked up once more.

Cyaan brushed the pads of his thumbs along his lids while Loken kissed the crown of his

head. “You still want me? Knowing what he did to me?”

“You are ours. You belong to us and nothing that has happened or will happen can ever

change that.”

This time the conviction in Cyaan’s voice was matched by the utter confidence that Jace

could plainly see in his stern features. He wasn’t being given a choice on whether he was

willing to accept this statement or not. The man was asserting his authority and commanding

no less than Jace’s total compliance.

Yet it was nothing like the abusive control Mikel had enforced.

Jace had the power to turn away. To spurn what they offered and leave with his

solitude intact. They were showing him the other side of the spectrum of domination, and it

was like nothing he’d ever imagined.

Loken cupped the back of his head and pulled until Jace’s eyes met his. “Say it. Say you

belong to us.”

More tears trickled down his face as he whispered, “I belong to you.”

The possessive growl that rumbled up from Loken’s chest sent a shiver down his spine.

The large man leant down to devour his mouth in a kiss that had him moaning and writhing

in seconds. His hormones were spinning out of control so fast he barely noticed the change as

Cyaan took over. His tongue couldn’t keep pace but it didn’t matter.

With their searching hands, sweeping tongues and rock-hard bodies, they were asking

him to submit. But he wanted to do more than that. More than anything he wished to release

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the iron fist around his energy and show them how much this meant to him, but he couldn’t.

The fear was still there.

But there was the next best thing.

Pulling away despite much resistance, he whispered, “I want to do something. For both

of you.” When they still refused to let him go, his heart swelled even more. “Please, Sirs?”

They caved, as he’d known they would, and he wriggled out from their tight embrace. “Be

right back.”

With that, he darted from the room. In the bathroom conjoined to the spare bedroom,

he found the scissors he’d spotted before. Sweeping his hair up into one hand, he began

cutting. With each lock that fell away he felt a renewed sense of confidence enter his heart.

When the job was done, jagged tips came to just above his shoulders and a thick ponytail lay

limp in his fist.

Running back to the living room, he met Cyaan and Loken’s shocked gazes. “He would

use it to hold me down,” he said, raising his hand to indicate the ponytail. “It was his but…I

don’t want to be his anymore. I mean…I want to be your mate. Not that I wasn’t before, I

just…” Fuck! This is coming out wrong.

Both men chuckled. Cyaan took the loose hair from his fist while Loken inspected the

edges curling close to his neck. “I think this will look perfect after I clean it up a bit. It

says…” he scrunched his brows together in concentration, “sports car. Don’t you think?”

Cyaan just groaned and shook his head.

* * * *

Cyaan was stripped down to a pair of classic 501 jeans that created the perfect frame to

the work of art that was his ass. His white hair was pulled into a single plait, drawing

attention to his broad back that narrowed down to a tapered waist. His lightly burnished

skin gleamed in the sunlight from a thin layer of sweat as his muscles flexed and writhed

from his workout.

Loken was dressed similarly, though his hair hung loose. The trimmed goatee on his

firm chin played a wicked role by catching black strands of hair as the man moved. Every

time Loken ran a hand through his mane to clear them away, his sculpted chest and defined

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abs were put on glorious display. A light dusting of hairs covered his pecs and formed a line

that disappeared below the waistband of his jeans, drawing the eyes to his generous package.

Both men handled their swords and moved their bodies with such grace that one might

think their fight was choreographed. Watching them manoeuvre deadly weapons that often

missed contact by mere centimetres was breathtaking. They were truly a matched pair in

size, beauty and skill, as well as in mind—each one the fundamental component of the other.

As one, they looked up at the window Jace was staring out from and smiled.

Now that’s just cruel.

Jace growled and left the window, flopping down on the bed in irritation. It was bad

enough they had chosen to practice half-naked in the yard knowing he could watch but not

join. Was it really necessary for them to smile knowingly every time they saw him at the

window? Granted, being confined to the bedroom as punishment was his fault…but really?

To make matters worse, he’d been prohibited from touching himself in a sexual manner

without their express permission. A week and a half ago, he would have laughed outright at

that stipulation. His cock had been lifeless for years, no matter how much stimulation it

received. Now, however, it was sheer torture. Just thinking about his mates fired up his

libido. And of course being told he couldn’t do something kept his mind constantly fixated

on that thing.

Jace glanced at the despised clock on the wall ticking away the last fifteen minutes of

his confinement at an agonisingly slow pace. Though his mates had begun to introduce toys

into their sex play, they were loath to use pain as a form of punishment. Which suited Jace

just fine. His mind could tolerate erotic pain, but without arousal, he feared it would

flashback to his time with Mikel.

He was still having trouble controlling his emotions. Often, he found himself breaking

rules just to test his mates’ reactions. To see if they would lose their patience and raise a hand

to him. It was ludicrous, he knew. During those episodes, their energy would reflect nothing

but temperance and love. They were commanding rather than demanding. Forceful without

threat. The kinds of Doms he’d always dreamt of giving himself to.

It killed him every time he broke his submission with one of his uncontrollable

outbursts. They never expressed or even hinted at disappointment in him, but he felt his own

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keenly. Especially when his anger got the best of him and he shouted at them for no good

reason—as he had done earlier.

The door opened and he bolted upright. Excitement flushed through him as Loken

entered the room. The man laughed softly, causing Jace’s cheeks to flush. He couldn’t help it.

Being around his mates was always sweeter after the solitary confinement of his


“Your hour’s not up yet. You have a phone call. It’s your father. He doesn’t know where

you are, but he wants to talk to you. Make sure you’re okay.”

Jace felt the blood drain from his face. It would have been a simple matter for his father

to find him. He hadn’t bothered to keep the fact that he was going to Seth’s place to fight for

Jamie a secret. What he couldn’t figure out was how his father had convinced Seth to give the

man a way of contacting him. Or why the man had chosen now, of all times, to search for


“I don’t want to talk to him.”

Loken tilted his head down, disapproval hardening his features. “He called your friend

Seth to see if he had any news on you and only just discovered that you’re alive and well.

When I spoke to him, he said he wanted to make amends for past regrets. The least you could

do is reassure him that you’re fine.”

Knots twisted his stomach as a chill ran down his spine. His father cared about a lot of

things, but his son’s welfare had never been one of them. Seth knew this, or at least he

thought his friend had. He could still refuse the phone call. Cyaan and Loken wouldn’t

punish him for it, but his cowardice would be blaringly obvious.

Trying to keep as much reluctance out of his voice as possible, he said, “Okay. I’ll talk to

him.” Loken handed him a cell phone then kissed his forehead before leaving him alone

again. “What do you want?”

“Jace? Thank the Gods! I was so worried about you. Are you all right?”

“You can cut the shit. No one’s here but me.”

His father’s voice reverted back to the tone he was so familiar with. “Good. It was hard

enough to convince your friend that I’d had a change of heart and wanted to beg your

forgiveness for being too hard on you. You have no idea how much I hate having to act like I

give a shit about my faggot son.”

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Actually, he did. Vernen Salizone was a talented man when it came to hiding his true

nature in front of others. He was also smart about waiting until he had Jace alone to make

him pay for the trouble of having to be falsely sincere. In retrospect, Jace couldn’t blame Seth

for believing his father. All his friend knew about their relationship was what Jace had told

him—which wasn’t much.

“Where are you?”

Jace took a moment to stare at the phone as though he could send his look of utter

disbelief through it. “I’m not going to be your little soldier anymore. Mom’s gone. You

haven’t been able to find her in years.”

“No, but Mikel did.”

Everything inside froze in terror. “No.”

“Yes. He contacted me a few days ago. His men are keeping surveillance on her as we


Vernen paused to let that sink in. Cold sweat broke out over Jace’s skin as his body

began to shake. When his knees threatened to give, he hit the wall with his back, sliding

down until his body was as small as he could make it.

Mikel had his mother. The woman he would give anything for. The one he had suffered

his father’s brutal fists and insults for, just to save her from them. Leaving her mate had been

one of the greatest days of their lives.

Barely managing a whisper, he asked, “What do you want?”

His father snickered maliciously. “It’s not what I want. It’s what Mikel wants. Why he

would have anything to do with your pathetic ass is a mystery to me, but who am I to argue?

Return to him immediately and he’ll let your mother live.”

Jace shook his head, clamping his eyes shut against the sudden rush of tears. His father

wasn’t asking him to go back to save his mother’s life. There was an ulterior motive at play.

But what reward could possibly be that great that the man would sacrifice his mate for it?

“Why? Why would you do this? I know you loved her once.”

“She left me!” Vernen yelled. “She chose you over me. As far as I’m concerned, she

brought this on herself.”

Rage crept in, slowly taking over his fear. “What’s in it for you?”

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“Mikel’s plans are nearly complete. It won’t hurt to be on the winning side once the

God of Death takes over. The hefty bonus his son promised me ain’t gonna hurt, either.

Honestly, I can’t see what the hell your problem is. Being Mikel’s little bitch is the most you’ll

ever amount to. Mikel is giving me two more days to pick your ass up and deliver you. Now

tell me where the fuck you are.”

Jace squeezed the phone until his joints protested, surprised it didn’t shatter in his

hand. “I know how to find him.” He pulled the phone from his ear, listening to his father’s

curses and threats as he stared at it blindly. The rage turned to seething fury.

His freedom was being taken away and once again he was powerless to prevent it.

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Chapter Nine

Jumping up, Jace flung the phone away, imagining it was his father that went crashing

through the window. It wasn’t enough. He caught a glimpse of himself in the dresser mirror,

a reflection of the man that had failed to keep his mother safe, and he reared back and

rammed his fist into it. Glass shattered, splitting the skin over his knuckles in deep

lacerations. Loken and Cyaan broke down the door in their haste to get to him.

Cyaan reached for him but he stumbled back, bare feet crunching over broken shards.

“Jace, what’s going on here?”

He wanted to scream. Blame them for keeping him here against his will. If he had just

returned after warning Cyaan about Kaia like he’d planned to, none of this would be

happening. His mother’s life wouldn’t be in jeopardy and he would never have been shown

a life he couldn’t have.

But looking at the unadulterated panic and concern on their faces, he knew he couldn’t

hate them. This was his fault, and his problem to fix.

“Mikel has my mother.”

“What?” Loken breathed in disbeleif.

Jace recounted the conversation with his father, not bothering to hide the details of his

past relationship with the man. They had to know why he was willing to sacrifice all of the

hard work they’d put into making him whole again. When the words finally ran out, so had

his fury, leaving him with a despair so profound it robbed him of breath.

When Cyaan reached out again, Jace allowed his mate to carry him into the bathroom.

A trail of blood stained the carpet but neither of them seemed to care. Cyaan washed and

compressed the cuts to staunch the bleeding while Loken prepared a bandage.

“Jace, where does your mom live?”

Too tired to argue, he replied, “152 Adams Lane in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Or at least

that’s where she was the last time I saw her.”

Cyaan and Loken then addressed each other. The entire time, they spoke in voices so

deceptively calm that Jace had trouble discerning their intention.

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“I know three men that can be there within a few hours. They’re human but they know

what they’re doing.”

“I’ve got four Keepers. If they pair up, one Keeper per human, the Keepers can

replenish their energy if Mikel’s men discover them and try to take it away.”

Loken nodded in agreement. “I think it’s best to keep Jace’s mom out of the loop until

Mikel’s men are taken care of.”

“I’ll have the Keepers escort her to Seth’s house afterwards. He’s got reinforced security

there to keep Jamie safe. He’ll take her in for as long as needed.”

“What of Jace’s father?”

“Jace, where is your father?”

He gave them the address in bewilderment.

“That’s too far apart. By the time our men can travel there from Wisconsin, Mikel will

likely know that Jace’s mom is gone.”

“Jace, do you have any other family that can be used against you?” At Jace’s shake of

the head, Loken said, “Let Mikel take care of the bastard for now. There’s nothing else he can

do since he doesn’t know Jace’s location.”

“I’ll inform Seth of the man’s treachery. When this battle is won, he won’t be seeing the

light of day for a long time.”

“That can be made a permanent arrangement. Just a thought.”

Cyaan flashed a grin. “We’ll leave that decision up to our mate. Come on. Let’s go make

those phone calls.”

Loken picked up Jace and carried him into the living room while Cyaan left to get his

cell phone.

“Wait, what’s going on?” He was settled firmly in Loken’s lap, large arms wrapped

securely around him.

“Your mother will be safe by tonight. You didn’t really think we’d let you go, did you?”

“Your friends could die. I can’t let them take that risk.” That earned him nothing more

than an indulgent smile.

“Baby, I’m an assassin. Cyaan has killed more people in his lifetime than he can

remember. We would never send in men that weren’t as skilled as we are. Do you trust us?”

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The answer to that came without thought. “Yes.” A warm charge of energy flowed into

him from Loken.

“Good boy. Let us handle this. I know how much your mother means to you. I swear

they’ll get her out of there without a scratch.”

Did he really understand how important his mother was to him? Yes, he’d admitted to

tolerating years of abuse from his father to keep the woman safe, but that was his problem.

Not his mates’. “You don’t think I’m weak for…”

Loken growled menacingly, giving a quick death to the rest of his sentence. On impulse,

he circled his arms around Loken’s neck and squeezed. His mate responded by tightening his


“It’s going to be all right.”

“I know.” And he did. It may have taken a threat to his mother’s life to make him see

how devoted his mates were, but he realised that his faith in them had never wavered.

Without it, he wouldn’t have told them about Mikel’s ultimatum. He’d have kept it inside to

ensure they couldn’t stop him from leaving.

Several minutes later, Cyaan handed the phone to Loken and they traded places. Loken

contacted his men, giving them descriptions of Cyaan’s friends so that they could meet up

and plan a course of action. Jace’s head whirled with the ease in which his mates arranged

everything. From what he could hear, not a single person protested and neither Cyaan nor

Loken had to offer a favour in return. When he asked what he could do to make it up to the

men risking their lives for his mother, Cyaan simply shook his head.

“These men aren’t helping us because they owe us. It’s on principle. Loken and I would

do the same for them without question. We all live fairly solitary lives, so when one of us

gets a chance at happiness, there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for each other to ensure it.”

The concept was exhilarating and a little scary at the same time. It occurred to him that

his mates had just as much power as Mikel—only theirs was based on honesty and respect,

whereas Mikel relied on lies and brute force.

When Loken was finished, he related the details to Cyaan. Their friends would notify

them immediately after his mother was secured and on her way to Seth’s house. Everything

was said so matter-of-factly that there was no room for doubt. That, however, didn’t keep

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Jace from feeling anxious. Loken left the room then came back a few minutes later holding a

flat box.

“We were going to save this until tonight but I think now might be better. It’ll keep

your mind occupied for a bit.”

Jace took the box, frowning in confusion. Inside was a set of three beautifully crafted,

black throwing knives with engravings on the handles. After reading them, he looked up at

both men in amazement. “You bought these for me?”

“Among other things. They’ll have to do until I can make you a set balanced just for


He shook his head in wonder. Gliding his fingers reverently over the cool metal, he felt

more tears flood his eyes. “This is… No one’s ever given me anything like this. Thank you.”

He repeated his words of gratitude, looking each man in the eye to convey his sincerity. To

his surprise and delight, both blushed self-consciously. “Can I try them now?”

Loken grinned like an idiot. “I was hoping you would. But it might not be a great idea.

You cut your throwing hand.”

Jace took the knives from the box and wriggled out of Cyaan’s grasp. “I’m

ambidextrous. I only use one hand in order to throw off my opponents if I have to switch to

the other.”

His mate’s grin grew impossibly wider. “Damn, I love you boy. Let’s go break them in.”

* * * *

The next several hours were spent outside, practicing with various weapons. Now that

they knew he could fight with both hands, they wanted to test his skill at all of the weapons.

When it grew too dark to safely spar, they moved inside. After patching up the bedroom

door and window, Cyaan and Loken pulled out games, movies—anything they could think

of to keep his mind busy. Loken didn’t offer to take his energy so that he could rest that

night. It went without saying that he didn’t want to until they heard back about his mother.

When one o’clock rolled around, he began pacing, unable to remain still. At two o’clock,

Cyaan had assigned him the chore of dusting the multitude of books and shelves in the

living room. He didn’t complain. His agitation was reaching outburst levels and he didn’t

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want to take it out on his mates. When the cell phone went off half an hour later, he nearly

jumped out of his skin.

Cyaan answered. After an eternity packed into the space of a few minutes, his mate

said, “Thanks, man. Have Seth call me when you get there.” He ended the call then looked

up. Jace thought he would pass out from suspense. “Your mom’s fine, though worried sick

about you. She should be at Seth’s house later this morning. You can talk to her then.”

Relief swept through him so fast he swayed on his feet. Loken was there instantly,

lifting him into the cradle of his arms. Jace wanted to tell them how grateful he was. To show

them how much their help meant to him. More than that, he wanted to say the words that

had been spinning around in his mind and resting on the tip of his tongue every time he was

near them. But fear still held them chained within.

“We know. Go to sleep, little one. I’ll wake you as soon as your mom calls.”

Both men kissed his temples as he released his energy into Loken’s care.

* * * *

The body in his lap bounced excitedly, causing Loken’s semi-hard erection to swell

almost painfully against the confines of his leather pants. Grasping slim hips in both hands,

he held them still but unable to resist rubbing them once over his straining member.

“If you don’t settle down, I’m going to impale you right here.”

In response, Jace wiggled his ass, eliciting a hiss of arousal from him. “I fail to see a

downside to that.”

“After we fuck you, you’ll be punished for misbehaving.” That brought the man’s

teasing to a halt. He shared a smile with Cyaan who was currently manning the grill. Their

little sub was flourishing under their control. There were still occasions on which Jace had

difficulty separating his past situation from his present, but they recognised it for what it

was. The mind wasn’t made to bend under duress to the will of another for so long without

suffering trauma.

He and Cyaan were in agreement that the damage done to Jace wasn’t permanent, but

recovery could take a while yet.

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It was hard to believe that not too long ago, he’d been satisfied living a life without

either of his mates in it…and absolutely impossible now to imagine going on without them.

It made him wonder if his sister hadn’t been too hasty in her judgement of her own mate a

few centuries ago. Thinking of which, he needed to contact her soon. It wasn’t like Kiress to

go for so long without communicating through their link, but then, he understood her need

for privacy to mourn their mother.

“Can’t you just give me a hint? Is it another weapon?”

He laughed at his mate’s exuberance. Truth be told, he couldn’t wait to get the man’s

next gift, either. Nothing filled him with happiness more than showing his mates how much

they mean to him. Unfortunately, the group of Keepers was due to visit shortly so the trip to

town would have to wait until afterwards.

“No hints. Now be a good boy and eat.” He kissed the adorable pout from Jace’s lips as

Cyaan brought the burgers to the picnic table.

“My turn.” Cyaan took Jace’s hand and led him over to the opposite bench where he sat

their mate down in his lap. It was a good thing the man didn’t mind being coddled because

they couldn’t seem to keep their hands off him. Jace inspired a depth of affection Loken’d

never witnessed or experienced before. It was thrilling and entirely too addicting, but

something he wouldn’t change for the world.

Not a moment after they’d finished, they heard a car pull up in the driveway.

“Sounds like our company has arrived. How are you feeling, boy?”

Jace fidgeted nervously but straightened his shoulders. “I’m okay.”

Cyaan hugged him for encouragement. It had been Jace’s idea to join them during the

meeting to offer up any information or suggestions, though they knew the man didn’t want

to. They made their way inside, Loken taking a seat next to Jace on the couch while Cyaan let

their guests in. A group of five men followed Cyaan into the room.

“Gentleman, these are my mates, Loken and Jace.”

Loken stood to shake each man’s hand as they were introduced but stayed close to Jace

who remained seated.

Cyaan started with a podgy looking man with a gruff beard and a slight paunch. “This

is Stephen. He assists in the organisation of meetings for Keepers with various problematic

issues with humans and Gods. His colleague, Riley.” This man was a hand span shorter than

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the rest with a frame built like a bull. From the condescending air of confidence that wafted

from him like bad body odour, it was plain to see he used his prestige to make up for his


“This is Corin, the oldest son of Aquene, a good friend of mine. How’s your mom


If Corin’s appearance was anything to go on, he father must be a bear of a man. The kid

had a flowing mane of dark brown hair that spread to cover the majority of his jaw. His body

mass topped that of everyone in the room, though Loken would wager only a very small

portion of it was fat.

“Good, sir. I hope you don’t mind me coming in my father’s place. We’ve been

spending most of our time out of Alaska hunting Mikel’s minions. I’ve been dying for a

chance to do more.”

Loken grinned and shook his hand. “I like him already.”

“If you like him then you’ll love Malen. He’s as bloodthirsty as you are.”

Turning to the next man, he was pleasantly shocked to find himself looking up at

someone for once. The man had to be at least six-foot-six and as powerfully built as he. A

black bandana crowned his head with long black hair spilling freely over a leather biker

jacket. Loken felt a rare, instant kinship once he absorbed a measure of the man’s energy.

Malen shook his hand then gestured to the man beside him. “This is my mate, Turek.

We found each other not too long ago, as I heard you found yours. Congratulations.”

“Thanks. Same to you.”

The huge man then turned to Jace and knelt down so that he was at eye level with the

smaller man. “Hey, Jace. It’s been a while since I saw you last. How are you holding up?” He

seemed to know that Jace was wary of touch, keeping his hands resting non-threateningly on

his knees.

“Better.” He glanced to Cyaan and Loken. “I appreciate you coming.” Stretching his

hand out hesitantly, he smiled when Malen took it without a single indication that he noticed

Jace’s uncertainty.

“There’s not a damn thing in the world that could’ve stopped me. What do you say

after this you brush me up on my knife skills?”

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Jace’s sudden laughter was like a shot of joy to Loken’s soul. Yeah, he and Malen would

get along just fine. His younger mate nodded and they all took a seat where they could find

one. Turek sat on the arm of the recliner next to his mate. His build was slightly thinner and

shorter, but no less sturdy. Light brown hair pulled back into a short ponytail matched warm

eyes above a ready smile. Though Turek’s mode of dress was more conservative than

Malen’s biker outfit, they seemed to suit each other well.

“I’d like to start out with what we already know, which unfortunately isn’t much,”

Stephen began. “It seems Mikel is either running out of Keepers to pressure into his fold or

he’s reaching the completion of his plans because there have been fewer and fewer sightings

of him and his men.”

“Loken thinks Mikel is hiding in those states which have the least amount of sightings

and I’m inclined to agree with him,” Cyaan said. “He went to LA to check out his theory and

that’s where we found Jace. Our mate had escaped shortly before then and confirmed that

Mikel did indeed have a stronghold somewhere in the surrounding lands.”

“Why didn’t you go after him then? Or at least notify us?”

Cyaan turned a stern look on Riley. “It was more important to look after the safety of

our mate. If not for him, Mikel would have my daughter in his custody right now.”

The rebuke didn’t appear to sit well with Riley but the man didn’t add to the issue.

Loken sat back while the discussion continued. He kept his expression neutral, making

sure to keep track of what was being said while he slipped into each man’s subconscious.

Turek and Malen were exactly what they portrayed on the outside. Steadfastly loyal to each

other and those they felt deserved their help. Men he would be proud to count among his


Young Corin was eager to impress his father but not so much that he would make

foolish mistakes. He had a clear head on his shoulders, if a slightly boorish attitude towards

fighting which he doubtlessly got from his father. Loken could easily see him running

headstrong into the mix and using his brawn to intimidate his opposition. Not too much of a

problem considering his ample bulk but not always effective. That could be easily remedied,

however, with a few lessons.

His first impression of Riley also seemed to hold true. It was a miracle the man’s

pompous arrogance even fit through the doorway. He fancied himself an expert on dealings

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between Keepers and the Gods. That might be the truth for all he knew, but Loken got the

distinct impression that the man used less than reputable methods for finding solutions.

Loken would have moved on to the last man if not for the rapidly increasing agitation

coming from Riley. The others could feel it mildly through his energy and most likely

assumed it was due to the nature of the conversation, but something didn’t feel right to him.

Riley started sending covert glances to Jace, his anger building with each pass of his eyes

over the smaller man.

Without warning, an image came in as clear as day. Jace beaten and bloody on the floor

with Riley standing over him, shouting out demands for information. Loken’s energy turned

to seething wrath in the next heartbeat. Jumping from the couch, he leapt over the coffee

table and smashed his fist into the man’s jaw. Before Riley could hit the ground, he yanked

him up by his shirt and shoved his back into the wall, knocking down several books and


“You son of a bitch! Did you think I wouldn’t know?” He threw the man across the

room where the panelling to the entrance stopped his flight. People scrambled out of his way

as he advanced on the dazed man. “Never underestimate the powers of a half-God.”

Grabbing Riley’s throat, he pulled the man up and reared back his fist again. Hands snatched

at his arms and chest, pulling him back before he could get in another punch. Just as he was

about to shove them away, Cyaan’s voice broke through the haze of his rage.

“Loken! What’s going on?”

“He wants to kidnap Jace! Torture him until he gives up Mikel’s location. I’ll kill him


Riley suddenly grew a backbone and straightened himself. Indignantly, he spat out,

“Innocent people are dying out there and you’re pampering the one man who knows where

he is.”

“My mother was killed by his men! I know the situation but I’ll be damned if I let you

even look at my mate again.” His wrath was consuming him, becoming too much to contain.

If he pulled the wrathful energy from Riley, it would make the man less of a threat, but it

would also push him over the edge. The last thing he wanted to do was lose control so close

to his mates.

“If the bitch was still alive, she’d probably help me make him talk.”

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And that was the last straw.

Dragging the two men holding him, he swung out, barrelling his knuckles into Riley’s

mouth. The heel of his boot connected with the man’s gut next, sending him flying into the

hallway. The shouting of his name barely registered above the buzzing in his ears. Riley was

pushing himself to his hands and knees when Loken got in another kick, feeling ribs give

way under his force.

There was more yelling but his sole focus was on the limp form of the man in front of

him. He managed to gain a few more feet when a burst of familiar energy bowled into him.

In the moments it took his mind to recognise its importance, a body of heat wrapped around

his waist and pressed firmly against his torso. Unmitigated fear gripped his heart, seizing his

wrath and giving it no choice but to recede.

Panicked, he scrambled to absorb Jace’s energy, praying to the Gods he’d never

worshipped that he caught it all before it escaped. By the time he was sure he’d taken in

every last charge his mate had released, the hands holding him dropped away. Slowly, he

gazed down into a set of blue eyes that seemed to see right into his soul.

“Why did you risk yourself like that?” His throat was raw, the words barely


“Because I love you.”

Loken collapsed to his knees then, taking his mate with him. Holding on as tight as he

dared, he kissed his mate within an inch of his life, still shaking from the violent surge of his


“I love you, too, but if you do that again, I’ll punish your ass every day for the rest of

your life.” Jace let out a gust of laughter that helped to ease his fear. Burying his face in Jace’s

hair, he breathed in deeply of his mate’s unique scent. “I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

“Me either.”

Loken looked up to see Malen flexing his neck and massaging the muscles in his arms.

Turek was standing to his side with a smirk he wasn’t bothering to hide. “Damn. I’ve never

met a man that could drag me across the floor and get in a punch while I’m holding him.

You’re one scary fucker. Any time you want to spar, let me know. I could use a good


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It was Loken’s turn to laugh. “I’ll take you up on that. My mate’s got a kick-ass set-up

in the back.” Reminded of Cyaan, he looked over to see the man staring at him worriedly. “I

didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Cyaan shook his head. “Are you all right?”

Loken offered his hand, glad to see his mate take it without hesitation. “I’m sorry.

When my wrath gets a hold of me, it’s hard to control.”

His mate wiped the trace of a tear from his cheek that he hadn’t realised was there.

“Don’t apologise. If he had hit you back, I’d have let you kill him.” Cyaan brushed a gentle

kiss across his lips. “And our boy is in serious trouble for putting himself in danger like

that,” he growled.

Jace simply grinned and whispered to Cyaan, “I love you, too.”

With another growl, Cyaan took possession of Jace’s mouth in a fiercely passionate kiss.

It was brief yet intense, a promise of what was to come later. As Loken stood with their mate

in his arms, he glanced around to the remaining men in the room.

“Where is he?”

“Stephen drove him back into town where he can ensure Riley takes the first flight out,”

Turek answered. “He won’t be back until tomorrow. Looks like one of you will have to take

us to our hotel later.”

“Take my car. We can’t take Jace into town in case Mikel’s men are there and I don’t

think either Cy or I are willing to part with him right now.”

Turek smiled widely. “Understandable.” Everyone resumed their seats after picking up

the few items Loken had knocked over in his rage. “So I take it you can read minds?”

“Mainly desires, images, the occasional passing thought. I’m sorry if I offended any of

you. I had to know my mate was safe.”

Each man brushed off his apology in some form or another. “You did what you had to

do,” Malen said in his deep voice. “It’s nice to know my friend is in good hands.”

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Chapter Ten

The rest of the meeting passed quickly. Jace backed up Stephen’s theory that Mikel was

getting close to his objective. Based on the numbers of those missing and those Jace had seen,

with the power of another halfling and those being held in the Vishian, Mikel could very

easily reach his father’s goal.

The group called it quits for the day and agreed to come back on the morrow to finalise

a plan of action. Once the door closed behind the last of the men, Loken hefted Jace over his

shoulder and climbed the stairs two at a time. When they reached their bedroom, he tossed

the smaller man onto the bed.

“Get undressed.”

Jace shivered, eyes darting to Cyaan who was closing the door. “I thought I was being


“Oh you are, but not until we’re satisfied.” Cyaan walked to the glass-door cabinet,

pulling out pair of soft leather cuffs from the bottom drawer.

Loken’s cock had been at full attention ever since the impact of what Jace had risked hit

him. His desire to fully dominate the man was now a burning compulsion. Fear-laced

adrenaline was still pumping through his veins, revving his arousal to near-insatiable

heights. The need to be inside his little mate, so deep that Jace would feel him for days, was

becoming more intense with each passing moment.

“You have twenty seconds to get undressed before I rip the clothes from you.”

Jace’s eyes grew wide as he hurried to strip out of every article of clothing. When his

beautiful cock popped free, it bounced against his flat stomach, leaving drops of pre-cum

along his skin. His breath came in short pants as he lay back down to watch as Loken

divested himself of his leathers. As soon as one hand strayed to his engorged member, Cyaan

plucked it away.

“We didn’t give you permission to touch yourself.”

Jace whimpered as his wrists were cuffed then stretched above his head to be latched to

a hook at the bottom centre of the headboard.

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Loken fisted his hard erection in one hand while he took the bottle of lube Cyaan

handed to him with the other. After slicking his aching cock, he poured more oil onto his

fingers then tossed the bottle back. At once he was on top of his mate. Jace’s feet came up

automatically, legs spreading to accommodate Loken’s large body.

While leaning on one arm, Loken circled a finger around Jace’s puckered entrance then

plunged it in. The small gasp that came was swallowed by his hungry mouth. He delved in,

sweeping his tongue across Jace’s in demanding strokes. The man gave in to his control

immediately, allowing his mouth and ass to be plundered.

As Loken added another finger, Cyaan pried his cheeks apart from behind and added

his own finger to Loken’s eager hole. The pressure felt amazing and spurred on his efforts. A

third finger slipped in with ease and he moved them up and down, stretching the tight ring.

“This is going to be fast and hard. I need to be inside you and know that you’re right

here with me.” Lowering his mouth to Jace’s slender neck, he bit down hard enough to pull

another gasp from the man then swirled the area with his tongue. He repeated the process

again and again until he came to Jace’s nipples.

A second finger breached his ass and he bucked back in encouragement. Working

furiously to stretch his mate as quickly as possible, he plunged his fingers in and out. With a

final thrust in, he twisted and hooked the tips until they found that soft little nub that caused

Jace to cry out in pleasure. A blinding streak of electricity shot through him as Cyaan’s

fingers found his own gland. He felt a hand caress his back as kisses were placed along his


Clamping down on one nipple, he sucked it into his mouth then closed his teeth around

it. Jace writhed beneath him and whimpered with each harsh breath.

“Your body is ours to command, boy. You will never place it in harm’s way again. Is

that clear?” Cyaan’s firm tone left no room for debate.

“Y-yes, Sir,” Jace panted.

The low keening noises Jace was making combined with the authority in Cyaan’s voice

and the pressure of his fingers came to be too much. If Loken didn’t have his smaller mate’s

ass wrapped around his cock soon, he was going to blow. After removing his hand, he

pushed Jace’s knees to his chest and lined up the head of his throbbing dick with his mate’s


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“Look at me.” The moment Jace’s eyes flew open and met his, he drove forwards and

grunted with the acute feel of the man’s scorching heat. A second later, Cyaan impaled him

in one smooth stroke. The burning sensation of the intrusion only increased his arousal,

causing his cock to throb inside Jace’s tight sheath.

Unable to keep still any longer, he drew himself out slowly then thrust back in. Cyaan

was right there with him, matching him stroke for stroke. They found a rhythm that

increased in increments. Their hips surged forwards and back, faster and harder with each

deep lunge. From behind, Cyaan changed his angle and pegged Loken’s prostate. Every

brutal slam rang with pleasure and forced him even deeper into Jace.

“Who do you belong to?” Cyaan ground out. He was leaning forwards, arms caging

both men beneath him.

Jace’s soft whimpers had turned to cries. Blond strands wet with sweat clung to the

sides of his face. His head thrashed wildly and his arms strained against their bindings. “You

and Loken. Please…”

Loken thrust harder. The muscles around his cock clenched him in a vice-like grip that

threatened to never let him go. “Say my name. Beg for us.” He was so close but he needed to

hear his boy cry for mercy.

“Cyaan and Loken! Please. Please let me come…”

The pleading note in Jace’s voice carried him into an orgasm so strong, it robbed him of

breath. With a roar, he shot his load into his mate, holding nothing back.

“Come,” Cyaan shouted. The force of his pummelling rocked Loken into Jace’s grasping

hole, sending racking waves of ecstasy through his body.

Jace arched his back, tilting his neck as a scream was ripped from his throat. Long

spurts of cum burst from his member in thick streams. Cyaan plunged in twice more,

growling loudly as he buried himself as far in as he could get. Warmth flooded Loken’s

insides as he was filled to capacity.

Small spasms raced through him, sending ripples of pleasure along his flushed skin. It

wasn’t until Cyaan leant forwards and planted a kiss at the nape of his neck that he felt he

could move without toppling over.

“Let’s get our little mate into the bath, love. It’ll help him relax before we start on the

second round.”

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He chuckled at that then turned his head to lock his lips with Cyaan’s in a searing kiss.

* * * *

The second meeting was carried through without a hitch. A quick scan of Stephen’s

mind revealed nothing out of the ordinary, aside from his revulsion at his colleague’s

behaviour. It was decided that those who were actively fighting Mikel’s cause would split up

into groups. Each group would travel to areas of the country where the least amount of

sightings were and report any findings. Action would be taken only when Mikel’s location

was confirmed and everyone could congregate to launch a mass attack.

He and Cyaan had agreed to send Jace to Seth’s house when that happened, knowing

he would be safe there. Their mate was less than pleased with the idea but eventually

admitted that he was still in no shape to join in the fighting, physically or otherwise.

Malen, Turek and Corin stayed at the house with Jace at their request so that they could

pick up a few things in town. With the gruelling task of grocery shopping out of the way,

they stopped by the local book store to pick up the academic books they’d ordered for Jace.

Since the man hadn’t seemed to be able to settle on one subject to study first, they got him a

wide variety to start with.

To Loken’s utter shock, they passed an adult entertainment store on their way out.

“How the hell does this tiny ass town have a sex store and no club? That’s like a crime

against nature.”

“What? How is that?”

“Part of the joy of buying the toys is to use them on others. I’m pretty sure not everyone

here is married. Where are they supposed to go to meet people?”

“This isn’t exactly a tourist town. In a club here, people would be more likely to hook

up with their cousins than not.”

“That’s just sick. Fortunately it’s also something we don’t have to worry about. Let’s go


“To the adult store? We can just order everything online.”

“I’ve got to meet your daughter. Maybe she can give me a few pointers on how to

loosen you up. Come on, this is the kind of hands-on shopping I love.”

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Cyaan sighed dramatically then turned the car around. The wind had really started to

pick up, driving the heat from the clear, dusk sky. He threw on his leather jacket while his

mate donned his trench coat. With white hair that contrasted sharply with his black clothing,

crystal green eyes and a commanding demeanour, the man was an instant orgasm.

If he lived an eternity, Loken would still never know how he’d got so lucky as to have

Cyaan for a mate.

Once inside, a purring voice from behind the counter stopped them. A man who

appeared to be in his mid-twenties, with blue-tipped, spiked hair, leant forwards on his

elbows. His tight shirt didn’t leave much to the imagination. Neither did his shorts that were

currently riding up his crack, reflected in the mirror behind him.

“That’s a hot trench coat.”

Cyaan paused. From his frown, Loken would guess his mate wasn’t familiar with the

youth. “Thank you.”

“Are you wearing it because your ass is showing?


“Could you? Show your ass?”

Loken burst into laughter.

Cyaan sent him a peeved glare then turned back to the young man. “Come by my place

later tonight and I will.”

That shut him up quicker than a blast of cold water to the groin. “He’s taken.” Pulling

his mate to him by the waistband of his pants, Loken took over his mouth in a possessive

kiss. Cyaan backed down, letting him take what he wanted without resistance. Arousal

flared to life and it was all he could do not to devour the man right there. As he pulled away,

sucking in a ragged breath, Cyaan grinned and rubbed a hand evilly over his engorged cock.


“Fuck yeah, I am. Just wait until we get home. I’m going to…” A dreamy sigh brought

his attention back to their one-man audience. The youth batted his eyes, not in the least bit

ashamed to be caught staring.

“Don’t mind me, honey. Go on and finish that sentence.”

Loken felt his cheeks flush, much to Cyaan’s evident amusement. “We’ll discuss this


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The store had a small collection which took a whole ten minutes to peruse. They ended

up leaving empty-handed but with a few new ideas for their next online shopping venture.

Loken was admiring his mate’s sleek form on the way to the car when the call came in.


Kiress’ voice was so full of alarm he stumbled forwards, losing his balance. Cyaan

caught him before his knees hit the pavement.

“What’s wrong, love?”

Loken could only stare blindly at his mate. “Kiri? What happened?”

“I found him…Bastard shot me with a tranq…”
“You went after him by yourself?! What the hell were you thinking?”

“Bitch later…”

He could tell she was fading fast. “Pull in more energy. It will keep you going long enough to

get out.”

“Already did that…”

“Kiri, where are you?”

There was a long pause, then, “Texas…”

“Where in Texas, ladybug?” He felt the obstruction in their link growing until finally the

connection was severed. “Kiri, answer me!”

There was only silence.

“Damn it, Kiri!” He should never have let her go alone. It was just like his sister to let

her pride overrule her common sense. Add the grief of their mother’s death into the mix and

it could prove fatal.

“Loken, who’s Kiri?” Concern dominated Cyaan’s striking features.

“My twin. Stubborn, foolish little girl. We split up after our mother died to search for

Mikel. I went to LA, she went to Nevada. Kiress was supposed to contact me if she found


“And she found him?”

“Yeah, but instead of waiting for me she must have rushed in. Then decided to wait

until after she was drugged and going down to contact me through our telepathic link. She’s

in Texas but she passed out before she could tell me which part.” Raking a hand through his

hair, he cursed every attribute he loved about his sister. Patience was not on that list.

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“Will she be able to contact you again when she wakes up?”

“She should. Unless…shit! If Mikel takes over her will, I’m not sure she’ll be strong

enough to reach me through our link.”

Cyaan’s face turned grim. “Let’s get home and talk to Jace. He might be able to give us

more to go on.”

They loaded into the car and headed back to the house. He could feel calming support

rolling from his mate, for which he was grateful. There was enough worry and stress

brewing in his energy without the added effects of more. When they arrived, Jace came

running out of the front door. His joy carried him halfway to the car before he stopped short,

obviously realising something was amiss.

Loken closed the distance, taking his mate into his firm embrace.

“It’s him, isn’t it?”

Nodding, he hugged the man tighter. “He took my sister.”

Jace jerked back in horror. “Your halfling sister?”

“Yes. Baby, do you…can Mikel…?”

“No. He can only control the minds of Keepers and humans. And he won’t try to use

her. Not like he did me.”

“How do you know?”

“Because he’s still obsessed with me.”

Relief tore through him, followed immediately by shame. What must it be like for his

mate to live with the knowledge that only he could satisfy the sexual cravings of a sociopath?

“I’m so sorry, baby.”

Jace shook his head. “It’s okay. You had to know.”

Cyaan came over and kissed the crown of their mate’s head then pulled Loken forwards

by the back of his neck for a brief, passionate kiss. “Let’s get everything inside. We’ll sit

down with the guys and fill them in.”

After the groceries were put up and Jace’s presents stashed away to bring out at a more

appropriate time, they reconvened in the living room. Cyaan passed out beers while Loken

recounted the story of his sister. Jace stayed curled in his lap, giving silent support.

“He’ll find some way to force your sister into using her powers to his advantage. All

he’ll need after that are the Keepers being held in the Vishian,” Malen stated.

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“Then we’ll head there. Call everyone and have them meet up here. There’s an airport

half an hour from town. I’ll start checking flights leaving to Alaska in the next few days.”

Turek snapped his fingers, interrupting Cyaan. “Tal has a private jet we can use as


“That’s right,” Malen mused. “Flashy bastard.”

“Good. We’ll have a few stay in the states with low activity to keep an eye out. We

know for sure that Mikel has holdings in Texas and California.”

“Nevada and Florida are a couple of other possibilities,” Loken added.

“We’ll send Jace to Seth’s in the morning. If anyone else has loved ones they’re worried

about, I suggest you do the same.”

Loken expected Jace to object again or at least let his displeasure be known, but he

merely sat and listened. Stephen drove the group back into town, everyone busy contacting

those willing to fight on their cell phones. After Cyaan made his calls, the large man took a

seat next to Loken and Jace.

“If your sister is able to give us a location, we’ll go there first.”

“We both know that’s not likely to happen. Mikel will keep her locked up until he

needs her.”

With a sigh, Cyaan took his hand and squeezed it. “I know.”

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Chapter Eleven

The response to the men’s calls was the best distraction Jace could have asked for. At

least thirty plus Keepers had arrived during the night with more trickling in by the hour. It

was reminiscent of the gathering for Seth’s cause to change the decree of the Gods in order to

save his halfling mate’s life. The reasons for this assembly, however, were vastly different for

everyone involved.

A few came out of an obligation to their race, but most had suffered losses they wanted

revenge for. Friends, family, comrades in arms—killed or kidnapped. Mikel’s maniacal lust

for power had already left a crater of despair in the history of their people and the end was

yet to come. All brought weapons of their own and took full advantage of Cyaan’s set-up as

well as the open space where they could practice without fear of being seen.

Loken was planning on driving him to Seth’s house but neither he nor Cyaan had

expected such a large crowd so soon. They were doing everything they could to organise

plans and make reservations at the nearest hotels and airport. Some opted to stay near the

house, offering support and helping where they could. By midday, more than eighty men

and women trafficked the land near Cyaan’s house. Many more were being picked up from

the airport or were on their way in rental cars.

Jace stayed close to his mates, wanting to soak up as much of their loving presence as he

could. He tried to appear as skittish of the newcomers as possible to set the ideal scenario for

his departure. It wasn’t all that hard to do. Several remembered him from Seth’s gathering

but had no clue what had happened to him. Their well-meaning attempts to catch up on how

he’d been doing over the past five years quickly became more than he could handle.

The excitement and aggression in the air was like a clogging miasma. Several times he

had to ask Loken to absorb some of the energy from him. It wasn’t nearly as bad as the

energy he’d absorbed from Mikel’s men, but it grew uncomfortable after a while.

When it seemed things were at their peak—Cyaan and Loken too busy to pay much

attention to him—Jace decided to take his leave. He found them both near Cyaan’s weapons

shed, comparing notes with a large group of others. After weaving his way in to them, he

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touched Loken’s arm. Upon seeing him, his mate excused himself immediately and left the


“Is something wrong?” Loken cupped his face in both hands and kissed his forehead.

“No. I just wanted to let you and Cy know I’m going to lay down.”

His mate studied him for a few seconds then nodded. “Get some rest, boy. It might be a

few hours yet before we can leave.”

“I love you, Sir.”

Loken flashed a huge smile. Both of his mates always did when Jace said those words to

them. It was like they were hearing them for the first time every time. Jace didn’t understand

it but he wasn’t about to argue.

“I love you, too.”

He went to Cyaan next, hugging him from behind. The man responded instantly and

turned to wrap large arms around him. When he repeated the same words to Cyaan, his

other mate was just as happy to hear them.

Gods, he would miss that.

Once in the house, he took Cyaan’s car keys from the hook in the kitchen. He needed to

be fast, but didn’t quite trust himself with Loken’s car. In the garage, no one paid him any

mind as he started the car and backed out slowly. The driveway was a maze of cars, SUVs,

motorcycles and milling Keepers. It took so long to get to the road that he was afraid one of

his mates might catch him before he could make it out of sight.

The moment the house disappeared from the rear view mirror, the impact of what he

was doing came crashing down on him. A cold sweat broke out on his skin as he body began

to shake. He turned on the radio to drown out the chattering of his teeth. Only one thought

kept the sobs in and the tears at bay.


She still hadn’t contacted Loken, but when she finally did, it wouldn’t matter. He knew

Mikel. With Jamie having escaped his clutches and his plan to kidnap Kaia botched, the man

couldn’t risk losing her as well. He would keep her hidden until he needed her. Jace had no

idea how he was going to get her free, but he was the only one who had even the slightest

chance of doing so. He was the only one who could find Mikel.

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No one but his mates knew of the connection Mikel had with his energy. Cyaan and

Loken had feared that some Keepers would want to use him as bait to find Mikel and kill

him once and for all. Which actually wasn’t a bad idea if not for the fact that his mates

refused to put him in danger. He’d agreed with them wholeheartedly up until the point

when he’d heard that Kiress had been captured.

Loken had admitted that his sister was all he’d had left in the world before he and

Cyaan had come along. Loken’s pain had torn a hole through Jace’s heart and cemented his

decision to do whatever he could to save her. He may not have been much of a man before

but this…this he could take pride in. It required courage and strength, neither of which he

was feeling much of at the moment, but it was there.

Three hours later, he parked the car on a dirt road along the outskirts of a small town,

then walked in the other direction until the car and the town were no longer in sight. It

wouldn’t take them long to find him there. Mikel had men scattered everywhere. When he

was surrounded by nothing but wilderness, he pressed a fist against the nervous cramps in

his stomach then released his energy. It wasn’t much, but more than enough to shine like a

beacon for Mikel.

He then sat down on the hard-packed earth and waited. His mind wandered to the gift

his mates had said they’d bought but hadn’t had the chance to give to him. It must have been

nice, judging from the anticipation the men had shown over it.

What would it have been like to be as happy as they’d been over the past few weeks for

the rest of their lives?


A cloud of dust from the corner of his eye caught his attention. He stood up and

watched as the car came to a spinning halt several yards away. Four men emerged from it.

All carried knives, a few with side arms strapped to their belts. Jace curled his lip in disgust.

Most Keepers chose blades over guns, preferring to meet their opponents in open, hand-to-

hand combat.

Two of the men approached warily, glancing around in every direction to see if it was a

set-up. When it was determined that he was alone, the pair put away their weapons and

advanced on him. One of them raised his fist, preparing to strike.

“Don’t.” His voice was quiet but strong, belying the fear that writhed inside.

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The man paused in surprise then laughed raucously. “Who’s going to stop me? You?”

“Mikel. If I tell him you laid a hand on me, he’ll kill you before you can regret it.”

There was no joy in his small victory as the man’s face paled and his hand dropped. He

had a certain amount of power over Mikel’s men, but it was at the price of being Mikel’s

adored slave.

To save face, the man grabbed him roughly by the shirt and shoved him towards the

other vehicle. “Time to go back to your master, bitch.”

Jace went willingly, leaving his heart behind.

* * * *

Cyaan slammed his car door closed then shouted his mate’s name at the top of his

lungs. Pain he’d hoped to never feel again competed with fury, the two ripping through him

until he thought he might shatter. Gripping the sides of his head, he leant forwards at the

waist, willing his chaotic thoughts into order. An odd sensation tugged at his energy and at

the same time a hand came down on his back. As his anger began to fade, he realised what

was happening.

Straightening, he turned to face Loken. “No-o,” his voice cracked. “Don’t take the wrath

away. I can’t deal with just the pain.” Loken dipped his head. When Cyaan felt his mate’s

hand fall away, he latched onto it. His pain was mirrored in the man’s deep, blue-violet

eyes—in the rigid way he held himself as though he might break apart.

“I’m sorry I dragged you into this mess. I never meant for you to get hurt. It’s just when

I met you, I couldn’t let you go. Not only because of Jace. I needed you, and I was selfish.”

Loken pulled him into a fierce hug. “Don’t ever regret keeping me with you,” he said,

voice laden with grief. “You and Jace are the best things that have ever happened to me. It’s

because of you that I’ve been happy for the first time in my life. I am nothing without you

and Jace. Please don’t doubt yourself now.”

Cyaan held on with every ounce of strength he had. Loken was more than his mate. He

was his lifeline. Since the beginning, the man had pulled his head above the raging waters of

his torment and held him in a cocoon of love and support. Even now, when Loken had his

own wrath to control, he was willing to take on Cyaan’s.

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“We’ll find our boy.”

He pulled back, allowing his anger to surge again. “If he wants to be found. Everyone

who saw him at the house said he left on his own. Willingly. He had to have left to find

Mikel, but why would he go back?”

“I think I can answer that.”

Both men turned at Malen’s deep voice. He and his mate, Turek, had accompanied

them in case they ran into trouble.

“I believe Jace was telling the truth when he said he didn’t know where Mikel was. But

somehow he must have found a way to contact him, because I’ll bet you ten to one that he

went back to get your sister free.”

Cyaan and Loken looked at each other as understanding dawned. “He released his


“He knows he’s the only one that can get close to Mikel. And wherever Mikel is, my

sister will be. This is my fault.”

“You can’t blame yourself for this. There’s no way you could have known.”

“If I had told Kiri to join us, she would be here now. I was afraid to tell her I’d found

my mates. She has a thing against them.”

“I’m missing something here. Care to fill me in?” Malen asked.

Loken gave a permissive nod to Cyaan’s enquiring glance. He trusted Malen to keep

what was said confidential and honestly, at this point, they needed all the insights and help

they could get.

“Mikel controlled Jace’s mind through his energy for years. The constant siphoning

created a bond that enables Mikel to sense Jace’s energy when he releases it no matter where

he is.”

“But Mikel has to know that Kaia disappearing right after Jace escaped wasn’t a

coincidence. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that Jace was responsible. What’s to stop

Mikel from killing him on sight?”

Cyaan wanted to laugh at the unexpected twist of events. Jace had put his life on the

line to save one halfling, escaped Mikel’s clutches to save a second, only to find he was the

only one who could save a third—putting himself back into the very depths of his hell and

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risking his life again. Jace had all the cards in his favour, being the only one with the power

to do anything. If only he weren’t betting against himself.

“Mikel loves him.”

“Come again?”

“Obsessed. Infatuated. Whatever you want to call it. He even thinks Jace is his mate.

The other day he threatened to kill Jace’s mother if he didn’t return. We managed to get her

out before she was hurt, but this time…”

“You’re underestimating Jace,” Turek cut in. “I’ll admit, I’ve only just met the guy, but

think about what he’s already done. He got away from a man no one can find or stop, saved

your daughter, found the courage to help in a fight against the very man who’s tortured him

for years, prevented Loken from going insane and killing a man—no offence—and now he’s

right back where he started just to try to save someone else. Man’s got some huge, brass balls

in my opinion. A little crazy, maybe, but I think he can do it.”

“I have to agree,” Malen concurred. “Jace was always a loner, but I’ve never known him

to fail at something he put his mind to. He left with Jamie to keep the man safe and that’s

exactly what he did. Even though it cost him his own freedom.”

Pride for his mate welled up, forging a path through the swamp of his anger.

“Our boy is one tough little shit.”

“And in so much trouble when we get him back.” Cyaan returned Loken’s grim smile.

They would get through this. Jace had survived thus far. Cyaan had to have faith that his

mate knew what he was doing, even if he was against it. “Do you have tools in your car to

disable the GPS locator in mine? I don’t want to take the chance of Mikel’s men tracking it

back to our place.”

“Of course.” Loken walked to his trunk, pausing when he came to Malen and Turek.

“Gentlemen, this goes…”

“Goes no further than this. Damn. This time I’ll chalk that insult up to the fact that

we’re still getting to know one another. Next time I’ll have to kick your ass for it.”

Loken’s grin broadened as he shook Malen’s hand. “I’ll hold you to that.”

It was a simple matter to take care of the GPS locator under the carriage. Malen drove

Loken’s car back with Turek while Loken accompanied Cyaan in his car. It was a struggle to

keep each other’s spirits up. An integral part of their lives had walked out on them to commit

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a selfless act. The emotions of anger and pride bounced back and forth within him until he

thought he would go mad.

Dozens of Keepers eager for news on Jace greeted them as they arrived. It was to be

expected. He and Loken had stormed out of there once they’d realised Jace was gone. Cyaan

was about to give them the short version when a familiar, white-haired woman came

running from the front door, barrelling into his arms.

“Daddy! I’m so glad to see you. Did you find Jace?”

Cyaan’s startled joy at her unexpected presence was tinged with sorrow. Her question

was innocent, but it only served to reinforce the pain of his loss. He held onto her a little too

tightly, a little too long, and therein she found her answer.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “He’s not…”

“He’s not dead.” Letting her go, he smoothed back her platinum locks gently, though

his tone was grim. “He went back to Mikel to try to save Loken’s sister.”

“Oh Daddy.” A burst of loving sympathy shot into him from her, a reaction of her

nature. “He must love you and Loken so much. Corin caught me up to speed. It’s Kiress,

right?” At his nod, she smiled absently. “Such a pretty name. And this is Loken?”

Before he could answer, she threw herself at his mate. Cyaan laughed at the man’s

shocked expression. Kaia’s radar for love was faultless. She could sense what kind it was,

who was in it, and who that love was directed at. Loken awkwardly hugged her back,

sending Cyaan a helpless look that made him laugh harder.

“Loken, this is my daughter, Kaia. Kaia, let the man breathe.”

She squeezed harder for a moment then pulled away to arm’s length, keeping her

hands on Loken’s arms. “I’m just so glad he met you! I can tell you love him.” Cocking her

head to the side, she narrowed her eyes. “You look awfully familiar.” Then she leaned in to

sniff him. “You smell familiar, too.”

Cyaan returned his mate’s baffled gaze. “He’s a halfling, like you.”

She waved a dismissive hand at his comment. “No. That’s not it. Brice! Come here and

feel his energy.”

Her mate stood a few yards back, arms crossed over his wide chest. Brice was a good-

looking man with cropped, dark-blond hair and a muscular frame. Though he was

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exceedingly tolerant of Kaia’s exuberance and spontaneity, he was a warrior at heart and the

only one Cyaan would trust his daughter with.

Brice walked forwards and gently pried his mate from Loken. Extending his hand, he

said, “Sorry, man. She gets a little excited at times.”

“So what? Tell me you can’t feel that.”

Brice frowned. “There is something.”

Cyaan opened his mouth to attempt to save his mate when he noticed Kaia’s dress. She

took after him with the penchant for leather, but her usual style was decidedly more

feminine. What she was wearing now was not. In fact, her black leather pants, tank top and

leather vest almost matched his outfit perfectly.

“Kaia, what are you and Brice doing here?”

Finally pulling her gaze away from Loken, she smiled brightly. “Helping you, of course.

And don’t even think of sending me away this time. I stayed out of the last battle. There’s no

way on earth you’re keeping me out of this one. Mom told me what Jace did for me. Even if I

didn’t owe him, he’s your mate. I want to help.”

“She can fight?” Loken asked dubiously.

Kaia turned a glare on him only a woman could achieve. “You think because I’m the

daughter of Love, I can’t fight? Daddy, I’m stealing your mate for a bit.” She proceeded to

haul Loken around the house to the back, where he had no doubt she would prove Loken’s

assumption wrong.

When Cyaan looked to Brice, his son-in-law raised his hands. “She’s your daughter. I

can’t stop her any more than you can when she puts her mind to something.”

He let out a defeated sigh. The man had a point. “Are the girls safe?”

“Love is watching over them until this matter with Loken gets settled. How are you

holding up, Dad?”

“Could be better. I appreciate you two coming out but you know who your main

priority is, right?”

Brice grinned. “I wouldn’t be alive if I ever forgot. Don’t worry, when it comes to the

battle, Kaia will never leave my sight.”

Trusting the man’s word, he turned to the crowd still waiting on him to relate the news

that caused the despair in his heart.

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Chapter Twelve

The landscape was green now, passing by in a blur on the other side of the car window.

He didn’t bother to keep track of the towns they drove through. Mikel had never divulged to

him where his hideouts were located, nor even allowed him to go outside once they got to

them. It kept him lost and dependent upon Mikel for shelter. Even if he did discover where

they were taking him, Mikel was sure to relocate once he got there just in case he was being


As the rushing trees slowed and the car came to a stop, he tried to push down his rising

panic. The men pulled him from the car but refused to touch him after that. It wasn’t

necessary. He followed the two in front meekly while the other two caged him in from the

rear. The building they entered was an old, renovated factory large enough to house at least a

hundred men. A draught blew over Jace, worsening the quivers that shook his body.

Energy rife with malicious intent and hatred beat at his psyche. From the blatantly

hungry stares he received from some of the men they passed, he could tell they were

recalling that first year he’d spent under Mikel’s rule. Only the promise of death by their

leader kept them from taking him again the way they’d been allowed to in the past.

Jace stumbled several times as they climbed two flights of stairs and proceeded down a

long hallway. Cold fear was seizing his limbs, making each step harder to take than the last.

The men stopped at a set of large, oak doors carved in ornate designs that he recalled all too

well. They were bid to enter after knocking and Jace felt his body lock up as the doors


At the last moment, he remembered to allow a small amount of his pent-up energy to

flow out. Enough to keep his ability to hide his energy a secret but not enough to enable

Mikel to take control of his mind.

The vision of his nightmares stood larger than life in the middle of the expansive room.

His black hair was shorter, shaved close to his scalp. What could have passed for

handsomeness fell short in light of the cruel twist of his lips and cold, black eyes. His body

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was of average height and build, but what he lacked in impressive stature he more than

made up for in savage domination.

Mikel slowly walked towards them. Jace felt himself shrink away despite his

determination to hold onto his courage.

“Thank you for bringing my pet home. You can return to your posts.” The men retraced

their steps down the hall, leaving them alone. Mikel reached out to touch the tips of his shorn

hair. It took all that he had not to flinch away. “Come inside.” When Jace’s body refused to

move, Mikel wrapped an arm around his shoulders and guided him forwards.

When the doors were closed, the man circled around to his front and pulled him into

the band of his arms. “You came back to me.” The longing in his voice and energy was

overshadowed by the sudden spike of arousal. Mikel’s cock swelled along his belly. A single

tear slipped past Jace’s control and trickled down his cheek. He didn’t bother to brush it

away. Mikel loved his tears. His pain and fear. To his captor, they were aphrodisiacs.

“I m-missed you,” he forced past numb lips. His hair was wrenched painfully back,

forcing him to look up. In movements too quick to follow, Mikel shoved him back then

cracked the back of his palm across Jace’s cheek. The impact sent him spinning to the floor.

As the coppery taste of blood filled his mouth, Mikel snaked a hand through his hair, pulling

his head back again.

“Take your clothes off. The sooner we get your punishment out of the way, the sooner

we can enjoy our reunion.”

Jace did as told, fingers fumbling with the material as his eyes tracked Mikel’s

retreating form. From the bottom drawer of his desk on the other side of the room, he pulled

out a three-tailed whip. Jace heard himself whimper at the sight of one of Mikel’s favoured

devices. The cords were made of hard, braided leather thin enough to split the skin and long

enough to wrap around the body. If used effectively, it could leave open wounds on the back

and chest with just one lash.

“Get on your hands and knees.”

He obeyed, throat working convulsively to keep in his pleas for mercy. They would

only excite the man further. As it was, Mikel’s arousal was so strong it permeated the air and

clogged his mind with terror. Just as the man brought down his arm for the first strike, a

knock sounded at the door. Too late to halt the momentum of Mikel’s swing, the whip

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slashed across his back and wrapped around to his torso. Pain spread like fire through his

skin, pulling a shrill scream from him.

With a curse, Mikel stomped to the door and flung it open. Jace remained in position,

bottom lip held firmly between his teeth to keep from voicing his pain.

“What?” Mikel roared.

“Sorry, but there’s a flood downstairs.”

“So? Have the men take care of it. Don’t interrupt me again.”

“Sir, it’s already reached your second office. Your files…”

“Damn it!”

Jace saw the whip skid across the floor in front of him then heard the slamming of the

door. Mikel’s energy receded, and Jace let go of his lip. He still didn’t dare relax but the

respite was welcome, however brief it may be.

A few minutes later, he tensed as the door was opened. There were shuffling noises

before his discarded clothes were pushed under his bowed head.

“Hurry and get dressed. We don’t have much time.”

He recognised the voice of the one who had come to alert Mikel. Looking up in

surprise, he saw what appeared to be a young man crouching next to him. His body and

features were almost feminine in structure. Long hair dyed red on top with a black layer

underneath and sky-blue eyes stood out in stark relief from his almost bone-white

complexion. A piercing in one brow, lip, and several in his ears gave him a dark, rather

gothic appeal. He couldn’t have been older than a few decades at most.

“He’ll kill you if he finds you.”

The man shook his head. “He can’t. You came back to get the woman out, didn’t you?”

Jace sat back on his haunches, wincing as his skin stretched. “How do you know that?”

“I can show you where she is. Please hurry.”

Indecision held him for all of three seconds. The stranger’s energy didn’t indicate that

he was lying and Jace would be hard pressed to come across a better chance of finding

Kiress. After scrambling into his clothes, he followed the man out of the room and down the

hall, away from the stairs he’d taken previously.

“What’s your name?”

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Jace watched as the stranger pressed a spot on the wall that gave under his light push.

He heard the snap of a latch before a section of the wall fell away to reveal a hidden hallway.

The man proceeded down a narrow, unlit staircase. Jace closed the door after him and

reached out to the cool brick walls on either side of him, reluctant to go any further in the

absolute darkness.

The soft voice came from only a few feet in front of him. “Xilonen.” Fingers wrapped

around his left wrist, tugging gently. “This way.”

Hesitating for only a moment, he let Xilonen lead him down several steps. The air grew

damp and cold as they went. Jace trailed his free hand along the wall to keep his balance.

“Why are you helping me?”

They continued at a rather fast pace until Xilonen stopped abruptly, Jace running into

his back. Another latch was released and dim light spilled into the stairwell. After taking the

last few steps, Jace walked into a small, windowless cell built completely of bare cement. He

was immediately thrust into the past. Memories of being locked away in similar rooms

assaulted his mind until it was almost impossible to breathe.

“What are you doing here?”

The sharp, demanding voice broke through his spiralling thoughts. Sitting on the stone

floor, bound to the far wall by chains attached to wrist shackles, was a woman so close in

appearance to his mate that joy surged through him, swallowing his memories. Though she

had an hourglass figure compared to Loken’s thickness and hard edges, everything else was

the same. From her corded muscles to her long body and pitch-black hair, they were


Minus one hundred pounds and an essential body part. At least in his opinion.

It wasn’t until he tried to compare her eyes that he realised she hadn’t addressed him

with her question. Unconcealed malice shone from the deep blue gaze that was fixed on the

slim figure making its way to the other side of her. Xilonen dug into his back pocket and

produced a long, silver key. It was apparent that they’d met before, and even more so that

she didn’t trust him.

A twinge of misgiving flitted through him but it was too late to turn back.

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“Kiress?” She flicked a glance at him then turned back to Xilonen. He was going to need

an eye-opener if they were going to pull this off in time. “I’m Loken’s mate.” That did it. Her

shrewd gaze was now completely focused on him.

“Loken would never mate with someone who worked for Mikel.”

The tone of her voice held such contempt and surety that it incited irritation in him. Not

for her mistrust, but because once again he would have to make his past known to help

another. “Mikel held me prisoner for five years. When I escaped, Loken and Cyaan, my other

mate, found me. They were taking care of me but I came back to help you get away.”

Her lips remained pursed in resolute stubbornness. With a sigh, he racked his brain for

something else, something convincing. “When you two were young and learning how to live

on your own, you both ate too much rabbit meat and got sick. He prefers the sword but says

you’re better at it. His powers are being able to manipulate wrath and slip into the

subconscious minds of others. He also told me that when your mother died, you were all he

had left before he met me and Cyaan. He calls me his boy and…and I love him.”

The last brought a smile to his lips as he said it. He could still feel the heat of the last

kiss Loken had pressed to his forehead. “And he has a dictionary next to the cookbook he

bought so he can understand it.”

Kiress’ bright laugh startled him out of his reverie. “He didn’t try to bake for you, did


Jace felt his smile expand. “The cookies never had a chance.”

The woman grew serious then. “I believe you. Passion never lies, but I’ve seen this one

with Mikel.” She jerked her head in Xilonen’s direction. “I don’t trust him and neither should


“Maybe not, but right now he’s our only chance.”

The man inched closer to Kiress. In slow movements, as though approaching a wild

animal, he leaned over and unlocked one of the shackles. The second her wrist was free, she

curled her fingers around Xilonen’s throat and slammed him back against the wall next to


“Wait!” Jace leapt forwards, afraid she would snap the man’s neck, but she merely held

him there. What was more frightening, however, was Xilonen’s reaction, or lack thereof. He

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didn’t struggle or show an ounce of fear. In fact, he seemed willing to accept whatever Kiress

chose to do.

“If you betray us, I will rip your balls off and make you eat them before I kill you.”

Jace’s hand flew to his groin involuntarily while the young man simply lowered his

eyes, the best he could do for a nod in his position. When she released him, Xilonen coughed

but didn’t hesitate to unshackle her other wrist. Shoving the key back into his pocket, Xilonen

then went to the front door of the cell and pushed it open.

“That can’t be. It was locked earlier. I checked it.”

“I unlocked it as soon as I saw them bring him in.”

Jace shared a suspicious glance with Kiress. On the one hand, the man had obviously

been planning this escape for a while. On the other, he could only have gained access to the

keys by working his way into Mikel’s favour. Jace prayed to the Gods they weren’t making a

mistake by trusting the stranger.

“There’s a hidden passage that leads to the outside of the building. From there it’s just a

short distance to the perimeter. I’ll have to…”

Mikel’s booming voice cut him off. It came from a distance but his words echoed in the

open expanse of the floor they were on. From the orders the man was barking out, it sounded

as if the flood had already been contained. The stomping of men hurrying to clean up the

damage was a little too close for comfort.

Jace’s stomach sank as he realised it was too late for all of them to get out safely. He was

all too familiar with Mikel’s methods. The man made it a point to personally involve himself

with emergencies, but once the threat was under control, lesser responsibilities were doled

out to his men…leaving him free to do other things. Like returning to the office where Jace

was supposed to be. Naked and waiting.

Firming his resolve, he said, “Loken is with Cyaan Adent in Kansas.” He paused as he

realised he didn’t know the address or even the name of the nearest town to them. It had

been inconsequential to him as he’d never planned on leaving.

“I can find him but we need to go now.”

“You go. Mikel won’t notice that you’re missing for a while.”

Xilonen frowned. “But I have to go with her. She won’t make it past the alarms without


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“I’m trusting you to get her out of here. I have to get back. If Mikel finds me gone, he’ll

start the search immediately.” Jace began backing up to the secret door but Xilonen followed


“I can’t leave you here by yourself.”

That warmed him and sent a renewed sense of confidence through his shifting

emotions. If the man had meant to free them both then certainly he would ensure that Kiress

made it out. At least he hoped.

“I’ll be fine.” As Mikel’s voice began to fade, he knew they were out of time.

Confusion and indecision warred on Xilonen’s pale face. When the man strode

purposefully towards him, Jace thought he might have to make his point more clear, but the

other only took his hand and placed it on a section of the wall.

“When you get to the top of the stairs, press here,” he indicated the top left corner near

the edge of the door, “to open the other door.”

Jace nodded his thanks. Kiress smiled at him regretfully then followed Xilonen out of

the cell. As he raced back up the stairwell, he tried to take comfort in his success. Tonight, he

would be Mikel’s puppet to buy them as much time as possible. Tomorrow, he could bring

out the pride Loken and Cyaan had unearthed in him. The pride that Mikel had made him

lose sight of for too long.

* * * *

“How did you do it?”

Cyaan lowered his sword and swiped at the sweat on his brow. He knew the question

had been coming but still lacked an answer. “I don’t know, love. Honestly, I allowed my

guilt and anger to consume so much of me that I thought I might have nothing else to offer

once I found him again. But I was alone at the time. Together we can get through this.”

It was little consolation. That Loken loved him was indisputable, but that didn’t fill the

gaping hole that Jace’s absence had created. Nor did it ease the crushing anguish of knowing

that Kiress and Jace were in the hands of their enemy. Loken had yet to hear from his sister,

and neither of them had been able to sleep with images of what Jace was most likely

enduring invading their thoughts.

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He could feel Loken’s control slipping. Like him, his mate chose to keep his wrath

bottled up instead of releasing it. It drove back the pain and fear but at what cost? Loken’s

natural attraction to wrath made his temper volatile if he lost control of his emotions. And

while Cyaan was sure he could weather out the storm if his mate did slip, he wasn’t sure he

could stop it as Jace had. He and Loken were too much alike, whereas their boy was the

soothing sanctuary in which they took respite.

“Damn it!” Loken staked his sword into the ground tip first. Raking his hands through

his hair, he ground out, “What if he overestimated Mikel’s affection? He went in there

thinking he’s indispensable but there’s no guarantee. And how fucked up is it that we’re

relying on another man’s love for our mate to keep him alive?”

A blast of wrath shot from the man, washing over Cyaan with flaring heat and killing

most of the plant life within a ten yard radius. The one tree in the area seemed as though it

would survive, though its bottom most leaves wilted and fell to the ground. Luckily, most of

the Keepers who had joined them recently were either in town or camped out at a distance to

give them privacy. Loken was free to vent as much as he needed to.

Cyaan saw Kaia peek her head out of the back door to check on the disturbance she

must have felt. As he shook his head to signal that she wasn’t needed, Loken gasped sharply.

Instantly he recognised the faraway look in his mate’s eyes. Anticipation coursed through

him as he waited for Loken to finish communicating with his sister.

The expressions that passed over the man’s handsome features made the waiting

almost unbearable. After several minutes, Loken’s shoulders slumped and he scrubbed a

hand over his eyes.

“He did it. He got Kiri free.”

Cyaan didn’t need to ask if Jace was with her. The answer was written all over his

mate’s fallen face. “Did she see him?”

“Yeah. She said he looked fine but he stayed behind to keep Mikel busy while they got

out of there.”

Cyaan cringed at the choice of words, though he was sure they were Kiress’ and not

Loken’s. “What do you mean ‘they’? Were there others being held there?”

Shaking his head, Loken answered, “Apparently some guy also helped her escape. They

drove through the night and are at the state border to Kansas now. I gave her directions on

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how to get here. Cy…for some reason she doesn’t trust this guy and I’ve never known her

instincts to fail. We’re going to have to keep a close eye on him.”

“All right. Malen and Turek should be back soon. We can ask them to help us watch


“Daddy? Is everything okay?”

Pulling his daughter close, he gave her a light hug and kissed her forehead. “Kiress is

free. She’s on her way here with company. We can put her up in the other spare bedroom but

there’ll be no room left for the guy she’s with.”

“He can sleep on the couch,” Kaia suggested.

He raised a brow to his mate. “We can take shifts watching him during the night. If

your sister doesn’t trust him, it’s probably not a good idea to leave him unattended.”

Loken bowed his head in agreement. “Let’s lock up the weapons just in case.”

After everything was taken care of, Malen and Turek arrived from their supply trip into

town. Their tent was too small to provide space for the additional guest but they had no

problem sticking around until the situation was assessed. A few minutes out, Kiress notified

an increasingly impatient Loken that she was nearly there. Everyone gathered on the front

porch, ready to welcome her into the fold—or family, in his case.

A burgundy sedan rolled into the driveway and the driver jumped out almost before it

came to a stop. What could only have been his mate’s twin raced to Loken and pushed him

back a good yard as she threw herself at him. Unbridled joy came from his mate for the first

time since they’d discovered Jace missing. It went a long way in easing Cyaan’s own misery.

Cyaan thought the woman was absolutely adorable in a decidedly dangerous way. Her

long, black hair and bangs were cut in perfectly straight lines. Combined with a pixie face

and black combat outfit, she appeared every bit the lethal Lolita. As evidenced by the

compact muscles that outlined her body, Loken hadn’t lied when he’d said his twin was just

as much a warrior as he.

Before Loken could react, Kiress pulled back and punched him in the shoulder—and

hard, judging from the volume of the impact. “Why didn’t you tell me you went and got

mated? What the hell were you thinking? Did you learn nothing at all from what happened

to me?”

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Rubbing the spot where she’d landed her punch, Loken replied, “First of all…ouch.

Second of all, I didn’t get mated. I found my mates, and I love them.” He reached out to

gently brush two fingers over Kiress’ cheek. “Not everyone is as judgmental as your mate


“Excuse me!”

Everyone turned to look back at Kaia, who was still standing on the porch with her

mate. For the first time in his life, Cyaan took a step back in fear from a woman.

Kaia was livid!

Waves of turbulent energy rolled from her in pulsing bursts. When he looked behind

her to see how her mate had the courage to stand so close, his confusion escalated as he took

in the bald anger on Brice’s face. What had he missed?

“Judgmental, am I?” Kaia took a step down with each furious sentence that flew from

her mouth. “You gave me five minutes. Five minutes in which you were more than happy to

make a decision for me that I never wanted. You left me based on an assumption that you

never gave me the chance to counter!”

“Oh shit,” Kiress whispered. Her cheeks had gone from flushed to pale by the time

Cyaan glanced back at her. As Kaia slowly advanced, Loken wisely shifted out of the way

but stayed within arm’s reach.

“Oh shit is right, little girl. Two hundred years ago you ran away because you were

scared. And for two hundred years we’ve lived with the knowledge that we were

incomplete. Searching for the frightened halfling who cast us aside without even giving us a


Switching his attention back to Kiress, Cyaan saw her stiffen in indignation. “You said

you were going to tell the Gods about me.”

Kaia shook her head in confident denial. “No. I remember every word of our short

conversation. I said ‘I can’t wait to tell them’. Them being our mate,” she thrust her hand back

to indicate Brice who was now at the bottom of the porch, “and our children. The family you

walked out on.”

Kiress’ violet eyes shifted uncertainly from Kaia to Brice and back again. In a tone that

lacked its earlier bravado, she asked, “How was I supposed to know you weren’t going to

report my existence to the Gods?”

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“Because I’m a halfling too!” His daughter shouted in exasperation. She stopped

roughly five feet from Kiress and pressed her lips shut as though trying to gather her


Loken backed away and circled around to come to Cyaan’s side. Cyaan was struck by

the contrasts and similarities of the two women. For all of her bubbling energy and flirtatious

attitude, Kaia could be just as fierce as the woman standing before her appeared to be. They

were equal in height and structure, as well as beauty. Yet it was obvious that Kaia was the

light to Kiress’ darkness, in more than just physicality.

He wondered absently if that was how he and Loken were perceived by others.

Taking another step forwards, Kaia spoke in a deceptively soft tone. “If you think I’m

letting you go this time, we’ll strap you down and show you just what being our mate


Kiress flamed bright red and opened her mouth for a retort but Kaia was on her

instantly. She planted her hands on either side of Kiress’ face and pulled her in for a kiss that

could be felt by all of them. Unable to contain her emotions, Kaia let loose a whirlwind of

energy broiling with lust, urgency and possession. The other woman resisted at first but the

moment Kaia pushed her tongue inside, melding their lips together, Kiress melted into her.

“I did not see that coming,” Loken said in a bewildered voice.

Disturbingly transfixed, Cyaan kept his gaze on the reunited pair lost in the throes of

their passion. “Neither did I. Talk about a small world.”

“Does this make me your daughter’s father-in-law?”

Cyaan shook his head dazedly. “Stepfather. And maybe…brother–in-law?”

“So my sister would be your stepdaughter and sister-in-law. And…daughter-in-law?”

“From a human perspective…something like that.”

Both watched in complicated confusion as Brice walked over to the women and put a

hand on Kaia’s back. His daughter eased her grip then placed one last, lingering kiss on

Kiress’ swollen lips. The other woman leaned her body forwards, as though trying to chase

what was being taken away. Hands clamped tight around Kaia’s waist, Kiress blinked her

eyes open and looked over to Brice.

The man gave Kiress a stern look. “We won’t force you to stay, but we won’t let you go

again without a fight.”

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Another surge of passion, this time from Kiress—he was sure—filled the air as Brice

pressed his mouth to his lost mate’s.

Cyaan and Loken pivoted in unison, giving their backs to the threesome. “We need to

get them a hotel room.”

“I’ll set up the reservation,” Loken said quickly.

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Chapter Thirteen

The sound of a car door closing brought all of their attention to the forgotten passenger.

Cyaan could tell immediately that he was a halfling, but there was something different—

unusual—about his energy. The willowy youth appeared to be barely past his teens. Merely a

child in the eyes of their kind. He seemed delicate and fragile, despite the gothic look he was

trying to pull off with his piercings and two-toned hair. Like a glass lily with a flowing cape

of red and black hair.

Holding a cigarette in one hand and a half-empty pint of vodka in the other.

“You must be Xilonen. Thank you for helping my sister.” Loken walked over to the

man and proffered his hand.

Xilonen stared at it then took a long draw from the bottle. Frowning at the dwindling

contents, he said, “Don’t thank me. Which way is it to the nearest town?”

Dropping his hand, Loken replied, “North. You can stay here, though. We have room in

the house.”

Cyaan followed the man’s flickered gaze to Malen and Turek.

“I won’t lead you back to Mikel, and he’s probably relocated to one of his other

hideouts by now. If it’s information you want, you won’t get it from me.”

The contradiction of his words and actions was not missed by those present. It was

becoming increasingly clear why Kiress didn’t trust him. Why would the man risk Mikel’s ire

by freeing his prisoner only to refuse to help them find the culprit?

Xilonen made his way around the back of the car, with surprisingly good balance, to the

driver’s side. Just as Cyaan was about to object, Malen and Turek strode purposefully to cut

the man off. Xilonen looked up in time to see them rushing at him and backed up several

steps. The men pursued despite the fear that crossed the youth’s remarkable features. Turek

plucked the cigarette from Xilonen’s mouth while Malen snatched the bottle from his hand

and threw it to the side.

“That’s mine!”

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“Not anymore, it’s not.” Ignoring the malicious glare aimed at him, Malen brought up

his hand but pulled up short as the other man flinched sharply. In a failed attempt to cover

up his all too revealing reaction, Xilonen turned to retrieve the liquor.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Turek grabbed his wrist and tugged him back. When Xilonen

began to struggle, Turek responded by pinning the halfling’s arms to his sides, enfolding him

in a strong hold and hoisted him around to face Malen. To the man’s credit, he put up a

pretty good fight, thrashing about like a wild thing and kicking at Turek’s shins.

The chilling way Xilonen fought without making a sound reminded Cyaan of Jace when

they’d found him a few weeks ago.

“Stop. Now.” The timbre of Malen’s voice was booming. It brought the halfling’s

struggles to a sudden halt. Long strands obscured most of his face and his chest heaved to

draw in air.

The much larger man raised Xilonen’s chin, clearing away hair to peer at his neck.

“Who did this to you?”

Cyaan leaned over and saw from his distance the imprint of four fingers in bruises

along the youth’s neck. They stood out boldly against his milk-white skin.

“Let me go,” Xilonen demanded. “You can’t keep me here.”

“The fuck I can’t. You’re drunk. No mate of mine is going to kill himself by doing

something so stupid as to drink and drive.”

There was a collective, indrawn breath from the observers, including Cyaan. His shock

was not so much from the revelation of Xilonen being the third component to the men’s

relationship. It supported his theory that halflings were fated to have two mates. What

surprised him was that two such great men would be mated to someone whose allegiance

was questionable.

“I say let him,” Kiress said flippantly, breaking the silence.


She scowled at her brother. “What? He may have helped me escape but he’s been

drowning in a bottle for the entire trip and stinking up the car with his smoke. He knows

Mikel is planning an attack on the Vishian soon yet he’s refusing to tell you about it.”

“How do you know this?” Malen asked.

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“He was standing right next to Mikel when the cocky bastard told me! Go ahead and

read him, Loki. Maybe you can find out what his ulterior motive is.”

Seconds ticked by as they awaited Loken’s response. “I can’t. Something’s not right.”

“Is it because he’s a halfling?” Cyaan asked. Once again, shock registered on the faces

around him. It was to be expected. The only noticeable difference between a Keeper and a

halfling was a slight shift in energy whenever a halfling neared. So subtle was it that only the

years of being near his daughter allowed him to detect it.

“No, it’s… I don’t know. His thoughts are too chaotic. I can try again after he’s calmed

down a bit.” Loken sent him a veiled look and he dipped his head almost imperceptibly to

acknowledge it. Whether his mate was withholding information for Malen and Turek’s sake

or for Xilonen’s, he wasn’t sure, but he trusted that Loken had his reasons.

Turek bent his head to whisper something to which his smaller mate shook his head

violently. “I am not your mate!”

Cyaan took note of the slight tremors that began to shake the slender frame still held

against Turek’s chest.

“Accept it or not, it’s up to you. But you’re not going anywhere right now.” Malen’s

tone was final. The youth seemed to realise he was out of options. His body deflated though

his energy still fumed with defiance. As Turek released him, Malen gestured for Xilonen to

proceed to the house.

Kaia and her mates were reluctant to leave with the unknown factor Xilonen presented

but understood they had their own issues to work out. They left shortly thereafter to seek the

privacy of one of the few hotel rooms left in town. Xilonen was directed to take a seat on the

couch while the rest of them gathered in the kitchen—far enough away to talk without being

overheard but close enough to retain sight of the man.

Cyaan’s sympathy went out to Malen and Turek. Their mate looked desolate with arms

wrapped around his curled up legs and hair falling in a curtain around his face. It was

difficult to imagine that such a frail creature would align himself with Mikel voluntarily.

Unfortunately, it was too risky to give the man the benefit of the doubt.

“What were you able to determine when you went into his mind?” Malen began.

“That’s just it. I’m not sure if I’m dealing with his subconscious alone. It feels as though

there are others inside his head. The thoughts and desires I was picking up can’t all be his.

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There are so many that it was impossible for me to separate them. I tried just a few minutes

ago with the same results.”

“What do you mean?”

Loken sighed and leant back against the counter. “I’ve never been in the mind of a

schizophrenic, but that’s the best analogy I can come up with. Maybe it’s related to his

powers, but he’s not the only one in his mind.”

“What about his thoughts and desires?” Turek asked. “Is there any way you can single

them out?”

“Not without his direct help and that would defeat the purpose. If someone is aware

that I’m using my power, they can sometimes hide what they don’t want me to know.”

“We can’t take him with us tomorrow to Alaska,” Cyaan said gently. “We can’t afford

for our attention to be divided if there’s a battle at the Vishian. I would suggest that he go to

Seth’s place but I don’t want to endanger his mates or Jace’s mom.”

Malen nodded grimly. “Neither do we. It looks like Turek and I will have to sit this one

out. I’ll understand if you want us to leave.”

Cyaan shook his head. “If you don’t mind, I’d prefer for you to stay here. I have a

feeling this war will come to a head soon, and it’s best if we stick together instead of splitting


“We’ll stay in the living room with our mate, then. Turek and I will take shifts watching

him during the night so you guys can get some rest. Loken, if you can keep trying…”

“I’ll let you know if I’m able to get a read on him. Everything is set for tomorrow so we

can keep talking to him. See if he’ll open up.”

* * * *

That never happened.

Throughout the rest of the day, Xilonen remained resolutely silent—watching them

warily through the shade of his hair. When Malen offered him dinner, the smaller man asked

for more liquor instead. That request was shot down immediately, though Malen did

eventually cave to letting his mate go out for a smoke. The atmosphere was tense and Cyaan

didn’t expect either Turek or Malen to get any sleep that night.

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“They’ve got a long road ahead of them.”

Loken undressed then crawled into bed after him. The feel of his warm skin pressed

along the length of his body was precious relief from the stress of the day. Idly, he splayed

the strands of his mate’s dark hair across his chest, revelling in their fine texture. Cyaan’s hair

was also worn unbound every night. Some time ago, Loken had admitted that he loved

waking up trapped in its tendrils. It made for some interesting ways of getting out of the

entanglement in the morning. None of which he was opposed to.

“Xilonen may not be our ally, but I don’t think he’s Mikel’s, either. He’s holding in a lot

of wrath, but it’s directed inward. Much like Jace’s was.”

Cyaan sighed and kissed his mate lightly. “When this is over, our boy is not leaving our

sight. If I have to buy a collar with a built-in homing device, I will.”

“We could always get a security system installed.”

“Won’t work. When Seth sent Jamie and Kaia away to keep them safe, Jace installed a

top of the line security system at the cabin they were staying in.”

“He can do that?”

He laughed at the wonder in the man’s voice. Until that moment, he’d completely

forgotten his conversation with Seth. “Yeah. Seth was telling me that he’s a genius with

electronics. I’m going to have to update my computer after this.”

“Especially if he’s going to start online classes.” Loken paused for a few seconds then

corrected to, “when he starts,” in unison with Cyaan. Smiling, they drifted off into sleep.

A sharp knock on the door woke them both instantly some time later. Cyaan glanced at

the clock then hurried out of bed when he realised it was only three o’clock in the morning.

No one would disturb them that early unless it was an emergency. Heedless of his nudity, he

opened the door to find a distressed Turek on the other side.

“He’s gone.”

It took only a split second for his brain to register who the man was talking about.

“What happened?” Immediately, he and Loken began pulling on their clothes.

Turek’s sandy-brown eyes were shaded and frantic. Beads of sweat trickled from his

temples as though he’d been running. “Malen and I were drinking coffee in the kitchen. We

looked away for two minutes and he was gone. We found the front door unlocked after we

discovered he was missing but we didn’t hear a sound.”

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“How long ago was that?”

“Five minutes.”

“He can’t be far. Have you checked this floor yet?”

“All but your room. Malen is already outside.”

“I’ll call a few others. Get them to help.” Loken ran back into the room for the phone

while Cyaan followed Turek, flipping on light switches as he went. On the way to the front

door, he grabbed his keys and a few flashlights. Handing one to Turek, they met Malen

outside in the crisp, pre-dawn air. Cyaan unlocked the trunk of his car and pulled out three

more flashlights, thankful he’d stocked up for emergencies.

Malen was in no better shape. His hair was feathered and wild, chest bare underneath

his biker jacket. “It’s as though he just disappeared. I’ve searched all around the house and

can’t find him.”

Dread filled him as he remembered his cache of weapons. “Did you check the shed?”

“It’s still locked but you might want to check inside to make sure.” They split up, with

Cyaan running to the back to unlock the shed. Everything appeared to be in the same order

in which he’d left it. Locking it back up, he began scouting the far perimeter of his lawn.

Other than distant tents and small brush, the land was made of open range and small,

rolling hills. With the moon high and full surrounded by a sea of stars, it should have been

easy to spot a running figure. Xilonen couldn’t have driven away. Not only would they have

heard it, but none of their cars were missing.

Loken came over with Corin and a handful of others in tow. “Anything?”

“Not yet. I don’t see him in the fields so he’s got to be close. Let’s flood the area with

lights. Tell Malen and Turek to turn the headlights on in their vehicles.” He raced back to his

car and jumped behind the wheel. Inserting the key, he turned it and cursed as nothing

happened. After trying again, he dug out the charger kit from the trunk and attached it to the


Several failed attempts later, he turned to see Malen jogging over. A cloud of broiling

anger followed in the man’s wake. “Don’t bother. The electrical systems on all of the cars are


“Come again?”

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“It has to be one of his powers. Even if he did have the equipment to pull it off, there’s

no way he would have had the time or the ability to do it without making a sound.”

Cyaan’s mind sifted rapidly through their alternatives. “Have the others get their cars.

We can find him that way.”

“Already done. They should be back here soon. Damn it! I can’t believe I let him get


“You couldn’t have known he would go to these lengths just to run. We’ll find him.”

A shadow of agony ghosted across Malen’s face. Cyaan knew that feeling well. It had

been his bedfellow and constant companion for all but a few fleeting moments during the

past several years. He would have liked to say it had passed when he’d found Jace again, but

it would be a lie. Watching his mate deal with his hidden pain while trying to heal had been

sheer torture.

And now, once again incomplete, it was all he could do to keep his composure from


They continued to search the grounds until Corin called. Loken’s conversation with him

on Cyaan’s cell phone was brief and not at all reassuring.

“Their cars won’t start either. Corin’s waking up the rest of those camped out to test

their vehicles but I think we should expect the worst.”

Nodding in agreement, he threw out the next alternative. “Everyone in town should be

fine. There’s no way he’d be able to know which ones belong to our group. I’ll call Kaia and

have her contact those at the hotels. We should at least be able to get half of our number to

the airport that way. Cabs can take the other half. We’ll keep looking for Xilonen in the

meantime. If he’s not found by the time we need to head to the airport, Malen and Turek can

use Kaia’s car while we’re gone to search for him.”

If the halfling wasn’t found before they left, chances were he wouldn’t be found at all.

But Cyaan suspected Malen and Turek would not give up easily. The taller man clapped him

on the shoulder and squeezed it in thanks.

Kaia answered the phone right before it went to voicemail. Her voice sounded

breathless, rushed, and entirely too husky for a father’s peace of mind. Fortunately, that

changed once he told her of the situation. Her car was indeed fine but when she offered to

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come back after she made her calls, he urged her to stay there until everyone was ready to

leave in the morning.

Aside from there being nothing further at the house they could do, he was reluctant to

let Kiress near Malen and Turek. Judging from her previous, bluntly-stated opinion of

Xilonen, he didn’t think she would be any less caustic after this incident. And right then, the

last thing his friends needed was someone pointing out the treachery of their mate when they

were already feeling it.

The local cab service would arrive with as many cars as they had on hand to take them

to the airport at eleven later that day. All but the two men still searching for their mate went

back to sleep, including himself and Loken.

That was, until the cab company called four hours before their flights were scheduled to

leave. Reaching over to his phone on the nightstand, Cyaan answered while Loken stirred

beside him.


A gravelly female voice came on the line sounding a little too excited to be working that

early. “Mr Adent? Sorry to wake you but you’ll have to reschedule your flight. The airport

has been shut down until further notice.”

“Excuse me?”

“No one’s going anywhere for a while, hon. My husband works a bowser up at the

airport to fuel the planes and he says it looks like the engines in every plane have blown.

They have backup engines but it’ll take some time to get them inspected and installed. They

don’t want to take any chances. Weirdest thing I’ve ever heard of, I tell you what. Anyway,

just figured you’d want to cancel your pickup.”

Cyaan was momentarily speechless as the scope of what the halfling had done hit him.

“Mr Adent?”

Clearing his throat, he replied, “Yeah. Sorry. Please cancel my order. And thanks for the

warning.” After hanging up, he dialled the airport to confirm her information. Though the

clerk refused to divulge the nature of the problem, she did say that all flights had been

cancelled until further notice.

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From the incessant buzzing of telephones and irritated voices in the background, he

didn’t doubt the taxicab manager’s word. The airport terminal was just too small to get

flooded with calls on a Wednesday morning. Not unless something dire had occurred.

Loken was fully awake now—sitting up and staring expectantly.

“He wasn’t just trying to get away from us. He sabotaged our mission. The airport is

shut down due to engine failure in every plane they have.” The silence was deafening as they

tried to come to terms with Xilonen’s betrayal. It just didn’t make any sense. Why would the

man aid in Kiress’ rescue only to turn around and ensure Mikel’s victory at the Vishian?

“What about the airport in the next town over?”

“The time it’ll take for all of us to get there will still set us back at least a day. I’ll see if I

can reroute the flights but it might be too late. Other than the posted guards at the Vishian,

there aren’t nearly enough Keepers in Alaska to stop a full-scale attack.”

“Then we’ll have to warn the guards to do the best they can until we can get there.”

Loken raked a hand through his hair. “Shit. Malen and Turek are not going to like this.”

Grunting at the understatement, he pulled on his clothes as his thoughts span. Xilonen

had tipped the scales generously in their enemy’s favour. With his ability to contribute as

much energy as one hundred of their kind, combined with the energy of the traitors at the

Vishian, the God of Death could very well succeed.

The other Gods would have no choice but to bend to his will. They would be dependent

upon Death for their rations of energy, without which they would cease to exist. And with

even one God snuffed out, no matter how minor his or her role in the major scheme of things,

an imbalance in the core nature of their race would be created.

That was the sole reason Death had only been imprisoned on a plane where the energy

from Keepers couldn’t reach him instead of being destroyed altogether. But with the power

Mikel was hoarding, the boundaries of that plane could be breached.

As it was, Xilonen would need to be brought to justice for playing his part in Mikel’s

plans. If the son of Death did manage to release his father because of the man’s treachery,

there would be no stopping Xilonen’s murder at the hands of his own kind. No matter how

much Malen and Turek might insist upon their ability to keep their mate in check.

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Chapter Fourteen

Pain radiated from every part of his body. It fogged his mind and took away his ability

to concentrate. Something important was going on but the haze that had settled over his

thoughts was too thick to penetrate. Mikel’s voice cracked like a whip as he gave orders to

his men. Jace didn’t care what they were, as long as they weren’t directed at him.

The uncontrollable tremors that shook him were getting worse, his muscles failing fast.

Soon he would no longer be able to keep up his feeble attempt to spite his tormentor’s

desires. Mikel had been particularly brutal with the last beating. Not to punish him. That had

been meted out at the onset. No, the last had been to ensure his utter humiliation.

Mikel had obviously taken his escape as an affront to his pride. Jace knew it would have

weakened him in the eyes of his men, so to win back their regard, he wanted to prove that

Jace had returned willingly. And what better way was there to do that than to have his slave

kneeling readily at his feet as though ready to please? No one else would know Jace did it

only to keep from passing out.

In the past, he hadn’t cared to bother with a show of pride. There hadn’t been any to

display. But the last two weeks had changed that. He was no longer the mindless subservient

creature Mikel had once moulded him into. The beatings would only get more severe the

longer he held onto his defiance, but he couldn’t give in just yet. The memories of his mates

wouldn’t let him.

With a wince, he lifted his hands cuffed behind his back to relieve the pressure around

his neck. A thick, stiff leather collar encircled it with a chain attached to the back that led to

the cuffs. Relaxing his shoulders and arms meant choking himself. The device was Mikel’s

way of reminding him who he belonged to.

A voice, so different from those of the callous men around him, brought his focus back

to the present. It was vaguely familiar and when he raised his head to squint through blond

strands, his heart began to pound in his chest.

“Where the hell have you been?” Mikel sneered.

“Trying to catch the woman you let escape.”

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Mikel backhanded Xilonen so hard the man fell to his hands and knees, spitting a

mouthful of blood onto the stone floor. “Don’t you dare talk back to me! Just because I can’t

kill you doesn’t mean I won’t teach you a lesson.”

Xilonen got back to his feet, face as expressionless as it had been when Kiress had

threatened him. “Sorry, sir. It’s almost time to leave. Do you want me to get your pet ready

so you can finish up here?”

Jace held his breath as Mikel mulled over his offer. He desperately wanted to find out if

the youth had managed to get Kiress to his mates but didn’t want to ruin the opportunity for

privacy Xilonen’s offer would give them. Any spark of interest on his part would ignite

Mikel’s jealousy.

Raking his gaze over the man’s small frame, Mikel said, “I suppose that will be fine.

You can’t even be classified as a man, so I don’t need to worry about you being alone with

him, do I?”

Xilonen’s features remained impassive, not giving the insult credence. A sharp jerk on

the leash hooked to a ring at the front of his collar brought him crashing into Mikel’s chest.

Arms wrapped around his sides in a rough embrace. His cry of pain was cut off as the leather

constricted around his throat. Mikel smashed his mouth down on his for a demanding kiss.

When his tongue darted in, Jace clamped onto it with his teeth savagely.

With an ugly snarl, he was shoved ruthlessly away. Unable to break his fall, pain lanced

through his back as he crashed onto the floor. Instinct took over at the sight of Mikel

advancing on him and his body curled in on itself.

“Sir, I don’t mean to interrupt your fun but we’re running out of time.”

Mikel’s boots came to within a few feet of his head. “See that he showers. It’s going to

be a long trip.”

Those boots disappeared, their clomping noises drowned out by the renewed volume of

Mikel’s orders to his men. Metal fell away from his wrists and he barely managed to stifle a

whimper as his muscles resumed their normal positions.

“Can you stand?”

That was debatable, but he gave it a shot. Xilonen hooked an arm around his lower back

then wrapped one of Jace’s arms over his shoulders. Together, they walked slowly to the end

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of a long corridor then down one flight of steps. Whatever strength he’d been holding on to

by the nails had fled, forcing the other man to take nearly all of his weight.

Surprisingly, Xilonen was a lot stronger than he looked, as well as taller. He must stand

at least a couple of inches above Jace and would probably have a slightly larger build if he

took care of himself properly.

The small room they entered did not belong to Mikel, but Jace was too exhausted to

care. Gently, Xilonen laid him down backside-up on a twin-sized mattress then helped him

strip out of his clothes. The cool air against his battered flesh felt wonderful. Just as his eyes

drifted shut, a warm washcloth touched one of the open wounds on his back.

“Try not to tense up,” Xilonen said at his hiss. Then, hesitantly, the man added, “I have

some pills if you want.”

Something about his tone made Jace ask, “For the pain?”

“Sure. And some that can help you sleep, or whatever.”

If not for the fact that the man’s energy contained not an ounce of sexual arousal, that

last word would have been completely misconstrued. Craning his neck to peer over his

shoulder, he couldn’t help but ask, “What do you mean ‘whatever’?”

Xilonen shrugged, face mostly hidden behind his red hair. “Sometimes you just don’t

want to care, right?”

Ice filled his veins as realisation set in. “Like you don’t want to care sometimes?”

“I met your mates. They were happy to see the woman you came back for.”

The change of subject was a little too abrupt. As much as he wanted to hear about the

men who had come to mean everything to him, he also wanted to help the shy creature who

had aided him. “Xilonen…”

“They’re nice. I bet you’ll be happy to see them again.”

“They’re coming here?”

The man met his eyes briefly then went back to his ministrations. “No. We’ll be gone

before they could get here.”

Of course. He had accepted the knowledge that he was trading a life with his mates for

the freedom of Loken’s twin when he’d left. It was a decision he couldn’t bring himself to

regret and would do all over again if necessary. If they were to risk their lives in a bid to

rescue him and die, then his sacrifice will have been for naught.

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He’d made the decision to leave, and no matter how much he wanted to be under the

secure protection of his light and dark warriors, it was best for them to stay away.

Trying not to sound as deflated as he felt and failing miserably, he asked, “Where are

we going?”

Xilonen pulled out two small tablets from his front pocket and showed them to Jace.

Picking up a glass of water from the floor, he urged Jace to take them.

“I don’t do drugs, Xilonen,” he gently admonished.

“They’re sleeping pills.” When Jace narrowed his eyes, he elaborated, “We’re going to

the Vishian…”

“What?” Jace pushed himself up into a sitting position, ignoring the sweat that broke

out on his body. “But he doesn’t have Kiress anymore. Even with the Keepers at the Vishian,

he won’t have enough energy to free Death without a halfling.”

“Then we’ll free any other halflings he gets before he has a chance to use them.”

“Xilonen, I’ve been with him for five years. It was a miracle you were here to help me

get Kiress out. He won’t slip up like that again. Besides, with all of his men free, he’ll be able

to use the next halfling he finds immediately. We have to stop him now.”

The man dropped his head. Excitement flushed through Jace on the wings of Xilonen’s

contemplation. Yes, his idea would most likely end in his death, but that had always been a

potentiality while living with Mikel.

“All I need you to do is slip me a blade. Mikel already trusts you to be alone with me.

I’ll provoke one of the men to attack me so if I fail, Mikel will think I got it from him. But I

won’t fail. When Mikel and I are alone and he thinks he has control of my mind, he doesn’t

always pay attention. I can end it. Everything. You’ll be able to go back to your family with

no one ever suspecting.”

It was hard to gauge the other’s reaction to his proposal. His energy was a mix of

fleeting emotions. Placing a hand on Xilonen’s knee, he said with as much conviction as he

could muster, “I won’t fail. I promise you’ll be safe.”

Several agonising seconds passed then Xilonen lifted a pleading gaze to him. The pills

were offered up once more in an open palm. “The trip is twelve hours long on a private jet.

You won’t want to be awake for…”

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A blaze of fury shot through him and he slapped Xilonen’s hand away. The tablets flew

across the room, ricocheting off walls and sparse furniture before they finally landed on the


“I don’t want to go to sleep. I want to kill him!”

Xilonen’s face became a mask of emptiness and Jace paused in horror as he became

aware that it was his fault this time—his threat that had overwhelmed the youth. Watching

Xilonen bend to search for the tablets, he scrambled for some way to rectify his outburst.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you, but…” But for the first time he had

someone on his side who was brave enough to free Mikel’s captor only to be scared enough

to refuse participation in the man’s murder. The dichotomy of the young man’s actions, or

lack thereof, was starting to fray his nerves. “Look, forget about what I said, okay? I’m really

grateful you helped me get Kiress out.”

With the pills back in his pocket, Xilonen nodded but remained silent for the rest of

their time together. Jace resolved to eventually wear the man down using ever-so-slightly

subtler tactics.

* * * *

Mikel appraised him with an avaricious gaze that Jace returned with unveiled contempt

upon the man’s appearance.

By the leash, he was led to a small, black limo into which five other Keepers and

Xilonen climbed. Mikel took the last seat, forcing Jace to kneel on the floor between his legs.

It was a short ride to a nondescript airport where they boarded a private jet.

The interior was spacious with plush seating and luxurious furnishings. On both sides

were four seats in pairs of two. Ivory tables sat between them and further back, the plane was

divided to house a separate compartment that Mikel used as an office or bedroom,

depending on his needs. The gold-inlaid fabric walls and carpeted flooring might have been

enough to impress him had each of his memories on the plane not been worse than the last.

As soon as the pilot declared it safe to move about the cabin, Mikel snatched up the

leash and began to drag him towards the back cabin. With nauseating compliance, he meekly

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followed. He had to pick and choose his battles, and this one Mikel would win without

batting a lash.

Xilonen stood up then and swerved into Mikel’s path, an open bottle of rum in his

hands Jace hadn’t noticed before. Stumbling over his feet, the youth fell clumsily into Mikel.

As he moved to right himself, one hand tugged at Mikel’s shirt that ripped under his weight.

The imbalance caused his other hand to tilt, upending nearly the entire bottle onto Mikel’s

black, silk pants.

“Fool!” Mikel dropped the leash and snatched the smaller man up by his shirt, digging

out a bottle of pills from Xilonen’s front pocket. Throwing it to the side, he hissed, “I should

throw you from this plane right now.”

Xilonen pulled a napkin from his back pocket and started drying Mikel’s pants in

sloppy strokes. “Iss okay. I can fix dis,” he slurred.

Pushing Xilonen away roughly, Mikel ground out, “Your mother should have killed

you when you were born.”

“Aww. Dun take your anger out on me just ‘cause you’re not brave enough to fuck a

woman and give yer father heirs.”

Jace could only stare, mouth agape, at the man’s audacity. He was trying to get himself

killed. There were no two ways about it.

Mikel lunged at the small figure, hefting him off his feet and slamming him back into

the divider. “You want to see me fuck a woman?”

With a cocky grin that never reached his eyes, Xilonen taunted, “I’d like to see ya try.”

“Looks like you’re going to get that lesson after all. Daven, watch my pet. The rest of

you come with me.”

Jace saw a thread of fear shine in the youth’s eyes before Mikel opened the

compartment door and threw him into the private cabin.

“No! Leave him alone,” Jace shouted. Daven wrenched him back as he leapt to cut off

Mikel. He could feel the lacerations on his backside reopening but he didn’t care. By the time

the larger man had strapped him into one of the seats, the door to the private room was

closed and only Daven remained.

With a needle full of clear liquid held in plain view.

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Jace wasn’t worried about being alone with the man. Hidden cameras connected to a

monitor in the back room allowed Mikel to keep an eye on them. However, it was tempting

to provoke Daven just to feel the relief of oblivion rather than hear whatever sounds might

come from the separate room. But he was too afraid to abandon Xilonen.

Daven must have been assaulted by a rare case of pity as Jace found a set of headphones

pressed into his hands. Hurrying to plug them in, he turned the volume up as loud as he

could stand it and leant forwards, cursing the man who couldn’t learn to hold his liquor.

* * * *

The uncomfortable pressure building behind his ears woke him. With a start, his eyes

flew open and took in his surroundings. Mikel was seated across from him, speaking in low

tones with his men. Jace remained in his awkward sitting position, not wanting to draw the

man’s attention. In the seat next to him was Xilonen. The headphones he remembered falling

asleep with were plugged into the man’s ears, though no music floated from them.

Covertly, he tapped Xilonen’s wrist. On the third try, the youth swivelled his head

around and stared at him blankly. It wasn’t the same mask Jace had seen on other occasions.

This expression wasn’t merely empty. It was utterly devoid of life. Spirit. The only indication

of emotion that remained was the red rimming around his eyes.

When a horrible semblance of a smile split his face, Jace felt his insides shrivel.

Xilonen popped two pills into his mouth then saluted him with another bottle.

Swigging the last of the contents down, the man plucked the earphones out. “Cheer up.

You’re about to meet the lady of the night. Under the Sun!” he chuckled. “Ah, she wishes.

Pity. She needs to get laid.”

He wasn’t sure which alarmed him more, the puzzling words or the deep bruises that

ringed Xilonen’s neck and marked his otherwise flawless face. “Are you…okay?”

Rattling a bottle of pills, he whispered, “Happy pills. Gotta love ‘em. Although…” With

a frown aimed at his empty liquor bottle, he stood and stumbled over to the mini bar, pulling

out several miniatures and stuffing them into his pockets. The men paused in their

conversation to watch Xilonen weave his way back to his seat with leering gazes. Jace caught

Mikel staring at him thoughtfully.

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The plane landed on an airstrip just north of the Gates of the Arctic National Park. He’d

never been to the Vishian, let alone Alaska, but the fact that they hadn’t landed in one of the

cities could only mean they’d used the private strip made to transport Keepers to and from

the prison. There were several other planes there as well. Too many to belong only to the

guards that were stationed at the prison.

Bundled in boots and furs to withstand the buffeting winds, they exited the plane and

piled into an SUV. This time Jace was strapped into the seat next to Mikel. They drove at a

steep climb through wilderness with layers of snow on the ground and blanketing the trees.

Two hours later, they topped a hill that overlooked a large valley hidden on all sides by

rough terrain and miles of forestry.

The Vishian stood in the centre of the valley in all its majestic glory. White-washed

walls and turrets rose proudly from the ground as peaked roofs in each corner reached

towards the sky. Thick pillars adorned all four sides and a wide dome crowned the middle of

the building. Every surface had been hand-carved by a team of crafters who had obviously

taken pleasure in creating such a monumental work of art.

As they came to a stop, Mikel nodded to the driver who started talking to another party

through a CB radio in the car. When everyone was standing outside, Mikel tilted his head up

in concentration. Seconds later a twisting spiral of shadows in an array of dark colours

appeared to their left. The swirls lined with silver ribbons began to fade and soon a tall

woman wearing a black, gothic-style gown took form.

Long, flowing black hair reached down to her thighs while pale skin glistened even in

the grey overcast of the day. Jace frowned, looking from the woman to Xilonen and back

again. With the man’s nearly feminine features and striking looks, they could easily be

related. Xilonen’s earlier words came back to him and it suddenly dawned that the woman

before him was the Goddess of Night.

“The men are attacking now,” the driver informed them. “You were right. The guards

are armed to the teeth. The halfling that escaped had to have warned them.”

“Then where are our opponents? I don’t see any additional Keepers other than your

men,” Night said impatiently.

Mikel kept his gaze on the entrances to the building below. Though nothing could be

seen as of yet, occasional gunshots could be heard. “Wait for them. There’s no way my

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enemies would miss the opportunity to finally fight me in a battle they were forewarned


Minutes ticked by. A voice came through on the CB and the driver left briefly to listen

to the new information.

“Sir, they’re coming out with the prisoners now. The handful of guards that are still

alive will be transported with them to the airstrip.” The driver and the others were grinning

in victory, but Mikel and Night remained grim.

“I don’t like this, Mikel,” Night said. “My brothers and sisters may be too cowardly to

lift a hand against your men, even if they are considered traitors, but the other Keepers could

still foil our plans. Maybe we should entice them again. Ensure they meet us so that we can

be done with them once and for all.”

Jace felt the blood drain from his face. This had been planned. He couldn’t remember

what powers the Goddess of Night possessed, but she was obviously there to help Mikel

defeat the army of Keepers Cyaan and Loken were leading. He had no idea why they weren’t

there. Last he’d known, his mates had been planning to travel to the Vishian to prevent what

had just happened. With Kiress’ confirmation that the prison was to be attacked, it should

have been a prime opportunity for the army to battle Mikel’s men.

Yet had they come, they would have been slaughtered with Night’s help. Relief made

him lightheaded but he made sure to keep it from showing.

“No. It will only take a few days for my men to restore the energy they were denied

during their imprisonment. Once that happens, we’ll have enough energy to break through

the shields of the plane my father was banished to. The energy your little brat will provide

will fill him with enough power to begin his rule over the other Gods.”

Jace followed Night’s disgusted gaze over to Xilonen who stood apart from the group.

The man appeared to be oblivious of his surroundings, staring off in another direction. When

Jace’s brain made the connection, cold rage burned within. Xilonen was a halfling. Not only

that, but the son of the Goddess who was in league with Mikel and the God of Death.

Had the man purposefully helped to free Kiress knowing she would inform his mates of

Mikel’s plans? Knowing she would unwittingly lead them to their deaths?

There was no other explanation. The attempt to kill his mates and their army of Keepers

had been carefully orchestrated and he had ignorantly played his part to perfection. Mikel

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had only been using Kiress as a pawn since he’d had Xilonen’s energy at his disposal all

along. It was no wonder Xilonen hadn’t agreed to help him murder Mikel. It was a miracle

that, somehow, his mates had not arrived to form a defence, but that didn’t lessen his rage at

the betrayal.

Charging without warning, he swung his fist straight into the traitor’s mouth. Xilonen

went down without a fight. “You son of a bitch!” He managed to get in two hard kicks to the

ribs before Mikel pulled him away. A sharp tug to the low amount of energy he was emitting

let him know that Mikel was trying to take his will from him but he was too enraged to fake


When his struggles to get to Xilonen continued, Mikel slapped him roughly across the

cheek. The sting of it cleared his mind enough to remind him that he still had a role to play. If

Mikel found out that he could resist his power, Jace would have no chance at all to kill the


Forcing himself to hide his seething emotions, he bent his head and willed his body to

slacken in Mikel’s hold. Xilonen rose shakily to his feet, cradling his side and keeping his

eyes to the ground.

“That was interesting,” Night remarked. “I like him, although I should kill him for

calling me a bitch.”

“My pet is off-limits. You know that.”

A sneer curled her rose-coloured lip. “Whatever. Let me know when the time comes to

free your father. I want to be there to see it.” With that, she departed in the same show of

spinning dark swirls in which she’d arrived.

Mikel left him alone for the entire trip back, too engrossed in his vexation over the

failed battle to pay him attention.

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Chapter Fifteen

Barely contained fury charged the air as Cyaan announced the news Aquene had given

him over the phone just moments ago. The Vishian had been raided sooner than they’d

expected, bringing their plans to fly from a different airport to a halt. Most of the guards had

been found dead, weapons still in hand from their efforts to defend the prison. It was

assumed that those who were missing had been taken by Mikel.

The congregation of Keepers filling the area behind Cyaan’s house lapsed into silence as

Cyaan’s words ended.

“I say we go ahead with the original plan,” Stephen spoke first. “Send pairs of us out to

those areas where we think Mikel might have hideouts and keep up the search for him.”

“Right now, it looks as though that might be our only option,” Loken concurred. His

mate nodded his head in agreement. “If anyone has any other ideas, speak up now.”

Each Keeper in the crowd shook their head. Loken had to admit he was heartened by

the amount of wrath that flowed from everyone. It meant that despite the major loss they’d

taken, they still held faith that the war wasn’t over yet.

“All right. We need volunteers then.” A smile crossed Cyaan’s lips as nearly every

Keeper raised their voice to offer their willing participation. “How about the owners of the

cars still working choose a partner to accompany them. We know that Mikel has residences

in California and Texas. Florida, Nevada, Montana and Oregon are other potential places. If I

missed a state and you think it should be on the list, by all means form a pair and head out


“The rest will work on repairing the vehicles here. If you find Mikel, do not make your

presence known.” He looked meaningfully at his sister who merely glared back at him. “If

we’re to have any chance of stopping him, we need to catch him unaware. Keep in touch and

good luck to those of you heading out.”

The ensuing commotion lasted only an hour. Partners were found instantly and cars

were stocked with weapons and emergency supplies. When Loken suggested to Cyaan that

they take Nevada, his mate readily approved of the idea. Neither of them wanted to sit idly

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by knowing there was a chance to find their mate during their expedition. Nor apparently

could Malen and Turek. Both men insisted on going with them.

Brice stood back at a safe distance and watched with amusement as Kaia and Kiress

objected with every counter-argument in their arsenal to staying behind. Truthfully, his and

Cyaan’s reasons were rather selfish to keep them there. Loken couldn’t stand the thought of

his sister being taken again and Cyaan felt the same way about his daughter.

Both women were more than aware of it, and had no qualms about cursing their macho

egos, but in the end, they reluctantly agreed to stay.

Since he’d made sure his car had been one of the first to be repaired, they loaded into

his vehicle and headed out as quickly as possible. They knew they had a few days at least

before Mikel could launch the final execution of his endeavour to free his father. The walls of

the Vishian had been built to repel outside energy and contain the energy inside. The

prisoners that Mikel had freed would need time to absorb what had been denied them if they

were to be of any assistance to the God of Death.

Eager to begin their search, they stopped only for bathroom breaks and food.

Conversations were few and far between, each too wrapped up in their own concerns to

provide stimulating small talk.

Once they arrived in Nevada the next day, they rented two hotel rooms and took the

time to research properties and lands that had been purchased in the last five years. After

selecting those that were located in sparsely populated areas, they started out again. It was

unanimously decided to stick together instead of renting a second car. There were only a

handful of properties on the list that looked promising.

Just as they were about to retire for the night, he felt it. A sordid mass of energy

infiltrated his senses from the direction of the last area they’d planned on scouting that night.

His companions grew excited once he alerted them to the energy he was detecting.

“Let’s not get our hopes up just yet. We need to find out if Mikel is among them before

we call in the rest of the troops.”

“He’ll be there. And so will our mates.” Malen’s conviction was so absolute that none of

them bothered to voice any additional misgivings.

With no new information from the other scouting Keepers, there was a good likelihood

that they could very well have found Mikel. The possibility of subsequently finding their

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mate had adrenaline racing through his veins like molten lava. The knowing smile Cyaan

shot him told him his mate’s thoughts were in sync with his.

Several long buildings in a loose, circular formation appeared in the distance. Each one

was two stories high and large enough to house anywhere from twenty to fifty occupants.

One stood out among the rest. It consisted of three stories with wired fencing creating a wide

perimeter and flood lights that chased away the darkness up to twenty yards out into the

surrounding area.

Loken parked a safe distance away where they strapped on their weapons and grabbed

a few supplies from the trunk. Proceeding on foot, they made their way silently to the edges

of the encampment. Through binoculars, he identified two guards standing at the door of the

largest building and three more pacing along the sides and back. There was little activity

outside with the occasional small group of Keepers walking to and from the other barracks.

Cyaan began to head towards one of the nearest buildings but Malen laid a staying

hand on his arm. “My mate. I can feel him nearby.”

“As can I,” Turek said quietly.

“Do you think he’s in the building up ahead?”

Malen shook his head at Cyaan’s question. “It feels as if…he’s here. Watching us.”

All four of them crouched down, peering into the darkness for signs of movement.

“His energy is fading. I can barely feel it now.”

No sooner had the words left Turek’s lips than a volley of men swarmed from the

closest building and ran straight for them.

“Shit, he must have seen us. Run. Now!” They sprinted in the other direction only to be

brought up short by a trio of men who had skirted around in time to head them off. As a

precaution, they’d packed guns knowing they might be needed, but the three men already

had theirs out, aimed with precision at their heads. The rest of Mikel’s followers circled them

in from behind, brandishing their own firearms.

Loken turned at Malen’s sharp, indrawn breath. There, making a path to the front of the

ring of men, came Xilonen’s lithe figure. One of the men next to the halfling nudged him

none-too-gently with an elbow.

“Well, look at what we have here. Looks like you’re good for more than just a fuck,


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Malen let out a furious roar and charged the man. It took all three of them to hold him

back. The large biker was a force to be reckoned with and no less adamant about reaching his

target than Loken had been when Riley had subconsciously threatened his mate. Malen’s

struggles ceased when Xilonen opened his mouth to speak.

“Take them to Mikel.”

The pain of betrayal that wafted from Malen and Turek was strong enough to be felt by

all. The youth had to know what he was doing to his mates, yet his features retained an

apathetic expression. It was enough to ignite a surge of wrath in him at the halfling’s utter

lack of compassion. To make matters worse, Malen and Turek seemed to deflate right before

his very eyes.

Divested of their weapons, they were herded in a congested circle to the main building

and pushed inside. Loken almost faltered in his steps as his beautiful mate came into view on

the other side of the large room they entered. Jace stood behind and to the right side of a man

who could only be Mikel. A large leather collar was strapped around his neck to which a

chain was attached leading to his captor’s closed fist. His sea-green eyes and mouth were

opened wide in unconcealed shock.

Sheer joy at finding his mate competed with dark rage at the sight of another man

daring to possess what was his. Cyaan’s energy echoed his, making it harder to fight the urge

to race forwards and tear Mikel apart, limb from limb.

“What have you brought me?”

“I found them sneaking around one of the buildings, sir,” Xilonen answered. The man

strode over to Mikel and stood off to the left. “It looks like a group of your enemies has

finally found you.”

Mikel grinned crookedly. “Well it’s about damn time. I was beginning to wonder if my

little ploy of planting visions of sightings of me into the minds of Keepers around the

country was too complicated for you to figure out. Although I can’t help but feel

disappointed. Are there really only four of you brave enough stand against me?”

They held their tongues, unwilling to fall prey to the man’s baiting words.

“Ten of you…split up into two groups and make sure there are no more lurking out

there like the cowards they are,” Mikel barked out to his men. Once a small portion of them

had left, Mikel returned his attention to the four of them. “Before I kill you, I have to

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ask…what happened at the Vishian? I was sure the bitch that’d slipped from my grasp

would have been smart enough to inform you of my plans. Were your fellow Keepers too

pathetic to dare rise up against me?”

A growl issued forth from his throat before he could stop it. Mikel waited expectantly

then gave a sigh when none of them spoke.

“Keep your rebellion. It’s of no consequence to me now anyway. One or two more days

and your feeble opposition will be nothing more than a gross failure. Shame you won’t be

around to see the culmination of my efforts, though.” Turning to the men who still flanked

them with weapons drawn, he ordered, “Kill them.”



Xilonen’s and Jace’s exclamations were simultaneous. Loken almost lost his fragile hold

on self-control when his mate ran towards him and Cyaan only to be yanked roughly back

by the hand on his leash. Jace hardly seemed to notice. The brief flash of pain that crossed his

features was replaced instantly with worry.

“Why not just put them with the other prisoners?” Xilonen queried. “They can watch as

the Keepers you captured are forced to pay obeisance to your father. It will make it so much

sweeter to kill them with the look of defeat on their faces.”

Quicker than Loken’s eyes could follow, Jace pulled the short dagger from Mikel’s belt,

flipped the tip of the blade to his fingers, and threw it at Xilonen. A breath later, his mate had

the leash in both hands and jumped onto Mikel’s back, wrapping the length around the

man’s vulnerable throat.

The room burst into chaos as half of the crowd fought to keep the four of them from

rushing their leader while the other half ran to assist Mikel. For the first time in his existence,

Loken’s wrath was born of consummate fear. If it was anyone but one of his mate’s lives on

the line, he would have had the presence of mind to absorb the wrath from his enemies,

making them disconcerted and easy prey. As it was, he couldn’t think past getting to his boy.

“Stop!” The echoing roar of Mikel’s demand froze the men trying to protect him.

“Touch him again and I will kill you with my bare hands.”

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That penetrated the fog of Loken’s fear and froze him as well. Jace was held tightly in

Mikel’s embrace. His body bucked and writhed against his captor, though his struggles were

lessening markedly. His mate looked near to collapsing and still he fought with all he had.

“Enough, pet. You will obey me.”

Jace sent him and Cyaan a look filled with such beseeching sorrow then that Loken’s

heart felt as though it might shatter. He was just able to make out the shimmer of tears when

Jace slumped in Mikel’s arms and bowed his head.

“Yes, Sir,” his mate whispered.

When Mikel judged Jace to be under his control, he lowered the man to the floor and

waved one of his guards over to watch him. Mikel then went to Xilonen, now hardly more

than a red, black and white heap on the floor. As the youth was rolled onto his back, blood

seeped from his right arm where the dagger was embedded.

Loken glanced curiously back at his mate. Jace was an expert knife handler. The fact

that the blade was buried in the man’s arm instead of his chest or throat was not a


“Heat a blade.”

One of the nearby men disappeared in a rush.

As Mikel readied to jerk the dagger free, Xilonen rasped, “Get o-off me.”

“I’m saving your life, you snivelling little brat. Skinny as you are you’ll probably bleed

to death if we don’t take care of this now.”

Sweat rolled down the smaller man’s face as his skin paled to a ghostly white. “Better

than s-serving you.”

Mikel bent lower and whispered something unintelligible in Xilonen’s ear. Whatever it

was had the youth using his last ounce of strength to wrench away after spitting in the man’s

face. Mikel reared back and slapped Xilonen harshly across the mouth. Five more men from

the crowd added their strength to the effort of keeping Malen and Turek from ripping Mikel


“Put them with the rest of the prisoners,” Mikel said aloud, sweeping his hand out to

encompass them while keeping his malevolent gaze on the man beneath him. They were

shoved and prodded out of the building within seconds. Rope was used to secure their hands

behind their backs and they were led to the south end of the complex.

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Xilonen’s agonising scream pierced the night as they were ushered into a building and

dragged towards the back.

It reverberated in Loken’s head while images of the recent events filled his mind.

Something was off. Somewhere between the rush of finding his mate and the consuming

desire to kill Mikel, a vital piece of information had been overlooked. There was no doubt in

his mind that Jace was capable of murdering another. The fact that he’d shown mercy when

attacking Xilonen could only mean that the halfling wasn’t quite the cold-hearted traitor his

actions had led them to believe.

Through a door leading to a downward staircase, they came upon a long corridor with

barred cells on either side. Each one held anywhere from ten to fifteen men and women. The

dull looks in their eyes bespoke the suffering of their confinement.

It wasn’t until after they were locked into one of the last cells and the guards left that

Loken judged it safe to talk. “Malen, Turek, were you able to gauge your mate’s emotions

through his energy?”

Both men turned tortured gazes on him. “Fear,” Turek said. “Anger as well, but mostly

it felt like he was scared shitless.”

“That doesn’t make sense,” Cyaan said with a frown. “We were severely outnumbered

and unarmed. He had no reason to fear us.”

“I don’t think it was fear of us. I think it was fear for us.”

“What makes you say that, babe?” From the tone of Malen’s voice, it was clear he

yearned for his mate’s hunch to be true.

“He obviously never revealed our location to Mikel after he left us the other morning.”

The missing piece popped into his mind, shining a ray of hope on their failed mission,

but he let the other man finish telling his theory.

“Xilonen knew we had amassed an army to go against Mikel. We stayed anticipating

Mikel to bring his forces down on us, yet that never happened. The man had no clue that

we’d banded together to stop him. Our mate may have suggested we stay alive to see the

outcome of this war, but he didn’t correct Mikel’s assumption that we were the only ones

willing to fight. I find it hard to believe that Xilonen wants the bastard to succeed.”

“As do I,” Loken agreed. Before he could answer their questioning gazes, he said, “Give

me a moment.”

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“Kiri, when you were travelling with Xilonen, did you tell him you were able to communicate

telepathically with me?”

“You’ve kept me waiting for two days, wondering if you’re safe or not, and all you can think

about is that alcoholic traitor?”

“I’m sorry I worried you, but this is important.”

There was a short pause, then, “I never told him about our mental link, but I guess he could

have figured it out. Jace only told us that you were in Kansas and I didn’t bother with a phone to find
out exactly how to get to you. Why?”

A small grin played on his lips. “He knew.”

“Knew what?” Cyaan asked.

“That I can communicate telepathically with my sister.” At their blank stares, his grin

widened. “The man’s had three chances to warn Mikel about us. But he didn’t lead them to

us when he helped to rescue Kiress, he didn’t give Mikel our location and he kept the fact of

our army a secret.”

Understanding lit each man’s eyes in the span of a few heartbeats.

“So we still have a shot at this,” Malen said.

“Maybe,” Cyaan conceded. “But if Xilonen knew about your connection with Kiress,

why would he alert Mikel’s men to our presence? It would have been far easier for us to form

an attack without being taken prisoner.”

“Not necessarily. We now know that Mikel is here and where the Keepers he’s been

holding are. Mikel will grow complacent thinking he has his only opposing force locked

away in his cells.”

Malen shook his head grimly. “As much as I hope that you’re right, that our mate

knowingly did this to give us a better chance at defeating Mikel, it could still be a trap.”

“Perhaps, but at this point it’s all we have to go on. I’ll have Kiress warn the others. Tell

them to watch their backs when they come—”

“It’s not a set up,” Turek broke in.

“How do you know?” Loken asked gently. He was reluctant to undermine the man’s

conviction. Though he felt near certain of his theory, they couldn’t take any chances with

Xilonen’s fishtailing allegiance.

“Because if it is, we’re screwed.”

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Chapter Sixteen

“What’s it like?”

Jace turned his head to glare at the pale form on the bed. Even with a fine sheen of

sweat covering his face and lines of pain around his eyes, Xilonen looked a lot better than he

had last night. The blood loss had been significant due to the alcohol in his system,

increasing his weakness as evidenced by the way he sagged against the wall in his sitting


Despite the anger that still coursed through him, Jace felt a twinge of guilt over the

man’s current state. He didn’t regret attacking Xilonen. The youth had known exactly what

Loken and Cyaan were to Jace, and yet he’d had no qualms about bringing his mates before

Mikel and delaying their deaths simply so that Mikel could rub their noses in his success.

While Jace hated him for that, he was glad for the extra time it gave his mates.

That was the only reason the blade had pierced Xilonen’s arm and not his heart.

Still, it was hard to ignore the anomalies in the halfling’s behaviour and energy. They

were subdued and…fearful at times. Nothing like those of the Keepers who served Mikel. If

not for the fact that the man had free reign to walk about the grounds, Jace might have

thought he’d been forced into servitude. He certainly wasn’t there to make the Goddess of

Night happy. The contempt she held for her son had been palpable and Jace had felt no love

for her on Xilonen’s part.

After wringing the warm washcloth out over the bathroom sink, he went to the side of

the bed and proceeded with Mikel’s order to clean the man’s wound. A brief flare of pity

washed through him as he took in the dark bruises on Xilonen’s neck and arms that his short-

sleeved T-shirt didn’t cover. Jace still didn’t know what had possessed the youth to provoke

Mikel as he had.

“What what is like?”

Xilonen’s pain was shown only in the pursing of his lips and the narrowing of his eyes.

“Having a mate.”

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Jace jerked in surprise. At Xilonen’s wince, he quickly relieved the pressure of his hand

on the cauterised skin then just as quickly began swiping at it in brisk, malicious strokes.

“You don’t have the right to ask me that, and Gods willing, you’ll never know. You’d

probably sacrifice them, too, for whatever the hell you’re getting out of this.”

After dousing a cloth bandage with hydrogen peroxide, he pressed it a little too firmly

to the wound. His little act of petty revenge, however, didn’t bring him the satisfaction he

was hoping for. The man simply sucked in a breath and turned his head to hide his face.

When Jace finished applying the new dressing and still felt no enmity or malicious intent

from Xilonen, he frowned in doubt.

Could the man have been sincere about his enquiry?

“Why do you ask?”

“No reason,” Xilonen said quietly.

Just as he was about to push the issue, a loud commotion from the commons room

above them distracted him. Racing footsteps stomped along the other side of the ceiling and

voices raised in alarm breached the thin walls of the room. Jace wondered what catastrophe

had occurred this time.

Throughout the night, Mikel had been pulled away from forcing his unwanted

attentions on him by one electrical disaster after another. Consequently, Jace had been

confined to Xilonen’s bedroom to care for the halfling. It wasn’t exactly how he would have

preferred to spend the night, but far better than the alternative.

Mikel’s frustrated energy reached him before the man burst through the door. Black

eyebrows were drawn down in a furious scowl that Jace suspected had nothing to do with

technical difficulties.

“Get your shoes on.” Mikel tossed a pair of sneakers to the floor beside him then

yanked Xilonen from the bed by his uninjured arm. “You’re coming with us so hurry it up.”

“Where are we going?” Xilonen asked, swaying on his feet.

“To a safer location until my men get the situation under control.”

“What situation?”

Mikel slapped the smaller man sharply across the face, sending his staggering back a

few steps under the force of the blow. “Don’t question me, brat. Do as I say or I’ll flay the

skin from your back.”

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Again, Jace watched as Xilonen pushed the man’s limits. “But we can’t leave.

Everything is set up here.”

Rearing back his fist, Mikel then swung out but Xilonen ducked at the last second,

which only served to enrage the man further. Advancing until he had Xilonen trapped, he

grabbed two fistfuls of the youth’s shirt and slammed his back into the wall.

“Obey me or I’ll let every one of my men take a go at you when this is over!” Mikel

yelled, before shoving Xilonen roughly to the floor. Mikel left the room and Jace helped

Xilonen tug on his shoes then walked out to join the small group waiting for them. Once

more, Jace’s wrists were bound behind his back by the cuffs attached to the collar around his


The compound was in chaos. Keepers flew by them in every direction as they made

their way outside. Each one of them had a weapon in hand and the look of bloodlust in their

eyes. Sounds of battle cries and fighting could be heard in the distance but Jace could see no

opponents as he was rushed to a black Mercedes.

A man with a portable CB radio held the door open for them while giving orders to

whoever was on the receiving end. When Xilonen hesitated to get in the backseat, Mikel

clamped one hand on the back of his neck and threw him into the car. Jace awkwardly

scooted in after him.

“Are the prisoners secured?”

The man with the radio gave a perfunctory nod. “Yes, sir. We were able to cut them off

just past the east entrance. Their numbers aren’t nearly as great as ours. We should have

everything under control soon.”

“Good. I’ll call for help. Notify me if anything changes.” Mikel climbed in after that and

ordered the driver to leave. Another car followed behind as they drove to the perimeter of

the cluster of buildings and exited the cars. They were still very close to the fighting and

adrenaline pumped through Jace’s system as awareness of the situation hit him.

Only one thing could shake Mikel’s confidence and place the panic in his eyes that the

man couldn’t quite mask. Loken must have got word to the others through his sister on

where they were being held.

The flush of his excitement was tempered by the information Mikel had been given

earlier. At last count, the army Loken and Cyaan had amassed were outnumbered by Mikel’s

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allies at least five to one, if not more. Given the short amount of time his mates’ group would

have had to reach the hold, they couldn’t have had much time to prepare for the battle. They

would be slaughtered without some kind of plan.

Jace could barely contain the urge to join the fight. Bound and guarded as he was, there

was only one option left available to him and even that was severely limited. With

everything that was going on, it was highly unlikely Mikel would dismiss his personal

guard, giving Jace a chance to kill him with his own weapon without being killed himself.

Mikel leaned his head back, pausing for concentration. “Night!” he shouted.

Seconds later, a column of black, grey and silver swirls appeared in front of them. The

vortex gradually began to fade as the corporeal form of the Goddess of Night took its place.

As soon as her deep blue eyes settled on Mikel, they lit up with glee. That is until the

popping of gunshots drew her attention to the compound behind her.

Fixing her narrowed gaze back on Mikel, she asked, “What’s going on? You were

supposed to call on me when you were ready.”

“We ran into a slight problem.”

“Obviously. Am I to assume you called me because you can’t handle it on your own?”

“You were the…”


“What?” Mikel barked at the interruption.

The driver hesitated nervously before continuing. “The east entrance has been


“So redirect the rest of the men to that area.”

“I did, but…well…the men are having trouble holding them back. We’re not the only

ones carrying guns anymore.”

Mikel’s expression was a beautiful sight to behold. After the initial shock wore off, a

black scowl contorted his features. “Great. Now they decide to evolve.” Turning back to

Night, he said, “If you want the portion of energy you were promised, you will hold up your

end of the deal. Kill my enemies. Get it done, and you’ll have your reward.”

Night sneered at him in disdain. “Watch your tone, halfling. Your father can give you

all the power he wants but you will always remain beneath me.” Facing the growing

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commotion spread out before them, Night thrust one hand out in front of her. Flashes of

brilliant, blue light sparked across her palm then began to coalesce at her fingertips.

Jace subtly switched his stance, shifting his weight to the balls of his feet in preparation

to knock the Goddess aside. It would only buy his allies minutes, maybe even just seconds,

but it was all he could do at the moment. Before he could lunge forward a deep crashing

noise preceded a ball of flame that engulfed one of the barracks at the north end. Huge

chunks of stone and other debris shot outwards, raining down on the unfortunate men in the

near vicinity.

Though Jace stood at a safe distance, instinct had him as well as those around him

cringing back. The explosion seemed to trigger a domino effect. In a line that wound its way

west towards where they stood, buildings lit up in a blaze that could be seen from miles


After the fourth blast, which was dangerously close to them, the explosions paused long

enough for the dirt to settle.

Night was the first to recover. “What’s going on here, Mikel?”

“How the fuck would I know?” he snapped back. “I doubled security after we found a

group of infiltrators last night.”

As one they turned to Xilonen, standing at the back of the group with his shoulders

hunched in as if to make himself invisible. Night took two large steps and grabbed her son

by the throat.

“Is this your doing?”

Shaking his head as much as possible, Xilonen said, “It’s the Gods. The infiltrators must

have warned them before I caught them last night.”

“That can’t be,” Night whispered in shock. “My brothers and sisters don’t have the

courage to strike down their beloved Keepers.”

In a strained voice made weaker by her tightening grip, the youth said, “No one has

ever come this close to succeeding. They’re afraid.”

Night whipped her head around to peer out over the compound, eyes suddenly wild

with fright. “They can’t find me here.”

“We made a deal,” Mikel ground out.

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The goddess flung her son away. “Use him. If things fall apart because you screwed up,

I’ll be the one they send to a prison just like your father is in. Don’t call on me again until my

brothers and sisters are gone.” She raked one last sneer over her son then looked at Mikel.

“That is, if you’re still alive.”

Another sliver of pity pierced Jace’s animosity towards the man slowly getting back to

his feet. It was little wonder Xilonen had become the betraying coward that he was. With a

mother like that, anyone was bound to have issues.

Mikel grabbed the CB from the driver and yelled into it, “Tell everyone to send up their

energy now.”

Another building went up in flames. Closer now.

“Send a group down to force the prisoners to contribute theirs. I want all…”

“Sir, the prisoners have escaped. A swarm of our enemies went straight for the

building. Someone had to have tipped them off.”

“Now!” Mikel shouted. “Now! Tell the rest to send it up now!”

Just then, the building nearest them exploded in a blast of light and smoke. The

booming sound was deafening, the sudden expulsion of air pushing him back. Jace landed in

a heap on the ground, unable to break his fall. Something struck his temple and pain

thrummed in his head as he rolled to his side to protect his vitals from more falling debris. A

slight weight pressed against his back and stayed there. There was a sharp tug on his wrists

then the weight leaned over his side.

“Run!” Xilonen whispered in his ear.

Instinctively, he pushed himself up to face the other man. It took a few seconds for his

mind to register the significance of being able to do so. A glance down revealed the chafed

skin on his wrists. Free of handcuffs. Looking back up, he followed Xilonen’s gaze to the

forms of Mikel and his guard still trying to get their bearings. Confusion ruled for two

heartbeats before he jumped to his feet and bolted into the fray.

The remainder of the buildings on the north side exploded all at once. The combined

force of the blasts shook the ground beneath him and rattled his bones, but he didn’t stop.

And neither did the combatants. Men and women fought all around him with everything at

their disposal. Casting a quick glance over his shoulder, his breath caught as he glimpsed

Mikel racing towards him at breakneck speed.

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With lungs burning and muscles screaming at him, he focused only on the twisting path

that would lead him through the combatants to the underground cells where he knew the

captives had been held. It was the only place he could think of to look for his mates.


His steps faltered as he swung his head towards the sound of his name. Running

straight for him, Loken dodged and thrust people aside in his effort to get to Jace.

“Get down!”

Without thought, Jace curled his body in, rolling several times with his momentum.

Loken closed the distance between them but didn’t stop—instead, tackling Mikel in the air

only a few yards behind him. Both men crashed to the ground in a flurry of limbs and fists.

Mikel gained his feet first. Bringing his knee up to connect savagely with Loken’s gut,

he spun around to kick out with his other leg but the move was too open. Too slow. Loken

caught the ankle as it neared his face and twisted. The other man’s body had no choice but to

spin until Mikel lay awkwardly sprawled on the ground. Giving no reprieve, Loken pounced

on him, raining blow after blow in rapid succession along the man’s head and torso.

Loken exceeded Mikel in every category as a warrior. Height…build…skill… But Mikel

had two solid advantages that caused a streak of panic to burst through him.

Absolute desperation…and the hilted blade strapped to his belt. From what Jace could

see, Loken was weaponless.

Mikel managed to slither out from beneath and land a solid punch to Loken’s jaw. His

mate, however, recovered instantly. The other man feigned incapacitating pain over a blow

that should have merely stunned him. Loken wasn’t fooled, but neither did he see the knife

Mikel had pulled from its holster. His mate landed another punch to the jaw, sending Mikel

sprawling onto his back.

Loken took what he thought to be his advantage and straddled Mikel, wrapping his

hands around the man’s throat and pressing down with all of his strength.

In horror, Jace watched as the blade was aimed at Loken’s vulnerable side.


Diving for his mate, he shoved the man aside, using the full weight of his body to knock

him out of the way. Searing agony tore through his gut as the blade penetrated flesh and

muscle. The intensity of the pain was nearly overwhelming, but his mind refused to

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relinquish control just yet. The pair of black eyes that stared up at him in disbelief was not

the last he wanted to see before his soul was claimed by the Gods.

A fist broke Mikel’s terrified stare and Jace felt himself lifted and taken a short distance

away. From the corner of his eye, he saw Mikel’s body burst into flames as a tortured scream

rent the air, drowning out even the cacophony of the battle raging around them. The fire

reached an intensive temperature, turning white then blue. Within seconds, all that remained

of the man who’d stolen his life and nearly his sanity was a long, thin pile of white ash.

A glance above the remains showed the face of his mate’s twin. Though her features

were set in a grim expression, her eyes were alight with malicious glee.

More pain sliced through his side as Loken pressed one large hand to his wound. “Look

at me, boy. Don’t you dare close your eyes.”

Focusing on his mate’s handsome face, he wanted to laugh. Losing the breathtaking

sight above him was the last thing he intended to do, but it was getting harder to will his

body to obey. His strength was fading fast. The gravitational pull on his body seemed to

increase until movement was beyond his capability.

His mate continued to give him orders—the fear that shook his voice spilling over in the

form of a single tear that trailed down his cheek. Jace wanted more than anything to kiss it

away, but had to settle for the last command his body would obey.

Forcing his lips to move, he whispered, “Love you…Sir.”

“Damn it, boy! You’re not going anywhere. Do you hear me?” Loken’s voice cracked on

the last sentence.

The pain in Jace’s heart overcame that in his side. Loken deserved so much more than

what Jace had given him over the past few weeks. His fear and mistrust had robbed them of

precious time they could have spent discovering one another the way mates should. Still, he

didn’t regret a single moment.

As his losing battle with consciousness came to an end, he smiled weakly up at his mate

before his eyes closed and his mind fell away.

* * * *

Life was many things.

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A challenge, a bitch…and at times, a consummate hell. But today, it was a blessing in

the slender form of the bravest man he’d ever met. The confident diagnosis of the physician

came back to him, along with a renewed wave of joy.

“He’ll need at least a week of full bed rest. The blade missed his internal organs but as it

appears that his health wasn’t optimal to begin with, it will take him longer to recover than


Cyaan hadn’t been able to contain his relief, nor had he tried. So profound had it been

that only Loken’s crushing embrace had kept him on his feet.

“Keep him on a steady diet of vitamins and protein, but only liquids for the first few

days after he wakes up. He can regulate his intake of pain medication on his own. I find that

many patients take less if left to their own discretion. Oh…and no strenuous activities for a

good two weeks.”

The last had been said with a meaningful look at which he and Loken had laughed

breathlessly. Sex was the least of their concerns. At least until Jace was fit enough again to

handle their particular appetites.

“Daddy, you have company.”

His daughter’s soft voice brought him out of his reverie. “Who is it?”

“Malen, Turek and Stephen. Do you want me to send them up?”

He looked to Loken sitting in a chair beside him, who nodded his head once. It might

take a while yet for their mate to wake up and neither of them was willing to leave his side

until then. “Yeah. Thanks.”

Kaia smiled briefly then left to beckon their guests to the bedroom. She and her mates’

constant support over the three days following Jace’s brush with death had been an immense

relief. Without them, Cyaan had no doubt he and Loken would have starved due to their

reluctance to leave the side of their wounded mate.

A few minutes later, all three men entered their bedroom, two with understandably

grim expressions. Stephen’s excitement was noticeable but due to the circumstances, he

managed to keep it from bubbling over.

“How is he?”

All eyes turned to the fragile form bundled under blankets and hooked up to a slow-

dripping IV.

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Loken sighed, leaning back to stretch sore muscles. “He’ll make it. The doctor said he’ll

wake up when he’s ready.”

“Good, good. I’m glad to hear that. Listen, I know you gentlemen have other important

issues to discuss, so I’ll get right to the point.” Looking directly at Loken, Stephen said, “I

heard you’re an assassin. I came here hoping to change that to former assassin. We—that is, a

great number of Keepers involved in some way in Mikel’s war—wanted to ask if you might

be willing to teach us some basic fighting techniques.

“Towards the end there, it should be acknowledged that the survivors were wise not to

challenge Mikel with the threat of so many men at the halfling’s disposal. Yet we couldn’t

help but to think some of the deaths could have been avoided had we been better prepared

for such a possibility. We realise it’s a great responsibility but we all feel you would be the

best man for the job. You would receive all of the benefits that Seth enjoys. A suitably larger

house, bottomless funds, anything you feel would assist you and your students.”

Cyaan smiled at the surprise on Loken’s face. “Well you did say you wanted to add a

third storey to the house. This way, you can start from scratch and put in as many rooms as

you want. It’ll be easier for the Keepers to board here rather than commute to town and back

every day.”

“You’d give up your house for me?”

He frowned at the wonder in the man’s voice. Leaning over to place a sound kiss on his

mate’s mouth, he said, “The house itself is unimportant. It’s the people inside that matter

most. You’re my mate. If doing this will make you happy, I’m all for it.”

Loken’s lips curved up in a slow, gorgeous smile. Looking back to Stephen, he said, “I’d

be honoured. I’ll let you know when Jace is fully recovered before we start on any plans.”

“Of course. Great!” Stephen beamed like a madman. Cyaan had no doubt the Keeper

would be among the first of Loken’s trainees. “I’ll inform all those interested and take care of

the necessary preliminaries in the meantime.” After shaking their hands vigorously, he took

his leave.

“Congratulations. You won’t get to kill anyone but it definitely won’t get boring.”

Loken grinned at Malen’s smirk. “If that ever happens, you’ll be the first I call to spice

things up.”

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The other man’s smirk faded. “That may be a while. We know that a lot of Keepers will

be hunting Xilonen soon for his part in Mikel’s scheme. We need to find him before he gets


There was a slight challenge in the man’s tone. Cyaan shifted, drawing attention to

himself. “We don’t know exactly what’s going on with your mate, but we’ll help in any way

we can.”

“He freed me.”

As one they turned to find a pair of beautiful, blue eyes staring out from a pale face on

the bed. Cyaan and Loken jumped up, barely catching themselves from enveloping the small

figure in fierce hugs. As it was, Cyaan took one side of the bed while Loken took the other,

satisfying their need to touch their mate through kisses and as much physical contact as

Jace’s weakened body could tolerate.

All of the emotional sentiments that had been spinning around in his head over the last

three days froze on the tip of Cyaan’s tongue. They needed to be said, but for now, it was

enough to simply see the love shining from the smaller man’s eyes.

Jace slowly turned his gaze to Malen and Turek. “When the Gods started blowing up

the buildings, he used the distraction to unlock my cuffs. I don’t know how he got the key,

but that was what made it possible for me to get away from Mikel long enough to search for

my mates.”

That made all of them frown. “The Gods didn’t cause those explosions. They didn’t

have the time to form their own plan of action as they had for the last battle, nor the

inclination to harm Mikel’s followers.

“But that’s what Xilonen told his mother, the Goddess of Night, the morning our forces

attacked. It’s why she left instead of using her powers to kill all of you like she’d meant to do

at the Vishian.”

“What?” Their exclamations were almost simultaneous.

“Mikel used Kiress as bait. He knew she would tell you about his plan to break into the

Vishian once she escaped so he called on Night to help him slaughter you when you showed

up. But you didn’t. What kept you?”

They all glanced at one another, breath held in astonishment.

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“Xilonen,” Turek finally said. “Somehow he disabled every car here, including every

engine in the planes at the airport. There was no way we could have flown there in time.”

“If neither we nor the Gods were responsible for those explosions, he’s the only other

one who could have caused them,” Malen surmised. “The only buildings that went up were

the ones we hadn’t reached yet. It cut down Mikel’s forces by at least a quarter.”

“So…he really was only trying to help,” Jace breathed. “And I almost killed him for it.”

Cyaan opened his mouth to console his mate but Malen beat him to it.

“We all doubted him. You were trying to protect your mates. Now it’s time for us to

protect ours.”

Jace groaned then, guilt riding him hard. “That’s what he meant.” To their questioning

gazes, he replied, “He asked me what it was like to be mated. I told him I hoped to the Gods

he never found out. I thought he would betray them just as I thought he’d betrayed me.”

“Don’t take this on yourself, old friend,” Malen said grimly. “He kept his secrets from

us all. We’ll fix this.”

Malen and his mate said their goodbyes and left solemnly. Cyaan didn’t envy them. He

knew the road they were embarking on. It was one he’d travelled for five years. He only

prayed that the end would bring them as much happiness as he’d found.


“Dead,” Loken answered. “The moment I got you away, Kiri used her power to

incinerate him.”

Their mate merely nodded. “Then I have something for you,” Jace whispered.

He and Loken looked to the younger man in confusion. Then they felt it. Slowly at first,

a warm, slow-rolling wave of energy slid over their skin and bathed them in its glow. As the

flow increased, it became possible to distinguish every emotion it contained. Desire, joy,

contentment…but most of all, love. He could tell the moment Jace released his energy and for

the first time, it was utterly devoid of fear.

The blast that hit them was unexpected in its ferocity. It charged through him and

Loken with a force that stole Cyaan’s breath and seized his mind. Like a drowning man, he

desperately reached for a lifeline to keep his head above the raging sea of passion. But that

solid anchor was found in the eye of the storm.

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Together, they clung to Jace as tightly as they dared. In response, the smaller man only

increased his efforts until Cyaan was blind to everything but the two beautiful men that

enveloped him in the safety of their love.

“Don’t ever leave us again,” Loken whispered hoarsely.

“I won’t, Sir. I’m ready for paradise.”

Cyaan’s heart swelled at those simple words. His mate was right. This was their

paradise, and he would stop at nothing to keep it.

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About the Author

I have always been a lover of books, particularly those with the dichotomy of the
strong alpha male and the weaker love of their life whom they must rescue. After
reading all I could find in M/F books, I decided to give M/M fiction a try and my
addiction skyrocketed.

Hot, sexy men times two? No contest. Unfortunately, I was reading faster than the
authors could produce. Eventually, I resorted to imagining my own stories and my
mind took off from there.

I have to admit, though, I am a bit of a recluse. If not for the joy and humour my
husband and four boys bring to me, I would never have ventured this far.


Nikki McCoy loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information,
website and author biography at


Also by Nikki McCoy

Everything That You Are

Keepers of the Gods: Son of Death

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