SHSpec 015X 6106C15 Not Know

6106C15 SHSpec-15X Not-Know

There's a mechanical side and a thought side of boil-off. one is prone
to worry when the PC boils off, but it is only a matter of concern if the
auditor ceases to audit because of it. The mechanical definition of boil-off
is a stuck flow. A lot of stuck flows got parked on the track, and when the
PC hits them, he boils off. Most of the time, when the PC goes unconscious,
if you kept giving the auditing command, the PC would keep on doing it at
about the same speed or a bit slower as when he was awake, because the PC
isn't really unconscious. If he didn't hear you, there's no harm done -- it s
not an implant situation. He comes right through it. The thought definition
of boil off is that it is the accumulated not-know the PC has run on
everybody. Unconsciousness is merely the intensification of not-knowingness.
(You could even run a not-know in the course of being "kind" by not telling
people that they're upsetting or bugging people. They will make enemies who
eventually hit them, surprising them because no one told them they were
messing people up.) Immanuel Kant introduced not-know into philosophy with his
transcendentalism. This killed philosophy until scientology came around. The
Greek philosophies amounted to this: if you couldn't lick them, confuse them
with entertainment and philosophy. This out-creation with philosophy and
entertainment was a very effective means of conquest. Many philosophies have
been mere dramatizations of Prehav levels, relying for their force on bank
agreement. By observing what people underline in books you can see that what
people go for is what agrees with their banks.

One gets into this frame of mind as a result of thinking, "Truth is
merely subjective; there is no broad truth." This is the philosophy of the
only one [solipsism] . Also General Semantics. Then there's Dale Carnegie's
"1.1-ism", which tries to communicate with an unreality. They run a not-know
on people by being nice, and the people sense it, too. Where a reality is not
present, a not-know is substituted for it. An unreality is created whenever
you substitute an unknown for a known. Communism does this well with the iron
curtain. Or take someone who always says, "I'm fine," when you ask, "How are
you?" They're substituting a non-fact for an observable fact, giving you an
unreality that eventually makes then disappear. Curious phenomena will occur
around someone who is doing this: they eventually do disappear. But if
there's a terrific not-know about someone, he persists like mad. For
instance, the monk, Dharma, who lived 10,000 years ago in India formed the
basis for most Indian religions, but nothing is known about him or what he
said. The least-known philosopher is someone whose name we don't even know.
He's influential in the background of Lao-tse, Confucius, and Buddha. He is
held in place by the not-know. This is Dharma, who is not even thought of now
as a person, but as fate.

On a personal level, not-know shows up as boil-off. An extreme
manifestation is unconsciousness; at a lesser level, it's death. Not-know, at
its most extreme, is when a person cannot go unconscious. We call that
insanity. Death is a state of beingness, not an action. Unconsciousness is
lower, well below death. One can get knocked off and go on knowing what is
happening. Insanity is where a person cannot not-know the fifteenth
substitute for reality -- a delusory state. They worry about these things
laying in wait for them. They're in a state of combat with the unknowable.
This can go on the tone scale, on a level of not-know, from serenity about the
unknowable on down. They may seem fairly sane at the top, but they don't know
what it is they don't know about and are looking for. They get down to grief
about not having found out what it is they don't know about. The guy will
also be utterly fixed on the track. If you know what you are unhappy or
bugged about, you are not insane. Merely wondering -- the fact that you can
wonder why -- demonstrates that you are not insane. Knowing this, one won't
be baffled about insanity, for bafflement is just a Q and A with
not-knowingness. The reason one gets worried about the insane case is a Q and
A of trying to find out what the case doesn't know. What he doesn't know is a
not-know. If you can speculate about what you don't know, you will be OK.
You can introduce some sanity into someone who is spinning by getting him to
think of one person who doesn't think he is insane, because you have
introduced a knowingness into his unknowingness. Or you could use one
command, "Look around here and find something which is really real to you."


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