
q: What main study technique does SuperMemo use to make sure you never forget your knowledge?
a: revision (via spaced repetition)

q: How does SuperMemo know when you will forget?
a: by understanding memory and by studying how your memory works

q: How can you make sure that you remember some fact?
a: introduce it to SuperMemo

q: What is the name of a single piece of knowledge stored in SuperMemo?
a: element (displayed in the element window)

q: How can you delete the currently displayed element (in SuperMemo)?
a: (press) Del

q: How can you add a new element to SuperMemo?
a: choose Add New (or press Alt+A)

q: How can you learn the elements stored in SuperMemo?
a: choose Learn (or press Ctrl+L)

q: How can you find answers to all questions asked by users of SuperMemo?
a: see SuperMemo Website ( or SuperMemo Wiki (

q: How can you see the function of a given button in SuperMemo?
a: stop the mouse pointer over the button

q: How can you see the function of a given menu item in SuperMemo?
a: select it and its description will be displayed on the status bar

q: What is the name of a collection of elements in SuperMemo?
a: SuperMemo collection

q: How can you make a copy of a SuperMemo collection?
a: choose File : Copy collection (or press Ctrl+Shift+C)

q: How can you recover a SuperMemo collection in case its files were damaged?
a: run File : Repair collection (or press Ctrl+F12)

q: How can you review your learning material in a SuperMemo collection?
a: choose Learn (or press Ctrl+L)

q: How can you search for a given text in the entire SuperMemo collection?
a: press Ctrl+F (shortcut for Search : Find elements)

q: How can you add a picture to a SuperMemo element?
a: 1. copy the picture to the clipboard, 2. paste the picture with Ctrl+V or Shift+Ins in SuperMemo

q: How can I add a sound component to a SuperMemo element?
a: choose Edit : Add components : Sound

q: How can I make sure that a given look of an element is used each time I choose Add New?
a: use Template : Save as default (after creating a new look)

q: What is incremental reading used for?
a: Reading, and learning, from thousands of articles in parallel (

q: Which stage of the learning process does incremental reading accelerate?
a: comprehension

q: How can I add an article to SuperMemo for incremental reading?
a: 1. copy the article to the clipboard, 2. paste it with Ctrl+N

q: How can I swap the question with the answer?
a: press Ctrl+Shift+S

q: How can you introduce Question of the Day into the learning process in SuperMemo?
a: choose 'Remember'

q: How can you always bring up the Question of the Day dialog?
a: choose Help : Question of the Day

q: What do you need SuperMemo for?
a: to learn fast and remember things for life


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