Em Woods Impossible To Resist

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A Total-E-Bound Publication


Impossible To Resist
ISBN # 978-0-85715-542-9
©Copyright Em Woods 2011
Cover Art by April Martinez ©Copyright May 2011
Edited by Stacey Birkel
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound
Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil
proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,
United Kingdom.

Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature
readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.

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Em Woods

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For my muse, JR Boyd.

You are truly someone I couldn’t resist.

Your pure joy for life inspires and amazes me

and I am so proud to be your friend.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Monster.com: Monster Worldwide, Inc.
Calgon: Ilex Capital
Chrysler: Chrysler Group, LLC
Windows: Microsoft, Inc.
Dumb and Dumber: New Line Cinema
Animal House: Universal Pictures

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Chapter One

“Mr. Sandburg, I can’t do it.” Max Eisner stepped into his boss’ office, closing the door

behind him.

“It’s Miah, Max. And I’m sorry, this is a mandatory team-building exercise.” Jeremiah

Sandburg, one half of the partnership at Sandburg Software, leant back in his chair and

crossed his arms over his chest. Max couldn’t help but notice the concern written on his

supervisor’s handsome face. “You need to be here.”

Max tucked his hands into his pockets to keep Miah from seeing the trembling. He bit

into his lip, tasting the bitterness as he drew blood. Max shook his head. “Please understand.

I can’t stay. There’s…” He trailed off. I’m not humiliating myself.

Miah’s eyes narrowed and honed in on Max’s mouth. Max winced, knowing Miah

wouldn’t have missed the blood. Miah continued to watch Max for what felt like an eternity

before his jaw clenched and he shook his head. He turned back to his computer. “Join

everyone else in the conference room. We’re due to start in ten minutes.”

Max’s stomach dropped to the floor. He backed away from Miah, determined to just

walk right out of the front door. To leave his job, his new friends, and his attractive boss right

here where he’d found them.

But as he put his hand on the knob of Miah’s office door, his boss rose from his chair. “I

think I’ll walk with you.”

Max tried counting to ten but the closer Miah got, the harder it was to remember what

came after six. The straight-cut Armani suit was tailor-made—Max would stake his next pay

cheque on that. And whoever had the pleasure of measuring those inseams on Miah’s solid

frame most definitely would have had put his hands in places Max only dreamt about. It

should be illegal for a man to look that good in a suit. Max sucked in a deep breath as his boss

passed by him.

Miah turned around just before Max could leave the office. He jammed both hands into

his pockets. “Are you okay, Max? Is there something I should know about?”

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Max’s body began to shake and his formerly floor-bound stomach chose that moment to

take off like the flight of a hundred butterflies. Max felt the blood drain from his face and

cold sweat popped out on his forehead. The trembling worsened. Max’s stomach rolled again

and he shoved past Miah, bolting for the bathroom down the hall.


Slapping a hand over his mouth, Max kept running. Footsteps followed his, Miah’s for

sure, but then another set joined them. Geez. An audience? He pushed into the bathroom, and

just managed to make it into the toilet stall before his breakfast made a fast exit from his


The bathroom door banged open and hushed conversation buzzed behind him.

“It wasn’t me.”

Miah’s tone was a bit pleading and if he hadn’t been throwing up, it would have been

amusing. As it was, it annoyed him. “Can I please have some privacy?”

“Max? Are you okay?” Greg, Miah’s brother, spoke from almost directly at Max’s back.

A small squeak of shoes on tile floor and a soft slap preceded another whispered, “What did

you say to him?”

“Nothing,” Miah hissed. “Don’t hit me again.”

Max had had enough. “I’m going home.”

“I’ll drive you,” Miah said.

“No.” Max couldn’t afford to be that close to him. He straightened, wiped his mouth on

a paper towel handed to him from over his shoulder. “The air will do me good anyway.”

Greg and Miah stepped back to let Max get to the sink. Miah was shaking his head,

about to protest, when Greg offered Max the out he needed. “We’ll be in this exercise all day

anyway. Go home, get some rest. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

Max washed his face, dried off, then nodded. “Thanks.” He slipped out of the door

without another glance at Miah.

* * * *

The next morning, Max walked as quickly as the brisk March temperature and crowds

on Woodward Avenue would allow, flinching with each brush of clothing or gust of hot

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breath in his face. Geez. Can’t they just stay the hell back? Even now, months after moving to

Detroit, Max had no idea what he’d been thinking taking this job downtown.

The ad on Monster.com had tugged at him—something about it had pulled him

towards clicking the submit button on his resume. Ten minutes later, a ding from his laptop

had said he had email. And there it had sat.

No preliminary anything. Just the job offer.

Of course, on his first day Max had found out he’d been the only person to apply in

four days, so they’d jumped at the interest, not wanting to lose the one candidate who

desired the job.

Another woman, this one carrying a baby who smacked Max’s cheek with a sucker-

sticky hand, bumped into him. As she moved on, throwing apologies over her shoulder,

Max’s palms began to sweat and he swiped them dry on his jeans. Get a grip. One more block

and he’d be in the lobby of Sandburg Software, and he could slip into his cubicle unnoticed

as usual.

A brute of a man, who had to be at least six inches taller than Max’s own five-nine,

slammed into Max’s shoulder and sent him careening to the sidewalk. He landed with a

jarring crunch, immediately curling in on himself to avoid being stepped on by other people

hurrying on their way. Max’s eyes watered at the pain throbbing in his backside, his

breathing hitched even as he tried to suck more air into his constricted lungs.

Several people offered apologies and excuses as they stepped around him, but no one

slowed to help. Fine by me. He didn’t want anyone touching him anyway. His skin would

buzz for hours at the slightest contact and it was as annoying as hell.

Of course he should have known that someone would stop…there was always one Good


As Max sat catching his breath and waiting for a break to jump back into the flow of

humanity, a pair of warm, firm hands slipped under his arms and hoisted him upright,

sending his pulse into overdrive again. As soon as his feet were flat on the ground, Max

whirled to break the contact…and found himself glaring up into the bluest eyes he’d ever

had the privilege of knowing.

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Though his dreams were no match for the reality of the man, Jeremiah’s eyes always

reminded Max of the lakes near his parents’ Traverse City home in the summertime. Crystal

clear and calm. Inviting.

Max sighed. Of all possible people, it had to be this one of his two bosses.

He took one furtive glance at his rescuer, quickly cataloguing every detail for instant

recall later, when he was blissfully alone. Then, he could conjure the black-haired beauty into

his bedroom for a late-night session. The man was only a couple of inches taller than Max,

not ripped like guys at the gym, but muscular all the same. Tanned… No, olive-toned skin.

No one could keep that kind of colour in this crappy-ass cold.

“Th—thanks,” Max managed to stutter, looking down and trying to pull away, only

managing to cause concern to creep onto Jeremiah’s face. Now he knew what those old

Calgon commercials meant. He needed to get away. Somewhere he could be alone and focus

on his breathing. He needed to get control, damn it.

Jeremiah’s firm grip tightened on Max’s wrist and Max twisted to get away, flailing his

other arm uselessly out to the side, narrowly missing a woman and her coffee cup. “Let me

go.” What he’d intended to be a demand instead came out stilted and pleading, sending heat

rushing to his face and increasing his need to get away.

Propelling Max off to the side of the crowded walkway, Jeremiah kept scarcely an inch

between them. “Are you okay?”

“When you let…” Max trailed off, then took a deep, steadying breath. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine.” His boss’ voice became soft, calm, in control.

Unlike Max.

“When I let go, I want you to stay put.”

Max’s whole body was shaking now, his mouth as dry as dirt in late July. He nodded.

Anything to get that hand off him. Those fingers were branding his skin with each brush of

his boss’ thumb over Max’s pulse, making his cock swell.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Max squashed the familiar longing. Never going to happen.

Distracted by his own thoughts, Max was surprised when he felt nothing but air around

him. And instantly, irrationally, he missed the heat—the intensity—of his rescuer. Max

turned, keeping his gaze down. “I gotta get to work. My boss’ll kill me if I’m late.” He looked

up in time to see the flash of amusement in Jeremiah’s eyes.

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Max couldn’t give in, though. He already knew how that story would end for him.

And it wouldn’t be a happily ever after.

Jeremiah nodded and reached into his shirt pocket, drawing Max’s attention to the fact

the man stood there with no coat, no hat, no gloves…just a dress shirt and slacks. Max

sneaked one more glance, lingering on the tiny, beaded nipples poking against what was no

doubt a silk shirt. He hummed low, licking his lips, even as he stepped further away from the

intoxicating scent of sandalwood cologne.

Max jerked at the sound of deep, rumbling laughter coming from his boss. A tiny smile

curled those lush, kissable lips and Max was struck again, wondering what they felt like,

tasted like. When that mouth parted into a full-blown grin, Max sighed. He was beyond

busted for gawking, and it was ridiculous to pretend otherwise.

A business card appeared in front of Max’s nose, wiggling back and forth. “My

personal cell is on here.”

Max stared at the card, not moving a muscle. “Good for you.”

Jeremiah flicked the card around to tuck it inside Max’s coat pocket. “Call me the next

time you need a knight in shining armour, okay?”

With a nod of his head, Max ducked around the larger man and headed towards their

office without glancing back even once. Probably bad manners—his mama would have

skinned him alive—but too much of him wanted to get away from those blue eyes.

Miah watched Max sprint the last block to work. He sighed. Hell. His first chance to

really talk to Max outside work hadn’t gone at all like he’d planned. Scaring the hell out of

Max was the last thing he’d wanted to do. Pulling the door to the coffee shop open, he

trudged back to his table and his belongings. At least he didn’t have to worry about hiding

an erection this time. He was cold enough to be a block of ice.

A barista stood near the table, keeping watch as requested. Miah dug a ten from his

pocket and thanked the man before packing up his laptop and shrugging into his jacket and

coat. He pushed out of the front door, juggling his to-go coffee and computer bag, and

wondered if Max would ever use his cell phone number. Who am I kidding? The man had

shaken like a leaf in a windstorm when Miah had backed him up to the wall. He could just

imagine Max ditching his business card in the first trash can he walked past.

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Miah kept his chin tucked against the cold wind swirling along the sidewalk and

hurried to the office. It took only a matter of minutes before he was pulling open the heavy

glass door to his family’s software firm.

“About time you got here. Got a live one for you.”

Miah unzipped his coat on his way past his older brother’s office. “Give me a sec.” He

wanted to make sure Max was okay and the only way to do that was to look.

Now, Miah.”

Shaking his head, Miah dumped his gear on his desk chair and went back to see Greg.

“What’s up?”


Miah copped a lean in Greg’s doorway. “That’s all?” His brother should have been able

to take care of that in his sleep.

“Yep. Just a little ol’ bugger attacking the Chrysler Headquarters.”

Miah straightened. “Which worm?”

Greg grinned and Miah knew he’d been reeled in like a fish. “Stuxnet.”

“Really?” Miah relaxed again. “I thought they analysed that and fixed the Windows

exploits with their latest patch?”

“Which hasn’t been installed on the Chrysler mainframe yet.” Greg rubbed his

forehead. “So it’s up to us to help fix it.”

Miah shook his head. “Nope. It’s up to you. I’m on vacation starting tomorrow.”

“I thought you were kidding about that.”

“Huh-uh. And, remember, Max will be on leave too.”

Greg raised his gaze from his computer screen, propped his elbows on the top of his

desk and laced his fingers under his chin. “Does he know that?”

“Know what?” Miah glanced at his watch, feigning innocence. “I couldn’t be sure he’d

take his vacation and I didn’t want to be the reason he didn’t. The guy needs a break.”

“Is it your good looks or your charm that you think will have him leaping into your


Miah grinned. “We’ll see.”

Greg rolled his eyes. “Miah, I know what you’re feeling for him but remember the

team-builder. If you push too hard or too fast, he’ll shut down like a steel trap.”

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Tipping his fingers off his brow in a half-salute, Miah stepped out of Greg’s office,

turning his focus to Max. Slipping down the hall to the main room with the help desk

cubicles, Miah pondered the best way to persuade Max to come to stay with him for a few


“Yes, sir. If you could just make sure the computer is plugged in to the wall, that would

be the first step to turning it on.” Carefully controlled frustration edged Max’s voice.

Miah couldn’t help but smile. Some people were just technologically challenged.

“Okay, now that you’ve done that, push the power button and follow the prompts to

set up your login ID.” Max propped his elbows on the desk, rubbing his temples with two

fingers. Miah could see the stress knotted in the younger man’s shoulders and wanted to

soothe him somehow but Max wouldn’t speak three words to him without being cornered

into it. Touching him wasn’t an option. Yet.

“You’re welcome. Please feel free to call back if you have any further issues.” Max

disconnected the call. “And if there is a God, I will be on vacation.”

“Now that’s no way to talk about our customers.” Miah chuckled.

Max’s back went poker-straight and it was several seconds before he turned around to

face Miah. His meadow-green eyes were rounded and his jaw hung slack. He pushed a lock

of light brown hair out of his face, his brows knitted with worry. “Why are you back here?

You never come out here without a reason.”

Rather than being offended, Miah found himself amused at Max’s outburst. Good. Max

had been too meek and mild over the past few months. It was nice to see some life. “Come to

my office for a moment, please.”

Max’s eyes narrowed but he nodded as he rose from his chair.

Miah stepped into the corridor, waiting for Max to follow, determined to get this right.

“Bring that business card with you.”

Slowly, Max reached for his coat hanging on its hook on the cubicle wall. He dug inside

the pocket, retrieving the small white piece of paper. His gaze flicked down to read it before

meeting Miah’s eyes again.

Miah gestured for Max to precede him and they made their way to Miah’s office.

As soon as the door closed, Max found his voice. “What’s so special about this card?”

“My address is on the back.”

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One eyebrow shot up, and if possible, Max looked offended. He held the card out to

Miah. “I don’t need it.”

“You’ve got two weeks’ vacation starting tomorrow, right?”

He wouldn’t have thought it possible but Max’s face went from pale to crimson in the

span of a heartbeat. “Why?”

“I want you to come stay with me for a couple days. Enjoy the heated pool, stocked bar

and fridge, relax. Maybe have some smoking hot monkey sex while we’re at it.”

“Thought about this much?” Max’s tone was flat, guarded, and he shifted back against

Miah’s door, hand on the door knob.

“I have.” Miah didn’t see any point in lying about it.

Max pressed his lips into a tight white line. His hands started to shake again. “Well, un-

think it.”

Miah watched Max as he fidgeted in place. “Unfortunately that’s not possible.”

“And why’s that?”

Dare I? Miah knew with his next breath he could lose an employee and land a lawsuit in

one fell swoop.

“Why. Is. That?” Frustration laced Max’s words.

Stepping close, but still leaving Max room, Miah lowered his voice so that only Max

could hear. “Because I’ve imagined you ten different ways bent over my desk with my cock

sliding into your ass. Because whatever room I’m in at home, I can see you there too.”

Max jerked, panic warring with desire on his face. “Get away from me.”

A loud knock at the door startled them both. Greg’s voice rang through the wood panel.

“I need my tech back, Miah.”

Max opened the door while Miah leaned one shoulder against the wall. He crossed one

foot over the other and simply stared at his older brother.

Greg let out a surprised laugh as he looked from one to the other. “I’m just going to

remind the pair of you that even though this is a family-run business, we still have sexual

harassment policies that no one is exempt from.”

Miah groaned. It wasn’t often that he wanted something as badly as he wanted Max—

never had he wanted a lover like this. “Give us a few minutes, will ya?”

“You’ve got five minutes and then he needs to get back to work.”

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Max waved his hands in the air between them. “We don’t even need that long. We’re

done.” The pointed look he gave Miah should have warned him away.

“Thanks, Greg.” Miah ignored Max’s comment and continued to watch as Greg spun on

his heel and disappeared towards his own office, whistling as he went. Miah reached out and

closed the door again before turning his gaze back to Max. “Now, you’ve been entirely too

stressed out. The tension in you radiates in waves.”


“I want you to relax.” Miah held up his hand when Max began to protest.

Max closed his mouth but the stubbornness didn’t leave his eyes.

“My house is on the lake not far from here. Come relax away from everyone. Get laid.”

Miah clamped down on the groan that welled up in his throat. Where’s that legendary charm

Greg is always teasing you about?

“I can do that at my place.” Max picked at the baggy blue sweater he wore.

Miah had to push down the wave of jealousy that rocked his stomach. Max wasn’t

his…yet. “My address is on the back of the card if you change your mind.”

“I won’t.”

Miah grinned at him, enjoying the flush creeping up Max’s neck. He pushed off the

wall and leaned in close, not stopping until he was next to Max’s ear. He skimmed a hand

down Max’s arm, linking their fingers together. He squeezed once, then let go. “We’ll see.”

* * * *

Max glanced at the time on his computer. Six o’clock. He let out a long breath. Greg had

stopped by not long after Miah had walked away and made it clear that if Miah was

bothering Max, Greg would kick Miah out of the office in two seconds flat.

Two weeks. Max blew a breath out. What was he going to do for that long without work

to fill his days? Miah’s offer came to mind but Max pushed it away. He knew there were long

strings attached to that proposal, ones he wasn’t ready to indulge.

He closed his eyes, dropping his head forwards onto the desk. God, he wished he could

indulge them. There wasn’t anyone who turned him on more than the man who had stood in

his cube today, telling him he needed to take time off.

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Max’s cock hardened at the thought of Miah being in control, of Miah dictating each

move he made. Of Miah giving him a respite from thinking about anything but Miah. He

groaned. Of course there was the little detail of his stupid hang-up.

God, he wished he’d never met Eddie. The guy had been so fucking touchy-feely that

Max should have known something was up with him. When Max had tried to end it, the

idiot had cracked like a cheap vase. Max shuddered, remembering with too much clarity

why he kept his distance from everyone.

Being held hostage for three days had that effect on a guy.

It made it hard to want to get close again.

Max sucked in a deep breath and straightened his shoulders. He looked at the clock

again. Six-fifteen. Shit. He needed to get out of there. After dark, these streets weren’t the

safest and he had a pretty decent walk to the bus stop.

He powered down his PC and slung his coat over his shoulders. One final look around

confirmed he had filed all his paperwork and didn’t have any further excuse to hang around.

He waved to the second shift workers and headed out of the office.

Frigid air greeted him outside and Max scrunched his shoulders in an effort to retain

the body heat he’d built up during the day. He was so focussed on putting one foot in front

of the other, he didn’t notice until it was too late that two other men had fallen into step

beside him.

Oh fuck.

The lanky bastard to the left of him dropped an arm onto Max’s shoulder. “How’s it

going, mate?”

“Fine.” Max picked up the pace, shrugging off the offending hand.

A shorter, squat man on his right laughed and snagged the back of his coat, pulling

Max to a stop. “You in a rush, friend?”

“As a matter of fact…” Max trailed off as he glimpsed a flash of silver from Lanky


“How about you help a poor boy out? Hand over your money.” Squat Man poked him

in the side.

Everyone has to fucking touch. Jesus.

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Max reached a trembling hand cautiously into his hip pocket, not wanting to set them

off, and pulled out his wallet. His breathing hitched when another flick of Lanky Bastard’s

wrist reflected streetlight off the blade of the knife he carried. Max’s hands shook and he

couldn’t catch his breath but a deep, welling anger curled in his belly at being made a victim

again. Damn it. Do I have a fucking bull’s eye on my forehead?

“Here.” Max thrust every penny he had on him towards the two.

Squat Man giggled, actually fucking giggled. “Wonder what else he’s got on ’im?”

Lanky Bastard stepped up next to Max, looking him up and down. It was all Max could

do to stand still as his stomach pitched, both from the man’s nearness and from the stench

emanating from him. Smiling, Lanky Bastard rolled the knife between his fingers, showing

off his talent with a blade. “Think he’ll fight us, Sammy?”

The other man hissed. “Don’t say my fucking name, Andrew.”

Max couldn’t believe the version of Dumb and Dumber playing out before him. He took a

step back, hoping to gain some space while they were distracted.

No such luck.

The cool press of steel to his neck froze Max in his tracks.

“One more step and I’ll make sure you don’t see tomorrow.” The light in Andrew’s

eyes said he would enjoy that far too much.

Max struggled to breathe, his mind blank as he tried to fight his way out of the panic.

“My, my. Such harsh threats.” A deep rumbling voice came from Max’s back.

He didn’t need to see the man to know who it belonged to. Miah. Max wasn’t sure

whether he should be grateful or humiliated by his boss’ sudden appearance at this

particular moment.

Andrew cocked his head. “Who the fuck are you?”

“Well, Andrew, no one you know yet. But it can be arranged for you to become

intimately familiar with my lesser-known skills.” Miah’s tone chilled in those few words,

dipping colder than the frigid weather around them.

Sammy evidently got the message loud and clear. He raised his hands in surrender and

began backing away. “No reason to get ugly, mister. We’ll just be going on our way.” He

tugged his friend along with him, and they disappeared around the corner.

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Max pointed after them, heaving air into his deprived lungs. “You’re just letting them

get away? They’ve got my wallet.”

“Nope.” Miah moved next to him, not touching but close enough that Max could feel

the heat radiating from his body. “A couple of my old force buddies are just around that side

waiting for them. Those two have apparently been operating in the area for a while and they

wanted to catch some of it on tape. We’ll get your wallet back in no time.”

Max nodded, his previous anger igniting again. “What if something had gone wrong?”

His voice rose until he was yelling at Miah. His entire body shook and for the umpteenth

time since he’d stepped out of the house this morning, his breathing wouldn’t work. Max

stumbled backwards, reaching a hand out to steady himself on the building next to them.

Miah caught him up in his arms, cradling him against his chest.

“No chance, honey.” Sure, confident. In control.

Max’s body revolted against the happenings of the last few minutes with the addition

of Miah’s touch in such a short span of time. His trembling turned into convulsions. Miah

tightened his grip, murmuring soft words in his ear to calm him as he carried Max to his car.

Once he was settled inside and buckled, Miah closed the door and rounded the front of the

car. He lifted a hand to someone before climbing into the driver’s seat.

“Where do you live?”

Max rolled his head to look at Miah. “You don’t know?”

Miah sighed. “How the hell would I know where you live?”

“Schoenherr and Nine Mile.” Max figured Miah would have found out by now by

looking at his file.

“How do you get to work?”

Max shrugged. “The bus.”

Miah mumbled under his breath but Max was too tired to work out the words. The

stress of the situation finally overwhelmed him and he tumbled into the darkness of sleep.

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Chapter Two

Miah sank into his chair in front of his fireplace, watching the flames dance in the iron

grate. Finally, now that Max was sleeping in his guest room, Miah’s nerves had settled. He’d

called Greg to get Max’s address. Explaining what had happened took longer than he’d liked

but the drive to the small apartment went quickly enough.

Max hadn’t even budged when Miah had fished Max’s house keys from his pocket.

Good thing Max’s last name was on his mailbox. Better that he needn’t awaken the

superintendent. He’d scooped up Max’s toothbrush and selected some clothes, locked back

up, and driven Max to his house.

He knew Max wouldn’t be happy about it. It had become clear that Max was not the

typical guy. Miah snorted. Max didn’t do hook-ups…and he didn’t do relationships either,

from the look of things. Which left a whole lot of nothing in between for Miah to work with.

The man had spine in abundance but something had him skittish. Miah hoped Max

would at least give him a chance, but odds were the man would hightail it out of Miah’s

house at the first opportunity.

A light shuffling caught his attention a moment before he heard Max whisper, “How

long have I been out?”

“Couple hours.” Miah didn’t move, keeping his eyes trained on the fire.

“Not bad. Usually I’m out for at least a day.”

Every protective urge Miah possessed stirred at that flat statement. Keeping his voice

low, not wanting to alarm Max or make him feel trapped here, Miah prompted, “Happened

before, then?”

“Once or twice.”

Miah waved a hand towards the sofa. “Have a seat.”

Max padded quietly to the overstuffed burgundy couch and settled into the spot

furthest from Miah. He curled into a tight ball and rested his head on the arm. Miah shifted

his gaze to Max and found him staring back. His soft green eyes, normally a pale shade of

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meadow grass, seemed a deep emerald. A mop of wavy brown hair fell across his forehead

and fanned out over the soft fabric he lay upon.

God, I wish I could touch him, hold himkiss him.

Miah curled his fingers into the plush leather of his chair, an action that did not go

unnoticed by Max. His eyes flicked down, then back up to meet Miah’s gaze. “I should go.”

“You need to rest.”

Max watched him carefully. “There were strings attached to your offer.”

“Not anymore.” Miah leant forwards, resting his forearms on his knees, concentrating

on the fire again. He felt like such an ass. He didn’t usually resort to the caveman routine.

But something in Max brought out the clumsiness in Miah. He sighed. “There shouldn’t have

been to begin with.”

“No, there shouldn’t.”

Miah laughed. “Don’t hesitate to agree with me, honey.”

“Why do you call me that?” Max shifted down on the couch, pulling a blanket down

from the back.

“It’s how I think of you.”

Max raised one eyebrow and Miah laughed again.

“Honey—thick, smooth, slightly bitter with a sweet aftertaste. That’s you.” God, just

explaining it aloud had Miah growing hard. His pulse raced at the thought of being allowed

to play with Max the way he wanted.

Green eyes met blue for one long moment, then Max smiled. “I like that description.”

Miah shrugged one shoulder. “Suits you.”

Max snuggled deeper into the corner, more relaxed than Miah had ever seen him. A

piece of Miah eased too. He hadn’t realised how tightly he’d been wound while waiting for

Max’s reaction.

They sat in silence, content to just be for now. Miah leant back into the comfort of his

chair, angling his head to watch Max, who was almost asleep again. His eyes were drifting

shut and one foot rubbed the edge of the sofa. He was compact in a way that made Miah’s

cock twitch with interest but he quashed it immediately. The last thing Max needed was a

horny asshole trying to dive down his pants.

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A clear visual of sucking Max’s cock down his throat sprang up in front of Miah and he

groaned, shifting to accommodate his persistent erection.

“You okay?”

Miah closed his eyes, breathed deeply. “Fine.”


“True.” Miah looked at Max, let the desire for the younger man blaze in his eyes.

Max sucked in a gasp. “Why aren’t you doing something about it?”

“It might be true that I want you, that I want to fuck you, but you don’t want me. That

alone makes it a ‘never going to happen’ thing.”

“Who said I don’t want you?”

Miah stared hard at Max. “You shake every time I get close to you. Do you honestly

think I miss that?”

“I shake when anyone gets near me,” Max mumbled, his gaze glued to the floor. “It’s

how I am. Scared. All the fucking time.”


Max shook his head. “Isn’t there another way?”

Changing the subject. Miah watched him before answering. “To do what?” The

determination in Max’s gaze when he met Miah’s eyes stole his heart. Holy mother of God. I’m

in trouble.

“To be together…but not…together.” The words sounded like they were pried from

Max’s lips with a crowbar but Miah wasn’t going to let him take them back.

Miah nodded. “Are you sure?”


Solid. That’s the only way Miah could describe the answer. Max wanted whatever Miah

could give him.

Standing, Miah gestured for Max to follow him. He led the way to his room, motioning

Max ahead of him. He closed the door, dimmed the lights, and gave Max a small nudge to

the small of his back. Max took a couple of steps and stopped at the headboard of the bed to

spin in a circle, assessing the room. Miah glanced around, seeing the warm vanilla and

cinnamon colours, the rich oak wood of the dresser and king-size bed as if for the first time.

Will Max like it here?

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“Miah, this is beautiful.”

Inordinately pleased, Miah propped a pillow against the headboard. “Sit.”

“Shouldn’t I get naked or something?”

“Or something.” Miah moved deliberately around to the foot of the bed, away from the

temptation of touching Max. “Whatever makes you comfortable.” He tugged his own shirt

over his head, dropping it to the floor. Keeping a close eye on Max, he reached for the button

on his slacks.

Max’s gaze was riveted to every move Miah made.

With a flick of his fingers, Miah undid his pants. A quick slide of the zipper and a

shimmy of his hips had the Egyptian cotton pooled at his feet. His cock stood proud,

reaching towards Max like it could lead Miah to the other man simply by pointing the way.

Max grasped the nightstand. “Holy shit.”

Miah grinned. He knew, from this moment on, any time Max looked at him, he would

be thinking of this. Nothing separated them except a simple layer of fabric.

Snagging the second pillow on the bed, Miah settled with his back to the footboard. He

didn’t dare touch himself yet. Not until Max was facing him, watching every movement,

copying it for Miah to see. “Sit.”

Max collapsed on the edge of the bed as if his knees wouldn’t hold him another second.

“Get comfortable, honey.”

Max tugged his T-shirt off but left his pants on as he stretched his legs out on the

mattress. His feet were already bare from Miah making him comfortable earlier. Miah held in

a smile at that. It’s bad, pal, when you think his feet are sexy.

Miah drew one leg up, letting his knee drop to the side, giving Max a clear view of his

leaking cock and heavy balls. He propped his other foot flat on the mattress to give him

leverage, using it to rock his hips slightly. Wrapping a hand around his dick, Miah moaned

at the delicious pressure, imagining it to be Max’s hand gliding along the stiff length.

He met Max’s gaze, the stormy twins of want and fear churning those green eyes into

deep, bottomless oceans of emotion as they stared at each other. Miah’s breath caught and

his hand quickened, squeezing his cock, his hips thrusting upwards with each stroke down.

Holy fuck.

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Max couldn’t believe his sexy-as-sin boss was jacking off in front of him, for him. He

wanted it to go on forever, yet he wanted it to end. He watched as Miah neared the edge of


His own cock throbbed, begging for attention, but he ignored it. He didn’t want to miss

a moment of what Miah was doing. The other man’s hand glided over his swollen prick,

stealing the precum that leaked out of his slit to naturally ease the friction of skin on skin.

Slim fingers in a firm grip slid over Miah’s cock, each stroke of his shaft drawing a

moan from Miah as he fucked his hand for Max. Miah’s other hand slid to cup his balls,

tugging lightly, rolling them between his fingers. Soon Max’s hips moved in time with

Miah’s strokes, the fabric of his own pants rubbing his cock, creating frustration. Max

whimpered low before finally giving in and pulling his prick from its cloth prison.

He matched his movements to Miah’s, his gaze firmly attached to Miah’s cock as he

imagined sucking that thick shaft into his mouth, feeling the throbbing flesh on his tongue,

tasting the tang of Miah’s cum in his throat. He moaned deep in his chest, licked his lips and

arched his back as his balls drew up tight to his body. His eyes slammed shut as he bowed

into the orgasm erupting from his cock in thick, milky ribbons.

Somewhere far away he heard Miah cry out and knew the other man had reached his

own climax. A vague sense of disappointment lurked at the fuzzy edges of his mind that

he’d missed the final moment of ecstasy for Miah, but it couldn’t work its way into the happy

haze of contentment that he’d finally been shown a way to be intimate with a lover.

The bed dipped slightly beside him and he heard Miah whisper something, but he

couldn’t get his ears to work yet. The next moment, though, fixed that. A coarse, wet tongue

slid along his skin, lapping at the cum pooled on his belly. Max’s eyes flew open to see Miah

bent over him, careful not to touch other than to lick at him.

Gone was the perfectly groomed boss and in his place was the lover Max dreamt of,

kneeling beside him, dark hair mussed.

Expecting the irritation and the burn that always came when someone touched him,

Max tensed. But unlike every other moment in his life since Eddie, all Max felt was the

delicious slide of Miah’s tongue bathing him. His cock twitched with renewed interest and

Miah chuckled, his warm breath gusting over Max’s stomach.

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Max moaned and flexed his hips, brushing the tip of his cock against Miah’s cheek. The

rush of painting Miah’s face with his cum hardened his prick painfully. “Please.” He didn’t

know what he wanted, but something had to happen soon.

Then Miah shifted.

And Max’s world shattered.

Miah wrapped his lips around the head of Max’s cock and slid down the hard length as

if he’d been born to do it.

Max bucked his hips, thrusting his cock deep into Miah’s throat. The heat wrapped

around his throbbing shaft became the focus of his being, every nerve zinging with fire as

Miah swirled his lips and tongue around him.

Miah hummed lightly and the vibration was all Max needed to send him flying again,

spilling into Miah’s mouth, yelling his name.

Max lay panting, trying to get his breath and his balance back. What the fuck just

happened? Well, besides the obvious. He opened his eyes, watching his softening cock slide

from between those beautiful lips. He grinned at the scene—his pants open and pushed

aside, a naked Miah crouched over him watching his every move. “Wow.”

Miah’s face relaxed and he stretched out beside him. “Yeah. Wow just about covers it.”

Something in Max loosened, and he knew in the light of day it would scare the shit out

of him. “It’s been over six years since I’ve done anything like that.”

“I’m sorry.”

Max shoved his pants the rest of the way off and slid under the thick down comforter.

“For what? Sucking me off?”

“For whatever happened to you.”

“Not yours to apologise for.” Max snuggled into the pillow that smelt like Miah—

musky, woodsy, sleepy.

Max felt the bed dip as Miah joined him under the covers. “Maybe not, honey, but

still…” Miah’s voice trailed off and soft snores took its place.

Max listened for a while, watched the minutes tick off on the bedside alarm clock. He

wanted to remember every detail of this night. Tomorrow whatever had got into him,

whatever had allowed Miah close, would be gone.

As sleep tugged him under, he wished that weren’t true.

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* * * *

Sunlight streaming in at the window pulled Miah from his sleep. He squeezed his eyes

closed, trying to shut out the bright light threatening to whisk away his dreams. A soft sigh

from the other side of the bed brought him a smile.


He breathed a sigh of relief. Not a dream.

Slowly, Miah cracked his eyes open, relaxing when he could see Max’s face, peaceful as

he slept. Miah slid his hand across the cool expanse of cotton sheet and smoothed his fingers

along Max’s wrist. The pulse beating there was steady and strong. Like the man. Whatever

Max had been through, he’d done what he needed to survive it. Miah tucked his hand into

Max’s, smiling again when Max’s fingers instinctively closed around him.

Miah let his eyes drift shut, enjoying the extra warmth from Max’s body. Just as he slid

back into sleep, the shrill ring of his cell phone jerked him back awake and sent Max

scrambling to the floor. The hard impact made Miah wince empathetically. Miah let the

phone continue to ring until it went to voicemail as he shifted across the mattress to stare

down at Max from the edge of the bed.

Max glared up at him and Miah stifled a laugh. “You okay?”

“My ass hurts.”

Miah leered at him. “C’mon back to bed and I’ll make it feel better.”

Rolling his eyes, Max shook his head. “Perv.”

“Your point?”

“Obviously I have no point.” Max pushed off the floor. “You didn’t answer your


“Of course not. I’m on vacation.”

Max lifted an eyebrow. “You’re on vacation too?”

“What? Did you think you’d be like my rent boy, waiting for me to get home at night?”

Miah sniffed as he sat up, the sheet wrapped around his hips. He scanned down Max’s lean

body, noting several scars he hadn’t seen in the dim light last night. He lifted his chin in

Max’s direction. “Where’d you get those?”

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Miah watched as Max’s very nature went into lock-down mode. His face blanked, his

posture stiffened, and the rising erection disappeared in a blink. Max didn’t try and leave

though. Probably because he didn’t know where his clothes were, Miah thought. Moving

slowly enough to hopefully prevent spooking Max, Miah untangled the sheet from his legs.

Miah pointed out a two-inch-long, thin, silvery-white scar down the inside of his own

right leg. “Cut it on a glass window pane climbing out of Billy’s bedroom my senior year of

high school.”

A short giggle kept Miah talking.

“This one—” He tapped on a thicker scar running along his waist. “—appendix out

when I ten.”

A low snort from Max urged him on.

Miah pointed to a small scar the size of a nickel on his left side. “Shot in Iraq trying to

help three kids from a burning house.” Finally, he smoothed his fingers over a jagged one-

inch scar on his shoulder. “Stabbed by an ex-boyfriend when I was twenty-three. I got lucky.

We were both Navy Seals. The bastard should have been able to kill me.”

Max stood and walked to Miah, mixing his fingers with Miah’s over the puckered skin.

“He didn’t want to kill you, just to hurt you like you’d hurt him.”

Nodding, Miah remained silent.

Max hooked Miah’s fingers and moved them to his skin, sliding them over a series of

circular marks. “That’s what Eddie said when he did these. I hated that he smoked in the

house and would make him go out on the balcony. He said now I would have a real reason

to hate cigarettes.”

Miah hissed in a breath, barely able to tamp down the anger that bubbled up. Max

turned their fingers to a group of short slices, in a lattice pattern. He laughed, dry,

humourless. “He said I hated his fucking flowers.”

I hate his fucking flowers.”

Max squeezed Miah’s fingers before sliding them to an ‘X’ over his heart. Miah’s own

heart began to pound. These scars were shallow, just deep enough to leave a mark. Max took

a quick breath. “He said I stole his heart and then threw it away. He just wanted me to know

that, at any time, he could have mine.”

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“Oh my God.” Miah was trembling with the effort to remain calm. “How long did it

take him to do this to you?”

“The rest of the bruises and cuts healed long ago, Miah. But he was constantly touching

me, constantly prodding me, fucking me…” Max shuddered. “Three days. That’s how long

he kept me in the apartment. Finally, he got tired of his game and just walked out.”

“What happened to him?”

“Nothing. I filed a police report and went to the hospital. They took pictures and started

an investigation.” Max shrugged, then pulled away. He searched the ground until he found a

shirt—Miah’s—to tug over himself. “Eddie had moved on, though. They couldn’t find him.”

“Mmm.” With effort, Miah tucked away the side of himself that could, and would, take

care of Eddie. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He hooked Max’s wrist as Max

passed by. “Come lay down. There’s no place you have to be, right?”

Max peeled Miah’s fingers from his skin. “One of the things I still have a long-standing

problem with is that I can’t stand to be touched. I’ve gotten over a lot of the emotional

baggage, but that one thing lingers. It isn’t how I want it, and last night was a huge step in

the right direction, but… I need to do something for a while. Doesn’t matter what.


“Okay. Let’s hit Greektown.” Miah stood, crossed to his closet and pulled out a pair of

jeans and Henley shirt. “We can eat at the Pegasus—best Greek food around. Hit the casino.

Whatever you want.”

Max walked to Miah, touched his arm. “Sounds good. Thank you.”

Miah turned to face Max. “When you’re ready for more, you tell me. I won’t push you.

But don’t think that means I won’t be here to help you. If I think you need something, I’ll get

it or do it. You’ll need to accept that.”

“I’m okay with that.”

Miah nodded once. “I picked up clothes from your place last night. They’re in the

dresser of the guest room.” He hardly had the words out of his mouth and Max was scooting

out of the door with a ‘back in a minute’ thrown over his shoulder. Miah glanced down at his

still-hard cock.

Patience is a virtue, right?

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Chapter Three

Max knew he’d blown past exhausted an hour ago, but he didn’t want to miss riding

the People Mover. The thing was rickety at best, crowded, and smelt a bit like something he

didn’t want to name, but it was one of the staples of downtown Detroit. “Just one time


“You have circles under your eyes,” Miah pointed out. “We’ve already been to the art

galleries, to Hockeytown, to Hart Plaza, and shopped the stores along the way. Do you really

need to do this?”

“Just once.”

“We live here. You know we can come back tomorrow,” Miah said as he exchanged a

dollar bill for tokens. They deposited their money in the turnstiles and took the few steps to

the landing.

Max sighed and leant into Miah’s arm. “I know, but tomorrow I figured we’d just stay

home.” The muscles in Miah’s arm tensed, and Max registered exactly what he’d said. “I

mean, we’d stay at your house.”

Miah lifted his hand to tuck a fly-away strand of Max’s hair behind his ear, only barely

skimming his fingers along Max’s face. “You had it right the first time, honey. We’ll take

your ride then head home.”

Max relaxed again. “Thanks.”

The sound of squealing brakes preceded the railway car as it slid into the station.

People on the platform moved aside to let those disembarking get out before they crowded

into the seats now open. Max led Miah to the rear of the train car and found two seats in the

corner just as the People Mover pulled away.

Miah sat with his back to the rear wall and Max snuggled in close, feeling warm and

comfortable, and for once unwilling to let his mind take over. I want this. And he was going

to take it for as long as he could get it. His eyes drifted shut as Miah’s warmth and the steady

rhythm of the Mover lulled him into sleep.

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The next thing he knew, Miah was shaking him lightly. “Okay sleepyhead, we’ve gone

around twice, can we head home now?”

Max rolled his neck. The popping and stretching felt wonderful. “M’kay.” He looked

out at the darkness and apprehension set in. “What time is it?”


“We’re close to the car, right?”

Miah hooked his chin with one finger and turned him to look into his eyes. “Nothing is

going to happen to you again. I won’t let it.”

Max wanted to believe him, but life happened. Hell, that’s how he’d got in this mess to

begin with. He could only nod.

Miah sighed. “I know. It’ll take time.”

That’s when Max realised that Miah was speaking as if they were a couple. As if they

had time. Not wanting to point out the obvious flaw, that Miah would eventually get tired of

waiting for him, Max just let it drop. “The car?”

“Right around the corner from our stop.”

Max stood as the train pulled into the station, Miah alongside him, his presence

imposing enough that people simply moved out of their way. Well, there’s a perk, Max


Miah didn’t speak again until he pulled the car into his garage. Shifting into park, he hit

the button to close the garage and popped his driver’s door open. “Are you hungry again?”

Max moaned, rubbing his stomach. “God, no. The Pegasus was amazing. I’m still full.

Don’t even tell me you’re hungry again.”

Miah chuckled, shaking his head. “No, just checking before we get settled.” He

unlocked the door and stepped slowly back to let Max lead the way.

“Nope. I just want to kick back with a good movie.” Max cut through the kitchen, a low

light turning on as he passed the sink. He flinched a bit in surprise which earned him a laugh

from Miah.

“Sorry. I have sensors on some of the lights in the house. I tripped over the coffee table

one night and almost broke my leg. From that moment on, sensor lights. Best invention


Max chuckled. “Well, now that I know to expect it, I agree. Where are the others?”

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“Living room side table and master bathroom are the other two.”

“Got it.” Max went to the living room, glad for the automatic light in the large room. He

stopped at the DVDs, shuffled through the selection until he found Animal House and headed

up the stairs with Miah following cautiously behind.

He waited until the bedroom to say anything. “Why are you so quiet?”

“Hmm?” Miah perked up when Max spoke. “What do you mean?”

“Please. You’ve talked my ear off all day, and now you’ve gone silent.”

Miah shrugged. “Just thinking.”

“Tired of me already?” Max was half-joking but still half-serious. He grinned a bit to

take the edge off his words but he never expected the fire that lit in Miah’s eyes.

Miah marched over to Max, snatched the video from his hand and tossed it onto the

dresser. “Okay. We need to straighten a couple things out now. Because that isn’t something

I much care to joke about…ever.”

Max swallowed hard, nodded.

“First, I’m not going to grow tired of you. It just isn’t going to happen. I’ve waited for

you to get used to me at work for months before I made a move. I got to know you. I like the

person I’ve grown to call my friend. And the man who is now my lover—you—I love. You

are smart, sexy, and just plain amazing. Even though you’ve been through hell and back, you

still manage to treat other people with care and respect until they give you reason to change

that.” Miah took a deep breath while Max simply blinked at him. “I don’t know why you’ve

chosen me to relax with, to allow into your world, but I’m not going to second-guess it, and

I’m damn sure not going to let you take it back.”

He loves me? Max knew there was more to this conversation, but he’d become fascinated

by that one little detail. Miah continued to talk, but Max was only half listening. He’d dreamt

of Miah since the day he’d hired him. Every new outfit the man bought added to Max’s

repertoire of fantasies, every time Miah let his hair grow a little longer—like it was right

now—he’d imagine tangling his fingers in it as he fed his cock through those perfect lips…

Fingers snapped in front of his face. “Hey. You in there?”

Max shook his head to clear out the last of the lingering images of Miah naked, which

were now amazingly detailed thanks to the last two days. “I’m here.”

“Are you okay? You look a little shaken.”

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“You love me?”

Miah stared at him like he’d sprouted horns.

Max cleared his throat. “You said—”

“Yes.” Miah spoke at the same time Max did. He lifted his hands to cup Max’s face,

smoothing his thumbs over his lips. “I shouldn’t have blurted that out like I did. You deserve

some finesse after all. But, yes, I love you.”

“Until today, I hadn’t let myself even believe I could go there again.” Max shivered

under Miah’s touch, marvelling at the desire—not dread—his touch evoked as Max pressed

his cheek into the warmth of Miah’s palm. “But I want to try. Can we do that?”


“Can we start trying right now?” Max pressed close to Miah, rubbing his erection

against Miah’s thigh. “I have this problem, boss man…”

Miah grunted, rocking his hips forwards to meet Max in the middle. “Let’s go slow and

if you want me to stop, you just say so.”

Max smiled. “Slow it is.”

Miah slid his hands into Max’s hair, massaging tiny circles with his fingertips. “But first

things first.”

“What’s that?” Max was already losing his focus. Holy wow.

Miah’s lips settled on Max’s—soft, seeking and persistent. He licked along the seam of

Max’s mouth, all the while grinding their hips together.

Max moaned, parting his lips to allow Miah inside, certain that a first kiss had never

been this good. And when Miah’s tongue swept through his mouth in search of his own, Max

thought for sure he’d died and gone to heaven. Miah tasted like the red wine he’d drunk

with their meal, laced with the freshness of an after-dinner mint.

Miah deepened the kiss, inviting Max to play, darting his tongue in to tease Max before

retreating. He quickly picked up the game and dipped into Miah’s mouth—searching,

learning, discovering what pleased Miah best.

Little moans and whimpers escaped with each gasp of breath as they stumbled

backwards to the bed. Tumbling down, Miah landed first, giving Max the benefit of

straddling Miah’s hips while they lengthened the kiss.

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Max ground his cock into Miah, his slit leaking precum like he was a teenage boy again.

His movements grew frantic until Miah settled his hands on Max’s hips, preventing him

from moving. Max broke the kiss. “Don’t stop. God, please don’t stop.”

“One more push on my dick like that and I’m going to come in my jeans,” Miah panted,

trying to catch his breath. “I’d like to last a little longer than three minutes.”

“Killjoy,” Max teased.

Miah flipped them over and stripped Max from his clothes in several hasty pulls. “You

calling names?” He pinned Max’s hands to the bed.

Max instantly went still. He tried to stop the panic but it was impossible. The trembling

started again as his breath hitched and tears welled in his eyes.

Miah released him instantly. He shook his head. “Not me, honey.” He snapped his

fingers in front of Max’s nose again. “Come back to me.”

Max stared at him, breathing hard, shaking and barely hearing a word he said. He

could still feel the pressure on his wrists, the weight pinning him down.

“No.” Miah raised his voice. “You don’t belong to him anymore.”

Max blinked.

“I will never tie you down.” Miah came nose to nose with Max. “You wanna know


Slowly, Max nodded.

“Because when I tell you to leave your hands where they are, you’ll do it because you

want to. Not because you don’t have a choice.” Miah pressed a hard kiss to Max’s lips. “Do

you want me to stop?”

Taking a shaky breath, Max shook his head. He was pretty certain he needed to get

through this or they would never get past it. Or at least, that’s what his last therapist had

said. Right before he stopped going to see her. I’m thinking she maybe had a point.

Miah eased off him, removed his own clothing. “I think we’re going to do this


Max eyed Miah, standing naked with his cock curving tall against his belly, leaving wet

marks of arousal on his skin with each step forwards. Max’s own prick hardened again,

arching up from his hips.

Miah patted Max’s knee. “You’re gonna be on top.”

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“Oh no.” Max found his voice just in time.

“Yes.” Miah lay down on the opposite side of the bed, and Max could see he wasn’t the

only one with a stubborn streak.

It took what felt like forever to work up the courage to kneel beside Miah, but Max

managed it. And he felt proud. He used that pride to spur himself onwards. Leaning over

Miah, he licked at the trail of precum across Miah’s skin, revelling when Miah arched up into

his touch. He put a hand to either side of Miah’s hips and pressed him flat before continuing

to explore the man’s body.

He buried his nose in the soft skin at the crease of Miah’s leg where it met his groin,

inhaling deep the woodsy scent that would always be Max’s own special aphrodisiac. His

cock throbbed with neglect, dripping onto the sheet until Miah snaked a hand under him to

collect the creamy liquid from his prick, sucking his finger clean and going back for more.

Max moaned as Miah caught his cock in a tight grip and began stroking him with a

steady, firm hand. He thrust forwards, forgetting where he was until Miah pushed his prick

against his cheek. He turned slightly and licked his way up Miah’s cock, not stopping for a

moment when he reached the head. Max wrapped his lips around the heated skin and

swirled his tongue into the weeping slit.

Miah thrust into Max’s mouth but Max curled his hand around the base of Miah’s dick

and took his time, licking and sucking like Miah was his favourite lollipop.

Of course that came with penalties, because soon Miah was exacting his revenge by

letting his fingers wander down to Max’s balls, tugging and massaging the over-sensitised

nuggets until Max was ready to scream in frustration.

Max looked into the sky-blue eyes of his lover and sank his mouth over Miah’s cock

with one smooth motion.

Miah went wild.

He bucked his hips, releasing Max’s cock to grip his hair, holding him steady as Miah

fucked his mouth. Just when Max felt Miah’s balls draw tight, he circled the base of Miah’s

prick, squeezing enough to shut down Miah’s orgasm. Max pressed against Miah’s grip and

his lover let him slide off his shaft.

Miah sucked in breath after breath, trying to calm himself.

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Max kissed his way up Miah’s body, loving the tiny sighs and shifts that indicated what

he liked most. When he reached Miah’s lips, he sipped at them, watching those pretty eyes

glaze over with desire. “I wanna fuck.”

Miah jerked at the unexpected words.

“But I don’t want to be on top. I’m not a top, and I’m not going to start now.”

“Just a bossy bottom then?”

Miah’s words were rusty but Max recognised the tease. He smiled. “Something like


They wrestled a bit before settling with Max on his back and Miah sprawled between

his legs with his face at Max’s crotch. He nuzzled Max’s balls, his hot breath sending tingles

along Max’s nerves. He clenched his fists in the sheets and begged silently for more.

Miah went right for the gusto, licking along the smoothest skin between Max’s balls and

his ass. And he didn’t ask permission before flattening his tongue to the puckered hole he

found at the end of that trail.

Max pressed his heels into the mattress and shoved his ass closer to Miah’s mouth,

unashamed at the wanton display. Fuck, it’s been too damn long.

The rhythm Miah set up between licking and sucking at the tight muscle had Max

begging for relief. And Miah gave it to him. He closed one hand around Max’s erection,

gathering precum with each upstroke, and stroked his cock in counterpoint to his tongue

plunging into Max’s hole.

Max gave in to the racing electricity arcing through his body and cried out Miah’s name

as he shot stream after stream of cum across Miah’s hand and his own belly.

Miah sighed against his ass, sucking again as he scooped some of Max’s cum onto his

fingers. He rocked back, painted Max’s hole with the spunk and pressed one finger past the

tight ring.

Max grunted but bore down, letting Miah slip inside.

Quickly, Miah pulled out then pushed back in, repeating until Max writhed with the

need for more. On the next thrust, he used two fingers, stretching Max’s hole, twisting his

hand until he hit the right spot that sent stars dancing behind Max’s eyes.

Max’s cock rose, hard and proud, against his hip again and he wondered for a half-

second if it would always be like this.

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Em Woods


Then Miah pushed three fingers into Max’s ass and he curled off the bed, begging in

nonsense words for him to do it again.

A couple of strokes and more begging later, Miah rose from between Max’s legs. He

removed his fingers and leaned over the side of the bed to the nightstand. He tugged open

the drawer and pulled out a condom and lube.

“What a good boy scout.” Max mumbled, almost put out by the display of Miah’s sex


“Had to be prepared in case you said yes.”

Max huffed out a laugh. “Forgot you planned this.”

Miah looked up from rolling on the condom. “I haven’t been a stranger to sex but I’m

no slut, Max.”

Max shook his head. “I was just having a moment. Get the fucking condom on already.”

Miah smiled, finished up, then squeezed the slick onto his covered cock. He spread the

lube around, moaning and gritting his teeth as he did so. Before Max could blink, his legs

were hoisted over Miah’s shoulders and that thick, beautiful cock was pushing at his hole.

“Hands on the headboard.”

Without thinking, Max’s hands shot above his head and wrapped around two of the

rails in the header. He arched his back, feeling the stretch as Miah’s cock breached his ass.

The burn was there but it only egged him on. He shifted towards Miah, taking another inch

with the movement.

“Oh God. I’m trying to take it slow, let you adjust…”

Max flexed his hips and took more of Miah’s cock.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

“That’s the damn point, boss man. Get moving.

“Bossy fucking bottom.” Miah sank into Max’s channel until his balls pressed against

Max’s ass.

Max panted for breath, not entirely sure if he would trade the stuffed feeling of finally

being full of Miah’s cock for air if the choice were offered. He shifted.

Miah took that movement for the sign it was and pulled out in one long drag, brushing

over Max’s gland, sending fire racing along his skin. Max shuddered and lifted his hips

again, offering himself up for whatever Miah had planned.

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Em Woods


With only the head of his cock still buried in Max’s ass, Miah leant forwards to kiss him.

As he drove his tongue into Max’s mouth, his cock drilled into his hole.

The explosion behind Max’s eyes was stunning. He screamed into his lover’s mouth as

shards of pleasure ripped through his body, spraying cum between them.

Miah’s hold on his body snapped with Max’s climax. He rocked his body forwards,

pinning Max to the mattress as he reamed his asshole until every muscle in Miah’s body

clenched and Max felt the heat of his release fill his ass.

Max floated somewhere just shy of sleep as Miah let Max’s legs drop back to the

mattress. There was so much he wanted to say but all his energy had been spilled from his

cock. He chuckled lightly, not even able to work up a real laugh for that thought.

Miah pressed his face to Max’s chest. “Oh my God, Max. You’re going to kill me.”

“Why would I want to do that when I’m going to need you to fuck me senseless later

when we’re fixing a midnight snack?”

“Oh God. You’re insatiable.”

“Did I forget to mention that?”

Miah laughed and crawled off the bed, heading for the bathroom.

Max’s eyelids felt like they had lead weights hanging from them but he giggled when

he heard Miah mutter, “Best invention ever,” as a soft light clicked on. A moment later, Max

felt the heat of a washcloth on his skin but couldn’t muster the energy to open his eyes again.

Miah pressed his lips to Max’s, murmuring a quiet goodnight before chucking the wet

cloth towards the bathroom door. The bed dipped as Miah climbed in and spooned behind


Max snuggled back into Miah, thinking as he drifted off to sleep that he should send a

thank you card to the muggers.

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Em Woods



Max pushed through the front door of Sandburg Software after taking every single day

of his two-week vacation. He nodded to Greg as he passed by his office, smirking at the

inside knowledge that Miah had ignored numerous attempts by Greg to reach him.

They were on vacation, Miah had said.

Max settled at his desk, only managing to push the power button before Greg stood at

his cube, staring. Max stared back.

“Leave him be.” Miah chuckled from his office doorway.

Greg shook his head, motioned for Max to follow him. Once they were all inside Miah’s

office, Greg alternated his gaze from Max to Miah, then back again. “If it was that good, we

expect you for Sunday dinner. Six o’clock sharp.”

Miah grinned as Max’s face flushed red. Max looked immediately to Miah for guidance.

What the hell was the right answer to that? Miah moved up behind Max, pressed a kiss to the

back of Max’s heated neck. “We’ll be there. Tell Kathy we’ll bring the wine.”

Greg snorted. “Great. Now get your hands off him so he can get to his desk.”

Max pulled away, brushing his hand over the large desk as he passed it. He glanced at

Miah, winking on his way out of the door. Miah’s smile widened. Max couldn’t help

picturing the smooth skin just under those dress pants Miah wore.

And he already had a hundred good excuses to visit his lover’s office at lunch.

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About the Author

Hi all! Let’s see, a little about me. I am an Army brat, which lends to my
imagination…and I am a wife and mother of two energetic little boys, which gives me
my sense of humour. I started writing in high school for the newspaper and have
written steadily since then for my own enjoyment. I have lived a little of everywhere
thanks to the travel bug I inherited from my dad, but currently am push-pinned in
southeast Michigan. A typical day is a little crazy but I always work in writing time
and I love chatting with friends.



Em Woods loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website
and author biography at



Also by Em Woods

Not Anymore

Mi Amore: Chocolate Dreams

Saddle Up ‘N Ride: Jack’s Way

Yule Be Mine: Chasing Alex

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