AJ Jarrett The Wolfs Hunter

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Nehalem Pack 13

The Wolf’s Hunter

Jessica Hoyt escapes heartbreak and job loss after her ex-fiancé
knocks up, then weds, her employer’s daughter, shotgun style.

She moves to Enclave, Montana to start over with a possible new
job opportunity. Meeting Garrett Campbell and Seth Dawson her
first night in town brings about unsettled lust between the trio and

a wickedly satisfying relationship begins.

Garrett and Seth have a long-standing reputation for non-

permanence with women. Their ex-fiancée burned them years ago
with unforgivable betrayal, but Jessica has her own heartbreaking

story, and the two men are smitten with her from the moment
they meet.

Jessica explores their ménage lifestyle enthusiastically. While
some disconcerting mishaps follow her initially, Jessica soon
makes several friendships at Old West Town, settling into her new

life. Until trouble in the form of her ex-fiancé demanding
something she’s unwilling to part with threatens to put her in jail

and possibly drive the lovers apart forever.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal,
Length: 54,905 words

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Nehalem Pack 13

AJ Jarrett



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2014 by AJ Jarrett
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-011-5

First E-book Publication: July 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher



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For Tatum and her love of teenage werewolf TV shows. Love you,

baby girl!

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Nehalem Pack 13


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

“I can do this,” Kyle whispered to himself as he stared up at the

large brick building. “I’m not afraid.” Maybe just a little, he silently
thought to himself.

“Hey, Kyle.” Ian walked up and nudged Kyle in the shoulder.

“You okay?”

Kyle looked over at Ian. Ian had become a brother to him after

saving him from a life of being held prisoner by the woman he
thought loved him like a son. He owed so much to Ian, and being a
part of his family was more than he deserved. Kyle was weak and shy
and had nothing to offer Ian or the members of the Nehalem pack, but
they took him in and treated him like family.

“Yeah, sure.” Kyle hefted the box in his arms a little higher then

headed for the double doors that led inside the building. “Let’s go
check out my room.”

The campus was crawling with other students carrying their

belongings to their rooms. There was a crowd around the elevator so
Kyle headed for the stairs. Ian, Will, and Kelsey followed behind.
Having his family with him helped relieve some of the stress and fear
at being somewhere new, but not all of it.

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Kyle had originally planned to attend the University of Georgia,

had even been enrolled, but at Roderick’s urging he switched at the
last minute. Roderick was the head of the East Coast hunter’s council
and he thought it might be better for Kyle to be closer to home. His
reason had been logical. If Kyle got homesick it would be quicker for
someone to come and get him, and Roderick had been able to arrange
for Kyle to have his own dorm room. Sure, he had to share a
bathroom with his suitemates, but he had his own room. Just for that
reason alone, Kyle didn’t mind switching schools.

For so long Kyle had had his own space and didn’t have to worry

about entertaining other people, so the thought of having a roommate
scared the shit out of him. What could he possibly have to say to
another person? He couldn’t let his secret slip. If people were to find
out he was a wolf shifter, they might hunt him down and skin him
alive. Ian and Will reassured him that wouldn’t happen, but how
could they possibly know that? People feared the unknown and what
they didn’t understand, and Kyle didn’t want to see the disgust on
people’s faces if they found out the truth about him. He wasn’t
ashamed of who he was, he just didn’t want to be killed because of it

“Dear lord, how much further? I think I’m about to pass out,”

Kelsey whined from behind him.

“Not much further. I’m on the third floor, squirt. Come on, you

can tough it out.” Kyle looked over his shoulder at the little girl
behind him. He giggled when she stuck her tongue out at him.

Ian and Kelsey were half siblings, and once Ian took Kyle back to

Silver Creek with him, the little girl adopted him as her other brother.
Kyle liked having a little sister and having people who genuinely
cared about him. But all the love in the world couldn’t keep them
from fighting like brother and sister.

“We’re here.” Kyle balanced the box in his hands on his knee and

opened the heavy wooden door for the others to pass through. “I’m
Room 307.”

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“Seriously, those are a lot of steps,” Will, Ian’s mate, said as he

passed by Kyle. “Thank god, you only have a few more bags in the

“Oh, whatever.” Kyle rolled his eyes. “You’re healthy as a horse.

You could run up and down those stairs all day, unless”—Kyle
cocked an eyebrow at Will—“you’re calling yourself old.”

“I am old and it’s hot, you little shit,” Will teased. “This place is

jam-packed with people. The body heat alone has caused the
temperature to go up at least twenty degrees in here.”

Kyle nodded his head. “I couldn’t agree more.” He tugged at the

collar of his shirt, trying to cool off his hot sweaty chest and back.
Sweat seeped into the cotton of his shirt, and the lightweight material
clung to his skin.

“We’re here,” Ian announced as he pushed open the door to

Kyle’s room.

Kyle stepped over the threshold to his room and took a look

around. The walls were a bright white and a beige-colored carpet
covered the floor. One single bed was against the wall and there was a
desk on the other with shelves built into the wall above it. It wasn’t
huge by any means, but it was his. Kyle couldn’t help but smile at his
new home, well at least for the next nine months.

“Ah, great.” Ian put the suitcase he was carrying on Kyle’s bed

and hustled over to the desk. “The mini fridge we ordered you

Kyle put his box down on the desk and bent to look at the small,

stainless steel refrigerator. He hadn’t noticed it at first. He pulled open
the door and a burst of cool air hit him in the face. Kyle hadn’t
thought of getting a refrigerator for his room, didn’t know he might
need one or could even have one. Knowing that Ian and Will had
thought ahead for him made a tear come to Kyle’s eye.

“I don’t know how to thank you guys.” Kyle stood up and swiped

his hand under his eye.

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“Kyle, it’s only a refrigerator.” Ian pulled him close to his chest

and hugged him. “Why all the tears, buddy?”

Kyle tucked his face into Ian’s neck and let his tears flow. Yes, he

was thankful and appreciative for the fridge, but he also realized his
family would be leaving him in a few minutes. He’d be all alone in a
new place by himself. He’d never been alone and now the thought
terrified him.

“Maybe I should just attend classes at Hemsworth with you this

fall.” Kyle took a step back from Ian. His hands began to tremble. “I
don’t need to try this being out on my own.” His voice rose as he
paced back and forth in the small room.

“Hey, now, stop it.” Will grabbed ahold of his shoulders, stilling

his motions. His eyes were calm and stern, and Kyle couldn’t look
away. “I know you’re scared. I get it. This is your first time away
from home, but it’s something you’ve been dying to experience.
You’re young and free to do as you wish. You need to live a little,
Kyle. This is your year to try new things.”

“But I’m afraid,” Kyle mumbled and dropped his head forward to

stare at the floor.

“We’ve all been here before, Kyle.” Will placed a warm finger

under Kyle’s chin to raise his face up. “Being afraid is part of the
process. But once you get settled in and make friends, you’ll have a
blast. You’ve just got to give it a chance.”

“He’s right, Kyle.” Ian walked over to put his arm over Kyle’s

shoulders. “If it doesn’t work out here you can always come back

“What if I don’t make friends?” That truly was Kyle’s biggest

fear, aside from the wolf shifting part. Kyle had never had a friend
until Ian came into his life. He’d made friends with the members of
the Nehalem pack, but they all had something in common. They could
shift into another form. What could Kyle, a shy little introvert, have in
common with anyone here?

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AJ Jarrett


“Oh my gosh! Seriously?” Kelsey stepped in front of Will and

shoved Kyle in the stomach. Her pretty blue eyes narrowed at him and
Kyle wanted to take another step back. For someone so small she had
a mean streak a mile wide. Kyle learned that the hard way when he
pushed her in the pool with her new sneakers on. He couldn’t run fast
enough to get away from her wrath. “Besides these two dorks”—she
pointed at Ian then thumbed over her shoulder at Will—“you’re the
sweetest and funniest guy I know. So stop making excuses, okay?”
Kelsey’s eyes grew misty and her voice cracked when she spoke
again. “You’re going to have a blast here and not want to come back
home.” Her chin trembled as she broke down into tears.

“Kelsey, no.” Kyle went to his knees and pulled his sister into a

tight hug. Her thin arms wrapped around his neck so snug he couldn’t
breathe. “There’s nothing in this world that will keep me from coming
back to you.” Kyle pulled back far enough to look into Kelsey’s
swollen eyes. “You’re like my best friend.”

“I am?”
“Yeah, you are.” Kyle wiped away the tears from her cheeks.

“Plus you’re the coolest little sister ever. Any brother would be lucky
to have you.”

Kelsey sniffled then wiped at her nose. “I am, aren’t I?” She


“Howdy, neighbor.” Kyle looked over toward the door that led to

the bathroom and saw a tall and very muscular man standing there
with a friendly smile on his face. “Oh, shit. Am I interrupting? I’m
sorry, man.”

“No, it’s fine.” Kyle looked back to Kelsey and she nodded her

head, and Kyle stood up. “I’m Kyle.” He pointed toward the others.
“And this is my family. My brother Ian, sister Kelsey and my brother-
in-law Will.”

“Soon to be brother-in-law,” Will corrected as he wrapped his arm

around Ian’s waist.

“No way!” The young man’s eyes went wide.

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“Do you have a problem with that?” Kyle went on the defensive.

Ian and Will were his family and he wouldn’t have anyone
disrespecting them in front of him. Also, with he himself being gay,
he’d hate to have to deal with a bigoted neighbor for the next nine

“No, I just never met a gay couple before that was actually getting

married. That’s freaking awesome.” The guy smiled at Will and Ian.
He then turned back to Kyle. “I’m, Levi.” Levi reached out to shake
Kyle’s hand then offered his hand to the others.

“Nice to meet you, Levi.” Kyle became nervous in Levi’s

presence and shoved his hands in his pockets. He wasn’t good at
making friends, had never had to before, and now he didn’t know
what to do next.

Levi started talking with Ian and Will. It gave Kyle time to

observe his new neighbor. The guy was cute. Levi had short blond
hair and bright blue eyes. He spoke with ease and wore an easy smile
on his face. Kyle couldn’t understand how people could be so open
and confident like that.

“Hey, Levi.”
Another man stepped through the open door separating the rooms,

and Kyle’s eyes went wide and his throat dry. In all his life he’d never
seen a more handsome man. More so than Levi.

“Oh hey, Oliver.” Levi took a step back and wrapped his arm

around Oliver’s shoulders. “This is Kyle, our new suitemate, and this
is his family.” Levi proceeded to introduce everyone while Kyle stood
there staring at Oliver.

Where Levi was tall and thickly built, Oliver was a little bit taller

and lean, like a runner. His short, dark brown hair was spikey on top
as if he just combed his fingers through it. His posture was stiff and
his face was all sharp angles. Not once did he smile while greeting
Kyle’s family. The strong, angular jaw was clean shaven and his lips
were thin as they pressed into a straight line. Everything about this
man intimidated Kyle, but also caused a stirring in his shorts that he

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AJ Jarrett


couldn’t explain. He quickly dropped his hands in front of his dick to
keep from exposing just how attracted to Oliver he was.

“Nice to meet all of you.” Oliver shifted his stare to Kyle then

quickly looked away.

“Do you guys need any help with Kyle’s stuff?” Levi asked. “It’s

crazy busy here today and I’d hate for our new roomie to have to
make ten trips up and down those stairs. Oliver and I moved in
yesterday so we’re all set. If you need some help, we’d be happy to
lend a hand.”

Kyle tore his eyes from Oliver, who didn’t look too happy about

the offer, to Levi. “That’s nice of you but you don’t have to.”

“Nah, it’s not a problem at all.” Levi patted Kyle on the back.

“That’s what neighbors are for. Right, Ollie?”

“Yep.” Oliver turned on his heel and headed for the front door of

Kyle’s room.

“Ignore him.” Levi waved a hand in the air. “He’s always


“Really? I couldn’t tell.” Kyle walked behind Levi down the


“You’re funny, I can already tell.” Levi chuckled. “Ollie isn’t so

bad once you get to know him. We’ve been friends since we were
kids. I’m used to his surliness.”

Kyle looked over his shoulder at Ian and Will. Will smiled

encouragingly and Ian gave him a thumbs-up. He knew they hoped
he’d found a friend in Levi and Oliver, but Kyle wasn’t so sure. Levi
was friendly enough but Oliver? Kyle found the guy drop-dead
gorgeous but he didn’t seem all that friendly, or at least not to Kyle.

Once they made it through the double doors, Kyle spotted Oliver

standing in the sun waiting for them. When Oliver caught Kyle
staring, he turned away.

“Which car is yours?” Levi asked as he clapped his hands


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“We’re right over here.” Ian led the way to the truck they’d

borrowed from Holden. Holden was a good friend and member of the
Nehalem pack. Kyle really liked him and his mate Ethan.

All that was left in the back was Kyle’s flat screen TV, a box with

his Xbox and videos games, and a few more suitcases with clothes
and his shoes. Oliver grabbed the TV and headed back up the steps.

“He’s definitely a man of few words,” Ian whispered to Kyle as he

stared after Oliver.

“You can say that again.” Kyle grabbed another suitcase.
“You’re a gamer, too?” Levi asked with a smile on his face. Kyle

nodded. “Sweet! We can play Xbox live from our rooms. You got the
ear piece right?”

“Yeah.” Kyle smiled at the excited look on Levi’s face.
Kyle chatted with Levi all the way back up to his room. The guy

truly was easy to get along with. When they reached his room, Oliver
stood just inside the door waiting for them.

“I set your TV against the wall by your bed,” he said to Kyle, then

turned to his friend. “Levi, I’m going to go take a shower. It was nice
meeting all of you.” With that he turned around and left by way of the
door connecting the bathrooms.

Kyle watched as he left and noticed a slight limp in Oliver’s

movements. He hoped his suitemate didn’t pull a muscle while
carrying his TV up three flights of stairs. Nothing worse than making
an enemy on his first day.

“Boy, he’s a social one,” Kelsey said as she plopped down on the


“Kelsey!” Ian snapped. “Don’t be rude.”
“Don’t worry about it, man.” Levi laughed. “She’s spot on with

her assessment. He’s not bad after he gets to know you.”

After a few more minutes of chatting, Ian finally suggested that

they head home. They had a long drive ahead of them and needed to
hit the road.

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“Call me day or night, you hear me,” Ian said as he hugged Kyle.

“Don’t hesitate. I’m always here for you, no matter what.”

“I know,” Kyle said with a smile then moved to hug Will.
“And I’m here for you, too, Kyle. Just a phone call away.” Will

patted him on the back then let him go.

“I’m not saying good-bye.” Kelsey crossed her arms over her

chest, then looked down at the ground and whispered softly, “Never
say good-bye because good-bye means going away and going away
means forgetting.” Once again tears filled her eyes as well as Kyle’s.

“Oh, Kels.” Kyle felt his throat grow tight at hearing the quoted

line from Peter Pan. He went down on his knees and wrapped his
arms around his kid sister. They might not share the same DNA but
blood didn’t make a family. Love did. “I’m going to come back. I
promise. This is only a good-bye for right now, not forever.”

“Pinky swear.” Kelsey held up her pinky finger and Kyle linked

his with hers.

“Pinky swear.”
With one last hug, he watched as his family loaded up in the truck

and drove away. Kyle’s chest hurt from the pressure of his heart
squeezing tightly. He didn’t know how to feel as he watched the
people he loved most in the world leave him.

“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust,” Levi


“Excuse me?” Kyle looked over at Levi, forgetting for a moment

he was standing beside him.

Peter Pan.” He motioned toward the faded truck in the distance

that carried his family away. “Like Kelsey, I’m a fan.” He shrugged.
“I guess you could say I have similar qualities to the boy who never
wanted to grow up.”

“I can relate to that.” Kyle turned around and walked with Levi

back up the stairs to their room. He was quiet, not really feeling very
social anymore. For the first time in the past month he felt all alone.

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The Wolf's Hunter



“Hey, Kyle.” Levi lightly punched him in the arm, not hard

enough to hurt him. “Ollie and I were going to head out to get some
pizza. You want to come hang with us?”

Kyle looked at his bedroom door then back to Levi. He could

either go unpack and be miserable in the deafening silence of his
room or go and spend time with his neighbors and maybe meet some
other people.

“Come on, Ky!” Levi smiled that brilliantly bright smile at him.

“Live a little.”

“Okay, I’ll come.” Kyle grinned up at Levi. The man’s smile was


Kyle followed Levi to his room and waited as Levi unlocked the

door. Kyle was looking down at the floor and laughing at something
Levi had said when he stepped inside. When he looked up, his mouth
fell open and his hands began to sweat. Standing in front of him was a
half-naked Oliver fresh out of the shower. Water droplets fell down
his muscular chest to catch in the waistband of his boxer briefs. If
there had been any doubt in his mind before it was gone. Kyle was
beyond attracted to the moody man. His eyes roamed over Oliver’s
hard body, taking in each hard groove. His eyes stopped at the metal
prosthetic leg attached right under Oliver’s left knee. He glanced up
to see Oliver’s eyes narrowed at him and a scowl on his face.

Even when pissed off, Kyle had to give it to Oliver. The man was

smoking hot.

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Chapter Two

“Hey, Levi!” Oliver called out to his best friend. He walked over

to the bathroom door and knocked but Levi didn’t answer, so he tried
the knob and it turned in his grasp. Just as the door opened he could
hear voices coming from the other side of the bathroom door that
connected to their suitemate’s room. “Shit!”

It didn’t take him long to figure out that Levi had gone over to

introduce himself to their new neighbor, something that Oliver had
specifically asked Levi not to do. Yes, they attended Campbell State
as students but, along with working toward their degrees, this year
they had been assigned to watch over one student in particular. Kyle

Oliver and Levi had been given direct orders from Roderick

Morgan to keep an eye on Kyle, to make sure nothing happened to
him, and to make sure he didn’t do something crazy like go all furry
during the middle of one of his professor’s lectures.

Seemed to be a pretty cut and dry assignment without any

complications. He could do his job and devote the majority of his time
to studying. Well, that was until he laid eyes on Kyle Argent. To say
the man was breathtaking wouldn’t do him justice, and Oliver didn’t
think about people in those terms, so he wasn’t even going to go

Oliver was finding it difficult not to stare. Kyle wasn’t what he

expected. Roderick had said Kyle was a shy and quiet guy who lacked
self-confidence. So naturally Oliver and Levi were expecting a geeky
nerd to show up, but that’s not what they got.

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Kyle Argent did appear to be shy but he wasn’t geeky at all. If

anything, he was beautiful. Kyle’s short, light brown hair was cut
close to his scalp on the sides and a little length on top that lay
perfectly to the side. His sparkling blue eyes were daring Oliver to
step closer to get a better look. He stood at least half a foot shorter
than Oliver and was thin, but not a malnourished, sickly thin. No,
Kyle was lean and fit. It wasn’t a big surprise there. Most wolf
shifters were in top physical condition and Kyle fit the mold. By the
way Kyle stared at the ground and refused to make eye contact, Oliver
could see that, where the majority of the shifters he met were
overconfident, Kyle seemed to be lacking in that department.

When Levi introduced him, Oliver had no choice but to exchange

pleasantries with Kyle and his family. Then to his dismay, Levi
volunteered them to help the kid move in. Oliver was so going to kick
Levi’s ass when he got his best friend alone.

Oliver had known Levi since before either one of them could

walk. They grew up in Haden, West Virginia and came from families
of hunters. Where most kids bonded over sports, Oliver and Levi
bonded over the need to grow up fast to become hunters just like their

At the age of thirteen, Oliver’s mom and dad had started to allow

him to go on missions with them. He wasn’t allowed to partake in the
hunt but he got to learn how to track and subdue a rabid wolf from a

By the time he’d turned fifteen, his dad had taught him how to

defend himself and how to use a gun, several guns really. The next
mission that came his parents’ way, they permitted Oliver to go along.
Levi and his family were their backup. Oliver could still remember
being so excited. He and Levi had finally been allowed to be members
of the team.

The orders that came from the council were to kill, not detain, a

pack of wolves that had slaughtered a family not far from Oliver’s
hometown, so naturally his parents agreed to take on the case.

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They loaded up their gear and headed out. It had been late October

and fall had set in. A chill blew through the dense forest and Oliver
still to this day remembered the fear that crept into his bones. He had
a bad feeling about the mission, but kept his concerns to himself. His
parents were some of the best hunters out there. Everyone said so.
Levi’s dad said Oliver’s father could take on three wolves on his own
with one hand tied behind his back.

As they moved through the woods, it seemed eerily quiet. Oliver

brought up the rear as his dad took point and his mother in the middle.
Levi and his folks were coming up from the west side with the plan to
meet Oliver and his folks in the center where the tracks led.

They were on radio silence until they found their targets, and

Oliver didn’t like that. The silence was getting to him.

His dad came to a halt and held his hand in the air. Oliver stopped

and looked around.

“Oliver, run!” Those had been Oliver’s dad’s final words to him.
Out of nowhere, five wolves descended on them. Gun shots

pierced the quiet night sky, along with snarling.

Oliver did as his father said and ran. He could hear his parents

trying their best to fight off the wolves but there were too many. The
sounds coming from his ear piece shocked him but he was too
frightened to answer. He could hear Levi’s father asking for
coordinates but Oliver was too scared to speak. All he could do was

He didn’t know how far he’d gotten when something heavy leapt

on his back and pushed him to the ground. Oliver rolled down a large
hill and landed on his back with a hard thud. Pain shot through his left
leg and he screamed out in agony. Blood trickled down his forehead
from the gash above his eye. He barely had time to register the wolf
before it was on him, then another.

One of the wolves bit into his shoulder and jerked Oliver from

side to side. He cried out as the sharp teeth dug into his skin and
ripped open his shoulder. In the distance he could hear Levi’s dad

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calling out to him, getting closer, but it wouldn’t be soon enough. As
he laid there trying to knock the wolf free from his body, the other
wolf took the opportunity to attack his wounded leg. He could feel the
teeth scrape against his bone, then a popping sound as the bone broke
in two. The wet sound of flesh and muscle being ripped away made
bile rise in Oliver’s throat. These monsters were eating him alive.

Just when Oliver had given up, he heard gunshots. The wolf at his

head yelped then fell in a heap beside him. The one at his leg took off,
but not before taking a chunk out of Oliver’s leg.

Black spots had hovered over his eyes as Oliver had tried to stay

awake. He remembered calling out for his parents and the sound of
Levi’s gasp. That night was still pretty blurry to him, and he wanted
to keep it that way. He lost not only his left leg that night, but his
parents as well. Why would he want to remember a thing about that
dreadful night?

After ditching Levi with the new guy, Oliver took off for his

room. He needed a shower to cool off his overheated body. He’d like
to say it was from the humid, hot air outside, but a small part of him
wasn’t in denial. Namely his dick. Every time he closed his eyes, he
could see Kyle’s shy little smile and remember the feel of his soft,
smooth hand in Oliver’s larger one.

Oliver took off his clothes and grabbed a fresh pair of boxer briefs

from his drawer. Once in the bathroom, he locked the adjoining door
to Kyle’s room. He started the water and while he waited for it to heat
up, he detached his prosthetic leg.

The doctors hadn’t been able to save his leg after the attack. It had

been amputated right below his left knee. He’d been angry at first but
he lost the battle with that over the years. It was losing his parents that
hurt the worst. Knowing he’d never see them again cut like a knife
into his chest. He’d gladly give up his other leg if it could bring his
mom and dad back.

Oliver had gotten good at hopping around on one foot over the

years. He refused to use a shower chair while bathing. As long as he

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was young and strong, by god he’d stand in the shower. Not that he
thought it was a sign of weakness for people to need help, but for him,
he didn’t want help. He enjoyed his independence, and losing his leg
didn’t change that. If anything, it made him a fiercer hunter.

After the accident, he went to live with Levi and his family. He

and Levi worked together and became an unstoppable team. The
council had been amazed with how far he’d gotten with his handicap.
Oliver hated that word. Having two legs didn’t make a person whole.
Just because he was missing a leg didn’t mean he was weak or
impaired. If anything it made him more determined.

But Oliver had learned over the years since his accident that not

all shifters were monsters. He could tell the difference between good
and bad. Sure he’d lost his leg and his parents to shifters, but he didn’t
lose his humanity. In the beginning, he’d shoot to kill, but then he
realized there were some shifters just as lost and afraid as he had once
been. So when the council made the changes to protect humans and
shifters alike, Oliver was on board with that. Oliver wanted to protect
those who couldn’t protect themselves, and it didn’t matter who or
what they were.

Oliver sucked in a deep breath as he stepped under the hot spray.

The water rushed over his head and ran down his back. He rested one
hand on the metal bar that ran the width of the shower stall and the
other on the tile wall. The warmth of the water seeped into his tired
muscles and washed away the sweat. He rolled his head on his
shoulders and opened his mouth to let the water rush inside, then spit
it out.

He took a hop back and reached for the soap. The slickness let his

hands ease over his tired body as he washed himself. As his hands
moved lower to clean his balls and semi-erect cock, Oliver closed his
eyes. He started to imagine it was Kyle’s hands on his body bringing
him pleasure.

Those shy blue eyes would glance up at him through damp

eyelashes as Kyle bit on his lower lip. Oliver would wrap his arms

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around Kyle’s waist and pull him in close to grind his hard length into
Kyle’s soft belly.

Oliver gripped his shaft in a tight fist and started to jerk his hand

up and down. Even with the water raining over his body, Oliver
started to sweat. He grunted as shocks of pleasure pulsed in his balls.
His hand moved faster and faster until his release shot out the tip,
splattering ropes of white cum over the light gray tiles.

“Shit!” Oliver hissed as he banged his fist against the wall. “He’s

an assignment, not a hookup. So get him out of your head.”

Oliver finished rinsing off his body and wiped off the wall. He

turned the water off and got out. Once he toweled off, he slipped his
boxers on, reattached his leg, and then stepped out into his room.

He didn’t have time to think when the door swung open and Kyle

stood there with a grinning Levi behind him. Kyle’s face lit up with
what only Oliver could think was desire, but as his eyes shifted lower,
they widened and Oliver became defensive.

“What are you staring at?” Oliver turned to face Kyle head on,

giving him a better look. Oliver liked to rub his disfigurement in
people’s faces who looked offended by it. He didn’t want to believe
Kyle was like that, but he didn’t know the man or how he’d react.

“Nothing.” Kyle’s cheeks flushed with heat and he averted his


“What? Does this bother you?” Oliver gestured to his leg.
“Oliver, come on, man.” Levi stepped between him and Kyle.

“Take it easy.”

“No, it doesn’t,” Kyle said in a soft, mouse-like tone.
“Then what are you gawking at?” he snapped.
“You’re in your underwear.” Kyle glanced back at Oliver then

quickly away. “And you’re wet.”

Levi started laughing so hard he doubled over. Oliver caught

Kyle’s eyes and he saw the flicks of longing in the blue depths. This
boy was going to be trouble.

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“I’ll go and get dressed in the bathroom.” Oliver snatched up his

clothes and headed in that direction.

“Cool.” Levi sobered and stood up. “When you’re done we’ll go

and get some dinner. I invited Kyle to come with us.”

“Of course you did,” Oliver said through clenched teeth. He shut

the door behind him.

As he got dressed he could hear a muffled whisper then Levi

telling Kyle to not worry about it. That he wanted him to come with
him and Oliver. Last Oliver knew, Levi wasn’t gay, but it put Oliver
on edge about how nice his friend was being to Kyle. It didn’t make
sense. Levi was a nice guy and made friends everywhere he went. So
naturally he wanted to be Kyle’s friend.

Once he was dressed, Oliver stepped out of the bathroom. Levi

stood over his desk pulling his cell phone from the charger and Kyle
stood off to the side looking as if he were trying to sink into the wall.
Oliver suddenly felt bad for snapping at the poor guy.

“I’m sorry, Kyle,” Oliver said. “I didn’t mean to be a dick.”
Kyle’s head popped up and he looked a bit pale. “No, you have no

reason to be sorry. I shouldn’t have been staring at you. It was

Is this kid for real? Oliver had to suck in his lower lip to keep

from laughing. It was sweet how shy Kyle acted. But Oliver could tell
this was no act to trick Oliver or Levi into thinking Kyle was weak.

“Okay, ladies.” Levi clapped his hands together. “Since you have

kissed and made up, how about we go get something to eat? I’m
fucking starving.”

“Asshole.” Oliver smacked the back of Levi’s head as he ran past

him. He looked up to see Kyle still standing in the corner. “Come on,
Kyle.” He gentled his tone and held the door open for Kyle. As Kyle
passed by Oliver took in a deep breath. Butterflies flapped around in
his gut at the sweet smell.

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Oliver didn’t know how he’d possibly stay away from Kyle, but

he’d have to find a way. The life of a hunter didn’t promise any
guarantees and he couldn’t afford to let himself get attached to Kyle.

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Chapter Three

Thirty minutes later Kyle found himself sitting in a crowded pizza

parlor. Apparently every student on campus had a craving for

CS Pizzeria looked, well, like what Kyle would assume any

restaurant located near a college campus to look like. Or at least from
what he’d seen on TV. The restaurant had an open floor plan to where
people could even see the pizza being made. A game room with
pinball machines, pool tables, and a place to throw darts was located
on the other side of the building. Tables were scattered throughout the
room with people crowded around them.

“I’m going to go hang out by the window and wait for our order.”

Levi stood up. “You two going to be okay while I’m gone?” Levi
directed his question more to Oliver than to Kyle.

“Shut the fuck up.” Oliver flipped his middle finger up at Levi.
Kyle looked from Oliver’s scowling face up to Levi’s smiling one

and nodded his head. “We’ll be fine,” he said softly, not wanting to
draw any attention to himself.

The walls practically shook with all the raised voices of the

occupants. Kyle would jump every time someone would let out a loud
hoot or shout across their table to another person. He wasn’t used to
so much excitement and it made him edgy.

“You okay?”
Kyle jerked in his chair as Oliver’s large, warm hand touched his

forearm. His skin sizzled from the light touch and Kyle had to
squeeze his fist tightly together to ward off his wolf from rising to the
surface. His nerves were strung tight. Between all the noise, being

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away from his family for the first time in his life, and his
unexplainable attraction to Oliver, Kyle thought he might crawl up
into a ball and have a panic attack. Now wouldn’t that be flattering?

“Yeah.” Kyle rubbed his hand over where Oliver had touched

him. He could still feel the soft press of Oliver’s fingertips. “Just a
little nervous is all.”

“Nervous?” Oliver cocked his head to the side. “Why?”
“Well…I…I…” Kyle hated to have to explain that he’d been

living a very sheltered life up until about a month ago. He’d never
been to a restaurant or a shopping mall, hell, not even to a library. It
was embarrassing, and for some reason he didn’t want Oliver to pity
him. “This is just all new to me.”

“I get that.” Oliver nodded his head. “I was nervous when I started

my freshman year here, too. A new place, meeting new people.”
Oliver blew out a breath. “It was crazy, but at least I had Levi. So I
wasn’t as homesick as some of the other students.”

“That must be nice.” Kyle fidgeted with his hands as he stuttered

out his words. “To have someone you care about so close.”

“Yep, Levi is like an annoying little brother, but I wouldn’t trade

him for anything in the world. He can be a downright pain in the ass,
but you couldn’t find a more dependable and loyal friend. You’ll see.”

“Do you think we’re friends?” Kyle turned to see Levi standing at

the counter talking with a pretty brunette. She stood close to him,
rubbing her perky boobs over his arm, but Levi didn’t look offended
by the act. If anything, he was eating it up. Kyle had to assume Levi
was straight. He just had to pray Levi didn’t ask him to double date
with her and her roommate or something crazy like that.

“Are you seriously asking me that?” Oliver took a drink from his

soda then set it down. “Have you never had friends before?”

“Well…” Once again Kyle tried to find the words to explain his

situation. He couldn’t just blurt out that his adoptive mom kept him
prisoner, without Kyle even realizing it, in her home. Oh, and yeah,
he could shift into a wolf and that made making friends kind of hard.

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Or at least it was for Kyle. He found it difficult to trust other people.
“I have friends now.” He considered the members of the Nehalem
pack his friends.

“Now?” Oliver asked. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Kyle looked down at his hands and decided it was best to let

Oliver in on a small part of his life. Just enough to satisfy Oliver’s
curiosity but not enough to have the man running for the door.

“I grew up with my adoptive mother. She was very overprotective

of me and I didn’t get out much, I guess you could say.” Kyle took a
deep breath. “When she passed away I went to live with my brother
and sister.” Kyle didn’t feel the need to say they weren’t actually
brother and sister but that wasn’t any of Oliver’s business. “So in this
past month I’ve made some friends, but then I moved here and now I
have to start all over again. If you couldn’t tell, I’m pretty shy.”

“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” The left side of Oliver’s lip lifted and

he grinned at Kyle.

Kyle could feel the heat rush up his neck to settle in his cheeks.

He liked the way Oliver smiled at him and talked to him. The man
was gorgeous and probably could have any man or woman in the
restaurant right now, but he sat with Kyle. It didn’t necessarily mean
anything. Oliver was just being nice but Kyle would take it.

“So do you have a lot of friends?” Kyle asked.
“Some but not many.” Oliver leaned back in his chair and crossed

his arms over his chest.

“Why?” Kyle couldn’t help but ask. With Oliver’s good looks,

Kyle had to imagine people flocked to him, bad personality or not.

Oliver shrugged. “I don’t need the stress of having to make sure

someone else is happy or comfortable. Too much work.”

What Oliver said made sense, Kyle guessed, but was there more to

it? Did Oliver push people away because of his handicap? Not that it
bothered Kyle, but he knew all too well how people reacted to things
they didn’t perceive as normal.

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“Is it because of your leg?” Kyle raised a hand to cover his mouth.

He couldn’t believe he just asked that. Kyle really needed to get a
handle on not saying everything he was thinking. “I’m so sorry. You
don’t have to answer that. I’m such an idiot,” he mumbled under his
breath. If there had been any chance that Oliver wanted to be his
friend, it was gone now.

“Man, you need to stop apologizing.” Oliver sat up in his chair.

Kyle looked up to see Oliver biting on the side of his cheek as if he
were thinking about something. “Sure, some people get weirded out
by this.” He leaned over to tap on his metal leg through his jeans.
“But I stopped caring what people thought of me a long time ago. I’m
just a private person who doesn’t need a lot of people around to make
me feel good about myself. Levi’s the greatest and I don’t really see
much need for more than one good friend I know I can rely on.”

Ouch! Kyle lifted a hand to rub at the area right in the center of

his chest. “So does that mean we can’t be friends?” Once again his
mouth opened without his control.

Oliver cocked his head to the side and eyed Kyle with a serious

look that had him squirming in his chair. “Do you want me to be your
friend or do you have some weird amputee fetish?”

“What!” Kyle nearly fell out of his chair.
“I’m just messing with you.” Oliver started to laugh and reached

over to smack the back of his hand into Kyle’s bicep. “If we are going
to be friends you seriously need to lighten up a bit.”

A grin curled Kyle’s upper lip at Oliver’s words. For some reason

it seemed very important that Oliver liked him and wanted to be his
friend. “I’ll do my best to work on that.”

“You better.” Oliver winked at him.
“You guys ready to eat?” Levi showed up with the pizza. “Shit, I

was only gone for like ten minutes and I already got a chick’s
number.” Levi chucked. “Damn, I love college.”

“No, you just love girls, you slut.” Oliver reached for a slice of

pizza, met Kyle’s stare, and gave him a small smile. Kyle quickly

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looked away as his cheeks blushed a deeper shade of red than they
already were.

“See, you call it being a slut. I call it being friendly.”
Kyle grabbed a slice of pizza and sat back to listen to the two

friends argue over Levi being easy or just a nice person. It was fun to
watch and Kyle couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed so

After they finished their pizza, they walked back to their dorm.

The temperature had dropped a little but it was still humid. Kyle kept
his hands in his pockets and listened to Levi and Oliver talk, every
now and again answering a question they’d asked.

Once back at their rooms Kyle said good-bye and thanked them

for the invite to dinner. Levi gave him a one-armed hug before he
stepped into his room. Oliver stood leaning against the wall staring at

“What?” Kyle looked down at his shirt thinking he must have

food on him somewhere. “Did I get some sauce on my shirt?”

“Nah.” Oliver straightened up and took a step closer to Kyle. “Just

admiring your smile. It’s nice to see you do that without blushing ten
shades of red. Oh, there you go again.” Olivier chuckled.

Kyle could feel his face burning and raised his hands to cover his

cheeks. “That’s not funny.” He giggled. “I can’t help it.”

“I’m just teasing you.” Oliver reached for his door handle. “It’s a

cute look on you, Kyle. Don’t be embarrassed by it.” Suddenly the
smile on Oliver’s face fell and his handsome face went hard. “Well,
good night.” And just like that Oliver slipped into his room and shut
the door.

Kyle stood there a minute staring at the closed door. Oliver had

just called him cute. That had to be a good thing, right? Whether it
was or wasn’t, Kyle would take it. He liked both Levi and Oliver but
there was something about Oliver that took his breath away. Just one
smile sent his heart racing and his knees wobbling.

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With one final look at Oliver’s door, Kyle turned away to step

inside his room. He made quick work of showering and brushing his
teeth. He had to be up early tomorrow for orientation.

After curling up in his bed, Kyle lay staring out the window. The

stars twinkled in the distance but all Kyle could see was Oliver’s
smiling face.

* * * *

“You like him, don’t you?” Levi whispered once Oliver stepped

through the door.

Oliver shook his head as he took off his shirt and flung it at his

friend. “Shut up, Levi.”

“Don’t try to deny it.” Levi tossed the shirt toward the laundry

basket. “I saw the way you kept looking at him. Plus, he’s totally your
type. What’s that word?” Levi snapped his fingers until his face lit up
with a triumph smile. “Twink! He’s a twink and you like him.”

“Dear god. How is it that we are friends?” Oliver pulled his cell

phone out of his pocket. “We are here only to watch over Kyle to
make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble. Nothing more than that.”

“Bullshit.” Levi flopped down on his bed. “I can tell that you like

him and no matter what you say, you can’t lie to me. I see the truth in
those cold blue eyes of yours.”

“Will you please keep your voice down?” Oliver motioned with

his hands for Levi to shut up. Oliver heard the door lock into place,
indicating that Kyle was now in the bathroom and Oliver didn’t want
the wolf to overhear what they were talking about. Once the water
turned on, Oliver flipped through his contacts and hit send when he
reached Roderick’s number.

“Roderick here.”
“Hey, it’s Oliver, just wanted to check in with you.” Roderick had

given Oliver and Levi strict instructions to call at least once a day to
give reports on Kyle. Oliver thought Roderick was acting more like a

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concerned father then a hunter doing his job to protect a shy wolf
shifter. “Kyle is doing fine. No incidents to report.”

“Great,” Roderick said. “Just remember to keep a close eye on

him. It’s his first time out on his own. I don’t want anything to happen
to him. Kyle’s a sweet kid. He deserves a chance at a normal life.”

Oliver had gone over Kyle’s file once Roderick assigned the case

to him and Levi. Kyle didn’t necessarily have a bad life, just one of
confinement. After the woman who raised him had been murdered
Kyle had been set free and now lived with his adopted brother and

As far as Oliver could see, Kyle was doing great, but Roderick did

have every reason to be concerned. If Kyle told the wrong person or
somehow let his secret slip, it could put him in a dangerous
predicament. Not just him but all shifters.

Seeing as Levi and Oliver were already attending Campbell State,

it only made sense to ask them to watch over Kyle. Oliver just didn’t
realize how hard it would be. The attraction he felt for Kyle was
driving him crazy, but he had to stay focused on the job. He was
responsible for Kyle.

“I couldn’t agree with you more, sir.” Oliver looked over at the

bathroom door and listened to the water running. It was hard for him
to think knowing that Kyle was in there right now, naked. “He’s
something special.” Oliver closed his eyes and silently cursed himself
for his omission.

“Oliver, I hope you mean ‘special’ in the way that you understand

how important this kid is and how his family has asked me to insure
that he has a successful year at college, and not that you have ulterior
motives toward this young man.”

“No, sir,” Oliver quickly answered.
“Good.” Roderick was silent for a moment before he spoke again.

“Oliver, listen, don’t get me wrong. I think you’re an amazing hunter.
Probably one of the best I’ve ever seen, but please just be careful.”

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Oliver understood the underlying meaning. He needed to be

careful with Kyle, not in keeping him safe, but not falling for him. A
distracted hunter was a liability and Oliver would be damned if
something happened to Kyle while on his watch.

“No need to worry, sir. Levi and I will make sure everything runs

smoothly here.”

After getting off the phone with Roderick, Kyle went to the

bathroom to brush his teeth. Steam still fogged the glass and water
droplets led from the shower to Kyle’s door. Oliver shut the bathroom
door, giving himself some privacy from Levi. A bright blue towel
hung from the hook on Kyle’s door. For reasons Oliver couldn’t
explain, he stepped toward it then lifted the damp fabric to his nose
and breathed in Kyle’s scent. It smelled like summer, the sun shining
on heated skin and the water cascading toward the shore.

A silly smile spread over his face and Oliver caught a glimpse of

himself in the mirror. He dropped the towel as if it burned his fingers
and he frowned at his reflection. He didn’t have a clue what was
happening to him. No man had ever had this kind of pull over him
before, but somehow in less than five hours Kyle had managed to turn
Oliver’s world upside down.

Oliver brushed his teeth then pushed away from the counter and

headed for his bed. He ignored Levi’s questions about what was
wrong with him and turned over, facing the far wall. Oliver had
gotten good at shoving aside his feelings over the years. What he felt
toward Kyle was no different. He was asked to do a job, not fall for a
shy wolf.

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Chapter Four

That had been the longest four hours of Kyle’s life. He’d met the

group for orientation at eight and like him, there were several nervous
freshman. Their appointed tour guide was one of the professors who
taught in the English department. She was a nice older lady but gave
way to much information that Kyle knew he wouldn’t remember.

The group managed to hit all the buildings and Kyle was able to

map out a plan for reaching all of his classes in a timely manner. The
tour ended at the cafeteria which Kyle was thankful for. He woke up
at five that morning and was too anxious to eat and now he was

“Kyle!” Kyle looked up at the sound of his name. Sitting at a table

by the window were two girls he met while touring the campus,
Tatum and Lauren. “Come sit with us.” Tatum waved him over.

Kyle made his way through the crowd of people to reach their

table. “Thanks for inviting me over.” Kyle smiled at the two girls. “I
wasn’t sure where I’d sit.”

“Yeah, it sucks being the newbies.” Tatum jammed a forkful of

her salad into her mouth. “We’ve got to stick together.”

“So, Kyle, are you a Teen Wolf fan?” Lauren asked him, and he

nearly choked on his turkey sandwich.

“Am I a what?” Kyle coughed to clear his throat. He glanced

around the room looking for the nearest exit. Any mention of the
word wolf made him a little uneasy, since he was a wolf and all.

“You know, the show?” Tatum asked. “It’s on MTV. Cast full of

cute guys that can turn into werewolves.” Tatum waved her hand
around. “Any of this ringing a bell?”

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“A TV show?” Kyle had never heard of it. He lived the life of a

teen wolf, not something he thought was all that exciting unless a
person liked having to hide who they were from the rest of the world.

“Oh my gosh!” Lauren gasped. “You have to come watch it with

us next Monday night. You’ll love it! All the guys are hot and at least
one of them takes their shirt off each episode.”

Not that Kyle minded, but how did these two girls know he was

gay? “What makes you think that type of thing would interest me? I
mean the guys taking their shirts off?”

“Well, duh.” Tatum rolled her eyes. “Because you’re gay.” She

said it like it was a given fact.

“But I never told you.”
“You didn’t have to.” She pushed her tray aside. “For one, you’re

not a hormonal-jerk like some of the guys here on campus. Plus when
that girl ran by in tight shorts and a sports bra you didn’t even flinch.
The rest of the guys on the tour were drooling but you couldn’t even
be bothered.”

“Oh. I guess I hadn’t realized.” Kyle shrugged and took another

bite of his sandwich.

“It doesn’t bother you that we know, does it?” Tatum asked.
“Nah. I was just curious as to how you knew.” Kyle smiled at her,

not wanting her to think he was upset. “But did you see those guys
running around with their shirts off? Now that was hot.” He started to
laugh and the girls joined him. It was nice to be able to be himself and
to have made such nice friends.

Kyle exchanged numbers with Tatum and Lauren and made plans

to watch the show they had mentioned with them the following
Monday. He was actually excited. All on his own, he’d made some
friends. Friends who didn’t care that he was gay.

After clearing away his trash, Kyle walked out into the courtyard.

There were people sitting outside playing catch with a football,
reading books, and some were just lying out in the bright sun. He

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smiled as he looked around him. It had been a great day and he had
survived without any major conflicts.

“Heads up!” a loud, booming voice shouted, but it was too late.
A football came crashing down and thumped Kyle in the head. He

stumbled forward as he raised a hand to touch the tender spot where
the ball smacked into him.

“Hey, are you okay?” Two heavily muscled arms reached out to

steady him.

Kyle looked up and was left speechless at the sight of the man

standing in front of him. He was drop-dead gorgeous. The guy was
wearing a faded green tank top that had the sides ripped down to the
hem of the shirt and a pair of black Under Armor shorts. A golden tan
covered the sweaty, thick muscles on the guy’s body. His legs were
like tree trunks corded with bulging muscles. As Kyle looked up from
assessing the man’s body, he was greeted with a bright smile, then
held captive by the deep green eyes staring back at him.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just stung a little.” Kyle tried to laugh to ease the

embarrassment of being bopped in the head.

“Well, it did hit you pretty hard.” The man raised his hand to

lightly comb his fingers through Kyle’s hair. As if realizing what he
was doing, he dropped his hand and took a step back. “Sorry about
that.” The man gave him a shy smile. “I’m Landen, by the way.”
Landen held his hand out to Kyle. “And that’s Zach.” He pointed
toward the guy standing with his hands on his hips. “He’s the
dumbass who threw the ball.”

“Kyle.” He shook the offered hand then used his other to wave at


“Are you sure you’re okay?” Landen raised his hand as if to touch

Kyle again, then moved it to run through his own short blond hair.

“Yes, I’m fine, really.” Kyle giggled. “My head is harder than it

looks.” Landen smiled down at him and for a moment they stood in
complete silence. It was making Kyle uneasy. He wasn’t used to guys
being nice to him. “Well, I better let you get back to it.” He pointed at

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the football that lay at Landen’s feet. “I didn’t mean to get in the

“It wasn’t a bother at all.” Landen bent down to pick up the ball.

“It was nice meeting you, Kyle. I’m sure I’ll see you around campus,
or at least I hope I do.” Landen smiled at Kyle one more time before
turning around and throwing the ball back toward Zach. Kyle wasn’t
much of a football fan but even he could tell the guy had one hell of
an arm on him.

Kyle headed back toward his dorm with a goofy smile on his face.

Besides being hit in the head, he was having a really nice day. He’d
made two new friends and a cute guy had flirted with him. Never in a
million years did Kyle ever think a guy like Landen would look twice
at him, but he had. The only problem was no matter how hot he
thought Landen was, he didn’t hold a candle to Oliver.

Even as moody as Oliver was, Kyle couldn’t stop thinking about

him. Images of him standing in nothing but his underwear kept
flashing through Kyle’s mind. It was porn for his eyes and his dick
had been semi-erect all freaking day.

He still wasn’t sure where he stood with Oliver, or if Oliver was

even gay. But having Landen to think about would be a nice

“What did he want?” Kyle looked up to see Oliver standing in

front of him, a grimace contorting his handsome face.

Kyle looked over his shoulder and couldn’t help but smile.

“That’s Landen. His ball hit me in the head and he was just
apologizing.” Kyle turned back to Oliver. “Why are you asking?”

“Oh no reason.” Oliver forced a smile. “Just wondering.” He

pointed over to where Landen and Zach were still playing catch.
“He’s the school’s new quarterback. Landen Halliwell. He transferred
in from another school.”

“Quarterback, really?” Kyle shrugged. “He didn’t mention it.”
“So is that all he wanted?” Oliver asked. “To apologize? It

seemed like an awfully long apology.”

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Is he jealous? Kyle silently asked himself. Oliver looked

downright pissed, but Kyle couldn’t imagine why unless Oliver did
like him. He knew he was reaching with that one, but he really wanted
Oliver to like him.

“Oh, I don’t know.” Kyle had to squint his eyes against the bright

rays of the sun to look up at Oliver. “I thought it was long enough. He
seems like a nice guy.”

Oliver narrowed his eyes at him. “All guys are nice until they get

what they want.”

Kyle didn’t like Oliver’s tone or what he was implying. Even if

Landen was just being nice to him in hopes of the possibility of sex it
didn’t mean Kyle would fall for it.

Before he left, Ian and Will had sat him down to have a long talk

with him about sex. Being a wolf shifter Kyle couldn’t catch human
diseases, but when having sex with a human partner he couldn’t tell
them that without giving away his secret. So they showed him the
proper way to use a condom and the importance of using lube. It kind
of made him a little uncomfortable, but it was stuff he needed to know
just in case he wanted to be intimate with another person while he was
at college. The last thing he wanted to do was embarrass himself.

They also told him to be careful about who he slept with. That

some guys were just after the chase and once they got what they
wanted they’d move on to the next person. With Kyle being a virgin,
Ian and Will were concerned he’d get his heart broken if he wasn’t
careful. Kyle understood what they were saying, and he didn’t think
he’d be able to tell the difference if someone really liked him or was
just using him, but he wasn’t about to admit that. Some wolf shifters
were able to smell when a person was lying to them, but not Kyle. He
couldn’t even smell out other shifters that were close to him. He’d
never been taught how to control the wolf inside him or to rely on his

“I appreciate your concern but I can take care of myself.” Kyle

walked past Oliver and headed toward his dorm. He knew people

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treated him like a clueless kid and he hated it. He sure as hell didn’t
want the guy he had a crush on to think he was some stupid kid.

“Hey, Kyle, wait up.” Oliver grabbed his arm. Kyle turned to face

him. “I don’t have any doubt you can take care of yourself. I just
don’t want to see you get hurt.” Oliver bent at the knees to bring
himself eye level with Kyle. “Plus if that guy hurts you, I’ll have to
go and kick his ass and he’s kind of big.”

“You’d do that for me?” Kyle nibbled at his bottom lip, anxious as

to what Oliver’s answer would be.

“Of course I would.” Oliver raised his hand and laid it against

Kyle’s cheek. Kyle nuzzled into the warmth of his palm. “I like you,

Kyle felt like he was in a trance. His and Oliver’s eyes were

locked on one another and Kyle could feel himself slowly tilting
forward. He glanced down at Oliver’s thin, pink lips and his tongue
slipped out to moisten the dry skin. All Kyle could think about was
kissing Oliver.

As if the world was against him, a guy ran past them and nudged

Oliver in the shoulder, breaking the spell. Oliver took a step back and
let his arms drop to his sides. Kyle suddenly felt very cold even in the
afternoon heat.

“I’ll walk you back to the dorm,” Oliver offered, and Kyle fell

into step beside him. “Race you!”

“Huh?” Kyle watched as Oliver took off toward their dorm, and

he was fast. Not that Kyle had ever met someone with a prosthetic leg
before, but he sure as hell didn’t know they could move like that.
Kyle couldn’t even tell that he was missing a leg.

“Come on, you slowpoke!” Oliver hollered out to him.
Kyle smiled from ear to ear as he took off after Oliver. No matter

how much Oliver might try to deny it, they had shared a moment and
Kyle wanted to have another.

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Chapter Five

Classes started on Thursday and Kyle found himself

overwhelmed. All his schooling had been done in the comfort of his
own home by tutors. The fast-paced way his math professor spoke
and handed out the outline for the coursework they’d be covering had
Kyle sweating bullets. He thumbed through the papers and sighed in
relief when he saw that the majority of the curriculum he’d already
covered with the tutors he had while growing up. Hopefully that
would give him the extra boost he needed to keep from falling behind
the rest of the class.

After his first class, he had to walk clear across the campus to his

composition class in the English department. The day was a little
gloomy and just as he reached the huge double doors, it started to

“Crap,” Kyle muttered under his breath. He readjusted his

backpack and stepped into the building. Of all the stuff he had in his
bag, books, pens, pencils, gum, even a bottle of water, an umbrella
wasn’t one of them. So if it didn’t stop raining, he’d be soaked by the
time he reached the dining hall for lunch.

This classroom was set up like a movie auditorium. The

professor’s desk sat low in front of the semicircle classroom with the
students’ chairs angling upward. Kyle walked midway down and took
a seat in the middle section. Other students filled in the empty spots
around him.

No one said hi to him or smiled in a polite greeting. It made Kyle

a little uncomfortable. He was shy and didn’t put himself out there too

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much, and apparently neither did any of the hundred or so students he
saw so far that day.

The only friends he’d made had been his suitemates Levi and

Oliver. They were sophomores and took different classes than him, so
it didn’t surprise Kyle that he didn’t have any classes with them. He’d
gone over his schedule with Tatum and Lauren and not even they had
a single class with him. It was depressing. The only ray of light he
had for the endless days of sitting alone in class was his lunch break.
The girls had a free hour at eleven thirty and by the time Kyle reached
the cafeteria he would be able to sit with them for about thirty minutes
until they had to leave, then Levi and Oliver would arrive so he
wouldn’t be alone.

The class started, and the professor handed out the syllabus for the

semester. There was some mandatory reading on the list and what
papers the teacher required them to write. Kyle was surprised and
pleased to see that he had already read four of the five required books
on the list. Kyle loved to read, and writing had always come easily to
him, so he planned on knocking a few of these assignments out of the
way as soon as he could.

At the end of class Kyle packed up his laptop and headed toward

the cafeteria. The rain had stopped but by the rumbling in the sky, not
for much longer. He reached the cafeteria without getting drenched
and grabbed some lunch. Tatum and Lauren had saved him a seat.

When noon rolled around, the girls had to pack up their stuff and

head to their next class. Kyle wasn’t alone for long before Levi and
Oliver sat next to him.

“Who are the ladies you were sitting with?” Levi plopped down in

the chair next to Kyle.

“Tatum and Lauren. I met them at orientation.” Kyle smiled.

“They’re my friends.” It might be considered stupid to some to be so
excited about making friends, but when a person never had any it
made it a pretty big deal when they got some.

“Cool.” Levi stuffed his mouth with a bite of pizza.

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“So is your day going good?” Oliver asked.
Kyle looked over at Oliver and the lightheaded feeling he got

whenever around the man struck him again. All he could do was nod
his head.

“Ah, shit.” Oliver stood up. “I forgot to get some ketchup. I’ll be

back in a minute. You guys need anything?” Oliver looked between
Kyle and Levi.

“Nope, I’m good,” Levi answered.
As Oliver’s blue eyes locked on to his, Kyle felt his heartbeat

speed up. He shook his head from side to side.

It was becoming hard to be around Oliver. He found himself

growing more and more attracted to him by the minute. After their
little encounter the other day, Kyle hadn’t seen much of Oliver. On
one hand it made him sad but then on the other a little relieved. They
would be living right next door to each other for at least the next eight
months. If they did happen to start dating and then broke up, it might
make things a little weird. But even knowing that, Kyle couldn’t help
but be a little down in the dumps. He wanted to see that caring side of
Oliver again, the one where he looked at Kyle as if he meant
something to him.

Being the glutton for punishment that he was, Kyle watched as

Oliver walked away. Today Oliver wore a pair of loose-fitting blue
jeans and a faded red T-shirt with the word Huskers on the front.
There was nothing eye catching about the casual clothes that Oliver
wore, but Kyle found himself getting excited. His cock decided to
wake up and twitch in the confines of his boxer briefs.

“Does somebody have a crush on Oliver?”
Levi’s teasing had Kyle shaking his head then turning to look at

his friend. His hands started to tremble as Levi’s smile grew wider.

“No,” was all Kyle could manage to say. “Why would you think

that?” Kyle picked up his bottle of water and took a drink, hoping the
wetness would ease his dry throat.

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“Oh come on, Kyle.” Levi rolled his eyes. “You’re practically

drooling all over yourself.” Levi pointed a finger at Kyle’s stunned

“Am not.” Just to be safe, Kyle ran a hand over his mouth.
“Dude, it’s cool.” Levi shrugged. “I guess Oliver is cute if you’re

into that sort of thing.”

Kyle’s could feel the heat creeping up his neck.
“Kyle, man, don’t stress on it.” Levi gave Kyle’s shoulder a little

squeeze. “But I have to say the way you look at him”—he glanced
toward Oliver—“it’s like you’re a little lost puppy. It’s kind of cute.”

Puppy? Really? Kyle didn’t want it to be obvious that he liked

Oliver, and now he was worried Oliver could see all the signs like
Levi did.

“D–do you think he knows?” Kyle glanced over to see Oliver

heading back to the table.

“Uh, no.” Levi snickered.
“Is he even gay?” Kyle turned his attention back to Levi.
“Here’s the thing, Kyle.” Levi pushed his tray out of the way to

lean closer to Kyle. “Yes, Oliver is gay, but he’s also not one for
dating or relationships. You seem like a real sweet kid. It might be
best to find someone else to spend your time with. I just don’t want to
see you get hurt is all.”

All the air in Kyle’s lungs seemed to whoosh out of him. Any

hope he might have had vanished with Levi’s words. The familiar
burn stung behind Kyle’s eyelids. Levi didn’t say those words to hurt
him, but nonetheless they did.

“What did I miss?” Oliver sat down and started in on his


“Nothing.” Kyle forced a smile, stood up, and collected his tray.

“I better get going. My next class is in fifteen minutes.”

Kyle headed toward the science building and decided that it might

be best to put some distance between him and Oliver. Not that there
was anything going on between them anyway. He was here to get an

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education, not fall in love or even find love. Kyle thought it was best
to just keep his focus on his studies and not his cute-as-hell neighbor,
which he knew was going to be hard. Every time Kyle was around
Oliver he could barely remember to breathe. The strong, manly scent
that rolled off of Oliver made Kyle so eager to bury his nose into the
man’s neck and wrap his arms around his waist and never let go. But
in the end it didn’t matter what he wanted, because he couldn’t force
Oliver to like him and he wouldn’t do that. He was better off being

* * * *

“What the hell was that about?” Oliver glanced over his shoulder

to see Kyle rushing out of the cafeteria.

“Oh nothing really.” Levi reached over to steal a handful of

Oliver’s fries. “Just that the kid has a crush on you is all.”

“What?” Oliver couldn’t contain his shout. “What did he say


“He didn’t have to say anything. It’s obvious by the way he looks

at you. You can’t honestly sit there and say you don’t notice it.”

He had, but Oliver thought it best to just ignore it and hopefully

Kyle would find someone else to focus all his attention on.

Yeah, right! Like the thought of that doesn’t piss you off. Oliver

suppressed the wince that inner thought caused. Sure he liked Kyle,
maybe more than what was acceptable, but he didn’t have to admit it
or act on it. He was asked to keep an eye on Kyle, not date the guy, no
matter how adorable he was.

Stop it! Oliver silently berated himself. Kyle was off limits.
“It doesn’t matter.” Oliver took a bite of his hamburger, chewed,

then swallowed before he looked back up at Levi.

“Oh really?” Levi cocked an eyebrow at him. “So you’re saying

that you don’t like him, not even just a little bit.”

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“Nope.” Oliver shook his head and popped a fry into his mouth.

“Sure he’s a nice kid, but that doesn’t mean I have the hots for him.”
Oliver kept his face as expressionless as possible. Levi had been his
best friend for years and knew when he was lying.

“Good, then you won’t be upset that I told him that liking you was

a lost cause and to find someone else worthy of his time.”

Oliver could see the evil glint in his best friend’s eyes. He was

trying to bait him and Oliver refused to fall for it.

“Not in the least.” Oliver smiled at Levi.
“Sweet!” Levi clapped his hands together. “Then I’ll be sure to

keep my eyes open for possible candidates for dating Kyle.”

“We were asked to watch Kyle, not play matchmaker for the kid.”

Oliver gritted out the words between clenched teeth. He might not
want to be with Kyle but he’d be damned if he’d go out looking for
possible suitors.

“Sure, but I’d think Roderick and Kyle’s family would want us to

keep close tabs on who he’s spending his time with.” Levi’s
expression went all innocent looking. “If you don’t having feelings
for Kyle then this shouldn’t bother you at all.”

“It doesn’t.” Oliver forced a smile. “In fact I think it’s a great

idea.” Nope, worst idea he’d ever heard of. The thought of someone
else touching Kyle or kissing him made Oliver see red. He had no
clue where all these possessive feelings toward Kyle were coming
from and he hated it because it just wasn’t who Oliver was.

“Well I better get going.” Levi stood from the table. “See you

back at our room.”

“Yeah, see ya.” Oliver gave a wave of his fingers as Levi took off.
He pushed his food away, suddenly unable to eat. A knot sat

heavy in his stomach. No matter what he might feel for Kyle, it
wouldn’t make a difference because nothing would ever come of it.
He just had to find a way to ignore it, and even more so find a way to
deal with seeing his shy little neighbor dating other men, something
that Oliver knew would be easier said than done.

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Chapter Six

The following week went by in a flash. Kyle spent time with

Tatum and Lauren and had a marathon of watching Teen Wolf
episodes, which he had to admit was a pretty fascinating show, all
things considered. Kyle wished his life as a wolf was as entertaining
as the characters on the show.

Between spending time with his friends, classes, and studying, it

didn’t leave much time for daydreaming over Oliver. Kyle had
managed to go all weekend without running into him. It was hard
because he so badly wanted to see Oliver’s face, to smell him, even.

His sense of smell had improved and he could scent when Oliver

was in his room or near to him on campus. Kyle didn’t know when
that had happened but it only occurred with Oliver. Everyone else had
a bland normal smell that didn’t send the hairs on the back of Kyle’s
neck on end. He just assumed it was because he was attracted to

It was late afternoon on Friday and Kyle was leaving his

sociology class. He had just made it to the exit when he heard his
name. Kyle turned to see Landen jogging toward him.

“Hey.” Kyle smiled.
“Hey, yourself.” Landen came to a stop, grinning down at Kyle.

“I’m glad I found you. You’re a hard guy to locate.” Landen winked
at him.

“I don’t know about that.” A blush heated his cheeks. He liked the

attention Landen was giving him. It made him feel special. “But why
were you looking for me?”

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“Because I wanted to invite you to my fraternity’s party.” Landen

handed over a folded up piece of paper.

Kyle opened it to see a cartoonish-type drawling of a keg of beer

with a face and arms hugging a house. The paper said to arrive around
eight o’clock and to be prepared to have a good time. Kyle wasn’t
sure what he was supposed to say. “What’s this for?”

“All fraternities have parties at the beginning of the school year.”

Landen flashed him that devilish smile again. “Well actually they
have parties all the time. The sun’s shining, let’s throw a kegger.” He
let out a booming laugh.

“Oh.” Kyle looked back down at the paper, unsure what to say.

“I’m not twenty-one.” He started to hand the flyer back to Landen.

“Me either.” Landen wrapped his fingers around Kyle’s wrist.

“But this is college. We’re here to have a good time and I want to
have a good time with you.” Landen took a step closer until he was in
Kyle’s personal space.

Kyle’s pulse rate spiked and a trickle of sweat ran down his back.

“Why?” he asked, unsure what else to say. Landen was openly
coming on to him and even though he appreciated the attention, he
couldn’t help but wish it was another man showing it to him.

“I like you, Kyle, and I want to get to know you a little better.”

Landen snaked his arms loosely around Kyle’s hips. “So please say
you’ll come tonight.” Landen stuck his lip out in a pout.

His mind screamed no but his body chanted yes. Kyle had never

been so close to another man before. The look in Landen’s eyes
overwhelmed him and he could feel his arousal bubbling to the
surface. He should decline the invite, but why? Oliver made it
painfully clear he wasn’t interested and even Levi told him to not
waste his time.

“Okay,” he said without second guessing himself. “I’d love to


“Great.” Landen dipped down and kissed Kyle on the cheek then

stepped away. “See you tonight!”

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A grin spread across his face as he watched Landen walk away.

He’d never been kissed by another man before. Sure it was only on
the cheek, but it felt nice. The soft, smooth, and moist skin against his
felt amazing. His dick thought so too, as he reached down to adjust
his cock.

With a smile on his face Kyle headed out of the building and

toward his dorm. It wasn’t just that Landen had invited him or even
kissed him on the cheek. It was being included in something that
made him all giddy on the inside. It was good to feel like he was
spreading his wings and fitting in some place.

Back in Silver Creek he had Will, Ian, Kelsey, and his adoptive

grandmother, as well as the Nehalem Pack. They treated him like
family, all of them, but he still felt like an outsider looking in. But
here, at Campbell State University, no one knew him or his past. He
could make a fresh start here and learn what it was like to be an
independent adult.

Kyle took the stairs, hoping to burn off some of the adrenaline

pumping through his body. He couldn’t believe he’d just been invited
to his first college party and been asked out on a date. Well, sort of a
date. Landen didn’t use that exact word, but what else could it have
meant? He searched Kyle out to invite him. That had to be a good

“Hey there, Kyle.” Levi’s chipper voice called out to him.

“What’s the smile for?”

“I’ve got a date.” His brow furrowed. “Well, I think it’s a date.”

He handed over the flyer to the party at Landen’s fraternity.

Levi read over the paper than looked up at Kyle. “Who invited

you to this? Alpha Theta is a hardcore party fraternity. It’s also where
the football team stay.”

“Landen Halliwell did.” Kyle unlocked his door and stepped

inside. Levi followed him in.

“The transfer quarterback?” Levi asked.

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“Yeah, I guess.” Kyle shrugged. “I’m not much into sports but I

think Oliver mentioned that, too.”

“Mentioned what?” Oliver walked in through the open door

connecting their bathroom.

Kyle’s eyes went wide and a lump formed in his throat. All of a

sudden he felt guilty and didn’t want to admit to Oliver that he was
going out on a date with another man. Stupid, really. Kyle could
barely call what he and Oliver were to each other friends. Kyle went
out of his way to avoid Oliver, and Oliver seemed to be doing the
same thing. This was the first time Oliver had spoken to him since a
week ago in the cafeteria.

“That Landen Halliwell was the school’s new quarterback.” Levi

passed the invitation to the party over to Oliver. “And apparently the
guy has his sights set on Kyle here.”

Kyle darted his eyes over to Levi, silently pleading for the man to

keep his mouth shut. But the cheerful smile on his face let Kyle know
that Levi was having fun with this. But why? It wasn’t as if Oliver
cared what he did with his time.

“You’re not going to this.” Oliver waded up the paper and threw it

in the trash basket by Kyle’s desk.

“Excuse me?” Anger like Kyle had never felt before surged inside

him. Who was Oliver to tell him what he could and couldn’t do? Kyle
walked over to the trash can and pulled out the flyer Landen had
given him. “You’re not my father and as it is, you’re barely a friend.
You have no say in what I can and can’t do.”

“He’s right.” Levi sat down on Kyle’s bed and relaxed back on his

elbows. “Kyle got invited to his first frat party and by the most
sought-after guy on campus. I totally think he should go.”

Kyle nodded his head in agreement. It now seemed like a matter

of principle that he did go. Who did Oliver think he was?

The man you’ve been dreaming about every night. Kyle wanted to

smack himself upside the head for that stray comment. Yes, he felt an
uncontrollable attraction toward Oliver, but did it really matter? It was

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obvious Oliver didn’t feel the same way, so Kyle was just wasting his
time wishing for something that would never happen.

“Not helping here, Levi,” Oliver snapped. “Kyle,” Oliver said in a

much calmer tone. “You’re underage and these parties get pretty out
of hand sometimes. I just don’t think it would be safe.”

Kyle was a little disappointed by the reason Oliver gave. He

couldn’t deny he wanted to hear Oliver say he didn’t want Kyle to go
because he liked him and would be terribly jealous. If he had said
that, Kyle would have agreed not to go, but he didn’t and Kyle had no
reason to stay home on a Friday night.

“Thanks for your concern, Oliver, but I can take care of myself.”

Kyle walked over to his closet and pushed hangers aside, looking at
his options of things to wear to the party.

“It’s not a matter of being able to take care of yourself, Kyle.”

Strong arms landed on Kyle’s shoulders and spun him around. “Don’t
you think it’s odd that this guy asked you out in the first place? He’s
got his pick of guys and he seeks you out.”

Kyle sucked in a lungful of air. It was as if he’d been punched in

the stomach. That was it. Kyle had heard enough. “Just because you
don’t find me attractive doesn’t mean Landen doesn’t.” Kyle brought
his arms up to break out of Oliver’s hold. “Now would you please get
out of my room so I can get ready?” Kyle turned his back on Oliver
and went back to looking through his clothes.

Once he heard the door shut behind Oliver and Levi, Kyle

slumped to the floor and started to cry. Kyle knew he wasn’t the most
social guy or the best looking, but he’d never had someone point that
out before. He wasn’t sure why Landen liked him but he did. And it
was more than he could say about Oliver.

“I’m going to go and have a good time.” Kyle wiped away his

tears and stood up. Oliver might not want him but someone out there
did, and Kyle was starting to look forward to seeing Landen.

* * * *

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“Are you out of your fucking mind?” Levi whispered in a harsh

tone once they were safely in their dorm room. “You practically
called Kyle ugly.” Levi pointed toward the closed bathroom door.
“Were you trying to hurt his feelings? Because if you were, I think
you succeeded.”

Oliver balled up his fist, doing his best to contain his temper and

the need to run back into Kyle’s room and apologize. But he couldn’t
do that. He had to bottle up the feelings he had for the younger man. It
didn’t matter to Oliver that he was a hunter and Kyle a wolf shifter.
What mattered was he couldn’t do his job and have feelings for his
assignment. It was a conflict of interests. When emotions got
involved, things got messy.

“That wasn’t what I meant by that and you know it.” Oliver eased

down to sit on his bed. His leg was sore from standing so long and his
prosthetic was due for another adjustment. “I just think he’s young
and naïve. And really, what is this Landen Halliwell after anyway?”

“Oh I don’t know.” Levi rolled his eyes. “Could it be that Kyle is

adorable as fuck? I mean seriously, if I swung that way I’d so be
trying to get a piece of that bubble butt.”

“For someone who proclaims to be straight you sure do say a lot

of gay things.” It infuriated Oliver to hear Levi say shit like that about
Kyle because it was true. Kyle was extremely attractive. His face was
shaping from that of a teenager into a man, all hard lines and no baby
fat. He had the perfect lean, fit body and was short enough that Oliver
could hover over him and dominate Kyle. Oliver liked everything
about Kyle. He wanted to kiss, touch, and fuck Kyle. He wanted all
those things and more. But why? The jury was still out on that one. Of
all the guys he’d been attracted to since hitting puberty, Kyle was the
only one he knew he couldn’t just walk away from. It drove Oliver

“Whatever, dude. You’re just pissed to think that anyone might

have the hots for our sweet and innocent next door neighbor.” Levi

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brought his finger up to rest on his chin. “One would have to wonder
why. Could it be because you like him?”

“Fuck you, Levi.” Oliver lay back on his bed and covered his eyes

with his arm. “We were asked to babysit the kid, not become his

“What does that matter?” Levi asked. “Sure, Roderick asked us to

keep tabs on Kyle, but he didn’t say he was off limits.”

“Well for me he is,” Oliver grumbled. “I’m here to go to school

and graduate. And on top of that, I have to be ready at any given
second to leave on a mission.” Oliver sat up and leveled Levi with an
angry stare. “Hypothetically let’s say I do like Kyle. Okay? We are
hunters. We fight to protect those who can’t protect themselves. Our
job isn’t easy or safe. We make the choice to put ourselves in danger
all the fucking time. Would it really be fair to expect Kyle to sit
around and wait for me? To wonder if this is the night I don’t come

“That’s not a choice for you to make.”
“Oh, see, but it is.” Oliver flopped down on the bed. “I won’t

make him suffer like that.”

Levi didn’t say anything in response. The room grew quiet and

Oliver let his eyes fall shut. He didn’t want to think about Kyle or him
going out on a date with that asshole quarterback. Who, by the way,
Oliver didn’t like. There was something about Landen Halliwell that
set the hairs on his arms on end. It was probably from jealousy. Oliver
wasn’t stupid. He’d seen the way Landen looked at Kyle. As a hunter,
Oliver had been trained to watch people from the shadows, to go
unnoticed, and he even did that when not out on a mission. He’d kept
a close watch on Kyle like he was asked to, and over the past few
days he’d noticed Landen watching Kyle as well. It pissed him off,
but who was he to say anything?

“So you do like him?” Levi whispered. Oliver glared over at him

and Levi held his hands up in self-defense. “I’m just asking a
question. Don’t go all psycho on me. All I’m saying is if you do you

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shouldn’t let anything hold you back. Kyle’s a wolf shifter. He knows
what it’s like to be put in dangerous situations. Don’t cheat yourself
out of something that could be really great for the both of you.”

“Yeah right.” Oliver rubbed his fingers against his temples. He

could feel a headache coming on. “Let’s say I do pursue Kyle, what’s
to say that Roderick won’t kick my ass? Or Kyle’s brother?”

“You don’t know, but Kyle is eighteen. A legal adult. So it

doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks.” Levi shrugged. “It’s
apparent that you have some feelings for Kyle and I’d bet my left nut
that he likes you, too. All I’m saying is it’d be a waste to not see
where things go. The world’s a cold and lonely place when you’re all

Oliver nodded his head then rolled over, facing away from his

best friend. Levi was right but still, Oliver didn’t want to get hung up
on a wolf shifter. Where humans talked about soul mates, wolf
shifters actually had them. Wolves mated for life and what would
happen to Oliver if he let himself fall for Kyle only to have the guy
leave him when he found his mate? That was something Oliver didn’t
want to have to experience. He had feelings for Kyle, but he’d be
damned if he put himself out there only to have his heart broken.

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Chapter Seven

Night had fallen by the time Kyle left his dorm room. He was able

to sneak out of his room unseen by Levi and Oliver. His feelings were
still hurt from what Oliver had said and he didn’t really feel like
having to discuss anything else with the big jerk.

Kyle walked down the darkened sidewalk, passing people on the

way to the Alpha Theta house. The little map on the flyer said it was
located on Meadow Brook Drive. Kyle walked the few blocks in
silence, enjoying the gentle breeze that floated over his face. He’d
give anything to be able to shift and go for a run but he couldn’t do
that. There wasn’t a safe place for him to shift without the possibility
of being caught. So all things wolf related would have to wait until he
went back home for a visit.

The sounds of a booming bass and shrill laughter stung Kyle’s

ears. The sidewalk felt like it was vibrating from the loud music. He
found himself staring up at an older, Victorian-looking house. It was
kind of what he imagined a college frat would look like. The wide
porch had chairs and tables on it with people playing cards and

Nervousness had Kyle hesitating at the threshold from the

sidewalk to the stone pavers leading up to the loud house. He jumped
in surprise as a couple of giggling girls walked passed him and Kyle
seriously thought about heading home.

Oh shit! Too late. Kyle plastered a smile on his face as Landen

walked down the front porch steps. He shoved his hands in his
pockets to keep Landen from seeing just how nervous he was.

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“Hey, Landen.” Kyle took a small step forward. “Looks like the

party is in full swing.” Just then someone leaned over the railing and
puked. Kyle’s eyes went wide. He so wasn’t used to stuff like this.

“Well it isn’t a party until someone throws up, right?” Landen

grinned down at Kyle and took another step toward him until their
chests brushed against each other. “I’m really glad you came.”

“Were you worried I wouldn’t?” Kyle sucked in his lower lip and

nibbled at the plump flesh.

“I didn’t want to get my hopes up just in case you didn’t come.”

Landen lowered his chin to his chest then peeked up at Kyle.

It impressed Kyle how Landen made himself look so small and

nonthreatening when the guy stood at least six inches taller than him
and fifty pounds heavier. It was cute. A smile quickly spread across
his face.

“I’m happy that I didn’t let you down. So what do we do now?”

Kyle looked around Landen toward the house. “I’ve never been to a
party like this before.”

“Really?” Landen tilted his head to the side, surprised by Kyle’s

confession. “Well let’s go inside and get you a drink.” Landen put his
arm over Kyle’s shoulders and guided him into the house. “You can’t
attend college and not get to enjoy this part of campus life.”

Kyle followed Landen through the crowded house. All the

furniture had been pushed against the walls and people stood around
talking and dancing in the open spaces available. Landen led him into
the kitchen. On the floor by the back door were four large plastic trash
cans filled with ice, and metal kegs sat in the center.

Kyle wasn’t much for beer. He’d tasted it before but it held no

appeal for him. Being a wolf shifter, he didn’t feel the effects of
alcohol like humans did, so he didn’t see the point in drinking
something he didn’t like the taste of.

“Here you go!” Landen smiled as he handed Kyle a cup of beer.
“Thanks.” Kyle didn’t want to be rude and he did want to fit in.

As he looked around, everyone seemed to have a drink in their hand.

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He lifted the cup to his lips and the frothy suds stuck to his mouth as
the cold liquid ran down his throat. He winced at the bitter taste and
started to cough. “Oh my gosh, that is awful.”

“That’s cheap beer for ya.” Landen patted him on the back.

“We’re college students and can’t afford the good stuff.”

“I’ll have to remember that for next time.” Kyle wiped the water

that had seeped from his eyes off his cheeks.

“So there will be a next time?” Landen edged closer and wrapped

one arm low on Kyle’s waist.

“Well…I…” Kyle couldn’t get his mouth to work. Did he want to

have another date with Landen?

“Kyle, don’t overthink it.” Landen pulled him closer. “Let’s just

have fun, but I will say it makes me happy to think that there will be a
next time.” Someone called out to Landen and he stepped away from

Kyle took a deep breath and brought the cup up to his lips for

another drink. He couldn’t determine if it was excitement or guilt
causing his stomach to do somersaults.

“Come on, Kyle.” Landen grabbed his hand and pulled him

toward the crowd of people hanging out in the living room.

No one seemed to be offended or grossed out by the way Landen

kept his arm draped over Kyle’s shoulders, or bothered by the way
Landen called him babe when he spoke to Kyle. It was actually nice.
He didn’t have to hide the fact that he was gay.

Soon Kyle found himself leaning into Landen’s side, more for

balance than attraction. He lost count of how many beers he’d had.
Landen’s friend Zach always made sure he and the others had a full
glass. But Kyle started to feel dizzy. He wasn’t sure what was wrong
with him. He should have been able to drink the whole keg and not be
affected, but right now he was seeing double and he felt lightheaded.

“Babe, you all right?” Landen bent down to whisper in his ear.

Kyle flinched at the wet feel of Landen’s tongue as it flicked the shell
of his ear.

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“Yeah.” Kyle pushed away from Landen’s thick chest. “I just

need to use the restroom is all.” He smiled up at Landen. “Can you
point me in the right direction?”

“Sure. You can use the one in my room. It’s up the stairs, third

door on the right.” Landen pulled him close and kissed the top of his
head. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Kyle turned away to head toward the stairs

and Landen slapped him on the ass.

Kyle hopped a little from the force of Landen’s large hand on his

butt. He could hear the others laughing as he walked away. Too much
in a daze to care, Kyle focused all his energy on taking one step at a
time. He tripped over his foot and slid down a stair. A fit of giggles
rumbled up his chest and out his mouth. For some reason that was the
funniest thing to Kyle. It took a moment before he was able to right
himself and make his way up the rest of the steps.

He counted the doors until he found the third one. The knob

twisted in his hand and he stepped inside. There were clothes strung
out all over the floor. Kyle fumbled his way to the bathroom and
turned on the light. His eyes stung from the brightness.

Landen’s bathroom was set up a lot like his. A connecting door

led into the room next door. Kyle shut and locked that door and went
about going to the bathroom. He washed up once he was done and
caught sight of his reflection.

“Holy shit,” Kyle mumbled as he took in the redness of his eyes.

When he touched his cheek he couldn’t really feel anything. “That’s
so weird.” Kyle pulled his hand back to examine it like it was the
reason he couldn’t feel his face.

Something wasn’t right but Kyle couldn’t seem to care at the

moment. It was almost as if the wild feeling inside him that let him
know his wolf was present was gone. It was like he was human, or
what he imagined a human might feel like when drunk.

Shaking it off, Kyle walked out of the bathroom. He suddenly felt

really tired. He really should return to the party and to Landen and his

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friends, but Kyle didn’t care. Right now all he could think about was
sleep. Kyle lunged for Landen’s bed and kicked the book bag off the
comforter. He tugged the blanket up to his chin and let the sweet
tendrils of relaxation coursing through his body carry him off to sleep.

* * * *

“You know this is a bad idea, right?” Levi said as he raced to keep

up with Oliver. “He is on a date.”

“I don’t give a shit.” A pair of drunk coeds bumped into his right

shoulder as they tried to walk down the sidewalk, clinging to each
other for support. The girls giggled the whole way. Oliver shook his
head in disgust at the condition the women were in and Oliver picked
up the pace to reach the Alpha Theta house.

Before the fraternity came into sight, Oliver could hear the loud

music and the drunken gibberish of some of the occupants. The house
was huge and the front door stood open. A few guys sat on the front
porch playing poker and Oliver and Levi nodded to them as they
walked up the stairs and through the front door.

Oliver wasn’t at all too shocked by what he saw once inside. A

game of beer pong took place off to the left. Girls ran around with
their shirts off and only in their bras, and one guy streaked naked back
and forth across the floor. It was like a lot of the other parties Oliver
had attended in the past year, but the only difference now was that
Kyle was here doing god only knew what.

“Fuck me,” Levi said in awe. “This party is way out of control.

I’m surprised campus security or even the cops haven’t been called

“It’s the football team. All of the alumni funding is due to this

bunch of knuckleheads winning games. I seriously doubt the cops
ever get called out here and if they do, nothing comes of it.” Oliver
made his way around the cluster of bodies searching out one petite
brunette. “Do you see him?”

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Oliver looked behind him to see Levi staring at a girl with huge

boobs bouncing in front of him. “Will you please focus?” He slapped
Levi in the back of the head. “If anything happens to Kyle, it’s our

“Yeah, right.” Levi scoffed. “As if that’s the only reason you are

in such a hurry to find him.”

Oliver didn’t open his mouth because he knew he couldn’t deny

the claim. He was here to make sure Kyle was safe, but not because
he was assigned to do so. No, it was because he wanted Kyle for
himself and if anything happen to the stupid kid, he’d never be able to
forgive himself. The thought of anyone other than him touching Kyle
made him see red and want to rip something apart.

“I’ll check in the backyard.” Levi opened the door. “Fuck, man!

They have a hot tub.” Levi shook his head. “So not fair.”

Oliver grimaced and sidestepped the hordes of drunken students.

Most of them he knew were underage. But who was he to judge? He,
too, had done his fair share of drinking.

The sound of laughter grabbed his attention. He caught sight of

Landen’s blond hair and hustled in that direction.

“He’s adorable, Landen.” Some girl shouted at the football player.

“If he was straight I’d be all over his ass.”

“Thanks.” Landen flashed the group a smug smile. “I do plan on

getting pretty close with that ass later.” One of Landen’s friends high-
fived him.

Like hell you will! Oliver wanted to race over there and punch the

bastard in the mouth, but he held back. He sidestepped the group and
followed in the direction Kyle had gone. People crowded the stairs
and Oliver slid sideways to get past them. He had to dodge a girl who
reached out to kiss him. She reeked of beer.

Up on the second floor he could either go left or right. He looked

in both directions and decided to go right. He checked the first room,
nothing. Second room, still nothing. When he reached the third door

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he could hear some shuffling of feet then a loud thud. He turned the
knob and slipped inside.

The room was dark and Oliver thought it best to not turn on the

light. He waited until his eyes adjusted. A large lump lay in the
middle of the double bed.

“Kyle,” Oliver said as he picked his way around the mounds of

clothes and books on the floor. “Are you okay?” Kyle didn’t answer
him. Once he was close enough he sat down on the edge of the bed
and rolled Kyle over to face him. “Kyle, can you hear me?” He shook
his shoulder.

“Stop or I’ll puke.” Oliver covered his mouth as Kyle spoke.
The stench of beer burned his nose hairs. Kyle’s words slurred

together. Oliver was confused. In his training to become a hunter he’d
learned that alcohol didn’t affect shifters, but apparently it did if Kyle
was in this condition.

“Kyle, it’s me, Oliver.” Oliver combed his fingers through Kyle’s

hair. Kyle smiled and pressed closer to him.

“Ollie.” Kyle wrapped his arms around Oliver’s waist the best he

could from where he lay on the bed. Kyle’s eyes were closed but he
angled his head upward and smiled at Oliver.

Oliver chuckled. A drunk Kyle was actually pretty cute. And he

couldn’t deny he liked the feeling of Kyle’s body wrapped around his.
“I think we better get you home.”

“No,” Kyle whined. “I want to go home with you.” His arms were

like steel bands around his stomach.

It was on the tip of his tongue to agree that he wanted the same

thing but it wouldn’t be right. Kyle was drunk and he couldn’t take
advantage of him. “I’ll be right next door if you need me.” Oliver
helped Kyle to a sitting position.

“No, I want you, Ollie.” Kyle’s hands shot up and gripped the

sides of Oliver’s face. “In my bed.” Kyle nipped at Oliver’s lip. “In

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Dear, god, help me! Oliver sent up a silent plea. This so wasn’t

good. His dick perked up at the mere thought of being allowed to
touch naked skin.

Oliver took a deep breath. He needed to get Kyle out of this

fucking frat. Kyle was in no condition to be here and Oliver couldn’t
let his little head do the thinking for the big head, no matter how
much he wanted the same things as Kyle did.

“Come on, baby.” Oliver pulled Kyle to his feet. “We need to get

back to our dorm if you want that to happen.” Oliver felt like a shit
lying to Kyle.

“Really?” Kyle’s eyes lit up as he swayed on his feet. “You want

me, too?”

The blue of Kyle’s eyes flared to life and glowed. Oliver so badly

wanted to take Kyle’s mouth in a deep and passionate kiss. “More
than I care to admit,” Oliver said in a soft whisper. “Now let’s get out
of here.”

Oliver placed one of Kyle’s arms over his shoulder and Oliver

wrapped an arm around Kyle’s waist. They made their way out of the
room and down the steps. He practically had to carry Kyle. The music
still blared all around them but Kyle didn’t flinch. He kept his head
tucked in close to Oliver’s chest.

“Hey!” Oliver looked to his left to see Landen pushing his way

through the crowd. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?” He
reached for Kyle but Oliver took a step back. “He’s with me.”

“Not anymore.” Oliver turned to put himself in between Landen

and Kyle.

“Oh there you are.” Levi chose that moment to pop out from

around the corner. “I thought I lost you.” He looked over Oliver’s
shoulder to see a grinning Kyle. “What the hell happened to him?”

“Not sure.” He handed Kyle off to Levi then stood toe to toe with

Landen. “First off, Kyle is no one’s, and second, what did you give
him?” Oliver was shouting now and people were starting to stare.

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“I didn’t give him anything,” Landen sneered in his face. They

were so close their noses almost touched. “He was having a good time
like the rest of us.”

“Bullshit.” Oliver bumped chests with Landen. “His eyes are

dilated and he doesn’t have a clue where he’s at. I’d say that’s more
than a high from too much beer.”

Landen looked over to where Levi was holding Kyle up then back

to Oliver. “Well that’s all he’s had here.” He took a step toward Kyle,
his brow knit in confusion. “I’ll take him home.”

“Like hell you are.” Oliver pushed Landen in the chest. “I think

you’ve done enough for one night.”

Landen’s eyes narrowed and he closed the short distance that

separated them. Oliver wasn’t scared. Landen might be able to
intimidate other people but not him.

“Listen here, you one-legged gimp.” Landen shoved at Oliver’s

chest. “This doesn’t concern you, so stop sticking your nose where it
doesn’t belong. Kyle came here to see me and I’ll take him home.”

The comment didn’t even faze Oliver. He heard his fair share of

insults from mindless drones like Landen since he started high school.
Nothing this moron said could hurt him. “I might only have one leg
but that won’t keep me from kicking your ass. Unlike you I don’t
have to get my dates drunk to spend time with me.”

“You fucking asshole.” Landen pulled his arm back, getting ready

to punch him.

Oliver brought his fist up, preparing to school this asshole, but his

buddy jumped in and pulled Landen back.

“Take it easy, Lan.” His friend held on to Landen as he fought to

get free. “Dude, it’s not worth it.”

“Yeah, dude, listen to your friend.” Oliver smirked.
“I won’t forget this,” Landen shouted as Oliver turned for the

door. “Payback is a motherfucker.”

“I look forward to it.”
Oliver found Levi and Kyle out on the sidewalk waiting for him.

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“That didn’t go over too well, now did it?” Levi shifted Kyle’s

dead weight around, trying to get a better hold.

“Like I give a shit.” Oliver bent down, picked Kyle up, draped

him over his shoulder, and started walking.

“Hey, Oliver.” Levi nudged him in the arm. “How the hell is he

like this?” He pointed to Kyle. “I thought alcohol didn’t affect

“That’s a good question,” Oliver grumbled. “I’m thinking he was

drugged with something.”

“Fuck!” Levi kicked at the ground. “Which one of us is going to

call Roderick? If there is a drug on campus strong enough to knock a
shifter on his ass then he’ll want to know all about it.”

“We’ll deal with it in the morning.”
They had just reached the dorm when Kyle began to squirm on his


“I’m going to be sick.”
Oliver set Kyle down then held him by the waist as he bent over

and emptied out the contents of his stomach.

“So, Oliver, you got this?” Levi started to walk backward toward

the glass doors. “I don’t do well with pukers.”

“Asshole!” he called out to Levi as he slipped through the double


Oliver held Kyle as his body shook from the force of his vomiting.

He hated to see Kyle suffer but it was better to get it all out of his
system now.

“This is so disgusting and embarrassing.” Kyle spit onto the

ground. “Please, just leave me here.”

“I’m not going anywhere, baby.” Oliver rubbed Kyle’s back as the

tremors racked his body. There wasn’t any other place in the world
he’d rather be than with Kyle, even if the guy was puking all over his

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Chapter Eight

Kyle was able to walk to the elevator with Oliver’s help. Once on

their floor, Oliver took Kyle’s key out of his pocket and got Kyle
through the door.

“I need a shower.” Kyle’s legs wobbled as he headed toward the

bathroom. “I feel so gross.” Kyle stumbled then started to fall.

Oliver rushed over and caught Kyle around the waist. “I think

you’re going to need some help.”

“No, I’ll be fine.” Kyle tried to push away from Oliver. “You’ve

done enough just by getting me home. I don’t want you to feel like
you have to help me.” Kyle rested his head on Oliver’s chest and his
thin arms wound around his waist.

Oliver tried to keep his body from responding to Kyle but it was

tough. The sweet smell of Kyle’s hair tickled at his nose and the
warmth coming from his body sent Oliver’s into overdrive.

“Kyle, I want to help you.” Oliver helped guide Kyle into the

bathroom. He shut and locked the door leading to his own room.

“Thanks,” Kyle whispered as Oliver closed the lid on the toilet

and sat him down so he could turn on the shower. “I don’t know what
happened tonight.” Kyle rubbed at his forehead. “One minute I was
just standing around laughing with Landen and his friends and the
next thing I know I’m seeing double.”

“That’s because you were drugged.” Oliver could barely keep the

rage from his tone. He took responsibility for this. If he hadn’t pushed
Kyle away then he wouldn’t have been at that party with that asshole
Landen. He shuddered to think what would have happened had he not
shown up in time.

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“Why would someone do that to me?” Kyle raised his arms as

Oliver pulled his shirt over his head.

His eyes took in the smooth muscular chest. Oliver’s finger itched

to caress the lean body with the rose-colored nipples.

“Kyle.” Oliver chuckled. “You’re too naïve, baby.” He helped

Kyle to his feet. “I think Landen did that in the hopes of getting you
into bed. It happens all the time on college campuses. Date rape.”

“I can’t imagine Landen doing that to me.” Kyle fumbled with the

snap on his shorts, his fingers still shaky. “Like you said, he can have
anyone on campus. Why go to all the trouble just to get me in bed?”

Oliver huffed out a sigh and pushed Kyle’s hands out of the way

and unfastened his shorts. “Because some guys are just jerks and
think it’s funny to take advantage of other people.” He gently pulled
down Kyle’s pants and boxer briefs. As he knelt to shove them the
rest of the way off, he came eye level with Kyle’s cock. Very little
hair grew on Kyle’s smooth tan body. He was so close he could reach
out and kiss the tip of Kyle’s dick. He swallowed deeply, trying to
regain his focus, and looked up at Kyle. “I didn’t mean what I said
earlier, Kyle. Any guy would go out of his way to get a date with you
and be lucky for it.”

Kyle’s eyes seemed to glow in the harsh light of the bathroom, his

cheeks rosy, and his chest expanded deeply with each breath. “Thank
you,” Kyle whispered.

Oliver nodded his head then stood up. He looked from the shower

then to Kyle. “So will you be okay to do this by yourself?” He pointed
over his shoulder to the shower stall.

“I think I can manage.” Kyle let go of the bathroom counter, took

a slow and wobbly step toward the shower, and tripped, Oliver
catching him just in time.

“Okay, how about I help you with the shower.” Oliver leaned

Kyle against the wall and took off his shirt.

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Oliver could feel Kyle’s eyes on him as more of his body became

exposed to Kyle’s eyes. His muscles flexed and twitched from the

“What about your pants?” Kyle’s voice cracked as he looked

down at Oliver’s jean-covered legs.

“I need to keep them on to keep from getting my leg wet.” Oliver

pulled up his pant leg to show his metal prosthetic. “If I take it off,
how will I hold myself up along with you?” He shot Kyle a grin.

“Oh, I forgot.” Kyle jerked his head up. “I’m sorry.” He nibbled

on his lower lip. “So how will you help me shower?”

“Easy.” Oliver held onto Kyle’s arm as he helped him into the

shower. “I’m going to keep the door open and stand out here.” Oliver
detached the overhead shower head and aimed it to run over Kyle’s

It took him about ten minutes to get Kyle cleaned up. It was the

hardest ten minutes of Oliver’s life. Kyle was starting to wake up
from the alcohol-induced daze. Oliver was still having a hard time
understanding how in fact Kyle became drunk in the first place. His
quick wolf metabolism was pushing the toxins out of his body, but not
soon enough, so that left Oliver with having to wash his body. He
almost swallowed his tongue when Kyle turned around for him to
wash his backside. The round, tight globes were perfection, and
Oliver wanted to knead and massage Kyle’s ass then pull it apart to
have a taste. But that would be wrong, and Oliver wanted to punch
himself for even thinking those types of thoughts.

Once done with the shower, Kyle seemed to be doing a little bit

better. Oliver helped dry him off and found a pair of pajama bottoms
for him to put on. Kyle was able to brush his teeth and with a little
help from Oliver, got into bed.

“The room is still spinning a little bit.” Kyle raised his arms to

cover his head. “It feels like I’m flying out of control.”

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Oliver rushed to the bathroom to grab the trashcan and set it

beside Kyle’s bed. He then sat down on the edge of the bed and rested
his hand on Kyle’s hip. “You’ll feel better in the morning.”

Kyle rolled over and curled into Oliver’s side where he sat. He

rested his head on Oliver’s thigh and let out a relaxed sigh. Not
knowing what else to do, Oliver combed his fingers through Kyle’s
hair, doing his best to soothe him.

“That feels nice.” Kyle shifted his head so that Oliver’s fingers

changed position to rub another part of his head. “Will you stay with
me?” Kyle shifted to look up at Oliver with wide eyes. “Please.”

Oliver tore his gaze from Kyle’s. His heart pounded in his chest,

screaming for him to stay the night, but his brain was telling him to
run. In the end Oliver stood up and unbuttoned his jeans and shimmed
them down his legs. He wasn’t sure what Kyle had been given or if
there would be any side effects, so he had to stay. Or at least that was
what he was telling himself.

“Here, scoot over.” Oliver moved up the bed and propped up his

legs. He detached his prosthetic and sat it beside the bed. He rubbed at
his leg, enjoying the freedom of having it off.

Kyle moved over a little more and pulled back the covers so

Oliver could climb under. Oliver knew this was dangerous territory,
to be in a bed with Kyle in only his boxers, but Kyle needed him.

Once Oliver was situated, Kyle cuddled in close, resting his head

on Oliver’s chest. Oliver didn’t move at first, then finally gave in. He
wrapped his arm over Kyle’s shoulders and held him close, caressing
his fingers over Kyle’s arm. Kyle then kicked up his right leg to lay
over Oliver’s. The top of his foot rested against the scar tissue of his
stump. He froze for a moment, afraid of how Kyle would react, with
disgust or repulsion, the things he’d seen in other people’s eyes when
they saw his disfigurement. But that never came. He breathed out an
unsteady breath as he felt Kyle start to rub his foot back and forth
over his leg, apparently not at all bothered by the missing limb.

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A calming feeling spread over Oliver’s body. He hadn’t felt this

relaxed since before his parents had died.

Kyle’s breath blew over Oliver’s chest as he breathed in and out

in a steady rhythm. Oliver snuggled closer to Kyle and drifted off to

Oliver came to at the feeling of warm, soft fingertips running over

his chest and a hot body pressed into his. He stretched and arched in
closer to the soothing touch. “That feels nice,” he said in sleepy voice.
It took a moment for Oliver to realize he wasn’t in his room or even
his own bed. His eyes popped open. “Kyle, you’re up.”

“Yeah.” Kyle rubbed his cheek against Oliver’s shoulder, his

fingers never stopping their movement. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“So you decided to watch me instead?” Oliver tried to put a little

distance between them but every time he moved away, Kyle scooted
closer, pulling him closer.

“Is that weird?” Kyle propped up on his elbow to look down at


“No, not really, I guess.” Oliver lifted his hand up to cover Kyle’s

where it lay on his chest. A sizzling sensation sparked up his arm, and
he gripped on tighter to Kyle.

“Thank you for bringing me home and staying with me.” Kyle

looked away from Oliver. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“I didn’t, but I wanted to.” Oliver held still, fighting against his

body’s urge to reach out for Kyle. From just that one touch he wanted
to kiss those plump lips, show Kyle just how much it wasn’t an
inconvenience to stay with him. “Don’t beat yourself up over what
happened. You’re still just a kid. You’re bound to make a few
mistakes.” Once the words left his mouth, Oliver wanted to suck them
back in. Kyle was no more a kid then he was. A year age difference
didn’t make Oliver any more of an adult than Kyle, but Oliver had
lived a hard life. He witnessed his parents being mauled to death and
he himself almost died. Hardships like that changed a person and he

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didn’t want his jaded way of thinking to tarnish the sweet, innocent
man sitting next to him.

Kyle flinched at the word kid but didn’t comment on it. He was

silent for so long Oliver thought that maybe he was done talking.

“Can I ask you something?” Kyle’s eyes lowered to stare at

Oliver’s mouth, and on instinct he licked his lips. A whoosh of air
fanned across his face from the force of Kyle’s exhale.

“Sure.” Oliver’s throat felt itchy and dry. He was nervous and

didn’t know why exactly.

It might be because you’re lying half-naked in bed with the guy

you so badly want to have sex with. His subconscious reminded him.
He hated that little voice of reason.

“Earlier, when you said any guy would be lucky to be with me,

did that include you?” Kyle’s eyes shone with hope and Oliver didn’t
know what to say.

“You remembered that?” Kyle nodded his head in answer. Oliver

had hoped that whatever drug knocked Kyle on his ass had also had
the ability to make him forget.

“You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.” Kyle tried

to pull away from him.

Oliver grabbed onto Kyle’s wrist. “It’s not that I don’t want to

answer. It’s that I shouldn’t.”

“Why?” Kyle shook his head, his eyes glistening with unshed

tears. “I feel like ever since we’ve met you’ve been pushing me

“What are you talking about?” Oliver sat up, letting Kyle turn

away from him. “Kyle, we’re suitemates and I think of us as friends.
What more do you want?”

“More than that!” Kyle fisted his hands into his hair. “I like you

like, a lot, and I feel like you avoid me.” He chuckled. “But what do I
know? I’m just a stupid kid who doesn’t know anything.” Kyle
practically sneered the words. “Just because I want you doesn’t mean

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you feel the same way.” Kyle flung back the blankets and started to
get off the bed.

Oliver lunged for Kyle, landing on top of him. Kyle struggled but

Oliver grabbed him by the wrist and pinned his arms above his head.
Oliver wasn’t stupid. Kyle was tougher than he appeared to be. Wolf
shifters were stronger than humans and the only reason he was able to
hold Kyle down like this was because Kyle allowed him to.

“I shouldn’t have called you a kid. I’m sorry for that.” Kyle

arched his back, almost toppling Oliver over. He shoved his knees
between Kyle’s legs and pushed up on his thighs, causing Kyle’s legs
to wrap around Oliver’s hips. “And yes! I’ve been pushing you

“Why?” Kyle snapped at him. His canines had lengthened and his

eyes started to glow.

Oliver could tell Kyle wasn’t aware he was losing control, so

Oliver didn’t say anything. He couldn’t let Kyle know he was a
hunter. Roderick had told them to keep that hidden from the young
wolf shifter.

Because I was asked to keep an eye on you. Because even though

you’re only a year younger than me, you’re more innocent than I ever
was. Because you deserve better.

All those things swirled around Oliver’s head but he couldn’t

force his throat to say the words. He stared down at Kyle seeing the
barely-controlled wolf inside him. Oliver should be concerned and
doing all he could to get Kyle back under control, but all he could
think to do was fall forward and seal his mouth to Kyle’s.

Oliver pressed hard against the soft, pliable flesh, then shoved his

tongue into Kyle’s mouth. He held back a wince as his tongue scraped
along one of Kyle’s canines, causing him to bleed. It didn’t hurt, only
made him want Kyle that much more.

It took a moment for Kyle to acknowledge what was happening,

but when he did he became an active participant. He pulled his hands

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free from Oliver and grabbed at his shoulders, nails raking down his

Oliver wound his arms underneath Kyle’s back to anchor him in

place and began to rock his hips into Kyle’s. Between the thin
material of his boxers and the flimsy fabric of Kyle’s pants, their
dicks couldn’t be contained. Hard lengths pressed against each other,
but it wasn’t enough. Oliver reached between them and shoved the
front of Kyle’s pants down, then freed his cock from his boxers.

“Oh my god,” Kyle cried out as Oliver ground his bare dick into

his. Kyle’s head fell back on the pillows and Oliver kissed and sucked
down the smooth, slender neck.

“Fuck, you taste so goddamn good.” Oliver sped up his hips and

bit into Kyle’s shoulder, probably leaving a mark.

“Oliver.” Kyle panted into Oliver’s shoulder. “Please, I need to


“Don’t worry, I got you.” Oliver lifted up his hips just enough to

fist his and Kyle’s cocks together. He stroked up and down, running
his palm over the leaking tips. “Come on, Kyle. Come for me.”

Kyle’s body began to shake and he rocked his hips into Oliver’s,

making the bed squeak. The throaty, needy sounds coming from
Kyle’s mouth caused Oliver’s balls to pull up tight. He was only
moments away from shooting his release all over Kyle.

“Oliver, Oliver, Oliver,” Kyle chanted, and his voice started to

rise. Oliver leaned down to cover Kyle’s lips with his own and
swallowed his cries.

Hot sticky cum erupted from Kyle’s cock, running like liquid fire

over Oliver’s fingers. He winced as Kyle bit into his lip, and he rode
the waves of his orgasm to the highest peak. It only took one more
pump of his fist to send him flying. His thick length pulsed in his
hand and cum shot out from the small slit at the tip of his dick. Oliver
broke the kiss to let his head fall into the crook of Kyle’s neck. His
body quaked from the force of his release and he gulped down
mouthfuls of breath, doing his best to keep from passing out.

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Oliver finally rolled off of Kyle’s warm body to lay next to him.

Guilt sat heavy in his chest for giving into his lust. He was asked to
keep an eye on Kyle, not to fall for him. This was never part of the
plan. Oliver sat up and started to make his way off the bed, reaching
for his prosthetic.

“Please stay,” Kyle said softly. His voice was smooth and relaxed.
Oliver looked over his shoulder, and the vulnerability in Kyle’s

eyes had him dropping his leg and rolling back onto the bed. He
opened his arms and Kyle dove into his embrace.

It didn’t take long for Kyle to fall asleep. His thin body wrapped

tightly around Oliver’s and he felt like a bastard for liking it so much.

“Tomorrow,” Oliver whispered to himself. Tomorrow he’d have a

talk with Kyle and tell him this was a mistake, that they could only be
friends. It was the right thing for him to do even though it tore a
chunk out of Oliver’s heart.

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Chapter Nine

The sound of his phone vibrating had Oliver opening his eyes. He

glanced around the room, disoriented for a moment before he
remembered where he was, and more importantly, who he was with.
He glanced down to see Kyle curled into a ball with his back plastered
to Oliver’s chest.

Kyle looked so peaceful and content. The soft, even exhales of

breath let Oliver know he was still asleep.

Oliver wanted nothing more than to stay right where he was,

taking comfort from where he knew he shouldn’t. Kyle was so young
and naïve. It would be wrong for Oliver to take what Kyle was so
willing to offer.

The phone sounded again. Oliver gently pulled his arm free from

under Kyle and rolled toward the other side of the bed. He sat up,
reached down for his pants, and pulled out his phone.

Police called. Body found at the far end of campus behind the

football stadium. We need to go now.

Oliver reread Levi’s text. “Shit!” he mumbled under his breath.

He glanced over his shoulder to make sure he hadn’t woken Kyle.
Kyle only shifted and pulled the blanket further up his body to cover
his head.

Grabbing his jeans, Oliver pulled them on then reattached his leg.

He got off the bed, doing his best to not make a single sound. He
found his shirt and shoes, snatched them up, then headed for the door
connecting his room to Kyle’s. He eased it open then quietly shut it
behind him.

“Is this your version of the walk of shame?” Levi asked.

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Oliver turned around to see his best friend leaning against the wall

by the front door, a smug smile on his handsome face.

“Shut up,” Oliver snapped as he rushed over to his dresser to get a

clean set of clothes.

“Don’t get testy with me because you have what is obviously the

morning-after guilt.” Levi flopped down on Oliver’s bed.

“Fuck you.” Oliver pulled his T-shirt over his head then headed

toward the bathroom. He looked into Kyle’s room to see the man still
fast asleep then shut his door. Oliver brushed his teeth and washed his
face. Once he was done he opened his bedroom door and waved for
Levi to lead the way.

Levi didn’t say another word until they were safely in the

elevator. “So did you guys have fun last night? Because it sure did
sound like it.” Levi’s face burned a bright red and his cheeks puffed
out from trying to keep in his laughter.

“I’m not going to talk about this with you.” Just then the doors

slid open and Oliver walked out of the elevator, leaving Levi to chase
after him.

“Why not? I’m your best friend.”
“Because—” Oliver tried to find the right words to explain things

to Levi but he came up empty. How was he supposed to explain it to
Levi when he couldn’t make himself understand what the hell it was
he wanted? “It’s complicated.”

“Complicated my ass,” Levi said as he walked alongside Oliver,

not looking at him. Oliver could sense his friend was mad at him.

“Levi, man, you just don’t understand.” Oliver shook his head.
“Bullshit.” Levi stopped abruptly and held out his arm, pulling

Oliver around to face him. “I understand perfectly clear. For the first
time in like forever, you found a guy you like.” Oliver opened his
mouth to deny it but Levi kept talking. “Don’t even say you don’t. I
see the way you look at Kyle, and this need you have to protect him? I
mean seriously, dude, do you think I’m blind?”

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Fuck! Levi was the closest person to Oliver in the whole world.

He loved the guy like a brother, but he also pissed Oliver off like a
brother would. Levi knew him so well that there was practically
nothing Oliver could hide from him. The downfall of living and
working with his best bud.

“Fine! I like him, but it doesn’t matter,” Oliver finally answered.

There was no use in lying about it, especially to Levi. They started
walking again.

“Why doesn’t it matter?”
“Because, it wouldn’t be right. Kyle might only be a year younger

than us but he’s so much more innocent.” Oliver shrugged. “I’d feel
like I was taking advantage of him.”

“Okay, I can see that a little bit, but still, Kyle is an adult and he

should be allowed to make that decision for himself on whether or not
he wants to be with you. Just because this is his first time away from
home and being out in the world, it doesn’t mean he’s completely
helpless, Oliver.”

“I never said he was,” Oliver said as he picked up the pace,

wanting to reach the location where the body was found. It was easier
to deal with dead bodies than have to talk about his personal life with
Levi. “Like I said, it’s complicated.”

“No it’s not.” Levi put a hand on Oliver’s shoulder as he spoke. “I

know you and the way your mind works. In some misplaced way of
thinking, you believe you’re not good enough for Kyle and that he
deserves better.”

And there it was. Levi could see what lay behind the wall Oliver

had built up. Kyle did deserve so much more than Oliver was able to
give. What kind of life could they have together really? He was a
hunter and Kyle a wolf shifter, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t be
together. It did mean it would be challenging. Oliver was a hunter
above everything else in his life and once he graduated, he had hopes
of being more involved with the hunter’s council. What kind of life
could he and Kyle have if he was gone all the time, not counting the

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risk factor? In Oliver’s line of work he could just as easily be killed,
and then where would that leave Kyle?

“Levi, you and I both know are jobs are dangerous. We know the

risk involved with this life. Would you willingly allow yourself to be
with someone and not feel bad about the constant worry you are
putting them through? Fuck, man, think about it.” Oliver ran a hand
through his hair. “Put the shoe on the other foot. Could you imagine
having to sit at home knowing that every time the phone rang it could
be someone to tell you that your loved one is dead?”

“I get it,” Levi said after a long pause. “But it doesn’t mean you

should have to be alone. Maybe Kyle is willing to take all that on just
to be with you, maybe he’s not. But it’s not your call to make.”

Oliver gave his friend a long, hard stare, and could see that Levi

believed in what he said. There was no persuading Levi of anything

“You might be right.” Oliver started walking again. “But it’s not

an option I’m willing to leave in Kyle’s hands. At least not yet.”
Oliver couldn’t deny that he did want Kyle. He wanted him any way
he could have him, but it still wasn’t fair to Kyle. Oliver had no
intention of giving up his life as a hunter, and Kyle shouldn’t be
forced to have to live that sort of life.

They walked the rest of the way to the stadium. The sun had risen

the rest of the way and the temperature started to rise. Oliver would
be happy when fall arrived. He was sick of summer and the heat.

As they got closer, their contact at the local police station,

Detective Stanton, waved them off to the side away from the crime
scene investigators. An area was roped off with yellow police tape
and a body lay with a white blanket covering it near the edge of the

“What do you got for us?” Oliver asked as he eyed the scene in

front of him.

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“Oliver, Levi.” Stanton nodded to them. “The deceased is a male

student.” Stanton flipped through his little notepad. “Paul Smith. He
plays on the basketball team.”

“Never heard of him,” Levi answered, and Oliver nodded his


“It’s a large campus and I don’t imagine either of you boys have

time for watching sports.” Stanton chuckled. “But anyway, he was
found here by the groundskeeper. He arrived early to do some touch-
up work on the field, repainting lines or some bullshit, but he found
Mr. Smith out here for all to see. Whoever did this didn’t go out of
their way to hide the body.” He waved for Oliver and Levi to follow
him. Stanton stopped as they reached the body. “Let me just warn you
boys, it’s not pretty.”

Stanton pulled back the cover and Oliver bent down to get a better

look. The victim had been mauled to death. The large bite marks and
deep gashes were all over the body. Paul’s throat had been ripped out,
he was missing an eye, and claw marks distorted the other part of his
face. Oliver lifted the sheet to take in the rest of the body. More bite
and claw marks. If Paul’s throat being torn out didn’t kill him, the
damage to the rest of his body would have.

Blood saturated the ground in an inky-black pool. It didn’t bother

Oliver too much. He had gotten used to finding bodies in this
condition and even worse.

“Damn.” Levi raked his eyes over the body. “This poor guy didn’t

stand a chance. The animal really ripped him apart.”

“That’s not even the weirdest part.” Stanton knelt next to Oliver

and pulled the sheet up at the foot of the victim’s body. “The animal
chewed off his left leg.” Stanton pointed his pen at the jagged stump.
“Still haven’t found that part of him yet.”

Oliver’s eyes widened as he looked at the missing leg. It was the

same leg that he himself had torn from his body when he was a young
boy. He looked up to see Levi staring at him. Worry knitted his brow.

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Stanton stood up and he ushered Oliver and Levi off to the side

out of the way of the investigators. “I know you boys are here mainly
to attend school, but Roderick said you keep tabs on all local attacks
in the area. I’ve got to ask if you might have any idea who could have
done this.” Stanton glanced over at the prone, covered body. “We’ve
had our fair share of attacks, the not-so-natural kind along with the
local wildlife in the area, but I’ve never seen a body this badly
chewed up. That poor boy was tortured.”

Oliver ran a hand over his mouth, choking back the stench of

death that lay thick in the air. The smell of a decaying body had to be
the worst part of the job. He could look at any manner of attack and
be okay but the smell always made him want to throw up.

“This area has been pretty quiet,” Oliver answered. “Nothing

more than the minor bite to the leg or scratching. Your town has been
lucky, Detective Stanton. We’ve seen worse, let me tell you.” Oliver
looked over to the body. “Do you happen to have a picture of this
guy’s face? Between the bite marks and scratches, I can’t really get a
good visual of what he used to look like.”

“Sure, hang on a moment.” Stanton walked over to another cop,

leaving Oliver and Levi where they were.

“Why do you need to see a pic?” Levi asked.
“I’m just curious about something, is all.” Oliver stepped closer to

Levi and whispered. “His left leg was torn from his body right below
the knee. Doesn’t that seem a little odd to you?”

“No, not really.” Levi shrugged. “Maybe this shifter wanted some

sort of trophy of the kill or a chew bone for later. I stopped trying to
figure out these monsters’ moves a long time ago.”

“Here you go, Oliver.” Stanton came back over and handed over

the victim’s ID, interrupting his and Levi’s discussion. Oliver took
hold of the clear evidence bag and looked down at the license.

Paul Smith was a little over six feet tall, and weighed in at one-

seventy. He had short brown hair and blue eyes. Oliver noticed right
away he and the victim had a lot in common.

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“Do you recognize him after all?” Stanton asked.
“No.” Oliver handed back over the baggy. “You have our number

if you need us. We’ll start a search over the campus and try our best
to find who did this, or at the very least some leads.”

“Sure thing, boys, and don’t hesitate to call if you get any word.

One body we can explain away as a random animal attack. Two? Will
be a lot harder to try and cover up. It’ll cause mass hysteria among the

“I couldn’t agree more.” Oliver held out his hand to shake

Stanton’s then headed off back toward their dorm.

“So what was that all about?” Levi asked once they were out of

ear shot of the cops.

“Something just doesn’t add up here.” Oliver shifted the direction

they were going toward the parking lot next to the dorm. “Did you see
that guy’s picture?”

“Yeah, so?”
Oliver came to a stop at the black Tahoe and popped the locks. He

opened the back hatch and pulled out a map of the campus. Oliver
marked the location of where the body was found then looked to see
where the Alpha Theta house was in relation to the stadium.

“Paul Smith and I look a lot alike, plus his left leg was ripped

from his body right below the knee.” He looked up at Levi. “Just like
mine. That doesn’t seem a little odd to you?”

“So what you’re saying is that this Paul guy was killed because he

looked like you?” Levi squinted an eye and tilted his head. “Seems a
bit farfetched, Ollie.”

“Not after what happened last night.” Oliver put the map aside.

“Think about it. Landen was so pissed at me last night for taking Kyle
home. Fuck, the guy would have tried to hit me if it weren’t for his
friend holding him back.”

“So you think Landen killed Paul because he was mad at you?”

Levi crossed his arms over his chest. “I think you’re reaching here.”

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“Really? What do we know about this Landen Halliwell,

anyway?” Oliver asked. “For all we know he is a shifter and is
sending me a message to back off. Think about it, Levi. With that
body found today and what happened last night, it all seems a little
off. Not to mention Kyle had been drugged. Only a wolf shifter would
know it would take drugging Kyle to make him act that way.”

Levi sat quietly just staring at Oliver. Oliver knew he sounded

crazy but it all had to be connected somehow.

“I didn’t think about that. If you’re right then we need to keep tabs

on Mr. Halliwell.” Levi started to laugh.

“What’s so funny?”
“Oh nothing, just thinking about how pissed off the school will be

if their new starting quarterback is a rabid wolf shifter we’re going to
have to detain. It will totally fuck up their season.”

“I’m glad you see the humor in this.” Oliver pulled out his phone.
“Who you calling?” Levi asked.
“Roderick.” Oliver punched in the number and put the phone to

his ear.

It took longer than usual for Roderick to answer the call. He

informed Oliver that he was out on assignment in Texas. Apparently
two wolf packs were arguing over land and a lot of fighting had
broken out.

“I’m going to need you two to handle this until I can get back

there,” Roderick said. “You think you can handle that?”

“Yes, sir.” Oliver and Levi were two of the youngest hunters the

council had but were treated like seasoned veterans. They’d been
hunting on their own since they were seventeen. Not very long, but
they had the highest success rate of captures without kills. It didn’t
mean that Oliver was against killing shifters, but he’d rather see them
brought to justice than given the easy way out in death.

“And another thing, keep a close watch on Kyle. It could just be a

coincidence that he was drugged but I don’t want to take any chances.

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Do a background check on this Landen kid. See what you can find
out, and keep me posted.”

“Will do, sir.” Oliver hung up the phone. He sat staring out over

the parking lot. It was early on Saturday morning. Not a lot of
students were up and about quite yet. Oliver knew it wouldn’t take
long before word spread about the murder. He had to hope it didn’t
send Landen running away.

“So I guess we better get to work.” Levi stretched out his arms.
“Yeah.” Oliver shut the back hatch of the Tahoe and locked the


They headed toward the administration building. Roderick had an

office set up for them in the basement so they had somewhere to keep
all their equipment. The dorm rooms weren’t big enough and they
didn’t want to take the chance of discovery if they brought someone
back to their room.

Levi clicked on the mouse bringing the widescreen monitor to life.

He hit a few buttons and the screen lit up, showcasing Kyle’s dorm
room door. They had installed the camera before students had arrived
on campus, a whole two weeks before Kyle moved in.

“We need to get a camera on the Alpha Theta house.” Oliver

pulled a chair up next to Levi. “We need to know Landen’s coming
and goings.”

“I can do that while you go and keep our young friend company.”

Levi tapped on the screen. “He’ll probably be up soon.”

“Nah, I’ll just watch him from here.” Oliver made some more

marks on the map, charting out the distance from the frat, the body,
and to their dorm. Oliver didn’t need Levi to agree with him. He knew
something was off with Landen. He just had to wait for Landen to
show his wolf colors.

“You can’t avoid him after spending the night with him. That’s

cruel, Ollie.”

“I’m not avoiding him. I’m working. There’s a difference.” There

wasn’t, but Oliver wasn’t going to let Levi guilt him into anything.

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“Sure, whatever you have to tell yourself.” Levi held his hands up

in the air. “All I’m saying is it’d be easier if you were with him than
watching him through a computer screen. If this Landen guy is a
shifter, he’s not safe to be around. Do you really want him showing
up at Kyle’s door while we’re not there?”

“Kyle will be fine,” Oliver said with finality to his tone. “Now go

set up those cameras.”

Levi rolled his eyes, grabbed up two of the small cameras, and

shoved them in a backpack.

Oliver sat in the chair and watched the door to Kyle’s room,

praying he stayed put for the rest of the weekend. With any hope,
Landen would do something incriminating and they’d be able to lock
him up.

Oliver felt terrible for Paul’s family, but the most important thing

to him was keeping Kyle out of harm’s way. If Landen wanted to
come after him, that was fine, as long as he left Kyle alone.

The feelings spiraling through his body kept Oliver on edge. What

he felt for Kyle was more than a simple attraction, but it didn’t matter.
He was here to attend school and do his job. Everything else would
just have to take a back seat, no matter how badly it hurt.

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Chapter Ten

Kyle was starting to get pissed. He hadn’t seen Oliver all day on

Saturday or Sunday. Now on Monday morning he stood at Oliver and
Levi’s door with no one answering his knocks. He had seriously
contemplated picking the lock to their room through the bathroom
door, but he decided against that. It’d be really awkward, especially if
they were in their room and just ignoring his calls.

The thought of Oliver avoiding him at first broke Kyle’s heart, but

then after Saturday, anger set in and he wanted to rip into Oliver,
make him feel like he’d made Kyle feel, used and unwanted.

Didn’t Oliver realize he was the first man to ever touch him?

Oliver had to have known just from his fumbling hands that night that
Kyle was inexperienced. Why would he just up and leave that
morning without a word?

“Thank god I didn’t have sex with him,” Kyle whispered as he

turned away from Oliver’s door and headed for the elevator.

Kyle stepped out into the sunny day. Students hustled on their

way to class, passing Kyle by in a flurry of overly loud conversations,
and occasionally he was bumped in the shoulder but Kyle couldn’t
have cared less. He was so upset that he let Oliver use him, because
that was what it was, right? Oliver got what he wanted from Kyle then
tossed him aside.

In a daze he walked to the department that housed his

Composition class. He’d been so distracted the seven-minute walk felt
only seconds long. If this was how his day was going to go he might
as well just go crawl back into bed and call the day a bust. All he
could seem to think about was Oliver, so sitting through lecture after

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lecture would be pointless because all he’d hear would be blah, blah,

Kyle took his seat toward the front of the class. He got his laptop

out and turned it on.

“Did you hear about the dead body they found?”
Kyle’s ears perked up at the mention of a body.
“Yeah! It was Paul Smith. You know, the basketball player,” the

girl sitting behind him said to her friend. “His mangled body was
found by the football stadium. Word is it was an animal attack.”

“No way!” The other girl exclaimed.
Kyle glanced over his shoulder at the two gossiping girls. They

continued to talk about what they heard, and it made Kyle’s stomach
turn. How did they know all this? Kyle realized news traveled fast,
but still. The poor student who had his life cut short was now
intriguing gossip for the students on campus.

Wait a minute! Something the girl said lifted through the fog of

his disheveled mind. Kyle shifted in his seat. “Excuse me, did you say
it was an animal attack?”

“Huh?” The girl looked at him as if she hadn’t noticed him sitting

there. “Oh yeah.” Her eyes lit up with excitement to have someone
new to spread the word to. “Totally gruesome.”

“Do they know what it was that attacked him?” Kyle’s stomach

started to gurgle and he felt the burn of stomach acid as it rose in the
back of his throat.

“Word is they think it might be a bobcat or a bear.” She giggled.

“I doubt it was a bobcat. They’re not very big. I’d have to imagine a
big guy like Paul could have fought it off.” She flipped her hair over
her shoulder and leaned toward Kyle, crossing her arms over her chest
and pressing her boobs close together. “So I’m thinking it was a bear.
How freaky is that?”

“Very.” Kyle turned away from her and rubbed a hand over his

forehead. Hearing that it was probably a bear relieved some of the

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stress settling on his shoulders. He didn’t want to think about it being
a wolf attack.

“Good morning, class,” the professor said loudly. “Let’s get this

Monday started, shall we?”

For the rest of the hour, Kyle sat there only half listening to his

professor. He suddenly felt the need to call Ian and talk to him. He’d
avoided calling his family all weekend for fear they’d hear the
sadness in his voice. It would be too hard to explain to his brother that
he’d finally been intimate with another man only to have said man
ignore him afterward. It was such after-school-special type bullshit.
He didn’t want his family to worry about him or think he couldn’t
handle being away at college by himself.

At the end of class, Kyle put away his belongings and went off to

his sociology class. The next hour and a half flew by, and once it was
over he headed out the door. His stomach grumbled and he took a left
instead of a right to go to the cafeteria. He’d skipped breakfast that
morning, too tied up in knots over Oliver to eat anything.

Kyle turned around at the sound of someone calling his name. A

smile spread over his face as Landen jogged toward him.

“Hey, Landen.” He switched the shoulder his backpack strap sat

on. “Sorry about Friday night. I’m not sure what came over me.” The
only thing Kyle remembered at the party was getting there, and the
next thing he knew he was puking outside his dorm while Oliver held
him. There was a little over an hour uncounted for, that he had no
recollection of at all. Weird, but Kyle just brushed it off.

“No, don’t apologize.” Landen reached out to take his hand. “I

was so worried about you. I knew you had a lot to drink but I hadn’t
realized that you were that bad off.” Landen frowned and looked
away from him. “Then your friend showed up and accused me of
getting you drunk. Then he took you home.” Landen turned his bright
green eyes toward him. “I swear I didn’t mean for that to happen. I’d

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never do anything like that.” Landen took a step closer. “I like you,
Kyle, and I want you to feel safe when you’re with me.”

Kyle hadn’t thought much about how he wound up in that

condition but he’d never suspected that Landen had anything to do
with it. Landen had been nothing but sweet to him. Kyle actually felt
bad about that. He was a nice guy that obviously liked him but all he
could think about was Oliver.

“Landen, I’m not sure what happened Friday night but I don’t

blame you.” Kyle smiled at him. “I must have had too much to drink.
If anyone is to blame it’s Zach for making sure we all had a full glass
the entire time.”

“True.” Landen nibbled on his bottom lip. “I guess you have a

point there.” Finally that bright smile was back on his handsome face.
“I’m just happy that you’re not mad at me. I should have been
watching you more closely to make sure that didn’t happen.”

“Don’t stress on it.” Kyle waved a hand at him then looked toward

the double doors and canted his head to the side. “I was on my way to
the cafeteria. Do you want to come with me?”

“Like a date?” Landen squinted an eye and pursed his lips. Kyle

laughed at the funny face he made.

“It’s just lunch.” He chuckled. “But I guess you can say it’s a


“Cool.” Landen wrapped his arm around Kyle’s shoulders and

walked him out the door. “We’ll consider this our first date since the
one at the party didn’t end so well.”

“I think I’d like that. Thanks, Landen.” Kyle looked up at him as

they walked side by side.

Once in the cafeteria, Kyle and Landen grabbed sandwiches,

chips, and sodas, then went to find a seat in the crowded lunch room.
It was just after twelve so a lot of students were in between classes
and were hanging out here. They found an open table by the far
windows, sat down and ate their lunch.

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Kyle was actually having fun. Landen might be this super athletic

football player, but he was also this goofy and fun guy. He joked with
Kyle and asked how his classes were going. Landen even talked about
his struggles to fit in at the frat he lived at.

“They all seem pretty cool that I’m openly gay but I don’t know.”

Landen wadded up his napkin and tossed it on his tray. “Sometimes I
feel like they’re judging me. I know being out and proud might affect
me going pro one day, but I’m okay with that. Playing football was
only a means to get me into college.”

“Really?” Kyle seemed shocked by this news. Landen was the

typical all-American guy. Not only did he have the good looks, but he
was talented. Kyle would have assumed a guy like Landen would ride
the wave of fame until he couldn’t, but Landen proved Kyle wrong.
Landen was just a normal guy doing what he had to to get by.

“Yeah, my folks aren’t rich so I had to work my ass off to get

here.” Landen stole a chip from Kyle’s plate. He smiled wildly when
Kyle slapped at his hand. “Sure, I could have taken out student loans,
but then I’d have a shitload of debt when I graduated. So it just made
sense to excel in football. It also doesn’t hurt that I had a 4.0 GPA in
high school.”

“Wow!” Kyle’s eyes went wide. When he first met Landen he

thought he was some brainless jock his brother warned him about, the
kind of student that only wanted to party and get laid. But Landen
wasn’t like that.

“Don’t sound so surprised.” Landen tossed his napkin at Kyle.

“I’m not just a pretty face.” He shrugged. “Or at least that’s what my
mom says.”

Kyle laughed out loud. “She’s right about that. You have layers

and layers of depth.” He sobered and met Landen’s stare. “There’s
definitely more to you than I expected.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Landen tilted his head, his

face serious.

“Very good thing.”

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They sat and talked for a little longer. Landen asked him to go to

the library later that night. He said he wanted to take Kyle on a real
date but he had a paper due for one of his classes. Kyle accepted and
found himself really looking forward to it. Even if he didn’t feel the
same way about Landen like he did Oliver, maybe Landen would still
want to be his friend.

“Shit, I better get going.” Landen looked over at the large clock

hanging on the wall. “I’ve got calculus in ten minutes.” He picked up
his tray and paused as he started to walk way. “See you tonight?”

“Definitely.” Kyle smiled as he watched Landen walk away. The

tall blond with the handsome face smiled and said hi to other students
as he passed by. He genuinely seemed like a nice guy.

“What were you doing with him?”
Kyle jumped at the angry-sounding voice and from the thump of

books that landed on the table, shaking it from the force. Oliver sat
across the table glaring at him.

It took a moment for Kyle to find his voice. “None of your

business.” Kyle gathered his trash and put his bag over his shoulders
then stood up.

In a movement so fast Kyle didn’t even see Oliver’s hand move,

Oliver’s long hard fingers wrapped around Kyle’s wrist and pulled
him back into his seat.

“Do you not remember what happened the other night?” Oliver

asked through clenched teeth.

“To be fair, only a little bit.” Kyle yanked his arm free and leaned

toward Oliver. “But what I do remember in perfect detail is us having
sex and you ditching me the next day.” Kyle wasn’t sure that what
they had done together was technically sex, but he felt just as
vulnerable during and afterward. Surely jacking another guy off
meant something of importance.

“What?” Oliver had a stunned look on his face. “We didn’t have

sex, Kyle.”

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“Not intercourse, but we still shared an intimate moment, you

ass.” Oliver stood up. “I’ve got a class to get to.”

“Kyle, please wait.”
Kyle stopped at the feel of Oliver’s soft touch on his bicep. “What

do you want, Oliver?” He didn’t look behind him. He wanted Oliver
to know what it felt like to be ignored.

“I’m sorry about what happened between us and I’m sorry for

leaving like I did. Will you please look at me?”

He was sorry. Kyle could feel the sting of tears in his eyes and he

bit down on his lip to keep from crying out. Kyle finally understood
the meaning of words hurting more than a fist to the face. What they
shared meant nothing to Oliver.

Kyle spun around and kept his face impassive. “Oliver, I have

nothing to say to you and I really need to go. I’ve got a class, then I’m
meeting Lauren and Tatum for dinner, then I have a study date with
Landen. I really don’t have time for anything you have to say. So
have a good day.” Kyle gave him a tight smile then walked away,
leaving a stunned Oliver staring after him.

It wasn’t in Kyle to be rude or mean to others, but how he felt

about Oliver and the way Oliver callously shoved aside what
happened between them wasn’t okay. He wanted Oliver so badly but
Kyle learned long ago that wishing for things to happen never
worked. It was a waste of time and Kyle was sick of putting himself
out there only to have his heart broken.

It didn’t take Kyle long to reach his class, and he settled in and

listened intently to his teacher. As he sat there in the crowded class,
Kyle came to the conclusion that he needed to start living life for
himself. He couldn’t rely on others to make him happy. From now on
he’d do what felt right and live his life as carefree as the other
students on campus. And his first step in being a self-centered student
was going out with Landen no matter what Oliver thought about it.
Oliver had his chance and blown it. It was time for Kyle to move on,
and move on he would.

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Chapter Eleven

“That bratty little shit!” Oliver threw his backpack across the

room as he entered the dorm. “He’s actually going on another date
with Landen. Can you fucking believe that?”

“Yes, I can.” Levi sat up on his bed and kicked his legs over the

edge. “You, my friend, broke young Kyle’s heart by ignoring him all
weekend. So in his book you’re probably a prick. Can’t hardly say I
blame him though.”

Oliver narrowed his eyes at Levi. “This isn’t helping.” He flopped

down on his bed. “Doesn’t Kyle understand what that stupid jock did
to him?”

“Dude, Kyle is young and quite inexperienced. You read the

report Roderick gave us. Kyle lived a very sheltered life. Sasha never
exposed him to the outside world or how to harness his wolf shifting
abilities. He’s like a baby being thrust into the world, forced to take
care of himself.”

“So what? Are we supposed to just let him go meet up with the

guy who more than likely tried to date rape him and might have
involvement in the murder here on campus?”

“First of all, we don’t know for sure if Landen drugged Kyle’s

drink. It’s only speculation. And second, we’ve been watching
Landen all weekend and there’s been no signs of him being a wolf
shifter. We technically have nothing to go on.”

“Fuck that!” Oliver threw his hands in the air. “Something about

that guy seems off. He’s involved somehow.”

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“Yeah, something about him seems off because you hate that our

little Kyle is showing interest in him. No shocker there since you blew
him off after you blew him.” Levi chuckled.

“I didn’t blow him, you asshole.” Oliver lay back on his bed and

stared up at the ceiling. “I’ll admit a part of me is jealous, but more
than that I just have a bad feeling about this guy.”

Levi heaved out a sigh and came to sit beside Oliver on his bed.

“They’re just going to the library, Ollie.” He patted Oliver’s knee.
“We’ll stake out the building and keep a close watch on Kyle.”

“Thanks, Levi.” Oliver draped his arm over his eyes then pulled it

away. “How do you know they’re just going to the library?”

“I’ve got ears and I’ve been keeping tabs on Landen while you’ve

been watching Kyle.” Levi shrugged. “I’ve got to say, Landen seems
clean. I mean he actually attends class, unlike some of his other

Oliver found it annoying that Levi thought Landen was innocent.

For him Landen was guilty as hell. Sure, his judgment might be a
little clouded because of his feelings for Kyle, but still. Something
seemed fishy about the guy.

“Whatever, I’m still not buying it.” No matter what anyone said,

Landen was suspicious as hell. Oliver learned to always trust his gut,
and his gut was telling him to keep a very close eye on that guy.

The sun had already started to set when Levi and Oliver headed

toward the library. Kyle didn’t come back to his room after class so
Oliver had to assume he went to hang out with his friends. Not that
there was anything wrong with Kyle having friends and living his life,
but Oliver had hoped to see his sweet face one more time before he
had to hide in the shadows for the rest of the night.

“I’ll go around the back and stay close to the exit. You take the

front.” Levi gave his shoulder a squeeze then headed toward the rear
entrance of the library. Before he reached the door he spun around.
“Don’t do anything stupid, Ollie.”

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In response, Oliver held up his middle finger then walked in

through the front door. It was early evening and plenty of students
filled up the different tables scattered throughout the building. Oliver
stayed on the far edges, sneaking glances in between the stacks of
bookshelves that were lined in square formation around the front level
of the library. He didn’t see any sign of Kyle or Landen so he took the
steps up to the second level. Still no sign.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and Oliver pulled out his phone.
Check the basement, the text from Levi read.
Surely they wouldn’t be in the basement, Oliver thought to

himself. He took the stairs down to the lower level, and just like the
top floors, students sat around the tables hard at work. Oliver scanned
the crowd until he saw Kyle bent over a book then typing something
on his computer.

I found them, Oliver texted Levi.
Oliver moved between the shelves at the back to where he had a

great view of the two. From where he was at, he couldn’t hear what
they said to one another but it didn’t really matter. Most of the time
they, well, actually were studying. Occasionally Kyle said something
to Landen that had the guy laughing, but shushing from the table next
to them had him quieting down real quick.

Anything yet??? Levi’s text startled him and Oliver jerked back a


Nope. They are really studying. Oliver looked up from his phone

to spy on the pair again.

Well it is a library, genius.
Oliver clenched his phone tightly in his grip and wanted to throw

it. Levi knew which buttons to push and he did it quite frequently.
Just because nothing was happening now didn’t mean something
wouldn’t happen later.

Finally, after another hour of watching Landen and Kyle, they

stood up. They gathered their belongings and headed for the door.
Oliver took the fire exit stairwell up to the first floor. He had to rush

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to keep up. He didn’t want to leave Kyle alone with Landen for even a

* * * *

“So how much more do you have left to write?” Kyle asked

Landen as they stepped through the glass doors of the library, heading
into the cool evening air.

“Only the conclusion.” Landen let out a heavy sigh. “History was

my favorite subject in high school, but I’m thinking Professor Fisher
is killing it for me. He totally wants to dissect the Civil War to death.
I know every teacher has their own method of teaching but damn, this
guy is longwinded and extremely boring.”

“Yeah, my calculus teacher’s voice puts me to sleep.” Kyle

winced as if he could hear the monotonous tone even now. “I have to
fight to keep my eyes open.”

“I feel ya, man.” Landen came to a stop and reached for Kyle’s

hand. “I had fun tonight, Kyle.”

“Me, too.” Kyle forced a smile and did his best not to try and pull

his hand away. He liked Landen, just not in that way. It pissed him off
he couldn’t shove his attraction for Oliver out of the way to make
room for Landen. What good was it lusting after a guy who didn’t
want him?

“I’ve got a late practice tomorrow night, but on Wednesday would

you might want to go and have dinner with me? Off campus,” Landen
asked. His white teeth nipped at his bottom lip as if he were nervous.

Kyle couldn’t think of one good reason to say no other than that

he might be leading Landen on. “I’d love to.”

“Great!” Landen’s smile was so wide even his eyes looked as if

they were grinning at Kyle.

“Yo, Halliwell!” Kyle and Landen both turned to see Zach, one of

Landen’s friends and teammates, walking in their direction.

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“Hey, Zach, what’s up?” Landen reached out his hand for Zach to


“Nothing much.” Zach turned to look down at Kyle.
Something about the way his lips pulled tight made Kyle wonder

if Zach didn’t like him. He didn’t see how that was possible since
they hardly knew each other.

“Kyle, how’s your night going?” Zach grinned at him. “Did this

knucklehead let you get any work done?” Zach wrapped his arm
around Landen’s head and rubbed his knuckles over his scalp.

“Yes, actually.” Kyle laughed at the way the two friends wrestled.
“Oh, shit, before I forget.” Zach let go of Landen and straightened

his shoulders. “You need to run by coach’s office to get the play
book. The assistant coach called while you were out. He tried your
cell but you didn’t answer. I said knowing you, you probably forgot to
charge it.”

Landen pulled his phone from his back pocket. “Damn it.”
“See?” Zach looked at Kyle and nudged his head in Landen’s

direction. “Happens all the time. I often wonder how he makes such
good grades.”

“I’m a man of many talents, I guess you could say.” Landen

brought his hand to his chest and fluttered his eyelashes, acting silly.

“Whatever, man. If you two will excuse me, I need to get in the

library before it closes to check out a book for psych class.” Zach
walked between them and headed for the library doors. “Landen, you
better hurry your ass over to coach’s office before he leaves for the
night. He wants you to study those plays for Saturday’s game.” And
with that, Zach turned around and disappeared into the library.

“I guess I better get going.” Landen rocked back and forth on his

feet. “So Thursday night?”

“Thursday night,” Kyle said cheerfully. “But we can still eat lunch

together if you want.” He shrugged. “You don’t have to.”

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“Nah, I want to.” Landen took a step closer to him. His eyes

lowered to Kyle’s lips for a brief moment before Landen leaned down
and kissed him on the forehead. “See you tomorrow, Kyle.”

“See ya!” Kyle watched him hustle toward the athletic building

clear at the other end of the campus.

He waited until Landen was out of sight then started toward his

dorm. Full darkness had fallen while he was in the library, and there
weren’t enough street lamps to brighten up the campus too much.
Kyle found himself jumping at every little sound he heard. The
jostling of leaves in the wind had his chest clenching tight. He knew
there was nothing to be scared of, but he was. It was something he
couldn’t help. Being a wolf shifter didn’t make Kyle feel stronger or
less fearful of the things that went bump in the night.

Kyle walked a little faster and glanced over his shoulder. He could

have sworn he heard someone walking behind him but when he
stopped moving, so did the footsteps. Picking up the pace, Kyle did
his best version of speed walking, only one step away from actual

A low growl sounded from the left of him and Kyle turned to look

into the dark alley between the two buildings. He didn’t see anything,
not even with his pristine wolf vision. He heard it again and took a
step backward. He felt stupid for being afraid. It was probably just the
way the wind sounded as it whipped through the buildings.

Kyle spun around, swallowing down his scream of terror as he

looked up into Oliver’s big blue eyes.

“Are you okay?” Oliver asked.
“Yeah.” Kyle took a deep breath then turned to look back at the

dark alley. “You just scared the crap out of me is all.”

“I’m sorry.” Oliver looked over Kyle’s shoulder then cut his eyes

back to Kyle’s. “I didn’t mean to. I just saw you standing here and
thought I’d say hi.”

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Kyle’s heart rate came back under control and he repeated

Oliver’s words in his head. “You wanted to say hi? Really? After
avoiding me all weekend and chewing my butt out in the cafeteria
today you wanted to stop and say hi?” Now Kyle was getting mad.

“Look, Kyle, I don’t want to argue with you. I’m sorry about

treating you like that the night after we, you know.” Oliver waved his
hand around in a circle, appearing to admit what they had done
together. “Then today at lunch. I’m sorry.”

Kyle glared up at Oliver and he found it difficult to hang on to his

anger. He really wanted to make Oliver suffer like he had for the past
two days. “Well, ya know, the sorry would have been greatly
appreciated two days ago.” Kyle stepped around Oliver and continued
on to his dorm.

“Kyle, man, come on. I said I was sorry.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry, too.” They reached the dorm and Kyle hit the

button on the elevator for the third floor. Oliver squeezed inside
before the doors slid shut.

Neither of them said a single word on the way up or when the

doors opened and Kyle walked out. He pulled his key from his pocket
and unlocked his door.

“Good night,” Oliver said.
Kyle could feel Oliver’s eyes on him but he didn’t turn around. He

stepped into his room and shut the door. Once inside, he leaned
against the hard surface. Being mad at Oliver was hard work, but he
refused to just forgive Oliver’s behavior. Oliver might want to forget
and move on from what happened here in his room that past weekend,
but Kyle didn’t.

He looked over at his bed and closed his eyes. Behind his eyelids

he could see Oliver hovering over him, kissing and touching him, the
caress of his fingers so soft on his skin. God, if he could go back in
time just to experience it all over again, even knowing how it would
turn out, he’d still want that one perfect moment one more time.

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Chapter Twelve

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Oliver grumbled as he yanked his

key out of his pocket. “I’m doing this for his own good so why is he
being such a dick to me?”

With keys in hand, Oliver stared at his door. He knew the smart

thing to do would be to unlock it and go inside, but since when did he
do the smart thing? It sure wasn’t last Friday night when he wound up
in bed with Kyle.

He should just walk away. Let Kyle stay mad at him, then he

wouldn’t be disappointed when he finds out that Oliver and Levi are
hunters who had been given the task of babysitting him.

Oliver clutched the keys tightly in his fist and could feel the sting

as the metal prongs dug in to the soft flesh of his palm. The pain
wasn’t enough to distract him from what he wanted.

After sitting half the night and watching the guy he wanted to be

with, because he came to the conclusion an hour ago that he did in
fact want Kyle for himself, sitting quite comfortably with another man
really just pissed him off. Then to top it off he had to watch as Landen
kept reaching for Kyle’s hand then kissing his forehead as he said
good night. Never in his whole entire life had Oliver felt jealousy like
this before.

Unable to stop himself, Oliver walked up to Kyle’s door and

rapped his fist twice on the hard surface. When Kyle didn’t answer,
he did it again.

“What?” The door swung open and the light from the hallway lit

up Kyle’s light blue eyes.

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Not stopping to think about what he was doing, Oliver took a step

forward then another until he stood inside Kyle’s room. Kyle
stumbled backward, his eyebrows drawn tight as he glared up at him.
Kyle started to open his mouth and Oliver reached out, wrapped both
his large hands around the back of Kyle’s neck, and pulled him close.
His mouth slammed down on Kyle’s and his lips swallowed down
whatever it was Kyle wanted to say.

Kyle only fought him for a moment before he wound his arms

around Oliver’s neck. Oliver let his hands drift down Kyle’s back
until he got a good grip on Kyle’s firm ass, then lifted Kyle up off the
floor. Kyle brought his legs up to wrap around Oliver’s hips and
Oliver pushed Kyle up against the bedroom door. His tongue dove
deep into Kyle’s moist heat, sucking his tongue into his mouth. The
taste was so sweet, like strawberries and sugar. Oliver couldn’t get

Oliver pressed his hips forward and rocked his hard length against

Kyle’s ass. Soft little moans seeped out of Kyle’s mouth and his
fingers dug into the hard, muscled flesh of Oliver’s shoulders. Oliver
squeezed and kneaded the firm globes, desperate to feel the bare skin
that covered Kyle’s body.

Need like he never felt before sent Oliver into overdrive. His

hands grabbed, caressed every inch of Kyle he could, while holding
him up in the air. And his mouth devoured Kyle until the man was a
limp mess hanging on to Oliver for dear life.

All too soon the cloud of arousal dissipated. Oliver pulled back

and stared into Kyle’s glassy eyes. Yes, he wanted this man but he
couldn’t just take what he wanted. He had to know that Kyle wanted
this, too, wanted him.

“I have one question to ask you.” Oliver’s voice came out

sounding gravelly. “Do you want me to stop?” It was a loaded
question that could mean so many things, and Oliver wanted it to. As
crazy as it may seem, he wanted Kyle for keeps. After watching Kyle
with Landen, he started to realize it wasn’t just that he didn’t trust

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Landen, no, it was that he wanted Kyle for his own from here on out.
No one else should ever be allowed to touch him.

Kyle stared into his eyes, his stare unwavering as he said, “No.”
Oliver let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding and

covered Kyle’s mouth with his. Kyle opened wide and took all Oliver
had to give. Oliver pushed away from the door and carried Kyle to the

Kyle returned the kiss with such raw need it made a spark surge to

life within Oliver’s body, like gasoline meeting an open flame. With
fumbling fingers, Oliver removed Kyle’s clothes. Once Kyle’s chest
was bare, Oliver attacked his nipples, feasting on the delicious skin.
He sucked the hard little peak into his mouth and bit down gently,
sending Kyle arching up off the bed.

While Oliver teased Kyle’s nipple, he let his other hand lightly

caress down Kyle’s smooth lean body. Goose bumps rose under his
fingertips and Oliver smiled against Kyle’s skin.

Oliver brushed his fingers over the hard, straining length,

smearing the first drops of pre-cum over the flared head. Kyle gasped
and his body squirmed underneath Oliver. Oliver slowly trailed kisses
down Kyle’s body. He glanced up to see Kyle fisting the sheets near
his head, his face twisted in a look of agony and pleasure.

Oliver let his tongue skim down the curved valley of Kyle’s

stomach, dipping for a brief moment into his navel then continuing on
his journey of sucking the swollen cap into his mouth. Kyle’s breath
fled his lungs in panting gasps as his body quivered.

Slipping a finger into his mouth, Oliver got it good and wet then

reached between Kyle’s spread thighs. He bobbed his head up and
down, taking Kyle a little deeper with each thrust. Oliver’s finger
found its mark and Kyle cried out as he rubbed the tight little opening.

He circled the small bud, swirling closer to the center with each

pass. Finally he gently pressed the tip of his finger inside Kyle. Kyle’s
body went tense but eased back to the bed as Oliver continued to suck
on his veiny cock.

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The salty sweet taste made Oliver feel like he was drunk. It made

him lightheaded but in a good way. He sucked harder and thrust his
own hips into the soft mattress beneath him. If this kept up too much
longer he’d shoot his load in his pants and he couldn’t have that.

Releasing Kyle’s cock, Oliver moved forward, bringing Kyle’s

legs up, practically bending him in half, then bent down to lick the
sensitive skin between Kyle’s balls and his opening. Kyle tried to
bring his legs down at first but then Oliver poked his tongue through
the tight barrier breaching his entrance.

Kyle moaned and his body went lax as Oliver fucked his ass with

his tongue. He reached up to stroke the throbbing cock in his hand,
pulling more soft sounds from between Kyle’s swollen lips.

Oliver let go of Kyle’s shaft and moved his hand back to Kyle’s

opening. He licked around the fluttering hole then eased one finger in
up to the knuckle. Kyle held still for only a second before he began
rocking back and forth on Oliver’s hand. Oliver sat up and took
Kyle’s cock back into his mouth, teasing the thick head as he slipped
in another finger. Kyle whimpered but didn’t ask him to stop. Sweat
glistened over his smooth body and the erotic picture he made sent
Oliver over the edge.

He pulled his fingers free from Kyle’s scorching body and sat up.

Kyle’s head popped up off the bed, a question in his eyes, and Oliver
just grinned at him as he pulled his T-shirt up and over his head. He
went for the waistband of his black track pants and eased those, along
with his boxers, down his legs.

Oliver sat down on the edge of the bed, his pants hanging loose

around his calves. He pulled off his right shoe then reached down to
detach his metal leg. He kicked his pants the rest of the way off and
turned around to climb up the bed.

Kyle’s eyes lowered to look at Oliver’s hard cock as it bounced in

the air. Oliver sat up on his knees and fisted the hard length.

“Baby, do you have any lotion?” Oliver asked.

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“Um…um.” Kyle pointed to his night stand, never taking his eyes

off of Oliver’s cock.

Oliver chuckled as moved up between Kyle’s legs then leaned

over, letting his dripping cock rub on Kyle’s stomach, and pulled
open the drawer. He wiggled his hips back and forth as he searched
for the lotion. Amazingly enough, when he pulled his hand back,
Oliver was surprised to see that Kyle had such a large bottle of lube.
He sat back on his haunches and held it up for Kyle to see, his
eyebrow cocked in question.

“Present from my brother,” Kyle whispered and looked away

from Oliver. If the lights were on Oliver had no doubt his sweet
lover’s face would be ten shades of red.

“Remind me to send him a thank-you note.” That earned him a

small smile from Kyle.

Oliver opened the bottle and poured the liquid on to his fingers.

He rubbed his left hand on Kyle’s stomach while his right hand
slipped between his cheeks and painted the wetness over the rippled
opening then eased one finger inside. Kyle bit his bottom lip but
didn’t cry out. Oliver didn’t feeling like stating the obvious but damn
was Kyle tight. The heated channel tugged at his finger and Oliver
pushed more slick up inside Kyle. He didn’t want to hurt him but he
also knew there was no going back now.

Oliver leaned down and took Kyle back into his mouth, Kyle

thrust his hips upward, and Oliver pushed in another finger. By now
Kyle’s body had loosened and Oliver’s fingers slid in and out much
easier. He was certain Kyle didn’t even feel when he added the third.

Letting Kyle’s wet length slip from between his lips, Oliver sat

up. With his left hand he reached for the lube and drizzled it over his
hard shaft. He wrapped his fingers around it to smear the gel over his

He only had that brief moment of thought in regard to a condom

but shoved it away. Kyle was a shifter and couldn’t catch human
diseases, and Oliver knew he was clean because of his mandatory

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physicals he took once a year, and because he’d never had
unprotected sex in his entire life. No, he was going to take Kyle the
way it was meant to be. Deep and raw with no barriers between them.
Kyle didn’t know it but this was forever. Oliver had no intentions of
ever letting him go now.

Oliver pulled his fingers free of Kyle’s body and crawled closer to

him. He gripped his hard cock in his right hand and guided it to
Kyle’s stretched opening. The smooth, blunt tip ran up and down the
tiny hole until Oliver pressed forward. He looked up at Kyle and Kyle
held his stare. With a thrust of his hips the head slipped inside. Kyle’s
mouth fell open and his chest moved up and down in a rapid rhythm.
Oliver dropped forward, resting his weight on his elbows as he kissed
along Kyle’s jaw, in an attempt to calm him.

After giving Kyle a few moments to become used to the thickness

inside him, Oliver pushed forward then pulled out, only leaving the
head inside. This went on until Oliver had buried his full length in
Kyle’s tight channel.

“You, okay?” Oliver asked against Kyle’s lips as he kissed him.
“Yeah, just feel really full.” Kyle giggled but the sound died as

Oliver pulled out then thrust back in. Kyle’s head fell back on the bed,
his mouth hanging open. “Do that again,” he mumbled.

Oliver did as Kyle asked then slowly sped up his rhythm. Kyle

wrapped his arms low on Oliver’s waist, his hands resting on the
swell of his ass, and his ankles locked over Oliver’s thighs.

He thrust into Kyle slowly and could see that he enjoyed the long

deep thrust so he sped up his hips until their bodies slapped together.
As their lovemaking grew more intense, shockwaves of pleasure
rushed like a current through his body. His orgasm wasn’t far off but
he didn’t want to come until Kyle did.

Oliver reached between their sweat-covered bodies and stroked

Kyle’s pulsing cock. Kyle’s breathing quickened and his nails dug
into Oliver’s back.

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“Come for me, Kyle,” Oliver said as he held Kyle’s gaze. “I want

to feel you come undone for me.” Oliver moved his hand faster,
bringing Kyle closer to the edge.

Kyle’s body jerked and he shouted up at the ceiling as his creamy

juices spilled over Oliver’s fingers. The light from the window seeped
into the room, reflecting off of Kyle’s pointy canines. He must have
lost control over his wolf during his orgasm but Oliver wasn’t
repulsed by it. He thought it made Kyle look sexy.

Oliver stroked him through his release, feeling the pressure

building in his own balls. Soon he was spraying his wet heat deep
inside Kyle. With each pulse of his heart, a fresh jet of cum splashed
against the smooth walls inside Kyle’s body.

Oliver collapsed on top of Kyle and wound his arms around him,

holding him tight. His heart beat out of control and if he died right
this very moment he’d die a happy man.

After his breathing came back under control he sat up just enough

to kiss Kyle on the lips. A silly, dazed grin was on Kyle’s face. He
looked blissed out and happy.

“That was unexpected.” Kyle reached up and ran his fingers down

the side of Oliver’s face.

“Is that a good or bad thing?” Oliver asked as he rolled off of

Kyle to lay on the bed.

“Depends.” Kyle propped up on his elbow, resting his head in his

hand. He nibbled on the right corner of his lower lip. “Did you enjoy
it? I mean was it good for you?” Kyle’s brows knit together as if he
were worried or scared.

“It was amazing.” Oliver rolled to his side and leaned on his

elbow, looking into Kyle’s frightened eyes. “Why would you ask me
something like that?”

“Because…” Kyle let his chin drop to his chest and stared down at

the space between them.

“Because what?” Oliver was getting a little nervous.

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“Because I’m a virgin, or was one.” Kyle looked up at him

through his thick eyelashes. Uncertainty swirled in the blue depths.

“Oh shit,” Oliver mumbled, and his eyes went wide. He just had

assumed that Kyle had some experience with sex. Now he felt like an
ass for pushing Kyle into this. “Why didn’t you say something? Fuck,

“You’re mad at me.” Kyle sat up and buried his face in his hands.
“I’m not mad at you but I am mad at myself.” Oliver pulled

Kyle’s hands away from his face. “Had I known it was your first time,
I could have been more gentle or at least made it more romantic for

“But it was perfect, Oliver.” A single tear ran down his cheek. “I

couldn’t have asked for more.”

As Oliver stared into Kyle’s eyes he could swear he saw the same

desire and longing that he saw in his own every time he looked it the

“Come here.” Oliver pulled Kyle closer to him, and Kyle fell into

his embrace.

They lay cuddled together on the bed, soaking in each other’s

heat. Kyle rested his head on Oliver’s chest and he combed his fingers
through Kyle’s short brown hair, letting the silky strands tickle his

Kyle draped his leg over Oliver’s and he jerked in surprise when

he felt the top of Kyle’s foot rubbing over his stump. He’d done that
the last time they were in bed together and Oliver wasn’t used to
someone wanting to touch him there.

“Does this bother you?” Kyle moved his foot again, caressing the

scarred knee.

“I’m not sure,” Oliver answered honestly. “It’s not that it bothers

me, it’s just I don’t know why you would want to touch it.” He wasn’t
ashamed of his body but he knew how others in the world viewed
things that were different, and Oliver had forever been changed after
his attack.

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“It’s a part of you and I love touching you.” Kyle continued to

move his foot back and forth. “Besides”—Kyle sat up—“I don’t
really even notice that you’re missing a leg. I’m not superficial like
that. I like you for you, Oliver, not for your body.” Kyle chuckled.
“But you do have a pretty smoking hot bod that’s for sure.”

“Thanks.” Oliver smiled at him then pulled Kyle back down into

his arms. “Where were you when I was in high school? My ego could
have used a good Kyle boost.”

“I wish I was there.” Kyle rubbed his cheek into Oliver’s chest. A

long pause passed between them then Kyle finally asked, “If you
don’t mind me asking, what happened to your leg?”

Oliver’s hand stilled in Kyle’s hair. He wanted to tell Kyle the

truth, but right now wasn’t the time to spring on the guy he just had
sex with that he’s a hunter who’d been assigned to watch him. That
would for sure kill the mood.

“I was in an accident when I was fifteen.” Oliver tightened his

arm around Kyle’s shoulders, pressing him closer. He needed the
skin-to-skin contact. Reliving those memories were never fun and
never far from his mind. “The same one that my parents died in.” In
the far reaches of his brain he could still hear his father shouting for
him to run and the pain-laced screams of his mother as she was ripped
apart. “Can we please talk about something else?”

“I’m sorry, Oliver.” Kyle turned his head to kiss right above his

right nipple. “I lost my parents when I was young. I don’t remember
them but the emptiness is still there.”

“I’m not sure it’s something we’ll ever be able to escape.” Oliver

knew about Kyle’s past. He’d just been three years old when Sasha
killed his family and took Kyle to raise as her own son. Like him,
Kyle was broken just a little. “But I have to admit, when I’m with
you, the pain doesn’t seem as sharp.”

“Mine either,” Kyle whispered softly.
They both lay still and quiet, just absorbing the comfort they gave

to each other. Oliver knew at that very instant he was addicted. There

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was no going back to living a lonely life. Levi’s parents might tell
him he was too young, but he knew what he wanted and that was
Kyle, for the rest of his life. When he looked toward his future, he
wasn’t alone anymore. Kyle stood next to him.

“This feels so unreal,” Kyle said as he made a figure eight over

Oliver’s chest. “I’m afraid if I close my eyes I’ll wake up to realize it
was all just a dream.”

The sadness in Kyle’s voice broke Oliver’s heart. They’d only

known each other for such a short time, but Kyle was it for him. He
didn’t want to jump the gun and say it was love but it was definitely
something real close to that.

“It’s not a dream, baby.” Oliver kissed the top of Kyle’s head and

pulled him closer. “I’m not going anywhere. Like it or not, you’re
mine, Kyle Argent.”

“I think I like the sound of that.” Kyle snuggled closer, the top of

his right foot rubbing against the stump of Oliver’s left leg. “That
goes both ways, Ollie,” Kyle said around a yawn.

“I never doubted that it didn’t.” Oliver lay there caressing his

hand up and down Kyle’s back until he could hear the soft, even
breathing of his lover.

Just as his eyelids grew heavy, the vibrating of his phone had him

cursing under his breath. He shifted a sleeping Kyle off of his chest
then he scooted down the bed. He grabbed his pants and dug through
the pocket for his phone.

We got to go! Another body has been found over by the library.

He read Levi’s text.

“Damn it.” Oliver quickly got dressed then stood up from the bed.

He rushed over to Kyle’s desk and found a piece of paper and a
marker. He flipped on his phone to give him some light and jotted
down a note for Kyle. The last thing he wanted was for him to wake
up alone again. It’d be like a bad case of deja vu that would piss his
petite little lover off.

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He placed the note on the nightstand then bent down to kiss Kyle

softly on the head and headed out the door. Levi stood leaning against
the wall separating their door from Kyle’s. A knowing grin lit up his
face, and Oliver was not in the mood for his best friend’s good-
natured ribbing or the I told ya so’s.

“Not a single word.” He pointed a finger at Levi.
“I wasn’t going to say a word.” Levi held up his hands, palms

facing out.

Oliver knew his friend was bursting at the seams to know what

had happened between him and Kyle, but for right now he wanted to
keep it to himself. It was something that was his and his alone. He
shrugged. He’d only make Levi suffer a few more minutes before he
spilled his guts but, boy, how he was going to enjoy teasing him until

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Chapter Thirteen

The sound of his alarm going off had Kyle reaching across the bed

toward his nightstand. He hit the button to turn it off then curled up
like a ball. A sharp sting in his ass had him opening his eyes. The
events of the previous night floated through his head and he smiled,
but that quickly faded when he realized he was alone, again.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Kyle sat up in the bed and looked

around the room. There was no sign of Oliver, and the door to the
bathroom stood wide open so he could see that he wasn’t in there

Kyle scooted to the edge of the bed and let his legs hang over the

side. He dropped his head into his hands and rubbed at his scalp. He
didn’t want to think after everything last night that Oliver would run
out on him again but…

On the floor lay a white piece of notebook paper and Kyle saw his

name written at the top. He bent down and picked it up.

Kyle, Don’t panic! I had to leave early to work on a project with

Levi. I would have rather stayed in bed with you. I’ll be busy all
morning but I’ll meet you for lunch. See you soon!

Kyle smiled down at the note. Oliver hadn’t abandoned him after

devirginizing him. That was an awesome feeling. Where the doubts
clung to the corners of his mind about whether or not Oliver really
liked him started to vanish. If Oliver didn’t want to see him again, he
wouldn’t have left a note. Kyle was so happy he could dance.

He folded the note in half then stashed it in the drawer of his

nightstand. He got up, picked out some clothes, then headed to the
shower. As he got ready for school he couldn’t help but feel light on

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his feet. He seemed to develop a perpetual smile on his face and
everything around him seemed to be more intense, colors, smells,
even sounds. Kyle felt like a new man.

The sound of his phone ringing had Kyle dropping his backpack

on his bed, and he grinned as he looked down at the screen. A picture
of Ian making a silly face lit it up.

“Hello,” Kyle said in an overly happy tone.
“Hey, little brother.” Ian always called him that and Kyle loved it.

They weren’t brothers by blood but nonetheless they were brothers in
every sense of the word. “Why do you sound extra chipper this

“Do I?” Kyle’s face burned with a blush that Ian thankfully

couldn’t see.

“All right, spill it. I haven’t heard you this happy in the entire time

I’ve known you.” Ian sighed into the phone. “Granted, it hasn’t been
that long, but still, I feel like I know you just as well I as I know
Kelsey. So talk to me.”

Kyle debated on just how much to tell his brother. Ian would

always be supportive of him, but everyone also thought he was overly
naïve. They didn’t say anything to him but he saw it on their faces.

“I met someone,” Kyle simply


said. He wasn’t sure that he could

call Oliver his boyfriend, but they were definitely more than just
friends. He had no intentions of telling Ian what all exactly happened
the other night. Oliver was the first guy he’d ever done anything with.
He really didn’t want a lecture on not jumping into a relationship so

“Oh, do tell.” He could hear the smile in Ian’s voice. “I want


“There’s really nothing to tell just yet.” Kyle brought his legs up

onto the bed and crossed them. “I mean it’s all still so new, but I like
him. Like really like him.” He chuckled. “He drives me completely
insane and he’s given me several reasons to hate him but I can’t seem
to make myself. It’s crazy, I know.”

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“Huh.” Ian didn’t say anything for a moment, then asked, “Would

you say you like this guy as in a simple crush or could you see
yourself growing old and having a life with him?”

Without even thinking about it Kyle said, “I could totally spend

the rest of my life with him, no questions asked.” Kyle took a deep
breath and closed his eyes. He could still see Oliver’s face as he came
in his body last night. “He makes me feel complete on the inside. Not
so alone.”

“Oh my gosh!” Ian shouted into the phone. “Is this guy your mate,


“Mate?” He shrugged. “I don’t know. Could he be? I mean what

are the signs of that? Sasha never told me.” This was just another
reminder of how clueless he was when it came to being a wolf.

“Typically we can scent our mates out of a crowd. The strongest,

most intoxicating smell you’ve ever smelled. Then when you make
love, it’s explosive and you just can’t get enough of them. It’s almost
like you’re physically tied to them and never want to let them go. It’s
really intense.”

Kyle turned to stare down at the spot that Oliver had slept in last

night. He bent down and smelled the pillow, and the scent of
rainwater filled his senses. A smile curved his upper lip as the light
smell made thoughts of Oliver flash through his mind.

“Kyle, are you there?” Ian asked in a rush. “Kyle?”
“I’m here.” He sat up. “I’m just trying to process all of this.” He

glanced at the pillow again, feeling the strong urge to bury his face in

“I know you’ve never been taught to rely on your wolf instincts

before, so it might be harder for you to figure this out. But from what
you’re telling me this guy is more than a random fling for you.”

“So what do I do?” Kyle’s heart swelled and he was afraid it

would explode. So many emotions filled him up, panic, happiness,
fear, and love.

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“Well, buddy, that’s not for me to say. This is something you need

to work through on your own. But I will tell you this. When I met
Will, my body seemed to come to life, as if it recognized Will for
what he was. I was drunk on his scent, his kisses, and every little
touch. You just have to rely on your instincts and let the wolf inside
lead you.”

“Easy for you to say,” Kyle mumbled as he brought his hand up to

chew on his fingernail.

“It’s easy for you, too, Kyle. Have confidence in yourself.” Kyle

heard as Ian pulled the phone away from his ear and talked to
someone in the background. “I’ve got to go but call me later, okay? I
think this will be easier than you think to figure out.”

“I hope.” Kyle said a quick good-bye, grabbed his bag, then

headed out the door. He had just enough time to make it to his English
class and pull out his book and laptop. He let himself get lost in the
lecture. Thinking about Oliver and the whole mate thing stressed him
out. He needed to know for sure because if Oliver was in fact his
mate, he’d have to tell the man he cared for his secret, something he
didn’t look forward to doing.

Kyle made it through his first two classes of the day without

having a breakdown. He had an unexplainable urge to find Oliver. To
do what, he still wasn’t sure. He wanted to talk to him, yet he also
wanted a repeat of what they’d done last night. Every time he took a
step, he could still feel Oliver’s thick cock deep inside him.

“Hey, Kyle!” Landen walked up to him and rested his heavy arm

over Kyle’s shoulders. “Have you heard the news?”

Kyle stopped walking and shrugged Landen’s arm off of him.

Landen gave him a funny look and Kyle could tell he had hurt his
friend’s feelings. He liked Landen, but he liked him as a friend, and
now after everything that had gone down with Oliver, he couldn’t
keep leading Landen on. It wasn’t right and Landen deserved to hear
the truth.

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“Landen, we need to talk.” He led the tall blond over to an empty

bench just outside the cafeteria.

“Oh boy, this can’t be good.” Kyle tilted his head to the side at

Landen’s words. “I mean if a guy tells you he needs to talk it’s
usually because he wants to dump you.”

“Oh!” Kyle hadn’t thought of that. He was going to tell Landen

about him and Oliver but he didn’t really consider breaking up with
Landen. They hadn’t even been dating. “Okay well, I don’t really
think I can break up with you since we weren’t together but I do need
to tell you that I have feelings for someone else.” Kyle laced his
fingers together to keep from shaking. “And it wouldn’t be fair to lead
you on if I’m not in this for the long haul. You’re a nice guy and you
deserve a man who is crazy about you one hundred percent.”

“Wow!” Landen’s eyes went wide and he turned away from Kyle.

“That was like the nicest breakup I’ve ever heard.” He glanced over at
Kyle. “Can we still be friends?”

“God, yes!” Kyle reached over to touch Landen’s broad shoulder.

“You don’t even have to ask.”

“Cool.” Landen grinned. “You’re like the only person here on

campus that isn’t fake with me.”

“Yeah, ya know, because I’m a football player. Some people think

being around me helps move them up on the popularity scale.”

“I never thought about that.” Kyle saw the way Landen’s

shoulders slumped. He couldn’t imagine people only liking him for
what he could give them. That had to be hard. “Well I can safely say
that I like you for you, Landen. I’m not much of a football fan.”

“Even better.” Landen stood and held his hand out to help Kyle

up. “Let’s go get some lunch. I’m starving.” They were just walking
through the doors when Landen asked, “It’s that guy from the party,
isn’t it?”

“Huh?” Kyle looked over his shoulder at Landen as he grabbed a


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“The guy you like.” Landen waved his hand in a circular motion.

“The one who thought I got you drunk at the party.”

“Oh, yeah.” Kyle blushed and he turned away from Landen.

“Sorry about that. Alcohol usually doesn’t affect me like that.” And
that little incident still left plenty of questions unanswered, but he did
believe Landen had nothing to do with that.

“No worries.” Landen grabbed a sandwich and a banana and set

them on his tray. “But I must say that guy is one lucky dude. I do feel
like I owe him an apology though.”

“Why?” Kyle led the way to the table by the windows he always

sat at.

“I called him a one-legged gimp.” Landen had the decency to look

ashamed. “He started throwing accusations around that I got you
drunk on purpose. It really pissed me off and I lashed out at him.”

“I’d say.” Kyle took a bite of his salad. “Oliver’s a nice guy and

I’m sure if you apologize, he’ll accept it.”

“I hope so.” Landen lowered his voice and leaned closer to Kyle.

“I know I cracked a comment about his leg but to be honest with you
that guy is fucking hot. I’d totally let him do me.”

Kyle started to choke on a piece of lettuce and coughed to clear

his throat. “Landen!”

“What?” He shrugged then took a bite of his sandwich. “I only

called him that to piss him off, not because I think he’s ugly. He could
be missing both legs and I’d still take a ride on that dick. I bet he has
a big one.”

“We are not talking about Oliver’s…his stuff.” Kyle’s’ cheeks

burned and he stuffed another bite into his mouth.

“Oh my god! He does, doesn’t he?” Landen started to laugh and

Kyle shot him a glare across the table. “Okay, I’ll shut up about it.”
He took a drink of his milk. “But back to what I was going to tell you,
before you dumped me.”

“Hey!” Kyle pouted.

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“Oh hush. I was going to tell you they found another body over by

the library late last night. One of my frat brothers found her. He was
going for a run on the trail that circles the school.” Kyle nodded his
head. “Well, he stumbled across her mangled body.” Landen whistled
and shook his head. “From what he says, it was pretty gruesome. Said
it look like something used her for a chew toy.”

That was the second body in less than a week to be found on

campus. Kyle had a bad feeling about it. Roderick had assured him
the campus hadn’t had any type of wolf shifter activity on it and said
it would be a safe place for him to go to school. Now he wasn’t so

“Did your friend say what he thought might have done it?”
“Bear,” Landen said around a mouthful of food.
Kyle smiled as he looked up to see Oliver heading in his direction.

The smile on Oliver’s face fell away when he saw who Kyle was
sitting with. His jaw clenched tight and he stared daggers at the back
of Landen’s head.

“Oliver.” Kyle pushed the chair out beside him. “You remember


“How could I forget,” Oliver said through clenched teeth.
“Um, yeah.” Landen wiped off his mouth with his napkin. “About

that, I’m really sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean it. I was just pissed
that you would insinuate that I’d need to get a guy drunk to be with
me.” Landen looked down at his hands. “You hurt my feelings, so I
wanted to hurt yours.”

Oliver didn’t say anything. Kyle bumped him in the thigh with his

knee and nudged his chin in Landen’s direction. Oliver shook his
head no and Kyle mouthed “please” to him. Oliver rolled his eyes.

“Thank you for the apology, Landen, and I’m sorry for implying

that you got Kyle drunk.”

“Thanks, man.” Landen’s phone beeped and he looked down at it.

“Shit.” He quickly typed something back to whomever sent him the

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message and stood up. “Sorry, guys, but I’ve got to run. Apparently
the bathroom between mine and my roommates’ is overflowing and
my floor is getting covered in toilet water.”

“That sounds—”
“Disgusting.” Oliver finished Kyle’s thought.
“No shit. It’s just my lucky day.” Landen shouldered his bag and

picked up his tray. “See you guys later.”

After Landen was out of ear shot, Oliver turned to look at him.

“Really? You’re still friends with that tool? After getting trashed at
his party?”

“What?” Kyle returned his attention to his lunch. “He said he

didn’t do it and I believe him.”

“You believe him?”
“Yes, I do.” Kyle nodded his head. “It seems like a lot of work

just to sleep with me. Plus if that was all he wanted, he wouldn’t still
want to be my friend when I told him I liked another guy and nothing
will ever happen between us.”

“Really?” Oliver’s eyebrows arched up on his forehead.
“So who’s this other guy?” Oliver leaned a little closer and put his

hand on Kyle’s knee.

“Oh, just this extremely annoying jerk who drives me crazy but in

a good way.” Kyle winked at Oliver.

“Sounds like an awesome man.” Oliver moved closer to kiss the

side of Kyle’s neck.

Kyle closed his eyes and his skin felt like it was on fire. He turned

his nose into the crook of Oliver’s neck and took a deep breath, and
there was that strong aroma of rain water, like right after a big storm
when the sun comes out to dry up the earth. He rubbed his nose into
the soft flesh and took deep breath after deep breath.

“Are you smelling me?” Oliver asked, then laughed.
“Maybe.” Kyle sat up and stared down at his plate, then peeked up

to look at Oliver’s grinning face. “You smell yummy.”

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“Thank you.” Oliver spread his legs apart, pulled Kyle’s chair

between his, and rested his chin on Kyle’s shoulder. “So do we really
have to be friends with the dumb jock?”

“He’s not dumb.” Kyle pinched Oliver on the inside of his thigh.

“He’s actually really sweet. He even thinks you’re cute.”

“No way!” Oliver chuckled.
“Yep.” Kyle sucked in his lips as he nodded. “Said that he’d like

to go for a ride on your big fat cock. His words, not mine.”

“As flattering as that might be, my big fat cock only rises for one

person.” Oliver kissed the sensitive spot right behind Kyle’s ear.

“And who might that be?” Kyle’s eyes fell shut and he tilted his

head closer to Oliver’s hot, wet mouth.

“If I have to tell you, then I must not have done it right last night.”

Oliver nipped at Kyle’s earlobe. “I guess I’ll have to show you

Kyle started to giggle as Oliver’s long fingers tickled his sides.


“Ah, look at the love birds.” Levi sat down in Landen’s vacated

chair. “Makes me want to puke.”

“Fuck you, Levi.” Oliver lifted his middle finger at his friend.
“Okay, a change in subject, please.” Kyle pushed at Oliver’s chest

and started eating his salad again. “Landen said they found another
body on campus. Have you guys heard anything about that?”

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Chapter Fourteen

Oliver looked over at Levi, who was staring at him in return.

“What did Landen tell you?” Oliver asked.

Kyle shrugged. “Just that one of his frat brothers found her.” Kyle

shifted to look at Oliver. “It’s a little scary to think about. I mean I
was there last night.”

That was exactly what Oliver had been thinking once Levi told

him the location the body had been discovered. The campus hadn’t
had any issues with violence against the students like this before.
There was a killer on the loose and campus security, along with the
cops in the town who weren’t in on the wolf shifter secret, thought the
attacks were animal related. And they were, but just not by any
regular animal.

“I think from now on we use the buddy system at night.” Oliver

took Kyle’s hand in his. “I don’t want you out alone once the sun goes
down.” Just the thought of something like this happening to Kyle sent
a cold chill down his back. Kyle might be a wolf shifter but he wasn’t
at his strongest. He was shy and lacked confidence, hence why
Roderick wanted someone to look out for him.

“Any other time I’d argue with you that I can take care of myself,

but I’m a little freaked out.” Kyle squeezed Oliver’s fingers. “Landen
mentioned it might be a bear. Are the authorities having assistance
from animal patrol?”

“They wished it was a bear.” Levi mumbled under his breath as he

took a bite of his pizza.

“What?” Kyle asked.

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“Nothing.” Oliver shot Levi a look. “We’ve pretty much heard the

same as Landen. Body found on campus. It’s scary but I’ve got your
back.” Oliver brushed a kiss to Kyle’s cheek.

“I like the sound of that.” Kyle jumped when his cell phone

beeped. “Dang it! I’ve got to go.” Kyle piled up his trash on his tray.
“I’m meeting Tatum and Lauren to study.”

“What time will you be done?” Oliver wanted to forbid Kyle from

leaving his sight but he couldn’t do that. Kyle would start to ask
questions that Oliver couldn’t answer.

“In a couple hours. Long before dark.” Kyle smiled at him. “Well

I guess I’ll see you later.” Kyle hesitated. He leaned forward, then sat
back in his seat.

Oliver reached out, fisted his hand in Kyle’s shirt, and brought

him in for a kiss. Since they were sitting in the middle of a crowded
room, Oliver kept it short and sweet. When he pulled back, Kyle’s
cheeks were flushed, his eyes dilated, and he was a little out of breath.

“See you tonight.” Oliver let go of Kyle’s shirt.
“Yeah, tonight.” Kyle stood to his feet. “Bye, Levi.” Then Kyle

walked away.

“So you guys are really going to do this?” Levi asked once Kyle

was gone.

“Do what?” Oliver knitted his brows, avoiding the question.
“Date. You and Kyle.” Levi took another bite of his lunch. “Don’t

get me wrong, I’m all for it, but you better be prepared to tell him the
truth and soon. I’ve never dated a guy before but if it’s anything like
dating a chick, they get pissed if they feel you’ve lied to them.”

“I’ll tell him when the time is right, and besides, he’s keeping his

own secret.” Oliver shrugged.

“Yeah but you already know it, so him keeping it from you is

because he doesn’t think humans know about wolf shifters.” Levi
rolled his eyes. “So you knowing cancels out his secret keeping. Trust
me, you’ll still be in the dog house once Kyle finds out.” Levi held up
his hands. “I’m just sayin’.”

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Oliver stared wide eyed at his friend for a good ten seconds. “How

do you function? I mean seriously? The shit you come up with.”
Oliver stole a fry off of Levi’s tray. “It’s a little frightening.”

“Whatever, dude.” Levi shrugged and tore back into his pizza.

“Any luck with the pictures we took last night?”

Oliver let out a heavy sigh and raised his hand to rub at his

forehead. The reason for him being yanked from the comfortable
slumber he had been about to embark on with Kyle was due to
another victim being discovered. A female student, Regan West. She
was in her final year of school and was due to graduate in May. Only
twenty-two and her life was cut short.

The large paw prints were the first indicator that what they were

dealing with was in fact a wolf shifter. The first body that had been
found was lacking this evidence, but once Levi and Oliver saw the
prints, they knew what they were dealing with, and by the size of the
paw prints it was a big one.

From the looks of the crime scene, Regan had been running. An

iPod lay next to the body, the ear buds covered in blood. From the
position the body was found in she’d been attacked from behind, claw
marks so deep in her back, the white of the vertebras covering her
spinal cord were exposed. Like the other victim, her throat had been
ripped out, which was what caused her death. But there had been
another odd thing with this body. Regan’s right hand was missing.
The beast chewed off her hand right at the wrist. Oliver couldn’t
figure out why the wolf was taking body parts with it. It didn’t make

After talking with the cops, Oliver and Levi left the scene but

didn’t go far. Oliver took pictures of the gathering crowd, looking for
anyone who might look suspicious. As of now they had nothing to go

Oliver looked around the lunch room and realized any one of

these people could be their murderer.

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“Nothing yet. Mainly just other students out for a light night run.”

Oliver had gone over all the pictures several times and the only
person he recognized was the guy who stopped the fight between him
and Landen that last Friday night. But even then, that guy was dressed
in sneakers and running shorts.

“Well, hopefully this will cause people to not go out late at night.”

Levi took a drink from his soda and winced as he set it down. “And
why in the fuck do people go running that late at night? You’re just
asking for trouble.”

“Maybe so, but people should be able to walk around freely

without becoming some rabid wolf’s chew bone.”

“Yeah but you and I know better. It’s not the world we live in.”

Levi took a few more bites of his lunch and Oliver sat contemplating
his next move. “So what was going on with that Landen guy and
Kyle? I thought he was not to be trusted.”

“He’s not, but Kyle believes he’s innocent of spiking his drink.”

Oliver might have forgiven Landen but those were just words. He
didn’t trust the muscle-bound jock any further than he could throw

“And you’re okay with that?” Levi arched an eyebrow.
“Hell no.” Oliver scoffed. “But Landen wants to play nice and be

friends. What better way to find out if he’s hiding a hairy little

“Dear god.” Levi laid his hands flat on the table. “Are you using

your boyfriend as bait?”

“No!” Oliver reached over and smacked Levi lightly on the side of

his head. “But I’ll be around Landen more. If his intentions are pure
then all’s good, but if he shows his true colors then I’m there to take
him out.”

“I guess I see your logic in that. Just be careful. For all we know

Landen is just a regular guy, and him having a crush on Kyle doesn’t
make him guilty of anything.”

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“I know that, but better safe than sorry. You know that old saying,

keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” Oliver stood up and
pushed his chair under the table.

“Yeah but this isn’t The Godfather, and you can’t go pointing

fingers at a guy you barely know anything about.” Levi gathered his
trash and followed Oliver out of the cafeteria.

“True, but it doesn’t mean we can’t keep watch on him.” Oliver

held the door open for Levi to pass through. “I’m going to head back
to our little makeshift office and you can go keep tabs on Landen.”

“Oh man, come on!” Levi let his head fall back on his shoulders.
“It’s safer for you to watch him because he knows who I am and I

don’t want to make it obvious.”

“Fine.” Levi pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on his

head. “Do you have any idea where he is?”

“Yep.” Oliver grinned. “The bathroom connected to his room is

broken and it flooded the floor. So he’s there cleaning up the mess.”

“Sounds fun. Okay, I’ll see you later, man.”
“Later.” Oliver waved to Levi then headed back toward the

administration building. He had some other students he was looking
into being possible suspects. A few were some of Landen’s frat
brothers. Wouldn’t it be something if within that house was a pack of
wolves? Oliver didn’t think it was plausible but anything was

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Chapter Fifteen

Kyle said good night to Tatum and Lauren and headed back to his

room. They had ordered a pizza while they watched TV and talked. It
was nice. Oddly, Kyle had fun being one of the girls. He chuckled as
he walked up the steps to his dorm.

Once he got off the elevator, he headed to his room and unlocked

the door. The sun had started to set but there was still plenty of light
outside. Even if there wasn’t, Kyle would still be able to see the
sleeping body on his bed.

Kyle couldn’t fight the smile that curled his lips as he looked at

the man. No matter how hard he tried to push the conversation he had
with Ian earlier that day out of his mind, his brain and heart kept
coming back to it. Was Oliver his mate? Kyle didn’t know for sure,
but he wanted to find out.

Kyle dropped his bag by the door and walked quietly over to the

bed. Oliver lay on top of the comforter, clutching Kyle’s pillow in his
arms, his face smashed into the pillow. He looked so peaceful when
he slept. Kyle could watch him all day. The scowl that seemed to be a
constant on his handsome face was nonexistent. Kyle really liked this
side of Oliver. Kyle sat down on the bed, reached out his hand, and let
it hover over Oliver’s forehead. He didn’t want to wake the man up.

“Are you going to say anything or just stare at me all night?”

Oliver’s gravelly voice made Kyle jump in surprise.

“You’re awake?” Kyle held a hand to his chest, his heart beating

super fast. “You scared the crap out of me.”

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“I’m sorry, baby.” Oliver sat up and rubbed at his eyes. “What

time is it?”

“A little after seven.” Kyle watched as Oliver’s blue eyes scanned

over his room. “Why are you in here, Oliver? Not that I mind or
anything.” It wasn’t a big deal that Oliver had taken a nap in his bed.
In fact, he really liked seeing Oliver in his bed.

He’s your mate, stop fighting it, a tiny voice in his head

whispered. But Kyle didn’t want to listen to it. What if it was wrong
and Oliver left him one day?

“Because I wanted to be near you.” Oliver grinned at him. “And

since you weren’t here, your room was the next best thing.”

Kyle went willingly when Oliver reached out for his arm. Oliver

pulled Kyle close, his back to Oliver’s chest. They lay there snuggled
together. Oliver kissed his neck while running his hand up and down
Kyle’s arm. Kyle sighed and pressed his body closer to Oliver’s. A
low, needy moan escaped his throat at the feel of Oliver’s hard length
rubbing against the crease of his ass.

“I want you again, Kyle,” Oliver whispered into his ear as his

hand moved around to cup his thickening cock and he sucked on
Kyle’s earlobe. “I need to be inside you.” Oliver’s hips rocked back
and forth, emulating the act of fucking.

Kyle panted as Oliver’s cool thin fingers moved up his shirt and

pinched lightly at his nipples. His cock pulsed painfully in his pants
and he could feel the pre-cum dampening his briefs. With Oliver
touching and kissing his body, Kyle couldn’t think about anything
else. All he wanted was Oliver.

“I need that, too.” Kyle turned his head to the side and Oliver

leaned forward to capture his lips. Their tongues rubbed against each
other and Kyle sucked Oliver’s further inside his mouth.

“God, I’ve missed you,” Oliver said between kisses. “Me, too.”

Kyle tried to roll over to face Oliver, but a hard hand on his hip
stopped him.

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“Lay just like that.” Oliver’s fingers fumbled with the button on

Kyle’s shorts then shoved the material down over his thighs. “I want
to make love to you like this. Slow and sweet. I didn’t get to take my
time the other night but now we’ve got nothing but time.”

“Okay.” Kyle’s voice came out shaky. His body hummed with


Oliver yanked Kyle’s shirt up and over his head. His callused

hand caressed over his chest then down to his stomach until he
reached Kyle’s hard cock. Kyle’s head fell back as Oliver stroked his
length and kissed and sucked the slope of his neck.

“Oliver,” Kyle whimpered. His arousal hit its peak and he just

knew if Oliver didn’t get inside him soon he’d blow his load all over
his talented fingers. “I need…” He bit his lip in an attempt to ward off
his orgasm.

“I know, baby.” Oliver nipped at his shoulder. “Me, too.” Oliver

released his hold and reached across Kyle’s body to grab the tube of
lube that still sat there.

Kyle felt Oliver fumbling behind him, then groaned when his

lover’s hot hard length pressed against his ass. Oliver chuckled,
sending puffs of warm air over his shoulder blades.

The first touch of Oliver’s finger against his center had Kyle

pulling his leg forward, spreading himself for Oliver. Oliver painted
the slick wetness over his twitching hole, then finally pushed one
finger inside him. Kyle arched his back and pushed down on the
exploring digit. Oliver didn’t waste any time working him open and
soon one finger became two then three.

“I can’t wait any longer, baby.” Kyle could hear the desperation in

Oliver’s tone.

Kyle could feel the blunt head tapping at his back door and he

pushed into it. Ever so slowly, Oliver eased the fat head of his thick
cock inside him. Kyle held still as the burn took hold of him then, as
Oliver pulled back out then in again, the sting faded away to be
replaced by pure pleasure.

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Oliver’s thrusts were long and slow, totally in control, while Kyle

was spiraling down a winding tunnel of ecstasy. Kyle gripped his
hand around Oliver’s where it lay on his chest and held on. Oliver’s
hips sped up and the mushroom-shaped head massaged over his
prostate, nearly having him leaping off the bed. Oliver’s strong grip
on him was the only thing keeping him in place.

His cock slapped against his stomach as Oliver pumped his ass

harder. Kyle reached down to stroke his shaft, and the combination of
his hand and Oliver’s stiff bone taking him and his fingers teasing his
nipples pushed Kyle closer to the cliff’s edge.

As they rocked together, both going faster, Kyle could feel his

teeth sharpening and his skin prickled with the sensation of his fur
wanting to sprout. His lips pulled back against his teeth and a low
rumbling howl sprung from his throat.

“God I love the sounds you make.” Oliver panted into his neck.

“Come for me, baby. I need to feel you come on my dick.”

Kyle gripped his cock tighter and pumped his fist to the pounding

Oliver gave his ass. Four strokes later, he came, crying out Oliver’s

“That’s it, Kyle.” Oliver grunted, then his body went still as heat

flooded Kyle’s channel.

As Kyle floated back down from the clouds, he couldn’t ignore

the shouting in his ears. One word, mine.

The need to flip over and sink his teeth deep into Oliver, well,

anywhere on his body, was overwhelming. Kyle sucked in deep
breaths and forced his lips down to cover his teeth. With each passing
moment, Kyle’s body came back under control. The need to shift and
claim Oliver eased and Kyle relaxed back against his lover.

“You’re so fucking mine. I’m never letting you go,” Oliver

whispered the words against his ear and a tear sprung to Kyle’s eye.

What was happening between him and Oliver was real. This

wasn’t just a casual thing. They were meant for one another. Kyle
could feel it in his heart and soul. Oliver was his mate.

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Kyle started to roll over when a knock sounded at the door.
“Are you expecting company?” Oliver asked.
“Not that I’m aware of.” Kyle frowned at the door and another

knock sounded. “Well I better see who it is.”

“No wait.” Oliver pulled Kyle back to the bed. “Maybe if we are

quiet enough whoever it is will just go away.”

“I can hear you guys in there.” Landen’s voice drifted through the

door. “These walls are paper thin.”

“Fuck me.” Oliver groaned and flopped back on his back.
“Ah, babe.” Kyle tried to smoother his laughter and patted Oliver

on the chest. “Let me see what he wants, okay?” Kyle jumped off the
bed and pulled up his pants. The movement caused Oliver’s semen to
drip from his hole and land in his underwear. He winced at the wet,
sloshy feeling. “Pull your pants up,” Kyle whispered as he reached for
the door knob.

Oliver rolled his eyes as he yanked up his pants but he didn’t sit

up from the bed.

“Hey, Landen.” Kyle greeted his friend. “What brings you by?”
“I’m sorry to interrupt.” Landen’s eyes looked toward Oliver

laying on the bed, then to Kyle’s disheveled appearance. “But I need
to ask a favor.”

“Sure. What?”
“Well, see, the plumber can’t fix the toilet situation until

tomorrow and he suggested not getting the floors clean until after he’s
done just in case he has more issues.” Landen looked away shyly. “So
I was wondering if I could stay with you for a few days. I’ll sleep on
the floor and I’ll stay out of your way, I swear.” Landen raised his
right hand in the air.

Before he could answer Oliver said, “Dude, do you really think

I’d be okay with you shacking up with my boyfriend?”

Kyle’s head whipped around and he stared at Oliver.

“Boyfriend?” A smile spread over his lips. It felt good to hear Oliver
say that, to know he meant something to him.

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“Yes, boyfriend.” Oliver sat up on the bed and moved to set at the

foot. “Don’t you have a friend you can stay with?” he asked Landen.

“Yeah but they’re loud and messy.” Landen explained. “My

closest friend, Zach, I’d ask him but he shacks up with a different girl
every night. I’d never be able to sleep or get any work done. I really
feel like a shit for asking since we just met, but like I said earlier.
You’re like the most normal person I’ve met since getting here. I
promise I’ll stay out of your way.”

“Sure,” Kyle answered without hesitation.
“Thanks, Kyle. It’s only for a few days.” Landen put his duffel

bag and sleeping bag in the corner by the closet then sat down in the
chair in front of his desk.

“No freaking way.” Oliver shook his head.
“Oliver, it’s only for a few days.” Kyle pleaded Landen’s case. He

didn’t want his new friend to have to suffer through having to share a
room with someone he didn’t like.

“I get that, but he isn’t staying in here.”
“It’s okay, Kyle.” Landen got up and walked over to where his

stuff sat. “I’ll just ask Zach.”

“No you won’t.” Kyle shot Oliver a look.
“I got a suggestion.” Oliver patted the spot beside him until Kyle

sat down. “Since I’m Kyle’s boyfriend, I’ll stay with him.” He looked
over to Landen. “You can take my bed. My room’s right next door.
We’ll have to share a bathroom though. I do have a roommate but
Levi’s cool.”

Kyle thought that was very generous of Oliver and he was thrilled

to know for the next few days he and Oliver would be sharing a bed.

“Ah, man, that is awesome.” Landen smiled. “Really, man, I

appreciate that.”

“No problem. You can go ahead and get settled in there and I’ll

come pack some clothes to bring in here.”

Landen got up, got his belongings, then headed through the door

of the bathroom to Oliver’s room.

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“That was very nice of you, Oliver.” Kyle leaned over to kiss

Oliver on the cheek.

“What can I say?” Oliver shrugged. “I’m a nice guy.”
Kyle started to laugh. “That you are, but we will see how nice

Levi thinks you are once he realizes you offered your bed up to a
complete stranger.”

“He’ll deal with it.” Oliver wrapped his hand around the back of

Kyle’s neck and drew him closer for a kiss.

Kyle wasn’t going to argue with Oliver. Sure, Levi might be taken

by surprise by his new roommate, but Kyle couldn’t have been
happier. His feelings for Oliver just kept getting stronger and stronger
and Kyle now had to figure out when would be an acceptable time to
tell the man he’d fallen for that he could shift into a wolf.

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Chapter Sixteen

“Have you lost your motherfucking mind?” Levi hissed at him

when Oliver met him in the hallway. “You think this guy is
responsible for the killings here on campus and you let him move in
with us. Are you insane?”

“To be fair, you yourself said earlier that we didn’t know for sure

if Landen was the guilty party or not.” Oliver understood his best
friend’s frustration but still he wasn’t going to agree to let Landen
stay in Kyle’s room.

“Don’t throw my words back at me, mister.” Levi jabbed a finger

into Oliver’s chest. “This is messed up and you know it.”

“Think about it, Levi.” Oliver rested his hands on Levi’s

shoulders. “We’ll be able to keep a closer watch on him this way.”
Oliver shrugged. “It’s a win-win.”

“Oh I see.” Levi knocked Oliver’s hands off his shoulders. “You

just want to keep a watch on the football star just to make sure he’s
not putting the moves on your new boyfriend. Classic.” Levi shook
his head as he laughed.

“That’s not the only reason.” Oliver lowered his hands in a

shushing motion to Levi. “I don’t know for sure if Landen’s a wolf
shifter or not and yes I don’t want him left alone with Kyle, but we
need to find out if he’s in any way involved. I mean, just think about
it. The school hasn’t had any problems with attacks or any types of
violence until this year. Sure, there’s the incoming freshmen, and our
problem wolf could be any one of them, or any student that has
recently transferred to Campbell State.”

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“So you think just because Landen is new to the school he’s a

suspect? It’s not a lot to go on but I will give you this, it definitely has
to be a new student.” Levi agreed. He let out an annoyed sigh. “Fine.
The jock can stay with me, but the doors stay open at night between
the bathrooms. If this guy is a wolf shifter, I don’t want him ripping
my throat out while I’m sleeping.”

“I totally agree.” Oliver smiled and held his hand out for Levi to


* * * *

Over the next few days, Kyle had really settled into the new living

arrangement. He had Oliver in his bed every night and he’d gotten
closer to both Levi and Landen. They all, surprisingly enough, got
along really well. Sure, there were still times he’d catch Oliver
looking at Landen as if he wanted to rip his head off, but he assumed
it was out of jealousy.

Kyle understood why Oliver might feel that way. Landen was

overly affectionate, even with Oliver and Levi. He gave hugs easily
and seemed to always feel the need to touch them when he was
around. It didn’t bother Kyle though, to see Landen hug Oliver or
wrestle him, which had happened late Thursday afternoon. Once he
got over the shock of seeing Landen tackle Oliver to the bed, he
actually thought it looked very erotic and it turned him on.

“You’re not going out tonight?” Kyle asked when he heard

Landen enter the other room.

In the past few days he noticed his sense of smell had improved.

He didn’t know if that was a fortunate side effect of finding his mate,
but he’d take it.

Landen’s scent was a little woodsy, like pine trees and snow. It

perked up Kyle’s wolf but he didn’t understand why that would
happen. He didn’t have any romantic feelings toward Landen, but his
smell was definitely different from Oliver and Levi’s.

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“Nah.” Landen walked through the connecting bathroom and

leaned against the frame. “I’ve got a game tomorrow and I don’t feel
like being exhausted then having to get my head pounded in for four
hours the next day. I’d rather just lie low.” Landen looked around the
room. “Where’s Oliver?”

“Levi and him had to run to the library to do some research on a

report they’re working on for civics class.”

“Studying on a Friday night.” Landen chuckled. “The life of a

college student.”

They talked for a little bit longer. Landen informed him he’d be

moving back to his dorm on Monday. All the carpet in his and his
roommate’s rooms had to be replaced, along with a new floor in the

Landen had just been telling Kyle about his paper for history class

when Oliver walked through the bedroom door.

“Hey, Oliver.” Landen stood up from where he sat on Kyle’s bed.
“Hey.” Oliver bent over to kiss the top of Kyle’s forehead. When

he stood back up he looked at Landen. “What? No party to attend
tonight?” he asked with a smirk.

“Dude!” Landen groaned. “Not all football players are party

animals. Unlike some of those guys, I want to graduate with a degree.
Just because I play college ball doesn’t mean I’m NFL bound.”

“I’m just messing with you.” Oliver lightly shoved Landen in the

shoulder. “And you fall for it every time.”

“I’m ordering pizza, you dorks,” Levi announced when he walked

in the room. “What do you guys want?”

Once the pizza arrived, they all sat around Kyle’s room and

watched a movie while they ate. It was nice and relaxing. When Kyle
was done, he lay down on the bed and Oliver snuggled up behind him.

“Okay that’s our cue to call it a night.” Landen and Levi stood up.

“Once you two get all lovey-dovey, we’re out of here.” Levi smacked
a hand on Landen’s stomach. “Come on, man. I’ll kick your ass at
Call of Duty.”

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“Whatever, bro.” Landen followed Levi to the bathroom. “Oh,

before I forget.” Landen leaned back into the bedroom. “You guys
still coming tomorrow night, right?”

Kyle almost forgot they’d agreed to go watch Landen play.

“Yeah, we’ll be there.”

“Do you even like football?” Oliver asked once Landen had left

the room.

“Not really, but Landen really wants us to come.” Kyle looked

over his shoulder at his boyfriend. “I think for someone who is as
popular as Landen, he feels all alone. It’s kind of sad.”

“So, what?” Oliver ran a finger down the side of Kyle’s face.

“You’ve made it your mission to take care of the big lug?”

“Maybe.” Kyle rolled the rest of the way over to face Oliver.

“Does that bother you?”

“Nope.” Oliver brushed his lips over Kyle’s. “Because I’m the

one in your bed at the end of the day. I’m the one who gets to hold
you in my arms every night. You’re mine, Kyle Argent.”

Kyle’s heart swelled in his chest every time he heard Oliver call

him his. He felt wanted and loved. They’d grown closer over the past
few days and Kyle was seriously thinking about telling Oliver his
secret, but the fear of the unknown had him holding back.

Kyle had called Ian a couple more times since their last

conversation, and he had assured Kyle that if Oliver was in fact his
mate, he’d feel the pull. And Kyle believed that Oliver did, but still,
he wasn’t willing to break up the good thing he had going. Maybe he
could live his whole life never having to tell Oliver the truth.

“Do you mean that?” Kyle rubbed his nose along Oliver’s cheek,

breathing in his masculine scent.

“Of course I do.” Oliver placed a finger under Kyle’s chin and

lifted his face up. “What’s the matter, baby?”

“Nothing.” Kyle buried his face in Oliver’s neck. “I just never

want this to end.” He admitted his deepest fear.

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“Who said it will?” Oliver tried to get Kyle to look at him. When

his attempts failed Oliver pushed him to his back and straddled his
hips. “Kyle, look at me.” Kyle slowly lifted his eyes to meet Oliver’s.
“I hope what I’m about to say doesn’t freak you out and send you
running away from me, but damn, Kyle, I want you for as long as you
will let me have you.” Oliver let out a nervous chuckle. “I know we
just met but for me, this is it.”

“Really?” Tears burned at the back of his eyes, and Kyle knew

this was his chance to tell Oliver the truth, to give him the chance to
change his mind, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t risk losing this
man he’d fallen in love with. Even if it turned out they weren’t mates,
Kyle would never leave Oliver.

“Yeah, really.” Oliver covered Kyle’s lips and kissed him gently.
Kyle wound his arms around Oliver’s neck and pulled him closer.

He shoved his tongue deeper into Oliver’s mouth, and an
overwhelming need to take control and show Oliver just how much he
meant to him overcame Kyle.

Kyle pulled up on Oliver’s shirt then broke the kiss to lick his way

down Oliver’s body. He teased the small tan nipples until he had
Oliver groaning beneath him. Kyle scraped his fingernails down
Oliver’s side as he moved to his target.

Oliver’s hard cock pressed against the zipper of his jeans and Kyle

mouthed the thickness, blowing hot air onto it.

“Kyle,” Oliver groaned.
Kyle sat up on his knees, unsnapped Oliver’s jeans, and pulled the

zipper down. He grabbed the waist and pulled the pants and boxers
down. Oliver lifted his hips up off the bed to help him.

The hard cock sprung free and Kyle dove down on the heated

flesh. He licked the underside all the way up the swollen head. A bead
of pleasure seeped from the slit at the tip and Kyle licked it away. He
hummed at the salty flavor. Kyle tongued his way back down and
lapped at Oliver’s low-hanging balls.

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“Come on, baby, stop teasing me.” Oliver’s hands came up to

hold onto the sides of Kyle’s head. “Please.”

Kyle loved it when Oliver begged. After making Oliver suffer

through a series of teasing licks, he parted his lips and took Oliver
inside his mouth. Giving blow jobs was still really new to him and he
couldn’t take Oliver really deep. He licked the ridged crown and
pointed his tongue into the small slit at the tip, drinking down the pre-

After a few more teasing licks and some light sucking, Kyle took

Oliver down until his gag reflex forced him to stop. He used his hand
to pump up and down on the remainder. Oliver’s fingers held tight to
Kyle’s head and he smiled around the thick shaft in his mouth.

“Baby, swing around here.” Oliver slapped Kyle in the shoulder.

“I want us to get off together.” Kyle sat up and Oliver grinned at him.
“I need a taste of your special sauce.”

“Special sauce?” Kyle started to laugh. “I’ve never heard it called

that before.”

“I’ve never called cum that before either, but I like to hear you

laugh.” Oliver sat up in a half crunch, his stomach muscles drawn up
tight. “Now swing that ass around.”

Kyle pulled his pants down then positioned his body so that his

groin hovered over Oliver’s face. He moved down to rest his weight
on his elbows until he was eye level with Oliver’s hard shaft.

He jerked in surprise and pleasure as Oliver pulled his cock into

his mouth. His lips parted and a barely audible moan passed his lips.
Kyle took a few deep breaths, his thighs quivering at the feel of
Oliver’s wet mouth sucking him deep.

Kyle opened his mouth and started bobbing his head up and down

on Oliver’s hard sword. He marveled at the hardness encased in
smooth, velvety flesh. Kyle hummed his hunger and Oliver’s fingers
dug into his ass cheeks, forcing Kyle lower until his cock was buried
all the way down Oliver’s throat. Kyle wondered how he could do

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that. He wasn’t huge but Kyle had a good seven inches that Oliver
could take without missing a beat.

Oliver’s movements sped up so Kyle put more energy into his

efforts. Oliver bent his right leg to rest his foot on the bed and he
arched his hips gently into Kyle’s mouth. The bed squeaked as they
moved in sync with one another.

A strong electric pulse zapped up Kyle’s spine and he knew he

was done for. The rhythmic wet pressure and suction from Oliver’s
mouth took him higher until he spilled his sticky juices down Oliver’s

Stars burst behind his clenched eyelids as he rode the waves of his

pleasure until he had nothing left to give. His mouth only paused for a
moment, but Kyle doubled his attention to Oliver’s stiff cock and
fondled his balls until his lover grunted and filled Kyle’s mouth with
his warm seed.

Kyle collapsed on top of Oliver’s body, his head buried in the

crease of his thigh and cock. He took in deep breaths, loving the scent
of Oliver’s sweaty body.

“Hey, Kyle.” Oliver tapped a finger on his ass cheek. “You’re

going to need to move.” A gust of air from Oliver’s laugh had goose
bumps popping up on his body. “It’d be quite embarrassing to have to
explain you suffocated your boyfriend with your dick.”

Kyle giggled and rolled on his side. He ran his hand up and down

Oliver’s left leg. He felt Oliver’s body go tense as his hand ran over
the metal prosthetic but Kyle didn’t stop. Oliver’s leg didn’t bother
him and Oliver said it often enough that he didn’t care what people
thought of him, but he always went quiet when Kyle came into
contact with it and he never wore shorts. Even in ninety degree
weather the man wore jeans or loose fitting track pants. Kyle felt like
his lover was hiding and couldn’t see why he’d do that. Oliver was a
strong man who should be proud of himself.

“Why do you do that?” The words were out of his mouth before

he could think better of it. He didn’t want to upset or pressure Oliver

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about this but he wanted the man he’d fallen in love with to know this
didn’t bother him. He wasn’t disgusted or repulsed by it.

“Do what?” Oliver tried to roll away.
Kyle sat up and moved to sit on Oliver’s thighs. “Get all weirded

out when I touch your leg? You know it doesn’t bother me, right?”

“It might not bother you but maybe it bothers me.” Oliver’s jaw

clenched tight and Kyle could feel his hands balled into fists at his

“Well it shouldn’t.” Kyle ran his fingers over Oliver’s chest,

soaking in his warmth. “You’re one of the best-looking guys on
campus. Leg or not, it doesn’t change that, or the fact that I am
completely and madly in love with you.”

Oliver’s eyes went wide at Kyle’s words. Kyle’s throat went dry

and his mouth opened and shut, but no words came out. He hadn’t
meant to blurt that out but it was too late to take it back. And he didn’t
want to.

“You’re in love with me?” Oliver asked. He sat up and wrapped

his arms around Kyle’s waist, now preventing him from running

“I…I…” Kyle’s hands moved up and down in an attempt to help

explain what he said. But then it hit him. Why should he deny how he
felt? He was only going to live once and he wanted to live the rest of
his life with this insanely annoying man. “Yes! Yes, I am.” Kyle
thought it felt good to finally admit it.

“Even with my bad attitude and quick tendency to judge others?”

Oliver raised an eyebrow. “And with me missing a leg, you still want

“Granted, the first two do drive me batty, but I can learn to live

with that, and the third?” Kyle rested his palms on the sides of
Oliver’s face. “Do you really think I care if you are missing a leg?
You could be missing both of them and I still would love you.” Kyle
grinned down at Oliver and brushed a soft kiss over his lips. “Like

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you said earlier. You are mine, Oliver Johnson, and there’s no
changing that.”

Oliver pulled Kyle closer and kissed him deeply, stealing the very

breath from Kyle’s lungs. A warm sensation spread out from his heart
all over his body, tingling every single nerve ending on his body. This
was what true love felt like.

“I guess it’s a good thing we have that understanding between us.”

Oliver smiled.

“Yes, it is.” Kyle knew this was his opportunity to tell Oliver the

truth but he just couldn’t make himself do it. This moment was too
perfect to let anything ruin it. “Now that that is all settled, we should
go shopping.”

“Shopping? For what?”
“Shorts.” Kyle rested his forehead against Oliver’s. “I want to see

my sexy boyfriend in shorts so I can admire his strong and very
attractive legs.”

“Kyle.” Oliver rolled his eyes then shifted to lay Kyle beside him.

“First off, I hate to shop, and second, I need to work on the whole
wearing shorts thing.”

“Fine by me.” Kyle snuggled closer. “Just as long as you realize

that you missing a leg doesn’t mean anything to me. In fact, I like the
metal one. Makes me feel like I’m sleeping with the Terminator.”

“Dear lord, do you have a thing for Arnold Schwarzenegger?”

Oliver’s face scrunched up as if he tasted something sour.

“Not him necessarily, but he does have a hot body.” Kyle held

Oliver tight as he said, “I just want you to know I love you for what’s
in here.” He held his hand over Oliver’s heart. “Not what’s on the

“I love you, too, Kyle.” Oliver gave him a quick kiss. “Even

though you have lousy taste in friends.”

“You son of a bitch.” Kyle rolled back on top of Oliver and

tickled him under the arms.

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They laughed until they were out of breath and Kyle slumped

back onto Oliver’s body. After a few minutes, they finished taking off
their clothes and crawled under the sheets. Kyle allowed himself to be
lured to sleep by Oliver’s comforting heat.

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Chapter Seventeen

“I can’t believe how crowded it is.” Kyle looked around as he

walked up the narrow alleyway to their seats. It was a good thing he
wasn’t afraid of heights, as far as they had to sit up in the stadium.

“It’s called school spirit, little man.” Levi smiled at Kyle over his


“Shut up.” Kyle nudged Levi in the back.
Finally they made it to their seats and Kyle sat between Oliver and

Levi. The sun had started to set and a nice warm breeze blew across
his face. Kyle picked at his shirt to let some air get inside to cool his
heated skin. He didn’t know how the football players could stand to
wear all those pads and the helmet without melting. Football was
meant to be played in the cold winter months, not the tail end of

The stadium grew quiet and everyone stood for the national

anthem, then they continued to stand while the school’s fight song
was sung.

“Look!” Kyle pointed down to where Landen stood on the field.

The huddle broke and the players moved to stand in a straight line. He
heard Landen shout the play, the clock started, and the players went
into motion.

Kyle watched as Landen pulled his arm back and sent the ball

soaring through the air. Another player at the far end caught it but got
tackled right in front of the end zone.

“That was amazing,” Kyle said in awe. “He’s pretty good. I mean

I’m assuming he is.” He turned to look at his boyfriend. “That was
good right?”

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“Yes, babe.” Oliver wrapped an around Kyle’s waist. “That was a

good throw. Now don’t act so impressed. You’re making me jealous.”
Oliver nipped at Kyle’s earlobe.

“Okay, none of that.” Levi bumped shoulders with Kyle which

caused him to push into Oliver. “I’m here to watch the game, not you
two getting all handsy with one another.”

The game carried on, and at halftime the school’s marching band

moved onto the field to perform. The music carried all the way up to
their seats and Kyle found himself tapping his foot to the rhythm.
When they were done, the marching band cleared off the field and the
football players came back out to start the third quarter.

The Campbell State Bobcats were up by three touchdowns.

According to Levi it didn’t matter what the score was at the moment
because there was still a lot of game left. Kyle felt his stomach begin
to roll. Every time the other team had the ball he found himself
screaming and punching his fist in the air. A defensive player broke
through the line and tacked Landen to the ground. Landen quickly
jumped back up and got back to the huddle.

“Damn, that boy can take a hit,” Levi mused.
Even though Landen was a grown man playing a sport he loved,

Kyle didn’t like to see his friend get hurt. Landen called out the next
play, passed off the ball, and he turned to tackle the same defensive
player head on. The other player flew through the air to land on his

“Holy shit!” Levi and Oliver said simultaneously.
“Are quarterbacks supposed to do that?” Kyle looked over at


“Not typically, no.” Oliver shook his head.
The Bobcats were up by thirteen going into the fourth quarter.

About six minutes in, Oliver’s phone started to ring. He mumbled a
curse then pulled Kyle close to whisper in his ear.

“I’ve got to take this.” Another kiss to Kyle’s cheek. “I’ll be right


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The game carried on and after a few minutes Oliver came back.

He looked over Kyle’s head to Levi then motioned with his head to
the walkway.

“Is everything okay?” Kyle asked.
“Yes. That call was from our earth science professor. The power’s

gone out in the building and everyone who has a project growing in
the greenhouse on campus needs to get over there to take their plants
to another location.” He dropped his forehead to rest against Kyle’s.
“Sorry baby, but we have to go.”

“Okay. I’ll come with you.” Kyle was stopped by Oliver’s hand

on his shoulder.

“No, you stay and watch the rest of the game. Someone needs to

cheer the big lug on.” Oliver smiled down at Kyle then bent to kiss
him on the lips.

“Yeah, because he doesn’t have enough fans already.” Kyle rolled

his eyes. “When will you be done? Will you make it back before the
end of the game?”

“Not sure.” Oliver’s lips flattened into a straight line. “If I’m not,

just go back to our room after the game, okay? I don’t want to worry
about you walking around on campus by yourself.”

“Okay.” Kyle reached up to peck Oliver on the lips then leaned to

the side to wave good-bye to Levi. “See you guys later. Hope your
project is salvageable.”

Oliver smiled one more time, then started down the aisle. Kyle

watched him go and thought that it was really nice that the professor
would call the students like that, and that Oliver and Levi were so
dedicated to their studies that they would drop everything to attend to
the problem at hand.

The crowd went wild and Kyle turned back to the field. With

everyone standing up, Kyle had to step up on the tips of his toes to see
what had taken place. The players were rallied around Landen and he
held the ball in his hand. Kyle looked to the scoreboard to see another

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six points added to the original score. A smile crossed his face. He
never knew football could be so much fun.

* * * *

“Another body was found by the dumpster behind our dormitory.”

Oliver walked as fast as he could, dodging students every inch of the

“Our dorm?” Levi sounded shocked. “Was it…” Levi’s voice

trailed off and he looked around at all the people standing about. “A
wolf attack?”

“Yep. Detective Stanton said it’s a bloody one, too.” The crowd

lightened as they made their way out of the stadium. Oliver raised his
voice above a whisper now that they were free of any listening ears.
“Male student, and according to Stanton, if it weren’t for the guy’s
photo ID, he wouldn’t even be able to tell that much. The guy’s face
was shredded down to the bone.”

“Oh that sounds pleasant.” Levi shuddered. “What is the deal with

these attacks? I mean they all have been so vicious. What gives,

“No freaking idea, but we need to put a stop to it. Stanton can

only keep this on the down low for so long before the press takes off
with it.” Oliver could only imagine the field day the reporters would
have with this. Animal attacks stalking a college campus. It’s like a
plot for a bad horror movie.

Before they reached the dorm, Oliver could see the flashing lights

from the police cruisers. They walked around to the back and were
met by Stanton.

“I hate to say it, boys, but these attacks look personal.” He waved

them over to the covered body.

Stanton pulled back the sheet to expose the mutilated face of the

latest victim. The poor kid didn’t stand a chance. Oliver just prayed
the kid’s throat had been ripped out before the wolf tore into his face.

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The victim’s jaw hung at an awkward angle and white bone shone
through the blood and muscles.

“Stanton, we looked into any possible connection between the

other two victims and nothing turned up. No shared classes, no
boyfriend-girlfriend connection, or friends they shared.” Levi shot his
hands out into the air. “These people have no one line leading in the
same direction. They were all strangers.”

“And I’m willing to bet same goes for this guy.” Oliver turned

away from the body. He’d seen some pretty disturbing things in his
life but this had to be the worst.

“Either way, boys, we need to find this thing and put an end to its

reign of terror.” Stanton crossed his arms over his chest. “And I mean
ASAP. A bullet in the head would be ideal.”

“Hey, Oliver, look at this.” Levi waved him over toward the

sidewalk. A trail of blood droplets were splattered on the ground.

“It leads into the woods.” Oliver looked into the dense greenery

that lay behind their dorm. “The walking trail runs through here.
Maybe the wolf left through here.”

“Boys, I know Roderick said you two were some of their best

hunters, but shouldn’t you at least have a gun or something to protect
yourselves?” Stanton looked between Oliver and Levi.

“Detective Stanton, we are always prepared.” Oliver bent down to

pull up the pant leg of his right leg, exposing the gun holstered to his
calf. Levi did the same.

“Okay then. I’ll keep any officers from going out in the woods.”

Stanton nodded his head. “Happy hunting, boys. I hate to say it, but I
hope you find it and kill it.”

“We do, too.” Oliver shook Stanton’s hand then followed Levi

into the trees.

Levi had a small flashlight that he had attached to his keys and

shined it on the ground, looking for more blood splotches. They made
their way to the paved trail and found more blood on the ground.

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“I guess we’re going for a walk.” Levi nudged him in the


“That we are.” Oliver pulled his 9mm from his holster and turned

to give the right side of the dark woods his attention while Levi gave
his to the left. It seemed more quiet than usual out here. Not even the
crickets made a peep. The hairs on the back of Oliver’s neck stood up.
They weren’t alone out here.

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Chapter Eighteen

The game came to an end and the Bobcats held on for the win.

There was still no sign of Oliver or Levi. Most of the people had
already left their seats and made their way out of the stadium. Kyle
stayed in his chair and stared down at the green field. He’d actually
had fun. Sure, he hated that Oliver had to run off to save his science
project but up until then it had been a great time.

Kyle took one last look around then stood up. He held on to the

side rail as he walked down the wide steps. When he reached the
lower level he kept walking until he stood next to the track that
surrounded the football field. The seats were truly good from here, but
with Kyle’s improving wolf eyesight he hadn’t missed a thing.

The blades of grass were so defined and multiple shades of green.

The white, painted lines were smudged in places from the players
rolling around on the ground when they were tackled. Kyle took it all
in and smiled. He’d survived his first college sports outing. Kyle was
worried he’d be bored the entire game but he was wrong. He loved
the thrill of the chase, one team trying to knock down the other for the
win in a battle of strength and planning.

“Kyle.” Kyle turned to see Landen stepping out of the tunnel that

led to the locker rooms. “What are you still hanging around for?” He
looked at the area over Kyle’s shoulders. “Where’s Oliver and Levi?”

“They had to rush off to save a science experiment, but they did

see most of the game.” Kyle leaned over the railing, resting his
forearms on the cool metal. “You were amazing out there by the way.
You guys stomped them.”

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“We would have probably won by at least another touchdown if

Zach had been here.” Kyle shook his head. “The moron got into it
with the coach and got himself benched for two games. Probably
more now that he didn’t even show up. He’ll be lucky if the coach
doesn’t kick him off the team.”

“That sucks for your friend and for the team.” Not that Kyle

thought the team suffered for missing one person.

“True. So did you have a good time?”
“More than I thought I would. I’ve never been to or seen a

football game before. It was pretty intense.”

“It can be.” Landen walked over closer to Kyle. “Here, jump

down here. We can go out through the locker rooms.”

Kyle did as Landen said. He thought it was better to stick with his

big football-playing friend than to walk back to the dorm by himself.
Landen held out his hand for Kyle to take. He could have made the
jump in one smooth move but didn’t want Landen to ask him how he
could do that so easily.

“So you really have never even seen a football game before?”

Landen asked.

“Nope, never.” Kyle closed one eye and pursed his lips in thought.

“To be honest I’ve never seen any type of sporting event on TV or in
person. I never had any interest before.”

“That’s nuts.” Landen chuckled then bumped his shoulder into

Kyle’s. “Do you think you’ve changed your mind now?”

Kyle glanced up at Landen and grinned. “Most definitely. It’s so

easy to get sucked into the excitement. I mean heck! I was screaming
my head off, cheering you on.”

“I know. I heard you.” Landen’s cheeks flushed with heat and he

kept his gaze on the ground.

Kyle canted his head to the side and stared at Landen. “You heard

me over that entire crowd?” It was impossible. With as far away as
his seat was and combined with the screaming fans there was no way
Landen could possibly have heard him.

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“Uh…” Landen nibbled on his lower lip. “Not you specifically,

just the whole crowd screaming their heads off. I like to imagine it’s
my friends I hear scream the loudest.”

“Well you deserve all the praise from your adoring crowd.” Kyle

bumped his shoulder with Landen’s as they walked across the parking
lot. “You were amazing out there. You even impressed Oliver.”

“No kidding.” That adorable blush painted Landen’s cheeks again.

“Not that it means more coming from him, it’s just that I feel like he
still doesn’t trust me.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it.” Kyle shoved his hands in his pockets.

The wind had picked up and put a slight chill in the air. “I think it’s
more do with the whole macho boyfriend thing.”

“Well whatever it is, I’m just glad he doesn’t feel the same way he

did a week ago. I like you guys.”

“And we like you.” Kyle threaded his arm through Landen’s and

walked alongside him.

“Um, Kyle,” Landen said softly.
“Yeah?” Kyle rested his head on Landen’s thick arm as they

walked. He could feel the corded muscle flex as he moved.

“Can you and I talk?” Landen stopped walking and stared down at

him. “Privately?”

“Sure.” Kyle’s brown knit together. Landen’s stiff posture gave

away his anxiousness.

“Great.” Landen grabbed him by the hand and led him to the

entrance of the walking trail. Kyle followed Landen into the darkness,
holding his hand tightly in his own.

Kyle looked all around him. His eyes adjusted the shift in lighting

and his ears perked up to listen for any threatening sounds. It wasn’t
safe to be out alone ever since the attacks started happening around
campus. Kyle had told Oliver he’d go home right after the game, not
go traipsing around the woods.

They followed along the paved path for a few minutes more, then

Landen veered off it and trudged through the thicket of brush and

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trees. Kyle held onto Landen’s hand and did his best to maneuver
around the even ground.

“Landen where are we going?” Kyle’s voice hitched as he spoke.
“Just a little further,” Landen said over his shoulder. “There’s a

spot I want to show you.”

Not that Kyle didn’t trust Landen, but he was a little frightened.

There must have been cloud coverage in the sky because not a single
star lit the blackness. It was thanks to his wolf instincts that he could
even see his hand in front of his face. This made him wonder how
Landen was doing it.

Landen came to a stop in a small clearing and let go of Kyle’s

hand. The trees weren’t as dense here and a small opening broke
through the leafy branches to showcase a piece of the dark sky.

“Isn’t this beautiful?” Landen asked Kyle. He held his arms out to

his sides. “I love being out here.”

“Landen, what’s going on?” Kyle’s hands started to shake and

pressure weighed down on his chest. He felt like he was going to have
a panic attack. Something wasn’t adding up and he hated to doubt
Landen, but what the hell was going on?

Landen tore his gaze from the dark sky and looked back at Kyle.

He took a step toward him, his hand held out, reaching for Kyle’s.
“Don’t be afraid, Kyle.”

“Stop right there!” Kyle shouted and slapped Landen’s hand

away. “What are you?”

Landen canted his head to the side and gave Kyle a look of

confusion. “You really can’t tell, can you?” Landen closed his eyes
and sniffed the air. When he opened them again the green of his eyes
glowed like a neon light.

“Oh my god,” Kyle gasped and stumbled backward. He fell on his

ass. “Stop right there!” Kyle held his hands out to shield himself as
Landen stepped toward him.

“Kyle, please don’t be afraid of me.” Landen knelt down in front

of him a few feet away. “I’m like you.”

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“Like me?” Kyle pulled his legs in close and hugged his arms

around them.

“A wolf shifter.” Landen sat down and crossed his legs. “I smelled

it on you the first time we met. But I started to doubt it when you got
drunk at the party because wolf shifters can’t get drunk, from what
I’ve been told.” Landen chuckled. “And you never seemed to
recognize me for what I was, a wolf.” His voice sounded sad and his
head dipped down to stare at his hands.

So many thoughts zinged through Kyle’s mind. A man he

considered to be a close friend was a wolf shifter and he hadn’t even
realized it. But that wasn’t saying much. Kyle had never been taught
to trust in his wolf instinct or to sniff out his own kind. When it came
to being a wolf shifter he was lazy. He could have worked harder to
control the wolf inside him and become comfortable in his own skin,
but he’d chosen the easy way out. Not to deal with it.

Another thing occurred to him. Yes, he was shocked by this

discovery, but he wasn’t afraid. If Landen wanted to harm him, he
would have done so by now.

“Landen, listen to me.” Kyle reached out his hand, his fingers

trembling as he touched Landen’s hand. “I’m probably the worst wolf
shifter you will ever encounter. My parents were murdered when I
was only three and a deranged alpha took me and raised me as her
own. But she also kept me ignorant to the ways of the wolf. So please
don’t be offended by my actions.”

“Then we have a lot in common.” Landen turned his hand around

and interlocked their fingers. “I’m adopted, too. My folks didn’t know
what I was until one day they found a puppy in my toddler bed
instead of their three-year-old son. Talk about a shock to the system.”

Kyle’s eyes widened. “You were raised by humans?”
“Yep, but luckily for me they were extremely understanding and

did all they could to protect me. They feared if anyone found out
about me they’d take me away from them.”

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“How did they hide it? I mean how were you able to control your

wolf from coming out?”

“It was hard when I was young. I couldn’t go to sleepovers at my

friends’ houses or to away camp for the summer like my buddies. But
as I got older, my folks realized my emotions triggered my change so
they helped me control my temper. Football was actually a real good
release for me.”

“But still, wasn’t it hard growing up all alone like that?” Kyle

might have been raised by Sasha, but she never had a problem
showing him affection and love and he knew she was like him. He
couldn’t imagine being surrounded by normal humans.

“I wasn’t alone.” Landen smiled. “I had my parents and friends.

Sure, they weren’t like me, but what does it matter? Love is love and
my parents loved me and did the best they could for me while
growing up.”

“But how did you learn to recognize others like you?” Kyle lifted

his hand to chew on his fingernail.

“My friend Zach taught me. We met at Clermont University in

Idaho. He spotted me for what I was right away. He took my under
his wing and we’ve been best friends ever since then. When he
wanted to transfer schools, I followed right along with him. I didn’t
want to be alone again.” Landen explained.

“Idaho?” Kyle found that a weird coincidence. “That’s where I’m


“Seriously?” Kyle nodded his head. “That would have been great

if you and I had met back then.” Sadness washed over Landen’s eyes.
“Not that I want to say anything bad about Zach, but he’s been acting
different for the past two months. He’s been so distant and I felt like I
was out on my own again until I met you. You’re so nice and caring,
and I found myself drawn to you. I instantly wanted to be your

“Thanks, Landen.” Kyle giggled. “I like being your friend.”

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“And I guess being friends is all we can be, since you have that

super-hot boyfriend.” Landen winked.

“Yeah, Oliver is hot isn’t he?” A silly grin curled his upper lip.
“Does he know what you are?” Landen asked.
“Not yet.” Kyle pulled his hand free from Landen’s and picked at

the hem of his shirt. “It’s all gone so fast that I just haven’t found a
time to really have the talk with him. I’m also afraid he won’t like me

“Kyle, don’t be ridiculous.” Landen shoved at Kyle’s legs. “That

guy is nuts about you. I don’t think there is anything you can say to
scare him away. He’s your—” Landen snapped his fingers, his eyes
squinted in thought. “What’s that word?”

“Yeah, that’s the word.” Landen pointed a finger at him. “From

what Zach said, it’s an unbreakable bond. Love at first sight for us

“That’s what I’ve been told.” Kyle rested his forehead on his

knees. “But I’m still scared he’ll leave me.”

The sound of Landen moving around had Kyle looking up. The

big blond crawled on his knees to sit beside him. He rested a heavy
arm over his shoulders.

“Okay, I wasn’t the biggest Oliver fan, but after getting to know

him, he’s not that bad and I can see that he cares a lot for you. Sure,
him learning that you’re a wolf shifter will shock him, but I don’t see
him walking away from you.”

“You think?” Kyle wanted to believe his friend was right but

doubt still clung to him.

“I do.” Landen hugged him close. “Hey, Kyle, can I ask you

something else?”

“Sure.” Kyle reached up to wipe away the tears he hadn’t realize

he’d shed.

“That night at the party what happened to you? I mean it was like

you were drunk.”

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“I’m not sure.” Kyle licked out his tongue to moisten his dry lips.

“Oliver said that someone had probably spiked my drink with
something.” He chuckled. “He thought you were trying to date rape

“First off, eww! That’s totally offensive to me. I’m way too hot to

have to drug a guy to get laid.” Landen ran a hand through his hair. “I
totally agree with Oliver on the drugged part. But what I don’t
understand is who would do that? I mean was it random or did
someone know what you were?”

“That’s a good question.” The sound of a twig snapping had both

Kyle and Landen looking behind them, but nothing was there.
“Another odd thing is all those attacks on campus. What if it’s a

“Then that means hunters aren’t far behind.” Landen jerked his

head to the other side as if looking for people standing in the

“Landen, it’s okay.” He grabbed Landen’s hand. “Not all hunters

are bad. Shifters and hunters are working together now to keep
shifters and humans safe. We can trust them.”

“Would you looky here.” Kyle and Landen both jerked back in

surprise at the low, gravelly-sounding voice. A man stood naked with
streaks of dry blood covering his chest. Shadows shielded his face.
“Who knew you would make my job so much easier, Landen.”

“Zach, is that you?” Landen stood up and helped pull Kyle to his

feet. “What are you doing out here, and like that?” He motioned to his

Kyle couldn’t take his eyes off the man. The only things Kyle

could see besides the blood smeared on his chest were his silver eyes
staring at him. It was as if the man was looking into his soul. Kyle
didn’t like the feeling one bit. He suddenly wished he’d listened to
Oliver and gone straight back to their room.

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Chapter Nineteen

“I can’t believe my luck.” Zach slowly walked toward them.
“Zach, man, what’s with you?” Landen moved to stand between

Kyle and his friend. “You’re acting strange.”

“Landen.” Kyle reached up to grab Landen’s biceps. Fear coursed

through his veins and the closer Zach got to him, the more he could
smell the copper scent of blood. Human blood.

“What happened to you?” Landen kept asking questions but Zach

ignored him and kept his eyes trained on Kyle.

“How’s college treating you so far, Kyle?” Zach sneered. “Is it all

you had hoped for?”

Kyle’s mouth went as dry as a desert. Zach moved closer and a

pulsing tension sizzled around Kyle’s skin. He was terrified and
confused. “What are you talking about?” His voice was barely above
a whisper.

“You were so eager to get away from home and experience life.”

Zach suddenly stopped moving and from the close distance Kyle
could see his face better. It was twisted in anger and hate. Long
pointed canines hung down to press against his full bottom lip and
hair grew over his body like a thin sweater. “Tell me, was it worth
what you did to get where you are?”

“Yo, Zach, chill out.” Landen held his hand up, doing his best to

be a peacemaker. “You’re acting a little crazy right now.”

Zach didn’t look away from Kyle and Kyle found it hard to look

anywhere else.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

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“Liar!” Zach roared and Landen and Kyle fell back a step. “You

pretend to be so pure and innocent but I know the truth. You’re a

Landen started talking, but all Kyle could hear was a buzzing in

his ears. His pulse spiked and chills broke out over his skin.

The evil glint in Zach’s eyes said it all. He knew what Kyle had

done. Kyle wasn’t a murderer. He had to kill Sasha in order to save
Ian’s life. But how did Zach know that? He wasn’t there that night.
Kyle would have remembered seeing him.

“That wasn’t murder, it was self-defense.” Kyle started to pull

Landen backward, away from Zach. The man knew things he
shouldn’t, and by the deranged look on his face, this wasn’t going to
end well.

“What the fuck are you two talking about?” Landen shouted.

“You guys are not making any sense.”

“Don’t lie to me, you little shit.” Spittle hung from Zach’s lips as

he spoke. “She was a good woman. She didn’t deserve to be gunned
down by the orphan she took in and gave a home to.”

Nightmares still haunted his dreams. Kyle didn’t regret killing the

woman he thought of as mother. He did what needed to be done to
save Ian. Sasha had two faces she showed the world. The loving,
caring mother she pretended to be, and then her true face. A heartless
monster that would kill her own son to gain control and power.

“She was insane.” Kyle entwined his fingers with Landen’s,

whose hand had gone limp. “She would have killed my brother and I,
and I couldn’t let her do that. She was cruel and vindictive. If it
wasn’t me, it would have been somebody else to end her life.”

“But it was you.” Zach pointed a finger at him, a pointed, jagged-

edged claw at the tip. “And now you’re going to pay for your sins.”

Zach lunged toward them and Kyle spun to the side and kicked

out his leg, knocking the larger man to the ground. Spinning around
with his hands still clutched in Landen’s, he screamed, “Run!”

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Kyle didn’t look behind him as he ran through the forest. Thin,

low-hanging branches whipped around his face, slapping him as he
darted deeper into the darkness. Something wet dripped down his
cheek but all he could do was whip it away and keep running. They
needed to get out in the open, away from Zach.

Even in death, Sasha had the ability to ruin his life. He wasn’t sure

of the connection between Zach and Sasha but whatever it was, it had
to be pretty strong, because why else would a crazed wolf be chasing
him in the dark?

“Kyle, dude, I don’t know what’s going on.” Landen gasped for

breath. “Or what the fuck happened to Zach, but we need to shift. We
can run faster in wolf form.”

Kyle glanced behind him but didn’t see Zach. He nodded his head

and slowed down. He removed his clothes and once he and Landen
were both naked, they shifted.

The strain and pull of bone and muscle brought tears to Kyle’s

eyes. It had been a good month since he shifted last, and he didn’t
miss the sting that came with the change in forms. A whimper passed
his lips as he fell to all fours as his hands and feet changed into large
paws and brown fur popped up over his body. Once his change was
complete, he stood up and shook his head. He looked over to see a
wolf with bright white fur standing next to him. Landen nudged his
large head off to the left and they took off.

Kyle didn’t know how much further it would be before they broke

through to the clearing and back onto campus grounds. His lithe body
leapt and maneuvered over the uneven ground. Kyle felt free when in
wolf form and used his instincts to race forward. Landen stayed close
by his side.

A loud howl pierced through the night. The sound was so sharp

Kyle stumbled to a stop and used his paws to cover his head.

The sound of heavy paws pounding against the ground had Kyle

climbing to his feet, but he was knocked back down.

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A large gray wolf lunged toward him but Landen shoved him out

of the way and met the wolf head on. Kyle watched as the gray and
white wolf rolled around on the ground. Jaws snapping, claws tearing
at skin. Landen’s white fur soon became matted with blood and Kyle
couldn’t let his friend sacrifice himself for him.

Kyle shifted back to his human form. He screamed as the pain

became too much and fell to his knees. His shouts hadn’t deterred the
two fighting wolves.

“Stop it!” Kyle screamed.
The gray wolf turned its massive head toward Kyle and the damn

thing smiled at him. It climbed off of Landen’s limp body and edged
toward him. With every step, Kyle watched as the beast shifted back
to human form. Soon Zach stood before him. Kyle had to tilt his head
up to meet the man’s evil gray eyes.

“How noble of you,” Zach hissed. “You should have kept running,

because I’ll kill him anyway.”

“He’s your friend.” Kyle glanced over to Landen to see if he was

breathing. His body lay curled in a ball, unmoving.

“No, he was part of the pack I had hoped to build with Sasha. He

was strong and followed orders. That was, until he met you.” Zach
started to laugh. “The one person I’d come here to destroy. See, that
causes quite the conflict now doesn’t it?”

“Why are you doing this?” Kyle asked. He understood that this

man obviously was connected to Sasha, but why would he come all
this way to find Kyle?

“Why?” Zach placed his hands on Kyle’s chest, curled his claws

inward, then shoved Kyle. His skin tore and pain shot through his
system. “You killed my mate and ran off with my son,” Zach gritted
out between clenched teeth.

“What?” All air in his lungs rushed out of his mouth in one

exhale. His chest felt tight and he couldn’t breathe.

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“If I had it my way, I would have just killed you the first day I

spotted you moving into the dorm, but with your little hunter
bodyguards, I couldn’t do that.”

“Bodyguards?” Kyle shook his head, unsure what Zach was

talking about.

“Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about.” Zach’s

arm shot out and he punched Kyle in the stomach. He bent over,
gasping for breath while Zach laughed at him. “Your boyfriend keeps
way too close an eye on you.”

Zach circled Kyle and the need to run away warred with his need

to help his friend. Landen hadn’t moved a muscle since Zach climbed
off of him.

“Boyfriend?” Kyle looked over his shoulder as Zach made his

way to stand in front of him.

Zach tilted his head from side to side, carefully watching Kyle’s

face. Tears burned his eyes and one escaped to run down his cheek.

“You really don’t know, do you?” Zach’s husky laugh echoed in

his ears. “Oliver is a hunter. I didn’t think so at first but after the party
when he rode to your rescue after I’d drugged you, I followed you
guys home. On my way back to the dorm, I saw a guy who looked
real similar to Oliver.” Zach shrugged, his upper lip curled into a grin.

“You killed that student?” Kyle brought his hands up to rest at the

sides of his head. He felt like his head was going to explode. “You
killed an innocent person.”

“I did. I made sure to leave a little message for your boyfriend if

he was what I suspected.” At Kyle’s confused look Zach explained. “I
ripped off his left leg. And like I thought, the next morning I sat and
watched as the police roped off the scene, waiting to see what
happened, and lo and behold Oliver walks up, the one-legged
wonder.” Kyle flinched at the insult. “So my guess is they were sent
to watch you. Pretty pathetic that a wolf shifter needs a babysitter.”

Kyle should feel hurt and betrayed, but at the moment he could

only be thankful. If Oliver and Levi really were hunters, then they

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were the only thing standing in this guy’s way of killing him. If he
made it out of this alive, he would be having a long talk with Oliver.

“So you’re the one who killed the girl, too?” Kyle started putting

everything together. The female student had been found near the
library the night he’d been there working late. And Zach had been the
one to come find Landen to tell him the coach was looking for him.
The sick freak was stalking him.

Zach nodded his head. “I took her right hand in homage to what I

plan to do with yours. The hand that pulled the trigger killing my
Sasha. Then there’s the guy tonight.” Kyle blinked his eyes and stared
up at him. “Oh, you didn’t know about that one did you? I bet your
boyfriend didn’t want to frighten you. Why else do you think he’d
leave you unattended?”

“You killed someone else?” Kyle let his head drop forward to

stare at the ground. How many more innocent people would be killed
before Zach exacted his revenge? Kyle couldn’t keep running away
from this. He couldn’t allow anyone else to be hurt because of him.
“You’re a monster.”

Zach’s hand shot out to wrap around Kyle’s throat. He grabbed

Zach’s wrist, trying to free himself. His air was being crushed from
the force of Zach’s grip.

“Maybe so.” Zach leaned forward until only an inch from Kyle’s

face. “Now before I kill you, I want to know where you took my son.”

“I’ll never tell you.” Kyle shook his head. His voice sounded

harsh and squeaky as he tried to speak around the clamp on his throat.
His vision started to blur and black spots danced over his eyes. Kyle
would happily die before he told Zach where Lucas was. That little
boy deserved a chance to be raised without hate in his life. He
deserved to have a normal childhood.

Zach growled at him and his fist tightened. Thoughts of his new

family flashed before his eyes. Grams, Kelsey, Ian, and Will. They
had taken him in and made him a part of something. Then there was
Levi and Landen, the friends he never knew he needed in his life. The

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last image that floated in front of his mind as the lights went dim was
Oliver. His handsome face and the way he frowned at every little
thing that annoyed him. But there was also the rarest of smiles Kyle
had been lucky enough to see. If there was a heaven and he was
fortunate enough to gain entrance, he swore he’d wait at the pearly
gates until Oliver came back to him, because their love wouldn’t die.

Kyle gave up the fight and let his body go limp. He felt like he

was being swallowed into a tunnel of light. His ears twitched with the
sound of raised voices, then a loud pop. But Kyle didn’t care. The
warm light engulfed him and he allowed himself to fall into it.

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Chapter Twenty

The night grew darker and the wind had picked up. They had

followed the trail all the way around and there were still no signs of
their killer wolf.

“This is hopeless.” Levi holstered his gun and spun in a circle,

hands out to his sides. “Where the fuck are you!” he shouted.

Oliver put his gun in the back of his pants at the waist. He

understood his friend’s frustrations. Three bodies had piled up in less
than a week. Roderick would have to be called in on this one because
he and Levi had no leads or clues as to who this wolf was. Hell, for all
Oliver knew, it was more than one wolf behind all this.

Oliver opened his mouth, but the words he was about to say went

silent as the sound of a howl tore through the night. “Did you hear
that?” He glanced over to Levi, who nodded his head.

“Which way did it come from?” Levi turned from side to side.
Oliver closed his eyes and waited. The sounds of snarling and

fighting had him bolting left off the trail and into the dark forest. As
he pushed limbs and tall grass out of his way, Oliver thought it was
the worst idea ever to build a school in the middle of a forest. The
uneven ground and the pounding from running made his leg hurt, but
he didn’t stop. They were too close to give up now.

In the distance in front of them, he could see two wolves wrestling

on the ground. Another wolf, brown, whimpered close by. And as if
by magic, Oliver watched as the brown wolf began to change, and in
the blink of an eye stood Kyle. He was pleading with the other wolf.

Oliver started to run but Levi pulled him back. “Let go of me.” He


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“We need to keep the element of surprise,” Levi whispered into

his ear. “Let’s get closer. We can take this wolf out in one shot but we
can’t risk putting Kyle or that other wolf in danger.”

Levi was right, but at that moment all Oliver could think about

was getting to Kyle.

They edged closer, taking longer than Oliver liked. The gray wolf

shifted and walked closer to Kyle. Oliver thought the man looked
somewhat familiar, but it was too dark to be for certain. He watched
as his lover’s body shook from fear and probably shock.

He could hear the things the man was saying to Kyle and he

cringed. This person knew what he and Levi were and told as much to
Kyle. He also made mention of Sasha and a baby.

“At least he knows the truth now.” Levi shrugged.
Oliver wanted to smack his friend upside the head, but it was

pointless. It didn’t matter that Kyle knew the truth now. He’d deal
with that later. The main thing now was subduing this shifter. He had
just confessed to killing the three students on campus. It was grounds
for euthanization, which Oliver thought was too kind of a way for this
animal to be put down.

Just then, the man grabbed Kyle around the throat and Kyle’s eyes

went wide as he struggled for breath. Oliver took off and Levi
followed close behind.

“Let him go!” Oliver shouted as he pulled his gun from the back

of his pants.

The man turned around but didn’t release his hold on Kyle. “Oh,

how sweet is this?” The man laughed. “You’ve come to save your
little wolf, but you’re too late.” His hand cinched tighter on Kyle’s

Oliver didn’t even hesitate. He held up his gun and fired one shot.

“No I’m not.”

The shifter’s body fell to the ground, a single bullet wound in his

forehead. Oliver ran over to Kyle and pulled his limp body into his

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arms. He felt for a pulse and breathed a sigh of relief when it rapped
against his fingertips. “Oh thank god!”

“Is he alive?” Levi asked as he bent over to check on the white

wolf. “Oh shit.” He jumped back as the wolf began to change.

Oliver stood up with Kyle in his arms and walked over to his


“Landen?” Levi looked from the naked man back to Oliver.
“I told you he was a wolf,” Oliver said. From what they had

overheard, Landen wasn’t involved in the other wolf’s plot to kill

“Oliver?” Landen’s eyes darted between the two men. “Levi?”
“Hey, man.” Levi held out a hand to help Landen up. “You’ve got

some pretty deep gashes on your shoulder. We’ll need to get those
cleaned up.

“What’s going on? Who are you guys?”
“Hunters, and we just saved your ass.” Oliver tightened his grip

on Kyle’s body and walked back toward the paved trail.

They managed to get back to their dorm unseen. It was late and a

lot of the student body was either partying and getting drunk
somewhere in celebration of the big win or passed out already. Levi
had given Landen his shirt to cover up with, as to not raise too many
eyebrows if they did happen to pass any sober students.

Once in their room, Oliver laid Kyle down on the bed and covered

him up. A deep, purplish-blue bruise on his neck and long, thin
scrapes on his forehead were the only visible damage to Kyle’s body.

Levi took on the task of cleaning Landen up while Oliver asked

him questions. Landen seemed at a loss as to what had happened to
his friend Zach. He said Zach and he had met at college in Idaho and
since Zach was a shifter like him, Landen stayed close with him.
Being a child of adoption and not knowing his parents, Landen didn’t
know any shifters. In fact, Zach had been the first one he had come in
contact with.

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“He was a nice guy, I mean seriously. I’m shocked by what

happened tonight.” Landen’s voice cracked and he whipped away a
tear. “He killed those people and he was going to kill Kyle. That’s just
too insane.” Landen looked up nervously at Oliver then Levi. “Is it
true? Are you guys really hunters?”

“Yep.” Levi walked over to Landen and rested a hand on his

shoulder. “But we’re not going to kill you or lock you up. We don’t
practice those laws anymore.”

“Thank god.” Landen let out a sigh of relief. “Will he be okay?”

He motioned over to Kyle.

“I hope,” Oliver answered as he brushed Kyle’s hair off his

forehead. “I’m going to call his family to come and take him back
home to heal.” Oliver looked toward Levi. “And call Roderick. We
need to report this to him and to Detective Stanton.”

“I’ll go start packing.” Levi headed toward their room.
“Packing?” Landen asked. “Where are you going?”
“We need to report to council headquarters. They’ll want an

account of this. It might take a few days until we can return to
school,” Levi answered, since Oliver couldn’t seem to tear his
attention away from Kyle.

“But will you be coming back? Will Kyle?”
“I’m not sure.” Oliver glanced over at Landen. “But once we

know, we will fill you in.”

Oliver pulled out his phone and first called Roderick to explain

what happened. Roderick was going to inform Kyle’s brother and
have a plane sent out to pick Kyle up as soon as possible. Oliver’s
next call was to Stanton. He gave the location of the man’s body and
told the detective that was the wolf they’d been looking for.

Oliver and Levi had left to answer questions for Stanton, and it

took longer than he had expected. When they got back, Kyle was
gone. Landen said two men, Ian and Will, had arrived and taken him
back home.

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It was for the best and Oliver knew it. Kyle needed time to

recover from this. But as soon as he got word that Kyle was awake
and ready to see him, Oliver would be there. For so long he’d lived
life by his own rules, going where the job took him, but not anymore.
He finally found something worth living for that didn’t revolve
around revenge for the death of his parents.

Kyle was pure and sweet. He was also Oliver’s chance at a normal

life, one filled with love and happiness. It was about time he got his
fair share of both.

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Chapter Twenty-One

“Sweetheart.” Kyle turned down the television as his adoptive

Grandmother came into the room. “How are you feeling?”

Kyle pursed his lips as he thought about that. Sure, he felt better,

but there was a lingering pain in his chest. He’d been home for a week
and he hadn’t heard a single word from Oliver. His heart was
breaking more with each passing day and Roderick refused to talk to
him about it.

Roderick had come by one night after he woke up and asked him

questions about Zach. Kyle told him everything Zach said to him.
That he was Sasha’s mate and that little baby Lucas was his son. Kyle
had to believe now, with both Sasha and Zach dead, that Lucas would
be safe.

But Kyle still felt a lot of guilt for the students who lost their lives.

Three innocent people murdered and for what? A deranged wolf’s
need for revenge against him.

The one thing Kyle did regret about Zach dying was they never

found out what he had given him the night of the party. Zach had
access to a strong enough sedative to impair a wolf shifter’s mental
and physical ability. Roderick said that was a very scary and
dangerous thing to be out in the world with no idea who has it and
what they planned on using it for. If someone like Roderick, strong
and confident, was worried about that, then they should all be a little

“Okay, I guess,” Kyle finally answered.
“Still missing that young man of yours?” Grams asked.

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“How could you tell?” He smiled at just the mere mention of


“I might be old but I’m not dead.” She rubbed her hand over his

head. “Just give it time, sweetheart. I’m sure he’ll find his way back
to you.” She winked at him and stood up. “Now I’m off to see Lucas.”
She looked down at her watch. “I better hurry. I told Kelsey I’d pick
her up on the way. We’re having dinner with Ethan and Holden
tonight. Ian and Will are having date night,” she whispered, as if that
were a big secret, then wiggled her eyebrows. “We all know what
that’s code for.”

“Oh that’s so gross.” Kyle held up a hand. “Please stop!” He

started to laugh.

“Now that right there was what I wanted to see.” Grams bent

down and kissed his cheek. “Don’t you ever stop smiling, my boy,
and don’t let what that crazy bastard did to you change who you are.
From what I was told, your young man put a bullet right between his
eyes.” She snapped her fingers. “With aim like that, he’s a keeper.”

“Yeah, well let’s just hope he thinks I’m a keeper.” The smile fell

from Kyle’s lips and he sat up on the couch, pulling his knees in
close. He didn’t want to think what he and Oliver had between them
was fake, that Oliver had just pretended to like him in order to keep a
better watch over him. What they shared was too real and strong.
There was no way Oliver didn’t love him, but doubt was a

“Don’t talk like that, Kyle.” Gram’s brow creased in concern.

“You said Oliver was your mate. Do you still believe that?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said without a doubt.
“Then you believe in that and he’ll find his way back to you.” She

kissed his cheek one more time then left out through the side door.

He heard the garage door go up then come back down. The house

grew quiet. Every little sound seemed to be magnified, the settling of
the house, the wind blowing against the windows, and the click of the
large grandfather clock in the hallway.

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Kyle’s eyes grew heavy and he lay back down on the couch. He

tucked his hands under his chin and closed his eyes. Oliver might not
be here with him, but he had the man in his dreams.

A single knock on the door had Kyle scowling. He’d been woken

from the best dream ever. Oliver holding him tight after they’d made
love, his body still warm and sticky with cum and soft kisses brushed
over his cheek. All that had been ruined by the stinking knock at the

Kyle hopped off the couch, fully intending to snap at the person

who dared wreck his dream. Before he reached for the knob he
adjusted his cock to lie to the side. He was pissed at being disturbed
but he didn’t want to offend anyone with his hard dick bouncing
around in his shorts.

“Can I help you?” Kyle asked as he pulled open the door. His eyes

went wide at the sight on his front step.

“Hey.” Oliver stood with his hands in his pockets.
Kyle lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Oliver’s neck.

He couldn’t believe his eyes. It was as if his dream about Oliver
brought him to Silver Creek and his front door. He took a step back to
get a better look at Oliver. It felt like years since he’d seen him last.

As his eye traveled down his chest,


he noticed Oliver’s T-shirt

was a little loose, but Kyle knew the muscle that lay hidden behind
the fabric. He then looked lower and his mouth fell open.

“You’re wearing shorts.” He looked up at Oliver. “Shorts! You’re

wearing shorts.” The sun glinted off the metal prosthetic that attached
just below Oliver’s left knee. Kyle’s eyes darted over to Oliver’s
other leg and the pale white skin stood out under the black Under
Armor gym shorts.

“Yes.” A bright red tint colored his cheeks. “Someone once said

he’d like to see my, what were the words? Oh right! My sexy legs.” A
warm smile lit up Oliver’s face, making him just that much more
beautiful to look at. “Can I come in?”

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“Yes, please.” Kyle took Oliver’s hand and led him into the living

room. He sat back down on the couch and pulled Oliver down with
him. “Where have you been? Why haven’t you called me?” Kyle’s
throat felt tight with emotion as he stared at Oliver. “I thought maybe
you didn’t want me anymore.”

“Are you crazy?” Oliver pulled Kyle into his lap and raised his

right hand to cup the back of Kyle’s head. With gentle pressure, he
eased Kyle’s lips down to his and kissed the very air from his lungs.
Soft strokes of his wet tongue had Kyle’s cock going rock hard, and
he curled his fingers into Oliver’s shoulders. “I’m always going to
want you,” Oliver said as he rested his forehead against Kyle’s.

“Then why didn’t you call?” Kyle hated the whine in his voice but

he couldn’t help it.

“I could lie and say it was because I was busy with work and

taking care of the whole Zach situation, but that’s not the truth.”
Oliver grabbed Kyle’s hand and laced their fingers together. “The
truth is I wanted to give you some time. Time to process the fact that I
am a hunter and, yes, I was asked to watch you.” He looked up and
held Kyle captivated with his light blue eyes. “I might have kept that
information from you, but it doesn’t change the way I feel about you.
I love you, Kyle Argent. That’s one thing I didn’t lie about.”

Kyle’s chin trembled as tears flooded his eyes. He pulled his hand

free from Oliver’s and buried his face in his neck and cried. He let go
off all the worry, stress, and fear that kept him up at night. This man
had the ability to make everything right in Kyle’s world. And to think
he thought Kyle would be mad at him.

“I never doubted you loved me.” Kyle shifted his body to straddle

Oliver’s hips. “I love you so much it hurts, Oliver.” Kyle sat back a
little to meet Oliver’s damp eyes. “But don’t you ever pull a stunt like
that again. If you needed to take off for a few days for work, just tell
me. Okay?”

“I can do that.” Oliver chuckled and pulled Kyle back into his

strong embrace.

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“So you’re a hunter?” Kyle sat up to look at Oliver. “But you’re

so young.” Oliver was only a year older than him and Kyle couldn’t
fathom why his parents would allow their young son to partake in
such a dangerous job.

“That I am.” Oliver nodded his head.
“But why do you want to be one? It’s so risky.” Kyle hated the

idea of the man he loved putting his life at risk like that.

“My parents were hunters,” Oliver explained. “They trained me

ever since I was just a little boy. Like most kids, I wanted to be like
them. Help save the world, I guess you could say.” The smile on
Oliver’s face curled in to a frown. “They were killed during my first
mission. I was fifteen and we were tracking a pack of wolves. We
were attacked and my folks lost their lives trying to save me.”

“I’m so sorry, Oliver.” Tears welled up in Kyle’s eyes. He

couldn’t imagine watching his parents being killed. Kyle might not
remember his parents, but his loss was far less than what Oliver had
been through.

“Baby, it’s not your fault.” Oliver cupped his hands over Kyle’s

cheeks. “I love and miss them every day, but I don’t want their
sacrifice to be for nothing. That’s why I became a hunter.”

“I can understand that I guess.” Not really, but Kyle learned after

living with Sasha a person couldn’t force someone else to do as they
wanted. Life was about having free will and he wouldn’t demand
Oliver quit his job. He obviously loved it and Kyle had to admit he
was doing good in the world. Kyle reached back and rubbed his hand
over Oliver’s left knee. “Is that how you lost your leg?”

“Yeah.” Oliver didn’t say anything more. He pulled Kyle back to

his chest and held him.

The silence was becoming too much, and Kyle knew there were

more things they needed to talk about, but those could wait.

“I know there’s a lot more we need to talk about, but can we

please postpone that for a little bit?” Kyle kissed the area right under
Oliver’s ear. “I really want you to make love to me.”

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“I can do that, but I need to ask you something first.” Oliver ran

his hands up and down Kyle’s back in a soothing manner. Kyle
nodded his head. “Am I your mate?”

Kyle sat up straight, his fingers once against fisting in Oliver’s

thin gray shirt. He nibbled on his bottom lip. Why he was nervous, he
didn’t have a clue. He did keep this information from Oliver, but
Oliver had been keeping things from him, too. But as he sat there in
his lover’s arms, he wasn’t scared to admit the truth. “Yes.” Kyle let
go of Oliver’s shirt and smoothed out the wrinkles. “How do you feel
about that? I mean do you know what that is?”

“I do.” Oliver reached for Kyle’s hands and held them in his. “I

knew that wolves had mates and I had hoped that I was yours, but I
wasn’t sure. Being human and all, and even though I’m a hunter
trained in all things shifter, it didn’t help me any. I had a long talk
with your brother, Ian, before I came over here. He asked that before I
came to see you that we talk. Between him and Will, they helped me
figure it out.”

Kyle wanted to crawl under the couch and hide. How

embarrassing is that? After he woke up, he demanded that he speak to
Oliver. Ian and Will tried to calm him down but it only caused Kyle to
go into hysterics. Once he was able to calm down enough to talk, he
told Ian that Oliver was his mate. Ian didn’t flinch or say anything
discouraging at the time, which is why Kyle was surprised his brother
sat down with Oliver.

“I can’t believe he did that. I’m so sorry.” Kyle tried to get off

Oliver’s lap.

“Stop it.” Oliver looped his arms around Kyle’s waist. “He’s your

brother and he was worried about you. But yes, he did have the talk
with me.”

“The talk?” He arched an eyebrow.
“The one where if I hurt you he’ll hunt me down and rip my balls


“Oh.” Kyle shuddered at the thought.

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“Yeah.” A huge smile curled Oliver’s lip.
“I’m still sorry about that. Who knew Ian could be so violent.”

Kyle giggled. “But really, are you okay with us being mates?” Kyle’s
eyes dropped down to stare at the collar of Oliver’s shirt.

“Kyle, look at me.” Oliver placed a finger under Kyle’s chin and

lifted his face to his. “It’s more than okay with me. I never thought I’d
fall in love and spend my life with someone. But then you came along
looking all cute and innocent and I found myself wanting things I
never had before. I get that we are young and still in college, but I
want this. All of this with you. If I get to spend every day waking up
with you in my arms and go to bed every night with you by my side
then I can die a happy man.”

Tears dripped from Kyle’s eyes and he was at a loss for words.

That had to be the most sweet and romantic thing that he had ever
heard and it was said to him. “Sounds like a plan then.” Kyle closed
the distance, slanted his mouth over Oliver’s, and kissed him for all
he was worth.

He pushed his tongue deep into the moist heat. The taste of mint

and coffee sizzled over his taste buds. He sucked on Oliver’s tongue
and circled his hips, grinding his hard shaft into Oliver’s.

It suddenly felt too hot for clothes. Kyle grabbed at the hem of

Oliver’s shirt and pulled back far enough to yank it off over his head.
Once Oliver’s shirt was gone, he made quick work of getting rid of
his own. Now, pressed bare chest to bare chest, Kyle’s flesh came
alive. His fingers lightly trailed down Oliver’s chest, tweaking at his
nipples as his hands moved lower.

“God I’ve missed you so much.” Oliver’s hands moved down

Kyle’s back and cupped his ass in his big hands. He kneaded the firm
globes and Kyle whimpered against his lips. “I can’t wait to be inside

“Me either.” Kyle moved up and down, rubbing his erect cock

against Oliver’s.

“Stand up.” Oliver slapped his left butt cheek.

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Kyle scrambled off of Oliver’s lap and stood up. Before he could

do it himself, Oliver slipped his fingers into the waistband of his
shorts and pulled them down his legs. His cock popped free and
slapped against his stomach.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Oliver looked from Kyle’s dick all

the way up to his face. “Come back here.” Kyle moved to sit back on
Oliver’s lap, but Oliver’s hard grip on his waist kept him from
lowering. “Climb up here and stand on the couch.”

Kyle did as he was told. His legs wobbled as his full cock brushed

over Oliver’s lips. At this position Kyle’s cock was right at Oliver’s
mouth, and without warning Oliver parted his lips and his tongue
flicked out to lick at the leaking tip.

Oliver’s hands rubbed up and down Kyle’s legs as he tongued the

ridged edge at the crown of his dick. Kyle rocked forward, needing
more. Finally after coating his cock with his spit, Oliver opened wide
and took Kyle to the root.

“Uh,” Kyle grunted and his fingers gripped at the back of the

couch. The wet hot mouth surrounded his cock and Kyle’s hips
moved forward.

Oliver continued to suck his cock and touch Kyle’s overheated

body. A finger joined Kyle’s cock in Oliver’s mouth then a wet
slippery finger worked its way between his cheeks. Kyle cried out as
the finger breached his opening and went deep, but it wasn’t enough.

Kyle rocked between Oliver’s hot mouth and probing finger. Soon

another finger joined the other and sweat started to drip down Kyle’s
chest and back. His ass ached to be filled.

“Please, Oliver.” Kyle ran his fingers through Oliver’s hair. “I

need you.”

Oliver held his stare as he slid his mouth back, releasing Kyle’s

cock. He then slowly pulled his fingers from Kyle’s tight channel.

“Do you have any lube?” Oliver asked.
“Yeah.” Kyle hopped off the couch then turned back to Oliver.

“Don’t go anywhere,” he teased.

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“Not planning on it.” Oliver smiled as he pulled his shorts down

over his hips and down his legs. “Now hurry up.”

It took everything in Kyle to look away. He raced toward his room

and reached under his pillow for the small tube of lube he stashed
there. In every one of his jackoff sessions, Oliver had been the star,
and now he got to have the real thing. He ran back into the living
room and tossed the tube to Oliver, who caught it in midair. Oliver
popped the cap and drizzled some in his hand. He stared at Kyle while
he slicked up his cock, then motioned with his fingers for Kyle to
come toward him. “Come here, baby.”

Kyle knelt over Oliver’s lap, lowered his chest toward Oliver’s,

and pushed his ass out for Oliver. Oliver captured his lips in a hard
kiss as he eased two fingers into Kyle’s hole. Kyle nipped at Oliver’s
lips as he rode his hand. The fingers felt nice but it was no substitute
for the real thing.

“Now, Oliver. I want you inside me.” He sounded so needy, but

he didn’t care.

Oliver pulled his finger free, used one hand to hold the base of his

cock, and used the other to hold onto Kyle’s hip. Kyle slowly lowered
himself down until the blunt head poked through his tight muscle and
his body spread apart to accommodate the thick cock gaining
entrance. Kyle didn’t stop until he sat flush on Oliver’s lap and his
curly pubic hair tickled at Kyle’s ass cheeks.

“Damn, I’ll never get over how tight you are.” Oliver sucked at

Kyle’s neck, no doubt leaving behind a mark. “Or the thought of
knowing I’m the only one who has ever or will ever get to be inside
here.” Oliver squeezed his ass tightly in his hand. “Makes me fucking
hard just knowing that.”

Kyle’s eyes fell shut and he nodded his head. He loved that, too.

He had waited and saved himself for his one true love, Oliver.

Oliver pushed up on Kyle’s ass and he went up, then Kyle slowly

lowered himself back down on the hard pole plundering his hole.

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Soon Kyle’s movements sped up and his head fell back on his

shoulders. The sound of their wet skin slapping together added to his
arousal. His balls tightened and he could feel his release building by
the second.

“I’m so close, baby.” Oliver grunted as his ass jerked up off the

couch to slam his hard cock deep into Kyle.

“Me too.” Kyle moaned. He opened his mouth wide as his teeth

started to lengthen. His wolf wanted to claim its mate and Kyle totally
agreed with it. “Oliver.” Kyle’s voice sounded garbled from the sharp
teeth filling his mouth.

Oliver moved his right hand up to wrap around Kyle’s neck then

pulled him down to his lips. Oliver kissed his cheeks then moved to
his lips. He then moved Kyle’s face to his shoulder. “Do it, Kyle. I
want you to.”

Kyle licked his tongue along the salty, sweaty flesh of Oliver’s

shoulder. Oliver groaned and his hips pistoned in and out of Kyle at a
fast pace. Kyle wrapped his hand around his pulsing cock and jerked
his length as he struck deep into Oliver’s flesh. Hot, coppery
goodness splashed over his tongue and he bit down harder. He wanted
everyone to see that this man belonged to him.

“Shit! Fuck, Kyle!” Oliver shouted as heat filled Kyle’s abused


Kyle released Oliver’s shoulder and leaned back far enough to

pump his cock until white hot ropes of cum painted across Oliver’s

With all his strength gone, Kyle fell forward, smearing cum and

sweat against their chest.

“I love you, Kyle.” Oliver’s arms tightened around his back.
“I love you, too.” Kyle rubbed his forehead into Oliver’s neck.
As the bliss from his orgasm slowly faded away, the real world

came crashing down on him. He sat up and ran his finger over
Oliver’s swollen lips.

“What’s wrong?” Oliver asked.

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“When do you have to leave?” It broke his heart to have to ask,

but he knew it was coming. Oliver was a hunter and he did have a job
to do.

“Leave?” Oliver’s brow furrowed. “Where am I supposed to be


“Well you’re a hunter. I don’t imagine you will be staying here.”
“Actually I’m a student before I’m a hunter.” Oliver smiled. “And

I was a student at Campbell State before I was assigned to keep a
watch over you.” Oliver’s fingers moved in lazy circles over his

“Oh.” Kyle sucked in his bottom lip and chewed on it. His head

shot up at what Oliver said. “Was?”

“You caught that now, did ya?” Oliver started to laugh but when

Kyle didn’t join him he stopped. “I transferred to Hemsworth to be
close to you. Roderick told me that you made the decision to go to
school here in Silver Creek.” Oliver shrugged. “If you’re here then
I’m here. We’re meant to be together and I’m not letting you out of
my sight.”

“Promise?” Kyle leaned forward to rest his forehead against


“Promise. I might be a hunter, but you will always come first,


“I like the sound of that.” Kyle brushed his lips over Oliver’s then

sat back. Something hit him. “What about Levi? Won’t you miss

“I won’t have the chance to.” Oliver grinned up at him. “He’s

transferring to Hemsworth along with Landen.”

“Shut up!” Kyle smiled so big he thought his face might split in

two. “Really?”

“Yes, really.” Oliver explained that Levi refused to be separated

from Oliver so he was more than happy to transfer schools. Landen,
on the other hand, transferred because he wanted to be close to Kyle,
Levi, and Oliver, but also so he could learn more about being a wolf

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shifter. Roderick had suggested he move to Silver Creek to attend
school and join the Nehalem pack.

“This all seems too good to be true.” Kyle combed his fingers

through Oliver’s hair. “I feel like I’m dreaming. Ouch!” Kyle rubbed
his hand over his left butt cheek where Oliver pinched him. “What
was that for?”

“To prove to you this is real.” Oliver kissed Kyle. “I love you,

Kyle, and it’s time we got our piece of happiness.” He rolled his eyes.
“Even if it means having to deal with Landen hanging around.”

“Oliver!” Kyle lightly punched Oliver in the arm. “You like

Landen. Just admit it. He grew on ya.”

Oliver shifted and rolled on top of Kyle. Kyle giggled and

wiggled around underneath Oliver’s larger body. “Maybe just a little
bit. I have to say, knowing he jumped in front of Zach to save you
made a big difference.”

“Yes he did.” Kyle could still close his eyes and see Landen

pushing him out of the way, trying to protect him from Zach. His
friend proved how brave he was then. Landen was a good wolf and
he’d fit in perfectly with the rest of the Nehalem pack.

“Okay, enough talking about our friends.” Kyle kissed him on the

forehead. “How about you show me your bedroom?” Kyle laughed as
Oliver waggled his eyebrows at him.

“There’s nothing I’d love to do more.” Kyle led Oliver back to his

room with a smile on his face. So much had changed in his life in the
past six weeks. Some bad, some good, some great, and Kyle knew
some of the best were still yet to come. Having Oliver in his life
meant he’d never have to feel alone again, and loving this man made
him the luckiest person in the entire world.

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AJ Jarrett currently lives in the Midwest with her husband and

four children. A lover of M/M romances, she has started writing her
own stories for others to enjoy. She loves her characters to be
antagonistic toward one another but ultimately find their happy ever
after. She believes love can be found in the craziest of places, and a
little humor along the way never hurt. To her, there’s nothing sexier
than two men finding their soul mate in each other and falling in love.
When she isn’t chasing around her kids, she can be found sitting on
the couch with her trusted laptop, giving life to the voices in her head.

For all titles by AJ Jarrett, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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