Midnight Matings 11 Gabrielle Evans Howl and Harmony

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Midnight Matings

Howl and Harmony

The Gathering is called. The spell is cast. There is no escaping the

Midnight Matings.

Milo’s spent the majority of his life parading one man after

another through his bedroom. He doesn’t do relationships, and he

definitely doesn’t do commitment. While trying to escape the

chaos of the gathering, the sweetest sound in the world catches

his interest and threatens his playboy lifestyle.

When Milo Gavari loses control and claims him in the middle of the

ballroom, Lark thinks he’s finally found his missing half. The

hellhound has a body to die for, but Lark quickly realizes the total

package is far from perfect.

Milo’s reputation for being cold and evasive isn’t going to deter

him, though. There’s a sweet center to that rough exterior, and

Lark intends to bring it to the surface. With his meddlesome aunts

and Milo’s overbearing father in the mix, finding his happy ending

isn’t going to be easy. But, the best things in life never are.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fantasy, Shape-shifter
Length: 40,211 words

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Midnight Matings

Gabrielle Evans



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Gabrielle Evans
E-book ISBN: 1-61034-785-4

First E-book Publication: September 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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To the lovely and creative Drea Beacraft for working so hard to

help me bring my crazy ideas to life. Thank you!

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Midnight Matings


Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

“We expect to see each of you in twenty-four hours,” the elder

said finishing his speech. “May your hunt be successful.”

A large hand landed on his shoulder, and Milo growled. He didn’t

even turn to see who the hand belonged to. “If you want to keep that, I
suggest you remove it,” he said calmly.

“You heard the elders. We have twenty-four hours to pick a mate

or go feral. I’ve been watching you since you walked in the room. We
could be good together.”

Milo sighed and moved as though to turn and face his suitor.

Instead, he lifted his arm and rammed his elbow into the man’s nose.
“Not interested, so fuck off.” He tossed his champagne flute to the
floor and strode across the room, narrowly missing a creamy little
ferret as it darted under his foot.

With a shake of his head, Milo marched across the ballroom

toward the double doors. He didn’t have to duck or dodge flying
bodies or unwelcomed advances like the others at the gathering. Only
the incredibly stupid dared to approach him. Most, however, gave him
a wide berth, falling over themselves to get out of his way.

“What a damn mess.” The closer he came to the exit, the stranger

things got. “Is that a bunny?” he asked no one in particular. It sure as

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hell looked like a bunny. Pausing and tilting his head to the side, Milo
was surprised when something went shooting across the floor and
right between his legs. “And was that a fucking penguin? What did
they put in those drinks?”

The noise level in the cavernous room was enough to make his

temples ache, or maybe that was from the bewitched champagne as
well. Whatever.

Some of those with the ability to shift had done so in order to

more easily stalk their prey…er, mate. Some had partially shifted.
Some of the magic users were mumbling incantations and such under
their breath. The most annoying, though, was probably the group of
giggling girls huddled together in the middle of the ballroom.

“Hi, Milo,” one called to him when he passed. She fluttered her

eyelashes and gave him a beaming smile.

“Barkin’ up the wrong tree, darlin’.” Anyone who’d met him

knew he preferred a more masculine touch. Apparently, the little
brunette with the oversized tits hadn’t read the memo.

Milo pulled at his collar. Damnation, it was hot. Sweat beaded

across his forehead and trickled down his neck. His skin crawled, his
stomach did loops, and his cock swelled inside his jeans, begging for
him to let it come out and play.

Whatever the elders had slipped into their drinks had just become

the bane of his existence. He didn’t want a mate. He didn’t want the
responsibility that came with having one. Nope, he was better off on
his own, and the elders should know that.

Changing directions, his temper rising, Milo decided he’d just

have a little chat with the elders. Surely they had more sense than to
force him upon some unsuspecting paranormal. It wasn’t so much that
he was a bad guy, he just didn’t know the first thing about love and
tenderness and that garbage. A quick fuck, and get them the hell out.
That, a place to sleep, and food in his belly were all he wanted in life.
A mate just didn’t fit into his blueprints.

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Watching the elders descend the dais and disappear through a

door off to the side, Milo gritted his teeth in anger. Well, he’d just
wait for them then. They would have to come back at some point to
start recording everyone’s matings.

Halfway to the stage, the sweetest sound he’d ever heard caught

his attention. It was a scream, and not one of pleasure, but it was still
otherworldly in its beauty. Scanning the mob of moving bodies, Milo
searched for the creature that had made the sound.

“Again,” he whispered. He needed to hear it again. Though he

couldn’t explain it, he felt as if his entire existence rested in finding
the source of that cry.

He’d almost given up when the strangely harmonious scream rent

through the room again. It was followed immediately by a frantic
refusal. “No, please. Stop. Just leave me alone. I don’t want to mate

The smallest man he’d ever seen wrestled with a were almost as

large as Milo. The guy sneered, jerking on the smaller man where he
held him by his upper arm. “That’s not for you to decide. I need a new
toy. The elders say I need a mate. Congratulations, you win.”

He jerked the little man with enough force to lift him off his feet

and began dragging him across the room toward the stage where the
elders were once again seated. Milo saw red. In that moment, the
room, the noise, the people—everything faded out of existence except
for the tiny man with a voice that could soothe the savage beast within

Without knowing how he’d gotten there, he found himself

blocking the large were’s path. “Let him go,” Milo said dangerously.

“Get your own,” the guy shot back. “I found this one first.”
“I am not a fucking bone for you to fight over,” the little guy

screamed. “Let me go!”

Every sound the man uttered had Milo’s cock throbbing between

his legs. He imagined he was working his way up to a pretty nice stain
on the faded denim. Never in all of his years had he wanted anyone

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like he wanted the small imp with the dark hair and majestic green

“Mine,” he growled before he realized he’d intended to say it.
The were shoved at him roughly. “Go find your own mate. There

are plenty to choose from.”

“Do you have any idea who I am?”
“No, and I don’t give a shit.”
Milo smirked and held his hand out. Some of the anger seeped

from him until he felt marginally in control. “Milo Gavari.”

He thought the huge man would wet himself. His face paled, his

entire body trembled, and he released the tiny dark-haired man as
though he’d been shocked. “I–I’m sorry.” Shoving the smaller man
into Milo’s arms, he spun around and sprinted across the ballroom.

“Lark,” the little man whispered. “My name is Lark Rhodes.” He

pressed closer to Milo. “Did you mean what you told him?”

“You are mine,” Milo growled. He shook his head and tried to

beat back the urge to sink his canines into the beauty’s neck.

“I want you to be mine, too. Is that okay?” The more he talked,

the more Milo’s head spun. “Thank you for saving me.”

“What are you doing to me?” Milo asked in a pathetic whimper

that embarrassed him. “Are you hypnotizing me?”

Lark’s eyebrows drew together, and he shook his head slowly. “I

don’t think so.”

“Why me? You were pretty adamant that you didn’t want that

other guy.”

“Could we maybe talk about this after you fuck me against the


Someone crashed into Milo from behind, and some semblance of

reason returned to his muddled brain. “No.” He shook his head firmly.
“I don’t want a mate.”

“That’s a pity, but I’d honestly just settle for a fuck. My dick feels

like it’s going to explode.”

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* * * *

Please, please, please. He’d never been so bold and forward

before, but he’d also never wanted anyone like he did Milo Gavari.
Since the moment he’d set eyes on the man, Lark knew he had to have

If all Milo was willing to offer was a quick fuck, Lark would take

it and be grateful. The mating heat overwhelmed him, consumed him,
and he couldn’t even think straight around the wildfire that raged
inside his body.

“I don’t want a mate,” Milo repeated, and his tone was almost


“Then just take me to my room, screw my brains out, and leave. I

won’t hold it against you, but I want you. Please, just for a little bit.”

He knew he was making a fool out of himself, but his aunts had

always told him that he’d just know when he found the one. With a
little time, he hoped he could convince Milo of the same.

Maybe he should have been angry when the elders announced

their deception, but he’d seen it as fortuitous. He wanted Milo, and
now he had a chance to keep him. “Just say yes,” he begged.

He wouldn’t trick the man, because that would be wrong. No, he

wouldn’t mate Milo against his will, but he hoped the man would
come around to his way of thinking on his own. Milo stared at him for
a long time, and Lark found himself lost in the vivid blue of Milo’s
eyes—eyes the color of a cloudless summer sky.

“No.” Milo shook his head, eased Lark back from him, and

walked away.

His heart aching from the rejection, Lark moved over to the

nearest wall and wrapped his arms around his torso. Then he did what
he always did when he was feeling sad. He sang.

Why did he feel so sad anyway? It wasn’t like he knew Milo.

There was something in the way Milo had held him that made Lark

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feel safe and wanted, though. Then, of course, the asshole had to go
and shatter that.

So he leaned against the wall, hugging himself and stroking his

arms as he sang quietly about being lonely. He’d just begun the
chorus when Milo came sprinting at him from out of nowhere. Before
Lark could decide which way to run, the huge man pinned him against
the wall, and sharp canines pierced the sensitive flesh between his
shoulder and neck.

Lark screamed, his fingers clutching Milo’s shirt as the most

intense orgasm he’d ever felt rocketed through him to soak the front
of his slacks.

“You make me crazy,” Milo whispered raggedly when he’d

extracted his fangs. He licked over the small wound, sending shivers
down Lark’s spine. “You are mine now, little one.”

“Yes,” Lark breathed happily. He tilted his head up and pursed his


Milo chuckled, lifted Lark into his arms and claimed his lips in a

tender kiss. “You really shouldn’t be so happy about that. I don’t
know what on earth I’m going to do with you.”

Lark wiggled his eyes brows playfully. “I can think of a few


“Will you sing again?”
Lark’s eyes rounded, and he nodded slowly. “Would you like


Palming the back of Lark’s head, Milo urged him closer and

claimed his mouth again. The kiss wasn’t as gentle as the first. It was
demanding, possessive, and filled with passion and need. Locking his
ankles around Milo’s hips, Lark gave back as good as he got while he
did a mental happy-dance.

“I take that as a yes,” he panted when Milo finally released him.

Wrapping his arms around Milo’s neck, Lark rested his head on his
new mate’s shoulder and began to sing.

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Every muscle in Milo’s body instantly relaxed, and he held Lark a

little tighter. “I’m a hellhound,” Milo said out of the blue as though
warning him of something.

Lark patted the man’s chest. “I know, big guy.”
“You know? How the hell did you know?”
“Your reputation precedes you, Milo. I asked about you. People

were very forthcoming with information, especially the elders.”

“Nosey old codgers,” Milo growled.
Lark just laughed. “They said you needed someone to take care of,

and I volunteered for the job.” He hoped he wasn’t revealing too
much with his confession. He didn’t want the shifter to get spooked
and run before they’d had a chance to record their mating with the

Milo was quiet, and he’d gone tense, so Lark started to sing again.

Instantly, the man relaxed, and a long sigh blew out from his puffy
lips. “I don’t know how you do that to me, and I’m not sure how I feel
about the elders telling all my secrets.” There was a smile in Milo’s
voice, and Lark couldn’t help but mirror it. “I’ve claimed you, though.
I won’t let you go now.”

“I didn’t know about the spell or whatever they put in the drinks,”

Lark blurted. He wanted it perfectly clear that he hadn’t set out to
trick the man. “I promise, Milo. I just wanted a chance to meet you
and get to know you.”

“You’ll probably regret it, but I can’t take it back now.” Milo

sighed, but it wasn’t happy this time. Then he sat Lark on his feet and
took his hand. “Let’s see if we can get this mating recorded so I can
get you out of here. You are too tempting for your own good.”

Lark preened at the compliment. He tugged on Milo’s hand to get

his attention. “Is that because you want my ass, or because you’re
jealous that someone else might?”

Milo looked him up and down and licked his lips before brushing

a stray curl back from Lark’s forehead. “Both.”

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They’d taken no more than two steps when a searing pain stabbed

Lark in the chest, right over his heart. He cried out, released Milo’s
hand, and dropped to his knees. He heard Milo growl and peeked up
to find the man’s eyes closed as he breathed deeply through his nose.

The pain slowly subsided, and Lark stood on shaky legs. “What

the hell was that?”

“The mating seal,” Milo answered. He tugged up the sleeve of his

shirt to reveal their initials twined together and branded into his skin
on the inside of his forearm.

Lark undid two of the buttons on his shirt and pulled the material

apart to show off his own tattoo. “That fucking hurt.”

Milo growled again. “You will not talk like that. You are far too


“Uh, okay.” Lark cocked his head to the side and smirked. “What

about you? I’ve heard you curse.”

“That’s different.”
It was on the tip of his tongue to argue, but at that moment Elder

Swanson stepped to Milo’s side and chuckled. “I saw you from across
the room. I took the liberty of recording your mating. I hope you don’t

“Would it matter if I did?”
The elder clapped Milo on the shoulder and laughed louder. “Not

in the least. Lark will be good for you, my friend. Take good care of
him because his aunts are very protective where it concerns their

Lark closed his eyes and groaned. Oh, he could just imagine the

fit his aunts would throw when they found out that he’d snuck away
to the gathering and ended up mated to a hellhound. “Uh, Elder
Swanson, sir.” He waited for the man to look at him. “Do you think
you could tell them?”

“I quite prefer my balls attached, young one. I’m afraid you’re on

your own.”

Lark nodded. “I figured you’d say that.”

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The elder slipped an envelope into Milo’s hands. “Your mating

instructions, and do read them. They’re very important.” Then he
leaned closer and whispered something in Milo’s ear. Lark had no
trouble hearing it, though.

“Shade Santiago is here. I suggest you take your mate and

disappear quickly.”

“Who’s that?” Lark asked.
Milo growled and shoved the envelope in his pocket. “I’ll explain

later.” Without another word, or even a good-bye to the elder, Milo
scooped Lark into his arms and hurried them out of the room.

“Someone is eager.” Lark giggled as he held on to Milo’s neck. “I

think I like that.”

“I have a feeling I’m just getting started with wanting you, little

one. I hope you can keep up.”

If it meant having the gorgeous shifter in his bed every night, Lark

would keep up or die trying.

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Chapter Two

Milo carried his new mate down the hall, snarling at anyone who

came close to them. He didn’t know what the fuck he was doing—
didn’t have a clue why he’d practically attacked the man. He’d tried
to walk away, but the minute Lark’s soft singing reached his ears, all
he could think about was claiming the man as his own.

Well, that wasn’t strictly true. The thought of someone else

claiming Lark had been the deciding factor in his actions. One taste of
those sweet lips, and he knew he’d made the right decision. No one
tasted like Lark, and it made his dick hard and his stomach flutter.

“Where are we going?”
“To my room,” Milo answered shortly. He didn’t want to be cross

with his mate, but the majority of the blood in his body had headed
south. If he didn’t get Lark to a flat surface in the next two minutes,
he was going to lose his mind. With all the blood in his body pumping
straight into his groin, things like conversation and politeness had
taken temporary leave.

“What about my stuff?”
“We’ll get it before we leave.”
“Leave? Where are we going?”
“We can’t stay here forever, little one. I have a job waiting for me,

responsibilities that need my attention.”

“Oh,” Lark said quietly. “Will I be going with you?”
Milo didn’t understand why those whispered words

simultaneously tugged at his heart and made him want to growl. “You
belong with me,” he answered firmly. Ten minutes with the man and

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the thought of being without him made Milo want to punch

He didn’t realize he was growling until Lark began stroking his

chest again. “I’m happy to go where you go. I just wanted to make
sure I was welcome.” Then he started singing again.

Milo couldn’t hear the words, but just the sound of Lark’s voice

calmed him. He rubbed his cheek over the top of the little man’s dark
curls and sighed happily. “How do you do that?” he asked just as

“I don’t know. I’m not doing anything special.”
But he was. Nothing on earth had ever soothed Milo like the soft

melody of Lark’s voice when he sang. “What are you?” Milo sniffed
at his mate’s hair and down the side of his slim neck. Lark smelled
like sunshine and the ocean. He couldn’t detect a trace of shifter or
vampire. Fae perhaps? Milo didn’t know many faes, but the ones he’d
met seemed kind of snooty. Lark wasn’t snooty. He sniffed again.

Lark giggled and ducked his chin. “Stop, it tickles.”
Oh, gods, I am so screwed. Though not quite as powerful as his

musical voice, Lark’s laughter sent a jolt of desire straight to Milo’s
already aching cock. He wanted to hear it again. Holding his mate
secure with one hand, he used the other to poke Lark in the ribs.

Lark giggled again and began to squirm against him. The more

Milo prodded at him, the louder Lark laughed and the more he
wiggled. “Stop,” Lark begged breathlessly.

Milo stopped immediately. That was damn strange. He didn’t take

orders from anyone. Though it had been more of a request than an
order, the reaction he’d had to the words still worried him. Perhaps
Lark was a witch. It was the only thing he could think of that made
sense. The man had definitely cast a spell on him.

“What are you?” he asked again.
“I’m part siren,” Lark whispered. “Don’t ask me the other part,

because I don’t know. I never knew my father, and my aunts won’t

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tell me who he is. I don’t show signs of any other type of paranormal,
so I can’t guess from that either.”

“That explains a lot.” Milo knew why Lark’s singing drew him in

like a moth to a flame now, but not why it affected only him. They’d
passed several people on their trip through the castle to Milo’s room.
Lark had sang more than once. No one paid any attention to them.
“Why me?”

“Why does it affect you the way it does?” Lark shrugged. “I

honestly can’t say. I’m glad it does, though. You need a keeper. You
need someone to love, and someone to love you back and take care of
you. Thank you for giving me that chance.”

Milo gulped. “No one said anything about love.”
Lark giggled again. “Not yet, but you will.”
“You’re awful cocky for such a runt.”
“Not cocky, just confident.” Lark pushed his hair back from his

face and struck a superstar pose. “I’m irresistible.”

Pushing open the door to his temporary room, Milo found himself

laughing. He’d laughed more in the ten minutes since he’d met Lark
than he could remember in the last year. “There is something special
about you, mikro.”

“I’m glad you think so.” Lark pushed up in his arms to brush their

lips together. “I’m trying to play it cool, but I really, really want you.
Please, Milo.”

Dropping his mate to the bed, Milo began undressing at top speed.

“There’s lube in the nightstand. Get it.”

Lark lifted one perfectly sculpted eyebrow. “Wow, that’s so

sweet,” he drawled sarcastically. “Would you like me to just stretch
my ass and stick it in the air for you as well?”

“That would be helpful.” Maybe when the mating heat wasn’t

clawing at him, he’d be able to offer Lark something more romantic,
but just then, he couldn’t think around the throbbing of his cock. He
needed to slake his lust before he could even begin to work out how
to give the smaller man the tenderness he seemed to crave.

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Lark huffed and rolled his eyes. “I am not some cheap piece of

ass. I’m going to shower.” Then he rolled off the bed and waltzed
right into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Standing there with his dick in hand—literally—Milo gaped at the

closed door. No one had ever told him no or walked away from him.
He might be a cold bastard, but his bed partners were always willing
to overlook that just for one night with him.

Okay, maybe he was a narcissistic asshole, but he knew what he

looked like. He also didn’t believe in fake modesty. He’d been told on
more than one occasion that he had the body of a Greek god and the
face of an angel. He tended to agree.

Lark didn’t care about any of that, though. He’d stood up for

himself, refused to let Milo treat him like just another one of his
conquests. What should have pissed him off only made him want
Lark that much more.

Still, he had no intentions of letting his mate get away with his

rude behavior. It would be better for both of them if he let Lark know
from the beginning who was top dog.

Strutting into the bathroom, Milo closed the door behind him and

just watched Lark through the glass shower door. The man was
perfection wrapped up in a tiny, tight package with a lean waist,
narrow hips, long legs, and an ass that made Milo’s mouth water and
his cock flex.

The man jumped and whirled around so fast he almost fell on his

ass in the slippery tub. “Yes?” he squeaked.

Milo had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop the smile that

threatened to spread over his lips. “Come here.”

The water shut off instantly, and Lark climbed out of the shower

to stand in front him, gloriously naked and dripping wet. “I wasn’t

“You behaved rudely,” Milo chastised.

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“No.” Lark fisted his hands on his hips and shook his head. “You

behaved rudely. Don’t get pissed off just because I put you in your

“What did I tell you about using language like that?”
“Piss is not a cuss word. Besides, you’re not my mother. Now, are

you going to apologize or not?”

“Me?” Milo gaped. No one had ever admonished him or expected

him to apologize for his actions. Life was going to be very interesting
with Lark. “What the hell do I need to apologize for? You’re the one
that said you’d take a quick fuck and wouldn’t ask for more. How is
this my fault?”

“That was before we mated.” Lark threw his hands up and rolled

his eyes as though it was so obvious and Milo was an idiot for not
getting it. “Whether you like it or not, we’re mated now, and you do
not treat your mate like some back-alley prostitute.”

Milo sighed and scrubbed at his face. “Lark, I tried to tell you that

I’m not cut out for this mating thing. I did warn you that you’d regret
it. I just don’t know how to be any other way. So, how about we just
cut our losses, you can get that quick fuck, and we’ll go our separate

The scathing look Lark shot his way made him feel about two feet

tall, but he stood his ground. Yeah, they were mated, but so what? He
didn’t know how to be with someone, and Lark deserved a hell of a
lot more than he could give him. It was just better for both of them.

Marching past him and into the bedroom, Lark snatched Milo’s

jeans up off the floor and pulled the envelope out of the back pocket.
He tore it open, extracted the parchment inside and began to read.

“Oh, this is so not happening.” Lark closed his eyes and thrust the

sheet of paper toward Milo.

Taking the paper, Milo’s eyebrows drew together at the pained

expression on Lark’s face. Could it be that bad? He began scanning
the mating instructions the elder had given them, growing angrier
with every paragraph he read. Sex at least every twenty-four hours for

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four years was only the start of it. He and Lark were now bonded,
heart, body, and spirit. If one should die, the other’s life would be
forfeit as well.

“We’ll find a way out of this.”
“Really? Because that seems pretty cut-and-dry to me. Either we

consummate our mating every twenty-four hours or we go feral, and
they execute us.” Lark dropped his face into his hands. “I cannot
believe this is happening.”

“We’ll talk to Elder Swanson. Surely there’s a way to negate


“Is it really so awful to be mated to me?” Lark lifted his head and

looked up at Milo sadly. “You don’t even know me, and already you
want to get rid of me.”

“I never said that.” Milo didn’t know what he was trying to say.

He just knew that nothing good could come from their pairing. Lark
was kind and gentle, while he was barely human. Nurturing, caring,
love—he didn’t understand any of that stuff. Furthermore, he had no
desire to learn it.

“Whatever.” Lark plopped down on the edge of the bed. “I need

some clean clothes. Could I borrow something of yours so I don’t
have to parade naked back to my room?”

Though he appeared sad, almost distraught, his cock still jutted

proudly from his legs. Milo gripped his own steel-hard erection and
groaned. Even the depressing conversation had done little to cool his
desire for the small siren. Though he knew the concoction the elders
had given them was to blame in large part, he couldn’t deny that he
was fiercely attracted to Lark.

Damn it! It wasn’t fair. Lark had just given him the out he’d been

searching for, so why did he feel so crappy about it? The dejected
look on Lark’s face made his chest tighten, and he didn’t like it. The
quicker he could talk to the elder, the better. Maybe once they’d
broken the mating bond, things would go back to normal.


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Shaking his head as he came out of his thoughts, Milo crossed to

the suitcase he had sitting open on one of the chairs, dug out a T-shirt,
and tossed it to Lark. “I’m afraid none of my pants would fit you.
That should cover enough to get you back to your room, though.”

“Thank you.” Lark pulled the shirt over his head and pushed his

arms through. The damn thing came clear down his knees, and it
looked so adorable Milo smiled.

“You haven’t claimed me yet, so hopefully it will be simple to

break the mating.” Milo knew he was grasping at straws, but he was
desperate. He just needed to get the hell out of there and forget that
he’d ever laid eyes on the raven-haired angel.

“Who’s Shade Santiago?”
“He’s just someone I used to know. He’s not a bad guy, but the

people he works for don’t exactly have a good rap. I think the elder
was just concerned about what Shade’s presence at the gathering
meant. It really has nothing to do with me.”

“Okay.” Lark shrugged. The despondent man on the bed was a

complete one-eighty from the feisty little brat who’d put Milo in his
place only minutes before. It broke Milo’s heart, though he knew he
had no right to his feelings. He was the one that had caused Lark’s
downshift in mood, after all.

“Maybe we can figure something out,” he heard himself saying.

“As long as you give me a bit of freedom, I could probably learn to
live with you.”

That had apparently been the wrong thing to say. Lark was off the

bed so fast Milo didn’t see him move until he had a very pissed off
little siren standing right in front of him. “You are an egotistical,
arrogant, self-centered, self-absorbed, and just all around selfish
prick!” He jabbed his finger in Milo’s midsection. “No one has ever
made me feel worse about myself than you have in the last twenty
fucking minutes!”

Milo didn’t know what to say. Then again, he doubted that Lark

expected a reply considering that the man was still screeching at him.

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Lark gripped the hem of his shirt and yanked it off over his head to
reveal the mating mark on his chest. “This.” He pointed at the tattoo.
“This means something to me, whether it does to you or not. If you
want to go out and whore around, stick your dick into anything that’s
warm and doesn’t fight back, then be my guest. I’m not going to sit at
home and play Suzy-Fucking-Homemaker while you do it, though!”

“You have quite the little temper.” Milo snapped his lips closed

when Lark growled at him. Right. He’d just go back to remaining

“I’ve watched you parade men in and out of your bed for the last

four months. While I would have been happy to be just another notch
on your bedpost, things are different now. So, by all means, go talk to
the elders and get me out of this hell, because I have no intentions on

Enlightenment finally dawned, and Milo couldn’t contain his

laughter. He knew it was only pissing Lark off more, but he found the
man’s possessive attitude a huge turn-on. The fact that Lark had the
completely wrong idea didn’t matter. The man was staking a claim.
Several had tried to do it in the past, but Milo had put a stop to that
quick, fast, and in a hurry.

So why did the idea of belonging to the fiery little imp appeal to

him so much? If he let himself, he knew he’d be wrapped around
those dainty little fingers in no time. It was something he’d fought his
whole life against. So, why Lark?

“Sing for me.”
Lark froze and his mouth dropped open. “Excuse me?”
“Sing for me.”
“Milo, I don’t exactly feel like singing right now.”
Half a step, and Milo had them pressed together, skin to skin, with

his arms locked around Lark’s waist. Hoisting the man into his arms
to account for their height difference, he smiled happily when Lark
scrambled for a hold on him. The man was so small, fit so perfectly in
Milo’s arms.

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Milo usually went for bigger men like himself. Men he knew he

could be rough with, do whatever he wanted, and never be worried
about hurting them. Maybe Lark had the right idea. Maybe Milo did
crave someone to take care of, and he’d just never known it.

“You’re short,” he teased.
“Am not,” Lark pouted. “I’m five foot six, which is perfectly

normal. It’s not my fault that you’re a giant.”

“Six ten is not a giant.” Compared to Lark maybe, but the other

men he’d taken to bed… “What did you mean you’ve watched me?”

All the blood drained from Lark’s face, and he struggled to get out

Milo’s hold. “I wasn’t spying on you. I didn’t trick you. I swear.”

Milo tightened his arms to keep his mate from escaping. “I never

said you did any of those things. I just want to know if tonight was the
first time you’ve seen me.”

“No,” Lark whispered. He went completely limp and hung his

head. “I moved into the house across the street from you about four
months ago.”

The news stunned Milo. He’d never seen Lark in the

neighborhood. Then again, he had a tendency to keep to himself and
not notice much around him. “Did you come to the gathering because
of me?” It wasn’t really an important question, but it was something
to say until he could wrap his brain around everything.

Lark shook his head but still wouldn’t meet Milo’s eyes. “I

promise. I didn’t know you’d be here. You don’t exactly seem like the
social type. Once I saw you walk into the ballroom, though, I started
asking everyone around me about you.”

“Why?” Milo’s dick was screaming at him to shut the fuck up and

get Lark under him, and fast. Normally, he’d listen. Conversation had
always taken a backseat to his more carnal desires, but this time was
different. He wanted to understand exactly what was happening
before he took that next lunge.

“I’ve watched you,” Lark said. “Nothing creepy, like peeking

through your window. I just see you coming and going, or working

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out in your front yard. I’ve seen you bring home countless men and
wished I was one of them.”

“That doesn’t make sense, mikro. All that time, and you never

once said a word to me. How could you want me?”

“Um, hello?” Lark finally met his gaze, and the lust shining in

those green eyes made Milo’s pulse race. “You are the most gorgeous
man I’ve ever seen, and you look so lonely sometimes.” He closed his
eyes and groaned. “Forget it. I’m being ridiculous. Go talk to the
elders if that’s what will make you happy.”

“What do you want?”
Lark’s eyelids flipped open, and he looked stunned at being asked

his opinion. “I already told you what I want, but I won’t share. If
that’s how you see this relationship going, I’d rather get out of it now
and find someone that wants me and only me.”

Jealousy slammed into Milo, and he snarled like the beast he was.

“No one else, Lark. You are mine.”

His growly attitude didn’t scare Lark in the least. The man rolled

his eyes and snorted. “You just said you didn’t want me. So, what?
Now you don’t want anyone else to have me, either? How is that fair
to me?”

“You are mine,” Milo repeated before capturing Lark’s mouth in a

possessive kiss. “Sing for me.”

When Lark just blinked at him, Milo bent forward and bit into the

man’s shoulder. Lark sang. It might have been mostly a scream, but it
sounded like music to Milo all the same. The little man went stiff, the
cords in his neck strained, and sticky ropes of cum erupted from his
swollen cock to fill the space between them.

“Beautiful,” Milo whispered, licking over his bite. “I’m definitely

keeping you.”

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Chapter Three

Lark was so confused. One minute Milo was talking about

breaking their bond and fucking other men. Then the man had
claimed him again and was going on about keeping him. Maybe he
hadn’t gotten the message that Lark was an only child and never
learned the fine art of sharing.

“Milo, I don’t know what you want from me. Do you want to keep

me or not? Do you plan to keep me and fu—” Lark cut himself off
when Milo growled. “Uh, I mean, do you plan to have sex with other
men? I won’t be kept on the side like some dirty whore.”

“You’re cute.” Milo licked at Lark’s lips. “I think I have my

hands full with you.” He squeezed Lark’s ass in both hands and
chuckled. “What do I need with anyone else?”

Lark’s head was beginning to hurt. “You are the most confusing

person I have ever met. Exactly what has changed in the last five

Milo shrugged, but the smile never left his face. “Does it matter?

You said you wanted me. I’ve decided that I want you. Just be happy
and go with it.”

Oh, and wouldn’t that be so easy? Lark had never done anything

the easy way, though. “You are giving me a migraine.”

“You make me laugh,” Milo countered.
“Great. I’m glad I could amuse you.”
Milo chuckled. “See? I love when you say things like that. You’re

not going to let me just have my way, are you?”

“Well, I don’t mind if you have your way sometimes. I expect to

have a say, and I will voice my opinion, however.” Lark rested his

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forehead on Milo’s shoulder and groaned. “Just tell me what you

“I already told you. I want you.”
“But five minutes ago you were talking about sleeping with other

people and breaking our mating. You’re going to have to give me
something more than ‘I want you.’”

Milo moved them to the bed and placed Lark in the center of the

mattress. Hovering over him, he smiled like a fool and kissed the tip
of Lark’s nose. “I never said anything about sleeping with other men.
I just said I needed a little freedom. I’ve lived alone for a long time,
and I’m used to making all the decisions in my life without having to
consult with anyone else. I just need to have my own space
sometimes. That’s all I meant.”

“Oh.” Lark couldn’t think of anything else to say. He’d made a

total jackass out of himself.

“You’re sexy when you’re jealous, though.”
Lark decided to ignore that. “So, what about being mated to me?

Do you still want to see if there’s a way to break that?”

“That’s it? That’s all you have to say?”
“You’re cute, but you talk too much.” Milo effectively cut off

Lark’s next argument by shoving his tongue down Lark’s throat.

Lark was still confused, but Milo tasted so good. His cock swelled

again, hardening almost instantly between them. It would be so easy
to just let go and forget everything. He couldn’t do it, though.

Pushing on Milo’s chest, he eventually separated their mouths and

panted for breath. “Wait.”

Milo chased his lips again. “Don’t want to wait. Waited long

enough. Need to be inside you.”

Lark’s eyes rolled back in his head, and he moaned as Milo

rocked against him, rubbing their hard cocks together. Though his
body screamed for more, his brain was having a little trouble catching
up. “Just tell me what’s changed.”

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“I like how you sing.”
“That is not a good reason to be mated to me.”
“It’s good enough for me.”
He pushed at his mate again when Milo’s lips began traveling

down his throat and across his collarbones. “Milo! I’m not going to
spend the next four years, let alone the rest of my life, with someone
who doesn’t want me!”

Milo thrust his hips again. “Believe me, I want you.”
“Ugh! You are infuriating.”
“In the half hour since I’ve met you, I’ve laughed more than I

have in the last year. In thirty minutes, I’ve done things I’ve never
thought I would do.”

“I let you walk away and have your space earlier. I would have

never let anyone else do that.”

Lark thought it over for a minute. Milo was trying to explain, and

he was trying to understand, but he still didn’t get it. “Keep going.”

Milo growled and rolled off Lark. Propping himself up on one

elbow, he began tracing little circles on Lark’s stomach as he spoke.
“When you sing, it makes me happy, it calms me, and I want you to
never stop. I like that it’s just for me, too.”

“I don’t sing just for you.” Lark bit his lip. That sounded mean,

but he hadn’t meant it that way. “I mean, I sing for me. I just like to

“I know.” To his relief, Milo smiled. “I meant that it doesn’t affect

other people the way it does me. I don’t know what that means, but I
like it.”

Lark knew what it meant. He’d keep the information to himself

for a bit longer, though. “What else?”

Milo arched an eyebrow at him and smirked. “If you asked about

me, you know my reputation. You know what I am. Still, you aren’t
afraid of me. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that wasn’t just a
little scared of me.” He sounded almost sad when he said it, and it

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gave Lark a little peek into the man’s heart. “Even the people that
desire me are a little intimidated.”

“Maybe they just don’t know you.”
“You don’t know me. Yet you’re still not afraid.”
Lark shrugged. He didn’t have an answer for that. “The first time I

saw you was the day I moved in across the street. You were just
sitting on your porch at twilight, sipping a beer and staring off into
space. I thought you looked sad. I didn’t know what was bothering
you, but I wanted to make it better.”

“Why didn’t you ever come over?”
“I tried once. You opened the door in a pair of boxers, your hair

all mussed, and looking so gorgeous. You told me you didn’t want
none then slammed the door in my face.”

Milo’s eyebrows drew together as if he was trying to remember

the meeting. “Did I have my eyes open?”

Lark giggled. “No.”
“Well, that would explain it. You’d probably woken me up, and I

thought you were some salesman. I hate those assholes.”

Lark giggled again. “Me, too.”
“So, can we start over?”
Milo looked so hopeful, Lark couldn’t deny him any longer. It

also said a lot that Milo had been willing to put things on hold to have
the discussion instead of manipulating him or using his larger size to
try and force Lark into something he wasn’t ready for yet.

“Hi,” Lark whispered around a crooked smile. “I’m Lark Rhodes,

your new mate, and I plan to do everything in my power to make sure
you want to keep me forever.”

Milo rolled back on top of him, careful to keep his full weight off

Lark. “I’m Milo Gavari, your new mate, and I have no plans of letting
you go.”

* * * *

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Finished with words for the time being, Milo covered Lark’s

mouth with his own and licked inside the warm depths. The kiss went
on forever, and only when his head started to spin did he finally break
away to gulp for air. “So, are we good now? I’m doing the best I can
here, mikro, but I’m about to crawl out of my skin with wanting you.”

Lark smiled sweetly and stretched his arms over his head. “It’s

such nice skin, too. We can’t have that, now can we?”

Playfulness wasn’t something Milo was used to during sex. He

found he liked it, though. Was there anything that he didn’t like about
Lark? If so, he’d yet to discover it. Leaning toward the side of the
bed, he pulled out the nightstand drawer and rummaged around for
the small bottle of lube.

Once he found it, he returned his attention to his mate and winced.

“I was a prick before, but there’s not really a way around this.” He
held up the bottle of lubricant. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Lark rolled his eyes and pushed up to kiss Milo’s jaw. “I wasn’t

mad that you asked me to get the lube. I was mad because of the way
you asked. Now shut up and get me ready. You’re not the only one
losing your mind.”

“Greedy little brat,” Milo said around a chuckle.
“If I recall correctly, you’ve already come twice. So, you’re two

up on me, yet you want more.”

“I always want more from you, Milo.”
The sincerity in Lark’s eyes turned Milo into a sappy mess.

Things were moving way too fast. He’d heard of soul mates, fated
mates, true mates, and all other kinds of love-at-first-sight crap. It was
all a load of bullshit as far as he was concerned. He and Lark were
mated, their lives intertwined. It was just the mating bond that made
him feel protective and possessive of the man. Nothing more.

“Hey.” Lark’s soft hand came up to palm his cheek. “Did I lose

you somewhere?”

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Instead of answering, Milo flipped the cap on the slick and coated

his fingers. “How much experience do you have?” He’d have to be
extra gentle if his little siren was a virgin. He didn’t even want to
examine why the thought of being the first man to ever make love to
Lark pleased him.

He was getting ahead of himself, though. Lark hadn’t even

answered his question.

“Um, not a lot, but I’m a quick learner.”
“How much experience, mikro?” Milo’s excitement started to

build again. He realized he’d thought of taking Lark as making love
rather than fucking, but he didn’t want to examine that, either.

Too fast. Things were changing too damn fast.
“Well, I had a boyfriend once.”
Milo’s stomach cramped. After all the men he’d had in his bed, he

was being a hypocrite, and he knew it. Why did the idea of Lark being
with someone else make him feel sick?

Too fast.
Lark stroked Milo’s lips with the pad of his thumb as his face

flushed a bright pink. He sighed heavily and closed his eyes in
obvious embarrassment. “I’m a virgin, Milo.”

Milo couldn’t contain his joy. Tossing the lube to the side, he

fisted one hand in Lark’s hair and jerked him up to crush their mouths
together. He didn’t just kiss Lark, he devoured him, ate at his mouth
like a starving man.

When his head began to spin again, Milo disconnected from

Lark’s swollen lips and began kissing his way down his mate’s neck.
His slicked fingers skimmed along Lark’s crease, pushed through the
muscles globes, and gently stroked his mate’s untouched entrance.

“I guess you like that,” Lark panted, both hands tangling in Milo’s


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“I like a lot.” Milo swirled his tongue over the mating bite he’d

given Lark in the ballroom, causing his lover to gasp. “I like a lot,” he
repeated in a guttural tone.

When Lark’s hole began to relax under his constant touch, Milo

slipped in just the tip of his index finger and held it perfectly still
while his mate adjusted. “Okay?” he asked. It was such a foreign
concept to him. He’d never worried about whether is partner was
comfortable before. Hell, he really didn’t even care if they enjoyed
themselves. It hadn’t ever been an issue, but it suddenly made him
feel like all the names Lark had called him earlier. He really was a
selfish jerk.

Lark whimpered, and Milo jerked his head up to see his lover’s

face. He’d stop immediately if Lark was in any kind of pain. The
beautiful look of pleasure on the little man’s face relieved his worries,
though, and made him smile. “You like that?” He pushed in a little
deeper and wiggled his finger. Lark rewarded him with another sweet
little whimper.

“Yes,” Lark breathed. “More.”
“Greedy brat,” Milo teased. He pumped his finger in and out

slowly, gritting his teeth at the feel of Lark’s silky heat wrapped
around his digit. He could just imagine what it would feel like
encasing his aching cock, and it almost had him blowing his load then
and there.

Lark’s dick pulsed against his belly, leaking clear drops of pre-

cum onto his creamy skin. Mmm, such a pretty sight. He started to
add a second finger, but Lark tensed and his muscles clamped down
on Milo’s finger.

Continuing to pump just the one, he gripped Lark’s thick length

with his other hand and gave it a few good strokes. Lark’s hole
loosened almost immediately, and his head began to thrash back and
forth on the pillow.

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Well, if he liked that, Milo had a few more things to show his

inexperienced lover. Gripping the base of Lark’s dick, he dove
forward and wrapped his lips around the spongy crown.

Lark went wild. He bucked up into Milo’s mouth and needy

moans poured from his parted lips. Milo swirled his tongue around
the head and flicked at the slit. Lark’s hips jerked upward again,
pushing his cock into Milo’s mouth until Milo’s lips bumped against
his fist.

“Oh, oh, oh,” Lark chanted as he began thrusting his hips faster

and harder.

Giving up on keeping the man still, Milo relaxed his throat

muscles, removed his grasp on Lark’s dick, and allowed his mate to
set the pace. While Lark humped up into his face, Milo gently
inserted a second finger into his lover’s tight passage.

Lark froze, and Milo started to remove his fingers.
“No!” Lark yelled. “More!”
Taking him at his word, Milo went back to sucking Lark’s rigid

shaft while he sawed both fingers in and out of his opening. He
rocked his own hips against the mattress, groaned around Lark’s prick
at the wonderful friction. Never with any lover had he received so
much pleasure by simply giving it.

When Lark’s hole began to loosen around his fingers, he pushed

in a third, going deep and searching out the little walnut-sized gland
that would push his mate over the edge.

Lark screamed. Found it. Milo stroked his lover’s prostate, loving

the sounds of Lark’s ecstasy. The first shot of cum splashed against
his throat, and Milo backed off, swallowing quickly as Lark filled his

His mikro, his small one, sagged into the mattress like a wet

noodle. Milo licked him clean before releasing his still-throbbing
erection and sat up to admire his handiwork. “Still want more, baby?”

Lark’s eyelids drew back to half mast, and he grinned goofily.

“Oh, yes, please.”

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Milo chuckled as he extracted his fingers and grabbed the lube to

slick his straining cock. “So eager,” he murmured.

Tossing the little bottle to the floor, he leaned over his mate,

bracing himself on one hand, and lined up the engorged head of his
shaft. “Deep breath, mikro.”

Lark’s eyes flew wide open. “Will it hurt?” His small frame began

to tremble, and he chewed on his lower lip.

“It might be uncomfortable at first. I think you’ll like it.”
“Go slow.”
Milo had never done anything slow in his life. For Lark, he’d do

anything the man asked. Lowering himself until their chests pressed
together, Milo attacked his mate’s mouth, licking, sucking, and
nibbling at his lips before thrusting his tongue inside.

Lark moaned, and his arms came up to encircle Milo’s neck. His

back arched, his hold tightened, and his knees locked against Milo’s

Milo held on by a thread, the tip of his cock just kissing his

lover’s quivering hole without actually entering. His balls ached, his
skin tingled, and electricity bounced around inside his belly. Then,
finally, Lark’s tight sphincter began to relax, and Milo eased forward,
so slowly he thought he’d die, until just the head rested inside Lark’s
snug hold.

When the little man didn’t react, Milo took a chance and pushed

in farther. That got a reaction. Lark groaned, his legs tightened around
Milo’s waist, and he thrust up against him with enough force to seat
Milo’s cock to the root in one swift move.

Jerking out of the kiss, Milo stared down at his mate in concern.

“Lark, are you okay?”

“Don’t you dare fucking stop!” Then Lark yanked him down into

another mind-numbing kiss.

All thoughts fled, and Milo began a slow but steady rhythm,

sliding in and out of Lark’s silky depths. He’d been too hard for too
long, though. He wanted his lover to come again, but four times was a

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lot to ask from anyone. He didn’t think he would make it that long,

It was unlike anything he’d ever felt. Maybe it was the knowledge

that he was Lark’s first. Maybe it was the fact that he held his mate in
his arms. Whatever it was, Milo was seconds away from losing the
hold on his frayed thread of self-control.

Lark pulled out of the kiss this time, and his eyes shone with a

wicked light. “Fuck me,” he demanded in a ragged whisper. “I won’t
break, Milo. Harder.”

“Aah!” Milo roared, beginning an all-out assault on Lark’s virgin

ass. Part of him felt like an enormous bastard for his careless
treatment of his mate. The other part, most likely connected to his
pulsing cock, told him to shut the fuck up and give the man what he

And Lark wanted it all. He moaned and whimpered, squirmed and

writhed, and arched up against Milo, meeting every demanding thrust
with fervor. When his body went stiff once more, his inner walls
clamping down on Milo’s cock in a strangle hold, Milo couldn’t
believe it.

He watched in awe as pearly ropes of semen erupted from Lark’s

cock and splashed against his belly. Lark’s muscles convulsed in
waves, stroking Milo’s dick and demanding his release. With a loud
grunt, he buried his face in his mate’s neck and fell over the edge and
into oblivion, filling Lark’s passage with his seed.

“What is the meaning of this?” a feminine voice screeched.
Milo jerked away from Lark, pulling his cock free of the man’s

ass with little finesse. Lark cried out, and once again, Milo felt like a

Whipping the sheet over him and his mate, he cuddled Lark close

and kissed his forehead. “I’m sorry, mikro. Are you all right?”

“I’m okay.” Lark smiled at him dreamily, and Milo felt himself


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“You most certainly are not okay!” That female voice was back

and quickly getting on Milo’s nerves.

Looking away from his mate, he found a small woman with

blonde hair standing beside the bed. She looked a lot like Lark, and
Milo had to assume this was one of the infamous aunts. “Go away.”

“I will not.”
Milo sighed. “What do you want?”
She ignored him. “Lark, explain the meaning of this.”
“Aunt Linda, please go away.” Lark moaned and turned his face

into Milo’s chest. “This is my mate.”

Milo was sure the scream that escaped the woman’s pouty lips

could be heard throughout the entire castle.

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Chapter Four

Lark wanted to die right there. He sat up in bed, leaning heavily

against Milo with a sheet wrapped around his waist and cum dripping
out of his ass. To make matters worse, his Aunt Linda had called in
reinforcements, and he currently had seven of his aunts squawking
about the room.

“How could you do this to us?”
“Aunt Drea, I didn’t do anything to you. I am a grown man, and

this is my mate. How have I done anything wrong?”

“This heathen is not your mate.”
Lark rolled his eyes and pointed at the mating brand on his chest.

“This says he is.”

“Well, we’ll just see about that,” Aunt Lorna said haughtily. “I

knew it was a bad idea to let you venture out on your own.”

Milo, bless his heart, sat there and took their abuse without saying

a word. Lark placed a soft kiss over his mate’s heart and smiled up at
him. “I’m sorry about this.”

“They’re just worried about you,” Milo answered with a smile of

his own. “I’ve never had anyone to worry about me. You should be

“Well, you have someone to worry for you now.”
Milo’s eyes softened, and he bent to brush their lips together,

earning another scream from his aunts.

“Stop that!”
Lark huffed and turned to look at them again. “What is the

problem here? Did you expect me to be a virgin forever?”

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“Not forever,” Aunt Patricia said immediately. “Just until you

found your true mate.”

“There is no such thing as true mates,” Milo responded, then

looked like he’d wished he’d kept his mouth shut when seven angry
women turned to glare at him.

“Maybe not for a mutt,” Aunt Tina sneered. “As the only male

siren, Lark is special. He will have a true mate—the other half of

“And now he’s sullied his body with the likes of you,” Aunt Lisa


“How will you know when he finds this true mate?” Milo asked

calmly. Lark was proud of the man. He could feel his own blood
pressure rising, and he felt anything but calm at the moment.

“It is not for us to know. He will know,” Aunt Erin said matter-of-


“So I could be his true mate,” Milo said in the same tone.
“Absolutely not!”
Milo glanced back at Lark. “Are they always like this?”
Lark sighed and bobbed his head.
“No wonder you never had a chance to get laid.”
All seven women gasped and clapped their hands over their ears.

It was ridiculous considering that his Aunt Linda had popped in to
find Milo’s dick in Lark’s ass but whatever. They had been that way
for as long as he could remember. They’d never had the birds and
bees talk with him. He hadn’t known anything about sex until he’d
moved out on his own and found gay porn on the Internet.

“His mate will be a woman,” Aunt Drea said rudely. “How can he

hope to procreate with a man?”

Ah, so that was their issue. Lark had realized he preferred boys

when he was twelve and developed the biggest crush on his sixth-
grade science teacher. He’d never known his aunts to be bigoted and
closed-minded. There had to be more to it.

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After a long, dramatic pause, Milo kissed Lark’s forehead and

shifted to address his aunts. “If you ladies will excuse us, Lark needs
sleep, and I need to make preparations to return home. I’m sure we’ll
see you again soon.”

“You’re dismissing us?” Aunt Patricia rolled her eyes and scoffed.
“Leave,” Lark said coldly. “Milo is my mate, and I’m not giving

him up. If you can’t deal with that, then there is nothing for us to say
to each other.”

“Lark, you can’t be serious?”
“I’m very serious. I’ve let you tell me what to do my entire life.

I’m drawing the line at this.” Lark pulled his necklace off over his
head and turned to drape the braided leather around Milo’s neck. “He
is mine.”

His aunts gasped. “Lark, you don’t know what you’re doing.

Please, take it back,” Aunt Lorna pleaded.

“I can’t, and you know that. It’s done, and I wouldn’t take it back

if I could.”

The small stone around Milo’s neck began to glow with a

beautiful green light that matched the color of Lark’s eyes.
Everyone’s eyes widened, including Lark’s. Well, that was certainly
an interesting development.

He turned and smirked at his aunts. “You were saying?”
“We have to talk to the elders. We’ll be back.” Then they all

disappeared from the room.

“Lark, mikro, what just happened?” Milo looked stunned and a lot


Lark patted the stone that rested against Milo’s chest. “This is a

moon pearl. When I was a baby, my mother and my aunts placed a
small piece of my soul inside. They said that when I found my other
half, I would present my mate with this token and know that person
would be mine forever. The pearl is supposed to glow if I’ve chosen

Milo clutched at the leather braid. “So, this means…”

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Lark smiled and nodded. “You are my soul’s mate, Milo Gavari.”

* * * *

“When is your plane scheduled to leave?” Milo sat on the edge of

the mattress in Lark’s room while his mate flittered about gathering
his things.

Lark paused and looked over his shoulder. “Uh, I didn’t fly.”
“Then how did you get here?” Milo thought back to Lark’s aunts

popping into their room, held his hand up, and shook his head. “Never
mind. My plane leaves in two hours, so I need to leave soon to get to
the airport.” He stood and dug a key out of his pocket and pressed it
into Lark’s hand. “Go to my place. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“You’ll be there within the twenty-four hour time frame, right?”
“Yes, Lark.” Milo chuckled. “I’ll be there in plenty of time to

ravish you.”

Lark gave a full-body shiver, and Milo laughed again. “I have a

better idea if you want to hear it.”

Milo quirked an eyebrow in question.
“I could take you there with me.”
“Can you do that?”
Lark shrugged. “I’ve never tried before, but I can take my

luggage. How hard could it be?”

“Uh.” Milo didn’t know what to say. He wanted to have faith in

his mate, show Lark that he trusted him, but this was some serious

“Forget it.” Lark hung his head and went back to packing.
With a heavy sigh, Milo wrapped his arms around Lark’s chest

and kissed the top of his head. “Let’s try.”

Lark shook his head. “You’re right. I’ve never done it before, and

I don’t know what will happen if it goes wrong. I don’t want to risk

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Mikro, I have faith in you. If you didn’t think it would work, you

wouldn’t have suggested it. We can leave our stuff here. All I brought
was a couple changes of clothes anyway. As long as my wallet makes
it back, I’m good.”

Lark glanced over at his small suitcase. “I don’t really need mine,


“Well, then let’s try. The worst that can happen is I’ll be left here,

and I’ll catch my plane.” Milo hoped that was the worst that could
happen. He’d met a few people over the years that could teleport, but
he’d never bothered to ask questions about it.

Lark didn’t even give him warning. One minute they were

standing in Lark’s quarters in the castle and the next it felt like all the
air had been sucked out of Milo’s lungs with an industrial vacuum.
His eyes squeezed closed, his chest constricted, then it all stopped.

Blinking open his eyes, he found himself in a strange living room.

“Uh, did it work?”

Lark giggled and stepped out of his arms. “Yes. This is my


Milo frowned. “Why aren’t we at my house?”
“Well, I thought it might be rude. Besides, I need to grab a few

things if I’m staying the night. I am staying the night, right?”

Pushing the flyaway hair back from Lark’s face, Milo leaned

forward and kissed the tip of his nose. “You’ll be staying much longer
than that. Tonight is a good start, though. Grab what you need, and
we’ll pack the rest of your things later.”

To his surprise and bewilderment, Lark stepped away, crossed his

arms over his chest, and glared. “Who said I was moving in with you?
I just bought this house. Maybe I want you to move in here.”

Milo didn’t see what the big deal was or why his little mate was

so angry. “Okay, then I’ll move in here. I’ll pack next weekend and
put my house on the market.”

Lark’s mouth dropped open, and his arms fell limply to his sides.

“Just like that?”

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Milo shrugged. “It’s just a house, mikro. You live right across the

street. It’s not a big move. This house is obviously important to you.”

His mate continued to gape at him. Then his mouth snapped

closed, and he dropped his head as a red tint worked its way up his
neck and right to the tip of his ears. Milo slipped his knuckles under
Lark’s chin and tilted his head up. “What’s all this? I thought you’d
be happy?” Damn, this mating stuff was hard, and Lark was damn

“I am happy. I’m sorry that I made such a big deal about it.”
“Do you want to tell me why it’s so important that we live here?”
Lark shrugged and looked away. “I’ve never had anything of my

own. My aunts are always telling me what to do without asking me.”

Milo got it. “Then I did the same thing. I just assumed you’d

move in with me, give up your home, and I didn’t even ask you.”

“Yes, but I still shouldn’t have gotten so angry about it.”
Chuckling, Milo kissed Lark’s cute button nose again. “You can

be angry any time you want. If I screw up—and believe me I will—I
expect you to call me on it. Deal?”

Lark finally met his eyes and looked at him for a long time. Milo

hid nothing. He wanted his lover to see the truthfulness of his words.
Then a slow smile spread over Lark’s face, and he dipped his head.

“In that case, I need to run across the street and grab some stuff.

Do you want to come with me?”

Lark nodded eagerly. “I’d like to see where you live.”
“Lived,” Milo corrected.
“Have you lived there for a long time?” Lark looked sad again. “I

mean, I just moved here. If your house is important to you, we can
live there. I was being selfish.”

Taking Lark’s hand, Milo led him out the front door and across

the street. He waited until he’d unlocked his door and ushered Lark
inside before he spoke. “See this?” He waved a hand around the
sparsely furnished room. “I told you. It’s just a house.”

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Lark’s eyebrows drew together as he surveyed the room. “It looks

like you just moved in.”

“I’ve lived here for almost twenty years.”
“No freakin’ way!”
Milo chuckled. “Yes way.”
“How old are you? Or is that rude to ask?”
“I think it’s only rude to ask a woman.” Milo winked. “I’m not

very old for a paranormal. I’ll be a hundred and twelve on my

Lark giggled. “Oh, yes, you are practically a baby.”
“And just how old are you?”
“One hundred and twelve on my birthday.” Lark lifted his

eyebrows and giggled again.

“When is your birthday?” Milo had a strange feeling he already

knew the answer.

“July eighth. Yours?”
“July eighth.” Milo pushed a hand through his hair and frowned.

“How is that possible?”

“You are my true mate. You were born just for me.” Lark said it

without a hint of sarcasm. “Does that upset you?”

Milo thought it over for a minute. Did it upset him? No, not really.

It was a little strange to find out that he’d been destined for Lark from
birth, but it didn’t upset him. It also explained why he felt different
with Lark. No one else had ever given him reason to consider settling
down into a monogamous relationship. Yet five minutes after meeting
the feisty little siren, he’d claimed the man right there in the middle of
the gathering. He’d tried to blame the mating heat, but it seemed a bit
hollow, even to him.

“You are upset.”
“No. I just have a lot of things to think about. You’re going to

have to explain all this true mates stuff to me, and I’m going to have
questions. I’m not mad, though.”

Lark smiled shyly. “Can I ask you about your family?”

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“You can, but that’s a long, twisted tale for another time that will

require several beers. So, can you ask me another time? I’m having a
pretty good day, and I’d rather not ruin it.” Milo would put off the
conversation forever if he thought he could get away with it. From
what he’d come to know of Lark in the short amount of time since he
met the man, he doubted that was likely.

“Understandable.” Lark stepped closer and kissed his chest.

“When do you go back to work?” He paused and tilted his head to the
side. “Where do you work anyway?”

“I’m a paramedic.”
Lark’s eyebrows drew together, and the corners of his lips turned

down in a frown. “Oh.”

“What’s that look for? You don’t think I’m good at my job?”
“Oh, I’m sure you’re very good at it. You just don’t seem like a

people person. Plus, you’re really huge. I could picture you as a
fireman or a police officer, but I’m just having trouble wrapping my
mind around you being a paramedic.”

Milo threw his head back and laughed. Well, at least the man was

honest. “You’re right that I’m not much on socializing. I like my job,
though.” It was strange, but he did. He was a cold, selfish bastard
when it came to his countless lovers. Outside of the bedroom,
though…“I like helping people.” He’d never confessed that to another
living soul.

“If it makes you happy, then I say it’s the perfect career.”
Milo sighed. He knew Lark wouldn’t make a big deal out of it, but

he still felt relieved. Maybe conforming his life around the spitfire in
front of him wouldn’t be as hard as he imagined.

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Chapter Five

“Harder!” Lark screamed. He’d gotten much better at voicing his

sexual needs in the week since Milo had moved in. He knew Milo still
held back out of fear of hurting him, but he loved the rough
treatment—craved the moment when his mate finally snapped and
lost control.

Lark’s head snapped to the side. That definitely wasn’t his mate

that had screamed his name. Milo kept pumping into him, though.
Lark tried pushing at his mate’s chest, uncomfortable with being
watched. The presence of his Aunt Morigan had his erection wilting
in seconds.

With a frustrated growl, Milo slipped out of Lark’s hole and

flopped down beside him on the mattress. Lark scrambled to pull the
covers over his lap, but Milo just let it all hang out as he glared at the
woman beside the bed.

“Cover up,” she snapped.
“This is my house, and I don’t really feel like it. Maybe you

should try knocking on the door from now on if you don’t want to see

Lark closed his eyes and bit his tongue to keep from laughing.

He’d never heard anyone talk to one of his aunts like that. Milo’s next
question had little snorts escaping his nose.

“How many of you hyenas are there anyway? I swear to the gods

I’ve counted ten this week, and that’s not including the seven that
showed up at the castle.”

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“Filthy mongrel,” Morigan groused under her breath. “Lark, your

aunts and I require a word with you.”

“No.” Lark’s amusement fled, and his eyes snapped open. “I know

what you wish to speak to me about, and I have no desire to hear it.”
Lark groaned internally. Since moving out on his own, he’d worked
hard to lose the formal speech his aunts insisted that he use. They said
it was proper. He called it boring and rigid.

“Lark.” Her voice became syrupy sweet. “We only worry about

you. Since your mother’s death, you’re all we have left of her. We
love you and only want what’s best for you.”

How many times had he fallen for that line? “No,” he said firmly.

“If you really want what’s best for me, you’d leave me alone with my
mate. Milo is more than capable of taking care of me and protecting
me. Why can’t you just accept him?”

“Because he is a vile beast!” his aunt snapped. “He is not your

true mate. Your mother would be ashamed of you.”

The mention of his mother was like a slap in the face. Lark felt the

sting of tears, and he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth to stop it
from trembling.

Milo had a decidedly opposite reaction. He threw himself off the

bed and stood towering over Morigan. “Leave,” he snarled.

“Watch yourself, mutt. You cannot kick me out of my nephew’s


“This is my house now as well, whether you like it or not. You

will not come into our home and say hurtful things to upset my mate.
You claim to love him, yet you have a shitty way of showing it. I
won’t tell you again. Get the fuck out!”

Morigan disappeared without another word.
Lark watched Milo shake with apparent rage as he stood beside

the bed and breathed deeply for several moments. When the trembling
had stopped, Milo turned and crawled back into bed. He slipped under
the covers and pulled Lark into his arms without a word.

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Curling into his mate’s chest, Lark squeezed his eyes closed in an

attempt to keep the tears at bay. It had been a long time since he’d
cried over the death of his mother.

Milo stroked his back and nuzzled his cheek against the top of

Lark’s head. “Do you want to talk about it, mikro?”

Lark shook his head rapidly. He’d eventually have to tell his mate

about his mother, but after Morigan had ripped the wound open and
left it bleeding, he couldn’t do it just then.

“I’m sorry she hurt you,” Milo whispered. The big shifter didn’t

give himself nearly enough credit. He was far better at comforting
Lark and making him feel safe and wanted than he realized.

Lark sniffed but didn’t let the tears fall. “Thank you for taking up

for me.”

“I’m just tired of your aunts cock blocking is all.” Milo made a

rumbling sound in his chest, and Lark had to roll his eyes.

The man was doing much better, but he still had that streak of

stubbornness. Sometimes it drove Lark crazy. One minute the man
was as snuggly as a teddy bear, and the next he was aloof and distant.
It was a constant roller-coaster ride being mated to Milo, but Lark
figured if he could stick it out through the downs, the ups would be
that much sweeter.

After years of living alone and flitting from one man to the next

with no emotional attachment, Lark knew their union had to be a big
adjustment for his mate. Milo wasn’t nearly as growly as he wanted
everyone to believe, though. In fact, he found some of Milo’s quirks
just plain adorable.

“Whatever you say, big guy,” he finally answered. He knew the

truth, though, and it went a long way in lifting his downtrodden mood.
He toyed with the little green pearl that hung around Milo’s neck.

His mate hadn’t removed it since the day Lark gave it to him—not

even to shower. So Milo could postulate all he wanted, but Lark
knew. Milo needed Lark, and more importantly, he wanted Lark to
need him.

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“When do you go back to work?” Lark felt sad all over again at

the thought of being left on his own. He liked having Milo all to
himself, but he’d known real life would eventually impose.

“Tomorrow.” Milo snuggled closer. Apparently, he was over his

growly mood. “I work third shift. Will you be okay here by yourself
all night?”

Lark rolled his eyes. “We live in Oak Lawn, Milo. The worst that

could happen is someone’s blow-dryer has a malfunction.” Lark had
specifically chosen the part of Dallas known as the “gayborhood”
when he’d been searching out a place to call home. He knew one day
he would bring a lover home, and he didn’t want to deal with
homophobic neighbors.

“I guess you’re right. I just don’t like the idea of you staying here

alone at night.”

“I’ve lived here for months now and spent every one of those

nights alone. I’m a big boy. I promise I’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Milo was back to being crabby. “I’m sorry for

wanting to take care of you.” Then he climbed out of bed and stalked
out of the room.

Lark sighed and dropped his head back to the pillow. A week ago,

he’d have been out of bed and chasing down his lover, apologizing for
whatever he did wrong—even if he didn’t know what it was. Now, he
knew better.

Milo had one of his little tantrums at least once a day. It never

lasted long, and he never apologized, but Lark had grown used to it.
Their spats always started with Lark asserting his independence. It all
went back to Milo wanting Lark to need him.

Lark did need his big mate, but he didn’t need a babysitter or a

champion. He just needed someone to care about him. He appreciated
that Milo felt protective of him, but the man had a tendency to go a bit
overboard. Lark had spent his entire life living by his aunts’ rules.
Now that he was on his own, he wanted a partner, an equal. He didn’t
always feel that way with Milo.

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As predicted, his lover strolled back into the room a few minutes

later, grinning from ear to ear as if nothing had happened. “I never did
ask you what it is you do.”

“I haven’t really decided that yet.” Lark shrugged at Milo’s arched

eyebrows. “My aunts never let me work. I’ve only been on my own
for a few months. I have enough money to live on for a long time. I
want to do something. I just haven’t figure out what.”

Milo eased down to the edge of the mattress. “Have you thought

about going to college?”

Lark shrugged again. “I graduated from a private school, but my

aunts said college would be a waste of time.”

“I didn’t ask what your aunts said. I asked what you thought.”

Milo growled and shoved a hand through his dark hair. “You don’t
have to live by their rules anymore.”

“Just yours,” Lark blurted before he could stop himself. Biting his

lip at his outburst, he looked down at his hands where they were fisted
in his lap. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“No. You’re right.” Milo stretched out beside him and sighed. “I

know I’ve been a bit overbearing.”

Lark snorted at the understatement.
Milo swatted his hip. “Let me finish, brat. I’ve never had anyone

need me. I’ve never had someone to take care of. I don’t have any
idea what I’m doing, but I do know that I don’t want to mess it up. So,
just cut me some slack, okay? I’ll find the balance, but right now I’d
rather err on the side of caution.”

“I understand.” Mostly he just didn’t want to argue. He could see

Milo’s point, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t get frustrated with the
man when he tried to treat him like a child. “I’m still going to tell you
when you’re acting like a gigantic pain in my ass, though.”

Milo chuckled and rolled over to kiss Lark’s belly. “I expect

nothing less.”

“So, what do you want to do tonight?”
“How about we go down to Station 4?”

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“What’s that?” Lark tilted his head to the side and wrinkled his


“It’s a club. We can get a couple of drinks and maybe dance a

little. You’ll have fun.”

“Do you go there a lot?” Lark didn’t like the spark of jealousy he

felt. Those countless men Milo had ushered into his bed were the past.
He shouldn’t be jealous over something he had no control over.

“It’s not my favorite place,” Milo hedged.
“Where is your favorite place?” Crap, he should just drop it, but

he couldn’t.

“Uh, I spend a lot of time at The Edge.”
“Then I want to go there.”
“Babe, you really don’t. It’s a little…well, I don’t think you’d like

it there. Maybe we can just go out to dinner and catch a movie
instead. How does that sound?”

It sounded like a diversion to Lark. “I want to go to The Edge.”
Milo closed his eyes and groaned. “Lark, I just don’t th—”
Lark threw the blankets back and jumped out of bed. “I’m going

to shower, and I expect you ready to go in half an hour. If you don’t
want to take me, that’s fine. I’ll go by myself.”

Rolling to his back, Milo threw his arm over his face and growled.

“I’ll be ready to go, but didn’t you already take a shower?”

“Yes, but I need another one.” With a haughty sniff, Lark left.

* * * *

“Stop fidgeting.”
“I can’t help it!”
Milo rolled his eyes and pulled Lark across the parking lot. Why

he’d agreed to bring the man to The Edge was beyond him. Well, that
wasn’t true. He’d agreed because he knew Lark would make good on
his threat and go without him. Milo knew exactly what went on in the

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bar, and no way in hell would he let his mate set foot in the place

He should have just kept his stupid mouth closed. With all the talk

Lark did about getting out on his own and experiencing the world,
Milo assumed the man had at least been to a gay club since he moved
to Dallas. Once he realized his mistake, it had been too late to take it

“Oh. My. Gods.” Lark’s jaw came unhinged as they stepped

through the doors and into the dimly lit bar. It wasn’t as big or as nice
as some of the clubs downtown. That didn’t bother Milo. There was
only one reason he came to The Edge.

He kept a tight grip on Lark’s hand as he dragged him past the

dance floor and to the battered oak bar. There were only four men
dancing on that little wooden spot in the corner. Each one of them
completely nude and wrapping themselves around shiny poles in a
number of lurid ways.

Lark couldn’t take his eyes off of them. “I see why you come here

so much.”

The dancers were nice, but that wasn’t the reason Milo frequented

the bar. They’d almost reached the bar set in the back corner when
three men stepped in front of him. “Hello, Milo,” the first guy purred
as he began rubbing against him. “I didn’t see you last weekend.”

“I was out of town,” Milo answered roughly as he pushed the guy

away. And there was the reason he came to The Edge every weekend
and sometimes during the week. There was never a shortage of
attractive men willing and wanting just one hour with him.

“We missed you,” the second guy whined. “We didn’t have

anyone to play with.”

Milo didn’t know the men’s names. Hell, he couldn’t even

remember if he’d taken one or more of them home, or if he’d just let
them suck him off in one of the dark corners of the bar.

He tried to push past them again, but they moved with him,

forming a barricade between him and the bar. Glancing over his

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shoulder, he found Lark still glued to the gyrating men on the dance
floor. Maybe with any luck he could get rid of his admirers before his
mate noticed.

The third guy, and the biggest of the trio, pushed up against him

and grabbed at Milo’s crotch. “Come play with us.” Milo decided
then that he’d never taken any of these men back to his place. Not
only were they not his type physically, but they were too needy.

“Move,” Milo snarled.
“Oh, we like it rough.” The smallest of the three moaned and gave

a visible shiver of delight.

Milo had a temper, and he didn’t let himself form emotional

attachments, but he wasn’t violent by nature. If the assholes didn’t
stop groping at him, he might need to rethink his position on that.
Pulling Lark forward, he wrapped an arm around his mate’s shoulders
and held him close to his side. “Move,” he repeated.

All three sets of eyes bugged out, and their mouths dropped open.

“Who is this? You never bring anyone with you,” the first guy said

“Things change. Now get the fuck out of my way before you piss

me off.”

He should have known it wouldn’t be that easy. “We’ll share,” the

third guy finally replied. “He’s cute.”

“He’s mine.” Milo barely sounded human, even to his own ears.

This had been such a bad idea. “Lark, let’s leave.”

Lark’s small hand reached up to stroke Milo’s chest. “Let’s get a

drink first. These guys were just leaving, anyway.” He smiled coldly
at the trio. “Weren’t you?”

The second guy smiled right back. “You’ll be gone before the

morning. We can wait until next weekend. Everyone knows you only
get one round with Milo.”

Milo wanted a hole to open up in the floor and devour him. It

wasn’t that the things said about him weren’t true, but he didn’t like

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having it all laid out to Lark like that. His mate knew about his past,
but it wasn’t right to rub it in his face.

Before Milo could get angry, Lark spoke again. “Is that so?” He

tilted his head to the side and smirked at the men. Then he turned and
molded himself to Milo’s chest. “Can we go home now?”

Milo lifted his mate into his arms and kissed his lips. “We can go

anywhere you want. How about dinner?”

Lark smiled and nodded. “I’d like that. I think you were right.

This place isn’t for me.”

“I know, mikro. I don’t think this place is for me anymore, either.”

Milo had been wound tight and nervous since the minute they stepped
foot inside the place. A place he had once ruled now held little appeal
to him. What did he need with nameless strangers when he had
something so perfect in his arms?

“You’re leaving?”
“Did you say home?”
“Dinner? Like a date?”
Milo ignored the triad and kissed Lark again. “Let’s go.” He

started to put his lover down, but Lark clung to him like a leech. “Uh,

“This place is disgusting. I’m going to have to trash these shoes

when I get home, and they’re brand new.”

Milo laughed all the way out the door with his mate still wrapped

up in his arms.

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Howl and Harmony


Chapter Six

“Oh, wow.” Lark leaned against the bedroom door and licked his

lips. “You are definitely giving me fantasies here.”

Milo finished tucking in the shirt of his blue uniform and grinned

mischievously. “You like a man in uniform, baby?”

“Nope.” Lark shook his head. “But I like you in uniform. Yum!”
Milo chuckled as he crossed the room to drop a quick kiss on the

top of Lark’s head. “I promise to give you mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation if you begin feeling short of breath.”

Humming happily, Lark rubbed against his big mate. “How about


“I have to get to work, short stuff. I’ll be home before you wake

up in the morning.” He kissed Lark’s head again. “Keep the bed warm
for me.”

“Your job isn’t dangerous is it?”
“Nah.” Milo stepped back and cupped Lark’s cheek. “Don’t worry

so much.”

“Okay, then I hope you have a good night at work. I’m going to

read for a little while and crash early.”

“Are you sure you’re okay here alone?”
Lark rolled his eyes. If Milo asked him that one more time he was

going to scream. “I like having you around, big guy. That doesn’t
mean I can’t take care of myself for a few hours.”

He expected Milo to get pissy like he always did, but instead, the

man just laughed. “I know you can. I like having you around, too, so
try to stay out of trouble while I’m gone.” He tilted his head to the
side and frowned. “Do you have any friends?”

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“Do you?” Lark countered. It wasn’t that he didn’t want friends.

He just wasn’t good with meeting people.

“One or two, believe it or not. You should try to make some


“I’ll work on it,” Lark said to pacify his lover. “Now get out of

here before you’re late to work. I have your cell phone number, three
different hospital numbers, and the number to the ambulance service.
I know how to reach you if something happens.”

Milo looked like he would say something, but instead, he shook

his head and smiled. “I know you’ll be fine. I’ll see you in the

After Milo left, Lark went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

He wasn’t exactly hungry, but he hadn’t had anything all day. His
poor appetite was another thing his mate liked to nag him about. That,
along with the fact that Milo felt Lark was too skinny. Lark hadn’t
said anything to his lover, but he was growing concerned as well.

Since arriving home from Scotland, he’d barely managed to eat

anything and actually keep it down. He’d also lost four pounds in the
week since Milo had moved in with him. He wasn’t susceptible to
illness like the flu. Besides, he didn’t really feel sick. He just wasn’t
ever hungry.

“He is stealing your song,” a soft feminine voice said from behind


Lark closed his eyes and breathed deeply for a full minute before

he felt calm enough to face his aunt. Opening his eyes, he closed the
refrigerator door and turned slowly to face his Aunt Morigan. “Twice
in twenty-four hours? Don’t you have someone else’s life to ruin?”
He felt a twinge of guilt at speaking so coldly to his aunt, but the pain
of their last conversation still hung heavy in his heart.

“I’m sorry for the things I said.”
Lark’s eyes widened. His aunts never apologized.

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“It was cruel of me to speak about your mother that way. I was

wrong as well. Serena would have been so proud of you. I know I

“I don’t want to talk about Mom.” It hurt too much. Gods, he

missed her so much. Almost a hundred years, and he could still
remember exactly what her voice sounded like, the way her hair
shone in the sunlight, the sweet smell of her perfume. He remembered
it all. It wasn’t that he wanted to forget her, but sometimes he thought
it would be better than the constant pain his memories brought him.

“He is stealing your song,” Morigan repeated.
“I don’t even know what that means. How can he steal my song? I

sing all the time.”

Morigan stepped closer and placed her hand against the side of

Lark’s neck. “Not the song here.” Her hand moved to rest over his
heart. “But the song here.”

Lark sighed and dropped his chin to his chest. “He makes me

happy, so I don’t see how that can be right.”

“He is not your true mate.”
“He is!” Lark’s head snapped up, and he glared at his aunt. “We

have the same birthday. We’re the same age. The pearl glowed when I
gave it to him. He is mine!”

“Does it glow when you sing?”
That brought him up short. Milo asked him to sing almost every

night, but he couldn’t remember the pearl glowing even once.

“See, my love? You are meant for another.” Morigan sighed and

wrapped him up in her arms. “We tried to protect you, Lark. I know
you think we’re nosey and intrusive, but it was for your own good. If
you continue to give your body to anyone but your true mate, your
song will die. It laments the act and sees it as a betrayal to its missing

Lark rested his head on his aunt’s shoulder and moaned. “Why

didn’t you ever tell me?”

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“It wasn’t an issue until you decided to move away from us. I’m

sorry, sweetheart.”

The thought of giving up Milo felt like someone was ripping his

insides out through his belly button. “We can’t be apart. The elders
gave specific instructions.”

“We’ve spoken with Elder Swanson. He will be here tomorrow to

break the spell.”

“What?” Lark pushed away from his aunt and began shaking his

head. “No! You can’t do that. I might not love Milo yet, but he’s my

“There is nothing more to discuss,” Morigan said with a tone of

finality. “I will return tomorrow with the elder.”

She disappeared, leaving Lark alone and miserable. Shuffling

down the hallway, he entered his bedroom and climbed into bed
without even removing his clothes. Pulling the blankets up over his
head, he closed his eyes and prayed he’d wake up the next morning to
find it had all been a dream.

* * * *

Cold to the bone and utterly exhausted, Milo stripped out of his

uniform and crawled under the covers behind Lark. He pulled his
mate into his arms, just needing to feel the man and know he was

Lark hissed and squirmed until he faced Milo. “You’re freezing.”
“Sorry, baby.” Milo kissed Lark’s forehead. “Just needed to hold


“Bad night at work?”
“Something like that.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Milo tucked Lark’s head under his chin and held him tighter. “Six

car pileup on the toll road. Three people died before we could even

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get there. One was a five-year-old little girl with the most beautiful
blonde hair.”

“Oh, Milo.” Lark sniffed and cuddled closer. “I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you.” It wasn’t the first time Milo had come home with

his heart bleeding because he’d lost a life. It was the first time he had
someone to share the pain with, though. “Thank you,” he repeated.

Lark rested his head on Milo’s shoulder and started to sing. Every

muscle in Milo’s body began to relax, his eyelids grew heavy, and
some of the heartache melted away. But he wasn’t ready to let go yet.
“Please, stop,” he whispered. “I need to remember.”

“There is nothing you could have done, and torturing yourself

isn’t going to help anyone. I can’t take those memories away, Milo.
But I can help you relax enough to sleep until you’re ready to deal
with them.” Then he started singing again.

Milo didn’t argue. How could he when the simple sound of Lark’s

voice soothed him like nothing had or ever could? Lark’s voice
sounded a bit raspier than usual. Maybe it was because Milo had
woken him from sleep? And was it his imagination, or did Lark feel
even thinner than usual?

“Lark, what’s going on?”
“I’m singing to you.”
“You’re shaking.” He hadn’t noticed it at first, but the longer Lark

sang, the more his body trembled.

“Just cold is all.”
Milo wasn’t buying it. Rolling away from his lover, he studied

Lark carefully. The first rays of morning drifted through the part in
the curtains and bathed his mate’s body. Lark looked paler than usual
and much thinner. His cheeks were hollow, his face drawn, and dark
circles smudged the delicate skin under his eyes. Even his hair looked
limp and lifeless. Had he looked that bad before Milo left for work?
How could he have just left Lark like that?

Mikro, what’s happening to you?”
“You’re killing him.”

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Milo growled and looked up at the woman standing beside the

bed. Lark had so many fucking aunts he couldn’t remember which
one she was, but he hated them all. “Get out.”

She turned without a word and glided out of the room. Milo knew

it was too much to hope that she’d listened to him. Within minutes,
she returned with Elder Swanson and three other women by her side.
“Break the spell,” she demanded.

“What?” Milo jumped to his feet and began snarling. “What the

fuck do you think you’re doing? He’s mine!”

“And just look what you’re doing to him!” one of the women

screeched. “If you really care about him, you’ll leave him alone.”

Milo felt the blood drain from his face as he turned to look at his

mate. Had he done that to Lark? “Baby?”

With what looked like a lot of effort, Lark struggled out of bed

and stood on wobbly legs. Milo caught him in his arms before he
could fall and cradled him against his chest. “Lark?”

“I’m fine,” Lark whispered. “Can’t let them take you away.” His

eyelids drooped a little, and his head slumped against Milo’s
shoulder. “Don’t let them do it.”

“Did I do this?” Milo swallowed around the lump in his throat. If

he’d done this to his mate, there was no way he’d fight Lark’s aunts
on this.

Lark shook his head. “Don’t know what’s wrong, but it’s not your

fault.” His words became softer as he spoke. “You can’t let them,

One of the women cleared her throat and stepped forward to stand

beside the elder. “Should I begin?” she asked.

Milo’s attention snapped to her then to Elder Swanson as a war

raged inside him. Did he let them take Lark from him? He wanted to
be selfish and keep the man for himself, but how could he do that if
he really was killing his mate?

No. For once in his miserable life, he needed to do what was best

for someone besides himself. He’d sworn to protect Lark. If that

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meant letting him go, then so be it. “Do it,” he whispered as he
nuzzled his cheek against the top of Lark’s head. “I’m sorry, baby. I
can’t watch you suffer because of me.”

One week. It had taken only one week for Lark to break through

every wall Milo had constructed. What would happen in another
week? A month? A year? He’d never know, and it caused an ache in
his chest that made it hard to breathe.

He pulled the necklace over his head and placed it in Lark’s palm.

It didn’t belong to him anymore.

Lark held it up and shook it. “I gave this to you, Milo Gavari. I

don’t want it back. Am I really so dispensable that you’re just going
to give up like this?”

“What do you want me to do, Lark? I won’t keep hurting you.”
“You’re not hurting me.” Lark shook the necklace at him again. “I

don’t know what’s going on, but it has no—”

He cut off abruptly and stared down at the small pearl in his palm.

His eyes narrowed into slits, and he turned his head slowly to glare at
his aunts. “This is not mine.” He tossed the necklace to the floor.
“Where is it?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Lark,” the redhead said sweetly. “You’re

just sick right now. Of course that’s your necklace.”

“I’ve worn that necklace every day for over a hundred years. I

know what it looks like, and that’s not it. Where. Is. It?”

Elder Swanson cleared his throat. “Drea, is this true?”
Milo started to growl. He could tell just by the look on the

woman’s face that her answer would be yes. He didn’t know what it
meant, or why’d they’d replaced the pearl, but he imagined it related
directly to Lark’s declining health.

“It was for his own good,” she defended herself.
Milo growled louder. “You tried to take his mate away from him.

You almost fucking killed him! And it was for his own good?” Milo
took a menacing step forward, Lark still clutched in his arms. “You
vile, manipulative, lying bitch!”

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“How else were we supposed to get him away from you?” she


Milo felt his teeth elongate, and his muscles flexed as his hound

howled to be released. He couldn’t even form coherent words
anymore. It took every ounce of self-control he had not to drop Lark
to the mattress and launch himself at the woman.

“Give him to me,” another of the aunts insisted and stepped


Milo snarled, his upper lip curling over his razor-sharp teeth. She

dropped her hands and jumped back immediately. It wasn’t good
enough, though. They were all still too close to his mate. His hound
had completely taken over, and all it knew was these people had
harmed his mate and now wanted to take him away.

A tiny hand began stroking his chest, and the most beautiful sound

in the world reached his ears, penetrating the red haze of his anger.
Milo stopped snarling and rubbed his cheek against Lark’s head
again. His shifter practically rolled over and wagged its tail. A soft
rumbling began in his chest—a happy sound that grew louder the
more Lark stroked him and sang to him.

“I suggest you give him back his pearl,” Elder Swanson said


Milo managed to beat his hound back enough to remember what

was going on. It only pissed him off again.

Lark sang a little louder, and Milo calmed again immediately. “I

think you should listen to the elder,” Lark said without looking away
from Milo. Then he went right back to singing.

A moment later, one of Lark’s aunts stepped forward, and Milo

growled viciously at her. Lark held his hand out, and she dropped the
necklace into his palm and hurried back to the other side of the room.
“I think this belongs to you.” Lark smiled sweetly and reached up to
drape it over Milo’s head.

The tiny pearl began to glow in that beautiful shade of green,

growing brighter and pulsing as Lark continued to sing. Milo watched

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in amazement as his mate’s skin returned to his soft peaches-and-
cream color, his hair began to shine, and the darkness disappeared
from beneath his eyes.

“If you ever try to take him from me again—if you ever hurt him

again—I promise it will be the last time you ever see him.” Milo
glanced up at the people still gathered in his bedroom. “Now get out.”

“Lark, do you wish to file a formal complaint against your aunts?”

Elder Swanson glared at the women before returning his attention to
Lark and smiling encouragingly.

Lark’s eyebrows drew together, and it took a long time for him to

answer. “She’s a witch, right?” He pointed toward the woman
standing apart from the rest of them.

“Yes.” The elder tilted his head to the side in confusion. “Why do

you ask?”

“I don’t want to file a complaint. They’re my family, and no

matter what they’ve done, I still love them.” He took a deep breath
and let it out slowly. “I don’t like that they feel they have the right to
just pop into my house whenever the mood strikes. I also think it’s
going to be a while before I feel like seeing them.” He turned his head
toward his aunts. “I love you, but I can’t trust you right now.”

“Lark, what are you saying?” All three aunts looked sad and a

little fearful.

Lark pointed toward the witch. “Can she cast a barrier

enchantment to keep everyone out unless we invite them in?”

“Oh, I can do that.” The witch smiled brightly and then turned to

stick her tongue out at Lark’s aunts. “Hateful old hags,” she muttered
under her breath.

Milo liked her instantly.
“Elder?” the witch asked.
Elder Swanson grinned at the aunts, though it didn’t look very

warm. “I think it’s an excellent idea.” He nodded toward Milo and
Lark before ushering everyone out of the room. “Good day,

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Milo squeezed Lark against his chest. “Yes, baby? What is it?

Whatever you want, you can have it.”

Lark giggled, and Milo thought he’d pass out from the joy of it. “I

was just going to say I’m starving.”

Milo dropped Lark to the mattress and raced out of the room

toward the kitchen as his mate’s laughter rang throughout the house.
He still didn’t know how the necklace was related to Lark’s earlier
condition, but he wouldn’t worry about it yet. Lark would explain it to
him soon enough. For now, Milo didn’t want to talk about anything

Once he had his mate fed, rested, and possibly even ravished, then

they could talk about what had transpired in their bedroom.
Somehow, he doubted they’d seen the last of Lark’s aunts. They
didn’t seem like the type of women who gave up easily.

“Would you stop thinking so much?” Lark drifted into the kitchen

and hopped up on the counter beside him. He leaned over and brushed
his lips against the underside of Milo’s jaw. “Thank you.”

“For putting me first. Even though it meant that you’d have to let

me go, you were willing to break the bond to keep me safe. So, thank

Milo moved between Lark’s spread knees and wrapped his arms

around him. Resting his chin on top of his mate’s head, he closed his
eyes and smiled. “I’ll admit that I have purely selfish motives in
wanting to keep you safe.”

“Mmm?” Lark skimmed his nose up the column of Milo’s throat.
His head began to swim, and his naked cock swelled, pressing

uncomfortably against the counter. “Uh…”

“Yes?” He could hear the smile in Lark’s voice. “You were


Milo growled, snatched his mate up, and ran them back to the

bedroom. He dove on the bed, rolling so that Lark landed on top of

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him. Palming the back of his lover’s head, he urged Lark to his

“Are you trying to distract me?”
Was he? Milo couldn’t even remember what they’d been talking

about around the throbbing of his dick. “No more talking.”

Lark huffed and rolled his eyes before a smile spread over his lips.

“I guess I can live with that.”

Out of his mind with lust, Milo began pulling at Lark’s clothes,

ripping them in some places in his desperate need for skin. Lark
squeaked and bolted off him like he’d been electrocuted. “Uh, Lark?”

Lark shook his head. “I have to take a shower.”
“What? Now?” Milo gripped the base of his cock and groaned.

“Babe, c’mon. I’m dying here.”

“I’ll be fast.” Then he disappeared into the bathroom.
Utterly confused and a lot frustrated, Milo rolled off the bed and

followed his mate. There was no rule saying they both couldn’t have
what they wanted at the same time.

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Chapter Seven

Trying to hurry, Lark jumped into the shower before the water had

time to heat. His teeth chattering, he grabbed the soap and began
scrubbing his body from head to toe.

The glass door slid open, and Milo stepped in behind him.

“Motherfucker!” He wrapped his arms around Lark and spun him
around so that his big body blocked the icy spray. “I rather like your
bits and pieces. Are you trying to freeze them off?”

Smiling like an idiot, Lark stepped closer and rubbed against his

mate, grinding his hard cock into Milo’s thigh. Damn, the man was
huge. “Everything is still very much intact, Mr. Gavari.”

Milo’s hands began roaming his body, and Lark actually purred.

He loved the feel of those big, strong hands touching him. “You’re all
wet and slippery.” Milo whimpered, and Lark thought it was the
cutest thing he’d ever heard.

“Need you, big guy.”
Milo pulled him closer then shook his head and pushed him back.

Then he pulled him closer again as though he couldn’t help himself.
He shook his head once more and eased Lark away from him.

The next time Milo reached for him, Lark burst into laughter. “Do

you plan to make up your mind any time soon?”

His mate frowned at him. “You look healthy.”
“Umm, yes?” Lark tilted his head to the side. “What’s the problem


“You looked like death a few minutes ago.”
“Wow, aren’t you just sweet with the compliments.”

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Milo’s frown deepened. “I thought you were going to die, and

now you look as healthy as ever. I want you, but I don’t want to hurt

“You’re cute.” Lark rubbed himself against Milo’s chest again.

“I’m perfectly fine, babe. I feel great in fact.”

“Why is that? I’m guessing it has to do with this.” Milo fingered

the pearl around his neck. “I don’t get it, though.”

Lark sighed. “You want to talk about that now?” He wrapped his

fingers around Milo’s impressive erection and stroked him. “I’ll
explain everything later. Please?” Lark was about to lose his damn
mind. His dick throbbed, his balls ached, and his asshole clenched
greedily. “I really, really need you.”

“That much, huh?” Milo grinned and turned Lark toward the cold

wall of the shower stall.

Lark pressed his palms flat against the tiles to brace himself and

stuck his bottom out, wiggling it invitingly. The water had finally
warmed, and it beat against his back, chasing away the chill. Milo’s
hands skimmed down Lark’s back and over his upturned ass, sending
Lark from warm to overheated in seconds flat.

“Why can’t I ever tell you no?” Milo covered Lark’s back,

whispering his lips down the back of Lark’s neck and across his

“You tell me no all the time,” Lark argued breathlessly.
Instead of arguing back, Milo went back to kissing and nibbling at

Lark’s skin, leaving a trail of liquid heat down his spine. “So soft,” he
breathed, his palms running up Lark’s sides then down his chest.

“Please,” Lark begged, wiggling his ass against Milo’s groin.

Though it had been less than twenty-four hours, it felt like forever
since Milo had touched him like this.

Strong fingers wrapped around his leaking cock and stroked him

in a loose grip from base to crown. Milo’s lips never paused in their
assault on Lark’s neck and shoulders. Arching his back, Lark pumped

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into his mate’s fist, trying to get more friction. Milo was teasing him,
and Lark was about to go insane.

The soft snick of a bottle cap sounded over the drum of the water

seconds before a slick finger parted his cheeks and began ringing his
tight pucker. “Since when do we have lube in the shower?”

“Since you insist on always showering before we fuck. I grabbed

a bottle of waterproof lube when we stopped to get the other slick
after our dinner date.”

Lark didn’t remember Milo buying anything extra at the

drugstore. Then that thick finger pushed inside his hole, and Lark
couldn’t even remember his own name. “Milo!”

“Mmm, love how you say my name. Again, baby.” Milo sawed

his finger in and out of Lark’s passage while he sucked Lark’s earlobe
into his mouth and nibbled at it. “Not too sore?”

“More!” Lark demanded. No, he wasn’t sore. He could understand

Milo’s concern considering he’d been a virgin before their mating and
the fact that they’d been going at it like rabbits for a week straight.
Milo was his other half, though. Lark’s body had been specifically
designed for the big, burly shifter. Nothing in Milo’s touch would
ever be uncomfortable for him.

A second finger pushed into his hole, and Milo’s other hand

tightened around Lark’s aching cock. Lark managed to last long
enough for Milo to get three fingers pumping in and out of his hungry
hole before the need became too much to fight. “Fuck me,” he
whimpered, rolling his forehead against the tiles as his arms and legs
began to tremble.

Milo extracted his fingers, and Lark whimpered at the emptiness.

Then two fingers shoved back in roughly and nailed his prostate. Lark
screamed, cum shot from his cock, and his legs shook so violently he
would have fallen to the tub if Milo hadn’t caught him around the

His lover spun him quickly, and Lark yelped when he was lifted

into his mate’s strong arms. Milo stepped out of the shower with Lark

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wrapped around him, stumbled a few steps, and ended up pinning
Lark to the bathroom wall.

Their mouths met in a heated duel of lips and tongues as Lark

writhed and moaned like a needy slut. It didn’t embarrass him,
though. That’s exactly what he felt like. His erection never flagged,
and each thrust of his hips sent his throbbing length gliding over the
corrugated expanse of Milo’s abs.

Lifting him away from the wall, Milo stepped out of the

bathroom, but they never made it to the bed. Ending up on the floor in
a tangle of legs and arms, they rolled a few times until Milo hovered
above him with Lark’s legs wrapped around his waist. Another snick
of the bottle cap, and cool lube dripped down his crease. Lark didn’t
know how Milo had remained coherent enough to think to grab it, but
he was damn grateful for the fact.

The blunt tip of Milo’s cock pressed against his needy hole,

slipped through the muscles, and slid home in one slow plunge. Lark
arched his back and pushed his hips upward to take Milo deeper. His
mate growled, buried his face in Lark’s neck, and began a fast and
furious pace.

His forceful thrust sent them scooting across the carpet, but Lark

couldn’t have cared less. His head whipped back and forth, his fingers
scrambled for purchase against Milo’s slick shoulders, and cries of
ecstasy poured from his panting mouth.

Milo rolled them until Lark straddled his hips, his cock still balls

deep inside Lark’s clenching channel. He held Lark’s hips in a tight
grip, planted his feet on the floor, and thrust up into him like a wild

It only lasted a few minutes before Lark found himself rolled once

more, and his back pressed into the carpeted floor. Milo was really
having trouble making up his mind. First the incident in the shower,
and now this—Lark’s was getting dizzy with all the indecisiveness.
Then Milo’s next hard thrust pegged his prostate, and Lark decided to
just go with it.

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Craning his neck, he screamed over and over as his balls drew

tight to his body and endless ropes of semen erupted from his cock to
bathe his chest and belly.

“Can’t. Need. More.” Milo growled the words, sounding more

animal than man. His hips snapped harder, faster, almost brutal in his
assault on Lark’s convulsing hole. “Deeper. Can’t get deeper.”

Looking into Milo’s frantic eyes, Lark could see the fear in those

deep blue depths. Whatever had come over Milo, he couldn’t control
himself, and it scared the shit out of his mate. With Milo always
hovering over him, so protective and gentle, this hard and demanding
tempo was probably tearing him up inside.

Lark didn’t know how to help, though. It was obvious his lover

needed to come—wouldn’t be able to control himself until he did.
There were only two things Lark could think of, and without enough
blood in his brain to pick one, he went with both.

Turning his head, he bared his throat to his mate and palmed the

back of Milo’s head to urge him closer. “Claim me.”

“Mine!” Milo roared loud enough to shake the windows before

sinking his canines into the tender flesh of Lark’s neck.

Harder, faster, he pillaged Lark’s body, slamming his cock into

Lark’s tunnel in a frenzied rhythm. Lark’s entire body felt like it had
been zapped by lightning. His cock pulsated, his balls churned, and
just before he came again, he began to sing.

It wasn’t really a song, more of a stuttering hum, but it was the

best he could do as his third orgasm ripped through him and made his
lungs burn with lack of oxygen. It seemed to be just what his mate
needed, though. Milo extracted his fangs and howled out to the
heavens as scorching lava splashed against Lark’s inner walls.

After what felt like one long, eternal climax, they both slumped to

the floor, sweaty, panting, and exhausted. Milo eased out of Lark’s
twitching entrance and sprawled out beside him. “Holy shit,” he

Lark nodded dazedly. “You can say that again.”

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“What the fuck just happened?”
“I have no idea.”
Without warning, Milo shot up into a sitting position and dragged

Lark into his lap. He petted and stroked him, peppering kisses over
Lark’s face. “Oh, baby. Oh, mikro. I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Did I
hurt you? Fuck!”

Lark smiled warmly and kissed Milo’s lips to stop the man’s

babbling apologies. “I’m completely fine, big guy. I’m not as fragile
as I look, and I have never come that hard in my life. Don’t ruin it by
feeling guilty.”

Milo snorted and tucked Lark’s head under his chin. “That’s not

saying a lot since your first orgasm was only a week ago.”

Lark rolled his eyes. “I had orgasms before I met you, Mr.


His mate’s chest vibrated as he growled possessively. It only

made Lark giggle. “Oh, calm down. They were all self-induced, I
assure you. Besides, you’re being a filthy hypocrite.”

Milo sighed and rubbed his cheek against the top of Lark’s head.

“I know, and I’m sorry. I have no right to feel jealous after the
number of men I’ve f—uh, yeah. None of them mattered, though. It’s
so different with you.”

Patting his lover’s chest, Lark placed a soft kiss against the side of

Milo’s neck. “I know, babe. That’s because you’re mine.”

“I think I like that.”
Lark smiled and kissed Milo’s neck again. “I thought you might.”

* * * *

“You’re leaving again?”
Milo chuckled at his mate’s pouty expression. “That’s kind of

how a job works, baby.”

“Yeah, I know.” Lark sighed and flopped down on the sofa. He

pointed the remote at the television and jabbed violently at the

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buttons. “So, when is your next day off? Do you always work third
shift?” He sounded grumbly, and Milo found it cute as hell.

Easing onto the cushion beside his lover, Milo took the remote

from his hand and hit the mute button. “Want to tell me what this is
all about?”

“Not really.” Lark wouldn’t look at him.
The man had practically shoved him out the door the previous

night, so what had happened in the last twenty-four hours? “Lark,
look at me.”

With an exasperated sigh, Lark flopped around on the sofa and

stared at him. “What?”

“Talk to me. You were very clear that you’d be fine here on your

own while I was at work. So, what’s changed since last night? I’m
trying to keep up, but you’re making my head spin.”

“Nothing has changed.” Lark dropped his head to the back of the

sofa and stared up at the ceiling. “I’m fine. Go to work.”

“Fine.” Milo stood and smoothed the wrinkles out of his uniform.

“I’ll see you in the morning.” He grabbed his bag, dropped a kiss on
Lark’s forehead, and started for the door.

“Yes, Lark?” Milo paused with his hand on the doorknob, but

didn’t turn around.

“I’m sorry, yeah?”
With a wry smile and a shake of his head, Milo hurried back

across the room and kissed Lark’s plump lips. “Wouldn’t it be easier
if you just talked to me?”

“Probably.” Lark smiled that special smile that made Milo’s

stomach flutter. “I’m okay here by myself, but I miss you when
you’re gone. Is that weird after little more than a week?”

“Not at all.” Milo rubbed their noses together. “Everything is new

and exciting right now. Give it another week, and you’ll be kicking
my ass out the door when it’s time for me to go to work.”

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Lark chuckled. “We’ll see. You didn’t answer my question,

though. Do you always work third shifts? And when do you have a
day off?”

“I only work part-time, sweetheart. I don’t need the money, but I

like my job. Yes, I normally work third shift, but it’s only three days a
week. I can try to switch shifts if you want.”

Lark considered it for a moment, his eyebrows drawing together

as he chewed on his lower lip. “Do you like the night shift more?”

Milo knew he had to be honest. “Yes.”
His lover bobbed his head slowly. “Then keep your schedule. I

want you to be happy.”

“So are we okay now?” Milo was cutting it close as it was, but he

didn’t want to leave until he knew everything was fine between him
and Lark.

“We’re fine. I was just feeling a little needy and selfish. Go to

work, babe.” He kissed Milo’s lips. “I’ll see you in the morning. Try
not to freeze me to death this time.”

Milo was still smiling like an idiot as he backed his pickup out of

the drive and headed to work.

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Chapter Eight

As they neared the end of March, Milo began giving serious

thought to quitting his job. Every morning when he came home after a
shift, he’d find Lark shivering under the blankets and whimpering in
his sleep. Though he bounced back quickly, Lark always appeared
pale and exhausted when Milo would first climb into bed.

Each time he’d ask Lark what was wrong, but never did he receive

a reply past his mate’s assurances that he was fine. Milo wasn’t
stupid, though. Whatever was going on, Lark definitely wasn’t fine,
and his health seemed to have a direct correlation with Milo’s

During Milo’s days off, his lover looked healthy and radiant.

While Lark always regained his rosy complexion quickly after Milo’s
return, the three days a week when he had to be away from his mate,
Lark looked strained and pinched.

Dragging himself to the bedroom after a grueling twelve-hour

shift, Milo stood beside the bed and looked his mate over critically as
he began peeling off his uniform. As he’d expected, Lark’s cheeks
looked hollow, his face was pale, and dark smudges marred the skin
under his sunken eyes.

Once undressed, he knelt beside the bed, careful not to wake his

lover, and gently stroked Lark’s dark curls back from his face. Right
before his eyes, Lark’s features began to fill out, the color returned to
his cheeks, and the dark circles faded. The harsh quality of his
breathing lessened, the almost silent whimpers subsided, and the
shivering ceased.

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His suspicions confirmed, Milo brushed his lips over Lark’s

forehead and slipped into the bathroom to wash the last twelve
miserable hours away. As the hot water rushed over his head and
cascaded down his back, Milo closed his eyes and groaned.

He loved his job, and he was damn good at it. Nothing was more

important to him than Lark’s safety and happiness, though. Knowing
that he’d done something to cause his mate pain felt like a hot poker
to his stomach.

The shower door slid open, and a sleepy-looking Lark climbed in

behind him, instantly molding himself to Milo’s back. “Good
morning, babe. How was work?”

Lark’s concern for him twisted his gut further. How many times

had he screwed up since meeting the little siren in Scotland? And how
many times had Lark forgiven him or overlooked his idiocy? The
answer to both was simple—too many times.

Turning slowly, he pulled Lark against his chest and just held him.

He’d like to give a two-week notice, but it just wasn’t an option. He
couldn’t bear coming home again to find Lark like he had that

“Work was fine. Tonight’s my last night.”
“What?” Lark leaned away to look up into his eyes. “Why? Milo,

you love your job. Why would you want to quit?”

“Because it’s hurting you,” he whispered.
Lark shook his head firmly. “I’m fine. It took a little while to get

used to sleeping alone, but that’s all. You’re not quitting your job
because of me.”

Without answering, Milo cleaned and rinsed his mate, shut off the

water, and stepped out of the shower. He dried himself quickly before
grabbing another fluffy towel from the cabinet and using it to blot
away the water from Lark’s skin and hair. Then he lifted his mate into
his arms, carried him to the bedroom, and placed him gently in the
center of the bed.

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Lark looked up at him with concern as he burrowed under the

blankets and held up one side for Milo to slip in beside him. “What’s
really going on?” he asked once Milo was in bed with him.

“I could ask you the same thing. Every time I come home from

work, you’re pale, shaky, and look like you haven’t slept or eaten in a
week. Five minutes after I’m here, you’re right as rain. Does it hurt?
Does it last the whole time I’m gone?”

Lark ducked his head and cuddled against Milo’s chest. “It hurts a

little,” he admitted quietly. “It doesn’t really start until about three or
four hours after you leave. It’s not so bad, though. Like you said, once
you’re home, I feel perfectly fine.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Milo rested his cheek against the top of

Lark’s head and closed his eyes.

“Because I knew you’d overreact like you’re doing now. It’s only

three nights a week, Milo. It’s not a big deal. Please, don’t quit your

Milo snorted. What a ridiculous request. He’d just found out that

his mate had been suffering for at least eight hours while he’d been at
work, and the man honestly expected him not to quit? “Do you know
why you get sick when I’m gone?”

“Ugh! You’re not going to listen to me, are you?”
“I’m listening right now. I asked a question, and I’m waiting on

the answer.” Milo didn’t have a clue where all this new patience had
come from. He just couldn’t find it in himself to be angry or frustrated
with Lark. Man, he was turning into a fucking sap. He couldn’t care

Lark skimmed his dainty fingers along the thin leather strip

around Milo’s neck. “I told you that you were made for me, right?”

Milo nodded mutely.
“And that a piece of my soul was placed inside this pearl?” He

waited for Milo to nod again. “When I gave this to you, it was my
way of claiming you. Sirens don’t bite or exchange blood or anything
like shifters and vampires. This necklace, though, is a small piece of

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me that I gave to you.” He toyed with the small stone. “When you
accepted it willingly, I became a part of you, and you a part of me.”

“And that means?” Milo had a suspicion where the conversation

was headed, but he’d keep it to himself in case he was wrong.

“This is going to sound so corny, but when you leave, you take

part of me with you.” Lark snorted and rested his head against Milo’s
shoulder. “That’s why I was sick that first week. My aunts swapped
the necklace, and I can’t live without part of my soul.”

“What if I give the necklace back when I leave for work? Would

that work?”

Lark shook his head. “It doesn’t work that way, babe. I told you

that we became a part of each other. It’s a stronger bond than even the
spell the elders cast on us. If you were to leave the necklace here with
me, you’d be the one suffering when you’re away.”

“Then I wouldn’t be able to do my job anyway. I’ll call when I

wake up.”

Lark was quiet for so long that Milo had almost drifted off to

sleep when he spoke again. “Could you maybe ask for the week off
instead? There might be a way for you to keep your job without either
of us getting sick.”

It was a reasonable request, and Milo had to admit that he liked

the prospect of getting to continue his work. “One week, Lark. If you
don’t find something, I’m done. You’re more important than driving
an ambulance.”

“Deal.” Lark kissed him under the chin and snuggled even closer.
“Does this mean that we’re going to have to talk to your aunts?”

Milo groaned at the prospect.

Lark laughed quietly. “Don’t worry, Milo. I’ll go alone. I

wouldn’t want to subject you to that.”

Sighing in relief, Milo closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

* * * *

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Milo paced the living room with Lark’s pearl clutched in one hand

and his cell phone in the other. His mate had only been gone for an
hour, and already Milo was losing his mind. What if Lark’s aunts
wouldn’t let him return? Hell, he didn’t even know where the man
had gone.

He opened his phone and started dialing. He snapped it closed

before he’d finished. He was being an idiot. It had only been an hour.
He could wait. Lark said he wouldn’t be gone more than three. Yeah,
he could wait.

Milo flipped his phone open again. Before he could dial, it began

ringing. Frowning at the display, Milo pressed the talk button and
lifted the phone to his ear. “Dad?”

“Why the hell are you selling your house?”
Breathing to bite back the growl that rumbled in his chest, Milo

crossed the living room and peeked out through the curtains. His dad
stood across the street on the front porch of the house Milo used to
live in. A personal visit from his father never brought good news.

“Milo!” his dad barked.
“I moved,” Milo said lamely. How was it that his father always

had the ability to reduce him to a groveling mess with a handful of

“We need to speak. Where are you?”
Milo took another deep breath and opened the front door. “I’m

across the street.”

His father whirled around, and his eyes drilled into Milo from

across the distance. The man disconnected the call, pushed his phone
into his pocket, and marched toward him. Resigned to the inevitable,
Milo pocketed his phone as well and waited for his dad to climb the
steps before turning and walking back into the house.

“Can I get you something?”
“Sit down.”
Milo immediately sat on the sofa like a trained puppy. Gods, he

hated his reaction to his father’s commands. Not only was his dad

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bigger than life physically, but the man radiated power. Trying to act
casual, Milo leaned against the back of the sofa and propped his left
ankle on his right knee. “So, what’s up?”

His dad sneered at him before composing his features. He linked

his hands behind his back and began pacing the small room. “I have
tolerated your behavior and given you your space, but it is time to
accept your responsibilities. I remember what it was like to be young,
so I have turned a blind eye to your rebellious behavior. It’s time to
grow up now, Milo.”

“Why can’t Miles do it?” Milo couldn’t believe his parents had

actually named his brother Miles. They were either very
unimaginative or had a really twisted sense of humor. Since Milo had
never known his father to find anything amusing, he tended to lean
toward the former.

“Your brother will take his place at my side, as will you.”
“I’m sorry, but that won’t be possible.” Milo steeled himself for

his father’s wrath. It wasn’t the first time they’d had the conversation,
but Milo intended to make it the last. “I have a mate who needs me.”

“You can still have your mate. You will need to breed anyway.”

His father waved his hand around as though it was of little concern to

Milo shuddered at the thought of breeding with a woman. Pussy

had never appealed to him, and he didn’t see that changing any time
soon. “My mate is not a woman,” he replied calmly.

His father went very still as he stared down at Milo. “You have

mated a man?”

“Yes.” Was he imagining it or did his dad’s eyes actually soften

just a bit?

Before he could decide, the frosty look was back and the man

resumed his pacing. “It doesn’t matter. You will leave your mate and
take your place at the head of the pack.”


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“You have an obligation. You will lead the hellhounds of Hades,

or suffer my displeasure.”

“Then I guess I will suffer.” Milo crossed his arms over his chest.

“I will not leave Lark. He will literally die without me, and since we
are bonded, I would die as well. I wouldn’t be much use to you then,
now would I?”

“Son of a bitch!” his father roared. When he managed to calm

himself, he turned and pointed a finger in Milo’s face. “You did this

“No, I didn’t. I’m not sorry that it happened, though. I don’t want

to lead anyone. I just want to be left alone by everyone, including
you. Miles can lead the pack and make lots of little puppies. You can
still guard the gates of Hades. Everyone’s happy.”

“This is not over.”
Milo sighed as his father stormed out of the house and slammed

the door behind him. “I didn’t think it would be.”

“Who the hell was that?”
“Lark!” Milo jumped up from the sofa and jerked his mate into his


Lark chuckled. “Nice to see you, too, Milo. Now, who was the

very growly man that just stormed out of our house?”

“My father.”
“Ah, I see. Can I just say that families suck?”
“I take it that your meeting with your aunts didn’t go well.” Milo

didn’t give a rat’s ass. Lark was home safe where he belonged, and
everyone else could go to hell. In his father’s case, he meant that

“They wouldn’t help me. Maybe we can ask Elder Swanson


“What are you trying to get from them?” Milo plopped down on

the sofa and pulled his mate into his lap.

“I don’t really know.” Lark curled against his chest and sighed. “I

was hoping there’s a way for you to keep your job without either of us

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getting sick while we’re apart. If anyone would know, I figured it
would be my aunts. They’re not exactly forthcoming with information
right now, however.”

“Why do they have such a problem with you being mated to a


Lark shook his head. “I don’t know that either. I have never

known them to be prejudiced or bigoted before. It doesn’t make
sense.” His soft lips ghosted up the column of Milo’s neck. “So, what
did your father want?”

“For me to lead a pack of hellhounds in Hades.”
“Ouch. That blows.”
Lark’s response made him chuckle. “I told him no.”
“Well, of course you did. I don’t think he would have been as

angry if you’d agreed with him.” Lark jumped up from his lap and
held his hand out. “Let’s go grab some lunch at that deli around the
corner. We’ll worry about our crazy families later.”

“That’s the best idea I’ve heard all week.”
“It’s only Tuesday, Milo.” Lark gave him an impish smile. “Give

me time. I’m sure I’ll come up with a few more before the weekend.”

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Chapter Nine

“Damn it!” Lark threw the wrench across the floor and inspected

his bleeding knuckles. Crawling out from under the kitchen sink, he
banged his head on the cabinet. “Fuck it!” he screamed. “I quit!”

“Are you ready to let me help?” Milo sat on the counter beside the

sink, sipping a beer and looking a little too amused for Lark’s current

“Where the hell have you been?”
“At the grocery store—where you sent me, I might add.”
“That was damn near three hours ago!”
“It was about ninety minutes actually. You are in a shitty mood,


“Ugh!” Lark threw his hands up and kicked the cabinet,

completely forgetting he was barefooted. He yowled in pain, grabbing
his foot and hopping around until he lost his balance and fell right on
his ass in the middle of the kitchen floor.

Milo jumped down from the counter and settled on the floor

beside him. “You want to tell me what’s wrong?”

“This fucking house is falling apart!”
His mate’s hand came up to cover his lips. “Without the


Lark glared at him. “The garbage disposal went out this morning.

The water heater is on the fritz. The back door squeaks. The legs on
the table are wobbly.” He pointed toward one of the drawers in the
kitchen. “And that’s stuck.”

“Those are pretty minor things, baby. We can patch them up in a

couple of hours tops. Or you could just call someone to come fix the

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disposal and the water heater.” He moved closer and wound his arm
around Lark’s waist, holding him against his side. “What’s really
going on with you, Lark? Talk to me.”

With a deep sigh, Lark turned and curled himself around Milo’s

side. His mate responded by instantly lifting him into his lap and
kissing his temple. “Did something happen while I was gone?”

“I have no idea how to fix any of this stuff, and I should. Men

know how to fix things.”

Milo chuckled, the sound vibrating his chest. “Knowing how to

fix this stuff has nothing to do with being a man. Some do and some
don’t. Hell, there are women that could do a lot better job than I could
and probably in half the time.”

“I talked to my aunts today.”
“Ah, now we’re getting somewhere.” Holding Lark securely, Milo

pushed to his feet and carried them to the living room. Sitting down
on the cushions, he stroked Lark’s hair soothingly. “So, are you going
to tell me what happened?”

Resting his head on his lover’s shoulder, Lark shrugged pensively.

“The same as always, I guess. They wouldn’t help me, and they tried
to talk me into leaving you.” The memory of his brief meeting with
his aunts made Lark’s stomach churn. He loved them, but his mate
came first. Why couldn’t they understand that?

Mikro, it’s been two weeks. Why do you still care so much?”
Milo had already quit his job as a paramedic, and every day the

guilt ate away at Lark a little more. It was his fault that Milo had to
give up his career. “I’m so sorry, Milo. I’ll figure out a way for you to
have your job back.”

To his surprise, Milo started laughing. “Is that what all this is

about? Oh, baby, you are something else.” He tugged gently on
Lark’s hair then pressed their lips together when Lark looked up at
him. “I don’t need that job, Lark. I enjoyed it because it gave me
someone to take care of without attachment or commitment. I guess

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I’ve always needed someone to care for but just never knew it until
you pointed it out to me.”

“I don’t care what the reason is. You love that job, and you

shouldn’t have to choose between something you love and me.”

Milo’s eyes softened, and he ran the pad of his thumb over Lark’s

lips. “I have everything I need to make me happy.”

Swallowing past the lump in his throat, Lark felt his eyes begin to

water. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to him. He
couldn’t ever remember anyone putting him first. Oh, his aunts put on
a good show, but in the end, everything they’d done for him had been
with purely selfish motivations. “I don’t deserve you.”

Milo snorted and rolled his eyes. “Believe me, baby, you deserve

a hell of a lot better than me.” Then he smiled crookedly before
pressing his lips to Lark’s forehead. “I’m glad you picked me,

“You are not nearly the cold bastard you’d have everyone believe,

Milo Gavari.”

“Shut up,” Milo grumbled. “You will take that to your grave.”
“Mmm,” Lark purred as he nuzzled his nose against the side of

Mio’s throat. “Don’t worry, big guy. I’m putting an ad in the Sunday

“Rotten little pain in my ass,” Milo joked. His fingers poked and

prodded Lark’s ribs, sending him into fits of giggles. Before it went
too far, however, a loud banging came from the front door.

Lark groaned. No one ever came to visit them. It had to either be

one of his aunts or Milo’s dad. Lark didn’t much feel like speaking to
either of them. Why couldn’t everyone just leave them alone? Why
did they insist on trying to tear them apart?

“Go jump in the shower, baby. I’ll get rid of my dad.” Milo patted

Lark’s hip and lifted him off his lap. “I promise you don’t want to be
here for this.”


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Milo chuckled. “I didn’t think so. Go on. I’ll come find you when

I’m finished.”

Lark shook his head. “That’s not what I meant. I’m staying.” If

Milo could endure his aunts, then Lark could do the same with his
mate’s father. “Let him in.”

“Lark, just trust me on this one, okay? My dad is a mean bastard,

and this isn’t going to be a pleasant visit.”

The banging on the door grew louder. “Milo, open this fucking


Lark’s heart broke as he watched his mate wince. “Milo,” he said

slowly. “I’m not leaving you. Now, let your father in the door so we
can kick him back out of it.”

Milo gave him a half smile, but it looked tense. Then he kissed

Lark’s forehead and hurried to answer the door. Lark sat on the sofa,
pretending to be calm and in control as his heart hammered inside his
chest. He’d only seen Milo’s dad briefly on the man’s last visit, but
damn, the guy was scary. Still, he and Milo were a team, and Lark
wouldn’t just abandon him when Milo needed him the most.

A man even bigger than Milo stormed into the room looking mad

enough to spit fire. His eyes landed on Lark, and an unpleasant sneer
curled his lip. “Is this the reason I was kept waiting?”

“This is my mate, Lark Rhodes,” Milo said tightly. “He is not a

‘this,’ and you will treat him with respect.” Milo turned his attention
to Lark. “Baby, this is my father, Cerberus.”

“No fucking way!” Lark shouted. The legendary guardian of the

gates of Hades was his mate’s father? “Holy shit!”

“Lark!” Milo snapped.
Lark bit his lip to keep from laughing. With the mouth Milo had

on him, it amused him to no end that the man still chastised him for
cursing. It was none of that crap about it making him look
unintelligent or whatever. Milo just said he was far too beautiful to
use such ugly words. The man was adorable.

“Sorry, babe,” he said quietly.

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“Well, at least he’s obedient.” Cerberus waved his hand

imperiously. “Get rid of him. We have business to discuss.”

“This is my house,” Lark argued. He gave the big man a sweet

smile. “I’ll sit where the fuck I want.”

Lark rolled his eyes before looking up at his mate. “Yes, dear?”

He knew he was being sarcastic as hell, but he felt he had the right.
Who did this man think he was to just waltz into his home, uninvited,
and start ordering him around? He’d lived a lifetime of that crap, and
he wasn’t going to put up with it in his own house.

Milo looked like he was about to explode, but Lark couldn’t tell if

it was from humor or anger. Lark shrugged. He’d find out soon

“Now, you are a guest in my home,” Lark said to Cerberus. “Your

position means nothing to me here. So, either you can sit down and
discuss this like a rational adult, or you can leave. I couldn’t care less
which one you choose, but as Milo said, you will respect me.”

Cerberus stared at him for a long time with a deep scowl on his

face. Then he spun on his heels and marched for the front door. He
jerked it open but paused before stepping out into the night. “Milo,
you will come to my house tomorrow evening. Alone.” Then he
stepped outside and slammed the door behind him.

The minute they were alone, Milo fell to the floor and roared with

hilarity. “Oh, gods,” he gasped. “Did you see his face? I don’t think
anyone had ever spoken to him like that.”

Lark slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle his own laughter.

Milo was too damn cute for his own good sometimes. Finally getting
himself under control, Lark patted the cushion beside him. “Come
here, you.”

Milo crawled across the floor and knelt between Lark’s knees.

“You are amazing, mikro.”

“Really?” Lark grinned wickedly and wound his arms around his

mate’s neck. “How amazing?”

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Milo pushed closer and brushed their lips together once, twice, a

third time. “Let me show you.”

* * * *

Cleaned, fed, and utterly relaxed, Milo cuddled his mate in his

arms and sighed in contentment. He knew Lark still felt guilty about
Milo leaving his job, but he shouldn’t. Milo was only truly happy
when he was with Lark. Why would he want to give that up?

“So, who guards the gates when your dad leaves?”
“Probably one of my brothers,” Milo answered drowsily. “I don’t

really know, nor do I care.”

“How many brothers do you have?”
“I only count Miles. He’s my twin. I have dozens of half-brothers

and sisters, but I’ve only met a handful of them. I don’t care to repeat
the experience either.”

“Tell me more about what you father wants you to do.”
“All of his sons are required to devote one thousand years to the

service of the pack. I guess it’s my turn.”

“And he wants you to lead the pack? Like an alpha?”
Milo nodded. “That’s what he says.”
“What do you want?”
“Not that. I’ve only been to Hades a few times. Me and Miles

lived with Mom until she died. After that, he went to stay with our
father, and I bought the house across the street.”

“When did she die?” Lark asked quietly. He sounded sad.
“I guess it was right around the same time as the Great War

between the paranormals. So, maybe twenty-five, twenty-six years

“Oh, Milo, I’m so sorry. What happened to her?”
“Brain aneurysm.”

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“She was human?” Lark sounded shocked, and Milo couldn’t

blame him. The great Cerberus shacking up with a mere mortal was

“Yep. A psychic, but a human nonetheless.” Milo stroked his

lover’s thick, black hair. “What about your mom? You never talk
about her. I bet she was amazing.”

He felt Lark’s lips stretch into a smile against his neck. “She was.

I miss her so much. I don’t even know what happened to her. She just
got sick and died. Sirens do not get sick!” he finished with heat in his

Milo clutched him closer, doing the only thing he knew to comfort

his distressed mate. “Shh, baby. I’m sorry. You don’t have to talk
about it.”

Lark instantly relaxed and rubbed his cheek over Milo’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry, too. It just makes me angry, because I don’t even know
how she died. My aunts won’t tell me anything, but every time I
screw up, they love to tell me how disappointed she would have

“Why did you stay with them for so long? Where do they live

anyway? You still haven’t told me where you pop off to when you
meet with them.”

“To answer the first, they’re my family. My mom died when I was

around twelve, and they took care of me after that. It’s all I knew until
a few months ago. They live on a little secluded island near Greece
where I grew up.”

“Why the hell would you want to move to Texas if you had a

whole damn island?” Milo couldn’t even fathom the idea. Then again,
his idea of that perfect little island didn’t include so many
meddlesome women either. “And just how many freakin’ aunts do
you have?”

Lark giggled. “I have twenty-seven aunts—some more…outspoken

than others. The island was nice, but I had to get out of there before I
lost my sanity. I taped a map up on the wall of my bedroom and threw

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a dart. It landed in North America. I taped up another map of the
continent and threw another dart. It landed in Texas. One more map
and one more dart, and here I am.”

Milo chuckled into his mate’s hair. Damn, he adored this man.

Lark’s simplistic way of looking at things was refreshing. So many
people tried to make things more complicated than they needed to be,
just so they could show off how smart they were. It irritated him to

“Your dad said to meet him at his house, right?”
“Surely he doesn’t live here in Dallas.”
“So, where does he live, and how will you get there by tomorrow

night?” Lark sat back and looked into Milo’s eyes. “Will you have to
go to the Underworld?”

Milo smiled reassuringly as he reached up to cup his lover’s

smooth cheek. “Yes, I will. I don’t exactly teleport there the way you
move from place to place. My father will summon me, and I just kind
of end up in his house.”

Lark looked more serious than Milo had ever seen him. “Do you

want me to go with you?”

“Absolutely not. Hades is no place for you, mikro. I will give my

father his meeting and be back before you know it.”

Lark didn’t look convinced, but eventually he settled back against

Milo’s chest and sighed. “I expect you home by dinnertime.”

Milo bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. “Yes,


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Chapter Ten

Lark was losing his mind. It had been nearly three hours since

Milo had left to meet his father. And he used the term “left” in the
loosest sense of the word. His mate didn’t walk out the door, get in
his pickup, and drive away. He’d been sitting at the kitchen table,
talking to Lark about something stupid. Then he’d just vanished mid-

Milo had warned him, but it was still disconcerting to see it

happen right before his eyes.

Clutching the pearl around his neck, Lark paced back and forth

between the living room and the kitchen. He’d found his necklace on
the counter in the bathroom with a little note saying that Milo didn’t
know how long he’d be gone, and he didn’t want Lark to be sick.
Though it warmed his heart that his mate had thought ahead and
wanted to make sure that Lark would be okay in his absence, he
didn’t like the idea of the man suffering in his place.

Lark jumped when he heard Milo call his name. Hurrying into the

living room, he found his lover sprawled out on the sofa with his eyes
closed. Lark eyed him critically, pleased when he found his mate
looked tired but otherwise in good health.

“How did the meeting go?” He shuffled over to stand in front of

Milo, unsure whether the man needed comforting or space. To his
relief, Milo reached for him immediately and tugged him into his lap.

“The same as I expected it would. Dad wants me to lead the pack.

I refused. He yelled. I yelled, and everything just went to shit.”

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Lark slipped the necklace off and transferred it to Milo. His mate

sighed and wrapped his fingers around it protectively. “I should kick
your ass,” he mumbled.

His eyes going wide in shock, Lark slapped Milo’s chest. “Why

would you want to do that?”

“Because if I feel this wiped out in just three hours, I can only

imagine what you went through for eight or more. You never once
said anything or complained. That deserves an ass kicking.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to play it off, but Lark knew he

couldn’t lie to his mate now that Milo had experienced what it was
like for them to be apart. There had to be a way to combat it, though.
While he enjoyed spending time with Milo, they couldn’t be joined at
the hip for the rest of their lives. It would drive them both insane.

“I think it’s time to talk to Elder Swanson.”
Milo cracked an eye open to peek at him then shut it again and

rested his head on the back of the couch. “Do you think he could

“Well, he is an elder. He’s supportive of our mating. I can’t say if

he’ll know anything about keeping us from getting sick while we’re
apart, but we’ve got nothing to lose by asking.”

“Good point.” Milo yawned hugely. “When do you want to talk to


“Uh.” Lark bit his lip and his eyebrows drew together. “I don’t

even know how to get in touch with him.”

Milo patted his hip lethargically. “I’ll take care of it.”
“Are you okay?” Lark asked quietly. Something seemed off about

his mate. He pushed up on his knees and leaned over Milo when he
didn’t receive an answer. “Milo?”

“Just tired,” came his lover’s mumbled response.
“Well, let’s get you into bed.” Lark climbed down from his mate’s

lap and held a hand out. “You are too ginormous for me to lift, so
you’re going to have to do most of the work.”

Milo didn’t move. “Sleep here,” he slurred.

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Lark started to panic. It had only been a few hours. The minute

Milo was back with him, Lark began feeling better immediately. So,
why wasn’t it working in reverse? “Milo?”

With what appeared to be a great deal of effort, Milo opened his

eyes and groaned. “I’m coming. Go turn down the sheets.”

“Let me help you.”
“I’m fine. Go on.”
“Milo, you look pale. Stop being such a macho jerk and just let

me help you.”

“Lark! Go!” Milo roared.
Lark jolted like he’d been slapped. Milo never talked to him that

way. The thought of doing as he’d been ordered and leaving never
crossed his mind. Fisting his hands on his hips, he glared down at his
lover. “Tell me what happened.”

“Nothing happened. Just leave me alone.” Milo closed his eyes

again, and Lark watched him wince as he shifted against the cushions.

There was something different. Lark couldn’t put his finger on it,

but it was there. He looked Milo over from head to toe, trying to
determine what didn’t sit right with him. It wasn’t the tense set or the
slight quivering of Milo’s muscles. It wasn’t the pale look of his skin,
or the deep lines in his face.

The long-sleeved, black T-shirt stretched tight across Milo’s chest

as he started to lift his arm, groaned, then dropped it back to his side.
That was it.

“When did you change your shirt?”
“I’ve been wearing this all day.”
“Oh, cut the bullshit, Milo. You were wearing a white undershirt

before you poofed out of the kitchen. When did you change?”

“So now you’re accusing me of being unfaithful?” Milo growled,

but he still wouldn’t open his eyes.

The man was trying to pick a fight with him, but Lark wasn’t

going to play that game. “Are you even listening to yourself? Either
tell me what’s going on, or I’ll…I’ll…”

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Milo smirked. “You’ll what?”
“I’m going to The Edge.” Lark turned to leave the room, hoping

his lover would rise to the bait.

Sure enough, Milo was off the sofa and breathing like a wounded

elephant in the blink of an eye. “You are not going anywhere.”

“The last time I checked, you don’t own me. I can go wherever

the fuck I want to.”

“Lark,” Milo said dangerously.
“Fuck, shit, damn, cock knocker, son of a bitch!” Lark’s chest

heaved as his temper rose. “What now, Milo? You going to ground
me? Send me to my room?”

The corners of his lips twitched, and Milo tilted his head to the

side. “Did you just say cock knocker?”

Lark deflated instantly. It wasn’t fair. He was just getting worked

up into a good fit, and the man had to go and look so damn cute.
Letting out a breath in defeat, he closed the distance between them to
embrace his lover. He stopped short when Milo held his hands up
stepped away from him.

“I’m dirty and smelly. Let me jump in the shower.”
“Milo?” Lark stepped closer, frowning when Milo took another

step away from him. So, Lark began to sing. It was a dirty,
manipulative trick, but he didn’t care. Milo was hiding something,
and he intended to find out what it was by any means necessary.

The man’s eyelids drooped, and he began swaying on his feet.

“Gods, I love that,” he whispered.

Lark came closer until their chests bumped together and wound

his arms around Milo’s waist. “What’s wrong, big guy?”

The minute he’d stopped singing, Milo hissed in obvious pain and

jerked out of his hold. Lark looked up at him in shock as he let his
arms drop to his sides. As his hands fell, he caught a flash of color
and lifted them in front of him again quickly.

Bright red smudges dotted his palms where he’d pressed them

against his mate’s back. “What?”

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“I’m going to take a shower,” Milo answered gruffly. He pushed

past Lark on his way through the living room, but Lark wasn’t having

Catching Milo by the tail of his shirt, he jerked him to a halt and

lifted the black cotton up his back. Well, peeled might be a better
description. The fabric clung to his skin, and Lark only then noticed
how it was darker in some places, as well as damp and sticky.

What he saw made his stomach cramp and his eyes sting. “Oh,


Milo spun around and growled. “It’s nothing, okay?”
“Who did this to you?”
“I said it’s nothing!” Milo screamed.
Closing his eyes to hold back his emotions, Lark took several

calming breaths before he looked at his lover again. “Let’s get you
cleaned up and in bed.” The gashes on Milo’s back had already begun
to heal themselves, but some were still bleeding.

“I can take care of myself.”
Lark suddenly realized it wasn’t just physical pain that his mate

was battling against. The man’s pride had been wounded. “I never
said you couldn’t. Go get in the shower. I’ll run to the pharmacy and
get something for the pain.”

“We have aspirin here.”
Lark shook his head. “Aspirin thins your blood. I’ll see if I can

find a topical ointment.”

“Don’t bother. I’ll heal in a few hours.”
Biting back his argument, Lark pressed his lips together and

dipped his head once. How could he help the man if Milo refused to
let him close? “I’m sorry,” he whispered. He didn’t know what he
was apologizing for, but it seemed like the right thing to do.

Milo groaned and rubbed his hand over his face. “I didn’t want

you to see this, Lark.”

“I know. How many times has this happened?”

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“A few,” Milo admitted. “I usually just sleep until my body heals


“Please let me help you.”
His mate looked at him for a long time before he finally hung his

head. “I don’t think I can tolerate a shower right now. Could you just
help me get the blood off so I don’t stain the sheets?”

“I don’t give a damn about the sheets,” Lark said firmly. “Go lie

down on your stomach. I’ll be right there.”

Milo didn’t argue. He turned and shuffled toward the bedroom

with his head hung like a whipped dog. The image of his big, tough
hellhound slumping off in defeat ripped a hole in Lark’s chest. He
wouldn’t push for answers tonight, but come hell or high water, he’d
find out who’d done this to his lover.

He had a pretty good idea who to blame for it, but how the hell

did you fight against the guardian of the Underworld? He had a lot of
thinking to do, but just then, his mate needed him.

Rushing off to the kitchen, he quickly filled a large bowl with

warm water, grabbed the scissors from the junk drawer, and carried it
down the hall to their bedroom. Placing everything on the nightstand,
he darted into the bathroom to retrieve a couple of soft washcloths
and a fluffy towel.

Milo lay motionless in the middle of the mattress, his arms and

legs spread wide. “Thank you,” he murmured when Lark eased down
on the mattress beside his hip.

As he’d suspected, Milo hadn’t bothered to remove his shirt. Lark

guessed it would hurt like hell to peel the shirt over his head.
Grabbing the scissors from the table, he gripped the hem of the soft
cotton and began cutting right up the middle.

The more skin he revealed, the more his stomach churned in pain

and revulsion. How the hell could someone do this to their own son?
Once he had the fabric cut away, he gently lifted it away from Milo’s

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Shaking his head as tears welled in his eyes, he took the scissors

again and began cutting the arms of the shirt away as well. Long, deep
gashes littered Milo’s back, the top of his ass, and down both arms.
“What the hell did they do to you?” he breathed.

“Don’t swear,” Milo chided sleepily.
Lark smiled softly, even as tears rolled down his cheeks. “Can you

lift up a little?”

Milo pushed up shakily on his hands and knees, and Lark hurried

to place the towel beneath him. “Okay, sweetheart. Just relax and let
me take care of you.”

“Lark?” Milo asked as he lowered himself back to the mattress.
“Yes, Milo?” Lark swallowed around the burn in his throat.
“When you’re finished, I need you to leave for a little while,


“I’m not leaving you, so just shut up.”
“Once I heal and sleep a bit, I’m going to wake up and want to

fuck like a caveman.”

Lark shivered. “And why would I want to miss that?”
“I won’t be gentle, baby. Please, promise me.”
“Hush now.” Lark dipped the cloth in the warm water and lifted it

to Milo’s back. He started to sing softly, soothing his mate as he
cleaned him.

Milo was out before Lark finished the first line of the song.

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Chapter Eleven

Coming awake out of a deep sleep, Milo’s eyes snapped open and

his nostrils flared. He knew his body had healed. He felt strong and
powerful again—and like he was burning alive. Inhaling deeply, his
nostrils flared again, and a deep rumble vibrated his chest when he
caught his mate’s scent.

His dick hardened instantly, throbbing painfully where it was

mashed between his body and the mattress. His shifter growled and
gnashed its teeth, trying desperately to crawl to the surface. His hound
wanted their mate with a fierce desperation.

Maybe it was the loss of blood he suffered from his beatings.

Maybe it was the need to reestablish his manhood. Perhaps it was his
shifter needing to assert its alpha status. Whatever it was, Milo always
felt a feral need to bite and fuck after his body had healed from his

Lark rolled over in his sleep, draping himself over Milo’s back,

and his scent hit Milo like a locomotive. Groaning pathetically, Milo
clenched his fists and humped his engorged dick against the bed. He’d
told Lark to leave. Why didn’t the man ever listen to him?

His mate’s hand skimmed up and down Milo’s spine in lazy

movements, and his soft lips pressed against Milo’s shoulder. “Are
you awake?” he asked quietly.

“Lark,” Milo whimpered. “Please leave.” He’d willingly beg the

elders to put him down like a rabid dog if he ever did anything to hurt
his mate. Lark’s natural scent, along with the soapy fragrance from
his recent shower, was driving Milo out of his mind. He needed to get
away before he did something he’d regret.

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“Need you,” Lark panted. His teeth scraped over Milo’s shoulder,

and it was all Milo could do to keep from pouncing on his lover.
“Please, babe.” Lark rocked his hips, nudging his hard cock against
Milo’s hip and making it sticky with pre-cum.

The strain in Lark’s sweet voice finally broke through some of the

lust that swamped Milo’s brain. Shaking his head to clear it further,
he turned to look into his lover’s eyes.

Lark’s face glistened with beads of sweat in the pale moonlight

pouring in from the windows. His heart thundered loudly, knocking
against his ribs so hard Milo could feel it. “Need you,” Lark repeated
with a needy moan.

Milo was such an idiot. He’d completely forgotten the need to

consummate their mating every twenty-four hours. How long had it
been? His own body shook violently, his insides felt like liquid fire,
and his heart hammered just as frantically as Lark’s. His guess was it
had been too damn long.

Hanging on to his control by a choke leash, he rolled Lark to his

back and insinuated himself between his lover’s splayed thighs. Lark
thrust up against him, throwing his head back on the pillow and
crying out as creamy ropes of seed erupted from his cock with such
force it splashed against his neck.

“Holy fuck!” Milo had never seen anything like it. If his lover

going off like a goddamn firecracker just from his touch wasn’t
enough to make him feel like a god, he didn’t know what was.

Lark never stopped his writhing or moaning, though. His cock

never went flaccid. He continued to hump up against Milo, his small
hands clawing at Milo’s chest and shoulders as he searched for more

Milo’s shifter howled, beating against him in a frantic attempt to

get to their mate. The smell of Lark’s semen overpowered every other
scent in the room, going straight to Milo’s head and making it spin.

He lapped up the pools of cream like an alcoholic craving every

last drop from a spilled bottle of whiskey. When he’d licked his mate

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clean, he skimmed his nose over the damp skin, nuzzled against
Lark’s chest, and worked his way lower, following the trail to where
his unique scent was strongest.

Nudging Lark’s small sac with his nose, he shuddered at the

wonderful fragrance. Nothing on earth smelled like his mate. He
lapped at the orbs, feeling his lover’s balls roll across his tongue and
humming his approval.

Long fingers fisted in his hair, pulling hard as Lark went crazy

under his mouth. His hips snapped upward, sending his straining cock
bouncing against his belly. Pinning his mate’s hips to the mattress,
Milo chuckled at Lark’s mewling protest.

He didn’t know where the sudden calm had come from, but all he

wanted to do was explore every inch of his mate’s delectable body.
Pushing up on his elbows, he licked a slow, wet path up the flexing
length of Lark’s dick then lightly scraped his teeth back down to the

Lark screamed, a sound full of pleasure and need. “Please, please,

please,” he chanted. “Fuck me!”

Something cold and hard beat against his hand, and Milo glanced

up to find Lark pushing a bottle of lube at him. Wrapping his fingers
around it, his lips stretched into a wide smile against Lark’s hip. “So
eager,” he crooned. He brushed his knuckles along his mate’s pulsing
length. It jerked at once, rising up to meet his touch. “So responsive.”

Flipping open the cap, he poured a generous amount into his palm

and slicked his aching shaft. Then he tossed the bottle to the side and
went to work to give his mate what he begged so nicely for.

Skimming his fingertips down Lark’s crease, Milo’s eyes went

wide when he encountered the flat base of a large butt plug. “Mikro?”

“You said you couldn’t be gentle,” Lark panted. “I wanted to be

ready for you—give you want you need.”

The erotic sight made Milo’s dick throb, while the emotional

implications sent his heart fluttering. How had he been so lucky to
find a mate as giving and understanding of his needs at Lark?

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They were made for each other. Hokey and corny, Milo had

brushed off the words when Lark had first told him. Now he wasn’t so
sure that it was a load of crap. Lark anticipated his desires, his needs,
and his wants. He knew when to push Milo to be better. He knew
when to back off and let Milo have his way.

Lark’s supple body molded seamlessly to the contours of his own.

He gave Milo someone to care for, to take care of—someone to need
him. Lark was perfect for him in every aspect of the word—as though
the gods had designed him specifically to Milo’s specifications.

He had a feeling he and Lark would have found their way to each

other eventually, even without the elders’ deceit.

“Shh, baby. I’ve got you.” Gripping the silicone toy by the base,

Milo gave it a little tug and groaned when Lark’s tight ass sucked it
right back in. He pulled again, giving it a little twist before pushing
the plug back into his mate’s clenching hole.

“Aaahhh! Oh, gods, please!”
Damn, he loved the way his lover pleaded for his touch. Milo

pulled the toy out again, a little farther this time, and caressed the
fluttering muscles as they stretched to accommodate the toy. “Very
pretty,” he purred.

“Would look prettier wrapped around your cock.” The impatience

in Lark’s voice made Milo smirk. “I thought you were going to go all
savage on me, but I guess you just decided to torture me instead.”

Milo pumped the butt plug in and out of his lover’s snug passage,

nipping at Lark’s inner thigh in reprimand. “Who’s in charge here,

“I’ll gladly take over unless you hurry the fuck up!”
Milo bit him harder. “What did I say about swearing?”
Lark pushed up on his elbows to glare at Milo. “My goddamn dick

is going to fall off if you don’t hurry up and do something! It’s been
almost twenty-four hours since I had that gorgeous cock up my ass,
and I’m about to fucking explode here!”

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With a loud growl, Milo pulled the toy from Lark’s ass, grabbed

him around the waist, and flipped him to his stomach. Lark yelped,
trying to crawl away, but Milo held him firmly, preventing his escape.

One hand holding his lover in place, Milo used the other to deliver

a stinging swat to Lark’s upturned ass. “I don’t know how many times
I need to tell you, Lark.” He spanked his mate again. “I don’t like
hearing those foul words from your beautiful lips.” His hand landed
another sharp smack on the other cheek. “Maybe this will help you

Lark’s cry was muffled into the pillow, and his hands fisted into

the sheets at his sides. He rocked back and forth, pushing his bottom
into Milo’s groin. Milo tightened his grip around Lark’s waist and
spanked him again. “Be still.”

Lark stopped moving instantly, but his moans increased in

volume. “Good, baby.” Milo smoothed his hand over Lark’s heated
skin before dipping between his muscled cheeks and caressing his
slick hole. “Have you learned your lesson now?”

When he didn’t receive a reply, he pushed two fingers into his

mate’s entrance and stroked the inside of his heated passage.
Releasing his hold on Lark’s hip, he gave the pert little ass another
smack. “Answer me, Lark. Have you learned your lesson?” He
pushed in a third finger and crooked them, brushing over his lover’s
sweet spot.

Lark’s head came up off the bed, and he screamed loud enough to

shatter glass. “Fuck!”

“I guess not.” Milo groaned when Lark’s inner walls clamped

down on his fingers. He’d have to find another way to punish his mate
later. If he didn’t get inside Lark’s sweet ass in the next two seconds,
he was going to combust.

Extracting his fingers, he stretched across the mattress to grab the

lube, dribbled a little more into his palm, and coated his cock.
Holding Lark open with one hand, he gripped the base of his hard
length in the other and lined up the weeping tip with his mate’s

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quivering hole. Nudging forward with gentle pressure until only the
crown breached the guarding muscles, he paused. He pulled out until
his cock merely kissed Lark’s opening, then pushed in again. He
pulled out. He pushed in.

“Milo!” Lark screamed.
Deciding he’d teased them both to the point of madness, Milo

slammed home, roaring out to the ceiling when his balls slapped
against Lark’s heated ass. The control he’d been so proud of finally
snapped, and Milo grabbed his mate’s hips in a bruising hold, jerking
him back to meet every forceful thrust of his hips.

The pleasure was indescribable. Lark’s hungry ass devoured him,

sucked him in and squeezed until he thought he would pass out from
the overwhelming sensations. Staring down at the place where their
bodies joined, Milo watched his cock sink into Lark’s greedy channel
as he drove into him with heedless abandon.

“Touch me,” Lark whimpered.
Covering his lover’s back, Milo felt his canines elongate and his

dick swell, heralding his impending climax. “No,” he whispered
raggedly against the back of Lark’s neck. “Come for me.” Then he
sank his teeth into the tender flesh and felt himself fly as Lark’s blood
rushed over his tongue.

Lark screamed, his body tensed, and his inner muscles convulsed

in waves around Milo’s cock. Easing his fangs from his mate’s neck,
Milo dropped his forehead between Lark’s shoulders and groaned as
he buried himself to the root and filled his lover with his seed. He
pumped gently, letting Lark’s clenching hold milk him of every last
drop, then pulled out and dropped to his back beside his mate.

His arm felt like it was made of lead as he lifted it to stroked

Lark’s sweaty back. “You okay, baby?”

Lark didn’t answer. His whole body trembled as he sucked in air

to his lungs. Rather than slowing, his breathing seemed to accelerate.
A choked sob escaped his lips, his breaths coming faster and faster.

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Springing up to his knees, Milo pulled Lark to him and stroked the

hair back from his face. His mate’s eyes were wide and terrified, his
lips slightly parted as he pulled in air so fast Milo was afraid he’d

Sitting back on his heels until they were eye to eye, Milo leaned in

so that their noses almost touched and caressed Lark’s face gently.
“Shh, baby. Calm down. Look at me, right here at me.”

Lark met his eyes, but he still looked scared. “Can’t,” he managed

to get out breathlessly.

“Yes, you can. Just look at me, Lark. Deep breaths through your

nose, baby.” Milo inhaled through his nose, demonstrating what he
wanted his lover to do. He was pleased when Lark imitated him
immediately. “Out through your mouth.” He blew a great breath
through his lips and waited for Lark to do the same. “Again.”

After a few minutes, Lark’s breathing came easier, and his body

had stopped shaking. He collapsed against Milo’s chest and hugged
him fiercely. “Thank you.”

“I’m so sorry, baby.” No matter how hard he tried, all he seemed

to do was hurt his mate.

“Stop,” Lark reprimanded quietly. “It wasn’t your fault.”
Urging his lover to the mattress, Milo cuddled him close and

combed his fingers through Lark’s silky hair. “It sure seems like it
was my fault. People don’t just hyperventilate for no reason.”

“It was just so intense that I couldn’t catch my breath. Then I

started to panic, which only made it worse. I swear I’ve never felt
anything like that, Milo. It was the most amazing thing in the world,
and I ruined it by acting like an idiot.”

“Hush now.” Milo didn’t know how to feel about the information.

On one hand, he loved that he’d given his mate such pleasure. On the
other hand, it killed him that it had caused Lark even a moment of
discomfort. “We’ll keep it low-key.”

Lark sat up so fast Milo blinked in surprise. “Oh, no we will not!

That was incredible, and I plan to do it again and often.” His

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eyebrows drew together, and he tilted his head to the side. “And we
should definitely get more toys.”

Milo couldn’t help but chuckle. “How about some handcuffs?”
“You’d let me handcuff you to the bed?”
“Uh…” That’s not what Milo had meant. The look of excitement

on Lark’s face had him changing his mind quickly, though. “Would
you like that?”

Lark nodded eagerly, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth.
Curling his fingers around the back of Lark’s neck, Milo pulled

his lover to him and brushed their lips together. “We’ll go tomorrow.”

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Chapter Twelve

“Are you going to tell me what happened?” It had been three days

since Milo had come home whipped bloody, and he still refused to
talk about it.

“Why?” Milo grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and

twisted the cap off. “It will only upset you, mikro. I’m fine now, so
let’s just forget it.”

Lark slammed the knife he’d been using to peel potatoes down on

the counter and glared. “I will not forget it. Did your dad do that to

To his surprise, Milo shook his head. “No, not my dad.”
“Then who?”
“The pack, okay?” Milo groaned and started pacing the kitchen. “I

don’t know if it was on my dad’s orders or not, but I never even made
it inside the house. The minute I showed up on his doorstep, four of
the pack enforcers jumped me.”

Lark’s mouth dropped open, but he recovered quickly. “Did they

say why?”

“They weren’t exactly into conversation,” Milo answered dryly.
“You lied to me.”
“Yes.” Milo didn’t look ashamed at all. “I would have done

anything to keep it from you, so you can stop glaring at me like that.”

“That’s just stupid. Why would you want to keep it from me?”
“First off, it makes me feel weak. How am I supposed to protect

you if I can’t even take care of myself against a pack that I’m
supposed to fucking lead?”

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“What’s the other reason?” Lark knew he should drop it, but he

pressed on anyway. “You said that was the first reason, so I’m
assuming there’s more.”

“I just didn’t want to expose you to something like that.” Milo

dropped into one of the kitchen chairs and scrubbed is face. “Leave it
alone, Lark.”

“Why do you insist on treating me like a child? I know the world

isn’t all sunshine and rose petals. The only reason it upset me is
because it happened to you.”

“I don’t treat you like a child,” Milo grumbled under his breath.
Lark huffed and went back to peeling potatoes. “You do. Maybe

you don’t mean to, but you can’t protect me from everything.”

“I can damn sure try.”
While Lark wanted to laugh at the whole conversation, Milo

seemed to be getting more pissed off by the second. “Do you really
think that little of me? Do you think I can’t handle the world, and I
should have stayed on that island with my aunts?”

Closing his eyes and praying for patience, Lark set the knife down

once more and turned to face his crabby lover. “Then what is it, Milo?
I’m trying to understand, but you’re not making any sense.”

Milo shot out of his chair and threw his hands into the air.

“Because I want the world to be sunshine and rose petals for you!” he

It was actually very sweet—even if it had been yelled at him in

frustration. Lark dipped his head and turned around to finish
preparing dinner. He’d probed enough for one day. There would be
plenty of time for him to find out what made Milo Gavari tick.

As he flitted about the kitchen, he hummed softly, a wordless tune

that made him feel happy. He dumped the vegetables into a big
stockpot on the stove and spun around to take the cutting board to the

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The board was lifted from his hand and tossed unceremoniously in

the direction of the counter. It didn’t quite make it, though. Lark
grimaced as the slab of wood clattered to the floor. He started to
complain, but Milo’s strong arms wrapped around him and lifted him
into the air as though he weighed nothing.

Winding his legs around his mate’s lean waist, his arms going

around Milo’s thick neck, Lark looked into his lover’s eyes and
sighed. “Yes?”

Milo just grinned at him. “I don’t like fighting with you, so knock

it off.”

“We weren’t fighting.”
“Whatever we were doing, I don’t like that look on your face.

Now, quit.”

“You’re just in a better mood because I was singing.” Lark didn’t

mind, but he wanted to tease his lover a bit.

“No. I do love when you sing, but I’m in a better mood because

you look happy. That’s all I want. Hades is not a happy place, Lark.”

“Then don’t go back.”
Milo shook his head sadly. “If my father calls me, I have no


Lark’s eyebrows drew together. “If you’re a hellhound, why can’t

you go there or come back on your own?”

“If I took the position as alpha of the pack, then I would be able to

move between worlds on my own.”

“No. I don’t want that.”
“Neither do I.”
With that settled, Lark just needed to find a way to make it

happen. “We really need to talk to Elder Swanson. You should report
what happened to you, and maybe we can find a way to make your
dad back off. Plus, I still need to ask him about this.” He patted the
moon pearl that rested over Milo’s heart.

His mate gave him a funny look, but nodded. “I’ll call and try to

get a meet—”

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Lark gasped as the world went dark around him. If felt like when

he teleported, but different. He couldn’t explain it, but he knew he
hadn’t done it. When everything came back into focus, he found
himself facedown in the dirt. He started to push himself up, but a
heavy boot landed in the middle of his back, pressing him firmly into
the ground.

Lifting his face from the damp earth, Lark found himself

surrounded by four enormous men, dressed from head to toe in black
leather and boasting more steel than Pittsburgh. Swords, daggers,
throwing stars—you name it, these men had it strapped to some part
of their bodies.

“Let me go,” Lark demanded with more confidence than he felt.

He had no idea what was going on. One minute he’d been wrapped
around his lover in their cozy kitchen, and the next he was freezing
his nuts off with some asshole’s foot wedged between his shoulder

“Cerberus said he’s not to be harmed,” one of the men spoke. His

voice was guttural and sounded more animal than human.

Ah, so he was in Hades. Fan-fucking-tastic. Anyone that said

Hades was a place of fire and brimstone was off their damn rocker.
Hades was bone-numbing cold. Plumes of smoke poured from Lark’s
mouth on every exhale. His teeth chattered. His body shook. His skin
burned from the icy cold.

Oh, it was definitely hell all right. How did Milo stand it? He’d

been trapped inside the place for hours. Lark had been there five
minutes, and already he could barely feel his fingers.

Milo. Shit! His mate was going to be one royally pissed off hound.

Lark kind of felt sorry for the men around him. There was no doubt in
his mind that Milo would come looking for him—and he’d rip apart
anyone that stood between them.

Holding on to the thought and locking it away inside his heart,

Lark allowed himself to be hauled up from the frozen soil and tossed

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over some dumbass’s shoulder. He just had to tough it out for a little
while until Milo came for him.

* * * *

“Lark!” Milo growled viciously and slammed his fist into the

refrigerator door hard enough to dent the stainless steel. Before he
could even think of his next move, loud, frantic pounding came from
the front door.

Snarling the entire way, Milo marched through the living room

and ripped the door open with such violence it actually tore from its
hinges. Casting it aside, not caring where it landed, he eyed the three
women on his front steps and felt the hatred bubbling up in his chest.

“Where is he?” Milo and Lark’s aunts spoke at the same time.
“You mean you didn’t take him?”
“Don’t be stupid.” All three women rushed into the house and

started calling Lark’s name. Milo couldn’t for the life of him
remember their names, and he really didn’t give a shit. He just wanted
to know where is mate was.

“What have you done with him?” the redhead demanded.
“I didn’t do anything!” Milo roared. “He was in my arms, and

then just poof! He was gone!”

“Did you argue?” The blonde spoke with more kindness, but it

didn’t endear her to Milo in the least.

“Yes, but we were fine when he vanished. We were talking about

why I want to protect him from…” Milo trailed off and almost
crumpled to his knees. “Hades.”

All three females gasped. “No!”
“Why are you still here?”
“Get him back!”
They screeched orders at him as though he wasn’t chomping at the

bit to get to his lover. It burned his gut to ask for their help, but he
couldn’t get to Hades on his own. “Can you take me there?”

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They shook their heads. “The rules of the Underworld are not the

same as here,” the blonde explained. “The only way to reach Hades is
through summons…”

“Or death,” the brunette finished.
Milo growled and shook his head. “I’m bonded with Lark. If I die,

so does he.”

“Not necessarily.” The redhead stepped forward and laced her

fingers together in front of her stomach. “Lark has explained the
significance of the pearl that you wear?”

Milo nodded as he toyed with the necklace.
“As long as a small piece of his soul remains bound to the moon

pearl, he will be safe.”

He wanted to believe them, but they’d betrayed him too many

times. “How do I know I can trust you?”

“We may not want you as his mate, but we love Lark. You are the

only one that can bring him back.”

“Then I’ll do it.” Milo didn’t fear death or even the pain that

would come with it. “I won’t be able to return with him, will I?” He
only wanted Lark to be safe and happy. If that meant an eternity in
Hades, doing his father’s bidding, then so be it.

The trio shook their heads, though they didn’t exactly look upset

about the fact. Whatever, it didn’t matter. Only Lark was important.
“You’ll have to break the bond once he’s back.”

“We’ll speak with the elders,” the blonde assured him a little too


“Morigan, you spiteful old bitch. Just shut up. Milo, they’re trying

to trick you. There are other ways to enter the Underworld.”

Milo spun around to find his twin stepping over the threshold and

into the living room. “Miles, what the hell are you doing here?”

“Helping you rescue your mate, dumbass. Now, do you want me

to take you to Hades or not? I promise that you don’t need to die or be
separated from your mate to save him. These hags are just trying to
tear you two apart. Don’t listen to them.”

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It had been years since he’d seen his brother. Could he trust the

man? Was Miles working for their father? Had he hurt Lark? There
were so many questions and not enough time to search for answers.
Even if this was a trap, Milo didn’t have much choice. It was a way to
the Underworld without having a knife through his heart. He’d deal
with the repercussions if they came.

“Let’s go.”
“I can’t teleport from inside the house.” Miles led them out onto

the front porch and held his hand out, palm up. “Ready?”

With only a slight hesitation, Milo placed his trust in his brother’s

hand—literally. Once their palms met, Miles gripped his hand tightly
and darkness swallowed him. When Milo could finally see again, he
found himself near the banks of the river Acheron. “Where do we go
from here?”

Miles pointed north and gave him a little shove between his

shoulders. “Straight up this path and through those trees is Dad’s
house. He’s got a battalion of guards, brother. Watch yourself, and be

“Where are you going?”
Miles smirked and jerked his head toward a huge house to the

west. “I’m going to get backup.”

Miles winked. “You’ll see. Now hurry up, idiot. Your mate is

waiting for you.”

With a sharp nod, Milo started off down the path at a quick jog,

scanning the trees for ambush. The first two guards leapt from the tree
line, swords drawn, and rushed him like overeager pups.

Milo rolled his eyes, waited for them to draw closer, then twisted

around, grabbing one man’s wrist and wrenching the sword from his
grasp. Using the heavy handle he whacked the second guy in the back
of the head, knocking him unconscious. The first guard was on his
feet, pulling a dagger from his belt.

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“Oh, you guys have so much to learn.” Before the blade even

cleared its sheath, Milo struck, punching the guy in the face with
enough force to drop him beside his felled comrade.

Farther up the path, Milo encountered another set of guards, these

even less skilled than the first. What the hell was his father teaching
these men? They’d all be slaughtered if they ever had to go into

He could see the enormous house through the parting of the trees

and quickened his pace. He quickly stumbled to a stop when a large
hellhound stepped onto the path in front of him and growled. Well, at
least this one had the good sense to use the natural weapons the gods
had given him. Still, it was fairly simple to slip through the beast’s
legs and send him into oblivion with one well-placed blow to the back
of the head.

Shaking his head in disgust, Milo sprinted through the tree line,

his own shifter howling and clawing with the need to be free to
protect its mate. Milo held the hound back but just barely. Even the
human part of him wanted to rip everyone apart that had even thought
of hurting his sweet siren.

Eight guards emerged from the sides of the house to take up ranks

and block Milo from reaching the door. With a frustrated growl, Milo
beckoned them forward. “I have places to be, so let’s get this over

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Chapter Thirteen

“You know Milo is coming for me, right?” Lark crossed his arms

over his chest and glared at the man sitting across the desk from him.

Cerberus sighed. “Please, sit down.”
“No. Who the fuck do you think you are? You can’t just hold me


“It is only for a short time, I assure you. I do not wish to harm

you.” The man leaned back in his chair and tapped his fingertips
together. “My son has an attachment to you. As you said, he will
come for you.” He grinned wickedly. “I’m counting on it.”

“So, you plan to use me as leverage so that Milo has no choice but

to agree to lead the pack?” Lark let a little smirk of his own ghost
over his lips. “That is the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.”

“It will work,” Cerberus answered with conviction.
“Uh-huh.” Lark bobbed his head and let his lips stretch into a full-

blown smile. “You keep telling yourself that.”

“He loves you. He will do whatever is necessary to protect you.”
Lark’s heart galloped at the thought that Milo might love him.

They hadn’t declared themselves, so he had no way of knowing for
sure. Still, he couldn’t help but get a little sappy over the thought.

Pulling himself together quickly, Lark shook his head. “He

doesn’t love me.” Technically, it wasn’t a lie. Whether Milo felt it or
not, he hadn’t said it, so Lark didn’t count it. “Yes, he will come for
me, and yes, he will protect me. He’s not going to lead your stupid
hellhounds, though. You’re barking up the wrong tree, mister.” Lark
actually woofed at the man to get his point across.

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“If he feels his mate is threatened, he will do what he must.” The

guy was losing conviction with every retelling of his plan.

Lark wanted to roll his eyes. He had to remind himself how old

Milo’s father was, but seriously, who the hell talked like that? “One
little problem with that theory. You have no leverage. You have
nothing that can keep him bound to you.”

“I have you.” Cerberus waved a hand toward him and huffed.
“Yes. Which is just stupid, and you’re going to get a lot of people

killed over this little stunt.” Lark began pacing the room with his
hands linked behind his back. “Milo and I are bonded. If he doesn’t
consummate his relationship with me every twenty-four hours, he’ll
lose his shifter.” He paused to let the first bit of information sink in.
“Also, if you kill me, you kill him as well. So, what exactly do you
have to threaten him with?”

Lark didn’t like the evil gleam in Cerberus’s eyes. “Then I

suppose we’ll just have to keep you around, won’t we? I’m sure Milo
would be happy to lead the pack to keep your pretty skin unmarred.”

“So, you’re going to whip me like you did to him?” Instead of

being afraid, Lark was pissed. Maybe it was stupid, but it kept his
head clear to think at least.

Cerberus’s eyebrows drew together, and his lips pressed together

in a thin line. “I don’t know what you mean,” he said finally.

“Oh, cut the bullshit! You know what you did to him!”
“Milo never showed for our meeting yesterday. I assumed you had

a hand in preventing his arrival.”

If one more stupid thing came out of the man’s mouth, Lark was

going to scream. “You know damn well that as much as I would love
that, I have no control over him leaving when he’s summoned.”

Cerberus regarded him for a long time before he spoke again.

“Milo is stubborn,” he said slowly. “At times he needs to be reminded
of his place in the world.”

Lark snorted derisively. “So, you remind him that he’s the son of

the great and powerful Cerberus by beating him into submission?

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You’re fucking pathetic. How do you expect him to be a good leader
if you break him before he even ascends to the position?”

Another pregnant pause, and Cerberus began to bob his head. “I

can see I have been going about this the wrong way.” Two guards
stepped in through the door behind Lark and grabbed him around the
upper arms to keep him immobile. “Now that I know my son’s
weakness, it should be simple to bend him to my will.”

“You obviously don’t know your son at all.” Lark sneered but

made no move to free himself from the guards. “He will destroy you.
I’m not his weakness, asshole.” When would people ever learn? A
bond between mates was not a vulnerability or something to be
feared. Lark was Milo’s strength, and Milo his. “You’ve done nothing
more than infuriate him. He’s here, and he’s getting closer.”

Okay, that part was a bluff. Lark didn’t know where the hell Milo

was, but he had no doubt that man was coming for him. When his
mate finally found him, Lark was going to kick his ass for making
him wait for so long. It was such a nice ass, too.

Lark’s cock twitched in interest as he thought about the smooth,

perfectly rounded globes of Milo’s tightly muscled ass. He switched
topics immediately. It was neither the time nor the place to go
sporting a boner for his mate—no matter how damn sexy the man

“If you want him to know you have me, why don’t you just

summon him?” Lark taunted. He’d feel so much better if Milo was
there with him.

“I will summon him when the time is right.” Cerberus licked his

lips lasciviously. “We haven’t even had time to get to know one
another, Lark.”

Lark didn’t like where this was going. No, sir, he did not.
“What do we do with him?” one of the guards asked.
“Take him to my chambers.”
“Oh, fuck no.” In that moment, Lark had an epiphany that made

his stomach curdle. “This isn’t about Milo at all. That’s why you

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won’t summon him. You’ve brought me to the one place that he can’t

“Leave us,” Cerberus ordered his guards.
The guards released him at once and left the room. Lark stood

perfectly still as he struggled to come to grips with his new revelation.
“Why me?” he finally asked.

“Your voice has the power to command armies and bring grown

men to their knees. I knew it the minute you opened your mouth to
kick me out of your house.” Cerberus chuckled under his breath.
“You will lead the pack.”

Okay, that definitely wasn’t as bad as what Lark had been

thinking, but it still wasn’t going to happen. “It’s not going to happen.
You’re just not getting it, are you? I need Milo. I’m already beginning
to feel tired and weak because I’m apart from him.”

“What if I could break the bond?”
“No.” Lark shook his head firmly. “I go where he goes.”
“Then perhaps I have found your weakness.”
Lark threw his hands up in exasperation. “I give up. It’s like

talking to a goddamn brick wall.”

“Then maybe for a chance to see your mother?”
Lark froze. His heart kicked violently against his sternum, and his

legs began to tremble, threatening to give out and send him crumpling
to the floor. How many nights had he lain awake and begged the gods
for just one more chance to see his mother? All he wanted was a
proper good-bye. Damn, he missed her so much!

“I can make that happen, Lark.” Cerberus stood and walked

around his desk slowly. “I can give you anything you want.” He
moved closer. “Tell me what it is you want, mikro.” His hand came
up to stroke Lark’s cheek.

Lark jerked away and felt like he was going to be sick. Okay, so

he hadn’t been wrong in thinking that Cerberus wanted them to share
a bed. “You are my mate’s father. Do you know how disgusting it is
that you just tried to hit on me?”

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“We are not of blood relation, you and I. There is nothing wrong

with wanting you, mikro.”

Lark’s stomach rolled again. “Don’t call me that!”
Cerberus wasn’t deterred. “We could be unstoppable with you

ruling by my side.” He reached out again, but Lark took another step
back. “I can give you your mother. I can give you everything your
heart desires.”

His mother. Lark wanted it so bad he ached for it. Was he willing

to pay the price, though? Images of Milo’s smiling face flashed inside
his mind. His mate’s deep, rolling laughter, the cute dimples, the little
spark in his eyes when he was up to no good—it all assailed him. He
thought of Milo’s gorgeous naked body. His skin prickled when he
remembered the way his lover touched him so gently. Milo wanted to
make the world sunshine and rose petals for him.

Lark took another step away from Cerberus and shook his head.

“My mother is gone, and there is only one thing my heart desires.”

“You dare to refuse me?” Cerberus’s face contorted into a mask of

rage, and a brutal backhand caught Lark in the cheek with enough
force to throw him to the floor.

Before he could blink away the disorientation, a furious roar rent

through the air, loud enough to shake the hideous paintings on the
wall. It was the most beautiful sound Lark had ever heard. Looking up
at his captor, Lark smiled wickedly. “You have so fucked up now.”

* * * *

How many fucking guards did his father have anyway? Milo

dispatched another as he raced toward him, dagger drawn, and
growling like a lunatic. Maybe he should take over the pack. These
guys sucked. Sure, they’d taken him down by jumping him from
behind when he wasn’t expecting it. Face-to-face, they had little skill
with the weapons they wielded.

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Three more rushed toward him, and Milo was just getting

annoyed. “Stand down,” he ordered, his voice deep and full of
authority. The trio stopped in their tracks and bowed their heads,
exposing the backs of their necks.

“Oh, very cool,” Milo whispered under his breath. “Where is my

mate?” he asked in the same commanding tone as before.

“In the master’s study,” one of the guards answered, still refusing

to make eye contact with him.

“Master,” Milo sneered. That just took the fucking cake. “Move.”
The men stepped aside, and Milo marched past them, up the front

steps of his father’s house and in through the double doors. Sprinting
across the foyer and down the hallway, Milo had to use his alpha
voice on two other guards before he finally reached the study.

Just as he reached the door, a loud smacking sound reached his

ears through the wood, and he heard his mate’s soft gasp of pain. Fury
like he’d never felt coursed through him, and Milo roared like the
beast that he was until the walls began to vibrate.

He tried to get his trembling fingers to work the doorknob, but it

was no use. Giving up after the second try, Milo roared again, lifted
his foot, and kicked with everything he had. The door splintered but
didn’t open. He kicked it again. The third assault sent the door
banging open, effectively tearing down the last barrier that stood
between him and his mate.

Stepping into the room, he eyed his father with cold calculation.

Movement from the corner caught his attention, and Milo’s eyes
flickered in that direction. Lark sat on the floor, staring up at him with
a huge grin as though Milo had roped the moon and hung the stars.

Fuck, he’d been so scared. There was nothing in the cosmos that

he wouldn’t fight to ensure Lark’s safety. In the short amount of time
they’d been together, Lark had become his everything.

Holding his arms open, Milo motioned for his lover to come to

him. Lark was off the floor and sprinting into his arms in a flash. He

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collided with Milo’s chest, his thin arms wrapped around Milo’s
waist, and he rubbed against him like a cat seeking affection.

“Hey,” Lark whispered. “What took you so long?”
Milo chuckled and clutched his mate closer. “I got here as soon as

I could, mikro.”

“It’s really cold here. Can we go home now?”
Milo glanced up at his father. “I have something I need to take

care of first.” He eased Lark behind him and urged him toward the
door. “Wait outside, Lark.”

“What are you planning to do?” Lark’s eyes widened with fear,

and he wouldn’t let go of Milo’s hand.

“I just need to have a word with my father.”
“Milo, please,” Lark begged. “It’s not worth it.”
“Do not worry, Lark,” Cerberus said with a smirk. “He is too

much of a coward to fight me.”

His words didn’t affect Milo, but Lark was another story. His little

mate shot around him and kicked Cerberus right in the shin. “He is no
fucking coward.” Then he turned around and bit his lip. “Oops. Sorry,

Milo chuckled. “I think I can let this one slide.”
Lark dipped his head and turned back to Cerberus just in time to

catch an open hand to his face. Milo’s vision went black as an all-
consuming rage descended over him. He couldn’t remember his
name, where he was, or even why. His hound bared its teeth, begging
to be let loose so it could defend their mate.

For once, Milo didn’t fight it. Closing his eyes, he felt the magic

flow through him as his shifter pushed to the forefront and eventually
burst through to the surface. He didn’t feel the pain that normally
came with his shift. He didn’t feel anything. When he blinked open
his eyes, he was covered in black fur from head to toe, his gigantic
body filling the majority of the room.

Before anyone could react, Milo struck, trapping his father

between his massive jowls and lifting him from the floor. He shook

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his head, causing the man to yelp and flop around in his mouth like a
chew toy. Milo really liked that, so he did it again.

He was just beginning to have fun when a loud, masculine voice

yelled for him to stop. Peeking over his shoulder, Milo saw his twin
and a man he’d never met standing just inside the doorway. The guy
with his brother was tiny, barely bigger than Lark. Though
unimposing physically, something in the way the man carried himself
commanded respect and obedience.

“Put him down, Milo,” the man said.
Milo growled at him. He could feel the power pouring off the

smaller man like a tangible force, but his father had assaulted his
mate, and Milo’s hound wasn’t done exacting revenge.

His eyes narrowed, and he growled again when Miles stepped up

beside Lark and bent to whisper something in his ear. Brother or not,
he was much too close to Milo’s mate.

“Put him down,” the other guy repeated firmly, drawing Milo’s

attention back to him.

“Milo?” This voice was much softer, more musical, and Milo

turned toward it instantly. “Put him down, big guy. You see that guy
there?” Lark pointed toward the man standing just in front of Milo.
“That’s the man in charge. Your brother says he’s going to make sure
that Cerberus is punished.”

Milo growled and clamped his teeth a little tighter around his

father’s midsection, snickering inside his mind when the man

“No.” Lark pointed up at him. “You put him down.”
Milo whimpered, and Lark rolled his eyes. Then his mate smiled

sweetly and began stroking Milo’s fur as his soft voice filled the room
with song. With a long, drawn-out sigh, Milo finally opened his jaws
and let his father fall to the floor with a heavy thud.

The minute he hit the floor, three guards rushed inside, lifted him

up, and carried him from the room. Lark continued to hum
melodiously. He giggled when Milo lowered his head and nuzzled his

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cold nose over Lark’s chest. Those soft hands caressed the fur on his
face, and Lark kissed him. “Could you shift back now? I’d really like
to go home.”

In the blink of an eye, Milo returned to his human form and had

Lark wrapped up in his arms and their lips pressed together in a
possessive kiss. “Are you okay?” He stroked Lark’s swollen cheek
and growled. “You should have let me kill him.”

Lark tapped the end of Milo’s nose. “No, I shouldn’t have. You

are better than that, Milo Gavari. The man I love is not a murderer.”

Milo almost choked. “Love?”
“Oh, very much so.” Lark rubbed their noses together playfully,

and then their lips. “I love you, Milo,” he whispered.

Swallowing down the lump in his throat, Milo stared into Lark’s

green eyes and found everything he’d ever been searching for. “I love
you, mikro.”

Lark just smirked. “I know.”

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Chapter Fourteen

“I think this belongs to you.”
Lark turned to see the small man holding up the pearl that had

been around Milo’s neck when he’d shifted. The leather strap was
busted, but at least the pearl was undamaged. Lark held his hand out
and smiled in gratitude when the treasure was dropped into his palm.
“Thank you, Hades.”

Good grief, he still couldn’t get over the fact that Hades was so

damn small! When Milo’s brother tried to hastily explain things to
him earlier, Lark had literally choked in shock before getting his shit
together so that he could talk his mate down from eating his dad.

Seriously, though, Lark expected Hades to be at least Milo’s size

if not larger. He was the god of the Underworld for pity’s sake! He
was kind of cute, though.

“So what happens now?” Milo asked.
“What would you like to happen?” Hades tilted his head to the

side and smiled. Milo’s twin stepped up behind him, and Hades took
the man’s hand.

Aww. Lark thought his face would split in two from smiling so

much. “You two look adorable together.” He held his hand out,
though he kept the other arm and his legs wrapped securely around
his lover. “You must be Miles.”

Miles shook his hand and mirrored his smile. “And you must be

Lark. You are a lot of trouble, you know that?”

Lark bit his lip and blushed. Miles grunted and rubbed his

stomach as he looked down at Hades. “What?” he demanded.

Hades rolled his eyes. “Behave, love.”

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Miles sighed and kissed his lover’s temple. “You are so spoiled,”

he whispered.

“Of course,” Hades replied, snuggling back into the man’s arms.

“I’m a god, sweetheart. What did you expect?”

“Umm, for you to love me?”
Hades looked over his shoulder and smiled beautifully. “You

know I already do.”

Lark thought he was going to burst. It was so damn cute. “I want

one,” Lark pouted to his mate.

Milo looked confused but indulgent. “One what, baby?”
Lark pointed toward the couple beside them. “They’re so damn

adorable. Can we keep them?”

Hades looked startled. Miles growled a little. Milo, however, burst

into laughter. “Oh, I adore you, Lark Rhodes.”

Hades cleared his throat. “Anyway, so you were saying what it is

you’d like to do now.”

“Go home,” Milo and Lark answered at the same time.
“I thought you’d say that.” Hades smiled and turned to kiss his

lover again. “Miles, please put the dragons on the gate until we can
get this straightened out.”

Miles nodded, winked at them all, and then hurried out of the

room. Hades held his hand out and looked up at Lark imploringly.
“May I?”

Lark handed his pearl back to the miniature god and watched in

awe as Hades waved his hand over it, restoring it to perfection with a
new leather strap and all. “Where is the other one?”

“Uh.” Lark’s eyebrows drew together. “There’s only the one.”
“Well, that’s not right. You should each have one. How on earth

do you manage to be apart?”

“Well, we don’t.” Lark didn’t want to get his hopes up, but it was

exactly the answer he’d been looking for. “How do we get another

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Hades chuckled. “Oh, to be so young.” He waved his hand over

the pearl again, and a second one appeared alongside it with an
identical black, braided chord of leather. He passed them to Lark and
dipped his head before addressing Milo. “You will need to claim your
mate again to cement the bond, but this should do the trick.”

“Thank you,” Lark breathed as he pulled one necklace over his

head and draped the other around Milo’s neck. “I don’t even know
how to repay you.”

Hades waved his hand. “It was nothing. Before I found Miles, I

was a miserable bastard. I can’t imagine my life without him. Just
take care of each other.”

Milo held his hand out and shook with the god. “Thank you,” he

said reverently. “I don’t want to lead the pack or live in the
Underworld, but if there’s anything else I can do, please don’t hesitate
to ask. I am indebted to you.”

Hades looked uncomfortable at the gratitude, which only made

Lark giggle. So much for the image he’d built up in his head of Hades
being a big, evil badass. “Can we go home now? I’m freezing my nut
sac off.”

Hades chuckled again, and in the next instance, Lark found

himself in the middle of his living room, still wrapped tightly around
his lover. He beamed as he looked into Milo’s eyes. “We did it.”

“Let’s get some ice for that cheek.” Milo still sounded growly, but

at least he’d lost the menacing scowl. “Is it sore? Do you want some

“I’m fine, love.” Lark mashed their lips together in a needy kiss.

“I love you.”

Milo rested their foreheads together and sighed with so much

contentment Lark’s heart melted. “I love you, too, baby.”

Closing his eyes and groaning, Lark decided that he did not have

the energy or patience to deal with his aunts. “Go away,” he

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“Is that any way to greet your aunts?” Drea chastised.
“Probably not, but I don’t care. Haven’t you caused enough

trouble?” Lark still refused to open his eyes and look at them.

“Lark, we need to talk.”
That got his attention. Opening his eyes, he turned slowly to look

at his Aunt Morigan. “What do you have to tell me?”

Her eyes cut to Milo, and she frowned. Lark didn’t give a damn.

“Whatever you have to say to me, you can say it in front of my mate.”

“Can he at least put some clothes on?” Patricia huffed and turned

her face as if the sight morally offended her.

Lark wasn’t keen on all his lover’s naughty bits hanging out

either. Squirming until Milo set him on his feet, he swatted the man’s
scrumptious ass and shooed him toward the bedroom. “Put some
clothes on. We’ll wait for you.”

Once Milo left the room, Lark turned to his aunts and indicated

that they should sit. Lark remained standing until Milo strutted back
into the room dressed in nothing but a pair of gym shorts. He pushed
the man down into one of the armchairs and climbed up in his lap to
cuddle against his chest.

When he was finally comfortable, he gave his attention to his

aunts. “What did you want to talk about?”

“Where did you get that?” Patricia asked, pointing to the twin

pearls around his and Milo’s necks.

“It was a gift. Something you forgot to mention?” Lark asked


Morigan held her hands up for peace. “I know you’ve asked who

your father was.”

“Was?” So, his father was dead. Lark never knew the man, so he

felt nothing. His aunt might as well have been talking about the rising
price of produce.

“Yes. Your mother ventured off the island.” Morigan said this

with a great deal of distaste. “She met a hellhound on the mainland
and fell in love.” There was even more disdain in her voice at this

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announcement. “Within a year, you were born, the first male siren to
ever exist. Hades blessed the union and the child—you—proclaiming
you would have one true mate born only for you.”

Lark looked up at Milo and grinned. He really owed Hades now.
“Before your first birthday, your father was called away to defend

the Underworld—a thousand years of service.”

Lark peeked up at his mate again. “I thought only you and your

brothers were required to serve a thousand years?”

Milo shook his head. “All hellhounds have to serve their thousand

years. My brothers have always been chosen to stand at our father’s
side to guard the gates of Hades, but each hound born must serve the
pack in some way.”

Lark nodded slowly before returning his gaze to his aunts. “What


Morigan sighed. “Your mother was in love. She watched your

father leave, promising she would wait for him. She gave him a pearl
and intertwined their souls.”

Everyone grew silent for a long time before Drea finally spoke.

“Your father was killed. We don’t know the circumstances of his
death, but with the bond in place, once his light was extinguished,
your mother’s followed swiftly.”

Lark rested his head on Milo’s shoulder as he thought over the

information he’d waited to obtain for a hundred years. It all made so
much sense now that he had all the details. “That’s why you don’t
want me mated to Milo. Not because he’s a man or because you don’t
think he’s good enough. You’re afraid that the same thing that
happened to Mom will happen to me.”

All three women nodded, their eyes shimmering with unshed

tears. “We couldn’t bear to lose you,” Patricia whispered. “We did
hope you would mate a woman.”

Lark gaped at her.
Morigan laughed softly. “We have nothing against two men

loving each other, Lark. Women are more sensible and less likely to

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die in battle. That was the only reason we hoped you’d chose a female

Lark wiggled out of Milo’s lap and went to kneel on the carpet in

front of his aunts. “Milo will not have to serve in the Underworld. He
risked his life to bring me back. He loves me, and I love him. Please
don’t make me choose between you.”

Morigan stroked his cheek. “No, my love. Your Milo is a good

and honorable man. He was willing to let us kill him, knowing that he
could never return from Hades, just so he could save you.”

“You were going to kill him?” Lark’s eyes narrowed to slits and a

growl rumbled in his chest.

Morigan nodded. “We couldn’t have asked for a better mate for

you. He truly was made just for you, Lark. We won’t meddle
anymore, and we wish you both all the happiness.”

Lark felt his anger drain away, and he turned his head to kiss his

aunt’s palm. “Thank you. I don’t want to lose any of you, but he is my

Drea leaned forward and kissed his forehead. “We know, Lark,

and that’s the way it should be. We’ll see you soon.”

Then they stood as one, walked out the front door, and vanished.
“I can’t believe everything is finally going right.” Lark shook his

head and pushed to his feet. “This is amazing.”

Milo chuckled and held his arms open. Cuddling Lark close when

he jumped into his lap, he rubbed their cheeks together. “You are

“Yes, baby?”
“What happened to the front door?” Lark looked over his shoulder

at the exposed doorway and the splintered door propped up beside it.

“I might have lost it a little when you disappeared.”
“So you took it out on the door?” Lark chuckled and kissed his

lover’s lips. “We should probably fix that before we go to bed.”

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With a grumpy frown, Milo nodded. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.

I’d rather just take you to bed, fuck your brains out, and cement this
bond Hades was talking about.”

Lark’s cock twitched, and his breathing accelerated. Groaning and

shifting around uncomfortably, Lark closed his eyes and pointed at
the door. “Hurry up and fix that. I’m going to go take a shower.”

“Why do you always insist on showering before we have sex?”
Flipping his eyelids open, Lark shrugged. “We’re having sex.

Your mouth and hands are all over me. I want to be clean for you.”

Milo snorted. “Baby, sex isn’t supposed to be all proper and clean.

Sex, if you’re doing it right, should be down and dirty, raunchy,
spontaneous. It loses some of its fun when you have to plan it around
a shower.”

“I haven’t heard you complain,” Lark countered with raised


“No, but there are times when I want you so bad I think I’ll

explode with it. Then right when I think my dick will fall off if I don’t
get inside your tight ass, you jump up and announce that you need a
shower. Can you see how frustrating that is?”

Lark nodded, but he didn’t think he’d be able to change anything.

It was so ingrained in him. “I’ll try, but don’t expect too much at

“Don’t worry.” Milo kissed his lips and patted him on the hip to

get him to move. “I have eternity to corrupt you.”

A question came to Lark out of the blue, and he couldn’t help but

voice it. “Is Hades really going to put dragons at the gates of Hades?”

Milo shrugged unconcernedly. “I guess so. Why?”
“Are they real dragons or shifters?”
“Probably shifters.” Milo began fitting the door back into the

frame. “Why is it important?”

“It’s not. I was just curious. Do you think they can handle the


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“Sure. They’re supposed to be tough bastards—some of the

biggest and baddest in the paranormal world.”

Lark thought back to the sheer size of Milo when he’d shifted.

The man was magnificent. Big, fierce, and terrifying—if Lark hadn’t
known it was Milo, he probably would have pissed himself. “Right,”
he finally said. “I don’t think they have anything on you, big guy.”

Milo winked over his shoulder as he finished up with the door.

“You’re a little biased.”

Shaking his head, Lark chuckled all the way down the hall to his

bedroom. Maybe he was a little biased, but he couldn’t imagine
anything being more ferocious than his mate in full protective mode.

Just the thought of Milo’s protective streak had Lark ready to

cream in his jeans. Taking a detour, he slipped into the bathroom and
turned on the shower. He said he’d work on it. He never said all of his
idiosyncrasies would change overnight.

Somehow, he doubted Milo would be too upset to find him wet

and slippery in the shower.

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Chapter Fifteen

“Milo, what the hell are we doing?”
Smirking to himself, Milo dragged his mate out to the pickup and

helped him up inside. “You’ll see,” he hedged. It was time his sweet
little siren let loose and gave up some of that rigid control.

The past two months had been wonderful. Lark was opening up

more in the bedroom. He had a definite fondness for toys of all shapes
and sizes. He really enjoyed tying Milo to the bed and having his
wicked way with him. Milo shivered involuntarily as he remembered
some of the delicious things Lark had done to him while he was at his
lover’s mercy.

He still insisted on showering before any kind of sexual contact,

though. Even if he’d had a shower earlier in the day, the minute
foreplay began he darted out of bed and right into the bathroom. It
was driving Milo insane!

“And why the hell do I have to wear a butt plug to wherever we’re

going?” Lark shifted in his seat, an impressive bulge pressing against
his zipper.

Milo chuckled. “So I can play with you and tease you, and no one

will know.”

“You’re rotten.” Lark pouted, crossing his arms over his chest and

slumping back in his seat.

“Just wait, baby. I think you’re going to like this.” Milo prayed he

was right and didn’t end up with a fat lip before the night was over.
He thought about getting a few drinks into Lark to loosen him up but
decided against it. Whatever choices Lark made tonight, Milo didn’t
want them based on false bravery or impairment from alcohol.

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Ten minutes of riding in comfortable silence, and Milo pulled into

a parking space behind Club Oceania. It was wilder than even The
Edge, but it was cleaner. He hoped Lark approved. Climbing down
from the driver’s seat, he patted his pockets to make sure he had
everything and waited for his lover to join him at the front of the
pickup. Taking Lark’s hand, he led him through the rows of cars and
around to the front door of the building.

After paying the cover charge and getting a good chuckle when

the woman asked to see Lark’s ID, they finally entered the club. Milo
watched Lark’s face light up with excitement as he took in the
colorful lights, the rhythmic blaring from the speakers, and the
writhing, half-naked bodies on the large dance floor.

“Oh, Milo! This place is fantastic,” he exclaimed.
Satisfied that they’d crossed the first hurdle, Milo bent closer so

he wouldn’t have to yell. “What do you want to do?”

“Can we dance?”
Milo wasn’t much of a dancer, but there was no way he could say

no to such enthusiasm. His mate looked ready to bust at the seams,
and it pleased Milo right down to his toes. Tucking his wallet back
into his pocket, he wrapped his arms around Lark’s shoulders and led
him out onto the dance floor.

The steady techno beat poured from the wall of speakers, and

conversation was impossible. What Lark couldn’t say with his lips, he
was definitely saying with his body, though. Spinning around and
pressing his back against Milo, Lark began gyrating with the music,
wiggling his ass, and looking like a walking advertisement for sex.

Milo swallowed his tongue and tried to keep up, but he

continuously found himself standing completely motionless and just
staring at the sexy little siren. Every move Lark made was fluid and
sensual, designed to drive even the straightest man out of his mind
with lust and desire.

Lark rubbed against him, swiveling his hips and grinding his

erection against Milo’s thigh. Jerking his lover to him, Milo thrust his

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straining cock against Lark’s midsection and squeezed the man’s ass,
pushing the butt plug farther into Lark’s hole.

His mate’s eyes closed, his head tilted back on his shoulders, and

a needy moan rose up over the music. Milo almost came in his jeans.
Sweet hell, he’d never seen anything more exquisite than the sight of
his mate wanton and begging for his touch.

Continuing to knead the pert little ass in his grip, Milo scanned the

room, looking for the way to the booth he’d reserved for them. If they
didn’t move this party to a more private venue, he was going to end
up embarrassing himself.

“Oh, look!” Lark shouted. He pointed overhead, and Milo glanced

up to find three cages hanging above them, complete with naked and
writhing men. “Wow, his cock is huge!”

“Hey!” Milo swatted Lark on the ass and glared at him. “I’m right


Lark smiled seductively and rubbed his palm over Milo’s hard

mound. “Oh, but you are so much bigger.”

“That’s better.” Milo huffed. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

Everyone in the vicinity was eyeing Lark like the special on the menu,
and Lark was drooling over some other guy’s dick. Definitely not the
way he’d pictured the night would go. “C’mon.”

Taking Lark by the wrist, Milo practically dragged him through

the throng of sweaty bodies toward the staircase that led to the second
floor of the club. Once they’d made it up the stairs, he checked left
and right, finally finding what he was looking for, and pulled Lark
along behind him.

The music was less deafening on the second floor but still too

loud for real conversation. It didn’t matter. If Milo wanted polite
conversation they could have stayed at home. Pulling back a gauzy
curtain, Milo pushed Lark inside first and stepped in behind him.

“Milo?” Lark spun around and pressed his hands flat to Milo’s

chest. “Are you mad? Please don’t be mad. I didn’t mean anything.
You know I love you, right?”

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Without a word, Milo pulled Lark into his arms and devoured his

mouth in an earth-moving kiss. Thrusting his tongue through his
mate’s parted lips, he delved inside, licking at the sweet depths and
leaving no crevice unexplored.

Lark moaned and panted, clutching at Milo as he tried to climb up

his chest. Eager to take their game to a more level playing surface,
Milo maneuvered them to the overstuffed sofa and sat, pulling Lark
into his lap.

His hands were everywhere, and his mouth followed suit. Milo

couldn’t stop himself, though. His fingers slipped under the hem of
Lark’s T-shirt and pulled on the cotton until it ripped right down the
middle of his back.

Shredding the material further in his attempt to get at Lark’s skin,

Milo tossed the tattered cotton remains to the floor and dove forward
to capture one of Lark’s copper-colored nipples in his mouth. He used
his lips, teeth, and tongue until the little nub hardened right up for

Lark’s fingers dove into his hair, pulling him closer as he arched

his back and pressed his chest more firmly to Milo’s mouth. “Oh,
gods, please!”

Milo stroked and caressed, rubbing his palms over Lark’s soft skin

then down to grip his ass and wiggled the toy still buried in his
channel. “Need you, baby.” He growled and groaned, humping his
hips and grinding against his mate like a bitch in heat.

“Let’s go home,” Lark panted. “I need a shower.”
Milo wanted to cry in frustration. Instead, he kept up the assault,

licking, kissing, biting, and sucking every inch of Lark’s creamy skin
his mouth could reach. “Need you, now,” Milo emphasized. He
fumbled with the buttons on Lark’s jeans, desperate to get inside his
mate. His cock throbbed painfully behind his zipper, protesting its
confinement and begging for a little playtime with his mate.

Once he managed to get Lark’s zipper down, he reached into the

man’s jeans and fished his pulsing cock free, groaning in delight at

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the feel of the heated flesh in his hand. He jacked his lover in hard,
fast strokes from base to tip, dipping his thumb into the slit and
smearing the pre-cum around.

Lark moaned louder, snapping his hips and pushing his cock

through Milo’s fist. “Oh fuck it,” he declared. “I need you. Please,
fuck me, Milo!”

Yes! Yes! Yes! Milo wanted to shout for joy, do a victory dance,

grab a celebratory beer—something! Just then all he could think about
was sinking his needy cock into Lark’s tight ass and riding him hard
and fast. That sounded like a damn good celebration to him.

Jumping up from his lap, Lark stripped out of the remainder of his

clothing, turned around to present his ass to Milo, and draped himself
over the small table in the center of their little space.

Milo disrobed in record time, remembering at the last second to

grab the lube from the front pocket of his jeans. Flipping the cap
open, he slicked his fingers and then his cock, his hands trembling so
violently he ended up dropping the lube to the floor before he could
close the lid.

“I can’t go slow,” he said in warning as he covered his lover’s

back and sucked on the side of his neck.

“Just shut up and fuck me,” Lark demanded.
Milo gripped the base of his cock to keep from blowing his load.

Damn, he loved the little firecracker. Grasping the base of the plug, he
gave it a few good pumps before pulling it free of Lark’s slick
entrance. Watching the tight muscles stretch over the silicone almost
undid him, and he found himself squeezing his cock once again.

Pushing in two fingers to make sure his mate was good and

stretched, Milo rubbed over the smooth walnut-sized gland, cranking
up Lark’s pleasure and pushing him closer to the edge.

“Milo! I’m so close. Please, please, please,” he chanted.
Milo slipped his fingers free, lined up his cock, and pushed into

Lark’s fluttering hole until he was buried balls deep inside his lover’s
snug passage. He gave a few long, languid thrusts of his hips, moving

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slowly and enjoying the feel of his mate’s heat wrapped around his

Then Lark slammed back against him, growling like a wild animal

as he began impaling himself on Milo’s length. “Fuck me!” he

Securing one arm around Lark’s waist, Milo used his other hand

to smack his lover’s ass hard. “No swearing,” he reprimanded.

“Fuck!” Lark screamed.
Milo swatted him again. “Keep it up, and I won’t let you come.”
That shut Lark up. The only sounds that issued from his mouth

after that were needy moans and whimpers, loud cries of ecstasy, and
whispered begging for more. From the corner of his eye, Milo could
see people watching them through the thin curtain. He wanted to snarl
at them to keep walking, but Lark chose that moment to scream out
his name, demanding all his attention.

His lover’s hungry ass sucked his cock in, squeezed it, and

massaged it. His inner walls convulsed in waves, tightening around
Milo’s prick until he thought he’d pass out from the pleasure.

Sliding his hand down Lark’s chest, Milo closed his eyes and

groaned when he finally palmed his lover’s bouncing erection. Lark’s
dick swelled and pulsed in his hand, flexing with every hard snap of
Milo’s hips.

“I need to come, Milo. Please, let me come.”
Feeling his canines elongate, Milo raked them over Lark’s

shoulder, delighting in the full-body shiver Lark gave him in
response. “Come for me, mikro. Show everyone here who you belong

“You!” Lark cried. “I belong to you, Milo!” His long ropes of

sticky seed shot from his slit, coating Milo’s hand and wrist and much
of the carpet below them.

Pumping through his orgasm, Milo howled out Lark’s name,

pouring his cream into Lark’s tight heat. “Oh, baby,” he crooned
when he’d finally come down from his orgasmic bliss. “Thank you.”

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He eased out of Lark’s hole and used the shredded remains of Lark’s
T-shirt to lovingly clean his mate. “You’re definitely going to need a
shower now.”

Lark giggled as he turned and wrapped his arms around Milo’s

waist. “I get it now. Dirty, sweaty, monkey sex is hot!”

Kissing the top of his mate’s head, Milo smiled like a loon. “I’m

glad you enjoyed it.”

Peeking around Milo, Lark started to giggle again. “I don’t think

I’m the only one that liked it.” Then the cute smile dropped from his
lips, and he snarled as he grabbed Milo’s ass in both hand. “Mine!”

Milo’s flagging erection began to swell again at the possessive

tone in Lark’s voice. Pushing his lover away, he snatched their clothes
off the floor and shoved Lark’s jeans into his hands. “Get dressed.”

“Um, okay.” Lark look confused but did as he was told. “Is

something wrong?”

“Nope. I just want to get you home and fuck on every available

flat surface in the house.”

Lark didn’t even bother buttoning his jeans. He grabbed Milo’s

elbow and tugged. “Hurry.”

* * * *

“I got it!” Lark called as he hurried to answer the knock at the

door. Swinging it open, he smiled brightly at their visitors. “Miles!
Hades! What are you doing here?” He stepped back and waved them

“I’m sorry, but we can only stay for a minute,” Hades said

apologetically as he stepped into the house with Miles right behind
him. “I have news for you, though.”

Lark just smiled and motioned for them to have a seat. “Milo!

Love, your brother is here.”

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Milo sauntered into the room wearing nothing but a pair of loose-

fitting boxers. Lark rolled his eyes and huffed. “Please excuse the

“What?” Milo asked indignantly. “It’s just my brother.”
“Miles is the same way,” Hades whispered conspiratorially.

“Absolutely no manners.”

“Hey!” Miles and Milo yelled at the same time, sending Lark into

a fit of giggles.

“So, what’s going on, gentlemen? I’m guessing this isn’t a purely

social visit. You said you have something to tell us?” Lark went and
cuddled up in his mate’s lap in the armchair.

He slapped his hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter when

Miles tried to pull Hades into his lap, much to the man’s displeasure.
“Miles!” Hades finally snapped. “I am a god, not to mention the ruler
of the Underworld. You do realize the place is named after me, right?
I am not going to sit in your lap!”

“Lark’s sitting in Milo’s lap.” Miles slumped back to the cushions

and hung his head. “I just like to hold you.”

Lark knew a con job when he saw one, and Miles was working

Hades over like a pro. It was damn amusing to witness.

Hades huffed and rubbed his hands over his face before moving

closer to Miles and snuggling into his side. “Better, sweetheart?”

Miles’s arms went around him instantly, and he kissed his lover’s

temple. “Much better. Thank you, baby.”

“They’re so cute!” Lark sniffed and buried his face in Milo’s

neck. “Are we that cute?” he whispered.

“Believe me, Lark,” Miles called to him. “You two are positively


Lark lifted his head and grinned. “Yeah? Really?”
Everyone laughed, and Milo pulled Lark down to cuddle against

his chest again. “Yeah, baby. We’re that cute.” His fingers combed
through Lark’s hair while he talked to their guests. “So, I’m guessing
you’re here to talk about Dad.”

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Gabrielle Evans

Lark closed his eyes, moving around Milo’s muscled chest until

he found a comfortable spot. As long as Milo got to stay with him, he
didn’t much care about Cerberus or anything to do with the
Underworld. Still, he felt it would be rude if he just fell asleep. Mmm,
Milo was so warm, though, and he smelled so good.

“Behave,” Milo admonished, shifting in his seat when Lark’s nose

began skimming up the side of his neck.

“Hades is the same way,” Miles announced, earning him a jab in

the ribs from his lover.

“Anyway,” Hades said in exasperation. “Cerberus has been

condemned to a thousand years in Tartarus. We’ll see if that can’t
change his attitude a bit.”

“Were you two good friends?” Lark asked sleepily.
“Yes.” Hades looked away and pressed in closer to Miles’s side.

“You and Milo are not the only people he’s hurt, though.” His
fingertips trailed over Miles’s chest. “I found Miles whipped and
bloody, barely alive. I should have seen it then that Cerberus had
become too hungry for power that he can’t control.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” From Miles’s tone, Lark assumed they’d

had the conversation many times in the past. “Hey.” His finger
slipped under Hades’ chin and tilted his head up. “I love you, yeah?”

“And I love you.”
“How long have you two been together?” Milo asked, smoothing

his palm up and down Lark’s spine.

“A little over a year,” Miles answered proudly. “I did good, don’t

ya think? Sexy, smart, and powerful—I hit the jackpot.”

“Do you see what I have to put up with?” Hades motioned toward

Miles and grumbled under his breath.

“Uh, hello?” Lark pointed up at Milo. “Yes, I know exactly what

you put up with.”

“I like you, Lark.”

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Howl and Harmony


Both brothers growled, and both mates rolled their eyes. “I like

you, too, Hades. Why don’t you guys come by when it warms up, and
we’ll have a barbeque?”

“Man, that sounds awesome!” Miles jumped up, jerking his lover

with him. “Sorry to run out like this, but I really got get inside this
tight little a—”

“Miles, don’t you say it!” Hades warned. Throwing his hands up,

he marched across the room and motioned for his mate to exit first.
“Do I need to remind you who is in charge?”

“Yes!” Miles shouted eagerly from the front porch.
Hades looked over his shoulder and winked. “He’s so spoiled.”

Then the door closed, and Lark was left alone with his mate.

“I really like them.”
“They’re fun.”
“They really love each other. It’s so easy to see it.”
Milo nuzzled against Lark’s dark curls. “I really love you.”
“You just love when I sing for you.”
“And you just love when I howl,” Milo countered.
Lark laughed and sat up to straddle his mate’s thighs. “Okay, you

got me there, but it’s so damn sexy.”

“How about you sing for me now?” Milo asked hopefully.
Rocking his growing erection against Milo’s, Lark flicked his

tongue over his mate’s lips and grinned seductively. “You howl. I’ll
pick up the harmony.”



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Gabrielle Evans grew up in a small town in southern Oklahoma.

We are talking one red light that may or may not work depending on
the day of the week. She married her high school sweetheart, and the
rest is pretty much history. They have two very active boys and one
high-strung wiener dog that keeps her constantly on the go. For now,
she parks her car in north-central Texas, but who knows what
tomorrow will bring.

Gabrielle believes in love at first sight, falling hard and fast,

taking chances, and grabbing your happy-ever-after with both hands.
She also believes that a great cup of coffee can cure anything.

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Also by Gabrielle Evans

Siren Classic ManLove: Gods of Chaos 1: Devil Did Grin

Siren Classic: Salem Nights 1: Life Out Loud

Ménage Amour: Wicked River 1: Keeper of the Light

Siren Classic ManLove: Lawful Disorder 1: Lipstick and Handguns

Siren Classic ManLove: Midnight Matings: Fire and Ash

Siren Classic ManLove: Midnight Matings: Myth and Mischief

Ménage Amour ManLove: Midnight Matings:

Fantasy, Legend, and the Guardian

Siren Classic ManLove: The Moonlight Breed 1: Leap of Faith

Siren Classic ManLove: The Moonlight Breed 2:

By the Light of the Moon

Siren Classic ManLove: The Moonlight Breed 3:

Whispers in the Night

Ménage Amour ManLove: The Moonlight Breed 4:

Softly Spoken Lies

Siren LoveXtreme Forever ManLove: Fatefully Yours 1:

Dark Devotion

Siren LoveXtreme Forever ManLove: Fatefully Yours 2:

Upon Crimson Waters

Siren LoveXtreme Forever ManLove: Fatefully Yours 3: Firestorm

Siren LoveXtreme Forever ManLove: Fatefully Yours 4:

Hell’s Tempest

Siren LoveXtreme Forever ManLove: Fatefully Yours 5:

Shades of Black

Siren LoveXtreme Forever ManLove: Fatefully Yours 6:

Hypnotic Healing

Siren LoveXtreme Forever ManLove: Fatefully Yours 7: The Hunger

Siren LoveXtreme Forever ManLove: Fatefully Yours 8:

Behind Closed Doors

Siren LoveXtreme Forever ManLove: Fatefully Yours 9: Reckoning

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


Document Outline


Podobne podstrony:
Midnight Matings 11 Gabrielle Evans Howl and Harmony
Gabrielle Evans Midnight Matings 11 Howl and Harmony
Midnight Matings 18 Flynn Joyee Suck And Lick
Midnight Matings 09 Flynn Joyee Spells and Bananas [MM]X
Midnight Matings 10 Stormy Glenn Sparkle and Purr
Gabrielle Evans Lipstick And Handguns
Midnight Matings 01 Flynn Joyee Squeak and a Roar
Gabrielle Evans Midnight Matings 14 Monsters and Mayhem
Gabrielle Evans Midnight Matings 13 Splash and Elegance
Joyee Flynn Midnight Matings 12 Fur and Flightless
Gabrielle Evans The Moonlight Breed 05 Endless Midnight
Midnight Matings 08 Stormy Glenn White Paws and a Dream
Gabrielle Evans Lawful Disorder 01 Lipstick and Handguns
Joyee Flynn Midnight Matings Suck and Lick
Gabrielle Evans Haven 02 Faith Trust and Stardust
No Quarter Magazine 11 Web Extra Death and Diamonds
Gabrielle Evans Moonlight Breed 2 By the Light of the Moon
Tabor Evans Longarm AND THE BRAZOS DEVIL
11 South Africa (Language and National Identity in Africa)

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