Affirmations Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit By Linda Ann Stewart

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Empowering you to help you transform your life. Offering inspirational and

self-help articles, affirmations, affirmation e-books, audiotapes, online classes, and a free

newsletter to propel you forward with your spiritual growth.


Linda-Ann Stewart

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Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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Table Of Contents


..................................................................................... Page 3


How To Create Good In Your Life

" .............................................. Page 7


Accept Your Good

" ....................................................................... Page 11


Reprogram Your Negative Self-Chatter

" ..................................... Page 12


The Secret of Affirmations

" .......................................................... Page 13


Power Your Affirmations With Feeling

" ...................................... Page 15


The Conviction Of Your Beliefs

" ................................................. Page 17


What False Ideas Do You Believe?

" ............................................ Page 19


Develop Your Faith

" ...................................................................... Page 21

Catalog of Products

........................................................................ Page 22

About Linda-Ann Stewart

............................................................... Page 24

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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There is a Divine Order in the Universe that conspires for my good. When it works for my highest good, it
also works for the highest good of all those involved in my life. I know that my good is also good for
others. I allow everything in my life to align with this perfect pattern.



I have a right to choose the ideas that are best for me. Not only do I have the right, but I have the
responsibility to my Higher Self to make decisions that are beneficial for me now. Releasing any old
ideas of guilt, I now allow the Universe to bless me with joy, harmony, health, prosperity, and all the good
there is.



I trust the Spirit of all good. Universal good flows through my mind, body and into the body of my affairs. I
know that Spirit wants the best for me, and I deserve the best. Every level of my mind now accepts that I
am worthy of all the good that Life has to offer, and my life now reflects that knowledge.



I know that the pattern of my thinking creates my life experience. I now keep my thoughts on all the good
that Universal Life has to offer me. I know that I deserve it. Because the tendency of my mind is towards
Life, I become a channel for the flow of Infinite Good to me and through me. I accept my good now.



I know that I'm being Divinely guided at every moment of time and every point of space. All I need to do
is to listen to the still, small voice within me. I now quiet my doubts and concerns, and learn to discern
what is Divine direction and what isn't. As I begin to follow my guidance, I experience its message with
more clarity and understanding.



I know that what I contemplate I become. I now fill my mind with all the good that I want. Recognizing
that God is the giver and God is the gift, I realize that I've already been given all that I want. Any ideas
that counter my desires are false ideas. They have no reality but the power I give them. I know that my
mind and the mind of God are now creating a wonderful new life for me.



I know there is an Intelligence in the Universe that governs all of my affairs wisely. It guides my finances
into prosperity. This Intelligence directs my body towards health. As a Loving Presence, It wants only the
best for me. I surrender my concerns to It, realizing that as I do, I allow Divine Order to prevail in all
areas of my life.



Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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Whenever any unexpected circumstance happens, I bless it as an opportunity sent by the Universe. As I
conceive that some good could come from the unexpected, I allow the doors of heaven to flood my life
with abundance. Only Divine Right Action occurs in my life, for my Highest Good. I flow with Life, and Life
flows unimpeded through me.



I know that I always move in the direction of what I'm envisioning. I now recognize what has been my
dominant thought, and determine whether that is what I want to continue to have in my life. Divine energy
always unconditionally fills the pattern of the ideas I contemplate. If I want something better, I now
change my focus to visualize the good I desire. I keep my attention on the direction I choose to go.



All of Life is devoted to benefit me in the best way possible. The Universe is in my corner, supporting me
in whatever I choose. I now choose my thoughts wisely, keeping them positive, and focus on what I want
the Universe to provide me.



Challenges come into my life to propel me into a greater acceptance of Universal good. I know that every
challenge brings a gift for me. I now transform every challenge into an opportunity that benefits my life.



Universal Love is at the center of my being. Therefore, I know my true state is one of joy peace and
harmony. Anything that appears in my life other than this perfection is simply an outdated belief. I now
easily release anything other than serenity and joy from my life.



The Universe works for my Highest Good. I keep my thoughts consistent with what the Universe thinks
for me. If I notice myself thinking an idea that conflicts with that, I immediately counter it with the Truth
that I know about myself and the Universe.



The Universe loves and accepts me just as I am. I am whole and complete in the eyes of Spirit. Any
concept that conflicts with the perception of the Universe is false. Therefore, I love and accept myself
fully, knowing that I am enough.



Infinite Power and Love flow through me at every moment of the day. I open my mind and heart to the
Universe. I'm worthy of it. My life expands into a greater experience of Universal good.



There is no difference between between the physical world and the spiritual world. It is all spiritual and all
one. I am whole and complete, because I am a spiritual being. I am one with the All Good.



Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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I desire for myself what Infinite Mind desires for me. The Universal Mind wants to present me with love,
joy, harmony and an abundance of all good things. All I need to do is realize that I deserve the goodness
Life has to offer. Only good comes to me and only good flows forth through me.



I know that everything I desire is already mine. Any idea, concept, or attitude that has restricted my goal
is now released back to the void. My mind now expands to encompass all the good there is. I now accept
the consciousness of my desires.



In the midst of challenging situations, I remain serene with the Love of the Infinite permeating my being.
The harmony of the Universe flows in and through each condition, dissolving every difficulty. I know that
only Divine Right Action takes place in my life.



For every challenge, there is a bright solution inherent in the situation. Each problem is simply a
motivating force to spur me to a greater acceptance of good. I open my mind and heart to hear the
wisdom and inspiration of Divine Mind.



I was created in the perfection of the Infinite. Within me are all the attributes of love, harmony and power
of the Universe. I now allow myself the awareness of my true Self.



I now release the habitual way that I have judged myself and my life. I realize that I am a beloved
expression of the Infinite One. I embrace all that is good about the Universe and about myself.



Every moment of every day, I have the choice of how to feel. I now recognize when I make a choice that
makes me feel disempowered. I use my Divine ability to then make a different choice, to remember that
Spirit is present. In so doing, I choose to be joyful and serene.



I release any limitations I've placed on my Perfect expression of Spirit. Opening to accept the greatness
of myself and my life, I know that I'm Divinely directed every step of the way. My life now reflects more of
the Good of the Universe.



I accept the responsibility for my desires. Knowing that specific ideas give specific results, I create a
definite plan of what I want. I know that the Universe is completely supporting me, and I let the Universe
handle the details of my plan.



Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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I know I've created everything in my life from the substance of the Universe. As such, I bless every
condition as being good. It served a purpose, and can now serve a Higher purpose by aligning with the
perfection of the Infinite.



Inspiration is the very breath of the Universe, and is available to me at every moment of time. I am
inspired by the essence of Spirit. This essence flows through me in the form of ideas, guidance and
intuition. I open my mind and heart to the inspiration of the All Good, knowing that it gives me all the
knowledge I need to align my life with Its Life.



There is only oneness in the Universe. I am one with all the good there is. Therefore, I am one with the
good I desire. Nothing can keep me separate from it. This good is already within me awaiting my
acceptance of it. I now embrace my good.



The Universe contains all the possibilities and potentials for good. I know these potentials pour to and
through me every minute of every day. I now open up to the possibilities of good that are within me.



I recognize old rules that I've used to limit myself and now release them. The only law for me is Universal
Good expressing in my life. I now accept an expanded experience of Infinite Love, Harmony, Peace and



Since I become what I identify with, I now identify myself with Infinite Good, Wholeness, and Love. This
is the truly who I am. Recognizing that I am a spiritual being, a Divine Expression of the Universe, I
accept my true Identity.



Back To Contents

Copyright © 2001 Linda Ann Stewart

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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How To Create Good In Your Life


Linda-Ann Stewart

(first published at


Have you ever felt like some good, whether it be health, abundance, relationship or something else, has
been denied you by Spirit? Or that others are blessed with wonderful things in their lives, but you aren’t?
Spirit hasn’t refused to grant you good. You’ve withheld it from yourself.

“But,” you object, “I really want those things in my life.” That may be so. Still, you are the one that has
prevented yourself from having them. Since you are an expression of The Universe, It wants you to have
everything that is joyous and beautiful. The Infinite cannot deny Itself (you) good. It doesn’t give
something wonderful to one person, and restrict it to another.

Everything in your life is created from the energy of the Universe. Your clothes, your job, your
relationships, your feelings about yourself, your health, your prosperity are all forms of Spiritual
substance. They are all Spirit in physical manifestation. The Infinite’s energy has flowed into the mold
you have provided It to give you what you’re experiencing today.

How does it work? We have three levels of consciousness within us, and they each have their own
distinct function. Our conscious mind chooses what we want, our subconscious mind takes that choice
and creates the blueprint, and our Superconscious mind makes the blueprint reality.

Our conscious mind allows us to know ourselves. We use it to explore our consciousness, and our world.
“I think, therefore I am.” It is the logical part of consciousness. With it, we sift information from the outer
world, and compare it with experiences we’ve had. The conscious mind takes all the pieces of data,
picks them apart, shifts them around and examines every piece. Then it analyzes the information, draws
conclusions and makes choices. It’s considered the left brain.

Once the conscious mind has made a decision, or done enough sifting, it passes the information and
conclusion to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is a storehouse. In it’s storage facility is
everything you’ve ever said, done, heard, or experienced. All decisions you made earlier in life are
operating in it. The subconscious can only reason with the knowledge already in it. It’s functions is to
process and integrate information.

Have you ever tried to remember a person’s name? You try so hard to will it into your brain. It’s on the tip
of your tongue. Finally, you decide, “I’ll forget about it, do something else, and it’ll come to me.” In the
middle of doing the dishes, there it is, “Charles Jones.”

Your conscious mind picked apart the details, what this man looks like, where you know him from, what
his favorite color is, then the analytical mind let go of the problem. Your logic had done all that it could. It
was time to let the processing mind do it’s work. The subconscious looked through all the file drawers of
it’s storehouse until it found him. Then it flashed the name to the conscious mind, and “Bing,” there it

As we know, the conscious and subconscious minds each have their own separate functions. The
conscious is the reasoning mind, the subconscious is the storehouse and the processor. While the
conscious is objective, analyzing details, the subconscious is subject to what the conscious mind allows
to filter into the storehouse.

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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We train ourselves to do things, from learning the ABC’s, to driving a car by initially paying attention to
each detail. Using our conscious mind, we have to think about each step until it eventually wears a
groove into our subconscious mind. From then on, we’re able to act automatically.

How many of us have been driving down the road while daydreaming, and passed our turn? We have
learned to turn the operation of the car over to the subconscious, and drive on autopilot. Our conscious
mind was focused on something else when we passed our exit.

Our attitudes are the same way. As children and young adults, we learn how to think about ourselves
and our world. This is when we develop our beliefs about whether we deserve to be loved, to be valued,
whether we get attention by denying ourselves or be demanding, and much more. A natural tendency is
to pattern ourselves on the grownups around us, generally our parents. We do so to survive in their
world, because they have the power to punish or accept us. Since acceptance is preferable to
punishment, we try to do what we can to get them to like us. If a parent that we want to get close to was
ill when we’re young, we may try to unconsciously model ourselves on them and be ill to gain
acceptance. We also discover that they get attention that way, and use the same means to get our needs

These beliefs and attitudinal behaviors become habits. When we grow up, we act on them automatically,
just like we know that “A” follows “B” without having a cheat sheet. Our conscious mind has allowed this
information to filter into our subconscious mind, and sometime in the past made a decision that the
behavior was beneficial. Now, even though we may have outgrown the need for it, we still behave that
way. And many times, we resist any attempt to change. The subconscious thinks that it’s necessary for
us to cope, and our conscious mind must convince it otherwise.

If we have a belief that life is a struggle, our subconscious will attract circumstances to verify that idea.
Our conscious mind may eventually realize that life doesn’t have to be difficult. A few years ago, I began
to deal with this issue. I’d affirm that life flowed easily for me. Within days, I’d experience great obstacles.
For instance, my car broke down, and though I had a loaner to make life a little easier, it took the better
part of a month and $1500 to get my car road worthy again. Every time I’d begin that affirmation, some
other crisis would slap me down. My subconscious didn’t want to change. Finally, I put together a long
affirmation that dealt with the causes of the belief. For example, I thought if I worked really hard at
something, I’d deserve the reward and prove that I was worth it. After I used that for a while, things
flowed more easily for me.

I used the reason of my conscious mind to convince my subconscious that struggle wasn’t necessary or
desirable. Making a different decision from what I was familiar with, I imprinted that on my subconscious
mind. Initially, my subjective mind resisted my new attitude, but I persisted. Since I was committed to the
fresh idea, my subjective mind had no choice but to accept it. That is its function.

Recently, I’ve noticed that I’ve been creating what I want by stating my desire, then letting go of it. I’ve
known this intellectually for decades. Manifesting things that didn’t matter much to me was easy, such as
wanting to go to a show, and the tickets appearing. But now, I’m finally starting to get some sort of
handle on this, and experience things I really want. For example, my car needed a tuneup, but I dreaded
going to the dealership because I didn’t trust their work. Then I discovered a new mechanic with a good
reputation who could do the work faster, cheaper and better. Another time, I stated to the Universe that I
wanted to give a seminar, but didn’t want to have to set it up. Whenever I thought about it, or began
worrying, I reminded myself that “My Creative Mind is working on it.” Within three weeks, someone asked
if I’d present some classes and they’d promote them.

This is how our conscious and subconscious minds work together. With our conscious mind, we choose
what we desire and allow it to sink into our receptive,creative mind. We have to do all we can to prepare
for it. If we need a job, we look in the want ads, set up interviews, network with people. When we’ve done
all that we know to do, we move on to the next project, knowing our subconscious is performing its
function of creation. We’ll probably get direction, someone else to call. Or we might bump into someone

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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at the grocery store, and just mention our quest. Coincidentally, they’ll know someone who’s looking for
an employee with our talents.

The subconscious mind doesn’t reason. It is subject to the conscious mind’s decisions. By receiving our
choice, our subconscious mind molds Divine Energy into the shape we want. But when the conscious
mind tries to do all the work, the subjective mind is never given permission to do what it’s capable of. We
never let go and let the subjective mind fulfill its role. There’s a synergistic ebb and flow with the creative
and evaluating mind. We use the conscious mind to pick apart the pieces, make decisions, and then the
subconscious mind puts those pieces together into a wonderful new picture.

We have to trust our creative mind, however. If we try to figure out the “how” of “it,” (our desire)
happening, we interfere with the subconscious mind’s work. Think of what happens when you try to bake
a cake, but keep opening the oven door to see if its done. When our conscious mind attempts to control
the details, deciding the way “it” has to happen, we’ve taken the energy away from the subconscious,
and it can’t do its job. We let all the heat out, and the cake falls.

This is something I have to fight against constantly. I worry that “it” won’t happen. There’s no rational
reason that it won’t, just that I’m more familiar with the old conditions, and afraid they won’t change. From
talking to other people, I think it’s a common fear. I remember being told that fear is just the opposite side
of the coin from faith. Fear is simply faith that what we want won’t manifest. Therefore, it becomes a self-
fulfilling prophecy. The subconscious sees what you’re focused on, where your emotions are strongest,
and delivers it to you, wrapped up with a nice bow. It doesn’t realize that it’s given you the opposite of
what you want. It’s just created what you were envisioning.

With your conscious mind, you place your attention on what you want, your new decision. By choosing
what you want to believe in, and trusting your receptive mind to heed you, you give it the permission to
create. Remind yourself that your subjective mind knows all it needs to know to create any condition,
change any situation. You have the power and the authority to create a new world for you. Consciously,
you don’t need to know how it will happen. By giving your subconscious the direction, and having enough
faith to let go, you give it the power to manifest what you want. Just as I did with the classes.

The Universe, our superconscious mind, always says “yes” to us. It wants us to have happy, healthy,
satisfying lives. Our superconscious is constantly pouring good into our lives, to the extent that we can
accept. The Good that It pours into our lives is Its Divine energy in form. Since It is pure love, It gives us
whatever we ask for. Its molten beauty flows into the mold that our conscious mind has imprinted into our
subconscious by our attention. That Divine energy solidifies into a physical manifestation of health,
prosperity, a better job, etc.

The superconscious mind creates whatever our vision is. When we’re skating along, we look where we
want to go. If we look off to the right and stare, we’ll automatically begin to skate in that direction.

Our thoughts are things. Every thought is a biochemical impulse. Energy. The strongest thoughts create
the strongest impressions on our mental atmosphere. The energy impulses form clusters, creating
attitudes. By having the same thoughts over and over, they produce a groove in our psyche, like a rut in
a road. Whenever we drive down that road, the tires roll into the rut. The energy of our thoughts design
our beliefs and attitudes, the ruts, and then attract conditions that verify those expectations. Someone
who anticipates being judged will view every comment as criticism.

“You look nice.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Everything is simply energy, from the beginning thought to the physical manifestation of that thought.
Thoughts create, thoughts can change. You don’t create. Your conscious mind makes a decision for
something better, attaches an emotion with it, maintains your focus on your choice. That impresses the
subconscious, the receptive mind. The subconscious gives a pattern to the superconscious to follow with
Its Divine energy. The result is better health, more prosperity, better relationships, success, whatever

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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your focus is. If your attention is fear, being afraid you’ll get what you don’t want, that’s what you’ll get.
The subconscious mind doesn’t discriminate, giving a shape only to what we consciously want. Energy is
energy. he superconscious simply follows where we lead.

The superconscious, Divine energy, makes up everything in our lives. The chair you sit on, the job you
hold, the creativity you have, the money in our pocket, all is energy. They all began with your thought,
your attention, your expectation, your trust in the pattern you selected, whether great or not so great. The
superconscious is always giving us good. It pushes good to us. We have to work very hard not to accept
it. When we’re in fear and darkness, refusing to look at the light, we cannot recognize that everything
around us is simply the illusions of shadows. All you need to do to improve your life is to choose
differently, and trust that it is being made manifest right now. And it will be done.

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Copyright © 1998 Linda Ann Stewart

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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Accept Your Good


Linda-Ann Stewart

(first published at


Acceptance can be an emotionally loaded subject. Some people get upset because they think that they
are accepting of their good, but it isn’t showing up in their lives. They want increased prosperity, more
health, better relationships, and say, “I accept it, but why isn’t it here?” Other people believe that they’ll
be selfish if they open themselves up for Universal good. Somehow, they’re afraid they’re taking it from
others. Many blockages to a better life stem from old feelings of guilt or not being deserving. We may not
be aware of the feelings, but we get to experience the results by not accepting all that the Universe gives

When I was little, I accepted good graciously. Most small children do, until they get brainwashed that
receiving is a no-no. I shared my good; my toys, by talent, my good fortune with others who appreciated
and valued it. Then I drew people into my life who told me that I didn’t deserve the good I had. I was told
that others less fortunate should have my good, and I had to give them all of what I had. When I loaned
my pristine condition comic books to friends, the comics were returned to me in shreds, if they came
back at all. If I got upset at my possessions being destroyed, I was chastised that I was putting too much
importance on material objects. But what’s the use of having nice things if others destroy them?

I was told, “It’s better to give than receive.” Since I had to struggle to prove I deserved good, I even
blocked the Universe from helping me. Talk about self-sabotage.

I’m not alone in this. Many of my clients relate similar stories. Shamed for having been talented, or
intelligent, or ambitious, they’ve blocked their acceptance of good. Being told they had to give away all of
what they had to those less fortunate, they decided, “What’s the point in working so hard, then?” These
were decisions made in childhood that became unconscious motivations in adulthood.

We don’t take from others when we accept goodness from the universe. Everyone has an unlimited
amount of God in them. Everyone has the same access to their power as we have to ours. We don’t take
love from others when we have love in our lives.

We can light someone else’s candle without blowing out our own. Giving satisfies a deep urge within us
to share with others. Not out of pity, shame or guilt but with love. Giving with love helps to keep Universal
energy circulating. But if we shove good away because it feels dangerous or undeserved, then the flow
shuts down, and we wonder why.

For there to be a giver, there needs to be a receiver. Someone must accept the good. The Universe is
constantly pouring good into our lives. But we have to take it in. If we aren’t experiencing what we desire,
we have restricted it in some way. Consider this. How do you receive a compliment or gift? Do you
accept it graciously and thankfully, or do you feel embarrassed and try to deny it? This can be an
indication of how you receive good. Just remember, if you don’t have the life you desire, no on is holding
it back from you but you.

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Copyright © 2000 Linda Ann Stewart

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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Reprogram Your Negative Self-Chatter


Linda-Ann Stewart

(First published at

, September 2002)

Have you ever monitored what you say to yourself? Listened to the self-talk that chatters away without
your being aware of it? Automatic phrases, such as "I can't do this," "I'm not worthy," "I can't handle this,"
"I can't afford it" and others. You may even find yourself saying them to the people in your life. These are
beliefs that have been programmed into you, just like into a computer. Suppose the boss asks you to
come into his office. Your first reaction may be "Uh, Oh. I'm in trouble," even though he may want to
praise you.

These ideas come from your past, but they create a self-fulfilling feedback loop in your subconscious.
Without your being aware of it, they provide background noise in your life. Is it any wonder that it's hard
to make any changes? They echo the words of parents, siblings, friends, teachers, anybody whose
opinion you ever accepted, whether it was true or not. You were hypnotized into believing them, and
you've stayed true to the conditioning.

An affirmation is a statement that confirms what you hold to be true, and though we generally use the
term for positive declarations, these statements can be either positive or negative. When you tell yourself
over and over that you're not worthy , it convinces your subconscious that this is what you want, and your
subconscious creates this reality.

The first step is to become aware of what you're telling yourself. Write down these statements. Then
formulate a sentence that counters what you've been believing all these years. Use it repetitively,
because that's how you were programmed in the first place. By hearing the same or similar things over
and over. Remain conscious of the background noise of your thoughts. And when the negative statement
rises up, use your new phrase. Be patient. That original idea has been there a long time. It'll take time,
consistence, and persistence, but eventually you'll change the thought to one that more truly reflects the
Universe's loving opinion of you.

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Copyright © 2002 Linda Ann Stewart

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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The Secret of Affirmations


Linda-Ann Stewart

(First published at


A few years ago, in 1990, I'd hit bottom emotionally. Though I'd been a dedicated metaphysician since
1976, I couldn't connect with my faith at this difficult time. I'd been betrayed by someone close to me, and
had had several friends and relatives die within a short span of time. After this cluster of stresses, I was
floundering to try to put my life back together.

I knew the power of affirmations. For years I'd used them sporadically, and for the main part, silently. At
this point, however, I needed to make some drastic changes. So I began saying affirmations out loud. I
declared them in the shower, in the car, while dressing, on walks, after meditation.

Within a couple of months, I had several "miracles" that helped me get my life back on track. I was
looking to set up a private practice of hypnotherapy, but couldn't find a reasonably priced office. In the
space of four days, I was offered two offices, and was given the furniture for both.

Spoken affirmations have proven themselves to me to be an incredibly powerful way to change a
person's attitudes about their life. Since our life is simply a movie screen on which our attitudes play out
in action, when we change our beliefs, the movie must change.

A friend once said to me, "I feel funny about stating what I want. I feel like I'm forcing the Universe."
When we use affirmations, we're not coercing the Universe to give us something we don't deserve. The
Universe is willing and ready to hand us everything wonderful. We're just changing our mind by affirming,
and expanding it to accept more of the good the Universe wants us to have.

Catherine Ponder, a famed writer on prosperity, says that she's never seen a significant improvement in
a person's life unless they repeat their affirmation aloud. When you speak, you're creating an energy
shift. Sound moves through the air, vibrating your vocal chords, your eardrums, and continues out into
the world. Stating something out loud grounds it.

Have you ever heard someone say, "I don't want to say it out loud, that will make it seem real." As long
as you're still simply thinking about your affirmation, it can be molded and shaped, erased and forgotten.
After giving voice to it, your affirmation becomes more solid. And the more emotion you put behind your
declaration, the more solid it becomes. Catherine Ponder also insists that spoken affirmations are the
one thing that will break through the old negative thoughts.

Even more powerful, look into your eyes in a mirror and state your affirmation. They say that the eyes are
the windows to the soul. By watching yourself as you assert your good, you'll be aware of any
resistances or fears. This technique will shatter them very quickly.

For just a week, experiment with this. While looking into your eyes in the mirror, say "I love myself so
much that I accept ... health/prosperity/joy/harmony/order," whatever it is that you want. Repeat it ten
times in the morning and ten times in the evening.

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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After you repeat any affirmation aloud, you begin hearing it echo in your mind. Your affirmation of good
will begin to take the place of your old negative programming, and create its equivalent in your life. Try it.
You'll be amazed at the difference.

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Copyright © 1999 Linda Ann Stewart

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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Power Your Affirmations With Feeling


Linda-Ann Stewart

(First published at


How are you feeling about your life? Are you affirming abundance, but believe you have to struggle to
make ends meet? Do you affirm ease, but expect obstacles in your path? Do you want appreciation, but
anticipate criticism? When you state an affirmation, it's the feeling behind it that counts.

The emotions you feel are what power your affirmations, whether you're affirming what you want, or
unconsciously affirming what you don't want. When you mutter "I can't afford a new car," you're affirming
that circumstance. And the emotion that associates with the declaration energizes it. Therefore, you
won't be able to afford a new car.

Why do you think you have to believe that your good can happen? Belief is an emotion. Expectation is
an emotion. Identification is an emotion. Fear is an emotion. Whatever you're feeling about the object of
your affirmation is what will manifest in your life.

Emotion is simply energy, good, bad or indifferent. The subconscious follows to where you're sending
your power, and gives you what you're focusing on. Whatever is your dominant thought about the issue
wins the race. Your feeling gets the attention of the subconscious.

If you've been affirming something in particular, but feeling its opposite as you affirm, you will manifest
the feeling. I've done affirmations for abundance, but since I couldn't see how it could happen, I still felt
financially restricted. What happened? Every time? The prosperity I did have faded away. I got to
experience the physical reality of my fear.

Maybe you're confident while you say your affirmations, but later you undo all your good work. If you
make statements afterwards that contradict your affirmation and reinforce your present beliefs or
circumstances, you'll manifest that.

All of your thoughts, words and feelings about it have to be consistent. It's like a balance scale with two
pans. Your old beliefs are on one side, and your new ones are on the other. Until your new beliefs
constantly outweigh your old ones, they won't manifest to the degree you want.

You don't have to know how your affirmation is going to manifest. You simply have to feel the emotion of
having your desire. Stir up the feeling. There's an old adage, "Fake it until you make it." You won't see
the reality of your desire until you can feel it. If you have to pretend, do so. You may not know how it can
happen, but the Universe and your creative mind know how.

When you affirm, remember that you're affirming the truth. You're not changing the Universe's mind
about this issue, you're changing your mind about it. The Universe is always offering you everything you
could possibly want. You don't have to believe it yet, but recognize that the Universe believes it for you.

Think of the result from the Universe's point of view. The Universe knows your goal is possible and
available for you. By identifying with the perspective of the Universe, you can channel that feeling
through your affirmation. Whenever you think about the issue during the day, remind yourself that the

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Universe is taking care of it. Your trust in the Power of the Universe will energize your affirmation, and
you'll experience it in Divine time.

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The Conviction Of Your Beliefs


Linda-Ann Stewart

(First published at


Recently, I've been searching for a better word than "belief" to describe the confidence that something
will manifest. We know that we tend to attract experiences according to our deeply held beliefs. The
ideas that we formed as children and young adults reveal themselves in our lives as the conditions we
live with. In metaphysics and human potential training, we're told to "change your beliefs, and change
your life." And this does occur. Once we let go of outdated attitudes, life does change. When we're taught
to believe something new about ourselves and the Universe, the outer situations transform.

But confusion and disappointment arises when a person sincerely believes that there is going to be an
improvement, and it doesn't occur. I've known people to say, "I believe that I'm going to get this job," and
are despondent when they don't. They then question if believing in improving their life really works. When
I talk to them, I find that they didn't have the deep, solid confidence that something good was going to
happen. There was still some underlying fear, anxiety or doubt about the situation.

And then there are people who make assumptions that they'll experience what they expect to happen
and sometimes get unpleasantly surprised. I've known many people who have what I call "passive"
beliefs about their health, their income, their job or other things in their lives. For instance, someone who
has always been healthy assumes they will always be healthy, even though they smoke, drink to excess,
eat fatty foods, and don't exercise. Then they're surprised when they have a heart attack.

Or someone who has always had a secure job and believed they would always be taken care of. Then
the rug gets pulled out from underneath them when they're laid off. Their expectations have been
challenged, so they wonder if "The Magic of Believing" (by Claude Bristol) really works. An assumption
isn't a confidently held belief. It's takes for granted that since this is the way it's always been, it's always
going to be this way. Except that we're always evolving, and our beliefs have to keep up with our growth.

Trying to explain to these different people about the role of attitudes and beliefs then sometimes gets
tangled. So I've tried to find a stronger, more descriptive word than "belief," "attitude" or "expectation." I
recently read it in "Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life" by Donald Curtis. The word is "conviction."

A conviction is a belief that brooks no opposition. Even if the condition hoped for doesn't appear, a
person with the conviction that it will eventually happen just dismisses the current situation with the
thought, "Well, this wasn't the right one for me." All the facts in the world will not dissuade a person with
strong convictions. Right or wrong, their strong opinion will prevail for them, and they'll filter everything
they experience through those ideas.

Sounds like what we know about personal beliefs, doesn't it? The attitudes we form as children are
convictions about ourselves. "I'm no good," "I don't belong," "I don't deserve," "I'm stupid." No matter
what anyone tells us to the contrary, we don't believe them. A teacher could point out that Jo's making
straight A's, therefore she's not stupid. But the facts don't make any difference to her. On the other hand,
Joe could be making C's, and have the conviction that he's intelligent but just doesn't study enough. A
person who is convinced that they're going to succeed just keeps getting up when they get knocked
down. And because they learn more each time, eventually they do succeed.

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A person with the conviction that no matter what happens they'll land on their feet generally does just
that. They'll attract the right contacts, information, or direction into their life. But it must be a conviction
about this, not an assumption or hoped for end result. They recognize that if a person can't get to their
goal one way, another way will open.

Start identifying your convictions. Do you have confidence that the Universe is supporting you? That
you'll always be led in the right direction? That you are deserving of all the good in the Universe? Does
your conviction about experiencing good health motivate you to exercise, eat right, and release
unhealthy habits? Evaluate the challenging areas of your life, and discover what your conviction is about
them. When you've done this, write an affirmation that addresses that underlying belief so that it reflects
the Truth about the situation. When you do this, you'll become aware of what convictions are actually
manifesting in your life. And you can then change them so that they reflect the beliefs that you know to
be true.

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What False Ideas Do You Believe?


Linda-Ann Stewart

(First published at


A client came to me with very low self-esteem. In our consultation, she stated that her parents had told
her that she was "worthless," she'd "never amount to anything," and they "wished she'd never been
born." She wondered why she'd sabotaged her professional career, tried to avoid attention that could
further her career, and had trouble with relationships. The trouble was that her subconscious had
accepted her parents' edicts as fact, and was following its programming.

No matter what she tried to accomplish, her subconscious was acting on false information about her as if
it were true. It viewed everything about her through the incorrect lens of those ideas. If she began to
succeed, it said, "No, you can't. If you do, you'll violate the beliefs of worthlessness that your parents
taught you." When she tried to assert herself, her subconscious held her back with fear, because she'd
disagree with what she'd been told about herself. She attracted friends and lovers who echoed her
parents' ideas, putting her down and belittling her. All of this was her subconscious mind manifesting her
belief, or lack thereof, of her self-worth, and making sure that she stayed within the boundaries of its

The subconscious mind will act on an inaccurate concept as if it were true. If you've accepted an idea
that you can't lose weight (stop smoking, make money, succeed, can't paint or anything else), then your
subconscious will make sure that the belief gets justified. These may be attitudes that were handed to
you by parents, teachers, friends, family, or society and because of the emotional impact, you soaked
them up like a sponge. From then on, the subconscious will view everything in your life through these
attitudes and make sure that they're confirmed. It'll attract situations that will verify your beliefs.

Even if there's an experience that could change your mind, because of the programming, your
subconscious will only accept the information that would validate your preconceived notions. For
example, Jo might receive a compliment from the boss on her work. But because she doesn't believe
she's that capable, she'll ignore it, telling herself that the boss just said that to make her feel good.

The good news is that these false concepts can be changed. It takes persistence and consistency, but by
using affirmations or self-hypnosis, you can change the incorrect facts. The first step is to recognize what
erroneous ideas you're acting on in the present. Where are they holding you back? Without identifying
the problem, you can't move to the solution.

Examine the thoughts that come into your mind when you're about to succeed at whatever goal you
have. If they're negative thoughts about you or your goal, those are the incorrect assumptions you've
been acting on. Then create a positive statement that counters the negative one. This is your affirmation
that you use whenever you think of your goal. You can also use it in self-hypnosis when your
subconscious is more receptive.

My client and I worked to improve her self-esteem, convincing her subconscious that her parents were
incorrect in their assessment of her. They'd done the best they could with their background, but that they
were wrong when they'd said those things to her. She began to do things that were more self-affirming,
and soon had a promotion at work. It took some time, because the programming had been there a long

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while, but soon she attracted new friends who appreciated her. And as her opinion of herself improved,
so did her entire life.

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Copyright © 2002 Linda-Ann Stewart

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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Develop Your Faith


Linda-Ann Stewart

(First published at

, March 2001)

In the third chapter of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," he states that faith can be developed
through self-hypnosis. I read this many years ago, shortly after I became a hypnotherapist. During this
time, I was going through a spiritual crisis. My faith had melted away, leaving just a tiny kernal. Reading
that I could create the state of mind of faith by using affirmations and self-hypnosis rattled me to my core.
I read and re-read that page, just to be sure I'd understood it correctly.

The emotion of faith energizes our thoughts and is behind any transformation. I'd always believed that
faith was something that a person had to cultivate, or blindly accept. Over many years, I'd built mine up,
until a major crisis in my life shattered my faith. At that point, I still had an intellectual belief, but the
confidence was gone.

So I began experimenting, to see if I could formulate faith again. I used affirmations in my meditations
and during my daily activities. After a couple of months, (remember, I was starting pretty much from the
basement) I began to have fleeting glimmers of an assurance that I could create what I wanted. Things in
my life began to improve.

Recall that whatever you concentrate on you tend to attract. Don't we tend to believe what we tell
ourselves over and over. If a person keeps saying to themself that they're a failure, they'll eventually
believe their assertion, and it'll become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The same is true if you repeatedly state
that you're a success. As you focus on affirming your assurance that the power of the Universe flows
through you, this impresses the subconscious mind with the knowledge that the Infinite is in you, through
you, expressing as you.

It took awhile, because I had so much to transform, but by using Hill's idea, I developed a much greater
and deeper faith in the Universe and myself than I ever had before. Even with all my training and
experience, I'd never considered that a person could actually plant the seed of faith, and water it with
repeated applications of affirmation. Such a simple idea, and yet one that was revolutionary for me and
can revolutionize your life, too.

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Copyright © 2001 Linda-Ann Stewart

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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Catalog Of Products

Which is right for me, affirmations or hypnosis?

If you can set aside twenty or so minutes a day, even if it's right before you go to bed, then the hypnosis
tapes are right for you. However, if you cannot find that time, then the affirmation tapes would be your
best choice. The affirmation tapes were designed to be used while you're doing other activities. The
hypnosis tapes should only be listened to when you can close your eyes and be quiet.

What's the difference between affirmations and hypnotic suggestions?

Affirmations and suggestions are essentially the same thing. Only the terminology is different. Both
suggestions and affirmations are statements that are designed to change old mental ideas in your
subconscious mind. Generally, affirmations are used while you are awake and alert, and during other
activities. But they can also be used in meditation to help to elevate your consciousness. In that case,
they then become a suggestion. A suggestion is a statement designed to change a belief, attitude, habit,
or effect a change on the body. Both re-program your mind to release old thought patterns and condition
it with the new ones that you choose.

Affirmation Audiotapes

Affirmations are a proven way to change self-defeating thought patterns into ones that align with what the
Universe wants for you. Created specifically to be listened to in the car, these tapes can also be used
during other activities during the day. Each side of Affirmative Flow begins with a short discussion and
then has fifteen minutes of affirmations.

Titles Available:


- Become the success you were destined to be.


- Accept the abundance that's already yours.

To order or to learn more about how these affirmation tapes can help you begin to achieve your dreams,
go to

Spiritual Self-Hypnosis Audiotapes and CD's

Self-hypnosis taps into the Power within you within you to help you to transform your life. Self-hypnosis is
a proven, powerful means of communicating with your subconscious mind to release old beliefs, attitudes
and behaviors. These audiotapes and CDs recognize the Power of the Universe, and bring that
awareness to help to change your thinking and thereby changing your life.

The CD's are made for more recent compact disk players that can play CD-R's.

Titles Available:

Spiritual Self-Esteem

- The cornerstone of any improvement in your life.

Identify With Abundance

- Expand to accept more of the Universe in the form of abundance.

Divine Health

- Recognize that every cell in your body has a Divine blueprint of health in it.

Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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To order or to learn more about the Spiritual Self-Hypnosis audiotapes and CDs, go to

Affirmation E-Books

Based on years of experience, containing a wealth of information on how the mind works, how to use the
affirmation, the affirmation, a commentary and more. Each e-book has the equivalent of around twenty

Titles Available:

Spirit Supports Itself

- Experience more prosperity and success in your life.

My Ideal Weight

- The Universe created you to be slender.


- I've discovered that almost every problem has, at its heart, a lack of self-acceptance.

To order or learn more about Affirmation E-Books, go to

Affirmation Creation Online Class

Six classes, sent by email once a week, to help you write your own, individual, effective affirmation. You'll
learn about affirmations, what they are, how to write them, how to fill them with power, how to most
effectively use them, and much more. Each class includes a lesson, exercise, and affirmation for that

For more information, click on

Or sneak a peek at the lesson portion of the first class at

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About Linda-Ann Stewart

Linda-Ann Stewart began her interest in metaphysics at the age of twelve when her mother began to study
astrology. Throughout her teen years, Linda-Ann read about reincarnation, the occult, and spiritual
subjects. In 1976, she became involved with a several metaphysical groups, where she received direction,
discipline and depth for her spiritual explorations. She experienced the first of many past life regressions
in 1979. During the late seventies and early eighties, Linda-Ann lectured at metaphysical groups around
the Texas Gulf Coast.

In 1982, she moved to Sedona, Arizona and became involved in community activities. She joined a
writer's group, community theater, her photographs won awards and hung in a local arts co-op, for a
couple of years she was on the St. Patrick's Day Parade planning committee, and enjoyed hiking in the red

Linda-Ann was certified as a clinical hypnotherapist in 1989, furthering her spiritual development studies.
In 1990, she experienced a personal and spiritual crisis, and had to begin rebuilding her life and faith.
With her background in metaphysics, she knew affirmations would improve her life, and repeated them
throughout her day.

Considering herself a teacher and guide, she wishes to help people achieve their goals, build a greater
sense of self-acceptance, and empower them to utilize their own potential for healing and change.

A frequent speaker and workshop leader, she conducts classes and presentations on a broad range of
topics, such as self-esteem, stress management, self-hypnosis, empowerment, success, the power of belief,
and much more. She has gave presentations and workshops at a national conference of hypnotherapy, and
received their "Member Of The Year" Award in 1999.

Her articles have appeared in national newsletters, e-zines, and magazines such as "Sedona Vortex
Connection," "The Whole Life Times," "In Light Times," and "Science of Mind."

In her personal life, she's an award winning weaver and photographer. Linda-Ann loves to hike with her
"significant other," Jeff. Each year, she and Jeff attend the local Renaissance Faire in costume.

You can email Linda-Ann at For more articles and offerings, or to sign up for
her monthly newsletter, visit her website at


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Copyright © 2004 Linda Ann Stewart

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