Missy Lyons and Cherie Denis Beach Bound

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Beach Bound

by Missy Lyons and Cherie Denis

Copyright © April 2012,Missy Lyons and Cherie Denis
Cover art by For The Muses Designs © April 2012

This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are
fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce
this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

ISBN: 978-1-936668-57-1

Sugar and Spice Press
North Carolina, USA


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Beach Bound

Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis


Chapter One

Hokuikekai stood at the captain’s wheel steering his faithful, fair-sized

fishing boat full speed. He plowed through the waves to the fishing ground
that was considered his family’s. He had fallen on lean times lately, not
making near his usual quota, and his choices were leaving him with empty
nets and little to take back to shore to sell. He was willing to believe in
some of the old world superstitions and his nana's glum predictions were
in the forefront of his mind.

This morning he started his day by throwing back the state fish he’d

caught, the Humuhumunukunukuapuaa. He didn’t need any more bad

The last thing he needed was to start the day with that fish on board. It

was probably his fault for enjoying too much island beer and a young
body last night. The spirits were going to make him suffer for his lack of
good judgment the previous night. Damn.

Who could blame him? The young man had approached him. Good

looking and young, the guy gave Hokuikekai an instant hard-on.
Hokuikekai had been downing his third beer on an empty stomach. He
should have spent his money on food instead of booze, but there was no
one waiting for him at home to give him grief. Thus, the third beer and the
feeling of loneliness which seemed to be his constant companion lately.

He was pushing thirty and he felt every year of it. He was tired. It was

hard work hauling heavy, wet nets over the side of the boat and upsetting
when the nets came up empty.

"May I have this seat?" A young male voice had asked while he was

trying to drink away his troubles. Hokuikekai nodded and pushed the
empty stool out for the stranger.

Hokuikekai couldn't help but stare. The guy was handsome as the day

was long. His skin was dark and smooth. The torn tank top bared the best

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Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis


parts of his chest and revealed a smattering of hair. He also wore surfboard
shorts in a gaudy print. His legs were long, smooth and well-formed.

Oh, God, the guy was finger lickin' delicious.
The kid held out his right hand. "Hi, my name is Tyler Martin. I'm new

to the island and wondered if you'd be willing to show me around."

"Hokuikekai, but you can call me Snapper. No one but my mother can

pronounce my name right."

The men shook hands and Hokuikekai liked the feel of Tyler's soft

hand in his larger, rough one. "So, man, what you do all day? Haven't seen
you ‘round here before. On vacation?"

"Yes, and I've been watching you for several days. You're very

handsome in a rugged sort of way. I particularly love your hair—it's so
long and..." The stranger was gaping at him.

"You got somethin' on your mind, kid? If so, speak up and get it out in

the open."

"If you insist. I think you are very good looking in a dark, intense sort

of way. I want to learn what makes you tick, big guy."

Hokuikekai smiled and ran his thick thumb over Tyler's smaller,

slimmer fingers. "If you could figure it out, you'd be the first one. Good
luck, you’re gonna need it."

"Snapper is an unusual name." Tyler smiled. “And so is the other one.”
"Hokuikekai is my ancestral name. My nana picked it. Mama didn’t

object, so I'm stuck with it. Like I said before, just call me Snapper. My
nickname is a lot easier if you’re a haoule.”

"Hey, Snapper. I like the name. Nice to meet you. I'm hungry, how

'bout you? I'm buying."

Hokuikekai tossed down the last of his beer and thought it over for a

minute. The kid would only be a one-night stand, but he was lonely and
so, it would seem, was Tyler.

"If you're sure you don't mind buying, I'm open to some food. Haven't

eaten since breakfast."

"Man, how do you do it?"

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"I get so busy out on the water, I forget to eat lunch. Sometimes my

mama packs me something and sometimes not. Depends on how good the
fishing was the day before."

Tyler bought him a huge steak dinner at one of the better local

hangouts and after Hokuikekai threw back his forth beer of the day, Tyler
asked him to come back to the hotel with him.

"Why? You must be lonesome to want to sleep with me."
"No, I think you are quite handsome. But, yes, if you must know, I'm

tired of being alone all the time. Back home, when I'm anywhere near my
mom's place, she expects me to come home for every meal. It wouldn't be
so bad, but all my brothers and sisters have to stick their nose in my
business. My mom is the worst of the bunch.”

"Mmm, I understand. Same with my family. Too many people in my

face all the time."

Tyler's room at the hotel was luxurious compared to the room

Hokuikekai rented from his sister, who owned the bar he'd been drinking
at when he met Tyler. To take Tyler to his place would have been super
embarrassing. The place was a dump.

Tyler wasn’t his soul mate.
He was just easy and a good lay.
When he woke up the next morning, he found Tyler had already snuck

out. There were no sweet terms of endearment, no hand holding and no
waking up in someone’s arms. That also meant there was no awkwardness
between them and Hokuikekai faced a deep, painful silence in the hotel
room as he got ready to leave.

Hokuikekai’d rather be back in bed with Tyler now, but instead he was

out on the ocean hoping to make a quick buck with a boatload of fish.
Cold and tired, wet with salty sea spray in the air, he’d been sailing with
his father since he was four years old and he never could remember the
fishing being this bad. It was always hard work, but he was not afraid of a
little hard work and he wouldn’t give up his first love for anything or
anyone. He couldn’t imagine doing anything else but fishing for a living.

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The ocean was his mistress.
The skies were clear and the water was peaceful. Gentle waves rolled

his skiff and the large cruise ship across the bay bobbed with each wave.
The wind was blowing in something, but whatever was coming wasn’t
here yet. The colder air met his face with a spray of sea water every now
and again. The clouds were white and billowy, nothing leading him to
want to believe a storm was coming, but he could trust his leg to tell him.
An old break in his right leg from when he was sixteen years old always
told him when a storm was on its way, because it ached more than usual, a
deep inside-the-bone ache. Hurt like hell.

He would have to call the coast guard or listen to the weather report

later and see what was coming. If it was real bad he would want to spend
the night on the ocean with his boat so it didn’t get banged up at the dock.
A less serious storm would be bad but it may not mean he had to go onto
shore. He was broke enough to want to work through it.

Hokuikekai gnashed his teeth as he hit an unexpected bump that nearly

knocked him to his knees. He steered right and his boat tried to go left. His
faithful dog, a mutt of the highest back alley quality breeding, lay down so
he would not lose his balance and fall over. Dog had more brains than the

“Sorry, Rumrunner,” Hokuikekai muttered, looking down at his rather

fat dog kneeling on the deck. “Couldn’t help it. Was a baby rogue wave

He held the wheel straight locking it between his hands. Rumrunner

was his only companion today. He couldn’t afford help or he would have
hired a man or two, and although he knew it was dangerous to fish alone
he couldn’t change things now. His body was young enough he could take
a few risks now and again. It didn’t really matter if he was lost at sea since
only his mother would miss him and the money he gave her every month
to help her with her rent. Since his father died, his mom didn’t have
enough income to pay all her bills.

She relied on him to make ends meet, but this might be the first time

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he had to skip a payment and it broke his heart to think he would have to
do so.

“Some days it doesn’t pay to be a fisherman,” he muttered. A seagull

barked back a response as it flew low over the boat in hopes of receiving a
free meal. The birds often followed his boat from the islands to the sea and
as he processed the bait or the live fish, they would dive and swoop for the
remains tossed overboard. He waved to his loyal companions. “There’s
nothing for you today and maybe not even later.”

It had provided a good income for his family over the years. When his

father retired he left the boat to Hokuikekai because none of his other sons
showed any interest in fishing. They all had jobs catering to the whims of
the island tourists.

The fishing methods he used had not changed for centuries. When his

father was a young boy his family used canoes, but Hokuikekai used the
same nets. The ‘upena paloa net was handmade by his family and was
very long. Once, his grandmother had measured it for fun at eight hundred
and fifty feet long. It was used in fairly deep water, well away from the
reefs, where it would get caught or torn. The bottom was laced with a
heavy thick rope to make it sink all the way down and the top was
threaded with wooden floats and coconuts so he could retrieve it easily.
The only difference between the centuries was that he now had a winch to
help him reel in the nets and most of the hard work was done by a

He got to the place where his boat faced the northern tip of the Big

Island and he put his main engine into a gear so slow it was near idling
and then he began the dull and repetitive routine of putting out the nets.
Hokuikekai was never one to shy from physical labor and fishing could be
rewarding but it was always work.

He laid out the nets and slowly circled the boat closing the gaps

between the nets and capturing any fish inside of it. Then he pulled in a
rope at the bottom which closed off escape from any fish inside. It was a
tedious process but it worked for generations.

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Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis


All he could do was hope it would work today. He set the smaller

engine in reverse to pull the nets back up. He watched as the net reeled
back in on the giant spool at the top of his boat. He didn’t expect to see a
lot at the top of the net, most fish were smart enough to feel the net pull
upward and made a beeline for the bottom and what they hoped was

An octopus was caught in the net and a few little silver things too

small for the net, escaping as he pulled the netting back onto his boat.

He didn’t give up hope until he saw the bottom had a whole lot of

nothing. A few very small Mahi-mahis he would be lucky to use for
anything but bait.

These waters were either getting overfished or the fish felt the coming

storm too and were headed for the relative safety of deep waters.

Whatever the case, he was out of luck and out of time.
Hokuikekai turned on the radio and listened for the weather. His

aching leg was right. A big storm was rolling in from the south side of the
islands but it would be a couple days before it got here. He could take a
few days off and go visit his brother on Kauaii and take shelter on the
north side of the island.

He could forget fishing for a few days and just remember why he got

in this business to start with. He loved the ocean, and his father had known
he would. It was because of a dream his father had one night. Inoa po were
the words his father dreamt and when his father woke, he woke
Hokuikekai's mother and told her the baby's name.

His mother had protested, but in the end, had agreed the child would

be Hokuikekai and not after an ancestor as his brothers were and he should
have been. Hokuikekai didn't mind because his name was Hawaiian for
star of the sea.

He loved the ocean and most of the time the sea was kind to him in


Not this time.
This time the fish were trying to outrun the storm. Empty nets would

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mean empty pockets unless he found another line of work for a while.
Maybe his brother Kai would have an idea or some rich haoule would like
to be taken out on the ocean for some sports fishing. Tourists paid big
money for their entertainment.

And December was the height of tourist season on the islands.
There had to be someone wanting to rent a private boat and do more

than go on a sunset tour of the island or whale watching or whatever it is
that tourists do because he knew the one way he wasn’t going to make
money was by fishing.


Hokuikekai swept his long dark hair out of his eyes with his hand. He

felt oddly out of place in the swanky hotel. The air conditioner changed
the air inside of the hotel to be less humid and it felt oddly man-made. The
hotel was decorated in antique white and gold and the floors were done in
marble. It was luxurious and glamorous at the same time.

Some white guy in a shirt and tie came out of nowhere and approached

him with the flat of his palm up to stop Hokuikekai. “Sir, you really
shouldn’t be here.”

Hokuikekai frowned. He hated white people sometimes. All he wanted

to do was find his brother, but this guy made it clear with everything from
his body language to his words that he wasn’t welcome.

There were no niceties about it. Not even a “Can I help you, sir?” The

other guy was probably security because he was followed by two more
guys in ties. Since it was obvious Hokuikekai was a native and not going
to be a paying hotel guest, their first thought was to get rid of him.

How rude. Hokuikekai was highly insulted.
“Hey. I no bother you,” Hokuikekai answered with his hands up

showing he was not going to fight. It was habit to slip into Pidgin, a more
broken form of English and Hawaiian when he was talking to another
native of the island. Even if they didn’t know each other, there was a

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deeper connection when they spoke the same language.

“Sir, it’s not you. It’s your dog.” The guy pointed down to Rumrunner

who looked at the suited man and faintly wagged his tail. “We don’t allow
pets here.”

“Oh,” Hokuikekai said, feeling a little deflated as he looked down at

Rumrunner. Rumrunner looked happily back up at him, wagging his tail,
his tongue lolling to one side. The last thing he wanted to do was tie up his
dog. Rumrunner was like family to him and went everywhere with him.
“Sorry, I not know. I just look for my brah, Kai. He works here. You know

The man in the suit frowned but gave him a little nod. “You just go

wait outside, and I’ll see if he’s working today.”

“Thanks.” Hokuikekai waved before backing out of the grand hotel.

He hoped the guy would honestly come back and talk to him and not just
leave him hanging out front. Otherwise, he’d have to go back inside and
that meant getting swarmed by suits again.


Ryan Stern was disappointed after spending two hours walking the

docks. He couldn’t find a single captain ready to set sail. No one was
willing to brave the ocean. They all said something about a storm being
driven north of the equator by strong Kona winds. At least that is what he
could remember the dark-skinned men saying. Not all of what they said
seemed to be English. It was like an odd mixture of native Hawaiian
words and just enough English thrown in to make you think you stood a
chance of understanding what was said.

It might as well have been Swahili to Ryan.
He shook his head and began the long walk back to the hotel. So much

for taking a dream vacation for two. This was supposed to be his
anniversary trip for him and his long term partner, but they had split
months after he booked it, which was probably for the better. Trey was

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Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis


black and beautiful. He had the body of a professional athlete and was
trying to go pro as a wrestler, but the steroids he took made him
aggressive at first and then he turned abusive in the last six months. Ryan
finally had to leave him when he realized Trey wasn’t going to give up the

In the end, Trey cared more about his career than Ryan.
So Ryan said screw it. Nothing could change the fact that he fell in

love with a drug addict and he sure as hell wasn’t going to take any more
of being Trey’s personal punching bag.

The vacation was already paid for, so he took it alone, but the last

thing he felt like doing was romantic couple things and this island seemed
to be made for romance. Kauai was known as the Garden Island but others
called it Lover’s Island because there was nothing to do for singles. Forget
the fantastic views and the walks along the pristine white beaches. It
didn’t mean anything if he had no one to share it with.

He might as well focus on his career, too.
He heard a rumor that some sailors had seen a rare Crested Hairy-

Necked Dodo bird on some of the outlaying islands. However, no one had
ever been able to get pictures, but if he could prove the bird existed it
could change his career. He would go from working at a no name
university to possibly winning the Noble Prize—well, maybe not that far,
but this could be big for his career as a scientist.

However, nothing was made easy. Hours on the piers meant he should

have found somebody willing to help him. Yet no one was willing to go
out. The seas looked clear, the skies were the prettiest shade of blue and
everyone with a boat was acting like they were about to be hit by a

“There has to be someone with some guts in this sleepy little town.”

Ryan tsked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and got into his rental
car. All he wanted to do was go for a short ride on a boat. He didn’t care to
go swimming or look at seals or the stupid Fern Grotto off the Waialua
River. Sightseeing was for tourists who gave a damn. He didn’t want to go

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walking barefoot on beautiful white sandy beaches. The second best thing
to do was go drinking and wash away some of his troubles.

He slammed the tiny Dodge Neon’s door shut and turned on the

ignition. The roof just barely cleared his head, but his hat caught on the
rooftop and he had to lean over the steering wheel to remove it in the tiny
cramped compartment. He was thin, but at six feet tall not many cars fit
him well, especially not a compact rental car. He should have paid the
extra fifty bucks for the bigger model.

He reversed out of the parking space and drove back to the hotel in

defeat. At least they had a bar in the hotel where he could wallow away his
problems. It was the perfect place to get drunk because he wouldn’t have
to drink and drive. He could just walk upstairs to his hotel room.


“What’s your name?” Professor Ryan asked the cute little bartender

wiping water spots from the shot glasses and then returning them to their
shelves behind the teakwood bar.

“Kai,” the man responded simply.
He didn’t want to be a whiner, but he knew Kai was probably used to

lending an ear to his troubled customers. It was the life of a bartender to
make a good drink and listen to the reasons his customers were here.

“You been doing this a long time?” Ryan asked.
“Few years now. What can I get you?” Kai’s cheeks dimpled when he


“Something to get me really stone-faced drunk.” Ryan cupped his

hands over his face and let loose a sigh of frustration. “I had the worst day

“That bad? Do you want a beer?” Kai offered.
“No, I don’t like the taste, and I don’t handle the taste of other liquor

too well either. I need something else to make it go down easier and to
cover up the alcohol taste. Something fruity.” Ryan balanced on the edge

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of his barstool.

“I know what I get for you. You like house special. They call it the

Singapore Sling.”

“Sounds good to me.” Ryan let out a choked laugh. He didn’t know

what that drink was, but it sounded dangerous and just like what he

Ryan watched as Kai prepared the fruity concoction. It certainly

looked pretty with an orange almost red color to the liquid and poured in a
frosted glass. The entire thing was topped with a sprig of mint and a piece
of pineapple on the side of the tall fluted glass.

“Looks almost too good to drink. Positively beautiful,” Ryan said as

the bartender pushed the drink into his outstretched hands. He dipped his
mouth to the straw and drank. “Mmm, tastes even better. Thank you.”

“So why you here so early? Most haoules don’t come here until after

they dog tired from sightseeing.”

It was early to start drinking.
Ryan glanced down at his watch and saw it wasn’t even noon yet. He

shouldn’t care what anyone else thought of him. It wasn’t like he was an
alcoholic but he didn’t want the Hawaiian to think badly of him.

There was also no place he would rather be than right here at the bar

drinking away his troubles and burying his past. He could be doing
something important with his life but that road seemed impossible at the

“I don’t want to go do the usual tourist stuff. I spent all morning down

at the docks trying to rent a boat and nobody has the balls to go out or they
are too busy. It’s just damn frustrating. I came all this way and it looks
like I can’t even get off this rinky-dink island. You don’t know anyone
who owns a helicopter or a boat, do you?”

Kai seemed thoughtful for a few seconds. “Yeah, brah. I got a brother

who has a big boat, but it’s not for sightseeing. It’s big for fishing, but he
is on big island. Only other guy I know has a hole in his boat about the
size of your head and it’s sitting in his backyard.”

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“See my problem?” Ryan just shook his head. Flying to the mainland

would be a big pain the ass and take up valuable time. He might as well
write off this trip and finding the rare Crested Hairy-Necked Dodo bird as
not going to happen. “There isn’t a single boat on the island that I can
seem to use and I can’t wait a week to go. My plane tickets to back home
are for Friday and if I miss this opportunity it may never happen.”

Ryan looked despondently at his drink and fingered the rim of the


“What so important you have to go now?”
“I am a professor of Zoology at a university in Ohio. It’s not a great

job, but it will do for now. The truth is, I want to be more than just a
professor. I have always wanted to get out of the classroom and
experience the world; have an adventure or two. This was supposed to be
my one big chance.”

Kai nodded as if he knew the feeling.
Ryan continued, "I recently heard about this rare bird that has been

seen on an island here in the Pacific. But if I can’t prove it exists, no one is
going to believe the Crested Hairy-Necked Dodo bird is alive.“

“Not sure I understand about this funny bird, but it sounds important to


“Sorry, when I get excited I tend to babble. It is important to me. The

bird is considered extinct. If I can prove it still exists, it will make
scientific history. I just need a boat to take me to a few small islands. If I
find the bird, I'll take pictures as proof of my discovery. I don't plan to
capture or harm the bird in any way.”

Just then, a guy in a black suit came up and whispered something in

Kai’s ear. Ryan couldn’t hear the words, but he was curious when Kai left
immediately without excusing himself. Whatever was going on had to be
important or his new friend wouldn't have left without a word.

Ryan jumped when Kai suddenly stopped and turned. "I’ll be right

back. You wait here. I may be able to help you.”

Ryan slurped his alcoholic beverage down so fast that by the time it

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was gone he was dizzy and lightheaded. Great drink. He'd only need two
or three more of them to get himself drunk enough to sleep the day away.

A few short minutes passed before Kai reappeared with another man

whose looks were similar to Kai's. The new fellow had similar facial
features, but his skin was darker, giving his body the soft sheen of a fine
cashmere coat. Whoever he was, he spent a lot of time in the sun. His hair
was windswept and fell somewhere below his shoulders. It wasn’t too
messy, just enough to tell Ryan the fellow didn't care if his hair was
combed or not.

The stranger moved with a sinewy grace of a tiger or leopard on the

prowl. Shivers ran up and down Ryan's spine. The man's rough and tumble
appearance set off every alarm in Ryan's body. Dark leonine eyes stared
straight at him and Ryan was sure he read a hunger in them. Suddenly,
Ryan wanted to be eaten up by the handsome, rough looking man.

Ryan's old lover had never made him feel such sexual arousal in only a

few short minutes. If Ryan had been on the prowl for a new lover, this
large man would certainly fit the bill—and his ass.

The thought of the man's cock slathered in K-Y ramming him was

almost too much to bear. Ryan wiggled in his seat and wished he was shit-
faced drunk.

He'd promised himself at least a year of celibacy after the last mess.

His wedding plans were in the dust and he was alone on his own

Ryan rubbed his right eye. Right now he needed another strong drink

and a good cry or, even better, a good fucking. The man beside Kai was
handsome but huge. He had to be part Samoan. He had dark skin and was
tough looking. Ryan, even at six feet tall, would be small in comparison.

Kai had a wide smile on his face. “You’re in luck, professor. This is

my brother. He got a boat and is willing to sail wherever you want if
you’re willing to pay for it.”

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Chapter Two

Three hours later found them at sea. The man who'd introduced

himself as Snapper held the wheel like a pro, without a care in the world.
The steady boat plowed through the rough water. Snapper pulled the string
tie loose from his hair and let the wind blow through it.

Salty water sprayed them every time they hit a wave. Even Rumrunner

was getting wet.

Ryan felt sorry for the poor dog, but it didn't seem to mind. A

particularly hard wave slammed into the boat and Ryan grabbed the boat
railing with both hands. The metal was cold and slippery, but he held on
for dear life. Terror crawled up his spine when his butt began to slip off
the wet plastic covered seat.

It certainly didn't help when he realized Snapper was clutching the

wheel so tightly that his knuckles had turned white.

Earlier, Snapper had assured him the storm was many miles away and

it was perfectly safe when he pulled away from the dock. There was a
light breeze and soft puffy clouds. The sea was full of small, seemingly
harmless waves.

But all of that changed in a moment. The waves grew and the clouds

became darker and they seemed to be sailing into the heart of the storm.

"Hey, Snapper, great day for a short trip? Don't you agree?" The dock

and the safety of land had long disappeared from view. Ryan forced his
hands to his sides so he would not wring them nervously. He didn't want
the captain to think he was afraid, but the wind carried an auspicious air to
it and most of the other boats were setting anchor a few miles out from the
shore and not going out into deep waters.

"Yeah, not so bad, hey? Couple hours and we be where the funny bird

lives." Rumrunner stared up at his master with affection and trust.

Ryan figured if the dog wasn't scared then he shouldn't be either.

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"Have you seen the birds?" Ryan asked. It sounded suspiciously like

Snapper might have at some time or another.

"Sure. Once or twice." Snapper shrugged as if it were the most

common thing in the world to see the endangered bird.

Ryan was fascinated by Snapper's accent and his looks. Damn, he was

supposed to be on this trip to forget about his lover and sex. But, the more
he watched Snapper moving about tying things down, the easier it was to
picture him nude. The man’s muscles rippled under his clothing. The
captain was very flexible and strong. He would make a fantastic male
model. If only he was an artist, Ryan thought, he would be happy to sit
and paint the captain’s lean hard body for hours. Although, he doubted oil
or acrylic would do the man justice. Every time Snapper stretched to reach
a rope or tighten down equipment, Ryan had a flash of his inner thighs and
the darker skin there gave Ryan heart palpitations.

Ryan's eyes traveled over Snapper's compact body until he caught

sight of the front of his loose shorts and Ryan could barely control his
reaction. In fact, he'd given up trying. Now he had a raging hard-on and a
huge headache. Here he was out in the middle of the ocean, a storm
building strength and a similar storm building in his own body.

What was he going to do? Ryan grabbed the side of the boat and held

on for dear life as a huge wave flew over the boat and drenched him. Well,
that took care of one thing. The wave had scared the starch right out of his

The Hawaiian intrigued him. Ryan realized his fear had waned in the

alpha man’s presence. His cock again became engorged despite the
weather and the sea.

Snapper knew these waters. He would save them and all would be

well. Just to be sure, Ryan crossed his fingers and prayed as if he was back
home in church and not cruising the waters somewhere in the middle of
the South Pacific.

The waves seemed to be growing taller and more intense as time went

on. Ryan was suspicious they were headed directly into the storm.

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“Damn you, Mother Ocean!” Another giant wave hit the side of the

boat and Snapper growled. "You will not master me. I am too young to die
at your feeble attempts.” He waved a fist at the sky and then at the sea.
“Bring on your worst, and I will overcome you."

Ryan gasped and cringed.
Bring on your worst?
Ryan wished Snapper hadn't threatened the sea, because the sea only

became angrier. He wasn’t sure Snapper was the man he wanted to stand
behind. Especially not now when it seemed they were going straight into
the bowels of Davy Jones’ Locker. Snapper was heading the boat into the
biggest wave of all. It looked to be over twenty feet tall. How was this
going to save them?

"Hold on," Snapper yelled.
As if he was planning on doing anything else.
Rumrunner began running around the deck, barking and howling at the

waves. Though his loud and frequent barking could barely be heard over
the sound of the storm. Ryan would be surprised if the dog wasn’t swept
away by the oncoming wave.

Like the dog, Ryan could barely hear Snapper’s commands above the

storm and the huge waves hitting the boat. Snapper tossed Ryan a length
of heavy rope. His gestures were obvious and Ryan tied the rope around
his waist and then around one of the diamond, stainless steel padeyes.
Early on, Snapper had told him he could use the padeyes if the storm did
happen to hit. Ryan was relieved to find Snapper was right. The padeye
was good and strong, held in place with four stainless broad-head screws,
and the rope was thick and sturdy.

Ryan couldn't take his eyes off of Snapper. The man wasn't handsome

in the classical sense, but there was something about his smile, dimples
and weathered skin Ryan found deliciously sexy. He loved Snapper's wild
hair, which at the moment was flying around in the wind, but when they'd
first met had been tied in a low, heavy, lightly curled ponytail. His skin
was darker than Ryan's. Snapper was not extremely tall, but well built

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with heavily muscled arms, upper body and thighs. His ass was rounded
and Ryan guessed nice and taut. Just the way he liked his lovers. Snapper's
large, scarred hands worked against the storm with years of skill to guide

The only concession Snapper made to the storm was to grab the dog

and put him down in the cabin. Ryan hated the sound of the dog's howling.
Poor animal wanted to be near his master.

The sky turned from gray to black and the sea was almost as dark as

the sky. Ryan had never seen anything like it. It was incredulous for the
middle of the day. The dark clouds blacked out the sun. If his heart hadn’t
been running off adrenaline and fear he might have taken some pictures to
enjoy later.

Another giant wave flung Ryan around and he squeezed his eyes shut

in terror. How had he gotten himself into this? All for a glimpse of a bird.
All this terror to find an odd bird only Snapper had seen. A bird no one
besides the two of them believed in. A fool’s mission on the path to
certain death. All because of a rumor and one man's story.

"How much longer?" Ryan screamed into the wind.
"Not long. Only a few more minutes and we be through the storm."
"Oh, whoopee," Ryan whimpered. A few minutes could be a very

short time or feel like hours in this roller coaster ride.

Another dark, violent wave struck them and Ryan heard the sharp snap

of wood. That couldn't be good. "What's happening?"

"Not to worry, professor. We be fine. Hang on tight!"
Lightning flashed. The air vibrated with electricity.
Another loud snap ripped the air. The masthead broke in two before

flying like a flower stem over the side of the boat, floating on top of the
water until a large wave overwhelmed it. The masthead disappeared into
the bottomless abyss of the sea.

The boat was being torn apart by the storm.
"Holy shit,” Ryan screamed at the top of his lungs, “We're going to


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Snapper turned toward Ryan and Ryan's mouth snapped shut. Dark,

angry eyes glared back at him and Snapper snarled, "Fool! I said hang on.
We’ll be fine. The boat is breaking apart, but the place where you sit will
split and give you enough buoyancy to stay afloat. When the storm passes,
I will find you."

Snapper had no more finished speaking when the boat was hit by a

monstrous wave which snapped the boat into a million pieces. That was
the last thing Ryan remembered before the lights went out and he felt the
water surround him. He was strapped to a piece of the boat that stayed
afloat as Snapper had promised and he was washed away into the wild sea.

He heard a faint yelping and then the sounds grew more distant as he

realized he was being washed away from the captain and his faithful dog.


Soft, wet and warm.
Ryan opened one eye and all he could see in front of him was bright,

lush green. He was lying in soft sand and tepid waves lapped at his feet.
The island he was sitting on was forested and beautiful. Coconut trees
covered the shoreline, with vines growing up the sides. The ground was
thick with heavy grasses and dark green leaves. Amongst the green
splashes of unbelievable colors were flowers of every kind, including
orchids of every color known to man. Bright blue sparkling birds with
long wings and huge antenna on their heads like a lady’s hat from the
eighteen hundreds flew overhead.

The bird made a strange screeching sound and flew away. Soon, a red

bird sat on the same branch and stared at him. The bird was large. Almost
as big as a McCaw, but without the heavy, curved beak. As soon as it
noticed Ryan’s movements it stretched its wings wide and flew out of

Ryan woke from his stupor, suddenly aware he was wet from head to

toe. The storm was over. He rolled slightly and opened his other eye. He

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was on the edge of the damp sand right at where the high water line would
be. The surf must have pushed him up to the shoreline. He untied himself
from the broken piece of boat that remained and looked around a little
more trying to remember just what happened and how he had gotten here.
Then it dawned on him that he shouldn’t be alone.

Snapper. Where was Snapper?
Ryan's ears rang. The noise could only be Snapper's mutt, Rumrunner.

If the dog survived, then there was a good chance Snapper had survived as

“Rumrunner! Come here, boy.” Rumrunner came running up to him as

soon as he called the dog’s name.

Ryan sat up and ruffled Rumrunner's soaked, mangy fur. He was

rewarded with a doggy kiss. "I'd say you needed a bath, buddy, but you
just had one and it didn't seem to help you one bit. You're what my mom
calls a ‘flea bag’.”

Rumrunner barked loudly, managing to deafen Ryan’s other ear.

Great. He had to find Snapper before the damn dog broke his eardrums.
He never knew a dog to be this vocal.

Rumrunner barked and turned and ran down the beach, then turned and

ran back to Ryan. He did the same thing three times before Ryan finally
got the message. The dog was trying to get him to follow him. The
damned dog thought he was Lassie.

He staggered to his feet, hiked up his soggy shorts, buttoned his

tattered shirt and headed after the dog. Just to make sure he followed,
Rumrunner kept turning and barking at Ryan before running further down
the beach, always staying within eyesight.

Minutes later, Ryan spied what looked like a body washed up on the

shore. "Not Snapper," Ryan cried out to the sky. Oh, Lord, no, it couldn't
be Snapper. How would he get off this island if it was Snapper and he was
dead? Try not to think about that, Ryan warned himself. Until he got
closer, he wouldn't know if it was his new found friend lying dead on the

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The closer he got to the body, the less optimistic Ryan became. Yes. It

was Snapper, but he looked more dead than alive. Oh, hell, this couldn't be
happening to him. Ryan searched the area. They seemed to be alone on the
island. All he saw was a wall of green. "Damn! Guess it's up to me," he
muttered to the body lying in the sand.

Snapper’s ragtag shorts were down around his knees and he lay on his

side with his dark cock and balls showing. His arms were stretched out on
the sand, his fingers dug into the sand as if to hold on so he wouldn't be
drug back out to sea by the waves.

Ryan tried not to stare at Snapper's genitals, but even unconscious the

man was impressively well hung.

Guilt attacked Ryan, assaulting his stomach and making Ryan's belly

flip over. How could he be thinking about sex at a time like this? His new
friend was possibly dying or close to it. Ryan rushed the last few steps and
rolled Snapper onto his back. He knelt next to Snapper and carefully
tugged the sagging, wet shorts into place. The small action would protect
his pride and privacy if Snapper proved to be alive. It also would help
Ryan to think a little clearer. Jiggling him around hadn't woken the
captain. Not even when Ryan picked up his impressive sex organ and
tucked it back into his shorts.

First, he shook Snapper but nothing happened. Ryan put his ear to the

man's broad chest and listened. It was faint, but there was a heartbeat and
Snapper’s breathing was shallow.

Since he was breathing and had a pulse, CPR wasn’t necessary. Ryan

turned the man on his side in case he had water in his lungs and shook him
to wake him up. Snapper gasped, and a stream of salt water rolled out onto
the sand.

Ryan continued to rub his back until Snapper began to fight him and

then he knew the big man was going to be all right.

Ryan wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. That had been too

close for comfort. While Snapper continued to get rid of all the seawater

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he'd swallowed, Ryan sat back on his haunches trying to not think about
Snapper's large cock and failed miserably.

Snapper's back was turned toward Ryan leaving him feeling anxious

and worried. What if Snapper needed medical help? As near as Ryan
could tell the island was deserted. There was no boat, therefore the radio
was gone. Well, this daytrip had definitely turned into a huge problem. So
far, little or no provisions had rolled ashore with the tide. Even the
beautiful forest didn't look too promising in the way of food.

"Hey, Snapper?” He touched the man’s shoulder hesitantly. “Are you

gonna be okay?"

Snapper coughed and choked once more, pulling away to sit up. "Sure,

no trouble. Just give me a few more minutes to get my breath back and
we'll go looking around for shelter and set up a basin to catch rain water."

"What rainwater? The sky is clear now."
Snapper looked toward the sky. Shading his eyes, he searched the

horizon. "Yep, storm gone. We got to do what we need to survive now
until we get rescued. Shelter, food, and fire are what we have to focus on
and we can’t let the weather or anything stop us. Safe to move around
now. First we find safe place to shelter and then we make a fire. We can
cut some wood, make a big fire on the beach. My brothers come looking
for us if we not home by dark."

"Nice. I wish my brother liked me that much." Ryan sighed. It wasn’t

that he didn’t love his family, but he was lucky to get a phone call once a
month. If he had to rely on his brother he was not going to get rescued this
year. Snapper’s family must have been really tight.

"Family troubles? Sorry. My family doesn’t play like that. We are very

close. They won't let us die out here."

His assurance should have made Ryan feel better, but it had been a

long time since he'd put his trust in anyone. Especially if that person was a
man. He was a complete failure at picking a good man for a mate. The last
man he trusted had been both abusive and had hurt him deeply.

Snapper stood and held out his large, dark hand to Ryan. "Come, we

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fix up a shelter first, look for fresh running water and try to find food."

"Humph," Ryan managed to grunt as Snapper yanked him off the

beach and into his arms. It happened so fast he didn't realize what was
going on until he felt his cock rubbing against Snapper’s.

Snapper let the smaller man slide down his large body and set Ryan to

the side. "No time for fun. Time to work. Another storm coming after

"Oh, shit, another one," Ryan moaned. He couldn’t handle another

storm like last night.

"Hmm, you not like storms? Too bad. This island probably has rain

storms at least two times a day. Most aren’t as bad as earlier."

"Holy hell," Ryan groaned again.
Snapper had said it in a straight face, and Ryan knew he wasn’t

kidding. "Yeah. Rainiest place on earth right here in Hawaii. That's why
we need to make something to catch fresh water."

Ryan hiked up his baggies and sighed. "I'm heading down the beach,

maybe I'll find a bucket or something useful."

"Right. I'll head into the forest and look for good place to build shelter

and maybe running water. If we lucky, maybe food." Snapper headed into
the tangle of green laughing.


Snapper knew the secrets of the islands furthest from the big island.
The last thing Snapper wanted to tell Ryan was that Hawaii was much

more than just the major islands in the eastern portion of the chain. The
Hawaiian archipelago stretches for some sixteen hundred miles to the
north and west. And they were on one of the least inhabited. There were
no humans—just hundreds of acres of green. It was the home to seven
thousand species of birds (especially sea birds), fish and marine mammals,
at least a quarter of which are unique to Hawaii.

In two thousand and six, the president officially designated the

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Northwestern Hawaiian Islands a Marine National Monument creating the
largest marine-protected area in the world which was going to make it
hard for them to find food. Most of the birds and animals here were near
extinction or on the endangered list.

Which meant they couldn't kill or eat them or at least technically

shouldn’t but Snapper wasn’t going to tell if Ryan wouldn’t.

If they were really lucky, at one time this island had been inhabited

and there would still be old overgrown gardens. Most gardens consisted of
sugarcane, pineapples, papayas, bananas, mangoes, guavas, lichee,
coconuts, avocados, breadfruit, macadamia nuts, limes, passion fruit, taro
(for poi), and tamarinds.

The nuts and fresh fruit were not off limits so their stomachs would be


The islands didn't have much in the way of wild animals other than

rats, frogs and toads. If this was one of the really remote islands, there
might be deer, sheep, pigs (boar), donkeys, and goats. Those common
animals were fair game.

Snapper shoved through the thick foliage wishing he had his machete.

Since he didn't, he picked up a long, wrist-thick piece of bamboo using it
to hack through the brush and leaves of every size and shape.

He wasn't paying much attention. He kept thinking of his little

professor, Ryan. Snapper felt like someone had popped him on the head.
Could he have finally found the man of his dreams? Who would have
thought it would be a man of education?

Certainly not Snapper.
A professor, for God’s sake.
Snapper slashed again and a stubborn inches-thick vine finally gave


Not that there was anything wrong with the professor. Ryan was well

built, solid and from feeling him up against him, Snapper knew Ryan
might be thin, but he was muscular and from the way his wet shorts fit his
body and from what he could tell by the non-stop bulge in his shorts, he

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was blessed with a good-sized cock. Sex would never be a problem. The
problem would be money and the lack thereof. Snapper was a fisherman
barely making a living. Ryan had a good job at a college, and all the things
Snapper wished for like a regular paycheck to pay his bills on time.
Snapper wanted nice things too, but he didn't want the professor to give up
anything for him.

Snapper lifted his head and sniffed the air. A scent as sweet as roses

with the underlying scent of arousal filled the air. He looked all around,
but found no one.

He stood there for several moments mesmerized. This was where he

wanted to build the shelter. Some sixth sense told him there was an old
garden near and he could hear running water.

A place to bathe and get fresh drinking water.
He took off his shirt and tied it to a small tree to mark his spot and

hacked his way back to the beach following his footsteps in the soft grass
on the forest floor.


Ryan couldn't get the thought of Snapper's partially nude body out of

his head and it was driving him nuts. All he wanted to do was fuck
Snapper until they were exhausted and satiated.

He wanted to lick the man all over, torment him, suck him, stroke him

and hold his package in his hands, savoring the heat of the big man. He
would lick his rim and finger fuck him until Snapper was begging for
more and then slip his own generous member into Snapper's tight hole.

Ryan looked around and began to laugh. What a dreamer. If Snapper

was even into men, he surely would want to be the aggressor.

He was getting horny thinking about all the things he wanted to do to

the captain, but all it could be was a wet dream and nothing else.

Ryan spied something white upside down on the beach and ran to it. A


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All right!
Now they had something to hold water. He continued to search the

beach for anything useful.

He found a smaller bucket that he was sure would come in handy. He

also came upon one of the boat’s life preservers, a piece of tangled rope,
and one of his sandals. A half hour later he saw a heel sticking up in the
sand and dug free his other sandal. There was lot of driftwood and some
evidence of crabs and other sea life but the birds had picked the shells all

No food though. Not that he'd expected to find any. They'd only

planned on being gone for a day or so, which meant they would be back in
port long before dinner time.

Looks liked they'd been wrong. It could be a long time before anyone

found them.

Ryan couldn't figure out if he was happy they were stuck on an island,

or frightened to be here with a man he barely knew.

Where was Snapper? Did he too feel the pull of the sexual magnet

between them? What would he do if Ryan grabbed and kissed him.

Dumb idea.
Snapper would tear him in to little pieces if he wasn't gay.
Lord, what a mess.
Ryan was a bundle of nerves as he made his way up the beach

searching for the place where Snapper had hacked a large opening. A
moment after Ryan knew he was lost for sure, the opening was right in
front of him and Snapper stood in the center of the battered bushes looking
more handsome than Ryan remembered.

Snapper waved and called to him and Ryan waved back. Snapper

headed into the overgrown jungle and Ryan hurried to catch up with him.
The sky was getting the purple haze of sunset and soon the jungle would
be dark and Ryan didn't want to be lost in the dark.

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Chapter Three

It was a short walk to the campsite, but Snapper took him past the

campsite, through unkempt and lush jungle, to a place where he believed
they would find food. Underfoot, leaves crunched and tiny animals ran for
cover. Rats? Or something equally disturbing?

The men began laughing like fools when they came upon what

Snapper described was an old home site. What was left of the garden was
a mass of vines and overgrown grasses.

They took off their shirts and filled them to overflowing with fruits

and nuts of many kinds.

"I had no idea this place was inhabited at one time." Ryan grinned and

continued pushing vines and junk to the side.

"Ah ha! I found three pineapples and they are ripe.” Snapper laughed

when he recognized the spiky pineapple plant. He took a long knife from
his belt and cut them out of the bushes. ”This will make a good breakfast.”

Ryan laughed along with his new found friend. "You did real good,

captain. We needed food and you found an old farm. We won’t have to
worry for quite awhile. Are there people around?"

"No, people long gone. Government moved them hundreds of years


"If there are no people around," Ryan's voice trembled, "how long do

you think it will be before someone finds us?"

Snapper stood up and looked at Ryan. "My brothers will be looking for


“And if they can’t find us, do you think someone from the government

will come looking? This has got to be some kind of nature reserve.”

“No one comes here. It could be years before you see someone from

the government.” Snapper looked away.

“Years? I guess it’s a good thing I like you.” Ryan laughed.

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“Years and years and years.” He chuckled when Ryan's eyes widened

so much that Snapper was afraid his eyes were going to roll right out of
his good-looking face.

Ryan continued digging in the old garden, but something in the air was

tickling his nose. It was sensuous like a woman's perfume; a strong flower
scent. Snapper had said there were no longer inhabitants, yet he smelled
something almost sexual. Oh, God, the smell reminded him of some
incense he and Trey had burned the night they first made love.

The jungle was beginning to darken when Snapper spoke and said they

had better head back to camp before it got too dark. They collected the
fruits and nuts they had gathered and Ryan followed Snapper through the

Ryan didn't like the way the spectacular green of the jungle was now

dark and shadowed. Ryan, feeling scared, stayed as close to Snapper as he
could without stomping on his heel.

"How far ‘til camp?" Ryan asked. His voice was trembling and he

wasn't sure why. The scent was driving his hormones nuts. His cock was
growing—long and hard. Was Snapper having the same problem?

The deeper they moved into the jungle, the stronger the scent became.

Ryan had been in many jungles around the world and nothing like this had
ever happened before. He dug his soggy notebook out of his back pocket.
It was going to have to dry before Ryan could make any notes on the
island and the effect it had on him. The professor wanted to be sure to
make note the scent was doing strange things to his libido.

Delicious, wonderful things.
Snapper stopped and turned toward Ryan. "Yeah, lil' guy, whattup?

You scared?"

He gave a nervous laugh. "Only a little. I hope you know where you're


Ryan's heart was doing flip-flops. Snapper was highly aroused as well.

The evidence was growing larger in Snapper’s shorts and it was difficult

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for Ryan to keep his eyes anywhere but on the man’s genitals.

What was going on?
In a clearing in the jungle there was a flock of Hawaiian geese, a

common site on the Kauai. The birds were believed to have evolved from
the Canadian goose at one time and bore a striking resemblance to their
forefathers. What surprised Ryan wasn’t the species of the bird, but what
they were doing. Every one of them was involved in an avian orgy.
Feathers flew, and tails thumped and the soft calls echoed as Ryan and
Snapper stopped and stared.

Ryan stroked his raging hard-on. He was so aroused it hurt. The

sickeningly sweet smell was especially strong here. His cock did a salute
and begged for release. It was not conscious, but becoming more and more
necessary. His hand went straight to his genitals. Giving a sensuous caress
meant to help ease the pain, but also built tension.

Snapper’s voice broke with unspoken emotion. “You have to stop

touching yourself, Ryan.”

“I can’t.” Ryan said while stroking his cock through his pants. It was

the closest thing to relief he could get. “I don’t understand what’s going on
in my body, but I am so turned on right now it’s killing me.”

“Really? Me too.” Ryan turned to see Snapper was now touching his

cock through the tented material of his shorts. He had his thin T-shirt—
makeshift sack—full of fruits and vegetables, yet he juggled the armload
around until he was touching his shaft.

The humidity and the heat of the day, was strong enough to make

anyone want to peel off every layer of clothing.

“I tried to keep it hidden,” Ryan admitted, “but it seems since we

stepped foot on this island all I can think about is sex.”

“Sex.” Snapper repeated the word slowly as if the idea fascinated him.
“Yeah, sex.”
“I would give anything to fuck right now.” Snapper did a little pelvic

thrust for emphasis, and Ryan felt a jolt run up his spine in response.

“Really?” He licked his lips in anticipation. If Snapper felt as sex

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starved and desperate as he was feeling, maybe things would work out for
both of them. He stepped forward and the Nene took flight in a giant
swarm of wings and feathers.

“Sex and a cooked goose dinner make night perfect.”
“I’d agree if my body could think with anything but my dick.” Ryan


Snapper turned and walked forward. “It only a few hundred more feet

to where I want to make camp.”

“Then we’d better go.” Ryan was disappointed. They had finally

breached the topic of sex and then a big fat nothing. He walked forward,
following a small stream up to the main water source, his downcast eyes
focused on the path and avoided Snapper at all costs. Ryan nearly walked
into him when Snapper stopped in his tracks.

“We here. Now it’s time to make camp," Snapper said.
Ryan looked around. He could see why Snapper chose this as a

campsite. Even without a tent, it offered a barrier from the elements and
the wind on three sides. A nearby stream would provide fresh water and
there was enough fallen wood from the nearby forest to provide plenty of

Rumrunner seemed happy enough. He sniffed around the small

clearing and then finally made himself at home, laying on his side to sleep
on a tuft of grass.

Ryan didn’t want to work anymore. He knew they should be setting up

camp before it grew completely dark, but he couldn’t stop thinking about
getting some relief. He needed sex. Now. If it meant getting a little wet
from the rain later on, he didn’t care.

His eyes were on Snapper, while his hand remained over his crotch.

“To be honest, I can’t think about anything but sex right now.”

“Maybe it best if we get this out of our system,” Snapper said, taking

Ryan by surprise.

Hell yeah! Ryan bit his tongue so he wouldn’t sound too excited,

trying to train his eyes on something other than the hunky captain next to

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him. “I agree. It would be best to work this thing out.”

Snapper pulled down his pants and underwear to reveal his fat, long,

and fully aroused cock. It was much bigger now than when he'd seen it
earlier when Snapper was unconscious.

Ryan was drooling to wrap his mouth around it but he didn’t want this

relationship to be all about sexual gratification. There was a man carrying
that big cock and Ryan wanted to get to know him better.

It took everything he had to tear his eyes away from the man’s penis

and he purposefully kept his eyes on Snapper’s golden brown ones. He
reached up and pushed the other man’s long brown hair away from his
shoulders and when Snapper didn’t stop him, Ryan kissed him. On the
lips. A full body contact and soul searching kiss.

Every part of his body tingled, down to the tips of his toes. If heaven

and earth could be moved with a kiss this would have done it.

Snapper kissed him back and his arms circled Ryan’s body. Long

rough fingers traced his ribcage and he felt Snapper’s hard dick pressing
against his groin. Ryan couldn’t wait to feel skin to skin contact with the
other man and be claimed completely. If he had to judge by the intensity
of his feelings, once would never be enough and ‘getting it out of his
system’ was a joke.

Sex would consume him. They would be lucky if they would be able

to get anything else done. Forget eating, sleeping and building a shelter.
Ryan just wanted to fuck and be fucked—an all day and all night fucking
marathon session.

Then maybe it would never be enough.
Ryan separated just enough from Snapper to end the kiss.
Snapper opened his mouth to complain, but Ryan silenced him with

two fingers on his lips. He could tell Snapper was as affected as he was by
the experience. Snapper’s heart beat thundered against his chest wall and
his breath had grown ragged.

Ryan slid his body down Snapper’s lean but muscular frame and first

wrapped his hand around the other man’s cock and then his lips. Snapper

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groaned in immediate satisfaction and thrust his fingers deep into Ryan’s
hair to hold him there.

Snapper tasted salty from his dip in the ocean and his cock jumped in

his mouth. It was pure pleasure and being this close to him gave him hope
that there would be many days to follow lying in his arms.

Memories of his old lover flooded his mind. How Trey used to force

him to act like a dog and sit at his feet. When he didn’t please Trey well
enough, he would beat the shit out of him. Seven months he stood by his
side, hoping Trey would quit being an asshole, stop using drugs, and be
the man he'd first met. All his hopes and dreams went out the window
when he had to go to the hospital for a broken rib and several cuts and

One good thing about being with Trey is he now knew exactly how to

give a great blowjob. Attention to detail was his motto, and he lovingly
explored every inch of Snapper’s cock and well-hung balls with his tongue
and fingers.

“Damn, you are good,” Snapper groaned.
Ryan’s reply was muffled. With one hand on his friend and the other

working at his britches he was too busy to reply. He freed his own cock
from the restraints of his pants and went to town. He could feel Snapper’s
cock surge with desire. He was about to come and he wanted to feel his
own release simultaneously. He stroked himself into a frenzy and when he
felt Snapper’s body tense with pleasure and about to release he finally let
loose his own lust. His cock spurt and his seed fell to the ground.

Snapper wasn’t quite there yet, but Ryan wasn’t going to allow him to

forego his pleasure. Ryan kept his attention on sucking and licking until he
was rewarded with a mouth full of come. Ryan milked his cock for
everything it was worth. Snapper was empty, but was still trying to fuck
his face. Ryan licked him clean and continued soothing strokes with his
tongue until the other man released his grip on Ryan’s head.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to force you.”
“You didn’t force me. I know what the difference is and I was more

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than willing.” Ryan stood up and shoved his cock back into his pants.

“Don’t you want me to return the favor?” Snapper looked surprised

their little love session was ending.

But this was the way it always was for Ryan. Trey had been a selfish

lover who enjoyed being sucked off, but never returned the favor. Why
would he expect Snapper to be any different than Trey?

He tried to hide the emotion in his eyes. “I took care of it myself so

you wouldn’t have to.”

“Oh.” Snapper turned and ran his hand through his hair. “I expect you

want to get back to our survival list first?”

“Yeah, I know we have responsibilities. But I am no architect, and I

have no idea how to build a shelter.”

“It’s no problem. You with me.” Snapper buttoned his pants and

looked around. Then, as an afterthought a few moments later, he said,
“Later, we do things right. I don’t think I got you out of my system.”

Ryan’s spirits soared. Just the thought of lying next to the sexy captain

at night would be enough to keep him warm. Being held, and feeling
loved—it was all he really wanted. He nodded because he didn’t trust
himself enough to talk.

He suspected there was something about this place that was messing

with his libido, but he had felt an attraction to the captain the moment he
laid eyes on him. Those feelings and intense attraction only deepened the
moment he saw how large Snapper's cock and balls were.

He ached for the moment he would feel Snapper’s cock filling his ass.

He hoped it wouldn’t hurt much. Without lubrication, and due to the other
man’s size, he worried just a little. He was used to taking abuse from Trey,
but he wanted to make the captain’s first experience pleasurable and

“You seem to know what you're doing. So I'll let you take the lead.

What do you want me to do first?” Ryan asked simply. He didn’t mind if
Snapper wanted to be in charge. He had absolutely zero survival training
besides watching the occasional survival reality television show and after

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watching those shows there was no way he was going to eat bugs.

“We need to get some larger poles to support a lean-to and then use

thick, wide leaves for the roof, something like a banana leaf or palm
fronds. I wish we had a machete.” Snapper let out a sigh of frustration.

“Why do we need a machete? There are plenty of fallen leaves and

sticks we can use for the structure.” Ryan wasn’t sure he understood the
point of needing a machete; although a cutting tool would be a nice
luxury, it didn’t seem necessary.

“It’s better to use green wood when building shelter. It stands up

against a storm and in high winds. Dead wood is quicker to fall, but
hopefully we get off this island in a week or less and it won’t matter if we
get a little rain.”

Ryan wished he had half of Snapper’s enthusiasm. How the hell was

anyone going to find them on an uninhabited tropical island? Most people
who might have a clue they were missing would probably assume they had
gone down with the ship.

“Okay. I’ll start gathering some wood we can use. Maybe what we

can’t use on the shelter we’ll use as firewood,” Ryan suggested.

Snapper nodded, and tossed his long hair back over his shoulder. Ryan

ached to reach over and touch it but he restrained himself. “Sounds like a
plan. You get the wood, and I will see if I can’t find some dry tinder to
start a fire with.”

That brought up a whole new problem. With the recent rain,

everything was going to be wet and if it rained again tonight they would
have the same problem tomorrow.

Ryan attempted to push his worries to the back of his mind and set to

work on collecting long sticks to use for the support of the shelter. The
task may have been easier if he could stop thinking about fucking his
friend. Every time he bent over, he pictured Snapper’s much larger frame
behind him, pushing into his ass and filling his core. He wanted to be
fucked so much he could barely function.

It wasn’t long before a large stack of wood sat neatly piled in the

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Ryan saw his friend had a pile of banana leaves accumulated as well

and a bird nest in his hands. He couldn’t help but be a little curious.
“What’s that for? Did you find some eggs for us to eat?”

Then he suddenly winced because as hungry as he was, he didn’t have

the hunting mentality to kill for his dinner. Without Snapper’s advice and
expertise he wasn’t sure what he would do except hope to get rescued. It
was different having everything come out of a neat little package in a store
than hunting and gathering food out here in the wild.

“No worries. I didn’t steal anyone’s home. This nest was abandoned;

the babies are all gone. We use this tonight to help us make a big fire.
Nests are all dry and will make it much easier for us.”

Ryan was only half listening. His eyes glanced at a pair of curious

insects mating furiously under a strange orange and red flower. Their
actions were hypnotic, and the perfumed scent was overpowering. The
same scent he noticed seemed to be everywhere on the island. “Babies…
That makes me wonder. Snapper, do you think it’s strange that every
animal on the island seems obsessed with copulating?”

“I hadn’t thought about it.”
“Birds are fucking, insects are fucking, everything I have seen is

fucking. I can’t even control my urges now. I want to fuck you right at this
moment, but I should be more worried about what I am going to eat or
how I am going to get off this Godforsaken island. Instead, I just want to

“What are you saying?” Snapper was staring at him. His eyes were on

Ryan’s crotch.

“It’s not normal to be this obsessed with sex.” Ryan liked the other

man and he had to consider that as a factor, but the scientist in him had to
think this overwhelming lust had a larger factor at play. A stimulus of
some sort was causing his—and every other animal’s—arousal to grow
stronger and increase his already strong attraction to Snapper.

An aphrodisiac.

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“I don’t understand what you are getting at.”
“Sex is normal. Every creature has that drive to mate and reproduce.”
On a whim, Ryan picked the flower and sniffed it. The sweet smell

had a powerful effect on his cock and he gasped aloud when he put the
two thoughts together. His feet were firmly planted on the ground and his
cock was as stiff as a board.

It was the damn flowers! The pollen or the fragrance or something it

put out was more powerful than a love potion. It had a strange effect on all
the inhabitants and both he and Snapper were experiencing increased
states of sexual arousal. He had never seen anything like the plant before.
It must be been giving off a pheromone that makes them want sex all the

This kind of thing could rock the world if it were for sale on the open

market. Forget Viagra—try whatever the hell was in this flower. Secret
cravings would turn into reality and nobody would be able to resist
whoever wore the fragrance.

“Get over here and smell this, Snapper. Then tell me what you think.”

He extended his arm towards his friend.

If Snapper had the same reaction, his suspicions would be confirmed.

He watched closely as Snapper took the flower from his hand and lifted it
to his nose. Snapper’s entire body immediately stiffened.

“Did you notice anything?”
“The stinkweed flower?” Snapper’s nose cinched up tight and he

tossed the flower to the ground and smashed it under the heel of his boots.
“It’s not good for you. Any native knows that.”

“I think the smell of the flower has a side effect. What do you feel?”
“Stinkweed flower makes your dick hard as Kona wood but if you get

too much you never get relief and you bleed out through your cock.”

Ryan gulped. Blood and cock were two words that he didn’t feel

comfortable hearing in the same sentence and his voice was a trifle
squeaky. “So you know about this stuff? Oh my God, it sounds terrible.”

Snapper nodded. “My great grandmother warned us against this plant.

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The trade winds blew weeds into her garden. She burned the plant and
then told us if she ever caught us smoking it she would hang us up by our
balls until we learned our lesson. It’s some dangerous stuff.”

Ryan tried to consider this. If the natives knew about it, the

government may already be aware of the strange plant and keeping its
existence secret or, worse, using it for chemical warfare. The possibilities
were endless. One thing was for sure, they couldn’t stay on this island
forever. This plant would be their undoing.

“I think it’s already affecting us. All I want is sex, Snapper.”
“I wanted to fuck you before I ever smelled the stinkweed. There is

plenty of time for that later. Right now we need to focus on what’s most

“Like eventually getting off this rock.” Ryan agreed but he couldn’t

help but feel a little disappointed their time together would end. He was
looking forward to hot sweaty nights alone with the sexy sea captain.

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Chapter Four

Hokuikekai was used to working hard. Life as a fisherman wasn’t

easy. He got little rest and most days he worked from sunup to sundown.
Fishing season wasn’t every day, but when it was time to fish, he worked
to bring in all he could.

After a day of hard work, the professor didn’t fare so well. He lay on a

mat of grass they had prepared for the coming night under the hastily built
shelter. The lean-to looked like it would fall over if he blew on it, but it
had to hold and be strong enough for tonight’s storm.

Tomorrow he could work on strengthening it and adding to its

structure. He looked at the lean-to they had built.

He didn’t want to worry Ryan but they could be here a while. He had

told his cousin Kai he would be going to the islands north of Kauai but he
hadn't said which island. It would take Kai at least a day to realize
something was wrong when Hokuikekai didn’t come back.

It could take a few days to get rescued—or a week.
Not that he wanted to get rescued. Spending his time on the deserted

island with Ryan was going to be very enjoyable. The man had a soft
touch and had shown himself to be willing and able to be a good lover. He
had sampled only a small part of the man’s skills earlier with the blowjob
he had given him.

The news of a possible slow rescue was something Hokuikekai didn’t

want to share with Ryan. The man seemed to worry too much as it was,
and his mind had to be on surviving not looking to be rescued. It was bad
enough they were both distracted by sex as much as they were.

“Aren’t you going to come lay down with me?” Ryan asked hopefully.
There went his dick again.
Hot and hard it sprang to action. Ever hopeful.
Hokuikekai sighed. He would be useless by the end of the week if all

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he did was have sex. He’d also be cold, hungry and dehydrated.

“Not yet.” Hokuikekai shook his head.
He regretted saying no the second the words slipped from his lips. He

knew what would happen the moment he laid down. He wouldn’t want to
do anything but fuck his new boy toy over and over and over again.

Ryan groaned. “I was hoping we could get some private time


“Later. For now, we can’t stop trying to meet our basic needs.”
“We have shelter. Isn’t that enough for now?”
“We need fire.”
“I need sleep.”
Hokuikekai shook his head. If he gave up, they wouldn’t be able to

cook up anything they found tomorrow in the ocean or the goose dinner
his mouth hungered for. They needed fire and if he didn’t do it tonight he
could spend half of tomorrow trying to make it happen. When he’d rather
be hunting for food or fucking his fine friend.

Hokuikekai shook his head to dispel that last thought. Fucking would

come later.

He still had a job to do and he couldn’t forget his purpose. Survival

was paramount.

A pile of left over wood from building their shelter sat just outside of

the lean-to house. These were odd pieces, most were too short or too
rotten to use in building the shelter. However, Hokuikekai was hoping to
still find a use for it as firewood. He had found an old bird nest that would
make good tinder and some of the wood had been sheltered from the dense
forest and was not as wet as the rest of the pile. If he could get a raging
fire it would dry out most the wood, not to mention his clothes.

The only real problem was how wet everything was. The rain of

yesterday’s storm had saturated everything. The fallen wood he and Ryan
had picked off the forest floor was going to be hard to use in a fire.
Everything had too much moisture in it. He needed a source of dry fuel or
he’d be here all night trying to get a spark for a fire.

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He emptied his pockets trying to think of what they had to work with.

He took his cell phone out of his pocket and a handful of change and a
small switchblade. It was enough to make this work.

He turned over the cell phone in his hands and then popped the back

off of it. A few drips of water dripped from the case.

Hokuikekai gave a long sigh. It would have been more than he’d

hoped for to have a working cell phone out here, let alone a signal. But he
could still use the cell phone’s battery to start a fire even if the rest of it
was waterlogged and useless.

“Why don’t you just give it up and come over here and fuck me?”

Ryan begged sweetly.

Hokuikekai looked up in time to see Ryan, head propped up with one

hand while he stroked himself with the other. This island was fucking with
both of their heads. He was sure the lusty man would not be acting this
wanton back at his hotel on Kauai. He was a professor for God’s sake!
Calm and collected, he would never act so damn…sexy.

Hokuikekai snapped at him, slightly irritated, he had to say no.

“Because one of us has to think with our brain and not our dicks. I’ll fuck
you when I finish making fire.”

“That may take all night,” Ryan complained, but then sat up to watch

and stroke his slick dick, wet and straight, in his hands. His thumb
caressed its head. “Is there something I can do to help?”

“Get me some tinder to help the fire build strong flames.”
Ryan stretched, got up and covered himself. Thank God he did that or

Hokuikekai would not have been able to think straight. A man walking
around half naked while he was high on the stinkweed flower pollen was
not a good combination.

”I better get some action after this. I have been working all day,” Ryan


“We are both tired, but this is necessary.” And when he finally got a

chance to feel the inside of Ryan’s tight ass he wasn’t sure he’d be able to
stop. It was another good reason to put it off for a little while longer.

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He turned his back on Ryan and put his cell phone battery on a small

rock by itself. He flipped the pocket knife open and hacked off the top of
the battery.

“Oh my God. What did you just do?”
“Just wait. You see.”
The metal contact on the terminals was enough to heat up the battery,

but when the Lithium met the air, it shot sparks into the air and smoke
went up from the battery. Quickly he put the birds nest on it and a few
dried strands of grass. It quickly grew into a raging fire.

“How’d you know to do that?”
“I’ve had some survival training and been camping enough to know a

few tricks.”

“I would never have killed the cell phone. It might have dried out and

then we could have used it.”

“The cell phone wouldn’t have worked without a signal. It’s all about

priorities, Ryan. Broken cell phone won’t do us any good but we need a

“That is really cool.”Ryan’s amazement spread to a sudden

enthusiastic smile.

“We need more wood,” Hokuikekai urged, and Ryan sprang to action.
Ryan hurried to get some and placed a piece in the fire. Hokuikekai

shifted it almost as soon as it hit the fire. “Fire is living. You need to let it
breathe or it will smother itself. When you feed it wood, you need to try to
build it like a teepee so that air can get all around the wood.”

“I see. I wasn’t in the Boy Scouts when I was a kid.”Ryan looked

down, slightly embarrassed.

“Neither was I.” Hokuikekai spent his childhood working closely with

his father on the family business. Fishing was his life, but his father
believed in being prepared for disasters and survival situations.

“Then how do you know all this stuff?”
Hokuikekai shrugged. “My dad was a good father.”
“Did he…”

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“Yeah, he passed ten years ago with a massive heart attack.”
“Oh, I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”
“I miss him, but it’s the circle of life. It took me a long time to get over

him leaving my momma alone.”Acceptance was not easy for Hokuikekai.
It had taken him many years of soul searching, and he knew he wasn’t
able to fill his father’s shoes in every way. His mother never remarried and
he vowed she wouldn’t have to if she didn’t want to. Half his earnings
went to support her to this day.

“You blamed him for dying.”
“I was sixteen.”Hokuikekai felt his chest constrict with the unwelcome


“Oh, man. I guess I am lucky I still have my father.”
“I grew up fast. I took over the family business and made sure my

brothers and my mother was taken care of.”

Hokuikekai felt Ryan’s warm hand on his shoulder. “You sound like

it’s you against the world.”

“Sometimes it feels like that.”
Ryan’s hands stroked the contours of his back, tracing the contours of

his spine. “It doesn’t have to be that way. I don’t want you to feel like you
are alone.”

Hokuikekai turned his head and kissed the other man. His lips opened

for him, welcoming him in. Wet heat. Liquid passion. The heat of his
mouth was intoxicating and the erotic waves fanned the flames of his

“Mmm,” he groaned. “I don’t feel alone with you here.”
There was enough fuel on the fire to keep it going for a while. He

couldn’t be blamed for taking advantage of the moment and Ryan’s
willing body.

“Good. Now fuck me,” Ryan whispered the lusty words.
“My pleasure.” Hokuikekai grinned before guiding his new lover to

their shared bed. The darkness came with a light rain shower but Ryan and
Hokuikekai had no worries. Their fire was burning bright and protected by

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the shelter they had built earlier that day.

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Chapter Five

“This is paradise.” Ryan sighed between kisses. Hokuikekai’s body

was pressed against his perfectly. The island was a tropical paradise with
swaying palm trees and bright pink hibiscus flowers growing next to their

“You have a funny way of looking at things.” Hokuikekai said gruffly

and landed another intoxicating kiss on Ryan’s lips.

The effects of the kisses were stronger than a bottle of merlot.

Completely drugging, they flowed through his entire body. He trained his
kisses slower with lust. He craved to be closer to his new lover, even
though not an inch was visible between them.

“I have you in my arms. I am not sure I could ask for anything else.”

Ryan had never been so unbelievably happy in his recent life. Lovemaking
with Trey was often painful and left him feeling dirty and used. The
captain might be quiet but he could tell it was because he was often
drifting deep in thought. The man had another side to him and it intrigued

Hokuikekai’s lips turned up in a wry grin. Raindrops dotted his dark

skin and glistened in the firelight. “I would ask to be dry.”

The hastily built shelter would have to be reinforced in the morning. It

was sturdy enough, but there were enough holes in the roof that the
rainwater still found its way inside the lean-to. Ryan licked one drop of the
sweet rainwater off Snapper’s shoulder. “I would ask to dry you with my

Hokuikekai acted like it tickled and pulled away just slightly as he let

out what sounded like a half-laugh, half-moan. He thrust his pelvis against
Ryan’s, sharing the hardness and thickness of his swollen cock. “I could
think of something else you could dry.”

“All in good time.” Ryan was hungry for something else. He wanted to

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feel Hokuikekai’s cock fill him from the inside out. He wanted to feel as
close as a lover could to another man. “I want you to fuck me first, and
then I want to explore every inch of your body.”

Hokuikekai stood just long enough to remove his pants and underwear

while Ryan propped himself up on one arm, hungrily taking in the view.
Hokuikekai’s body was hard enough to be chiseled from stone; every inch
of him was muscled and lean and hard. Oh, God, that cock stood proudly
before him like a flag pole. So hard and straight.

Ryan’s mouth watered.
Dirty thoughts were flying through his head, most of them revolving

around Hokuikekai’s extra large sized cock. “Fuck me.”

“Gladly.” Hokuikekai grinned. He bent down on his knees in front of

Ryan and helped him to wiggle out of his shorts and boxers. Ryan tilted up
to steal a quick kiss before spreading his legs for Hokuikekai. The other
man moistened the tip of his finger and circled Ryan’s anus, stroking it,
before pushing inside.

Ryan let out a gasp as he felt Snapper’s finger enter him. A second

finger stretched his opening wider and he moaned. His dick hardened and
rubbed against Hokuikekai’s lean stomach. The brief touch was
excruciating; he wanted so much more. Ryan begged, “I can’t wait much
longer, please fuck me!”

Hokuikekai’s golden eyes were sympathetic but lust-filled as he

moved behind Ryan. Ryan felt him as he rubbed his cock against his
slickened entrance and groaned when he slowly pushed inside. Inch by
inch, Hokuikekai sank into him until he was balls deep and Ryan had
never felt so filled up inside. So deeply loved.

“You feel so good. Like velvet,” Hokuikekai hissed through gritted

teeth like he was holding back to keep from hurting Ryan.

Ryan groaned. “Don’t hold back.”
“I won’t,” Hokuikekai said, thrusting deeper.
Hokuikekai angled his body so he could maximize his thrusts. A drop

of come pooled at the top of Ryan’s cock which he cupped in his hands

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and began pleasuring himself. He wouldn’t have to be inside of his lover
to orgasm.

Hokuikekai pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around Ryan while

Ryan savored every inch of Hokuikekai’s cock, while pumping himself

His gluteal muscles clamped around Hokuikekai’s cock, trying to keep

the other man close to him as his cock repeatedly thrust up into him. It was
sweet agony. Every thrust brought him closer to release. He felt
Hokuikekai swell inside of him, and he bucked under him, twisting his
body so that Hokuikekai could angle more deeply.

“Harder,” Ryan moaned.
“You are so delicious.” Hokuikekai kissed him, nibbling his neck and

sensitive ear. He was savoring the slow slide of their bodies against each
other, and the slippery slide of his cock in Ryan’s ass.

Ryan bucked again, now breathing harder. “Faster, please!”
Hokuikekai grimaced as if he was struggling to keep control. He

finally admitted, “I can’t last much longer.”

“I don’t want you to. Come for me, baby,” Ryan crooned, pumping his

own cock in a wild frenzy.

Hokuikekai groaned as his body shuddered and his muscles tensed.

Ryan felt the waters part and his own body released a wave of passion. He
came only seconds after Hokuikekai filled him with his hot seed. They lay
there for a few minutes, bodies entangled, until finally Hokuikekai slowly
pulled out and lay beside Ryan, spooning him close.

He felt every strand of muscle in Hokuikekai’s body relax. There was

no need for words because everything was perfect. Ryan silently stroked
Hokuikekai’s arms which were circled around him.

Ryan smiled as he listened to the slow trickling of the nearby stream.

He felt tired, but he wanted to repeat the performance as soon as possible.
Hokuikekai was a good man, and a tender and thoughtful lover.

Tonight would not be a night for sleeping.
It was a night for passionate lovemaking under the stars.

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The night came with little sleep. Between sating his desire for Ryan’s

willing body and stoking the fire, he was kept busy. After a full night, he
was still tired but in a good way and he could probably nap during the
height of the day. It was best to take a break during the hottest time of the
day anyway.

A well-timed nap could prevent exhaustion and heatstroke if he wasn’t

distracted by his lover again.

Ryan was proving to be his match in bed. The man was insatiable.
It had taken a night filled with sweet lovemaking to exhaust him

enough for him to finally fall asleep. Ryan had only fallen asleep next to
him a few hours ago.

Hokuikekai looked down at his lover sleeping soundly. A soft smile

graced Ryan’s lips. He was tempted to wake him with a kiss, but then he
would just spend the day fucking him and they really needed to get some
protein in them.

They were burning all of their calories on sex and they needed to

replace some of that energy. He felt protective of Ryan even though they
had just met; he wanted to be able to provide for him. He was special and
there was something that drew him to the professor even before he was
aroused by the stinkweed flower.

That blasted flower was going to ruin everything.
Hokuikekai sighed.
He had to get them off this rock before it ruined them. Their health

was at risk and death by sex might be pleasurable, but it was something he
didn’t want to happen. He’d much rather escape and live to love again.

He extracted his arm from under Ryan and shifted to sit up and stretch.
Ryan moaned in his sleep and then his eyes cracked open.
“Where are you going?”
Hokuikekai sighed. It was much harder to leave when he was faced

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with temptation again, and despite the long hours of lovemaking last night,
he could easily go again. His cock wanted to feel the inside of his lover’s
tight ass again.

He was so tight and willing.
Just the thought sent a tingle up his spine.
“You sure you don’t want to play hunter with me?”
Hokuikekai frowned and got up to move away before his body

betrayed him. He had to hunt. They had to eat. “I must hunt for food. We
need meat if we are going to be using this many calories every night.”

“Okay.” Ryan looked down, his cheeks flamed bright red.
There were times Hokuikekai wondered what the man was hiding from

him. He acted like he had been hurt before and as much as he wanted to
know what had happened he couldn’t ask yet. He had to hunt and if he
spent any more time in the young man’s company he might be tempted to
stay for another round of lovemaking.

He dressed quickly and watched Ryan contemplate what to do next.

“The fruit and nuts we found yesterday will keep us full, but we need meat
and we are forbidden to kill any of the native animals." Snapper gave
Ryan a smile and Ryan returned the smile, showing off deep dimples near
his cheeks. God, he was beautiful.

“I am in the mood for papaya. Do you want to see if the farm where

we got the fruit has a papaya tree?”

"I can do that. Sorry I'm not much help. I've never had a chance to be

an outdoorsman in my life. This is a first for me. Hell, I wasn't even a Boy
Scout. I'm so glad you're here, Snapper."

"Well, sometimes we lucky and sometimes not. Not lucky my boat got

damaged, but lucky to find an island with so much food. I’m sure my
brothers will rescue us soon."

“Where will you be?”
“I am going to set some traps on the north shore. I want a goose for

dinner and Rumrunner needs some exercise.” If he was really lucky the

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dog would catch something and he wouldn’t have to work so hard. The
dog had been known to dig up crabs on the beach and find good things to
eat. “I’ll be back in a few hours and then we can check the traps tonight
before bed.”

Ryan nodded but looked disappointed.
Hokuikekai walked stealthily to him and kissed him one last time. “I’ll

return to your bed before too long. Just remember we have a job to do and
we must think of our survival before anything else.”

Ryan nodded, but he looked like he might break down in tears at a

moment’s notice.

“I will return, lover.” Hokuikekai walked away before he’d be tempted

to stay even longer and kiss away any tears Ryan would spill. He knew the
stinkweed flower was intensifying both of their emotions and he couldn’t
trust his feelings right now.


With the traps set, Hokuikekai returned to find Ryan on his knees,

pleasuring himself and couldn’t help but grin. "Couldn't wait for me,

Ryan looked guilty, but continued stroking his glistening cock. "I

found some aloe and rubbed it on my cock. It felt so good. I had to,
Snapper." He continued to tease his cock with one hand and handed
Hokuikekai a leaf that was dripping liquid.

Hokuikekai couldn't resist the temptation and rubbed the aloe on his

hands and dropped to his knees in front of Ryan. He pushed Ryan's hand
out of the way and softly rolled Ryan's large cock between his hands.
Ryan moaned and writhed in Hokuikekai’s hands. Hokuikekai was very
good at the art of lovemaking. He gently opened the slit in Ryan's cock
and blew softly across it before taking it into his mouth, sucking and
bathing Ryan’s cock with his tongue.

Ryan cried out, "Oh, God, Snapper, fuck me. Please. I've waited all

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Beach Bound

Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis


morning for you. I need your hot cock inside me. Please, I beg you.”

Hokuikekai lifted his lover and turned him on his stomach. Ryan

arranged himself so his ass was sticking in the air. Hokuikekai took more
of the aloe, smoothed some on his cock and some on the pouting pink anus
Ryan presented for the taking.

Hokuikekai wrapped a large arm around his lover’s waist and held him

tightly. He blew across Ryan's anus until Ryan was squirming and
whimpering. Hokuikekai rubbed the large head of his cock over Ryan's
opening and teased him for several minutes.

"Please, Snapper, put your cock in. I can't stand waiting a minute


Hokuikekai rubbed more aloe on his large, erect cock. Then slowly,

gently slid inside past Ryan's sphincter muscle. Ryan screamed, begging
for more.

Once Hokuikekai was inside Ryan, he wrapped his other arm around

Ryan's waist, his hand searching for Ryan’s cock. Once he found it,
gripping it tightly, he was rewarded with a long moan from Ryan. He
began stroking it in the same rhythm as he pounded into Ryan. He shoved
his shaft in, but then slowly pulled out each time, all the while whispering
how much he cared for Ryan.

Ryan's ass and legs trembled from the immense pleasure running

through his body. Hokuikekai sank into him. He pumped hard and with
every plunge he got deeper and deeper.

So hot. So damn hot. And tight.
Hokuikekai sat back on his heels and pulled Ryan onto his lap and

continued plunging into Ryan while he held him in place with one arm;
with his other arm he continued working Ryan's cock.

Ryan whimpered and sighed. He was trembling all over. Hokuikekai

squeezed Ryan's balls and rolled them in his hand. He scooped up more
aloe and slickened his fingers, rubbing the head of Ryan’s cock.

Ryan's balls tightened in Hokuikekai's palm and it was obvious Ryan

was on the verge of his climax. The closer he came, Hokuikekai also came

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Beach Bound

Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis


nearer. One more good hard, deep plunge and both men exploded. The air
filled with the roar of two bulls. Birds, frightened, flew up out of their
hiding places in the trees.

When their breathing slowed, Hokuikekai lifted Ryan off of him and

gently laid him on the brush lining their shelter. Hokuikekai lay near Ryan
and pulled him into his arms and Ryan nuzzled tight against him. Soon,
they slept.

Their nap didn't last long. Ryan awoke and began stroking

Hokuikekai's side. Hokuikekai’s hands were rough, but the skin on his
side, belly and cock was supple and smooth. He licked his lips and kissed
Hokuikekai awake.

Hokuikekai opened his mouth to receive Ryan's tongue. Their tongues

tangled as their hands explored each other. This time, the men ended up
belly to belly, cock to cock. Hokuikekai smiled and pulled Ryan tight
against his body and began rubbing his cock against Ryan's. Within
minutes, the men climaxed together.

Hokuikekai wasn't sure he was going to survive the wild sex. Sex with

Ryan was better than the sex he’d experienced with anyone else. And, on
top of it all, he was afraid he was falling hard for the professor. What
would Ryan say when he found out?

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Beach Bound

Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis


Chapter Six

Days turned into a week with no sign of rescue on the way. By this

time, both men had seen the Crested Hairy-Necked Dodo many times.
Those damn birds were everywhere on the island, and Ryan cursed his
luck daily for not having a camera with him, but Hokuikekai didn’t care.
Survival was more important at this point.

The sea was a good source of food and Hokuikekai used it. He spent

hours scraping the rocks of mollusks and they ate the fresh rewards but no
ship ever seemed to come close to the shore.

The third day they had build a giant stack of wood for a bonfire on the

cliffs that overlooked the south side of the island. A size that big could be
seen from any side of the island and the trail of smoke would draw
attention if anyone was near enough to see it.

The problem was: who would see it?
They were miles from the nearest shipping traffic route and not many

tourists came out this far from the main islands. They could hope for a
military ship practicing maneuvers or doing a routine test of their missiles.

The island provided food, shelter, and most everything they needed or

wanted but he had great fears since Ryan had begun to bleed this morning
after performing sex. He couldn’t stand the thought of losing his friend but
he knew what would happen if they didn’t get away from this stinkweed
pollen. The flower was going to kill them both slowly.

They couldn’t stop fucking even if it was killing them both.
A rescue would be welcomed.
Hokuikekai had to forcibly separate himself each day so he wouldn’t

be spending all his free time making love to Ryan.

But a long walk on the beach met him with nothing but despair.
Hokuikekai was worried about Ryan after he had begun to bleed. He

told him to spend the morning resting while he went out to forage for

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Beach Bound

Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis



He didn’t have a good feeling in the pit of his stomach so he returned

early, following the familiar path back to their camp site. The sight that
met him made his blood run cold.

Ryan lay unconscious in a pool of blood.
Immediately, he ran to his side and shook Ryan awake. “Damn you!

Please wake up!”

Ryan’s eyes fluttered open.
His hand was on his cock and the blood seemed to be on everything. It

was on his hands and red blood smeared across his stomach.

“We cannot stay here much longer.” Hokuikekai picked the smaller

man up in his arms and carried him to the beach. The walk was not long
but knowing it could mean his friend’s life, he made it there as quickly
and safely as he could.

“Where are we going?” Ryan asked.
“We need to clean you up, and a salt water bath should help to heal

your wounds.”

“Can we fuck first? I waited so long but I couldn’t stand it any


“No more fucking around, Ryan. You can’t do it any longer. This

pollen is making us sick. We are going to have to leave the island.”

“How can we without a boat?”
“I am going to light that signal fire. If no one comes then so be it, but

someone has to be looking for us by now, and if it’s big enough someone
will see it.”

Someone has to see it.
“I love you too much to watch you die on this island.”
“You love me? I love you too.”
“Shh. Save your strength, sweet love.” Hokuikekai steeled himself not

to look at his lover until they reached the water. The water was cool and
refreshing against his skin. He was knee deep before he lowered his friend
into the water and splashed his skin to cleanse it.

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Beach Bound

Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis


“Thank you, Snapper.” A hiss of pain escaped Ryan’s lips as the water

hit his sensitive genitals. “I would not survive this ordeal without you.”

“Yes, you would. You’re a fighter, Ryan.”
“Trey wouldn’t have fought for me half as hard as you have.”
“My last boyfriend.” The twisted sounds of pain escaping Ryan’s lips

nearly tore Hokuikekai’s heart in two.

“It sounds like he hurt you.”
“He did. It was the drugs.”
“I can’t stand the thought of anyone hurting you. I won’t ever let it

happen again.”

“Thank you. I don’t deserve half the man you are.”
“I disagree. You deserve to be loved well and loved often. You

deserve to be safe and protected and if you belonged to me I would make
sure you were always happy.”

“I can’t think of anything that would make me happier than to share

my life with you, Hokuikekai.”

“You said my name right.” Hokuikekai was in shock. Most people

who were not a native didn’t even try but Ryan had taken the time to learn

“I’ve been practicing.”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“I hope it’s not just the stinkweed flower talking.” Hokuikekai knew

its effects were strong but he had grown attached to the man over the last
week and he would enjoy having him in his life a little while longer.

“Damn that flower and that bird.” Ryan muttered.
Hokuikekai continued to wash him clean until the water ran clear.
“We can’t let anyone know about this place if we are rescued.”
“I know.”
“I would have been famous. That bird could have changed my life


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Beach Bound

Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis


“But you know this island would be scoured by scientists after that and

they would find the stinkweed flower.”

“I think the government has been keeping it a secret.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me.”
“If people knew about this flower, they would use its chemical

properties in chemical warfare. Pharmaceutical companies would probably
use it in things like Viagra. It would take away people’s free choice and
their ability to say no. It could be tomorrow’s date rape drug of choice. I
just can’t set a monster like that free on the world.”

“And that’s why I love you. You are a good person, Ryan Stern.”
“I am giving up everything because of this flower.” Ryan’s laugh was

twisted and painful.

“And I gained everything with you in my life, all because of this

flower.” Hokuikekai kissed him on the lips, savoring his sweet taste.


The smoke went up into the sky and carried for miles.
Hokuikekai hoped he was not using up his last chance for rescue. If

anyone was looking for him, they would surely see it and even if they
weren’t looking for them a curious captain would come look.

Hours passed as he fanned the flames and built the bonfire higher

before Hokuikekai’s efforts paid off.

In the distance he could see a very large naval boat. He screamed, he

whooped and hollered and his enthusiasm spread to Ryan on the sandy
beach below him. His loyal dog, Rumrunner, ran and barked alongside
Ryan. They were about to get rescued and would finally return to normal

The island could keep its damn secrets.
He and Ryan would trade those secrets for a lifetime together.

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Sugar and Spice Press

Where romance is everything nice.


Document Outline


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