status assessment informal representation 1626891D

Guideline: Status Assessment — Informal Representation

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Guideline: Status Assessment — Informal Representation

This guideline provides some recommendations and options for informally representing a Status Assessment.


Related Elements

Status Assessment

Main Description

The following are some recommendations and options for informally representing a Status Assessment. Option: No Documentation It is more important to perform the assessment than to document it. Lessons learned must be communicated to those that need the information, however, this may be done directly, rather than through some form of documentation. Option: Use Email Consider documenting the assessment if there are interested stakeholders that did not participate in the assessment, or to keep track of the results for future assessments or project post-mortem. Email is generally an appropriate medium. Topics should include the following: Iteration or time period applicable to the assessment What was done in the last period (compare with what was planned) What will be done in the next period (compare with what was planned) Major risks Major issues Option: Merge with the Iteration Assessment When iterations are of short duration, there is no need for a separate status assessment.

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