Lynn Hagen [Bear County 06] Cowboy Seduction [Siren ManLove MM] (pdf)

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Bear County 6

Cowboy Seduction

Taylor fled Nebraska with his best friend, running from a monster

that trapped Taylor into a life he wouldn’t wish on his worst

enemy. After settling down in Bear County, Taylor meets a man

who is charming, his sense of humor something Taylor has never

experienced before. When Sam invites Taylor over to watch a

movie, Taylor isn't sure he's ready to get back into the dating


Sam spots a sexy little goth angel in the grocery store. He's taken

with Taylor at once. The more time they spend together, the more

Sam knows that Taylor is his mate. But winning Taylor's heart isn’t

easy. Not when the man has been obviously hurt.

When Sam has to go off on an assignment, Taylor goes missing.

Can he help save Taylor from his worst nightmare? Can Sam help

Taylor heal his wounded soul and bring the man back into the

light, or has Taylor's experiences broken the man beyond repair?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal,
Shape-shifter, Western/Cowboys
Length: 28,894 words

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Bear County 6

Lynn Hagen



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection

Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hagen
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-305-5

First E-book Publication: September 2014

Cover design by Emma Nicole
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Bear County 6


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

“Dude, it’s been so long since I got laid that I’m considering

committing a crime just to go to prison,” Taylor said as he stood
behind his register. He stared at his friend who was one register over,
completing some elderly woman’s checkout.

After ringing her out, Cameron chuckled as he leaned against his

register, arms crossed over his slim chest. “And how will that get you

Taylor laughed as he rested his arms on his conveyor belt.

“Everybody knows that finding a hot, horny guy in prison is like
shooting fish in a barrel.”

“That’s pretty desperate, my friend.”
It was. And although Taylor wasn’t serious, he was desperate.

He’d never had a dry spell that lasted this long. He was so horny that
a stiff wind turned him on. If he didn’t get laid soon, his balls were
going to turn into tiny little raisins.

“Okay then, maybe I’ll just jaywalk and let one of the deputies

frisk me…thoroughly.” He winked at Cameron. “That’ll be some kind
of thrill.”

“Let me know how that works out for you.” Cameron turned and

took care of his next customer.

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Taylor knew why he hadn’t gotten laid in a while. Cameron knew

why as well, but the two still loved to joke about the strangest things.
They had very morbid senses of humor. It had taken months for
Taylor’s to return, but thankfully it had.

He grabbed some disinfectant spray and some paper towels, and

was in the process of wiping his station down, when he spotted a
delectable man walk through the sliding glass doors. Taylor paused
and watched as the man grabbed a shopping cart and headed down an

Had he ever seen anyone that good looking before? He craned his

neck and tried to catch another glimpse, but the stranger had
disappeared down aisle three.

Taylor had been working at Piggly Wiggly for a few months now

and he’d seen his fair share of cute guys, but none had flipped his
trigger the way this hottie had. He was ready to toss his cleaning
supplies aside and chase the man down.

And end up with another Todd? Taylor grimaced at the thought

and went back to wiping things down. No thanks. One asshole was
enough to last him a lifetime. He’d let his dick lead him once before
and now he had the scars to remind him that just because a guy
looked good, didn’t mean he was nice.

He jerked when a pen hit his head and then dropped onto the belt

in front of him. Taylor glanced up to see Cameron staring at him.
“What’s with the scowl?”

Taylor snuffed Todd from his mind and smiled, tossing the pen

back at Cameron. “I was thinking about dinner. I’m starving.”

Cameron shook his head as he smirked at Taylor. “You are not a

very good liar, but I’ll forgive you.”

Mr. Dresel walked with a clipped pace toward them and came to a

stop at Taylor’s register. “Mr. Crumb. Have we not discussed

The man’s question made Taylor glance down at his clothes. “I’m

not wearing the chains.”

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Mr. Dresel made a weird nose in the back of his throat. Taylor

looked up. The man’s features were pinched. “But your hair is blue
and you’re wearing that god-awful color on your nails and lips. Go
wash your face.”

Cameron was standing behind Mr. Dresel, mocking the man as he

spoke, and Taylor had a hard time keeping a straight face. He had to
curl his nails into the palm of his hands and dig them deep in order
not to laugh. He was going to kill Cameron. “What’s wrong with me
wearing makeup?”

The store manager turned to look at Cameron, but Cameron had

picked up a small stack of coupons by his register and had begun to
leaf through them. When Mr. Dresel turned back around, Cameron
flipped the man off.

“Store policy dictates that you are to be in uniform and appear

professional at all times.” He waved his thick hand toward the office
and employee lounge that were located at the back of the store. “Now
go clean up.”

A few customers had stopped to watch Mr. Dresel’s melodrama as

Taylor locked his register and headed toward the back of the store.

Taylor hated authoritarians. He wasn’t a rebel and he respected

the chain of command, but not when it was abused. Not when
assholes like Mr. Dresel used that power to humiliate others.

And Taylor was embarrassed that Mr. Dresel had confronted him

in front of customers.

He hated the fact that he allowed people like his store manager to

embarrass him, but Taylor had always been what his mother referred
to as sensitive. And he hated that fact even more. There were times
when he wished he was tough as nails and didn’t let everything get to

“Excuse me.”
When Taylor turned to see who was talking to him, he stilled. His

lips parted and Taylor found himself staring into the most handsome
eyes he’d ever seen. They were green with streaks of deep, warm

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brown. Hazel. So pretty. So mesmerizing. He couldn’t concentrate on
anything but the man’s eyes. It was as if he was falling into them,
being sucked under by their spellbinding allure.

“Can you tell me where I can find the seafood? I’m kinda new

around here and still learning the layout of the store.”

It was the guy who Taylor had seen coming through the door not

ten minutes ago. The good-looking one with the dark-blond hair and
amazing body. “Sure.” Taylor pointed to his left. “I get off at five.”

He froze.
Had he really said that?
The man smiled and a spectacular set of pearly-white teeth were

revealed to Taylor. They were straight and perfect, and complemented
by two deep dimples. “Is that right?”

Taylor’s entire body heated to volcanic level before he slapped a

hand over his face. Could his day get any worse? “I meant it’s on aisle

The guy leaned his arms on the handle of his cart. “I think I like

the first answer better. I’m Sam.”

“I’m an idiot,” Taylor replied. “But most people call me Taylor.”
Sam nodded toward Taylor’s chest. His pretty eyes were shining

with mirth. “That’s what your name tag says.”

This was not going well. Was Sam really flirting with him? Hot

guys like this one never flirted with Taylor. They sneered at him.
They poked fun at him. They had even picked on him in high school
because he was goth and gay. A deadly combination according to the
jocks at Crescent High.

But they never flirted.
Taylor didn’t have height going for him. At five four, he had

heard every short joke imaginable. Most of the cheerleaders had been
taller than him. Two years out of high school and Taylor still carried a
height complex. Sam had to be well over six feet tall. Taylor cursed
his small-statured lineage.

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He touched his name tag and nodded. “I guess it does. But you

had no way of knowing that was my real name.” Taylor wasn’t sure
why he was flirting back. It wasn’t like his past had proven he could
win a guy like Sam or that he made the best choices in men.

“And what would your real name be?” One of Sam’s dark-blond

brows arched. It was the sexiest thing ever. “Billy the Kid? The
Duke? Or maybe Neo.”

Taylor ground his teeth. “You don’t have to make fun of me.”
“Actually,” Sam said. “I was naming some of my favorite


“Who’s Neo?” Taylor asked.
Sam’s eyes widened as he pressed a hand to his chest. “Have you

never watched The Matrix?”

Taylor couldn’t help the smile that appeared. “No.”
“Have you lived under a rock?” Sam asked. “It was one of the

most badass movies of the late nineties. But if you add in parts two
and three, then that would be the early two thousands as well.”

Taylor was being…charmed.
“I still haven’t seen any of them.”
Sam shook his head, his hand still resting on his chest. “No man

can go through life being so deprived. It’s…it’s…sacrilege.”

That made Taylor chuckle. “What can I say? Call me Mr.


Sam moved closer and Taylor’s heart beat into his throat. The

man leaned in as if he were a double agent giving away a secret. His
warm, mint-scented breath skimmed over Taylor’s cheek. “Don’t
worry. We can remedy that problem and no one will be the wiser.
Meet me at my place around eight and whatever you do, don’t
swallow the red pill. At least not until I can take one with you. And
then I’ll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

Taylor was totally lost and undeniably infatuated with Sam. He

had an urge to lean into Sam, to soak up the man’s heat. Was it wrong

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that Taylor wanted the guy to turn his head and kiss him? “I promise
not to.”

Sam plucked the pen from Taylor’s shirt pocket, grabbed Taylor’s

hand, and wrote something on his palm. He held up the pen. “And I’ll
return this when you show up. If you don’t come, I’ll have to ransom
it back to you.”

As Sam walked away, Taylor stared into the palm of his hand to

see an address.

What in the hell had just happened?

* * * *

With nothing more than a towel wrapped around his waist, Taylor

sat on his bed and stared at his bare feet. Everything had happened so
fast in the store and Taylor had been so damn charmed by Sam that he
hadn’t had time to absorb what was happening. His skin began to
tingle as Taylor tried to breathe, but the thought of starting over, of
getting to know someone else made him dizzy.

Just breathe.
Was he really going over there? He didn’t even know Sam. What

if the guy turned out to be like Todd? What if Taylor was making the
second biggest mistake of his life?

“Stop stalling,” Cameron called through the bedroom door. “Man

up and go get you some.”

Taylor swallowed as he balled his shaky hands into fists and

rested them on his lap. Cameron was right. Why should he worry? He
was only going over to a stranger’s house to swallow some pills. He
was adventurous. Although he would have to turn down the drugs.
Taylor didn’t roll like that.

“Do you know anything about The Matrix?” he called to Cameron

through his bedroom door.

“Greatest movie ever,” Cameron called out and then walked into

Taylor’s room.

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Taylor threw his towel at Cameron’s head. His roommate needed

to learn what the word boundary meant. “You have your own room
for a reason.”

“Like I haven’t seen swinging beans and wieners before.”

Cameron dropped onto Taylor’s bed. Taylor could smell the cigarette
smoke coming off of his friend and wished the guy would give up the
nasty habit. “What about The Matrix?”

Taylor had already told Cameron about his plans with Sam. And

just to be on the safe side, he’d given Sam’s address to Cameron. One
could never be too careful. “He said something about red pills. But
Sam didn’t look like a pillhead.”

Cameron fell back on Taylor’s bed, laughing so hard that tears

were streaking down his face. Taylor was clueless. Why did Cameron
find that funny?

“You are too adorable.” Cameron wiped at his eyes. “The pills

were a reference to the movie. I’m not going to explain anything else
because I don’t want to spoil it for you. But Sam wasn’t inviting you
to do drugs with him.”

That was a relief. Taylor stuffed his head into his shirt. Although

Cameron had seen the scars that littered his back, had been there
when Taylor had nearly died, he still didn’t like anyone looking at
them. “I shouldn’t go.”

Cameron sat up and his dark-brown eyes softened. “Don’t let

Todd ruin your life, Taylor. You have to be willing to move on, grab
whatever opportunity comes your way. If you don’t, then he is still

Taylor’s stomach tightened into a knot at the idea of getting back

into the dating game. It had only been seven months since he’d fully
recovered, fled town, and settled down in Bear County. He wasn’t
sure he was ready.

He pulled his boxers on and then sat down next to Cameron. “But

what if—”

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Cameron held up his hand. “If you start to feel uncomfortable,

then leave. It’s just that simple. But don’t throw in the towel, Taylor.
You’re a great-looking guy and any man would be lucky to have

Taylor wished he was confident and brave like Cameron. But

being screwed over in the worst sort of way tended to make a person
hesitant to hand his trust to anyone. Taylor wasn’t as naïve as he used
to be. That was a damn good thing. But he still didn’t trust his
judgment when it came to men.

He brushed his fingers over the long scar on the back of his left

hand. He could still clearly picture the events that had led to the long,
thin mark. Cameron was right. If Taylor didn’t start dating again, he
never would. Fortifying his resolve, Taylor nodded. “I’ll go.”

“That’s the spirit.” Cameron hopped up from the bed and held out

a condom and a travel pack of lube.

Taylor scowled. “I might be tiptoeing back into the dating pool,

but I do not sleep with men on the first date.”

Cameron dropped the items on Taylor’s dresser. “You never

know. It doesn’t hurt to be prepared.”

Taylor threw a pillow at Cameron. “You’re such a perv.”
Cameron chuckled as he ducked the fluffy missile. “And proud of

it. Now get dressed and enjoy your date. If you plan to stay past ten,
call me so I don’t worry.”

When Cameron left his bedroom, Taylor glanced through the

closet to find something to wear. Should he go goth or be
conservative? Taylor wanted to be himself, but he wasn’t sure if that
was the right thing to do.

What if Sam saw him as he truly was and thought Taylor was

easy? He had been wearing his makeup when Sam approached him in
the store. So the man must not mind a guy who wore eyeliner and
lipstick—although Taylor had washed the blue out of his hair earlier.

Taylor decided to tone it down and wear only the eyeliner. He

chose a basic T-shirt and some jeans. He left the chains on his dresser.

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He felt naked without them, but he was slowly getting used to that
since starting work at Piggly Wiggly. He still didn’t like it though.

Standing at his dresser, Taylor gazed in the mirror and wondered

if he should comb his hair down or spike it. Ugh. This was giving him
a headache. Why did going out with a guy have to be so complicated?
Taylor wanted Sam to like him, but not too much. Not on the first
date at least. He wanted his appearance to say I’m interested, but not
scream that he was easy.

Taylor debated for another five minutes before he tackled the

mess on his head. He didn’t go total spike. He left the sides down to
jut out slightly and only pulled the front bangs up. That was a good
enough compromise.

Lastly, he splashed some cologne on and then declared himself

ready. Although he wasn’t. To be honest, he wanted to strip down to
his boxers and watch a movie, alone, in his own bed.

You have to be willing to move on, grab whatever opportunity

comes your way. If you don’t, then he is still winning.

Taylor was determined to move on and put the past behind him.

He forwent the chains that usually dangled at his sides, but he used
just one to clip his wallet to his belt before shoving his wallet into his
back pocket.

He chewed on his lower lip as he gazed at his reflection. Not too

long ago, his face had been brighter, his eyes electric. His skin was
paler now, his eyes dull. Did eyes dull? He touched the tiny scar that
crept out from the corner of his right eye. It was barely noticeable
now. Even he had to strain to see it.

But it was still there. It would always be there.
Cameron came back and leaned against the doorframe. “Let it


Taylor dropped his hand and nodded. “I can do this.” He was

talking more to his reflection than to Cameron, trying his hardest to
build up his confidence.

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“You can,” Cameron agreed. “And if this doesn’t work out, you

can always jaywalk.”

Taylor grinned and some of the tension drained. “I can, can’t I?”
Why couldn’t he and Cameron have been attracted to each other?

That would’ve made Taylor’s life so much simpler. But they weren’t.
Taylor viewed Cameron as a brother, and vice versa. They’d been
through a lot of shit together, had had each other’s backs. But there
was no spark there, no attraction.

“Go.” Cameron moved behind Taylor and began to push him

toward the door. “And don’t chicken out halfway there. I want details
of your date, not how you sat on the side of the road in a panic.”

“Dang, you busted me,” Taylor teased.
“I’m serious,” Cameron said. “Don’t chicken out. Have a good


Taylor grabbed the keys to his car and headed down to the parking

lot behind their building. Now that he didn’t have Cameron beside
him, acting as his cheerleader, the reality of what he was doing came
crashing down around him. He started to turn around and head back
inside, but stopped.

“I can do this.” Lord knew he’d memorized Sam’s address. It was

now etched in his memory. He got in his car and headed down Route
14, his palms growing sweaty the closer he drove to Sam’s. By the
time he pulled into the long, gravel driveway, he was a nervous

Taylor sat behind the wheel for a good ten minutes, staring up at

the tan-and-brown home. The house sat in the middle of an intense
green lawn edged by a graceful sweep of trees. It reminded Taylor of
a house that belonged in the South. It was a beautiful place and he
began to wonder what had possessed Sam to ask him out.

You’ll never know if you don’t go inside.
Here’s to hoping.
Taylor got out and climbed the porch steps,

raising his shaky hand to ring the bell.

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Chapter Two

“I swear to god, if you go near it I’ll break your fingers.” Sam

bumped Colton out of the way as he stirred the shrimp bisque with a
whisk. “This isn’t for you.”

“Come on, Sam.” Colton—a man who had the dark looks of a

Russian and the face of a model—tried to dodge around him with a
metal spoon in hand, but Sam kept the man at bay. “It smells so good.
Just a small taste?”

Sam turned the knob to simmer and then dropped tiny potato balls

into heated butter in another pan, lightly browning them. “Go to the
restaurant in town if you’re that hungry.” He cut his eyes at Stripper
when the man walked into the kitchen with nothing but a pair of boots

“And you,” he said to Stripper. “If you don’t get something on,

I’ll slice your grapefruit-size nuts off.”

“Legend and Gabe aren’t here,” he said as he sniffed the air. “So

why do I have to get dressed?”

Sam scooped the gnocchi from the pan and tossed them in a bowl

filled with parmesan cheese. “I want all of you to disappear for the
night. If any of you fuck this up for me, you’ll be eating canned tuna
for a week.”

“He’s got a date,” Colton said to Stripper, crossing his arms over

his chest. The spoon was still tucked in his hand. “The bastard isn’t
sharing his food.”

Stripper tried to grab one of the gnocchi, and Sam smacked the

man’s hand.

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“Damn it, Sam. What’s so special about this one?” Stripper asked

as he waved his abused hand. “You don’t usually go through all this
trouble for a guy. You just fuck them and keep moving.”

That was true. Sam hadn’t had time for anything else. His career

kept him on the go too often. He’d had plenty of lovers, but never
anything past one or two sexual encounters with the same person.

“Say that when Taylor is here and I swear I’ll castrate you.” Sam

removed the pan from the stove and dished the shrimp bisque into two
large bowls. He’d turned the kitchen table in a romantic setting before
he’d started dinner. There were taper candles in the middle of the
table, red linens, and even some roses.

Had he gone overboard? Sam wasn’t sure. As Stripper had stated,

he’d never gone through this much trouble for a guy.

After setting the pan aside, he went to the fridge and grabbed the

bottle of sauvignon blanc.

“Damn,” Colton said and then gave a low whistle. His grin was

wide as he watched Sam put the bottle in an ice bucket. “Wine. He
really is out to impress.”

Sam plated the gnocchi and declared dinner ready. Checking his

watch, he grunted. It was two minutes past eight. Would Taylor show
or stand him up? If he had to give the dinner he’d slaved over to these
gorillas, he was not going to be a happy man.

The doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it,” Stripper said as he headed toward the kitchen door.

Sam tackled the man, squeezing his arm around Stripper’s neck in a
sleeper hold. “Show Taylor your cock and I’ll slice the damn thing

Stripper chuckled as he held his hands up. “I was kidding.”
Sam released him and shoved the man toward the back of the

kitchen. “Go upstairs and don’t come back down tonight.”

There was a staircase in the rear of the kitchen. If any of the men

got hungry later, they could use it. Sam wanted this night to be
perfect. When he’d been in the store, his bear had gone apeshit as

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soon as Sam had spotted Taylor. Standing in the aisle, Taylor had
smelled like the prairie and wildflowers.

Enough said.
Although bear shifters couldn’t go off scent alone, he was willing

to bet his entire savings that Taylor was his mate. And he wasn’t
going to let these numbnuts ruin this evening for him. He had all three
Matrix movies in the living room, ready to go.

“Why can’t I get a meal like that? I’d fuck your hairy ass for some

of that shrimp soup.” Stripper complained the entire time he clomped
up the steps.

Sam’s brow hiked up. That was something he never wanted to

hear again in this lifetime.

Colton remained. “I want to see this guy you’re going crazy over.”
Sam had a feeling that Colton wasn’t going anywhere until he got

a good look at Taylor. He growled at Colton before heading to get the
front door. But T-Rex was already there, talking with Taylor.

“Sam asked you on a date?” T-Rex asked, his expression saying

that he was confused as hell. He scratched at his chin. “Really?”

As soon as Sam entered the room, Taylor glanced up at him with

those pretty pale-blue eyes. Sam’s heart skipped a beat as he waved
T-Rex away. “I got this.”

T-Rex glanced at Colton. They exchanged a bewildered look.

Colton shrugged. T-Rex moved out of the way in slow, precise
movements. The guy still appeared perplexed.

I ask one guy out on a date and these assholes think I’ve gone


“Come on in, Taylor. Don’t mind these two. They’re my

roommates,” Sam said as he touched Taylor’s elbow and led him in
before closing the door behind the guy. “Pretend that they aren’t even

“Roommate?” T-Rex said. Although Sam normally showed his

unit leader respect, he didn’t want this night to be fucked before it

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even began. He glanced at T-Rex, giving the guy a beseeching
expression. T-Rex shook his head and walked away.

Colton gave Taylor the once-over and then followed T-Rex. Now

if everyone could stay away, this evening just might not go to hell.
Though Sam wasn’t going to count on that. He’d known these men
too long. There were going to be interruptions.

Stripper and Colton may not have understood Sam’s insistence on

making this evening perfect, but they had been right about one thing.
Sam had never dated before. Sad but true. He crossed his arms over
his chest and glanced around. His pulse was pounding in his ears as
he struggled for something to say. “You hungry?”

Taylor shoved his hands into his front pockets as he stared at

Sam’s shoes as if they were the most fascinating things in the world.
His brows pulled down and he nodded, his eyes squinting. “I could go
for a bite.”

Unsure of how to proceed with his first-ever date, Sam placed his

hand on the small of Taylor’s back. “Then let me lead the way.”

Things had seemed a lot simpler in his mind when he’d planned

this evening. It shouldn’t have been rocket science. Eat and watch a
movie. That sounded easy enough to him. So why did it feel like his
insides were twisting as he tried to stop the nervous shake in his

They entered the kitchen and Sam looked at Taylor to gauge the

man’s reaction. Taylor’s face remained neutral as he gazed at the
table. The guy had stopped just inside the kitchen door and
was…staring. Sam wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad sign.

“You can take either seat.” Sam was kicking himself in the ass for

going overboard. He had wanted to impress Taylor, not scare the man
away. And the man definitely looked scared.

Taylor stood there blinking rapidly before turning and looking at

the kitchen door as if he wanted to flee.

And this was why Sam didn’t date. This was some complicated

bullshit that he would have preferred to forgo. Why couldn’t they just

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have sex, bust a nut, and then relax with the movie? But Taylor was
more than just a quick lay. This man was more than likely his mate.
Sam wanted Taylor to know that he was serious about them, that he
wasn’t looking at Taylor for just sex.

Sam’s gut continued to twist as he watched Taylor cross and

uncross his arms. He gave Sam a wavering smile before he headed to
the table and took a seat, not saying a word and leaving Sam standing
there wishing he’d just ordered takeout.

Sam sat and the awkwardness seemed to grow between them.

Taylor sat there with his hands in his lap, gazing down at his bowl of
shrimp soup. He was studying the soup like it was an exam that he
hadn’t studied for.

“It’s shrimp bisque. Try it.”
Taylor rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat. “It

looks great but…I’m sorry. I’m allergic to seafood.”

It had never occurred to Sam to ask the man. But then again, Sam

had gone to the grocery store for groceries. He never thought he’d run
into his mate. And he sure as hell didn’t think he’d be cooking dinner
for the guy. It had been short notice.

To hell with this. Sam wasn’t even sure why he was putting up so

much pretense. This wasn’t him. He wasn’t a candlelight-dinner kind
of man. He stood, grabbing Taylor’s hand. “I’m going to order pizza
and we’re going to watch some movies. How does that sound?”

Taylor seemed to immediately relax as a smile surfaced. Sam

could see the unspoken gratitude in Taylor’s eyes. “Sounds like my
kind of night.”

“Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.” He grabbed two sodas

from the fridge before pulling Taylor toward the living room. He
released the man’s hand and then walked over to the sixty-inch flat-
screen television, complete with surround sound. The men did love
their toys.

He held up the movie case and was glad his gut had untwisted.

“Prepare to be amazed.” Sam was. Taylor’s smile was breathtaking.

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His laugh was musical. It only made Sam’s grin wider. “Now
remember. Think before saying which pill you’d take.”

Taylor nodded.
Sam popped the movie in, turned on the surround sound, and then

pulled his cell phone out and ordered a large pepperoni pizza with a
two-liter bottle of Coke.

Once he was done, he dropped down next to Taylor and kicked his

feet onto the cluttered coffee table. “Let me know if you get lost.”

“I will.” Taylor sat ramrod straight. Sam decided that tonight

wouldn’t be the time to make a move on the guy. Not when Taylor
appeared to be afraid of something. Sam just hoped it wasn’t him.

It became his mission to make Taylor relax around him, to hear

the guy laugh as often as possible. This was a new approach for him,
but a challenge Sam didn’t mind taking on.

He texted Stripper and told him to help himself to the shrimp

bisque but not to show himself. Seconds later, Sam heard thundering
footsteps coming down the back stairwell. Taylor didn’t seem to
notice the sound. He was engrossed in the movie, his eyes riveted to
the television.

The front door opened and Legend walked in, Sofia tucked in his

arms and Gabe at his side. “The Matrix, cool.”

The next thing Sam knew, the happy little family was sitting there

watching it with him. He started to protest, but then Sam noticed how
Taylor relaxed with people around them.

Hmm. He was going to figure the guy out. Taylor had secrets.

There was no doubt in Sam’s mind.

The pizza arrived and Legend scarfed down half of it. The man

was kind enough to make sure Taylor got a few slices. Sam was ready
to knock Legend on his ass. But he chilled. He didn’t want this night
ruined for any reason—even Legend’s gluttony.

The other men slowly drifted into the room and before long, the

living room was packed. Taylor moved closer to Sam as Stripper took
a seat on the end of the couch, scarfing down the soup and gnocchi in

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a pair of ratty boxers. T-Rex took a seat on the floor, his back to the
couch, and Colton and Shott relaxed in the two recliners as the movie
played on.

Sam glanced at Taylor when the man started chanting under his

breath, “Take the red pill. The red pill.”

Sam chuckled. He really liked Taylor. The guy seemed naïve in

some ways, but it was a refreshing change of pace for him. Sam had
always gone for the wild bad boys. Twinks with attitude. That had
made it easier for him to walk away afterward.

He wasn’t sure why, but Taylor seemed like the type of guy who

was made for a relationship. He was reserved but held a quiet
enthusiasm. Sam sank deeper into the couch, his shoulder touching
Taylor’s. His mate didn’t seem to notice. Taylor was too wrapped up
in the movie.

As the night went on, Sam started to feel a sense of family with

Taylor at his side and his friends sitting around him. If this was what
life was going to be like with Taylor, Sam was ready to dive in

* * * *

The two walked over the green lawn that looked much darker as

the moon cast its glow. The night was still filled with heat and there
was only a slight breeze to offset the humidity. It was after midnight
and Sam had an urge to follow Taylor home just to make sure the guy
made it inside safely.

“You were right,” Taylor said with an inflection of happiness in

his tone. “The movies were great.” His smile slipped slightly.
“Although I didn’t understand some of what was going on.”

“Why didn’t you say something?” Sam asked. “I would have

explained things to you.”

“I didn’t want to talk during the movie,” Taylor said. “Besides,

once I watch them a few more times, I’ll grasp what’s going on.”

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Sam had to curl his fingers in to stop himself from pulling Taylor

to him or running them through the man’s black hair. They’d sat side
by side during the movies, but Taylor had made no move to cuddle.
He’d kept a respectable distance between them. Sam had kept
pressing his shoulder into Taylor’s, but as soon as Taylor noticed,
he’d pulled away.

“Are you asking to come back over and watch the movies with

me?” Sam teased as he leaned his back against Taylor’s silver Prizm.
It was an older sedan but looked well taken care of.

“I think I am,” Taylor answered, and even in the dark, Sam could

see the fine blush creep over the man’s cheeks. The guy crossed his
arms over his chest and toed the gravel. “But I don’t want to impose.”

“No imposition at all. Tell me when and I’ll make it happen.” Sam

wiggled a finger at Taylor. “But I won’t make any seafood, no matter
how much you beg.”

Taylor’s playful mood seemed to vanish as he glanced up from

what his shoe had been doing. “Sorry about that. It looked like you
went through a lot of trouble for me.”

“Nah, no trouble,” Sam said. “I like to cook.”
“You do?” There was a lilt of surprise in Taylor’s voice. “Most

men hate cooking.”

Sam shrugged. “I’m not most men.”
Taylor’s blue eyes held a glimmer of hope, but it was tinged with

doubt. Sam wasn’t sure what that was about. Taylor smiled
pleasantly. “I see that.”

But Sam could hear the hesitation.
“What do you do for a living?” Taylor asked. “If you don’t mind

me asking. You already know where I work. I feel like you have one
up on me.”

Sam liked that Taylor was interested in him. He’d never discussed

his career choice with anyone outside his circle before. But then
again, Taylor was in his circle now. “I was a marine. Now me and the

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guys run a personal protection operation called Executive

“What kind of protection?”
“The kind that either requires our skills as marines or just calls for

plain old muscle. That’s how Legend and Gabe met.”

Taylor’s eyes darted toward the ground. The man was definitely

hiding something. Sam wanted to know what Taylor wasn’t telling
him, what secret he had. But he didn’t ask. The night had gone
perfectly and he didn’t want to end it on a sour note.

“Sounds exciting,” Taylor said. Sam couldn’t stop staring at the

man’s eyes. Taylor wore eyeliner and Sam found that sexy as hell.
The tracings of black coal set off his amazing pale-blue eyes. He
could see a small scar near the guy’s right eye, but it was barely

“At times,” Sam said. “But we’re starting up a cattle ranch.”
Taylor’s brows rose. “You guys know how to stay busy.”
Sam held his hands up. “Idle hands and all.”
Taylor’s cell phone rang. It had rung a few times during the

movie, but Taylor had silenced it.

“I have to take this.”
Sam nodded as Taylor answered his phone. The man walked a

few feet away, but being a shifter, Sam had expert hearing. He gazed
at Taylor’s well-rounded ass encased in his faded jeans. Nice. Sam
even liked the fact that Taylor was a good eight inches shorter than
him. He had always had a thing for short men. Pocket-sized. That was
what his mother called men like Taylor. The guy was also goth, but he
wasn’t made up like he’d been in the store.

Sam had been looking forward to seeing the real Taylor outside of

work. A part of him was a bit disappointed that Taylor had played
things down.

“Will you stop calling me?” Taylor paused. “No, nothing to worry

about.” He palmed his face with his free hand. “No, I didn’t sleep

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with him. Knock it off,” Taylor said in a harsh whisper. “I’ll be home
soon.” There was a pause. “We’ll talk when I get there.”

Taylor hung up and turned around, walking back toward Sam.

“Sorry about that.”

“Everything okay?”
“My roommate,” Taylor said. “Worrywart.”
Sam fought the jealousy that reared its ugly head. He lived in a

house full of men. He wasn’t going to be a hypocrite, though his bear
wanted to meet this roommate. “It’s good to have someone who
worries about you.”

Taylor slipped his phone into his pocket and took a step closer, his

tennis shoes crunching over the gravel. “Tell me about this ranch.”

Obvious change of subject. Sam let it go, for now. “Hell if I

know,” he admitted. “It was T-Rex’s idea. There’s a bunkhouse and a
stable being built and someone is teaching us all about cattle
ranching. So far, I’m lost. I think I’ll stick to cooking.”

“I’m only asking because I grew up in Nebraska and my uncle

owned a cattle ranch.”

A new layer of Taylor had been revealed. “You’re shitting me.”
“Nope,” Taylor said with pride. “Spent all my summers there. I

could help out.” The man took a step back. “Sorry, I’m being pushy.”

The guy apologized an awful lot. Sam wondered if that was just

who Taylor was or if a bad experience had embedded the habit in
him. “I think the guys would like it if you broke things down to them.
Rowdy is great, but he talks as if we should know what the hell he’s

Taylor chuckled. “Ranch hands can be arrogant at times,

especially foremen. But I’ve learned that most are good at heart.”

“When’s your next day off?” Sam asked.
Taylor groaned. “I work the next six days straight. My boss is an

ass and loves to screw with our schedule.”

Sam immediately disliked Taylor’s boss. “How about Saturday?”
“What time?” Taylor asked.

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Sam pushed away from the car. Taylor seemed to stiffen as he

approached. He placed a chaste kiss on the man’s cheek before
pulling back. “Early morning. That way you can have breakfast with
us before our day gets started. Six okay?”

Crossing his arms in a defensive gesture, Taylor moved toward his

car door. He was putting distance between them. Sam covertly
inhaled the scent of the prairie and wildflowers, and had to bite back
the growl that threatened to escape.

“Six sounds great. I’ll be here.” Taylor chewed his lower lip

before saying, “I had a great time, Sam. Thanks for inviting me.”

Sam spread his arms wide. “The answer is out there, Neo, and it’s

looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.”

A peculiar expression came over Taylor’s face. If Sam wasn’t

mistaken, it was longing.

“Maybe I want it to find me,” Taylor said before he slipped into

his car and pulled from the driveway.

Sam stood there and watched the bright taillights grow smaller

and more distant before the car turned onto the main road and

“And I’ll be the one you find,” Sam muttered as he walked back


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Chapter Three

Saturday had come faster than Taylor expected it to. And to his

surprise, he was looking forward to spending the day with Sam. That
was a switch. He’d been asked out a few times since moving to Bear
County, but Taylor had turned them all down. He hadn’t been ready
to date again and still didn’t know why he’d agreed to see Sam.

But he was glad that he had gone over to Sam’s. Taylor had been

telling the truth when he told Sam that he’d had a good time. He even
liked the guy’s friends.

But today almost didn’t happen.
Mr. Dresel had tried to schedule Taylor to work this morning, but

Cameron had saved his ass. His best friend had volunteered to take
Taylor’s place.

Taylor owed him one.
He had given Cameron the details of his date, not that there were

many to give. Taylor had spent Monday night sitting in a room full of
men as he watched a few movies. The conversation afterward had
been refreshing, but nothing spectacular—at least not in Cameron’s
opinion. Taylor, on the other hand, had enjoyed being around Sam.

Cameron had been disappointed in Taylor’s evening. Taylor

hadn’t been. But when he had told Cameron that he was going back
on Saturday morning, his friend had just smiled and thrown his arm
around Taylor’s shoulder, congratulating Taylor on coming out of his

After a quick shower, Taylor dressed in his normal attire. Screw

it. If he was going to be around Sam, then the guy was going to see
the real Taylor Crumb.

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Taylor had on eyeliner, black lipstick, and he’d even brushed his

eyelids with a light dusting of diva-green eye shadow. His chains
were in place. His nails were polished black. He’d tousled his hair
with gel to make the strands stick out everywhere.

Taylor was ready.
The moon was still shining as he got into his car. Taylor doubted

that even the roosters were awake yet. He hadn’t gotten up this early
since his time at his uncle’s ranch. He yawned as he started his car.

The only other vehicle that Taylor spotted on his way to Sam’s

was a patrol car tucked away on a service road, the hood of the car
facing the main road. Either the cop was fast asleep or waiting for a
speeder. Taylor kept to the speed limit. Wouldn’t want to get a ticket
and ruin his day.

He had to squint to see the entrance of the driveway that led to

Sam’s house. Even with his high beams on, it wasn’t easy to spot.
Lush bushes and a spattering of trees obscured the driveway. Finding
it in the daylight had been a lot easier.

As his tires crunched over the gravel, Taylor stared at the

darkened house. No lights were on. He checked his watch. It was 5:45
in the morning. Sam had said six, right?

He considered turning around until the porch light flickered on.

The front door opened and Sam walked barefooted onto the porch
with a coffee mug in his hand. He looked freshly showered and
delicious enough to eat. The man was wearing a pair of denim shorts
that cut off at the knees and a ribbed T-shirt that emphasized his
brawny shoulders.

Taylor pulled up next to a row of trucks and cars. There were even

shiny motorcycles gleaming under the moonlight. He parked and got
out, closing his door quietly.

“Morning,” Sam said before taking a sip from his mug. A gentle

breeze blew Sam’s scent toward Taylor. It was a combination of soap
and the heady smell of cedar. The guy was freshly shaven and his
dark-blond hair was combed to stylish perfection.

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“Hi,” Taylor said as he gripped his keys in his hand and walked

toward the porch. “I thought I’d gotten the time mixed up.” He
climbed the wooden steps, using the metal railing to keep himself
steady. Sam was so damn gorgeous that Taylor felt a bit dizzy.

“Right on time,” Sam said. His voice was a deep baritone that

made Taylor shiver as he stood under the stars, gazing up at the man.
“The men should be up soon. You can help me with breakfast. I have
some fresh-ground coffee brewing.”

Taylor walked onto the porch and had an urge to lean into the

man. He wanted to soak up Sam’s scent. He wanted to roll in it. His
reaction to Sam was a bit startling. “You might be a bit disappointed.
I’m not a very good cook.”

Sam opened the screen door and stepped aside. “It’s never too late

to learn.”

The house was still dark. Taylor’s eyes had to adjust. The porch

light had partially blinded him. Sam pressed his strong hand into the
small of Taylor’s back as he led him toward the kitchen. There was an
overhead light on by the counter, but the rest of the kitchen was in
shadows. Sam flipped a switch and the room flooded with light.
Taylor blinked a few times before his eyes became accustomed to the

The kitchen was large and had plenty of counter space. There was

a rack above the island that held a medley of pots and pans. The
marble countertops gleamed and there were very few appliances. Now
that Taylor had time to look around, he noticed how efficient the
room was. There was no clutter. Everything was spaced out neatly. If
this was Sam’s favorite room, it showed. The place was spotless.

Sam poured Taylor a cup of coffee. “Cream or sugar?”
“Just a bit of cream.” Taylor wasn’t sure if he should stand or sit.

He was nervous. Being with Sam made Taylor want things that scared
him—things that had gotten him into a bad situation in the past. Sam
seemed different, but so had Todd. The man had been a charmer,
going out of his way to please Taylor when they’d first started dating.

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Taylor wasn’t going to put himself in that kind of situation again.

Yet, here he stood in Sam’s kitchen. Was Sam truly different or was
Taylor setting himself up for heartbreak again? Cameron’s words
echoed in his ears and Taylor inwardly sighed. He’d give Sam a
chance. But at the first sign of trouble, Taylor would haul ass. He
wasn’t going to stick around and hope things changed if what he and
Sam had started going downhill.

Never again.
Sam handed him a cup before dropping a quick kiss on Taylor’s

cheek. He’d done the same thing the first night that Taylor was here.
The man’s lips were soft, inviting. Taylor pressed the mug to his lips
to hide his delighted smile. He still wondered why Sam was interested
in him. The guy could get any man he wanted. Why him?

“Sausage, gravy, and biscuits,” Sam said. He set his coffee mug

on the island and headed toward the refrigerator. “A simple but filling

Taylor clutched his mug like a lifeline as he asked, “What do you

want me to do?”

Sam squatted in front of the refrigerator, digging in one of the

drawers, his lower back exposed where his T-shirt rode up. Taylor’s
eyes fixated on the small patch of tanned flesh. Sam stood up holding
two long rolls of sausage in his hand. “Can you fry this up?”

Taylor rolled his eyes. “I can handle stirring meat around in a


Sam winked at him. “Good, then I can start the gravy.”
They worked side by side as Taylor stirred the sausage and Sam

worked hard at the gravy.

“Taste this,” Sam said. He grabbed a wooden spoon from a drawer

and scooped it through the white mix. He held it up, another hand
hovering just below the spoon to catch anything that might drip.

Taylor parted his lips as Sam gently laid the spoon inside his

mouth. He licked the spoon as their eyes locked and then Taylor
grinned. “It tastes great.”

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Sam wiped his thumb over the side of Taylor’s mouth, pulling his

finger away. There was a spot of gravy on his thumb. Taylor watched
as Sam sucked if off of his finger. The gesture hadn’t been overtly
erotic, but Taylor found himself slightly panting, nonetheless.

After lowering the heat to let the gravy simmer, Sam said,


Taylor stood there absently stirring the sausage around as he

watched Sam pull out flour and other ingredients.

“You make homemade biscuits?”
Sam frowned. “Is there any other way to make them?”
Taylor shrugged. “Cameron uses the kind that comes in a can. No

fuss, no muss.”

“Cameron?” Sam grabbed a mixing bowl and went to work

making the dough. Next he spread flour over the shiny countertop and
then tossed the mixture down, spreading it out with a rolling pin.
Taylor watched, but knew he would never remember the steps.

“My roommate and best friend,” Taylor answered.
Sam nodded toward the stove. “Take the sausage off the fire

before you overcook it.”

Taylor jumped as if Sam had poked him and then grabbed an oven

mitt, moving the cast iron skillet onto the cool burner on the back.
Sam reached up and grabbed a metal strainer before handing it off to
Taylor. Taylor placed the strainer in the sink and then dumped the pan
of sausage into it.

After cutting the dough into perfect circles and placing them on a

baking sheet, Sam slid them into the oven. He grabbed the strainer
from the sink and then dumped the sausage into the gravy mix.

“You make cooking look so easy.” Taylor stepped aside as Sam

worked. He didn’t want to get in the man’s way.

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“I’ve been in the kitchen since I was five. I’ve always been

fascinated by the art of cooking. My mom taught me a lot, but it was
my grandmother who helped hone my skills.”

Taylor found himself captivated with Sam’s life and wanted to

learn more. “Father?”

“He was a trucker and was gone a lot. But he’s a great guy.

Taught me how to work with my hands.”

“How so?”
“Woodworking mostly,” Sam said as he removed the gravy from

the burner and set it aside. He grabbed his coffee and took a sip. “A
lot of the furniture in our home was handmade.”

“A man of many trades,” Taylor said. He thought about what

skills he had and realized he had none. He wasn’t good with his
hands, and his cooking sucked. Math was his worst subject, poetry
was foreign to him, and he couldn’t sing worth a lick. He had no
talents whatsoever. No, that wasn’t true. He knew how to take a
whipping like a champ.

Stop thinking like that. Taylor shoved his hands into his front

pockets and concentrated on what Sam was doing, forcing the
memories away. When he noticed that Sam was cleaning up, Taylor
dived in to help. They had the kitchen clean and the table set in less
than ten minutes.

The sound of footsteps overhead signaled the men waking. Taylor

heard the soft cry of a baby. And then footsteps sounded on the steps
behind him. Taylor turned to see a few of the guys coming

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Stripper said as he entered the

kitchen, clapping his hands together before rubbing them back and
forth. “Taylor needs to come over more often if you’re going to cook
like this.”

Sam chucked the hand towel he was holding at Stripper’s head.

“Don’t even act like I starve you.”

Taylor chuckled at the banter.

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Stripper smiled at Taylor. “You look good in makeup.”
Taylor sobered and moved to the other side of the table. He wasn’t

sure if the guy was making fun of him. No one had ever
complimented his makeup before, and he wasn’t sure what to say. He
gripped the back of one of the chairs and watched as the kitchen
slowly filled.

Sam moved over to him, placing his hand on the small of Taylor’s

back once again. “You do look good this morning. I like it.”

His compliment was softly spoken, as if it were a whispered secret

between them. Sam’s smile was genuine, so Taylor unruffled his
feathers. He shot a glance at Stripper, but the guy was already seated
and filling his plate.

Sam leaned in close. “Stripper wasn’t making fun of you. I think

he has a crush on you.” The man’s tone was light and Taylor finally

“Sorry,” Taylor whispered back, “but my dance card is already


Sam chuckled as he pulled Taylor’s seat out for him. “That’s

good. I’d hate to have to kill the guy for making a move on you.”

There was no mistaking the possessiveness in Sam’s tone. Was

the guy serious? Would he hurt his friend over Taylor? Taylor didn’t
want to find out. He’d had enough of overbearing men to last him a

Gabe sat next to him, cradling his daughter in his arms. Taylor

wanted to ask about his and Legend’s situation, where the mother
was, and how the two ended up with a baby. But he kept his mouth
shut. The little girl twisted her head around and gazed up at Taylor.
Her pretty amber eyes were filled with curiosity.

“How old is she?” Taylor asked as Sam placed two hot biscuits on

his plate.

“Seven months,” Gabe answered. “Her name is Sofia.”
Without thought, Taylor reached over and brushed his knuckle

over her cherub cheek. She smiled and grabbed his finger, gnawing on

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it. He chuckled and let her. When he glanced up, the entire table of
men was staring at him.

Taylor pulled his finger away and cleared his throat. He glanced at

Sam to see something strange in the man’s eyes—yearning? Taylor
had to be mistaken.

“You helped with this?” Colton asked. Taylor was surprised to

find he remembered everyone’s names. They had all introduced
themselves the first night he was here and Taylor had feared he’d
forget. But the names came to him easily.

“I stirred the sausage,” Taylor answered. “I don’t think that’s

considered cooking.”

Sam bumped shoulders with him. “Don’t be so modest.”
The men were glancing between Sam and Taylor. Why? He

couldn’t understand what was so strange about Sam inviting him over.
It couldn’t be because Sam was gay. Legend and Gabe were a couple.
Taylor tried to ignore the overt stares as he enjoyed his breakfast.

“Knock it off,” Sam growled. Taylor wasn’t sure who Sam was

talking to, but the stares ceased and the men started chattering around
the table. Laughter and boisterous voices filled the air as everyone
polished off Sam’s cooking. Taylor was glad he was no longer the
center of attention.

Sofia twisted in Gabe’s arm as her father talked with Legend. She

smiled at Taylor, her eyes wide and bright. Her hair was the color of
cinnamon and twisted into corkscrew curls.

She held out a Cheerio to him. It was soggy and half-eaten. She

was gumming the other half. Her little jaws worked as she pushed her
hand closer. Taylor took the offered treat and pretended to eat it. He
stuffed the soggy piece next to his plate, out of sight. She giggled and
twisted, grabbing another Cheerio from the table where a handful was
sitting. She offered him the next one.

Taylor pretended to eat each piece she gave him. When she

turned, he slipped the dry ones back into her little pile. She was too

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young to realize that her stack of cereal wasn’t dwindling. She just
kept right on feeding him.

“I think she likes you,” Sam said as he placed his arm over the

back of Taylor’s chair. “I’ve never seen Sofia share her food before.”
One of his fingers traced over Taylor’s back in lazy circles and Taylor
found it…comforting.

“And I’m a sucker for a pretty face,” Taylor said as he accepted

the next piece of dried treat.

“I know how you feel.” Sam’s tone suggested that there was more

to his words than what he’d said. Taylor felt himself blush.

Sofia finally turned back around and began to pat Gabe’s face as

she babbled. Taylor concentrated on his half-eaten plate. He wasn’t
sure what to say to that. He definitely didn’t have a pretty face. It
wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t striking enough to win someone like Sam.

“Sam tells us that you know how to cattle ranch,” T-Rex said. He

pushed his empty plate aside and sipped on his coffee. “That true?”

Once again Taylor was the center of attention. He wanted to crawl

under the table and hide. He didn’t like having all eyes on him. It
made him uncomfortable. His shoulders rose and fell with a shrug. “I

Sam’s whole hand rested on Taylor’s back and the heat of his

palm seared through Taylor’s thin shirt. Sam’s hand began to move
up and down. “You’re being modest again.”

“I spent summers on my uncle’s ranch,” he admitted to everyone.

“I hung out with the foreman a lot.”

“Good.” T-Rex nodded in approval. “Then you can decipher what

Rowdy is saying. That man is more confusing than—”

“Women,” Stripper finished for T-Rex. “Dated a few who tried to

cuff me after one night of sex. I don’t do commitments.”

“Language.” Gabe glowered at Stripper.
“Cuffed?” Taylor asked.
“Yeah,” Stripper said. “Tried to chain me down. You know, claim

me as their boyfriend. They wanted more but I don’t do more.”

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Taylor shook his head. Stripper was definitely unique.
“Had a few guys try the same thing. Both sexes are confusing if

you ask me. Bang ’em and keep going.” Stripper shoved a biscuit into
his mouth.

“That’s my cue to leave.” Gabe stood, holding Sofia to his chest.

“When you decide to clean up your topic of conversation at the
breakfast table, we’ll be back.”

Stripper had the decency to blush. “I didn’t mean any harm, Gabe.

I’m still getting used to having a little lady in the house,” he called out
but Gabe was gone by then.

Taylor almost felt sorry for Stripper. He was a character, but

under that playful exterior, he could see the man cared about his
friends’ opinions.

Legend tossed a biscuit at Stripper’s head. “Next time you use that

language in front of my girl, I’ll feed you your balls.” Legend got up
and walked out.

Stripper scowled and then left the room as well.
“Been that way all his life,” Colton explained to Taylor. “Ain’t

easy for Stripper to change overnight. But he’s tryin’. Legend’s a new
dad. Flips if you say the word heck around Sofia.”

Taylor understood both men’s sides. True. It wasn’t easy to

change. And Legend was just being an overprotective father.

Sam patted Taylor’s back. “Let’s go walk breakfast off.”
That was an easy request. Taylor didn’t like the tension that still

lingered in the kitchen and was glad to get away from it. He didn’t
like to be around men who were fueled with anger. It tripped a trigger
in him that he would gladly steer clear of.

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Chapter Four

The day had turned out to be bright and sunny. A few puffs of

clouds slid lazily by as Sam and Taylor made their way to a corral
that had been built only a week before. There were two brown horses
grazing the grass. T-Rex had just purchased them the day before.
Sam’s boots kicked up dust as the two approached the wooden gate.

Rowdy had saddled the horses after breakfast when Sam told the

foreman that he wanted to take Taylor for a ride.

Sam stared at the saddle on his horse and wondered if his size-

twelve boot would fit in the stirrup. Not only that, he wondered if he
could get into the saddle. He’d never ridden a horse before and was
trying his best to impress Taylor. But first he needed to impress
himself by swinging up into his leather seat.

Taylor must have felt Sam’s hesitation. The guy walked over and

placed his hand on the horse’s rump, squinting his eyes at Sam while
wearing an encouraging smile.

I can do this. How hard can it be to swing up into a saddle?
Grabbing the horn of the saddle, Sam shoved his foot into the

stirrup and then swung upward. His foot connected with something
solid. He turned and was horrified to see Taylor holding the side of
his head as a loud curse left his lips.

“Oh fuck!” Sam had kicked the guy in his head. Taylor went

down, landing on his ass. Sam twisted and dropped to his knees. “God
dammit. Are you okay? Of course you’re not okay. I just kicked the
crap out of you.”

The last thing Sam wanted to do was hurt Taylor. The guy wasn’t

all that big to begin with. His fingers hovered over Taylor’s hand that

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was cupping the side of his face. The guy’s eyes watered, and he
shook his head as if trying to shake his marbles back into place.

“I am so sorry.” Sam peeled Taylor’s hand back and winced when

he saw a big red blotch marring the man’s pale skin. That had to hurt.
He leaned forward and placed a kiss on Taylor’s temple. “If you want,
I’ll let you kick me in the head.”

Taylor blinked a few times and then stared at Sam as if he had just

realized where he was. Concussion? God, please don’t let it be a

“I’m okay.” Taylor tried to stand and Sam helped him. He clasped

their hands together as if they were about to arm wrestle and hauled
Taylor to his feet. The man swayed slightly but stayed upright. Sam
started brushing the dust off of Taylor’s backside before Taylor jerked

Sam stepped back as his eyes fixated on the red blotch. “I’ll

understand if you want to go home.”

A wavering grin appeared on Taylor’s face. “I didn’t think my

cooking was that bad.”

Sarcasm. Just that quickly, Sam’s heart melted. “Nah, the sausage

was perfect. Didn’t you know that kicking somebody in the head is
customary before going for a ride?”

The smile on Taylor’s face widened and the crisis was averted.

Everything was as right as rain.

“Okay, let’s try this again,” Taylor said. “But I might need a

helmet this time.”

Sam pointed toward the front of the horse. “Just stand over there.

Because if I kick you again, I might knock some common sense into
you and you’ll wonder what you’re doing with an ape like me.”

Taylor gave a soft laugh and the sound was infectious. Sam found

himself smiling from ear to ear. He just stood there with his hand on
the saddle horn and his eyes riveted to Taylor’s knockout looks. He
wanted to kiss the man and not just on his cheek. He wanted a full lip-

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lock, touching, and caressing until they both lost their minds from
lack of oxygen.

Sam’s heart thumped hard in his chest as Taylor’s eyes sparkled

with merriment. He’d noticed a sadness to Taylor that the man tried
very hard to hide. But right now, that inner turmoil was gone and
Taylor was genuinely enjoying himself.

“Wish me luck,” Sam said after he tore his eyes away from

Taylor. For a second time, Sam shoved his foot into the stirrup and
swung up into his seat. He threw his arms in the air as if he was at a
football game and his team had just scored a touchdown. “Triumph at
last!” He cupped his mouth and made a noise as if the crowd had gone

Taylor was busting a gut with laughter. Sam sat atop his horse and

felt like a knight trying to win the affections of his fair lady—
er…man. The horse moved slightly to the side and Sam grabbed the
horse’s mane in a death grip. Although Sam wasn’t afraid of heights,
he felt too far off the ground. Still grinning, Taylor handed Sam the

“Such a newbie,” Taylor said.
“That obvious?” Sam chuckled. If he were any more of a newbie,

he probably would’ve kicked Taylor into a coma.

Taylor held up his thumb and index finger, leaving only an inch

between them. “Just a tad.”

When Taylor swung up into his saddle with an ease that Sam

envied, Sam playfully muttered, “Show off.”

The guy was actually beaming. “You have your cooking and I

have my horseback riding.” Pride filled Taylor’s face as if he were
delighted that he knew how to do something that Sam didn’t.

Sam bowed his head slightly. “Then, my dear sir, teach away.”
Taylor spent the next ten minutes explaining to Sam how to steer

the horse. Why the hell couldn’t the saddle just come with a steering
wheel? That would’ve made things so much easier. Even better, the
stirrups should’ve been a gas pedal and a brake.

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While Sam held a rein in each hand, trying to figure out how to

maneuver his horse, Taylor held both of his reins in one hand as he
turned his horse and headed out.

Sam didn’t follow right away. Instead he leaned forward and

whispered to the horse, “Don’t make me look too bad, okay? I’m
trying to impress the guy. Go easy on me.”

After Sam made the little clicking noise with his mouth, his horse

moved forward. Sam’s thighs tightened against the worn leather of the
saddle as his fingers gripped the reins until his knuckles turned white.
He jerked the reins around and the horse began to move away from

Taylor, with his experienced riding skills, moved easily around

Sam until they were side by side and moving out into the open plains.
“You doing okay?”

Sam forced himself to relax. “Piece of cake.”
“Good. Then you won’t mind if we go a little faster.”
“Faster?” Sam swallowed hard. “I don’t see a speedometer on this

damn horse.”

The soft lilt of Taylor’s laughter did nothing to quell the knot of

tension building in Sam’s stomach. He had morbid visions of falling
off his horse and snapping his neck, or getting trampled, or, for fuck’s
sake, catching fire. Faster was not something he wanted to do.

“What’s wrong, Sam?” Taylor teased and his smile lit up his face

like a fallen angel out to torture Sam. “Afraid of a little speed?”

“Afraid?” The challenge in Taylor’s voice made Sam stupid in the

brain. He clenched his jaw as he leaned slightly toward Taylor. With a
low and growly tone, he said, “Bring. It. On.”

Taylor narrowed his eyes. “On three.”
Sam gripped his reins tighter.
Taylor rolled his shoulders.
The horses snorted.
“One. Two. Go!” Taylor shouted.

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Sam didn’t have a fucking clue what he was doing. He kicked his

feet and snapped his reins, yelling at his horse to go faster.

And the horse took off.
Taylor was already way ahead of him, his horse running at

breakneck speed. Man and beast. The image Taylor made as he
guided his horse like a true cowboy had Sam hard enough to pound
nails. Which was not very comfortable while sitting in the saddle.

Sam mimicked Taylor, leaning forward as his horse tried to catch

up with the other. He was going too goddamn fast. Sam’s foot slipped
from the stirrup. He jabbed his boot at it, trying to get his foot back in.
He accidentally yanked the reins. The horse jerked and tried to come
to a hard stop. The sudden lack of momentum threw Sam from the
saddle. He didn’t even have time to shout as he hit the ground and

Closing his eyes, Sam lay there on the soft patch of grass as he

tried to assess the damage. His back hurt like hell and his legs

“Sam! Sam! Talk to me, Sam!” He could feel Taylor at his side.

There was franticness in the man’s voice. “Goddamn it, Sam. Open
your eyes!”

Sam groaned. “I think I broke my dick.”
Taylor began to pat Sam down like a mugger rolling a wino. The

guy’s slim fingers slid over Sam’s chest, sides, and then his legs. Sam
just lay there and enjoyed the molestation. His dick wasn’t broken
after all. It grew thicker and thicker with every touch. Taylor pressed
his fingers over Sam’s shoulders and then smoothed over the nape of
his neck before the man checked Sam’s head for any lumps or bumps.

“Does anything hurt?”
Sam slowly opened his eyes and then cocked a brow. “I just fell

off a horse. Everything hurts.”

Tears filled Taylor’s eyes. “That was so stupid of me. I shouldn’t

have challenged you. You could’ve—” Taylor swallowed hard and
his voice came out shaky. “You could’ve died or broken your back.”

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Sam reached up and used the knuckle of his index finger to wipe

away Taylor’s tears. “I’m hip to your diabolical plan. I kick you in the
head. You throw me from my horse. How about we call things even?”

Taylor slapped Sam on his chest. “This isn’t funny. You could’ve

been hurt.”

Sam bounced his eyebrows. “You might need to check me over

one more time. I have a deep ache between my legs.”

Growling, Taylor stood. So much for a little fooling around. Sam

grunted as he turned on his side and then pushed to his feet. He rolled
his shoulders and then bent his head from side to side. “Nothing

But Taylor didn’t say a word. He stood there, visibly shaking. The

guy appeared a bit green and his eyes were too wide. Taylor looked as
if he were about to have a nervous breakdown.

Sam walked over and pulled Taylor close, wrapping his arms

around the man. He felt like a giant holding a small goth angel. Taylor
tried to pull free. Sam didn’t let him go. “I’m not your enemy,
Taylor,” Sam whispered. “I’m not trying to do anything other than
hold you.”

Taylor stopped fighting though he remained stiff in Sam’s arms.

He had just won a small battle. Sam had successfully pulled one brick
out of the wall that Taylor hid behind.

* * * *

Don’t panic. Just relax. You’re just two dudes hugging in the

middle of nowhere. Taylor swallowed hard as the heat from Sam’s
body soaked into him. His arms lay limp at his sides like wet lead and
he wasn’t sure what to do with them. Did he hug Sam back? What if
that made the guy think Taylor wanted more than a hug? As much as
he was fighting to keep things at a friendship level, there was no
denying the fact that Taylor’s insides did summersaults around Sam.

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The longer Sam held him, the more Taylor began to relax. The

guy wasn’t making any kind of move. He was keeping his word.
Taylor was waging a war inside himself. This wasn’t Todd. Sam was
different. Things could be good between them. Why was Sam
attracted to him? The browbeating and questions went on and on until
Taylor wanted to scream at himself to shut the hell up.

Sam’s body began to jerk and Taylor realized the man was

laughing. He pulled back, staring up into incredible hazel eyes. The
man’s smile was breathtaking. “What’s so funny?”

“Us. You. Me.” Sam pressed a quick kiss to Taylor’s cheek.

“We’re a disastrous pair, don’t you think? If we keep hanging out
together, we might end up sharing a room at the hospital in matching
body casts.”

Taylor smiled and then chuckled. His shoulders shook with

laughter as he rested his forehead against Sam’s chest. “The
disastrous duo.”

He lifted his head at the same time that Sam was trying to place

another kiss on his cheek. Their lips met. Taylor swallowed hard.
They stared at each other. And then Sam’s eyelids lowered as he held
Taylor’s head in the palm of his hand.

Taylor forced himself to relax as his eyelids slid closed. The kiss

was awkward at first, skin smashed together.

And then Sam’s tongue slid over Taylor’s bottom lip, smoothing

back and forth as if Taylor were a delicious treat. Taylor was stunned
by the softness of Sam’s lips, by the sweet taste of Sam’s mouth. It
was like heaven and hell and candy all rolled into one. Taylor panted
and opened his lips, craving to feel Sam’s tongue even further in his

The hand on the back of his head tightened its grip as Sam

deepened the kiss, their tongues rolling together as Sam tilted his head
to the side, his body hard, his hands gentle, his lips soft.

Taylor’s arms lifted and he pressed his hands into Sam’s back.

The hard muscles flexed and Taylor moaned.

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When they broke apart, Taylor was gasping for breath. Sam

pressed his lips to Taylor’s forehead and then used the hand on the
back of Taylor’s head to move Taylor until he was resting his cheek
against Sam’s chest.

“That was good, yeah?” Sam asked. His voice was raspy and a bit

strained. “You were okay with that, right?”

Taylor nodded and held onto Sam just a little tighter. He wanted

to spill his guts and tell Sam how he’d visited the pits of hell and
hadn’t come away unscathed. How he was terrified to open up and
trust again or give the man a damn good explanation of why he kept
space between them.

But no words left his lips. The soul-eating secrets stayed locked

away in Taylor’s heart as he held onto Sam like a lifeline. Only
Cameron knew what ate away at Taylor and not even his best friend
knew the whole truth.

A hole burned inside Taylor and he wanted desperately to give

Sam half a chance, to open up and try to love again. But the memories
still haunted him. Even after all this time, he still woke in a cold sweat
each night, nightmares trying to drag him back to his past.

Sam patted Taylor’s back and then released him. “I think I’ll walk

back home.” His smile was sweet but his eyes said he knew there was
something wrong with Taylor, something broken.

“That’s an awful long walk.” Taylor smashed, shoved, and kicked

the memories back down into that deep recess he kept them locked
inside and gave Sam a smile. “We can take things real slow.”

His statement had a double meaning, and Sam seemed to

understand that.

“As slow as you need.” Sam grabbed the reins of his horse that

was nibbling on grass nearby. “Stay there while I mount. I don’t want
to kick the intelligence right out of you.”

Taylor retrieved his horse and mounted. They rode slowly back to

the house. He smiled. “You’re starting to get the hang of it.”

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Sam flashed him a grin. “I’ll master this yet or crack my skull


They made it back to the house without either killing the other.

Rowdy took the horses as Sam and Taylor walked inside. It was
getting late and Taylor wondered if he should leave.

Stripper walked into the kitchen and then froze. He glanced from

Sam to Taylor. He was standing there nude, wearing only a pair of
beat-up boots. “I thought you guys would be gone longer.” He spun
on his heel and hurried from the kitchen.

Taylor could only stare at the empty doorway. “That

was…weird.” He blinked and looked over at Sam who was standing
there with his lips thinned. “The dude has the biggest balls I’ve ever

Sam shook his head as he grabbed a pitcher of tea from the fridge

and poured two glassfuls. “He’s a naturalist. Trust me, we’ve been
trying to duct tape underwear on him, but the slick little bastard is too

A terrifying thought came to Taylor. “All of you men don’t…you


Sam choked on the glass of tea he’d been drinking. The liquid

shot out of Sam’s nose and to the floor. “God no! They’re like my
brothers. I’d kick Stripper’s ass if he tried to come anywhere near me
with his grapefruits.”

Taylor’s shoulders sagged with relief.
“What about you and your roommate?” Sam asked, eyeing Taylor

as he cleaned up the sprayed tea.

“Same here,” Taylor answered as he picked up his glass and took

a sip. “Like brothers.”

T-Rex walked into the kitchen and glanced between the two. “Can

we talk?” he asked Sam.

“About what?” Sam tossed the paper towels into the trash can.

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Taylor took a seat at the island as Sam excused himself and left

the kitchen. He began to think that Sam had forgotten about him until
the man came back, a deep scowl on his face.

“What’s wrong?” Taylor asked.
Sam shoved the pitcher of tea back in the fridge and set his glass

in the sink. When he turned, he leaned against the counter with his
arms crossed over his chest. “An assignment. Emergency. I have to
leave for about a week.”

“Oh.” Taylor was relieved it wasn’t anything major. “Duty calls.”
Sam pushed away from the counter and moved until he was

standing next to Taylor. Their bodies nearly touched as Sam slid his
fingers across the hair over Taylor’s ear. “All of us are leaving except
Legend. If you need anything, anything at all, let Legend know. He’ll
help you out while I’m gone.”

Taylor snorted and tried his best to set Sam’s mind at ease. “I

think I can manage a week without you. It’ll give my head time to

“I’m serious,” Sam said. “I’ll leave you my cell phone number

just in case you need to talk. If I don’t answer, I will call you back.”

What the fuck? Why was Sam acting as if they were a steady

couple? Taylor shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t think they knew
each other well enough for Sam to be worried like this.

Sam winked and said, “Or you can call me and we can talk


Just like that the tension drained from Taylor and they were both

laughing. Taylor was going to try and use the time to work on
himself, to work on his issues so that when Sam returned, maybe, just
maybe, they could work on having a real relationship.

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Chapter Five

It had been two days since Sam left and Taylor had to admit that

he missed the guy. He’d been tempted over a dozen times to call just
to hear Sam’s voice but had managed to stop himself at the last
minute. Taylor didn’t want to seem like a loser, someone so clingy
that he couldn’t cope without Sam’s smile or his wonderful scent for a
freaking week.

Taylor popped his trunk and shoved his laundry basket in before

slamming it closed. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and neck as
the hot summer sun beat down on him. The parking lot behind his
apartment building didn’t have any shade. Taylor was standing on the
concrete being roasted.

He prayed for a soft breeze but got nothing. The air was humid

and stagnant and didn’t give him any relief. One of his neighbors
walked out of the back of the building and headed toward his car. The
day was normal, life was moving on, and Taylor couldn’t stop
wanting to hear Sam’s voice.

Not even with Todd had Taylor yearned so much to hear a man’s

voice. Sam was different and Taylor knew it. He could feel it inside of
him like a flower blossom opening to the sun’s rays. Taylor wanted to
bask in its glow, roll around in that scent. Damn, did he have it bad.
He smiled to himself.

After driving the few blocks over, Taylor hauled his laundry

inside the Laundromat and shoved his dirty clothes into a washer. He
tossed the basket on top of the washer and then walked back outside.
The door to the Laundromat was propped open by a large rock. There

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was no air conditioning inside to cool him off. So he stood outside
and watched as life continued to go on in front of his eyes.

Where was Sam? What was the guy doing? Was he thinking about

Taylor as much as Taylor was thinking about him? He was all twisted
up inside and felt as if his gut was one tight knot. He was like a junkie
and Sam was his drug of choice.

How had everything changed so quickly? Taylor had been so busy

running that he hadn’t realized that he’d run right into Sam. The
epiphany blindsided him as Taylor stood idly on the sidewalk.

Cars drove by. People passed. The mailman hummed as he

ducked into the building next to the Laundromat with his large
delivery bag slung over his shoulder. So fucking normal…and yet,

Life had been a crazy, chaotic, and upside-down universe to him

since meeting Todd. Even during the year after running from the man,
Taylor’s life had been in shambles—a total wreck. In the beginning,
he drank a lot to escape the memories. Not even Cameron had been
able to save him.

But slowly, Taylor had come back to the land of the living. He

was no longer Todd’s whipping boy. He no longer had to endure the
humiliation of being strung up in a BDSM club as onlookers greedily
panted and lusted after what Todd had been doing to him.

Taylor no longer felt like dying. He wasn’t being forced into a life

that no man should endure just so some twisted, poor excuse for a
human could get his rocks off.

But Todd hadn’t been human, had he? That had been the icing on

the cake. When Taylor found out that Todd was a bear shifter, the
man had started using his ability to shift to terrorize Taylor into doing
what the man wanted. He had used his claws and teeth as a tactical
maneuver to keep Taylor terrified, to stop him from fleeing.

If it hadn’t been for Cameron, Taylor might be dead by now. Not

might. Would be. Todd’s tenuous grip on his sanity and self-control
had become weaker and weaker, his cruelty growing deeper. He’d

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known before he’d fled that Todd was pushing things to the point
where Taylor would eventually die at his hands.

Even under the heat of the summer sun, Taylor felt cold. He

shivered and crossed his arms over his chest. Todd had said that they
were mates, but Taylor knew that for the lie that it was. If they were
meant to be together, Taylor would’ve felt some sort of connection.
Todd wouldn’t have been a sadistic son of a bitch.

But once Todd had shown his true colors, nothing between them

had fit. It was like trying to put a round peg into a square hole. No
matter how much Todd tried to force it, they just would not go

And now here Taylor stood, in a new town, surrounded by new

faces, new everything, as he tried to grapple with his growing feelings
toward Sam.

His cell phone rang. Taylor fished it out of his pocket to see

Sam’s number displayed. His fingers shook as he answered and
pressed the phone to his ear. “Hey.” His voice was barely audible as
he bit his lower lip and gazed out over Main Street.

“Hey to you, my little goth angel,” Sam said with amusement in

his voice. The coldness of Taylor’s inner turbulence began to fade.
The sun felt warmer on his skin as a smile slid into place.

“You did not just call me that.” Taylor chuckled. Butterflies were

spreading their wings in his stomach and his heart began to beat a
little faster. He ducked his head and toed his foot into a crack in the
concrete. “Is everything going okay?”

“So-so. I finally caught a break and thought I’d call this cute little

goth I spotted in the grocery store. But I think he’s too good for me.
Maybe you could talk to him, hmmm? Tell him what a great guy I am
and that my intentions are purely honorable?”

Taylor’s face heated and not because of the sun. He wasn’t even

sure how to respond. Sam was like a cool, welcoming breeze over his
hot, itchy skin. The man stole his breath and left Taylor dizzy every
single time. “Honorable?”

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Sam chuckled. “Okay, you got me there. How about pleasurable?

Purely pleasurable, yeah, that sounds about right.”

Taylor’s throat tightened as he closed his eyes tightly. He was the

one that wasn’t good enough for Sam. The man was pure, honest, and
an all-around good guy. He was the type of person someone brought
home to meet the parents. Taylor was a walking disaster.

“You there, Taylor? If I’m going too fast—”
“No,” Taylor answered around the lump in his throat. “You’re

good. Swear.”

He felt like a frog trying to win a prince. But Sam’s smooth, deep

baritone voice had been exactly what Taylor needed at that moment.
“I was just thinking.”

“Hmm, about what, our ride together? I swear I didn’t kick you on

purpose. As a matter of fact, I beat the shit out of my foot for laying a
hand on you.”

So corny, yet so damn charming. But Taylor would settle for

corny any day of the week.

“Don’t do that,” Taylor teased. “Then I’ll have to call you limpy.”
Sam’s voice had gone deep. “Trust me. There’s nothing limp

about me.”

Taylor snapped his head around as if the passersby could hear

what Sam was saying. His blush had spiked into a volcanic heat as he
quickly stepped back into the Laundromat. He moved behind a
washer as if he was about to have a top-secret conversation with Sam.

“I’m just teasing you,” Sam said, but Taylor knew the man had

been serious. “How is your day going?”

“So-so.” Taylor glanced at his washing machine to see his clothes

tumbling around in the sudsy water. It whirled and sputtered as the
basket continued to churn. “Getting some laundry done.”

“Sounds like you’re having a lot more fun than I am.” Sam spoke

low and Taylor knew the guy was talking to somebody that was close
by. The voices were a hushed murmur before Sam sighed. “I gotta

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Taylor didn’t want their conversation to end. His fingers curled

tightly around his phone as he nodded and then realized Sam couldn’t
see his head movement. “Okay.”

“Why don’t you call me tonight? I can fall asleep to the sound of

your voice.”

A lone tear streaked down Taylor’s face as his throat burned. He

crossed his free arm over his chest, shoving his fist into his armpit.
His bottom lip quivered as he said, “I’ll do that.”

“Take care of yourself, my little goth angel. I’ll be back to pester

you before you know it.”

Even though Sam had hung up, Taylor kept the phone pressed to

his ear. His body jerked once as his tears started falling. He wasn’t
sure what he had done to deserve someone like Sam. But Taylor was
gonna do whatever the hell he had to in order to keep Sam.

Because Taylor was a goddamn clusterfuck of a mess and Sam

was the only uncluttered part of his life.

* * * *

With his laundry now dry, Taylor folded the clothes and stacked

them in his laundry basket, smiling to himself at the phone call he’d
had with Sam. Sam putting claims on him should have scared Taylor,
but oddly enough, he was starting to look forward to the man’s return.

He tucked the box of dryer sheets and the laundry detergent in his

basket and took it out to his car, storing it in his trunk. This was
turning out to be a great day.

When his cell phone rang again, Taylor pulled it free and

answered, smiling and hoping to hear Sam’s voice once more. “Hey,

Taylor was determined to bring his walls down. It might be one

small step at a time, but he was going to try.

“And just who did you think was calling you?”

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Taylor stumbled against his car, pressing his hand into the trunk

as his world began to spin and the sunny day turned as dark as
midnight. His heart was suddenly a sledgehammer behind his ribs,
trying to slam its way out. “H–how did you get this number?”

He could no longer feel the air going into his lungs. Just from that

one question, Taylor was coming apart at the seams, breaking into a
thousand pieces.

“It was easy enough. I told your stepmother that I was an old

friend from high school trying to look you up.” There was an icy layer
of control to Todd’s voice.

Taylor’s stepmother was a coldhearted bitch. She’d married

Taylor’s father and had made Taylor’s life a living hell after that.
He’d gladly run off to Uncle Wyatt’s ranch every summer just to
escape her. But when his uncle had caught him fooling around with
the foreman the summer Taylor had turned seventeen, all hell had
broken loose. His uncle had disowned him. Taylor’s father had as

But his stepmother, Patty, had talked Taylor’s father into not

kicking him out. She took him to counseling and thought a
combination of therapy and church would “cure” him. She never once
let him forget what a perverted sinner he was.

And then he’d met Todd. The guy had swept Taylor off his feet

and had been there at a time in Taylor’s life when he needed a lifeline.
Cameron had begged Taylor not to date Todd. His best friend swore
Todd was the devil incarnate. But it had been too late. Todd had
isolated Taylor from his family and the life he’d known. He’d
dragged Taylor into the BDSM world, kicking and screaming. And
when Taylor became too out of control, Todd drugged him to make
him more compliant, more submissive.

The last time they’d been together, Todd had beaten Taylor so

badly that he nearly died. The man had been enraged because Taylor
had called Cameron just to talk, just to feel as if he weren’t so alone
in the world. Cameron had come to the apartment after Todd had gone

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out with his friends. He had pulled Taylor off the St. Andrew’s Cross
he’d been left tied to, put some clothes on Taylor, and the two had
fled, never looking back.

And those memories were mild compared to some of the things

Todd had done to Taylor, had made Taylor do.

Strangling fear closed around Taylor’s heart and began to gnaw

away at his stomach. Tears rose perilously close to the surface as
Taylor snapped his head around, trying to see if Todd was close by.

“Did you think you could get away from me, boy? I have a signed

contract that says I own you.”

Taylor squatted behind his car as he began to rock in a quick

rhythm, one arm pressed tightly over his stomach. Cold emptiness
pervaded his mind and it started to shut down section by section. Even
through the phone, Taylor could feel the man’s twisted intentions like
black oil coating his skin. “It isn’t legal.”

Todd’s laughter was bitter. “Do you think that’s going to stop me

from taking back what’s mine? When I get you home, you are going
to feel the wrath of my punishment. You’ll be lucky if I let you live.”

Taylor shoved a fist into his mouth to bite back the cry. The

memories flooded him and the humiliation and pain combined to
make a toxic mixture. He hung up, afraid of what else Todd might
say, what else the man might threaten him with. With a ragged sob, he
dropped his face into his hands and felt the agony throb endlessly
beneath the surface.

A passersby stopped and asked, “Are you all right?”
Stumbling to his feet, Taylor used his car to hold him upright until

he slipped into the driver’s seat. He ignored the onlookers as he tore
away from the curb. He barely registered the stop signs and lights. It
was a miracle he didn’t get into a wreck.

His tire jumped the curb as Taylor came to a stop in front of the

liquor store. He needed to get drunk, to numb the pain, the memories,
and the all-consuming fear. He grabbed a fifth of the first thing he
spotted, paid, and climbed back into his car.

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Chapter Six

Sam leaned against the glass bar as he watched Natalie strut

around the pool from behind his mirrored sunglasses. She was young,
provocative, and a pain in the royal ass. Executive Bodyguards had
rescued her from men out to extort her father, a wealthy Russian
business owner—Aleksei Vitaye—who was currently living in a
swanky mansion near Atlanta, Georgia.

It had been an extraction assignment, but T-Rex wanted to stick

around for a few extra days to make sure there was no retaliation.
Since freeing Natalie from a small town outside Krasnoyarsk, she had
been flirting with Sam, batting her eyelashes and finding any damn
excuse to “accidentally” brush up against him.

He was currently trying to make sure she stayed on her side of the

pool and didn’t come near him.

His cell phone rang. Sam checked it and didn’t recognize the

number. He moved to the side of the covered bar and answered. “Sam

“I’m sorry to bother you.”
The voice wasn’t familiar. “Who is this?”
“I’m Cameron Langley, Taylor’s roommate.”
“How’d you get my number?” Sam glanced over at the pool and

felt his jaw grow tight when Natalie began to sashay toward the bar.
Her bikini couldn’t even be considered clothing. There was nothing
there but three patches of tiny cloth and a handful of strings.

Glancing around quickly, he spotted Stripper standing close by.

The man was wearing a silk Armani suit and looked damned good,
but uncomfortable as hell.

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Sam was waiting for Stripper to give in and shed his clothes, but

he remained professional.

Sam tapped Stripper on his shoulder and nodded toward Natalie.

Stripper gave him a shit-eating grin and nodded. The man had been
playing interference for Sam anytime she tried to get close.

“I found your number on Taylor’s dresser.”
Sam ignored the situation at the pool and gave Cameron his full

attention. He noted something strange in the man’s voice and asked,
“Is Taylor all right?”

“That’s just it,” Cameron said. “I didn’t know who else to call. I

haven’t seen him in two days. He didn’t show up for work today,
which isn’t like him. Taylor is dependable above all else.”

Sam tried to think of anything Taylor might have said to him to

give him a clue as to the man’s state of mind. Their phone
conversation had gone fine, with no hint of anything amiss. “I’ll look
into things and call you back.”

“Thank you,” Cameron said, and then added, “I called you instead

of the sheriff because for one, I’m not sure how hard the cops will
look for him. And two”—Cameron’s tone lowered and there was
hesitation in his voice—“Taylor seems to be opening up to you. That
itself is a miracle.”

“I’ll call you back.” Sam hung up and walked through the back of

the house in search of T-Rex. His shoes echoed on the highly polished
floor as he cut through the elaborately decorated dining room and
made his way to Aleksei’s office. He nodded at a few servants, passed
antique furniture that had been shipped from Siberia—according to
Aleksei—and knocked on a large oak door.

Mr. Vitaye’s personal bodyguard opened the door.
“I need to speak with Mr. Rexford.” Sam peered past the man to

see T-Rex talking softly with Aleksei. The bodyguard nodded and
stepped aside.

The Russian smiled and held his amber-filled glass up to Sam.

“How are things going?”

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Translation, have you and my daughter hit it off yet?
“Fine, thank you.” Sam turned to T-Rex. “A private moment?”
T-Rex excused himself and walked across the burgundy carpet.

His voice was low when he spoke. “Is something wrong?”

Sam had explained to T-Rex on the flight to retrieve Natalie that

he had a strong feeling that Taylor was his mate. T-Rex had been
ready to send Sam back home.

But Sam knew the team needed him. Although Colton was

Siberian and could speak the native tongue—which was a great asset
to them all—they had headed into a small town that was known for
mob activity. The place had been poverty stricken, with prostitutes,
vagrants, and more crime than any city in the United States. It had
taken all of them working as a synchronized unit to get Natalie out of

“Taylor hasn’t been seen in two days.” Sam glanced at Aleksei

who was speaking to his bodyguard.

“Have Colton put a trace on Taylor’s cell phone while you catch a

flight out of here.”

“Are you sure?” Sam asked. “I don’t want to bail on you.”
T-Rex gave a low snort. “It’s nothing but politics now. Miss

Vitaye is under heavy guard and isn’t allowed to go running off with
her friends. We’ll be heading out tomorrow. Go.”

Sam nodded his thanks and hunted Colton down. He gave the man

Taylor’s phone number and then Sam grabbed his gear and headed to
the nearest airport.

He called Colton while in flight. “Anything?”
“His phone is still on, which allowed me to track his GPS

coordinates. From the looks of it, he’s still in Bear County. Call me
when you hit town and I’ll guide you to him.”

Sam tried not to let his nerves unravel on the plane. He tried not to

think of the worst-case scenario. During his military career, he’d seen
things that would give most sane men nightmares. And during his
time with Executive Bodyguards, he’d traveled all over the world.

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Quiet as it was kept, the government kept them on retainer, sending
Sam and his teammates into hostile situations that the policy makers
on the hill wouldn’t risk their own men for—private-sector operations
that they didn’t want to be associated with.

He’d looked the worst scum in the face and seen unimaginable

horrors. But it was the unspeakable things done to children that
haunted Sam the most. A few years back, Sam and the others had
been hired to rescue some oil tycoon’s daughter who had gone
missing. The mission had been simple enough, until they’d entered
that warehouse and Sam had realized they’d stepped into a child
pornography ring.

That had stayed with him for almost a year. He’d waken up

screaming, seeing eyes that were no longer innocent, reaching out in
his dark bedroom to help children who weren’t there.

That mission had scarred a part of Sam. It was something he

didn’t think he’d every recover from. To see those small faces and
what those sick sons of bitches were doing… Sam closed his eyes and
willed the memory away.

Most bear shifters craved a family. It was embedded in their DNA

to want children. Sam didn’t. That lone mission had killed any
yearning he’d held inside of him. It had taken a piece of his soul.

He despised anyone who used their strength against the weak,

who forced themselves on innocent beings.

Breathing out his toxic memories, Sam exited the plane when it

landed, retrieved his gear, and then went outside to meet Legend. He
had called his friend before getting on the plane and asked Legend to
pick him up from the airport.

Sam wasn’t in a conversing mood. He stored his bag in the trunk

and then rode in silence back to Bear County. Once home, he changed
out of his suit and then jumped into his ride, calling Colton.

Colton guided him to a remote part of the county, an out-of-the-

way area that wasn’t easy to find from the road. How in the hell did
Taylor end up here?

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“If you need help, let me know. I’ll call Legend,” Colton said.
When he spotted the ass-end of a silver Prizm, Sam eased his

truck to a stop and then killed the motor. He didn’t see anyone inside
the vehicle.

“I’m going to need someone to pick up Taylor’s car.” Sam gave

Colton the coordinates and then hung up.

He slid from his truck, glancing around, but he didn’t see Taylor

or anyone else. He approached the car slowly and then glanced inside.
In the backseat, Taylor was slumped over.

With his heart in his throat, Sam yanked the back door open and

checked Taylor’s pulse. It was strong and steady. He turned the man
over but didn’t see any visible injuries. He ran his hands over Taylor,
checking for broken bones.

When Sam lifted Taylor’s shirt to see if he had any bruising, his

entire world came to an abrupt halt.

* * * *

Taylor opened his bleary eyes and tried to figure out where he

was. His mouth tasted like crap and his stomach felt like someone had
dumped something noxious into him. The room was dark, which was
good, but it didn’t tell him anything worth knowing. He didn’t think
he could handle any bright lights right now. But he knew he wasn’t in
his own bed.

He didn’t own a mattress this damn soft.
“Mr. Hennessy is awake.”
He closed his eyes and prayed that this was some strange dream

and that Sam was not standing close by. He sifted through his
memories, trying to figure out how he’d ended up in this bedroom. He
got nothing. Taylor’s head hammered and his tongue felt as fuzzy as a

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The bed dipped and so did Taylor’s stomach.
As the fogginess began to lift, Taylor stiffened. Where were his

clothes? He was lying under a soft sheet, stark naked. Had they…?

Something brushed over his hair. Sam’s fingers. “How do you


Taylor wasn’t sure how to answer that question. Was Sam talking

about his obvious hangover or the possible sex they might’ve had?
Since his entire body ached, he wasn’t sure if he’d given it up.

If he had, he was pissed as hell that he couldn’t remember


“What am I doing here?” Taylor asked. “And where is here?”
“You’re in an insane asylum and I’m your new caretaker.” There

was humor in Sam’s tone. The familiar teasing banter eased Taylor in
ways he didn’t think possible. Just having Sam nearby helped Taylor
keep his shit together.

“Does this asylum serve coffee?” Taylor shook his head and tried

to will the memories to come back. He’d been doing laundry. Sam
had called. He squeezed his eyes shut and dug further.

And then it hit him. Todd.
Taylor had gotten a bottle at the liquor store and had driven to a

remote area to get trashed. He’s shouted and cried and done
everything in between as he and Hennessy became intimate friends.

He tried to sit up and the instant vertigo told him that he’d

finished the entire bottle.

“As long as you don’t puke everywhere, I’ll go grab you some

coffee,” Sam said and then the bed jerked slightly. He heard retreating

With great effort, Taylor slowly pulled himself up into a sitting

position. He wiped at his mouth and cringed at how disgusting his
tongue felt. What he wouldn’t give for a toothbrush right now. He
also needed a hot shower.

And then it dawned on him. If he was naked, had Sam seen his

scars? Had the man balked in horror at the crisscross of lines that

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made up Taylor’s back? Did Sam view him as Frankenstein’s monster
now? Taylor scrubbed his hands over his face, wishing the nausea
would pass.

He turned until his feet were planted firmly on the cool floor.

Taylor sat there, his hands pressed into the mattress, his head hanging.
Why in the fuck had his stepmother given Todd his number? Taylor
had only left it with her in case something happened to his father.
Even though Bruce had disowned him, Taylor still cared and made
Patty promise to call if there was ever an emergency.

He knew she never would. The woman had been only too relieved

when Taylor moved out. Her last words were “good riddance.” But
Todd had always been a charmer and would have sweet-talked the
number from her. But why now? Why a year later? Why hadn’t Todd
gone to her sooner?

Sam returned and Taylor started to wrap the sheet around himself

to cover his back, but the lights remained off. Sam navigated the room
with ease before he sat back down and handed Taylor a hot mug of
coffee. The aroma filled his lungs and he sighed at the smell.

Taylor took a sip and then asked, “Why aren’t you lecturing me?”

It was what Cameron had done the last time Taylor tried to drown his
sorrows. Not at first, though. But when Taylor’s drinking had started
interfering with his everyday life, his best friend had stepped in and
gone all parent on him.

But it wasn’t Cameron’s lectures that had pulled Taylor out of his

slump. It had been the knowledge that he was wrecking himself and
he would end up losing the only friend he’d ever had.

“We all have our reasons for trying to forget.” Sam spoke as if

he’d known great pain. “We all have our different ways of coping.”

Taylor took another sip. The coffee had just the right amount of

cream. Sam had remembered how he liked it. “What’s your
nightmare?” he asked.


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Taylor was surprised Sam admitted something like that. The guy

was large, strong, and had a disposition that Taylor envied. He
couldn’t imagine Sam being afraid of anything. It was like hearing a
steadfast warrior point out a chink in his armor. “Really?”

Sam gave a low, bitter laugh. “Yeah. Can’t stand to see innocent

people getting hurt and knowing I can’t do anything to stop it.”

The mug was warm in his hands and Taylor curled his fingers

around it, gripping it tightly. How in the hell had he ended up with
someone as golden-hearted as Sam? Better question, why was Sam so
attracted to him? “I know what you mean.”

“This batshit crazy world offers a variety of twisted fucks and

doesn’t give you an antidote once you’ve been exposed to them.”
Taylor could barely make out Sam running his hand over the nape of
his neck. “But it also offers a medley of sexy little goth angels to
offset the craziness.”

Taylor felt himself blushing. His stomach was roiling, and his

head was pounding like a tiny person was inside his skull with a
jackhammer. Yet, here he sat, stealing the warmth of Sam’s words to
chase away the chill.

“I know a twisted fuck,” Taylor whispered as he stared off into the

darkness of the room. Not being able to make Sam out, being blind to
his surroundings, helped Taylor speak of things he would rather keep

“We all do,” Sam said in a tone that matched Taylor’s.
“Mine called me recently,” Taylor admitted and felt the acidic

lump forming in his throat. His fingers dug hard against the mug as he
forced the next words out. “Threatened me.”

The room fell silent. Taylor could hear the noises of the night

outside—cicadas, critters he couldn’t name—but the room itself was
soundless. Should he have admitted that? Would Sam begin to think
Taylor was more trouble than he was worth? He opened his mouth to
apologize when Sam said, “The same person who hurt you?”

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The man must be talking of Taylor’s scars. Taylor’s eyes burned,

but he fought back the tears. He didn’t want to seem helpless and
weak in front of someone so damn strong. He didn’t want Sam seeing
him as a victim. He set the mug aside and curled his arms around his
stomach. “Yeah.”

“What did he say?”
Taylor tried to decipher the tone of Sam’s voice, but it was held in

tight control. The man wasn’t giving anything away.

“He said he still owned me and that when he finds me, I’ll be

lucky if I live.” Taylor stood, panic setting in as he tried to think of
where he could escape to. He jerked back and forth, unsure of which
direction to go.

Strong arms enveloped him and Taylor struggled to get free. He

couldn’t drag Sam into his sordid life. Taylor wouldn’t allow Todd’s
toxicity to touch this man who was becoming so much to him,
beginning to mean the world to him.

“Calm down, angel.” Sam’s tone was soothing, strong, unyielding.

The heat of his body soaked into Taylor, warming him from the inside
out. “No one is going to do anything to you, understand?”

Taylor didn’t. How could Sam defeat a bear shifter? He couldn’t.

Todd would tear Sam to pieces. Taylor’s shoulders began to shake as
the knowledge sank in that he was trapped in a world he didn’t want
to be in. That the one man who seemed to care so much about him
might get hurt. The tears were hot as they fell, and Taylor was
helpless to stop them.

Sam’s arms gripped him tighter as the man rested his chin on

Taylor’s head. Taylor finally began to settle down and then he
squirmed. “Uh, Sam?”

“This is really awkward. I need some clothes.”
Sam’s chuckle felt like warm honey sliding over him. “I kinda

like it.”

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Taylor tilted his head back to tell Sam he was serious when Sam’s

lips found his. This time, Taylor didn’t stiffen. He didn’t tense up in
Sam’s arms. Instead, he began to melt like butter in the sun, his body
molding to the other man’s. Everything around Taylor seemed to
come alive. The sounds outside were louder, the shadows in the room
less haunting and his body…wow. It was like being electrocuted
slowly, sensually.

The stubble of Sam’s jaw scraped over Taylor’s chin and he


“My sweet little angel,” Sam murmured. “I love the way you


“Thank you, Sir.” Taylor froze. He pushed Sam back, pushed

them apart so he could catch his breath.

Sam chuckled. “And you are very welcome, sir.”
The guy seemed unfazed by Taylor putting distance between

them. He’d even joked about the slip. Instead of trying to recapture
Taylor’s lips, Sam patted him on the hip. “Want something to put in
that rotgut stomach of yours?”

Taylor stood in the middle of the room, feeling as if the world

he’d known had changed and someone had forgotten to tell him about
it. “I don’t understand.”

“Food. Gut. Simple equation,” Sam said.
“No.” Taylor shook his head. “I don’t understand you.”
Taylor could hear Sam moving and then a lamp flickered on by

the bed. Taylor grabbed the sheet from the bed and wrapped it around
his shoulders, hiding everything.

“What’s there to understand, Taylor? I’m a pretty simple guy to

figure out.”

“Nothing seems to faze you. Nothing seems to bother you. You

just roll with the punches and keep going.”

Sam shrugged. “You’re supposed to. You can’t let life beat you

down. You called me Sir. I understand that some conditioning is
harder to break than others. Why would I get mad about it?”

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“It’s that easy?” Taylor asked.
“That easy,” Sam replied. “Just let go.”
“And you’ll catch me?”
Sam winked at Taylor. “Like a net under a circus performer. I

gotcha covered.”

Taylor licked his lips, his heart pounding out a thousand beats a

second. He shored up his courage and then let the sheet fall to his feet.

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Chapter Seven

Sam wasn’t sure what to say. He wasn’t sure what to do. In the

soft hush of the bedroom, he could hear Taylor’s heart beating wildly.
The man stood before him, bare. It wasn’t just his nudity but his
vulnerability that touched something deep inside Sam.

He closed the distance and bent down, pulling the sheet up into his

hand. He brushed a kiss over Taylor’s warm cheek. “My lost little

When Sam started to wrap the sheet back around Taylor’s

shoulders, the man grabbed his wrists, stopping him. Their eyes
locked as the room filled with arousal. Sam cupped Taylor’s cheek,
searching, trying to figure out exactly what Taylor was asking for.

Taylor backed up, his legs hitting the bed as he pulled Sam along

with him. “I’m letting go.”

“I see.” Sam gave Taylor a gentle smile. “But is this what you

truly want?”

Taylor grinned. “Just as long as you don’t kick me in the head.”
“Well, I had considered it for a moment, but unconscious people

don’t do it for me. I’m too lazy to do all the work.”

Taylor glanced at Sam for a moment and then a spark of laughter

lit the man’s eyes. It was a bright and beautiful thing to see as they
both stood there on an awkward precipice trying to decide who would
jump off first.

Sam was sure that, for years to come, he would swear that he had

been pushed over. That was what it felt like when Taylor leaned up
and placed a kiss on his lips. The move was tentative and sweet and
had Sam growing hard. The shyness in that single move did it for him.

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Sam’s heart clenched and his dick throbbed, and he wanted

nothing more at that moment than to throw Taylor down and ravish
his body.

“I swear not to leave you hanging like that,” Taylor said. The

palm of his hand pressed against Sam’s chest, right over his heart—
which was beating wildly. He smiled at Sam. “Head injury or not.”

“I could always get us some safety helmets,” Sam said, noticing

how low his voice had gone. Taylor tempted him. God knew how
tantalizing the man was. Taylor had been a disastrous wreck when
Sam found him and now Taylor was the one wrecking him.

Sam’s bear growled and snapped, trying to force him to claim

Taylor. But Sam wasn’t going to go that far until they’d talked. The
man had already been through enough bullshit in his life. Sam wasn’t
going to betray his trust.

Besides, Legend had withheld that information from Gabe and it

had almost turned disastrous. Sam wanted to avoid any kind of drama.

Taylor’s smile seemed to light up the dimly lit room. “I hope we

can manage without them. There aren’t any horses around so you
don’t have to worry about being thrown.”

Their senses of humor seemed perfectly in sync. Taylor got Sam,

and he loved that about the guy. No matter what he threw at the man,
Taylor caught it and rolled it right back.

Sam focused on Taylor’s smile as he pulled his shirt over his head

and tossed it aside. Taylor’s eyes drank Sam in as his tongue flicked
out and slid across his lower lip. There was still a hesitant quality
about the guy, but Taylor seemed willing to try, and that was all Sam
could ask for.

“Are you making fun of my riding skills?” Sam moved closer, the

palms of his hands sliding over Taylor’s tight nipples. They were like
two tiny rocks under his hands as he ghosted his fingers up and down
Taylor’s chest.

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“Y–you don’t have any riding skills.” Taylor’s head canted to the

side, his eyelids lowering slightly as his luscious lips parted and
panted out a long breath.

Sam lowered his head and sucked one taut nipple into his mouth,

rolling the bead around between his teeth. When Sam placed his hand
on Taylor’s back, the guy jerked, his eyes flying open.

Sam shook his head. “I don’t care, Taylor. I’m not just going to

accept a small part of you. I want it all. The entire package.” To show
that he was serious, Sam ran his fingers over the raised flesh, sucking
at Taylor’s neck at the same time. “Don’t hide one damn inch of

Taylor’s arched as his fingers dug into Sam’s biceps. The man’s

head fell back as his breathing became shallow. Sam moved Taylor
onto the bed, licking and kissing down the man’s chest. His tongue
traced the dark trail that led from Taylor’s navel to his groin.

“Wildflowers,” Sam murmured as his tongue traced Taylor’s

heavily veined shaft. Taylor’s cock jerked at his touch. Pressing his
hands into Taylor’s inner thighs, Sam spread the man wider. He could
feel tiny scars on the backs of Taylor’s legs. Sam closed his eyes as he
inhaled the man’s scent, wishing to god that he could have saved
Taylor from the horrors the man had lived through.

The heat of Taylor’s blush singed Sam’s hands. Sam licked and

lapped and groaned as he sucked Taylor’s wrinkled sac into his

Oh god, oh god, oh god,” Taylor chanted. His voice was strained

as his legs shook. Sam made a low rumble of pleasure in his chest as
he reached to his waist and unsnapped his pants. He pushed them off
and kicked them aside before moving onto the bed.

They were head to foot, head to foot. He could feel Taylor’s warm

breath blowing across the head of his erection. “Only if you want to,”
Sam said before swallowing Taylor to the back of his throat.

The only sound in the room was muffled suckling. He kneaded

Taylor’s buttocks and the backs of the man’s thighs, encouraging

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Taylor to come closer but also trying his best to relax the man, to let
Taylor know that this was okay, natural.

Sam’s fingers squeezed Taylor’s ass tighter when something wet

and warm slid across the head of his cock. He took Taylor deeper into
his throat as his mate tentatively explored Sam.

It was killing him. Those light touches and soft licks were going

to send Sam into insanity. He rolled to his back, taking Taylor with
him. The man was propped above him as Sam pulled him closer,
driving the man’s cock down his throat.

On his knees, Taylor wrapped his fingers around Sam’s shaft and

began to suckle the head. Sam pressed his feet into the mattress and
spread his legs wider. His body felt as if it had caught fire and the
flames were licking across his skin.

Taylor began to work Sam’s cock in ways he never thought

possible. His legs tightened and shook as Taylor made Sam’s body
catch fire. Taylor knew exactly what he was doing, and that only
drove home the fact that the man had been well trained.

Sam shoved that thought out of his mind. He immersed himself in

his own ministrations as Taylor hummed and sent riotous vibrations
throughout Sam’s body.

His canines threatened to lengthen, as well as his claws. Sam

fought against his bear as Taylor stiffened, his legs kicking out.
Grabbing the man around his waist, Sam held Taylor down. He
worked the man’s shaft until Taylor was crying out, his seed spurting
down Sam’s throat.

Sam swallowed every last drop.
Taylor’s orgasm seemed to unleash something wild in the man.

He pulled on Sam’s balls, stretching them. The sensation sent Sam
over the edge. Taylor’s softening cock slipped from his lips as he
shouted and bucked and came.

He was heavily wrung and gasping for breath when Taylor rolled

off of him. Sam snatched the man’s arm and pulled Taylor close. He
cupped the back of Taylor’s head and pressed it to his sweaty chest.

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Taylor lay there silently as if he had no clue what to do. That broke
Sam’s heart.

“Angel,” Sam said as he licked his lips. “I think you just broke my

dick.” He started chuckling as his hands smoothed over Taylor’s
sides. Sam could feel the smile forming on Taylor’s face.

“Quite the opposite,” Taylor replied. “I think I just fixed it.”
Sam hugged Taylor and the tension slipped away. They both lay

there and laughed as the moon rose higher in the night sky.

* * * *

In the early hours of the morning, Sam closed the door as Taylor

slept. He went in search of T-Rex. He found the guy in the kitchen,
sucking down one of his nasty protein drinks. Sam grimaced. He
wasn’t sure how T-Rex drank those things on a daily basis.

T-Rex smiled as he lifted his glass of green goop. “Don’t hate.”
Sam crinkled his nose. “Humans are the strangest creatures. I

don’t understand how you can stomach that crap.” Sam patted his
ripped abdomen. “All us bears have to do is go for a long run and…”
Sam trailed off when he noticed a peculiar look in T-Rex’s eyes.

T-Rex nodded toward the kitchen door. Sam turned to see Taylor

standing there, fully dressed, and so pale the man looked as if he were
about to pass out. Taylor spun on his heel and shot out of the

Sam cursed, going after Taylor. The man had made it out the front

door and was flying down the porch steps by the time Sam caught

“Let me go!” Taylor swung his arm back and nailed Sam in the

nose. Sam released him and Taylor stumbled down the steps, turning
as he began to walk backward with his hands up in the air.

“If you come anywhere near me—” Tears gathered in Taylor’s

eyes. His voice dropped so low it was barely a whisper. “How could

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you be…” He shook his head. “This isn’t real. Of all the people I let
in, it had to be another fucking bear.”

“Taylor,” Sam called, but Taylor was already racing toward his

car as if the devil had risen from hell and was hot on the man’s heels.
Standing on the porch, Sam felt so damn helpless. He wasn’t sure if
he should go after Taylor or let the man cool off.

Another bear.
Which meant Taylor’s ex was a bear shifter. Sam came down the

steps and pulled his cell phone free. He had to do some damage
control. If Taylor didn’t go straight home, Sam would go after him.
But from the stricken expression on Taylor’s face, the man needed
some time.

Sam called Cameron.
He took a seat on the porch steps and ran a hand through his hair.

Sam was, at heart, a good-natured man who didn’t let too many things
rile him. He always tried to keep things light. You only live once.
Why live a life weighed down by bitterness and other bullshit
baggage? He had never understood people like that. But Taylor’s
situation was different. A lot different. He wasn’t choosing to live
with baggage. The shit had been forced on him and now he viewed
Sam as one of the bad guys.

He wasn’t sure how to fix that. Sam couldn’t change who he was.
“’Sup?” Cameron answered the phone.
“I need to talk to you about Taylor.” Sam didn’t like turning to

anyone else with his problems. But Taylor was going to need a friend
and hopefully Cameron would help him out.

When Cameron spoke, his tone was wary, guarded. “What about


“He raced out of here,” Sam started but wasn’t sure if Cameron

knew about bear shifters. He was going out on a limb, guessing that
whatever hell Taylor had gone through, he’d shared all of the details
with his friend. Still, Sam decided to tread lightly. “He found out
something about me that tripped a trigger.”

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“There’s only two things that would do that,” Cameron said.

“Either you’re into that kink shit or…” Cameron hesitated, tiptoeing
as well. “You’re one of them.”

“I don’t get into that kind of kink,” Sam replied. The humid air

made trickles of sweat roll down the center of his back as Sam waited
for Cameron to say something. “He’s gonna need you, Cameron. He
looks at me as the villain right now.”

“Are you?” Cameron asked. “I saw the damage a bear can do. I

cleaned up the mess and put him back together again. But he never
fully healed, at least not on the inside. I don’t even know you. Why
should I help you out?”

The fierce loyalty in Cameron’s tone was clear. The man would

do anything to protect his friend. “You’re right. You don’t know me.
So I’ll handle this on my own. I’m on my way.”

“Whoa,” Cameron quickly said. “Let me at least calm him down

before you show up.” Cameron paused. “He’s different with you. It’s
like the old Taylor is trying to peek out. Taylor actually
seemed…happy. Don’t fucking hurt him or I swear I’ll burn you in
your own damn bed.”

Sam growled and tucked the phone away when Cameron hung up.

He started to go after Taylor when he remembered why he’d been
looking for T-Rex. He had wanted to talk to the guy about Taylor’s
phone call from his ex.

He didn’t have to go in search of the guy. T-Rex stepped out on

the porch. “I don’t envy you guys,” he said. “That’s the second time
I’ve watched a guy wig out when he found out about bear shifters.”

“He already knew,” Sam said. “He just freaked when he found out

I was one.”

T-Rex was the oldest member of their unit. He was more mature,

took time to absorb things before he made a decision, and was one
hell of a leader. The guys looked up to T-Rex, even if they didn’t
always agree with his decisions. But T-Rex had a good head on his

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“I take it he doesn’t have a fondness for bears?”
“He’s fucked up, T. He has so many scars that you can’t even

count them. And he told me that his nightmare called him, threatened
to take him back home and said that Taylor would be lucky if he
survived this time.” Sam’s hands curled into fists as his anger boiled
inside him, churning like a toxic mix.

“Can this ex find him?”
“Don’t know.”
“I’ll have Colton screen Taylor’s incoming calls. We’ll get a

background check on the guy threatening him. In the meantime, you
shouldn’t let Taylor wander around on his own.”

Sam glanced up at his friend. “Taylor says he signed a contract.

The guy thinks he owns Taylor.”

T-Rex grunted. “The last I checked, that was illegal. Won’t stand

up in any court. Cops will laugh at him. But I’ll give Sparrow a
heads-up as soon as we have more intel on the guy.”

“Call me when you get it. I’m heading over to Taylor’s.” Sam

moved off the steps and walked to his truck. He just didn’t know what
he was going to say to the man to convince Taylor he wasn’t a bad

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Chapter Eight

As soon as Taylor pulled away from the ranch, he regretted it. He

wanted to go back and fall into Sam’s arms. But the gut-clenching
fear made him drive until he found himself parked behind his
apartment building. How could Sam be a bear? He acted nothing like
Todd. Even knowing that, all Taylor could see were teeth and claws
and the panic rose to near dangerous levels.

Before he could get out of his car, Cameron was heading toward

Taylor. The look on his friend’s face that said he already knew what
had happened. But how?

Cameron pulled the door open and smiled down at Taylor.

“How’s tricks, buttercup?”

Taylor’s fear boiled and churned inside of him as he glanced up at

his best friend. He slid out of the car and then walked toward the
trunk. “It’s happening again, Cam.” Taylor rubbed the palms of his
hands into his eyes until strange shapes whirled behind his eyelids.
“My life is falling apart again.”

“Only if you let it.” Cameron grabbed Taylor’s arms and yanked

them down. His smile was filled with warmth but his eyes held a
steely determination. Cameron dropped his voice. “Okay, so Sam is a
bear. We can work through this.”

“It’s just—” Taylor shook his head quickly, trying to dislodge the

images. Teeth and claws. Why? Why did it have to be Sam? He didn’t
want to deal with another bear. Once had been enough to last him two

“Breathe, Taylor.” Cameron’s fingers tightened around Taylor’s

wrists. “Sam isn’t Todd. Can you honestly tell me that you think Sam

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would hurt you? Because if you have one single doubt, we’ll leave.
We’ll get out of this damn town and never look back.”

Stumbling back until his ass hit the trunk, Taylor lowered his

head. He thought of how he and Sam met in the grocery store and
about Sam’s invitation. Just that quick the man had turned Taylor
upside down. He thought about their movie night with all of Sam’s
friends gathered around and how good a time he’d had. Cooking
breakfast with Sam, horseback riding. How Sam had tried so hard to
impress him that he nearly knocked Taylor out. Of how panicked
Taylor had been when Sam had been thrown from his horse.

Sam had said that he didn’t care about Taylor’s scars. The man

thought of him as his little goth angel and wanted the whole package.

Could Sam be telling the truth? Did men as noble and good-

hearted as Sam really exist? Taylor wanted to believe so. He didn’t
want to think that the entire world of men had turned to assholism and
that he was just shit out of luck.

“Todd called me.” Taylor swallowed as his throat burned. He

glanced up at his friend and told him what Todd had said.

Cameron’s features darkened. “That was a stupid contract. It isn’t

legal, Taylor. How in the fuck did he find you?”

Taylor knew his smile was bitter. “Patty.”
“That bitch,” Cameron growled. “I never liked that god-fearing

woman. She always had a superior smugness to her.” Cameron
stepped closer and his friend’s eyes searched Taylor’s. “Tell me what
you want us to do. You want to get ghost?”

Taylor squinted up at the sun as if that big bright orb could give

him some answers. Saying that he was seven kinds of confused didn’t
even scratch the surface. When he was near Sam, Taylor didn’t feel
like the world was one big jumbled ball of suffering. The feeling of
desperation, of walking on eggshells was absent. The hair-trigger
flinch he possessed whenever Todd was around had vanished.

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Before Taylor could give Cameron an answer, a dark-blue truck

pulled into the parking lot. Taylor’s chest stuttered and his breath
became shallow when he realized that it was Sam.

“Tell me,” Cameron said as he grabbed Taylor’s upper arm and

shook him. “What do you want to do?”

Sam got out. But instead of coming Taylor’s way, the man stood

there by his truck, looking uncertain. He grabbed his keys in one hand
and placed the other on the hood of his truck. He gazed across the
parking lot and their gazes locked. There was no anger in Sam’s
beautiful eyes. There was no judgment. He looked…afraid.

“I want—” Taylor felt himself shaking. He glanced at Cameron

and then back at the person who was becoming everything to him.

Cameron released him and Taylor began to walk across the

concrete. Sam’s eyes widened slightly and then he started to move
toward Taylor. When they were a few feet apart, they both stopped.

“Tell me,” Sam said as he gazed down at Taylor. “Tell me what I

have to do to convince you that I’d never hurt you. Tell me what to
say so that you’ll believe how much I care about you.”

“He hurt me.” Taylor pinched his features to stop the tears. “He

took the trust I gave him and betrayed me.”

“I know, little angel.” Sam took a step closer. “And being a bear

shifter, I remind you of him.”

Taylor slowly shook his head back and forth. “You’re nothing like

him,” he whispered. “But I’m scared.”

Sam reached out and pulled Taylor into his arms. Taylor’s chest

tightened and he felt like he’d come home. He circled his arms around
Sam and held on tightly, afraid the man was a dream and would
dissolve into smoke and blow away in the wind at any second.

“All I ask,” Sam said as he rested his cheek against Taylor’s

temple, “is that you give me a chance. Please don’t judge me by
another man’s cruelty.”

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Taylor nodded but was unable to speak. He was too afraid that if

he opened his mouth, he would cry. He was sick and tired of shedding
tears over what Todd had done to him. Taylor wanted to move on, to
put all that behind him.

Pulling away, Taylor cleared his throat until he was composed. He

pulled Sam across the parking lot and then waved at his best friend.
“Sam, I’d like you to meet my best friend Cameron.”

The two eyed each other. For a second, Taylor thought they were

going to growl at each other. “Have you two met?”

“We’ve had a brief conversation or two,” Cameron admitted. “It

was quite pleasant.” The piercing look Sam was giving Cameron said

“I want both of you at my place,” Sam said.
Cameron gave Sam a half snarl. “I don’t roll like that.”
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose. “For safety reasons.”
Taylor stiffened as he scanned the parking lot. Fear slid down his

spine as he remembered Todd’s threat. “Do you really think he can
find me?”

“Anything is possible,” Sam said. “I’m not taking any chances.”
“I can handle myself,” Cameron argued. “I’m not afraid of—”
“A bear shifter?” Sam snarled. “Because he won’t hesitate to

torture and tear you apart to find out where Taylor is. You are no
match for him. So until we can find out where he is, you two are safer
at my place.”

“Cameron, please.” Taylor squeezed Cameron’s arm. “You don’t

know what he’s capable of. Not the full extent of it. I’ve seen it.”

“Fine,” Cameron said. “Let me go pack a few things.”
Taylor remembered the laundry in his trunk. He popped it open

and grabbed the basket before slamming the trunk closed. “I need to
get a few things together as well.”

Sam followed them up and into their apartment. The guy glanced

around at Taylor and Cameron’s meager furnishings. They had an
overstuffed couch that they’d found on someone’s lawn and had

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struggled to get home. There was also a bookcase they had purchased
from the local thrift store. The coffee table was new, as well as the
end tables. Taylor and Cameron had even managed to save up for the
large area rug. It was burgundy with large swirls of cream. Their
apartment might not be much, but it was homey.

“Nice place.” Sam nodded as he continued to look around. Taylor

had been to Sam’s house. In comparison, this apartment was a
shithole. But it was Taylor’s and he loved it.

Cameron disappeared into his bedroom. Taylor led Sam into his.

He set the basket aside and then reached into his closet for a duffel
bag. It felt weird to see Sam take a seat on his bed. The guy was so
big that he made Taylor’s twin-size bed seem even smaller.

Standing, Sam reached for Taylor’s trophy on the shelf above his

dresser. “You ran track?” The man sounded impressed.

“My freshman year,” Taylor admitted. He began to open his

dresser drawers and grab things to stuff in his duffel. He would’ve
stayed with the track team throughout high school, but his father had
said it wasn’t a manly enough sport. He tried to get Taylor to join the
football team, but Taylor wasn’t built for it. The first time he had tried
out, he’d gotten a concussion.

Unfortunately, his dad had been at the tryouts. He’d witnessed

Taylor’s dismal failure. It was Patty who’d suggested that Taylor stick
to schoolwork and leave that extracurricular activity alone. She had
even tried to convince Taylor’s father that Taylor would be better
suited as a doctor than an athlete. She had become obsessed with it.
She’d even started getting college brochures from prestigious medical
schools while he was still in his freshman year.

He had a feeling that she had been trying to live vicariously

through him, to compensate for one of her own failures. Thankfully,
Taylor’s dad hadn’t been as enthused about the doctor idea as he had
been about football. It truly sucked that both parents had wanted a
child to live out their failed dreams.

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When Taylor had refused to even consider becoming a doctor,

Patty had shown her true colors. Spiteful wasn’t a strong enough word
to convey how she’d started to act toward him.

Taylor tossed the duffel on the bed and then went to the bathroom

to grab his toiletries. When he came back to his room, Sam was
staring at the only family photo Taylor owned. His dad and stepmom
weren’t the best parents in the world, but he still kept a picture to
remember their happier times.

“How did you meet Cameron?” Sam asked.
“High school,” Taylor answered. “He was the geek everyone

picked on and I was the goth everyone sneered at. Perfect recipe for

Taylor paused. “Are all the men you live with marines, too?”
Sam nodded. “They were and still are my unit.”
Cameron appeared in Taylor’s doorway. “Ready to run off to


Taylor chuckled. “It won’t be that bad, Cam. I’ve been to Sam’s

house. The guys are a little offbeat, but nice.” Sam smiled at Taylor’s

After Taylor locked up the apartment, they all took their own

vehicles and headed toward Sam’s. Once they were parked, Cameron
got out and whistled low as he looked at Sam’s house. “Nice.”

“Reserve judgment,” Taylor whispered to his best friend. “Wait

till you see the inside. Very impressive.”

But before they could go inside, Cameron gazed toward the back

of the house. Taylor turned to see what his friend was looking at and
spotted Rowdy. The foreman was talking to a few of the workers.
From what Taylor had heard the Sam’s friends saying, Rowdy was
overseeing the construction of the bunkhouse and stables.

Cameron looked as if he was about to drool on himself. Taylor

chuckled and grabbed Cameron’s arm, leading his friend inside.

* * * *

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After getting Cameron settled in and watching the guy ogle every

man in the house, Sam drove Taylor over to the Triple-B. He had to
talk with Jed and he didn’t want to leave Taylor behind.

Jed was out back with his mate and triplets. One was in bear form

and was racing toward them. Taylor looked as if he were about to
have a coronary. Sam pressed his hand into the small of Taylor’s
back. “He’s just a toddler. He won’t hurt you.”

“He’s a pretty big toddler,” Taylor said as he tried to scoot behind

Sam, but Tyler wasn’t having it. He circled around Sam and head-
butted Taylor.

“He’s curious,” Sam explained as Markey barreled toward them

as well and rammed his human head into Taylor’s thigh. Taylor
frowned and glanced at Sam.

“His brother is bear, and so is one of his fathers. Markey likes to

think he’s bear as well.” Markey let go of a low growl and chased
Tyler toward Jed.

Taylor peeked out from behind Sam. “They’re…adorable.”
That was one of the reasons he’d brought Taylor with him. Sam

wanted the guy to see that not all bears were tyrannical assholes. He’d
known that Tyler would be in his bear form, but he hadn’t expected
one of the adult bears to amble around the stable, fur and all.

Taylor grabbed Sam’s arm so tightly that his nails broke the skin.

Taylor looked as if he was about to freak out.

“Can you shift?” Sam called out. He wasn’t sure who the bear

was. In the blink of an eye, Clayton was standing there in the buff. He
grabbed a pair of jeans from the ground and slipped them on.

“What’s wrong?” Clayton asked as he approached them. “I was

playing hide and seek with the kids.” His eyes landed on Taylor.
“Hey, aren’t you the guy who works at the Piggly Wiggly?”

Taylor didn’t say anything. He was still staring at Tyler with a

strange fascination. His expression was a somewhere between afraid

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and mesmerized. He finally glanced away and stared up at Sam.
“Baby bears.”

Clayton chuckled. “We refer to them as cubs.” He looked at Sam.

“Why don’t you take your mate and—”

“His what?” Taylor spun on Sam and Sam could see the anger in

Taylor’s eyes. “What the hell does he mean by mate? Someone else
told me I was his mate and the man was full of shit!”

Clayton took a step back, giving Sam an apologetic glance. Sam

was surprised and thankful for Taylor’s anger. It was better than
Taylor taking off. He could deal with anger. “I’m not even sure,” Sam
confessed. “Your scent drives my bear insane, but—”

“My scent? Todd never mentioned anything about scent.”
“That’s because you obviously didn’t carry one for him.” Sam ran

a hand through his hair and decided it was best to keep calm. It
wouldn’t do them any good if both of them were pissed. But Sam
wasn’t angry with Taylor. He was angry with the jerk who’d tried to
convince Taylor that he was the guy’s mate. “You smell like prairies
and wildflowers to me. Scent is one of the things that gives a bear a
clue about who his mate might be.”

“But you don’t know for sure?” Taylor asked.
“No,” Sam said. “The only real way to determine…” He turned,

placing his hands on his hips. Not only was Taylor going to freak
when he found out that the only real way to determine mates was
pregnancy, but Sam struggled with his own feelings about the subject.
He gazed at the children playing, their musical laughter and bright
smiles, and he felt torn. He didn’t want to bring a child into this
world. Not when he’d seen the horrors of what could happen to them.

Taylor placed a hand on Sam’s arm. “Sam?”
He smiled as he gazed at the men in the backyard, the families

enjoying this sunny day. “It doesn’t matter, Taylor. We won’t have to
worry about—” A knot formed in Sam’s throat.

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Taylor moved until he was standing in front of Sam. His eyes

were narrowed. “I’ve shared a lot with you, very painful things. I
think I deserve the same.”

Sam waved his hand toward everyone. “What is missing, angel?”
Turning, Taylor stood there, his eyes scanning over the children,

the adults. He shook his head slowly and then Sam could see the
precise moment when the answer dawned on the man. “No women.”
His brows were furrowed when he looked back at Sam. “There aren’t
any women here.”

“And all these cubs were born to their natural parents.” Sam

looked at Jed and Noah’s triplets playing in the sandbox. Markey and
Austin were wrestling with Harland. Kane was crawling across the
grass, trying to get to Clayton as Willow napped in Bryson’s arms.
Sam thought about Sofia and her bright smile and something painful
squeezed his heart.

All of these children added something to the picture, had

contributed to their parents’ happiness, their sense of fulfillment.
Legend wasn’t the same man he’d been before. He took fewer risks
and always made sure he was home at night for his mate and

“Are you trying to tell me that men gave birth to these children?”

Taylor’s voice was both skeptical and hesitant.

“All except for Markey,” Sam said as he nodded. “They all have

the ability to shift.”

Taylor stood there ramrod straight as he continued to watch

everyone. It looked as if he were trying to work things out in his head,
to absorb what Sam had just told him. And then Taylor looked up at
him. “You don’t want children, do you?”

There was no accusation in the man’s tone. It had been a simple

question. But the answer wasn’t so simple. Sam stood there and told
Taylor about what he’d seen on that god-awful mission. How the
scenes had turned his stomach and killed any desire he’d had to have
a child of his own.

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And then Taylor surprised him. He was the one to wave at the

backyard this time. “But look at the expressions on their parents’
faces, Sam. These men were willing to risk it all just to have a slice of

Sam shook his head and turned, heading back toward his truck.

Those men hadn’t seen what Sam had seen. They hadn’t… Sam
rubbed his hand over his forehead. Legend had been there as well, yet
he’d still had a child with Gabe. Sam couldn’t understand why.

Taylor caught up to him. “I’m not saying we should have children,

Sam. All I’m saying is that…hell, I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m
not ready for a child either.” Sam could tell that Taylor was speaking
the god’s honest truth. “I still have demons I need to work through.
I’m not going to bring a baby into this world when I’m still a damn
mess. Don’t bears have contraceptives?”

Sam nodded. “But then how will I know if you’re my mate?”
Taylor smiled. “Does it really matter? You told me yourself that

your bear is apeshit for me. Shouldn’t that be enough?”

“And if you aren’t and my mate shows up, then what?”
Taylor narrowed his eyes and shoved his finger into Sam’s chest.

“Then I’ll gouge his eyes out and bury the body.”

Sam threw his head back and laughed as he grabbed Taylor and

pulled him close. Sam inhaled the man’s scent and luxuriated in it.
“You’ve been hanging around Cameron too long.”

“Why, did he threaten you?” Taylor asked.
“Let’s just say that if you’re ever unhappy, I’m not sleeping in my

bed.” Sam waved for Jed. When the mechanic came over, Sam stood
there and talked to him about servicing all the vehicles for Executive

Sam felt buoyant now that Taylor had given the green light for

them to put off having children. He wasn’t going to say that he never
wanted them. But he was willing to wait, to warm up to the idea and
get over his fear.

And that alone endeared him to his little goth angel.

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Chapter Nine

Later that evening, Sam watched as Cameron made a play for


“A real live cowboy?” Cameron asked for the tenth time since

Rowdy had come into the kitchen. The human rocked on his feet and
squinted sideways at the foreman. “You’re not pulling my chain, are

Taylor rolled his eyes as he finished off his juice. Sam sat in his

chair, rocking back and chuckling as he popped another grape into his
mouth. Poor Rowdy.

“Born and bred in Wyoming,” Rowdy said and Sam could see the

shifter was trying his hardest to be polite. The foreman flexed his
bicep before glancing away.

Or was that interest? Sam couldn’t tell. Rowdy wasn’t a very

talkative man and Sam wasn’t going to pry into the guy’s life. He
seemed to know what he was doing when it came to his job, and that
was all that mattered.

“So, what kind of cowboy things can you do?” Cameron asked.

He leaned against the counter and rested his chin in his hands, staring
at Rowdy with dreamy eyes. “I just want to say up front that I’m
really enjoying you, visually.”

Sam nearly choked on a grape. Taylor coughed as he lowered his


“Stop pestering the guy,” Taylor warned. He stepped between the

two and placed his glass in the sink. “The guy doesn’t want to be

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“Or he might eat you,” Sam added. Taylor glanced at him and

Sam winked at Taylor.

“You’re a bear shifter?” Cameron asked as he stood up straight to

look around Taylor, who was still standing between them. “Just

Rowdy slid Sam a thanks a lot glare. Sam shrugged, unrepentant.

“You’ll eventually thank me for telling him.”

Rowdy walked out of the back door as Cameron left the kitchen,

heading toward the living room. Taylor turned to him. “That was

“If it was meant to be, me telling Cameron won’t matter.” He

watched as Taylor went after his friend. Jeez, try and do a guy a solid
and that’s the thanks I get?

Sam checked his watch. The doctor was supposed to be coming

by soon to start Taylor on his birth control. Sam was aching to be with
his mate…and yes, he was damn sure that’s who Taylor was to him.
No one would convince him otherwise.

He’d been with his fair share of lovers and although the sex had

been good, none had made his bear react in any way. It was as if his
beast slept through the sex. But Taylor made his beast not only come
alive, but snap and snarl to get close to the human. Sam also felt a
deep connection to Taylor. He couldn’t explain it. When he’d gone on
the extraction mission with the others, a part of him had ached so
badly to be with Taylor that Sam had thought he was losing his mind.

Sam stared at the empty kitchen and wondered if he was making

the right choice. Was Taylor really willing to forgo children now or
had he said that because he knew how Sam felt? Sam yearned to give
Taylor anything the man wanted, but children…he just wasn’t ready
for them. Was that selfish of him? He wasn’t sure.

Colton ambled into the kitchen and grabbed a seat. He had a thin

file tucked under his arm. He dropped the file to the table and shook
his head. “You know how to pick ’em.”

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The legs of the chair scraped the floor as Sam sat forward. He set

his bowl of grapes aside. “Come again?”

Colton opened the file. “I checked Taylor’s phone records. Aside

from you and Cameron calling him, he had one other call while we
were away. The phone number is registered to a Todd Langer. Real
piece of fucking work.” Colton flipped a page over. “He’s wanted for
multiple counts of assault and battery, kidnapping, rape, and the list
goes on and on.”

Sam took one of the sheets from Colton and glanced over it. His

stomach turned over and tightened into a solid knot as he started to
get a good picture of the life Taylor had suffered through. Todd
Langer was the worst kind of degenerate. “Did you find out if he’s
heading this way?”

Colton shook his head as he flipped another sheet of paper over

and scanned its contents. “His phone GPS still has him in Nebraska.
The guy must have been playing mind games with Taylor. I don’t
think this Todd guy knows where Taylor is.”

“Then we need to make sure he stays ignorant.” Sam might be

easygoing, but he’d kill the son of a bitch if the guy came anywhere
near his mate. Hell, he might do society a favor and kill the guy
regardless. Todd Langer was a parasite, preying on the weak. Judging
by the way Taylor behaved, Todd used fear as a way of getting what
he wanted. But didn’t all bad guys use that method?

The thought sickened Sam.
“Taken care of.” Colton winked at him. “I called the local

sheriff’s department in Lincoln. You’ll never guess who works there.”

Sam shrugged.
“Cash Holloway.”
“No shit,” Sam said. Cash was a man who Sam and his unit had

rescued from enemy fire when they were in the service. The guy was
an ex-marine like them.

Colton nodded. “He was more than happy to repay us for saving

his life. I faxed the paperwork and Todd Langer’s GPS coordinates to

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Cash. He has the reports and, as of two hours ago, has Todd in
custody. He assures me that Mr. Langer won’t be victimizing anyone
else for a long time.”

Sam stood and wrapped his arm around Colton’s neck, giving him

a firm hug as he kissed the man’s head. “Good fucking job.”

Colton swung his arm up as he pulled away. “Kiss me again and

I’ll cut your damn dick off, you crazy bastard.”

Sam chuckled. The threat didn’t scare him. Nothing was going to

ruin his mood right now. Taylor was safe and that was all that
mattered to him. Sam hurried from the kitchen, found Taylor in the
living room, and threw his mate over his shoulder.

“What the hell?” Taylor asked loudly as Sam jogged up the stairs

to the second floor. They could find inventive ways to fool around
until the doctor arrived to discuss forms of birth control. But keeping
away from Taylor was killing him.

He kicked open his bedroom door, closed it, and then dropped

Taylor onto the bed. Sam grinned widely when Taylor backed up until
his back hit the headboard.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but—”
“It’s what’s about to get into you.” Sam winked at Taylor. He

started to undress and stilled. Something was…off. The hairs on the
back of his neck tried to creep down his spine. Nothing seemed out of
place, yet…

Sam stayed close to the bed as he scented the air. The balcony

doors were open but he didn’t remember leaving them open. His
bedroom was on the second floor. There were perimeter sensors all
around the property and Colton would’ve told him if one of them had
been tripped.

“Is there something wrong?” Taylor crawled to the edge of the

bed and scanned the room before looking up with a frown.

The room was lit only by the moonlight spilling through the open

balcony doors. There were heavy shadows in the corner. Sam took a

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deep, steadying breath. Nothing was lurking in the shadows. So why
was every instinct he possessed on full alert?

Sam stepped closer to the balcony doors. The sounds of cicadas

filled the night. There was a wind pulling at the tops of the tall trees,
but it never touched the ground. The heat whispering through the door
felt good on his air-conditioned skin. He scanned the backyard but all
he could see was the bunkhouse and the large stables off to the right.
The corrals were empty, the horses put away for the night.

As Sam turned to look at Taylor, something heavy struck him in

the back. He went sprawling across the floor and then flipped over to
stare up at a stranger. Where the fuck did he come from?

Taylor went statue still. His eyes rounded in horror but the man

didn’t move a muscle. Whoever the stranger was, he was aiming a
gun at Sam. Sam’s pulse quickened as he glanced from Taylor to the

The stranger’s eyes were wild but his aim was steady. “Come,


Taylor began to slip off the bed until Sam held up his hand.

“Don’t move, Taylor.”

Panic began to settle in Taylor’s pale-blue eyes as he looked from

the stranger to Sam and then back to the stranger. Taylor was
confused and scared and Sam was beyond pissed. With effortless
ease, Sam rolled into a crouching position.

The stranger tsked. “I wouldn’t try any heroics.”
Sam’s eyes flickered over to Taylor. “Angel, who is our guest?”
The moon showed Sam that Taylor’s breathing had become

shallow. Sweat was glistening on his skin as his eyes stayed riveted
on the stranger. “Todd.”

That was impossible. Cash had Todd Langer locked away in

Lincoln, Nebraska. The man could not be in two places at once. Had
Cash lied to Colton? It didn’t seem likely, but Sam wouldn’t put
anything past people these days.

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Todd’s eyes gleamed with hatred as he shot Taylor a withering

glare. “I did not give you permission to use my name.”

“Sorry, Sir.” Taylor’s eyes dropped and Sam wanted to tear a hole

through Todd. The bastard appeared smug when he looked at Sam.

“You’re not taking him out of here,” Sam said. “He doesn’t

belong to you. He doesn’t belong to anybody but himself.”

Todd shrugged and seemed unrepentant. “My contract says


Sam crouched there breathing, trying to figure out how to get

Taylor away from this lunatic. The man would have time to get one
shot off before Sam took him down. He just didn’t want that shot to
end up in Taylor. Helplessness crept over him. It was the one emotion
that Sam feared most.

“I don’t want to go.” Taylor’s voice was so soft that it was barely


Todd laughed, high and wild, like wind chimes in a storm. “You

have no choice, boy. You will do whatever I command or you will
suffer the consequences.”

Sam stared at that thin, unpleasant face. His chest was tight with

the urge to rush the guy. If he could take Todd by surprise, maybe he
would catch a bullet in his leg instead of his head. Shifter or human, a
bullet to the head was a death sentence.

Taylor slipped from the bed.
“Taylor, don’t.” Sam rose to his full height. “Take back your life,

angel. Fear is his only power over you. Show him that you’re not

“He has a gun,” Taylor stated. “I think I’m allowed to be afraid

right now.”

With his free hand, Todd snapped his fingers and pointed to the

empty spot next to him.

Taylor took a step forward.
“Taylor,” Sam said.

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“He won’t listen to you,” Todd said. His voice was light, as if

amused. “He knows what I’ll do to him if he disobeys.”

“The answer is out there, Taylor, and it’s looking for you, and it

will find you if you want it to,” Sam said.

Todd shook his head. “That makes absolutely no sense.” He

looked over at Taylor. “Don’t make me tell you twice. Get over here.”

“I’ve already found it,” Taylor said. His voice cracked but it held

firm. “It was you, Sam. It was you that I was searching for.”

Sam’s heart burst with pride when Taylor jutted his chin out and

stared directly at Todd. “I don’t belong to you.”

Todd swung around and aimed the gun at Taylor.
Sam rushed the man. A shot rang out in the room as Sam took the

man down. They both shifted at the same time. Claws and teeth tore
into skin as their large bodies crashed into furniture, knocking things
over as they both fought for Taylor. But Sam was fighting for his
mate’s freedom. Todd was fighting for the right to own the human.

Another shot rang out and Todd stilled, gazed angrily at Sam, and

then slumped to the floor. Sam turned to see Taylor holding the gun,
his shoulder bloody, his hands shaking.

Sam shifted. “It’s okay, Taylor. It’s me, Sam.” He spoke to Taylor

as if he were a frightened child. “Put the gun down, angel.”

The bedroom door crashed open. Colton and T-Rex stood there,

weapons aimed. They both appeared stunned as they took in the

Sam held his hand up to stop the two from entering. “It’s fine,

guys,” he said slowly, softly. “Taylor was just taking back his life.”

Taylor’s eyes filled with tears as the gun wavered in his hand.
“You did it,” Cameron’s voice sounded from the hallway. “You

beat him, Taylor. He won’t ever come after you again.”

Sam took a step forward, trusting that Taylor wouldn’t shoot him.

“You’re in shock, Taylor. It’s fine. I’m right here. I’m not going

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Taylor began to cry. Sam knew how hard it was to take a life,

even if the person deserved it. The gun fell to the floor and Sam
closed the distance, pulling Taylor into his arms. “You were so brave,
my little goth angel. So damn brave.”

Taylor fell apart in Sam’s arms as Sam pulled Taylor toward the

bed, cradling his mate. He rocked Taylor, speaking softly and
soothingly. He wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, but the
next thing he knew, Sparrow was entering the room.

“Self-defense,” Sam said as he tightened his arms around Taylor.
Sparrow nodded toward the dead body. Todd had shifted back

once he died. “That the man you said was coming after Taylor?”

Sam nodded. He sat there and told Sparrow what had happened

and why Taylor had had no choice but to shoot Todd.

“How in the hell am I supposed to file this report?” Sparrow said,

more to himself than anyone else. “Two bears were fighting and one
was shot?”

“You could leave the bear part out,” Sam said.
“Guess I could.” Sparrow stepped aside as the coroner came in

and took the body away. Taylor hadn’t said a word. He stayed buried
in Sam’s arms.

“Your mate?” Sparrow asked.
“He is,” Sam stated with pride.
“Take him into one of the guest rooms,” Colton said. “We’ll need

to get this mess cleaned up. He doesn’t need to see it.”

“My question is,” Sam said, “how in the hell was Todd here when

Cash said he had the man in custody?”

“I was coming up to tell you that when I heard the shot,” Colton

said. “Cash did a little more digging. Seems Todd had a twin named
Ted. It’s Ted who is sitting in jail right now. He had Todd’s phone
and confessed to their plan once Cash put the heat on him. He also
confessed to helping his twin in some of his crimes. He won’t be
getting out anytime soon.”

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Sam felt as if he could finally breathe. He glanced down at Taylor

who was watching everything with a sort of detachment. “You hear
that, angel? You’re safe.”

The light finally flickered back on in Taylor’s eyes and he looked

up at Sam. “Thank you.” He reached up and kissed Sam on the cheek.
“For everything.”

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Chapter Ten

It had been two weeks since Todd had come after him. Taylor

stood between the open balcony doors, watching as the sun began to
rise over the white-capped mountains. Cameron had moved back
home, but Sam had asked Taylor to stay and Taylor had.

“What are you doing up so early?” Sam asked as he moved in

behind Taylor and wrapped his strong arms around him.

Taylor leaned back, resting his head against Sam’s chest.

“Couldn’t sleep.”

He left out the part where he tossed and turned all night because

he had a hard and naked body next to him. Although Taylor had been
sleeping in Sam’s bed every night, the man had yet to make a move
on him. Taylor wasn’t sure if it was because of the recent trauma he’d
been through. Maybe Sam felt that Taylor needed time.

He was tired of waiting. Taylor wanted a piece of Sam in the

worst sort of way. He turned in his mate’s arms and gave Sam what
he hoped was a seductive look.

“Something in your eye?” Sam asked. “It keeps twitching.”
Although Taylor was well versed in the art of sex—something he

wasn’t going to brag about—he’d never been any good at flirting.
Cameron once described Taylor’s attempts as resembling a nervous
tic. He jerked and winked, and once some guy had mistaken Taylor’s
come-hither looks as a seizure.

“I’m winking at you, idiot.” Taylor smacked at Sam’s chest.

“Don’t you know flirting when you see it?”

“Yeah.” Sam smiled. “But that wasn’t flirting. That was a muscle

spasm under your eye.”

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Taylor tried to pretend he was offended, but Sam’s smile melted

his heart. He struggled with the words, feeling his pulse skyrocket as
he went over them in his head.

“What is it?” Sam asked. “You know I was only teasing you.”
“I—” Taylor licked his lips and tried again. “I wanted to thank

you for everything you’ve done for me. For not only showing me that
one person can change another’s outlook, but for facing off with a
lunatic with a gun in order to help me retake my life. You make me
want to laugh all the time. I can’t stop smiling whenever I’m near you
or just thinking about you. I look forward to every day and wonder
what other things we can get into without doing serious bodily harm.”
He lowered his eyes. “I love you, Sam.”

Sam cupped his cheek. “That was the most long-winded, sweetest

thing anyone’s ever said to me.” He kissed Taylor softly on the lips.
“I love you, too, angel.”

Sam grabbed Taylor’s hand and led him back to the bed. “And let

me show you what else we can get into without causing bodily harm.”

Taylor shook as Sam lifted the large shirt over his head. Taylor

loved sleeping in Sam’s shirts and had done so every night since first
moving in.

The heated breeze from the open balcony doors skimmed over

Taylor as Sam lowered him to the bed. Sam moved closer until Taylor
felt the warm brush of the man’s chest pressed against his. Then Sam
started kissing him softly, tenderly. And that’s when the electrical
storm moving around his body started sending all interest south.

Taylor whimpered into the man’s mouth as he arched into him, his

nipples brushing against a wall of hard flesh. Sam lifted Taylor’s legs
and pressed the blunt head of his cock against Taylor’s entrance.

He’d been on the pill for two weeks. Taylor felt it safe to have

unprotected sex. He wasn’t going to get pregnant. Not that he’d
shelved the idea, but right now both of them had issues they needed to
work out.

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This wasn’t the first time he’d been with a bear. But it was so

damn different with Sam. The man was tender, loving, and he gazed
at Taylor as if he hung the moon and stars for Sam.

Taylor dug his nails into Sam’s chest, breathing past the pain as

Sam breached him. Sam’s hips began to move, his thick length
stretching Taylor wide as Sam pulled back and then thrust inside of

Sam broke the kiss and then buried his face in Taylor’s neck. “Son

of a bitch,” he whispered as he slid his hands under Taylor’s buttocks
and lifted Taylor a little higher. A rumbled growl vibrated in the
shifter’s chest as Sam leaned back onto his legs and stared down at
Taylor. “Shit, Taylor, shit.” His hands pulled free and Taylor glanced
down to see Sam’s hand smoothing over Taylor’s stomach, and then
his fingers were at Taylor’s cock.

Taylor threw his head back and cried out his mate’s name. That

seemed to be some sort of trigger because Sam’s thrusts deepened and
a wild growl sounded in the room. The pressure was building. Taylor
grabbed for Sam and Sam fell forward, taking Taylor’s mouth,
sending Taylor to the brink of madness. Taylor’s legs came up and
tried to wrap around Sam’s waist but the man was too damn thick, so
all he could do was leave them hanging on the man’s hips as his mate
rode him hard.

“I love you,” Sam moaned. The heat built higher, hotter. Taylor’s

body was inflamed as they slid along each other.

“Sam.” He cried the man’s name. Sam glanced down at Taylor,

and his expression was dark, feral, making Taylor lick his dry lips as
Sam’s canines slowly elongated. He was in heaven. He shook beneath
his mate’s hard stare, so aroused now, pushed so far past reality that
he just didn’t give a damn. “Bite me.”

Sam grazed the points of his teeth over Taylor’s shoulder and

Taylor clutched the back of his head. “Do it.”

“Hold on to me, angel.”

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Taylor’s hands gripped his mate’s shoulders as he felt the thick

length of Sam’s cock press deeper inside of his body. “Sam, please.”

“I love hearing you beg.” Sam’s voice was strained, sounding as if

he was holding on to one last thread of control.

Taylor forgot what he was thinking as the delicious burn filled

him, reminding Taylor that Sam was deep inside of him. He writhed
beneath the shifter as Sam leaned back, his eyes going to where their
bodies were connecting.

“Looks good, doesn’t it? Me sliding in and out of you like this?”

he asked. Taylor looked up to see Sam watching him. They were in
the throes of sex, yet he could feel his skin blushing with heat. Sam
gave a soft chuckle. “So pretty.”

“My body…I can’t take it. Please, Sam, please.” He convulsed

underneath the man, fighting for release.

Sam began to fuck him with hard, deep lunges that had Taylor

crying out his name as he felt each thrust stretching him, caressing
him. Sam pushed him headlong into a flight to ecstasy, his cock
powering into Taylor, filling him, stoking the already-blistering heat

Taylor’s stomach tightened, rippled, convulsed, and then his eyes

widened as his vision blurred. The muscles of Taylor’s ass clamped
down onto Sam’s cock as he exploded. He twisted beneath his mate as
mindless pleasure tore through him.

“Taylor…god…baby…” Deep, hard, his thrusts quickened as

Taylor felt spurts of cum deep inside his ass. It triggered another
explosion that left Taylor gasping, fighting for breath as he writhed
beneath Sam’s powerful body.

He whimpered as he closed his eyes.
“Oh, no, my little goth angel. I’m not done with you yet.”
Taylor’s eyes snapped open. He couldn’t believe Sam was still

seated inside of Taylor, still rock hard.

Sam pulled his cock from Taylor’s ass, turned Taylor over to his

stomach, and then slid back inside.

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“This time we take it slow.”
Slow was good. Taylor wasn’t sure he could take more of the all-

consuming fire that had just ripped his body apart. Sam’s hands slid
over his back, and then he leaned his muscular frame over Taylor to
lay soft kisses down his spine. Taylor moaned. Feeling Sam’s hands
on his body, his cock pushing deep inside of his ass was like heaven.

Taylor had never expected to find someone like Sam. He never

thought he’d find happiness. After the hell he’d endured, Taylor had
resigned himself to a half-life. Now all he wanted was for Sam to
make love to him for the rest of his life.

All thoughts fled when Sam eased him onto his hands and knees.

He trembled with pleasure when Sam reached under Taylor and
gripped his erection, stroking Taylor’s cock as he rocked back and
forth, his shaft grazing over sensitive nerve endings.

“Your body fits me so perfectly,” Sam said as he nipped Taylor on

the shoulder.

Rocking his body back and impaling his ass on Sam’s shaft,

Taylor lost himself in the sensual desires heating up inside of his
body. He wasn’t sure if slow and torturous was any better than fast
and explosive.

It seemed no matter how Sam took him, he made Taylor burn on

the inside. This buildup was like a slow-burning fire, eating away at
Taylor’s sanity as he thrust back, groaning at the feel of his mate’s
thick cock filling him.

“That’s it, angel. Fuck me.” Sam’s hand began to move faster at

Taylor’s cock as his thrusts deepened, becoming quicker.

Taylor clawed at the sheets, his legs spreading a little wider, his

hips rotating as Sam plunged inside of his ass. “Make me come,

The man gave a low growl as he sped up, his cock pounding into

Taylor’s body as he released Taylor’s cock and grabbed his hips
instead. He lowered his shoulders, rocking his head back and forth,
trying his best to just let go.

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He cried out when Sam’s canines sank into his skin. Taylor had

never felt closer to anyone than he did to Sam, and he never wanted to
lose that feeling.

Sam licked the wound, whispering in Taylor’s ear, “You’re my

angel and I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.”

Just when he thought he would go insane, Taylor’s body

shattered, his mind reeled, and his heartbeat sped up so fast that he
became dizzy.

Sam howled from behind Taylor, his movements becoming

uncoordinated as his seed filled Taylor once more. He gave a few
more thrusts before slowing, his breathing ragged.

Sam pulled Taylor up and into his arms, nuzzling his neck as soft

purrs rumbled through his chest. Taylor fought to breathe normally as
Sam slowly pulled his softening cock from Taylor’s swollen ass.

Something settled inside Taylor, destroying the chains that had

bound him for so long. He felt free, giddy, and so in love that it hurt.
Sam had seduced him not with words, but with his honesty, kindness,
and boyish brand of humor that Taylor would always treasure.

Sam was his knight in shining armor. Taylor would just have to

watch out for the guy’s foot when he mounted his noble steed.





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Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but

lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to
find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

For all titles by Lynn Hagen, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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