An Introduction To Swirl and Daisy FGB by M81170

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An Introduction To Swirl & Daisy FGB Outtake

BY M81170


“I had dreamt of this moment every day for the past three months. It was

supposed to be wonderful. It was supposed to be perfect. My mother was not

supposed to disrupt us, and start talking about stains on my bed sheets.

I guess you can’t get everything you wish for.”


Disclaimer: Any Twilight characters that may appear in this story belong to
Stephenie Meyer. The remainder is my original work. No reproduction is allowed
without my written consent.


Cockblocking Index:

1. The Mother in the Bedroom with the First Kiss

2. The Grandmother in the Movie Room with the Hickey

3. The Best Friend in the Janitor’s Closet with the Boob Grope

4. The Father in the Volvo with the Dry Hump

5. The Chief in the Twin-Sized Bed with the Sexing

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1. The Mother in the Bedroom with the First Kiss

December 23, 2001


At times, I wished I was a Mirkwood Elf that would live and endless existence in the
Undying Lands. I could spend the rest of eternity trying to unravel the secrets of
the most interesting and complex creature on earth – Isabella Marie Swan.

Just moments ago she had bestowed upon me the most incredible gift imaginable –
an authentic replica of Aragorn‘s sword. She had giggled delightedly as I
brandished the weapon and had even convinced me to give her a penny to fend off
the bad luck that might accompany a gift with edges sharp enough to cut a

She was now sitting on the bench of the bay window in my bedroom, nervously
picking at a piece of imaginary lint on her jeans. I was desperately curious to
understand her sudden change in demeanor.

―I have one more thing for you,‖ she whispered. Though she maintained eye
contact, I could tell she was tense. I tried to at least appear patient and gave her
an encouraging nod to proceed.

―You wouldn‘t be Aragorn,‖ she began, reaching into the pocket of her hoodie, ―if
you didn‘t have Arwen‘s Evenstar.‖

My breath caught at the sight. It was crafted in sterling silver with genuine
Swarovski crystal stone placed at its core. Retail value: $129.00. I would know
that necklace anywhere.

―Only, it isn‘t Arwen‘s Evenstar I‘m giving you.‖

I looked up from the trinket and my stomach dropped. Was she telling me I wasn‘t
worthy of such a gift?

―I‘m offering mine, if you want it.‖

I tried to think of something to say, but every phrase and word that came to mind
was inadequate to describe the utter adoration and gratitude I felt for the girl
sitting in front of me.

In the books, Arwen‘s last name was Undomiel which translates to Evenstar in
Quenyan. Technically speaking, the Evenstar never existed but became a movie
prop created as a visual metaphor to represent Arwen‘s imminent mortality and the
love she felt for Aragorn.

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The pendant was essentially her heart and soul. . . and Bella was offering it to me.

―Bella,‖ I breathed. Her eyes met mine and I was lost to the emotions I saw there.
She would never be able to comprehend how quickly and completely she had
captured my heart.

I had always been content to be who I was, not necessarily happy, but accepting
and grateful of my lot in life. I didn‘t have friends at school because no one there
seemed to understand me. And yet, I was all right with that – I had many interests
to keep me busy and my parents to love and keep me company.

My mom even took the job as the Yearbook teacher at school so that I could have a
place to go to and someone to hang out with during lunch. We kept it a secret
because despite how much I pretended I didn‘t care about what people thought
about me, I couldn‘t deny to myself that I did.

But then an angel walked through the door of Yearbook class. As cliché as it might
sound, I knew she was different the moment I saw her. I could see all the small
things that made her stand out, but I felt the way my sour soared. It knew it had
found its mate.

How fitting, that she had chosen this necklace as a symbol of her affection. That
day, I had thought of her as my personal Evening Star, guiding me to her through
the darkness.

My hand had twitched to reach out and touch her and make sure she was not a
perfect illusion, conjured up by my imagination. Sitting with her now as she held
the pendant in front of me, I was tempted to touch her once more, unconvinced
she wasn‘t a dream.

―This was a stupid idea,‖ Bella said suddenly, snapping me from my stupor. Like an
idiot, I‘d been staring at her for God knew how long, not saying a word about how
much I loved and appreciated her gift. Now she was pulling away as if she were
going to leave.

―Wait!‖ I shouted, grabbing her hand in panic. I gently rubbed the soft skin on the
inside of her wrist and watched her eyes widen, something akin to hope shining
from their depths.

And then I knew.

Bella was real. She was sitting in front of me, letting me hold her hand. She had
given me a gift that represented her heart just seconds ago.

She liked me.

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A newfound confidence followed that realization and I knew exactly what I wanted
to do. I had read about moments like this in books, plays, and Teen Vogue but had
never experienced it for myself. I took a deep breath and tried to remember the
eight steps to a perfect first kiss. I needed this to be. . . well, perfect so that Bella
would never forget me.

Step 1: Look into your partners eyes.

I was already gazing into Bella‘s eyes but I wasn‘t sure if I was doing it correctly.
She looked a little confused – was that a good thing or a bad thing?

Step 2: Smile.

I didn‘t think I was capable of a smile. I was to nervous that Bella was going to
reject my advances. I skipped this step and moved on to the next.

Step 3: Lean in closer.

I tried to lean in smoothly, but my anticipation got the better of me, causing the
movement to be jerky and abrupt. This was not going well. I let my eyes flicker to
her lips, hoping that she would understand what I was trying to do without me
having to say it.

For a moment, I wondered if I should ask her permission to kiss her, even though
that wasn‘t one of the steps. But then I looked back into her eyes and she didn‘t
seem to be confused anymore. In fact, she was leaning toward me as well.

Step 4: Engage in light touching.

I was still holding her hand. Did that count? I decided yes.

Step 5: Tilt you head, Step 6: Close—

I quickly reviewed the rest of the article and cracked a smile at my own
ridiculousness. Here I, Edward Cullen, was about to kiss Bella Swan, and I was
reciting a list of steps in my head. There had been no mention of the way my
breathing would accelerate of how my heart felt like it would pound right out of my
chest. It seemed preposterous that specific actions could overshadow the
perfection of what I was feeling.

Fuck that list. I‘d make my own rules.

―Amin mela lle,‖ I whispered softly, needing her to know how much I loved her
before I closed the gap between us.

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A feeling of such elation filled me as I kissed her. It was every bit as perfect as I
had always imagined, and as I pulled away, I probably had the most absurd smile
on my face.

―That was wonderful. Just as I always imagined it would be!‖ I said, unable to
contain my excitement.


―Yes,‖ I hurried to assure, worried that she couldn‘t see how thrilled I was. I
hesitated only a second before saying, ―Can, um, can we do it again?‖

She nodded her head and leaned in. My heart skipped a beat at her eagerness, and
I ducked down to reconnect my lips with hers. I would have ignored the knock on
my bedroom door if Bella hadn‘t pulled away with an alarmed look on her face.

―Edward, honey, some of the stains on your bed sheets weren‘t coming out, so I
went and—―

―Mom!‖ I shouted, cutting her off.

There was a moment where everything was still and I could see Bella putting the
pieces together in her head. I had meant to tell Bella the truth about our Yearbook
teacher, but there hadn‘t been a right time. I was just so used to keeping it a
secret. Certainly she‘d understand the teasing and mockery that would come from

Then there was the accompanying horror in what my mom had revealed upon her
entry. Damn my bed sheets to hell! Why couldn‘t she have been washing my t-
shirts? I prayed Bella hadn‘t heard anything. She had just found out my mother‘s
identity; she did not need to know the state of my bed sheets (or how they got that

And for all my distress, I couldn‘t decide which was worse— the vague spotlight on
my nighttime activities or that Bella might be hurt by my keeping something so
important from her.

―What‘s wrong with your bed sheets?‖

I choked. ―Excuse me?‖ I tried to turn my mind off. I didn‘t want to have this
conversation in my head. Not only was it damaging to my psyche but I was
missing the true discussion between Bella and my mother. Galadriel only knew
what they were actually talking about.

―What is wrong with your bed sheets?‖ she repeated slowly. ―Why are there stains
on them?‖

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―Bella, he as wet dreams,‖ my mother said sweetly from the door.

I knew I was hallucinating— a stressful situation like this would be enough to send
anyone into a catatonic episode. Oh god, why did I have such a dramatic

―What‘s a wet dream?‖ Bella asked innocently.

―Don‘t you dare,‖ I warned my mother under my breath.

She didn‘t seem to hear me. In fact, I didn‘t seem to be in the room at all.
―Edward gets sexually aroused when he‘s sleeping and ejaculates semen onto his
bed sheets.‖

It felt like my chest was imploding. Somewhere in reality, Bella and my mom were
having a conversation. I prayed desperately that it didn‘t sound anything like what
was going on in my head.

―This is most likely the result of a lack of masturbation,‖ she continued. ―Carlisle
had been trying to tell Edward that it‘s only natural to touch himself, and he seems
to be warming up to the idea. It‘d certainly save me an arm and a leg on laundry
detergent,‖ she finished with a laugh.

―Well, I‘m just going to leave this here,‖ my mom said, setting the laundry basket
down on the floor. ―Carlisle and I are both just right next door if you need us.‖

I blinked a few times. That last part was definitely my mother‘s actual voice – I
hadn‘t imagined that up but I couldn‘t get the vision of my own personal nightmare
to stop playing on repeat in my head.

“. . . been trying to tell Edward . . .only natural to touch himself . . .seems to be
warming up to the idea . . .”

―Oh, and Bella? Don‘t give him too hard of a time. It‘s never easy being the
teacher‘s kid.‖

She walked out the door and there was silence. Too much silence. I should say
something to Bella, explain to her why I hadn‘t told her – about my mother, not my
bed sheets – but my mind was still trying to wrap itself around the collision of my
two worlds.

She huffed in annoyance, stood up, and started gathering her things. ―Where are
you going?‖

―I‘m leaving,‖ she replied in an agitated voice.

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The thought of Bella leaving devastated me. She couldn‘t go, not yet. ―Wait! I can
explain!‖ I jumped up from the seat and grabbed the photo album out of her
hands. Just a few minutes ago she had sat by my bay window, smiling beautifully
as she looked through our pictures – surely she wouldn‘t leave them behind.

―How, Edward? It‘s been months and you never bothered to explain anything!‖ she
snapped. She didn‘t understand. Was it so awful for me to want to pretend to be

―How can I trust you if you won‘t trust me?‖

She tried to snatch the photo album back from me, but knocked it out of my arms
when I refused to give it up. She looked down at it for a moment, her eyes filling
with tears, before she fled my bedroom without even a second glance behind her.

I stood there, stagnant for what felt like an eternity. ―It was never about trust, I
whispered to now one in particular.

2. The Grandmother in the Movie Room with the Hickey

February 28, 2003


―I love you.‖

―I love you, too,‖ she replied, grasping the front of my t-shirt and drawing me back
to her mouth.

It was true what people said about breaking up. Though I would never put myself
through that kind of terrifying misery again, it did have one upside. . . and that
would be the constant trips Bella and I had made to the movie room over the past
two weeks.

―But I really love you, I murmured between kisses.

―I really love you, too.‖

And also, now that I had finally told her how deep my affection for her ran in
English, I could tell her I loved her as many times as I wanted.

―But I really, really love you.‖


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―Just shut up and kiss me.‖

Okay, maybe not as many times as I wanted.

I happily complied with her request, deepening our kiss further. We‘d been at it for
quite a while already. I figured we were just making up for the time we had lost
during the most terrible week of my existence. I had missed her so much, and I
instinctively hugged her closer to me at the mere thought of losing her again. She
was the one thing in my world I couldn‘t live without.

I drew away, and was stunned by her beauty. Bella was breathing heavily through
lips that were slightly swollen, her cheeks were flushed, and her once silky hair now
fell in tangles around her shoulders.

Ever since our first embarrassing ―poking‖ incident, I had become more comfortable
letting Bella feel my reaction to her. She made it clear that she didn‘t mind. As a
matter of fact, I imagined she kind of liked that she made me feel that way. It was
only fair that, in return, I should be able to feel her reaction toward me. I reached
out my hand and placed it over her heart, closing my eyes to better feel it pounding
wildly under my palm.

―Can I ask you a question?‖

―Of course,‖ she said.

―Am I— Was I the first person that ever got to touch you like this?‖

She looked taken aback by my inquiry. ―Of course, Edward. Didn‘t you know
that?‖ She paused. ―Wait a minute. Am I your firs—?‖

―Absolutely,‖ I said quickly before the seed of doubt had a chance to blossom in her
mind. I leaned up and placed a kiss on her forehead. ―You were the first girl I ever
took on a date.‖ I kissed her cheek. ―You were the first girl I held hands with.‖ I
brushed my lips against hers. ―You were the first girl I ever kissed,‖ I whispered.

―I have to admit I like that,‖ she murmured.

Something tightened in the pit of my stomach at her words. I liked it as well. I
liked that I was the first and only person to have my hands on her this way, to have
my lips on hers and to have my tongue taste her sweetness.

I brought my lips to hers a second time, and then a third. With each kiss, I grew
more fierce, more passionate, and she responded in kind.

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As the need to breath became more imminent, I pulled away from her lips and
began trailing light kisses along her jaw. ―Do you trust me?‖ I asked as I made my
way down to her neck.

―It depends on the day,‖ she replied breathlessly.

―What about today?‖ I inquired as I found a particularly sweet part of her neck.

―Definitely, she responded with not even a hint of hesitation in her voice. I easily
noted her physical reaction to what my mouth was doing to her. Her breathing
picked up and a shiver ran down her spine. I had planned to move further down
her neck, but her response to the kissing, nipping and sucking had me completely
enamored. Still, if I didn‘t moved soon, I‘d end up leaving a mark on her.

But maybe that wasn‘t such a bad thing. I couldn‘t deny that the idea of leaving
something of myself on her skin was very appealing. Something that told everyone
she had someone who loved her and adored her – and told all other boys to back
the hell off because she was my girl.

I‘d like to see Daniel Radcliffe give her a hickey all the way from England.

―Can I try something?‖ I asked, not exactly sure what the protocol was when asking
your girlfriend if you could give her a hickey.

―Anything,‖ she mumbled. ―Just don‘t stop.‖

That was a green light if I had ever heard one. I took a deep breath and briefly
thought about the technical aspects of giving a hickey. I had researched it
thoroughly and it essentially entailed sucking the blood to the surface of her neck.

I tried not to think of vampires as I attached my lips to her sweet spot. They were
grotesque, evil creatures. Well, except for Angel. Angel had a soul where others of
his kind did not. Angel loved Buffy with all his heart. I could totally do this if I
thought of myself as Angel.

I made sure to be patient and attentive so as not to hurt Bella. I took my time
sucking, then gently biting, and kissing her neck. The way she threaded her fingers
through my hair told me I was succeeding in my endeavor.

I pulled back briefly and glanced at my handiwork, pleased to see I was making

I had just refastened my lips to her neck when I heard a positively intentional
―Ahem!‖ from above us.

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I froze. I had heard that noise way too many times in my life to not recognize its
dissatisfied owner. Grandma Evans was not pleased.

―Edward, dear, please be a doll and detach your lips from Bella‘s throat.‖

I groaned and rested my forehead where my lips had been. She could not be

―Can I do something for you?‖ I asked, briskly. I knew I was being rude, but it was
a general rule in our house that when Bella and I were in the movie room, we
wanted to be left alone.

She smiled sweetly at me. ―Just scoot over a little, dear.‖

I gawked at her for a second before turning to Bella, who was looking at Grandma
Evans in absolute terror. I took a deep breath and moved to the other end of the
couch, hoping that going along with my grandma‘s wishes would make this a little
easier for her.

I stared at her in shock when she turned around an plopped herself right between
the two of us. I wiggled uncomfortably, scooting even further away from her.
There were several things wrong with this situation. I grabbed a pillow from next
to me and set it in my lap to cover up the, uh, hardest problem.

An awkward silence settled over the three of us and I shot another glance over to
Bella. She looked like she was on the verge of passing out.

―I know you love Bella, but do you respect her?‖ my grandma asked me.

―Yes, absolutely,‖ I responded, annoyed that she would think otherwise.

―And Bella,‖ she continued, turning towards her, ―Do you respect yourself?‖

―Yes,‖ she answered after a moment‘s hesitation. The anger I had initially felt
toward my grandma for interrupting our intimate moment intensified as I realized
just how uncomfortable she was making Bella.

―Did you have a point?‖ I pressed, wanting to get this over with quickly and ease
Bella‘s worries, and to possibly get back to my earlier ministrations.

She sighed. ―Look, Edward, I get it. You‘re young, in love, and a hormonal ticking
time bomb. But despite what your wee-wee tells you, Bella is not a possession.‖

I nearly choked on my own tongue at my grandma‘s casual reference to my penis.
And was also a little insulted – there was nothing ―wee‖ about it.

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―How is a hickey and different from my Evenstar?‖ I argued. ―Everyone who‘s
anyone knows that I‘m taken because of it.‖

―Yes, but you choose to wear it. Bella doesn‘t force it on to you.‖

―But he didn‘t,‖ Bella said, no longer looking afraid as she tried to defend me. I
appreciated the gesture but there was no way that sweet, innocent Bella could have
known what my intentions were.

My grandma turned to Bella. ―Bella, you are such a lovely young woman. As a
lady, you need to carry yourself with a sense of pride. You deserve to be valued
and worshiped. Honored and admired.‖

Bella looked like she wanted to say something more, but settled for glaring at the
back of my grandma‘s head as she turned to me.

―As for you,‖ she nudged me on the shoulder, ―I expect you to do everything in
your power to appreciate, love and respect her. Do you understand?‖

I nodded weakly, realizing for the first time that maybe my grandmother did have a
point. Bella wasn‘t a walking billboard for our relationship. She wasn‘t mine to

―Don‘t look so solemn, Edward,‖ she said with a smirk. ―You‘re young. You‘re
supposed to make mistakes. I‘m old and all-knowing. I‘m here to tell you what to

She gave me a small pat on my knee before standing up. ―I‘ll see the two of you at

She left us alone after that, but I kind of wished she hadn‘t. How could I
adequately apologize to Bella for what I had done to her? I took a deep breath and
looked at her on the opposite end of the couch. She had her arms crossed over her
chest and she was looking away from me. I felt another pang of guilt in my heart.
She must be so angry with me.

―I‘m very sorry,‖ I said quietly. ―I never meant to treat you that way. I promise I‘ll
never do it again.‖

She looked over at me, her face crestfallen. ―You won‘t? she asked with so much
disappointment in her voice my heart almost broke.

I shook my head, not quite understanding her distress.

―But I liked it.‖

―You did?‖ I choked out, my voice barely a squeak.

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It was at this moment that I needed to make a decision. W.W.A.D? Would Angel,
when faced with this dilemma, choose Buffy‘s desire of Buffy‘s wellbeing? As much
as I wanted to give into Bella‘s pout, I had to do the right thing. ―I‘m sorry, Bella.
The next symbol of our love that you will wear will be your wedding ring.‖

―Stop being so moral. It‘s annoying.‖

I smiled. She totally dug the moral thing. ―I love you.‖

―Why can‘t you just give me what I want?‖

But she could be so stubborn at times. ―I really love you.‖



―Just shut up and kiss me.‖

3. The Best Friend in the Janitor’s Closet with the Boob Grope

June 8, 2005


―You know, I‘m not sure we‘ve seen everything this school has to offer,‖ said Bella
as we cleaned out her locker. ―I mean, we‘re officially seniors as of twenty minutes
ago, and yet, I don‘t feel as if we‘ve explored every facet, every nook and cranny of
this school.‖

I laughed, passing her the last of her notebooks to stick in her backpack. ―Bella, in
case you haven‘t noticed, this school is miniscule. I don‘t think there‘s much more
we haven‘t seen.‖

I did one last scan of her locker to make sure we got everything before shutting the
door and turning to Bella. She was scanning the halls, now desolate from the
students vacating the school as soon as the final bell had rung for summer break.
Bella had left cleaning out her locker to the last minute, declaring a premature case
of Senioritis as the motive. I didn‘t believe that for a moment, and watching her
now, I grew even more suspicious.

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She seemed to find what she was looking for and grabbed my hand, pulling me
down to the other end of the hall. ―for instance,‖ she said, coming to stop in front
of a door, ―we haven‘t seen what is inside this room.‖

She had clearly lost her mind. ―That‘s because it‘s the janitor‘s closet,‖ I said

―I don‘t think it is,‖ she argued.

―Of course it is. That‘s why there‘s a sign that says ‗Janitor‘s Closet‘ on the door,‖ I
pointed out, wondering exactly where she was going with this.

―Hmm. . .‖ She seemed to consider that for a moment. ―I think they just put that
sign up to deceive the students.‖

―Okay, what are you up to?‖ Bella liked to play games, and it was best to just ask
her outright than get caught in her ever-scheming brain. It never really made a
difference, though – I normally gave her what she wanted. At least this way I
knew what was coming.

―I think we should explore it.‖

―Bella, that‘s insane.‖

―Why? It‘s not like there‘s anyone around to catch us,‖ she reasoned.

―Yes, right now the hall is clear. But who‘s to say a student won‘t come by that
forgot to grab something out of his locker,‖ I argued, ―or, God forbid, the janitor
won‘t stop by to pick up his cleaning supplies.‖

―I thought I already told you this wasn‘t a janitor‘s closet,‖ she said stubbornly.

―Bella, we just finished junior year. I‘d rather not get kicked out before senior year

―Then we‘ll just have to be really quiet,‖ she whispered before taking a few steps
further to the closet door. When had she turned into a raving lunatic? And more
importantly, why had she turned into a raving lunatic? ―Aren‘t you coming?‖ she
asked with a playful grin.

I let out a huff of annoyance and followed her. Raving lunatic or not, I still loved
the girl ridiculous amounts.

―You first,‖ Bella said as I joined her at the door.

―Um, no. This is your crazy, random whim. You go first.‖

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She turned to look at me with a tiny pout on her lips. ―Please? Please, Edward?‖

Oh she was pulling out the big guns now. I looked down at her sweet, innocent,
pleading eyes. I didn‘t get it, but I figured that if she wanted this so bad, I might
as well give it to her. She‘d probably make it up to me later. . . in the movie room.

―Okay, okay, okay,‖ I consented, opening the door and walking in. I rolled my eyes
as I took in my surroundings. It was a janitor‘s closet.

I heard the door shut behind me and fell into complete darkness. At first, I thought
that Bella had shut me in here by myself and my eye twitched in annoyance. But
then a dim overhead light bulb flickered on, and I could see Bella standing in front
of me with the same mischievous glint in her eye I had seen literally hundreds of
times over the past four years.

Ah. She wanted to make out. In a janitor‘s closet, for some reason, but who was I
to deny the girl what she wanted?

I didn‘t say a word as I crossed the short distance to where she was standing and
captured her lips with mine. She responded vehemently and wrapped her arms
around my neck, a tiny smile infused in her kiss.

Things escalated rather quickly, as they normally did these days. Bella seemed to
be growing more and more impatient with the slow pace we were taking in our
physical relationship, and she was constantly pushing my limits of self-control. She
was sly about it, though. Most of the time I didn‘t even realize she was doing it
until we had already begun (read: making out in the janitor‘s closet). This was one
of her more creative ventures.

―I know what you‘re doing,‖ I whispered against her lips. ―And it‘s not going to

―It‘s already working.‖

―When did you become so devious?‖ I asked with a soft chuckle, gently gliding my
fingers up and down her waist.

―I don‘t know what you‘re talking about,‖ she said innocently.

―Of course you do,‖ I countered almost inaudibly. She knew exactly what she did
to me, and she reveled in the soft, delicious torture she put me through.

Even in the dim light, I could see how beautiful she was with that cocky grin and a
sparkle in her eyes. She was wearing a green shirt that revealed just the tiniest
sliver of her cleavage, designed, I‘m sure, to drive me just crazy enough that I
would give into her every command.

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I suddenly felt the desire to graze her bare collarbone with my fingertips, but as I
brought my hand up to do so, I accidentally grazed something else. Bella let out a
sharp gasp of pleasure as my fingers touched her boob, and I froze.

I had touched Bella‘s boob. I had touched Bella‘s boob. Accidentally. It was
definitely an accident. I think.

That wasn‘t the first time I had touched it, but it was a very different experience
when you were sober. The excitement level was pretty much the same, but I was
much more aware of the fact that I had just touched her boob.

And there was one other huge difference. The night of our drunken escapades,
Bella had been wearing a padded bra. The one she was wearing right now was. . .

God help me, I had touched a nipple. Granted it was through two layers of fabric,
but I could still feel it and that was what mattered.

―Are you all right?‖ she asked, clearly worried over my near-petrified state.

―Yes. I am. Definitely. Just fine,‖ I replied, semi-coherently. She was still looking
at me with deep concern, and so I leaned forward to kiss her and distract her.

Now that it had officially grazed Bella‘s nipple, my hand seemed a lot more
important to me – like it should be sheathed in gold or become a national
monument. And because my hand was now the eighth wonder of the world, I
wasn‘t sure what to do with it. It seemed like a comedown to place it anywhere on
Bella that wasn‘t her boob after it had just been there moments ago, so it kind of
just hovered awkwardly in mid-air above her boob.

―Are you serious right now, Edward?‖ Bella asked, pulling away from my kiss in


She pursed her lips in determination and rolled her eyes. ―Here,‖ she said sternly
as she grabbed my hand and yanked it down, placing it on her boob.

Oh, sweet Jesus, my hand was on Bella‘s boob.

Like it was right there in my hand. . . and I was holding it.

It was soft, kind of squishy, yet firm at the same time. And perky. . . there was
definitely a lot of perk going on there.

I heard a soft chuckle from Bella, and I looked up from the boob I was holding in
my hand (cause I was holding a boob) to meet her amused eyes. ―Edward, it isn‘t

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a pickle jar that you‘re trying to open. You can, ya know, fondle it.‖ She had
lowered her voice at the word ―fondle‖ as if it were slightly forbidden.

And frankly, it was forbidden. Years ago, we had made a decision to wait for
marriage until we had sex, and that was a choice I was determined to stand by.
But where were we supposed to draw the line? I was grasping at straws, trying to
find it in myself to stop, but I was also currently grasping Bella‘s boob and that
seemed to take precedent.

―I don‘t know how to,‖ I finally admitted, deciding that it didn‘t technically count
since we were both still wearing clothes.

―It‘s all right,‖ she said softly. ―I‘ll show you.‖

My mouth dropped open and I came very close to spontaneously combusting (read:
cumming) right there. I gulped heavily, not quite able to find my voice.

She reached up and placed her hand over mine. ―You okay?‖ she asked.

I nodded, not trusting the sound of my voice.

The slight trembling of her hand on mine was the only indication I had that she was
remotely nervous. ―Okay, so basically, cupping, rubbing, squeezing are all good
but the most important part is the. . .‖ she hesitated, taking a deep breath.

And just like that, the boob became a lot less important. I mean, it was still very
important, but it became more about the moment and less about the boob. I was
standing in a janitor‘s closet with my girlfriend, her boob in my hand as she
struggled to say the word ―nipple.‖

Moments like these were part of what made our relationship perfect. We were
awkward as hell, but that didn‘t matter because I had Bella to teach me how to
grope her boob and she had me to finish her sentence.

―Nipple!‖ I practically exclaimed on her behalf.

―Shh!‖ she hissed with a snicker. ―Someone is going to hear you.‖

―Sorry,‖ I replied in a hushed voice. ―I may have gotten a little excited.‖

She rolled her eyes but continued her tutorial. ―Anyway, yes, it feels good if you
run your thumb over the. . .‖ she paused again.

―Nipple,‖ I repeated slowly, wondering if she wanted this to become a game or

―No. Shh. . . do you hear that?‖ she asked quietly.

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Before I even had the chance to properly listen for whatever sound she was
hearing, the door to the closet burst open and I think my heart might have stopped
(but in the bad way).

Honestly, I was more angry than scared at the person who had so rudely
interrupted us, but, admittedly, upon seeing who was standing in the doorway, my
first thought was: Oh, thank God, it’s not Principal Banner.

My second thought was: Oh, shit, it’s Angela Webber.

She was staring at us in shock, and it wasn‘t until her eyes flicked down to my hand
that I realized it was still on Bella‘s boob. I immediately removed it and tucked it
behind my back.

I wasn‘t really sure how to proceed in this situation. On one hand, it could be a lot
worse – it could have been some random freshman, who would have run off to tell
the principal. On the other hand, this was Angela. She was Bella‘s best friend, but
she was also a preacher‘s daughter.

I didn‘t know how much information Bella had disclosed to Angela about our
physical relationship (which, really, was ridiculously modest compared to most of
our schoolmates), but I assumed she wouldn‘t want to corrupt her best friend‘s
innocent nature.

After a moment, the shock on Angela‘s face turned into a sharp scowl. She cleared
her throat and said, ―Edward?‖

―Yes?‖ I silently prepared myself for a speech about proper school etiquette or
some similar topic.

―How can I get Ben to do something like this with me?‖

4. The Father in the Volvo with the Dry Hump

January 11, 2006


Bella‘s ass was in my face.

Well, not exactly. She had dropped the My T-Spot order that she was filing, and
instead of doing the ladylike bend-at-the-knees-squat-thing that most girls did, she
bent right over to scoop it up. It just so happened that my filing cabinet was

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located right beside my computer, which I was conveniently seated at, providing
me with a very enticing view of my girlfriend‘s ass.

How did I get so lucky?

Sure, anyone could see all of the obvious reasons to love Bella. She was
undoubtedly beautiful, unfailingly loyal, and endearingly stubborn. But then there
were the little things about her that only I got to love. Like the insane amount of
food she felt comfortable consuming in front of me or how she apparently had no
problem sticking her butt in my face.

As she stood back up, I sighed a little, already missing the gorgeous view.

―Is there something on my pants?‖ she asked, noticing my fixation.

―It‘s not your pants I was looking at,‖ I unabashedly told her.

Her eyes narrowed and she smacked my head with the papers she held in her
hand. ―Get your head out of the gutter. You can be such a perv sometimes.‖

I smiled at her brightly. ―That‘s true. But at least I‘m exclusively your perv.‖

Bella laughed and kicked my chair. ―Yes, you are. My perv who is ridiculously
virtuous. I think I miss the blushes, though. And the pretense that you were
interested in more than just my body.‖

―Why would I do that?‖ I grinned. ―I love your body. Besides, there comes a point
in all relationships when the façade of early introductions must fade. You have to
decide if you like the package despite its flaws. I‘m still around, so I figured my
perviness wasn‘t a deal breaker,‖ I said with a wink.

―‘Perviness‘ isn‘t a word, and I do like you,‖ she responded, absentmindedly
running her fingers through my hair. ―Sometimes.‖

I caught her hand swiftly and brought it to my lips, placing a gentle kiss on the
inside of her palm. ―Bella, when will you stop pretending that you don‘t just want
me for my body?‖

She snorted and tried to pull away, but I held her close. Leaning in as if to tell me
a secret, she whispered, ―Yeah, right.‖ And then pecked my lips and yanked her
hand out of my grip.

―You‘re such a liar,‖ I grumbled.

I heard a soft chuckle as I turned to the computer in an attempt to focus on the
new t-shirt design I was working on. That lasted all of thirty seconds before I got
bored. My dad was working at a hospital in Seattle for the night and my mom was

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away at a teaching conference. It seemed like a horrible waste of an empty house
to spend the night working.

―I know you‘re lying,‖ I said, abruptly spinning back around in my computer chair.
―Don‘t think I don‘t notice you ogling me in the hallways at school. I‘ve seen you
eyeing that janitor‘s closet a few times too many to make me feel comfortable.‖

―Edward, I—―

―You don‘t have to be shy about it, I simpered. ―I‘d be more than happy to finish
what we started in there. All you have to do is ask.‖

She was staring at me with the same exasperated expression a mother would give
a child throwing a temper tantrum. ―Are you quite finished yet?‖


―All right.‖ She planted herself in my lap, threading her fingers with mine. ―My
darling, wonderful, insecure boyfriend, you seem particularly anxious today. Am I
making you feel unloved?‖

―Yes, absolutely,‖ I answered without hesitation. This was one of my favorite
games, and even if this was just for fun, Bella still had to make it up to me. That
was never a bad thing.

―Okay,‖ she said, threading and rethreading her fingers with mine. ―What can I do
to make you feel special?‖

I pretended like I had to think about it for a moment. ―I can ask for anything?‖

―Anything at all,‖ she said.

―Great.‖ I stood up quickly and made sure she was steady on her feet before
grabbing her hand and leading her out of the room.

―Where are we going?‖ she asked as I dragged her through the kitchen. ―Do you
want me to cook you something?‖

Smiling impishly, I opened the door that lead to the garage. I could tell the exact
moment comprehension dawned on Bella; her jaw clenched, her eyes narrowed,
and there may have possibly been steam billowing from her ears.

―Please tell me this doesn‘t have something to do with that. . . car,‖ she spat the

I never quite understood why she hated the Volvo so much, though she did
scathingly call it my ―other woman‖ when she was particularly annoyed.

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―How many times have I asked you to call her by her proper name?‖

―Edward, I absolutely refuse. That name is ridiculous.‖

I gasped in mock horror. ―How can you say that?‖

―Oh, come on,‖ she said with a roll of her eyes. ―Bellewyn Riel? Most boys choose
to name their car Lucy or Veronica. But no, not my boyfriend. He names it after
his Lord of the Rings RPG girlfriend.‖

―Oh, come on,‖ I replied, teasing with her same tone of voice. ―It‘s not as if my
LotR RPG girlfriend isn‘t named after the most beautiful girl in the world.‖

She crossed her arms over her chest and set her mouth in a hard line.

―And by the most beautiful girl in the world, I mean you,‖ I clarified in case she
didn‘t get it.

A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips, though I could tell she was trying to
fight it. ―Yes, I know that.‖

I started pulling her through the doorway towards Bellewyn. ―Anyway, as I was
saying before you insulted my car, I would like to christen her before we graduate
high school.‖

―Christen it?‖ she snorted. ―With what? I don‘t exactly carry around holy water.‖

―I was talking about another kind of christening,‖ I answered, filling my voice with
as much innuendo as possible and waggling my eyebrows for good effect.

She looked at me in disbelief for a moment. ―You want to make out in your car?‖


―Okay,‖ she said. She walked over to the car and opened the door.

I‘m sure my mouth was gaping as I stared at her. ―Are you serious?‖

―Are you serious? I thought it‘s what you wanted.‖

―Well, yes. I just thought it would be harder than that given your twisted aversion
to Bellewyn,‖ I said, joining her by the open door.

She smirked and leaned up on her toes to kiss me. ―It‘s your fantasy. I can
respect that. Tonight‘s your turn, but I expect you to reciprocate one day.‖

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She crawled into the backseat without a second thought and I stood there stunned,
my, uh, ―body‖ immediately reacting to her words. I‘d willingly act out any of her
fantasies in a heartbeat.

Once inside, I reached over the front console and stuck my key in the ignition.

―I‘d rather not suffer death by carbon monoxide, Edward, no matter how interesting
The Virgin Suicides might have been.‖

I smiled. ―I‘m not turning on the engine. I‘m putting on mood music.‖

I could practically feel her rolling her eyes behind me. ―The Lord of the Rings
soundtrack is not mood music.‖

―Maybe not to you,‖ I retorted, settling back into the seat. ―But I believe this is my

―So, since this is your fantasy, how exactly are we supposed to do this?‖

That was a very good question – how did people normally make out in cars? It was
a little awkward finding a position that was comfortable for us (thank God the Volvo
was semi-spacious), but that was the great thing about being with Bella – I didn‘t
have to pretend to know what I was doing because she was just as new to it all as I

Finally settling for a position where we were both sitting comfortably upright facing
each other, I moved in for the kill. This was the girl I had been with for the past
four years, and to someone else, kissing the same person for that period of time
might have become boring. To me, it was still the most thrilling and wonderful
experience of my life.

There were no pretenses or bashful, tentative kisses. I knew what she liked, and in
return, she knew my greatest weakness; taking my lower lip between hers, she
gently bit down on it. That one tiny action had the ability to render me completely

Bella let out a tiny giggle at my fleeting immobility and I grinned. I would never
hide my reactions from her.

―You‘re absolutely stunning,‖ I murmured quietly, leaning in to kiss her.

I felt her breaths quicken as she simultaneously entwined her fingers in my hair
and pressed her body closer to mine. And as always, it wasn‘t enough. It was
never enough.

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Physically we still lacked that unqualified intimacy that we had achieved in both
mind and spirit. I knew that we weren‘t ready to make that final step, but that
didn‘t stop the overwhelming hunger I had to be as close to her as two bodies could

At first, I thought it was my passion, my excitement, which was guiding Bella to
slide further down in the seat. But it didn‘t take long to realize that she was the
one in control, and I felt a pulse in my groin from knowing she felt as eager as I

I followed her movements as she lay back, grasping my body impossibly closer to

And just like that, we were aligned. . . down there. I immediately started to pull
away, not wanting to make Bella uncomfortable, but she wrapped her legs around
my waist to keep me from moving any further.

―Wait,‖ she whispered, putting a slight pressure on my back to reconnect us. I
looked at her with uncertainty, but did as she asked, resting my hips between her

What happened next shocked the hell out of me. With a confidence I didn‘t know
she possessed, she grinded slowly against me. Her eyes fluttered close and she let
out a shuddering breath.

It felt so good. No, good wouldn‘t be the right word to describe the sensations
running through my entire being at the friction she had created. I wasn‘t sure if I‘d
ever be able to find a word to describe it, but it felt right and sensuous and perfect
– like this was where I belonged and I hardened even more because of it.

―God, Bella, you don‘t know what you‘re doing to me,‖ I whispered in a trembling

Her eyes opened. The lust and desire I found there was staggering. ―Yes, I do,‖
she said in an equally quiet voice. ―Because you do the exact same thing to me.‖

I gazed into her eyes, committing this moment to memory. I kissed her softly and
rocked my hips forward just a fraction. ―We‘re really doing this?‖ I asked, knowing
that there would be no turning back if we went much further. I needed to be sure
she was ready for more. I didn‘t want her to regret anything we did together.

She reached up and ran her fingers through my hair. ―As long as you‘re sure, so
am I,‖ she said in a voice so assuring and poised I knew she couldn‘t be lying.

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―The only thing I‘m sure of is you,‖ I responded. I let my lips touch hers, and then
again more firmly. We had never done anything so intimate as what was about to
come, and for the first time in years, I was nervous about us.

I chuckled to myself and shook my head. This was Bella, who I trusted with all my
insecurities. Bella, who would never laugh if I fumbled; instead she would kiss me
and make me forget my anxiety. She would remind me that this was her first time
as well, that she was my soul mate and best friend, and that whatever came our
way we‘d work it out together.

I kissed her one last time before taking a deep breath and thrusting against her
more deliberately. The pressure felt so fucking good, and judging by the look on
Bella‘s face, she thought so as well. At my second thrust, her lips parted and I
could feel the heat of her labored breaths on my neck.

I realized quickly that if I used my elbows as an anchor, I could keep my pace
steady and strong. I felt Bella grip my shoulders more tightly, and soon she began
lifting her hips to meet my thrusts. I couldn‘t take my eyes off her. There was
never a sight so beautiful as Bella below me, her cheeks flushed, her eyes closed in
pleasure as she took one ragged breath after another.

―Oh, God, Edward,‖ she murmured and the way my name tumbled from her lips
sent a jolt of pleasure straight to my groin. I knew she had never felt sensations
like this before and as she whispered, ―more,‖ I immediately granted her wish.

I propelled myself harder against her, more steadily, making sure to hit her right
where I estimated she needed it most. I closed my eyes, reveling in a pleasure I
had never felt so thoroughly in my life. Any release I‘d had was by my own hand.
Bella had always been there in my thoughts and in my dreams, but to have her
here, underneath me, holding me as I came closer and closer to that edge was
almost unbearable.

She was relentless. Rocking her hips along with mine as we both tried to find that
same satisfying tension that would throw us into blissful gratification. I knew that
she had never had an orgasm before, and the thought that I might give her one
right then was so desperately appealing that I considered for a moment breaking
our silent rule and reaching down to touch her where I knew she would be wet and
hot and slick.

From the noises she was making and how heavily she was breathing, I could tell
she was close. Her body began to tremble slightly and she clung to me even
tighter as her thrusts became more sporadic. She wanted this so badly, and if
possible, the intensity I found in her eyes and in her movements turned me on
even more.

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I began to feel the familiar tightening down my spine that meant my release was
near, but I wouldn‘t give in until Bella had her own. And yet, as our breathing
became impossibly heavier and our efforts more frantic, she still did not come. I
should have known her orgasms would be just as stubborn as she was.

In that moment, I made a decision I knew would change our physical relationship
forever. There would be no going back, but she needed this even more that I did
and I wouldn‘t hold out any longer. Not if I could give her something she so
desperately wanted.

My hand inched down her waist until I found the top button on her jeans and flicked
it open. I could feel the change in her body as she realized what I was going to do
and she let out a low moan.

―Please. Dear God, Edward. Please,‖ she begged.

―Anything you want, Bella,‖ I responded as I tugged down her zipper.

And then the garage door opened and our movements jerked to a halt.

Fuck my life.

I tried to peek out the window and noticed for the first time that the windows were
completely fogged over. I knew from the blur that the car pulling in must have
been my father‘s black Mercedes, and Bella and I immediately began straightening
our clothes in an attempt to appear as if we were doing anything other than what
we had just been.

I knew how this would look to my father, and I could just imagine what he was
going to say about it. He was a doctor, so he accepted the reality that Bella and I
had outrageous teenage hormones, but I considered jumping in the driver‘s seat
and making a run for it all the same, just to save Bella the humiliation of the
imminent sex talk.

He stepped out of his car tentatively and walked over to mine where he gently
knocked on the window. With the keys still in the ignition, I was able to roll it down
with ease, meeting the eyes of my concerned father.

We didn‘t say anything, and yet the silence felt as though it were speaking for us –
as if it were telling my dad exactly what we had been doing in the backseat of my

―I thought you were staying the night in Seattle,‖ I blurted out, just to shut the
silence up.

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―Dr. Leon found another doctor to replace me. I wanted to be here when your
mother got home from the conference tomorrow,‖ he explained with a furrowed
brow. ―Edward—―

―We were listening to music,‖ Bella suddenly said from behind, cutting him off
before he had the chance to begin his well-rehearsed speech on safe sex. I turned
t look at her in surprise; she wasn‘t exactly known to be levelheaded and rational in
a crisis. ―Edward just wanted me to hear what his new speakers sound like. They
are quite clear and crisp, aren‘t they?‖

―Um, yes, I suppose they are,‖ my father sputtered, and I fell more in love with her
than ever.

―If you don‘t mind,‖ she continued in a calm voice, ―we‘re just going to stay out
here until this CD is over – it‘s one of my favorites.‖

My dad raised his eyebrows in disbelief, hearing the familiar tones of The Lord of
the Rings
. Behind me, I could feel Bella flinch, and I looked imploringly into my
dad‘s eyes. Just leave, just leave, just leave, I chanted in my mind.

―Right. Okay. Right. Well, I will be in the kitchen if you need anything,‖ my dad
said with a nod of his head. ―The kitchen by the door,‖ he clarified even further as
if we didn‘t already get the point. ―The open door.‖

As he left, I rolled up the window and let out a sigh of relief. ―That was close,‖ I
said, slumping against the back seat.

―You‘re right,‖ Bella said with a pout. ―I was close.‖

5. The Chief in the Twin-Sized Bed with the Sexing

September 13, 2010


―Bella, what do you think you are doing?‖

―I‘m seducing you.‖

I quirked an eyebrow at her. ―The sad thing is I don‘t think you‘re kidding.‖

―Of course I‘m not kidding. I‘m horny,‖ she stated bluntly.

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―Bella, we can‘t do that. We‘re in your father‘s house. And he‘s sitting right there
in the living room,‖ I said, feeling slightly ridiculous that I was pointing out
something so obvious.

―And he will be leaving in approximately thirty-three seconds,‖ she responded with
a smirk.

―How do you know tha—―

―Dad?! Can you cm here for a moment?‖

Chief Swan made his way into the kitchen, clearly not happy about being torn away
from the baseball game he had been watching. ―What‘s up, Bells?‖

Bella smiled sympathetically at him. ―I thought you said that you had all the
ingredients I needed to make my birthday cake from scratch.‖

He looked slightly confused. ―I thought I did. What are you missing?‖

―The flour.‖

I glanced at her in perplexity. About ten minutes ago there had been a full bag of
flour sitting on the counter. I did a short inventory of the kitchen to see where she
might have hidden it, but it was nowhere to be found. That was until I caught a
glimpse of white powder residue sitting on the edge of the sink. I narrowed my
eyes at Bella; the little minx had poured out the entire bag just to lure her father
out of the house.

She could be quite manipulative when she wanted to get her way, but I knew her
tricks, and I wasn‘t about to play by her rules. ―That‘s all right, I‘ll just run out and
get some,‖ I volunteered, leaning over to grab my keys off the kitchen counter.

―No, Edward,‖ she said, a slight tone of irritation in her voice. ―I need you to help
me with something else.‖ She smirked lightly and turned back to her father. ―Do
you mind running to the store to pick some up?‖

―Actually, I‘m right in the middle of a. . .‖ Charlie‘s voice faded as a small pout
formed on Bella‘s lips.

She looked up at him through her eyelashes with the most pathetic puppy-dog face
and said, ―Please, Daddy, please.‖

It was a lost cause at that point. Chief Swan never had the heart to reject a well
placed daddy. Couple that with the expert pout Bella was wearing and he was a
goner. ―I‘ll just grab my jacket,‖ he said.

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―Okay, well played,‖ I conceded. ―But that doesn‘t mean I‘m going to give in. Even
with your dad out of the house, the twenty minute drive between here and the
grocery store is hardly enough time to,‖ I struggled to find the right word, ―finish.‖

―And that‘s where phase two comes in.‖ She smiled brightly and then turned to
meet her father in the entryway. ―Daddy, while you‘re out would you mind taking
my truck for a ride to make sure it‘s running all right? The brakes seem to be
sticking more and more these days and you know how much Edward sucks at fixing

My mouth dropped open as I overheard her slight. I certainly did not suck at fixing
cars. That was below the belt.

The Chief grumbled something that sounded like an agreement before he opened
the door and walked out into the pouring rain. Bella practically bounced back in the
room and grabbed my hand, attempting to pull me away from where I was leaning
on the counter.

―Come on, we only have about forty-five minutes, tops. We need to get this show
on the road.‖

―Nope, I don‘t think so,‖ I replied, firmly standing my ground. ―whether your father
is gone or not isn‘t the issue. It‘s still his house and it‘s just plain wrong.‖

Bella sighed, relinquishing her persistent tugging of my hand, and settled for gently
running her fingers over my knuckles. ―There‘s nothing wrong with having a quick
fuck in my father‘s house. We used to do it at your parent‘s house all the time.‖

Oh, she was not playing fair. There was nothing quite so seductive as a dirty word
like fuck falling from the lips of someone as sweet as Bella, and she knew how it
affected me. ―That was different.‖

―How?‖ she demanded.

―My father didn‘t own a gun.‖

She rolled her eyes and gave my hand another tug. ―Come on, it‘s my birthday!
Not to mention, you owe me.‖

―For what?‖

―Bellewyn Riel. January 2006. Your parent‘s garage,‖ she reminded me with a
raised eyebrow.

I looked at her in surprise. ―you called Bellewyn by her proper name.‖

―I‘m trying to get laid – of course I called her by her proper name.‖

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I paused for a moment, reminiscing about that night over four years ago when
Bella and I had taken what felt, at the time, like a huge step in our relationship.
She had teased me that night for being such a perv, and now here she was, I her
father‘s kitchen, begging me for sex. Oh, how the tables had turned.

―I believe I made that up to you,‖ I argued.


―The laundry room. September 2007. Dartmouth.‖

She huffed. ―Even if that did count, it‘s negated by the fact that I reciprocated later
that night in the Rec Room.‖

―And that is negated by the fact that I reciprocated the next month.‖

―What the hell are you talking about?‖ she asked exasperatedly.

―The balcony. October 2007. Angela and Ben‘s Wedding,‖ I said before adding,
―and that counts as twice since I did it in the house of God.‖

She looked at me in disbelief. ―The woman‘s bathroom. May 2008. Aaron
Jacobson‘s Bar Mitzvah. Do I get double the points?‖

Huh. Apparently Bella and I were quite the exhibitionists. ―The stacks. September
2008. The Dartmouth Library. Happy birthday, by the way.‖

―The movie theater. June 2009. Deep Park Cinema. Right back at ya, big boy.‖

―The Jacuzzi. January 2010. The Hilton Hotel.‖

―Oh, come on, Edward. Don‘t you want to play with My T-Spot?‖

I snorted. ―Bella, I have heard that line way too many times over the years to
actually be affected by it.‖

―Really? Because you seem to be quite. . . affected,‖ she said smugly with a quick
glance down at my crotch.

Yeah, I knew what was going on down there. ―It‘s a natural side effect of listing
some of the best sex of my life.‖

―Exactly! So why can‘t we add just one more to the list?‖

―Because this is your father‘s house,‖ I reiterated.

Bella‘s shoulders slumped and she let go of my hand, choosing instead to cross her
arms over her chest, not in anger, but rather in defeat.

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I sighed. I hated when Bella did this. It was so much easier to tell her no when we
were arguing. I should have walked away right then. I should have not responded
in any way. But there was always something in the pit of my stomach that couldn‘t
stand when Bella looked so vulnerable and upset.

She took a deep breath and looked up at me. It was the pout and the puppy-dog
eyes and the tiny, defenseless ―please‖ she whispered that did me in. I was just as
easy as Chief Swan.

And Judging by the ever-growing smirk she was now sporting, she knew she had
won. I just rolled my eyes and smiled back, before swiftly picking her up and
throwing her over my shoulder. ―You are so in for it, Miss Daisy,‖ I said as I
sprinted up the stairs to her bedroom and tossed her down on her small twin-sized
bed. She let out a tiny squeal of delight.

Before she even had the chance to sit up properly, I stretched my body over hers
and covered her lips with mine. I swiftly deepened the kiss and Bella easily
matched my enthusiasm. I reached down to unbutton her jeans and she quickly
sat up to pull them off.

―Does this remind you of anything?‖ she whispered as she stripped out of her

I smiled a little. ―Late nights in senior year, sneaking in to your room at night and
praying Chief Swan didn‘t catch us making out.‖ And just like that I froze. What
the hell was I doing? We weren‘t seniors in high school anymore – we were
recently graduated twenty-two year olds.

―Edward? Edward, are you all right?‖ she asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

I pulled away, standing to pace the width of her floor, which suddenly seemed a lot
smaller than it used to be. ―I just feel weird about this.‖

―Clearly,‖ she said in a voice that was plainly not amused.

―This is your father‘s house and I think it‘s only right that we respect his—―

―Will you shut up already?‖ Bella snapped. ―Yes, this is my father‘s house, but you
know what? It was my house, too. Will you stop beating a dead horse?‖

I wasn‘t convinced and she could sense it. There was a long moment where neither
of us spoke, and I tried to rebuild my determination while she tried fo find a new
way to break it down. She found hers first.

―Did you ever wonder what I did those long nights after you left my bedroom,
leaving me feeling all hot and bothered?‖

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Oh shit.

―Allow me to demonstrate.‖ I didn‘t even have to look to know that she was taking
off her shirt and sliding off her panties. . . but I did anyway. She grinned lightly as
she stretched the elastic waist of her underwear and snapped it in my direction. I
caught them – they were a lovely, lacy blue pair.

Her mischievous eyes didn‘t leave mine as she leaned back against her pillows in
her long, twin-sized bed and spread her legs for me. God help me if I wasn‘t hard
as a rock.

She brought two fingers down to her clit and slowly began massaging it.

Fuck. Me.

I was jealous. Because I wanted to be the one who made her heart beat wildly as
her breaths grew labored and her eyes fluttered closed. I wanted her to cling to me
as she moaned my name and writhed beneath me.

Before the first, ―Oh God,‖ could even fall from her lips, I hastily crossed the room
and swatted away her hands.

She looked at me, not even remotely surprised. We had played this game before.

―Mine,‖ I grunted like the possessive caveman that I was.

―Edward, I am a lady, not a possession,‖ she teased, repeating the words of a
lecture we had heard long ago. ―I am to be valued and worshiped. Honored and

―And I will do everything in my power to appreciate and love and respect every inch
of your beautiful body,‖ I whispered as my hand slithered down her smooth
abdomen to the heat between her legs.

She was wet and ready, and she let out a low moan as I circled her clit with my
finger. With practiced hands I worked her harder using a technique that Bella now
affectionately called ―The Swirl.‖ I smiled in satisfaction as she began to tremble.
She raised her hand to one of her bare breasts and I watched in complete
fascination as she rolled her rosy nipple between her fingers.

After all this time I was still a boob man.

It only took a few moments longer for her to orgasm and I smiled, knowing I was
the one to have brought her that pleasure. She panted heavily in the aftermath of
her bliss and opened her eyes to look directly into mine.

―Now, that was awesome,‖ she said appreciatively.

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―You always did have a fascination with my hands.‖

―And now I have a fascination with your naked body.‖ She stood up to tug on the
hem of my t-shirt. With Bella‘s help (I use that term loosely because she mostly
just stared), we managed to get my clothes off quickly and she smiled playfully as
she pushed me down on her bed.

She straddled my hips and lowered herself to kiss me. It was long and languid, and
heat emanated from every pore of my body with the anticipation of what was to

―Stop teasing me,‖ I quietly reprimanded and she let out a soft laugh. She ran a
hand through my hair and I swiftly caught it in mine. I guided it down to my chest,
letting it rest there as I observed the two rings she wore on her left ring finger. ―I
think you‘ve kept me waiting long enough, Mrs.Cullen.‖

Her eyes sparkled at the use of her surname. She kissed me once more and sat up
to lower herself gently onto my rigid cock. We both shuddered at the intimacy of
the moment before she began tenderly rocking herself against me.

It‘d been nine years since I first saw her. Before my very eyes, Bella had grown
into the strong, powerful woman here with me today, and yet only through pictures
could I see the young and awkward girl she had been. To me, she‘d always been
an astonishing beauty.

Her movements steadily picked up pace and I grasped her hips tighter as the
pleasure began to overwhelm me. I loved that after three years of marriage, the
thought still occurred to me that it had never been this intense, this passionate
before, as it had every other time we‘d been together.

I loved that she was still the reason I woke up in the morning, the motive behind all
of my achievements, the muse that inspired me, and my purpose for living. She
was my everything and every single time I made love to her, I wondered how it
could possibly get any better.

A light sheen of sweat was beginning to cover her skin and an incoherent string of
words fell from her lips. I cracked a smile – my wife had a dirty mouth when she
was on the cusp of orgasm. I sat up and let out a quivering breath as she
tightened even further around me. She didn‘t miss a beat as we adjusted positions,
just grinned and clung tighter to me.

To this day, I still rejoiced in the fact that I was the only man who had ever gotten
to touch her intimately. The first few months into our physical relationship had
been, without a doubt, some of the most awkward experiences of my life. Thank

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God there was plenty of literature with step-by-step instructions to help us figure it
out. But it was an art to us now, so natural and effortless. Like breathing.

Our torsos moved together with ease as we got nearer and nearer to release. We
couldn‘t get any closer, either physically or emotionally. We were one, sharing
barely-there kisses and feather-light caresses.

―I love you,‖ she panted in a whisper. I felt her muscles tighten around my dick
and begin to spasm. There were no words to describe how it felt to watch Bella
tense in the highest pleasure, her eyes closed and her mouth slightly agape and it
instinctively triggered my own release.

It was too much and too little at the same time. It was the feel of her naked body
against mine. It was the sounds she made. It was her fragrance, her essence, how
she looked, how she felt with her soft legs wrapped around me. We sat there,
reveling in the moment, in the satisfaction of being in each other‘s arms.

Bella snuggled close to me as I stroked her slightly damp hair. ―You see, that
wasn‘t so bad, was it?‖ she murmured quietly.

I looked down at her indignantly. ―Not bad?! I don‘t know about you, but I
thought it was pretty perfect.‖

She giggled and lightly swept her hand over my bare chest. ―I wasn‘t talking about
the sex, because yes, it was pretty damn fantastic. I was talking about doing it in
my dad‘s house.‖

―Oh, right. To be honest, I completely forgot where we were,‖ I responded,
twisting a piece of her hair around my finger. ―I kind of got distracted.‖

She smirked and tilted her head to kiss my jaw before sitting up. ―We should
probably get dressed. He‘ll be home soon.‖

Before she could stand up completely, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back
down to me. ―Have I told you I love you, today?‖

―Yes, a couple dozen times. Fortunately, I don‘t think I‘ll ever get tired of hearing

―I love you. I love you. I love you,‖ I whispered, placing one last kiss on her lips.
―Happy Birthday, Isabella Marie Cullen.‖


There were two times in Charlie Swan‘s life when he considered consuming enough
alcohol to erase his terrible memories.

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The first was seventeen years ago when Renee had left him, taking his only child
with her. The second was seventeen minutes ago when he had walked in on a very
naked Bella having sex with a very enthusiastic Edward.

As he stood, staring out the kitchen window, flour in hand, he considered several
methods of memory removal. Would drinking an entire bottle of bleach be fatal?
Maybe if he just washed his eyes with it, it would seep into his brain. His ears, too.
The noises were probably the worst part. The kids were very. . . vocal. Worse still,
the bed was very springy and the sound of their rapid movements carried all the
way downstairs. It felt like a knife to Charlie‘s eardrums.

Eventually, the house quieted, and Bella and Edward finally made their way down
the stairs to the kitchen. ―Oh, Dad, you‘re back,‖ Bella said brightly, walking over
to him to grab the flour. ―When did you get home?‖

She looked so happy and Charlie refused to ruin that. ―only a minute ago,‖ he
answered, hoping his voice didn‘t sound as hollow as he felt. Maybe there was a
support group online he could go to.

―Okay, well, this won‘t take too long.‖ She started opening up cabinets, completely
oblivious to her father‘s deteriorating mental state. ―Why don‘t you go finish the

Charlie nodded passively. ―Bella?‖


―Just. . . uh, make sure you wash your hands.‖



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