Anitra Lynn McLeod [Owned #5] Bound by Lust

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Owned 5

Bound by Lust

Lust was only the spark…

Keenan Hastings thought delivering the envelopes for the Eoean

lottery would spare him from being selected. He was wrong. When

he finds himself on an auction block being pawed by horny aliens,

he feels he deserves his fate.

Oco Mig Nuhull’s unique gift—the ability to read sentient creatures

by touching them—has made him wealthy but also isolated. He’s

unable to experience the depth of physical love because he can’t

touch without reading his lover. Bored with his lonely existence,

he goes to the auction to see a rare and much talked about

Earthling. When he touches Keenan and finds his ability blocked,

Oco must have him.

Despite Keenan and Oco’s instant, powerful, and mutual

connection, their struggle to be together is thwarted at every turn.

Lust may have sparked a far deeper bond, but how will they battle

against the lust of Keenan’s true owner?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Science Fiction
Length: 35,758 words

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Owned 5

Anitra Lynn McLeod



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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Anitra Lynn McLeod
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-298-9

First E-book Publication: July 2013

Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Copyright © 2013

Chapter 1

Keenan Hastings had been driving the light-blue Eoean van for

five years. He covered the districts of the southeast, delivering the
simple white envelopes that changed the path of young men’s lives.
When his duty took him away from his little apartment in Colorado
Springs, he stayed in upscale hotels and motels along the interstate.
He’d become fascinated with the little bars of soap and kept one from
every new place he visited. Small bars of soap were neatly filed in
little boxes in the back of his van. They made it smell nice and gave
him some peace from the stench of what he did for a living. Keenan
had thought that if he was part of the Eoean lottery, he wouldn’t be

He was wrong.
When he returned to the head office, the place where his van was

inspected, repaired, upgraded, and cleaned, he got a surprise with his
paycheck. His pay packet envelope was bigger than usual, but that
didn’t tip him off. There were always papers to sign and notices of
changes to policy included with the checks. Since his birthday was
the very next day, he assumed it was a card from his coworkers. This
time, though, in the big envelope with his light-blue paycheck, he
discovered there was also a plain number ten envelope with his name,

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address, and social security number.

Having delivered hundreds if not thousands of the envelopes,

Keenan recognized it on sight. Here he was only one day shy of being
old enough to be ineligible, but they had selected him anyway. At
first, Keenan thought it was a joke.

He was wrong.
He’d been selected be sacrificed. Keenan looked at the envelope

for a good ten minutes before he opened it. When he did, he realized
he had no more information than anyone else. A plain white paper in
tri-fold said 8:00 p.m. He sat in the break room staring at the time and
wondering why they’d bothered to give him a paycheck when he
certainly wasn’t going to be able to spend his earnings now.

Still, Keenan deposited the money and told his sister what was

happening. She was devastated but said the same thing so many did.
“It’s for the good of everyone on Earth.”

“Yes.” Keenan had told himself that same thing on the nights

when what he did for a living ate at his soul. He hated being the one
to deliver the bad news, but someone had to do the Eoeans’ dirty
work. There was no way in hell an Eoean would drive the van of
doom. For some reason, the Eoeans thought that Earthlings would be
less hostile to one of their own. For a change, they were wrong
instead of Keenan. No one hassled him, not directly, but their eyes…
If looks could kill, Keenan would be dead a hundred times over.

Worse, Keenan had no friends. As soon as anyone found out what

he did for a living, they offered a lame excuse and took off. The only
person he talked to beside himself was his sister, and he had a terrible
suspicion that she only spoke to him because she had to. Family
meant a lot to Darla, but even then she kept her emotional distance
from him. It was almost as if she’d known what would happen to him
one day. Darla Hastings had become Darla Turlington five years ago
almost at the same time Keenan started with the Eoeans. She had
three kids of her own now. All girls. She never told him she was
grateful for that fact, but Keenan knew she was. Most people felt a

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curious kind of relief when they had girls.

Not too long ago, most parents wanted to have boys. Male

children carried on the family name, and they were expected to
provide for their parents when they grew up, but now, with the Eoean
lottery, having a boy was bittersweet. They could be and do all those
things, but they could also be taken away with hardly any notice. No
one knew where the young men went or what happened to them.
When the Eoeans had offered out their cure for the virus, they hadn’t
said why they wanted healthy young males in exchange. All this time
later, humanity wasn’t in any position to demand answers. No one
wanted to rock the boat or mess with the status quo. Humanity
survived only because of the deal they’d made with the Eoeans.

So Keenan did his job. The first thing he did was return his

uniforms since the company paid for those. He wondered if they
would find another short, skinny guy who would fit them, but he
realized that wasn’t his problem. Next, he cleaned out the van. He
was on the verge of removing his collection of little soaps but
changed his mind. Keenan realized he’d left no mark on the world.
No one would ever know he’d existed but for his sister. Her kids were
too young to remember him, so he wanted to leave some kind of
legacy even if it was the most pathetic one in the universe. Keenan
wrote all his information on a small card, tucked that into the box
with the soaps, then nestled it down in the aft storage bin. He hoped
whoever found it would at least wonder why he’d collected soaps. If
only for a few minutes, someone somewhere would remember
Keenan Hastings.

Once he was done leaving his mark on the world, he turned in the

keys, gave all his worldly possessions to his sister, informed his
landlord what was happening, and then sat in his little efficiency
apartment, waiting for eight to roll around.

Rather than watch television or find some other way to distract

himself, Keenan simply sat in his favorite chair. He didn’t turn on his
game station or do anything but sit and stare out the window. Across

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the street from his apartment building was a house. It was a classic
little rambler with a white picket fence and a two-car garage. A
couple lived in the perfect little house. Keenan had always watched
them with a shadow of envy darkening his heart. Two men, both too
old for the lottery, had been living together from the day Keenan had
moved in. It was obvious they were a couple in all respects. He’d seen
them arriving home at the same time, both pulling up in their fuel-
efficient cars, both of their faces weary from the workday. But when
they saw one another, the looks on their faces changed. They
practically glowed when they saw each other. It was obvious to
Keenan they loved one another very much. There were probably
people living on the block who didn’t like that two men were so open
about their supposedly deviant lifestyle, but Keenan wasn’t one of
them. He envied those two men because he wished with all his heart
he had what they had. Anyone who saw the way those two souls
looked at one another would know it wasn’t an abomination. No
loving god could look down on them and see anything other than pure
and perfect love.

When one of the men—damn that Keenan had never learned their

names—was injured, his leg in a thick blue cast, the other man had
pampered him to the point it was almost obsessive. Tears had filled
Keenan’s eyes that summer because he feared no one would ever look
after him like that. He had a terrible feeling that his job wasn’t what
was keeping him from making a love connection. He worried that it
was something in his very soul. He was marked in some way that told
any man who bothered to look at him that he was damaged goods.

Keenan didn’t know what had broken him so horribly. He wasn’t

a mean man, only terminally lonely. Perhaps if he didn’t suffer from
almost-crippling shyness he might have been able to let someone in.
Or maybe not. Besides, it was too late now. He was going to find out
what happened to the young men chosen for the Eoean lottery. Just
like a lot of other things in his life, he had no say in the matter.

There had been a time when Keenan thought he would have had a

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much better path in life if he’d been bigger, taller, and more outgoing.
Instead, he was barely five seven, a hard-fought-for one fifty, with
boring black hair and even more boring green eyes. No wonder no
one looked twice at him. They saw it all the first time. What would be
the point of looking at him again?

“Only to confirm my utter blah existence.”
Keenan realized he no longer had to worry about finding love. He

had a feeling that wherever he went and whatever was going to
happen to him, he would never see another human again. He’d heard
all kinds of speculation about what happened to the guys selected by
the Eoeans, but no one knew for sure. Ignorance was such a scary
thing. But then again, anything might be better than what he had here.
Sure, he had a job and a nice place to live, but he had no one to share
his world with. If he failed to come home, there wasn’t anyone to
raise an alarm. His landlord would only notice because the rent
checks would stop coming. Darla would probably notice when he
failed to show up for one of the family-oriented holidays. Secretly,
she’d be relieved, but then she would question where he was.

“I could disappear for about two months before anyone would


It was a tragic thought that brought tears to his eyes. He didn’t

like that he was spending his last night on Earth sitting around and
having a huge pity party for himself, but he also wasn’t going to jump
up and down in celebration, either. His life stunk on ice, so anything
that happened to him couldn’t really make things worse.

“But I’ve been wrong before.”
In fact, it was the one thing he was good at. If there was an

Olympic event for being incorrect, he’d be a gold medalist. But they
didn’t have the Olympics anymore. Nationality was discouraged.
Frankly, there wasn’t enough of humanity left to worry about wars
when, with a drastically reduced population, they had plenty of
natural resources for everyone. Even issues of ideology or religion
just weren’t worth fighting about when there was room for everyone

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to spread out and stay out of each other’s hair.

After watching the couple across the street come home and go

into their house where they were probably making dinner and talking
about their respective days, Keenan got out of his chair and looked
around at his little apartment. He didn’t know what he could take if
anything, so he found a grocery bag and put random things inside. He
wasn’t even sure why he was bothering, but the action was soothing.
In some part of his mind he tried to tell himself that he was going on a
visit, nothing more. Intellectually, he knew that was not what was
going to happen, but thinking of his up-and-coming trip to who-
knows-where-ville kept the panic from taking over.

When eight o’clock came, he saw a light-blue doorway appear in

his living room. It looked oddly substantial. If he opened it and
slammed it shut, it would make a hell of a noise. But of course, he
was too chicken to do something like that. Leaving his bag of random
belongings on the kitchen counter, Keenan approached the door,
twisted the doorknob, and walked through before he could change his

He went from his apartment to a room that was so white he had to

squint to see anything. Basically, all he saw was white. The smell of
disinfectant was strong, making him feel light-headed. He’d never
done well around strong chemicals of any kind. Even cologne made
him nauseous. Only the little scented soaps had seemed soothing.
When he took another step forward, he was restrained. Creatures with
strong gray hands and slim gray faces strung him up, stripped off his
clothes, then scrubbed him down with something that burned his
sinuses. Struggling to keep his eyes open, he finally gave up trying to
see them when he could feel what they were doing to him. They were
cleaning him. The touch of their indifferent hands was horrifying.
He’d once heard someone say that maybe the Eoeans were selling
humans as food. Given the way he was being meticulously washed
inside and out, Keenan had a horrible feeling that was accurate.

“Please don’t eat me.”

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Right after he spoke, he realized how impossibly stupid that was.

Eat me had all kinds of connotations on Earth. These creatures,
whatever they were, certainly weren’t human. There was no way they
would understand anything he said. Rather than babble in hysterics,
he closed his eyes and mouth then tried desperately to will himself
away. He didn’t even have to physically go somewhere else. If he
could just make his mind go elsewhere, he’d be happy with that.
Keenan simply didn’t want to be mentally present for whatever was
going to happen to him.

When he felt he was being moved, he almost opened his eyes, but

was simply too afraid to confront the situation. For the life of him, he
couldn’t understand why they had picked him for a meal. Why hadn’t
they taken someone bigger? But maybe that was the allure of a
smaller morsel. He was tiny and therefore a rare little treat. Now all
the time he put into gaining muscle made him wince with regret. He
should have stayed scrawny and stringy. Then no alien would have
wanted to consume him.

With strong, firm hands, Keenan was made to assume a kneeling

position. Whatever was below him was warm and well padded. His
knees sank in at least two inches, and when he grasped the material in
his hands, it almost felt as if it were grasping back. Tentatively, he
pried open one eye. When he realized he was on some kind of
elevated platform, he opened the other. On the upside, he was happy
to discover he wasn’t being placed on a serving platter, but on the
down side it was obvious he was being put on display.

He didn’t feel anything holding him to the area, but he had a

sinking feeling that if he tried to move he would be shocked or
reprimanded in some way. The gray creatures with the strong hands
were gone, but he didn’t think they’d gone far. Surreptitiously, he
looked around without moving his head. His hair was flopped over in
his face, blocking his view of everything but the floor right in front of
his platform. The floor didn’t help him figure out where he was since
it looked like some kind of polished stone. If he wasn’t so freaked

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out, he might have enjoyed looking at it because it was pink and
pretty, but he was just too scared. As he struggled to see beyond his
hair, he heard the sound of softly conversing voices and then footfalls.

The voices were decidedly male since they were low. Also, the

paces weren’t rushed, but slow, even, like men who were taking their
time. When they didn’t come his direction, Keenan realized that there
were other things on display. He waited, breathless and afraid.
Eventually, several creatures came over to his podium. With his head
down, all he could see was their feet.

One of them wore gleaming metal shoes against what looked like

purple jeans. His feet were tiny in relation to his legs, making him
seem as if he would fall over in the slightest wind. Another was
barefoot, and his alien feet were the color of egg yolks. Yet another
wore white trousers and white shoes that matched. There was
something about the cut of the fabric and the footwear that subtly said
wealth. Whoever he was, he didn’t need to scream by wearing
gleaming metal shoes like the other guy. This one was classy. He was
still probably looking to eat Keenan, but at least he’d be sophisticated
about it.

When the first hand touched his back, Keenan whimpered.
Keenan thought the voice was in his head, but as the men touched

him and discussed his reactions, he realized he could understand
them. They weren’t speaking English. Of that he was certain. Still, he
could comprehend them, and after a few caresses, it became clear they
weren’t buying him to eat him. Not in the delicacy sense, anyway.
From the intimate way they examined him, it was clear they were
intent on fucking him.

“Oh, God.” Keenan was actually more afraid. At least if they ate

him, his pain and horror would be over relatively fast. If they were
going to turn him into some kind of a sex slave, his nightmare would
go on for years. Decades, even. If they had life-extending capabilities
such as the Eoeans were rumored to have, his horror could literally be

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for an eternity.

An urge to struggle came over him, but he discovered he couldn’t

move. If the men around him pushed or pulled upon him, he would go
into whatever position they wanted him to go, but he couldn’t initiate
the movement. Hot tears of fear and shame rolled down his face as
they talked about how skinny he was and that his cock wasn’t that
big. He wanted to snarl at them that it wasn’t any wonder his dick was
so damn small at the moment. Being put on display for a bunch of
groping freaks was the emotional equivalent of splashing cold water
on his junk. His poor prick was trying to crawl back up into his body.

Just when he didn’t think things could get any worse, someone

parted his cheeks, obviously so they could inspect his hole. He
clenched up, hoping to yank his buttocks out of their prying hands,
but all he did was make the man—or whatever he was—laugh.

“Strong. Slight of build, of course, but still quite strong.”
The other one murmured something that Keenan couldn’t hear,

but he was able to make a pretty good guess when the first speaker
talked again.

“Yes. I think he would feel very tight. At least he would at first. I

think a thrust or two would change that.”

They were talking about raping him and laughing that doing so

would rip him up and hurt him. In addition to their brutal sexual talk,
they also spoke about him as if he were some kind of dog on display.
Nothing more than an animal put up for their amusement and
pleasure. After a lifetime of longing for someone to pay attention to
him, Keenan realized this was not at all what he wanted. Why
couldn’t he have what those men across the street had? Just once, to
have someone look at him like that… Keenan swore he would sell his
soul for just one loving glance.

“He seems rather small there. I do not think your tool would fit.”
“I would find a way to penetrate him.”
They laughed again. One of them sounded like a hyena having a

sneezing fit while the other sounded like he was almost singing. It

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was alien and strange, but still, their total disregard for him was
perfectly clear. Keenan wanted to curl up and die. He’d never been so
humiliated and ashamed. Since they were looking at his ass and
snickering like horny teenagers, they were oblivious to what was
happening on the other end. Not that they’d likely care that he was

Keenan was about to scream at them to leave him alone when he

noticed the man in white was back. Apparently, he was not the one
holding Keenan’s cheeks apart or the one commenting on what would
and wouldn’t fit into his ass. From his distance away from the
podium, Keenan didn’t think the man in white had touched him.
Apparently, he was only looking. When Keenan saw his gloved hand
with six fingers reaching for his face, he wanted to flinch or bite, but
found he couldn’t do either.

Softly, the man in white placed two fingers against Keenan’s chin

and lifted his face. It seemed to Keenan’s tormented mind it took
forever for the man to be revealed in full. However, when he was,
Keenan decided the delay was worth the payoff. He was stunning.
Understated grace and power practically oozed from his stance. The
white suit covered him completely, right up to the line of his jaw. No
other part of him was exposed but for his face.

His skin was light brown, his eyes molten gold, but it was his hair

that held Keenan riveted. The strands were black like his own, but
this man’s hair was crafted into a modified Mohawk. The tips of the
fanned hair were gold, matching his eyes. The sides were short, and
he had sideburns that came down to the edge of his jaw, but the
longer hair on top was angled upward. Since his hair was only three
or four inches long, it wasn’t a huge Mohawk, just enough to be
riveting because it contrasted the ultrafine suit. All Keenan could
think was that he was a majestic punk rocker. Since he didn’t have his
name, Keenan dubbed him Punk Royal because he seemed almost as
if he were a member of royalty who had gone off to start a trash band
but had to occasionally dress up to please his family. While he was

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willing to wear the outfit, he wasn’t willing to change his hair style.

But what was most astonishing was the way Punk Royal was

looking at Keenan. He kept his two fingers on Keenan’s chin while he
peered deep into Keenan’s eyes. A shiver of longing went through
Keenan, making him keenly aware of his nudity. But he no longer
cared about the jerkwads pondering his backside. Whatever he was
destined for, this man was going to be the one in control. Ironically,
he felt relieved. If this man bought him, he didn’t think he would be
cruel. But then again, looks could be deceiving. And as he so often
noted, he was very good at being very wrong.

But certainly, something had to go right for this the day of his

twenty-fifth birthday. Keenan had always gone to his sister’s for a
perfunctory cake and homemade dinner, but the evening was over
before seven and he was back home by eight. Inevitably, he’d sit in
his chair and peer across the street, wondering what his birthday
would be like if he had a partner who loved him.

When Punk Royal pulled his fingers away from Keenan’s chin, he

drew him back to the moment. Keenan felt bereft. In all his life, the
man in white’s touch was just about the only kindness—true and
freely given kindness—Keenan had ever received. Tears flooded his
gaze, making his view of him double then treble. When the tears
finally fell down Keenan’s cheeks, he realized the man had removed
his glove. Tenderly, he reached out and stroked down the track of
Keenan’s tears. When a surge of lust slammed into Keenan, hardening
his cock and making him desperate to do anything and everything
Punk Royal wanted, he realized his reaction wasn’t just from the
man’s show of kindness. With his touch alone, the man in white was
able to drive Keenan to the brink of release.

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Chapter 2

Oco Mig Nuhull had only come to the auction because he’d been

told that Millitrex had a very rare and extremely valuable Earthling.
Not that Oco believed him, but he’d come anyway because he had
nothing else to do. There were not very many beings who wished to
be around him once they knew how he’d earned his enormous
fortune. Even with his gloves on, other beings were still leery of being
touched by him. But here, he was free to simply look without having
the pressure to interact with others. Being aloof in Millitrex’s auction
house was so common that the two creatures—a Grorer wearing
metallic shoes and a Hyptu in his bare, bright-yellow feet—discussing
the Earthling in loud and decidedly crude ways was practically
unheard of. Their behavior was atrocious, but they clearly had money,
which was why no one at the auction house thought to caution them
toward better behavior.

Oco was on the verge of saying something to them, but he

realized it wasn’t his place to do so. Some creatures had no tact, no
refinement, and no empathy whatsoever. They pawed at the poor
Earthling with a ruthless kind of greed that angered Oco immensely.
Slaves were common in their world, but that didn’t mean they
deserved to be treated poorly. Oco had never bought a slave. He had
enough money to hire workers for his estate, but the chance to even
see an Earthling let alone buy him was such a rarity that even Oco
couldn’t pass up the opportunity. That the Grorer and Hyptu were
putting the Earthling into a terrible state with their vulgarity was
unnecessarily cruel.

Since he could do nothing about their behavior, Oco sought to

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comfort the Earthling. He lifted his face to say it would be over soon
but then found himself staring into tear-filled eyes and feeling the
most shocking sense of lust.

Oco had longed almost desperately for someone to share his bed,

but because of his unique ability, he was always left wanting. He’d
had lovers, but he couldn’t really experience the depth of physical
lovemaking with his gloves on. Taking them off wasn’t an option, not
when he was then stuck having to read everything that flitted through
the mind of his companion. Such intense intimacy was not good for
either one of them. More and more often lately, Oco had been
spending both his days and nights alone.

He’d only taken off his glove to touch this Earthling because he

was curious what it would be like to connect to an Earthling’s mind.
What happened shocked him right down to his soul. He read nothing.
The only thing Oco felt when he stroked the Earthling’s face was the
wetness of his tears and the softness of his skin. For the first time, his
magical gift was inert. He could caress this beautiful creature and
actually feel him.

In that moment, Oco decided he had to have him. Oco didn’t care

if he had to give Millitrex everything he owned. He was going to get
this Earthling. As he stood there, tracing his fingers over his
beautifully pale and exceedingly soft skin, Oco imagined what it
would be like to stroke his hands over his entire form. What would it
be like to actually express his lust physically without the barrier of his

But then he saw the agonizing torment in the Earthling’s eyes. He

was being touched without his consent. Oco didn’t have to use his gift
to know this creature was scared, alone, and probably dreading what
would happen to him. That softened Oco’s lust into something he’d
never experienced. He still wanted the Earthling physically, but he
also felt for him emotionally. How could he not? The poor thing had
extremely expressive eyes. Without the tears turning them so red, they
would be a clear and lovely green that would contrast his pale skin

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and black hair.

“Stick it in. Millitrex isn’t watching.”
Oco yanked his hand away from the Earthling’s face and moved

swiftly to his backside. Just as the Grorer was getting ready to insert
his spindly finger into the Earthling’s ass, Oco slapped his hand away.

“How dare you?” the Grorer snarled.
“You have no right to breach him until you’ve bought him.” Oco

wanted to say much more, but refrained. Discussing the nature of
kindness and basic rights with a Grorer or a Hyptu would be
essentially the same as having a conversation with a stone. There was
no point. Grorers and Hyptus were notoriously selfish beings who
saw their rights as unassailable but had no concept of extending those
same rights to others.

“Then I will buy him,” the Grorer swore. “And then I can put

anything I want in there.”

The Earthling whimpered, which made the Grorer and Hyptu

snicker and make more comments about what they would do to him
once they purchased him. It was as if the two degenerates were
feeding off the Earthling’s fear.

Oco couldn’t believe that anyone would pay a fortune to buy a

creature reputed to have amazing abilities only to defile him. It was
madness. But then again, the Grorer clearly had more money than
sense, something that was common to his species. Given the vast
mineral reserves in their planetary collective, it wasn’t any wonder
they didn’t quite know how to handle their newfound wealth. The
Hyptu was a companion species to the Grorer. Hyptus had a natural
affinity for Grorers, so the two species were almost always found
together. Oco didn’t know if they were lovers, but he suspected that
was part of their drive to couple off. He wasn’t certain, but he thought
the Hyptus were the only beings who could handle the barbed cock of
the Grorers. Together, the two could commit all kinds of horrors on
the tender Earthling.

For a moment, the Grorer seemed determined to stick his finger in

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the slave’s ass, and Oco was prepared to defend him, but Millitrex
himself came over to see the Earthling. As soon as his massive six-
armed presence penetrated the Grorer’s and Hyptu’s awareness, they
pulled their hands away and kept them at their sides.

“So what do you think of the Earthling?” Millitrex asked Oco.
“He is very handsome.”
The Earthling sniffled loudly, clearly trying to stop crying. Bound

as he was by the presentation plate, he wasn’t able to wipe his eyes or
his nose. Oco would have done that for him, but he knew displaying
his keen interest would only make the final price higher. Already, he
would have to compete with a Grorer, which would push his finances
to the limit, but he didn’t want Millitrex to know just how desperately
he wanted him.

“He seems too skinny and weak to last long.” The Grorer lifted

his large nose in the air as if he had the discernment of a much more
educated creature when anyone looking at his garish display of wealth
would know he had neither education nor refinement.

“I would think his ability to last would depend on what one was

buying him for.” Ever the diplomat, Millitrex made a comment that
could not be taken badly by anyone.

“Clearly, he’s a sex slave.” The Grorer further displayed his

arrogant ignorance by assuming that everyone saw the world the way
he did.

“Is he?” Millitrex looked around the room, his six-eyed gaze

landing on a creature that Oco was not familiar with. “The Mera has
expressed a keen interest in him for the chance to taste his flesh.”

The Earthling’s whimper drilled into Oco’s soul while the others

seemed utterly indifferent. How could they not grasp that the
Earthling was a sentient creature who was clearly aware of what they
were saying?

“I’ll bet he fucks him before he eats him.” The Hyptu cast a wary

gaze at the Mera, clearly put off by the fact the creature was all mouth
and teeth. For once, he and his companion actually kept their voices

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down, probably so they didn’t draw the Mera’s attention.

“Perhaps that is what I will do with him, too.” The Grorer lifted

his hand to the Earthling’s buttock and caressed him rather forcefully.

“Ahem.” Millitrex coughed and nodded to a sign on the far wall.

In multiple languages it made it clear the merchandise was not to be

Clearly reluctant, the Grorer took his hand away. “What is his

opening bid?”

Millitrex listed an amount that widened the Grorer’s eyes. “That

much for this little thing?”

Oco hoped that meant the Grorer was no longer interested in him.

Still, even if he backed away, there were dozens of creatures milling
around the display area. All of them might want to bid on such a
unique prize. Into Oco’s mind came the amount of liquid funds he had
on hand at this precise moment. He was an exceedingly wealthy man,
but he hadn’t been working much lately. The ethics of his skill began
to gnaw at him more and more. But how could he let this creature slip
through his fingers? He was the only being he’d ever touched without
being able to read him.

No matter what he had to do, Oco had to have the Earthling. But

he didn’t want to show his desire so plainly. To that end, he asked
Millitrex about the other offerings for the night. Ironically, his
moving away prompted the Grorer and Hyptu to follow. Clearly, the
Grorer wanted to outbid him on anything he liked. As good as his
misdirection was here on the display floor, once the bidding started,
Oco wouldn’t be able to hide his true desire. His only hope was that
the Earthling would be one of the later offerings. That way, those
present might have already spent far more acquiring other slaves,
giving him a better chance.

It was a faint hope, but it was also the only hope he had. Oco

examined the other unique and curious slaves with interest, but he
didn’t find the same blessed freedom from their mental chatter that
he’d felt with the Earthling.

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“I thought I was clear about the fact the merchandise shouldn’t be


“Ah. Forgive me, Millitrex.” Oco withdrew his hand. He’d only

touched lightly with the tip of one finger, but still, he had to follow
the rules just like everyone else. “I find I am simply curious about the
structure of their minds.”

“If he can touch them, so can I.” The Grorer rushed forward,

intent on grasping the little slave with the delicate limbs, but one
harsh comment from Millitrex stopped him in his tracks.

“It would be quite an embarrassment for both of us if I were to

have you ejected from my establishment.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Do not press me on that. I pay a fortune for my stock. Therefore I

have the resources to protect what I have.”

It was at that point Oco realized what looked like massive statues

lining the walls were actually security personnel. He wasn’t certain on
the species, but they were enormous. With their huge hands and
muscular arms they could easily rip apart any and all the prospective
buyers. From his quick calculation, there appeared to be three guards
for each buyer. The odds of coming out on top of a fight were
astronomical. Even if one of the patrons had some type of firearm
they wouldn’t be a match for these powerful guards. Besides, before
Oco had been granted entrance, he’d been thoroughly examined for
weapons. He had no doubt that all the other buyers had been scanned,

The Grorer made a rude noise of dismissal but kept his hands to

himself. He also wandered away from Millitrex and Oco.

“He is the worst kind of client,” Millitrex lamented.
“Oh?” Oco had his own thoughts as to why that was so, but he

wondered what Millitrex’s were.

“He has plenty of money, which is good, but he is very ugly

inside, which is bad. I find I would rather deal with those who treat
me, my establishment, and my goods with respect.”

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“I can understand that.”
“Can you?” Millitrex cast his gaze on Oco’s ungloved hand.
“I have made no effort to touch you.”
“Would you?”
“What would be the point?”
“Perhaps to see what I think of you.”
“Why would I care about that?” Oco pulled on his glove.
“I thought that was something all sentient creatures wondered

about. How they appear to others.” Millitrex’s gaze went to the

Now Oco understood where the rather odd conversation was

going. Millitrex wanted to know what Oco had read from the
Earthling, but Millitrex didn’t want to be so direct as to simply ask.

“I think most creatures are curious about how others perceive

them,” Oco offered evenly, trying to mimic Millitrex’s diplomatic

“No but. I think most beings in the universe wonder how others

perceive them. End of comment.”

“Ah.” Millitrex looked and sounded disappointed.
“Would you like to hire me?” Oco offered. “If there is someone in

particular you are curious about, I’m sure we can come to an

“I do not care what others think of me.” Millitrex considered Oco

pointedly. “Clearly, we are not the same in that regard.”

“I touched your stock to feel the structure of their minds. I wasn’t

looking for what they thought of me in particular.”

Rather than respond verbally, Millitrex simply nodded and moved

away on his short, squat legs. Oco supposed they had to be that way
to hold his massive upper body. Six arms and the corresponding chest
must be heavy indeed.

Oco continued around the floor, looking at the stock, but he was

careful to keep his hands at his sides. Still, no matter how he tried to

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distract himself, his gaze was inevitably drawn back to the Earthling.
He was in the same position Oco had left him in, on all fours with his
head tilted up. His black hair flowed softly back from his face,
revealing the structure of his features. His cheekbones were high and
narrow, his nose long and thin, but it was his mouth that would stay
with Oco forever.

The Earthling had soft, passionate lips. Oco’s were thin, and he

had no idea if they were overly sensitive because he’d never
connected to another enough to want to kiss him. But that would be
the first thing he would do once he owned the Earthling.

“Provided he agrees.”
“Nothing.” Oco realized he’d spoken aloud. He hadn’t meant to,

but he discovered his rather legendary control was slipping. He would
blame the Earthling, but he had done nothing. The problem was
within Oco himself. Lust was making him incapable of focusing on
anything other than what it would be like to actually be with another.
Not just find release, which he’d done, but to experience everything
from the very start to the very end. How much was he willing to pay
for just a chance at that singular event?

Oco would pay a fortune, but he realized gaining possession of the

Earthling was simply the first step in getting what he wanted. He had
to convince the Earthling to share his bed. No matter how much he
paid, Oco still couldn’t force the young man to do his lustful bidding.
Not being able to read him with his gift didn’t mean Oco was
incapable of knowing whether or not he was causing the creature
distress. For the first time in his long and lonely life, Oco wanted to
connect. He wanted to look into the Earthling’s eyes and see his lust
reflected back.

When the lights flickered, everyone moved toward the back of the

showroom. Oco stepped through the massive double hung doors. One
of Millitrex’s employees directed him to a plush chair. True to his
accommodating nature, Millitrex had appropriate seating for each

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type of alien present. All the chairs were in a semi-circle around a
podium so that no one was shown more privilege than anyone else.

To bid on an item, all Oco had to do was press the button on the

armrest of his chair. Each flick of his finger would increase the bid
and give the others present a few seconds to outbid him if they
wished. The bidding process was kept as subtle as possible to
discourage customers from bidding out of spite. Oco didn’t believe
that was going to stop the Grorer from trying to acquire anything Oco
wanted, especially the Earthling.

As Oco settled in, he noticed the Grorer and Hyptu considering

their chairs and making quiet complaints. That struck Oco odd
because neither of them had been quiet before. If there was a problem,
it seemed more likely they would be obnoxious about pointing it out.
When the employee couldn’t address the issue, Millitrex was brought
over to inspect the chairs. Whatever the trouble was, Millitrex seemed
to have solved it because the Grorer and his companion settled down.
Once everyone was seated, the lights were dimmed on the audience
and brought up on the podium and the small stage.

Each slave was brought out, still on his or her podium. They were

forced to hold their positions as their platform turned slowly, allowing
the clientele a full look while they bid.

Oco bid on a few slaves to throw the Grorer and others off his true

and burning desire to possess the Earthling. He didn’t know if he was
successful, though, because looking left or right would reveal that he
was trying to assess what the others were bidding on. As subtle as the
finger-flick button was, it would still be noticeable to an attentive eye.

After what seemed forever, the Earthling was brought out. While

the auctioneer spoke, the human’s pedestal was rotated, displaying
him from all angles. Oco was again struck by his vulnerable beauty.
His eyes were wide and so terrified Oco wanted to rush the stage, toss
his jacket over him, and then steal him away. But he didn’t. He stayed
in his seat and flicked his finger over and over. Each time he pressed
the button he imagined stroking the Earthling. Higher the bidding

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went and faster Oco bid. Clearly, he wasn’t the only one desperate to
possess the human. But none of them were as passionate as Oco was.

Rather suddenly, the bidding was over. Oco was pleased that he’d

won and he saw a corresponding relief in the Earthling’s gaze. But
then the auctioneer pronounced the Grorer was the winner. When the
Grorer stood and pointedly laughed at Oco, the look of dread that
came over the Earthling’s face would stay in Oco’s mind for the rest
of his life.

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Chapter 3

Finally, something good was going to happen on Keenan’s

birthday. Given how fast he was flicking his finger, the man in white
was clearly bidding on him. Keenan’s terror slowly eased. He didn’t
know him and he could be wrong about his intentions, but Keenan
would take Punk Royal over the hideous creature in the gleaming
metal shoes any day. With one simple touch to his face, the man in
white had captured not only Keenan’s attention, but he’d awoken
something in him that even now was struggling to come fully into the
light. It was lust, but there was another component that Keenan
simply didn’t understand. Not yet. But he had a feeling he’d grasp
everything if he could only spend more time with the man who looked
like punk rock royalty.

As Keenan remained frozen on his slowly turning podium, all he

could do was wait for the moment when he would be able to see the
man in white again. Each time he came around, Keenan would dart
his gaze to the side so he could stare at him until he was turned too far
and had to wait for the next revolution. It seemed each time he saw
him, Punk Royal was more handsome, and he was even more
furiously flicking his finger. When Punk Royal smiled, Keenan’s
entire body sagged from relief. He’d won. Keenan wanted to sing he
was so happy that his prince had bought him, saving him from the
creature with metal shoes and cold, spindly fingers.

But he was wrong.
In a bare second everything changed. Metal Shoes rose to his feet,

laughing while Punk Royal’s smile turned into a snarl. There was a
commotion that Keenan couldn’t see because his podium continued to

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turn in a lazy circle. By the next time he came around, his knight in a
gleaming white suit was gone. Keenan wanted to hang his head and
cry, but he couldn’t move. Somehow, the fact that he didn’t even have
control over his own body anymore sent him into that place he’d
sought so desperately before.

Disconnected from his body, Keenan was barely aware when his

pedestal was moved from the stage to the back room. When someone
came and removed him from his pad and led him away, he didn’t
fight. He no longer cared what happened to him because he had
absolutely no say in anything anymore. Even though he’d separated
himself mentally from his body, he couldn’t escape the horrible
thoughts in his head. Is this what he’d subjected all those young men
to? If he had, it was no wonder he was being punished now.

Keenan didn’t create the lottery or even select the recipients of the

envelopes, but still, without him delivering the news, they wouldn’t
have had to go. Sure, the Eoeans would have just found someone else
to do the job, but Keenan had taken it. He’d been desperate. With his
parents dead and his sister struggling to provide for the two of them,
he’d leapt at a chance to have his own place, his own money, his own
say in his life.

The irony of his situation was not lost on Keenan. He’d taken the

job so he could direct his own path while his job had taken that from
hundreds if not thousands of men, ultimately including himself.
Perhaps this was the eventual fate for all the humans who worked for
the aliens. This was how the Eoeans paid them back. It was a terrible
thought, but he almost instantly dismissed it. No one would work for
them if that were the case. The Eoeans were closemouthed creatures,
but eventually any little tidbit of information got around. Still, it
seemed fitting that he would suffer the same fate as all those other
men. In many ways, he felt he deserved what he was getting now.
Karma was a bitch, but no one made him take that job in the first

“He has been cleaned, hasn’t he?” Metal Shoes looked Keenan up

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and down. He had such a spindly body he looked like one good kick
to his belly would make him fold in like a toothpick structure. Not
that Keenan was going to attack him. Why bother? If he did, he’d
only get punished worse. So he stood there looking down at his ugly
shoes, waiting for someone else to speak because he had no intention
of ever saying another thing as long as he lived.

“As always, our stock is clean, disease-free, and ready to

accompany you wherever you wish to go.” The owner of the auction
house, the one Keenan had overheard others calling Millitrex, handed
a sheaf of papers to Metal Shoes. Keenan was fairly certain they
proved ownership. Metal Shoes handed things off to Yellow Feet. He
then rubbed his creepy hands together like he couldn’t wait to get
them on Keenan.

“Come along, human.”
Keenan looked up at Millitrex. He was tall with six arms, six eyes,

and odd pink skin that looked most unpleasant under the current
lighting. Keenan wanted his look to say something to the creature,
something about how could he sleep at night doing what he did? How
could he let Metal Shoes take him when it was clear Punk Royal
would have treated him a million times better? Keenan doubted any
of his feelings penetrated Millitrex. He did what so many others had
done. Millitrex looked at Keenan and then looked away without
indicating he’d registered him at all. The only thing the big pink jerk
seemed concerned with was making sure he got his money.

Without warning, Metal Shoes struck Keenan across the face,

knocking him to the ground. For a spindly fuck he was surprisingly

“Get up.”
Keenan rose to his feet, but now he kept his wary attention on his

new master. He had no idea why he’d been hit, but he had a dreadful
feeling it was only going to get worse from here.

“I told you to come along.”
“Just remember that once you exit my establishment, you cannot

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return him.” Millitrex kept his tone even, but his meaning was clear.
Metal Shoes couldn’t take Keenan somewhere, fuck him, beat him,
and then send him back.

“I know.” Metal Shoes looked at Keenan. “If you don’t want to be

sold to the Mera for food, I suggest you do exactly what I tell you.”

Keenan just looked at him. He didn’t react or say anything

because he knew that would only give Metal Shoes an excuse to hit
him again.

Apparently mollified, Metal Shoes and Yellow Feet left the

auction house with Keenan following dutifully in their wake. Once
outside, Keenan realized several things at once. It was colder than a
Colorado winter despite the fact there wasn’t any snow. He had no
clothes or shoes which meant he was instantly freezing. And worst of
all the area around the auction house was covered with some kind of
crushed rock that was very sharp. Each step dug shards into his tender
feet while a cold wind whipped away what little body heat he had.

Metal Shoes and Yellow Feet were moving so fast that to keep up,

he’d slice his soles open. Rather than tell them he had no shoes, he
did his best to move along quickly without hurting himself. But they
knew he was struggling. They walked over to some kind of transport
and then leaned against it, watching him and laughing.

“Hurry, or I shall have to strike you again!”
Keenan kept plodding along. If he wanted him to move any faster,

he could come and get him. For a moment, he wondered what would
happen if he threw himself down in the rocks. Would he be cut so
horribly he’d die? Bleeding to death here in the cold might be
preferable to whatever awaited him once he was alone with his new
master. Yellow Feet hadn’t said anything, but his job seemed to be
supporting whatever Metal Shoes wanted to do. He was like some
kind of silently grinning yes-man who looked like a chicken.

And then, something wonderful happened. Metal Shoes crumpled

to the ground. He was standing there berating Keenan when he just
dropped. Yellow Feet quickly followed in his wake. Keenan whipped

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his head around, wondering what the hell happened while looking for
a way to run, but then he saw his savior.

Punk Royal strode toward him as if they’d always agreed to meet

here in this way. He offered out his hand. “Come with me.”

Keenan knew he was almost always wrong about everything, but

he didn’t think he was this time. What he felt when this man touched
him was real. There was simply no way he could fake the compassion
in his eyes or the earnestness of his features.

“I swear upon my soul I will not harm you.”
Oh, God. On top of being the most gorgeous being in all creation,

he’s also a gentleman. The moment was almost painfully romantic.
Keenan took his glove-clad hand. His grip was warm and so
comforting Keenan almost sagged from relief. Instead of having to
endure walking slowly across the wicked stones, he found himself
pulled up into steely strong arms that spared his feet and blocked his
body from the heat-stealing wind.

This close, the scent of his savior filled his nose, making him

almost swoon. Punk Royal’s essence was something spicy and
masculine, urging Keenan to close his eyes, press his face against his
neck, and breathe deep. A thousand fantasies spilled through his mind
in an instant, but then he realized he should be getting to know him,
not just dreaming about what might become of them.

When Keenan moved his head back so he could look up, he found

that Punk Royal was peering intently down at him. Even in the
subdued lighting, his golden eyes were bright, and most decidedly

Keenan swallowed hard. He’d longed for someone to look at him

more than once, but he wasn’t quite prepared for this man’s intensity.
Afraid that what he saw wasn’t what this man felt, Keenan struggled
to say something. Since he couldn’t speak while looking at him, he
looked away from him and back toward his prior owner and his
sidekick. “What did you do to them?”

“Nothing they won’t recover from.” Punk Royal’s deliciously rich

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voice drew Keenan’s gaze to him. He smiled down at Keenan as he
jogged briskly across the tarmac. “Are you injured?”

“I think I’m okay now.” Keenan offered him a wan smile. Every

fiber of his being wanted to trust this man, but he couldn’t trust
himself. Keenan never seemed to read a situation correctly. So rather
than allow himself to get any deeper into his romantic notion, he
decided he had to remain somewhat aloof. He didn’t think he could
bear falling for this handsome and debonair man only to discover he
wanted to do all kinds of perverted things to him.

“I will not hurt you.” Punk Royal slowed his steps so that he could

cradle Keenan with one powerful arm and stroke his face tenderly
with his other hand. “I’m not like they are.”

“So you go to slave auctions to look at the artwork on the walls?”

Keenan had practically melted at his touch, and he was grateful to
him for apparently rescuing him, but he had to know just what kind of
guy his rescuer really was.

Punk Royal had the good grace to look chagrined. “I do not know

why I went. I’ve never owned a slave. I suppose I was simply curious
about Earthlings, as were so many of Millitrex’s other guests.” He
shook his head, making his Mohawk bend back and forth against the

“So it’s like going to a freak show.”
Apparently, the words didn’t translate well, but that didn’t stop

Punk Royal from answering. “I’ve come to look at other curiosities.”
He seemed to blanch when he realized what he was saying and who
he was saying it to. “Not to say that you are curious. You are the
only—I am not the kind of man who—just that I—”

“Stop.” Keenan reached up and pressed his finger to his lips. They

were cold from the weather but so soft he was reluctant to take his
hand away. He did, but he would look for any opportunity he could to
find a way to kiss this man. If he was taking him somewhere to do

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unspeakable things to him, there simply wasn’t anything Keenan
could do about that. For once, he wanted to trust himself that his
initial impression of someone was correct. “I don’t care why you were
there or what you want from me. You saved me. And for that I’m

It was a perfect opportunity to lean up and get that kiss, but Punk

Royal was taking him inside some kind of craft. It was big, gleaming,
and looked just as posh as its owner. Once the door was closed and
the wind was cut off, Keenan stopped shivering. Punk Royal’s body
heat penetrated his flesh, making him go from freezing to sweating in
the blink of an eye.

Gently, Punk Royal set him down on his feet. The carpet he stood

on was the exact opposite of the shards outside. Warm, soft, each
fiber of the flooring seemed determined to comfort him in some way.
Keenan was so relieved he felt almost on the verge of grateful tears.
For the first time since his horrible nightmare began, he actually felt
he was safe.

And then Punk Royal slowly and deliberately removed his gloves.

His hands were the same light brown as his face. His fingers were
thick, strong, with a startling dexterity that mesmerized Keenan. Even
though he had five fingers and a thumb, there was something
strangely human about his hands. Keenan wasn’t sure what, exactly,
but he found himself wondering what it would be like to have those
hands touching him without the gloves. So far, Punk Royal had only
touched his cheek without the barrier of fabric.

As he stood there, watching and wondering, Keenan realized that

Punk Royal started to remove his jacket. His thick fingers pried the
buttons apart with a deliberate thrust that Keenan swore he felt along
his flesh. One after another from the top down revealed evermore of
his chest. Unlike the skin of his hands or face, his chest was gold. The
glittering color was so distracting that Keenan didn’t really
understand what was happening until he realized his savior, his
supposed gentleman, was getting undressed.

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Keenan took a step back. He’d allowed himself to be taken in by

his handsomeness and charm. Belatedly, he realized that he’d put
himself into another dangerous situation. He was alone in a large
transport with an alien who had been bidding furiously on him. He
had also incapacitated two other creatures in order to possess him. It
was just now becoming obvious Punk Royal hadn’t done so to
exchange recipes.

Disappointed but not surprised, Keenan whipped his head around,

desperate for a weapon or a way to escape. Just because he found this
man attractive didn’t mean he was going to hop on his back and
spread his legs. He couldn’t believe how his fortune continued to
plummet. Fate was going to find new and creative ways to torment
him until he died. Knowing his luck, the aliens he’d been sold to
would have ways of forcing him to stay alive long past the usual.

“Put this on.” Punk Royal held the jacket out to Keenan.
Confused, Keenan just stood there, looking at the offered coat and

then Punk’s chest. Just below his collarbone the glittering gold skin
started, but it didn’t cover his entire upper body. It formed a long, thin
V from his neck down to his belly button. The rest of his skin was the
same light brown as his hands and face.

“Please. It’s just so you can cover up and not feel so vulnerable.”
“Thank you.” Each time he thought he had this guy figured out, he

realized he didn’t. Keenan took the jacket and slipped his arms
through. The scent that enveloped him was simultaneously
comforting and arousing. Thankfully, the jacket covered him down to
his midthigh, hiding his stiffening cock. “What’s your name?”

“I am Oco Mig Nuhull.” He offered a modified bow. “Might I

have your name?”

“Keenan Hastings.” Keenan stuck his hand out in an automatic

gesture to shake, but Oco simply stared at his hand. “Sorry. My kind
shakes hands in greeting.”

Oco appeared to want to take his hand but then seemed to think

better of it. He pulled his gloves back on then took Keenan’s hand

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into his. Rather than shake and let go, Oco lifted Keenan’s hand to his
mouth and kissed the center of Keenan’s palm.

Heat spiraled from the contact along Keenan’s arm, down his

chest, and then tightened around his cock. What was it about Oco’s
touch that caused such white-hot lust to possess him? But the bigger
question was why in the world was he afraid to touch Keenan without
his gloves? All questions fled from Keenan’s mind when he looked
up and into Oco’s eyes. All he wanted in that moment was to move
close and kiss him. Just as Keenan summoned the courage, Oco
released him from his sensual spell.

“Come. We should be away from here before the foul Grorer and

his Hyptu companion awake.” Oco turned on his heel, moving toward
what must be the front of the transport.

Keenan followed, loving the way the white trousers cupped his

Punk Royal prince’s powerful buttocks. For an alien, Oco had a
remarkably human ass. Whatever that fabric was, it seemed to be
practically making love to his body, something that Keenan wouldn’t
mind echoing. Each movement was expressed by the shifting of
fibers. Some bunched up, others stretched, but all of it was a visual

When they reached the front, Oco settled into what was clearly the

driver’s seat. Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be a copilot seat.
Keenan stood there wondering what to do. Oco’s hands danced over
the dash like those of a concert pianist’s, activating the machine and
readying it for takeoff. Once he had it humming, he turned.

“Forgive me. I am assuming you’ve been on an airship.”
“Nope. I drove a van.”
Oco tilted his head to the side.
“It’s a surface vehicle on Earth.”
“I see.” Oco went over to the side of the cockpit and pulled on a

latch. A surprisingly plush-looking chair unfolded from the wall.

Keenan settled into something so cushy he was certain if he

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wasn’t so excited he could have fallen asleep. Instead, he found
himself going into high alert. Oco knelt down beside him and drew a
series of straps over his body. Even though he knew they were just
like seat belts, he couldn’t stop his kinky brain from imagining
something else. When Oco brushed his glove-clad hand over
Keenan’s now painfully hard cock, he abruptly stopped what he was
doing and peered right into Keenan’s eyes.

“I can’t help it.” Mortified by his body’s betrayal, Keenan wanted

to glance away but found himself riveted to Oco’s molten gaze.

“At least you’re no longer afraid of me.”
Keenan didn’t know what to say, so he sat there mute, trying to

figure out if this was the right time to kiss his handsome prince. The
decision was made for him when Oco finally broke eye contact and
hastily finished strapping him down. When Oco stood, Keenan
realized that what was happening to his body was also happening to
Oco’s. The only difference was in terms of size. Whatever Oco was
packing down the front of his trousers was big enough to pull his
pants’ seams taut at his hips. Given just a little more stimulation, he
might very well bust right out of them.

When Oco realized where Keenan was looking, he turned away,

adjusted himself, then settled in the main seat.

“Where are we going?” Keenan thought it was a fairly innocuous

question, but when Oco didn’t answer, he found he was once again
teetering on the brink of panic.

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Chapter 4

Oco was unable to answer Keenan because all he could think

about was how hard Keenan was and how aroused that fact had made
him in turn. Lust and longing filled Oco with primal needs that he
simply didn’t have an outlet for, not at the moment, anyway. He
couldn’t just take Keenan, toss him down, and lose himself in the
bliss of having someone he could actually feel and not read. Saving
Keenan from two degenerates didn’t give Oco license to have his way
with him. Oh, but if he could, he would ensure his way did nothing
but give Keenan immense pleasure.

Oco wanted to start at his toes and work his way up to his

surprisingly large cock. But rather than touch him there, Oco would
only tease with his breath while he toyed with Keenan’s snug hole.
Oco hadn’t touched him there, but he’d seen the vulnerable flesh
when the Grorer had parted Keenan’s cheeks. Such a small opening
would require almost endless preparation, something that Oco would
be pleased to do. Just the notion he could touch without reading
would keep him entranced for…

“A lifetime.”
“We will go soon.” Oco shook his head. He shouldn’t even be

thinking such possessive thoughts. He didn’t own Keenan. Even if he
did, he certainly couldn’t demand that they forge a bond that probably
wouldn’t work. For all he knew, they weren’t fully compatible.
Keenan didn’t have a trigo. He seemed captivated by Oco’s, as
evidenced by the way he’d stared at the patch of golden skin that went
down the center of his chest, but fascination didn’t mean anything

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would happen when he touched it.

Somehow, Oco didn’t believe he’d be so lucky as to have an

ability to actually feel the Earthling rather than read him and that
same being would be able to stimulate his trigo. It seemed too much
to ask. Worse, Oco was afraid to touch Keenan again without his
gloves on. He was worried what he’d felt on the showroom floor was
an illusion. Millitrex had been able to work some kind of magic that
was now faded. When he touched Keenan, he’d be bombarded with
mental chatter.

“Did I do something wrong?” Keenan’s voice was soft but still

clearly audible over the smooth vibration of the ship.

“Not at all.” Oco didn’t know what else to say. He was afraid if he

started reassuring the Earthling he’d pour out everything all at once
and overwhelm him. If nothing else, Oco wasn’t going to dump his
own problems on an innocent.

“So where are we going?”
“I am not sure.” Oco lifted off and gained a good distance from

the ground. He honestly didn’t know where to take Keenan. If he took
him to his estate, the authorities would surely come to take him back.
Oco would suffer some kind of sanction for not only having but using
an illegal stunner ray. Despite the fact the Grorer was a vile, abusive,
and thoroughly disgusting creature who had obviously cheated to
obtain the Earthling, that didn’t give Oco the right to steal from him.

“Thank you for rescuing me anyway. Even if I do end up having

to go back, at least I have a small reprieve.”

“You won’t go back. Not to that degenerate slime.” Oco could

think of many more colorful and revolting words to call the Grorer,
but he didn’t think vulgarity was proper around one so tender as
Keenan. He seemed so young and innocent. But then again, Oco knew
nothing about Earthlings. For all he knew, Keenan could be decades
older than him.

“So you don’t know where we’re going, but you can assure me

I’m not going back?”

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“I will do all in my power to stop you from ending up in the

clutches of the Grorer.”

“Is that the guy with the metal shoes?”
“What’s that thing with him?”
“A Hyptu. Grorers and Hyptus have a curious affinity. They are

almost always together.”

“Oh.” Keenan was silent for half a breath. “What are you?”
“I am an Alzimian.”
“Is this place Alzimia?”
“Alzim. And no. My home world is…” Oco didn’t want to talk

about his planet or his people. “This planet is not Alzim.”

“So do you have any idea where you’re going to take me yet?”
“Tell me of your world.” Oco skimmed over the empty land

surrounding Millitrex’s auction house. He’d once overheard him
telling another buyer that he deliberately put his establishment in the
middle of nowhere to avoid paying certain taxes and to escape many
restrictive laws. Oco thought that his choice of location also kept the
less-rich clientele away. Just getting to his establishment cost a small
fortune. If not for the fact the Grorer would surely know who stole his
prize, Oco could have disappeared with Keenan and none would be
the wiser.

“My world doesn’t matter anymore because I’ll never be able to

go back there.”

“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah. Me, too.” Keenan sounded resentful.
“Were you sold into slavery?”
“Nope. I got volunteered.”
The expression didn’t make any sense. “Someone forced you to

agree to be sold?”

“In a roundabout way.” Keenan quickly explained about the

Eoeans and their curious lottery.

“You had no warning?”

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“Some. Just enough to tie things up, but then I was here, getting

stripped out of my clothes, scrubbed down, and offered to a bunch of
grabby assholes.”

Well, that made it clear Keenan wasn’t a delicate sort when it

came to vulgarity, but it also clarified that he wasn’t just going to
throw himself into Oco’s waiting arms. “As I said, I won’t hurt you.”

“Right.” Keenan sighed. “You’re just helping me out because

you’re a knight in gleaming white.”

“I’m helping you out because—” Oco cut himself off. Just why

was he helping Keenan? There was the obvious—his own needs and
longings—but there was something else, too. Perhaps it was that look
of tragedy in his eyes. Almost as if Keenan thought he deserved what
was happening to him.

“Because you want something,” Keenan finished softly. “Please

don’t lie to me. I’m not stupid.”

No matter how desperately Oco wanted to lie to himself, he knew

his motives weren’t altruistic. Frankly, it was obvious they both knew
the truth, so it seemed asinine to pretend otherwise. “I do want
something. But I’m not just going to make you do what I want.”

“Why don’t we start with exactly what it is that you do want?”
Oco wanted so much, but again, trying to put it all into words was

impossible. To give himself a moment to gather his thoughts, he
deliberately rocked the vehicle side to side, hoping that Keenan might
think there was some kind of turbulence. There was, but it was only in
Oco’s mind, not the air they traveled through. When Keenan fell
silent, Oco breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived. He had
plenty of problems to keep him occupied. Where was he going? What
did he intend to do with Keenan once he got there? And just what in
the world was he going to do when the authorities inevitably caught
up with him?

As a very pragmatic man who always had meticulous plans, he

found himself doubly anxious. Not only had he acted impulsively, but
now that he had what he coveted so desperately, he didn’t quite know

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what to do with him. Rather than keep going toward some unknown
destiny, he checked the area below, found there was literally nothing
around them, then settled into the desert.

“Why are we stopping?” Keenan’s voice rose in pitch, spelling

out his fear.

“We need to talk.”
“You’re not just going to throw me off, are you?”
“No.” Oco looked over his shoulder. Keenan’s eyes were wide

and frantically searching around the cockpit as if to find a way out or
perhaps a way to defend himself. It was impossible to say. The only
thing that was perfectly clear was his terror. Given all that had
happened to him, Oco didn’t find that state remarkable. As soon as
the aircar came to a halt, he turned the thrusters off but left the
interior lights on. Plunging the two of them into darkness would only
exacerbate Keenan’s fragile state. “I just want to find out if…”

“Just say it! Just say what we both know you’re going to do.”

Keenan was now struggling with the safety straps. The longer they
held him fast, the more violently he fought. “We both know you must
be planning something horrible if you’re worried about your
fingerprints getting left on me.”

“That’s why you’re still wearing those gloves, right?” Keenan

pointed. “So you can do something to me and get away with it?”

Oco took off his gloves and tossed them aside. Rather than

reassure Keenan, his gesture only seemed to incite him to greater
heights of terror.

“Please let me go. I just want to go home. I just want—” Keenan

drew a great breath of air and burst into gasping sobs.

Oco knelt down beside him, quickly removing the straps. He

thought Keenan would lunge away, but he stayed on the seat,
immobilized by his tears.

“I wear gloves to block my ability to touch.”
Keenan looked at his hands then up to his face. He was still

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crying, but not quite as forcefully. “Why?”

“When I touch people, I can read their minds.”
Now he frowned, and his gaze darted more quickly between Oco’s

hands and face. He didn’t have to be a mind reader to know Keenan
thought he was exaggerating.

“That’s why you touched me in there. You wanted to read me?”

Keenan peered into Oco’s eyes. “What did you find out about me that
would make you steal me?”

“When I touched you, all I felt was the wetness of your tears and

the softness of your face.” Oco reached up. Though he was afraid of
what might happen, he had to know if what he’d felt was real or not.
He stroked his finger gently down Keenan’s face. It was the exact
same motion he’d made before. To his utter relief, all he felt was
moisture and skin. What he’d felt before was not an illusion. But now
he had a very new problem. He had to find a way to keep his hands
off Keenan. “I feel you when I touch you. There’s no mental chatter
at all.”

“What does that mean?”
“I don’t think it means anything.”
“But why does that matter? Are you going to take me to some lab

and tear me apart until you understand why I’m different?”

“No.” Oco wanted to pull him into his arms and comfort him, but

he thought his gesture would probably have the opposite effect. “I
don’t care why this is happening with you. I’m only grateful that it

“Why?” Keenan looked at his hands then up to Oco’s face. “I

would think having a skill like that would be valuable.”

“It is. I’ve been able to make a fortune selling my ability to others.

But not having a way to shut it off has left me unable to experience
physical love.”

“I don’t see why.” Keenan wiped his tears away with the back of

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his hand.

“Imagine taking your lover’s hand and finding a mind-bending

amount of information from how they feel holding your hand to what
they are thinking of eating to perhaps their dislike of something
you’re wearing.”

“Oh.” Keenan considered. “And that doesn’t happen with me?”
“When I touch you, all I feel is you.” Oco took Keenan’s hand,

marveling that he was able to experience the coolness of his skin and
the strength of his bones. That he had only four fingers and a thumb
was oddly beautiful, compelling him to trace his fingers over the
structure as if he could memorize it. He knew the instant when
Keenan grew concerned because he could feel his hand tighten up.
How very odd that rather than reading his mind he was able to read
his physical reactions. It wasn’t nearly as detailed, but that simply
didn’t matter to him. By careful observation and attention, he would
still know what his companion was feeling. Oco drew his gaze to
Keenan’s face. “Just because I can feel you doesn’t mean I will.”

Oco let go and stood. When he realized he’d placed his cock just

about at the level of Keenan’s mouth, he stepped back and turned
away. He couldn’t seem to look at him and not think about what he
would like to do. Somehow, just seeing Keenan in his jacket made
him feel as if he’d already staked his claim on the tender Earthling.

“So you really are a gentleman?”
“I would never use force to get anyone in my bed.”
“Not even a slave that you rescued?”
“Not even a slave that I rescued.” Oco wished he had something

in the craft that he could wear, something that would cover up the
blatant display of his arousal, but he thought even if he did have extra
clothing, trying to cover up his cock would only draw more attention
to his lust.

“When you touch me, I feel this shiver of longing go through my

whole body.”

Oco turned, and his gaze immediately dropped down to Keenan’s

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lap. He was clearly suffering the same fate. As thick as the fabric of
his jacket was, it still wasn’t enough to completely hide Keenan’s

“If you could touch me and read me, you’d find out that I’m

bouncing back and forth between fear and arousal so fast I’m having a
difficult time keeping my head on straight.”

“What can I do?”
“What do you mean?”
“What can I do to make you more comfortable?”
Keenan blinked several times, clearly perplexed by Oco’s offer.

And then silent tears slid down his face.

Crushing guilt made Oco almost desperate to know what he could

do to mitigate Keenan’s fear.

“Hold me.” Keenan rose from the chair and plastered himself

against Oco’s chest. “Just hold me until I stop shaking.”

Up came Oco’s arms, wrapping around Keenan, holding him

tightly to his form. When Keenan pressed his face against his trigo,
Oco gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. Pulses of pleasure radiated
through him, making him strong and weak in alternating waves. Even
when he’d held someone against him with his gloved hands, he’d
never had anyone spark awareness there. Overwhelmed by
shimmering bliss, Oco lowered his head at the same time Keenan
lifted his. Oco opened his eyes, seeking permission, but Keenan’s
eyes were closed. He couldn’t kiss him unless he was certain he
wanted him to. And then, Keenan’s lips told Oco all he needed to
know. They were pursed and seeking upward, begging him to close
the distance between them. Oco had no choice. He had to kiss him.

When their lips touched, he groaned, causing Keenan to moan and

press closer. Encouraged by his show of submission, Oco pulled him
tighter still, pressing their cocks together. The heat of the contact
caused him to growl. Rather than startle at his aggression, Keenan
melted into him, surrendering himself. When Keenan parted his lips,
Oco slid his tongue inside his mouth. An explosion of longing made

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him desperate for more. Keenan’s taste was alien yet familiar, making
Oco think of twined destines and the curious way of the universe.

When he finally broke the kiss and looked down into Keenan’s

eyes, Oco was stunned by the way the green was sharpened, more
intense, almost as if their intimate contact had revitalized him.

“On my home world, there is a sea that is the exact same shade as

your eyes at just this moment.” Oco stroked his cheek. “I never
thought I’d see that stunning color again.”

“Really? I always thought my eyes were boring.”
“Not at all.”
“Yours are molten gold.”
“Now that is boring.”
“It is?”
“All Alzimians have gold eyes.”
“To me they are the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.” Keenan

leaned up, silently begging for another kiss, which Oco gave him.

Each time he thought they were as tightly pressed together as they

could be, they managed to get just a bit closer. Sliding his hands
down Keenan’s back, Oco cupped his buttocks, grinding his hips
against his own, making both of them growl like lusty beasts.

“I want to feel you,” Oco said between hungry kisses.
“Do. You can touch me. I want you to.”
Working the fabric up, Oco was ultimately rewarded with the feel

of Keenan’s flesh. Now that he was out of the cold and partially
clothed, his ass was hot against Oco’s palms. Soft skin urged him to
grip just a little firmer, bodily lifting him until only the very tips of
Keenan’s toes touched the floor.

“We should go.” Concerned that he was pushing him too far too

fast, Oco reluctantly released Keenan. He brushed the jacket down so
that it covered him again.

“Somewhere they will never think to look for us.”

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Chapter 5

“Where would that be?” Keenan couldn’t believe how quickly his

fate had changed. He’d only been afraid of Oco because he wasn’t
clear about his intentions. After he’d told him the truth about his
strange and remarkable gift, Keenan could better understand why Oco
had wanted him so desperately. Not that he thought his inability to
read him was the only reason Oco wanted to be with him. It was clear
from the way he touched him and kissed him that his attraction was
much deeper.

“I’ll get as much of my funds as I can, and then we’ll run.”
“There are places we could go where no one would bother us.”

Oco smiled as he very deliberately stepped back. “The universe is a
vast and remarkable place.”

As good as that sounded, Keenan didn’t want to live his life on the

run. Always looking over his shoulder didn’t sound like a peaceful
existence. Worse, it was obvious by the cut of the jacket and the plush
luxury of the ship that Oco was used to the finer things in life. Living
in relative squalor wasn’t going to be too much of a hardship on him,
but he feared Oco would grow resentful. And that was when the truth
hit Keenan like a slap to the face. They didn’t know each other. All
they had going right now was a serious case of the hots for each other.
If Oco threw his whole life away just to scratch an itch, he would
eventually wake up when the itch was gone. In order to make that
kind of commitment to one another they had to know each other,
really know each other, and that wasn’t going to happen overnight.

“I don’t want to run.”

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Oco frowned.
“If we run, we’ll always be looking over our shoulders. I don’t

want that life. Do you? And be honest.”

Oco’s mouth came open with a kind of automatic answer that he

abruptly cut off. “By nature, I am a deliberate man.”

Keenan listened attentively.
“I have planned out my life from the moment I became an adult.

Even tonight I came knowing I would only look and not buy. I came
to give myself something to do. And then I found you. Everything
changed. I don’t want to give you back, but I don’t want to throw my
life away, either.”

“I don’t think you have to. We don’t know that we’re really

compatible yet. We just met.”

“We are sexually compatible.”
“Kissing compatible.”
“You aroused my trigo.”
Keenan had no idea what that was as the word didn’t translate at


“This.” Oco stroked his hand down the golden triangle on his

chest. At the bottom point, right above his belly button, he lifted his
hand and seemed on the verge of touching himself somewhere else
but seemed to change his mind. “No one has ever accomplished that

“No one?”
Oco shook his head. “I felt pleasure when they touched me, but

not all that I should. I thought only one of my own species would be
able to fully engage my most powerful erogenous zone.”

“Oh.” Keenan didn’t know what to say. He hadn’t even been

trying to excite him. He’d just pressed his face against that oddly cool
patch of skin.

“I will not attack you.”

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“I didn’t say you would.”
“You appeared concerned.”
“I just—what are the odds?”
“I do not understand.”
“I’m from like a billion miles away, and I can get your motor

running when no one else could?” Keenan suddenly realized
something. “Just how many lovers have you had?”

“I have had enough to know what I like.”
“Have you been with women?”
“Females? Yes. One.”
“Oh.” Disappointment made Keenan slump. For some reason that

really bothered him.

“I was forced into a pairing when I was very young. It’s why I left

my home world.”

“I’m sorry.” And what he said reminded Keenan he in no way had

the corner on the rough-life market. “Your father made you get

“My mother. In my culture it is the mother who wields the power,

not the father.”

“Ours is more patriarchal.” Keenan settled into his seat and did up

the straps himself while Oco watched. “You didn’t like your wife?”

“She was six times as old as I was.”
Oco laughed. “Your face is very expressive.”
“Was your reaction like that?”
“Perhaps not quite so straightforward. She wasn’t a bad woman,

only too old for me.”

“Then why would your mother want you to marry her?”
“She was excessively wealthy.”
“Oh.” Keenan felt vindicated that he was spot-on about Oco being

used to wealth.

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“To please my mother, I tried to be a good mate to her, but we had

nothing in common. Despite the fact that we were compatible in
physical terms, she did not arouse me.” Oco stepped forward and
dropped to his knees. He readjusted the straps over Keenan’s body so
they were smooth.

“Thank you.”
“She is the only woman I was ever with.”
Keenan nodded.
“She hired me a valet to style my hair and help me dress. He was

my age but smaller.” Oco’s hand rested on Keenan’s thigh. The heat
of his touch slowly bled through the fabric until it heated a patch of
Keenan’s skin. “He was my first male lover.”

“And you loved him?”
“I did not love him.” Oco sighed. “We comforted one another, and

I cared a great deal for him, but we didn’t fully align.”

Oco sighed hard and then frowned. All the while his hand kept

steady on Keenan’s leg while his fingers traced lazy circles. Oco
didn’t even seem to be aware of what he was doing, but his
absentminded caress was causing major tension in Keenan’s body.

“My kind is very…complicated.” Oco shook his head. “For us to

be fully and completely engaged with another is rare. Extremely so.
But with my ability, it made it even more difficult. Every time I
touched him he was so worried about her finding out that he couldn’t
relax. It made it impossible for me to be completely engaged.”

“But you do like men?”
“I like you.” Oco squeezed Keenan’s thigh then stood. “I find

when I touch you I am so deeply involved I forget where I am, and I
think in the right place I could even forget who I am.”

Keenan felt something in him melt. Oco was like a prince from a

fairy tale. He was kind, romantic, brave, and despite the fact what he
said might bother Keenan, he was honest. He told him the truth about
his past. That was an endearing trait.

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“But I also know that running will not suit either one of us. So I

will take you to my home.”

“Good.” Keenan rubbed the spot where Oco’s hand had been. It

was cooling rapidly and made him feel a funny shiver all over his
body. He wasn’t cold, only painfully aware of himself in relation to
Oco. “Because if someone comes I’ll tell them the truth.”

“And what is that?”
“He cheated. Metal Shoes didn’t win me fairly. There was

something going on between him, that chicken guy, and the dude with
six arms.”

“Millitrex. He’s the owner.” Oco looked out the window of the

transport, presumably in the direction of the auction house. “I thought
there was something odd about the chairs, but if there was proof, it is
now certainly gone.”

Keenan had not considered that. “There must be something.”
“Of course.” Oco forced a smile then turned quickly away,

depositing himself in the pilot seat. “We will find a way to free you.”

Keenan sat silently, wondering why he instantly thought he didn’t

want to be free. Oh, he wanted to be free of Metal Shoes and his
hideous companion, but he rather liked the idea of belonging to Oco.
For a moment, he allowed himself to indulge in the fantasy of
becoming his love slave. He would have to work hard to please him
since he was so complicated. But Keenan was a dedicated student.
Eventually, he would find a way to give his beautiful master the
ultimate pleasure. Oco wouldn’t be able to let him go and then…and
then…damn. Keenan wasn’t really sure where they would go from
that point. His fantasy life always started and ended in the bedroom.

As he watched the desert roll by, he remembered the seemingly

endless hours he would sit by the window and watch the men across
the street. He’d seen them mostly at their best, but he’d seen them
during an argument, too. The way they fought had impressed him.
Rather than yell and scream as so many people did, they discussed the
situation. When things got too heated, one of the men raised his

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hands, palms open and out, clearly cutting the discussion off for a

Each of them retreated. One went into the house while the other

went for a walk. Later on, Keenan had looked out the window and
discovered they’d obviously made up. The drapes in their bedroom
were closed, but the flickering light of several candles was obvious.
Whatever they’d been fighting about had been resolved. They’d
kissed and made up. Keenan had gone to bed that night feeling
lonelier than ever.

As Oco piloted the craft, Keenan had plenty of time to worry that

no matter what Oco’s initial reaction to him was, he simply wouldn’t
be able to live up to what he needed. Comparatively, humans weren’t
complicated at all. Or at least Keenan wasn’t. All Oco had to do was
kneel next to him and he was practically ready to climax. What if he
could get Oco all revved up but couldn’t find a way to put him into
gear and get him over the finish line?

Rather than feel anticipation about getting to Oco’s home and

finally having his first sexual experience, Keenan was filled with
doubt. If he failed to be what Oco wanted and needed, would he
return him to Metal Shoes? Oco seemed too kind to do something so
harsh, but if he was disillusioned, he might not be so generous. Just
looking into his eyes while he talked about finally finding a lover he
couldn’t read made his joy perfectly clear. Oco had been bidding
frantically for him because he saw Keenan as his salvation. The fact
that he’d stolen him further clarified exactly how valuable Oco
thought Keenan was.

“If I don’t live up to his expectations, what will become of me?”

Keenan hadn’t realized he’d spoken aloud until Oco asked him what
he’d said. He shook his head and said nothing, but he saw Oco’s
reflection in the windshield. He’d heard him. Determined to put some
kind of positive face on himself and the situation, Keenan said, “I said
this isn’t what I expected for my birthday.”


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“Well, it must be tomorrow on Earth, so today is my birthday. I’m

twenty-five now.” Keenan smiled and was pleased when Oco grinned.
“Do you celebrate your birthday?”

“My kind does not celebrate that day, but we have other holidays.

What does your kind do to honor the occasion?”

“We have cake. Usually with a candle that we blow out. And

presents.” Keenan realized he sounded like he was angling for gifts.
“Not that I expect that from you, not at all. That’s just what my sister
would have done. She would have made a big meal and then brought
out a sugar-laden cake with candles, and then I would have opened
some gifts.”

“I am sorry they took you away before your party.”
“Thank you.” Keenan realized that he would have gone and done

all those things at his sister’s house, but he wouldn’t have been that
happy doing them. He would have played the part of the birthday boy
while being a million miles away in his mind. It seemed the only
thing occupying his headspace lately was the longing for the same
kind of relationship the men across the street had. Not that he was
going to tell Oco that. No way. It was bad enough he had to stifle his
yearnings now and play the part of the knowledgeable love slave.

They traveled in silence after that, giving Keenan the chance to

calm himself and consider the way the landscape altered. Slowly, the
desert gave way to outlying towns with spotty lights and haphazard
roadways. Keenan was surprised at how similar the structures looked
to those on Earth. Perhaps his kind had far more in common with the
rest of the universe than he thought.

“You seem surprised by what you’re seeing.”
“It’s just so much like any place on Earth.”
“What were you expecting?”
“I don’t know. Something all alien and gleaming, I guess.”
“Not all the universe has access to advanced technologies.”
“No. On Earth, does everyone have the same in terms of

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“Not at all.” Keenan knew that even after the Eoeans had changed

things there were still huge disparities between the haves and the
have-nots. “Some people have a lot. Others very little. But there
aren’t as many Earthlings as there were before the plague.” Rather
than dwell on that, Keenan asked, “I guess it’s the same out here?”

“It is.” Oco considered him via the reflection then concentrated on

the dash. “Did you live in luxury?”

“Comparatively I suppose I did.”
Oco nodded, and they went silent again. It was difficult to tell

what he was thinking as he piloted the craft. He had a richly
expressive face, but he seemed too focused on the ship and not on
whatever he might be thinking about his new slave.

Keenan abruptly realized that wasn’t a fair assessment. Oco had

not treated him like property. If he was truly of a mind to get what he
could, Oco never would have shown him kindness or deference. More
than anything, Oco had gone out of his way to be respectful. The only
one expecting Keenan to be some kind of magical sex slave was

All the thoughts in his head vanished when he saw where Oco was

headed. “Wow.”

“You like?”
“It’s stunning.” Keenan swore he blinked and the little towns fell

away. Now they were flying over gleaming skyscrapers. There were
bright lights in all kinds of colors edging out the shapes of the
building. Some soared into the sky with sharp points while others
were gently arched. It was eclectic yet seemed harmonious. The way
they used the colors to contrast and yet complement made it all fit
together somehow.

“That’s the name of the city?”
“Yes. It’s been my home since I left Alzim.”
“Do you have cars?”

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“That word isn’t translating.”
“What do most people use for transport?”
“Feet.” Oco grinned. “The city is very cramped as you can see.”
“I notice we’re one of the only aircars.”
“Only because it is late. But you are correct in that there are not

very many privately owned aircars. They are expensive.”

“Handsome, kind, and rich. There has to be a dark side here.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t hear the end of that. Did you ask me a


“I’m just wondering how far we are from your house.” Keenan

wanted to believe, but he was always so wrong about everything. For
once, he wanted to be right, but he just couldn’t trust that his luck had
changed so drastically.

“I flew over the city so you could see it, but my home is on the

other side.” They flew in silence again as the city fell away. “We are

Before his stunned gaze, a palatial estate unfolded. It was

massive. There were gardens of intricate shapes that would provide
endless paths to walk on. Small and large buildings dotted the
landscape, giving no indication as to what their purpose might be. The
only thing Keenan knew for sure was that Oco wasn’t rich. He was
obscenely wealthy. What Keenan made in a year of driving the Eoean
van wouldn’t even cover a month of electric bills for this place.

“What do you think?” Oco’s excitement was clear. He seemed

proud of his home, and he genuinely wanted Keenan to like it.

“It’s beautiful. Honestly, I’ve never seen anything so pretty.”

Keenan could best describe the place as a cross between an
Edwardian manor and an upscale Japanese high-rise. It was a curious
blend of modern and ancient architecture with features that were
distinctly alien.

Oco landed his aircar on the top of one of the more modern

buildings. As soon as he shut the vehicle off, half a dozen people
dressed in what could only be some kind of uniform came out to greet

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them. Their skin tone was a soft blue that was enhanced by their beige
outfits. They were roughly humanoid, though, and seemed to be
happy to see Oco.

“Slaves?” Keenan asked hesitantly. Had he already caught him in

a lie?

“Servants.” Oco unstrapped himself, rose, then moved over to

help Keenan out of his straps. “As I said, I’ve never bought a slave.”

“Right. Sorry. I forgot.” Keenan realized that they were here now

and soon he’d find out just what kind of a man Oco really was. When
Oco picked him up, cradling him in his powerful arms, Keenan
gasped. Partly his surprise was because he wasn’t expecting to be
carried, but the other shock was how good it felt to be held.

“The tarmac outside isn’t as sharp as the one around Millitrex’s

establishment, but I still do not want you to injure your feet.”

As much as he tried to push the thought away, Keenan couldn’t

help but think Oco’s gesture said more about him than a million
words ever could.

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Chapter 6

Oco did want to protect Keenan’s tender soles, but he also wanted

to hold him and breathe in his deliciously arousing and uniquely alien
scent. Knowing that today was a special day for him further cautioned
Oco to keep a tight rein on his lust. Not that he would have attacked
him otherwise, but he might have been more determined to seduce
him. However, seeing his wary gaze in the reflection of the glass
made Oco keenly aware of how vulnerable the Earthling really was.
All he knew had been stripped away from him. It was no wonder he
vacillated between clinging to Oco and pushing him away. What they
needed was time to get to know one another. Unfortunately, time was
the one thing they didn’t have.

“Did he see you?”
“Did who see me?” Oco asked, trying not to groan when Keenan’s

hot breath caressed his bare trigo. The fact that his merest caress
inflamed him meant they were fully compatible. There wasn’t a
question of that in Oco’s mind. It seemed each time he was
determined to hold him at a distance, something drew him to claim
Keenan. He laughed at himself. Just like Keenan, he was vacillating
between drawing near and moving back. If they could synchronize
their emotional states, it would be almost like a dance.

“Metal Shoes. The Grorer. Did he see you when you zapped him

at Millitrex’s?”

“I came up from the side, so I don’t think he did.” Oco nudged the

doorway button with his elbow. He didn’t want to put Keenan down
for a second. “Why do you ask?”

“If he didn’t see, then anyone could have stolen me.”

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Oco realized what Keenan was getting at, but he didn’t think that

was actually going to do them any good. Despite the fact that there
were clearly a lot of bids for the possession of the rare and exquisite
Earthling, there were only two who were determined to win him.

“Does Millitrex have cameras in the parking lot?”
“He does not have any security outside his establishment. Once

you take your winnings, you are on your own.” Oco nodded to his
majordomo. In passing, he requested he ready the main wing so that
he and his companion could be refreshed and relaxed before bed.
When he mentioned the bed, Keenan tensed. “Two beds, if you
would. Two rooms that are close but separate.”

His majordomo nodded and turned, directing the rest of the staff.

They moved ahead of Oco and Keenan, intent on having things ready
by the time they arrived. To give them the chance to prepare, Oco
kept a moderate pace. Not only did this give his staff time to get
things ready, but he also had more time to enjoy holding Keenan

However, once he was inside the main part of his house, he

simply had no reason to keep carrying Keenan. Reluctantly, Oco
released him. He was pleased when Keenan stayed close to his side.

“Thank you.”
“I would have kept on carrying you.”
Keenan smiled and stared down at the floor. “I think my feet are


“Let me see.”
Keenan leaned against a bare wall and lifted his feet. They were

lightly dirty on the bottom but not cut. “I guess I should wash them at
some point.”

“There will be a bathing facility for you in your room.”
“You’re really going to give me my own room?”
“I thought that was what you wanted?” Oco would be more than

happy to put Keenan in his room, but not if there was any question
about his willingness.

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“Yeah. It’s great.” Keenan looked around. “You live here all


“There are hundreds of servants.”
“But it’s just you and them?”
“Yes.” Oco looked down at his hands. Normally, the first thing he

would have done was pulled his gloves on before he left the aircar,
but he’d completely forgotten. “I don’t have many friends. My ability
makes true friendship difficult.”

“I’m sorry.” Keenan took his hand. “I’d like to be your friend.”
“I’d like that, too.” Oco squeezed his hand gently, loving the way

they fit together. “What does your kind eat?”

Keenan listed all kinds of things that didn’t translate. Ultimately,

they were able to determine they were fairly compatible in terms of
nourishment. When they entered the main wing, the staff had been
able to prepare most of what they required. Keenan released his hand
and practically ran to the table of food. He smelled everything and
took his time sampling. Before Oco joined him, he pulled his
majordomo aside and asked him to do his best to make a small
birthday cake. He wanted to do something familiar for Keenan. As for
a gift, he was at a loss, but he thought he would find a small present
that would be suitable.

As he considered what Keenan was wearing, he thought the first

thing he should do was provide him with his own clothing. His
majordomo nodded and would find something to suit until clothing
could be fashioned for him. After thanking him, Oco plucked up a
glass of lightly flavored water then watched Keenan inspect the food.

“This is so good.” Keenan took another healthy bite of what

looked like some kind of roasted meat. “If it’s something gross, don’t
tell me. I don’t want to have my enjoyment ruined.”

“Why would I serve you something disgusting?” Oco slipped off

his shoes and socks, allowing his servant to take them away. He
stretched his toes, loving the freedom of being shoeless.

“On Earth, people eat all kinds of weird stuff. I imagine aliens are

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the same. But what’s weird to one person is common to another.”
Keenan finished another mouthful then asked, “Aren’t you having

“I will in a moment.” Oco drank his water, set the glass aside, and

stretched. “I’m rather enjoying watching you.”

Keenan looked embarrassed.
“I’m enjoying your amazing ability to embrace what most would

probably be afraid of.”

“Oh?” Keenan lifted his head. The angle made his eyes seem


“Most people that I’ve had in my home are so worried about

impressing me or so afraid of me reading them they can’t be
comfortable. You don’t seem to have that problem.”

Keenan grinned. “You’re sure I’m not making a pig of myself?”
“I’m sure.” Oco didn’t know what a pig was, exactly, but Keenan

was not behaving like an animal. He was behaving like a young man
who was comfortable with himself. Or at least he was with a little
reassurance. When Keenan had mentioned his age, Oco had done
some rough calculations. He was about a decade older than Keenan.
Far enough apart in age for them to be comfortable but not too far
apart to be disturbing. “If you wish to change, I had my valet lay out
some clothing in your room.”

“I don’t mind wearing this.” Keenan looked down at the jacket.

“But I guess you don’t want food all over it.”

“I don’t care if you slather it in staining sauces.” Oco realized he

should go and change because his dress slacks weren’t comfortable
with his cock demanding attention, but he didn’t want to leave
Keenan alone. “I rather like seeing you in my clothing.”

Their gazes met. When Keenan licked his lips, Oco thought they

were both having one of those pulling moments where they wanted to
plaster their bodies together and lose themselves in the lust they
clearly had no problem generating. If not for another servant entering
the room, Oco was certain he could have made Keenan forget the

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food for a while. But the tightening threads between them were
snapped, and Keenan turned away.

Rather than despair, Oco turned his attention to his messages. He

was able to clear most before Keenan was finished eating. Oco had a
small amount of food, but he wasn’t that hungry. He’d eaten before he
went to the auction, and now that he had Keenan in his home and so
painfully close to his bed, he was too excited to eat. Instead, he settled
on a long couch, offering the other end to Keenan.

Keenan sat down with his knees pressed rather primly together. It

was clear he was uncomfortable, so Oco handed him a snuggling
blanket to place over his legs. As soon as he had more coverage, he
visibly relaxed.

They talked of everything and nothing. Oco had deliberately

chosen a piece of furniture that would force them to sit too far apart to
touch. To his surprise and joy, Keenan seemed to want to touch him
just as much as Oco wanted to caress Keenan. Both of them kept their
hands in their laps, but each of them was stroking over their clothing
or the couch itself while looking intently at the other. If the furniture
were alive, it would undoubtedly be on the brink of orgasm.

When one of his servants whispered that the cake was ready, Oco

had them bring it in. He had no idea if it was what was customary on
Earth, but Keenan was very touched by the gesture. The servant
placed the square cake in front of Keenan, who leaned over and blew
out the candle.

“Is it wrong?” Oco asked.
“No. Not at all.” Keenan laughed. “It’s just, well, on Earth, the

candles are really small. You put one for each year.”

Oco considered the enormous candle in the middle of the cake.
“It’s wonderful, really. I just have the giggles. I’m all giddy

because this went from the worst birthday to the best.”

That eased Oco’s mind. “Now what do we do?”
“We eat it.”
Keenan removed the candle and licked off the frosting. Oco

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watched that decidedly phallic-shaped object go into his mouth with
nothing short of painful envy. He reached down and adjusted himself
right as Keenan looked at him. Slowly, Keenan pulled the candle out
of his mouth. Oco thought he was going to have an orgasm on the

“It’s good.”
“It looks like it is.” Oco didn’t think they were talking about the

same thing at all.

Keenan picked up the cake and slid across the couch so that he

was sitting closer to Oco, making his concentration on something
other than his mouth impossible. Keenan tore off a corner of the cake
and held it out to Oco.

When he leaned forward and ate the piece from his fingertips,

Keenan’s pupils dilated and his breathing accelerated. “Is it good?”

“Very. Is it supposed to be so sweet?”
Oco returned the favor, offering a bite of cake to Keenan with his

fingers. He had the same intense reaction watching him lick the cake
off his fingertips as he had when he’d licked the candle. “Good?”

Keenan nodded but then set the rest of the treat on the small table

in front of them.

“You don’t want any more?”
Keenan shook his head. He moved closer to Oco, his intent clear.

For a moment, Oco considered moving away or doing something to
put some distance between them, but he lost his resolve before it
could solidify. Instead, he pulled Keenan into his arms, nestling him
into the V made by his parted legs. When the blanket tangled around
Keenan’s hips and thighs, Oco pulled it away and tossed it on the
floor. Before either of them could consider what they were doing,
Oco drew Keenan closer, parting his legs around his hips so that he
was sitting against him. When their hips meshed, they both closed
their eyes and let out soft sighs of bliss.

Oco pressed his forehead to Keenan’s.

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“Why in the world do I keep fighting this?” Keenan asked as he

traced his fingers gently along Oco’s chest. Rather than directly touch
his trigo, he was teasing the edge, which was making Oco a million
times crazier than a direct touch would.

“I don’t know. I keep fighting, too.” Oco looked deep into

Keenan’s eyes. “I want to make sure you want this.”

“I do.”
Despite his assurance, it seemed to Oco there was a hesitancy. Or

perhaps he was only imagining it so that he wouldn’t pressure him.
And then he realized he could simply ask. “Is something wrong?”

“I just—what if I can’t align with you?”
“Oh, Keenan.” Oco brushed his hair back from his face. “I never

expected that from you.”

“But I thought that’s what you wanted?”
“I do want that, but it’s an exceedingly rare event. Did you think

that I would reject you if that didn’t happen?”

“Well, yeah. I guess from the way you talked about your wife and

then the mess with the valet, I just assumed that’s what you were
looking for.”

“I—” Oco didn’t want to tell him that his greatest wish was to

find someone he had perfect alignment with, but there was simply no
way that would happen between them. “You’re not of my species. It’s
not possible for us.”

Keenan hung his head.
“But that doesn’t mean we can’t have something wonderful.” Oco

lifted his chin with a press of his fingers. “Just the fact I can touch
you and really feel you is astonishing. We can be very good together.
That I already know.” Oco placed Keenan’s hand directly on his
trigo. “That your touch here is stimulating is nothing short of

Keenan didn’t say it, but Oco suspected he was concerned that if

he wasn’t spectacular, Oco would be disappointed and perhaps regret
saving him.

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“What about you?”
“Me?” Keenan asked. “What do you mean?”
“I’m concerned about pleasing you, too, you know.”
“You are?”
“Of course!” Oco laughed and pulled Keenan just a bit closer.

“This isn’t a one-sided thing. Or at least I don’t want it to be. Is it like
that on your world?”

“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know how lovers are on your world?”
“I’ve never been anyone’s lover before.”
Oco felt he should have known. Of course Keenan had no

experience. That was why he was so afraid and asked so many
questions about what was normal or expected. Now his inner turmoil
only increased. Not only was he wanting Keenan because he was
uniquely able to thwart his ability, but he was oddly more alluring
because of his innocence. Ironically, his virginal state also compelled
Oco to leave him just as he was, untouched and pure.

“Okay, I guess that put a big old wench in your plans.”
“I don’t understand—”
“Oh, right, slang. I’m guessing that me being a virgin just made

things more difficult for you.”

“Yes.” Oco saw no reason to deny that fact.
“Are virgins prized on your world?”
“Virginity isn’t cherished or shunned. It’s simply one’s state of

being. The issue is that it puts more pressure on me to make a
commitment first.”

“My kind values commitment.”
“But you left your wife.”
“Which is why I do not hold with many of my world’s traditions.”
Keenan frowned.
“Please be honest with me. We will go round in circles and

certainly disappoint one another if we aren’t.”

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“I don’t want to be used and cast aside.”
“Then you would like a commitment.”
“Yeah.” Keenan met his gaze defiantly but then almost instantly

looked away as if he were ashamed of his needs.

“There’s no shame in that, Keenan.”
“I know. But how can you make a commitment when you don’t

even know me?”

“I can’t.”
Disappointment fairly oozed from Keenan. As much as Oco

wanted him, he recognized that they were very likely to be forced
apart. Eventually, the Grorer would catch up with them and demand
his property back. Oco could claim that the Grorer had cheated, but
without proof, he doubted he had any right to keep Keenan. Sooner or
later he would have to release him.

Unless he did make a commitment to him.
The idea hit Oco hard. Would the authorities be more likely to let

him keep Keenan if he made him his mate? Or would that only make
a complicated situation even more complex? Oco sighed. Why was it
that nothing was simple? After all this time he’d found a man he
honestly believed he could spend a lifetime with and there were more
obstacles in their path than there was clear path.

“I was joined to my wife without having ever met her.”
Keenan’s eyes went wide. “You never met her until the


“The ceremony is performed with everyone covered from head to

toe. I mean quite literally I did not see her until afterward.”

“But I have seen you.”
“So?” Keenan looked at the birthday cake. “Doesn’t mean you

know me any better than you knew her.”

“I know you far more than I knew her, and I stayed with her for a

long time.”

“What are you trying to tell me?”

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“That I think making a commitment is exactly what we should


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Chapter 7

“You really want to get married?” Keenan knew it was his idea,

but he didn’t think Oco was going to agree with him. He found the
idea exciting and scary. It wasn’t just Oco making a commitment to
him. Keenan had to make one to Oco as well. What made him
consider, reconsider, and then be almost crippled by indecision, was
the sad fact that he was almost always wrong. What if he was wrong
about Oco, too? Sure, he was handsome, rich, sexy, and nice, but he
couldn’t escape the idea that Punk Royal had to have a dark side. No
one, not even an alien, was so goddamn perfect. This wasn’t a fairy
tale. Keenan didn’t want to wake up in a world of regret.

“The word I would use is different, but the idea is the same.”
“How do I know you won’t just up and leave me?”
Rather than anger, Oco laughed. “I suppose I could ask the same

of you.”

“Hey, if I made a commitment, I’d honor it.”
“I would, too. Please don’t throw my prior mate in my face again.

Joining with her wasn’t my decision.”

“Yeah. Sorry.” Keenan reached out and took Oco’s hand. “I didn’t

mean to be a jerk.”

“I know.” Oco squeezed but didn’t release his hand. “It’s up to

you, Keenan Hastings. I know what I want.”

“And what’s that?”
“I want you in my bed.” Oco’s grip tightened. “I want to touch

you everywhere. I want to learn what you enjoy. I want to show you
what I enjoy.”

“Is there more than that? The lust, I mean. There has to be more,

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or this will never work.”

“I think there is. I find you fascinating. I can easily provide for

both of us.”

“But I’m a slave.”
“There is that.”
“What happens to Metal Shoe’s claim on me if I get married to


“I do not know.”
Keenan had to appreciate the fact that Oco didn’t blow a bunch of

sunshine up his skirt.

“I have a counselor who handles all of my legal issues. I will have

her endeavor to find out.”

“Is it wise to tell your lawyer that you committed a crime?” It

didn’t seem like a good idea to Keenan.

“Of course. Who else would you tell?”
“No one.”
“Ah, yes, in a perfect world. But my counselor would be the only

one forbidden not to tell anyone else. And she would know what laws
we are bound by.” Oco’s pinky finger curled around Keenan’s
suggestively, making him blush. “Do you wish for me to ask?”

“Yeah.” Keenan was riveted to the way his finger curled around

his digit, squeezed, then stroked upward. It was subtle, but it was
sexy. It seemed there was a way for Oco to fold his palm down the
center, overlapping his six fingers into three. The more Oco
performed the motion, the harder Keenan got and the more he started
sweating. “I think we should find out before we go any further.”

“Then I will bid you good night.” Oco eased Keenan back and got

to his feet.

“Wait. What?” Keenan jumped off the couch. He would have

launched himself into Oco’s arms, but he didn’t think that was a good
idea at all. Clinging to the guy like a sock with a ton of static
electricity wasn’t the way to impress him.

“We must wait until we have answers. That is the point of making

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the commitment, isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” Keenan remembered an old phrase from some book he

read. Hoist by his own petard. Basically it meant he was getting
shafted by his own weapon. Or in this case, it was his idea that was
going to end up with him sleeping alone. Again. “What a crappy

“You did not enjoy the cake?” Oco looked hurt.
“It was great. Really. It’s just that I thought…” Keenan figured he

was probably better off not saying anything. Then again, Oco had told
him to be honest, a path that Oco was certainly on. Keenan had a
feeling he could ask Oco anything and he’d answer truthfully. “I
thought tonight would be my first time.”

“Is it customary for that event to coincide with your birthday?”
Tell him yes, tell him yes! But Keenan shook his head. If he didn’t

want Oco lying to him, he owned him the same courtesy.

“I understand your frustration.” Oco laughed lightly while

readjusting his trousers. His movements caused his bulge to shift.
“Believe me, I do. But I also would rather toss and turn in longing for
half my lifetime than possess you for a night only to have to let you

Keenan looked up at him and sighed. He was so romantic he

seemed able to almost directly touch Keenan’s heart. As much as he
wanted to say something back, maybe something like anticipation
would only make their first encounter sweeter, Keenan was unable to
speak at all. Knowing himself as he did, he feared he would ruin the
moment by saying something cheesy rather than sweet. Besides,
Keenan suddenly felt the long day and night pressing in on him. He
had gone up and down the emotional ladder so many times today he
was just wiped out.

“Just tell me one thing.”
“If I am able, I certainly will.”
“What’s your dark side?”

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“I do not understand what you wish to know.”
“You’re perfect. A little too perfect. You’re dynamic, sexy, filthy

rich—there has to be something wrong with you.”

Oco laughed gently. “I could say the same for you.”
“I’m not wealthy.”
“Perhaps that is your dark side.” Oco’s grin was easy.
“No drugs? No angst over your sexual orientation? No weird

psychological issues like you have to burn puppies to get off?”

Oco made a face then started to laugh. “I assure you, I am quite

normal for an Alzimian.”

And there it was. Oco was normal for an alien. But Keenan was an

alien, too. Everyone was an alien to someone else, he supposed. Still,
how could they even think of making a commitment when they had
literally just met this evening? One look at Oco’s handsome, open
face made Keenan realize how he could offer his heart and soul up so
fast. Keenan was smitten. Humans were pretty notorious for love at
first sight. He couldn’t explain it, not intellectually, but everything in
him was screaming that Oco was the right man for him. As they stood
there, Keenan realized that Oco was looking at him almost the same
way the two men across the street had looked at one another. His
expression was tender and filled with genuine empathy. More than
anything, it was the look on his face that made Keenan believe he was
making the right choice.

“Come.” Oco offered out his hand, but rather than slip Keenan’s

into his, he looped their arms together and led him from the main
room to a bedroom that was bigger than Keenan’s entire apartment.
Everything within the sea-green room was both beautiful and
functional. “I thought of this room for you because it matches your

“Wow. It’s really nice.” Lord have mercy, he sounded like a

country bumpkin. Maybe Oco wouldn’t notice. Maybe out here such
simplicity was charming. Keenan looked around, trying desperately
not to be overwhelmed. When Oco’s gaze seemed riveted to the bed,

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Keenan realized he probably hadn’t heard his totally inane comment.

Oco jerked his attention off the bed and onto Keenan. “There are

toiletries and such in your bathroom. Clothing is there on the bench.
My majordomo wasn’t sure on your size, so he offered a selection.
Please don’t despair that the cloth is rather pedestrian. In the morning
we can have items tailored for you.”

“I’m okay wearing anything. Really. At home I just wore T-shirts

and jeans. Well, except when I was at work. Then I had to wear this
uniform that had baby-blue trim. I never liked those shirts because
they made my eyes look muddy gray.” Keenan realized he was
babbling. “Thank you. Really. For everything.”

“You are welcome.” Oco released his arm but didn’t move away.

He stood there, peering down at Keenan with an unreadable

Keenan almost asked him for a good night kiss, but he decided not

to. Why ask when all he had to do was lean up and take what he
wanted? Keenan was right in the middle of doing that when Oco
suddenly stepped back.

“I should go.”
“Right.” Damn it. If he said right or really one more time he was

going to smack himself. Keenan stood there feeling a million kinds of
silly. He was still wearing Oco’s jacket. Even with the sleeves rolled
up several times, it was way too big. He was positive that he looked
goofy, but then again, the way Oco was looking at him said
otherwise. “Good night.”

“Yes.” Oco frowned. “I am having a difficult time getting my feet

to go the right direction.”

Keenan grinned. “I noticed.”
“Is there anything you need?”
“I’m good.”
Oco nodded, and his gaze returned to the bed. This time, Keenan

kept his attention on Oco and realized each time he looked that way,

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his cock surged. There was no other word for the way his bulge
seemed to swell outward almost like his dick was breathing. Was that
his dark side? He had a freaky alien cock that had teeth or mind of its
own or—

“What does your cock look like?” That drew Oco’s gaze off the

bed and onto Keenan. Since the embarrassing question had already
been asked, Keenan saw no reason not to press for an answer. “Is it
like mine?”

“My cock isn’t quite like yours.”
When Oco didn’t elaborate, Keenan couldn’t take his gaze off his

crotch. Just what the hell was he packing down there? When they’d
been grinding up on one another, he’d felt big, hard, and human, but
there had been a thick layer of clothing between them. Even now,
with his dick pressing firmly against his trousers, it was difficult for
Keenan to see the outline.

“What does that mean, exactly?”
Rather than answer, Oco unfastened his pants. He was wearing

something that looked like underwear but thinner. Despite the almost
see-through nature of the fabric, Keenan couldn’t see what he so
desperately wanted to. Oco pushed his underwear out of the way,
revealing he did have a most unusual cock. It was roughly human in
shape with a large head and cylindrical shaft, but that wasn’t what
made his cock so different.

“It’s gold.” And he was hairless.
“My trigo has three parts.”
Keenan was so enchanted by his gleaming penis he barely

registered that Oco was talking. When he finally drew his fascinated
gaze away from his cock and looked up, all he could manage was,

“There is a triangle on my chest, one on my groin, and the other at

the apex of my buttocks.” Before he asked to see the last one, Oco
turned. There was a small gold triangle right above the split in his ass.
After giving Keenan a good long look, he pulled up his underwear

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and refastened his trousers. When he turned around, facing Keenan
again, it was clear Oco was apprehensive. “Do you find me

“No!” Keenan realized he’d been standing there scrutinizing Oco

like he was trying to decide how much he might be worth. Despite the
fact such a horrible thing had so recently been done to Keenan
himself, he had no desire to inflict that shameful feeling on anyone
else, especially not Oco. His Punk Royal prince had gone out of his
way to minimize Keenan’s embarrassment while he was on the
auction block. “You’re beautiful.”

“I am?”
“Yes.” Keenan moved until he was standing right in front of him.

“I’m an idiot.”

“No you’re not.”
“I am. I thought maybe you had something so strange and alien

that—never mind. You’re not human, but that’s okay, because what
you are is…you.” Keenan shook his head. “I’m trying desperately to
say that you’re perfect just the way you are.”

That brought a relieved smile to Oco’s handsome face. “I think

you are, too.”

Keenan lifted up on his toes, angling for a kiss. Rather than step

away, Oco stepped into him, pulling him close by sliding his big
hands down and cupping Keenan’s buttocks. Together they groaned
as their hard cocks rubbed together, making a delicious friction. When
Keenan opened his mouth, Oco slid his tongue inside with a forceful
insistence that caused Keenan to surrender. When he felt Oco moving
him backward, he knew without looking exactly where he was taking

As soon as Oco got Keenan to the edge of the bed, he maneuvered

him onto the surface without breaking their kiss. He balanced himself
above Keenan with the strength of one arm while he worked at the
fasteners of the jacket. In short order, he had the garment open,
exposing Keenan’s entire body. Despite the fact he’d been bare on the

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block and Oco had already seen him naked, Keenan felt deliciously
exposed. Perhaps it was because he still had the jacket partially on or
maybe it was because they were alone. As he looked up at his knight
in white, Keenan realized what was different was that he’d been
partially stripped by his lover’s hand. That made all the difference in
the world.

Between panting breaths, Oco placed a series of openmouthed

kisses along Keenan’s face, neck, and collarbone. Each touch made
him shiver delicately and long to arch up into Oco. In response,
Keenan caressed the golden triangle along Oco’s chest. He discovered
that teasing the edges made Oco groan and caused his cock to twitch.
Curious what would happen if touched the other part of his trigo,
Keenan slipped his arm around his back and worked his way toward
the tiny triangle balanced above his buttocks. When he couldn’t reach,
he brought his hand around to the front. Since he was unfamiliar with
the fasteners, it took him a while to open them up, but once he did, he
slid his hand down Oco’s pants and stroked over the triangle on his
groin. This patch of golden skin seemed even more sensitive than the
one on his chest.

When Oco drew away, Keenan uttered a disappointed cry. He

didn’t want to wait. He wanted to keep going. Intellectually, he
understood Oco’s notion of wanting to wait rather than indulging then
having to give each other up, but Keenan would rather experience the
very depth of lust once in his life rather than not at all. He was on the
verge of begging him to come back to bed when he realized why he’d
gotten up in the first place. Oco got up only to yank off his trousers
and sheer underwear, and then he was back, kissing Keenan’s face
while his tapered fingers teased over his nipples.

Slowly, tauntingly, Oco kissed and stroked his way down the

length of Keenan’s body. He grasped Keenan’s cock, making him
squirm, and then he was kissing the very tip. Keenan arched upward,
lifting his upper body off the bed by pressing his head into the
mattress. Nothing in the world had ever made him feel so vibrantly

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alive. Just when he didn’t think he was going to survive that erotic
touch, Oco sucked Keenan’s cock into his mouth. Wet heat made him
gasp. An urge to rock his hips made him struggle to hold still. Keenan
managed to control himself only because he didn’t want Oco to stop.

Right as he reached that curious place of inevitability, the point at

which his orgasm was a foregone conclusion, Oco withdrew.

“No, no. Please don’t stop. I’m so close.”
“I know.” Oco kissed his belly then worked his way upward until

they were face-to-face again. After kissing him senseless, Oco slid off
the bed, making Keenan panic that he’d somehow ruined the moment.

“Please don’t go.”
“I’m not leaving. I swear it. I simply need something.”
“Something?” Keenan’s anxiety was battling with his desire for

possession of his nerves.

“You’ll see.” Oco strode over to the bathroom naked and unfazed.

Without his clothes on, Keenan was struck by the smooth perfection
of his body. His light-brown skin tone looked like an allover tan. The
three gold triangles sparkled from the overhead lights, drawing
Keenan’s hungry gaze up, down, and everywhere.

Keenan sat up and pulled the jacket off. Cool air made him shiver,

so he pulled it over himself as a blanket. When Oco emerged from the
bathroom with a bottle in his hand, Keenan realized what he’d gone
off to get. He grinned. If he went to get lube, it was clear he had no
intention of stopping what they’d started. Relief and anticipation
pushed aside his fatigue. He didn’t care if they were up all night and
into the next day. Finally, after all his dreams and painfully lonely
nights, Keenan was going to know what it was like to be with
someone. But not just some random guy. He was going to lose his
virginity to a man he honestly desired and genuinely liked.

“I’m glad I waited for you.” Keenan couldn’t help but feel he was

dreaming. Having his first time with a man like Oco was simply
amazing. As crazy as it seemed, he felt he’d met prince charming. Not
that he saw himself as Cinderella, but the notion of Oco as

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dangerously handsome royalty was certainly apt. Unfortunately,
rather than please him, Keenan’s comment stopped Oco in his tracks.

“We should wait.” He clutched the bottle so tightly Keenan

worried he would force the cap off and lube would shoot out.

“No. Please.” Keenan deliberately pushed the jacket aside so that

Oco could see his tormented state. “I want you.”

Oco looked at Keenan’s cock and licked his lips. It was obvious

he didn’t want to stop. Not only was he clearly hungry to give Keenan
a release, he was also in need himself. Oco’s cock was hard and
heavy. It wouldn’t take much for them to please one another.

“We don’t even have to go all the way if you don’t want.” Keenan

wanted to clap his hand over his mouth. Why in the world was he
telling him that when it was just about the furthest statement from the
truth that he could make?

“I want, Keenan. Believe me, I want to take this to a very natural

and seemingly inevitable conclusion.”

“But I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to be hurt.” Oco came

back over to the bed and settled on the edge. He set the bottle aside
then reached for Keenan’s hand. Despite his impulse to move away
because he was upset he wasn’t going to get what he wanted, Keenan
stayed right where he was and held Oco’s hand.

“On Earth there’s a saying about it being better to have loved and

lost than never to have loved at all.” Keenan squeezed Oco’s hand.
“I’d much rather have the memory of my time with you than lose my
virginity to someone I don’t even like.”

Oco’s grip tightened. It was clear he was considering what

Keenan had said. His features twisted with concern.

“If you have to give me back, then at least give me a good

memory to take with me.”

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Chapter 8

Oco didn’t want to just give Keenan a pleasant memory that he

could cling to in case he had to go back to the Grorer. Just the idea of
that foul being raping Keenan while Keenan clung to the
remembrance of their time together twisted Oco’s emotions into a
knot that could never be unbound.

“I don’t want you for a night, or an encounter. I want you for a

lifetime.” Oco understood how crazy his declaration was. But he
couldn’t fight his feelings. “You’re the first and only being I’m
attracted to that I can’t read. I don’t know how to make you
understand what a revelation that is for me. I can touch you and feel
you. Only you. To have you, to be with you, to experience all that has
eluded me only to have you ultimately taken away…” Oco drew a
steadying breath. “I would be damaged in a way that I could never
repair because I honestly think you are a once-in-a-lifetime gift.”

Keenan didn’t answer, not with words, but his tear-filled eyes

spoke volumes.

Oco rose, set the bottle aside, and then eased down the covers of

the bed. With Keenan’s help, he placed him snuggly in bed. He
leaned over to kiss his cheek, but Keenan turned his head at the last
second, pressing their lips together. Somehow they were able to say
everything with that last lingering kiss. And then Oco walked away
before he could give in to his impulse to climb into bed with him.

As he went to his room, what Keenan said about loving and losing

rather than never loving at all rolled through his mind. Perhaps that
was how humans were made, but he knew he wasn’t. If he had
Keenan once, he would never, ever be able to let him go. He would

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die to defend him, and he would kill to keep him. Sadly, Oco feared
that was exactly what he was going to have to do. Even though the
Grorer didn’t see him take Keenan, there were only so many buyers at
Millitrex’s this evening. They would eventually come to his home
looking for the abducted slave.

“Not that I think of him that way.”
To Oco, Keenan wasn’t a slave. He was a potential mate. He

didn’t care that he didn’t know everything about him. Oco knew
enough to know they could be very happy together. Keenan’s concern
about his potential dark side was almost charming, and his
nervousness about the compatibility of their genitals was almost
painfully sweet. Once he knew Keenan had no experience with sex,
his concerns were much more understandable and Oco found himself
further endeared to him.

Walking out of his bedroom had probably been one of the most

difficult things Oco had ever done. His speculation on this included
the times when he’d had to touch less-than-savory creatures in order
to read their motives and discover the truth. Even leaving his home
world had not been as painful as abandoning Keenan in that big bed.

The image of his pale face and stunning eyes played over in Oco’s

mind, urging him to reach down and palm his cock. After a stroke or
two, he stopped. Finding solo satisfaction simply wouldn’t relieve his
longings. Instead, Oco dressed in a robe then contacted his counselor.
Despite the time differential, Lisstera answered his call as if she had
been awake. Given how driven she was, she might very well only
sleep a few hours each cycle.

After exchanging pleasantries, Oco explained the reason for

contacting her. She listened in silent attentiveness. After a long pause,
she asked a few questions. Oco answered directly and to the point. He
didn’t elaborate until or unless she asked a follow-up question. Her
main concern was in discovering the laws that pertained to the exact
patch of land the abduction had occurred on. When Oco told her the
establishment, she sighed, but said nothing.

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“You have not violated him, have you?”
“I would never violate him.” Oco was stunned by her sideways


“I didn’t mean to say that you would. It’s a turn of phrase, nothing

more. I simply need to understand why you put yourself in jeopardy
for a slave.”

“I thought I explained that.”
“You can’t read him. Yes, I understand. Still, the laws governing

slaves are very detailed, especially in Caliolith.”

“But I was at Millitrex’s.”
“That might be the only thing that saves you from suffering direr

retribution.” Again, she sighed. “I must research the situation, but I
caution you not to do anything to him.”

“I haven’t.” But Oco wanted to. Oh how he wanted to do things to

Keenan. Feeling his body shiver and shake as he sucked at his cock
had filled him with erotic pride.

“Keep it that way. If you have to give him back, it would be best

to give him back in the same condition in which you found him.”

“But I didn’t find—”
“You came across him while he was alone outside of Millitrex’s.”
“I see.” Telling him the story she wished to paint was her way of

reframing events so that what he’d done would be less a crime and
more the act of a caring being. It was a way for his counselor to turn
the facts toward the best presentation. Even though they both knew it
was his use of an illegal stunner gun—now disposed of—that had
caused Keenan to be alone on the tarmac, her version made Oco seem
a hero and not a thief.

“It was also kind of you to take him to your home for medical

care, food, and to recover from his overwrought state.”

“After filling his belly, you allowed him a bed—a private bed—

for the night so that you could locate his true owner come daybreak.”

“I don’t want to give him back.”

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“Work with me, Oco.” She sighed and then started up again.

“Considering the issue of potential cheating during the bidding
process, you thought it best to take the issue to your counselor, who
will henceforth be acting on your behalf.”

After waiting for her to go on, Oco asked, “What do I do?”
“You stay inside your home and keep him there.”
“For how long?”
“However long it takes for me to resolve this.”
“I want the resolution to be me keeping him.”
“I will do my best.”
“I don’t care if I have to pay the Grorer double. I want Keenan.”
“I understand. Honestly, I do. But that might not be possible.”
“What if we ran?” Oco already knew Keenan didn’t like that idea,

and frankly, neither did he, but if it was the only way they could be
together, he was seeing far more positives than negatives.

“I’m not hearing that.”
“What if I claimed him as my mate?”
She didn’t answer for such a long time Oco feared they’d been

disconnected. In a hushed, stunned voice, she asked, “You feel that
deeply about him?”

“I do.” Oco closed his eyes. “I know it’s fast, but—”
“It’s not only fast, but it’s deeply disturbed.”
“Mentally. You must be suffering some kind of mental disorder to

be so quickly enamored of an alien.”

“I’m not mentally distressed, Lisstera.”
“Don’t Earthlings possess magical powers?”
“It’s pure hype done strictly to raise their sale price.” At least that

was what Oco believed.

“You’re certain that he isn’t enchanting you in some way?”
“The only thing entangling me to him is my own longing to be

with someone I can actually be with.” Oco paced slowly across his
room. Each time he got near to his door, he wanted to fling it open

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and go back to Keenan’s room. He thought it would be easier to resist
after the tenth time, but it seemed to be becoming ever more difficult.
“So would my claiming him change anything?”

“It would make things far more difficult.” Lisstera sighed again,

this one longer and more weary than all the others combined. “I can
hear how much you want him, but I also hear a lot of lust and not

“I haven’t known him long enough to love him.”
“My point exactly.”
Oco wanted to argue that love would surely come, but there was

no point. Lisstera knew how such emotions worked. She was a
counselor who had made her living putting a new and positive turn on
the strong emotions of her clients.

“Lock your door, put a lock on his clothing, do whatever you have

to do to keep your hands off one another until I get back to you.”
Lisstera hesitated for a moment. “Will you do that for me?”

“I will.” Oco stopped pacing over by the door because it was only

weakening his resolve. Instead, he removed his robe and climbed into
bed. Alone. “Just please hurry.”

“I will.”
They disconnected, but Oco made it clear that no matter where he

was or what he was doing her call had priority. He turned off the
lights and tried to sleep but found himself lost in the fantasy of
finishing what he’d started with Keenan. While he’d been teasing
him, he’d gotten a taste of his essence, the flavor of which made him
thoroughly ravenous for more.

When sleep continued to elude him, he considered taking a

chemical relaxant, but feared it would only weaken his resolve and
he’d end up going to Keenan’s room. Instead, he got up and
performed a series of exercises that would hopefully drain the last of
his energy away. Breathless, sweaty, and finally flaccid, he collapsed
into his bed and didn’t even bother to pull up the covers.

Oco wasn’t sure what woke him up, but when he opened his eyes,

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the first thing he saw was Keenan. He was sitting next to him on the
bed, his long legs tucked under the blankets. His green-eyed gaze was
making a lazy journey from Oco’s feet up to his face then back along
the same path. Rather than say anything, Oco closed his eyes and
stretched. What could it hurt to let Keenan look?

When he felt a tentative touch at the edge of his lower triangle, he

should have realized looking would inevitably lead to touching. Lust
spiraled through his limbs, tightening his muscles, surging blood into
his cock. Heat and longing pushed his rational mind aside, compelling
him to reach out, grasp Keenan, and pull him down onto the bed.
Rolling over, Oco rose above him. Hunger urged him forward,
locking their lips together. When he opened his mouth and teased his
tongue against Keenan’s, he groaned, loving the way he surrendered
so completely.

Unsure if he was dreaming or the situation was real, Oco refused

to do anything that would tell him the truth. For the moment, he was
able to have the man he so desperately craved. Nothing stood in their
way. There were no others in existence, so there couldn’t be anyone
to interrupt them or to stop them from indulging their every whim.

With a whimpering cry, Keenan parted his legs and somehow

maneuvered Oco between them. When Oco’s straining cock brushed
against Keenan’s, he realized he wasn’t dreaming. This was real.
Sticky wetness transferred from the tip of Keenan’s cock to Oco’s,
urging him to thrust. When he did, his balls slapped at the base of
Keenan’s prick, making them groan together at almost the same pitch.

Oco wasn’t sure why Keenan was suddenly lowering his hand

between their bodies, but when his slick palm wrapped around Oco’s
shaft, he understood. Up and down his length, Keenan moved his
hand. And then he smeared some of the slickness on his own cock.
When Oco pressed their bodies together, Keenan’s cock moved
against his belly with an effortless ease.

Shimmying, Keenan worked his way up so that Oco’s cock was

now aligned with his tender hole. Pressing against him and feeling

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that snug entrance struggling to keep him out flashed warning lights
in Oco’s head. He hadn’t prepped him. Keenan was completely
virginal. To just plunge into him would hurt him, and that would kill
something inside Oco.

Ironically, his ability to touch and read his lovers had allowed him

to know just what he should and shouldn’t do to push them to the
limits of their arousal. Oco understood that some liked a rough,
demanding lover while others wanted slow seduction. He was
oblivious to what would be best for Keenan. Still, he knew enough to
recognize that, whether he liked fast or slow, the initial penetration
had to be gentle. Just as he was pulling back to begin the long and
thoroughly wicked processes of preparing Keenan for his cock,
Keenan clamped his legs around him.

Caught off guard, Oco dropped down but thankfully didn’t

penetrate him. His cock slid past, rubbing across his hole, making
both of them groan.

Keenan licked the edge of his upper triangle while his cock

rubbed on the lower one. As if that wasn’t enough to make Oco
positively crazy, Keenan then pressed his foot against the small
triangle on Oco’s back. The triple stimulation caused such a glut of
intensity that Oco climaxed. He was so shocked he simply held
himself above Keenan, gasping and shaking. He hadn’t even gotten
inside Keenan. All Oco could do was dig his fingers into the mattress
and struggle to hold himself up while he jetted again and again across
Keenan’s belly.

Rather than let go or show any kind of disappointment, Keenan

clung to him and kept right on teasing all the elements of his trigo.
Oco had never experienced anything so all consuming. Each gush of
pleasure begged the next until he was so drained he was barely able to
roll to his side. Strung out on bliss, Oco closed his eyes. He wanted to
speak and reassure his mate that he would not leave him hanging, but
he simply couldn’t stop shaking. Never had he experienced a true and
perfect alignment. Oco thought such an event was only possible with

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one of his own kind.

He was wrong.
Oco smiled because he had never been so happy to be so wrong.

But just as he was opening his eyes and his mouth to tell Keenan how
excited he was, he realized they’d only made their situation worse.
Now that he’d experienced such flawless ecstasy, there was simply no
way he could let Keenan go. It wasn’t an issue of being in emotional
pain but one of life or death. When his kind experienced the stunning
perfection of alignment, they were driven to claim the one who gave
them such a moment.

If he lost Keenan now, he would literally die.

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Chapter 9

Keenan hadn’t realized how turned-on Oco was until he climaxed

all over his stomach. He was double stunned because of his rather
surprising skill despite his novice state, but also, Oco’s orgasm was
copious to say the least. Judging by the only standard he had, which
was the amount of his own, Oco’s had to be at least ten times greater.
The sheer volume coupled with Oco’s astonished aftermath left
Keenan feeling very good about his bedroom skills.

Clearly still vibrating from his climax, Oco had rolled to the side,

his eyes closed against his continued shakes. He was breathing in
shallow gasps while his cock continued to twitch. When he finally
opened his eyes, Keenan was ready to brag about his prowess, but the
look on Oco’s face changed his mind in a hurry.

“Oh, God. Did I hurt you?” He’d rubbed his foot across the

golden triangle perched above Oco’s buttocks. Maybe what he
perceived as a stroke was far too aggressive and had actually injured
him. “I thought I rocked your world.”

“I am barely able to understand what you did to me.”
“I made you feel good?” Keenan asked hopefully. And then he

realized a man like Oco was probably used to being in full command
of an encounter. No man, especially not one so clearly alpha, liked the
idea of getting off prematurely. Keenan felt a curious mix of pride for
being so good and shame for hurting Oco’s pride.

“You made me experience something that I didn’t think anyone

ever would.”

Keenan wanted to feel pleased, but the look on Oco’s face was

holding his joy in check.

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“I felt alignment.”
“What does that mean?” Keenan remembered Oco saying

something about his kind reaching what sounded like a kind of sexual
nirvana, but he had no idea what it was or how in the world he’d
managed to get him there.

“All parts of my trigo were fully engaged. You managed to

stimulate all of them.”

“That’s good, right?”
“For my soul-shaking climax, yes. It’s like nothing I’ve ever

experienced before.”

“Why do I sense a but coming?”
“It was wonderful. Truly.”
“But it also means I am now bound to you.”
“Bound? As in like metaphorical ropes?”
“Yes.” Oco reached out and cupped Keenan’s face. His touch was

so tender Keenan shivered. “I simply cannot let you go.”

“Good.” Keenan moved closer. “I don’t want to go.”
“Nope. No buts. We’re done with those for now.”
“That’s just a fancy but.” Keenan took Oco’s hand from his face

and slid it down his chest to his still very hard cock. “I think it’s time
for you to rock my world.”

“Oh, Keenan. Forgive me.” Oco pulled him tight. “I experience

perfect alignment and you are left wanting.”

“That’s okay.” Keenan really wasn’t upset. More than anything he

was proud of himself. “You can make it up to me.”

“I shall.” Oco kissed him into squirming eagerness. With the skill

of a master, he teased his strong hands all over Keenan’s form. From
his nipples to his navel, not a patch of skin on his chest escaped his
mouth or his touch. Just when Keenan didn’t think he would ever go
lower, Oco leaned over and sucked his cock down to the base.

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A cry of surprise and pleasure was torn from him. Almost against

his will he thrust his hips. When he forcefully held himself still, Oco
encouraged him to keep thrusting. Keenan was reluctant because he
didn’t want to go too deep into Oco’s throat, but that was apparently
what he wanted. Just as Keenan caught the rhythm, Oco slipped his
hand down and teased one long finger around the puckered skin of his

Conflicted by a need to rock and simultaneously roll his hips,

Keenan held still and allowed Oco to torment him into babbling bliss.
He didn’t know how much higher he could go without finding release.
Each time he thought he’d reached the tipping point, Oco urged him
just a little higher. Somehow, he managed to push him just a little

When the point of no return arrived, Keenan was almost relieved.

He’d never been so turned-on. And then, as if he wanted to bind
Keenan to him in the only way he knew how, Oco plunged two
fingers into him right as Keenan climaxed. A curious blend of
pleasure and pain galvanized his body and tore a strangled cry from
his lips. Each time he jetted into Oco’s mouth, he pulled at him,
sucking down his bliss as he pumped his fingers deep. Just when he
didn’t think he could take anymore, Oco reached up with his free
hand and twisted Keenan’s nipple. Barely had he recovered from the
shocking pleasure of that when he tweaked the other. By the time
Keenan stopped climaxing, he was a breathless, mindless, and almost
an utterly boneless mass. If the bed caught on fire, he wouldn’t be
able to get up and run. Keenan would just stay there and burn. He’d
die, but he’d die happy.

Oco released him from all points of torment and rose up so they

were lying next to one another on the bed.

Keenan blinked lazily at him, loving the look of pride that lifted

Oco’s mouth. “Yeah. You should be proud. I think I saw God.”

“You did?” Oco appeared to be taking him seriously.
“I’m kidding.” Keenan laughed. “Or maybe not. Maybe you are

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“I have never been told I am so good I am a deity.”
“Glad I’m the first.”
“You are in many, many ways.” Oco moved near and kissed him,

allowing Keenan to taste himself. Together, they made a wonderful

Keenan closed his eyes, drifting away into the soft cloud of the

afterglow. He’d laughed when he’d heard that term. He thought it was
corny and obviously something romance writers had made up. This
time, being wrong was a good thing.

“My counselor will be very angry that I’ve defiled you.”
The word defiled caused Keenan to open his eyes. “Is that what

you did? Huh. It didn’t feel like a defilement.”

“Actually, I think she said violate. In so many words I have

tarnished your appeal as a slave.”

“You didn’t do a very good job.”
Oco visibly flinched.
“Oh, whoa. Wait. What I meant was in my language, defilement

is, well, trust me, you didn’t come close to that.”

“You are teasing me?”
“In a way.” Keenan rolled over until he was able to rest his head

against Oco’s chest. “For it to be a real defilement, you need to
actually insert your penis into me.”

“Anywhere in particular?”
Keenan laughed. “I think we’re talking south of the border,


The phrase didn’t remotely translate.
“Don’t worry. I’ll show you.” Keenan rose and slung his leg over

Oco’s hips.

“We should wait until my counselor calls.”
“You already said we’re bound. What’s the difference if we add

more ropes or not?”

“None.” Oco’s touch was gentle. “You are so beautiful.”

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When Oco looked at him like that, Keenan felt like the most

desirable man in the world. He also felt confident enough to slick up
his hand then stroke along Oco’s rapidly hardening cock. Unlike his
own penis, Oco’s head wasn’t the most sensitive part. The area where
the shaft met his groin was clearly nerve rich, probably because of his
trigo. Each time Keenan’s fist slid down and hit that area, Oco would
lift his head and gasp. When Keenan twisted his grip, Oco bucked
hard enough to bounce Keenan on his thighs.

“I guess that’s the spot.”
“I’ve never been able to feel so much before.” Oco lifted his head,

which contracted his abs. His musculature was similar to a human’s
but just different enough to be interesting. No matter what species he
was, the man was ripped.

Afraid that Oco would go off too soon if he kept teasing him,

Keenan lifted up and centered Oco’s cock against his hole. The
contrast in temperature made him keenly aware of the moment, and
then Oco was sliding into him. Up came Oco’s hands to grasp
Keenan’s hips, steadying him against the invading pressure. Just
when he thought he couldn’t take anymore, his body would give,
allowing Oco inside.

“Slowly.” Oco’s grip tightened on Keenan’s hips.
“I’m trying.” Keenan was shaking so badly he didn’t think he

could keep going. But then Oco lifted him, rolled him to his side, and
then he was above him.

Oco looked right into Keenan’s eyes as he returned to where they

had been just moments ago. He was trembling just like Keenan had
been, but he was stronger. Oco braced his arm against the bed to
stabilize him above Keenan. When he lowered his face to Keenan’s
without making full contact, Keenan whimpered. It was a kiss with
breath and not lips, which made it far more engaging because it was
so different.

Each bare bit that Oco went deeper caused Keenan to arch up,

gasp, then slowly relax as he grew accustomed to the feel of him. Just

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when he’d recovered, Oco moved forward again. It was slow,
deliciously so, but Keenan didn’t think he’d ever felt so aware. In the
moment, Oco was his whole world. The deeper Oco went, the closer
he brought his lips. When he finally reached the limit, their mouths
made contact, and Oco gave Keenan a kiss that was so intense he
almost orgasmed.

Anticipation had heightened his awareness to the point he was

practically shimmering. Keenan was careful to stroke Oco’s trigo
without too much stimulation because he didn’t want the moment to
be over too quickly. Oco continued to kiss Keenan as he flicked his
hips, blending their bodies as tightly together as he could.

“I will not last.”
“I’m ready.” Keenan had hoped his first time would be special,

but this with Oco exceeded his expectations. Despite the fact he
wasn’t an Alzimian, Keenan swore he felt the alignment that Oco had
spoken of. Everything in him—heart, mind, body, and soul—all that
he was and would ever be reached a point of perfection. In the
moment, Keenan lacked for nothing. He was complete.

Just as Oco’s eyes closed, so did Keenan’s. A wave of pleasure

consumed him. For a long time, Keenan stayed submerged in the
ocean of bliss. He didn’t breathe or think or do anything but feel his
profound connection to Oco. He was aware of climaxing. He was
even aware of Oco’s orgasm, but that all seemed secondary to the
emotional release. On the heels of his tremendous joy came an almost
crushing despair. What he’d told Oco was a total lie. It wasn’t better
to have loved and lost. Just the idea of being parted from Oco caused
him to wrap his entire body around him and cling fiercely. Where the
idea of running so they could be together had seemed like a bad one
before, it was starting to look mighty good now.

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Chapter 10

When a low ping broke the silence, Oco startled, almost pulling

himself out of Keenan. If not for his tight grip, he would have.

“It’s okay. It’s just my counselor.”
“Don’t answer.”
“She has information about our situation.”
“It won’t be good.”
“Ah, Keenan.” Oco kissed him gently. “We have to know.”
“No.” Keenan pressed his face against Oco’s chest, almost as if he

were attempting to hide below him. As much as Oco understood his
concern, because he was rife with it himself, he had to know.

Reluctantly, he freed himself from Keenan and answered. Lisstera

didn’t bother with pleasantries. She got right to the point. “You have
to surrender him.”

“I can’t.” Oco needed to tell her what had happened, but he didn’t

want Keenan to know he would quite literally die if they were
separated from one another now. Perfect alignment was such a rare
event that he just never anticipated it would actually happen,
especially not with a different species. Had he any idea, he never
would have been intimate with him. At least not until he knew they
could be together for a long and happy life. However, one look at
Keenan and Oco realized the folly of that thought. How could he not
be with him? Every molecule of his being had practically cried out for
him to claim Keenan. Clearly, the very core of him knew they were
perfect for one another and refused to let his intellect get in the way.

“I understand how you feel about him, but keep in mind he’s just

a slave.”

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“He is here with me.” Oco climbed off the bed. Keenan followed


There was silence, and then Lisstera softly said, “My apologies if

I seem cold. The fact remains the laws regarding slaves are very clear.
It was kind of you to have taken him in when he was abandoned
outside of Millitrex’s establishment, but his owner has already posted
a petition for his return.”

Keenan’s pale face seemed to turn even whiter. He looked

positively ill.

“I realize this isn’t what you want to hear, but it would be best if

you voluntarily surrendered him.”

Oco recalled how Keenan described his surrender to the Eoeans as

being forcefully volunteered. He hadn’t quite understood at the time,
but he did now. He was being told that it would be best if he willingly
gave Keenan up. But he couldn’t. He wasn’t willing. He didn’t want
to give him up. Letting go of him was simply not an option. Still, Oco
couldn’t allow Keenan to know. To have to go into the arms of an
abusive being was one thing, but knowing that as he did so the man
he left behind would die a slow and extremely painful death? No. Oco
would carry that secret so deep inside himself no one would ever

“I’m assuming you stuck to our agreement?”
“Agreement?” Oco couldn’t think clearly. He had never been in a

state where his body was thoroughly spent while his mind was in utter

“You didn’t violate him.”
“He did!” Keenan bellowed. “I’m so violated no one would want

me. So tell Metal Shoes to go—”

Oco cut him off by pulling him close and kissing him silent.

“Please don’t speak again.”

“I’m here Lisstera.” Oco kept Keenan close. How could it be that

in the worst moment his eyes managed to look so beautiful? If only

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Oco could take him away to that sea on Alzim. The two of them could
spend the rest of their lives together floating aimlessly atop the water.
They could sleep in the sunlight, make love in the rain, and lose
themselves in one another until there was no rest of the world at all. If
only. But that was something that simply couldn’t happen. “Have you
made an offer to him?”

Lisstera’s silence made Oco aware that she was reluctant to talk

freely in front of Keenan.

“I will get back to you,” Oco offered.
“That would be best.”
And then Lisstera was gone, leaving Oco alone with Keenan.
“Why didn’t she answer you?” Keenan struggled in Oco’s grip,

but as soon as Oco let go, Keenan plastered himself against Oco’s
chest. “You’re not thinking of surrendering me, are you?”

Torn, Oco found he was unable to speak. He pressed his mouth to

the top of Keenan’s head and stayed that way, kissing him while
holding him. But eventually, he had to let him go. Oco realized if he
had this much trouble releasing Keenan from a hug, he would never
survive releasing him into the care of the abusive Grorer. Perhaps if
he explained the situation to Lisstera, she could think of some angle
or perhaps they could engage the Grorer’s compassion.

Didn’t every species have some measure of empathy? Oco

remembered the Grorer’s face when he’d won Keenan. He’d
somehow managed to twist his pride into something ugly and
practically threw it into Oco’s face. He’d been unable to do anything
he was so riveted by fury. The Grorer cheated. They both knew it.
The fact that Oco couldn’t prove anything left him with a feeling of
dull, burning impotence. He’d never had a problem identifying what
he wanted and then going after it, but here, he knew what he wanted.
He wanted to keep Keenan. Oco also wasn’t afraid to go after what he
wanted. The part that eluded him was how. How could he keep
Keenan when he had no legal claim to him?


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“Come. We will clean up, eat, and then discuss the situation.”
Keenan frowned and then deliberately widened his stance. It was

clearly his silent way of saying he would hold his ground until Oco
told him something he wanted to hear.

“Lisstera has a difficult time speaking in terms that aren’t direct

and to the point. She is concerned about discussing the situation with
me in concise terms that might inadvertently hurt you.”

“I’m not a child.”
“Then do not behave like one.”
That caused Keenan to flinch back slightly. “I didn’t realize I


“You shouldn’t have shouted out to her.”
“I’m sorry for that. I was upset.”
“I know. I am, too.”
“Is she mad because you broke your word to her?”
“I said I would not touch you. I tried very diligently to keep my

word, but I failed.”

“Because I came in here.”
“Keenan, it wouldn’t have mattered. I would have come to you.

This, what is happening between us, is as inevitable as the sunrise.”

“You don’t sound very happy about that.”
“I’m not.” Oco realized he was trying desperately to distance

himself emotionally when it wouldn’t do one damn bit of good. “I
think I knew the moment I saw you that we were destined. I can’t
explain it, but there it is. And now I have to give you up, and the very
idea goes against every protective instinct in my being.”

“Then don’t.” Keenan reached for him, but Oco moved out of his

way and strode toward the bathroom. He didn’t look to see if Keenan
was following because he knew he would. Once inside the spacious
room, he filled the large tub. Normally, he showered, but he had a
feeling that wouldn’t work with Keenan. His fragile mate wouldn’t
like the rush of a shower, but a bath was far more likely to comfort

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When Keenan refused to get into the water, Oco begged, “Please.

We have very little time together, and I would rather not spend it
fighting. Please just get in, allow me to go and talk to my counselor,
then I will join you.”

For a moment, it looked like Keenan would take the same

determined stance he had in the bedroom, but something softened in
his gaze. Reluctantly, he climbed into the tub. He managed to look
very small and alone in there all by himself, just like he had in his bed
last night.

Oco turned away before he could change his mind. He grabbed a

robe and walked swiftly toward his private office. Once he’d locked
the door, ensuring his privacy, he contacted Lisstera.

“Keenan is no longer in the room with me.”
“I am sorry about this Oco, honestly I am, but the laws are clear.

You don’t own him. If you want to make a claim of cheating you can,
but it’s unlikely you’ll be able to get any magistrate to listen to you.”

“Then I shall lodge a complaint at Millitrex’s.”
“That won’t help.”
Oco debated telling her about his bonding with Keenan.

Ultimately, he decided he had nothing to lose. “There’s more.”

Lisstera was silent.
“I don’t even know how this happened.” Oco took a calming

breath that simply didn’t help his agitated state of mind. “I mean to
say I know but it never should have—somehow I found alignment
with Keenan.”

“You what?” Lisstera was the most calm and focused Alzimian

Oco had ever met. That he was able to shock her told him in no
uncertain terms just how stunning what had happened with Keenan

“I had no idea it was even possible with a member of another

species.” Oco had been quite literally astonished by the turn of events.

“It’s rare among our own kind.”
“I know.”

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“You’ll die without him.”
“I know that, too.”
“Oh, Oco. I don’t know what to say.”
“Say that you’ll do anything to help us stay together.”
When Lisstera didn’t answer, Oco’s hopes sank. There was

nothing anyone could do. He could try to appeal to the Grorer’s
empathy, but he had a feeling that would likely lead to the Grorer
wanting Keenan even more desperately. Oco hadn’t been around the
Grorer long, but his vicious streak was well and truly visible in
everything he did. If ever a situation looked hopeless, this was it.

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Chapter 11

Keenan didn’t want to sit in the tub like a chastised child, but he

also didn’t want to cause Oco any more pain. Blurting out while he
was talking to his lawyer had seemed like a good idea at the time, but
now Keenan regretted not behaving like an adult. That thought only
angered him more. Did being an adult mean he was just supposed to
take whatever life threw at him? Was he expected to just stand idly by
while life stomped all over him? Somewhere, he remembered a saying
about being a doormat. It took a moment, but it came to him. If you
make yourself a doormat, you can’t be surprised when people wipe
their feet on you

“Right.” If he didn’t want life to wipe its feet on him, he sure as

shit wasn’t going to just lie on the floor like a damn doormat. Inspired
by his little self-talk, Keenan slumped back into the water when he
had no idea what he could actually do. Oco had a lawyer, and he was
clearly doing everything he could, but things still looked dismal.

When Oco came into the bathroom, Keenan automatically smiled

at him. Oco flashed a strained smile back, slipped off his robe, and
entered the tub.

“Let’s run away.”
This time, when Oco smiled, it was genuine. “Where would we


“I don’t know. Anywhere. You know the universe far better than I

do. You pick.”

“I would take you to Alzim, and there we would go to the sea that

matches your eyes.”

“What would we do there?” Keenan moved to his side, settling

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into the hollow created by his uplifted arm and chest.

“We would indulge ourselves in the fine art of doing nothing.”
“Nothing at all. We would grow lazy as we wallowed in idleness.”
“We wouldn’t even have sex?”
“Ah. Perhaps we would do one thing.”
Keenan laughed. “And we’d have to eat in order to have the

strength to have sex.”

“You see? If you start doing one thing you have to start doing

many others.”

“I think the pleasure would be worth it.”
“I do, too.” Oco’s voice caught at the end.
Keenan held on to him a little tighter, but he didn’t look up. He

had a feeling Oco was crying, but he didn’t think he could bear to see
that level of pain marring his handsome features. Instead, he stayed
near and took pleasure in the feel of his body close and the soft
warmth of the water. After a long time to compose himself, Oco
kissed the top of Keenan’s head then showed him the features of the
tub. In many ways it was like a hot tub with bubbles. They cleaned up
and talked quietly but eventually they had to get out.

Without a word, Oco got dressed and handed an outfit over to

Keenan. “For your birthday.”

“Thank you.” It was beautifully made. The color matched his

eyes, so he knew Oco had set one of his people to making it. The style
of the suit matched what Oco had worn last night. With Oco’s
attentive help, he dressed. As Keenan peered at himself in the mirror,
he was surprised to see the style actually looked good on him. He
looked taller and more robust rather than short and skinny like he had
only yesterday.

Oco wore white, just as he had last night. It contrasted his skin

tone and highlighted the gold of his eyes. Somehow, it also made his
hair look so dark it was glossy.

“The gold is gone.”

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“Oh, that.” Oco brushed his hand over his modified Mohawk.

“My stylist likes to dress me up on occasion.”

“I thought it was part of your hair.”
“I can have him put it in if you’d like.”
“No. I like you just as you are.”
Oco nodded.
“Do you like this?” Keenan extended his arms.
“Very much.” Oco straightened the sleeves then fussed with the

center placket. “Although now that I see us together, we appear rather

“I don’t think so.” Keenan looked at the two of them reflected in

the enormous mirror. “We look like we belong together.”

“We do.” Oco pulled on a pair of gloves. “We should go. Lisstera

will meet us there.”

“A neutral place in the heart of Caliolith. A councilor’s office. We

will have guards. They will have guards. There will be no bloodshed.”

Panic filled every space in Keenan’s head. He wanted to run, but

he knew if there was a chance that would actually work, Oco would
have certainly suggested they go. Rather than waste time feeling sad
or despairing of a situation that could not be changed, Keenan was
determined to keep his head up. Oco had given him a birthday that he
would cherish forever. The morning after was even more memorable,
so Keenan would cling to that. He held little hope that anything good
would come of his captivity to Metal Shoes. But as he was so fond of
saying, he was often wrong. If ever there was a time for him to be
incorrect, he hoped it was with this situation. Metal Shoes hadn’t
seemed the sort to be compassionate, but a million things could have
happened since last night. Perhaps someone had shown kindness to
him, so now he would like to show kindness in return. It was a long
shot, but anything was possible.

They took a different transport to the office. Instead of piloting the

craft himself, one of Oco’s bodyguards took control so they could sit

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in the back. As soon as they were settled, Oco took off his gloves and
held Keenan’s hand. It was such a small gesture, but it meant the
world to him. All too soon they arrived at a gleaming building. Oddly,
it was golden, making Keenan think of Oco’s body, but he realized
the color was only because of the setting sun. Once they touched
down, he realized it was just a building. He was actually relieved. The
thought of having to walk away from Oco in some place that looked
magical would have only increased his pain. Somehow, now that it
was just concrete, metal, and polished stone, Keenan found it easier to
keep his focus.

He wasn’t going to cry. Keenan was going to be strong because he

knew that was what Oco needed. If he was crying and clinging to
him, he would only make the inevitable far more difficult than it had
to be. Each time he felt tears threaten, he remembered something
funny. He discovered the antics of his sister’s kids were the best to
push his pain away. He didn’t smile, but at least he wasn’t screaming
and crying.

When they reached the mediation room, Keenan had a momentary

panic. His heart was beating so fast he thought it would just explode.
But no such luck. It kept right on pumping his blood as he walked

Metal Shoes shot to his feet. His mouth came open, and he

seemed on the verge of screaming at Oco, but the creature next to
him, probably his lawyer, grasped his arm, cautioning him to silence.
Clearly perturbed, Metal Shoes sat down, but as soon as he took his
gaze off Oco, he latched on to Keenan. When he licked his lips in a
gesture that could only be called hungry, Keenan struggled to stay
upright. If not for Oco’s comforting presence, he would have

Keenan was so focused on Metal Shoes he wasn’t listening to the

mediator. By the time he started paying attention, he realized all he’d
missed was the introductions. Once everyone was seated, the
mediator said something about there not being any issue of blame or

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retribution, only that the Grorer wanted his property returned. It
seemed everyone was in agreement on that. Well, at least on the face
of it. When Keenan finally yanked his gaze away from the Grorer, he
looked over at Oco’s lawyer. She looked similar to Oco with black
hair, golden eyes, and light-brown skin. Like him, she wore clothing
that covered her from her neck to the edges of her wrists and ankles.
She didn’t wear gloves, though, which meant she didn’t share Oco’s

Thinking of his hands made Keenan pray with all his might that

he would one day find another person he couldn’t read. He didn’t
want to think of Oco struggling to make a connection with another.

“You have to try again,” Keenan whispered, squeezing Oco’s now

glove-clad hand. “Please don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

Oco looked at him as if he’d suddenly grown two heads. “Try

what again?”

“To find someone else.”
Both Oco and his counselor winced. Keenan wondered why, but

then his attention shifted to the Grorer because whatever his lawyer
had been able to do to make him quiet was starting to fail.

“I want him over here now.” Metal Shoes was clearly trying for a

civil tone, but his voice rose into a demanding growl at the end.

Oco’s hand tightened on Keenan’s, and he thought for a moment

he would jump to his feet and drag Keenan out of the room and out of
the building. Instead, he rose and helped Keenan up.

“I do not let you go voluntarily.” Oco’s eyes said a lot more than

his voice. He was miserable.

Metal Shoes leapt to his feet and seemed hell-bent on coming

around the table. One look at Oco’s bodyguards changed his mind.

“Make him tell the truth.” Keenan thought if the lawyers there

knew what the Grorer had done, they would urge Metal Shoes to
rescind his claim.

Oco shook his head.
“You have the ability to find out if he cheated at Millitrex’s.”

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Keenan looked over at Metals Shoes. “If he has nothing to hide, he
shouldn’t mind you touching him.”

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Chapter 12

Oco knew before the Grorer’s councilor spoke that he wasn’t

going to let him touch his client. If he didn’t have a stake in the
outcome of their meeting, he might have been hired to read the truth.
But no one would take his word when he was one of the litigants. His
motive to lie was far more profound than anyone here realized. Well,
anyone but his own counselor.

Lisstera flashed him a look that conveyed her sadness at his state

and her distress that she could do nothing within the law to help him.
She was bound by her station to do all that she could to assist him,
and she was willing to bend the rules at times, but the fact remained
she was an honorable woman. And Oco would never expect her to put
herself in jeopardy to help him, even if his once-in-a-lifetime mate
was on the line.

“The suggestion is preposterous,” the Grorer’s lawyer said as he

forcefully settled his client back in his seat. “He would not be inclined
to tell the truth.”

It was pretty much what Oco suspected. But that didn’t stop him

from considering the Grorer. He looked smug. The idea of appealing
to his empathy was pointless. He had no compassion. If he were to
learn the dire situation Oco would be in by surrendering Keenan, he
would only laugh and mock him as he dragged Keenan away.
Besides, Oco wasn’t going to do anything that would make the
situation worse. Keenan didn’t know, and it would stay that way. But
as Oco considered him again, he wondered if Keenan would
experience the same level of psychic trauma. He was not an Alzimian,
but the bond shouldn’t have happened with him, so the idea that their

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separation could also inflict additional damage on him shattered a part
of Oco that he couldn’t even name.

“If he has nothing to hide, what could be the harm in Oco

touching him?” It was Keenan who asked the question. He was
glaring at the Grorer as if he could kill him with his gaze alone.

“I wouldn’t let that filthy thief touch me.” The Grorer was putting

on airs of sophistication, but Oco didn’t have to read the other people
in the room to know they weren’t buying it any more than he was.

“I will give him up without a fight if you allow me touch you.”
“We’ve already established that you have every reason to lie,” the

Grorer’s counselor pointed out.

“That is true.” Oco held the Grorer’s gaze. “But we will both

know the truth.”

The Grorer squirmed.
“I won’t say a word. I just want to know. You and I can go to

another room, but that is what I demand.”

“You have no right to demand anything!” The Grorer was on his

feet, snarling at Oco while he flung off his counselor’s restraining
hand. “You steal from me then demand I submit to your sick skill?”

“So are you refusing?”
All gazes turned his way. The Grorer looked around at everyone,

his expression fearful. It was clear he felt trapped by the curiosity of
the people in the room. If he had nothing to hide, there should be no
reason for him not to simply extend his hand and let Oco touch him.

“All it would take is a bare brush of my hand against yours.

Nothing more.”

“Just give me my slave and I’ll go.” He crossed his arms and

tucked his hands under them. It was obvious he wanted to protect his
exposed skin from Oco’s touch.

“Come and get him.” Oco kept a firm hold on Keenan’s hand. He

was cold yet managed to be sweating. Oco wouldn’t have thought it
possible, but Keenan was clearly in a conflicted state. “I will hand
him over to you.”

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Keenan’s grip tightened, and he made a low, frightened cry at the

back of his throat. As much as Oco wanted to soothe him, he also
wanted to force the Grorer to come to him.

“I’m not falling for this.” The Grorer took a step backward then

snarled at his counselor to go and retrieve his property.

His counselor stood, but when he did, Oco’s bodyguards stepped

forward, forming a barrier around him and Keenan.

“If you really want him, and believe that he truly belongs to you,

it shouldn’t be an issue.”

“I don’t have to do anything but show proof of ownership from

Millitrex’s.” The Grorer pushed against his counselor, who sighed
with obvious annoyance. Rather reluctantly, he withdrew some kind
of electronic device. Even though the Grorer had been given
paperwork on Keenan, he was undoubtedly given an electronic set of
papers for him as well.

“We’d like to see that.” Lisstera held up her electronic device, and

within a second she had the information on her screen. She read
through it then frowned at the end.

“What?” Oco asked. Could there be something wrong with the

paperwork that Millitrex had given the Grorer?

“I thought you said he came from the Eoeans?”
“That’s what Keenan said.”
“They run the lottery system on Earth.” Keenan leaned in, took

one look at the screen, and leaned back. It was clear that though he’d
been altered to speak their language, he couldn’t read it.

“It says here you were actually put up for auction by the


“Who are Pressians?” Keenan asked, leaning toward the device.
“It doesn’t matter who put him up. The only thing that matters is

that I bought him.” Despite his assured tone, the Grorer was looking
rather worried.

“Are we even certain he’s truly a slave?” Oco thought this might

be a way to delay sending Keenan to the Grorer. Eventually, he’d

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probably prove Keenan’s place as a slave, but doing so would at least
give them some time together. Running away was becoming a
genuine possibility.

“I’m not a slave.” Keenan didn’t shout, but he was clearly ready

to fight in any way he could to stay with Oco. “I was forced to leave

“He was at Millitrex’s,” the Grorer said. “It’s clear he’s

legitimately a slave.”

“I don’t know.” Lisstera was now perusing the document with the

attention of an animal on the hunt. If there was anything in Keenan’s
paperwork they might be able to use, she would find it. For the first
time since he’d entered the aircar to come here, Oco held out hope
that he just might be able to leave with Keenan.

“I am done with this.” The Grorer came around the table, causing

Oco’s bodyguards to step into his path, but Oco slipped past them and
grasped the Grorer’s hand.

In an instant, Oco knew the Grorer had in fact cheated. The

commotion with the chair prior to the bidding was done strictly so
that he could install a device that would freeze the other bidding
switches in the room. By locking them out, he was assured of having
the highest bid. With cool precision, the Grorer had allowed the
bidding to go quite high before switching it on because otherwise
suspicion would have been instantly raised and he would have been
found out. Even if Oco had raised the alarm right after the bidding
ended, he wouldn’t have fared any better. The slick Grorer had
removed the device.

But now the two of them knew.
Oco kept his word and said nothing. All he did was look into the

Grorer’s widely set yet oddly small eyes. Since Oco continued to hold
him, he felt the Grorer’s humiliation and his fear that Oco would
reveal his shame to everyone present.

“I gave you my word. Only you and I need know the truth.” Oco

held his gaze as firmly as he continued to hold his hand. “But of

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course, now both of us know the truth.”

“Then let go.”
Oco released him, and the Grorer lurched backward, rubbing his

hand as if he’d been injured.

“Now hand him over.”
“That offer passed,” Lisstera said. “Now there is the question of

his status. I believe the Pressians must be contacted. This isn’t quite
in order.”

That caused the Grorer to narrow his gaze and make a hissing

noise. Oco wasn’t certain what it meant, but it certainly wasn’t a good
sound. Oco didn’t need to be touching him to know that the last thing
the Grorer wanted to do was deal with the Pressians. Not that he
blamed him. They were a deceptively humble-looking race that
wouldn’t blink at wiping out an entire world if it happened to be in
their way.

“I’ll give you double what you paid.”
Everyone went silent and stared at Oco and the Grorer. Their

gazes were speculative.

“I will take on the task of determining his origins and his fitness

for sale. You will have made a profit, and you will not have to deal
with the Pressians.”

As much as the Grorer clearly wanted Keenan, he just as clearly

didn’t want the mind-numbing hassle of intergalactic slave trade
dealings. And no one in their right mind would want to deal with the
Pressians over anything. But Oco really wasn’t in his right mind. He
was bound to Keenan. He would do anything to keep him.

After a short conference with his counselor, the Grorer stepped

around the table the long way so he would not have to walk too close
to Oco. “Have him. He’s yours. Enjoy dealing with those vicious—”
The word he used didn’t translate, but Oco got the sentiment anyway.
With a pointed look at his own counselor, he demanded, “Get my
money and then get my name off any information associated with that
foul Earthling.”

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And he was gone.
Keenan was up and into Oco’s arms so quickly it was almost as if

he’d never left.

“It’s over?”
“It is.”
“Not quite,” Lisstera said softly.
“The payment. Of course. Simply transfer—”
“It’s not about that.” Lisstera pressed a series of commands,

sending the required funds over to the Grorer’s councilor. She
refrained from speaking until the members of the other group left.
“There really is something strange in his documents.”

“It doesn’t matter.”
“But in the future it might.”
“Not if I free him.”
“Free me?”
“Only from being a slave,” Oco whispered into his ear. “You

would still be bound to me in other ways.”

Keenan smiled and kissed him.
Oco held Keenan tightly to his chest. “Set him free and then it no

longer matters who put him up for sale because he’ll no longer be
considered a slave.”

Lisstera was a woman who rarely showed any emotion, but today

she smiled. “I’d be happy to do that.”

“And then we’ll need to file official papers of joining. That is, if

you still want—”

“I do, I do, I do!” Keenan was practically jumping up and down.
Oco kissed him until both of them were dazed. While Lisstera

handled the legal end of things, Oco held Keenan’s hand. They talked
of everything and nothing. He realized that Keenan still didn’t know
about the strength or the rarity of the Alzimian bond, but he didn’t
think that mattered so much now that they were able to be together.

“If this had gone the other way, I honestly don’t think I could

have continued to work in the profession.” Lisstera sighed. “You give

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me hope that I can find what you have.”

“You will.” Oco wondered aloud if the reason for the rarity of the

full alignment might be because most Alzimian couplings were
arranged. “I think there’s much to be said for picking one’s own

“I’ll just try to find one that isn’t in jeopardy of being taken away

from me. The idea of having a painful death hanging over me is—”

“Painful death?” Keenan looked up at Oco with a look he was

becoming very familiar with. When Keenan wanted to know
something, he clung to revelation with a tenacity that was a little
intimidating. Oco wasn’t going to be able to change the subject or
distract him. He tried a kiss, but Keenan moved his head aside. “What
painful death?”

“Oh, Oco. You didn’t tell him?”
“And have his terror at the situation increased?”
“I’ll leave you two alone.” Lisstera drew her concerned gaze from

Oco to Keenan. “Forgive him. He obviously cares for you a great

“I know.” Keenan waited until she left. “Don’t tell me.”
“I thought—”
“Why should I worry now when it’s over?”
“You amaze me.”
“I am pretty damn incredible.”
“You are. You really, really are.” Oco wished he had the ability to

transport them home, where he could have his mate on his bed,
writhing in need. But as Keenan had said, there was something about
anticipation making passion grow stronger.

“Now, about this marriage thing.”
“What is that word?”
“Our bonding. Joining. Whatever you called it.”
“What about it?”
“Is it just paperwork, or is there a ceremony and stuff like that?”
“You want to do the Alzimian ceremony?”

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“Oh, right, that’s the one with your heads covered up. Naw. That

doesn’t sound very romantic.” Keenan tilted his head as if he were
considering all the possibilities. “I don’t really like the Earth one

“What’s that like?”
Keenan explained how a church wedding was performed. Oco

didn’t like that any more than Keenan did.

“I say we just go home and have lots of sex.”
“That sounds like the perfect ceremony.”
It seemed to Oco it took forever for them to get home. Once they

were done with all the documents and thanking Lisstera and then
getting settled in the aircar, most of the day was gone. The one benefit
they had was they would be able to enjoy the sunset together. On the
uppermost roof of his estate, there was a small but very plush area
that Oco had designed specifically to enjoy the sunrise and sunsets.
He hadn’t been up to the area of late since he’d grown rather
depressed, but now he felt the need to celebrate each day.

Since they had all the privacy they could ever want, both of them

were bare as they reclined on the large couch, facing the setting sun.

“It’s beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful.” Oco stroked his hand down Keenan’s chest,

loving the way his breath hitched and his entire body surged upward.
“When you do that, it’s like you’re trying to fit your whole self into
my hand.”

“That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.” Keenan gently stroked

over the upper edge of Oco’s trigo. “When I touch you, it’s as if you
want to surge into me.”

“I do.” He moved closer. “I really do.”
Despite his almost burning need to bury himself in his mate, Oco

took his time because he wanted the moment to be special. It was
already, but he recognized Keenan’s need for romance. Rather than
just pouncing on him like his primal brain was demanding, Oco
touched him everywhere. Just as he imagined when he saw him in

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Millitrex’s, he started at his toes and worked his way up, making sure
to kiss, stroke, and lick him everywhere in between. By the time Oco
settled on the couch with his legs crossed and pulled a breathless
Keenan into his embrace, he had his mate utterly frantic. But no
matter how much Keenan tried to impale himself, Oco wouldn’t let

“Now I know your dark side.”
“You do?”
“You’re trying to make me mad with lust.”
“You mean I haven’t succeeded?” Oco moved as if to pull Keenan

off his lap.

“Don’t you dare!” Keenan clamped his legs tightly around Oco’s

waist. “I’m not going to go any crazier than I am right now.”

“That sounds like a challenge.”
“Take pity on me.” Keenan angled his head so that he was looking

up at Oco with his big, winsome eyes. “Please?”

“If you insist.” But the truth was Oco couldn’t resist any longer.

While he had been teasing and tormenting Keenan, his beautiful mate
had managed to do the same to him with far fewer touches. Somehow,
Keenan intuitively knew how, when, and where to caress the three
elements of his trigo.

After slicking himself up, Oco lifted Keenan, who was more than

happy to help center Oco’s cock. When they touched, Oco thought he
was going to climax without penetrating him. He hung on to his
release by sheer determination. Ever so slowly, almost in time with
the sun sinking into the horizon, Oco sank into Keenan.

They were close enough to be intimate but far apart enough that

they could see one another. Watching the rapture that came over
Keenan’s face caused a new and profoundly intense chill along the
inner connection of Oco’s trigo. Oco knew the triangles were all
connected by nerve endings, but he never realized how vast and
apparently sensitive the neural pathways were.

When Keenan reached the limit of his cock, he collapsed forward,

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pressing his face to Oco’s chest. Now that he was touching each
element, the vibration became more intense. His cock pulsed inside,
and Keenan clamped around him. Oco hadn’t thrust. He found he
didn’t need to. Keenan was tensing and releasing while
simultaneously rolling his hips in a gentle circle.

When Keenan lifted his face, kissing Oco while he now used his

hands to stroke over his chest, he felt the same intense pleasure of
alignment that he’d felt before, but it was easily ten times as intense.
Oco didn’t know what was happening to him, only that where he
thought he’d been bound before, he was even more attached now.
Perhaps his fear of having to give up Keenan had prevented him from
making the full connection, or he’d just mistaken a truly giving and
loving encounter for something much more. But now, he realized
what a true and meaningful alignment really was.

As he held his mate in his arms, Oco swore he touched not only

his body but a part of his soul. They had found one another in the
least likely way to end up bonding so deeply, but Oco supposed when
the right mate came along, none of that really mattered. Even the fact
he didn’t know Keenan thoroughly didn’t concern him. They were
destined to be together. There was simply no other way to look at
their circumstance and draw any other conclusion.

“I am so close.” Keenan kissed Oco with fast, frantic kisses.
“I can’t.” Keenan was struggling to lift and lower himself, but

Oco grasped his buttocks and held him steady as he rolled his hips,
flicking them at the apex of the circle.

“Madness. I’m telling you this is going to drive me to drink.”
“I will not let you up so you cannot reach the bottle.”
“Please, Oco. Please just finish me.”
“I will never finish you.” Oco cupped his mate’s buttocks and

then angled back just enough so that they could move a little faster. It
was enough to push Keenan over the edge. When he climaxed, he
pressed so tightly against Oco and clamped so firmly around his cock

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he could barely breathe, let alone move. His verbal relief and then his
even more passionate kisses caused Oco to join him. Yanking Keenan
down to drill his cock as deep inside as he could allowed him to find
the most profoundly moving orgasm of his life.

Rather than just having his trigo engaged and fully aligned, Oco

felt that this time his soul, his emotions, and all that he was as a
physical being was centered. When he opened his eyes, he discovered
Keenan was looking at him with sense of wonderment in his gaze. He
opened his mouth as if to speak, but nothing emerged. Clinging to one
another, they stayed entwined, shivering and shaking, as the sun
disappeared, taking all the light away.

In the dark, with stars twinkling above, they were finally able to

move apart. Keenan stroked his fingers down Oco’s face, his
expression one of abiding joy. “I had no idea I was even capable of
feeling like that.”

“I didn’t know, either.” Oco brushed back Keenan’s hair. “I am

now thoroughly bound to you.”

“So you weren’t before?”
“I think I was before, but this…I think this is a soul resonance.”
“What’s that?”
“I thought it was propaganda to increase the allure of Earthlings,

but now I know it’s real.” Oco explained that Earthlings were
rumored to be able to form a powerful bond. “As to what this
mythical bond can do, I don’t quite know. It’s difficult to sift rumors
from fact. But I know my kind’s alignment isn’t nearly as powerful as
what I just felt.”

“I like the name. Soul resonance is romantic. Just like you.”

Keenan eased off Oco’s lap and stood, working the kinks out of his
long legs. “Does this mean that if I lose you, I’ll die?”

Oco noticed that though Keenan summoned the strength to ask, he

wasn’t able to look at him while he did.

“Yeah. I guess I kind of figured out what Lisstera was talking

about. You were right not to tell me before the meeting because I

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would have had a panic attack of epic proportions.” Keenan finally
lifted his face. Despite the darkness, Oco was able to see a thin film of
tears in his eyes. “Tell me that we’re both going to live for a very long

“We are.” Oco was up and pulling him close in a flash. “That’s

one of the supposed benefits of a soul resonance. Longevity. Some
say even immortality.”

“All from having sex with an Earthling?”
“It’s not just sex.” Oco rubbed his cheek against Keenan’s head,

loving his feel, his scent. “This was so much more than a simple

Keenan agreed. “I’m just a little scared. The idea that I might kill

you by leaving you is very frightening.”

“It’s no longer an issue.” Oco paused. “Unless you are thinking of


“I’m not.” Keenan hugged him hard. “I guess I’m panicking after

the fact.”

When Oco realized Keenan was trembling, he took him over to

the lounging couch and pulled them under a thick blanket. He knew
he wasn’t cold so much as he was afraid, but he thought he could
offer much more comfort if they were snuggled together.

“What happens when one of us dies? Does the other die from


“No. At least I don’t think so. An Alzimian alignment ends with


“In the Earth ceremony they say something about until death do

you part. I guess that’s really literal for your kind.”

“I don’t think I would be parted from you even in death.”
They cuddled together, watching the stars. Oco told him the few

constellations he knew. Keenan was surprised and glad that humans
weren’t the only ones to see pictures in the sky. Together they made
some up. Keenan taught him the Earthling tradition of wishing on a
shooting star, but Oco felt he had everything he’d ever wanted.

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Keenan sighed, called him a romantic prince, and then they were
silent as they stroked one another and kissed without any intention of
becoming aroused. This was more about comfort and the simple joy
of being together rather than a race toward release.

When Keenan yawned, Oco scooped him up and took him inside.

They bathed then went to bed. Oco didn’t think he would be able to
sleep, but he did eventually. When he saw a shooting star out the
window, Oco wished that whatever Keenan wanted, he would be able
to provide for him. Because if anyone deserved happiness, it was the
tender man in his arms.

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Chapter 13

“I knew you had a dark side.” Keenan was surveying the mess

that his mate had left all over the bathroom floor. “You, my dear, are
a slob.”

After he finished drying his hair, Oco deliberately dropped his

towel on the floor then lifted his brow at Keenan as if to ask what he
was going to do about it.

Keenan tsked at him. “The shame of it all.”
“Does this mean you’re leaving me?” Oco turned toward the

mirror and set to work finger combing his hair into a modified

“No.” Keenan picked up the towel. “It means I shall punish you

until you stop.” By twisting up the end and flicking the rather thin
material with just the right amount of play, he was able to whap the
tip against Oco’s buttock.

Oco jumped and spun.
Keenan ran for all he was worth toward the bed. He made it, but

so did Oco.

“You will pay for that.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes.” Oco grasped his hands, pinned him to the bed, and kissed

him into eager submission. Once he had him breathless and still, Oco
released his hands but stayed straddled across his hips. He was careful
not to put his full weight on him, but it was clear he liked being in the
dominant position. If Oco truly had a dark side, his need to be in
charge was probably it. Even when Keenan was on top, Oco still
managed to direct the course of their lovemaking. He wasn’t a brutal

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man, not at all, but he liked to be in control. Since Keenan had a
corresponding need to be submissive, their base desires meshed
exceedingly well.

“Do your worst,” Keenan said.
“My worst?”
“It’s a pirate thing. It means go ahead. I dare you pleasure me into

a screaming orgasm.”

Oco laughed. “Your world must be a strange one.”
“It is.”
“Do you miss Earth?”
“I miss some things.”
“Such as?”
“Food. I miss sour cream and onion potato chips. Certain brands

of candy bars. And my sister’s meatloaf. But other things I don’t miss
at all. Some things are better here. Like when it rains.”

Oco looked toward the window where a gentle rain splattered

against the window, making tracks. “It used to make me sad when it
rained. I’m not sure why.”

“But now?”
Oco turned his molten gold gaze onto Keenan. “Now I stay

indoors and play with you. So now I love when it rains.”

“Me, too.” Keenan reached up and teased along the sensitive edge

between his golden triangle and his chest. “Staying inside and being
with you is exactly why I like when it rains here.”

“I have something I must tell you.” Oco captured his hand then

flattened it so Keenan’s palm pressed against the lowest point of his
chest triangle. When they’d been learning and sharing one night, Oco
confessed that was the point where all the nerves of his trigo clustered
together. “I love you.”

Keenan was surprised. He would have sworn that they said that to

one another a dozen times a day, but upon reflection he realized
they’d been showing it and not saying it. As much as he believed
actions said more than words, he realized the words were important,

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too. “I love you.”

Oco grinned.
“You know, you always say I’m the one who needs romance, but I

think it’s important to you as well.”

“Of course.” Oco kissed each of Keenan’s nipples in turn, making

him squirm.

“But I’m not romantic,” Keenan said.
“Not that I know of.”
“You romance me in all that you do.”
“I do?” Keenan was well and truly baffled.
“You make love to me with your gaze long before you ever touch

me with your hands.” Oco placed openmouthed kisses all along
Keenan’s belly. “The way you look at me is innocent and inviting all
at the same time.” Oco breathed out against his cock, making that bit
of flesh strain to get closer to his mouth. “You romance me with your
whole being.”

Keenan was going to respond, but he was lost when Oco licked

along his shaft. The man had a mouth that was capable of making
Keenan melt into a puddle with the slightest effort. There were times
when he was more aggressive, but he was never rough, never abusive.
He preferred a teasing kiss to a demanding one, and a coaxing stroke
rather than a dominating one. Yet he liked to be in control. It was a
curious contrast that didn’t make sense the first time Keenan thought
about it, but it did the more he knew Oco. He was able to be in control
without any overt taking of it.

To test his theory, Keenan tried to maneuver him onto his back,

but Oco resisted. He didn’t fight him directly, but he managed to
distract him long enough to keep Keenan on his back. He grinned. If
this was his mate’s dark side, he would consider himself blessed. And
then all thought left his mind when Oco parted his legs, slicked up his
cock, and eased his way inside.

Even though he was on his back, Keenan was by no means

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passive. He knew what to do to make Oco wild with passion. What he
wasn’t prepared for was for Oco to tremble violently.

“Sometimes I get scared.”
“Of what?”
“What if I had not gone that night? I had no intention of buying. I

just wanted to see this legendary Earthling. I went only because I was
bored. What if I had not gone? Or worse, what if I had just walked
away and left you with that foul Grorer?”

“But that didn’t happen.” Keenan wondered if he was actually

more concerned about what Lisstera had discovered in his
documentation. “You know Lisstera realized there wasn’t anything
wrong in my paperwork, right? She just thought there was an issue
with the point of origin going from Eoean possession to Pressian, but
there really wasn’t anything that would actually cause me to be taken
back by either group. She told you that, right?”

“Yes. She explained that. She still thinks it’s odd.”
“Odd as it may be I’m now a free man because of you.” Keenan

kissed him gently, but Oco still seemed concerned. “Oco, I’m here
with you right now. Whatever drew you there was what brought us
together. I’m here. I’m safe, and we’re together.”

Oco nodded, then pressed his forehead to Keenan’s. When he

wanted to gain a moment of quiet contemplation, this was the stance
he took. Keenan didn’t mind that he often took this mental break
during sex. He understood that Oco was a man in touch with his
emotions and at times they could overwhelm him. Rather than posture
like so many human alpha males did, Oco accepted himself, and so
did Keenan.

Once he had himself centered, Oco held his lips close but not

touching. Keenan called it a breath kiss. It never failed to heighten his
arousal. Oco found a slow, steady, lusciously deep rhythm and held it
despite Keenan’s whimpers for him to go faster. Just when he was
frantic to reach release, Oco sped up. Not enough to tumble him over

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the edge, but enough to make him believe the moment was coming.
But then he held that new increased pace. It drove him mad each time
even though he knew Oco would hold to his pattern. Three more
times Oco increased his pace then held steady. By the time they
finally hit release within seconds of one another, they were both
sweaty and weak.

Oco pulled Keenan tight then rolled to his side, taking Keenan

with him. They stayed pressed together, enjoying the afterglow.
Eventually, they got up, bathed, and then dressed.

“Do we really have to go?” Oco asked.
“We do.”
“But it’s raining.”
“You won’t melt.” Keenan straightened the placket of Oco’s

jacket. He had jazzed up his wardrobe with a suit that wasn’t white.
Tonight, he wore a rich blue that made him practically shine. “And
thank you for putting the gold in your hair.”

“I do that for you.”
“I know. It’s one of the reasons I love you.” Keenan kissed his

nose but moved back before Oco could kiss him. One kiss would lead
to another, and then they’d never get out the door. “We told them
we’d be there.”

“You and your need to socialize.”
“Thank God I’m here to drag you out of your cave.”
“Cave?” Oco looked around at his palatial estate.
“Metaphorically. Yes, it’s very plush, but you can’t keep hiding

out in here. There’s no reason to avoid the world anymore.” Keenan
teased his mate gently, but he was also determined they would be a
part of the social scene in Caliolith. Oco was convinced no one would
want to be his friend because of his skill. Most people were actually
fascinated. They weren’t flinging out their hands to be touched, but
they liked him. He still wore gloves, but he was less uncomfortable
without them. Keenan had pointed out he was touching his mate so
often he rarely slipped and touched someone else. To Oco’s surprise,

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Bound by Lust


he was able to control his skill more. He could shake hands without
being flooded with information. He worked, but he was able to be
extremely picky about who he worked for. As far as Keenan could
tell, he was happier than he’d ever been. Oco now embraced his
ability rather than resenting it for what it had denied him.

And Keenan was ecstatic to have a mate who looked at him with

love. The two men across the street from his apartment had made him
aspire to a tender and mutually loving bond. Keenan didn’t know their
names, but he had them to thank for showing him the way.

“Ready.” Oco smiled at Keenan, and then, as if he knew what

Keenan had been thinking, Oco paused and simply looked at him. In
his eyes, Keenan saw everything he’d ever wanted. Lust may have
sparked their initial attraction, but love would keep them together for
a lifetime.



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Reading, writing, and white-water rafting are the three things

Anitra Lynn McLeod enjoys the most. You can visit her at

For all titles by Anitra Lynn McLeod, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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