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The Double Rider Men’s Club 3

Unbridled and Unbound

Stella Gilbert, lowly file clerk for a law firm, wants to pay off her

secret debt incurred right before her mother died. Her pride won’t

allow a man to pay her bills, unlike her mother, who had no

problem with a man, any man, paying for everything.

Dominick Hunter and Tyler Wilson want to see to the completion

of the newly constructed DRMC headquarters and sexual

playground in Ryder, Colorado before moving back to their own

property up north. They expect to enjoy their membership even

more with the new “Stadium” for their annual live sex shows. But

a beautiful, stranded accident victim, found outside the gates of

the DRMC property, with excellent cooking skills and a strong

curiosity about their unbridled lifestyle makes them reconsider

their plans of leaving the state.

Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys
Length: 55,825 words

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The Double Rider Men’s Club 3

Elle Saint James


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting

Copyright © 2011 by Elle Saint James
E-book ISBN: 1-61034-844-3

First E-book Publication: September 2011

Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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To my amazing husband, JR.

Thank you for being my own personal hero.

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The Double Rider Men’s Club 3


Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

Ryder, Colorado

The dangerously icy road ahead illustrated Stella Gilbert’s life

perfectly, in a succeed-or-die sort of way.

On a mission to get some paperwork filed in a timely manner for

her immediate supervisor Claudia the Bitch, Stella was traveling way
too fast on a slippery street she’d never been on before.

Even with one foot hovering over the brake pedal, a push forward

at the wrong instance in these horrid weather conditions could easily
spell her doom. It could also spell her salvation if she made it to her
destination in time. Which would be a miracle since she wasn’t
driving the speed limit, but instead ten miles an hour below it, as the
weather warranted.

She’d much rather be snuggled up on her comfy sofa at home with

her fingers wrapped around a warm mug of cocoa, but her job hung in
the balance.

Her very existence, which included her lowly file clerk job at the

lawyer’s office, rode on making it to the south end tax assessor’s
office before close of business. She needed to arrive within the next

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thirty-five minutes. Traveling as slow and careful as she currently did
meant it was going to be a very close call.

The snow swirling faster and heavier outside her vehicle as she

drove as carefully as possible over icy back roads didn’t help. A
glance at the dashboard clock made her stomach sink in worrisome
gloom as her foot automatically, but with great gentleness, pressed the
gas pedal. The speedometer needle lifted slightly. However, the acid
in her belly felt like lava spewing out of an active volcano. Barely on
the ragged edge of control, Stella gripped the steering wheel just a
little bit tighter to gain a sense that she was in theory, if not fact,
managing this situation to the best of her ability.

Uncontrolled speed was a bad idea on icy, snowy roads, and her

chilled fingers already ached from the constant clench of pretending
she was on top of things.

If only her boss, or more specifically her boss’s evil assistant,

Claudia, had mentioned needing the “important” file delivered earlier
in the day, she would have had no problem making the deadline.

Claudia’s job was listed as paralegal to Mr. Fuller, however her

general daily goal seemed to be making Stella’s life as miserable as
possible. While she’d threatened to fire her before, today, she seemed
a little bit more angry than usual. Stella never took this job for
granted. She needed it too badly.

The snowstorm had been predicted for several days, after all.

Many employees had planned to leave work early with the impending
late-afternoon inclement weather predictions. Although the snow
coming down looked even worse than what they’d said would happen
on the news.

If Stella had even known about this delivery directly after lunch,

she wouldn’t be currently risking life and limb on snowy roads in the
middle of what was being predicted as the worst winter storm of the

Having Claudia thrust the file on her desk late in the afternoon

once she returned from yet another exceptionally long lunch smelling

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of men’s cologne, sex, and dirty martinis, made Stella want to
implode with anger. Expending the fury she held in check wouldn’t
do any good, though. Claudia had their boss, Rick Fuller, wrapped
around her pinky in a tight little bow. Or, more specifically, his dick
was the item tied in a knot and decorating her little finger.

“Get this to the south avenue tax office and officially filed before

they close for today’s business or I’ll have you fired,” Claudia had
threatened in a slightly slurred voice.

Even now, Stella rolled her eyes at the memory, just as she had

when the threat had been delivered. She’d hidden her defiance, of
course. Claudia was the bane of her existence, but Stella wasn’t
foolish enough to purposefully get on her bad side. She had too much
to lose. She wished Mr. Fuller would wise up and figure out that
Claudia was only sucking his dick to get ahead at the company. No
pun intended.

So here she was in a life-threatening situation, because Claudia

liked to lord her position over everyone else. Stella was simply the
most recent in a long line of file clerks who hadn’t been able to hide
their disgust. Each day was a new level of torture in keeping her smile
fixed in place as Claudia found some new way to humiliate, torture,
or belittle her.

Her car slid a bit to the left, alarming her, but with her next breath

the vehicle righted itself.

The snow was coming down harder and harder. It would be

beautiful if she weren’t driving in it. Although creeping along at
twenty miles an hour barely constituted driving. The road leveled out
and straightened up. Good. A straight road meant she could go a little
bit faster. She pressed her luck as she pushed the gas pedal down to
speed up just a little bit more. Another glance at her dashboard clock
made her smack her gloved hand against the steering wheel in

Damn, Claudia. It would take a miracle for her to arrive on time.

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The road seemed fairly smooth and snow-packed rather than ice-

coated and dangerous. Black ice was the worst, but she didn’t see any.
Her foot pressed the pedal just a little bit harder.

On her right was a nice, snow-covered, tree-lined hill at the base

of the Rockies. Colorado was beautiful, even when the weather was
nasty to get around in.

One moment, she was calculating her arrival time based on her

current speed and how many miles she had left to make it to her
destination, and the next, her front tires hit an icy spot on the road and
her car started spinning. After one full revolution, she skidded toward
the right side of the road.

She tamped on her brakes, which had no impact whatsoever on

her slide. The front of her car dropped off the road and on the soft
shoulder. Nose down and still sliding, she hoped she hadn’t just gone
off next to a pond, lake, or river. Her front bumper slid towards what
looked like a small storm drain beneath a dirt road. It was a good
thing the ditch didn’t sidle up next to any deep water.

Her relief was short-lived when her car came to a sharp, jolting

standstill and her airbag deployed. Poised at a forty-five-degree angle
downward and listing deeply to one side, her car shuddered to a stop.
Steam and a hissing sound rose from beneath the hood.

When she punched the airbag away from her face, she tried to get

her car started once more. The engine wouldn’t even turn over. Great.
The shock of the accident didn’t calm her racing mind. She set aside
the horror that she couldn’t afford a new car or the hassle and expense
of car repair, and instead went on to the more pressing frustration that
she’d never make it to her destination on time, if she didn’t freeze to
death before getting rescued from her now useless vehicle.

Stella pictured some lowly tax clerk stuck in the office waiting for

her arrival as he watched the snow pile up over his car. He’d glance at
his watch every ten seconds or so and silently curse her to hurry and
get across town and file the important client’s extension paperwork.
Then she’d have one more person with a reason to hate her. Not that

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Claudia had a good reason. She didn’t really. She was one of those
ambitious people who were never satisfied. No matter how many
wonderful things went her way, she always sounded ungrateful. Stella
was secretly glad not to harbor any of Claudia’s private demons.

She glanced around outside and only saw wisps of white blowing

around the disappearing road against a white backdrop of more snow-
covered hills, trees, and uneven terrain. Lovely.

Unfortunately, her arrival at the tax office anytime today wasn’t

going to happen. The idea of trudging through the deepening snow for
the remaining eight or nine miles left on her initial journey was a
ludicrous idea unworthy of further contemplation. Still, she eyed the
road and calculated a two-hour minimum time length, if she could
manage four miles an hour. She glanced down at her inappropriate
footwear. Low-heeled pumps were not exactly running shoes.

Regardless, Stella needed to contact the clerk and let him know

she wasn’t going to make it. Then she’d call and listen to Claudia
curse her. Perhaps the heavens would smile down on her. Claudia
might already be gone for the day. Since it was Friday afternoon,
Stella could just leave a message and possibly save the screaming
until Monday morning. Unfortunately, it was the best she could hope
for at this juncture. Claudia had no problem calling Stella during her
off time.

She searched for her purse to retrieve her cell phone, but didn’t

see it in the immediate vicinity in the front seat.

Crap. It was buried in the passenger-side footwell just out of her


Outside, the snowfall intensified and the already dreary gray sky

darkened. She couldn’t even see the road or how far away she was
from it. In her trunk, she had a first aid kit and a spare tire, but no
food or water supplies for being stranded by the side of a road in a

The whine of a motorcycle sounded momentarily, or perhaps it

was just the wind playing tricks. Motorcycles on this road would be

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even crazier than speeding in a car. Either way, she needed help.
Sitting still in a broken-down car half buried in a ditch by the side of
an unfamiliar road as snow blanketed every surface of the land around
her wasn’t the optimal situation. She released her seatbelt strap, bent
across the gear selector, and felt around for her purse. More
importantly, she sought her cell phone. She hoped it still had a healthy
charge left.

She got a hold of her purse strap, snagged with her forefinger, and

dragged it across the gearshift console. She dug around inside until
her fingers touched a rectangular shape. She pulled it out, pushed the
button and…nothing happened. Great. Was it out of juice? Taking a
closer look at the screen, she realized that she didn’t have a signal. In
the fashion of the current decade, she twisted around, holding her
phone in different areas of the car’s ceiling as if hailing the heavens to
find a bar of signal to call for help. Nothing. Damn it.

The wind had picked up and now whipped and howled around her

lonely car. She thumb-punched a number at the office and hit send,
but nothing seemed to happen. She tried again. And again, there was

The knock at her window startled her so much she dropped her

stupid phone onto the passenger floorboard.

Stella turned to the foggy glass by her head and wiped a gloved

hand across the misted, translucent surface to clear a viewing portal,
hoping to see the flashing lights of a police car.

Instead, she only saw a dark shape. Then a face suddenly filled the

cleared space of her window.

Holy shit. A strange man stood right outside her car.

* * * *

Dominick Hunter sent an acid-laced gaze across the room the

moment the phone rang. He’d just settled in to watch a football game
and didn’t want any disruption. He ignored the incessant ring. He

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Elle Saint James

decided that if it was that important, either his fellow DRMC
headquarters caretaker and lifelong friend, Tyler Wilson, would pick
up the phone. Or better yet the neglected party at the other end of the
line would call back much later. Or never.

The ringing eventually stopped, but resumed ten seconds later.
Dominick got up slowly from his leather recliner, crossed the

room, picked up the phone and answered, “What?”

“Hey, Dominick, it’s Clay. I need you to do me a favor.”
No habla ingles.”
“Very funny.”
“What do you want? I’m busy.”
“Doing what?”
“I taped last night’s game. Trust me, I’d rather watch football than

do anything for you just now.”

“Your team lost. Now go close the gate to the property for me.”
“Bastard.” Dominick had fifty bucks on that game. Clay’s low

chuckle made him reconsider. “Screw you. I’m not leaving the house.
I’ll watch the game anyway, in case you’re lying.” A glance outside
the window at the swirling snow told him the weather was about to
get worse. He preferred not to be out in it.

“Don’t be an ass. The highway to our place is closed. There’s an

accident that just happened five minutes ago and it’s blocking all the
lanes in or out, not to mention the storm of the century snowing down
all around us. I’m stranded in town for…I don’t even know how long.
They’re saying the road won’t be open for at least two days and
maybe not for three, depending on how much snow falls tonight and
tomorrow morning.”

“Why’d you leave the property gate open, then?”
There was silence on the end of the line for several seconds.

“Partly because I’m a lazy bastard and I was in a hurry, but mostly
because I didn’t expect to be gone very long. I thought I’d make it

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back in plenty of time to close it up and join you on the couch before
the snow started.”

“Where’d you go again?” Dominick asked absently as his focus

was now squarely on the television screen watching the game. His
team scored a touchdown on the opening drive of the first quarter.
Clay was probably lying about them losing.

There was a long, suffering sigh over the phone line. “I went to

pick up the construction permits for the newest building we’re putting
up on the property. Clerk’s office said they were ready and to pick
them up anytime. And unfortunately, I’m going to have to try again.”

“Why? What’s the problem?”
“There was a handwritten note posted on the door. They closed

early today due to the coming weather. Fucking figures that I’m out in
this crap for no good reason. I can’t even believe how hard it’s
coming down here. And the truth is, I can’t believe I got a call
through to you, given the iffy service in our area during bad weather.”

Dominick looked out the nearest window to an ultrawhite winter

wonderland. Fat flakes by the thousands swirled and danced just
outside the large picture window before hitting the ground. “Yeah, it’s
really coming down here, too.”

“I was about to swing by and pick up some food to hunker down

with, but with the accident they aren’t letting anyone by on the
highway out to our place. So, I’m stuck here in town, and you and
Tyler are the only ones at the ranch now. I called a friend and
managed to get a room at the Ryder Hotel for the next two nights.
And you, my friends, are on your own for the next couple of days.
Therefore, get your ass out to the property line by the road and close
the gate before it gets any worse. I don’t want any animals or people
wandering onto the property.”

Dominick pushed out a long sigh. “Fine, but you owe me.”
“Whatever. You know where I’m at. See you in a couple of days.

I’ll call if anything changes.”

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He hung up the phone and shouted at the top of his lungs, “Tyler!

We’ve got to go out and close the property gate.”

Tyler came through the dining room and stood in the doorway

with a pissy look on his face. “Jesus. You don’t have to scream at me.
I was just in the kitchen.”

“Put your warm coat on, we’ve got to go out and close the gate

before the snow gets worse.”

“Why can’t you go by yourself?”
He sent an affronted look to Tyler. “The buddy system should be

used in bad weather. You don’t want something to happen to me, do

Tyler shrugged, but then eyed the growing intensity of the

snowstorm out the picture window in the great room before
answering. “No. I just think you are plenty capable all on your own.
What, are you afraid of, the abominable snow monster?”

“Not hardly.”
“Then you don’t need me. I’m sure your horse will protect you.”

Tyler smirked.

Dominick picked up the remote and flipped off the television

showcasing the game. “I don’t want to take the horses, it’d take too
long to saddle them up. We’ll use the snowmobiles. But I don’t want
to get stuck in a snowdrift all alone. Now come on, let’s go.”

Tyler put down the bag of chips he’d been carrying on the nearest

table. “You know, if you were a better driver, I wouldn’t have to go
protect your ass.”

“If Clay hadn’t had a chore in town and gotten caught in the

snowstorm for the next two days, neither of us would be getting cold.
Buck up.”

“Oh, man. That sucks.”
“I know it. I’d rather stay in, too.”
“Not that. Clay is the best cook of the three of us. We’ll starve to

death in two days.” His glance went back to the chips he’d just
abandoned. “It’s slim pickings in the kitchen right now.”

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Dominick rolled his eyes. “I’m sure we’ll manage.”
Tyler shot him a dubious look and then followed him to the mud

room where all the winter wear resided.

They both put on several layers of cold weather gear, and got the

snowmobiles out of the third stall in the oversized garage. They took
off into the winter wonderland of the Double Rider Men’s Club
headquarters property.

Dominick figured the snowmobiles would be faster than saddling

their horses. No need for their animals to be out is this weather if they
could help it. Besides, motorized vehicles would be faster, safer, and a
hell of a lot more fun plowing through snowdrifts.

Tyler rode parallel to him on the suggestion of the road still

visible as they wound their way across the snowy wonderland to the
front gate. It was about a five-mile trip to the opening of the property,
and they had to go slower than usual with the snow coming down the
way it was.

Dominick would never admit it to Clay, but he thoroughly

enjoyed this trip through the biting cold. Colorado was very beautiful
with a blanket of snow covering the land. The frenzy of snowflakes
dancing in the air was amazing.

Just as they got within fifty yards of the property entrance,

Dominick saw a car coming down the short incline of the highway
perpendicular to their gate. He judged the driver was going just a little
bit too fast for the weather. His initial wisp of thought was confirmed
in the next moment when the car hit a dip in the road, bounced on its
shocks, and then spun in a tight circle on the icy surface. He and Tyler
glanced at each other, but didn’t increase their speed.

The car did a full revolution on the highway before skidding into

the ditch right outside their property. The crunch of metal could be
heard from where they were, and all the way through his helmet.

Before they closed the gate they’d have to rescue the driver and

any passengers. If the roads were closed, they’d have to take care of

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any injuries, as well. Once the service trucks had salted the roads,
then any emergency vehicles could be sent out here, but not until.

He knew one thing for certain. A solitary evening of watching

football while sipping beer and noshing on junk food wasn’t in the
cards for him tonight.

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Chapter Two

Stella tried not to panic. The man’s face, what she could see of it

buried in the depths of his parka hood, didn’t look sinister, but she
vowed to be wary of any and all strangers. Even someone trying to
help her could only be trusted so far. Unfortunately at this point, she
needed lots of help. Beggars couldn’t be choosers.

His muffled voice reached her. She heard him try to open her door

and pushed on the unlock button to help, but nothing happened. She
tried to roll the window down with the same result. Nothing electronic
worked. Great.

He was making hand gestures she didn’t understand, but figured

he wanted her to unlock her door. She took another look at him
through the frosted pane of her door’s window. He was her only hope
at this point. It wasn’t like she could stay out here all alone.

Dark descended over the land rapidly in this area at the shadowed

edge of the mountains. The temperatures would drop even more
quickly, and she was already feeling the chill air in her dead car. She
could bear up to endure hypothermia or open the door.

Stella heard his muffled voice again. It was deeply timbered.
She reached over and manually unlocked her door. What else

could she do? Nothing.

He opened the door slowly, pulling it up like a hatch door on a

submarine. He then pushed his shoulder against it to keep it from
slamming shut. No small feat since her car was pointed nose down
and sideways in a ditch.

He pulled his helmet off. “Are you hurt?” he asked in a slightly

raised voice. The wind whipping around outside was picking up

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speed, making conversation a challenge. She felt the biting cold wind
through her too-thin shirt.

Stella glanced up into his face and almost stopped breathing. She

smiled at him. He grinned back. Her knight in a dark blue parka was
beautiful. Dark brown hair, blazing blue eyes, and a smile to die for
complete with dimples were all wrapped up in her rescuer’s package.

She was dumbfounded for a response. What had he asked?
“Ma’am. Are you hurt? Do I need to call an ambulance?”
His words finally seeped through. “Oh! No. I’m fine. Just


“Let me help you out of there, and we can head back to my ranch.

When the sun goes down the temperature’s really going to drop.”

He reached a gloved hand her way. She declined to take it. “I’m

sorry.” She hesitated. She could see the puzzlement in his expression
as the wind whipped at his parka hood. “The thing is, I’m not in the
habit of going home with strangers.”

A fierce gust of wind pushed against the door, and he had to push

even harder to hold it open. “I don’t think you have much of a choice,
ma’am. It’s getting very cold very fast, and I can’t just leave you out
here in it. The road is already closed in the direction you were
heading because there was an accident. You wouldn’t have gotten
much farther anyway.”

“I see.” She paused and cycled the information through her brain.

Going off alone with a strange man wasn’t usually a good idea. “Is
your wife there? Back at your ranch, I mean?” Don’t be married.
Don’t be married

“Uh. No. I’m not married,” he replied with a grin. “My friend

Tyler is on the other snowmobile. The two of us are the only ones

Stella sighed in resignation. The warm mist from her breath exited

her lungs like a steam-powered train into the cold air around her. It
was shatteringly freezing in her car with the door even partly open.

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She wouldn’t last another fifteen minutes out here alone in her

Giving in to the rational part of this situation and accepting help,

she asked, “What’s your name?”

“I’m Dominick Hunter.” He reached out his gloved hand again.

This time she took it. “I’m sure this is what everyone says, but I do
promise that I won’t hurt you. I’m just trying to be a Good Samaritan.
No one else in a vehicle will likely be through here until the
snowstorm blows over in a couple days. And I very simply won’t
leave you here all alone. Your choices are go with me to my nice,
warm house or I stay with you in your soon to be bitterly chilled car.”

The wind whistled through the trees on either side of the road. She

appreciated that he didn’t try to rush her when he likely wanted
nothing more than to get out of the arctic weather. “Okay. You’re
right. I’ll go with you. My name is Stella Gilbert. Thank you very
much for helping me.”

“My pleasure, ma’am.” She saw his dimples again and a little

thrill flew down her spine. Was it because she was about to abandon
her car, or because her rescuer was so attractive?

“Please call me Stella.”
“Yes, ma’am, Stella it is.” He waited patiently as she gathered her

purse, dug in the passenger wheel well for her useless phone, and
grabbed her coat with her free hand.

The icy wind took her breath away as she stepped free of her car.

She quickly donned her inadequate coat, which only barely helped
warm her. Damn, it was cold out here. He motioned her to follow
him, but waited to walk along side her. Out of habit, she pointed her
key fob at her vehicle and pushed the button to lock her car, but didn’t
see any lights or hear the familiar chirp signaling it was safely
secured. She dropped her arm and pushed out a long sigh of despair.
The probable death of her vehicle was a problem she’d have to save
for later. She walked carefully along the road towards his
snowmobile. The one time she slipped but didn’t fall, Dominick

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fastened his gloved hand around her elbow and steered her through
the knee-deep snow.

The wind whistled around and relentlessly plastered the three of

them with torrents of white flakes. He brushed off the seat and started
the snowmobile before helping her onto the back of his vehicle.

He handed her his helmet. “Here, put this on. I have my parka


“Thanks.” She slung her purse on her shoulder and maneuvered

the helmet on her head. The spicy scent of his cologne still graced the
inside of the mask. The dual purpose of the gear not only kept her
head warm, but it also smelled very delicious and manly.

Grateful that she’d worn slacks today instead of a skirt, Stella

mounted the snowmobile like a horse. Hopefully, the vehicle
wouldn’t buck her off like the mechanical bull in that bar she’d
visited in Texas during spring break in college. She had to last a lot
longer than eight seconds on this seat for the coming ride.

The moment Dominick slid in front of her she placed her hands on

his waist. She was strangely comforted by his presence. He was her
rescuer, after all. She would owe him a favor. She wondered how she
would pay him off. The warmth of his legs seeped through the slight
material of her slacks and into her opened thighs, which were already
sodden at the hems all the way to mid-calf. Warming as the heat of his
legs seeped into her body, she contemplated again what gratitude
she’d be willing to offer. Perhaps a mutual pleasure.

Riding a snowmobile was as intimate as riding a motorcycle.

Once they started moving, she’d have to hold on tighter. She slipped
her hands further around his waist in preparation. The tighter she held
him, the warmer she got. Stella wasn’t unaffected by his closeness. A
carnal heat buzzed between her legs at the intimate connection they

Since he didn’t introduce his friend, Stella guessed they’d meet

formally once she was back at their ranch and hopefully safe, sound,
and eventually dry. She shivered a little even as heat gathered

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between her legs as he revved the motor and they sailed through the
open gate. He paused, shut the motor off, and exited the snowmobile.
She felt the loss of his warmth immediately.

He and his friend struggled to get the gate to their property closed

and locked behind them. They had to kick through and dig some
drifted snow with their hands to get it away from the path of the gate
to close it, but they did it. Now they were all locked in.

The finality of that act ratcheted up her nervousness slightly.

These men were strangers after all. They are helping me.

Dominick climbed back onto the vehicle in front of her. Stella

settled against him and wrapped her arms around his middle. She
resisted the urge to squeeze him tight as he restarted the engine and
moved slowly across the white wilderness along a path towards her
uncertain future. They are helping me. She repeated the mantra.

Stella reminded herself again that she’d be worse off stranded

alone in her lonely, dead vehicle as the snowmobile bounced over
several mounds of snow and left her car further and further away.
Still, her gut instinct told her that she was safer than she’d ever been
before in her life.

The biting gusts wind cut through her light jacket and chilled her

to the bone. She pressed herself more firmly against Dominick’s back
and squeezed her arms around his waist a little tighter, ignoring her
initial resistance to do so. She pushed the side of her face against the
center of his back, finding a certain comfort in being so close to
another. He shielded her from the worst of the wind ahead of them. In
no time at all they were ascending another hill and soon after a
decline. They came around a bend in the road hidden by trees. The
road cut a winding path through the white and bitterly icy winter

The journey to their ranch house was both beautiful and

disconcerting at the same time. Intrigued by the man she had her arms
wrapped around, Stella’s mind slipped into another worry. She was
still slightly concerned that not only wasn’t she going to make it to

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her important destination this afternoon, her car was wrecked, and she
was headed to an unknown destination with two strange men.

They came to a fork in the barely there road and took the path to

the left. After a few more minutes, she glanced over Dominick’s
shoulder and saw a looming structure ahead. The description “ranch
house” didn’t do it justice. She expected a double-wide trailer tucked
away in the woods. Instead, a beautiful A-frame mansion waited in
the wilderness to house them. The steeply pitched roof in the center
already had snow clinging to every inch of its surface. It looked more
like an expensive Swiss chalet reassembled in the dense forests of the
Colorado wilds.

The two snowmobiles glided into an opening garage door, one of

three, attached to the chalet-styled abode. The house was huge. The
snow came down hard and fast, as if it might never stop. She glanced
one last time over her shoulder at the winter snowstorm before
focusing her eyes forward into the garage.

Once they parked, she released her grasp of her savior and quickly

pulled the helmet off her head. She brushed a shaky hand over her
hair several times, trying to ensure she didn’t have helmet head.

Dominick turned off the engine, straightened in his seat right

before he dismounted, and pushed the parka hood off of his head.

Stella missed his warmth the moment he departed the vehicle, and

then couldn’t stop staring the moment his head was visible.

She didn’t notice the other man moving about until the garage

door started closing. The swirling storm disappeared behind the
wooden slats of the large door.

“Let’s get inside the house. It’s warmer there, okay?”
Stella realized she hadn’t moved a muscle since they parked. The

other man removed his helmet and brushed his burnished blond hair
off his forehead. He was just as tall as Dominick, and also gorgeous.
She didn’t want to tear her gaze away. She didn’t even want to blink.

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“This is Tyler,” Dominick said and broke her stare momentarily.

“Tyler, this is Stella.” He gestured to the other man she hadn’t
stopped looking at until Dominick had spoken.

“Hi, Stella.” Tyler smiled and waved once. Stella glanced over

and waved at him. She turned her focus back to Dominick. He was
also still gorgeous.

“Thank you both for rescuing me.” It felt like the right thing to

say, but Stella didn’t believe she got the words out of her mouth
without stuttering. Both of these men were amazingly attractive.
Intimidating. Not at all the usual ordinary businessmen she met on a
day-to-day basis. They looked like they’d be at home riding the range
on a horse as easily as they would modeling in a pricy ad for rugged
and expensive menswear.

“Our pleasure,” Tyler answered. He glanced at Dominick.
Stella shivered. Not all of her shaking was from the frigid


Tyler moved forward a step in her direction. “You’re shivering.

We should really move inside. We need to get you warmed up.”

Dominick pulled his gloves off and offered her a hand. Her

inadequate knit gloves were enveloped in his strong fingers. She
carefully dismounted the snowmobile and followed Tyler past the
front bumper of a Jeep, and a humongous, high-profile truck, both
parked in the other slots of the garage, to a sturdy-looking door. Tyler
swung the door to the house open and a blast of warm air enveloped
her. Two steps up and they entered a mud room of sorts.

There was whitewashed beadboard along the right-hand side of

the room. An eye-level line of maybe a dozen wooden, painted pegs,
with various coats and jackets hung up on half of them, took up the
entire right side of the small room. Above the pegs was a solid wood
shelf with boxes, hats, gloves, and scarves dotting the surface just
above her head. All the outerwear looked very masculine. No
children’s things. No feminine touches. Interesting.

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Tyler immediately peeled his parka off, hung it on an open peg,

and tossed his gloves on the rack directly above his coat. Behind her,
Dominick had closed the door and followed Tyler’s actions.

When she turned back, Tyler had bent over and was pulling his

wet snow boots off one at a time. She couldn’t tear her gaze from his
ass until he hopped on one foot and turned. She was afraid he’d just
seen her staring.

She glanced back in time to see Tyler stick a sock-covered foot

into a well-worn cowboy boot. He bent over again to pull it on tighter.
She didn’t trust herself not to watch his ass, so she turned away.

Stella wasn’t sure she wanted to remove any clothing. Not even

her soaked coat. She looked down at the hems of her slacks. Sodden
wool hid her legs, and she wondered how long before she started
shivering in earnest, even in the warm confines of the house. “How
about I find you some warm clothes to wear until we can dry yours?
You need to get out of those wet things.” Tyler, dry boots on now,
walked out of the cloak room, leaving her all alone with Dominick.

Stella felt her face warm. Her clothes were not the only “wet

things” gracing her body right about now. She managed to nod.

A particular fantasy she’d always harbored involving sex with a

stranger bolted to the surface of her mind. Now the only question was
which of the hunky men who’d just rescued her would star in her
dreams tonight. Perhaps she’d give each of them a turn. The
scandalous thought flamed her cheeks even more. Pretty soon, she’d
be plenty warm enough just thinking about these men and what it
would be like to have sex with them.

If she did act upon her fantasies, no one would ever know what

happened in the huge, warm chalet tucked amongst a forest of tall
pines and covered with a thick blanket of snow.

She shook her thoughts from a farfetched reverie and back to the

present. Dominick was staring at her. Could he read her mind?
Hopefully not.

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“Would you like something hot to drink?” Dominick had moved

much closer. “It’ll help warm you up inside.”

Stella turned. Her face came to about his chest level. Perfect. His

mere presence already warmed her up nicely. “Thanks. That would be

“Through there leads into the kitchen.” He pointed to the doorway

Tyler had disappeared through and gestured for her to go first. “After
you,” he added when she remained stone still.

Stella looked down at her clothing. “I’m all wet. I don’t want to

track water through your house.”

Dominick looked down her body ending up at her feet. “How

about you just kick your shoes off and hang up your coat? Truthfully,
you can’t hurt the kitchen floor.”

She nodded and bent to remove her shoes. Once she straightened,

she caught his startled gaze and wondered if he’d been staring at her
ass. This possibility also warmed her insides. Was he as curious as
she was?

“Here, let me help you with your coat.” His hands went to her

shoulders as she quickly unfastened all the large black buttons down
the front. He peeled off the sodden outer garment, but not without his
knuckles grazing the thin shirt beneath. His hands were warm, and
even having him touch her upper back sent a tingle of longing and
desire zipping down her spine.

He hung her coat up on a peg and placed his hand in the center of

her back, undoubtedly to propel her forward. She almost couldn’t
move the moment he touched her. Quietly, she sucked in a deep
breath and somehow managed to take a step forward. Another step
and then one more and she’d traveled most of the way to the kitchen
door. Unsure that she didn’t simply want to turn and blister
Dominick’s mouth with a searing kiss to see what he tasted like, she
kept moving.

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Just as she got to the opening, Tyler returned with a stack of

folded clothes. Stella ran straight into him and Dominick crashed into
her back.

Being suddenly trapped between the two intriguing men had an

immediate impact on her system. Enveloping warmth from the front
and back, in the form of two incredibly handsome men, made her
heart speed up considerably.

The idea of acting on her fantasy-fueled stranger sex with these

men popped to the forefront of her mind again. It was probably only
because it had been so long since she’d had a man in her life. How
had she become so lonely? And even if she did have the courage to
act on her inappropriate urges, which of the two outrageously
attractive men would she choose? Too difficult a task to select only
one. And how could she possibly ask for a turn with each?

The scandalous idea of multiple-partner sex with strangers

warmed her pussy, and she had to shake off the urge to throw caution
into the snowy skies and make a lurid request. She mashed her lips
together to keep from saying anything shocking out loud.

“Sorry,” Tyler mumbled. He didn’t, however, retreat a single step.

Dominick also didn’t move for several seconds. Stella, heated up
nicely between the two of them, finally reached up a trembling hand
to take the clothing Tyler offered. She stroked his strong hands as she
pulled the garments from his grasp. He backed up two steps, giving
her barely enough room to pass. She entered the kitchen with her
heart lodged practically in her throat from the close quarters.
Interestingly enough, it almost physically hurt to remove herself from
between them.

Tyler motioned to a partially open door to the right side of the

entry. “Bathroom’s there,” he said in a clipped, no-nonsense tone.

Stella managed a timid smile. She put a hand on the doorframe to

steady her rioting heart, and pulled the clothes Tyler had given her to
her chest. She ducked inside the small washroom before she did
something inappropriate. A part of her wanted to latch on to both of

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them and pull them to the kitchen floor to have her wicked way with
them. Once on the floor, she’d further demand that they satisfy her
scandalous urges. Or she could take a chill pill, settle down, and stop
thinking about these men like they were her personal play toys.

Nothing of a sexual nature was going to happen tonight.

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Chapter Three

Dominick adjusted his jeans again, trying to keep his cock from

rearing forward. Stella was a siren of the first order as far as his libido
was concerned. He needed to keep his lust better in check so as not to
frighten her.

She’d clung to him like white on a snowflake all the way from her

wrecked car to the house. After the first mile, with her breasts pressed
firmly into his back and her straddled legs hugged up against his
backside, Dominick had difficulty concentrating on anything but her
lithe body, and more specifically its adherence to his frame during the
short journey home.

It was a wonder they weren’t buried in one of the many snowdrifts

along the path back to the house. He’d been particularly distracted
every time they took a slight turn in the path and she tightened her

Hot damn, she was sexy.
And completely off-limits.
Tyler drifted to the fridge and snagged two beers. Offering one to

Dominick, he said, “How’d we get so lucky?”

He shook his head, not wanting a beer, and Tyler put it back. He

twisted the cap off and took a sip.

“What do you mean, lucky?” Dominick asked.
After lowering his beer, Tyler nodded his head at the bathroom

door once before drilling a stern “don’t you get it” gaze his way. “Did
you not register the come-hither looks she gave us?”

“Come-hither looks?” he asked incredulously. “Who are you, and

what have you done with my redneck best friend?”

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“I’m just sayin’ she’s very attractive, and I wouldn’t kick her out

of my bed for eating crackers.”

Dominick rolled his eyes. “Let’s not forget you wouldn’t kick any

woman out of your bed whether she ate crackers or smeared baby
back ribs laden with barbeque sauce all over the sheets. Calm your ass
down and keep your dick in your pants.” He sent Tyler a stern “stay
away from her” look.

Tyler glanced at the bathroom door once more. “Why? If she’s


“She’s a stranded woman barely at ease being here alone with the

two of us. Do not—I repeat—do not do anything to make her any
more on edge.”

Tyler threw his hands in the air, slopping a stream of beer onto the

floor. “Who am I? I would never make a woman uncomfortable.”

“Probably not on purpose, but she’s already bound to be anxious.

She’s alone with two strange men. Don’t make her regret leaving her
wrecked, snowbound car to stay with us.”

He shrugged and shook his head as if in disbelief. “Are you

projecting your feelings onto my statements? Because I’m level.”

“No. Are you a new psychology student testing your big words?”

The fact that Tyler might be correct in his assumptions didn’t make
Dominick want to admit anything. “We offer her clothing, food, and a
safe place to sleep until the storm blows over. That’s it. No
overtures.” He pointed his finger at Tyler’s chest. “I mean it.”

Tyler grabbed a kitchen towel off the counter and threw it on the

floor over the beer puddle. He pushed it around with one booted foot
until it soaked up the liquid. “Right. I get it. We ignore the lustful
gazes she gifts us with in favor of being stand-up men.”

“You’d better get it, because even if she crawls in bed with us—”
“Stop putting thoughts like that in my head.” Tyler talked over


“—do not engage her,” he finished.

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Tyler rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’ll look only. But I won’t touch or

encourage. Even if she gets scared during the night and begs to get
into bed with me.” He shuddered as if the thought of ignoring her
pained him. “I’ll let her get in and turn my back on her salacious
advances, even if it kills me. And it might.”

“Great. Glad we’re both on the same page.”
Dominick figured Tyler had more to say, but a second later Stella

emerged from the bathroom dressed in Tyler’s sweatpants and an
oversized sweatshirt bearing the worn-out logo of the college he
attended in Texas more than a decade ago. She looked sexier than he
ever had in the drab gray color.

Her clothing was draped over one arm as she approached. “Where

is your laundry room? I’ll hang these up to dry.”

Tyler stepped forward before Dominick could open his mouth.

“I’ll take them. Why don’t you go into the den and warm up by the

In Dominick’s mind, Tyler crowded into her personal space a little

too far, but she didn’t seem to mind as much as he did. The feeling in
his gut came as close to jealousy as he ever had with Tyler. Not over
his close proximity, but that Dominick wasn’t also sharing the space
close and personal, too. He mentally shook his head. She was hands-
off. He needed to remember that as much as Tyler did. Maybe more.

She handed over her clothes and Tyler disappeared down another

short hall off the kitchen to the laundry room. Stella turned to him and
smiled. “Where is the fireplace?”

“It’s in the great room. I’ll show you.” He pointed to a doorway

behind her and followed close behind as she walked slowly into the
hallway leading to the great room.

Dominick kept his eyes on the back of her head. Watching her ass

made his cock thicken, and it was getting more difficult to suppress
his baser urges. He didn’t want to see her reaction to an unruly, full-
blown hard-on.

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The wood-planked floors and paneling of the hallway led to the

largest room in the house. She entered the space and a surprised sound
came from her lips the moment she stepped inside. The majority of
the A-frame part of the house was used to create an amazing two-and-
a-half-story room. The narrow windows on either side of the floor-to-
ceiling stone-faced fireplace were uncovered to take in the view of the
property and a glimpse of the Rockies. Day or night, snow or shine,
the view was absolutely stunning, in his opinion.

Stella paused to take it in before zeroing in on the roaring fire. She

walked across the expanse of the room past one arrangement of
furniture to the small, intimate setting in front of the fireplace.

“This is lovely.” Two steps from the fireplace, Stella put her

hands up and stretched her arms out in front of her, as if to feel the
heat. “I’ll bet it’s hard to decide whether to look out the windows at
the view, or cozy up to the fire.”

The view of the fireplace, which now included a beautiful woman,

wasn’t a difficult choice, in Dominick’s opinion. He’d choose her
every day, and twice on Sunday.

“Both are good choices.” He felt so off-balance with her here.

He’d been trying to act so nonchalant about her presence, when all he
really wanted to do was wrap his arms around her, hug her close, and
steal a kiss from her luscious mouth.

Mentally, he shook his head to quell the ridiculous notion. Stop it.
Stella suddenly turned her back to the fire and faced him. He

stilled. She searched the large room with her gaze. On her right was
the big-screen television and the leather sofa he’d been comfortable
on before Clay called to send him to the front gate. He made another
mental note to thank Clay. Even if they were never intimate, she was
certainly easy to look at, and rescuing a beautiful, stranded soul was
rarely a bad idea.

On her left was a wall of a few pictures and plaques, most notable

of all was the three-dimensional saddle-shaped leather and wood
tablet they’d created when they founded the Double Rider Men’s

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Club. An intricate design, using the initials of all the founding
members, had been carved along the wooden edge of the saddle, and
the letters DRMC were burned into the leather strap dangling from the
center of the plaque representing the stirrup.

“That’s an interesting plaque on the wall over there.” She nodded

to it. “It almost looks like a half a saddle mounted on the wall. What
is it for?”

“Oh that?” He shrugged and stilled the ready explanation detailing

the double penetration sex prevalent in their club’s manifesto, and the
public sex shows they put on annually. “It’s just a plaque representing
the club we belong to.”

“Oh?” She grinned with an expression that said she was very

interested. God she was so very lovely. “What sort of club is it?”

Dominick had a sudden urge to explain every intimate detail of

the Double Rider Men’s Club to her with the hope that she’d want to
participate. Instead he shook his head. “Just a men’s club. You
probably wouldn’t be interested.”

“She might be interested.” Tyler’s voice cut across the room like a

dull machete. “Why don’t you tell her about us?” He sauntered into
the room headed in a direct path to Stella.

Dominick sent a quelling stare to Tyler, who just ignored him. He

moved closer to the fireplace as if racing Tyler there. “It’s called the

Her eyes went to Tyler and then shifted to him. “DRMC? What

does that stand for?”

You don’t want to know.
“It stands for the Double Rider Men’s Club,” Tyler blurted out

before Dominick could even open his mouth.

Her expression brightened. “Really? Do you keep horses here?”
Dominick reached her first and sent a warning glare to Tyler to

back off. “We do keep horses here. There’s a nice-sized barn behind
the house. You probably didn’t notice it when we arrived, but it’s
back there.”

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“But that’s not what the reference means,” Tyler added with a


Dominick plastered a smile on his face, but sent Tyler a warning


She looked at each of them and smiled as if trying to get the joke.

“What does it reference, then?”

Tyler stood more than an arm’s length in front of her. But

Dominick thought he was way too close. “Tyler,” Dominick said in a
low tone meant to warn him to keep his mouth shut.

“Wait.” She got a faraway look in her eyes as if trying to recall

something. “I think I’ve heard of the DRMC before.” She stared over
his shoulder at the saddle and suddenly her cheeks turned a lovely
scarlet shade. “Double rider,” she whispered. “As in a sexual
reference, right?”

“That’s absolutely right.” Tyler didn’t make a move to get closer,

but his tone suggested a new, higher level of interest in Stella.
Dominick thought he might have tackled him if he had even swayed
forward. Change the damned subject, Tyler. But he didn’t.

“What do you know about our club?” he inquired instead.
Stella put her hands behind her back and looked at the floor

between them. “I had a friend who participated in an annual gathering
awhile back. I remember that she described a particularly outrageous
stage show that she watched. And a few more details of how she spent
the rest of her evening with a couple of the club members.” The color
of her cheeks deepened to a late summer tomato red, and she didn’t
look either of them in the eyes. Her gaze remained fixed on the
floorboards between them.

“And did your friend enjoy herself?” Tyler fanned the flames of

the topic of conversation. Dominick wanted it to end even though
Stella completely intrigued him. He already wanted her. But his moral
high horse wouldn’t allow for the possibility.

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Not tonight. Not while she was in this vulnerable circumstance. It

wouldn’t be right. But in the right circumstances, he’d be hard-
pressed not to pursue her.

She lifted her gaze to Dominick. “Yes. She said she loved it.”

God, Stella was completely stunning.

Tyler took a step closer. “Was she specific about the experience?”
“Yes. Very.” Stella swallowed hard. “She and I were out drinking

one night. She probably told me more than she intended to initially,
but I got the impression that she’d love to attend the next annual

“Would you like to come, too?” Tyler asked. “We can easily get

you an invitation. It won’t be for a few months yet, but we’d love for
you to come as our special guest.” The anticipation on his face as he
waited for her response was almost comical. Dominick certainly
agreed she was intriguing, but wouldn’t let Tyler pressure her.

Her eyes rounded suddenly and a panicked look encompassed her

lovely face. “No, thank you. I’ve never been quite that adventurous in

“You might like it,” Tyler prodded. “I’d be happy to explain in

detail what to expect—”

“Would you like something to drink?” Dominick cut Tyler off

before he could finish, deciding quickly that it was long past time to
change the subject. “Maybe something hot to warm your insides now
that you’ve soaked up some heat from the fire?”

She turned toward him and edged away from Tyler. “Sure.


Once she passed by him, Dominick sent Tyler a glare of supreme

annoyance that she couldn’t see.

Tyler, obviously undaunted, watched her ass and then smiled

mischievously. Dominick could tell that he wasn’t sorry at all. He
gestured for Tyler to stay behind in the great room, and followed her
into the kitchen by way of the hall they’d come through earlier. He

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gestured to the barstools on one side of the large granite island in the
center of the kitchen.

“We’ve got coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. Unless you wanted

something with a little bit more kick.”

“I think I’ve had as much kick as I can handle for one day. I’d

love some tea.”

There was also a small table with four chairs in a three-sided

bump out against the far wall, but having her sit at the island seemed
less formal and unthreatening. He then set about making his guest
some hot tea. He filled a tea kettle at the sink then twisted to put it on
the stove.

“So what do you two do out here on this ranch when you aren’t

promoting the annual men’s club event?” she asked the moment his
back was turned to heat the water.

He lifted the kettle on the stove, tilting it back and forth to check

the water level and then turned the gas flame up on high. “I hope
Tyler didn’t scare you. He’s just enthusiastic about our club.”

“No. Not at all. I’d be lying if I weren’t just a little intrigued by

your association, but watching a live sex show between three people
is way out of my league.”

“Well, it’s a very private club. We don’t exactly advertise.” He

leaned sideways and filled the kettle with a bit of water from the sink.

She laughed. “Tyler does a pretty good job.”
“Yeah, and he’s a big pain in my ass. But he’s harmless, and the

truth is, you won’t find a better guy.”

“So he’s your friend then?”
“Yep. Lifelong friend, in fact.” An image of a naked Stella being

sandwiched between him and Tyler as they introduced her into their
unbridled lifestyle crossed his imagination with vivid clarity. How
interesting that he could picture it so easily with Stella. Most women
he met didn’t inspire the same instant lust that she did.

“What else do you do here between annual club shows?”

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Her sexy voice rolled over him and thickened his cock. Calm

down. He rattled the metal against the gas burner as he straightened
the newly filled kettle, setting it down more squarely on the flame as
images of sex with Stella coursed through his mind. This ranch
basically headquartered a pleasure playground for their Double Rider
Men’s Club. They planned to hold at least one annual event here each
year in honor of their unbridled lifestyle, and depending on demand,
they might eventually offer private accommodations year-round to the
members who desired more than just one getaway a year.

“We haven’t had an annual event on the premises yet. This place

is brand-new. It’s a private compound of sorts for our club. We are
the recently installed off-season caretakers of the property through the
winter months.”

She had no idea. He took great pains to temper his mood.

Dominick wanted her with an instant desire he didn’t quite
understand. He wasn’t usually so immediately taken with women he’d
never met. She was obviously something special.

The subtle fragrance of her intriguing perfume mingled with her

natural scent and made his thoughts wander into dangerous territory.
Even after lecturing Tyler about not making her feel uncomfortable,
Dominick wanted nothing more than to sink his fingers into the
tresses of her hair, press his mouth to hers, and then lick a powerful
orgasm out of her using only his tongue.

Tyler came back into the room whistling. Dominick snapped out

of his lust-filled, amorous mood because he didn’t want Tyler to
return the lecture he probably needed.

“I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?”
Dominick frowned. “I guess we could make some soup. I think

there is some chicken noodle in the pantry.” With Clay gone, they’d
have to fend for themselves in the food department. Clayton Forrester,
their men’s club security guru, was also the best cook of the three of
them. Until the weather had gotten bad, Clay spent the bulk of his

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time at his personally designed security operations building on the
property. During good weather, Clay only came to the house to cook,
eat and sleep.

Tyler laughed. “Because that’s all we’re capable of, really.

Opening cans. And I’d probably burn the contents anyway.” He
strolled across the kitchen and perched on a stool right next to Stella.

“So do the two of you live on take-out, then?” She smiled.
“No. We have one more guy that stays out here during the winter.

But he got stuck in town due to the storm. We’ll have to make do
until he gets back.”

Tyler put his elbows on the bar and turned his attention to their

guest. “Usually, Clay cooks and we clean up.”

Stella nodded. “I could cook,” she said quietly. “And I’d even

clean up.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Dominick said, and leaned his

elbows on the granite as well. “We’ll scrounge up something to eat.
Maybe there are some frozen dinners in the freezer.”

“I truly don’t mind. Why don’t you two go back to whatever you

were doing before rescuing me, and I’ll whip something up for us?
I’m pretty good in the kitchen. It’s the least I can do for you since you
saved me from frostbite.”

Tyler grinned. “That would be awesome.”
Dominick gazed into her eyes, hoping the lust didn’t show and

nodded his agreement. “Thank you.”

She slid off the stool and walked over to the refrigerator. Over one

shoulder she asked, “Is anything off-limits?” She opened the
refrigerator door and bent over. Dominick pushed out a silent breath
of surprise. Sweatpants never looked as good on the female butt as
they did on Stella. You’re the only thing off-limits.

“Nope,” Dominick and Tyler said at the same time. He noted they

were both staring at her perfect ass as she rummaged through the

“Anything you find, feel free to use. Do you need any help?”

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She straightened up. He and Tyler both stared off into different

corners of the kitchen and pretended they hadn’t just been caressing
her ass with their intense gazes.

“No. I’ll be fine. Go and relax. Do you want to take a beer to go?”

She pulled a bottle from the top shelf and offered it to him.

“Yes. Thanks.” He walked to where she stood and grabbed the

bottle as the tea kettle started to whistle. Before opening his beer, he
made her a cup of tea.

She didn’t seem to notice, so intent on searching the limited

resources in the fridge. As he added a tea bag to a mug, he heard her
shut the fridge and open the pantry door right next to it.

“Here’s your tea,” he said. She turned from the pantry with green

pepper in one hand and a potato in the other, along with a big smile
on her face. She was absolutely beautiful. “And we’ll be in there
watching football if you need anything.” He pointed with his bottle of
beer to the doorway leading to the den.

“Thanks, but I’ll be fine. Give me thirty minutes or so.”
“No problem. Thanks again.” Dominick thought she looked right

at home in their kitchen, even dressed as she was in his hand-me-
down college T-shirt and those sumptuous, ass-clinging gray

Together, Tyler and Dominick exited the kitchen as cooking

noises commenced. He heard her open several drawers and cabinet
doors. In retrospect, she probably would feel better with a knife close
at hand. Then she’d be better able to defend her own security. And if
she could cook, that would only add to her already unique allure.

Tyler, two steps ahead of him as they walked into the den, turned

and said, “Would you be surprised if I told you that I’m in love?”

“Nope. It proves the old adage that the way to a man’s heart is

through his stomach.”

He shrugged. “Whatever. I’m pretty sure I was in love with her

before she said she could cook.”

Dominick pushed out a long, tormented sigh. “Tyler,” he began.

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Tyler put his hands up. “Don’t say it. I already know. She’s off-

limits.” He rolled his eyes and planted himself on the sofa facing the
large, flat-screened television. Dominick ignored the long, pitiful, sad
sigh Tyler released, picked up the remote, and started up the game
from last night that they’d abandoned to close the gate. The angel in
the kitchen was a fateful bonus to their upcoming snowbound status.

Perhaps the next couple of days wouldn’t be so bad after all.

There were worse things than being holed up with a beautiful woman.

Even if she was completely off-limits.

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Chapter Four

Stella assembled several items from the almost-bare cupboards of

their luxury kitchen and began making dinner. She found several
potatoes in the pantry, a slightly wrinkled green pepper in the produce
drawer of the fridge, and a white butcher’s paper bundle marked “one
pound strip steak” in the freezer. There was a bag of hoagie rolls in
the bread box on the counter, along with a small aluminum pan of
plain, store-bought brownies. She located all the pans she’d need,
grabbed a chopping block, and snagged a very sharp knife from a
wide selection housed in a wooden block by the stove. She started
chopping up the green pepper first, resisting the urge not to stare
wistfully at her surroundings.

Their kitchen was, in point of fact, a chef’s wet dream, and very

well-equipped. She suspected the two gorgeous men watching
football in the other room were likely also very well-equipped, but the
thought of finding out for sure made her face go hot. Perhaps she’d
have a wet dream tonight. Stella rolled her eyes at the presumptuous
thoughts and continued kitchen duty. She focused on making dinner,
and not on how she might seduce Dominick and Tyler.

Her mind spun with visions of what went on at this men’s club

during regular business hours. She searched her memory for all that
her friend had told her about the Double Rider Men’s Club. Just
saying the full name in her head made a little trickle of juice moisten
her pussy lips.

Focus. Make dinner.
The whole conversation regarding their men’s club aside, she

knew Dominick was trying to make her feel comfortable. Tyler was

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persistent, but not a threat. She thought he was funny with an
easygoing attitude.

The two seemed as different as night and day, and more so than

just in hair color. Dominick had dark brown hair and those vivid blue
eyes she wanted to gaze into forever. His serious demeanor was
entirely opposite of Tyler’s seeming happy-go-lucky approach to life.
Tyler sported burnished blond hair with engaging hazel eyes. He was
obviously very relaxed about their sexual antics with regard to the
men’s club they belonged to, and his ready grin and forward talk
made her smile in memory.

She defrosted, seasoned, and grilled the lone steak left in the

freezer on the stove top grill. At the same time, she sautéed strips of
green pepper in oil and thought about her life. Truth be told, cooking
for someone else was fun. She never got to cook for more than just
herself anymore. With her mother gone only last year, her father long
ago, and no siblings, her life was currently pretty quiet. Cooking for
one became depressing after the first couple months, and up to now,
she didn’t usually go to the trouble. Peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches were a staple in her lonely life.

By day, Stella worked full time as a file clerk, receptionist, and

gofer to Claudia the Bitch, at the law offices of Baker, Fuller and
Howe. At night, she took classes part-time at the local community
college, at least as her finances would allow, anyway. Still unsure
where she wanted to end up in life, she’d taken a variety of classes,
from science to math to piano lessons, looking for a spark of interest
for a future vocation.

Apparently, there was no call for reading fiction while curled up

in a comfy chair, or watching television and movies as she sipped hot
tea nestled beneath a warm blanket in bed. Cooking was a nice hobby
that she loved to indulge in, but she didn’t want to ruin her passion by
making it her primary job. Unless she absolutely had to.

After today’s fiasco of not making it to the tax assessor’s office,

she wondered if she’d be looking for new employment along with

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another car come Monday morning. Perhaps brushing up on her short-
order cooking skills here might be a benefit.

Her file clerk job was not her dream career, but it paid the bills.

Beyond the slave tactics employed by Claudia the Bitch, who was
unfortunately also her immediate supervisor, Stella liked her fellow
employees and the place she worked.

A small bell chimed, telling her the oven was ready to toast her

hoagie rolls. Her humdrum life could certainly wait to resume once
the snow was gone and the roads were open again. For now, she only
needed to deal with dinner and suppress the inappropriate desires she
felt for the men in the other room.

The word double penetration skirted her memory. The two-word

phrase was something her friend, Greta, had whispered to her
regarding her experience with the DRMC. An experience Greta had
told Stella she’d enjoyed very much and wanted to repeat. The
explanation of double penetration still made Stella’s face go hot in

She hunted around the large kitchen, opening cupboard after

cupboard, and finally located a box grater so as to shred some
potatoes. She split, buttered, and arranged the hoagie rolls on a cookie
sheet before she slid them into the oven for toasting. Steak
sandwiches and potato pancakes sounded pretty good. The aromas of
dinner swirled around the air making her stomach growl. But food
isn’t the only thing I hunger for.

The idea of sex with near strangers, once a distant thread of

desire, had throttled forward into the front of her mind. If she
expressed a desire to learn, would they truly introduce her to the term
double penetration the very first time they had sex? Was she actually
contemplating inviting them both to her bed? She put her hands to her
heated face and mentally shook herself. Stop it. Nothing would
happen tonight. But she left the possibility open for further discussion
if she ended up staying for another night.

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Once everything was almost ready, she started a pot of coffee for

after dinner and looked around for something to decorate the plain

She found some chocolate bars in the pantry and broke them up

into a bowl to be melted it in the microwave, along with a handful of
chopped pecans from the cupboard. She drizzled the melted chocolate
and a handful of chopped nuts on a half of the store-bought pan of
plain brownies to jazz them up a bit.

Before she could call them to eat, they drifted into the kitchen on

their own.

“The siren call of food beckons,” Dominick said. “What’s for


He and Tyler, eyes wide as if surprised she could actually cook,

gathered around the island where she’d placed the food.

“Nothing fancy, just steak sandwiches and potato pancakes.” She

set the plate of brownies on the island and gestured for them to sit
down. “And a simple dessert.”

“Looks good to me.” Tyler seated himself on one of the stools at

the end of the island. Dominick sat across from him. “I can’t believe
you found enough to make such a feast.”

“Please. It really isn’t a feast.” She walked around and sat

between them.

Tyler had already started eating his sandwich. The moaning that

ensued made her feel better about the simple fare. “This is great. And
trust me, it’s a feast compared to what we would have been eating if
you hadn’t joined us tonight.”

Dominick put his hand over hers and squeezed. She looked up and

into his beautiful blue eyes. “It’s perfect,” he said quietly. “Thank

The thrill of his touch sent her heart all aflutter. “It’s the least I

could do. Thanks again for rescuing me.”

“Not a problem.”

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They ate in companionable silence at first, and then light

conversation regarding their football game and the chilly snowy
weather commenced. Stella was delighted to have company for a
change while eating a meal. She hadn’t realized how lonely her life
was until this auspicious moment. Sharing a simple meal with two
perfect strangers was the best dinner she’d had in ages. And these
men weren’t hard to look at, either.

After only a few minutes of conversation, it became obvious they

were best of friends and had been so for a long while. She appreciated
that they made her feel so comfortable in less than optimal
circumstances. After the sandwiches and potato cakes were all but a
memory, she fetched the coffee carafe as the two men started in on
the brownies. Her impromptu dessert was consumed quickly and the
plate practically licked clean.

Before Dominick and Tyler finished their coffee, Stella hopped up

and started putting plates in the sink to rinse before loading the

Dominick brought his plate to her. She turned and reached out to

take it, but he slid it into the sink and her movement put her within
hugging distance. And she really wanted a hug.

Stella started to grab the sponge on the sink, but he beat her to it.

His fingers brushed across hers briefly in the process. The surprise
zing when they touched traveled all the way up to her elbow.

She tilted her head to stare up into his eyes with question.
“You cooked, so we’ll clean up.” He stepped closer. Their chests

were practically touching. And she really wanted to touch him.

“I can do it,” she whispered, afraid any loud voices might scare

him away. Behind her, Tyler had also stepped closer and hugged up
next to her. He deposited his plate in the sink on top of hers. She felt
the warmth of his body against her spine. A glance over her shoulder
and she noticed his chest only inches away from her back. She was
almost sandwiched between them again. If only they would each
move closer and touch her.

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The word double penetration echoed in her brain once more. And

all of a sudden she couldn’t think of anything else in the world that
she’d rather do than to be mashed in between these two sexy
cowboys. Naked would be better, but for now she just wanted the
connection of them both. She craved their touch.

Her gaze traveled back to Dominick. The look in his eyes couldn’t

be mistaken for anything but lust. Imagine that, he wanted her, too,
even though he’d been the voice of reason all night. She drifted even
closer. The front of her borrowed T-shirt briefly brushed against his
chest. She had to kiss him.

Stella touched Dominick first. In fact, she launched forward,

slipped her arms around his neck and pressed her mouth to his so her
intentions couldn’t be mistaken. He tasted like chocolate brownie and
strong coffee. He didn’t move at first. She worried for only a moment
that he might push her away. But instead, he leaned in closer and
pushed his tongue between her lips. And then they devoured each

Tyler pressed in very close against her back and trailed a slow,

tantalizing batch of kisses along the center of her very sensitive neck.
His hands gripped her hips and he pressed his cock into one cheek of
her butt. A thrill rode up her spine. A tingling sensation spiraled from
shoulders to knees. Her panties drenched with a sudden rush of juice
from her pussy. She wanted this. She wanted sex with both of these
men. She couldn’t wait.

Never in the world would she have expected to find such

breathtaking anticipation and instant sexual desire sandwiched
between two men as they both kissed her to distraction.

Stella couldn’t wait to discover what they had in store for her.

* * * *

Dominick didn’t want to search for or find the strength to pull

away from Stella’s sensually surprising overture. Her tongue burned a

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swath across his lips in a furious hurry to tangle with his, but then he
hesitated. His mind went to how much he wanted to peel her clothes
off and teach her all about the unbridled nature of their club’s
lifestyle. With Tyler’s certainly enthusiastic help, they could
introduce her to ménage passion fueled by wanton desire and expert
seduction tactics. They were good at it.

She molded into his arms as if they’d been machined to fit

together perfectly. The moment he engaged, she moaned into his
mouth. His hands framed her ribcage and inched upward to the lower
swell of her breasts. His cock reared up ready for action so fast he
wondered if the randy beast had punched a hole in the front of his

Doubt, however, soon nagged at the back of his mind. Don’t do

this. Not yet. She’s fragile.

Stella was trapped here with them for an indeterminate time. If he

didn’t halt the momentum of the currently scorching events about to
ensue, they’d be a naked threesome in a pile gracing the nearest bed
or flat surface before good sense could be applied. And what if she
had doubts in the morning? What if she never wanted to see them ever
again? The mere thought of her possible morning-after regret ate at
him. She’s be stuck here and uncomfortable with them both.

No. He needed to stop this inevitable evolution. She needed to feel

like she had choices, not be sandwiched between them the moment
their meal was finished and fucked into oblivion. Even if it would feel
spectacularly amazing.

He took half a step back and broke the sultry kiss. “We shouldn’t

do this.”

Both Stella and Tyler answered in unison, “We shouldn’t?” Stella,

with a kiss-swollen mouth and a puzzled expression, stared at him.
Tyler, with a surprised, “Are you completely insane?” gaze, narrowed
his eyes as his mouth shaped into a sullen pout.

Am I the only voice of reason? “You don’t have to do this, Stella.”

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“Maybe I want to.” She flattened her lips together as if to keep

from saying anything further.

Tyler added, “Yeah, maybe she wants to.” He placed his hands on

her shoulders. “And if she wants to, I certainly want to.”

Dominick sent a quelling look to Tyler before turning a concerned

gaze to one of the most beautiful women he’d ever had the pleasure of
kissing. The questioning gaze in her eyes faded into one that he
couldn’t read right before she looked away. Was that regret? Or
perhaps anger that he’d stopped the inevitable sex they were
undoubtedly headed for. He was likely a fool.

The need to explain erupted. He grabbed her hands in his fingers.

“I don’t want you to feel pressured after such a harrowing day. We
can talk about this more tomorrow. Let me take you to your room for
the night.”

She stared at him for a long time. He waited for her to say

something. Then she nodded and dropped her gaze to the floor. “The
dishes.” She glanced toward the sink.

“Tyler can finish the dishes.” Dominick turned to leave the room,

but not before getting a sour look from his lifelong friend.

“Until tomorrow,” Tyler murmured in her ear before she departed

his embrace. She grabbed her meager belongings in the form of her
purse and phone from the end of the island as she passed by.

Stella then followed Dominick out of the kitchen, down the

hallway, and across the length of the great room to the other side of
the house, where another hallway greeted them. The only sound was
the tap, tap, tap of his boots on the hardwood floors as they crossed
the expanse.

Dominick half turned as they walked beneath the archway leading

to the guest rooms.

“All the guest bedrooms are all down this hallway,” he said,

feeling the need to make conversation.

She didn’t respond. She simply followed quietly.

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At the end of the hall they arrived at the only room that was ready

for guests. “Here you go.”

He opened the door, flipped the switch to turn on the overhead

light and gestured for her to enter the space first. She nodded her head
once and walked into the room. The urge to slam the door and leave
her to her own devices was dampened only by his guilt that he’d hurt
her feelings by not wanting to lay her down on the kitchen floor and
screw her senseless.

“The door on the right is your own private bathroom. There are

towels in the linen closet inside the door. The electricity is on for
now, but in case the power goes out, we have a generator that
automatically kicks on fairly quickly, so you don’t need to panic if the
lights go out.”

She nodded. “I’ll try not to.” Her eyes stayed averted from him.

She placed her purse and phone on the top of the dresser next to the
bathroom door.

“Is there anything you need tonight?” he asked.
Stella visibly inhaled and then exhaled. “No. I guess not.”
Dominick felt a strange urge to take her into his arms to comfort

her. She seemed so forlorn. Should he explain? Should he launch into
an autobiographical account of his current life, and how he’d love to
fuck her mindless but wasn’t currently in the market for a wife or
permanence due to the semi-temporary situation he was in with the
DRMC property? Although if he had to pick someone immediately,
she’d qualify for a top spot on his list.

Against his better judgment, he said quietly, “It isn’t because I

don’t want to, Stella. I swear, I just don’t want you to have doubts in
the morning.” Dominick moved closer. One step more and he’d be
touching her. He so wanted to touch her. “Once we cross that line,
you know that it’s impossible to go back,” he whispered.

She turned and gazed into his eyes. “You’re probably right, but

I’ll likely never have the courage to act on my desires again. Not like

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“Then it’s for the best that we stopped before anything happened.”
“I’m not convinced of that just yet.”
He pushed out a long sigh. “Well, truthfully, I’m not either.”
She smiled. “Any chance I could get a kiss good night?”
“Will I have to beg?”
“No.” Dominick took one long step into her personal space,

grabbed her into his arms and lowered his mouth to hers before she
could think to change her mind. His lips brushed across hers once and
then again before he plundered inside the warm, silken depths of her
mouth like he wanted to. She tasted like chocolate brownie and
passionate woman.

Her arms slipped around his torso and held tight. If he didn’t

disengage soon, he’d convince himself to stay the night in her room.
He’d justified the kiss by telling himself she wanted him, and as a sort
of consolation prize for not having sex with her earlier. She’d asked
for this kiss, and he willingly obliged. She tasted so sweet. It was a
difficult endeavor to even think of letting her go when she was
snuggled in his arms. But he’d never forgive himself if he stayed. And
Tyler would probably never speak to him again.

He dragged his lips from hers. She released him as if she knew he

wouldn’t be able to stop if she didn’t let him go. She was right. In that
second, he could see her as a permanent feature in their life very
easily. The only question regarding a future threesome arrangement
was whose name she’d take, his or Tyler’s, in a future marriage
ceremony. Crazy thoughts to have for a woman he’d just met.

“Until tomorrow,” he murmured and retreated before his good

intentions crumbled.

If she still wanted either of them or both of them in the morning,

he’d have her stripped naked and impaled on his cock before she
could say, “It’s tomorrow, so fuck me already.”

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Chapter Five

Lustful thoughts so scorching she knew must be dreaming, Stella

rolled her head to one side, leaving herself flat on her back in the
lovely oversized bed they’d provided. She slowly opened her eyes to
see a naked Dominick lounging next to her. “Let me play with you,”
he said in that deeply seductive voice he had. His hand suddenly
slipped over one breast. Her dream clothes melted away as if they’d
never been there. Seductive gaze drilling a hole through her soul,
Dominick rolled her pert nipple between his strong fingers, sending
shards of delight straight to her pussy. Even in her dreams, she
couldn’t wait until they had sex.

“I want to play, too,” said Tyler from her left. She turned as a

grinning Tyler bent his head to take her other nipple into his mouth.
The sudden warmth of his sexy lips tugging on her sensitive nipple as
Dominick played with the other tip made moisture flow from her
pussy lips in a gush. Two men tending to her needs seemed like the
best idea she’d ever discovered.

Dream Dominick leaned forward and kissed her mouth. His

tongue brashly entered between her lips, dancing and swirling inside
until she was swept away. Much like the good-night kiss they’d
shared, this kiss was volcanic and demanding, and along with Tyler’s
mouth on her breast, Stella felt the familiar stirrings of a passionate
happy ending coming very soon.

The dream Tyler continued sucking on her nipple, but as

Dominick kissed her senseless, Tyler then slipped a hand between her
legs to stroke her now very sensitive clit. She arched her back and
moaned with a longing she’d never felt before.

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Tyler moved off her breast and kissed his way down her body.

Was he going to lick her clit? Please, yes. Toes curling at the mere
idea of having him go down on her, Stella held her breath as Tyler
worked his way from her ribcage, slowly kissing his way to her

Stella kissed Dominick and even wrapped her arms around his

neck to keep him in place as she waited for Tyler to reach his
destination, hoping she wouldn’t wake up. When Tyler’s dream mouth
landed against her pussy, licking and sucking her clit, she screamed
into Dominick’s mouth with delicious enthusiasm.

Passionately kissing one man as another had his face buried in

her pussy put Stella firmly in the “I love having two men at the same
time” category. The orgasm she wanted was so close she could
almost taste it.

Then, as dreams are wont to do, their body positions changed

suddenly. Without warning she was pressed naked and panting
between the two of them. Dominick, his firm body pressed to the front
of her, still kissed her mouth, but Tyler had moved behind her. The
anal sex she’d never ever considered before was now about to
happen, as least in this dream world, and the exhilaration was almost
more than she could bear. Would it hurt? Would the bit of pain feel
good anyway? How had her friend described it? Dark, naughty
pleasure on the wicked edge of a seductively addictive sting piercing
your very soul. Right now, that sounded great to Stella.

Dominick pushed forward and she felt his immense cock enter her

pussy. He stroked deeper and deeper until she didn’t think she’d be
able to stop herself from screaming herself hoarse in orgasm. But the
release eluded her.

Tyler’s cock suddenly brushed the space between her butt cheeks

and her climax edged closer even before he attempted to enter her
rear channel.

Hands suddenly covered her breasts, and another unseen hand

caressed her clit as Dominick powered thrust after thrust of his cock

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deeply into her pussy. Oh God, she was on the verge. She wanted it.
Tyler moved behind her and an explosion of bright sensation in the
area of her anus sent a thrill down her spine.

She was about to release. She was about to scream the walls down

with her most powerful orgasm ever…

The distant sound of a door closing hard on the other side of the

house broke through the remnants of her dream. Everything in her
dreamy world suddenly faded to black. Stella woke up in a strange
bed with the distinct, remembered flavor of Dominick’s kiss on her

One hand on her breast and the other buried between her legs,

Stella woke before the light of dawn had even hinted at showing up,
after the most restless and unsatisfying night she’d ever spent. And
she didn’t feel the relief of having climaxed, either. Damn.

The restlessness was due in part to the fact that she hadn’t woken

up in her own bed, but mostly because she was so horny she could
hardly take a breath without wanting to grind her crotch against
something for relief. She touched herself, and while it felt good to rub
her clit, having someone else, or better yet two sexy cowboys, touch
her would be so much better. She pulled her hand away, relishing the
anticipation of talking the two into showing her what their lifestyle
was all about.

Her dreams had been filled to capacity with erotic images of

threesomes and being sandwiched between the two intriguing men
who’d rescued her.

Eyes wide open, Stella crawled quickly from her bed to search out

the two men who’d left her aching the night before. To be fair,
Dominick was the one who’d put the brakes on. She knew he was
trying to be honorable. Tyler likely would have been seduced easily.
The thought made her smile. Wouldn’t they be surprised today when
she refused to take no for an answer?

* * * *

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Clay kept careful track of the weather while he lounged in his

hotel room, and especially the trucks plowing and salting the roads he
wanted to travel on to get back home.

The track of the storm had spared the tremendous inches of even

more fluffy white crap on his end of town last night. And the
predictions today also seemed to be headed toward the opposite side
of town.

Grateful for the reprieve for the DRMC ranch, he smiled and

made plans. Dawn had broken an hour ago. Once the sun was well in
the sky, he would brave the roads with his truck and stop by the only
open grocery store, still advertising to be selling regardless of how
high the snow got, and head slowly home. It would probably take him
five times as long to get there, but he knew there wasn’t much to eat
back at the ranch.

With all the extra work at the ranch this week on the newest

building construction, he hadn’t gotten a chance to resupply their low
food stores.

If Dominick and Tyler hadn’t already chewed their arms off to

survive, they’d probably be pretty happy to see him come home
earlier than expected especially with a truckload of food. He hoped
they appreciated his sacrifice.

* * * *

Tyler usually slept on his stomach, but found that the raging

erection he sported all night wasn’t conducive with his cold,
womanless sheets. With no relief in sight, he shifted to one side and
then the other. This pattern went on for some time. So he slept
miserably switching from one side to the other all night with the
throbbing hard-on instead of having it buried against his belly. He
woke from a fitful sleep before dawn and well before his alarm

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He shifted slightly because he was so uncomfortable, and groaned

as his unsatisfied cock pulsed against his belly again. He’d dreamed
about Stella all night. He had a program of sexual fulfillment that was
unmatched—if the string of fulfilled women in his past were any
indication. He’d never left a woman unsatisfied. Not acting on his gut
instinct to at least pleasure Stella last night actually caused him pain.
It was odd that a veritable stranger had such a strong impact on his
libido, but there was something about Stella that drew him in.

From the first moment he’d seen her exit her car, still listing

sideways in the ditch, she’d had his attention. Echoes of rescuing a
fair maiden aside, when he’d gotten close enough to her, Stella’s scent
drove him wild with possibilities.

Tyler mentally reviewed his standard seduction plan. After

wrapping his brain around the first five positions on his list, he knew
he wouldn’t even have to have sex with Stella to reach his own
completion. The mere sound of her soulful release after he’d licked,
sucked, and massaged every part of her body, would likely sent him
blissfully over the edge of climax.

On one level, he understood Dominick’s unwillingness to initiate

Stella into the double penetration club after she’d only been here for
five minutes, but hot damn he hoped the time would come that they
could. The deep longing in his body for physical contact made him
hope today would be better suited for the seduction of Stella. And if
they were snowbound for any length of time, sex would be the perfect
activity to pass the time.

He wanted her with a desperation he didn’t quite understand.

Watching her ass as she walked away, seeing her in his sweatpants,
and having her cook for them were all nice, but she had a wide,
luscious mouth that would stop the heart of a lion given the chance.

Every time he looked at her he wanted to shout, “Damn, baby,

you’re everything a man wants and needs wrapped up in a perfect
package.” He refrained, of course, but knew deep inside his soul that
she was something very special. Starting with the vulnerability of her

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being stranded with them and ending with long blonde hair and those
beautiful, engaging, light green eyes, Tyler was smitten. And she
could cook, too.

Today was the day to convince not only Dominick, but also Stella,

of what they had to offer her. He intended to start with unparalleled
sexual satisfaction as his first proposition. Dominick would delay or
dismiss his feelings and try to talk them out of it, but Tyler was ready
to put forth his A-game.

If they played their cards right, perhaps she could become the

certain someone special in their lives. They hadn’t discussed it lately
with the move to the DRMC ranch for the winter season, but Tyler
was ever on the lookout for the ideal woman to fit perfectly into their
wild lifestyle. Perhaps Stella was the one. In his opinion, she was the
best contender they’d ever encountered.

The intrusive sound of his blaring alarm startled him from his

seduction plan. A glance at the early time made a groan escape. They
had to go feed the horses. With just the three of them here for the
winter, they shared all the ranch responsibilities. Clay actually
produced edible meals when specifically motivated by hunger, so he
took the lion’s share of the cooking chores when they didn’t eat out or
bring back food from town. He then delegated the housecleaning
responsibilities to a weekly housekeeping service.

Meanwhile, Tyler and Dominick took general care of the other

buildings on the property along with the few animals they kept during
the harshest part of the winter months.

Since the place wasn’t up and running yet, there wasn’t very much

to do. And there was even less to do when they were snowed in. With
the exception of tending to the needs of their lovely new guest. Given
the opportunity, he had plenty of ideas for what they could do with

* * * *

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After a nice long shower in the en suite bathroom, Stella found an

oversized button-up shirt in the closet and put it on. She only buttoned
it to barely cover her breasts. Rolling up the sleeves to her elbows, she
retrieved her panties from the shower rod where she’d washed them
the night before. There were a couple of damp spots, but they were
mostly dry. She slipped them on. Defiantly, though, she left the bra
behind. Time to make her move. She wanted sex today. Her plan was
to convince them they wanted it, too. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too
difficult a task.

She carried the T-shirt and sweatpants she’d borrowed the day

before, planning to wash them along with surreptitiously looking for
either of her two hosts.

It was possible that strolling around braless in only an oversized

shirt and damp panties invited a more serious discussion about sex.
But since that was what Stella was after today, she hoped it worked.

Treading barefoot down the hall and into the great room, Stella

looked out the tall windows on either side of the cold fireplace. The
silence of the large room bore down on her a bit so early in the
morning. She sped her steps on the way to the kitchen, glancing out
the massively tall windows flanking the fireplace. The barest sliver of
light filtered through the windows broken only by fat snowflakes still
falling. She paused in her step and listened for anyone else in the
house. Nothing.

She continued on, hoping to find the laundry room and her

clothing. She wasn’t actually going to put her clothes on, but it would
be nice to know where her pants and shirt ended up last night. She
stepped into a short hallway right off the kitchen and found a nicely
sized laundry space. Her slacks were hanging neatly over a hanger
and her shirt was folded beneath it on a table. She placed the T-shirt
and sweatpants on top of the empty washer. If felt too presumptuous
to start a load, especially with only two articles to wash.

Leaving her clothes behind, she tiptoed out of the laundry room

and headed directly into the kitchen. Perhaps she could rustle up some

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breakfast for them. Maybe then she could seduce them into fulfilling
her fantasies. Her nipples tightened at the thought of sex in the
kitchen. In fact, the thought of sex anywhere in this hidden away
mountain chalet put her libido in the red zone. She put her hands up to
cover her breasts momentarily, and pushed out a calming breath. All
in good time.

Stella flipped on the light over the stove. It added a scant yellow

glow to the room, aiding her search. In the pantry, she found what she
needed to make cinnamon swirl coffee cake with vanilla sugar icing.
There was a pound of bacon in the freezer that she took out to thaw as
well. She mixed the cake batter, put it in the pan, swirled a mixture of
cinnamon, sugar, and chopped pecans through her creation, and put it
in the oven. As the spicy scent floated in the air, she continued
working diligently to put bacon strips on a sheet pan covered in foil
for baking.

She loved oven-cooked bacon.
The cinnamon-scented air and the warmth of the oven heating the

space made Stella forget she wore very little. Once the cake baked
and was left cooling on the kitchen island, she put the bacon in the
oven and set the timer.

Next on her list of tasks was making a large pot of coffee. Usually

that’s all she had for breakfast. The coffee cake smelled delicious, if
she did say so herself. She hoped they enjoyed it. She assembled the
remaining ingredients for the vanilla sugar icing and set them on the
counter next to the cooling cake. She just needed a bowl.

The sound of a door opening and wind whistling through the trees

outside came suddenly along with the low voices of her hosts from
the back of the house. It didn’t detract her from the impromptu
breakfast. She waited for them to come into the kitchen, but before
they did, the bell rang on her bacon. She bent to remove the pan from
oven and placed it on the stove.

So intent on her cooking, she didn’t notice when the two of them

finally entered the room. She turned and almost shrieked when she

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saw them standing there, eyes wide, looking at her like they were
shocked she was in the kitchen again.

“You startled me.” But then just as quickly she smiled. They both

smiled back. She turned toward the warmth of the oven as the bacon
sizzled and popped on top of the stove. “Where have you two been?”

Dominick spoke first. “Tending the horses.” She glanced over one

shoulder. Tyler just looked at her like she was a goddess for cooking
for him again. His eyes moved up and down her body, stopping to
zero in on her butt, as if he wasn’t quite able to understand why she
wore a shirt that only barely covered her ass. It was because she
wanted to lure them both into sex directly after breakfast. Her
seduction plan seemed to be working.

“Oh right. You have horses here. I hope you don’t mind, but I

started some breakfast for us. I just need to make the vanilla sugar
glaze, and we can eat.”

“Good.” He swallowed hard, stared only at her face and avoided

looking down her body. “Thanks.” Dominick seemed hard-pressed to
get even those two words out. She was showing off quite a bit of leg.
He finally glanced down her body, from neck to painted toes. His
eyes then closed partway. Bingo. She had certainly garnered some

She also planned to make them aware of her braless status, in case

they hadn’t noticed. She bent over with her back to them and closed
the oven door. She thought she heard Tyler moan right before he
whispered, “Sweet Jesus.” She turned the oven light off and turned
back to see the two of them, with rapt attention, staring at the bottom
edge of the shirt she wore.

“I hope you don’t mind,” she murmured, sliding her hands down

the buttons along the front of the shirt, suggestively cupping her
breasts through the thin material briefly on the way south to the hem.
“But I found this shirt in the closet of my room. I put it on so I
wouldn’t have to run around your house naked.”

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Dominick’s eyes shut immediately as if he now pondered the idea

of her running naked around his house.

Tyler, on the other hand, grinned like he’d been given a surprise

gift. “Well, I suppose it’s all right, but personally, I wouldn’t mind if
you ran around here naked. We want you to feel at home. So do as
you wish with regard to your limited wardrobe.”

She grinned at him and winked. “Okay. Great.” She reached up to

unbutton the top button, but before she could, Dominick marched
over and put his hand over hers to stop her.

“Good God. Don’t,” he said. His voice a low rumble of sound.
“Why not?” She gazed up into his stormy blue eyes.
He pushed out a long breath. “Because I won’t be able to resist


“Then don’t resist me. I promise not to have any regrets. Please

just take me. I want you.” She glanced at Tyler and added, “I want
you, too,” before turning her attention back to Dominick. “Show me
what this life is like. I truly want to know. This could well be my only
chance. I don’t want to miss out.”

His eyes closed again. A small shudder ran down his body. His

lust-filled eyes popped open. He stepped closer and lowered his
mouth to hers in one fluid motion. The sudden kiss took her by
surprise. She expected him to back away. The intensity of their
connection made a ripple of pleasure run down her frame like a live
wire pulled off a pole and left dancing along the ground.

Her pussy gushed in anticipation and the already damp panties she

wore suddenly saturated with her desire. He blistered her mouth with
his firm lips, and tangled his tongue with hers in a sensual frenzy of
lust. She adored every moment.

Seconds later, Tyler moved in behind her and she was sandwiched

between them. Her frantic heartbeat sped to peak levels. Tyler’s hands
slid down her body from waist to thighs. His wide, hard cock pressed
into one butt cheek and sent her heart beating even faster.

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She only barely registered it as Dominick consumed her with his

passionate kiss. His hips pressed forward and she noted he also had an
impressive cock trying to burrow into her belly. The sensation of their
bodies pressing against her made her heart flutter in delight. Whatever
happened would be utterly amazing.

The thin barrier of her shirt seemed like wearing nothing at all

when they both pressed into her from the back and the front. Already
barefoot, she might as well be naked, too. Dominick snaked a hand
from her waist to her breast in a second, and thumbed her pert nipple.
She moaned into his mouth and pushed her hips forward, rubbing her
pelvic bone against his solid cock.

Behind her, Tyler nibbled on her neck and soon slid a hand up to

knead her other breast. His other hand found its way between her
thighs. He pulled her away from Dominick’s groin to grind his cock
firmly into her backside. Before she knew to expect it, Tyler’s fingers
moved straight to her clit. Even through her panties, she felt him rub a
tight circle around her most sensitive spot. He fired up her libido into
the hot lava zone of desire.

Meanwhile, Dominick demanded more from the kiss they shared.

She got sidetracked a little from Tyler’s playing as Dominick
consumed her. At least until Tyler slipped a finger beneath her panties
and fingered her pussy lips. Her full attention was then promptly
focused on the space between her legs.

Tyler suddenly inserted a finger into her slick channel. It felt

sinfully delicious to have a man stroking her there. It had been a long
time since anyone had touched her so intimately. Dominick’s kiss
practically scorched her mouth. She moaned again and pulled slightly
away from Dominick and his seductive lips.

“Jesus, you’re so wet,” Tyler whispered reverently. He pushed

another kiss beneath her ear at the same time he brushed a finger
stroke across her clit. She nearly jumped out of her skin. Having two
men seducing her was a lot to handle. And she liked it.

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Dominick pulled back only far enough to look deeply into her

eyes. He then grinned. “Is he fingering your clit?”

She nodded, not sure her voice would work. The suggestive

language served only to heighten her already heart-pounding lust for
these two men.

Dominick eased away and the chill air came between them. Tyler

didn’t stop playing with her nipple or her pussy as Dominick watched
for a moment. Eyes glazed over in obvious lust, she watched as he
lowered his head to her breast. He quickly unbuttoned her shirt and
clamped his lips around one nipple. The wet heat of his tongue
circling the tip sent a curl of pleasure down her spine.

Stella grabbed his head and pulled him closer. Tyler stroked her

clit with furious intent and tweaked her other nipple at the same time.
Dominick sucked the tip of her breast into his warm, wet mouth. The
orgasm she wasn’t quite expecting to happen yet quickly exploded. A
rush of sensation raced from her pussy to her nipple in a roaring tidal
wave of the best climax she’d experienced in forever. She stiffened in
Tyler’s arms and moaned in pleasure.

Dominick continued to suck on the tip of her breast. She turned

her head as far as she could to one side, and Tyler pushed his mouth
against hers with tender passion. He slowly licked inside of her mouth
and took his time exploring.

Tyler hugged her close, removed his hand from between her legs,

and released her lips with a sigh. “Feel good?”

Stella nodded. “Best I’ve felt in years.”
Dominick kissed his way to her throat, pulled her into his arms

and hugged her tight.

“What happens next?” she murmured.
“Breakfast,” they both said in unison.
Stella startled. “Don’t you want to go have sex?”
“Yes,” they said at the exact same time once again.

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“But,” Tyler whispered, “this amazingly beautiful woman went to

the trouble of making us a gourmet breakfast, and we intend to devour
it first before we devour her, okay?”

Dominick gazed deeply into her eyes. “After breakfast we can do

whatever you want.”

“Well, I want sex.”
He grinned. “Duly noted.”
Limbs still shaking from the powerful orgasm, Stella took a deep

breath and walked to the stove. She found a cereal bowl, hastily
prepared the vanilla sugar icing with trembling hands. She then
drizzled the lumpy glaze on the coffee cake, piled the bacon on a
plate, and served them piping hot coffee. No one spoke, but the lustful
staring was almost more than she could take. Even as the orgasm had
quenched her body, she thought about double penetration. She
couldn’t wait to discover the seductive secrets of their uninhibited

* * * *

Tyler led the way to his bedroom located on the second floor of

the main house just as soon as the breakfast dishes were rinsed and
quickly piled in the dishwasher. There were five ample-sized
bedrooms on the second floor, each with its own bathroom, in
addition to the three guest rooms on the first floor. He lived in the
corner room facing the back woods and the majesty of the Rocky

Climbing the gleaming hardwood staircase, it was all he could do

not to dance with glee. Given that the three of them were on the way
to sexual fantasies and the long-awaited seduction of Stella, the
beautiful houseguest, he silently cheered.

Well, it hadn’t been that long, but given the current tensile

strength of his cock, it seemed like a really long time since she’d

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exited her wrecked car and entered into what he considered a private
paradise. Which was even more of a delight now that she was here.

And to be fair, the fact that they hadn’t shared a woman in awhile

also added a layer of anticipation. Taking over as caretakers for the
property had sucked up so much of their time the past few months,
they hadn’t even gone into town for a quickie.

More noteworthy was the fact that Stella would be the first

woman they’d shared at the DRMC property. The pending sex they
were about to initiate at Stella’s enthusiastic insistence sent visions of
sexual positions dancing through his head. So many ideas rushed
around in his mind, he didn’t know where to start.

Should they take turns having sex with her first? Let her climax a

few more times before introducing her into the lifestyle? Bend her
over? Tie her up? Take her against the smooth tiles in the shower?
Any of many available positions to have sex with Stella would be

The only way to make this coming sexual act more perfect would

be to invite someone else to watch them. Although that might make
Stella take pause. As there was no one even here to witness what was
about to happen, it was a moot point anyway. Maybe if Clay got back
in time they’d ask. In the meantime, Tyler planned to do everything in
his power to ensure she enjoyed each and every second with them.

He opened the door to his room, glad he’d taken the time to make

his big bed this morning before barn duty.

Before he even got completely through the door, Stella’s hands

danced along his back, arms, and shoulder. Dominick was half a step
behind her when Tyler turned and grabbed her into his arms. He
buried his face in her neck and nuzzled her soft skin. Her hips swayed
and pushed against his groin in a most provocative way as his lips
crushed hers.

The kiss was explosive and hungry. Dominick moved in and

pressed her between them as they kissed and kissed and kissed. The
single moan she released into his mouth pushed Tyler nearly over the

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edge. He wanted—no, needed—to taste her body. Breaking away
slowly from her lips, Tyler kissed his way from her chin to one
lovely, rose-tipped breast. The second he clasped her nipple between
his lips, her long, lusty groan echoed across the room. His cock
unfurled completely and pressed against his pants, demanding release.

Tyler kissed across to her other breast and suckled for several

minutes before making his way south. Dominick reached around and
began thumbing her nipples the moment Tyler stopped sucking on
them. He intended to bury his face between her legs and lick until he
heard her scream in climax.

The shirt she wore didn’t offer much protection against his

onslaught. He unbuttoned the remaining buttons as he went down and
pulled her skimpy panties off with his teeth. This action made her

Tyler was in love. He didn’t typically believe in love at first sight,

but there was something about Stella that touched him deep down
inside his soul where no previous woman had come close to being.
She was perfect for them. He lifted one shapely leg and placed her
thigh on his shoulder to give him easier access to her pussy. The scent
of her arousal was driving him insane. Without another thought, he
drove forward and pushed his face into her mound. His tongue darted
out for a taste. He must have grazed her clit, because she groaned and
swayed in Dominick’s arms the moment his tongue stroked flesh.

“Do that again,” she whispered.
So he did. This time she sucked in a deep breath and fell lax

against Dominick. “Oh God, your tongue is amazing.”

It wasn’t easy to lick and grin at the same time, but Tyler

managed. He drove two fingers into her pussy and she bucked against
his mouth. He sucked her clit between his lips as he finger-fucked her

From above he heard her sweet voice chanting, “Ohmigod,

ohmigod, omigod…” louder and louder until she suddenly stiffened,

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arched against Dominick’s chest and climaxed in a rush, if the fluid
now coating his hand was any indication.

Without moving his mouth from her clit, he pulled his fingers

from her pussy, slid them back to her derriere hole, and inserted his
middle finger past the first ring of muscles of her rosette. She startled
as if supremely surprised, but didn’t tell him to stop. Testing the
waters, so to speak, he eased his finger in and out a few times and
after the third such thrust, she started moving in tandem, helping him
go a little deeper with each push.

Dominick still stroked her nipples, kissed the back of her neck,

and played with her breasts as Tyler now finger-fucked her lovely ass.
Lapping up the cream from her pussy, he resumed licking her clit, but
she squirmed as if the bud was still too sensitive to touch. He eased
his finger from between her ass cheeks. Trailing kisses from her
mound to her chin, Tyler finally pressed his juice-coated mouth to her
lips for another passionate kiss. She trembled as she kissed him back.

“Time to try out your huge bed, Tyler.” Dominick hugged her

against his chest.

“I agree. Why don’t you two get started. I’ll be right back.” Tyler

headed for his palatial bathroom to clean up as scenarios of various
sexual positions raced through his head.

The idea of watching Dominick fuck Stella in his oversized bed

had Tyler hurrying back to the bedroom. If they did nothing else all
day but try out different sexual positions and make Stella climax over
and over, it would be time well spent.

Tyler only wanted to ensure she enjoyed herself sufficiently to

want to return. He knew from merely tasting her that a day or two in a
snowbound cabin with her wouldn’t be nearly enough.

* * * *

The moment Tyler released her, Stella tested her wobbly legs by

turning around to face Dominick. She pressed her face into his chest

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as he tightened his arms around her. His sizable cock dug into her
belly. Shocked that she’d been brought to climax twice so far this
morning and hadn’t yet been penetrated by a cock, Stella knew she
should enjoy this experience as it was already the best she’d ever had.
The quick bouts of admittedly limited sexual contact in her past
hadn’t yielded anywhere close to the same amount of satisfaction
she’d already had today.

Dominick led her to the bed, pulled the cover back to reveal the

sheets, and kissed her lips with tender care. While she watched, he
stripped his clothes off slowly and carefully until he was gloriously
nude. He then reached into the nightstand drawer and procured a
condom. He tore open the package, rolled the condom slowly onto his
large cock, and motioned her to climb onto the sheets. She scooted
back on the bed to rest her head on the pillow as he followed and
crawled on top of her.

Nothing prepared her for the singular pleasure of having

Dominick cover her with his perfect body. He was hard and muscular
and, well, perfect. He leaned in to kiss her lips once, then kissed a
path to her nipples.

Stella widened her legs and slipped her calves to trap Dominick

against her. He grinned, sucked a nipple into his mouth, and surged
his hips forward. This action put his cock at the entrance to her pussy.
She resisted the urge to scream, “Finally!”

She moved her hips to line his cock up so that he could penetrate

her more easily. She was so ready she wanted to beg him to fuck her.

Dominick slid a hand down her body to rest on her hip as if to

anchor himself better. He then surged forward all of a sudden and his
cock slid deeply into her slick pussy. Stella sucked in a breath of
surprise at finally having a cock pushed partway inside of her body. It
had been so long. Dominick’s cock felt amazing embedded inside.
Big and wide, his cock inched the rest of the way slowly into her
pussy with measured care. A moan escaped her lips when he was
seated all the way inside, stretching her pussy taut. Her legs tightened

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around his ass to make him stay exactly where he was, thrust to the
hilt inside her body.

“I’m trapped,” he whispered. He wiggled his hips to better

leverage his cock.

“I just don’t want you to get away. You feel incredible.”
“So do you. Trust me, I’m not going anywhere but right here.” He

pulled his cock out of her body partway and promptly thrust forward
quickly. The sensation of his huge cock slamming deeply inside her
pussy took her breath away.

She sucked in a deep breath. “Oh, God. Do that again.” Stella

pushed her hips into his.

Dominick shifted to his elbows, stared into her eyes and slowly

thrust in and out of her pussy. With each stroke, he increased his
speed. By the time she noticed that Tyler had come out of the
bathroom and watched them, Dominick was slamming in and out of
her body like a man on a mission to climax. Tyler approached the bed,
but didn’t climb onto it. He simply watched them making love. Stella
found the exhibitionist in her came to the surface. She was even more
excited at the idea of Tyler watching them.

“Touch your breasts,” Dominick whispered.
Stella immediately cupped her breasts and teased her own nipples

with her thumbs and forefingers. “Fuck me harder,” she whispered
back. The smoldering, lust-filled gaze he sent her almost made her
climax with the sheer intensity.

Dominick sped up his thrusts, per her request, and also moved his

hand between their bodies. His finger unerringly found her juicy clit.
The moment he rubbed the nub firmly, Stella moaned again, unable to
stay silent. And all the while her own hands pinched her nipples as he
pounded his cock repeatedly inside her body. Her heart slammed so
hard against her ribcage, she expected it to burst through her chest at
any moment. She was fast edging to a dramatic climax.

She glanced to one side to see Tyler’s gaze roving along her body.

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Dominick watched her also as she squeezed her nipples and met

each of his thrusts with one of her own. Together they found a rhythm
that Stella found breathtaking.

The sudden wash of orgasm spilling down her body in a rush of

tingling satisfaction made a scream slide from her throat without
warning. Her back arched in pleasure as Dominick fairly fucked her
through the headboard and into the next room.

Tyler whispered something she didn’t hear as her body contracted

and released with each clench of her pussy around Dominick’s
incredibly wide cock. Seconds later, he stiffened above her. The
primal, guttural sound from his lips came seemingly from deep in his
chest. He soon collapsed on her prone body, breathing in and out,
barely able to catch his breath.

Stella tried to remember how to breathe as Tyler leaned over the

bed and kissed her lips.

“That was the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”
She reached out a hand and stroked Tyler’s cheek and ruffled

Dominick’s hair at the same time. “I don’t have words,” she

Dominick rose on hands and knees slowly. He leaned over and

kissed her lips tenderly, then excused himself to the bathroom.

Alone with Tyler, Stella wondered what was scheduled next.
“Turn over,” he said.
She smiled and turned to rest her stomach on the bed. He climbed

behind her, straddled her hips and massaged her back like a pro. Ten
seconds of his magic hands and Stella was moaning in pleasure.

“Your hands are amazing.”
“Thanks. You have the silkiest skin I’ve ever touched.”
“Get undressed and then come back.”
“Great idea.” He hopped off the bed, stripped down quickly, and

returned before she knew it. The telltale sound of a condom package
opening was the only thing that broke the silence.

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Tyler returned to the bed and continued his massage for a few

minutes, but soon pulled her hips up off the bed. “Get on all fours for
me, honey.”

“Okay.” She laughed. “What are you going to do to me?”
He kissed one shoulder. “Make you scream in climax again.”
“I don’t know if that’s possible.” Seriously, three times had to be

her capacity.

“Well, I’d still like to try.”
“Or you could just have sex with me.”
“Sorry, honey, I need to hear you come again first. Preferably

while my cock is buried deeply inside your pussy.”

For the moment his cock was digging into one of her ass cheeks.

The idea of having him fuck her from behind sent a thrill of
excitement down her spine. Maybe she could climax one more time.
If she did, the fourth time would be her personal best in a single day.
And more significantly, it would mark the first time she’d had
multiple orgasms in a twenty-four-hour period but wasn’t all alone
with a vibrator to accomplish the task.

Tyler reached a hand around and pushed his finger into her clit

and rubbed. She moaned as the vibrant tendrils of arousal spun
through her limbs. What a great continuation to a record-breaking day
of orgasmic bliss. Skin to skin, Tyler felt great. Although he had a
much different masculine scent, it was still as intriguing as
Dominick’s. Tyler suddenly shifted his hand and inserted two fingers
into her pussy. He pumped them in and out a few times as her pussy
gushed in anticipation of what was to come.

Stella sighed when he nibbled on the back of her neck and also

went back to fingering her clit. She reached behind her and gripped
his cock one-handed. He groaned in her ear the moment she touched
him with her bare fingers. She stroked up and down his stiff cock.
Each stroke heightened her arousal. Suddenly Dominick seated
himself on the bed in front of her. He helped her to her knees and then

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promptly captured a nipple between his lips, sucking it firmly into his

She pulled in a deep, surprised breath. There was something to be

said about having four masculine hands doing everything possible to
bring about a vivid orgasm. Dominick’s warm mouth teased, licked,
and sucked first one nipple and then the other. Meanwhile, Tyler
stroked her clit with rampant attention as his hips rocked back and
forth, pushing and pulling his cock through her fingers.

Stella wanted sex. She was ready. Shifting her hand to place his

thrusting cock between her legs, Stella pointed the tip of him at her
pussy and thrust her hips backward to give him a hint of what she was
ready to experience.

Tyler pulled his hand from her clit and guided his cock to the

entrance of her pussy. Stella’s body shuddered in anticipation of his
penetration. Dominick still played with her breasts as Tyler pushed
his cock all the way into her pussy with one hard thrust.

“Jesus, you feel so fucking good.” Tyler pulled out quickly and

pierced her again faster, harder, and deeper. Just as she got used to the
rhythm, one of Tyler’s fingers invaded her rear hole just past the ring
of muscles. The sudden anal penetration as he fucked her pussy
zoomed her arousal straight up. The juice on his fingers from stroking
her clit easily aided his entry. With each thrust of his cock, he also
pushed his finger a bit deeper into her rear hole, stretching her
deliciously. The experience was amazingly carnal.

Just as she thought about slipping a hand down to finger her own

clit, Dominick reached between her legs and started stroking her there
as if he’d read her mind.

The sensations of having so many male hands bringing her

pleasure overwhelmed her. Stella had never felt so satisfied in her life.
Her fourth orgasm of the day, the one she didn’t think she’d be able to
generate, suddenly pulsed through her body. Her pussy squeezed
Tyler’s cock. Clench. Thrust. Clench. Thrust. He moaned and pushed
his cock even faster inside, fairly slamming into her with each push.

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Stella tilted her head back and screamed as the lushly satisfying
orgasm crashed through her body. Wave after wave of rich
gratification rolled across her from nipples to clit to pussy and back

Tyler’s lips caressed the lobe of her ear. “You were exquisitely

tight to start with, honey, and now your pussy is like a fist tightening
on my cock over and over again. I need to warn you, I’m about to
come so hard I may lose consciousness.”

Stella’s back arched as Tyler’s thrusts accelerated. Five strokes

later, he stiffened against her back and practically growled against her
shoulder. He didn’t faint, but he did press his chest against her very
heavily, and he stopped moving. Dominick held them both up.

“Fuck that was incredible,” came Tyler’s whispered words.
She couldn’t speak yet, so she just nodded.
Dominick, on his knees before her, released his mouth from one

of her breasts. He rose above her, slid his fingertips along her cheeks,
and cupped her face both of his hands. He pressed a kiss to her mouth
with a tenderness she could learn to adore.

Stella had a sudden wish that she might be able to stay in this

fairy-tale place forever. Two men bringing her to repeated satisfaction
was very addicting. She’d never felt so cherished.

There was only one last item remaining on her list of sexual

positions with these two men that was left unfulfilled.

Double penetration sex.
And she wasn’t leaving this ranch until she’d experienced it with


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Chapter Six

After taking turns in the shower to rinse off, Dominick and Tyler

left Stella sound asleep in Tyler’s bedroom. The amazing sexual
encounter would live in his memories for the rest of his days.

“I didn’t think we’d actually get to have sex with her,” Tyler

whispered once they were out in the hallway.

“Me either.”
“Is it wrong to be already plotting the best way to have sex with

her again?”

Dominick smiled as he was thinking the same thing. “Only if she

wants us.”

Tyler stopped in his tracks and made a face. “It isn’t like we

pressured her the first exquisite time. She definitely wanted to have
sex with us.”

“Fine. I can’t argue. But let’s gauge her attitude once she wakes

up. While it was perfect for us, I don’t want to pressure her for more
if she already satisfied her curiosity.”

Tyler snorted. “Come on. Of course she’s still curious. It’s in her


“You wish she was still curious. Doesn’t make it true.” Dominick

was just giving Tyler grief. He had studied her eyes, and suspected
Tyler was on to something, because she still seemed very curious.

They passed her bedroom as they departed the back stairs on the

way to the great room. A sound erupted and broke the near-silent
conversation they whispered even though they were well out of range
to wake Stella.

“What’s that?”

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The bedroom where Stella had slept the night before was ajar. The

musical noise from within stopped, but after a few seconds started up
again. It was likely her cell phone. Dominick entered the space, which
was already filled with her intoxicating scent, and headed to the high
boy dresser parked next to the bathroom on the right side of the room.

Perched on top of the darkly stained wooden furniture next to her

purse was Stella’s mobile phone. The music stopped once more. So
rare was it for a signal to get through on the DRMC ranch, Dominick
was surprised when the phone suddenly lit up and a ding sounded.
Was that a message?

Tyler, right on his heels inside her room, reached around his arm

and plucked the phone from the surface.

“What are you doing?” Dominick didn’t think they should pry

into her life. Sex didn’t automatically make them complete confidants
and privy to all private information about each other.

“She’s got a text message waiting.”
“Well, don’t look at it,” Dominick said exasperatedly. He reached

for the phone, but Tyler held it out of his reach.

“I wasn’t going to look, I was going to take it to her.”
“Bullshit, Snoopy, you were going to read her messages. I know

you, and you can’t help yourself.” He grabbed for the phone again
and Tyler stepped back and kept it at arm’s length and away from

“Stop being so childish.”
“Stop being so grabby,” Tyler retorted.
The phone made another noise. Tyler looked down at the phone as

he opened his hand. The display on the phone’s touch screen clearly
showed a new message in unmistakable big, bold letters.

Once he looked down the words in the message, scanning them

quickly, unable to now “unsee” the words enclosed in the message.

Where the fuck are you?

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I know you missed the appointment at the assessor’s office. Why

didn’t you call last night to tell me?

If you aren’t dead, you’re fired!

Tyler made a noise and turned the phone away, so the words faced

down and he couldn’t reread them. Didn’t matter though. He’d seen
the message very clearly.

“Shit,” Tyler whispered. “I wish I wasn’t such a fast reader.”
“What should we do?”
“Nothing. Put the phone back and we’ll pretend we didn’t see it?”
“Pretend you didn’t see what?” Stella said from the door.
They both turned to face her. Shit.
Sleep-rumpled and as sexy as hell, Stella stood in the hall wearing

only the shirt she’d had on earlier in the kitchen that led them right
into temptation in the first place.

Tyler moved forward and held her phone out to her. “It jingled.

Usually there is spotty service out here if any at all. We didn’t mean
to read the message.”

She grinned. “That’s okay. It’s not like my messages are a

national secret or anything.”

Tyler ducked his head and said, “Still, we shouldn’t have been so


He handed her the phone. She read the message and frowned. She

looked delectable even with the serious expression wreathing her

“There’s a reason I refer to her as Claudia the Bitch.”
Dominick and Tyler laughed out loud.
“She’s kidding, isn’t she?”
“No. But then again, she threatens to fire me several times a week.

I expect that one of these days she might actually mean it. She
shouldn’t have waited so late in the day to tell me that the package

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needed to be delivered. It’s her own damned fault. But not to worry.
Whatever happens, I’ll figure it out. I always have.”

Tyler hugged her. Dominick approached them. “We didn’t mean

to snoop.”

“I know. It’s okay. I’m pretty much an open book.”
Dominick thought she was a beautiful book.
“We were just on our way to check the weather and status of the

roads. Want to join us?”

“Sure. Maybe I’ll whip us up a snack, too.”
She and Tyler headed for the kitchen. Dominick lingered behind.

It would be so easy, he thought, to fall hopelessly in love with her.

He hoped she wasn’t in trouble at work, but part of him wished

she could stay here with them from now on.

It was foolish, he decided quickly, to be so attached to a beautiful


* * * *

After eating yet another marvelous mid-morning snack, involving

some kind of panfried cinnamon toast corners spread with sweetened
walnut cream cheese, prepared by Stella the amazing chef using the
bare-bones supplies in the kitchen, they all settled into the great room.
Tyler set another fire in the fireplace, and they all piled on the sofa to
watch the weather updates.

The news channel said they were about to get more of the same

snowy weather as the day before. The city trucks were out in force,
plowing the drifts of snow and salting the roads. According to the
local forecasters, the snow came down so fast the workers were barely
keeping up. Every channel warned citizens to stay inside, keep warm,
and most of all not to venture out on the roads unless it was a dire
emergency. And maybe not even then.

Dominick flipped the television off. “Guess we’re stuck here at

least until tomorrow afternoon.”

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“What shall we do?” Tyler asked with a salacious grin.
“I have an idea,” Stella said. She reached out to each of their laps

and stroked their respective cocks through the meager clothes they

“I think it’s about time for you to show me what the Double Rider

Men’s Club is all about.”

Tyler’s head had dropped back to the sofa the moment she

touched his cock. “I’m in.”

Dominick put his hand over hers to stop her, but ended up helping

her. His cock rose so fast he wondered if he’d split his boxer
waistband wide open. “You aren’t ready, but I’m happy to take you to
bed again.”

“No. I want to try it. Tomorrow, when the roads clear, I’ll have to

find my way back to reality. Today, I can still play in your fantasy
world, and I want to try everything at least once before I go.”

She squeezed his shaft. His cock pulsed against her hand in

delight. “We’d have to get you ready. It isn’t something you can just
dive into, so to speak.”

“So help me get ready. What do I have to do?”
“We need to stretch your rear channel a bit more.”
Tyler said the words out loud, but Dominick had thought the exact

same words, and found he was completely aroused at the very idea of
even having any kind of sex again.

“Then let’s get started,” she murmured. Tyler stood and allowed

her hand to drop from his lap. He mumbled something about getting
lubrication, and left the room.

Dominick pushed her hand into his growing cock a bit harder. She

squeezed his shaft once and then climbed on his lap, straddling her
legs across his crotch. His head fell back against the cushion the first
time she ground her pussy against his cock. He closed his eyes and
pushed out a long sigh of utter contentment.

When she removed her hand and promptly stuck it down the front

of his pants to grip his cock bare-handed, he almost lost control.

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When she slid off his lap, landed on the floor, and put her warm
mouth on his solid cock, Dominick groaned out loud.

Shaft now trapped between her luscious lips, he resisted the

sudden urge to shout for joy, let go of his iron control, and come in
her mouth. But that wasn’t his style. Stella shifted a bit and his cock
went deeper into her mouth. Holy mother of God, the sensation was
so exquisite he could barely form thoughts in his head, let alone
words to speak.

There was something about a woman’s mouth wrapped around his

cock that was indescribable. Stella sucking him like a pro was
especially gratifying. Just as he was about to make his move to stop
her, Tyler returned with a small dark towel and an accordion of
condoms in one hand, and a tube of lubrication in the other. He
stopped still in the center of the rug and watched Stella release
Dominick’s cock.

“Don’t stop on my account.” Tyler resumed his approach.
“This is very nice, but I want to be doubly penetrated. I was just

occupying my time until you came back.”

“I’m sure Dominick appreciates your time management skills.”
“Yes, he does.” Dominick spoke for himself.
She stood up but lingered between his open legs. Her gaze was

that of a curious siren unsure what to do with her newfound sexual

Tyler dropped the condoms on the sofa next to his thigh. He

opened the lube and approached Stella.

Tyler pushed her forward. She bent in the middle until her hands

rested on Dominick’s thighs. “I’m going to lube up your sweet rosette
and widen you further with my fingers. Meanwhile, Dominick will
tantalize you in other ways.”

“We’re staying in here?”
“Why not? No one else is in the house, or for that matter around,

for miles. We can watch the winter wonderland outside, enjoy the

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fire, and still initiate you into our unbridled lifestyle right here in the
great room.”

“Sounds marvelous.”
Dominick pushed his pants completely off his hips and bunched

them at his ankles. Stella rose up to allow him to kick them away.
Before she expected it, he nosed his face into her half-unbuttoned
shirt and fastened his mouth to Stella’s breast. He sucked the beaded
tip until she whimpered. Her hands landed on his shoulders.

Behind her, Tyler lubed her and readied her for this auspicious

event. This would also be the first time they christened this great
room. He’d never be in here again without thinking of this amazing
day with her.

“Here come my first two fingers,” Tyler murmured. She squeezed

Dominick’s shoulders, but not too hard. Dominick reached down to
finger her clit and play with her pussy as Tyler readied her for double
penetration. The mere words in his mind made his cock throb in
anticipation. He dipped his finger between her pussy lips and
discovered she was very wet. The soft mewling noises she made as he
sucked on her nipples and rubbed her clit made his cock stiffen and
pulse with the need to fuck.

“And now three fingers,” Tyler said softly. “Are you all right?”
Stella shuddered. “It feels amazing. I think I’m ready.”
“Just a bit longer. Tell me what you feel.”
“Dominick is sucking my nipples and driving me insane rubbing

my clit. Having your fingers stretching my rear hole feels as naughty
as it does exciting. There’s a bit of pain with each small thrust of your
fingers, but the good kind of dark sensation. I’m ready and I want
more. I want you inside of me. I want both of you inside of me.” She
cupped her hand around the back of Dominick’s head and hugged him
closer to her breast. He released her nipple with a pop and reached out
to snag a condom.

Tyler pulled his fingers from Stella, grabbed the towel he’d

brought and excused himself. “Be right back.”

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“Want to do this on the rug in front of the fire?” Dominick asked.

Stella turned a glazed seductive glance towards the fireplace and

The warmth of the crackling flames met them before getting

comfortable on the rug.

“Should I take my shirt off?” she asked.
Dominick shrugged. “Whatever makes you happy.”
She unbuttoned the last two buttons and allowed it to slip off her

shoulders. She tossed it to one side as Tyler returned. He smiled when
he noticed that they were both on their knees by the fire.

Stella, arms draped over his shoulders, leaned in and planted a

quick kiss on his lips. Dominick returned the kiss, and hugged her
tight to make it memorable. Tyler grabbed the rest of the condoms
and shed his clothes before joining them on the rug.

Dominick put his hand on her ass and pushed her closer to him.

He released her from the kiss and sat down on his butt before
motioning her to mount his rigid cock.

“Ride me.”
She complied, and had his cock buried in her pussy before he took

his next breath. She rode him up and down for several strokes before
Tyler, on his knees also, positioned himself behind her.

Dominick reached up to pluck at her rosy, delectable nipples. The

tube of lubrication was again used to get Stella completely ready.
Each penetration as she lowered and lifted herself made Dominick
more and more eager. His cock was ready to burst, but he held his
pleasure. Once Tyler was inside her, Dominick knew he’d have to
concentrate to keep from blowing his wad like a teenager forced to
endure a week without any sex.

* * * *

Stella pushed up and down on Dominick’s gloriously wide cock.

It was a wonder she wasn’t already split in two from his girth

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stretching her pussy. Both of them were generously endowed. Behind
her, Tyler had inserted more lube into her anal hole. She was so
excited she could hardly contain herself. He tore off a condom from
the several he’d brought down, and she heard him put it on.

This was about to happen. She was moments from experiencing

the dark, naughty pleasure of double penetration sex. She’d forgotten
how much it had intrigued her the first time she’d heard her friend
talk about it.

Tyler leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Are you ready for me?”
She nodded, unable to speak a word. She’d probably squeak in

excitement the moment he penetrated her from sheer exhilaration.

“Bend over,” he said and put his hand in the center of her bare

back. She pushed her pussy down completely onto Dominick’s cock
and bent over far enough to kiss his chest. His fingers were buried
securely in her hair.

Tyler suddenly eased the tip of his cock into her slick rear

channel. The pressure built suddenly as he pushed slowly forward.
The pain of his entry wasn’t as acute as she’d imagined, until he got
past the muscles of her rosette. She sucked in a deep breath as he
continued pushing slowly and endlessly inside her virgin derriere.

“Oh God,” she whispered. He stopped moving.
Dominick gripped her head and asked, “Are you okay?”
“Yes. It’s amazing. Don’t stop.”
“Relax,” Tyler murmured, and inched his way further inside until

he was fully embedded.

She released a long sigh, realizing she’d held her breath as Tyler

had penetrated her. “Having both of your cocks inside me is beyond
description,” she whispered auspiciously.

“Good,” Tyler said, “Wait until we start moving.”
Dominick released the grip he had on her head and slid his hands

down to her hips. “I’ll help you move on me as Tyler fucks your ass.”

The raw words sent her excitement threshold to a whole new

level. She moved up and down on Dominick, and then Tyler moved

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out and in her newly stretched anal hole. The sensation took another
unexpected breath from her. Two cocks was very filling, and yet also

Tyler soon slid a hand around and started stroking her clit.
Three flicks of his finger and she climaxed, shrieking as if trying

to bring the walls down by her voice alone. Her pussy squeezed
Dominick’s cock relentlessly. She moved faster and faster up and
down. Tyler found a good rhythm working with her movements. The
double penetration was even more intense as her orgasm spiraled
deeper and deeper.

Beneath her, Dominick growled and pumped up inside her as she

came down on him. Tyler suddenly pushed deeper than any previous
thrust and groaned long and loud.

Suspended between these two intriguingly perfect men, Stella

wondered how only doing this once would be enough to satisfy her
sudden cravings for this new dark obsession she’d discovered.

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Chapter Seven

Dominick and Tyler took turns massaging her in the shower. Each

of Stella’s muscles ached in the best way possible from all the
newfound sexual pleasures she’d experienced today.

Post shower, Dominick had carried her to the bed and given her a

full body massage with his firm, magical fingers. Tyler watched for
awhile, but soon reached out and started stroking her as well. The
reality of four male hands stroking her skin from the top of her head
to the tips of her toes was hard to dismiss. She could get use to it.
They never once touched a nipple, her clit, or her pussy, as if trying to
get her hot by not quite rubbing sensitive areas of her body. It drove
her insane. Just when a wayward finger would rub close to an
erogenous zone, the digit would veer off. But it was relaxing, too. She
hadn’t slept well the night before. With so many orgasms today, it
was a wonder she had lasted this long without falling sound asleep.
The nap in Tyler’s room had helped, but she needed more rest.

Eventually, after so many rounds of decadent pleasure filling her

senses, Stella let go and dozed off. She felt them leave the bed. But
she only barely remembered them whispering in her ear about being
back soon. She woke an indeterminate time later all alone in Tyler’s
bed. A note propped on the bedside said to enjoy the lazy afternoon,
they’d gone to check some things on the ranch property, and would be
back in an hour or two.

She got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. In the distance she

heard a vehicle engine rev its motor. They were probably zipping all
around easily on their snowmobiles. Maybe later she’d ask them to
take her out and about the property.

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Stella called out, “Dominick! Tyler!” Then she listened for any

noise to ensure no one else was in the house. Satisfied she was all
alone and not about to be surprised by one of them, she traipsed naked
down to the room they’d given her, and selected another men’s
button-up shirt from the near-empty closet.

Her hair still damp, Stella flipped the mass over one shoulder,

buttoned the bottom two buttons of the shirt, leaving the top fairly
gaping open for their return. The last time she’d dressed this way and
gone to the kitchen, she’d gotten lucky, repeatedly. She smiled to
herself as she entered the kitchen to assess the remaining food
supplies in the pantry for what she’d cook for dinner this evening. It
would be a challenge, but she was empowered by testing herself for a

With the snow still falling gently, the skies were gray and made

time assessment difficult. She glanced at the clock, noting it was still
early afternoon and several hours until dark.

The sound of a motor approached the house from the direction of

the garage. She heard what sounded like the garage door opening and
smiled. Once they parked the snowmobiles, they would come through
the kitchen. She decided to try to lure them into decadent sexual acts
once more.

This would be so fun. She balanced her butt on a tall barstool and

arched her back over the island, resting like she was ready to be
fucked. She arranged her shirt so that one breast was uncovered, and
bent one leg, putting her heel next to her ass on the seat. She rested
her other foot on a barstool rung. They couldn’t miss her pussy on
display now.

Wouldn’t they be surprised that she was ready for more double

penetration and sexual delights?

She heard noises near the garage door and allowed her eyes to

drift shut.

The door opened. She heard what sounded like a boot step enter

the area.

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“I have a surprise for you,” she called out.
Another step and then something fell to the floor. Stella’s eyes

popped open in surprise. And then she promptly got another one. A
strange man stood in the doorway to the kitchen.

Well over six and a half feet of muscle encased in black leather,

he was a sight to behold. He also had his mouth partly open. At his
booted feet was the plastic bag of groceries he’d dropped upon
entering. “I’m surprised all right. Especially since you’re almost
wearing one of my old shirts.”

Stella screeched and rolled off the stool, grabbing at the borrowed

shirt to hold the front closed. “Who are you?” She backed up and
grabbed a knife from the kitchen block, wielding it in front of her.

“Who the hell are you?” He parroted her question as his hands

raised to the level of his waist. She brandished the knife and waved it
back forth again. He didn’t have to know she wouldn’t be able to use

A long sigh escaped his lips “My name is Clay. I live here with

two other guys. Where are they? What have you done with them?”

“I didn’t do anything with them!” Well, that wasn’t completely

true. She’d done quite a number of “things” with them.

“I see.” He looked down, bent over, and picked up the bag he’d

dropped when he’d come in to see her baring absolutely all.

“Don’t come any closer.”
“What’s your name, sweetheart? How on earth did you get out

here in all this deplorable weather?” He didn’t move, but she was still
intimidated. Even with the butcher knife in one hand, in a hand-to-
hand test of skills between them, she’d lose. And she knew it. The
serious look on his face said he knew it, too.

“Can we form some sort of truce? I have more groceries to bring

in from my truck.”

“Yeah. You put the knife down, and I don’t call the cops for home


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Stella pushed out a long, slow breath and gained a few wits about

her. She lowered the knife and said, “You can’t call the cops. There’s
no signal. And besides I was invited to be here.”

“Okay, Goldilocks, but I forgot the part of the story where you

display yourself in a pornographic way in the kitchen. Perhaps I read
the wrong version of that fairy tale.” He grinned so she knew he was

“Very funny.” Stella sent a rueful gaze to his amused expression.

“I don’t suppose I could get you to forget what you saw when you
first came in here.”

He grinned even wider. “Not likely. A man doesn’t forget that sort

of overt vision. Ever.”

“I thought you were Dominick and Tyler coming back.”
“Right.” His eyebrows rose. “Where are they again?”
She shrugged. “I was actually asleep when they left. The note they

left on the nightstand said they went to check on a building on the

Clay nodded. “Okay.” He lifted three bags on to the island she’d

vacated. “I’ll go get the rest of the groceries, and then you can tell me
your story.”

“I think you already know far more about me than I want you to.”

She closed her eyes and felt heat creep up her cheeks. “Do you need
any help?”

“No. I can manage. You can start putting stuff away if you want.”
She nodded, but didn’t move to touch the bags he’d put on the


He took a step back, but then smiled again. “I don’t bite, unless a

formal request is made, okay?”

She nodded and smiled at him, but still didn’t move a muscle

closer. “So our truce is now in effect then?”

“Yes.” He exited the kitchen and Stella let out a breath she didn’t

realize she’d been holding.

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The first grocery bag was filled with various packages including

beef steaks, a pork loin, two slabs of bacon, and a large package of
chicken breasts. The second bag had various fresh vegetables and a
large bag of apples inside. The third sack contained more staples for
the refrigerator. There was butter, sour cream, dressing, cans of
biscuits, two rolls of sausage and resting on top of everything was a
large container of eggs. Recipes swirled in her head as she took
inventory in her mind of all the new food available.

Clay returned with five more plastic bags of groceries threaded on

his large forearms and hands.

“If I’d known the boys had a guest, I would have brought more.”
“That’s okay. I won’t be here much longer.”
“I assume the car in the ditch by the gate belongs to you, then?”
“Yep. Want to buy a slightly dented POS for a significantly

reduced price?”

He cracked a smile. “Thanks for the offer, but I’ll pass. Besides, it

might not be totaled. Dominick knows a guy that will tell you the
truth, and either way give you the absolute best price for repair or

Stella opened the refrigerator and started loading all the

perishables inside. “That’s what he told me, but I’m not confident. I’ll
likely have to sell my soul to fix it.”

“Dominick could probably help you out with that, too.”
She shot him a glare. “I’m not here to extract money.”
He shrugged. “Given the pose you were in when I arrived, I’m

assuming you and my two roommates are intimately acquainted.”

“Thanks for not calling me a whore.”
He shot her a frown. “You look like you’re old enough to do what

you want with your life. I promise I’m not making any judgments. I’ll
admit I was more surprised than I initially thought.”

“Maybe it’s what I think of myself right now.” She pushed out a

long sigh, realizing she already missed Dominick and Tyler, and

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hadn’t even left the property yet. But if Clay could come in, then she
could go out, and her fantasy sex life was about to come to an end.

“You shouldn’t.”
“Why not?”
“Unusual circumstances. You were trapped with two good men in

a fantasy lodge for over twenty-four hours. I’m sure Tyler talked you
into letting go. He’s good at that. And if you have any inkling of what
the DRMC is about, it can be intriguing. Did they explain it?”

“Yes. They explained what the DRMC is early on. I was very

intrigued. And I was the one who instigated that first time. Truth be
told, I probably I instigated what happened the second and third times,

“Even better.”
“Because I know Dominick, and even Tyler wouldn’t have started

anything with you if you weren’t completely willing. I’m sure he was
ready to outline the details of the club all the way down to our bylaws
within the first hour.”

She smiled. “Dominick held out for twelve hours. Until I made

breakfast in a shirt much like the one I’m wearing now.”

“It looks better on you than it ever did on me.”
“Thanks.” Stella felt the heat rising in her cheeks again. He stared

at her good and hard for several seconds. Stella thought he was very
attractive, but adding a third man to her weekend might send her over
the edge of insanity.

“Are you hungry? I could whip something up.”
“No thanks. I ate before I came home. It was a treacherous trip,

but I was worried about them not having any food. Between them,
they can’t even boil water without a major kitchen disaster.”

“I know. I’ve been cooking for my keep.”
A grin shaped his sensuous lips. “That would be an amazing feat

of skill. I know there wasn’t much left here to work with in meal

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“I made do.” She eyed him carefully and took stock of his

features. He possessed dark eyes that pierced the soul, a complexion
as dark as a perpetual sunbather’s as if he’d come straight out of the
ocean and crossed a Caribbean beach. He’d likely have dark hair too,
if his head wasn’t shaved. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Extremely Dangerous-
looking made for an interesting package. If she weren’t so engaged
with Dominick and Tyler, she might be attracted to Clay as well.

But she just knew she couldn’t add one more man to her life. Not

even this extraordinary fantasy life.

As if he plucked the thoughts right out of her mind, he said, “I’m

not going to do anything sexual to you. Not even if you throw
yourself at me. Or lay naked and exposed on the kitchen island

Stella tilted her head to one side. How had he known that was

exactly what she was thinking? “I’m grateful, but is it because you’ve
already seen what I have to offer and you’re just not interested, or
worse, put off?”

“Not even close. I’m sort of on a sabbatical from sex. Don’t get

me wrong. I still love to watch what this club has to offer, but I’m
working through something personal. I’m not ready to jump back into
a physical relationship. Not quite yet, anyway. I promise, you’re
completely safe from me, no matter how many times you flash me
wearing that shirt.”

Stella took the opportunity to button the very top button. She

considered what he said for a long moment. “Good for you.” She held
up a hand as if ready to swear to tell the whole truth in a court of law.
“And I swear not to tempt you anymore with any naked poses.”

“Thanks. You were very tempting. I’m not unaffected. Not even

close, but I think we should strike up a friendship instead. Deal?”

“Deal. Thanks, Clay.”
“And what should I call you?”
“Oh.” She grinned. “I’m Stella.”
“Very nice to meet you, Stella.”

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They finished putting all the groceries away and retreated to the

great room. Stella knew she blushed as they approached the fireplace.
Memories of her first double penetration lovemaking came easily to

Abundant embers still red from earlier helped Clay get a blazing

fire going in no time.

“What led you here?” he asked once the fire was stoked and


“I was on my way to an appointment for work. But I obviously

didn’t make it.”

“Well, they are calling this the storm of the century.”
“My supervisor has little use for those who can’t produce magical

results. I already got a hate text from her earlier. I tried to send a
message, but the wisp of signal that allowed the text to come to me
evaporated before I could respond.”

“If it was for work, don’t they have to cover any accidents? You

should at least try. They shouldn’t have sent you out into the storm.
Nothing is that important.”

“Claudia the Bitch has her own set of rules.”
He laughed. “Does she know she’s a bitch?”
“Well, does she have a boss you could complain to?”
Stella contemplated her supervisor, Claudia, and her boss, Mr.

Cock Sucked, and all those long lunches they’d shared in the past
year. “I’m pretty sure she sucks his cock on a regular basis. So no
help for me there.”

“Does her boss have a boss you could talk to about being

reimbursed for your vehicle? Or is she sucking his cock as well?”

“No. Claudia’s boss, Mr. Fuller, is the son of a named partner.

The senior partners are semi-retired and getting their pleasures
elsewhere. As long as the company shows a profit, those left behind
to run things are left alone.”

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Stella had a sudden thought about one of the senior partners, Mr.

Baker. He’d hired her long ago. He’d been either an old friend or old
employer, or both, of her mother’s. Five years ago she’d needed a job,
and hadn’t cared about the affiliation with her parent.

Eighteen months ago, he’d also been the one Stella turned to when

her mother had taken a turn for the worse. Mr. Baker had helped her
arrange for a better place for her mother to die. She owed him a lot.
He was the primary reason why she felt like she couldn’t quit this
horrible job.

Three more years of Claudia the Bitch and she’d be free of the

debt she’d incurred to keep her mother in a “nice” place for her last
few months. It had been worth it even if her mother didn’t express her
gratitude in words. Or actions.

“Any brothers who are bodybuilders, or better yet your father,

who could go put the fear of God into your boss the whore, I mean,
the bitch?”

“Nope, it’s just me. No parents left alive. No siblings.”
“Too bad.” He suddenly snapped his fingers. “I’ll tell you what.

I’ll pretend to be one of your close, yet protective, older relatives.”

With her skin as fair as a shaft of moonlight hitting a snow bank,

and light blonde hair to match compared to his darkly dangerous
looks, they couldn’t be more different in appearance if they made a
special effort.

“We don’t look anything alike.” The difference in physical

comparison made her smile.

His shoulders lifted. “So? Maybe you adopted me into your fair

family. I’m only there to help her understand she shouldn’t abuse my
little sister, cousin, niece, pick your title, in the workplace. Or better
yet, I could be your bodyguard. I have experience.”

Stella laughed. “Thanks, but don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

She’d done pretty well for herself this past year in the wake of losing
her final parent. Stella had been sad when her mother passed just
under a year ago, but the truth was Stella had been closer to her

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father. Until his sudden death in an automobile accident seven years
before, she and her mother hadn’t even made much of a pretense of a

Stella’s mother wanted her to settle down and get married to

someone very rich and have several children. That was her American
dream. But Stella had a bit of a restless spirit. She didn’t want a
conventional existence. She didn’t want to be a hausfrau, or anything
close. At least her domestic side hadn’t ever made an appearance until
this weekend.

For the first time in her life, Stella considered embarking on a

romance. Dominick and Tyler had touched her. She was getting used
to the idea of an unconventional lifestyle, including two men instead
of one. But it wasn’t like she was going to marry the two of them.

From across the house a door to the outside burst open.
“Clay!” Tyler shouted. “Are you in here?”
“We’re by the fire!” Clay shouted back.
And that’s how they found her. Seated next to their roommate in

front of a roaring fire, Stella looked up at Tyler and Dominick as they
came in from the cold. Marriage promises or not, how could she ever
leave them? She still wore Clay’s shirt, and he didn’t move from
beside her when Dominick walked up, fell to his knees, and kissed her
like he hadn’t seen her in months.

“Miss us?” he whispered against her lips.
Without taking his gaze from her eyes, Dominick asked, “What

are you doing here, Clay? With the storm of the century piling snow
on us in record amounts, thought we wouldn’t see you until tomorrow
at the earliest.”

“Turns out, I’m just that good. Can you believe it, I felt sorry for

you and your lack of food stores? At least until I arrived to see your
new special guest. I understand she saved you from starvation.”

“I hope you didn’t scare her or otherwise make her

uncomfortable.” Dominick’s tone had deepened, but he still stared at

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her. His tone of voice suggested the possibility of pain or death if he
had. Likely Clay wasn’t afraid, since he outweighed him by a good
fifty pounds.

“Of course not. She just helped me put the groceries away and

we’ve been chatting about her bitchy boss with the oral fixation.”

Dominick smiled. “I see.”
Stella reached out a hand to stroke his face. Tyler approached

them, leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Do you?”

He nodded, and his smile told her all she needed to know. He

wasn’t at all jealous about her being with Clay. How extraordinary.
And still, the call of her busy life sent an urgent message to her
lovesick brain that maybe it was time to come back to reality.

“Now that the roads are better, maybe Clay should take me


“No,” Tyler and Dominick said in unison.

* * * *

Tyler didn’t know what he expected to find inside once they saw

Clay’s truck by the garage on the way back from checking the newest
building on the ranch. But Stella looking like a rumpled sex kitten
perched next to him by the fire wasn’t even close.

“Why do you want to leave?” he asked. Tyler found he couldn’t

keep the forlorn sound at bay, either.

“I don’t ‘want’ to leave, but I have a broken car, a boss who hates

me, and a life I need to get back to for a variety of reasons. If Clay
can get me back home, I should go.”

“I thought we’d have at least until tomorrow.” Tyler didn’t want

her to go this year, let alone any time in the foreseeable future.

“To do what?”
“Convince you to consider us on a more permanent basis. We

don’t want to end this relationship.”

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Stella stood up slowly. Dominick rose with her. “This has been

great. But it was just a fantasy for me. I need to go back to my

“And there isn’t any room for us in your reality. Really? Because

I’d love for you to reconsider.”

Dominick cupped her face in his hands. “We won’t pressure you,

but just know this has been more than just a hookup for us.”

She smiled. Dominick kissed her lightly. She turned and slid her

arms around Tyler’s neck. He hugged her tight to show her he didn’t
want to ever let go. He truly didn’t.

The kiss he gave her was sensuous and demanding and carnal, and

making his cock hard again. She pushed her hips forward into his wily
erection. He started to lose himself in the connection. The heat of the
fire licking at his legs didn’t even sink in. Everything fell away
around them. They kissed and kissed and kissed for what seemed like
an hour.

Clay cleared his throat and finally they broke the decadent,

luscious kiss.

Tyler never wanted to let her go. Not today. Not ever. Now to

convince Stella and Dominick what a powerful trio they’d make.

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Chapter Eight

Stella kissed Tyler like it would be for the last time ever. A

sadness rose inside her because she wasn’t ready to say good-bye to
them. Although it sounded like they wanted her to hang around for
more than just this weekend. But that was crazy, right? She shouldn’t
think this was more than just an opportunity to be wild and wicked
and act out amazing two-men double penetration fantasies.

“Let’s go upstairs,” Tyler whispered, then resumed the luscious


Stella broke the kiss. “I was about to make something for us to


“We can eat later.” Tyler’s gaze fairly seared her eyeballs with

scorching heat. He looked like a man completely in love. She didn’t
ever remember feeling so cherished before. Mentally she shook her
head. Keep cool. No promises about a future. She was trying to be
practical. Surely they didn’t really want to start a relationship with

A quick glance at Dominick, and she didn’t see any help there. He

looked like a man unsettled with the events unfolding. Perhaps a
better word to describe him was undecided about what he wanted to
do regarding this weekend romp.

“Let’s go upstairs and have a chat,” Dominick murmured, and

moved closer.

Clay stretched out his legs and crossed them as if to settle in front

of the fire for awhile. “Don’t mind me. I’ll just warm up by the fire
here for awhile.”

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Tyler stood and pulled her up by her arms away from Clay’s

comfortable form. He slid an arm around her waist and led her
towards the stairs.

As they passed him, Dominick called out over one shoulder, “Go

ahead. I’ll be up in a few minutes.”

Tyler didn’t remark or even break his stride as he fairly pushed

her upstairs.

Once they were on the landing he turned and asked, “Clay didn’t

scare you, did he?”

She tried not to show alarm in her face, but it didn’t seem to work.

Tyler pushed out a long sigh and looked down the stairs like he was
about to go kick Clay’s ass.

Stella put a palm on his cheek and turned his face toward her. “He

certainly surprised me. I heard the garage door, but thought it was you
and Dominick.” She wasn’t about to tell him that she was sprawled
half-naked on the island when Clay came in. Although, given that this
club was all about watching sex, perhaps it wasn’t that big of a deal in
the great scheme of things.

Tyler nodded. “I never expected him to show up this early. We

wouldn’t have left you alone if we’d known.”

Stella grinned and put a small kiss on his cheek. “Please don’t

worry about it. He seems very nice. And I got the distinct impression
that he was very worried about the two of you out here all alone.”
Stella laughed. “I mean seriously, he’s probably right. If I weren’t
here, wouldn’t you both be starving to death?”

He squeezed her around the waist again as they walked through

the door to his room. “It’s a distinct possibility. That’s another reason
we want you to stay. You’re the best cook.”

“You poor thing.” She gave him a smile. “Tell you what, if I’m

ever looking for a part-time job as a short-order cook, I’ll let you
know immediately, if not sooner.”

She’d never thought of herself as an expert gourmet cook or chef.

Her mother hadn’t cared for her style of cooking, and on more than

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one occasion, had blamed her unusual meal choices as the primary
reason she wasn’t married yet. Stella tucked away that pinch of hurt
and regret that she’d never managed to make her mother proud of her
before she left this world for the next one. And her mother’s overall
dissatisfaction with the way she led her life without male influence in
the form of a serious boyfriend, or better yet a husband, or even the
barest hint of a driven need to get married and reproduce, made their
relationship tense on the best of days.

For perhaps the very first time in her life, she pondered the

satisfaction she’d derive from cooking for someone special in her life.
These two men put her head in a whole different space. They were so
generous with their praise when she barely made an effort. It was nice
to be complimented on her cooking, and appreciated for her efforts by
using the most limited of ingredients.

She’d always balked at doing anything related to “women’s work”

because of her mother’s ideas for how she should have led her life.
Her mother’s idea of a perfect utopian life was living as a housewife
with several kids in suburbia, preferably with a rich man bringing
home a steady paycheck. It would take a miracle to talk her into kids,
but cooking for two men who appreciated her skills was something
she’d never thought she wanted. Not until now, at least.

“If I thought you were serious, I’d hire you in a minute.”
They’d reached the side of his bed. Earlier she’d merely pulled the

sheets up to the pillow, not really making the bed because she
assumed they’d be back in it today. The look in Tyler’s eyes told her
she was right. He put a hand on her chest at the wide opening of her
half-unbuttoned shirt. His fingertips massaged either side of her
collarbone. When he slipped his hand down to cover one breast, she
couldn’t stop the sudden inhalation of breath. She wanted him again,
unsure how that was even possible after all the sexual playing they’d
already done.

Stella slipped her hands to his waistband and unbuckled his belt.

He kissed her beneath her earlobe in an achingly tender gesture she

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would certainly miss. Unless she decided to throw caution to the wind
and continue a relationship with them.

Was it crazy? Perhaps. Stella made a decision. She wouldn’t rule

out anything regarding a future time together, but promised herself
she’d leave and get some distance from them before making any final
commitments about her a permanent relationship. She’d go home first
and think things over on her own turf before saying anything she
couldn’t take back.

Tyler pinched her nipple as she unzipped his pants. A lick of

pleasure snaked from her nipple to her clit in a snap. She wrapped her
fingers around his swollen cock and squeezed a moan out of him a
second later. He nibbled a sensitive spot on her shoulder until she
almost couldn’t take any more. He’d brought her so much pleasure,
she wanted to return the favor. She fell to her knees and slipped his
cock into her mouth.

“Jesus, you’re so good at that,” he grated out. He sat down hard

on the bed as she sucked him deeper between her lips.

He pulled her off. “I’m thinking of a number between sixty-eight

and seventy. Climb on the bed over me. Put your pussy where I can
taste you.”

Stella grinned. She’d never participated in the highly publicized

sixty-nine position before. She stood, unbuttoned her shirt, and
shrugged it off of her shoulders as he also completely disrobed. He
seated himself on the edge of the bed, scooted back until only his
large feet dangled off, and motioned her to join him.

She crawled on all fours on the bed, turned so their heads were

together, and kissed his mouth once. Then she kissed his chest on the
way down to suck his cock again. Once she had his cock stuffed all
the way between her lips and had started sucking, she felt his fingers
on her pussy lips. He flicked her clit a few times and slid his fingers
into her body. It felt pretty good, but when he then grabbed her outer
thighs, pushed his mouth against her pussy and sucked her clit
between his lips, she almost choked.

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Fist gripped around Tyler’s cock, Stella sucked the wide head

across her tongue and tried not to squirm away from the delicious
things he was doing to her pussy. When he pushed two pussy-juice-
laden fingers into her ass, she pulled her mouth off his cock and came
in a rush so strong she almost fainted. Weakened from her climax, she
slid off her elbows. Her breasts collided with his hip bones. He rolled
them to one side, presumably so he could breathe again, since she
basically collapsed on him.

Dominick entered the room just then. “I was watching from the

door. You two look amazing together like that. I wish we had a large
mirror in here to see better.”

Tyler removed his face from her pussy. “God, that was fun.

Maybe we could go try out the Stadium. Lots of mirrors there.”

“But you didn’t even come,” Stella said.
“That’s okay, I can come next time.”
She felt truly guilty for stopping before he’d climaxed. Then what

he’d just said infiltrated her lust-saturated brain. “What’s the

Dominick said, “The Stadium isn’t finished yet.”
“But what is it?” She persisted in her quest for knowledge of the

elusive and intriguing place.

Tyler brushed his fingers along the inside of her sensitive thighs.

“The Stadium is a specially created building on this property to help
us realize the full potential of our unbridled lifestyle. In it is a large,
open, mirrored space for threesomes to perform during our annual
event. But Dominick is right. The place isn’t finished.”

“How about instead of moving this party, we stay here, I’ll

undress, Stella finishes sucking your cock, and I can take her from
behind as she does it.”

“Sounds great.”
“I agree.” Stella still breathed hard, but slid off the bed and

positioned herself back between Tyler’s legs, now dangling off the

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Dominick started taking his clothes off as Stella bent at the waist

and fastened her mouth around Tyler’s cock once more.

She started sucking as Dominick reached into the bedside drawer

for a condom.

Tyler’s fingers wove through her hair as she sucked him deeper

and deeper into her mouth.

Dominick, suddenly behind her, brushed his cock along the back

of her thigh. She locked her knees as he penetrated her slick pussy

Up and down, she moved on Tyler’s cock as Dominick matched

her rhythm with his slow, seductive thrusts into her body. He gripped
her hips for more leverage, and sped his thrusts.

She felt deliciously decadent sucking on one man’s cock as

another filled her pussy. The stirrings of another climax rushed up her

“I’m about to lose it,” Dominick grated out between his clenched

teeth. “She’s so fucking tight, it’s a wonder I don’t shoot my load
with the first thrust inside her slick pussy.”

He reached around and fingered her clit as he fairly pounded

inside her with his cock.

Without releasing Tyler’s cock from her mouth, Stella groaned as

the orgasm she hadn’t expected rolled across her frame.

“Jesus, her pussy walls are squeezing my cock relentlessly.”
Tyler laughed. “And her mouth is squeezing mine with similar

ferocity. I think we’ve died and gone to heaven. If I’m asleep, don’t
wake me up.”

Dominick suddenly growled and thrust deeply. Three more quick

strokes, and he bent at the waist and kissed her on the back.

As if patiently waiting for her to recover, Tyler’s fingers

massaged her scalp with tenderness. All of a sudden, he tugged at her
locks and whispered, “I’m about to come.” She sucked him a bit
deeper into her mouth, the head of his cock suddenly pressed against

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the back of her throat. He came in a sudden rush, and Stella
swallowed every drop of what he gave her.

How was she ever going to leave this behind? Perhaps she would

make an effort to come back here. She’d just have to take care not to
let anyone find out about the new decadent lifestyle she’d discovered
and refused to give up.

* * * *

Snuggled up to Stella’s back, Dominick brushed his fingertips

from her shoulder, down her arm to her hip, and back again. He
kissed her beneath one earlobe, and she giggled.

“I love to hear your laugh.”
“Thank you. That’s sweet. It’s been a long time since anyone

complimented anything I’ve done. You do it a lot. I like it.”

“What I said about loving your laugh is true. And if you haven’t

been getting loads of compliments, then you’ve been hanging around
the wrong men if they haven’t noticed.”

Stella sighed. “Well, that’s partly my fault. The truth is, I haven’t

taken time for men in my life. Not for quite awhile.”

“Actually, I sort of like that, as well.”
She laughed again. A warmth surged in his chest at the sound.

“What about Tyler?”

“He doesn’t count.”
“What about Clay?”
“I would only be upset about Clay if you were. It is entirely

possible that if you chose this life, Clay would likely see us together
in an intimate way. And it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that he
might join the three of us in a private session if the mood ever struck
all of us.”

She looked over her shoulder, a slight bit of concern in her gaze.

“Like three men and me?”

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He nodded. “Or he could replace one of us one time. Or he could

watch us together in a private setting.”

“Huh. Interesting lifestyle. Just when I think I have it all figured

out you throw me for a loop and I’m surprised yet again.”

He grinned. “Yeah. That’s one of the reasons I love this group so

much. Unexpected rushes of sexual pleasure in unusual scenarios.”

“So if I joined you in a threesome with Tyler…” She trailed off,

seemingly unable to complete the sentence. Dominick wanted her to
be thinking very seriously about the three of them on a permanent

“Then the three of us would only have sex with each other in any


“Any format?”
“I mean you and me only, you and Tyler only, the three of us at

the same time, the two of us watching you bring yourself off—”

“Wow. Another surprise.”
He laughed. “However, if we invited someone to join the three of

us, we would only do so if all three of us truly agreed wholeheartedly.
No doubts. We likely wouldn’t bring it up for awhile, or we’d allow
you to tell us when or if you were ever ready for that level.”

“Clay has offered to be my enforcer against Claudia the Bitch,

like an older cousin to stand up for me. I think that’s how I sort of
think of him now. My older, overprotective family bodyguard.”

“Well, Clay also has a past, and he doesn’t often share any aspects

of this lifestyle up close and personal.”

“What happened to him?” Stella’s tone of voice indicated that she

was genuinely concerned about his friend. It made Dominick like her
even more.

He shook his head. “It’s a long story, and not mine to tell.”
She smiled and turned away. “You’re a good friend.”
“So are you for not pressing me for information like gossip?” A

fiercely loyal feeling rose up and gripped his chest.

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Clay was one of his very best friends. Second only to Tyler. He

hugged Stella closer, burrowed his face in her neck, and inhaled her
luscious scent. She reached out and stroked Tyler’s face in a loving

Tyler was on his back next to Stella’s front, sound asleep. He

expected him to begin snoring any moment.

“Looks like you tuckered him all out.”
“I can’t believe I’m not conked out, too. I’m tired, but not sleepy.”
“We should have paced ourselves better. But we didn’t want to

miss any opportunity. If you’d promise to think about coming back
for a visit, we might stop fucking you every hour on the hour before
you leave tomorrow.”

Her musical laughter rolled across his senses again. “You’re

funny. But it isn’t as though I haven’t been strutting around here in
next to nothing so you’d ignore me. I had my wicked way with the
two of you as well.”

A deflection. Time to be direct. “Will you come back again? Will

we ever see you again?”

“I’m not ruling it out. It’s just that my emotions are frayed, and I

don’t want to make promises I can’t keep.”

“What’s the holdup?”
“I’ve got a demanding and time-consuming job. One that I need to

keep regardless of how much Claudia the Bitch annoys me.”

“It’s not like we would ever ask you to quit your job.”
“I know. I’m just not sure I’m ready to add another level to it.

Maybe someday, but not now. And it isn’t because I don’t care about
the two of you, or that this lifestyle doesn’t suit me. I believe I’ve
proven it’s a great life, and I enjoy it.”

“But I have obligations, and I don’t want to promise my free time

when I rarely have any.”

“Okay. We’ll take things slow and see what happens. At least take

our phone numbers.”

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“I can do that.”
“I’ll have your car towed to my friend Boyd Caldwell’s shop this

week, and if you give me your number, I’ll call to let you know your

“I really appreciate it, Dominick.” The final word came out

through a yawn. “I usually hate going to get my car serviced. The
places I go always smile too much as they hand over the bill that is
likely inflated. I always feel like I’m getting screwed, and not in a
good way.”

“Not to worry. I’ve got your back.” He kissed the top of her spine

to enforce his point. She didn’t move. He peeked over her shoulder to
find her sound asleep. Stella was uniquely beautiful. Her demeanor
was that of a smart and efficient female all alone in the world at large.
He suspected she would be fiercely loyal to those she deemed friends,
and he respected that in her.

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Chapter Nine

After spending one more night, Stella had very mixed feelings

about leaving her little fantasy chalet in the woods. The place where
she’d found an utterly perfect sanctuary in the face of a wrecked and
snowbound car. And the most satisfaction in her life regarding men,
sex, and the capacity of her body to experience heights of pleasure
she’d never known possible.

For all her eagerness to leave barely before she’d gotten in their

door a couple of days ago, Stella’s eyes actually misted up when she
faced Dominick and Tyler after one final meal around the breakfast

Clay had been most complimentary about her cooking both last

night and this morning. He also expressed a willingness to hire her to
come out one day a week and cook ahead for them.

“I don’t think I could cook ahead. I just look at a few ingredients,

and ideas come to me sort of on the spot.”

Clay had smiled. “So you don’t have any formal training, because

seriously, I haven’t eaten food this good without paying a shitload for
it. I feel like I should give you a generous tip.”

“Not necessary, but thanks so much for saying so,” she’d said, and

meant it wholeheartedly. Even Clay was able to give her a
compliment, and she barely knew him. A feeling of warmth suffused
her being as she stood in the kitchen with the three of them trying to
say good-bye without breaking down into a puddle of sorrow.

She filled her mind with the urgent list of what she needed to

accomplish once she got home. A rental car to replace her wrecked
one, a call to her workplace to let them know she’d totaled her car in

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an effort to make it to the assessor’s office in time, but failed, and a
serious look at her busy schedule to see if she had room for two
delicious cowboys who made her heart stutter every time she even
thought their names in the silence of her mind.

Tyler held out his hand which held her unreliable cell phone. “I’ve

programmed our cell phones, the house phone, and two other numbers
for buildings on the property into your cellular. I hope you don’t
mind, but if you decide to call us, I want to ensure you’ll get us.”

“Thanks, Tyler.” And her eyes watered with gratitude for the

sweet gesture of his extra effort of making sure that if she called
they’d be there to answer, even if it took five numbers to reach them.

“Did you copy my number?” she asked. He shook his head.
Before she could say anything else he said, “But I couldn’t help

but memorize it. If you say it’s okay, I’ll load it in my phone right

“It’s okay.” She smiled when he had his phone in hand before she

finished saying the two-word sentence.

Dominick rolled his eyes, but she could tell that he was glad Tyler

took care of the business of future contact with her.

Clay backed up and turned to the door. “I’ll wait out in the truck

for you.” And he was gone in seconds.

Stella couldn’t help it. She suddenly sobbed. She was sandwiched

between the two of them before she took a second breath to recover.

“This doesn’t have to be good-bye, Stella.”
“I know, but this was a fantasy for me. Once I get back into my

insane life, I won’t have the luxury of sex with two amazing men five
plus times a day. I’ll miss it.”

“Do you want us to go with you?” Tyler asked. She shook her

head. She’d overheard them talking earlier that they had some things
to do that they’d put off in lieu of the storm, and needed to catch up.
She wouldn’t take any more of their time.

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“No. I’ll be fine. Clay and I have struck up a friendship. He’s

going to be my bodyguard against Claudia the Bitch in the event she
gives me any shit.”

The rumble of their combined laughter reverberated on either side

of her body. She backed up a pace and hugged each one of them in
turn. Tyler kissed her on the corner of her mouth, which then turned
more carnal for a few seconds, until Dominick pulled her from him.

She barely caught her breath before Dominick did the same thing.
Stella turned, exited the kitchen, and didn’t look back. She

climbed into Clay’s monster truck with her purse and the clothes
she’d arrived in. The trip to her home would normally have been less
than an hour, but took three. The snow was piled high where the
plows had come through, and the traffic moved as slow as tree sap
going down a tree in a blizzard.

Clay didn’t linger for long, but he walked her to her door and did

what he called a “security check” inside her apartment to ensure no
one was inside. He insisted. She was grateful.

“You going to be okay?” he asked with one hand on her front door


“Yes. Thanks for everything.”
The corner of his mouth lifted. “I don’t expect this to be the last

time we ever see each other.”

She smiled. “Probably not.”
“Call me if you need muscle to handle the cock-sucking bitch you

work for.”

She laughed out loud. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks. “
He nodded and was gone in the next moment. Stella had to sit

down and have a good cry over things that likely wouldn’t be. She
had a life. She had huge responsibilities. Three more years of
servitude to Claudia the Bitch, and then she’d be free to pursue
whatever charmed her.

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Likely two decadently perfect cowboys wouldn’t still be waiting

after her self-imposed three-year payment plan. But if they were,
she’d want them.

Ideas for how she could fit in a second job swirled in her head.

Then she could pay the loan off earlier. What would she be willing to
do to pay her debt off sooner?

Almost anything.
Cooking for cowboys with sex on the side? Perhaps. The idea was

growing on her.

Before she finished the salacious thought, her home phone rang

and distracted her wayward plans to chase Clay and have him take her
away from her hideous life back to nirvana.

“Fuck. Why haven’t you answered your phone until now?”

Claudia’s unwelcome voice zipped through the phone line. Without
waiting for a response, as was standard Claudia form, she said acidly,
“I should have you fired for absenteeism.”

Stella’s maudlin mood shifted back to high stress as Claudia’s

customary “you have disappointed me by not being supernatural”
venom spewed over.

She swallowed what she really wanted to say, which was “fuck

you, I totaled my car, you heartless bitch,” and broke in with a tame,
“I just got home. I was stranded without my car until the storm blew
over and the streets were cleared.”

“I give you one simple task, but you can’t be bothered to actually

do your job without blaming it on a little snow.” She continued on
with her rant, oblivious to anything else, as usual.

Stella had offered all the explanation she intended to. Claudia

would eventually wind down and tell her what she expected in the
wake of her tremendous disappointment, and until she was ready,
Stella just had to wait and listen.

Three years suddenly seemed like an eternity she didn’t want to

participate in any longer. What would be the worst thing to happen if

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she decided to quit? She’d have to get a loan for the debt she owed.
As Claudia sputtered and ranted still, she flipped open a local phone
book and searched for banks. If she could secure a personal loan, she
could leave anytime she wanted. Although with a totaled vehicle, she
had little in the way of collateral. And to face facts realistically, while
she likely would tough out working as a servant to Claudia for the
next thirty-five months, it would be comforting to know she didn’t
have to rely on this job if Claudia’s daily hay bales of straw pouring
over her finally broke her back and sent her out the door.

As Claudia finally wound down, Stella managed to jot down a

handful of banks that looked like they were eager to hand out wads of
money to those deserving of a loan. She hoped she was as deserving
as she felt.

“Are you listening to me?” Stella heard over the line. No, but I’ll

start if you’ve finished whining, she wanted to reply.

“Yes, of course.”
“You’re lucky I was able to use the storm as a reasonable excuse

to save your ass. You’re to be down there first thing tomorrow
morning when they open at eight, and they will backdate the filing.
You’re welcome,” she finished sarcastically.

Stella had to hold in her verbal ire, but she rolled her eyes in silent


“Fine. I’ll take care of it.”
“See that you do. And then come directly to work after that. There

are several things needing attention.”

What the fuck, Stella thought bitterly. She’d only technically

missed a half a day of work. Today was Sunday and traditionally a
day off.

“I’ll be in as soon as I can. But with the roads as they are, it will

likely take me twice as long.”

“I don’t need to hear your excuses. You’re lucky I don’t put a

derogative evaluation in your personnel file.”

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Claudia threatened put detrimental things in her file all the time. If

she wasn’t so lazy or if she’d been able to force Stella to write her
own demerit paperwork, her personnel file would be a thousand-page
tome. However, Claudia was completely lazy, so it would never
happen. Stella had never signed so much as a letter of reprimand
given for minor infractions. Her record was, in point of fact, spotless.

As it was already mid-afternoon, Stella checked her apartment and

cleaned up a bit. She was grateful that the power hadn’t gone off since
she’d been gone. She set her alarm for early to make it to the
assessor’s office promptly this time.

She called her insurance to begin the process of claiming her

vehicle, and made arrangements to have a rental delivered to her
house first thing in the morning. She was happily surprised that her
request for a four-wheel drive SUV was granted.

Stella wouldn’t stop on her way to the assessor’s office, of course,

but contemplated that she’d have to pass by the DRMC ranch on her
way to file the paperwork south of town.

She didn’t have time to stop at the DRMC property on her way to

work, either, but went to bed early with memories of Dominick and
Tyler. She allowed free rein of her fantasies to stop by for more
sexual calisthenics before embarking on her way back to reality and
Claudia the bane of her existence.

* * * *

“You have a visitor,” said a voice through the intercom in her

office from the reception desk at her workplace. Stella frowned. She
glanced at her desk calendar. She didn’t have any appointments today.
Sometimes she greeted potential clients and assessed their general
issues before consulting the busy lawyers in the firm.

Claudia refused to talk to anyone unless they had a minimum six-

figure bank account, so many of the everyday new clients fell in to
Stella’s purview. Of course, Claudia regularly scheduled clients

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without informing her during her drunken lunch hours, so it wasn’t
out of the realm of possibility.

Would the rental place send someone early? She hoped that no

one was out in the lobby ready to take away her spiffy new rental
vehicle. She wanted to keep it long enough to have her old car fixed,
if it even could be salvaged.

“Who is it? I’m not expecting anyone.”
There was a two-second pause before she came back with, “It is a

Mr. Hunter.”

Mr. Hunter?
Stella’s heart thumped hard in her chest. Dominick’s last name

was Hunter. Why would he be here? He was taking care of her
vehicle for her, but she didn’t expect to hear anything for at least
another week. There were tons of damaged vehicles from the storm,
and body shops were overrun, according to the news. He must have
clout to already have information on her battered car after only four

“Oh. Okay. Please send him up.” No need for anyone to know

how she knew him, or that he’d brought her to heights of pleasure
heretofore unknown in her vanilla little life. Although the blushing,
awe-filled expression on her face might be a dead giveaway.

It would be a miracle if she could speak at all in his presence

without becoming tongue-tied. Not a minute had gone by in the last
four days that she hadn’t thought about either Dominick, Tyler, or the
both of them together. Flashes of her time with them in and out of bed
dropped into her mind frequently each day. Truthfully, she missed
them both.

They had hinted more than once that they wouldn’t mind seeing

her again after the snow had melted away, but she’d been the one to
insist that the fantasy few days remain just that. A fantasy. At the
time, she’d been afraid that her peers and friends would find out what
decadent activities she’d been participating in. She didn’t think

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anyone cared enough about her to follow her after hours, but she’d
always felt it was better to be safe than sorry.

It would only take one mere mention of their club’s initials in the

right ear and everyone would know where she’d spent her time tucked
away to weather out the storm of the century. As unlikely as it was
anyone in her realm of acquaintances would recognize the DRMC,
Stella didn’t want someone like Claudia to find out. Only because
she’d find a way to use it against her.

As time passed, the unlikelihood of anyone discovering her secret

became more and more remote. Soon her adventure in the snowstorm
might be forgotten altogether by those she worked with day to day.
But she would never forget.

After missing them for the past several days, her attitude has

shifted somewhat regarding a future with two of the hottest cowboys
to ever walk on earth. At least that was her personal opinion of
Dominick and Tyler. Others might disagree. Maybe one day she’d
sneak back again.

The moment Dominick stepped into her small office, Stella was

taken off guard even after expecting him. Her breathing increased.
Beneath her dress, between her legs, moisture accumulated as the first
wisps of his spicy cologne filled the room. Good God, he looked even
sexier and more handsome than she remembered. His rugged good
looks and stylish clothes formed a total perfect man candy package of
alluring sexuality. Did he realize how devastatingly attractive he was?
Probably not.

He grinned, and she got a little faint.
“I didn’t expect you.”
“Sorry. I just got back from talking to my mechanic friend. I

wanted to let you know the estimate and recommendations for the
damages to your car.”

“Wow. That was fast. I’ve been hearing horror stories of people

having to wait weeks. Is it bad news?”

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He shrugged. “The cost to repair is about the same as the value of

your car. I wouldn’t do it myself, but that’s up to you.”

“I’ll have to see what my insurance company says.”
“Isn’t your company going to pay for the damages?”
Stella startled. Them? Pay for it? Unlikely. She shook her head.
“Weren’t you on company business when you had the accident?”
“Well, yes, actually I was.”
“Then they are responsible for sending you out into the bad

weather. They’re lucky you weren’t hurt.”

“I don’t know that they’d care, but thank you again.”
He reached into his shirt pocket and handed her a folded paper.

“This is the ‘official’ estimate. The phone number is listed there. If
you decide to get it fixed or total it, whichever way you go, my friend
Boyd Caldwell is expecting your call anytime today.”

She nodded and took the paper, careful not to brush his hand with

her fingertips. She didn’t think she’d be able to control herself if she
touched him. But she really wanted to steal a kiss. Or two kisses. Or
ten kisses might be enough. Or better yet shove all the file folders and
papers off the surface of her work area, pull his clothes off, and have
sex with him right here in her tiny little office right on her crappy
little desk.

Stella took an involuntary step closer, as if pulled by a magnetic

force she couldn’t control. One little kiss wouldn’t hurt anything,

* * * *

Dominick took one look at her the moment he stepped in to her

office and wondered if he shouldn’t have called instead of coming in
person. She looked delicious enough to eat whole. She wanted to be
friends with them. She told them she didn’t want to continue a
permanent relationship. He’d respect her wishes. Or he’d try to, at

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“So, this is where you work.” A statement, not a question. And

pretty boring. He was so effing suave, he could hardly contain
himself. Not. She probably regretted letting him come up to her
office. But he couldn’t seem to resist the temptation of seeing her
again. Or the desire to touch her again.

She’d stepped closer with a predatory glint in her eyes after he

gave her the estimate. The moment he spoke she seemed to come out
of a trance. He should have let her continue.

“Yes. For better or for worse, this is it.” Her lively smile sent a

surge of lust to his groin so fast he had to take a deep breath in order
to give himself time to tame the beast in his pants, or she’d suspect he
wasn’t here just to report on her car.

He winked. “Well, which is it, better or worse?”
Her expression brightened. “Today, it’s better. Usually it’s worse.

Thanks for stopping by to let me know about my forlorn car.” She’d
moved close enough that he caught a whiff of her sexy floral perfume.
He resisted the urge to sniff the air around her for a deeper scent of
her unique fragrance.

“My pleasure.” He cleared his throat and got serious. There was

another reason he was here with her in person, and it wasn’t only
because he’d wanted to see her one more time. “I have a question for
you.” He’d wanted to see her expression when he asked about her car.

“Okay. What’s up?”
“Did you have an accident in the past month or so that might have

damaged the undercarriage of your car?”

Her cheeks blossomed with color. “How did you know that?” Her

gaze left his eyes to rest on the floor between them.

“I used to be an insurance investigator. I saw damage to your

brake line. I wanted to make sure no one was out to get you for your
sizable life insurance policy or something equally nefarious. Sort of a
leftover force of habit from my old profession”

“Oh.” A look of relief crossed her lovely features. “I don’t have

life insurance, and I’m pretty sure no one is trying to kill me. A

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couple of weeks ago, on yet another icy road, I slid into a ditch and
ran down a reflector on a short metal pole. When I backed over it on
my way out of the ditch, it must have damaged my brake line. Was
that incident earlier what caused my running into your ditch? Did I
cut my own brake line?”

“No. I don’t think so. The line wasn’t compromised, just beat up a

bit. I just wanted to make sure you were safe.”

The look of relief on her face changed subtly to one of interest.

She moved even closer. They were practically touching. He leaned
forward. “Thank you, Dominick.”

“I miss you so much,” he murmured. “And Tyler is practically


She took another half-step forward and the lapel of her jacket

brushed his coat. “Is that so?”

A flash of memory danced across his brain of her beautiful, naked

body arched in sudden climax. It was all he could do not to clear her
desk off with one swipe and reenact that memorable sex on the
surface before he left. The scent of her curled around his head and
made him almost dizzy with lust.

“I know you said you weren’t interested in continuing a


She shook her head slightly. “I’ve come to believe I was too hasty

in my initial decision about having time for a ménage relationship
permanently in my life. I didn’t count on how much I would miss the
two of you.” She glanced to one side suddenly, at her still open office
door, as if to assure herself they were completely alone before
discussing personal sexual matters. “I mean it’s only been four days. I
shouldn’t be so needy, but I can’t stop thinking about you and Tyler.”

“Come to the ranch.”
Her gaze snapped back to his face. The color in her cheeks

returned. “When?”


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The musical tone of her sudden laughter engulfed him like a

humid night in the tropics. She was absolutely irresistible. He leaned
down and pressed his lips to her beautiful mouth before he could stop
himself or worry about the semi-public place surrounding them. She
tasted like she’d just been eating strawberries.

Expecting her to back away and caution him about their location,

instead she moaned in his mouth and fell forward against his chest.
Her tongue licked across his bottom lip before slipping inside his

Dominick slid his arms around her back and crushed her even

closer into his willing frame. Her breasts ground into his body with
delicious pressure. Her hips pushed into his groin, hastening his cock
to full staff. He nudged her as the all-consuming kiss continued.

“Excuse me,” came a voice from the door.
They broke apart, each breathing hard, to see a tall, bone-thin

woman, with arms crossed and sporting a surly expression, standing
in the doorway to her office.

“Claudia,” Stella said.

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Chapter Ten

Stella couldn’t stifle the thunderous beating of her heart from the

power of Dominick’s kiss. Claudia the Bitch promptly entered her
office uninvited. Damn it all to hell. The look in her eyes told Stella
to beware. Dominick, as if sensing her apprehension, didn’t move
away as her supervisor approached. Stella was so grateful she leaned
against his shoulder and grabbed for his hand.

Her nervous fingers firmly circled in his warm grasp, Stella was

unusually emboldened by his touch, and suddenly unafraid to face

“I don’t believe we’ve met.” Claudia sent an interested gaze to

Dominick. Her eyebrows lifted in question and she sent a sharp
glance to Stella as if to say, “Introduce me to my next sexual
conquest, then get out of my way.”

Stella was not interested in sharing even his first name. So she

didn’t. “What do you need, Claudia?”

Visibly affronted, Claudia turned her entire body to face Stella.

“Do you have the Detmeyer file?”

“No. I gave that to you earlier this morning. It’s on your desk.

Was that all you needed?” She moved forward, placing herself
slightly in front of Dominick.

Claudia’s lips thinned. “Perhaps I need to reacquaint you with our

company’s rules on personal visits in the workplace.”

All of a sudden, Stella wasn’t in the mood to put up with

Claudia’s bitchy antics for another second. Something in her snapped.
She squared her shoulders and said, “I take my example from you.

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Perhaps you need to do the same thing and focus on the section for
rules on drinking during business hours.”

Stella almost slapped a hand over her mouth in shock. She’d never

stood up to her supervisor before. Dominick squeezed her fingers
once. Whether it was a warning that she should keep her mouth shut,
or silent approval, the gesture made her smile.

Claudia’s mouth had fallen open until she saw Stella smile. “What

is so fucking funny?”

Before Stella could respond, Dominick released her hand moved

around her initial protection and stepped into Claudia’s path. “My
name is Dominick. Stella and I are friends. I stopped by unannounced,
but I’ll go if being here is against the rules.”

Stella resisted the urge to push out a long, irritated sigh. She

appreciated Dominick trying to help her, but given the crap Claudia
had pulled in the office, it was insulting to have her spouting
workplace regulations when she only barely followed any decorum

Claudia directed her attention to Dominick’s face. “You don’t

have to go just yet.” She smiled and took a step closer. Stella also
took a step closer to him. If this was about to be a battle for his
attention, Stella intended to win.

She snapped her fingers in the air in front of her superior’s lust-

filled face. “Why are you here, Claudia?”

Her distracted gaze eventually swung to Stella. “I was just

walking by. Don’t forget about the Crossman summary.”

“Thanks for the reminder.” She tried to keep the sarcastic sound

out of her tone. “But in the five very long years that I’ve worked here,
I’ve never forgotten the Crossman summary, and besides, as you well
know, it isn’t due until Friday. Therefore, you’ll have it tomorrow. So
if there is nothing else, this is a private conversation.”

Claudia pulled her gaze from Dominick, gave her a dirty look, but

turned on her heel and exited the room as if in a huff. Stella would
pay for the remark later in some Claudia-inspired humiliation. But it

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was worth it. Stella followed Claudia’s path out and closed her office
door. She was amazed at her fortitude not to slam it shut in Claudia’s

Dominick looked a bit contrite. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to get you

into trouble.”

“You didn’t. She’s always got her nose in everyone’s business. I

believe this time she has designs on you, so watch out.” The stirring
of jealousy in her belly surprised Stella, as she hadn’t ever felt such a
strong tug of that particular sentiment in her life. Maybe she finally
had someone worthy of the emotion.

“I only have designs on you. Please come out to the ranch.” He

slid closer and pushed her against the inside of her own office door.
She didn’t resist.

“What will happen if I come out to your ranch?”
His hips pushed into her pelvis, and his swelling cock rested

against her belly. “Wild, wanton things. Or anything at all that you
want to have happen. Interested?”

Stella didn’t have to ponder her answer long. She’d missed them

terribly, and the feeling was obviously mutual. “As a matter of fact,
yes I am very intrigued by your invitation. Why don’t I stop by after
work tonight? The three of us can catch up.”

“Excellent.” He kissed her again. Then added, “Let’s surprise

Tyler, okay? I won’t tell him you’re coming. Although, we may have
to peel him off the thirty-foot ceiling in the great room after he leaps
up there in glee the moment he sees you.”

Stella smiled at the vision. “Well, I couldn’t possibly miss that?”
“Need directions or do you remember how to get to our place?”
“Oh, I remember. I’ve already passed the place once this week

like a lovesick teenager stalking the boys she’s after.”

He laughed, and the sound made her heart thump again in her

chest. “Nothing wrong with that as far as I’m concerned.”

“I’ll see you soon.” He kissed her once more, drawing it out until

her panties were soaked, and her inner walls pulsed with desire so

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deep she could hardly get her arms to cooperate and let go of him
when he released her.

“Until tonight,” he said before he departed. Her mood had

elevated considerably with Dominick’s visit. And now she had a date
for later. She couldn’t keep the smile from shaping her lips.

Unfortunately, her good mood didn’t last for very long. Claudia

came back the instant he was gone from her sight.

Standing just outside her door, Claudia smirked, looked down the

hall where Dominick had just departed, and said, “What on earth is a
mousy pants like you doing with a hot hunk of cowboy like that? Is he

“Screw you, Claudia.” Stella slammed her door in her boss’s face

this time. She took deep breaths to calm herself. It wouldn’t do to piss
Claudia off, but her patience had run out for today.

If she didn’t have a huge debt to pay off, Stella would quit this job

in a flash. However, she still owed so much on the bills from her
mother’s last days, she didn’t dare rock the boat any further.

The end was almost in sight, but realistically, she wouldn’t be able

to quit this draining job for a very long time. If only Claudia wasn’t
such a pain in her ass. She’d eventually pay for the remarks she’d
made earlier, but for the first time ever, it was worth it to stick up for
herself. She certainly didn’t want Claudia to mess with Dominick.

Hopefully, Claudia would let it go and not pursue any discussion

of that hot, amazing kiss he’d laid on her right before she walked in
and caught them.

Bad would be having Claudia discover her new attachment to

Dominick and Tyler and blab it to the world. Worse yet would be
having Claudia find out about her new fascination with double
penetration sex or her association with the Double Rider Men’s Club,
and blab that to anyone.

But for now, she pushed her dread aside and considered what

might happen tonight at the ranch. Wild, wanton things, Dominick
had said.

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Stella might spend some time thinking up a few moves of her own

to contribute to tonight’s sexual wickedness.

* * * *

After avoiding Claudia successfully for the remainder of the day,

Stella thought about what Dominick had said, and decided he was
right. It wasn’t her fault that she’d wrecked her car doing an
emergency rush job for the company.

Claudia should have told her earlier in the day. They were lucky

she hadn’t gotten seriously hurt. The boon of the accident resulting in
her discovering two amazing men didn’t help pay the bills. Stella was
practical enough in her theory on life to never allow them to help pay
any of her debt. Not in any way. Not ever.

Her pride simply wouldn’t allow for it. Besides, it was exactly

what her mother would have done. She would have scouted out and
found a “willing man” to pay for her expenses. And that was exactly
how Stella had spent her awkward teen years alone with her mother
right after her father had died. Her mother had no compunction about
allowing men she barely knew pay for her every whim, whether
luxury or necessity.

Stella wouldn’t ever allow a man to pay anything for her. She’d

earn her own way. Because in her limited experience, there were men
who then expected something in return. And if they hadn’t got what
they wanted from her mother, they’d leered suggestively at Stella as if
she would fulfill what they felt they were “owed.” Never again would
she live that life.

Before she left work, she traipsed to HR to get a reimbursement

form. She quickly filled out the form with the pertinent details of the
incident, sealed it in an oversized inter-office envelope and slipped it
into the claims slot for someone to view in the next few days. The
worst they could say was no. Even if they helped her pay any part of
the damages, it would be that much less a burden for her. More

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importantly, it would keep her on track to pay her seemingly never-
ending debt.

Stella stopped by her apartment on the way out to the ranch. She’d

sent Dominick a text that she’d be at the ranch around seven. He
texted back that Tyler was even more miserable than before, and to
hurry. Thinking about how long she’d get to stay before having to
race back to her apartment to get a bit of sleep before work, she
decided to invite herself to spend the night and brought a change of
clothing for the morning. They got up at the butt crack of dawn, so
she knew she’d have ample time to get to work from the ranch, as it
was closer to her workplace than her home. In fact, if she were invited
to move out here, her trip time to work each day would be cut in half.
A point in their favor if it ever came up.

The sun’s bottom edge caressed the silhouette of the darkening

mountains as she drove through the already opened gate.

She parked her vehicle in the driveway leading to the house in

front of the first stall of the garage. Dominick had texted her the code
to the garage door opener so she could enter when she got there. He
also waited for her with a wide smile on his face the moment she
entered. He sat in the kitchen at the island as she carefully stepped
through the mud room door.

“How was your trip?” he asked in a low tone.
“Good. Why are you whispering?”
“I want to surprise Tyler. He’s in there all dejected, watching

seriously lame television shows. And tonight isn’t the first night. It
really has to stop.”

“I guess we better go in there and cheer him up. But before I

forget to tell you, the gate was open. Do we need to go close it?”

Dominick shook his head. “Clay is out and about somewhere in

town. He’ll close it whenever he comes home.”

Stella paused before approaching him. “Should I make dinner?” If

they wanted food anytime soon, she should start now, because her

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panties were already wet from just thinking about getting here this

Dominick slid off the stool and approached her. He shook his

head again. “First I’d like a kiss and a hug.” He opened his arms wide
and took a step forward.

Stella placed her purse and overnight bag on the floor and met

him halfway across the floor. He swept her into a bear hug that
threatened to crack a few ribs as she planted her lips on his mouth and
kissed him like they hadn’t seen each other in months.

After she kissed him for what seemed like an hour in delicious

surrender, they parted. “Now let’s go surprise Tyler,” Dominick
whispered again. “We’ll see what his reaction is. If you have any
strength left, then we’ll talk food. Sound like a plan?”

She nodded.
Dominick put a finger to his lips, released her, and quickly

motioned her to follow him.

She stayed behind him all the way into the great room.
“Hey, Tyler. Did you call out? I heard a noise.” Dominick walked

toward the sofa in front of the television. Stella kept behind him as
they entered and got closer. The laugh track of an overzealous
audience echoed off the rafters in its intensity.

“I just dropped the remote.” He pointed the device and pushed a

button. The television shut off and the television audience laughter
died in mid frenzy.

Stella thought Tyler did sound particularly sad, especially

compared to the television audience he’d been watching.

Dominick said, “I think I have something that will cheer you up.”
“I doubt that. Unless you have Stella hidden in your back pocket.”

He turned toward them.

Dominick huffed. “She would never fit in my back pocket. But

she can walk behind me.”

Stella peeked her head around Dominick’s shoulder and waved.

“Did you miss me or something?”

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He was out of the chair, on his feet, and headed her way before

she finished her sentence. He pushed Dominick out of his way and
grabbed her up to him in a crushing hug. These two certainly didn’t
hide their feelings.

He kissed her deeply twice before saying, “I’m so glad you’re

here. I missed you desperately.”

She laughed. “Really?” she said in a joking tone. “I’m not feeling

it, Tyler. I mean, you only cracked two ribs when you hugged me just
now. If you’d truly missed me, I’m certain that I’d have more
smashed bones than just a couple.”

He released her and grabbed her hand. “I’ll show you, my pretty.

Now we’re going to my room, where I will quench your fondest
desires with repeated gratification until you’re too tired to move.”

“Well, I guess that would be okay. At least until tomorrow

morning. Then I’ve got to get to work.” Stella allowed herself to be
led upstairs to Tyler’s room. Dominick followed behind.

“Not if I tie you to the bed, my pretty,” he said in a singsong tone.
“You can bind me for unbridled antics tonight, if you insist, but I

must be unbound tomorrow morning to resume my duties as whipping
girl for Claudia the Bitch. It’s a lonely job, but somebody has to do

Tyler paused as if to consider it. “So, first unbridled and repeated

sexual intercourse with screaming orgasms, and then unbound much
later, right?” Tyler unzipped his pants before they reached his room.

“Right.” Stella also started pulling her clothes off the moment

they stepped inside Tyler’s room.

He shrugged, but didn’t stop undressing. “I’ll think about it.” He

grabbed a condom from his bedside stash and put it on his hard, wide
cock before shoving his pants down his legs.

“If you promise not to run, I won’t even have to bind you.”
“I’m not going anywhere until you give me what you promised. I

believe repeated sexual intercourse was mentioned.”

“And that’s what I intend.”

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Once they were all stripped of clothing, Tyler took her in his arms

and kissed her tenderly. Dominick stepped behind her and pressed his
frame against her back.

She felt safe and secure and loved. Like she was finally at home,

maybe for the first time in her life.

Tyler pulled her on to the bed as Dominick watched from the side.

On her back in the center of the bed after Tyler had kissed and licked
every inch of her skin, Stella was about to beg him to make love to

“She’s ready, Tyler,” Dominick said from where he still stood at

the bed’s edge. Tyler moved over her, widening her legs with one
knee before settling his hard cock between her thighs and settling his
hips against the cradle of her lower half.

Tyler’s gaze was firmly settled on her face as he pushed his cock

inside her slick pussy with slow progress until he filled her up to

“Jesus you’re tight,” he murmured, eyes half closing as if in

reverent pause. “You feel so incredible.”

“I think it’s only tight in my pussy because your cock is so huge.

But it’s just a personal theory.”

Tyler’s grin lit her fire like no other enticement. Resting on his

elbows above her, Tyler lowered his head and kissed her mouth
briefly. He pulled his cock out and pushed in very slowly once more.

He pulled back to stare in her eyes. She asked, “What if I want it

faster and harder?”

“Too bad, I want to enjoy this for awhile. Harder and faster speeds

things up too much. I want this to last.” He kissed the corner of her
mouth, but didn’t speed his thrusts.

“Well, I’ll be here all night. You’ll have plenty of chances to

make it last later on.”

“Good try, my sweet, but I’m not speeding up.” His cock pushed

in and out of her body again with languorously slow movements. She

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was nearly desperate. He felt so damn good, but she loved hard and

Stella slipped her legs behind his thighs and met each of his

thrusts hoping to make him move faster, but he was set on the slow
lovemaking speed and wouldn’t be persuaded. He lowered his head
and captured one nipple in his mouth. The ensuing suction
immediately arched her back in pleasure. From beside them,
Dominick suddenly slipped his hand between them and started
stroking her clit. The moment his finger touched her hot spot, an
electric spike of pleasure blasted through her body.

On his side, other hand holding his head up, Dominick grinned as

he rubbed her clit with careful, slow stokes. “I love watching you.”

Tyler moved his mouth to her other breast, but didn’t break his

slow, rhythmic penetration. Long cock stroke. Slow clit rub. Long
cock stroke. Slow clit rub. Stella was insane with anticipation as her
orgasm built higher and higher.

As Tyler sucked one breast between his lips again, soon Dominick

leaned forward and took her other nipple into his mouth. Stella looked
down at the two of them sucking her nipples and climaxed before she
realized she would.

A shriek tore from her throat at the unexpected release. She

slipped her hands onto the back of both of their heads and massaged
each scalp as she came down from utter ecstasy. Tyler continued his
slow penetration even as she milked his cock with her vibrant orgasm
squeezing his length.

Dominick eventually stopped rubbing her clit, but kept his mouth

fastened to her breast.

Tyler kissed a path to her lips, and once there, slid his tongue

between her lips to stroke in tandem with his thrusts below. After
three times, he finally sped his thrusts.

Five strokes after that, he was pounding inside her body like she’d

wanted in the first place. He never broke the hot kiss they shared, but

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a few moments later, a groan escaped and he stiffened over her
momentarily, likely signaling his long-awaited climax.

Tyler collapsed on top of her seconds later, but never broke the

kiss they shared.

Stella released his legs and Tyler pulled his cock from her. He

then shifted to one side, and Stella was surprised when Dominick took
his place. Tyler excused himself to the bathroom.

Dominick had already secured a condom on his cock. He pushed

himself into the entrance to her pussy. “If you still want hard and fast,
I’m ready to oblige you.”

Stella, still warm and relaxed from her first interlude, nodded and

widened her legs.

Tyler returned and plopped himself on the bed, ready to watch

them. Having two men pleasure her was very satisfying. Having each
of them take turns was sexier than she’d ever imagined.

True to his word, Dominick plunged his cock to the hilt with his

first thrust into her overslick pussy. She moaned in pleasurable
response. Before she took another breath, he stroked deeply again.
And again. And, oh God, again.

Each hard push brushed the end of his cock against her clit in a

way that brought about another slow build to climax.

“Touch yourself,” Dominick whispered. “I’m not coming until I

feel your pussy clench my cock in orgasm.”

Stella, emboldened by his sexy suggestion, reached between them

to stroke her clit. He continued to pound his cock ever deeper into her
pussy. The moment her finger touched her clit and rubbed one time
she about sent herself over the edge.

“Look at me,” Tyler whispered. “Look at me as you touch

yourself, while Dominick fucks you hard, the way you obviously like

Stella shifted her gaze to Tyler. His words had a profound impact

on her libido. The moment she looked at his smiling face, she stroked

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her finger hard across her clit and came in a rush of pleasure so acute
she almost fainted.

Dominick practically growled the moment her pussy clamped

down on his cock. “That feels so damn good.” He slammed inside her
one last time and howled to the ceiling as he came.

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Chapter Eleven

Dominick pulled his cock from Stella’s body and had to rest a

minute before moving further. “You wear me out in the best possible

“I aim to please.” Her beautiful laughter followed. If Dominick

wasn’t already in love with her, he would fall for her over and over
each time they were together simply from hearing the musical sound
of her voice.

“And are you pleased?” Tyler asked from the other side of her

prone body.

“Doubly pleased. I’m so glad I decided to come here tonight. No

pun intended.”

“What made you decide to come here?”
Stella turned her head toward his best friend. “I always feel so

good. Plus, Dominick told me you were despondent.”

“He’s wrong. I was way worse than despondent. I was downright

pessimistic about my entire future. You should promise never to leave
me ever again.”

“Are you going to chain me to your bed, or your kitchen island?”
“I’ll find a chain long enough to reach both places and bind you.”
Stella kissed Tyler’s cheek. “I see you have this all thought out.”
“Not really. I just want you to understand that I’m looking for

more than just a casual relationship. I want to move forward as if the
three of us will always be together.”

“So a cook and a lover?”
Tyler nodded, then suddenly reached out and tickled her. Her

shrieks of laughter flipped Dominick’s heart over once. As if he

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didn’t already think she was perfect, she then went on to be
completely adorable by being ticklish all over. He so loved this

Dominick had listened as Tyler put his feelings for her all out

there in the open. Odd, but he didn’t feel panicked over his best
friend’s earnest declaration. It warmed him thinking that Stella might
be willing to become a permanent part of their lives.

Even though this job as caretakers of the DRMC property for this

first season was a temporary situation. Eventually they’d move back
to their own ranch up north in Montana. He wondered if that would be
a problem. They still had a little more than a year here, but Colorado
wasn’t exactly their home forever. Unless Stella didn’t want to go.
For the first time in his life, Dominick decided that he’d be willing to
consider staying, if that was what she wanted.

“You know, if you’d told me a week ago I was considering a

permanent relationship with even one man, I would have laughed in
your face. Now I can’t imagine not being with the two of you.”

Tyler kissed her lips as if to seal the suggested future between

them all. Dominick, energy partially restored, also kissed her. Perhaps
after dinner they could discuss what might happen next. He was
surprised to discover he wanted commitment. With their lives on hold
being caretakers, he hadn’t even considered the idea of finding
someone perfect to share with Tyler. The old adage of finding what
you want when you stop looking certainly applied here.

An hour later, the three of them had taken a quick shower and

returned to the kitchen to find Clay sitting alone on a stool at the
island with a cup of coffee in hand.

“When did you get back?” Dominick asked.
“About an hour ago.”
“Hi, Clay,” Stella said from behind him. She moved around and

leaned on the island with her elbows.

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“Hey, Stella.” He sipped his cup once and then asked, “Is your

bitchy boss behaving, or do I need to explain to her what
overprotective bodyguards are all about?”

Stella expelled a long sigh. “Oh, you know, Claudia is always

going to be Claudia. She rarely changes. Today she was very
interested in Dominick when he stopped by, though. Perhaps you
should make yourself available as a bodyguard for him as well.”

Clay laughed out loud as Tyler piped up to ask, “You went by her


Dominick nodded once in Tyler’s direction. “Yep. I had the

estimate for her car. And I invited her here tonight so you wouldn’t be
such a petulant child and continue your bad mood any longer.”

“Thank you,” Clay said, clearly happy Tyler wasn’t moping

around. “If I had to hear one more reality show I was going to find a
very big gun and take out the flat screen. And I love that flat screen.”
He turned to Stella. “He’s been a like a little sad, lonely puppy since
you left. Seriously, it’s embarrassing.”

Stella reached out to stroke Tyler’s hand. “I’m glad I could cheer

you up.”

Tyler took her hand, lifted it to his lips gently, and kissed her

knuckles. “You could really cheer me up by moving here. I think you
should quit your job with the bitch and come here to be our chef.”

“Sorry, lover, I need a paycheck.” Stella’s mood had shifted to

serious and Tyler hadn’t noticed. She pulled her hand from his grasp.

“We could pay you,” he insisted, apparently not understanding her

independent streak, as if the lack of a mere paycheck that was the
only problem she faced. Dominick knew better than to push her. She
needed to figure things out for herself.

“Calm down, Tyler or she’ll have me clock you one.” Clay sent

him a sharp look. He understood. Dominick also sent Tyler a look that
told him to shut it. A confused look crossed his features briefly,
followed by one of sudden understanding and contrition. He finally

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dropped the subject of her employment as chef. “Sorry. I was only
thinking of myself.”

“It’s okay.” Stella walked over to the refrigerator much like she

had on her first day in their kitchen. “So what’s available to cook
anyway? I’m getting a bit hungry. I guess I should have asked if food
was included in the evening plans.”

Dominick followed her. “You don’t really have to cook. Clay can

whip something up for us.”

Clay flipped him off. “I’m not your servant.”
“Well, did you already eat?”
“No. I just came in, realized where you were, made a pot of

coffee, and waited.” He took a long sip from his steaming mug.

“Fine.” Dominick crossed his arms. “We’ll just eat whatever

you’re making yourself after you finish your coffee.”

“Who says I’m making anything?” Clay slurped his coffee again.
“Please. I was only joking. I’ll make dinner,” Stella insisted. She

pulled out a package of chicken breasts and the butter container like
she owned the place. “Give me forty minutes or so and some privacy.
I’ll put something together.”

Clay’s eyebrows went up as she pulled a couple more items from

the refrigerator and piled them on top of the package of chicken
cradled in one arm. She wasn’t shy about helping herself to their food
stores, which delighted him. He wanted her to feel at home. Wanted
her to feel wanted. Dominick suspected Clay was equally delighted
not to be the DRMC’s one and only signature chef for a change.

Dominick kissed her cheek. “We’ll be out in the great room if you

need anything.”

She nodded without looking at him and headed toward the pantry,

still carrying the items she’d snagged from the fridge. She did have
particularly good focus when it came to creating meals.

He motioned the other two out of the room. Clay glanced at Stella

over one shoulder with a half-smile shaping his lips before sliding off
his stool and exiting the room.

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Thirty minutes later she’d prepared a mound of crispy fried

chicken strips, mashed potatoes with homemade chicken gravy, and a
simple green salad tossed with a lemon vinaigrette.

The three of them devoured every crumb of chicken, smear of

potato, lick of gravy, and crunch of green in less than half the time it
took her to prepare the feast.

She then went to the freezer and pulled out some chocolate chip

ice cream cookie sandwiches she’d whipped together for an after-
dinner treat.

Clay took one bite of it and said, “You’re hired. I relinquish my

manly apron of completely inadequate cooking to you with great

“I’m glad you liked everything.”
“You should know that I was ready to hire you at my first bite of

mashed potato. I only waited in order to be polite and not talk with
my mouth full, which didn’t happen until there wasn’t anything left to
shove in my mouth. Seriously, awesome food.”

“Thanks, Clay.”
They lingered over coffee late into the evening, sharing stories

and laughing. They talked about their lives. What had brought them to
this time and place. She’d lost her mother a year before, and was
pretty all alone in the world, but didn’t feel sorry for herself. She was
a fighter.

Stella spent the night snuggled between the two of them in Tyler’s

oversized bed. Even though they didn’t make love again, he felt closer
to her than ever before. He thought about his coming trip up north to
their Montana property. If he didn’t absolutely have to go early next
week at the latest, Dominick knew he’d gladly stay behind and court
Stella to ensure she understood their desires. They wanted her. He
wanted her.

She got up with the dawn and made them cinnamon cake before

she left for work. She didn’t however, promise to ever come back. He

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sensed her hesitancy to make a permanent life with them. Dominick
wouldn’t push her, but knew she would be perfect for them.

Clay asked Dominick what Claudia’s full name was before they’d

gone to bed the night before. He’d seen it on her name tag when she’d
interrupted their kiss in her office. So he told Clay her last name was
Hart. He also asked for a general description and Dominick gave him
that, too. He didn’t know why the information was important, but
Clay had his own reasons for much of what he did. Plus, Dominick
suspected Clay had a big soft spot for Stella because she cooked for
them. More than that, they’d formed a bond, and Dominick knew
Clay would keep an eye out for her from now on. That knowledge
made the coming trip away easier.

Dominick trusted he wouldn’t do anything he wasn’t supposed to

without at least checking with them. Likely he wanted ammunition in
case he had to go up and pretend to be her overprotective cousin.

Dominick decided to ask Stella to stay the weekend so they could

convince her they were serious before he had to leave.

He couldn’t think of anything more satisfying than knowing she’d

be waiting when he returned.

* * * *

As a practical life rule, Clay tried to keep his nose out of other

people’s business, but he couldn’t stop thinking about the name of
Stella’s bitchy boss. Claudia Hart. Her first name was a bit unusual,
but the addition of her last name didn’t even make a tickle of memory
come into his mind. Did he know that name? He wasn’t sure.

Claudia’s description also seemed very familiar, but he couldn’t

bring forth any details from his brain as to why. Perhaps he could dig
up some dirt on her, if the elusive memory would eventually come
back and present him with a direction to go in, he’d research just in
case it was needed.

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He certainly didn’t do it because he was feeling “cousinly

concern” for the new woman in Dominick and Tyler’s life. Or
perhaps he was doing it for exactly that reason.

They looked good together, the three of them. Likely they

belonged with each other even if they hadn’t quite figured it all out
yet. As an impartial observer, he noticed the interested and happy
light in their eyes when they spoke to each other. He knew Dominick
and Tyler hadn’t planned to make Colorado their permanent home,
but he wondered if a green-eyed, beautiful blonde was about to
change everything for them.

He hoped so. His own love life was fraught with complication, so

it was nice to see a trio in the first blush of love. Sappy to be sure, but
nice just the same. He admired Dominick and Tyler. They were stand-
up guys, and the further friendship they’d forged here at the DRMC
ranch these past several months had been meaningful to him. He
would be fine if they stayed on instead of eventually moving to

Clay decided to make a few calls and do a quick and public

internet search later on this week. If he didn’t find what he wanted
there, he’d do a few not so quick and not so public searches in order
to find what he wanted.

He just knew he’d read about or heard about a bitchy woman

named Claudia before last night during dinner with Stella. And he
didn’t like unsolved mysteries. Especially ones involving beautiful
women his good friends were obviously in love with whether they
realized it or not.

* * * *

Dominick had left Colorado with trepidation in his heart. Stella

had come back the next night, on Friday. At his persuasive request,
she then stayed the entire weekend with them. They’d taken her out
on the snowmobiles, showed her the property, and had a grand time

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just being together. While the most recent weekend had been
satisfying on many levels, he hated to leave town at this juncture of
their tenuous relationship. The conversation had strayed into vague
territory regarding a future between the three of them. He sensed that
Stella was treading carefully through any talk of permanence without
outright turning them down.

While Dominick had wanted to set firmer goals, and while Tyler

scouted online for engagement rings, he told himself to cool his jets
and tread carefully. Stella was an independent woman. She’d lived on
her own and by her own rules for a lengthy time. He admired her
tenacious spirit. He’d never crush it.

Tyler, as if sensing her ultimate withdrawal from their tight circle

of three, had made last-minute plans for the time Dominick was going
to be out of town. He asked her to visit him on Monday for lunch,
since her office was so close to the DRMC ranch. Like he didn’t want
to let her out of his sight for too long, because she might not come

Dominick told him as much right before he’d left for the airport.

“Don’t push too hard, or she might bolt.”

Tyler shrugged passively. “It’s just a lunch date.”
“Where you plan to have sex with her if at all possible in the time

allotted. Even if it means that she doesn’t get any food to eat.”

“I’ll let her eat. Probably. So what? I adore her, and I sense she’s

almost ready to reconsider a future with us. I want to keep our
connection firmly in place, even while you’re out of town.”

“Don’t play hardball. If she doesn’t want our lifestyle, then don’t

push her.”

“I’m not pushing her. I asked her if she wanted to come for lunch

and she said yes, but if she did make it out here that she couldn’t stay
long. Maybe she won’t even come.”

“That’s not my point.” Dominick sighed. He wanted to launch

into a long diatribe about not running roughshod over her, or scaring

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her off while he was out of town, but it was already past time for him
to leave. “I’ve got to go.”

“Have fun.”
If Dominick hadn’t absolutely had to go to the Montana ranch and

sign and notarize papers to continue letting his cousins run the place
for another year, he would have gladly stayed. He also would have
been in persuasion mode when Stella was around.

Leaving without a firm plan in place to meet again as a threesome

made him a bit nervous. Stella was in point of fact very important to
him. Maybe he hadn’t even realized it fully until this moment. He
didn’t even want to leave the state unless she was going with him or
planned to be waiting when he got back. Even four days seemed way
too long to be away from her.

As he drove to the airport, he formulated a plan for his return. The

moment he got back to Colorado he planned to grab Tyler and find
her wherever she was even if he had to march into the snobby law
offices where she worked, and let her know they were serious about a

* * * *

Stella arrived at work bright and early Monday morning with a

song in her heart and smile on her lips. Not even Claudia the Bitch
was going to ruin her mood today. The night before had been utterly
perfect. The weekend before had been even better.

Dominick and Tyler made love to her again this very early

morning before she left. She’d gone back to her apartment to shower
and get dressed for work and her legs had still been wobbly. Had she
known how enjoyable screaming orgasms were to her morning
routine, she might have found a way to include them in her daily
ritual before now. Although, two men fucking her mindless until she
writhed in ecstasy was certainly preferable to any mechanical device
she would have employed.

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As she passed the receptionist desk on her way to her closet-size

office, Abby stopped her with a hand on her forearm. In a barely
audible tone, she said, “Claudia called in five minutes ago. She said
she’s going to be late. She said to tell you to cover the eight o’clock
meeting for her. She might make it in for the last five minutes, but
may not. You’re to take good notes.” Abby rolled her eyes as if the
last part of the message was even too over-the-top not to comment on.

Stella glanced at her watch. Great, twenty minutes to prepare for a

two-hour-long meeting she’d never been to. The good news was not
having to deal with Claudia first thing in the morning.

“Okay, I’ll get right on it. It’s in the Colorado Conference Room,


“Correct. And don’t be late. Mr. Stevens is head of that meeting,

and he’s always a bear about punctuality. And likely the reason
Claudia wasn’t going to show up at all. She’d rather be a no-show
than late to that meeting.” Before she turned away Abby whispered,
“Oh, Stella, one more thing, I almost forgot. Mr. Fuller wants to see
you first thing this morning for just a minute.”

“Mr. Fuller?” Claudia’s boss? Great. The man with the cock

shoved regularly in Claudia’s mouth wanted to see her. He probably
wanted to know where Claudia was.

Stella would spend the minute trying not to look at him in the

face. Plus, now she’d have less than twenty minutes to prepare for
Claudia’s morning meeting. She hoped Mr. Fuller only needed the
one minute, because she’d need the other nineteen to keep up during
the eight o’clock meeting.

She hurried to Mr. Fuller’s office with one eye on her watch,

hoping to resolve this issue quickly so she could get on to the meeting
she wasn’t prepared for thanks to Claudia the Bitch. Great way to start
the morning. At least her life wasn’t boring. Especially lately. She
pushed away any lurid sexual thoughts of Dominick and Tyler. She
didn’t have time to daydream today.

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Mr. Fuller’s secretary, Heather, was always smug and uptight. She

greeted Stella with a predictable measure of warmth. The same as
what she reserved for peers in the company, which was about as high
as the frosty temperature outside.

“You may go in,” she said blandly. “He’s expecting you.”
“Thanks.” Stella smiled, but Heather’s facial expression remained

aloof. It was as if being cordial to employees as well as the general
public cost her far too much so she didn’t bother with coworkers. She
also didn’t escort her to Mr. Fuller’s door or look like she was going
to move so much as a strand of hair in cordiality. Butt cheeks firmly
planted in her seat, Heather focused her gaze back on her computer
and ignored her. Stella moved to the closed door leading to Mr.
Fuller’s large office.

She knocked on the door and waited for his gruffly spoken,

“Enter,” before turning the knob and walking briskly inside. He didn’t
stand or even move when she entered. He just continued to read some
papers scattered across the center of his blotter.

Stella crossed to the middle of the large room and waited for him

to look up.

Mr. Fuller sat behind an oversized wooden monstrosity of a desk

sporting lots of carvings along each side and on every corner. They
consisted of mostly hunting mosaics with antlered deer in groups of
two or three, standing serenely among forests of trees waiting to be

She wasn’t naive about the world, and she enjoyed a good steak

like any other meat eater, but Mr. Fuller seemed like a phony. He
probably walked around the forest toting a gun, but wouldn’t likely
have the balls to shoot it at a living creature. Perhaps Stella just had a
poor opinion of him because of Claudia. He pretended to play the part
of the big, bad hunter, but she wasn’t impressed.

After a slow count of ten, Stella glanced at her watch with a sense

of urgency, cleared her throat, and asked, “You wanted to see me, Mr.

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He pushed out a long sigh and finally raised his head. His

scowling gaze didn’t make her feel any more comfortable. Was he
angry that Claudia hadn’t made it to work yet? Did he need a Monday
morning blow job, but Claudia was late and unavailable to fulfill his
baser needs?

Stella felt her cheeks heat with the direction her thoughts had

taken. She wouldn’t suborn gossip, but had accidentally seen Claudia
on her knees in front of Mr. Fuller’s unzipped pants a year ago.
They’d been playing the oral rendition of hide the salami in an empty
office. She’d come back to work after hours to retrieve her forgotten
cellular phone and witnessed the blow job through a partially-open

It had taken her several months not to look away in

embarrassment anytime she’d seen him walking around the office.
The memory of the loud grunting sounds he’d made, as Claudia
sucked him to completion, were the stuff of nightmares. She half
expected him to immortalize the act on one of the sides of his desk.
Perhaps the ever-famous office slut hunter scene. Claudia on her
hands and knees with a set of antlers strapped to her head going at a
hunter with his camouflaged pants around his ankles, and inordinately
hairy legs half bent in ecstasy.

Stella imagined he’d later brag to his friends. “Well, I had to gag

her before I bagged her. Once she went to her knees, I knew she’d
suck my cock like a champion.”

She closed her eyes to get the remembered vision of their

interlude out of her head for the current meeting. Stella was very
grateful that neither Mr. Fuller nor Claudia had noticed her witness
their love connection that day.

“What can I do for you?” Please don’t say suck my cock.
“Did you file an incident report involving an accident in your

personal vehicle last week?” he asked, pulling a sheet of paper out of
a folder haphazardly gracing his desk.

“Yes, sir. Did I not fill it out correctly?”

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He scanned the document again. “It looks technically correct,

except for one thing.”

His silence prompted her to speak again. “What thing is that, sir?”
“If you weren’t such a substandard employee, you might have

realized that going out in the storm several hours after being told
wouldn’t result in your trying to scam us out of money for something
that was entirely your own fault.” His face mottled red with rage.

He stood suddenly, but remained behind his desk for the moment.

“I know for a fact the information was passed to you in plenty of time
for you to make it to the assessor’s office before the storm was even
an issue.”

Stella was so shocked by his words she almost couldn’t form a

reply. “But honestly, sir, I didn’t know about the trip until two in the
afternoon. Claudia came by my desk well after the lunch break.”

“That’s a goddamn lie. You can’t help yourself, can you? My

God, you are a piece of work.”

Stella, appalled by his terse words, took a step back in surprise as

if to dodge his hateful rant. “I don’t understand. What are you—”

“Ms. Gilbert, you have been barely holding on to employment for

over two years now as it is. I don’t know why Claudia puts up with
you.” He cut her off before she even understood what was going on.

What the fuck? Stella couldn’t speak. Not even in her own defense

against whatever lies Claudia had been filling his head with after he
filled her mouth.

She stood there stunned into submission as he continued to berate

her for crimes she hadn’t committed. Shaking her head was all she
could accomplish.

He held up the folder. “In this file I have over two dozen letters of

reprimand put in here by Claudia over your stint here at Baker, Fuller
and Howe.”

Stella found her voice. “That’s not true. I do not have a single

reprimand in my file!”

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“Oh, really. What are these?” He pulled a sheaf of papers out of

the folder and dropped them on his desk’s edge.

Stella leaned forward slightly without taking a step. She was a

little unnerved at the direction this meeting had taken in such a short
time and she didn’t trust him enough to get any closer.

She glanced at the signature line. The signature was similar to

hers, but obviously copied. “I didn’t sign these. Today is the first I’ve
ever seen of them. I’m telling you the truth.”

He laughed without any mirth in his tone. “I don’t think so.

You’re a very good liar, I’ll give you that. You look genuinely
surprised, but I know better.”

Stella frowned. “Did Claudia give those to you?” And speaking of

Claudia, shouldn’t her immediate supervisor be here if she were being
reprimanded by the boss? She’d be gloating and making Stella feel
even more humiliated, but he wasn’t following protocol here.
Probably didn’t matter, since his father owned the place in part.

“No. Once I read the incident report and realized the discrepancy,

I went into her desk files and came across them. Claudia’s been
covering for you and protecting you for years, although I can’t
imagine why.”

Because I do her job for her most days when she’s busy sucking

your cock, you jackass. Stella remained silent. Fury burned through
her. So they were trying to get out of paying for her accident on the
basis that she’d had adequate time to get there before the storm
started. Bastard.

“Mr. Fuller, I’m sorry you have this maligned opinion of me, but I

swear to you, I’ve never been reprimanded in written form by
Claudia, and I truly didn’t know about the assessor’s office trip until
well after lunch. Claudia told me to go on my way home. I remember
because my home is in the opposite direction.” Stella suddenly
remembered Claudia’s secretary, Abby. “Ask Ms. Hilliard, she was
there when Claudia gave me the packet and directions to get there.”

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“I don’t need to ask a lowly assistant her opinion on whether or

not you’re a liar. I can make up my own mind based on the facts I
know. Not only am I not going pay this outrageous bill for your
vehicle, your services here at Baker, Fuller and Howe are no longer

“What?” Stella felt the blood drain out of her face. “Please sir, I

can’t afford to lose my job.”

“I guess you should have thought of that before you disgraced

yourself so many times and expected Claudia to cover for you. I want
you out of here now.” He grunted. “As a matter of fact…” He trailed
off and shuffled through another batch of papers on his desk. “It has
come to my attention that you owe a debt to the law firm that has been
coming out of your paycheck like a garnishment.”

“It was a loan,” she said dispassionately. She closed her eyes and

willed him not to say the words she knew he was about to utter.

He put a sealed letter on the front edge of his ornate desk. “This is

a bill for the full balance on that loan. I’ve subtracted the amount of
your final check from the total for your convenience. You won’t be
issued a final check. Furthermore, I want you to take note that the due
date is in promptly thirty days. If you do not pay the full amount, as
stated in the contract you signed, we will bring charges against you in
a court of law on the next business day.”

Stella had reached her capacity for bad news for the day. “I don’t

have that kind of money, or I would have already paid the loan back. I
expected to pay it off over the next three years.” She plucked the
envelope off his desk managing not to touch the offensive piece of

“Well, I suggest you find a way to get it. We are a law firm, and

we will prosecute to the full extent that we can.” Bastard.

Short of selling her ova to a donor bank, if she even qualified,

Stella couldn’t even think of a way to come up with the full balance
of the debt she still owed. And she didn’t want to give up her unborn

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children for any payment owed this bloodsucking, not to mention
cocksucking, place. Not ever. She’d have to find another way.

She tried one more plea. “Please don’t do this, Mr. Fuller. It’s a

mistake. Have you talked to Claudia today?”

“No. I won’t talk to her. She has a soft spot for you and is

apparently blind to all your unlawful activities. You’re fired. Clean
out your desk. I’ve already called security to escort you out of the
building. Good day, Ms. Gilbert.”

He sat back down at his massive, overcarved desk, and dismissed

her as if she were no more important than a crap-eating fly he’d
swatted out of his food.

Stella exited his office without another word. Fingers numb

around the envelope containing a huge five-figure balance she
couldn’t afford to pay, Stella resisted the urge to scream in utter
frustration. When the son of one of the named partners was convinced
she was a big problem child, ne’er-do-well, and had faked
documentation to back his claims, it was difficult if not impossible to
defend herself. Why even bother?

Not only wasn’t she going to get reimbursed for her car repair by

the company, they also wouldn’t be supplying her salary any longer,
either. And even had the unmitigated audacity to demand money from
her in a bulk sum she’d counted on another three years to pay back, or
face prosecution.

Claudia the Bitch had managed to surprise her this morning. She’d

morphed into Claudia the Coward. The whole “being late” today so as
not to have to deal with a problem employee wasn’t usually her style.
If she’d known Mr. Fuller was going to fire her, Claudia would
normally have positioned herself ringside in the front and center seats
so as to watch the carnage firsthand. Usually, at the first drop of blood
in the company pool regarding anyone getting axed, Claudia circled
the hapless victim and claimed first bite. Like a vulture at the top of
its hierarchy, she got to feed first on any sufferers.

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Odd that was all Stella could think of in the wake of so much

disaster at an epic scale regarding her life. Claudia had
uncharacteristically missed out of her big chance to humiliate her one
last time. Was it possible that Claudia had no knowledge of her being
terminated today?

A security guard escorted her to her desk with a cardboard box to

quickly grab her meager personal belongings. She then had to do a
walk of shame through the halls of a business she’d worked at for
almost five years, past reception, and to the main door exit.

Before she crossed the threshold, she told Abby Hilliard over her

shoulder to tell Claudia she was on her own. She would currently be
unable to cover her during the meeting starting in two minutes in the
Colorado conference room.

A wide-eyed Abby started dialing the phone before looking away

in obvious shock. Appropriate to the essence of the day she was
having, the agent from the rental company was just entering through
the front doors of the law firm.

He smiled as if grateful not to have to hunt her down. “Hey,

thanks for meeting me at the door, I’m running late. I just need for
you to sign this”—he held out a clipboard—“and to get your keys.”

Fuck. He was about to take possession of her rental car? Really?
“I thought I had one more day.” Stella really tried to keep the

whine out of her tone and knew that she failed miserably.

The driver sighed, pulled out the rental agreement and flipped to

the second page. Pointing at a microscopic line in the center, he said,
“It’s right here. Pick up on the twenty-eighth. That’s today.” He
scanned her from head to toes suspiciously. “Do you have the keys

Fuck. She’d read the date wrong. Eights and nines were so

deceptively similar in fine print. And with that discovered number
change, Stella didn’t even have a car anymore. Keys dangling from
her fingers still holding her box of personal possessions, she couldn’t
exactly lie about it. “I need a ride home.”

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His dubious expression prompted her to resort to drastic actions.

She begged him for a ride home so she wouldn’t have to call a taxi.
She was pretty sure she couldn’t afford one at this point anyway. The
driver’s exasperated expression at first made her wish she’d worn
more comfortable shoes. He glanced at her box of personal effects
again. Perhaps it was the desperate look she must have on her face,
but he agreed to take her home.

Stella glanced at her watch as the driver pulled onto her street. She

hadn’t even been at work a full hour and now she was on her way

A despondent thought crossed her mind as she’d promised to

drive over to the ranch for a quickie at noon with Tyler. They’d had a
serious discussion over the weekend regarding any future relationship,
because while she enjoyed being with them, it was never intended to
be a permanent thing. She was unsure if she wanted to continue.

Dominick had left town this morning on a short business trip, so

Stella had returned to her apartment to change clothes. Tyler had
invited her over for a “nooner” if she wanted, and promised to have
food available so she wouldn’t have to cook. She’d promised to be
there but only had at best an hour and a half to “have lunch” to which
he’d salaciously agreed to keep the eating only to her pussy if she was

He didn’t mention anything about permanent or future

relationship, just free time to have a sexual romp. She’d promised to
be there. Now she didn’t have a way to get there, having already
established she could no longer afford taxis. Besides, she needed
some time alone to figure out what in the world she was going to do
now. And how she was ever going to pay that enormous amount of
money back in thirty days.

She’d have to remember to call him and decline his sexy offer. At

least until she could figure a way out of this mess.

Stella exited the rental car as quickly as possible in light of the

driver being slightly impatient, slung her purse over her shoulder, and

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carried her “personal stuff” box in front of her as she trudged to her
apartment. The skies above now clouded as another snowstorm was
predicted for later.

The coming blizzard might be the best thing. She had food.

Perhaps she’d hole up and hibernate for a few days. She was numb
from the previous hour of her life. If she couldn’t have a do-over for
this morning, then she needed time alone. She needed to consider her
options. Did she even have any? None came immediately to mind as
she crossed the sidewalk to her building. She decided the best idea for
her immediate future was to curl up on her sofa, watch television in
her pajamas, and contemplate what on God’s green earth she was
going to do next.

Unused to being home at this hour on a weekday, Stella trudged

upstairs to the apartment she’d shared with her mother before she was
moved to different accommodations. She found it hard to believe
nearly a year had gone by since her mother’s death.

After pacing the floor, crying over a cup of tea, and searching for

every available asset she owned, which wasn’t much, she finally
turned her phone off. Then she turned her cell phone off. Her
emotions were on overload. Fearful a call, even from a salesman
trying to change her phone plan, would send her into a terminal crying
jag from which she might never recover.

She was better off secluding herself from the world at large. She

lost herself in mindless morning television.

The knock at the door startled her and peeking through the

eyehole surprised her even more. The landlord waited outside.

The rent was due tomorrow.
Double crap.
Without looking at her checking account balance, she knew she

had enough, but not much more than a month’s rent residing there.
Friday would have been payday for all her other bills, but not
anymore. Imperative though was keeping this apartment. She’d have

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to be up to date on her rent in order to negotiate and sign a new lease
next month.

Stella opened the door with a fake smile in place, hoping Mrs.

White’s eyesight was poor enough to miss her bloodshot eyes and
been-crying-for-hours-at-my-sad-life face.

Her landlady’s familiar white-headed, hunched-over shape only

half filled Stella’s door space.

“Hi, Mrs. White. How are you today?” Stella asked in an overloud

voice. The poor dear was very hard of hearing. “Are you here to pick
up the rent?”

The old woman scrunched her face as if confused for a moment,

then shook her head.

“Hate like the dickens to do it,” she eventually mumbled. A

stapled set of papers in one arthritic hand, which Stella hadn’t noticed
before, suddenly lifted to Stella’s eye level. “I’m selling the
apartments. Gonna retire to Florida. Rent’s paid to the end of next
month, which is when you hafta be out. Your mama didn’t have a
deposit on file after all these years, so we’re square. Make sure you
get all your stuff out in time, or you’ll lose it for sure. The new
owners are bulldozing the place the day after.”

What the hell? She didn’t know many of the residents and in fact

hadn’t seen many of them recently. Probably because they’d all had
advance notice.

The apartment had been her mother’s before she’d had the stroke

that eventually led to her being put in a nursing facility. The one that
had cost so much and caused the enormous bill now looming over her

Stella took the paper from her and scanned it quickly. The top was

her lease agreement, which ended in thirty days. The second was a
notice of intent to sell the property to a California-based group
intending on leveling the aging apartments to put up expensive,
mountain-view condos.

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“Mrs. White, you can’t be serious. How am I going to find another

place to live, not to mention move all my stuff, in just thirty days?”
The rental market was brutal in this area lately. She’d heard stories at
work about inflated capacities, and six-month waits for even crappy
places to live.

Her landlord wobbled back and forth from one orthopedic-shoe-

clad foot to another for a bit, then steadied herself and said, “Didn’t I
tell you last year?”

Stella resisted the sincere urge to roll her eyes in disbelief. “No. I

would have remembered.” Why today of all days?

“Oh.” She looked confused for a moment, then smiled as if she’d

had a memory come suddenly back in her mind. “I know. I told
everyone else when your mama died. I guess I forgot to tell you since
you were sad and grieving. Sorry.” She turned away and started
hobbling down the hallway.

Stella tamped down her aggravation and carefully closed the door,

proud she’d had the fortitude not to slam it hard enough to rattle in the
doorframe with the crescendo of aggravation she felt.

No car.
No job.
No apartment.
Huge looming debt she couldn’t pay.
Court action pending if she didn’t pay what was owed.
Life spiraling out of control in too short of a time to take in all the

badness at once, Stella simply shut down. She left the television on,
crawled into her bed still fully clothed, and sobbed until she didn’t
have moisture left in her body.

* * * *

Tyler sat in front of the clock, staring intently and waiting

patiently for Stella to show up. She’d said she would be here no later

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than eleven thirty, but as the clock struck one o’clock, he figured she
wasn’t going to make it.

The lunch had been an impromptu one, scheduled directly before

Dominick left on a short business trip to Montana for a couple of
nights. Tyler had also invited her to come back to the ranch after work
if lunch was too difficult to manage.

She’d seemed confident she could get away for a bit of lunch. But

perhaps her Monday hadn’t gone according to plan.

A growing voice in his head told him he should let her go and stop

chasing her. If she wanted to hang out with them while they still lived
in Colorado, she would. If a future breakup due to them moving back
to their own property seemed too difficult, they’d all agreed it would
be better not to get totally involved right now.

But after Dominick left, Stella had seemed so content to see where

things led. She told them she needed to keep her job for three years.
He didn’t know why. But that after that period of time, she might be
in the mood to travel.

Three years was a long time to spend away from Montana, but

Tyler was ever optimistic they could make it work. If Stella wanted
to. Her lunchtime no-show made him more nervous than he was
willing to admit.

Bottom line, he didn’t want to say good-bye yet.
Before he’d left, Dominick told him not to be overbearing. As if.
He checked his cell phone for the umpteenth time, looking for a

text message, and finally gave up and called her office number at
work. Perhaps an unexpected meeting had come up. She did say she
was a workaholic in a place that demanded lots of her time. But he
was disappointed not to see her today.

After leaving three messages at her work, three more on her cell

phone, and two on her home phone, he figured he’d covered all his
bases, and she thought of him as a pesky stalker now. The police
would soon have copies of his repeated and more and more desperate

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phone calls for the trial on his crime of being completely overbearing
and stalker-like.

He sent his gaze skyward and shook his head. What was he doing?

Dominick would kick his ass if he could see him waiting around,
watching a clock, and sending copious numbers of messages without
hearing a response.

After spending a luxurious weekend fucking their respective

brains out, their serious discussion regarding a future coincided with
Dominick leaving this morning.

They’d been straightforward about the semitemporary nature of

their stay at the DRMC ranch in Colorado, and the land they owned in
Montana that they hoped to return to eventually once things were
straightened out with this club property. She seemed to understand.

Perhaps they’d read her wrong. Maybe her independent streak

didn’t allow for temporary relationships. Completely mad for her,
Tyler promised himself he’d give her a bit of space this afternoon.

Tyler decided to take care of his ranch chores and promised

himself he wouldn’t check again until later tonight. Six o’clock. Or
maybe five would be better. Didn’t she leave work around five thirty?

Upon reflection as he hustled through his chores, Tyler wondered

if she hadn’t just been being polite at his request for company.

Dominick had cautioned him to give her space, but he hadn’t

listened. The second Dominick had left for the airport, he’d cornered
Stella with a seductive kiss and a reminder invitation for a sexy lunch
to break up her day. He told her he’d give her a blow job like her
orally fixated employers, if she wanted.

She laughed and told him she looked forward to it.
Once he’d finished all the things on the ranch that needed to be

done, plus Dominick’s chores as well, Tyler took a long, hot shower
and contemplated his next move.

Should he leave her alone or not give up in his effort to pursue her

no matter what it took to see her?

Easy choice.

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Tyler got dressed and looked up the law firm Stella worked for.

He dialed the central number and asked for her, ready to pretend he
had some sort of legal issue only she could solve for him.

“Is Ms. Gilbert in today? I really need just a quick minute of her

time.” Tyler tried to sound businesslike in his urgent tone. The phone
receptionist paused for a long space of time at the mention of Stella’s

She soon cleared her throat and said slowly, “I’m sorry, sir, she’s

not currently in the building. Is there someone else that could help
you?” Tyler glanced at the clock. Five twenty in the afternoon.

“No. It must be her. Has she left for the day? Could you leave her

a message to call me when she gets back?”

Another long pause and what sounded like some whispers in the

background that he couldn’t make out. “Unfortunately, sir,” she
continued in practically a whisper, “she won’t be back.”

“Thanks.” He hung up the phone. Well, if she’d already left for

the day and wasn’t already here, it meant he’d been too pushy after
all. Damn it.

She was likely avoiding his calls and wondering how to tell him

she didn’t want to further their relationship. His continued calls had to
be making everything that much worse. She was so nice, she probably
didn’t want to hurt their feelings.

As much as it would pain him, he knew what he needed to do.

He’d go see her in person and straighten things out once and for all.
Clay knew where she lived. He’d get the address and go see her in
person to do the right thing. Dominick might actually be proud of him
for being so adult about this issue when Tyler truly wanted to simply
wrap her up and hide her in his bedroom bound to his bed for all

The fact that she hadn’t called or shown up today at lunch seemed

to indicate she was didn’t want to continue in their lifestyle. However,
if she didn’t want to continue the relationship, he’d be the one to

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break it off so she didn’t have to. He didn’t want her to suffer with the
decision to end things.

He’d man up and do it himself.

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Chapter Twelve

Stella lumbered out of bed after several hours of justifiably feeling

very sorry for herself. She made her way to the kitchen for water to
rehydrate. Fatigued from the seemingly endless crying jags, she
actually hadn’t slept at all.

Oh, she’d closed her eyes several times trying to calm down, but

the nightmare that was her current life kept intruding and spilling into
her consciousness, keeping any rest at bay.

She looked down at her clothing. Wrinkled and messy, her

garments might have fared better if she hadn’t lounged around in
them all day wallowing in her own self-pity.

A lone bottle of water rested on the top shelf of her refrigerator.

She grabbed the bottle, took a long sip of cool water, and shuffled into
the living room. Night had descended, although it really wasn’t very
late. The television was still tuned to the Home and Garden channel
where she’d left it from earlier.

Watching a team of folks transform a ho-hum landscape into a

spectacular one made Stella’s eyes fill. How could she even have a
drop of moisture left in her body?

The doorbell startled her and she hoped there wasn’t going to be

more bad news from her landlady. If she had to even think about
leaving before the end of next month she was going to run screaming
down the snowy streets and bury herself in the nearest snowbank head

A rapid-fire knock came on the heels of the final chime of the


“I’m coming,” she called out bitterly. Sheesh. Keep your pants on.

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Through the peephole she saw salvation in the form of an agitated

Tyler. Realizing she’d completely forgotten to call him earlier once
she got the final straw regarding her housing situation, Stella was
grateful he’d tracked her down at home. She truly needed a shoulder
to cry on.

She wrenched the door open and stared. She couldn’t believe he’d

come all the way here.

His expression was unusually clouded. He started to speak, but

then glanced up at her face and stopped himself. She probably looked
a mess. He returned his gaze to the threshold of her apartment.

Fearful that if she spoke even one word she’d lose it and sob

herself into a puddle, Stella motioned him inside and pointed to a
chair. He didn’t seem to notice she hadn’t spoken.

“I can’t stay long,” he said as he crossed the threshold.
She closed the door and also decided that if she touched him,

she’d break down, too. She was just so glad he was here. Especially
after she’d stood him up for both lunch and dinner without so much as
a text message in explanation.

“Tyler—” She began trying to figure which of the many pieces of

horrible news she’d suffered through today to tell him first.

Face pointed at the living room rug, Tyler cut her off. “Listen, I

won’t keep you, I just wanted to tell you in person that I’ve had a
great time with you. I know Dominick has, as well.” He stopped
talking and a long sigh escaped.

Stella took a step closer, intending to fall into his arms, but he

moved away. He hadn’t even looked at her since he’d been in here.
What was going on?

“Given that Dominick and I will only be residing in Colorado for

another year.” He crossed his arms and shook his head slightly before
continuing, “I think it’s better if we call it quits before we get in too
deep. I know you’ve probably been trying to think of a way to say the
same thing all day, and why you didn’t come over, so I decided to
come here save you the trouble.”

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Stella threw the bottle of water overhand and slammed it against

her front door. The plastic broke open at the abuse and sprayed
moisture on the door the wall and at her feet. “What the fuck, Tyler!”
she fairly screamed.

He’d jumped at the crash and finally looked up at her face. A

visible look of confusion was soon covered by one of concern.
“What’s wrong?”

“Really? Are you serious? What’s wrong? Besides the fact that

you just broke up with me after the suck-fest of a day I’ve had, you

She stalked to the kitchen and grabbed the linen towel on the

counter. Before she could return to the front door to wipe up the
water, Tyler had followed her. He pinned her against her double
pantry doors with his sizable, firm body and held her in place.

“Have you been crying?”
Stella pushed at him. “Get off of me.” But he didn’t budge.
“No. Tell me about your suck-fest of a day and why your eyes are

swollen and red.”

“Why should I? You said it was better if we called it quits.”
Tyler’s eyes narrowed. He pushed out a sigh. “I expected you at

lunch and then at dinner at the ranch. I left you several messages, both
voice and text, at your home and your cellular with no response from
you all damn day long. I even looked up the number for your work
and called there looking for you, but you’d already left for the day.”

She squirmed at the mention of her workplace, but he still

wouldn’t let her go. The tears were welling up in her soul. She wasn’t
going to be able to hold them in much longer.

“What happened to you today, Stella? I was truly worried about

you,” he whispered, and kissed her temple with such tender care, she
lost it.

A lone sob shook her body and she sucked in a quick, weepy

breath, and then reiterated every horrible event. “I got fired today.
And the full balance of the loan I secured to take care of my mother

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right before she died was handed to me instead of any kind of
severance pay. I’d planned to work at that fucking place for three
more years to pay it off. And, worst of all, if I don’t pay the huge
balance in thirty days, they’ll prosecute me as per the fine print I
didn’t notice when I signed it as my mother was dying.

“They came and took my rental car a day early because I misread

the date it was due back. When I got home, my landlady told me she
sold the apartment building I’m living in. So now I have thirty days to
find a new place and move because the new owners will be leveling
the place in order to put up condominiums I won’t be able to afford,
even if I was willing to wait for them to be built.

“And now you don’t want me anymore either.” She dropped her

head and started crying again.

“That’s not true, Stella. I was trying to be a stand-up guy when I

thought you didn’t want us or our lifestyle anymore. I truly thought
you were avoiding me today so you wouldn’t have to hurt my
feelings. Besides, I think my heart wrenched from my chest and fell to
the ground the moment I said the words ‘call it quits.’ We’ll have to
look for it in a minute. I think it might be under your sofa.”

The ludicrous thought of looking for his heart under her sofa made

a laugh escape. She secured her arms around his waist and hugged
him tight.

“You have two more minutes of me holding you like this, and

then you’re going to pack a bag and come back to the ranch with me.”

“But,” she began.
“No buts. Don’t even try it. You’re coming home with me tonight.

You’ll move into our house and proceed to love us. If you’d like to
take it on, we’d love if you would cook for us, because every single
thing you make is awesome. Even Clay would like to relinquish his
cooking responsibilities to someone else after eating your food. Or
we’ll hire a chef so you can relax. Someday we’ll move to Montana,
but not this week, and not without your agreement.”

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She stiffened in his muscular arms, unable to take his generous

offer without a fight. “I can take care of myself.”

“I have no doubt about that at all, but you’re going to let me and

Dominick help you, because you love us and want us to be happy. No

She hesitated. “I’m not sure.”
“I’ll make this easy. Dominick will be mad at both of us if you

don’t end up at our ranch after the day you’ve had. You don’t want
that, trust me. He can be a bear when he’s angry.”

A foreign sensation lodged in her belly all of a sudden. Letting go

and having someone else make all the decisions was something she
hadn’t experienced in, well, since forever. It felt decidedly good to let
someone else take the reins of control and take care of her for a

“I’m so sorry I didn’t make more small talk when I came in. I

should have looked at your eyes closer. But I was afraid I’d see
discomfort at my presence.”

“I’m sorry I forgot to call you all day. I guess I was a bit

preoccupied with self-pity.”

He smiled and brushed tears from her cheeks. “Totally

understandable. I heard that you had a suck-fest of a day.”

The second smile of the day since he’d been there shaped her lips.

“Thanks, Tyler.”

She let him help her pack up her personal items, enough to spend

a lengthy stay at the ranch, as if she were on a long vacation. The next
day she gave him the keys to her apartment, and he arranged for all
the rest of her belongings to be packed up professionally and put in

By the time Dominick got home the next night, the important

things from her apartment would be safely ensconced in the room
closest to the kitchen. The rest would be safely tucked away until she
decided what happened next. Whichever direction her life took, at
least she would have Tyler and Dominick.

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And while having her own space was inherently important, she

would likely rarely sleep in the room they gave her. Instead she
planned to spend her nights in either Tyler’s or Dominick’s room after
talking them into exquisite lovemaking each and every night.

The only problem that remained was the sizable bill she owed in

one short month. How on Earth would she come up with that money
without asking Dominick and Tyler to pay it for her? She wouldn’t
borrow from them. Not ever.

Stella vowed to find a way, even if she had to sell her spare organs

to accomplish the task.

* * * *

Dominick forced himself to stop at the post office on his way out

to the ranch after leaving the airport to pick up the day’s mail. In the
stack was something he had to sign for, but that wasn’t addressed to
him. Interesting. It was in point of fact, addressed to Stella. Even
more interesting.
Apparently, lots had happened in the four days he’d
been gone. With a smile in his heart at knowing he was headed home
and that somewhere at the DRMC property, Stella waited for him,
Dominick hurried home.

The moment he entered the garage and even more so when he

cruised through the mud room, Dominick knew she was there because
of the smell of delicious food wafting throughout the house. He
opened the door to the kitchen, stepped inside to see Stella sprawled
across the island half-naked, as if waiting for him.

“Wow. I can’t wait to taste dinner.” He stepped forward as she

lifted her head with a seductive smile in place. “Are we all having
delicious woman for our meal?”

“No. Just you.”
He looked around and listened for anyone else in the house.

“Where is everyone else?”

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“Clay is in town spending the night away since you’re home, and

Tyler kicked him out.”

“I see.” He dropped the stack of mail on a barstool and

approached even closer.

“Where is Tyler?”
“He’s upstairs resting up for tonight.”
“Even better. So do I get a special preview taste since I’ve been

away and deprived of your company for a very long, exhausting four

“Sure. Come have a taste.” She was almost wearing a button-up

shirt he recognized from his own closet that he’d discarded to his
casual knock around the house clothes pile because of an ink stain on
the shirt pocket. Currently that stain resided just below her breast.
One pert nipple poked out just above the pocket in tantalizing wonder.
His mouth watered as he walked over and got close enough to reach
out and touch.

The moment he arrived at her side, the other side of the shirt

suddenly fell away to reveal one succulent breast. He bent at the waist
and captured the exposed breast in his mouth, then nibbled on the tip
with wild, happy abandon. Her moan send a spasm of lust to his
groin, and as soon as his cock surged into the hard, ready to fuck
position so fast he almost lost his balance. He grabbed her hips and
pulled her forward toward his body. Her long, silken legs slipped
around his waist as if to tempt him even further.

She sat up on the edge of the counter. “You don’t seem that

surprised to see me. Why not?”

“I smelled food when I came into the garage. I figured it wasn’t

Clay because his truck is gone, and I know Tyler can’t cook. Also
there was a letter I had to sign for at the Post Office that was
addressed to you.”

A fake frown marred her expression for a few seconds. “And we

really wanted to surprise you.”

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He pulled her against his chest. “Oh, I’m surprised all right. Want

to see how surprised my cock is right now?”

“Yes. But what letter did I get?” She shifted in his arms and

looked at the stack of mail on the stool cushion.

He buried his face at her throat. “I thought I got to have a taste of

you first.”

The vibration of her laughter against his lips didn’t do anything to

quell his lust. “I’m about to burst with enthusiasm.”

“Well, we can’t have that. Just don’t ruin your dinner. We thought

we’d invade your room tonight and spend some special time

“How many special times did you spend with Tyler today?”
She grinned. “A couple. Why?”
“Then I deserve to get two tastes right now.” He lowered his

mouth to hers and kissed her hard. “But trust me, I’ll have plenty left
for later. I missed you desperately while I was away.”

“Did you?”
“Let me show you how much.” Dominick unbuttoned the last two

buttons on her shirt and pulled the garment from her shoulders.
Completely naked now, Stella arched her back and pushed her breasts
forward. He put both hands on them, covering them and squeezing her
soft flesh.

Her hand wandered down to his zipper. “I think you have too

many clothes on.” He allowed her to unzip his trousers and free his
needy cock. The brush of her soft fingers tightened his balls to the
point where he was going to come in her hand if she continued
stroking him. She slipped forward, still gripping his hips between her
legs, and also pulling his cock closer to her pussy.

“Do you have a condom handy?” she asked.
“No.” He stopped moving and tried to think past his lust at where

the nearest one was.

“Can you support me?” she asked, scooting her butt closer to the

edge, and her pussy ever nearer to his cock.

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“Of course,” he managed to whisper.
“The room behind you has been designated as mine. Tyler put a

fresh supply in there.”

He started to move that way, but she produced a square foil

package as if by magic. “Good to know you’d carry me there, but I
thought ahead for just this event.”

“You are such a wily vixen. And so very proactive.” He snatched

the condom from her and put it on quickly before resuming his
previous position.

He grabbed her thighs, lined up his cock with her pussy lips at the

very edge of the counter. She slipped over the marble edge and
impaled herself on his now very happy, marble-hard cock.

“Jesus, God Almighty,” he murmured under his breath the

moment she was fully sheathed over him. She put her arms around his
neck and lifted her hips up then down.

Dominick staggered back, his butt landing on the opposite counter

to brace himself for her onslaught of movement. Up and down she
rode his cock as he gripped her hips and thrust inside her warm, wet

“You feel so good,” she said, and nibbled the lobe of one ear. The

bite sent a streak of lust from ear to cock. He couldn’t hold back.

“I’m going to come if you do that again.”
She pulled away, smiled deviously, and promptly bit his other

earlobe. As promised, the climax he’d tried to hold at bay roared from
his balls all the way out the end of his cock.

Head tilted back in sublime pleasure, Dominick fairly growled as

the release he hadn’t expected to have for awhile quaked through his

Stella hugged him tight as he clenched her in his arms still

shaking from the climax.

“Jesus, God Almighty,” he said once again. “You did that on


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“I hardly got a taste before you pushed me over the edge. Not that

I’m complaining, but I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to please you.”

“You’ll please me if you give me my mail.”
Dominick smiled. “So that’s why you seduced me so quickly. For

my mail.”

“No. For my mail. Do your legs work yet?” She wiggled her pussy

against his still hard cock. “Carry me back over there.”

“As you wish.” Dominick put extra effort into stiffening his leg

muscles to move the three steps to the island and the stool with the

He lifted her butt and put her back onto the island. He’d no more

pulled his cock from her body when she bent over and grabbed the
oversized envelope he’d had to sign for at the Post Office off the top
pile of the mail stack.

“I hope this isn’t more bad news.”
“Have you had bad news recently?” He made his way to the

bathroom to clean up as she slipped his stained shirt back on. Zipping
his pants up upon his quick return, he saw that she’d halted her
opening of the manila envelope and scrunched her eyebrows in a most
delectable way. “Didn’t Tyler tell you?”

“No.” He tucked his shirt back into his pants. “My cell phone has

bad service in that area of Montana, anyway. Even worse than here,
and it didn’t help when I dropped it in a puddle my first day there. I
haven’t spoken to Tyler since I left.”

“I lost my job,” she said without further preamble.
“What?” She looked so dejected, he wanted to wrap her in his

arms again.

“I lost my job, then they took my rental car a day earlier than

expected, then my landlady gave me a thirty-day notice that she’s
selling my apartment building, and the new owners are leveling it to

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Dominick had approached her quickly as she spoke. He had his

arms around her squeezing her tight before she finished.

“And all that wasn’t even the worst part.”
“There’s more?” He pulled away.
“I had a loan to repay. It was coming out of my checks. I had three

years left on the balance of the loan. But along with my pink slip
came the bill due in just thirty days.”

Dominick, incredulous that she wasn’t comatose from all the bad

news, started to say that he’d pay the bill. However she spoke first.

“Don’t even say you’ll pay it, either.”
“Stella, we can help you.”
“I know you can, but I’m so battered and beaten down. Please,

you have to at least leave me with my pride. I’ll figure out a way to
pay it.”

“I have no doubt. But in the face of jail, I hope you’ll at least let

me front you some bail money.”

“If the time ever comes, I may take you up on it. In the meantime,

Tyler graciously ordered me to move here, because he said you’d kick
his ass if he didn’t.”

“That’s exactly right.”
Tyler entered at that moment. “Hey, you’re back.” He took a

closer look. “And you look pretty relaxed for dropping your precious
cell phone in a puddle.”

“How did you know that?”
“I called the foreman at the ranch. Ben was pretty forthcoming

about your antics there.”

“Ben should mind his manners.”
“Probably, but I hadn’t heard from you for several days, so I

wanted to converse.”

“Sounds like you had lots to tell me,” Dominick said.
“So she told you about her suck-fest of a day?”
“Yep. Job, car, and home all gone.”
“And I broke up with her, too.”

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Stella huffed. “I didn’t tell him that. You didn’t mean it anyway.”
“You broke up with her? What’s wrong with you?” Dominick

hugged her and sent a look over her shoulder at Tyler.

Tyler raised his arms. “I was trying to be an adult. Didn’t work

out. I’ll think long and hard before ever doing it again.”

A beeper went off on the stove, distracting them all. Stella put the

envelope down, hopped off the island counter with the oversized shirt
flapping open, and pulled something from the oven.

Stella broke in between them. “Let’s have dinner in the formal

dining room tonight, okay?”

Tyler looked down at her half-dressed state and smiled. “Looks

like you’ve been cooking all right, but not necessarily all food.”

“Dominick was happy to see me.”
“I’ll bet.”
They both followed her into the formal dining room already set

for dinner, and with a large plate of cornbread waiting in the center of
the table.

The casserole dish she’d pulled from the oven was placed

alongside the cornbread.

“What’s for dinner?”
“Roast beef with potatoes and carrots, and some cornbread.”
“I’ve really missed you being away from the ranch. I hope you

won’t leave here too quickly. We really love your cooking.”

“I’ll have to find a job, eventually.”
“I wish you’d let us hire you as a cook.”
“You’ve already done enough by letting me live here temporarily.

I’ll be fine.”

Stella dished up the food and the three of them had a nice meal.

Afterward, she brought out a peach and blackberry cobbler,
apologizing that it was only made with canned peaches and frozen

“Seriously, we’re guys. We don’t care where it came from as long

as it’s food.”

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“Oh I forgot a spoon to dish it out. Be right back.”
When she returned, she had a spoon in one hand, and the manila

envelope in the other.

“You distracted me from this earlier.”
“I just wanted sex and food. You lured me in by lying naked on

the island.”

Tyler laughed. “I knew you were too relaxed to have just come in

from your trip.”

Stella pulled the papers out and began reading as they helped

themselves to the cobbler.

“What!” Stella stood from the table, papers clutched in her hands,

screeching her chair out behind her as if in a fury. “How could you
two do this to me?”

* * * *

Stella backed away from the table clutching the papers from work

in one hand, absolutely furious that she’d trusted these men.

“What is wrong, Stella?” Dominick and Tyler both stood from the

table. “What do the papers in there say?”

She lifted the vile, crunched papers in her hand up above her head.

“This. My loan has been paid off. These are the papers saying that I
don’t owe on it anymore.”

Tyler’s mouth dropped open, but no sound was forthcoming. He

shook his head back and forth, and then looked at Dominick.

Dominick, on the other hand, looked mildly confused.
Stella backed away from them. “You two conspired to pay it off

and then didn’t tell me. Why would you do this? I told you it was my
debt. I told you that I would pay it.”

“Stella.” Dominick finally spoke. “I didn’t pay it off.”
“Neither did I.” Tyler found his voice.

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“I don’t believe you.” Stella turned around, stalked through the

hall past the kitchen, and headed to the bedroom they’d given her. She
slammed the door and tried to get her anger under control.

She paced and cursed under her breath, and tried to breathe and

calm herself.

A few minutes later, a tap came at the door. She didn’t want to

answer it. Didn’t want to face them. She was so pathetic that she
needed a man to take care of her problems. Her mother would be so
proud. She’d finally landed not one, but two sugar daddies to take
care of her and pay her way.

“Stella, please come out. I promise we didn’t pay anything for


They were denying it? Stella scooped up the now hopelessly

crumpled papers and flung the door open wide.

She stomped out into the kitchen between them. “How do you

explain this then?” She waved the receipt for payment in full on her
sizable loan in front of them. “Who else would pay it? No one else
knows about it.”

“Your boss, Mr. Fuller—”
“Wouldn’t piss on me if I was on fire,” she finished for him.
Dominick put a hand on her shoulder. “I swear to you that neither

of us paid this bill for you. I didn’t even know about the loan you had
until just now.”

She turned to Tyler. He shook his head. “Sorry, honey. If I could

have figured out a way, I would have paid it, but I couldn’t even get
anyone to talk to me at your place of business. Lawyers are pretty
closed mouthed.”

“Who else knew about the loan?” Dominick asked. “Would your

supervisor have paid it?”

“Claudia?” Stella laughed out loud. “No way. She hasn’t even

tried to contact me since I left the firm. I figured she’d at least call
and gloat.”

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“But the cell service out here is iffy. Maybe she’s tried, but the

calls haven’t gone through.”

Stella looked at Dominick and Tyler carefully again. They truly

seemed as surprised as she was.

“Was there a note in the envelope besides the receipt to explain?”
Stella sifted through the pages several times. “No. Nothing.”
Dominick had started rifling through the rest of the mail. “Perhaps

there is more of your mail in here. Something to explain. Ah ha.” He
pulled a letter from the pile. “This is also addressed to you.”

Stella grabbed it and read the return address, but didn’t recognize

it. She then ripped the envelope open and pulled out a letter. A small
piece of paper fell to the floor from the pages. Dominick scooped it
up and handed a personal check to her.

Dearest Stella,
I’m sorry I didn’t learn of your job troubles sooner.

Stella scanned to the bottom of the page. It was signed Mr. Baker.

He was one of the named partners at the firm where she worked.

“Holy shit. This is from one of the partners.” Stella kept reading.

Enclosed please find a check in the amount of the money you’ve

paid toward the loan for this past year. I’ve also added in a bit more
for severance. It was unfair for you to be fired in the manner you were
let go. Please accept this money and the payment in full of your loan
as equal compensation for the work you did at our firm. I promised
your mother I’d look in on you now and again. I’m sorry I wasn’t
there to head off this travesty. If you’d like your job back, I’ll see
what I can find for you elsewhere, since I’d expect you do not wish to
return to Baker, Fuller and Howe at this time. Please contact me at
your earliest convenience, and I’ll see that you get a job with
comparable pay.

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Jay Baker

Stella handed the letter over to Dominick. She then hung her head

and cried.

She cried for many reasons. But mostly for her erroneous rush to

judgment over Dominick and Tyler paying for her loan. She should
have believed them when they told her they didn’t pay it.

“I’m so sorry,” she began, but both of them surrounded her and

sandwiched her between them.

“No worries, honey. We were the logical choice.” Tyler hugged

her and kissed the back of her neck.

Dominick kissed her forehead. “Looks like you’re rich now. You

probably don’t even want us anymore.”

“Not true. I’m not leaving you. Who else would put up with my


“Please. My first thought was that Tyler had actually done it. He

doesn’t think.”

“I do, too. And I think we should get in there and eat that


“Oh right, I forgot, he thinks with his belly.”
“Nothing wrong with that when we have the best cook in the state

of Colorado.”

They retired to the dining room once more as Stella thought about

how lucky she was. After a hellacious roller-coaster ride and then an
even more surprising recovery, they’d stood by her good or bad, and
even when she was a bitch to them.

She decided she was lucky to have these men. She already loved

them, and had for quite awhile. Her future was certainly looking up.
“Thank you for understanding.”

Tyler brushed hair from her shoulder. “I love it that you go all

wild and crazy when you think we’ve done something for you.”

“I just never wanted a sugar daddy.”

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Tyler stopped. “Is that what you think? Woman, you’ll be

working for your room and board here. First as a cook, and then our
private love slave.”

“Love slave, really?”
Tyler gave her a sheepish look. “Well at least until we can

convince you to marry us.”

“Marry you?” She glanced at each of them in turn. “You want to

marry me?”

“Yes,” they both said simultaneously.
Stella tried and failed to hold in her tears. “I really love the both of


“We love you, too,” they both said.
Later on, she knew her men would prove their love to her with

their bodies.

Stella couldn’t wait.

* * * *

Clay smiled to himself as he held the door open for Stella to climb

out of his SUV. He was about to have some good old-fashioned fun
and right a wrong at the same time.

He grabbed her elbow and walked with her to the elaborately

decorated entrance of the law firm of Baker, Fuller and Howe. It
definitely looked like a Western law office. Lots of tall glass
windows, slate-colored stone, and weathered wood were arranged in a
pleasing and rustic display.

“Thanks for coming with me, Clay.” Stella flashed him a smile. “I

didn’t want to go in to work alone to meet Mr. Baker. It’s only been a
two weeks, but seems like I’ve been gone for long time.”

“No problem. That’s what protective older male relatives do.”

Clay hadn’t told her the true reason he’d wanted to tag along.

A week ago, Clay had seen the cardboard box Stella had brought

from where she worked. On the top of the pile was a glass-framed

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company picture from some company ceremony. He recognized
someone in the picture. Someone he hadn’t seen in many years.

Careful research in a few places he probably shouldn’t have been

reading had yielded interesting information regarding the person in
the picture and a further theory he wanted to test.

“Still, it’s nice to go in to work feeling like I have a bodyguard,

just in case I need one.”

He nodded. “That’s the job of any security detail. I promise that

I’ll promptly crush anyone who fucks with you.”

She laughed as they crossed the threshold of the entryway and

warm air surrounded them.

A pretty dark-haired receptionist sat at a circular desk and smiled

with seemingly genuine happiness as Stella approached. Her gaze
took him in, but she focused quickly back on Stella.

“Stella. It’s so good to see you.” Her bright smile almost made

Clay take notice. Long ago, he’d been partial to brunettes. But he
wasn’t here to chat up a pretty receptionist. He was here for Stella.

“Hi, Abby, good to see you, too.”
“Are the rumors true? Are you coming back here to work?”
“I’m considering it, but I haven’t quite decided yet.”
She leaned closer to Stella. “I’m not the only one who misses


Stella’s brows furrowed. “Who else misses me?”
Abby glanced over each shoulder before leaning further forward

and whispering, “I’m convinced Claudia misses you, but she’d never
admit it out loud. She actually has to work and do all the things she
used to make you take care of.”

“Oh no, the horror.” Stella’s lyrical laughter touched Clay’s

hardened soul. He was glad she had cheered up so significantly after
spending quality time with Dominick and Tyler. The three of them
deserved to be happy together. He thought they made an outstanding

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Abby leaned even closer as if she was about to spill gossip. “Plus,

she and Mr. Fuller aren’t sharing any benefits anymore. If you know
what I mean.”

“Really?” Stella leaned forward. “What happened?”
“Rumor around the water cooler is that she was sleeping with

someone else. Someone even more inappropriate than Mr. Fuller. It
was also apparently the reason she was late the morning you were
sent off, for no good reason, by Mr. Fuller. The next day they had a
big fat fight in his office. The gist of the conversation was hard to

“Wow. I’m sorry to have missed that.” Stella asked, “So who

could possibly be more inappropriate to sleep with than her boss?”

Abby looked over one shoulder and scanned the area carefully

before whispering, “Mr. Fuller’s twenty-two-year-old son.”

Stella’s eyes widened. “And I thought she only screwed men who

could boost her career or give her money.”

The phone rang and Abby put a finger in the air before answering

it. After directing a call, she put her attention back on the two of them.
She took a longer look at him this time. He didn’t frown or anything,
but tried not to look too fierce.

Abby’s gaze lingered a bit, but Clay turned away, not wanting to

lead her on. He was here for his own amusement, not to get a date.
That particular pleasure, of seeking women, wasn’t even on his radar.
Not yet.

“Is Mr. Baker ready to see me, Abby?”
“He sure is. Told me to send you right back to his office just as

soon as you got here.” Abby glanced at Clay. “Will your friend be
going back there, as well?”

Clay could speak for himself. “Yes. I’m accompanying her, but

not directly into Mr. Baker’s office. I’ll wait for her close by. I hope
that won’t be a problem.” He rested one elbow on the elevated
counter and drilled her a long, steady look.

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“No. Not at all. That will be just fine.” She in turn stared at his

mouth for just a bit too long, but soon recovered.

Stella tilted her head his way. “I’ll keep an eye on him. He’s my

bodyguard in case Claudia the Bitch gets out of hand.”

Abby turned back to Stella. “Just so you know, Mr. Baker’s

secretary is not here today, so just knock on his door.”

She then smiled and leaned toward Clay. “Behave yourself now.”
Clay also moved forward. “I’ll do my best.” Then he winked at

her. “But no promises.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open a bit. He was a

little ashamed of himself for that bit of flirting. Someday he’d get
back into the dating world, but not yet. He turned away and followed

She waved at Abby and broke her staring spell. Together he and

Stella walked into the law firm. She moved straight ahead. Clay
swiveled his head around slowly, looking for Claudia. He’d seen a
picture of her from seven years ago. Given the description he’d gotten
from Dominick, Clay already knew she hadn’t changed that much. A
skinny, tight-assed bitch on wheels that made otherwise ordinary and
competent men turn into idiots because she put out and sucked cock
for anyone who might further her career or her bank account.

The moment they arrived at Mr. Baker’s office, Stella was

ushered inside his private office by Mr. Baker. She introduced him as
a friend. Clay told her he’d wait outside.

Instead of seating himself, Clay wandered down the hall toward a

water fountain by the exit. Three doors down and on the left, he found
Claudia’s office.

“Hi, Claudia Walker,” he said and leaned a shoulder against the

doorframe of her office. He glanced at her door. “I mean, Claudia

Her mud-brown eyes lifted to greet his steady gaze first in anger,

but then she got a better look at him. The recognition hit her hard
even all these years later. She half stood and promptly dropped a

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sheaf of papers across her already messy desk, scattering them into
the mix of untidiness. “Clayton?”

“Yes. That’s right.”
She stood up the rest of the way and backed against her chair.

“What in the world are you doing here?”

“I came to take care of some old business involving you.” I’m

settling a score.

Her sudden panicked look satisfied him. “I don’t know what

you’re talking about.”

“Don’t you?” Clay shook his head and lifted his shoulder away

from her door. “Well, I’ll just have a nice chat with your boss and ask
if you disclosed your criminal past before getting a job here. Does he
know that you lost your license to practice as a paralegal at your last

“Don’t do that!” Claudia zipped around the corner of her desk.

“What do you want?”

“I want you to leave town.”
She skidded to a stop two yards from him. “Leave town? Are you

insane? I can’t leave town.” She crossed her skinny arms and pursed
her lips as if she wasn’t about to budge. “I won’t leave.”

Clay shrugged. “Fine. I’ll just send an anonymous note to

someone in charge here at Baker, Fuller and Howe. I’m sure they
won’t fire your ass for lying to them about who you really are. And
I’m equally certain those embezzlement charges won’t haunt you
once you explain how you changed your name and fled the other state
to avoid prosecution.”

“I never embezzled any money,” she hissed.
Clay shrugged. “But you received all that stolen cash from the

man you convinced to steal for you anyway and you never turned it
over to the authorities, did you?” Clay made a tsk, tsk noise. “Not
even when they asked you about it.”

She took a deep breath and pushed it out. The smile she shaped

looked forced. “Doesn’t matter. Claudia Walker no longer exists.”

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“Oh yes. Clever of you to find a way to get another identity and

set up here, but I have access to deeper databases full of information.
There are so many ways to reveal your true identity.”

She pushed out a long breath and a weak, cloying smile appeared

on her too thin lips. “What will it take you make you forget that you
saw me here?”

“Your resignation from this firm.” He smiled when he said,


Claudia rolled her eyes. “Today?” She shook her head. “Not going

to happen, Clay. I have some of that money still put away. I could
give you—”

Clay shook his head. “I don’t want your dirty money, Claudia. I

want you gone from here.”

She stomped her foot. “But that’s not fair. I have a good thing

going. I didn’t do anything wrong and I don’t want to leave.”

“That’s not my problem. Besides, if you didn’t do anything wrong

why then you don’t have anything to worry about, do you?”

She pushed out a long breath. Seconds later a seductive look came

over her face. She moved closer and her hands landed on his upper
arm. “We never managed to get together all those years ago…”

“There was a reason for that,” Clay said under his breath.
“…but I’m willing to do anything for you. Name it. Absolutely


“Don’t flatter yourself. I wasn’t interested in you back then and

I’m especially not interested now.” He removed her roving hand that
was headed for his crotch and pushed her away. One of his friends
had thrown himself off a building and ended up in a permanent coma
after Claudia Walker had done a number on him.

She dropped her arms and frowned. “Surely there is something

you want.”

“Yes. I want you to go quit your job this instant or I turn over all

available information that I have from your sordid past. You can
explain it all to the powers that be about how you’re really innocent.”

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She squeezed her lips together so tight, he expected them to crack

her face in half.

He glanced at his watch. “Tick, tock, Claudia.”
She turned away, and a frustrated-sounding noise much like a

grunt came forth.

Clay walked back to the space outside where he’d left Stella.

Before a minute had gone by, he saw Claudia march past with her
purse and an oversized shopping bag. She didn’t look at him and he
didn’t care. She’d made her bed a long time ago. It was time she took
a snooze in it. His long-ago friend had ultimately lost his life because
of her.

Retribution wouldn’t bring Clay’s friend back, but it felt good for

her to suffer the loss of this job.

Less than five minutes later he heard some raised voices from the

direction where Claudia had gone. The smile that curved his lips
couldn’t be helped. He took a certain satisfaction in taking her down.
Now if Stella wanted to return to work here, she could do so without
having to worry about Claudia the Bitch.

Stella and Mr. Baker emerged from his office minutes later. Mr.

Baker, with concern and a certain confusion written all over his face,
made his way down the hall in the same path as Claudia.

“Did you see Claudia?”
“Maybe. Why, what’s up?”
Stella, eyes wide in obvious shock, said, “I can’t believe it, but

she apparently just quit her job. No reason. No notice. No anything.
She just quit and walked out a few minutes ago.”

“You don’t say.” Clay smiled and held out an arm to her.
Her eyes narrowed as her hand fastened to his forearm. “Did you

do something to her?”

Clay smiled. “Maybe. But it wasn’t anything she didn’t deserve.”
“Are you ever going to tell me what you did?”

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He shrugged. “I don’t know what you mean.” He’d only given

Claudia the illusion of an escape. She thought she had a head start in
getting away, but didn’t really.

Stella dropped the subject, but Clay suspected she’d ask again one

day. He’d already sent all the information on Claudia and her criminal
past to a friend of his with the power to do something about it. He
figured Claudia had about enough time to get back to her current
apartment and get half packed before various law enforcement
agencies would find her and arrest her.

“Well, whatever you did or didn’t do.” She paused and caught his

gaze. “Thank you, Clay.”

“My pleasure. It’s the least any bodyguard would do given the


* * * *

Three weeks later

Dominick, Tyler, and Stella walked hand in hand to the newly

finished Stadium building. They wanted to show her the facility, and
all it had to offer. He hoped one day she’d be willing to perform with
them onstage for an annual event.

“How long did it take to build this?” Stella asked.
“Seems like forever.” Dominick held the door open for her and

resisted the urge to kiss her senseless as she crossed the threshold. He
could hardly keep his hands off of her day to day.

Tyler entered behind Stella through the front doors as if they were

newly arrived out-of-state members ready to attend the annual live
sex show event for the Double Rider Men’s Club. It promised to be a
whole different experience with the large, elevated stage and lushly
furnished private viewing boxes they’d built.

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Guests would be able to sit clandestinely in their mirrored,

soundproof, personally assigned boxes and watch the show in the
privacy of their own space.

Dominick especially looked forward to Stella seeing their live

show for the first time. As contributing members, they had a premium
box view seats on the lowest level, although truthfully, every single
box had a really great view of the stage.

They entered the stage area through a side door. Seven steps

completely surrounding the stage were wide, and they traversed them
until the three of them stood on the actual platform. Several props
were built in to the stage for different shows.

A brass pole was currently placed in the center, but it could be

dropped back into the stage area below if a completely flat surface
was needed instead. There were also built-in drawers and shelves
lining the stage beneath the private boxes that held everything needed
for the show. From lubrication to condoms to silk scarves to
handcuffs, the hidden storage held it all, and more. There were any
number of other sexually stimulating things tucked away in the

On one the side of the stage was a lush, green velvet flat sofa.

Clay had picked it up on his last trip out here. His fantasy was to have
Stella on it as soon as possible. But he didn’t think she’d agree to be a
participant just yet. Maybe someday.

It didn’t matter though. There wasn’t anyone around today. Clay

had a meeting with two other members somewhere on the property,
but for now they were safe from lust-filled eyes in the Stadium.
However, he didn’t plan to tell Stella that just yet. He’d let her believe
the possibility existed to heighten the experience.

Currently on stage, the brass pole was elevated through the hole in

the floor. Mechanically, it could be lowered and hidden, or firmly
snapped upright and in place to be used as a prop for the show.

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Dominick watched as Stella first circled the stage, and then

climbed the stairs headed for the brass pole. He smiled as that was
exactly where he wanted her to go.

* * * *

“Want to try that pole out?” Tyler asked as she stepped up on the


“I don’t have the first clue of what to do. I’d probably hurt

myself.” She could probably swing around the pole once, but if she
didn’t land on her ass before letting go, it would be a miracle.

“I’ll bet you’d be fine just to twirl around it a couple times. Want

me to put a dollar bill in your bra to make it worth your while?” Tyler
reached for his wallet.

“Very funny. No thanks. Put your money away. If I did a show for

you, it’d be for free.” Stella didn’t need money anymore. She had her
job back at Baker, Fuller and Howe.

Life there was so much better since Claudia had gone away. In

addition, Mr. Fuller, Claudia’s former friend with benefits, had also
been suddenly moved to some other office with no explanation.

The reasons for his sudden departure had been speculated over by

many of the remaining employees, but nothing was confirmed. Stella
didn’t care. She truly enjoyed her job now.

Tyler grinned. “Excellent. Let’s see a free show then. Are you up

for it, Dominick?”

Dominick smiled and nodded, as she knew he would.

She looked around the room again. “But no one is here in the
building, right?” Stella circled the stage, staring up at the mirrored
glass walls above, as if she could see through them if she looked hard
enough. She couldn’t.

“Probably not. All the workmen left. I think,” Dominick said. He

remained at the bottom of the wide steps, arms crossed just watching
her. He did that a lot. Just watched her with that look of love in his

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eyes. She knew he loved her. He proved it each and every day. And
she knew that Tyler loved her, too.

The past three weeks together with the two of them had been

beyond incredible. She asked to learn more about their lifestyle, and
today’s lesson was a part of it.

They had explained this building to her and its function, but today

was the first time they’d brought her to see it. Secretly, she wanted to
get onstage and try it out while the building was empty. She’d
probably never be able to perform in front of anyone. Dominick and
Tyler told her they were very patient.

Stella climbed the stairs, reached above her head to put her hand

on the brass, and walked halfway around it. “Kind of feels sexy to be
up here.”

Tyler climbed the stairs to join her.
She smiled, secure in the knowledge she’d seen the last of the

construction trucks leave over an hour ago. When they’d come in
there was no one else parked out front. They were completely alone.

Stella pulled her shirt off over her head and took a swing around

the brass pole once. “So no one has had sex here yet, right?”

Dominick hadn’t taken his eyes off of her since her shirt hit the

floor. “Nope. This is virgin territory, so to speak.”

“What if I said we should christen it?”
Tyler, mouth still ajar, started unbuttoning his shirt. “Great idea,

honey.” Next he unzipped his fly. “I’d love to help you christen the

As Dominick watched them undress, he said, “The thing is, Stella,

you should always assume someone is watching. The capacity is
sixteen rooms facing the stage. If only three people are in each space
it’s a minimum audience of forty-eight. Might be even more. Kind of
exciting to think about it, all those people watching your beautiful
breasts sway as you circle the brass pole. Does it turn you on?”

Stella sucked in a breath and glanced around the flat, darkly tinted

mirrored windows once more circling the large space at the edge of

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the stage. She then grinned at him because he was only teasing. “I
suppose so.” She knew no one was around. So she played along.

Already barefoot, she pushed her skirt and panties to the floor and

stepped out of them. Fully undressed, she caressed her breasts in a
circular motion, brushing the tips of her fingers over her nipples
briefly before squeezing them. “And what would we do to entertain
this large crowd of imaginary people?”

“I have an idea.” Tyler finished pulling his boots, socks, jeans,

and boxers off in record time, and then slid behind her. He circled her
with his arms and plunged a hand between her legs. “Let’s have sex
and pretend a full house is watching us.”

Stella leaned into Tyler and smiled. It was sort of exciting to

imagine a whole host of people watching her have her wicked way
with the two men she loved beyond distraction. Even though she was
completely certain they were all alone. The rush of her own
excitement elevated when she motioned for Dominick to join them.
She wanted to pretend. She wanted to christen the club’s stage with

Dominick stepped to one side and grabbed lubrication and

condoms from one of the hidden drawers. He then pulled his shirt
over his head and shed his remaining clothing with every step he took
up to the top of the stage. She and Tyler were already very engaged,
rubbing against each other as she gripped the brass to stay steady.
Tyler had started hugging up against her back, but she swung around
the pole once and he turned to let her fall into his arms.

Tyler kissed her lips so tenderly she nearly melted. His hands

lingered at her waist as his tongue slipped between her lips.

Seconds later, she felt Dominick at her back. And then she felt the

cool application of lubricant to her anus. “Guess where I’d like to
start?” he whispered in her ear. He dropped a kiss on the back of her
neck, then grabbed her shoulders and squeezed.

Stella broke the kiss with Tyler and looked over her shoulder. “I

guess you’d like me to bend over.”

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“That would be great. Makes it easier to get my massive cock

between your ass cheeks that way.”

“I’ll just suck Tyler’s cock until you’re finished mounting me.”

She bent at the waist and took Tyler’s sizable cock into her mouth. He
moaned and grabbed the pole.

“You’re such a bad girl.” Dominick pushed his cock between her

cheeks slowly and carefully. The lube helped his progress, but she
still felt each glorious inch of him as he filled her ass. Once
Dominick’s cock was fully seated, she pulled her mouth off of Tyler’s
hard length.

“You don’t have to stop sucking my cock.” Which was what he

always said when she pulled her mouth away.

She laughed. “But you’ll come too fast, and besides, I want you

inside of me.”

“Well, you’ll just have to wait. I need a taste of pussy.”
He went to his knees and buried his face between her legs.

Dominick had started to move in and out of her ass. Stella still had
one hand gripping the pole to keep her balance. She glanced around
the four upper mirrored walls, and pretended there were multitudes of
people watching the three of them on stage. Butterflies registered in
her belly at even the thought, so she focused back on Dominick
thrusting evenly in and out of her ass and Tyler sucking on her clit.
The sensations zipping through her entire body were electric. She
reached up a hand to her nipple and ran a fingernail over the tip,
adding to the rush of bliss circulating in her body.

A wave of pleasure rose from between her thighs as Tyler shoved

two fingers inside her pussy and sucked hard on her clit. Dominick
plunged his cock deeply inside her rear channel at the same time.

Stella tilted her head back, gripped the brass pole, and screamed

as an amazingly acute climax powered through her body from her
pussy outward to all her limbs. She tightened her grip on the pole, not
wanting to fall.

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Tyler released her clit and stood up quickly as she leaned against

Dominick for support. He then pushed his cock into her slick pussy
for the double penetration she so adored.

“Oh God that feels great,” she said. Tyler’s cock was balls deep

inside her.

Dominick buried his face into the back of her neck and nibbled

the sensitive space there. Tyler rained kisses across her throat and
face as he moved his cock in and out of her pussy faster and faster.
Ripples of climax still rode through her pussy and gripped Tyler’s
cock as he sped his strokes. Behind her, Dominick also sped up his

Stella vibrated with pleasure as her men loved her. Doubly

penetrated, she rode the high of climax until each of them in turn
released. Dominick gripped her hips, thrust deeply into her ass, and
fairly howled to the ceiling as he came. Tyler followed shortly after,
filling her pussy harder and harder until she thought she’d burst with

Afterward, the three of them stood smashed together. She was

sandwiched between them, glad to be exactly where she was in the

Stella smiled when Tyler said in a low tone, “DRMC Stadium

Stage, we christen thee with the first act of double penetration love.”

* * * *

Clay turned toward the two other club members, Boyd Caldwell

and Deacon Wilder, also seated in the private box where they’d been
hidden away, working on business finances for the property’s various
construction projects. He smiled and said, “Don’t you love the new
stadium stage?”

Wide smiles on their faces, the other two men nodded without

speaking or turning their heads from the stage.

The new DRMC Stadium had been worth every single penny

they’d paid for it.

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There are rumors that Elle Saint James used to live in Intercourse,

PA where she devoured gothic novels filled with seductive heroes
seeking redemption from feisty heroines. This was where her erotic
writing imagination was developed.

Others are convinced Elle Saint James spends her afternoons

supervising the cleaning of her personal dungeon and her nights
directing the delicious torture that goes on there. Fortunately, her
slaves take dictation, enabling her to write while otherwise engaged.

However, neither of these scenarios is entirely true.
The majesty of the Rocky Mountains, as well as her gorgeous

husband, serve to inspire Elle Saint James’ dark and deliciously sexy
novels. She writes for those who are not afraid to take a walk on the
wild side and explore more erotically charged sexual adventures in

Also by Lara Santiago Writing as Elle Saint James

Ménage Amour: Badlands 1: Mail Order Bride for Two

Ménage Amour: Badlands 2: Two Wanted Men

Ménage Amour: Badlands 3: Double Chance Claim

Ménage Everlasting: The Double Rider Men’s Club 1:

Unbridled and Undone

Ménage Everlasting: The Double Rider Men’s Club 2:

Unbridled and Unbroken

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Also by Lara Santiago

Siren Classic: Prequel to The Wives Tale: The Prosecutor’s Paramour

Siren Classic: The Wives Tales 1: The Miner’s Wife

Siren Classic: The Wives Tales 2: The Executive’s Wife

Siren Classic: The Wives Tales 3: The Lawman’s Wife

Siren Classic: The Wives Tales 4: The Mercenary’s Wife

Siren Classic: The Tiburon Duet 1: Just a Kiss

Siren Classic: The Tiburon Duet 2: Just One Embrace

Siren Classic: The Tiburon Duet 3: Kissed By Fate

Siren Classic: Blind Date After Dark 1: Mr. Right

Siren Classic: Blind Date After Dark 2: The Perfect Tool

Siren Classic: Blind Date After Dark 3: The Mistletoe Mistake

Siren Classic: The Double Recall 1: The Forgetful Spy

Siren Everlasting Polyromance: The Double Recall 2:

His Seductive Spy

PolyAmour: Tasty Treats 11: Range War Bride

PolyAmour: Galactic Gunslingers 1: Rogue’s Run

PolyAmour: Dark Colony 1: Sex or Suffer

PolyAmour: Menagerie

Siren Classic: The Blonde Bomb Tech

Siren Classic: Little Red Rides the Wolf

Siren Classic: The Sins of Their Fathers

Ménage Everlasting: The Lost Collection: Annie Gets Her Gunmen

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.

Document Outline


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