
RecipeBook Changelog (old versions)
0.1 : Initial release
0.2 : Fixed nil value error on opening some bank bags, I hope.
Altered search function to remove redundancy - now if the character viewing the tooltip is the only one who knows the recipe, the default "Already known" is the only thing that shows up, not an additional RB line.
Now showing in vendor tooltips and (possibly) loot items! Need lootable recipes to check this. Please please let me know if it's working.
Playing nice with MyInventory now.
0.2.1 : Hopefully trapping for strange loading errors some folk are getting.
0.3 : Improved pattern matching to avoid things like "Giant Rage Potion" == "Rage Potion" making life complicated.
Now tracking skill levels on update.
Running some code differently to avoid more odd nil errors.
NEW! You can now ask RecipeBook to match patterns for your opposite-faction alts. Use /rb faction to set options. Names are color-coded. Taking suggestions for color schemes.
0.3a : Y'all probably don't want my debug spam on general chat. Teach me to upload in a hurry.
0.3b : Now playing nice with All-In-One-Inventory. Except banks. Banks are still strange, silly things.
Fixed nasty nil error with hunters.
0.3c : Whoops, one too many debug lines commented out.
0.4 : Updated for TOC 1500
NEW! You can now ask RecipeBook to tell you which of your alts can learn a recipe (i.e. has the requisite skill). See /rb canlearn for options.
Sleeker, more efficient processing of recipes.
NEW! Now playing nice with BankStatement and BankItems!
Still working on: this bug where you have to have one bag open if you're viewing your actual bank.
0.5 : Trimmed down memory overhead.
Known incompatibilities : Apparently the TooltipsBase family of mods don't display RB mods correctly. That's in progress.
FIXED! Bank bug where one bag had to be open.
NEW! You can now ask RecipeBook to tell you which of your alts will be able to learn a recipe after skilling up. Se /rb future for options.
NEW! Now parsing your tradeskill specializations with /rb specials so that only Elemental Leatherworkers will be listed as able to learn Elemental Leatherworking recipes, etc.
NEW! Now catching tradeskill skillups on chat message.
NEW! Now parsing chat links! If I'm missing RecipeBook tooltips anywhere please let me know.
0.5.1 : Should now actually TELL you if an alt can learn a recipe that requires a specialization, many thanks to WoWInterface's Ratstomper.
Now no longer erasing specialization data every time you update a tradeskill.
FIXED! Should stop truncating your recipe lists when you collapse a category. :)
Fixed a small and occasional lag-related nil error (I hope).
Some small cosmetic changes.
0.5.2 : Fixed an error in the data structures on new creation - many thanks to illiath from Curse for noticing it.
0.5.3 : Curse's Koalachan should be happy to see that vendor tooltip info should display properly now.
0.5.4 : UPDATED to TOC 1600
FIXED: Vendor tooltip bug with MyInventory /replacebags.
0.6.0 : NEW! /rb config to open a configuration window.
NEW! /rb reset to reset tradeskill data. Use a tradeskill name to reset only one tradeskill or 'all' to reset all data on a particular character.
NOTE: A few more data table changes made; this version may not rollback well.
0.6.1 : Thanks to Thinkable, now working with right-click menus in chat.
0.7.0 : NEW! Now able to send data to other characters. Use /rb send to send your RecipeBook information to someone else.
NEW! Consequence of the above NEW! there are a whole bunch of new options. /rb friend [option] will use them; many of them are available through the config screen too.
NEW! /rb friend clear to clear all data that a particular friend has sent you.
IMPROVED! /rb skill will now open up a window with alphabetized tradeskill data.
FIXED! Rather sizeable memory leak when bags were open. Also tidier tooltip processing
0.7.1 : FIXED! Skill boosts now parsing properly from chat window.
FIXED! /rb skill no longer cuts off the last item in its list.
FIXED? Mylar of Curse Gaming should no longer get nil errors in line 691.
FIXED! Error in initialization causing RecipeBook to sometimes insist you wanted to see opposite-faction data. Illiath of Curse can now look for some other minor issue to tidy up (that's two points for you!)
CHANGED! /rb friend clear has now become /rb clear , and it will clear information on same-server alts as well as shared data.
CHANGED! Now loading with correct defaults (opposite faction OFF).
BETA! /rb skill all to output all the characters you have (not friends!) with a given tradeskill to the chat tab.
BETA! /rb skill all to output all the tradeskills a given character knows to the chat tab. Should work on shared data.
BETA! /rb bank and associated features:
* /rb bank : Use /rb bank + shift-clicking a recipe (as if you were linking to the chat window) to mark that recipe as banked.
* /rb unbank + shift-clicking to unbank. You may also type the recipe's *exact* name in, enclosed in square brackets, to add/remove it (i.e. /rb bank [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility]).
* /rb banked : Turns display of banked items on and off. This feature, being beta, is OFF by default. You will have to turn it ON to see the tooltip lines.
* /rb banklist : Displays your banked items.
0.7.2 : PATCHED! Constant errors on skillups in German client should no longer be happening. Unfortunately, this is a fix-by-disabling, so you'll have to open the tradeskill panel to update on skillups now (should really only affect boosts from Disenchant).
NEW! '/rb send all' will send all your known recipes to the person of your choice.
FIXED! Autodecline should no longer throw an error on the sending player's end.
0.7.3 : CHANGED! Some revamp of error messages etc. I *hope* that the German localization is still working, let me know if it isn't.
FIXED! German skillup tracking should be working again.
NEW! /rb self on|off turns display of whether the current alt knows the recipe on and off. Particularly useful for the chatframes, where otherwise you may get misleading information.
FIXED! '/rb send all' now incorporates a delay to help prevent spam filtering from terminating your connection.
1.8.1 : Version numbering change to at least somewhat coincide with the Blizzard versions.
TRANSLATION! Thanks to the hard work of Curse's Pentarion, 1.8 is now working with the German 1.8 patch! Also more complete localization and several locale-specific bugs fixed.
FIXED! /rb send first aid now functioning despite the space :)
NEW! /rb self and /rb banked included in graphical configuration.
1.8.2 : TRANSLATION! Several bugs in German translation fixed.
FIXED! New users should no longer be informed that their data is old. New users should also no longer get the nil error at line 234.
FIXED! Goblin Engineer and Gnomish Engineer should be working correctly now. Also tradeskill matching should be working more smoothly.
IMPROVED! Less performance overhead when looking at recipes you do NOT have alt data for.
IMPROVED! Receiving player should now send back a confimation at the end of a RecipeBook data share. Part of my ongoing efforts to prevent spam protect disconnection.
1.8.2a : FIXED! Added in code to make items in loot windows come up with RB tooltips. Still in testing.
TRANSLATION! German characters should now be saving recipe data to the correct faction again.
1.8.2b : FIXED! Okay, that item loot window code should no longer be trashing everyone's loot mouseover tooltips.
1.9.0 : PATCHED! TOC now updated to match WoW version 1.9
FIXED! Various and sundry small fixes for retained functionality with /rb skill and loot windows.
IMPROVED! Data shares will take noticeably longer if you have more than 20 known recipes. I've added a built in throttle on the data rate; this should help with spam disconnects.
1.9.1 : CHANGED! Made some internal changes to the DoHookedFunction function; it now takes args of and . Backwards compatibility is included.
NEW! Banked items can now be automatically tracked in your character's bank or bags. Consider this BETA functionality for the moment, and with all beta functionality it defaults to off.
* /rb autobank will toggle an automatic scan of your character's bank upon opening or closing the bank window.
* /rb autobag will toggle an automatic scan of your character's bags upon closing the bank window or logging out.
* You can still manually log banked items with /rb bank and /rb unbank. These items will be flagged with (manual) on the banked tooltip.
CHANGED! Banked display now shows who has the item banked.
FIXED! Thanks to Curse's Seraffina, a bug in the new batching system for /rb send has been tracked down, stomped on, and made null. Shared data will need to be resent - this fixes a problem with missing/duplicate items in /rb skill for shared data.
FIXED! Books (i.e. Arcane Intellect) should no longer crash RecipeBook. They may not work either.
ADDED! /rbook for those who need something short that doesn't conflict with RestedBonus. Should do everything /rb and /recipebook do.
1.9.1b : CHANGED! Altered the way RecipeBook checks for whether its text is already there. Please let me know if text is missing or duplicated.
FIXED! Some bugs with errors on mousing over books should be fixed.
BROKEN : Manuals for cooking, first aid, and fishing do not currently display properly (i.e. if it shows that someone can learn it at all, it's likely going to be wrong.)
TRANSLATION! Several bugs for German client should be fixed; translations are done.
NEW! Config panel now has a bindings key. There's a Skill panel binding as well that doesn't work right now :)
CHANGED! Pretty orange color instead of ordinary green color for banked recipes :)
1.10.0 : PLEASE NOTE: This is a patched version - it may have bugs - some of these features were not quite ready for release. Please report bugs.
PATCHED! TOC and one minor bug fix made for WoW version 1.10. This has NOT been thoroughly tested.
ADDED! As of this version, stored tradeskill data includes reagents necessary for the skill; functionality dependent on this requires you to open your tradeskill windows to reload the data. (BETA!)
ADDED! /rb skill output is now clickable. Click to see the item tooltip. Shift+click to insert a link in the chat box. Alt+click will insert the item and the necessary reagents into the chat box if it is open; display them to you only if it is not.
CHANGED! Data storage has been altered. Shared data should be compatible between versions.
1.10.1 : FIXED! Clicking on shared RecipeBook data (or data with no Master Data info) no longer throws an error.
ADDED! /rb reset masterlist, just in case your RecipeBook data gets corrupted.
FIXED! Options data now in RecipeBookOptions, saved by character, where it belongs.
FIXED! RecipeBook is now appropriately storing the data for tradeskill items containing non-letter characters (such as Black Swashbuckler's Shirt)
FIXED! Alchemy recipes should now store more correctly, and thus match better.
FIXED! Mithril Head[ed] Trout now matches correctly.
CHANGED! Modified the matching process, particularly in German clients. Please inform me if there are recipes (especially Enchanting) that still do not match properly in RecipeBook.
FIXED! Hopefully repaired the bug that was causing tradeskillers with any reasonable amount of recipes to lock up. Also, incidentally, improved checking for recipe updates.
1.10.1b : FIXED! Mousing over First Aid books no longer causes an error. It doesn't necessarily -work-, but it doesn't cause an error.
FIXED! Multiple typos in tradeskill listing functionality that had hitherto gone undiscovered (some extant since 1.9.1)
UPDATED! Now auto-cancels send queue when attempting to send to a player not currently playing.
1.10.2 : CHANGED! Significant changes in banked/pending items and materials data storage - have shrunk the size of the savedvariables by about 20%+, improved searching.
FIXED! Enchanting materials correctly recorded now.
FIXED! Alchemy recipes correctly recorded now.
BETA! '/rb search someitem' and '/rb searchmats somematerials' are rudimentary at best, but present. Hopefully the basis of the skill/search window soon.
BROKEN: Many recipes in the German client that include umlauts or other "special characters" are not tracking correctly.
1.10.2b : FIXED! Compatibility with SortEnchant restored!
1.10.2c : FIXED? Sharing messages repaired for German client.
FIXED! Nil error on enchanting recipe matching.
IMPROVED! Thanks to suggestion by Wilz on, no longer watching BAG_UPDATE during combat (those using guns/bows should notice a performance improvement).
1.10.2d : FIXED! BAG_UPDATE should now register on change of AutoBags option status.
FIXED! Compatibility with EngInventory and EngBags restored.
FIXED! RecipeBook banked items should no longer clear when using bank mods
1.10.3 : ADDED! Now compatible with LinkWrangler :)
FIXED! More Enchanting bugs for German clients.
NEW! RecipeBook can now color auction house items based on learnable status! (Option only available in /rb config)
Current color scheme is as follows (in order of precedence):
- Normal : Current alt can learn the recipe
- Green : Another alt can currently learn the recipe
- Orange : Current alt is the only character who will be able to learn the recipe (requires /rb self on)
- Cyan : Some alt or alts will be able to learn the recipe (may include current character)
- Red : No alt/alts will be able to learn the recipe, based on current data
- Dark Red : All available alts already know the recipe (say that three times fast)
NEW! Also available: the ability to blackout recipes in the Auction House that have been banked (see /rb config)
CHANGED! /rb config panel now is new and improved, including the ability to change the default settings for all characters :)
BETA! No longer do you need to use /rb specials to add new specializations to your list - they should be added automatically!
FIXED! Several small typos.
1.11.0 : TOC update for patch 1.11
NEW! /rb skill color-codes recipes by difficulty for the character in question - now you can tell what would boost character X!
- Note: Enchanting skill will need to be refreshed for this to work.
FIXED! Bug with the way Enchanting recipes were stored, leading to no difficulty data being kept.
NEW! /rb search is now graphical - and keybindable.
FIXED! Tooltips should be working more consistently.
IMPROVED! Merchants share color-coding with auctions.
NEW! /rb auctions to customize the color-coding for auctions. Tooltip color customization and graphical utility to follow soon.
IMPROVED! /rb config will show you your current color coding scheme.
1.11.1 : TRANSLATION! German client translation should be working
FIXED! Heavy Scorpid Gauntlets parsing correctly.
ADDED! /rb skill all all now outputs all currently tracked skills on all characters.
1.12.0 : TOC update for patch 1.12
FIXED! Now compatible with ForgottenChat!
FIXED! Now compatible with AuctionFilterPlus!
FIXED! Gnomish Alarm-O-Bot; Festive Red Dress/Festival Dress; Festive Red Pant Suit/Festival Suit should all be parsing correctly.
IMPROVED! Auction House and Merchant color coding.
FIXED! Auction House will now always color code correctly rather than simply stopping mid-frame (stupid for loops).
FIXED! Excluding current character no longer overrides the standard Blizzard color for merchant/AH recipes the current character can learn.
NEW! /rb send now sends your materials and current recipe difficulties, making your friends' data just as searchable and pretty as your alts'.
BETA! RecipeBook *should* track your skillups and inform you when banked recipes become available.
IMPROVED! Search now matches all words in a search phrase by default instead of the exact phrase (i.e. searching for "red shirt" will now find Red Linen Shirt, Red Swashbuckler's Shirt, etc). If you liked it the other way, there's a checkbox on the search frame to change it.
1.12.0a : FIXED! AuctionFilterPlus compatibility - should be not throwing errors now, I hope.
FIXED! Line 859 error in merchants.
IMPROVED! Now will show you an error instead of dying if a recipe is improperly parsed. Please report these, if consistent.
CHANGED! Auction House color-coding now uses the same schema regardless of whether or not "Show current character" is checked (i.e. recipes you can/cannot learn/already know are always colored as such).
FIXED? Now should be avoiding disconnects at the price of much slower data transmission. I'm working on it, folks.
1.12.0b : FIXED? Really, this time AF+ and Auctioneer/KCI should work with RecipeBook. I hope.
FIXED! If RestedBonus is installed, will definitely now leave /rb alone for RestedBonus, replacing it with /rbk.
1.12.0c : Minor tweaks
FIXED? Auction House should no longer break down in specific addon combinations.
UNTESTED: Should no longer crash chat windows when raiding/farming.
2.0.0 : UPDATED for WoW patch 2.0
NOW LUA 5.1 compliant
NEW! Via /rb config you can now select which tradeskills to track on any particular character. You may notice some unusual tradeskills (i.e. skinning); the reason for this will become more clear in later versions
NOTE: German localization incomplete - pending translation.
2.0.0a : FIXED: Small typos, debug messages, and the like to try and make the use more user-friendly.
NEW! Some more behind-the-scenes work toward the next sharing update. I mention it, in case there are bugs.
2.0.0b : FIXED: Bank bags extended to fit.
FIXED: Removed taint; Mind Control bars/Pet Bars should show up now.
ADDED: RatingBuster users should now have access via /rbk.
2.0.0c : FIXED: Skillups should no longer give you an error.
ADDED: SnowMaster 9000 should detect properly.
IMPROVED: Spam filter slowdown again.
PLEASE NOTE: if you are having trouble with repeated disconnects please also update your tradeskills by opening and closing the tradeskill window.
2.0.0d : FIXED! Now SnowMaster 9000 really does work.
FIXED! Some nil errors with RecipeBook sending
UPDATED: More Lua 5.1 changes
NEW! Tooltips now working on mail inbox items
NEW! Tooltips should be working in loot and loot rolling windows.
2.0.1 : FIXED! More German client-specific data changes
UPDATED for WoW patch 2.03
IMPROVED! Inbox recipe tooltipping.
IMPROVED! When items are automatically banked, clickable links are displayed rather than just the name.
IMPROVED! Honor-requiring recipes should no longer show as unlearnable when being colored at merchants. Please tell me if this is not so.
2.0.1a : IMPROVED! Some streamlining of the send/receive system.
*** PLEASE NOTE that sending and receiving data in this version is NOT backwards compatible with previous RecipeBook versions.
FIXED! Sharing bugs that resulted in no links/materials/difficulty being sent/received.
FIXED! Sharing bugs (my typo-related) that resulted in the inability to send/receive data.
IMPROVED! New and better version checking and error trapping on recipe sending.
FIXED! ForgottenChat compatibility restored.
NEW! WIM compatibility implemented.
IMPROVED! Data storage somewhat smaller.
FIXED! German Jewelcrafting and other bug fixes
IMPROVED! Now sharing and displaying max ranks for tradeskills
2.0.1b : FIXED! Fix for Jewelcrafting figurines not displaying correctly.
NEW! /rb skill and /rb search windows are now draggable.
FIXED! Some German language items excepted; Unheilige Waffe should now work.
IMPROVED! Honor-requiring recipes should now color-code more intuitively (i.e. if you know or have banked the recipe, it will be colored accordingly; otherwise it will remain colored as default).
2.0.1c : FIXED! Line 289 error (sorry about that)
CHANGED! Frame strata for search frame is no longer "Background"; it shouldn't hide behind EVERYTHING.
2.0.1d : FIXED! Search frame now allows you to click on search results again. My bad.
FIXED! Line 1274 error (typo).
2.0.1e : FIXED! Jewelcrafting Figurines should detect properly.
2.1.0: NEW! Completely revamped, including a change in data structures. This should speed up matching as well as making things a little more efficient. You should notice the /rb skill window is now much prettier.
NEW! Using the SendAddOnMessage function which now allows whispers!
Things you will notice:
- Right-click menu on player names and portraits allows you to send data for one (or all) alts to the player.
- Right-click menu also allows you to request a RecipeBook data update from that player.
- New and Improved /rb skill allows easy browsing of skills as well as letting you see the last time shared data was updated.
- Select which skills will be tracked for each character from the skill display screen.
- /rb search now will allow you to filter by items that would boost an alt.
Features not yet complete/needing work:
- You can auto-accept and auto-decline people by name as well as global groups. Currently, there is no way to edit that list.
- Guild-wide updates are automatically accepted for all senders; this will change.
- /rb send guild sends all recipes for the current character only as a guild-wide update. More functionality coming.
- RecipeBook tab is not consistently shown/created. If you want it, make a new tab in your chat frame called "Recipe Book".
- Auto-update is still Coming Soon. The infrastructure is in place.
- Enchant links do not always shift-click into chat correctly.
- Items sold from bags do not unbank properly.
- Opening your bank no longer produces a boolean error.
- Bank cleanup of unbanked items works properly; items removed from bags wait for logout/opening or closing bank to update.
- Compatibility restored with CharactersViewer. This is a TEMPORARY workaround until the previous compatibility is restored.
- Some compatibility restored to Bagnon. This is still buggy.
- Streamlined scanning when opening tradeskill windows. If you still have lag, let me know.
- Fixed Enchanting recipe link generation (and therefore Enchanting recipe matching)
- Requesting updated data from someone you do not already have data for no longer produces an error. You should be alerted that you do not have data for that person, however.
- Subspecialized folks (hammersmith, armorsmith, etc) should no longer see an error on opening tradeskill windows (line 175 error).
- Revamped tradeskill scanning once more.
- Streamlined garbage collection/rebuilding of the RecipeBook data list. This should improve the lag on closing tradeskill windows.
- You will now see a message when a tradeskill has been successfully sent to you.
- Fixed boolean error when left-clicking on searched-for recipes.
- Fix implemented for Enchanting recipes - all Enchanting recipes should now work. I cannot guarantee Unholy Weapon works.
- Fixed bug with clicking on links for uncached items throwing an error.
- German folks: Translation is not fully done but it should at least *work*. My translator is back in town :)
- Now saving ScriptErrors data before setting it for RB debug
- Nil error for LastDBUpdate should be fixed
- German Client: 'invalid capture index' error fixed
- Re-streamlined tradeskill scanning yet again to try and make sure updates happen when they need to.
- Fixed 'pairs' error in RecipeBookBanking
- Fixed 'attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)' in line 494 on requesting RB share data.
- Opposite-faction alts will now display correctly (i.e. only when "show opposite faction" is checked).
- Fixed somewhat complex internal references leading to some obscure errors (local != global)
- Fixed color-coding of alts (math.fmod(21, 10) = 1, duh)
- Beast Training working smoothly.
- Frostweave Robe seems to work correctly now.
- Inserting links with Alt+Click will generate the gold "Tradeskill: item" links with materials included. Shift+Click still retains the original item links. I am open for debate over what the most appropriate use of gold links vs original links/tooltips is.
- When you mouse over a recipe in /rb skill you will see the item link with materials required on the right side of the skill window.
- Formulas for Unholy Weapon and Weapon Might do not match properly yet. Any others?
- "Show" checkbox is not working correctly on /rb skill.
- RecipeBook Tab is being stubborn and showing/hiding itself inappropriately, or not creating itself.
- Automatic unbanking of items and unlearning of skills may not be quite right yet.
- Sending files to Pentarion for translation for German client...
- German AH error (thanks to ArtureLeCoiffure)
- /rb and /rbk are both valid abbreviations.
- Version now reporting correctly again.
- RecipeBookGlobals. "next realm" error fixed.
- Fixed Auction Checkboxes in /rb config
- German translation should be working...
- Now correctly scanning for specializations.
- Reverted RECIPEBOOK_TXT_RESET to "Cancel" in English, failing my ability to remember what I'm bug-testing.
- Decreased spam if reagents are not properly loaded into the tradeskill window.
- If you have not opened a tradeskill window, recipes will not display for that recipe (eliminating the "I can learn EVERYTHING" bug).
- Small delay on login before attempting to run RecipeBook updates should help with the logout/corruption issues. As a side effect, you will have to wait 15-30 seconds before you can see recipe data after first logging in. Patience :)
- Tradeskills will no longer delete on login for characters.
- Now properly detecting tradeskill specializations.
- Auction House behavior seems somewhat more stable.
- New and updated file, including RECIPEBOOK_TSTABLE, enabling the detection of tradeskills. (Thanks again, ArtureLeCoiffure and Pentarion)
- Alt+click now works properly in Search frame.
- /rb send now takes a new format: '/rb send to '. You can use 'me' to indicate the current alt or 'all' to indicate all alts (or just '/rb send to ').
Updated the help to remind you :)
- If you have an item both in bags and in bank on the same character (i.e. two recipes), one or the other may not display properly as banked. I'm trying to figure out why.
- Formulas for Unholy Weapon and Weapon Might and Frostweave Robe do not match properly yet. Any others? I'm making a list.
- A small handful of recipes do not seem to bank properly. I have not been able to test this yet (Truesilver Boar, Cindercloth Gloves, Tough Scorpid Gloves, Small Seaforium Charge)
- "Show" checkbox is not working correctly on /rb skill.
- RecipeBook Tab is being stubborn and showing/hiding itself inappropriately, or not creating itself.
- Automatic unbanking of items and unlearning of skills may not be quite right yet.
- Small change to DE locale file to fix a typo.
- Now should no longer bug if the Blizzard tradeskill UI is loaded before RecipeBook.
- No more error on opening Beast Training window.
- Unholy Weapon and Healing Enchant should match correctly in the Auction House.
- RecipeBook tab appears to be working correctly.
- "Show" checkbox is now working for /rb skill - if you want to maintain recipe data but not have "will be learnable" or "can learn" data showing up, uncheck the "Show" box.
COROLLARY: You may have to check the "Show" box for characters who had previously shared data.
- Certain recipes that did not bank correctly should now do so.
- Shared data should now behave exactly like your own data.
- Characters whose names start with accented characters should now work properly.
- When browsing shared character skills, tooltips should appear correctly.
- When browsing search frame results, tooltips should appear correctly.
- Frostweave Robe and other patterns that did not previously seem to match on the Auction House should now do so.
- Color coding is compatible with AuctioneerAdvanced's CompactUI.
- Appears to be compatible with Bagnon, though I don't use the mod myself :)
- Now should detect Tailoring and Alchemy specializations.
- Updated TOC for 2.2
- Changes in the way RecipeBook generates tooltips for items to work with new patch info. More memory-efficient.
- Tooltips should now wrap if you have numerous people who know/can learn/etc an item.
- Improved some error messages to be less frequent and more informative :)
- Some Auctioneer tooltips (Appraise Frame) don't have RecipeBook data. I'm working on this, folks.
- Some OLD (i.e. non-2.2 updated) Ace2 addons use library code that breaks SendAddOnMessage for whispers. If your RecipeBook data doesn't seem to send, this is probably the root cause. If it guild-updates fine via 'send character to guild', this is definitely the problem. I can't fix someone else's out of date code, folks. I know that newer Ace libraries (i.e. FuBar) are playing nice.
- Some recipes requiring specializations may not be detecting correctly; I'll investigate further.
German translation, as usual, is pending.
- Auction House bug that made auctions ONLY color correctly if you were using the Auctioneer Advanced CompactUI. Sorry :P
- German users can have the first two letters back on their RecipeBook tooltips
- RecipeBook will only inform you that it has banked a recipe if it is a new item on that character - i.e. moving from bank to bags is no longer tracked (spam reduction)
- ArkInventory, AdvancedBagsPlus, ACUI_MyInventory, ACUI_MyBank should all be working correctly.
- Code inserted for other bag mods generically to keep the "UpdateTooltip" error from happening.
- AuctionFiltersPlus code should not run if AuctioneerAdvanced CompactUI is enabled, since they're not compatible.
- Full database update (rather than abbreviated) should now be running shortly after login. If you notice problems with lag/disconnects please let me know.
- Totally revamped the banked items code - now should run faster, smoother, and with less lag. Also should unbank items correctly! Note: You will have to revisit your bank for banked items to show correctly.
- Items are now banked immediately on being added to your bags, and unbanked shortly after their removal. This means that when you buy a recipe and promptly learn it, it will bank and unbank.
- Revamping item storage to make the database update require less server overhead. You'll be asked to update your tradeskills; they will *probably* work all right without updating.
- New toggle in /rb config to turn off the banked/unbanked spam, if you just want the job done quietly :)
- When converting data, it is vitally important to be sure that your data conversion initializes the new array. "Held Items" and "pairs" bugs fixed.
- When closing the bank of a character with no recipes, you should no longer see an error.
- All places where "Held Items" is referenced should be doing nil checking.
- Some enchanting recipes were showing up doubled in /rb skill. Fixed this.
- Code causing disconnects has been changed somewhat. This should be fixed now.
- Nil check when parsing banking recipes.
- Bagnon no longer causes an overflow error.
- Fixed a bug where newly shared recipes would not generate links correctly, and might cause disconnects.
- Transmutes now correctly display as known or learnable.
- Seems to be working correctly with CharactersViewer.
- Now passing recipe names in shared data. It is advisable to re-share all your data to update. Also, this change means 2.2.3 is only compatible with 2.2.3 and forward for sharing.
- /rb skill no longer takes args, since they weren't working anyway.
- vBagnon compatibility restored.
- Guild Bank items now tooltip. I have NOT yet added in banklisting for Guild Bank items.
- "Delete" button in /rb skill pane now deletes the RecipeBook data for the displayed character.
- Editable lists of who you are auto-accepting and auto-declining RecipeBook data from (see the "Sharing" tab on the /rb skill frame). More will be coming on that tab.
UPDATED for 2.4 patch! I recommend you DELETE your old RecipeBook folder as there are some extraneous files in it.
- Minimap Button! Left-click to toggle the Browse frame, Right-click to select a different frame.
- Option: "Show Minimap Button", Options tab. Uncheck this to hide the minimap button :)
- Option: "Show informational (non-error) messages", Options tab. Uncheck this to keep the RecipeBook scan information and sharing notifications from displaying for you
- All RecipeBook GUI items are now rolled into one frame.
* Sharing options are on the Sharing tab, along with Auto-Accept/Auto-Decline lists
* Banking options are on the Banking tab, along with the NEW Banklist
* Config options are on the Options tab
- Banklist is now GUI (only a year and a half after I promised it)!
* Right-click on a recipe to output who has it banked.
* Shift+click to link the recipe to chat.
* "Delete" button will unbank that recipe for the current character.
- Option to automatically decline guild-wide updates is now working correctly. Labels for Guild Update and Auto-Accept list had been switched in the options frame.
- Schematic: Mechanical Squirrel now correctly parses as known. You will need to delete and reload your tradeskills.
- Further refinements to the parsing code; you should now actually get a warning if RecipeBook is being disconnected due to bad data.
- Compatibility with CharactersViewer is fixed. MANY thanks to Necronomus for helping sort it out.
- Compatibility with Armory added.
- Schematic: Mechanical Squirrel, Pattern: Heavy Scorpid Gauntlets, Recipe: Mithril Head Trout should now work correctly. Delete and reload your tradeskills.
STILL PENDING: AutoUpdate is NOT YET working.
Special thanks to Curse's Robwood for extra beta testing!
- Setting default options no longer borks your RecipeBook options settings for good [ function(unpack(t)) != local x,y = unpack(t); function(x,y) ]
- Working with Bagnon (and I suspect a number of other bag mods). MANY thanks to Shefki from WowInterface, who knew one function I didn't. <3
- Should no longer get a nil error (RecipeBookTradeskills.lua, line 126) on certain tradeskills.
- Should now automatically reset options if your settings are corrupted, avoiding a recurrence of the bug that was fixed in the (a) version (RecipeBookOptions.lua, line 185)
- Double item information in guild bank and some other tooltips should be corrected now.
- Right-click tooltips in RecipeBook search frame should now be normally-sized (did that not drive anyone but me crazy?)
- Clicking on the "Tracked Skills" button no longer produces an error (RecipeBookSkill.lua,line 687).
- Setting a default option to false no longer causes it to not save [ if not(x) != if x == nil ]
- Likewise, changing pages and using Set Defaults no longer throws an error.
- Fixed an obscure problem where tradeskill information would fail to be stored.
- Recipes requiring a specialization should now color-code properly.
- Should no longer replace /rb from RatingBuster. If you're using both mods, try /rbk for RecipeBook instead :)
- RecipeBook chat tab should now be properly created and unhidden.
- AutoUpdate is in BETA! Here's the scoop:
* You may add anyone you like to your auto-update list. When you login, and whenever someone who is on your list (and a friend/guildmate) logs in, RecipeBook attempts to send ALL TRACKED DATA for the current alt only.
* You may select the update frequency: once a day, or once a week. RecipeBook will not send data to a player any more frequently than that. Each alt is tracked separately.
* The receiving player MUST have your sending alt on Auto-Accept. Otherwise, your update to them will silently fail. To fix this, have them add your alt to the AutoAccept list.
* Auto-updating is SILENT. That means it is possible to unknowingly logout in the middle of an update. If that happens, there should NOT be a problem; the other player will have partial data and you will attempt to auto-update on the next login.
* Right-click on a player's name in the AutoUpdate list to select more than one alt to auto-update from.
* Auto-updating should be deferred if you are in combat; I hope this helps prevent lag.
- Mandatory update for sharing secondary to the above. Get all your friends and neighbors to update!
- Re-fixed bug from 2.4.0b in which options that are corrupted should be reset. Missed something.
- Schematic: Firework Cluster Launcher does not display correctly.
- German Translation is Broken (contact me if you want to help).
- Guild bank items and bank items not YET color-coding; I'd like to implement that.
- Mod "Possessions" apparently causes double tooltips in the Guild Bank. Will investigate.
SPECIAL THANKS: WowInterface's Meloric and Thorlin for extra extra beta testing and bug reporting!
2.4.1a :
- AutoUpdate error at line 70 (nil check, if you don't have any info on a character)
- Upgrade code was incorrectly calling global variables, causing a nil error.
- Cleaned up localization.lua significantly: removed about 50 unused localization variables.
- "Send Update to Guild on login" : When you login, sends an AutoUpdate to your guild channel for that character.
2.4.1b :
- Guild AutoUpdate should now actually function.
2.4.1c :
- Dropdown for character selection on the skill browse frame now correctly displays Shared data, not your same bloody alts twice.
- Fix for this may have fixed miscellaneous bugs with AutoUpdate.
- Gnomish Alarm-O-Bot added to recipe list.
- Options for known/learnable recipe display for Shared data now actually trigger a change in the displayed data :)
- Options for known/learnable recipes should now be checkable
- When Guild AutoUpdate runs, something happens with SendQueueFrame that breaks the parser. Working on the fix.
2.4.1d :
- If RecipeBook detects that a crafted item's name has changed, it will now make that change appropriately in the database.
- Added "Festive Red Pant Suit/Festival Suit", "Felstalker Bracer/s" to exceptions list.
- Added code to silently fix names for excepted items. You should see an immediate improvement in the accuracy of the data for these items.
2.4.1e :
- Total rewrite of RecipeBookShare to improve AutoUpdate and decrease spam slightly. Sharing is not backwards compatible from this point.
- You should notice very few changes in the front end, except for less "Player is offline" spam.
- Now sending faction data for those "send all" moments.
2.4.1f :
- When clicking on/mousing over an item, RecipeBook now has the ability to display which of your alts/shared characters can make it. Good for "Can anyone cut exotic gem X?" requests and the like.
- This uses the same "Same Faction/Opposite Faction" settings as your recipe display.
- Corresponding option in the options tab to NOT show such data, and to toggle it by alts/shared characters.
- Enchantments will NOT display this information - sorry, limited by Blizzard's stupid enchant id == item id at the moment, still looking for a good workaround.
- Now with icons next to recipes in the Browse panel!
- Mouse over them to display the item link.
- Click/Shift+Click/Ctrl+Click on these items should work as per the usual Blizzard standards. Alt+Click will display materials data.
- The text next to the icon will show the create link. Click to display a separate tooltip. Ctrl+Click to show the Dressing Room for the created item. Shift+Click to link/display materials data.
2.4.1g :
- Removed extra special manual force linewrap code for tooltips. Replaced by thinking outside the box and making it work right in Blizzard's code instead.
- This fixed color coding in tooltips as well.
- Clicking on item text now correctly displays the link for creating the item. Sorry I can't read my own code.
- "Can be made by" data should no longer cling to tooltips in the skill browse frame.
- Changed tradeskill storing once again to hopefully eliminate the need for further exceptions.
- Some ordering changes to make the "Can be made by" behave more like everything else.
- Removed the extra blank line before RecipeBook data on tooltips. If you crave it back, I need to know.
- Including "can be made by" data in enchants. There is a bug with some enchant ID's overlapping with item ID's. This is in progress.
- Revamped skill browsing frame code for efficiency and accuracy.
- Text search box on skill browsing frame to filter known recipes :)
2.4.1h :
- Revamped RecipeBook Database format to allow for improved storing of tradeskills - specifically, database had no allowances for items that could be made in multiple ways by a single tradeskill (Large Prismatic Shards!)
- You know what this means: In order for accurate data to be stored, I'm wiping your items DB's again.
- Updated /rb send to reflect the new database format; this is not backwards compatible.
- Revamped format of localization.lua to be significantly more translator-friendly. Namely, anything I don't want you to translate is no longer in the file.
- Dropdown menu to sort items by difficulty/type/alphabetical/several other possibly-useful items. THIS IS IN BETA.
- A rare and somewhat convoluted bug involving tradeskills not updating after a character delete.
- A lot of redundant code.
NOTE: This version has NOT been tested with sharing yet.
2.4.1i :
- Revamped Player Selection Menu code. You should not notice any changes, but the UI thanks me for appropriate use of built-in Blizzard functions.
- /rb send revamped to reflect the new DB style more accurately.
- RecipeBook's skill browser now uses safe tooltips - if an item is not in your local cache, you will be informed and given the option to query the server. This will be most noticeable immediately after a patch.
You should still see the item names listed in the skill lists; they will be red, prefixed by "? ", and you will see a yellow ! next to them, indicating you need to query the server for the link.
This will NOT affect known data (i.e. uncached items will still be displayed as known when they are known) :)
As a side note, mousing over a recipe loads the corresponding item into your cache; a nice effect.
- Frame background for RecipeBook information now much darker; should be easy to see.
- Debugging completed on data sharing - again, it should work exactly like it did before :)
- Auction items coloring correctly (noticed in 2.4.1h)
2.4.1j :
- Left the ! icon alone but removed the obnoxious red text and "?" prefix from uncached items.
- Uncached item tooltips should be prettier.
- When sorting by item level or minimum level, you should see the item/required level on the right side.
- You will see appropriate informative headers at the top of the skill browse frame
- When you click on a new profession or select a new character, RecipeBook's Skill Browser should now take you back to the top of the list instead of maintaining position.
- OnLeave event added for item icons so that the tooltip goes away.
- You may now select "Show all items" to have RecipeBook display items your character does not know, but that are in its database.
- Items displayed in this manner will be colored red, for difficulty "cannot make".
2.4.2 :
- .Meta field added to recipe data. This is a field intended for use by outside mods that want to store "extra" data on recipes. Please use the included functions to add and subtract metadata if you are doing so, rather than editing the field directly:
- RBDB:SetMetaData(#id, #rid, $metaID, &data) : Sets the .id.rid.Meta.metaID field to data (overwrites all previous data). Accepts 'nil' as &data as well, which will erase this particular metaID. Setting &data to {} will also erase the metaID.
- RBDB:GetMetaData(#id, #rid, $metaID) : Returns the entire contents of .id.rid.Meta.metaID. If this is blank or there is a nil value along the way (id/rid does not exist), returns {}.
- RBDB:AppendMetaData(#id, #rid, $metaID, key, [value]) : Inserts key = value into .id.rid.Meta.metaID. IF type(key) is a table, then iterates through that table and calls RBDB:AppendMetaData on each entry. Therefore, entries should be in the form key = value. It is POSSIBLE but not recommended to have entry keys also be tables, therefore recursing AppendMetaData a further time.
- RBDB:DeleteMetaData(#id, #rid, $metaID, key) : Deletes the indicated key from id.rid.Meta.metaID. Will accept a table of keys in the format {key1, key2, key3} as produced by table.insert. Returns the deleted value or values.
- Added several functions and tables to allow you to add custom sort details to the RecipeBook Sort frame. See Interface API.txt for details.
- RBSkill.AddData
- RBSkill.AddSort
- Added RBDB:Recipe_ItemToDB(iid, name) : This will convert a recipe item (i.e. "Recipe: Giant Dingo Puffs") into the appropriate created item id and recipe spell id, provided it's in the database.
- Added a new options selection: "Delete recipes that no character knows" This will default to ON. If you turn it off, RecipeBook will continue to hold on to data after you delete an alt or tradeskill. Combining this with "Show All Items" will create an expanding database of items for you to browse.
* i6 to i7: Fixed tooltip for "Delete Recipes that no character knows" to be consistent with what the box actually does :P
- Keeping up with the Blizzard numbering schema.
- Completed revision of functions to method structure. If you are hooking RB for some reason you will need to know this.
- RecipeBook_DoHookedFunction retained for legacy support. See Interface API.txt for use.
- Altered the way that RecipeBook was generating links for SetTooltip to include the full itemString data ("item:####:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0"). This establishes compatibility with HealPoints.
- Moved the scrollframe in RBUI_BankFrame over by 20 so that it no longer looks like it's climbing out of the frame.
- RecipeBook Minimap and AutoUpdate dropdowns now correctly using Blizzard functions.
- Some rearrangement of internal variables you shouldn't be directly accessing anyway.
- Display of items in the RecipeBook browser should now be by the recipe name (Nexus Transformation, etc) instead of the crafted item name.
- Searching in the RecipeBook browser should now search the recipe name and the created item name, meaning that Nexus Transformation will match to Small Prismatic Shard, etc.
- Enchantment links should now correctly generate as pretty gold links rather than pretty blue spell links.
- Clicking "Refresh" will now also take you back to the top of the list, in case you have included/disincluded unknown items in the list.
- Items in the database are now correctly identified by the item name versus what the recipe that creates the item is called.
- RecipeBook now correctly includes all spells that make an item - i.e. Nexus Transformation and Small Prismatic Shard both make Small Prismatic Shard; they are now BOTH registered in the database.
- ItemRefTooltip should no longer duplicate/triplicate/etcetericate the RecipeBook data if you should happen to have an ItemRef tooltip up and then, say, click on a player's name in chat.
- Updated file :)
- As far as I can tell, RBDB:Skill_DelocalizeText has never worked properly before now. This has been remedied.
- Changes made to RBTradeskill:SpecialtyScan() to detect more accurately.
- Skill display should now correctly show weaponsmith subspecialties.
- "Spellcloth Tailoring" updated to "Spellfire Tailoring", so it will now detect. Similarly, Mooncloth tailoring and the Alchemy specializations will now correctly display. Thanks to the Trade Channel on Cenarion Circle for rounding up some alts and giving me correct information.
- Nil error in RecipeBookTradeskills.lua, line 304 (seen when skilling up a tradeskill AND you have recipes that have not had banked status cleared)
- Nil error in RecipeBook.lua, line 753 (seen in certain Guild AutoUpdate circumstances)
- Nil error in RecipeBook.lua, line 550 (definitely seen when purchasing Enchanting recipes from a merchant, possibly other times)
- Enchanting recipes for made items (Wizard Oil, etc) should now color-code more correctly.
- Guild updates should now only run when you have a guildmember online.
- Auctioneer Advanced consistently referenced within the mod (that should settle Maischter's questions)
- A rather obscure bug where banked items were not being correctly updated if you closed your bank by walking away, leading to accidental deletion of recipes kept in your bank.

For more recent changes, please see ReadMe.txt


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