How To Train Your Slave

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How To Train Your Slave

Posted by Master on 9/27/08 • Categorized as Articles,Education,Training

The inter­net is filled with clever and some­times down­right stu­pid ideas. Advise comes from a
mul­ti­tude of sources and I believe that it is time to add another for a topic I am very keen on. How
do you train your slave and is it even pos­sible to train a human being to become what once was the
vis­ion of another? This art­icle should provide some insights into how to bet­ter train your slave.

How We Train

I believe that we should take a step back to under­stand what I see as train­ing, as it has the concept of
learn­ing at its very core. Learn­ing comes in many form and if you believe recent stud­ies there is an
emer­ging trend towards Inquiry-based Learn­ing. I find that the idea it is based on can be best
under­stood by look­ing at this old saying:

“Tell me and I for­get, show me and I remem­ber, involve me and I understand.”

The concept of Inquiry-based learn­ing sat­is­fies a require­ment for me which is essen­tial to me. In
order for my slave to learn and to be trained to become what I want her to be I need to involve her in
the whole pro­cess. She needs to under­stand what it is that I expect and not simply be dir­ec­ted to go
through a step based pro­cess without know­ing the goal or hav­ing a direction.

Learn­ing Experiences

Not only can we address the learn­ing pro­cess in a sens­ible man­ner, depend­ing on what you want
to achieve you might have to adjust the way you are teach­ing. Your brain has two major areas which
are respons­ible for learn­ing experiences:

The Neo­cor­tex

Your Neo­cor­tex grasps con­cepts and logic. This part of the brain helps you fig­ure out how to use
a com­puter or how to apply the know­ledge from a book you read to your next sales call.

The limbic system

Your limbic sys­tem gov­erns feel­ings, impulses and drives.

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While your Neo­cor­tex learn by absorb­ing and ana­lys­ing inform­a­tion, because it is able to apply
abstract con­cepts to any given situ­ation your limbic sys­tem learns best through motiv­a­tion,
exten­ded prac­tice and feedback.

Adjust Your Training

You need to care­fully adjust the way you train your slave depend­ing on what you wish to do. If she
is to under­stand and per­form a Japan­ese tea cere­mony per­fectly the neo­cor­tex approach is an
abso­lutely valid on, couple with prac­tice. If you expect your slave to feel happy and get excited
every-time she hears your voice you will need to define a clever way of work­ing with her limbic
sys­tem. Motiv­ate her, prac­tice with her by being around and listen to her feedback.

Whatever you teach your slave you can execute as learn­ing exper­i­ence. A small table recently
pub­lished in the spe­cial HBS centen­nial Issue on page 63 reads as fol­lows: (I have changed some
words to reflect the M/s con­text)

Exe­cu­tion As Learning

Mas­ters (Lead­ers) set dir­ec­tion and artic­u­late the mission.

Slaves (Employ­ees) [usu­ally in teams] dis­cover answers.

Tent­at­ive pro­cesses are set up as a start­ing point.

Work pro­cesses keep devel­op­ing; small changes — exper­i­ments and improve­ments — are a way
of life.

Feed­back is always two-way: The Mas­ter (boss) gives feed­back in the form of coach­ing and
advise; slave (team mem­bers) give feed­back about what they are learn­ing from doing the (ever-
changing) work.

Prob­lem solv­ing is con­stantly needed, so valu­able inform­a­tion is provided to guide slaves’
(employ­ees’) judgement.

Fear cripples the learn­ing pro­cess: It inhib­its exper­i­ment­a­tion, lowers aware­ness of options, and
dis­cour­ages people from shar­ing and ana­lys­ing insights, ques­tions, and problems.

Pre­cisely and quite to the point this table describes what you can and can­not do while you are in the
pro­cess of train­ing your slave. I would like to stress what has been said in the last table item. You
can­not train your slave, expect­ing her to improve her­self and at the same time you pun­ish her for
mis­takes or minor set-backs. It is imper­at­ive for her to find the best way of train­ing her­self to be
bet­ter for you. It is impossible for you to know what works best for every given situ­ation you need to
be able to rely in your slave for feed­back. That feed­back will only be open and hon­est when your
slave knows that she will not be hurt or pun­ished over it.

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As men­tioned above this is a two edged sword, your feed­back is equally import­ant, espe­cially for
areas which are very emo­tional or require your slave to learn a new skill which changes the way her
body reacts or feels. This all plays into the fact that her limbic sys­tem is hard at work, long after her
neo­cor­tex has under­stood what you are try­ing to do.

It is your duty, as her owner, to cre­ate an envir­on­ment of psy­cho­lo­gical safety as well as
account­ab­il­ity for meet­ing demand­ing goals. Your slave wants to achieve and excel, she wants to
be found pleas­ing and that plays in your favour. Set­ting demand­ing goals is not going to frus­trate
her, the oppos­ite is the case. It is then up to you to cre­ate and envir­on­ment where psy­cho­lo­gical
safety allows her to exper­i­ment and determ­ine an optimal way of achiev­ing the goals you have set.

Bring­ing It Together

While this all seems very the­or­et­ical there are four easy steps I feel many can apply to this concept
of train­ing and learning.

1. Explain what you want to do and how. Estab­lish an under­stand­ing of what the pro­cess will be
to try and achieve your mutual goals.

2. Provide her with the neces­sary tools and make it clear that she is to col­lab­or­ate with other
slaves on this goal.

3. Gather her feed­back, col­lect as much data on her pro­gress as you can and share it.

4. Insist on dis­cip­lined reflec­tion, insti­tu­tion­al­ise it. Try to teach her about “Han­sei”

Armed with this addi­tional know­ledge it should be much easier for you to devise a bet­ter way of
train­ing and learn­ing for your slave. Please remem­ber that this is not a simple case of you dic­tat­ing
and your slave doing, this is an integ­rated pro­cess and you will need your slaves input if you wish to
be successful.

How To Be A Trustworthy Master

Posted by Master on 5/12/10 • Categorized as Articles,Master,Training

VN:F [1.9.5_1105]

Rat­ing: 7.0/7 (1 vote cast)

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Trust MeMod­ern sci­ence has not payed much atten­tion to the bio­lo­gical aspects of trust. The few
stud­ies which have been a part of the aca­demic com­munity have recently be sup­ple­men­ted by a
study made pub­lic by neur­os­cient­ist Thomas Baumgart­ner and col­leagues at the Uni­ver­sity of
Zuerich. It com­bines dif­fer­ent dis­cip­lines and meth­od­o­lo­gies to under­stand bet­ter how the
brain adapts to breaches of trust. If I wanted to be lazy I would point you the full study and then
expec­ted you to draw your own con­clu­sions from the inform­a­tion presented.

It turns out that sus­tain­ing and cre­at­ing trust is not as easy as spray­ing someone with a Trust
Spray. Stud­ies prove that there is a neuropeptide called oxy­to­cin which is cap­able of actu­ally
increas­ing trust between humans. When the brain is sub­jec­ted to oxy­to­cin there is a notice­able
decrease in activ­a­tion in the amy­g­dala, the mid­brain regions, and the dorsal stri­atum. All of those
neural sys­tems are used in medi­at­ing fear pro­cessing (amy­g­dala and mid­brain regions) and
beha­vi­oural adapt­a­tions to feed­back inform­a­tion (dorsal stri­atum).

The saying:

Do What You Say, Say What You Do.

turns out to be much bet­ter advise than any­one could have anti­cip­ated. Trust is strongly influ­enced
by a neuro­chem­ical reac­tion, what trig­gers that reac­tion is absence or fear and feed­back which is
pro­cessed to match the expect­a­tions you had in the first place. Driven by this power­ful hor­mone,
oxy­to­cin gets cre­ated under vari­ous cir­cum­stances. Those range from when the let­down reflex
hap­pens with moth­ers to indi­vidu­als hav­ing an orgasm. Armed with this new found know­ledge it
should be fairly easy for any­one in the life­style to do the right thing. It really is as easy as doing what
you said you would be doing and cre­at­ing an envir­on­ment that is safe.

Let us go for some con­crete examples:

* You do not change phys­ical inter­ac­tions which have been nego­ti­ated before

* You respect an indi­vidu­als safe-word

* You refuse to execute and type of play you feel you do not know enough about

* You offer a clean envir­on­ment yo play in

* You are open and friendly about what you would like to do and how

* You are inter­ested in feed­back when you believe you are fin­ished with an individual

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Those seem like com­mon sense, unfor­tu­nately com­mon sense is not so com­mon as it seems. All of
the items men­tioned above are very basic tools to help you under­stand what it means to become
trust­worthy to another being. This type of beha­viour extends not only to humans, many anim­als
with higher brain func­tions react the same way to indi­vidu­als which con­stantly sat­isfy their

You can apply the gen­eral prin­ciple not only to inter­ac­tions between indi­vidu­als, many of these
(if not all of them) also apply to inter­ac­tions with a group or group inter­ac­tions. Our brain actu­ally
makes things quite easy for us. We have a nat­ural dis­pos­i­tion to being social, because our brain
will actu­ally release oxy­to­cin just because we are inter­act­ing with another human being. It seems
that over the cause of evol­u­tion those of us who were social were more suc­cess­ful and as such we
have a nat­ural ten­decy to want to inter­act with others.

While most of these inter­ac­tions and their out­come are gov­erned by extremely sub­con­scious
beha­vi­our­ism the act of build­ing trust encom­passes our brains’ abil­ity to actu­ally store and recall
pre­vi­ous inter­ac­tions with a group or an indi­vidual. The level of trust we exper­i­ence towards a
group or indi­vidual is the sum of those inter­ac­tions. Build­ing trust can be a lengthy pro­cess and
dif­fer­ent type of inter­ac­tions require dif­fer­ent levels of trust. Abuse and mis­use of trust will
almost always lead to a com­plete loss of that pre­vi­ous trust struc­ture. In layman’s terms that means
that you have to screw up only once for someone to com­pletely mis­trust you again. I would hope that
this exper­i­ence is not any­thing that is new to my read­ers. In every rela­tion­ship a crises such as
that can eas­ily be triggered. Cheat­ing on a part­ner is often the pivotal example. Even though a huge
amount of trust has been built up through thou­sands of pos­it­ive feed­back loops, that one act of
betrayal erases all of the good and leaves only mis­trust and a feel­ing of dread.

Which leads us to the topic of con­sist­ency. What bet­ter way is there to cre­ate trust than to
con­stantly cre­ate a feed­back loop that oozes pos­it­ive exper­i­ence. Recog­nising mis­takes and
apo­lo­gising for an exper­i­ence that might have not been ideal is a part of cre­at­ing that pos­it­ive
feed­back loop. I strongly believe that being humble as an indi­vidual allows oth­ers to more eas­ily
ease them­selves into a pos­i­tion where they are com­fort­able with your pres­ence and that pro­cess
of devel­op­ing trust can start.

In sum­mary; do as you say, be humble and admit to your mis­takes and quite frankly do not be a
creep. If you can mange to throw a little bit of charm in the mix then you should be well on the way of
being in a pos­i­tion where oth­ers can trust you and can learn with you

Anal Training Revisited — Creating a Gap(e)

Posted by Master on 11/30/08 • Categorized as Toys,Training

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Con­tin­ued train­ing of my slave’s abil­it­ies is very import­ant to me and it ensures that my slave
never tires of improv­ing her­self for me. Reg­u­lar read­ers might be aware that I am quite fond of
anal sex and how to best use and train my slave’s asscunt has been a topic here before.

A while back I have decided that I would like to train my slave even fur­ther and give her the abil­ity
to exert bet­ter con­trol over her muscles and in par­tic­u­lar the abil­ity to stretch and relax her
asscunt for my use. To help her with that I have decided to use a toy men­tioned here before, the
Rectal Dilator Kit.

Rectal Dilator Kit

The RDK will help with the train­ing of my slave as it is spe­cific­ally engin­eered to relax the outer
and inner sphinc­ter. It fea­tures a hol­low tube inside the toys to ensure that no pres­sure builds up as
the train­ing commences.

I believe that it is neces­sary for any Owner of a slave to push their ideas of how the prop­erty may
serve them bet­ter into con­crete actions. This does not neces­sar­ily mean that your slave will like
what you are doing to her. Ensur­ing her emo­tional well being might be one of the key ten­ants of
being a good Mas­ter but you should never take it too far. There will always be desires and needs that
you want your slave to ful­fill for you which she has no imme­di­ate desire to ful­fill for you. The
RDK is a good example for that when it comes to my slave. She is appre­hens­ive and because she
knows that this will not be the most pleas­ur­able of sen­sa­tions her mind and body both reject it.
None the less I know she will suc­ceed because she is com­pet­it­ive and she wants to be pleas­ing for

Never under­es­tim­ate your slave’s will to please, it can be her biggest motiv­ator and you need to
foster that rela­tion­ship with her. Because I wanted to remove some of the appre­hen­sion that my
slave had towards this tool I allowed her to come up with the train­ing plan her­self. I wanted her to
feel com­fort­able, as best as pos­sible, and give her some con­trol over how quickly she needs to
pro­gress through the toys to achieve a pleas­ing result.

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Here is what she came up with:

There are five dilat­ors and so I believe ini­tial train­ing should carry over five weeks with two
weeks for extra train­ing.

Week One:

1. First Day: One Hour, in the evening.

2. Second Day: One Hour, in the evening.

3. Third Day: Two Hours, in the evening.

4. Fourth Day: Two Hours, in the evening.

5. Fifth Day: Three Hours, in the evening.

6. Sixth Day: No training.

7. Sev­enth Day: One Hour dur­ing the day; Three Hours, in the evening.

Week Two:

1. First Day: 90 minutes, in the evening.

2. Second Day: 90 minutes, in the evening.

3. Third Day: 2.5 Hours, in the evening.

4. Fourth Day: 2.5 Hours, in the evening.

5. Fifth Day: 3 Hours, in the evening.

6. Sixth Day: One Hour with first weeks dilator.

7. Sev­enth Day: One Hour dur­ing the day; Three Hours, in the evening.

Week Three:

1. First Day: 90 minutes, in the evening.

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2. Second Day: 90 minutes, in the evening.

3. Third Day: 2.5 Hours, in the evening.

4. Fourth Day: 2.5 Hours, in the evening.

5. Fifth Day: 3 hours, in the evening.

6. Sixth Day: 90 minutes with second weeks dilator.

7. Sev­enth Day: One Hour dur­ing the day; Three Hours, in the evening.

Week Four:

1. First Day: 90 minutes, in the evening.

2. Second Day: 90 minutes, in the evening.

3. Third Day: 2.5 Hours, in the evening.

4. Fourth Day: 2.5 Hours, in the evening.

5. Fifth Day: 3 Hours, in the evening.

6. Sixth Day: 2 hours with third weeks dilator.

7. Sev­enth Day: One Hour dur­ing the day; Three Hours, in the evening.

Week Five:

1. First Day: 90 minutes, in the evening.

2. Second Day: 90 minutes, in the evening.

3. Third Day: 2.5 Hours, in the evening.

4. Fourth Day: 2.5 Hours, in the evening.

5. Fifth Day: 3 Hours, in the evening.

6. Sixth Day: 2.5 Hours with fourth weeks dilator.

7. Sev­enth Day: One Hour dur­ing the day; Three Hours, in the evening.

Week Six:

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1. First Day: 90 minutes, in the even­ing with first weeks dilator.

2. Second Day: 2 Hours, in the even­ing with second weeks dilator.

3. Third Day: 2.5 Hours, in the even­ing with third weeks dilator.

4. Fourth Day: 3 Hours, in the even­ing with fourth weeks dilator.

5. Fifth Day: 3.5 Hours, in the even­ing with fourth weeks dilator.

6. Sixth Day: 4 Hours, in the even­ing with fifth weeks dilator.

7. Sev­enth Day: 2 Hours dur­ing the day; Four Hours, in the even­ing with fifth weeks dilator.

Week Seven:

1. First Day: Sleep with fifth weeks dilator all night.

2. Second Day: Sleep with fifth weeks dilator all night.

3. Third Day: Sleep with fifth weeks dilator all night.

4. Fourth Day: Sleep with fifth weeks dilator all night.

5. Fifth Day: Sleep with fifth weeks dilator all night.

6. Sixth Day: Sleep with fifth weeks dilator all night.

7. Sev­enth Day: 3 Hours dur­ing the day; sleep with fifth weeks dilator all night.

I am pleased with this approach. It is not too ambi­tious and still there are enough chal­lenges. Her
train­ing will start on the first of Decem­ber, com­mence through the rest of 2008 and by the middle of
Janu­ary 2009 I should be able to inspect a con­sid­er­able improve­ment in muscle con­trol.

Remem­ber to always be patient with your slave when it comes to train­ing her body. Muscles are not
meant to change from today to tomor­row. Along with the phys­ical change her mind also needs to
catch up and pro­cess the fact that stretch­ing her colon will not dam­age her or cause her to be
“loose”. After the six weeks of train­ing I might con­sider to con­tinue train­ing her with the third
largest toy for long-term wear.

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Slave Training101

an introduction

Although you'll find the word slave used in this section, in most situations it is interchangeable with
the word submissive. Whether you are teaching a girl to be a slave or a submissive, each of the things
covered here can be taught to or used by either equally well.

Before we begin talking about teaching your slave or submissive, there are a few basic concepts you
must know and be fully aware of. First, and foremost, whether you call it owning, collaring, taking,
possessing or any other term, having a girl either as a slave or a submissive is a big responsibility.
This responsibility CAN NOT be taken lightly. Having a girl as yours can be just as trying as having a
small child. In many situations, even more so! Never forget, when the girl is yours, you are fully
responsible for her health, welfare, emotional state and overall well being. There is no such thing as
"it's her fault", it is now entirely Yours! As the Dominant, You, and You alone assume all
responsibility for her actions and well being. If you're not fully ready for these responsibilites, then
perhaps it's time to slow down a bit, learn more about this lifestyle and continue to prepare yourself for
the ultimate phase of having a girl as your own. If the girl you are about to train or teach is the first
girl you've worked with, then I highly suggest you seek some guidance or assistance from a Mentor or
someone that has a bit of experience in our lifestyle. (No, this doesn't mean You'll have to share Your
girl with that Mentor.) You'll find having someone to give you a few pointers or use as a sounding
board to discuss problems or difficulties You encounter will prove invaluable. Don't ever hesitate to
admit to anyone, including your slave/submissive that you yourself are a Novice if such is the case.

Some things should be common sense, but many times we tend to overlook common sense. You'll
have to pardon Me if I tend to reduce things to the very basic levels to insure clarity and
understanding. A girl can be a submissive or slave with or without doing/knowing all of the things
discussed on these pages. Just because I've listed something here doesn't mean if Your girl doesn't
know or do them she's not a slave. Similarily, there will be things you want to teach your girl that
might not be covered on here. The methods and procedures I've listed detailed may not work for every

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girl or for that matter, for every Dominant. I've found they work for Me, and I've seen them work for
others. Modify them to fit your own unique situation, personality and needs as appropriate. As your
experience grows in this lifestyle You will naturally find yourself developing your own techniques and
methods. The key is to learn what works best for You and your girl.

Throughout these pages, you'll find references to things obvioulsy oriented towards BDSM or sexual
activities. While these things tends to be the normal, there is no requirement for a sexual act or
participation in BDSM for a girl to be considered as or taught to be a slave or a submissive

Seldom, if ever will you find any two D/s couples with a relationship that is 100% identical. It's
perfectly appropriate to pattern your relationship after anothers, but don't forget about the individuality
of You and your girl. Each couple has their own particular likes and dislikes, needs and wants. Your
relationship should also be modified to fit Your needs as a couple.

As you begin to work with your slave, don't look for the easy way out, it isn't there. Opting for
shortcuts in teaching your girl will most certainly result in a dismal failure. You must learn to be
consistent with your girl, you can't enforce something today, only to ignore it tommorow.

Regardless of the status of your girl, or what you are teaching her, at no time will you ever have the
right to abuse her. Insure that you are fully aware of your girls mental, emotional and physical state at
all times. For example, just because a girl has told you something is within her limits, don't let it
surprise you when you suddenly find out it's not. This is especially true with a complete novice that
has never tried things before. It's a lot different to do or say something in real time, then suddenly try
it in real time. Yes, this is a two way street and You may find this impacts on Your own set of limits
or standards too.

As the Dominant, You'll learn that most novice slaves will assume or expect you'll have all the
answers about this lifestyle. Learn that there may be many answers you don't have. Recognize this
and try to expand your awareness of what resources are available to you to find the answers you need
to have. I'm not saying you first have to be a slave to teach a slave, but you're going to have a difficult
time trying to teach your slave how to iron your shirt if you don't know how to iron them in the first
place. Take the time to learn about this lifestyle. Make time to read books, talk with others and
observe the interactions of others. Learn to listen, but also learn to be comfortable enough to discuss
this lifestyle with others. Just reading or listening won't guarantee you can understand what you've
read. If you're able to competently discuss something, you'll find it's a pretty safe bet you understand
the subject, and if you don't have a correct understanding, you'll find yourself being provided more
information and clairifcations of the topic through your discussions. After you've read this page,
You're ready to move on to My Slave Training 101 Manual, stop, take a moment, reread this posting.
Take your time with this manual, don't try to rush your way thru it, nor should you rush your slave thru
the things you teach her.


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