Marcy Jacks The Little Dragons Alpha Savior

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Of Dragons and Wolves 9

The Little Dragon’s Alpha Savior

Alpha wolf Stan Abbot has to go and keep the peace between the
packs by acting as ambassador to a band of wolves who are

jealous of their wealth. Getting attacked by hunters is just the
cherry on top.

But then the leading alpha brings out a dragon, one that can heal

Stan's wounds, a young man who is Stan's mate.

His mate. His beautiful and clearly mistreated mate. With a single

touch, Bentley absorbed the pain and wounds from Stan's attack
onto his own skin.

Stan needs to get his mate the hell out of this hellhole. In order to
do that, he needs to convince Bentley that not everything is as it


Bentley is an orphan, taken in by a pack of wolves after a dragon
attack gone wrong. He never questioned that until Stan Abbot

showed up into his life, and he is determined to take Bentley away
from the only life he's ever known.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal,
Length: 35,598 words

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Of Dragons and Wolves 9

Marcy Jacks



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2014 by Marcy Jacks
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-274-4

First E-book Publication: September 2014

Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Of Dragons and Wolves 9


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

“Fuck! That fucking cocksucking hurts!” Stanley Abbot yelled as

alcohol was poured right onto the gaping wound on his arm.

“Stupid fucking hunters. Never learn,” said Balin Parella, the

alpha who was in charge of this pack.

The pack that Stan now kind of hated, considering he’d had his

truck totaled on the three-hour drive just to get here. A drive he didn’t
even want to make.

But, sometimes for the sake of peace and keeping wolves from

pissing all over the wrong territory, neighboring packs had to pretend
to be friends from time to time.

“Please tell me that someone got those sons of bitches license

plates,” Stan said through his teeth. Fuck, his arm was gashed open
pretty bad.

“We don’t take license plate numbers around here,” Balin said. “I

sent some men after them. If they don’t catch and kill those bastards,
then the dumb hicks will at least know to never come back.”

It was talk like that, that made Stan overly irritated with this pack.

It was like they didn’t realize how much humans loved jumping down
the throats of every werewolf ever whenever one killed another

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human, even if it was self-defense.

Cases like these, where it wasn’t quite self-defense, but the

hunters had definitely started it, were always the gray areas that
politicians loved to play with.

“Well, whatever then, we’ll deal with it when they get back,” Stan

said. He didn’t even want to be here. His older brother Garret was the
one who usually put up with this shit, but ever since he got mated to a
dragon on top of the mountain, he tended to be busy with other things.

The lucky bastard.
“You’re definitely going to need some stitches for this,” Balin

said, and when the stupid prick squeezed Stan’s arm, as if checking to
see how deep the knife had actually gone, Stan hissed and tensed.

“What the fuck?” he demanded.
Balin pretended like he hadn't done anything at all. “Definitely

stitches. They might’ve even poisoned you. They’ve been pulling shit
like that lately.”

“Perfect, so can I go and see your healer yet?” Stan demanded.

He’d even take the hands of a human doctor over this asshole.

“Of course,” Balin said, and he turned to the tall man with the red

hair who had been standing next to him. “Hey, Pinky, go and get
Bentley, will you?” he asked.

Stan would’ve fallen back at the sound of the name if he hadn’t

already been sitting on a tree stump.

“Pinky?” he asked.
“Nickname, don’t ask,” Balin said.
Stan was going to do his best to keep from doing just that.
“Anyway, about our healer, there’s something you should know

about him,” Balin said, and he ran his hand over his shaved head.

That really got Stan’s attention, mostly because of how strong

Balin looked.

This was only Stan’s first time being at this pack, and while

Garret had warned him that these people were a little old-fashioned
and weird, he’d never expected this.

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Balin had the whole tough alpha thing going for him, and while he

was a little on the short side at only five foot nine, he had everything
else about him that just screamed alpha.

The man shaved his head so that his enemies couldn’t even grab

his hair. He had the wide shoulders and stocky muscle to back up any
threats he made. Hell, he even had tattoos of chains wrapping all the
way around his arms and down to his wrists where it was supposed to
hurt the most to get a tattoo.

Not that tattoos were proof of any man being strong and

dangerous, especially nowadays, but it definitely helped with the

And yet here Balin was sitting hunched on his heels, looking

incredibly worried.

“What? What’s wrong with him?”
“He’s got some scarring on his body,” Balin said. “He’s a little

sensitive about it, so it would just be better if you pretended not to see
them, all right? Don’t even speak to him or look him in the eyes if
you can help it.”

Oh, fuck that.
Stan was an alpha, and he wasn’t about to let himself be cowed by

a healer who was sensitive about his looks. The scars were probably
just acne scars or something, and Balin wanted Stan to not meet the
man’s eyes, as if he was some cowardly omega offering submission?

He opened his mouth to tell him as much when Pinky—God, what

a stupid name—finally came back with his friend in tow.

One look and everything Stan had been about to say all went

flying right out the window.

The man, the healer, was little better than a kid. He might even

still be a teenager. He did have scars all over his body, but with the
way his shoulders were hunched, how he kept his head down, and
even the way he gripped his elbow, proved this young man wasn’t
going to get violent with anyone here.

If anything, the way he stood and presented himself just made him

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look even younger.

“This is your healer?” Stan asked.
“Watch your tone, I said,” Balin said, half snarling his words.
“Sorry, sorry,” Stan said, if only to keep what little peace there

was left. He honestly hadn’t meant it to be an insult. Not really. He
was totally dumbfounded by the sight of the young man to even
attempt any sarcasm.

Especially with the way his cock was reacting between his legs,

and how his wolf was howling inside of his mind.

This wasn’t just some ordinary kid, he couldn’t be.
Stan inhaled one strong whiff of the air, letting his wolf take in the

scent of cinnamon and vanilla. It seemed the kid had just come from
the kitchen or something, but it was the scent that was just beneath
that, which made Stan’s mouth fill with moisture.

He’d never smelled this scent before, so it was strange that he

knew what it was without having experienced it before.

This young man was his. This boy, whoever the hell he was,

Bentley, was going to be Stan’s mate for life.

He was fucking beautiful.
Messy, pale brown hair that was so fair it could almost be blond,

and moss-green eyes were just a perfect match for the boy’s face.

Oh please, for the love of God, let him be over eighteen.
Stan let his eyes roam up and down the man’s body, and very

quickly, the thinking part of his brain started to push through the lust
he was feeling, setting it aside as he took note of a few things that just
weren’t right.

The kid was thin. Too thin for someone his height, though he

couldn’t be much taller than five foot seven. Stan could already tell he
was going to tower over the man when it came time to stand up.

But that wasn’t the thing that bothered him. He’d seen and been

with enough skinny people to know that some men and women just
naturally looked young and couldn’t gain weight to save their lives.

This kid, though…the clothes that were on him were way too

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The Little Dragon’s Alpha Savior


damned big. The grey T-shirt could damn near function as a tent on
him. The shorts, which probably fit just fine on another alpha in this
pack, went all the way down past his knees. He wore a pair of flip-
flops that really needed to be replaced, and it was a miracle at all that
the kid managed to keep the shorts from falling down his slender hips.

He must’ve had a belt on or something.
Then Stan finally took in the scars.
These weren’t battle scars, and they definitely weren’t the

pockmarks of acne scars either.

He recognized these. A year or two ago he might not have, but

now that so many of his brothers were mated to dragons, he’d learned
quickly what the signs were of a dragon who was being abused.

Long and thin slits, as if strips of flesh had been torn away. There

was only one on his cheek, and the rest seemed to be isolated on his
arms and legs. No doubt there were more on his back. The longest of
these scars was about two inches long.

They were the scars that came from having dragon scales being

forcibly ripped out.

No wonder Balin was trying to talk Stan into not looking at him.
Those pale green eyes flicked up at Stan’s face, and then back

down again. Cream-colored cheeks darkened with rosy color, but it
was humiliation, and not Stan’s lust being returned.

Stan was staring, and he was embarrassing the hell out of the kid.

Fucking smooth.

“Bentley, do you think you can get to work on our friend?” Balin

asked, all smiles as he nodded to Stan, as if he had no idea of what
was going on around him.

This man had been an alpha for a long time, and with good reason.

He knew that Stan had just figured it out.

Stan looked back at Bentley, who nodded before wetting his lips.

“I can do it.”

Fuck, his voice was so damned soft. Was he afraid to speak up?

Either way, the sound of that voice, as small as it had been, made

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Stan’s wolf howl and scratch at the thin layer of willpower that
separated man from beast.

Focus. He needed to focus.
“He hasn’t even looked me over yet,” Stan said. “He doesn’t have

a first aid kit, either.”

“Doesn’t need any of that,” Balin said, and then he looked back at


“Go on, kid, show him what you can do.”
Stan looked back at the kid, at Bentley, just as he nodded and

slowly walked over.

The young man got to his knees on the side of Stan, and then it

was just fucking amazing to watch as those hands closed in and gently
covered the nasty, gaping slice that ran along the side of Stan’s arm.

He sighed, he couldn’t help it. The relief was too damned much. It

was like a cool, damp cloth being placed over a burn. Stan even
moaned a little.

Balin, the ass, was smirking at him. “He’s good, right?”
“Fuck, yeah,” Stan said, and as Bentley pulled his hand away,

allowing Stan to see some of that blue light his hands were emitting,
he also got to see the way his flesh was knitting back together.

Werewolves healed quickly, but not that quickly. Bentley was

working a fucking miracle, and Stan barely suppressed another moan.

Until he heard the soft sound of Bentley’s hiss.
Stan started at that sound. He looked down, and he would be

damned if Bentley’s brow wasn’t furrowed, his lips bitten shut, as he
was the one who was now suppressing pain of his own as beads of
glistening sweat gathered at his forehead, and then it was more than
obvious something was going on.

Stan wasn’t sure why his eyes were drawn to that spot. Maybe it

was the splotch of red that was blooming over the gray colored T-
shirt. The sleeve was so damned big that it hid most of Bentley’s
upper arm, but then that didn’t even matter as the red got to be more
and more.

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The Little Dragon’s Alpha Savior


“You’re hurt!” Stan said, and he reached for the sleeve faster than

Bentley could pull away.

“Stan,” Balin said, a clear warning, but Stan ignored him.
He gasped, and all the heat drained out of his face as he saw what

had to be a near identical wound to the one that Stan had just had.
There was a bleeding, open slash wound from a nasty dagger, right in
the exact spot where Stan’s wound had once been.

He understood the power of this dragon now. Bentley wasn’t a

healer. He could just take other people’s pain, and their injuries, too.

“What the fuck?” Stan snapped, and he glared over at Balin. “You

didn’t tell me this would happen!”

“Does it matter?”
“Did I do something wrong?” Bentley asked, and for the first

time, Stan realized the younger man was staring at him with fear in
his eyes, but he kept on glancing right over at Balin, as if expecting
the man to save him.

Oh, fuck.
Balin patted the kid’s shoulder, and Stan growled a little at that

touch, which Balin ignored.

“Not a thing, kiddo. Don’t you worry. Go off to the kitchen now

and tell Gretchen that you get an extra slice of meat with your

Bentley nodded, but then he looked at Stan, still afraid, still

waiting for him to let him go.

Didn’t he know? Couldn’t he feel what Stan was feeling?
Stan had no choice, he let the kid go.
Despite the injury, Bentley jumped to his feet and ran as fast as

his legs would take him, away from Stan, and away from Pinky and

“That kid needs a healer. A real one. Not something to eat.”
“Protein helps dragons with their healing abilities, the same as it

does for werewolves,” Balin said, getting to his feet and dusting
himself off.

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“You know what I mean!” Stan snapped. “You just suggested that

I might’ve been poisoned. What if he took the poison? At the very
least he’ll need stitches until he does heal. And what the fuck was
going on with all those scale scars on him? He’s a dragon. I can tell
he is.”

“Just like I can tell how much you want to fuck him,” Balin said,

glaring right back at Stan.

If Stan had been a cat shifter, then he would’ve hissed. As it was,

he barely kept his wolf in check.

The tiny growl he let out was clearly more than enough for Pinky

to get involved, however, and the man rushed into action.

He lunged, proving himself to be stronger and faster than anyone

named Pinky ought to be as he wound his arms around Stan’s neck
and put him into a hard head lock that very nearly cut off his air

“Hey! What the fuck are you doing?” Stan yelled, and the grip

around his throat just got tighter.

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The Little Dragon’s Alpha Savior


Chapter Two

Even though Bentley’s arm burned and hurt worse than anything

he’d experienced, at least in this month, he didn’t immediately do as
he was told and go to the kitchen.

Punishment was always in store for those who disobeyed the

alpha, but he couldn’t help himself.

That man, that scary wolf who’d glared, and seemed so angry

right after he’d closed his eyes and sighed from the relief that Bentley
had given him, was in trouble.

It seemed that he’d done something to upset the alpha. That was

never a good thing. Bentley didn’t want the wolf to be killed. Though
he was normally weary of wolves he didn’t know, and was still a little
scared of this one in particular, he didn’t want anything bad to happen
to him.

All he knew was that it almost hadn’t hurt when he’d taken the

wolf’s pain. He’d felt good, up until the end. Touching his wound had
brought him a pleasurable sizzling sensation between his legs that he
rarely ever felt, and stirred something in his chest as well.

He couldn’t put his thumb on it, but now that feeling was gone,

replaced with so much dread that Bentley worried the ground would
open him up and swallow him whole if alpha Balin decided to kill this

They were having some sort of talk, that was for sure. Bentley’s

eyes widened when Balin grabbed the other wolf between the legs. He
must’ve squeezed a little hard because Bentley could hear the yelp of
pain from all the way over here, and he cringed in sympathy.

Please don’t kill him. Don’t hurt him either!

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As if his prayer was being answered, Balin released his hold on

the wolf, and Pinky’s arm came loose around his throat.

Bentley sighed.
Pinky had that nickname for a reason. It was more of a joke, but

the underlying message was still the same. He was known for being
able to rip people open with his bare hands, exposing their inner red
and pink flesh.

Reddy didn’t quite have the zing to it that Pinky did, so Pinky

stuck. Bentley didn’t even know what the man’s real name was, he
was just glad that he was no longer holding onto that other wolf.

Come to think of it, Bentley didn’t even know what his name was


Balin motioned with his hand, and the three wolves got to their

feet. The newcomer moved a little more reluctantly, but he was still
up and moving, still unharmed.

Bentley sighed, and he decided that now it was a good time to go

and do as he was told.

Though he was a dragon, he’d lived in this pack almost his entire

life, ever since he’d been liberated from an abusive clan.

Bentley could remember those people. They had been horrible

dragons, always flying from one location to another, searching for
territory and picking fights with anyone who had it in the hopes of

They never did, and Bentley and the other hatchlings had often

been forced to bear the brunt of the adults’ anger.

Bentley didn’t know who his parents were, if they were still alive,

or even if he had siblings. He didn’t even know what his last name
was. The earliest memory he had was of healing someone for the first
time. Balin. He wasn’t sure why he’d done it, and he couldn’t even
recall how he’d gotten to be there. All he knew was that Balin had
been about to lose to the fight with the high dragon, and Bentley had
stepped in and done something about it.

He’d taken the man’s pain and his wounds, putting him back at

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The Little Dragon’s Alpha Savior


full strength while the high dragon was still struggling to stay on his

The rest of the fight was over in an instant, and Bentley was

welcomed into the pack and treated like he belonged.

He worked like everyone else did, paid his dues and pulled his

weight, because that was what was expected of a man. Hell, Bentley
had been giving his scales to the pack to help support it and keep debt
collectors at bay since he was fourteen. Now that he was twenty, he’d
given a lot of scales, but he was glad for it, glad to be useful, to be

Gretchen not only gave Bentley a big piece of steak to chew on

while she stitched and bandaged his arm, but he also got cake as well.
A big piece. He almost never got cake.

Then Gretchen wanted to finish cooking that night’s supper for

the pack, so she tried to shoo him away.

Tried to.
“Do you know anything about the wolf who just came?” he asked,

sitting on a stool and trying to stay out of the way.

Bentley didn’t know much about cooking. He was more of a

cleaner and a healer when it was needed.

Gretchen just shrugged. She was an older wolf, and Bentley

hadn’t seen her shift in a long time, as if she didn’t need to anymore.
Her steel silver hair was up in a bun as she stirred the stew she was
making out of the fresh rabbits that had been caught.

“He’s from a neighboring pack. You know the one. That other

nice wolf used to come from time to time.”

“Yes, him, Stan is his brother, I think.”
Bentley’s stomach fell just a little. “Then, is his brother dead? Is

that why Stan is here?”

Sympathy swelled inside of him for the wolf if that was the case.
“Oh no, I heard he took a mate with a dragon. Can you believe it!”

Gretchen asked, and then she started as she looked down at him.

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“Sorry, dear. I didn’t mean it like that.”

He knew she didn’t, and it was all right with him. “That’s okay,

I’m just as shocked as you are.”

Wolves and dragons didn’t mix. There were too many territory

fights for that. If anything, Bentley was just as shocked as Gretchen
was. The fact that he was living with a pack of wolves and was
welcomed among them was considered rare enough.

Bentley was also intrigued. The idea that a wolf could choose a

dragon for a mate? He’d always thought something like that would
never happen. Hell, he was twenty and still a virgin because he had no
interest in any of the men and women around here who were his own
age, and they had no interest in him either. Some even looked at him
like they pitied him, which he didn’t understand.

“Is Garret happy with his mate?” Bentley asked, and he picked at

some lint on his shorts, just to keep himself from looking as if he was
too curious about the subject.

“I don’t know,” Gretchen said. “Why don’t you go out and ask

Stan for yourself? He comes from a nice family, you know?”

Gretchen was always doing things like that, encouraging Bentley

to be a little more open with the people he spoke to, to be outgoing,
but that was never going to happen.

People were punished for speaking too much with Bentley, aside

from Gretchen of course. Balin explained that he didn’t want any of
the wolves to scare Bentley, considering this pack had virtually wiped
out his entire clan. Bentley had tried to explain to the man that he
wouldn’t be scared, and that he’d wanted to make friends, but Balin
wouldn’t hear of it. He treated Bentley like such a child sometimes.

Gretchen only talked to Bentley like this because, well, he didn’t

want to be mean about it, but she was an older wolf who worked the
kitchen. Not many people paid attention to her either. For that, they
shared their loneliness, and sometimes Bentley was greedy in his glee
for that.

Gretchen was like his mother, or his grandmother. If he didn’t

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have her, then he would have no one.

“Well, what do you think?” Gretchen asked, and Bentley realized

he’d still been silent, and hadn’t offered a response.

“I think…I’ll think about it,” Bentley said, getting up from his

stool so he could leave. “I still have some chores to finish. Thank you
for the talk,” he said.

Gretchen smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her pale blue eyes.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Come back anytime. Just not when I’m
cooking because things get burned.”

Bentley nodded, and he quickly ducked out of there.
He was done his chores for the day, technically, but there was

always more to do. He would be given more work to do if he didn’t
pretend to be busy for the rest of the day, or hide himself in his secret

He wanted to speak to Stan. He wanted to ask him about his

brother, and if Garret was happy with a dragon for a mate. Why was
that so important for him to figure out? He wasn’t even sure, but it
seemed like one of those things that he had to know.

Since he knew he wouldn’t be working up the courage to ask,

Bentley was just going to spend the rest of the day in his hiding spot.
The other wolves in this pack either didn’t know about it, or they
pretended not to know.

He went there to read sometimes, but mostly he went there

whenever his cock was bothering him. Right now it was definitely
bothering him with thoughts of Stan’s face, especially as the man
closed his eyes and practically moaned as Bentley healed him.

Touching himself, giving himself pleasure when he usually had

pain, always relaxed him, and with all the things going on through his
head, and the pain that still throbbed in his arm, he needed something
to help him forget.

Mopping and sweeping the floors tomorrow wasn’t going to be

any fun at all with his new injury.

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* * * *

Stan did everything he was supposed to do, as the ambassador of

his pack. He shook the hands of every elder in Balin’s counsel, said
hello to the working omegas, and spoke some more with the alpha
about what both packs could do to benefit each other.

Most of that conversation involved Balin’s not so subtle hints that

Stan’s father was being greedy with the amount of territory he held,
which had technically expanded after almost all of Stan’s brothers had
taken mates with the dragons on Black Mountain.

All Stan could do was grit his teeth, smile, and tell him he would

do what he could.

He wasn’t going to do shit for a man that had grabbed him by the

dick and told him to keep his hands to himself where Bentley was

It didn’t matter what was going on with him, that young man was

his mate, and Stan had every intention of getting him away from the
pack that was clearly abusing him.

He waited until he could get a moment alone before he pulled out

his cell, one of the few things that had survived inside of his pockets
after his truck was totaled. He called his father and let him know
about the problem with the truck, and that he should be expecting
Stan to come home fairly soon.

“Did you know Balin was keeping a dragon in his pack?” Stan


There was a pause on the other end, and Stan could just imagine

the look on his father, Simon’s, face. “No. Garret certainly never said
anything about that. Are you sure it's a dragon?”

Stan thought about the scale scars. “I'm sure, and I’m starting to

think Garret didn’t know about it either,” Stan said, and all the while
he walked around his shoddy room, searching under the thin mattress
and around the steel frame for anything that might resemble a bug.

Though from the looks of it in here, he didn’t think Balin had the

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money to fund that sort of technology, no matter how cheap it had

What the fuck was he doing with the money he was selling from

Bentley’s scales then?

“Am I to take it from your whispering that you don’t want to be

overheard?” Simon asked.

“Something like that,” Stan said, and he grabbed onto the wicker

chair in the corner, something that looked like it would be better
suited for outdoor use, and he pulled it to the middle of the room
before stepping onto it. It was miracle the thing didn’t break under
him as he checked the glass ball above him. The light bulb inside
wasn’t turned on since it was the middle of the day, which made it
easy for him to take it down with one hand, check the inside, and then
put it back in place.

After he was certain he wasn’t being spied on, he kept right on

speaking. “They’re ripping the man’s scales out. From the looks of
him, they aren’t treating him too well either.”

“Does he look sick?” Simon asked.
“Really thin,” Stan said. “Dad, I hurt myself after those fucking

hunters chased us down. I got careless and one of them sliced me with
a nasty-looking dagger.”

“Are you all right?” Simon asked immediately.
The man had lived a long life, and he’d lost many wives over the

years. He cared about all the children he had. Even though Stan was
almost seventy-seven years old, his father sometimes still treated him
like a young adult.

Just the old man’s way of showing his love.
“I’m fine now,” Stan said. “I think Balin wanted to make a nice

gesture to you by making Bentley heal me.”

“So he’s a healing dragon?” Simon asked. “That’s a good thing.”
“Not really. He doesn’t have a true healing power,” Stan said, and

he clenched his fist in the shame of having given his wound to
someone smaller and weaker than he was. “He literally took my

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wound. He healed me, but to do that he had to take my injury for
himself. He already looked bad enough without a gaping hole in his
arm, and I don’t even know if he’s being treated.”

Another pause on the other end of the line. “I want you to be

careful over there. This isn’t exactly our business, and unless you’re
one hundred percent sure that he’s a prisoner, then there’s not much
we can do.”

“What else can he be? Dragons don’t just give up their scales. We

know this now.”

A dragon only willingly gave away one scale in his life if he could

help it, and that scale was meant to go to a mate. The scales were
polished and turned into amulets or rings, or sometimes broken into
smaller pieces that were used in pendants and earrings.

The pain of having a scale ripped out was supposed to be on par

with ripping out a fingernail.

Stan knew this now because of what his brothers had told him

after they’d come for visits off of the mountain. Some of the dragons
who lived up in that castle had been captured before, had their scales
taken from them, and those stories were never very pleasant to hear.

Bentley was being abused, and Stan didn’t like it.
“I’ll run it by Aris, see what he says,” Simon said finally.
Aris, being the high dragon of Black Mountain. He would have

more jurisdiction in a situation like this than Simon would have.

Stan couldn’t wait that long. “Dad, it’s not that…Fuck, never

mind, yes, tell him and tell him quick, because I might just have to
take Bentley out of here tonight.”

He looked around his room one more time when those words left

his mouth, as if making sure that a spy wouldn’t miraculously appear
out of nowhere and rat him out to Balin.

“Son, if you do that all the way out there, where I can’t help you,

he could kill you. Do you understand? You’re not in our pack and you
have no power over there.”

It could also start a pack war, but Stan knew why his father wasn’t

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bringing that up.

He wasn’t mentioning it because on the totem pole of what was

important or not, Stan’s life was at the very top.

Stan ran his hand over his face. Fuck, his pulse thumped in his

chest and all over his body. All he could hear was the sound of his
own heartbeat.

“Dad, I…he’s my mate.”
“What?” Simon asked.
“I mated with him. I didn’t have sex with him. I only saw him the

one time and haven’t even seen him alone since then, but I could just
tell, you know? The smell of him was like nothing I ever smelled
before, and I almost bit Balin’s head off when he touched Bentley’s

“Don’t explain, I get it,” Simon said. “Believe me I get it, but you

have to be very careful right now. I know you want to rush to his
rescue, but you have to believe that with the situation you’re in now,
you might be of more use to him if you just play it cool. You’re only
three hours away, less than that if I can contact Aris and get him to fly
down there with some men. Just sit tight and don’t do anything that
can get you killed. Understand?”

Stan didn’t say anything at first. He was too busy trying to contain

all the anxiety that was rushing through him.

“Stan, tell me you understand,” Simon said sharply.
Stan blew out a breath. “Fuck, yeah, I understand.”
“Good,” Simon said, and from the sound of it, he’d let out a

relieved breath of his own. “You go and do what you need to do to
keep your wolf occupied. Go for a run, anything. Just don’t draw
Balin’s attention to yourself.”

“I think I already got it,” Stan said. “Dad, he’s using Bentley as a

healer and selling his scales. He’s going to blame us no matter what if
Aris comes down here to take him.”

“Well, that’s just too damned bad for him,” Simon said. “I’ve got

the bigger pack, and a clan of dragons to back me up if he wants to

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make trouble about the whole thing.”

Stan really loved his dad. He really, really did. “Thanks. Call me

when you’re close to getting here.”

“I will. Stay safe, for the love of Christ.”
They hung up, and Stan looked up at the ceiling as he let out

another tense sigh.

Balin didn’t want to give Bentley up, but as of now that was no

longer his choice. Stan just had to do whatever he could to keep the
idiot from knowing what Stan’s plans were.

That meant hanging out with this pack some more, and no more

hiding inside of this room.

Stan looked around himself. It looked more like a little prison cell

than anything. There wasn’t even wallpaper on the wall. It was just
brick in all directions. Sometimes that had a charm to it, but not here.

Stan went to the only window in the room, tossed aside the heavy

curtains, and then opened it. He needed fresh air. It wasn’t good to
keep a wolf all cooped up.

Opening the window turned out to be a big mistake, because the

first thing that hit his nose was the scent of musk. The thick, heavy on
his nose and delicious on his tongue, scent of musk.

Bentley. Stan's knees actually shook. That was Bentley’s scent,

only it was multiplied by a hundred thousand because every skin cell
on Stan felt alive and sizzled with urgency. The small hairs on his
arms and on the back of his neck, all over his body, stood on end.

Bentley was having sex? With who?
A split second of angered jealousy and rage surged through him as

he imagined Balin not only using Bentley for his healing powers and
his scales, but also for sex.

Before he could even imagine all the ways he would rip apart the

person responsible, his rational side took over, and Stan was able to
tell that there were no other musky scents mixed in with Bentley’s.

He was alone. Perfectly alone. Thank God for that. So if Bentley

was alone, then he was giving himself pleasure, it seemed.

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Because he’d seen Stan and had wanted him as much as Stan had?

Oh fuck, his wolf was taking over, and there was almost no self-
control as Stan put one foot on the window ledge, and then jumped
out of his tiny room in the cabin he’d been offered.

His cabin was one of the last ones in this pack, and his view was

nothing but trees. He didn’t see anyone as he ran to his mate, and
even if there had been someone, he didn’t think he would’ve noticed
them, as there was only one goal for him in mind.

He was going to get to his mate, and he was going to join him.

Right now.

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Chapter Three

Bentley groaned as he coated his stomach with his own cum. It

was thick on him. He hadn’t done this in a while, and now he was
glad that he had. It was always embarrassing to be walking around the
pack when he was horny and knew everyone of the wolves around
him could smell it.

It would’ve been extra embarrassing today. Especially with that

one new wolf walking around.

Bentley leaned against the tree he was in and sighed. His dick was

still hard, still aching for attention, which was something that had
never happened before. Usually once was enough, but now he felt like
he could go another round, and all from just thinking about that one
wolf’s face.

Stan Abbot. Oh God, Bentley wasn’t going to last the night when

a man as handsome as that was on the property. He wished he hadn’t
asked Gretchen about wolves mating with dragons because there was
no way in hell a man as handsome as that would be interested in him.

Especially with all of his scars.
He almost wanted to just let it all go, not bother with his cock, and

just spend the rest of his day here relaxing.

His dick had other plans. It was full and dark, thick and heavy

between his legs, as if he hadn’t just given himself an orgasm at all.

And it was pointing up at him, as if demanding to know what the

holdup was.

It was all so unfair. Sometimes he felt like he was the only virgin

in the entire pack.

If he ever wanted to walk around for the rest of the day without

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letting everyone in the pack see that he had a hard-on, then he had no
choice. Bentley reached for the bottle of sunscreen he used for just
this sort of thing, and he squirted a little more in his hand. He didn’t
like too much, and he didn’t think he would need it anyway.

He just wrapped his fist around his cock and sighed when he

heard a low growling noise beneath him.

Bentley froze right up from where he was sitting, and he looked


Even all the tree branches that surrounded him couldn’t keep him

hidden from the man that stared back up at him with those yellow-
golden eyes.

Stan was down there. His cheeks were flushed from running, and

his blond hair was in his face, messy and sexy as all hell, and he was
staring right up at Bentley.

He’d just been caught masturbating in a tree, and he couldn’t

move while that man stared at him.

His dick jumped in his hand, which didn’t help anything at all.
He quickly moved to tuck his cock back in his pants. This was

humiliating enough without letting that man see him.

“Don’t,” Stan said, and his voice was just a little on the slurred

side thanks to the big wolf teeth that was in his mouth.

Bentley froze up again, and he looked back down at the man on

the ground.

Stan’s eyes flashed. “Don’t hide yourself from me,” he said.
Bentley didn’t understand. He was supposed to hide his body from

people. Showing off too many of his scars was a bad thing. Hell, it
took a lot of begging and pleading for Bentley to convince Balin to let
him have a T-shirt and the shorts for the hotter summer months, and
they were way too big on him anyway.

“I don’t…I don’t understand,” Bentley admitted. He always hated

it when he didn’t understand something because usually that meant
being treated like an idiot.

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Stan didn’t reprimand him, though, if anything, a low growling

sound, like the one before left his throat.

It almost sounded like a purr. Bentley had thought this man was a

werewolf, not a cat shifter.

Either way, his eyes flashed in half-lidded lust, and his claws

gently raked down the side of the heavy tree trunk. “Come down here,
please,” he said.

Bentley shivered. He shifted his body, moving to do exactly as he

was told, but then he stopped himself. “Why?”

This couldn’t be for what he thought it was for. No one wanted

him for that.

“Please come down, I want you,” Stan said.
Or maybe someone did.
He didn’t know the rules then.
“Balin doesn’t let people talk to me, and no one is allowed to

touch me except for him,” he said.

There. It was only fair to warn the other man, at least to let him

know what he would be in for if he broke the rules.

Stan’s eyes flashed one more time, but this time there was a whole

lot of anger in them. “Does he fuck you?” he asked.

Bentley cringed. “That’s not a very nice way of saying it.”
“Does he fuck you?” Stan demanded again.
Now those claws of his were really starting to scar the tree instead

of just scratching against them. Bentley figured he should be truthful
about this and quick, before the man tore down the entire tree.

Bentley liked this tree. It was his tree.
“No, no one does,” he said.
The anger in Stan’s eyes went away. Bentley thought the man

even sighed. Because no one had wanted to love Bentley?

He wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
“Please come down,” Stan said. “I promise I’m not going to hurt


Bentley nodded, and without putting anymore thought into it at

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all, he tucked his still hard dick away and did as he was told.

The man might not want him to hide his body, but Bentley wasn’t

about to jump out of a tree with his privates flying all over the place.

He jumped down from the safety of his branch, and then he landed

on his feet right in front of the taller, larger man.

He’d known that Stan would be taller and larger, based on his

shoulder size when Bentley had healed him, but the man was
enormous in comparison. Bentley hadn’t been prepared for that in the

Maybe jumping out of the tree hadn’t been such a good idea. Of

course, it wasn’t like the tree would have offered him any protection
at all if he’d decided to stay in it. Stan could have always forced him
out if he’d really wanted to. Doing as he was told was always the best
course of action for Bentley, and now was no different.

Stan just continued to stare at him, and Bentley didn’t know what

to do about that.

“What would you like me to do?” he asked, and even as the words

left his mouth, his heart raced and his throat was dry.

His blood ran hotter through his veins than even when he was

fisting his cock. He was aware of the scent of lust in the air, not his
own, and so heavy and thick he could taste it on his tongue.

It made his cock pulse even more than ever before.
Somehow, Stan was doing this to him, and it was frightening and

intriguing at the same time.

Intriguing enough to keep Bentley from running in fear in the

other direction.

“Let me see your arm,” Stan said.
It seemed he was done with the word please. No one was ever

nice to Bentley for very long.

He didn’t ask why the man would want to see that, or which one

he wanted. He just held out his injured arm as carefully as he could.

Stan took hold of it in his much bigger hand, and his grip was

surprisingly gentle.

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And the touch of his palm on Bentley’s bare skin made him jump.
Oh God, what was that?
“I won’t hurt you,” Stan said, and then he very gently lifted the

grey sleeve of his loose T-shirt, exposing the bandages that were in

Stan’s lips thinned at the sight, and his eyes never lost that gold


Now Bentley thought he knew where this was going. He had to

start talking quick before he got into any trouble. “If I didn’t take
enough, if you’re still hurting, I can take more,” he said.

Sometimes that was enough to keep from getting a hard slap. He

hated those.

Stan’s eyes were wide at they stared down into Bentley’s face.

“No! If anything you took too much!”

The gold color that Bentley had quickly started to think of as

being a sign of lust vanished, and Stan shook his head. “I wish you
hadn’t done it at all. Can you give it back to me?” he asked.

Bentley could do that, but he wasn’t going to. He’d been

forbidden from ever doing that.

“It doesn’t matter anyway, it’s over,” he said. “If it…if it bothers

you to have done it, then you don’t have to worry. I can heal your
wound to a hundred percent, but my flesh doesn’t take one hundred
percent either.”

“It doesn’t?” Stan asked.
Bentley shook his head. It was foolish of him to think it, but he

kind of liked that this man actually seemed to care that he was in pain.

“I couldn’t take all of the pain all the time. I don’t know how it

works, but from my guess, my body only physically takes about
seventy to eighty percent of the damage, and the rest is turned into

Stan winced. “That’s still too much.”
Bentley smiled. “It’s all right. I like doing what I can to help the


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“You do?” Stan asked, lifting a brow.
“Well, sometimes. I don’t like the pain. I hate having to do that,

especially when it’s just over stupid pack fights that Balin gets in with
some of the other alphas. Don’t tell him I said that, though. Please?”

He’d already opened his big mouth enough.
Stan shook his head. “I would never,” he said.
Like before, Bentley believed him when he probably shouldn’t.
He smiled, feeling relieved all the same. “Thank you,” he said.
“Were you stitched at all? I see a few spots of blood coming


Why did he care so much? “No one ever asks me questions like

this,” Bentley said.

“I do ask questions like this,” Stan replied. “How are your

stitches? If there’s any at all.”

“There are,” Bentley replied, and just to make sure the alpha

wouldn’t get mad again, he told him all about how Gretchen had
cleaned the wound for him, stitched it, and then given him a piece of

“I’ll have to thank her later,” Stan said, and then he did something

so completely outrageous that Bentley froze up in fear.

The man reached his hand out and touched Bentley’s cheek.
Stan’s thumb slid over the deep scar that had been left behind

when one of his scales had been pulled. That one had hurt a whole lot,
but now all Bentley could do was shiver. His previously forgotten
dick pulsed between his legs, and his testicles tightened and rose up a
little higher to his body.

“Why are you touching me like this?” Bentley asked, and why did

it feel so damned good to be touched like this? There was only trouble
to be had with being touched like this.

“Because you’re mine,” Stan said.
It was the weirdest feeling in the world, for his heart to plummet

and then swell up with happiness at the same time. “Did Balin sell me
to you?”

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“No,” Stan said, shaking his head. “But you are mine.”
Stan’s eyes were gold once more as he stared into Bentley’s face.

“You’re forced to do so many things all the time, I can tell. I won’t
force you to do this. Tell me you want me, and I’ll take you. You’ll be
my mate and I will take care of you for the rest of your life.”

Bentley swallowed hard, but there was hardly any moisture in his

mouth. “You…want me to mate with you. For life?”

What a stupid question.
Stan stepped forward, and the heat of his body was just bringing

enough even more reactions from Bentley that he probably shouldn’t
be having. “Yes,” Stan said.

“You want me for my scales?”
“No,” Stan replied, shaking his head again.
“Do you want me to heal the men of your pack?” Bentley asked.
“I never want you to use that power ever again,” Stan replied.
This could be a lie. It very likely was just a trick, but Bentley

wanted to believe it, especially when Stan stood so close to him that
he could feel the other man’s erection.

It was firmer, and probably a lot stronger, than the tall, thick tree

behind him.

“Tell me you want this, right now, and I’ll make it happen,” Stan


Drunk off of the lust and pleasure that was already rushing

through his blood, Bentley said what he needed to say.

“Yes,” he said.
Stan leaned in and pressed their mouths together, diving his

tongue inside of Bentley’s mouth for his first kiss.

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Chapter Four

Stan lost complete control of himself. He couldn’t stop even if he

wanted to, and right now, he so didn’t want to. He and his wolf were
of one mind at the moment, and all that either of them wanted was to
fuck and claim what was rightfully theirs.

His, Bentley was his and no one else’s, and Stan was going to do

everything in his power to take the dragon out of this hellhole and
give him the life he deserved.

Stan might’ve been overcome with animal lust and urgency, but

he was still in control enough to know not to grab onto Bentley’s
arms. One of them was injured, because of him, and Stan had to be
gentle. Or, as gentle as the animal side of himself would allow.

He took Bentley by the shoulders and pushed his back against the

heavy base of the tree that the dragon had been sitting in, pleasuring
himself only a few minutes prior.

Mph!” Bentley said, but then he reached up and grabbed onto the

back of Stan’s neck and his shoulder.

It was his injured arm that didn’t reach as high as Stan’s neck.

God, he was going to kill Balin for ever forcing Bentley to use an
awful power like that.

Bentley sure as hell knew how to kiss, though. If anything, it was

how the man returned his kiss, pressed his lips back against Stan’s
and eagerly swirled his tongue against Stan’s that made him forget all
about any thoughts of revenge against the other alpha.

And the noises he made. God, they were so fucking sweet, and

Stan’s dick pulsed as if he was already inside of the younger man,
thrusting into him, claiming him.

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Stan pulled back from their kiss and immediately dropped to his


“What are you doing?” Bentley asked, but then he shivered and

sighed when Stan pressed his tongue to the drying cum that was still
on the man’s stomach.

Bentley’s hands immediately went into Stan’s hair and gripped

him tight. He moaned and shivered, and Stan was willing to bet that
not many people had done this with him before.

“You taste so fucking sweet,” Stan said, and he licked the man

clean, delighting in the knowledge that now Bentley’s seed would be
inside of him, right before he put his seed into the other man. “I could
do this all fucking day.”

“Uh huh,” Bentley said.
Stan had to look up at the other man just to see what was

happening with him. Bentley was staring up into the canopy of
branches and leaves above his head. His eyes were wide but glassy.

Yeah, he was definitely getting off on this. Stan was going to

make it even better for him.

He pulled down the loose waist of the baggy shorts the dragon

wore, exposing his hard, dark cock.

Stan had always thought that dragons didn’t have the stamina for

sex that werewolves had. Maybe Bentley was just that horny from
scenting his mate so nearby.

Lucky them.
Still, with every inch of flesh that Stan exposed, he revealed more

and more long scars, more slits in Bentley’s skin that were proof he’d
been having his scales taken from him.

Those deep creases were on his belly, his chest, and there were

even some scattered around his legs, but none came close to his
private area, which Stan was grateful for.

If having scales taken out was supposed to be painful, then he

couldn’t imagine how mind numbingly horrific it could be to have
them taken from his cock or his testicles. Did dragons even have

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scales on that part of their body? He supposed he was going to
eventually find out, considering he’d just mated with this dragon.

Bentley stared down at him expectantly, and with Stan’s face so

close to his cock, it was clear to see what the man wanted.

His face was so damned pink, and he’d lifted his hands over his

mouth, as if to silence any moaning noises he was going to make, that
Stan doubted the man would have the courage to voice his desires.

“You shouldn’t cover your mouth like that,” Stan said, and he

wrapped his fingers around the heavy base of Bentley’s dick, stroking
him once, and then twice, always while keeping his eyes on the other

Bentley didn’t remove his hands. He just shook his head.
“Come on, you can speak to me,” Stan said, still leisurely moving

his hand. The shaft was still smooth, and a little slick, from what
Bentley had been doing earlier. He must’ve brought something with
him to make it better. A cream or a lube, which was a good thing
since Stan hadn’t thought to do anything like that at all.

Bentley removed his hands, but only long enough to briefly reply.

“No one should hear us,” he said, and then he put his hands back over
his mouth.

His cheeks became even redder.
Though it was the best plan, Stan couldn’t rationalize it in his

mind. He didn’t care if anyone heard them. Even though this was a
dangerous thing for him to be doing, the wolf part of his mind was in
too much control, and it wanted everyone in that pack to know that he
was taking Bentley for himself.

He just smiled up at his mate, and he leaned in and pressed his lips

to the head of Bentley’s cock. Kissing and licking it, making his mate
shiver and moan beneath his hands.

Let Bentley hold his hands there if that was what he wanted. It

was just a challenge for Stan to get him to be as loud as the man really
wanted to be.

Bentley immediately thrust his hips forward as Stan sank his

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mouth down around the swollen crown, and then the shaft of
Bentley’s dick.

Just as Stan predicted, one of Bentley’s hands came away from his

mouth to press against the back of Stan’s head, pushing him down
farther and farther, until Stan felt the head of Bentley’s prick touching
the back of his throat, right where he wanted it to be.

He moaned, using the vibrations to his advantage, and Bentley’s

other hand came away from his mouth to go down and grip Stan’s
hair, and he moaned long and loud into the sky.

That was exactly what Stan wanted out of him, and he moved his

neck, bobbing back and forward, giving his mate everything that he
deserved to have. So much pleasure and more.

That’s right, no one is ever going to make you feel this good. I’m

the only one you’re ever going to have again.

With his animal side completely taking over, the lust that rushed

through him and the desire to just do this, Stan found himself able to
go on longer than he normally would have. His jaw didn’t become
sore, and he didn’t gag whenever he sank down too far onto Bentley’s
cock. It was like he was born to blow this man, and maybe he was,
because at the moment there was nothing else in the world he was
more talented at doing.

“S–Stan, I’m—I…I’m coming, I’m coming,” Bentley said.
That was exactly what he wanted. He wanted the taste of

Bentley’s seed on him one more time, wanted to swallow it down so
that the other man would be forever a part of him.

He wasn’t about to stop, and when Bentley moaned out loud, his

cock swelling inside of Stan’s mouth as warm cum splashed inside,
Stan moaned and swallowed down all of it.

And even when Bentley was gasping for breath, his muscles

relaxing and his body damn near slumped over Stan, his cock
remained hard.

Stan had to pull away and look up at the other man. “See? It’s nice

to make some noise.”

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Bentley’s cheeks turned to a darker shade of red. He was so

damned cute. “What if someone heard us?”

“I’ll deal with them,” he said, and then looked back down at

Bentley’s dick. He touched it, and it jumped in his hand. “After I’ve
taken care of you.”

“This has never happened to me before,” Bentley said quickly,

shaking his head. “I mean, I’ve had a lot of erections and everything,
but never this many at once.”

“I guess you have above average stamina,” Stan said. “What were

you using for lube on your cock?”

“For…you mean to…?”
Stan nodded, still stroking his mate’s dick. He was pretty sure that

Bentley couldn’t come so quickly the next time he felt the need, not
now that he’d had two orgasms so close to each other, but there was
no telling at this point in time, so Stan figured it was best to take
things slow and steady with how he touched him.

Bentley quickly reached down and grabbed for his shorts that

were around his ankles. He grabbed at his pockets, searching, until he
finally found what he was looking for and handed it to Stan.

It was just a small bottle of hand cream. The travel size kind that

could be bought at any drug store.

It would do for now.
“Turn around,” Stan said, getting to his feet, and he quickly

worked on the belt and fly of his own jeans.

“O–okay,” Bentley said, and he did as he was told.
Fuck, that didn’t exactly sound eager to him.
Stan came up behind him, and he put his arms around the smaller

man’s waist, hugging the man to his chest. “I promise the next time
we do this, I’m going to do it right. I’ll give you flowers and candles
and romance, and it won’t be done fast and outdoors.”

“It’s okay, I know wolves like having sex outdoors,” Bentley said

with his small voice.

Stan’s heart cracked a little for him. “But dragons don’t, and if

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you’re going to be my mate, then I’m going to treat you right. That
means giving you what you want and need, too. Understand?”

Bentley continued to tremble, and he nodded his head. Stan

thought he even heard a little sniffle, but the man was smiling when
he turned his head.

Stan had to lean in and press another kiss to that gorgeous mouth.

Bentley immediately opened his lips so their tongues could meet.

Mmm,” Bentley said, making more of those wonderful little

mewling noises that Stan was finding himself becoming more and
more addicted to. Fuck, this man was just too damned gorgeous, so
fucking sexy, even with his scars.

“Don’t move,” Stan said when he pulled away from the man, and

then he quickly opened the little bottle of cream and poured some of
the white stuff into his hand. This was going to have to do.

He slicked his fingers, and then spread Bentley’s cheeks wide,

exposing his pucker. He was tight. Oh, fuck, Stan could already tell
how tight a fit that was going to be.

He let his fingers massage over Bentley’s hole, as if he was trying

to rub the cream into the skin around it. No, he just wanted to make
sure this was going to be as easy as possible for him.

Fuck, his stupid hands were trembling, though. Stan was going to

lose his damned mind because he could barely keep his wolf from
jumping out and just slamming into the other man. He was so damned
desperate to just push his cock into Bentley’s asshole that he was
going to hurt the man if he didn’t take it easy.

But the way Bentley moaned and trembled, especially when Stan

finally pushed two fingers into his tight entrance, was almost enough
to make him come right then and there.

And he hadn’t even touched his own cock yet.
“You like that?” Stan asked. He had to keep talking. A wolf

couldn’t talk, so the more Stan spoke, the more he could keep in
command of himself and prevent his rational mind from taking a back
seat to the animal inside.

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Bentley nodded his head, his eyes shut in absolute pleasure. “Y–

yeah.” Bentley’s voice was coming out in puffs of breathless air. He
was panting and having some trouble getting his words out, but he
was doing it.

“Good,” Stan said, and only then did he notice that his voice was

starting to do the same thing as his heart rate picked up.

He only had two fingers inside of Bentley’s asshole, but he was

done. He couldn’t wait anymore. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I have to do this
now,” he said.

Stan grabbed onto his heavy cock by the base, and even that was

enough to send a jolt of pleasure rushing through him. He had to bite
down on his lower lip just to contain the moan he wanted to release.

That was nothing compared to the rush of ecstasy that rippled

through his body when the crown of his dick touched Bentley’s
pucker, and then he pushed against the ring of muscle.

“Push out, push out,” Stan said.
Bentley groaned, but he did as he was told, and just like that, Stan

was inside. Oh fuck, the head of his cock popped through the ring of
muscle and then he was sinking inside of Bentley’s warm body.

His inner wolf howled.
Bentley’s entire body was tense and stiff, and it stayed that way

even after Stan was balls deep inside of the man, as far as he could go.

He reminded himself to be gentle, and he kissed Bentley’s

shoulders and stroked his arms, again being careful of the injury
Bentley had taken from him.

“It’s almost done,” he said. “It’ll get better when you relax.”
“It hurts!” Bentley said through his teeth.
He really did sound like he was in pain. He must not have done

this very often. Fuck, what if he’d never done it at all? That would
have been amazing and terrible at the same time. Stan fucking loved
the idea that he would be the first and only lover his mate would ever
have, but at the same time, this wasn’t the right way for someone to
lose their virginity.

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Stan couldn’t do anything about that now except to continue to

stroke and comfort his mate. He reached around and gently took
Bentley’s cock into his hand. It was only half-hard. He really must’ve
been in pain for him to have lost most of his erection.

"Try to relax. I promise I won’t move until you do,” Stan said.
It would probably kill him to have to keep a promise like that,

especially now when he felt like he could die from just not moving
like he wanted to, but he would keep that promise no matter what.

“Breathe deep and let your body go lax. Everything will be fine,”

Stan said.

Bentley nodded, and he did as he was told.
He took in a deep breath through his mouth, and then worked to

relax. It took a minute or so, the longest minute of Stan’s life, but
eventually, Bentley did let out a sigh, and his teeth and body weren’t
clenched anymore.

“That feels…that feels better,” Bentley said.
“There you go,” Stan replied, and he inwardly thanked God that

he could finally start to move.

With Bentley no longer fighting the intrusion that was inside of

him, Stan was free to pull his hips back and then move forward. This
wasn’t going to be a hard and fast slamming of hips, not when
Bentley was clearly so new to this, but it was still fucking wonderful,
being able to move the way he was.

Stan kept his thrusts shallow. When he pulled his hips back, his

cock didn’t move more than an inch in and out of Bentley’s body.
Their flesh didn’t smack together, and it wasn’t a hard and animalistic
rutting. They were making love.

It seemed even the wild animal inside of his head knew when to

give in and let a more gentle nature take over.

Soon Bentley’s dick, which Stan was still holding in his hand,

began to stiffen. Bentley released tiny moans as his pleasure built, and
Stan knew exactly how the man was feeling because he could feel the
exact same thing.

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It was a slow build, the kind that was rarely able to be enjoyed

since sex was always something that seemed to be rushed, especially
with him at any rate.

This was fucking wonderful, and it allowed his body to climb

higher, experience more, than it otherwise would have.

“Like that?” Stan asked.
Bentley’s eyes were closed, and he looked like he was in an

entirely different world as he held onto the base of the tree. He even
started to slowly push his hips back against Stan’s thrusting cock.

“Yeah,” he said.
“This means you’re mine,” Stan said, and he leaned in and pressed

his mouth around the shell of Bentley’s ear. Their bodies produced so
much damned heat that it was almost unbearable, but Stan held on
tighter. “No one is every allowed to have you again. You’re mine.”

“Okay,” Bentley replied.
Not exactly what Stan thought he was going to hear, but he would

take it. He just had to let his dragon know what this really meant,
because he was starting to get the feeling that Bentley either didn’t
believe him, or just didn’t fully understand what Stan had been
talking about when he said he was going to claim him as a mate.

Bentley turned his head, and when those pretty pale green eyes of

his moved down to Stan’s lips, that was all the invitation he needed to
lean forward and take that supple mouth one more time.

The pleasure continued to build, and Stan forced himself to not go

any faster, to not push their bodies harder than they needed to go, but
the build up inside of him became stronger and so much more
noticeable anyway, all without any help from him.

He released Bentley’s cock, enjoying the disappointed moan that

the smaller man released into Stan’s mouth, but then he moaned again
when Stan let his hands move up and under the baggy T-shirt that
Bentley was still wearing, and he found the man’s nipples.

Bentley jumped and bucked at the touch, pushing himself harder

against Stan’s cock without meaning to, and then he moaned even

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harder before he bucked again.

Now he was like the wild animal that couldn’t be tamed because

he was coming again, moaning and bucking on Stan’s cock as his
prostate and nipples were teased and toyed with.

In Bentley’s urgency to release every last ounce of pleasure, his

mouth was torn away from Stan’s kiss as he pressed his face against
the hard tree trunk, and then continued to moan and yell.

“Oh fuck! Oh my God, yeah!”
“Fuck yeah, come for me,” Stan said, and he groaned when

Bentley’s asshole squeezed him so damned tight that he couldn’t hold
back anymore. It hurt, but it was also the best sort of pain and
pleasure there could ever be in the history of time, because then he
was coming hard inside of his mate.

He had to release Bentley’s nipples and put his hands up onto the

tree just as his mate was doing, because his claws were starting to
come out and he didn’t want to accidentally scratch him.

He clawed at the bark, putting scars into the tree itself as he

growled and groaned.

He gasped for breath when he was done, and there was nothing

else his body could give. He collapsed against his mate’s back, and
then listened to the adorable sound of his snickering and giggling.

He’d never thought that a giggle would be cute to hear from out of

another man.

“What’s so funny?” Stan asked.
“Your fur is tickling me,” he replied.
“What?” Stan looked down at himself, and while he was still

mostly clothed, wolf hairs had sprouted out of his arms and legs, and
they were now pressing against Bentley’s skin, and the backs of his
thighs, in what was very likely a ticklish manner.

Stan chuckled and pulled away from his mate. It seemed his wolf

had gotten out a little after all.

As Stan kissed his mate and helped the both of them tuck

themselves back into their clothes, he pushed his wolf back down

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inside. He was about to ask if there was a stream or a pond where they
could clean up, and hopefully keep Balin and his pack from knowing
that they’d done, when the giant wolf named Pinky, along with two
other wolves, presented themselves.

Stan froze, and Bentley was no longer smiling as he looked at all

three wolves in front of him.

“You’re wanted by the alpha,” Pinky said to Bentley. “Right


Bentley swallowed hard, and he only got one step before Stan

grabbed onto his hand, stopping him. “What does Balin want to see
him for?” he asked.

Stan hadn’t liked the tone Pinky had used. It almost sounded like

Bentley was about to walk to a punishment. He could be wrong. He’d
better be wrong.

“You were warned to stay away from him. Balin’s going to want

to see him after you fucked him.”

“After—” It took less than a second for the meaning of those

words to sink in. “You fucking pricks. You were watching us have
sex the entire time?”

Bentley groaned and ducked his head even more. He was clearly

ashamed, and when he had no reason to be either.

Yet these three idiots had stood around watching Stan as he

claimed his mate. One of them had clearly gone to tell Balin about it,
or they’d called. Either way, Stan didn’t like this one bit.

“That’s of no concern of yours,” Pinky said, and then he looked

over at Bentley. “Come here now,” he said.

“Sorry, I have to go,” Bentley said.
All traces of his giggling mirth from before were gone, as if it had

never been there, and when Bentley gently extracted his hand from
Stan’s, his heart fucking dropped.

They weren’t just abusing Bentley, they had him thinking that he

had to take it.

Bentley walked right over to Pinky, never meeting his eyes, and

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he just waited as the larger man stared down at him.

If he put one hand on Bentley, Stan was going to lose his shit and

attack. He swore to himself he would, even if it killed him.

Pinky didn’t touch him. The staring seemed to be more about

intimidation than anything else, and he eventually tilted his head. “Go
on, get out of here,” he said.

Bentley immediately took off, as if the trees around him were on


He briefly looked back, and Stan could see the worry in his eyes

before he turned back around to watch where he was going, and then
vanished through the shrubs.

Stan hated that he was out of sight. He hated that he was going

somewhere that Stan couldn’t protect him, and he fucking despised
the fact that Bentley was so afraid of the people that he was giving so
much to help. His scales and his power. It was sick.

“Look, this entire thing was my fault, all right?” Stan said. “I

came to him, he didn’t come to me. So call Balin and tell him that I’m
the one who should be punished.”

“You are going to be punished,” Pinky said, and then he nodded

to his friends, who all stepped forward, shedding their clothes as fur
sprouted over their bodies.

Stan immediately tensed, and then he growled and ripped away

his clothing as well. “All right then, fucking come and get it,” he said,
letting his wolf out to play, dropping down to four paws as he
growled and snapped at the two wolves who circled him.

If these guys wanted to kick his ass so bad, then he was going to

make them earn that privilege.

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Chapter Five

“You let him touch you,” Balin said, and then another loud crack

sounded in the room, and Bentley’s cheek stung a half second before
it burned as Balin slapped him good and hard.

Bentley hated being hit like that. He hated it when he was being

punished at all.

He was ashamed of himself because Balin wanted him to feel

shame, but at the same time he was angry. He hadn’t done anything

“The other wolves in the pack take lovers all the time,” he said


“What was that?” Balin asked, and the man stopped pacing around

the room he was in, an office where he took care of the business of his
pack, taxes, and property lines and such, but as usual, it was a
complete mess in here. Balin wasn’t much for paperwork or decor,
and there were papers all over the desk, the floor, and even on top of
the filing cabinets, instead of inside of them, where they belonged.

“Nothing,” Bentley said quickly.
Balin growled at him, but he didn’t mention it again. He continued

to pace around his office.

“What have I told you about other wolves?” he asked.
“That they’re…” Bentley trailed off. He couldn’t say it. He

couldn’t finish that sentence when he knew that Stan wasn’t like that.

“They’re what?” Balin asked, and he gripped Bentley’s chin, hard,

and he forced him to look up and into his eyes.

Like he was still a child or something. “Finish the sentence.”
Bentley swallowed. “They’re territorial, they take what they want

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without asking, and they’ll steal away anyone for their own packs
who they can use to benefit them.”

Balin nodded. “That’s right,” he said, and then his eyes softened.

His grip on Bentley’s chin changed from hard to gentle, and he put his
hands on Bentley’s shoulders. “I’m not doing this to you to be mean.
You have to know that. But you don’t know anyone outside of this
pack, and if he tries to take you out of here, he can do all sorts of
things to you without you ever having a say in it.”

“He said he doesn’t want me for my scales or my power,” Bentley

said. “He said he wouldn’t have me give my scales or heal anyone
ever again.”

That was clearly the wrong thing to say to the alpha, because

Balin’s eyes immediately turned red, and he let his hands slip away
from Bentley’s shoulders.

“You don’t like helping your pack, contributing, is that it?”
“No!” Bentley said. “That’s not what I meant!”
Balin acted like he hadn’t heard a word that had come out of his

mouth. “Now you listen to me and you listen good. You’re nothing
special, do you understand me? Everyone in the pack has a job to do,
and this is yours, and if you don’t like contributing, to helping put
food on the table so the pups can eat, then I don’t know why we
bothered to house you for all these years.”

Bentley’s chin trembled, and now he really did feel like a kid.

Balin couldn’t have done worse to him if he’d tried. In fact, Bentley
would’ve preferred it if the man had just slapped him. That would’ve
been better than hearing the words coming out of his alpha’s mouth
right now.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it,” Bentley said.
“You told us that it hurts to take your scales, so we try to only

take them when we need them.”

“Did you need to buy a new truck?” Bentley asked.
That time he did get a slap, and a whole lot of yelling about how

the truck was necessary, how Bentley knew perfectly well all the

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heavy lifting that needed to get done when the other alphas went out
and did odd jobs to bring in money.

By the end of the tirade, Bentley felt like an ungrateful jerk, and

he wanted to vanish into the floor and never be seen again.

“Fine, if you want to go away with some alpha that you don’t

know, who’ll use you and throw you away, then go right the fuck
ahead. Don’t you let me stop you,” Balin said.

Bentley blinked. “R–really?”
Balin stopped right in front of him, and he looked more insulted

than ever before. “Don’t look too heartbroken about that or anything.”

“I’m sorry,” Bentley said, and he looked away from his alpha’s

angry red eyes. He held onto his arm, the one that still hurt and
throbbed from the pain he’d taken from Stan. He almost welcomed
the pain. For the first time in his life, it was a reminder of something
else, someone he wanted to see, and not of the fact that he was
constantly doing things like this to himself.

“He’s a wolf, you’re a dragon. You have to see that he’s using

you,” Balin said.

“He said I was his,” Bentley replied. “He wants me for a mate.”
“And you believe that shit?”
He didn’t have to say it like it was the most outrageous thing he’d

ever heard in his life.

“I’m twenty years old,” Bentley replied. “Shouldn’t I get to decide

these things?”

Everyone else did, and as far as Bentley knew, they didn’t get

yelled at like this, or hit. He didn’t understand in the least.

Balin was silent for several long seconds, and the more he was

quiet, the more Bentley started to worry that he was about to lose his

“All right, I’ll make a deal with you,” Balin said.
Bentley looked up into the alpha’s eyes. They were no longer an

angry shade of red. “A deal?”

Balin crossed his arms, but he continued to stare down at Bentley

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like he was the world’s biggest fool.

“Yes, a deal. I’m not convinced that Stan Abbot didn’t lie to you

about the whole mating thing just to get you to fuck him.”

Bentley cringed at that word. It was such a terrible word to

describe something that felt so good. “He didn’t,” he said.

“Oh yeah? Did he bite you?”
“Bite me?” Bentley asked.
Balin smirked and shook his head. “You see? You don’t even

know the basics about werewolf mating habits. He’s supposed to give
you a bite on the side of the throat, right where the neck meets the
shoulder,” he said, and then he grabbed Bentley by the T-shirt and
yanked him closer. He stretched out the neck of the gray cotton to see
for himself that there were no wounds there.

“I see he didn’t bite you.”
Biting to make a mate? Bentley had seen a lot of werewolves in

this pack walking around with scars on that part of their bodies. He’d
seen them, but assumed they had been scars from fighting and nothing

“I didn’t know that’s what those bites were,” Bentley said.
“You never had a reason to know that. None of the wolves here

would want a dragon for a mate, so it’s not something I would’ve
explained to you when we had the birds and the bees talk.”

Bentley could still remember that talk, and how humiliating it had

been for the both of them.

“I guess not,” he said.
Balin was like a father to him, the closest thing he had to family

ever since his clan had attacked this place and wiped itself out.

Balin had taken him in, fed him, educated and clothed him, and

Bentley was acting up like this.

But then something occurred to him, and he couldn’t get the

thought out of his head until it spilled from his mouth.

“Pinky, Freddy and Mike were there!”
“What?” Balin asked, frowning.

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Bentley nodded. “They walked in on us. Maybe he would have

bitten me if they hadn’t interrupted us!”

Balin smiled, and not the smile he gave off when he was angry

and doing a bad job of hiding it either. It was genuine. “I’m glad you
brought that up, boy, because that’s actually part of my deal.”

Bentley blinked at the man, not understanding at all. “It is?”
“Absolutely,” Balin replied. “If he wants to be your mate, then I’ll

give him the chance to prove it. I’ll give you both an hour alone
together, completely uninterrupted. If he bites you in that time, then
he can take you.”

Bentley’s heart lifted, but only for a half second before Balin’s

expression turned grim again.

“But just let me tell you this right now, so you’d better listen

good,” Balin said, putting his hand on Bentley’s shoulder. “If he does
take you, you’d better believe that you wouldn’t be able to come back

“I…What? Why?” Bentley asked, and now the thought of never

seeing Balin or Gretchen, or even the other wolves in the pack who
tended to ignore him, scared the hell out of him. This was all he knew.

“You’ll have the scent of a wolf from another pack on you. The

fact that you have his scent on you right now is making my own wolf
get all territorial. I can hold it back because you’re like a son to me,
and I love you more than anything else in the whole world. But the
rest of the pack? They don’t have that same emotional attachment to
you that I have.”

“But…but…” Bentley couldn’t think. He could hardly breathe. He

tried to think if any of the other shifters who’d mated into different
packs had come back, and a few did pop into his mind.

He brought that up to Balin, who just shook his head. “How many

times do I have to tell you that it’s not the same thing? You’re a
dragon. They were wolves. The same rules don’t apply. Why do you
think only one wolf at a time comes into this pack for meetings?
Wolves don’t like it when other wolves are on their territory.”

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“But that’s…that’s not fair,” Bentley said. He felt cold all over,

and he put his arms around himself to ward off the chill. He was
going crazy here!

“I know it’s not,” Balin said, and then his hand went into

Bentley’s hair in a gentle pet. “So if you really want to go with him,
mate with him, then just know that you’ll be leaving behind the
people that love you, took you in, all for someone who’s a relative

Something about this wasn’t right, and all Bentley could feel was

totally and utterly uncomfortable about the whole thing, but saddened
as well.

Balin was right. These were the people that had taken him in.

They’d taken him in and raised him when they could have killed him
after his clan attacked, and now he was honestly considering turning
his back on them.

“I…Balin I believe him, when he says we’re mates. I’ve never felt

this before. It’s strong. I don’t know him but I’d swear that I already
love him.”

There, he said the words. Now he just had to wait and see how

Balin reacted.

Balin’s lips thinned, and he sighed. “All right, if that’s what you


He said it so casually, as if it didn’t matter to him at all that

Bentley panicked. He reached out and grabbed onto Balin’s shirt,
desperate to make him see. “It’s not because I want to leave! I don’t
want to leave! But I can’t help it. I need to be with him!”

If Balin was able to hold himself back enough to not let his wolf

run wild just because Bentley smelled like a different pack, then
maybe that would be enough. He could come and visit Bentley from
time to time. Would Gretchen be able to hold herself back? She
hadn’t turned into her wolf in such a long time that it seemed she had
full control over her animal nature. Bentley shouldn’t have anything

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to worry about when it came to her either, not that he could ask Balin
about it.

“I know you can’t help it, son, don’t you worry,” Balin said, and

then he finally pulled Bentley closer for a hug, something Bentley
really needed at the moment. Balin pet his back and his hair like he
was still a hatchling, and that was something Bentley really liked. It
calmed him down, reminded him that Balin loved him and cared for

“We’re going to do this, though. Remember, if he’s your mate,

then you don’t have much of a choice in this, right?”

Bentley nodded.
Balin pulled away from him, long before Bentley had soaked up

enough of the affection that Balin rarely gave.

“So, here’s what we’re going to do. I just want to prove that he’s

not taking advantage of you. You’ve never been in love before, and
he is a werewolf claiming to have mated with a dragon. That’s not
exactly normal, so, we’ll do what I said earlier. Time uninterrupted
for him to bite you on the shoulder. I’ll get him in here and tell him
about this, too. If he bites you, then you know that he wasn’t just
trying to lure you away for your scales.”

“He wasn’t,” Bentley said, shaking his head quickly. Despite

everything, he couldn’t help but smile wide at the thought of getting a
mating scar from Stan.

Balin wasn’t done yet, however. He lifted his hands, as if

summoning patience. “But if he doesn’t bite you, doesn’t want to
mate with you, then you’ll have your answer, and I don’t want you to
be heartbroken when it turns out he doesn’t want to do it. You
understand? I’m warning you right now.”

“It won’t be that way,” Bentley said, and his excitement was

bubbling again. “And you can always come and visit me when I mate
with him. You said yourself that you can hold back, so that shouldn’t
be a problem.”

Did the vein under Balin’s right eye just twitch, or was Bentley

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just seeing things?

“You’re right, now go on, get out of here. You can go into his

guest cabin and wait for him. I’ll send him along shortly after I’ve had
a word with him.”

“Okay,” Bentley said, and he practically ran out of Balin’s messy

office in his excitement to get to Stan’s cabin. He was in such a hurry
that he didn’t even see the faces of the wolves who stared at him as he
ran on by.

Let them wonder about the scent that was on him. He didn’t care.

He didn’t even care if it was bothering their inner wolves to the point
that some of them were struggling not to attack him, because this was
going to be the best day of Bentley’s life.

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Chapter Six

Stan was still standing and walking when he was shoved into

Balin’s office.

Balin’s incredibly shitty, disorganized looking office. Stan forgot

all about the pain in his body from the slashes he’d taken as he just
looked around at the mess around him. What the fuck? Did this man
have no pride at all?

Enough pride to stand among the mess with his arms crossed, and

a snooty smirk on his face at least. “Still walking on your own two
feet, I see?” Balin said.

“As opposed to walking on someone else’s feet?” Stan replied.
Pinky, who had been behind him, punched him in the back of the

head. Stars exploded in front of Stan’s eyes, but he still didn’t go
down. He wasn’t about to give this asshole the satisfaction.

“Pinky, that’s enough,” Balin said, and then he frowned. “Where’s

Freddy and Mike?”

Pinky must’ve made some gesture down at Stan, because then

Balin nodded, eyes widening a little. “I see,” he said.

It was totally worth the blood he could taste in his mouth, the

slashes on his body, and the general ache that took over every inch of
flesh he had.

“You’re pretty strong, aren’t you?” Balin said.
“Strong enough to take down two of your men when they gang up

on me. They’re still alive,” he added, though he wasn’t sure why.
Balin wasn’t the sort of alpha who would ask about the general health
of his foot soldiers.

“Hmm,” Balin said, and then he shrugged. “Well, shit like that

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happens when I give you an explicit, no-nonsense warning, and then
you go behind my back and do something like that anyway.”

“I’m his mate. He’s mine,” Stan said. “And before you do

something like order Pinky to stab me in the back, I already called my
father and told him about all of this. He’s on his way here and will be
here soon enough. He might even bring Aris with him. You know
who Aris Macleod is, right?”

Balin narrowed his eyes. “The high dragon who lives on that

mountain you were always fighting over.”

“Yeah, him,” Stan said. “I can’t imagine he’s going to be too

happy when he finds out you’ve been keeping a dragon hostage and
stealing his scales.”

“Bentley is no hostage here,” Balin replied.
“Don’t bullshit me, I’m smarter than those idiots you sent to teach

me a lesson,” Stan said. “You’ve got him trapped here, and you’ve
got him thinking that he has to pay for room and board in his own
prison with his scales and his power. You’re fucking sick.”

“Either way, he’s not leaving here. He won’t want to leave here.”
“He’s leaving with me,” Stan said. “And he will want it because

I’m his mate. He knows this and he can feel it.”

“Uh huh, all I know is that you fucked him in the woods, on my

territory,” Balin said, and his eyes turned red.

Stan took in a deep breath and steeled his shoulders. He’d already

handled two men today, and he didn’t think he had the energy to take
on both Balin and Pinky if they jumped him.

Not that he wouldn’t try and kick the man’s ass with everything

he had for what he was doing to Bentley.

Balin relaxed his shoulders, and then the red melted right out of

his eyes. “It doesn’t matter anyway. I’ve already told Bentley that
you’re free to take him.”

Stan frowned. Surprise rushed through him, but this was definitely

a trick.

“What did you do to him?” Stan demanded, and he could feel his

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claws and teeth lengthening, becoming sharp as both he and his wolf
imagined all the terrible punishments that Balin could have given to
the dragon. Had he killed him? Was Balin the sort of wolf who would
rather his cash cow dead than handed over to another pack, or even a
clan of dragons where he belonged?

“I didn’t do anything to him. That boy’s like a son to me,” Balin


Stan’s scowl deepened. “Yeah right.”
Balin scowled right back. “Anyway, before we get any further off

topic, I was saying that he could go with you, if you proved to me that
you are mated to him.”

“So then, he’s fine?” Stan asked.
“Of course he is, I sent him to wait for you in your guest cabin,”

Balin replied. “He’s waiting there for you, and all you have to do is
fuck him and bite him, and then he’s yours to take.”

“Uh huh, and what did you tell him about all this?” Stan asked.

There was no way it was going to be as simple as this asshole was
making it out to be.

Balin shrugged. “Nothing that he didn’t already know. Though he

is somewhat torn on the idea of leaving his friends and family.”

Stan doubted Bentley had friends here. Not after the things

Bentley told him while they were out in the woods.

Still, Balin could’ve put all kinds of things into Bentley’s head.

He could’ve manipulated him into thinking that Stan was a terrible
alpha who would take him away from this place and never let him
come back.

That was sort of the idea, but Bentley didn’t even know he was

being abused. Balin had the dragon believing that this was all meant
to be normal for him. How was Stan going to convince him that it was
better if he never saw these people again?

“I can see the wheels in your head turning,” Balin said. “I swear to

you that there’s nothing sinister happening here. He is waiting for
you, and you can take him, after you’ve taken him.”

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“Ugh, please don’t put emphasis on that word. It makes you look

like a creep,” Stan said, and he got another punch in the back of the
head for that. He rounded on Pinky. “Knock it the fuck off!”

“Pinky,” Balin said, and when Stan looked back at the alpha, he

was shaking his head. He’d had enough.

Pinky took a step back. Even though he was taller than the man in

this disgusting excuse for an office, he clearly listened to him.

“All right, let me go and see him and we’ll do this. I’m assuming I

don’t have to have your entire pack watching us to know that this is
being done?”

Just because werewolves were sexual in nature and didn’t mind

flaunting it, didn’t mean that Bentley would want to have an audience.

“I’m actually shocked you would ask something like that,” Balin


“Shocked that I would question your integrity?” Stan asked.
“No,” Balin said. “Just shocked that you would even take

Bentley’s feelings into consideration.”

“Why wouldn’t I? He’s my mate,” Stan said, and he didn’t know

how many times he was going to have to point that out before
someone listened to him. Everything he was doing was for Bentley.
The only reason he was agreeing to this stupid thing was because he
didn’t want there to be any question in Bentley’s mind about where he
belonged when Stan’s father and Aris got here.

“I’m still debating on how much truth there is to that,” Balin said.

“Considering you already raped him.”

What? No, I fucking didn’t you sick—!
Though Pinky had been ordered to stay back, the man had no

problems at all with grabbing onto Stan’s shoulder and yanking him
back before he could get close enough to Balin to knock him off his
fucking feet.

Balin’s eyes were a little wide. “I guess this means you didn’t

know,” he said, then shrugged. “Not that it makes what you did any

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“What the hell are you talking about?” Stan demanded, and he

shrugged off Pinky’s huge hand.

Balin shook his head at him, and then he went to his wooden desk,

the one that actually used a cinderblock for one of the legs. He opened
the drawer and then pulled out some papers. Stan was genuinely
stunned there was anything remotely in order within all of this chaos.

He came back around the desk with the papers he had, and walked

right up to Stan. He held one piece of paper right in front of his face,
and all Stan could do was stare at it.

“It’s Bentley’s birth certificate,” Stan said. “So what?”
“Look at his birthdate, you idiot,” Balin said.
Stan did look, and then he spotted the year. Quick math inside of

his head told him an awful lot that he didn’t want to be true.

“No,” he said, shaking his head.
Balin nodded, and a smile even more evil than anything the

Grinch could’ve pulled off tugged at the man’s lips. “Yeah.
Congratulations, you fucked a sixteen-year-old. Still want to go and
put a bite mark on his neck?”

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Chapter Seven

Bentley waited for Stan to get here after he’d come to the man’s

cabin. Each cabin was basically a wooden square with a door and a
window, no air-conditioning, no kitchen, and no bathroom. They were
built that way, Simplicity was key in Balin’s pack, but still, Bentley
couldn’t help but notice how much nicer it was in here than where he
slept. The mattress was thicker, and though the sheets did have some
holes in them, they were still clean, and smelled deliciously like Stan

He had to fight against the urge to do something as weird as put

his face down on the pillow and inhale a deep sniff.

Werewolves had a strong sense of smell, and Stan would come in

here, smell his bed, and definitely know what Bentley had done.
Bentley was excited to be mated to the man, but he didn’t want that
embarrassment to deal with.

He walked around the small space, looking around here and there,

noting the shaving supplies that were on the nightstand in front of a
bowl of water.

There was a mirror tacked to the wall in front of it, and Bentley

lifted one of the electric razors. He wondered what it would be like,
being mated with Stan and watching him perform a ritual like this in
the morning? Bentley couldn’t grow a beard to save his life, but at
twenty, he was still fairly young for a dragon. Maybe there was still
time for something to come in.

He turned on the electric razor, just to listen to the noise it made,

but it was so startling in the silence that he had to quickly shut it off
again and put it back in its place. Bentley’s heart raced for no reason,

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and he giggled at himself for being so foolish.

He didn’t want to go through Stan’s things. Bentley always hated

it whenever Pinky or Mike or one of the other alphas dug through
Bentley’s meager possessions. One time Gretchen had brought him a
small collection of Hardy Boys novels, the older ones with the yellow
hardback covers.

Mike had seen them one day, accused him of theft, and then

burned them.

Gretchen was always careful about the things she gave to Bentley

after that, and Bentley had become better at hiding his stuff.

Eventually Bentley stopped pacing around the small room, and he

let himself sit on the bed.

Then he waited. Then he paced some more, sat down again, and

waited even more.

Time had to be running out. Where was Stan? Was he going to

come at all?

Bentley’s eyes widened. What if this was a trick? What if Balin

was just telling Bentley that Stan was on his way, but really the man
was locked up in another cabin? Bentley loved Balin, but he knew the
man was capable of playing mean tricks like that. He’d done it before
with other shifters, so why not do it with Bentley?

No, he wouldn’t do that. Balin wouldn’t do something like that.
But if he wasn’t playing a trick, where was Stan?
When the door knob clicked and turned, Bentley jumped to his

feet, heart racing as he waited to see if it would be his mate who
would walk through the door.

It was him. Stan was finally here. Bentley rushed to the man and

wrapped his arms around Stan’s back in a tight hug.

“I was worried you weren’t going to show up,” he said, pressing

his cheek against the man’s chest.

He was solid and real. His clothes were a bit dirty though, but he

didn’t mind. What bothered him was that Stan was barely even
touching him.

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Bentley pulled back when Stan didn’t return the hug, and he

looked up at the man, really looked at him for the first time.

He took in Stan’s pale face, and there were even twinges of green

around his neck. Bentley sometimes turned that color whenever he
wasn’t feeling well. “Are you okay? Are you sick?”

“A little,” Stan said, nodding. Then his hands went on Bentley’s

shoulders, and there was a sudden show of desperation in his eyes that
hadn’t been there a half a second ago. “Bentley, we don’t have a lot of
time. Quick, tell me how old you are.”

“What?” Bentley didn’t understand. “What’s my age have to do

with anything?”

The green around Stan’s neck rose up into his face a bit, and the

alpha groaned. “Please, for God’s sake just tell me you’re not

“What? No, of course I’m not,” Bentley said. “I’m twenty.”
Stan blinked at him. “Twenty?”
Bentley nodded. “Yeah, why?”
“You’re sure? I mean…of course you are, but you’re not lying to

me about your age, so I’ll mate with you, right?”

“No, why would I lie about my age?”
Stan clearly wasn’t convinced yet. “What year were you born in?”
Bentley told him without hesitation. The way Stan continued to

stare at him, as if he wasn’t sure what to believe, was making him so

“Did I…did I do something wrong?” Bentley asked.
Then he really got worried when Stan scowled and started cursing.

“That dirty mother fucker lied to me. He fucking lied to me to try and
scare me away from you.”

It was incredibly strange how Stan could appear so angry, but at

the same time it wasn’t like he was yelling. He was practically
whispering his words.

Didn’t mean Bentley liked it. Whenever people were angry, that

never worked out well for him. “You’re not angry with me, are you? I

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didn’t do anything wrong.”

If it turned out that Stan was going to be the kind of mate who

slapped him like Balin did, then Bentley was pretty sure he would
rather stay here than go off with him.

“No, of course not, you did absolutely nothing wrong,” Stan said,

and then he sighed and smiled. The green was gone from around the
gills, and he was staring at Bentley like he had been earlier that day.
Like he was loved, and something to be cherished. “Nothing wrong at
all. Balin told me…fuck, he scared the hell out of me. He told me you
were sixteen.”

“What?” Bentley asked, eyes widening. The first thing he wanted

to do was deny that Balin would do such a thing, but he knew better.
That was exactly the sort of thing Balin would do. “I guess…I guess
he really was playing tricks.”

“He showed me a piece of paper with your birth date on it. It

looked pretty official,” Stan said. “So I just need to ask you one more
time, you are twenty, right?”

“Yes, I am. I haven’t been sixteen in four years.”
Stan chuckled a little at that, though Bentley wasn’t sure what was

so funny.

“Do you know why he would have something like that?” Stan


“So that he can claim legal custody of me,” Bentley said. “I

always knew he had forged papers so that I would be part of the pack,
but I’d thought he wouldn’t have gotten anymore after I turned

“I guess it would be in case you decided to run away. He could

claim you were a minor.”

“Why would I run away?” Bentley asked.
He hated it when he didn’t understand things, and right now it

looked like he was about to not understand something else, because
Stan’s eyes softened, and the man looked so sad. “Bentley, you
shouldn’t be here,” Stan said.

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“What do you mean? This is my family,” Bentley replied.
Stan opened his mouth, but whatever he was about to say was cut

off by the loud banging on the door.

“Hey, hurry up in there! Your time’s up!”
That was Pinky’s voice.
“But you haven’t bitten me yet!” Bentley said. Panic rushed

through him at the thought of not getting his bite mark because Balin
had decided to play one of his tricks.

“I’ll bite you right now,” Stan said, and he grabbed onto Bentley’s

shoulders and yanked him forward just as the door burst open.

The man’s long teeth inside of the tender flesh of Bentley’s neck

hurt so damned bad he yelled out from the pain of it, right before he
moaned in pleasure.

It was so great that Bentley was actually blinded by it. He couldn’t

see, and didn’t care about that fact either. Not even when the sight of
Pinky rushing into the room to grab at Stan’s shoulders faded from his
eyes and was lost into nothingness.

* * * *

Stan had to immediately release his wolf’s teeth from Bentley’s

neck and shoulder the second Pinky grabbed him. If he hadn’t, then
he would’ve accidentally taken a big chunk out of the man’s flesh,
and maybe even killed him.

He fought and struggled with the big idiot wouldn’t even let him

catch his mate before he fell to the hard floor of the shitty little cabin.

“Get off me!” he roared, and despite the pain in his body from the

earlier fight he’d had to deal with, he had so much strength rushing
through his body it was like he’d injected himself with it in liquid

Especially when the wolves started grabbing at Bentley and

picked him up.

“Don’t fucking touch him!”

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Pinky tried to get his arms around Stan’s body, tried to hold his

hands down so he couldn’t fight, and he immediately retaliated by
throwing his head back and catching the other man right in the nose.

The crunch and the howl of pain was hardly satisfying. His wolf

was too interested in making each and every one of these men pay for
trying to take Bentley away from him, for tricking the younger man
into thinking that having his scales taken from him was normal.

He couldn’t help it, and even if he could, he wouldn’t have fought

against it anyway. He shredded out of his clothes as his wolf surged to
the top. He snapped at Pinky’s bloody hands as the man tried to grab
at him, and he did the same to the men who were trying to get Bentley
out of the little cabin.

They abruptly dropped the smaller man, which was enough to

make Stan cringe even in his wolf form since Bentley was still too out
of it to catch himself.

It looked like he fell on his injured arm, too, since bright red

bloomed over the grey cotton T-shirt he wore.

Stan completely lost his shit and just attacked. Everyone and

everything were victims of his biting jaws, and at some point Pinky
managed to get into his wolf shape as well, and then blood and fur
started to fly.

Stan had no idea how he managed to keep the fight away from

Bentley, who was still lying helplessly on the floor, bleeding and
barely conscious. The instinct to defend his mate and keep him from
harm was enough that he was able to push Pinky back.

But then Balin’s arms wound around Pinky’s neck, and someone

grabbed onto Stan, and the two were yanked apart from each other.

All Stan could see was Pinky, and he wasn’t done with him. He

wanted to kill him, wanted to put his large teeth around the man’s
throat and rip it right the fuck out. He snarled and snapped at the man
who held him, trying to wiggle his way out of the guy’s grip so he
could back and attack. His claws scratched and he even tried to bite
him, until his father’s voice yelled in his ear.

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“Stan! Cut it out! Stop it! It’s me! It’s me!”
Stan immediately stopped, and his wolf backed down just enough

so he could finally realize what was going on around him.

That was why Balin was yanking Pinky away from him. Simon

had arrived, and he had the smell of dragons on him. Aris and the
other dragons were here, and Balin had to at least look like he was
trying to be compliant.

Stan stopped fighting. He didn’t entirely relax, but he stopped

fighting and took the time to really look around him. His father was
here, finally, and so was backup.

Stan shifted back into his human shape, and he noted the big

scratch he’d left behind on his father’s cheek.

“Dad…” he said.
He’d never gotten his father like that. Not even in friendly

matches that were designed to test his strength.

“Don’t you worry about a thing,” Simon said, and he yanked off

his leather jacket and put it around Stan’s shoulders. “Everything’s
okay now. We’re here.”

Yeah, they were. Stan looked over at Bentley, who was still

panting on the floor, eyes barely open, and Stan immediately pulled
himself out of his father’s arms and went to his mate. He checked his
neck first, to make sure there hadn’t been any serious injuries when he
was dropped by those two idiots.

None that he could tell, and the man wasn’t bleeding anywhere

except for the bite mark that Stan had given him.

He hadn’t cracked his head open and his neck was fine. Bentley

was going to be just fine. Stan sighed and leaned down to press a kiss
to the younger man’s forehead. “Fuck, I’m so sorry. We’re getting out
of here, don’t you worry.”

“I take it that’s him?” Simon said, and he stepped closer to the

both of them, and a disgruntled noise left his throat. “Yeah, he’s
definitely got some scarring on him.”

“Now you listen here, the both of you,” Balin said, reminding

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Stan he was even there.

He and his father turned their heads to look up at the man.
Balin was scowling something fierce. His entire body was

trembling, fists clenched until his knuckles turned white.

Stan got the image in his mind of the man’s bald head exploding

with fury, but he didn’t laugh. He was still in protective mode.

“That is my son right there, you understand me? I raised him and

he’s mine.”

“You only want him for his scales, you piece of shit,” Stan said,

and then he remembered the other little detail that had nearly ruined
his chances with Bentley. “And you lied to me about his age!”

“Of course I did, I was protecting him from you!”
“It doesn’t matter right now anyway,” Simon said. “I brought

some dragons with me, and they’ll see for themselves if what you’re
doing is abusive, and it won’t matter how many adoption papers or
whatever else it is you have, they will have jurisdiction over you.”

Those were the absolute best words Stan had ever heard in his

entire life.

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Chapter Eight

When Bentley woke up, his arm hurt and his throat burned. Not

because he was thirsty, but it really hurt.

Hurt in a way that was also good. That was about when he thought

he was losing his mind.

He wished that was the case when he realized he was surrounded

by several dragons.

He could tell just by looking at them, their sizes. He didn’t know

how he could tell, but he could. Maybe it was because he was also a
dragon, but either way, the sight of these men terrified him, especially
when they all looked down at him.

“Hey, don’t worry, you’re safe now,” said one with black hair that

was tied back in a braid.

“I think you’re just scaring him some more, Lennox,” said another

dragon, one with auburn hair that was a little long, but too short for
the standard braid.

Bentley shook his head. “Where’s…” He had to stop himself

when his throat scratched.

Some of the men chuckled, and the one called Lennox handed him

a glass of water, but the man’s big hand stayed under the glass as
Bentley drank it, as if he was worried Bentley would drop it or

“A couple of us have gotten mating bites from our wolves,”

Lennox said. “We know how you’re feeling.”

“Where’s Stan?” Bentley asked. “Thanks for the water,” he added

quickly. He didn’t want to be accused by these men of having bad

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The last time he was around dragons, things hadn’t been so great.

Not for himself or the other hatchlings, and now he was surrounded
by them again, and he wanted his mate.

He let that sink in for a few seconds. He wanted his mate. Stan

was the first person he was thinking about to come and comfort him.
Not Balin, who had practically raised him and taught him everything
he knew. Bentley wanted Stan.

“Roman? You think you could go and get him?” Lennox asked.
The dragon with the shorter, red-brown hair nodded, and then he

turned around and left the room.

At least there was one less dragon in here with him.
No one touched Bentley otherwise, and no one sat on his bed, but

Lennox did grab a chair and pull it closer to the mattress.

Strangely enough, he didn’t sit down in it. Instead, he invited

another dragon, someone with huge muscles on him, wide shoulders
and short black hair. He had a small tattoo of a sun on his right cheek.

“Go for it, man,” Lennox said.
The big dragon cleared his throat, as if he had anything in the

world to worry about right now.

“My name is Fraser Hamilton, and I understand you live here?”
“I do,” Bentley said, but then took in his surroundings. “I mean,

this isn’t my room. It’s a lot nicer than my room, but this is my pack.”

“And you don’t have a clan?” Fraser asked.
Bentley shook his head. “They weren’t very nice people. Balin

took me in when they tried to fight him for territory.”

Fraser nodded, and while Bentley wasn’t entirely relaxed around

the man, he wasn’t quite as worried anymore about having his head
torn off if he said the wrong thing in the wrong way.

That didn’t mean he was about to completely lower his guard.
“Why are you here?” Bentley asked.
Fraser looked up and around him at the other dragons. “They

asked me to speak with you about having your scales taken out. I’ve
had that happen, too, and I know it’s not very fun.”

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No, it wasn’t. Bentley hated how much it hurt, and he didn’t like

the scars it left behind either, even though Balin said he should be
proud of them, that they symbolized his commitment to the pack.

Just thinking these things, however, was enough to shame him. He

should be proud, but he wasn’t. “I don’t like it when I have to give
one away,” he said softly.

Even that was like a small betrayal of the people who had taken

him in, fed him, and clothed him.

“Yeah, I know the feeling,” Fraser said, and the man slowly

opened his leather jacket, and then lifted his shirt.

Bentley looked up, and then gasped softly at the sight that met


Not quite as bad as what he had, but there were definitely scale

scars there. They were so obvious, like someone had torn away a thin
strip of flesh.

Fraser lowered his shirt, and that was about when Bentley finally

noticed there was a similar scar on the man’s hand as well. He had
them all over his body as well.

“I know exactly how it feels,” Fraser said. “And, I’m also going to

try and explain to you, as gently as I can, that you never needed to do
that. This place—” Fraser looked up and around him. “They never
needed a single one of your scales, and it was wrong for them to have
taken them.

Bentley stared at the man in shock. Really, that was the only word

he had for it. His mouth was dropped open, and he couldn’t get a
single word out as he stared at the men around him and then listened
to everything else they said.

* * * *

Stan had to struggle to keep his stupid knee from twitching as his

brother-in-law, Aris Macleod, looked over all the paperwork that
Balin had provided.

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Despite what a shithole the man’s office was, he apparently could

be a little on the organized side whenever someone threatened to take
away his golden goose.

Roman was standing next to him, and he’d tapped on Stan’s

shoulder, the signal that Bentley had woken up, but Stan was too
damned focused on what was happening here. He needed to know if
Balin had any legal claim to Bentley before he could go to his mate,
hug and kiss him like he really wanted to.

Aris snorted at a lot of what he was seeing, and then he tossed the

papers down on Balin’s messy desk, sneering at them as if the sight of
them made him sick.

“None of that means anything to me,” he said.
“It means everything to this pack,” Balin said.
Stan had no idea what was going on, and as much as he wanted to

ask what the hell Aris had seen, he kept his mouth shut and listened.

And Aris did seem to work a lot better when he wasn’t being


The man put his finger down onto the papers on the desk, tapping


“This shit might fly in a human court, or even where werewolves

are concerned, but Bentley’s a dragon. I don’t need paperwork and I
don’t need a lawyer. I’ll just take him and you won’t have jack shit to
say about it.”

“You are not taking him,” Balin said. The man’s eyes turned alpha

red, and Stan growled at him, letting his own claws come out as well.

Aris didn’t need the backup, it seemed. He must’ve looked at

Balin in just the right way to get him to shut the hell up, or maybe he
pulled out those scary as all hell dragon eyes of his, because Balin
backed off.

The little wuss.
“I will be taking him today,” Aris said. “He belongs in a clan,

with his own people who won’t do the shit you’ve been doing to

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“He gave his scales willingly to the pack. You don’t have shit on

me,” Balin snapped.

Stan clenched his fists. He almost cut his palms on his own claws.

“He gave his scales because you guilted him into doing it,” Stan said,
and he was as calm as he could possibly be as those words left his
mouth. “You made him think that it was his responsibility to
contribute to the pack by scarring him like that.”

And the twisted thing about it all was that Bentley loved this man.

Stan could tell. Years and years of manipulating a child like that, of
course Bentley wouldn’t have thought to run away, even as an adult.
He’d been tricked into thinking that this lot in life was perfectly
normal, and that he had it no different than anyone else.

“It’s a pack of wolves, everyone contributes something,” Balin

said. “Your pack is no different, and neither is your clan, Aris, so
don’t either of you dare look down on me.”

Aris hissed a bit at that. Stan thought he saw some fire coming

from out of the man’s nose. “Hatchlings are given basic chores, like
cleaning their rooms and sweeping floors when they misbehave. No
one in my clan, and especially no hatchling, has ever been made to
feel like they need to have their scales ripped out and sold to jewelry

“Fuck you, dragons sell their own scales all the damned time.”
Dragons did do that, but it was always for personal reasons, and

Stan hadn’t heard of many dragons who sold more than ten of their
own scales. Some dragons, according to Aris and his men, didn’t even
like having a scale removed after taking a mate.

Stan was going to make sure that Bentley never felt the need to

remove another scale, even for his sake. All of those scales would
stay right on his body.

“And his power?” Stan asked. “You know what that power does

to him, and you make him use it anyway.”

“He used it on me first,” Balin said. “It was completely


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Simon finally chimed in. “Balin, I’ve had many children over the

years, some dead, most alive, and I’m not the best parent in the world,
but I can tell you right now that no child can ever volunteer for
something like that. They’re not smart enough to know what they’re
getting into, and to take on act of kindness out of a kid, and then turn
it around and guilt him into doing it again and again is beyond

“Well, thank you so much for the little lesson in parenting, Simon.

I’ll be sure to write that down for future fucking reference.”

Stan shook his head. “I don’t know why I’m bothering with you.

It’s not like anything any of us say will magically make you see the
error of your ways. You either don’t give a shit about what you’ve
done to him, or you’ve convinced yourself that it’s all right. Either
way, you’re a fucking lunatic and an asshole, and I am taking my
mate out of here.”

“Right, and I’ll just bet your reasons are really so pure,” Balin

said. “You want him for this just as much as I do,” Balin said, and he
reached into his drawer and pulled out a glittering red scale.

Stan’s eyes widened at the sight of it, and Aris hissed.
Balin smiled, as if he’d checkmated Stan somehow, the stupid

idiot. “Yeah, that’s right, you want this, don’t you? Do you have any
idea how many pieces of jewelry this one scale can make? Humans
love buying them, too, and I bet you would love to sell them yourself.
Simon and his pack getting connected to a dragon clan for peace,
that’s such a load of shit. You’re all trying to get in on this.”

That wasn’t it at all, but Stan was never going to convince Balin

of that. The real reason why he was so dumbstruck was because,
looking at that scale, he realized that he’d never thought to ask what
Bentley’s dragon form looked like. Apparently it was a red dragon,
and if the way that scale glittered in the sunlight that streamed
through the windows was anything to go by, he looked something like

Stan didn’t know much about dragons, but he did know that there

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were certain kinds that were fairly rare. Out of everyone in Aris’s
clan, Aris was the only one who had scales like that.

Which meant that not only was Bentley incredibly gifted, he was

also a rare sort of dragon, which meant that Balin had been selling
those scales for a pretty hefty price.

Aris lunged across the room and grabbed Balin by the throat, his

own scales started to form a protective shell around his body, but his
angry eyes and pointed teeth were still very much visible.
“Motherfucker, I should snap your neck right now!”

Stan turned and then immediately got up and out of his seat at the

sight of Bentley in the doorway. He was wearing the pajamas that had
been found for him, that definitely fit him better than the clothes he’d
had on when Stan first met him, but the horror in those green eyes
was heartbreaking.

“Baby,” Stan said, and Lennox and Fraser walked up behind

Bentley, their expressions grim.

“Don’t hurt him! Please don’t hurt him!” Bentley asked.
It was one of the worst things in the world, seeing his mate

begging for a man who had kept him trapped here for all of these
years. Stan couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t stand the way Bentley tried
to come forward, but then stopped as Lennox put his hands on the
man’s smaller shoulders. He especially hated the tears that were
building in those green eyes. They were practically swimming now.

“Aris,” Stan said. “I think you should let him go.”
Aris didn’t look human or dragon when he glared at Stan, but Stan

wasn’t worried. The man was just pissed off that something like this
had been done to one of his own. Maybe the sight of the red scale
really hit it home for him. Either way, Stan needed him to see what
was going on around him. “You’re scaring him, Aris. We’re getting
Bentley away from here anyway. Come on, let him go.”

“Yes, Aris, let me go,” Balin said, clearly rubbing it in like the

prick he was.

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Aris snorted, and he pushed Balin away from him.
Balin dusted himself off, as if Aris’s touch had left behind some

terrible residue or something. Then he turned his mean-looking eyes
over to Bentley. “Boy, you get over here right now.”

Stan tensed, and he looked to his mate.
Bentley was as still as a statue, but his eyes were wide enough that

he could see the whites all around them. “I…”

“Did I stutter? Come here,” Balin said.
“No,” Stan said, and he rushed over to his mate, putting himself

between Bentley and the alpha. He stared down at the young dragon,
and he didn’t even touch the man because he didn’t want to put any
sort of pressure on him. He wanted this to be entirely Bentley’s

“Baby, listen to me, you don’t have to do as he tells you.”
“He most certainly will,” Balin snapped. “You accuse me of all

these things, well what about the lot of you? Threatening to come in
here and kidnap him right out from under me.”

Balin made a disgusted noise, and Stan wanted nothing more than

to punch him in his stupid face.

He kept all of his attention on Bentley. He needed to show the

man how serious he was about this.

“This is your choice. Please, please, come with me. You won’t

every have to give up your scales ever again, and you won’t have to
use your power ever again either. These people here,” Stan said,
looking around at everyone around him, at Aris and Fraser and
Roman and the other dragons who’d gathered in the doorway. “They
all want to help you. I know you don’t think it, but what Balin is
having you do is abusive. He’s hurting you and he’s making you think
that you need to be hurt in order to stay with the pack. That’s not how
that’s supposed to work.”

Balin was getting angry now, and even though Stan wasn’t

looking at the man, Bentley leaned to the side when the other alpha
started shouting. “And you think it’s going to be any different with

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any of them? They all work in their packs and clans. That’s the way it
is, and you’re not going to be anything special if you go off with

“But…but I want to be with my mate,” Bentley said.
Stan immediately let out a relieved sigh, and this time he couldn’t

stop himself from putting his hands on Bentley’s shoulder, and his
cheek. “You can be with me. As much as you want.”

Balin wasn’t done yet. “If you want to go off with him, then don’t

even think about coming back.”

Bentley’s eyes widened. “But…but you said…”
“I don’t care what I said,” Balin snapped. “If you want to turn

your backs on the people that took you in and cared for you, then
that’s your problem. Do you have any idea how much we sacrificed
for you? To feed you and give you a place to sleep?”

“But he’s my mate,” Bentley said. “Other people leave for their

mates all the time.”

Balin wasn’t seeing reason. “Choose. Right now. Your family, or

this wolf that you just met this morning.”

A few tears did come out of Bentley’s eyes, and Stan very nearly

charged at Balin himself for what the asshole was doing.

He held back. He had to hold back, as much as his wolf wanted to

sink his teeth into the man and make him regret every harsh word, he
had to keep a lid on it.

He told his wolf again and again that there would be time for that

sort of thing later. They could fight and take all their aggression on
something else later. When their mate wasn’t right here and about to
lose it.

Bentley was strong, however. As strong as a young man in his

situation could be. He scrubbed his fists across his eyes, banishing the
tears. His chin still trembled, and he definitely looked like he was
struggling with his emotions, but he was holding it together.

“I…I want to be with my mate,” he said.
Thank God.

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Balin scowled, and as his eyes turned red, Bentley ducked behind

Stan’s back. “Get the fuck off my property, the lot of you, and you,”
Balin pointed a finger at Bentley, who was still hiding behind Stan,
gripping his shirt tight as if seeking comfort. “You don’t ever fucking
come back here, you understand?”

“He understands,” Aris said, and the man took two steps forward

and launched his fist into Balin’s face. The alpha flew backward,
blood spurting from his nose like the sink tap had been turned on or

Aris grabbed onto the red scale that was on the desk. “This isn’t

yours. Everyone, you heard him. We’ve worn out our welcome. Let’s

Bentley still held onto Stan’s shirt in a tight grip, and when he

looked up into Stan’s face, Stan did his absolute best to smile down at
the man, to show him that he’d made the right decision.

He wasn’t sure how successful he was, considering Bentley still

looked so utterly miserable.

“Come on, I’ll take you home now,” Stan said, running his thumb

along Bentley’s cheek, and over his scar.

Bentley nodded, and they left. Balin shouted all kinds of threats

and swear words that were so bad even Stan wouldn’t have said them
as they walked out.

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Chapter Nine

Bentley never felt like more of a baby in his entire life. He held

onto the back of Stan’s shirt, crying like some kind of little kid as the
man led him away from the place that had been his home for most of
his life.

He had his small bag of items and books that Gretchen had given

him over the years, but it felt like it weighed a hundred pounds on his
back. Everyone stared at him as they left, and he hated it.

They only walked about as far as the paved road, away from

where Balin’s accusing eyes, and the stares of the rest of the pack
where. They weren’t even in sight of any of the cabins when the
dragons started to undress. Stan’s father appeared to be collecting
their clothes as they shifted into their dragon forms.

Bentley stopped crying immediately at the sight of the large

dragons, and he froze right behind Stan.

“They’re not going to hurt you,” Stan said softly.
“They’re big,” Bentley said.
“I know,” Stan replied. “But they’re not going to hurt you.”
Bentley wasn’t so sure about that. These were the first dragons

he’d seen in their dragon forms in a long time. They were bigger than
he’d remembered them to be.

“Bentley, look at me,” Stan said, and he turned around and put his

hands on Bentley’s shoulders. “You and I are going to ride together
on Aris’s back. It’s going to be okay,” he said when Bentley took in a
deep, scared breath. In fact, he was having trouble catching his breath.

“Bentley? Hey,” Stan said. “Can you hear me?”
“I can…I can hear you,” he said, but he could only just barely

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hear him because all he could think about was the last time he’d seen
other dragons in that form.

They’d been breathing fire and fighting with the wolves. They

were attacking and tearing up anything that got in their way. Bentley
never wanted to remember anything like that ever again.

Stan’s large, tender hands on Bentley’s cheeks brought him away

from those terrible thoughts, and he looked into his mate’s face.

There was nothing but patience in the alpha’s eyes. “You and I are

going to be all right. If you wanted to fly by yourself, and I can ride
on Aris, we can do that, too.”

Bentley shook his head. “I…I can’t fly,” he said.
Stan’s eyes widened just a little, but then the look of shock was

gone, and there was no judgment, no questions, he just nodded. “All
right, well, don’t worry then. I’ll hang onto you really tight. You’re
going to be safe with me and Aris, right?” he asked.

The red dragon, who kind of looked like Bentley, if he’d been

born a little bigger, nodded his head and crouched down. “I’ll go
slowly and stay low to the ground. Nothing will happen to you,” he

Bentley looked between Stan, and then Aris, and even though he

wasn’t remotely ready for something like this, he still nodded. It was
time to man up and show Stan that he hadn’t mated with someone
who was completely incompetent.

Not completely, at any rate. Aris did his best to help Bentley up

onto his back, but he still needed Stan’s help before he was able to
settle himself down. Bentley also thought that Stan would be riding in
the front and that he would be holding onto the man’s back to keep
himself from falling off.

That was definitely not how it all went down. Stan nudged

Bentley a little closer to the front, and he held on tightly to Bentley’s
back. With how big he was, it almost felt like he was being seat belted
into place.

As the position was, it kind of made more sense this way once

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Bentley thought about it. He felt like he was being better protected
this way.

He didn’t much enjoy the take off, or the view of everything

beneath him. Aris had said he would stay low to the ground, and he
probably was, by a dragon’s standards, but Bentley still didn’t like
how high up in the air he was. Only birds went this high, and his
stomach kept right on shooting into his throat.

He felt so much better when they landed a half an hour later. He

was practically boneless as he slid off of Aris’s back and Stan had to
hold him up.

“How’s he been?” Aris asked, turning around to have a look at


Even though Bentley was himself a dragon, it looked so strange to

see words coming out a dragon’s mouth. He turned into a dragon so
little that sometimes even he forgot he could speak in that form.

“He needs some rest, and something good to eat,” Stan said.


“I got it, son. I’ll order in something and he can have whatever he

wants whenever he needs it. You go put him to bed and I’ll help these
men here get dressed, or do whatever they want to do.”

Bentley barely managed to lift his head to look up at his

surroundings, but he was definitely still on the ground. He wasn’t in a
mountain somewhere, perched up high. The dragons hadn’t taken him
back to their clan. Judging from the little cottages and trucks that were
scattered around, most of which looked newer, or better kept, than the
houses at his old pack, he was on Stan’s territory.

He’d actually done it. He’d left his pack and now he was never

allowed to go back. He felt like crying again.

Stan held onto him tightly, practically carrying him and his

meager bag of possessions, into one of the cabins. It smelled clean
and had carpeting. There were nice paintings on the wall, nothing that
looked famous, but he could tell they were originals by how the oil
stuck out.

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This pack had a lot more money than Balin did. That made him

feel better, because that meant it was true that Stan wouldn’t need
Bentley’s scales, but at the same time he felt ashamed for such a
terrible thought going through his head. It shouldn’t matter how much
money his mate had, so long as they could be together and Bentley
could make him happy.

He looked up at the man. Stan was so strong, and so far he was

doing everything for Bentley. He was comforting him and treating
him like glass. That couldn’t be very attractive.

Balin had complained on more than one occasion about how much

he hated it when the lovers he took became too needy.

“Here we are,” Stan said, opening one of the doors. “This is my

room. You’ll be sharing it with me from now on.”

Bentley’s eyes widened at the sight.
“It’s…very nice,” he said, and he couldn’t look around enough as

Stan led him inside.

It was big. Bigger than even Balin’s bedroom, and it was so much

nicer and cleaner than most of the other wolves’ rooms as well. Not
that Bentley had the chance to see many of them, considering Balin’s

He did get to see Gretchen’s room from time to time, especially

when she’d been teaching him to read and do math, as well as giving
him books and other small presents for his birthdays. Her room was
always very tidy, and she liked having wildflowers in her window.
There were no wildflowers in here that he could see, but he could
smell them.

The furniture did show some wear, but it was all shiny mahogany,

and the blue carpet beneath his feet was lush and soft.

“There’s a bathroom over here. I’ll draw the water, and you can

relax all you want,” Stan said.

“You have indoor bathrooms?” Bentley asked, more curious than

ever. He was shocked again when Stan opened the door. Not only did
Stan have his own bathroom, but it was big! It was about as big as the

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little one room cabins that Balin used for guests, with an enormous
tub and a shower head.

“So huge,” he said, gasping the words. “Is there…does it have hot


At first it looked like Stan wanted to laugh at the comment about

the bathroom being big, but that quickly vanished when Bentley asked
about the water. “There’s more than enough hot water for you. It’s got
the newest water heater installed, so you can shower as long as you
want and never have to worry about running out of hot water.”

Bentley almost never got to have hot baths. He didn’t know what

to do with all the wealth that was around him.

Maybe he’s said that out loud without meaning to, because then

Stan answered his question. “Our family isn’t rich or anything. Don’t
get me wrong, we’re very well off thanks to the construction business
Dad’s been running. When you’re over a hundred years old, that’s a
lot of time to save and invest, but there’s still the rest of the pack to
take care of.”

“But everything’s so nice,” Bentley said.
Stan’s eyes softened again, and he went to the tub and pressed a

button on the rim to plug the hole, and then he started the water. “I
suppose, compared to Balin’s pack, we do have it pretty good here,”
he said, and then he did smile. “You’ll get used to it. I mean, we just
take good care of our stuff, and we tend to be pretty careful with our
money, so we can make it stretch. Every truck we have is one that we
bought a year or two after it came out so we could get a better deal on

Bentley nodded. “Balin sold a couple of my scales to buy a brand-

new truck. He was very happy with it at first, but then the rest of the
pack started complaining about their own trucks, a lot of which
needed to be replaced.”

That made Stan frown. Even through the rising steam, Bentley

could see it very well.

“Well, I just want you to remember my promise. I’m never going

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to ask for one of your scales. They’re yours and no one else’s.”

“I’d give you one if you needed it,” Bentley said. “I don’t want to

be greedy about it.”

“It’s not greed, sweetheart. It’s just the way it is,” Stan said, and

he ran his hands up and down Bentley’s arms, being careful with the
side that had been freshly stitched and bandaged. Still, Bentley

“Fuck, sorry. Kristoff is a dragon healer like you, but he doesn’t

take pain or injuries.”

“He can heal my arm?” Bentley asked. That sounded like a much

better power to have.

“A little,” Stan replied. “He can give you the extra energy you

need to heal faster, and it won’t hurt as much. We’ll take you to go
and see him after you’ve rested and had something to eat.”

Bentley looked down at the bath that was being drawn for him,

which was about when Stan remembered it at all and quickly turned
the water off.

Bentley wanted to do something for the man. He wanted to give

him some kind of gesture that was just as strong and powerful as the
one that Stan was constantly giving to him. He didn’t know what he
could do, so he just started talking. “I want you to know…I just want
you to know that I’m going to make sure you don’t regret this.
“I’m…I don’t think I can be happy about everything right now, and I
want to be for you, and tomorrow I promise I won’t be so depressing
but for today I think I just need to be a little sad.”

“Hey, shh,” Stan said, and he pulled Bentley forward into a gentle

hug that was still powerful in how much it comforted Bentley, and
chased away all of his fears.

“I get it. Don’t you worry. You’ve had a really hard day, and

everything’s changing for you. You’re allowed to not feel great about
that. Take all the time you need, and we’ll figure out where to go after

Bentley was so fucking touched by Stan’s words. He wanted to

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have sex with him, to make love properly for the first time in his life,
but he knew perfectly well that he wasn’t in the right place for
something like that. As much as he wanted it, he wouldn’t be able to
put all of himself into the act.

“Come on, have your bath, and then you can get something good

to eat, and you can sleep in my bed,” Stan said, and his smile showed
off his white teeth. “It’ll put your scent in the sheets.”

That sounded nice, and if it was something that Bentley could do

for the man who had taken him away from the people who’d been
using him, then he wanted to do it.

It was such a strange concept to even think about. Balin, who’d

taken him in and raised him, really hadn’t cared. Bentley hadn’t told
this to Stan yet, and he would eventually find out from the others, but
he wasn’t interesting in speaking about it now.

When Bentley had gone off to look for Stan himself, he’d

overheard a lot of what Balin had been saying about him, all the
sarcastic remarks to Stan, about how he was no better.

Had Gretchen known about it? Had she been using him, too? It

seemed so unlikely since she’d always been so kind to him.

He’d thought she was kind. Maybe all the little books and tokens

she’d given him were just the things she’d wanted to use to keep him

Stan’s hands were gentle as he undressed Bentley, setting his

clothing aside onto the bathroom counter beside the sink.

The touch of his fingers on Bentley’s shoulders were warm and

wonderful. Little shocks of pleasure rippled through Bentley’s body,
as if Stan was massaging away all the worries of the day.

The bath was even better, and Bentley shut his eyes and released a

soft moan when the warm water encased him and turned his bunched
muscles into something much softer.

“Have you…ever had a real bath before?” Stan asked.
Before he could think about it, Bentley shook his head. Then his

eyes popped wide open as he stared at the man, his mate, right before

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he turned away.

Heat rose up in his cheeks that had nothing to do with the pleasant

water. He was ashamed. “Pretty pathetic, huh?”

“No,” Stan said, his voice still soft, still free of judgment as he

touched Bentley’s hair and kissed his forehead. “Not at all. I’ve got
something else that’ll make this better,” he said.

Stan got up. Bentley hadn’t even seen the man get down on his

knees. He opened the cabinet behind the large mirror, revealing a
deep and wide shelf inside. He pulled out a bottle and was back at
Bentley’s side in less than a moment. “This should do the trick.”

“Bath oils?” Bentley asked as Stan poured it in.
“This is going to be the first official secret that I tell you as my

mate,” Stan said. “I actually really like bubble baths and bath salts
and all that other stuff. You’re not allowed to tell any of my brothers

Bentley smiled and shook his head at hearing the secret, even

though it sounded pretty mild compared to everything else he’d
learned today. It still made him feel better, a little more lighthearted
about everything in general.

Stan didn’t join him in the bath, and they didn’t even speak after

that. Bentley found himself dozing as his mate took care of him,
gently scrubbing his back with items that were so soft he had to
wonder about whether or not they were even getting him clean.

It was really soothing, though.
The only thing that kept him from completely falling asleep was

when Stan would ask him to tilt his head back so that he could pour
some of the water over his hair. The bath was incredibly dirty by the
time he stood up and Stan drained the water. That was definitely
would not have been like the sexy baths he’d read about in the
romance novels he liked to snitch from the women from time to time.
He was glad Stan hadn’t joined him in the water.

He couldn’t help but think that it only made him look even more

pathetic, more weak. He couldn’t even properly take care of himself.

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Before he got out of the tub, Stan rinsed him off with the shower

head that pulled out and adjusted, and then he was wrapped up in the
softest towel he’d ever felt in his life.

“This isn’t anything like what I used back at the pack,” he said.
“What did you use back at Balin’s pack?”
“Sometimes nothing. Other times I’d use towels I’d made out of

the raggy clothes that were about to be thrown away.”

Bentley thought that was something to be proud of. It showed that

he was smart enough to put those items to good use when they
otherwise would have been thrown away. He’d spent a couple of
hours sewing them up for everyone to use.

Stan didn’t seem proud at all. He just flinched at that, and Bentley

realized he had to work a little harder at keeping his mouth shut.

Stan brought him back to his room and found him a pair of

pyjama bottoms and a T-shirt to wear. Unlike the baggy clothes that
Bentley wore back at Balin’s pack, these clothes were clean and not at
all threadbare. They also smelled like Stan did.

The alpha even tucked Bentley in bed before kissing him again

and promising to be right back. He was barely gone from the room for
only a few minutes before he returned with a tray that had a lot of
delicious smelling foods on it.

“Looks like my dad went a little crazy with all the takeout. You

can have whatever you want here,” he said.

Bentley wasn’t quite as tired as he eyed the food. Usually he just

got whatever scraps were left behind from the other alphas in Balin’s
back. Stale pizza that no one wanted, or the bits of meat that had been
hunted, but weren’t cut or cooked properly.

He’d never had a fresh slice of pizza before, and he moaned and

shut his eyes on the first bite. He also had a chicken leg and breast
with mashed potatoes, there was soda that was still fizzy and had ice
in it, and though he was looking at the foot long sub with longing, he
was too full to eat it.

Stan just ruffled his hair as he finished off his own food, and he

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promised to keep the rest put away so Bentley could have it for a

Bentley believed him, and he ended up falling asleep soon after

Stan left to put their things away. He jerked awake when Stan slid
under the covers next to him, but then it was easy to relax and settle
against the warmth of Stan’s chest.

He was falling into dreams again, but he wasn’t ready to go yet,

and he fought against it.

Bentley needed to know if this was going to happen or not before

he let himself sleep. “I’m not going to have to live with those dragons,
right? I mean, I can live here with you?”

The gentle press of lips to the back of Bentley’s neck was very

reassuring. “Yeah, you’re staying right here with me,” he said.

Bentley sighed, and he allowed himself to drift off even more.

“Okay, good.”

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Chapter Ten

Stan did everything in his power to make sure that Bentley’s life

would be just peaches from then on. Everything Bentley told him
about his former life brought out all sorts of tender and protective
emotions inside of him, and it was his mission to show the man that
there was so much more to pack life than just being a servant.

In the two weeks since he’d taken the man, Bentley had shown

great improvement. They made love, properly, and Stan reopened his
smaller mate’s mating scar since the last time he’d bitten him, it had
been such a hurried and botched thing that he’d wanted to do it right.

Hell, he wanted everything to be so damned perfect that, even

though neither of them were human, he went out and bought a gold
band to put around Bentley’s finger.

The man had been equal parts uncomfortable at having something

of value on him, and delighted that it was there. Watching that
reaction had been cute, and in the end, Stan had to convince his mate
that he hadn’t spent all that much on the ring anyway. He didn’t give
an exact number though, because he knew that no matter what he
said, Bentley would still have thought it was too expensive.

He also showed his mate some of the chores that the other

werewolves in the pack did, to give him an idea of the difference
between working for a pack and being a slave to one.

Stan didn’t find out until a few days after Bentley arrived that the

man had overheard all the nasty and sarcastic comments that idiot
Balin had let out, and though he was just more furious with the man,
at the same time, part of him figured it was all for the best. At least
this way Bentley knew for a fact, and would have no doubts, about the

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environment that he’d been living in.

Stan’s brothers all came down the mountain to see the new

member of the family, and it pleased Stan to see the way they all
welcomed him. Bentley was especially curious to see little Aris Jr,
and it just made Stan wonder if he would be able to have children
with the man.

It was one thing for a dragon to impregnate a male werewolf, but

could a werewolf impregnate a male dragon? If it wasn’t possible,
then that would be fine. They could find pups to adopt, and Bentley
was too young for Stan to be wondering about pups right now
anyway. The man needed to live a little first, and see what his life
could be like without the problems of living under Balin.

Stan and Simon were still speaking with Aris about what should

be done with Bentley, and where he should live. Aris had been
adamant, at first, that Bentley should be with his own kind. More and
more that opinion started to change when Stan continued to tell him
that Bentley wasn’t comfortable around other dragons, and since he
didn’t know how to fly yet, he would only feel trapped on the

Aris relented, but he insisted on having someone come down from

time to time to teach Bentley how to fly. Apparently that was
something he should have been learning how to do once he hit
puberty and his wings became strong enough to support him.

Stan agreed, and after that he watched as Aris, or sometimes even

Roman, Clatcher, and Kendrick would come down. Seeing the three
of them at the same time brought out all sorts of questions in Stan’s
mind, but he kept them to himself. Kendrick was a fox shifter now,
but it seemed he could still help Bentley with his lessons based on his
own past experience.

Also, because he was a fox shifter and not a dragon any longer,

Bentley was much more comfortable around him.

He was gliding from rooftop to rooftop in the pack within two

days, and then soaring a little higher than that, staying up in the air for

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five minutes at a time, only another couple of days later.

That had been one of the better days of Stan’s life, running around

in his wolf form while his younger mate flew overhead, laughing at
his new freedom.

All Bentley wanted to do after that was fly, which was a good

thing since he had homework. Every morning he was to be in the air,
strengthening his wings for at least a half an hour. Bentley loved it so
much he usually stayed out for an hour, which worked out well for
Stan because then he was getting his exercise, running around in his
wolf form as he followed his mate.

Before he knew it, Bentley had started to hunt him.
He couldn’t believe it when the dragon swooped down, claws

reaching out to grab him. Stan managed to duck out of the way before
he could be caught, but he’d gotten quite a bit of dirt and a few loose
twigs caught in his fur because of that.

Bentley just laughed up ahead and tried again.
So he was being playful, was he?
Stan was supposed to be the one doing the hunting as the alpha,

but he was willing to go along with this. He shook himself off, getting
rid of the dirt and loose hairs before he really started to run.

Despite Bentley having become a good flyer, he still wasn’t able

to keep up with Stan on the ground. Stan had to slow down several
times just to make sure Bentley didn’t lose him.

When he decided he’d had enough of the chase, and knew Bentley

had as well, he halted and sat down next to one of the streams where
everyone liked to go swimming and fishing.

He let Bentley catch him. As the dragon came down on him, Stan

shifted into his human shape so that he could grab onto Bentley as
Bentley grabbed him.

He wasn’t a very large dragon, barely bigger than he was even in

his human shape, so it was easy for Stan to hang on and keep the both
of them from getting pulled back into the air by Bentley’s flapping

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Bentley was laughing, such a beautiful sound, and his red scales

glittered in the sunlight and even reflected a bit in the water. “I caught
you!” he said.

“Yes, you did,” Stan said, and he pressed a kiss to Bentley’s

snout. He wasn’t sure, but sometimes he thought that Bentley could
still blush when he was in this form. It was like the scales themselves
became darker. He almost couldn’t even notice that some of those
same scales were missing. Even the one on Bentley’s cheek was
hardly noticeable in this form. It was no wonder Balin and the
Templars didn’t think they were doing much harm when they took a
dragon’s scales. It was hard to see the damage until he showed off
smooth human skin.

Bentley melted back into that form, and they were both very

naked, and Stan could feel Bentley’s erect cock pressing against his

The man was panting hard, however, and Stan had to motion to

the water. “You want to cool off a bit?”

Bentley’s pretty green eyes slid down to Stan’s mouth, and his

own cock quickly filled and swelled with blood. The already hot day
felt that much hotter as Bentley shook his head. “No,” he said, and he
leaned in, taking the initiative as he kissed Stan on the mouth.

“Mmm,” Stan said, and he closed his eyes. He loved it when

Bentley kissed him, and he especially loved it when he was able to
press the tip of his tongue against the crease of his mate’s lips, and
then feel the man open up for him. Which he did. Bentley always
opened for him.

His lips parted, allowing Stan to slide his tongue deep inside of his

warm mouth, just as Bentley started to gyrate his hips against Stan’s
thigh, pushing his cock against his hip for friction that made him
moan around Stan’s tongue.

Oh fuck, this felt good. Bentley had become a lot less shy over the

couple of weeks that he’d been with Stan. In fact, he was almost as
insatiable as Stan was, which was a fucking Godsend.

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“Stan?” Bentley asked, leaning in and nipping at his lips.
“Yeah?” Fuck, he was practically breathless, it was insane, and

the body heat they were both producing was furnace quality hot.

“Please have sex with me,” Bentley replied. “Right here, please.”
Stan groaned, and his entire body vibrated with anticipation and


He quickly put a stopper on that, however. “Fuck, baby, we


“What? Why not?” Bentley asked, and the confusion on his face

was adorable. There was something incredibly flattering about being
so wanted by another person. “We have time before Roman comes
down for my lesson.”

“I know, but we’re in the middle of the woods. We have to go

back. There’s no lube here.”

Bentley looked around himself, as if only just realizing that fact.

Then he looked at the water. “We can do it in there,” he said.

Stan couldn’t help but laugh. “Are you really that impatient?” he


Bentley smiled at him, pink flush still darkening his cheeks.

“Well, to be fair, you’re the one who hasn’t put me down yet.”

“What?” Stan had to look down, and then he laughed at himself

for being such a giant fool.

He should have known. Of course he was holding Bentley up. The

man wasn’t tall enough for his face to be level with Stan’s, and yet he
was right now because Stan was holding him completely off the
ground. His feet didn’t even come close to touching the grass and

“Seriously, we can do it in the water,” Bentley said. “I’ve heard of

people who do it in there.”

Stan still wasn’t entirely sure about that idea. “You might not like

it. We’ve never used only water before.”

“We’ve been in the bath before,” Bentley said, and he leaned in

and pressed his mouth along the side of Stan’s throat, working his

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Adam’s apple, and then sucking on the spot where his pulse was at its

Fuck, Stan could hardly think when his mate did shit like that.

“Th–that’s different,” he said. “We’ve had the bath oils in there with

Stan could still remember that particular bath. He’d put so much

bath oil inside for their lovemaking that their bodies had been slick
with the stuff. They’d both had to stand under the hot spray of the
shower for nearly a full hour just to get the sweet-smelling oil off of
their bodies by the time they were finished.

Bentley didn’t seem to hear a word he’d said, because he

continued to kiss and lick at Stan’s throat, giving him all sorts of fuck
looks with his eyes.

Stan smiled at him, unable to stop his panting breaths, or the way

his dick continued to throb and pulse with mind destroying pleasure
that built and built every single time Bentley thrust against his cock.

Very soon they were going to be just flat out dry humping each

other to get off, and Stan wanted to put his scent and seed inside of
Bentley’s ass more than anything.

Fuck it. He was giving in. Just because he was an alpha didn’t

mean he couldn’t be weak from time to time.

“All right, you little fool, you asked for it,” Stan said, walking

them both into the water.

“Yay,” Bentley replied, all sarcasm and sexy smiles as his hands

started to roam over Stan’s chest. When Bentley’s fingers touched his
nipples, flicking over them before pinching very gently on the hard
buds, Stan very nearly lost his damned mind.

“Fuck, you love teasing me too damned much,” Stan said, wading

into the water.

“Yes,” Bentley replied.
Stan never would have seen such a bright smile as that on his

mate’s face if he’d left the man back with Balin, he knew that for a

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Natural creek or lake water was always a little on the cold side the

first time his feet touched it, but even that wasn’t enough to get his
dick to relax and calm down.

The flesh that was the first into the water quickly adapted, but he

wasn’t looking forward to the part where the water became waist
high. Something about cold water touching his cock and balls always
made him hesitate, but it wasn’t until Bentley’s feet were in the water
that he got a great idea.

“Why are you smiling at me like that?” Bentley asked.
Suddenly Stan was no longer so worried about his dick shriveling

up a bit as he continued on. “The water is very cold, isn’t it?” he

Bentley seemed to understand right away because his eyes flew

wide open, and he shook his head, just as Stan nodded back.

“No,” he said.
“Yes,” Stan replied.
Bentley struggled to get away from him, which was about when

Stan decided it was the best time to pounce.

With a roar, he ran all the rest of the way into the water, held on

tightly to his mate, and jumped in the deeper end with the both of
them yelling and crying out through the cold.

They came back to the top, sputtering and laughing at each other

before Bentley splashed him in the face. It was completely and total
war after that which somehow ended in the both of them chasing
away the cold with more kissing.

Stan held his mate close, and beneath the water he worked his

mate’s cock back to its full size, stroking him as he licked and kissed
every inch of flesh he could.

He’s always had the sort of fantasy about giving or receiving a

blow job while in a pool, but he was pretty sure that was never going
to work. For one thing, he wasn’t good at holding his breath, and he
wasn’t about to ask Bentley to try that either.

The man was still way too new to sex, and Stan wanted to let him

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go at his own pace on certain things.

Like when Bentley lifted himself up enough so he could wrap his

legs around Stan’s waist. That was pretty amazing, and Stan fucking
loved it.

“You want me to take you like this?” he asked, gently biting down

on Bentley’s fleshy lower lip.

Bentley’s body heat was rising enough to keep the both of them

more than heated in the cool water. His eyes were half-lidded, and his
heart pounded against his chest. Stan knew that last little bit because
he could hear just how strong it was pumping blood to the rest of his

“Yeah,” he said with a tiny moan.
And how the hell could Stan not respond to something like that?
He slid his hands down, down, down, feeling every dip in

Bentley’s flesh, every scar that made him so damned perfect, until he
made it to the swell of Bentley’s ass.

Even after only two weeks, with proper food going into him every

day, and his flying exercises, he was putting on more weight and
muscle. He wasn’t as small as he’d once been, but he likely wouldn’t
get much bigger than he was now either. He would always be this
wonderful, perfect size, and Stan was grateful to have the man as his
as he cupped Bentley’s perfect ass and let his fingers find the man’s

He circled the ring of muscle, not pushing in until he was certain

Bentley was ready for him. He had to remind himself again and again
that water wasn’t necessarily a great substitute for lube. Stan had done
it a couple of times before with only water whenever he’d taken
lovers out to lake or pools for some time alone, but those men and
women had always been so much more experienced than Bentley was,
and even they had mentioned it wasn’t the same.

Still, Bentley sighed and shifted closer when Stan pushed one

finger deep inside.

“That’s what I want,” he said with a sigh.

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Because Stan lived to give this man everything he wanted, he

kissed him, using his one finger to massage deep into Bentley’s
asshole, searching and probing until he found just what he wanted.

He knew he had it when Bentley jerked against him and moaned

through their kiss.

Stan used that as the invitation he needed to add another finger to

the mix. Bentley was completely opening up for him, allowing Stan
inside. It wasn’t as easy as it usually was, and hell, Stan might’ve
been able to enter him right now if they had more than water to work
with, but he wasn’t going to do that. He wanted to wait until Bentley
was as stretched and ready as he could possibly be.

Bentley hissed when Stan added a third finger, which was about

when he slowed down. A lot.

It took a lot more preparation than it usually did before he was

able to continue. It was almost like Bentley was a virgin again, only it
was taking even longer to prepare him than it had been when Stan had
taken him.

It was worth every second of it when Bentley started nibbling on

his ear. “I’m ready. Stan, I’m ready, please. Fuck me now.”

Stan jerked his head away and looked at his mate. He couldn’t

help the way one corner of his mouth pulled up. “I thought you hated
that word?”

Bentley’s blush deepened. Whether that was from the question, or

the fact that Stan was still moving his fingers around inside of his ass,
pressing against his prostate and teasing him, was something Stan
couldn’t figure out.

“I don’t mind it anymore. Not when I think about you.”
“Ah, it seems I’ve completely destroyed your innocence,” he said,

and Bentley didn’t even seem to notice when Stan removed his
fingers from his hole.

“You did not!” he said in a huff.
“Sure I haven’t,” Stan replied, and he leaned in and kissed his

mate on the mouth right as he grabbed onto his cock, lined up the

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crown with Bentley’s stretched hole, and then carefully, very
carefully, pushed inside.

Bentley hissed again, his eyes squeezed shut, and he gripped Stan

hard around the shoulders.

Ungh,” Stan said, and he clenched his teeth so hard it was a

wonder he didn’t pop any of his molars. It was a hard fucking fight
just to keep from plowing into that heat. “You okay? I can stop if you

He could, too, but if Bentley didn’t ask him to stop right now,

then there wouldn’t be any stopping at all. He would have no choice
but to continue on.

Thank God for Bentley shaking his head. “I can do it. I want to do


“Don’t push yourself. You’re not going to hurt my feelings if you

can’t,” Stan said, again through his teeth, even as he ran his hand up
and down Bentley’s back.

He was already in his mind calculating how long it would take for

him to run and for Bentley to fly back to their shared cabin, where
they both kept their lube safe and sound.

It wouldn’t take that long. He could make the trip if Bentley told

him to stop.

“Don’t you dare stop,” Bentley demanded, and his hands around

Stan’s neck became even tighter.

Well then, who was he to argue with something like that?
Inch by agonizing, slow inch, Stan pushed himself into the vise-

like grip that Bentley’s body had on his cock, and oh fuck, it was so
damned nice. He was so glad his mate had decided to do this. Being
hunted and chased by a mate before a nice, slow fuck was exactly the
sort of thing that he’d needed, and he hadn’t even known it.

Even when he started to move, and when Bentley pushed his ass

back against Stan’s shallow thrusts, it was all slow and steady. He
didn’t pull out very much or slam back inside like he’d done on the
other occasions they’d been together. It was all soft moans, deep

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kisses, and the feel of the cool water soothing their increasingly hot

Bentley’s hard cock continued to push against Stan’s belly, and he

could just imagine the friction and torment that was causing, so he
removed one of his hands from Bentley’s ass and gripped the man’s

Bentley threw his head back and moaned, thrusting down even

harder on Stan’s cock, so hard that he very nearly came.

“Fuck you’re tight,” Stan said, and he pressed a trail of biting

kisses all the way down Bentley’s jaw and his throat, and then paid
special attention to his mating scar.

Bentley shivered and moaned again. He seemed especially

sensitive on his mating scar, and for that reason Stan enjoyed teasing
him there a whole lot.

Bentley’s hands found their way into Stan’s hair, his wet fingers

threading through the strands and sending cool drops of water tricking
down his hot back. The pain in his scalp as Bentley gripped him a
little too tight, coupled with the teasing relief of those water drops on
his hot skin, gave Stan all kinds of pleasure driven sensations that
pushed him closer to the edge, and made him thrust his cock a little
harder, and a little deeper.

“I love you,” Bentley said on a gasp. He always said that

whenever he was close.

The dragon shifter pressed his face against the crook of Stan’s

neck and shoulder. “I’m coming. I love you, I love you.”

He was so fucking sweet like that.
Bentley groaned, and the already tight grip on Stan’s cock became

painful as his asshole clenched around Stan’s shaft as he came.

It yanked Stan’s orgasm right out of him as a sudden rush of

warmth invaded the cool water between them.

Then Stan groaned as he spilled everything he had inside of his

lover. He grabbed the back of Bentley’s head and pulled him down
for a hard and biting kiss.

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Bentley immediately opened his mouth and moaned as Stan

pushed his tongue inside. He continued to move his hips in a circular
motion, milking every last ounce of pleasure he could out of himself,
and out of Stan.

They didn’t stop moving against each other until they were both

done, and even then Bentley continued to moan and tremble as he
sucked on Stan’s tongue.

Then he practically collapsed against Stan’s body.
He let out a breathy chuckle. “I’m glad you thought of this,” he


“Me, too,” Bentley muttered against Stan’s skin. “Carry me


Stan laughed. “A little sore?”
Bentley shook his head. “I don’t feel it yet,” he said, looking up at

him, and God, his green eyes were so pretty. “But I’m pretty sure it’s
really going to hurt when you pull out.”

Stan laughed even harder at that. “Only one way to find out. Are

you ready?”

Bentley made a noise that suggested he really wasn’t, but he still


Though Stan was soft, he was still careful, and Bentley winced

and hissed as he pulled out of the smaller man. He couldn’t tell if
there was blood or not because of the water, but from the way Bentley
was groaning, it had still been very painful. “Come on, I won’t put
you on your feet, let’s go home,” he said, and then he turned around.

He froze at the sight of Balin, who was holding a rifle, and it was

pointed at the both of them.

“What is it?” Bentley asked and he turned his head to see what

Stan was staring at.

Stan almost didn’t want him to look. Bentley’s gasp of shock was

enough to make Stan hate himself for not having smelled that they
were being snuck up on in their own territory.

He’d been too busy being a horny idiot to take care of his mate.

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Stan held his mate a little tighter, and he lifted one hand out of the

water, as if he could reach out and touch the gun from where Balin
was standing, and point it in the other direction. “Balin, you don’t
want to do this,” he said.

“The hell I don’t,” Balin said, and his voice trembled as he spoke.
Stan knew it was coming one second before it happened.
He spun around in the water, putting his back to the gun just as

Balin pulled the trigger and the bullet slammed into him.

It felt like he’d been punched in the spine. Really, really, hard. All

the air left Stan’s lung and Bentley yelled as they went under the

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Chapter Eleven

Bentley couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t breathe! He was going to


No. He wasn’t going to let this happen. He had to start moving.

Stan was in trouble, and he’d taken a bullet for Bentley, and if he
didn’t do something, didn’t prove himself right now, then they were
both going to die.

The water wasn’t that deep. Bentley had wasted a lot of his

oxygen when he screamed in panic before going under. He told
himself again and again that he needed to stop struggling. He had to
keep it together because if he didn’t then he was just going to make it

The water wasn’t that deep, after all. It wasn't deep.
He let the both of them sink to the bottom, until Bentley could feel

his legs touching the dirt and rocks and slime on the bottom. That was
when he pushed himself up to stand, taking Stan with him.

He gasped for air, barely hanging onto his mate as he scanned his

eyes around, searching for Balin with his gun.

He wasn’t sure what he would have done if he’d seen the man, but

he was nowhere to be found. They were alone. Maybe he’d thought
he’d gotten them both and took off running?

Bentley hoped that was the case. He wasn’t a warrior and he

didn’t know how to fight. The water was higher up on his body than
he thought it would be. Stan had taken him in until it had reached the
warrior’s chest, which meant that it came nearly to Bentley’s neck
when he was completely standing up.

At least the water helped take a lot of Stan’s weight so he could

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easily hold the warrior’s head above water.

Stan coughed before he started to breathe normally, but at least he

was breathing. The blooming red in the water was spreading, and
Bentley needed to get them the hell out of the water.

He started moving, still searching around the trees for any sight of

a gun. He was just feeling better the more he got his body out of the

“I have you. I have you. You’re going to be okay,” Bentley said.

He hoped his mate could hear him, would hear his words and fight to
stay with him.

Bentley didn’t realize he was crying until he was out of the water

and the sun was drying his face.

If Stan died, he would die. He wouldn’t be able to go on after

having been with Stan for such a short amount of time. An eternity
wouldn’t be enough.

“Please don’t die. Please don’t die,” Bentley begged.
He was as gentle as he could be when he set Stan down on the wet

sand. There was an exit wound on the front of his chest, which meant
that the bullet wasn’t still inside of him.

That wound was scarily close to his heart, and more blood was

coming out of it.

Only then did Bentley realize that his shoulder hurt. He looked

down at himself, and with all the adrenaline that had been rushing
through him, he hadn’t noticed the giant slice that was in his shoulder.
The bullet had grazed him, but it sure as hell took a whole lot of flesh
with it. Balin must’ve known to use a powerful gun.

It didn’t matter. Bentley needed to get his mate some help. He

grabbed Stan by the arms and tried to pull him farther away from the
creek. He only got maybe ten feet before he had to stop to catch his
breath. His muscles burned from going even that far, and he couldn't
continue on anymore.

At least they were in the trees and not out in the open anymore.
A gun blast in the distance made Bentley’s already racing heart

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slam around even more inside of him.

Then there was another shot. And another.
That was Balin. It had to be. He didn’t sound very far away, but

he was away from here. Who was he shooting at?

Bentley looked down at his mate, who was still bleeding, and

becoming increasingly pale, until his skin was ten shades paler than
his blond hair. He was breathing, but that wouldn’t last if he
continued to bleed out.

Bentley had promised Stan at one time that he would never use his

powers, but this was a situation where Bentley felt he couldn’t keep
his promise. It was either Stan died here because Bentley wasn’t
strong enough to carry him, or he could take the injury for himself
and Stan could take him to get help.

Stan’s werewolf healing sure as hell wasn’t going to be fast

enough to fix that, so Bentley’s decision was made, and he put his
hands down on Stan’s chest.

The pain was amazing in its awfulness. He hissed, and his entire

body tensed up as the agony flooded into him, moving right to his
chest and burning a hole into him, right where Stan’s bullet hole was.

It felt so much worse than it looked on Stan's body. All Bentley

could see was a hole in the man's chest. He hadn't realized the inner
pain that was there as his organs started to decay and hurt like Stan's
likely did. His ribs cracked and splintered as Stan's healed.

Stan’s wound vanished right in front of Bentley’s eyes, and he

used that as his motivation to keep going. Every little bit of that
wound he saw close up made the pain worth it. He felt a hot wetness
trickle down his chest, and he knew he was bleeding now, but he
didn’t look at it because that never helped him when he was trying to
heal someone.

Stan gasped and abruptly opened his eyes. Those pretty blue eyes

that landed right on Bentley’s face, and then widened with horror as
he slapped Bentley’s hands away.

Bentley smiled. He was way too late for that.

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“You’re okay now,” he said.
Stan immediately spun around and got to his knees, his hands

hesitated in front of Bentley, as if he was worried Bentley would
collapse if he was even touched.

That just might happen, considering Bentley felt like he was going

to pass out and throw up. The pain was making him queasy.

“What did you…why did you do that? I told you never to use your

powers! I took that bullet for you! For you!”

Bentley knew his mate wasn’t really yelling at him, he was just

angry at the situation, and terrified.

All the same, he was weak, both emotionally and physically, and

hearing Stan’s raised voice made his chin tremble.

“I had to. I couldn’t carry you,” Bentley said.
The look on Stan’s face was something that Bentley couldn’t even

describe. He had no words for it, but he could tell that what he’d said
was eating up at Stan on the inside. He hated that he’d taken his
mate’s pain, just to give him another pain altogether.

“I’m sorry,” Bentley said. He was really starting to feel woozy.

Everything was spinning around him.

“It’s okay, you’re going to be okay,” Stan said, and in a move that

proved he was as strong as he’d been before, he grabbed Bentley and
lifted him up like a bride before he started to run.

Bentley turned his head and he did throw up a little at that move,

but Stan was so dead set on getting Bentley to a healer that he didn’t
even stop, even though Bentley was fairly sure he’d puked a little on
Stan’s feet.

Stan did not stop. He just continued to curse and mutter to himself

about how he didn’t have anything here to cover up Bentley’s wound.
If they’d been wearing clothes, they could’ve used those, but they’d
come here in their shifted forms.

He also talked to Bentley, trying to get him to answer from time to

time, which Bentley did his best to do, but he was pretty sure that the
only noises coming out of his mouth were just mumbles.

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He even stopped feeling the wind against his cold body. He

stopped feeling cold completely as he just completely and utterly
went under.

The last thing he heard was Stan shouting his name.
“I’m fine,” he said, or he thought he’s said it. He couldn’t exactly

get his mouth to move properly.

* * * *

Stan punched the door open where Balin was being held. He was

dressed now in only a pair of jeans, the only thing he’d bothered to
throw on himself after he’d brought his mate back to the pack,
bleeding to death because of Stan, and Balin.

He was going to kill that motherfucker the second he got the


Roman was there, as was Simon. They had both been questioning

Balin inside of the room, and they immediately jumped to their feet
and grabbed Stan around the shoulders, stopping him from getting any
closer to the prick.

“I’m going to fucking kill you! Do you hear me! I will fucking kill


Balin didn’t look up at him. He didn’t say a word. He just kept

that bald head of his down.

It looked like Roman had done a number on the man when they’d

come across each other, though. Balin had a swollen black eye, his
lower lip was busted, and those stupid chain tattoos he had around his
arms were broken up now by all the slashes and cuts that Roman had
given to the man with his claws.

Good. Stan fucking hoped that it had hurt and he just wanted to do

some damage of his own.

“Fucking look at me, you cocksucker!” Stan yelled.
Balin did look up at him, and while there was remorse in his eyes,

Stan wasn’t about to be fooled by it. Any remorse Balin felt was

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clearly only for himself.

Simon and Roman were barely touching him now. They kept their

hands on Stan’s shoulders, but their palms were only ghosting over
his skin. They didn’t want to hold him back, they wanted Stan to have
control over himself, but they would act if he tried to move so
quickly. He could see that now.

“I know how you feel about this,” Roman said. “Believe me, I do,

but you can’t let him win like that. If you tear him up, you’re worse
than he is, and Bentley is still alive, right?”

“Barely,” Stan said, and he nearly choked on that word. “Please

tell me that you called Aris, that he can get Kristoff down here, or put
him on his pack’s insurance.”

The insurance would be better since Stan was almost positive that

the pack’s healer, or Kristoff, wouldn’t be able to do much for
Bentley in the state he was in.

He needed a doctor, and a whole lot of blood. Though his pack

had the money for a doctor, no human doctor would come to a pack
just to see a dragon. Dragons had their own systems, their own very
complicated systems of health care.

After all the fighting, and the way dragons had torn up the United

States, pulling up mountains all over the country in places where
before there hadn’t been any, the humans had basically written
dragons off.

Only dragons who’d already gone through a lot of hoop jumping

could get real medical care. That was why every pack and clan had its
own healer. Stan knew that Aris had deals made with the nearest
human hospital for his clan. He was wealthy enough and the type of
man who was prepared for that sort of thing.

Unless he could somehow fake Bentley’s name on the list of

people who were in his clan and put him on his insurance, then they
were all completely on their own.

It was so fucking backward. There was so much progress made on

Templar activities, but not in healthcare. Stan had never even thought

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about this and now his mate might die because he hadn’t.

“I made the call, and Aris is working on it. It’s going to take some

time. Kristoff is on his way to help until then.”

Which was the only bit of good news since the pack healer wasn’t

sure what to do with a dragon. Bentley’s red scales had started to
grow out shortly before Stan made it back to the pack, as if his body
was trying to protect itself from anymore damage. This made it harder
for the pack healer to work, and Bentley still continued to bleed.

And all the while Balin continued to stare at him. He was

challenging Stan with his eyes, and Stan’s inner wolf felt this and was
rising to the challenge.

Roman stopped him again with a strong grip on his shoulder.

“Look at me right now,” he said.

Stan responded to the command given by a figure of authority.

There was something in Roman’s eyes that demanded respect, and
Stan gave it.

He was gentle in his next words, however. “If your mate dies, if, I

will tie that motherfucker down myself and watch as you burn him
alive for all I care. Okay? I understand that much on what you’re
going through, but until then, don’t make yourself as bad as he is.
Bentley saved you because you’re better than that, better than him.”

“He shouldn’t have used his power to begin with.”
“No, but he did it anyway. He chose to use it. That was what you

set him free for, so he could make choices and learn how to be his
own person. You didn’t order him to heal you because you got in a
fight with another wolf. He chose to save you because if he hadn’t,
you would be dead right now and he cares about you that much.”

That wasn’t very calming, but the one thing that did make Stan

feel better was the knowledge that Roman wouldn’t stop him from
doing whatever the hell he wanted to this fucker if Bentley was killed.

Stan glared at the man. “I will burn you alive if he dies.”
Balin said nothing again. Fuck, that was so infuriating. Stan

wanted to hurt the man, wanted to make him go crazy with his words,

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but it was like he was having no effect on him whatsoever, and that
was driving Stan fucking crazy.

“You should go and sit with your mate, son,” Simon said. “We

already called the police, and they’re going to be here any minute to
pick him up.”

Stan shut his eyes and sighed. Fuck. The cops. For the first time in

his life, Stan wished he could go back to a time when packs fought
out these issues without human laws to get in the way. Roman could
promise him Balin’s head on a platter all he wanted, but the truth was
that revenge like that likely wouldn’t come for a couple of years if
Balin was put behind silver bars.

Stan nodded, and then he turned to go, to leave Roman and his

father to do what they needed to do until the police could arrive and
take Balin away for questioning of their own.

He stopped before he could get out the door, however. He just

stopped, his body frozen, like he couldn’t take another step even if he

Not that he was going to try very hard, considering the things he

wanted to do to Balin, but he turned slowly and looked back at the

Balin frowned a little, as if the man was wondering what Stan’s

problem was.

“Son? What is it?” Simon asked.
Stan looked at his father, his father who had lost a mate and a few

wives over the course of his long life, not to mention a few children as
well. Fuck, if Stan was losing his shit like this, then it was no wonder
there were time when Simon had gone ballistic. There were a few
years of his life where he could remember his father just not being
around. He’d been too busy grieving.

Stan would lose his mind if he lost Bentley. That made his father

one strong son of a bitch to have survived the loss of so many people
he loved.

“Dad, I…” Stan looked back at Balin. “I think I can fix Bentley.”

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Balin clenched his fists on the steel table he was handcuffed to.

That was very telling.

“What do you mean?” he asked.
Stan looked to Roman. “Can Kristoff wake Bentley up? Does he

have anything for that?”

“He has smelling salts, I think. It might not be best for him to

wake up, though,” he said.

“No, I know, but I only need him away for a minute,” he said. “I

asked Bentley once if he could give pain back. He could take
someone’s pain and injuries, and when I asked if he could give it back
to me, he didn’t say yes or no, he said it didn’t matter.”

Which was as good as admitting that he could give pain and

injuries away. Why hadn’t Stan seen that before?

Balin completely tensed against the table he was cuffed to. “Don’t

you fucking dare think of bringing me to him. You said yourself, the
police will be here soon! How will you explain a gunshot in my

“I don’t fucking care how it gets explained,” Stan said.
His father was already moving to the wall where the keys to the

silver cuffs were being kept. “All right, get up, you have someone
you’re going to go and see.”

“Will Kristoff be here before the police? Do we have smelling

salts here if he can’t make it in time?”

“He’s flying down. He might even already be there,” Roman said.
That was exactly what Stan wanted to hear.
Balin shrieked and fought against the men who held him, but he

was no match for two alphas and a dragon warrior. They yanked him
out of the room, kicking and screaming, and Stan just fucking prayed
that this would work.

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Chapter Twelve

Bentley came awake like he was being slowly pulled up and out

of a sea of blankets. He didn’t want that, however, because the closer
to consciousness he came, the more everything hurt.

Then he was grabbed and completely tossed out into the open air,

a place he didn’t want to be, where everything was like spikes of pain
stabbing him all over his body. His eyes flew open and the light
assaulted him, that horrible smell was still in his nose and everything
hurt. Everything.

“Bentley, baby, I have you, look at me, look at me!”
That was Stan’s voice. Bentley struggled to do as he was told just

because he wanted to obey his lover. The need to do as Stan
demanded of him was stronger than his need to fight off the pain he
was feeling.

“Bentley, give me your hand. I need you to do this,” Stan said.
Bentley didn’t even know how he was going to keep his eyes

open, never mind give Stan his hand.

He managed to do it anyway. He gave his mate his hand, and the

second he felt that hard squeeze, he knew what Stan wanted from

He tried to pull his hand back, but he was so damned weak, there

was almost no fight in him at all. “No,” he said.

“Yes, come on, sweetheart. You can do it. It’s not for me anyway.

You hear me? This isn’t for me.”

“Get your fucking hands off me! Don’t touch me!”
Was that Balin’s voice? What was he doing here?
Bentley tried to open his eyes again, just to be able to see what

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was happening around him, but he had to squeeze them shut again. It
was like there was a miniature sun blasting his face, and it stabbed at
his eyes whenever he tried to see.

He did manage to get a look at Balin, however. He was definitely

someone that Bentley got to see in the room. And the man sure didn’t
look happy as he was being dragged toward Bentley’s bed by the
arms. He was being held by Stan’s father, and Roman. Simon had to
hang onto Balin’s legs just to keep the man from kicking.

Now he knew what was happening, even before Stan started to

speak again.

“This is for you, okay? Listen to me, I know you can do this, you

can give back pain. I want you to give your injuries to Balin. All
right? Can you do that for me, sweetheart?”

Bentley most definitely could. He’d been forbidden from ever

returning the injuries he’d sustained, but that was Balin’s rule, and
Bentley no longer lived under that man’s thumb.

He nodded his head. He tried to, anyway, but everything on him

felt heavy and sluggish.

He must’ve done it well enough anyway because Stan seemed to

get the point well enough as he gently took Bentley by the wrist, and
then held his hand out.

“No! I don’t want him fucking touching me!” Balin screamed.
Right before the man’s hairy leg was in Bentley’s palm. He

wasn’t very strong, but Stan’s hands around Bentley’s fingers kept his
hold firm. His mate was going to help him with this, and Bentley
would’ve smiled if he’d had the strength.

He hadn’t done this in years, but it was probably the easiest thing

he’d ever done in his entire life. It was like he’d never forgotten how
to do it as he pushed all of his pain out of his body. It was a relief, like
kicking off his shoes after a hard day’s work and letting his feet
breathe. The pain traveled from his chest, all the way to his shoulder
and down his arm, flowing like a river.

Balin started to yell and scream.

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“Holy shit, look at his chest. It’s working,” Roman said.
Bentley could have told him that. As he felt strengthened, Balin’s

struggles became less and less. The man was losing his own strength,
and the hole in Bentley’s chest was closing up. He didn’t even have to
look at it in order to see it.

Then he gasped in a breath and opened his eyes. He would’ve

yanked his hand away from Balin’s leg if he could’ve but Stan was
still holding it in place.

Bentley coughed and sputtered. He felt like he hadn’t taken in a

proper breath in hours. He probably hadn’t either. As his body shut
down to conserve energy, even he knew that his heart rate and
breathing would’ve slowed down. It was a miracle that Stan was able
to wake him up at all.

“Baby? Bentley, are you okay?” Stan asked. His blue eyes were so

wide, so scared. All that was for him?

Bentley nodded as best as he could when he finally managed to

stop coughing. “I’m fine,” he said, and then choked on his words.

Stan finally allowed him to release Balin’s gross leg, and the

alpha wolf grabbed onto his face in the palms of his hands and looked
him in the eyes, as if he would be able to see for himself that Bentley
was okay just by looking into his eyes.

“I’m okay,” Bentley said again, softly so that he wouldn’t cough

or choke anymore.

Stan still wasn’t convinced, and the man pulled at the bandages

that were on Bentley’s chest, bandages he hadn’t even noticed before,
to see for himself that the wound was closed.

It was closed. Bentley groaned at the sight of the stitches that were

inside of him, fresh stitches that would need to come out now that
they were no longer holding shut a wound. There was a tiny pink scar
in place, however, something to forever remind him that he couldn’t
always take, or give away, one hundred percent of an injury.

One more scar on his body. Bentley hated the very sight of it.

Stan, on the other hand, sighed and leaned forward, hugging Bentley

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close to his chest, as if nothing made him happier. “Fuck, that scared
the hell out of me. Don’t ever do that again.”

Bentley was warmed by his mate’s words. Stan really did care for

him. The man didn’t want Bentley to be hurt, and he’d been scared
that something bad would happen to him.

Bentley reached his arms up and put them around Stan’s back,

returning the man’s affection as warmth bloomed in his chest.

The good kind, not the painful kind that meant he was losing a lot

of blood.

Kristoff started speaking. Bentley hadn’t even been aware the man

was in the room with them. When did he get here? “All right, bring
him over here. I need to stitch him before the police can get here.”

As if his words were the cue that they were waiting for, sirens

outside sounded. Bentley knew that sound. Police cars had arrived.
Maybe even an ambulance.

“Great timing,” Roman said. The man had let Balin go in the

hands of the good healer, and the alpha wolf, so that he could check
behind the curtains in the room Bentley was in.

He looked around himself, and he smiled. “You got me back. I’m

back at the pack.

“Yes, I did get you back,” Stan said, and his eyes were still wild

with emotion. Stan was pretty sure he’d never seen a look quite like it
before, and he’d seen Stan after the man thought he’d had sex with a
sixteen-year-old Bentley. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again.
Okay? You have to promise me, for real this time, that you will never,
ever, use your power again, especially not for me.

“I…I thought you would be…” Bentley didn’t finish that, because

he knew using his powers wouldn’t make Stan happy, but he was all
right now. Nothing had happened and everything was going to be
okay. There was no reason to be worried like this.

Stan sighed, and most of the stress left his face as he came

forward for another long and hard hug. “Please don’t ever do it
again,” Stan said. “You can fly for help if you need to. Leave me

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behind if I’m injured and someone else can come and get me.”

Bentley hadn’t even thought of doing that. It made sense. He

could have done it, but even had he been aware of that option, he still
wouldn’t have done it. “I…I can’t promise you that,” Bentley said.

Stan tensed up in his arms.
“Guys, you’re going to have to get ready soon. The police are at

the door and they’re going to want to question us.”

Stan ignored him as he pulled away and looked down at him.

Bentley expected to see a lot of anger in his eyes, but there was
nothing like that. Not right now, anyway.

“Why not?” he asked.
Bentley shook his head. “I can’t not help you if you need it. You

needed it, and I won’t promise to not save you if I can.”

“Guys?” Roman asked.
Stan briefly looked back at the man, and then down at Bentley,

right before he leaned in and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “All right.
We’ll talk about it later, but I won’t make you promise something you
can’t do.”

And that was enough to make Bentley sigh with relief. He felt

better than when he’d given Balin his pain and injuries. Knowing Stan
wasn’t going to stay angry with him was the greatest gift the man
could’ve given him.

“Thank you,” he said.
Stan smiled softly, and he let his fingers run through Bentley’s

hair. He was pretty sure he needed a shower, but Stan wasn’t
commenting on that. He stared at Bentley as if he was something
worth looking at.

Maybe Stan really thought he was, because the next words out of

his mouth were pretty special.

“You really are something, you know that?”
Bentley felt heat rising up in his cheeks. That was a good sign

because it meant he had all the blood back in his body. He was almost
completely healed. “In a good way?”

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“A very good way,” Stan said, and then looked behind himself

when voices could be heard down the hall. Voices that Bentley had
never heard before.

“The humans are here. You and I are going to have to answer

some questions, and we’re going to have to explain your power to
them, otherwise they might think we shot Balin and not the other way
around. Are you strong enough to do that?” Stan asked.

For this man, Bentley would do everything he was asked of and a

whole lot more. “Yes.”

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Chapter Thirteen

Three more weeks passed since that day, and there had been a

whole lot of shit to deal with thanks to the stupid humans and their
inability to accept that most dragons had powers, and a lot of those
powers were different, and sometimes not often seen even among
their own kind.

Stan didn’t like thinking about how those humans had stared at

him with suspicion when he’d explained what happened. To them, it
most definitely looked like he and his pack had attacked Balin, and
were now trying to pin the blame on him.

Stan hated having to do it, but when Bentley suggested cutting

himself so that he could show the police his power, there was nothing
else for him to do except let his mate prove their innocence.

The interesting thing was how one of the officers had volunteered

to be the one to receive the cut. That man definitely hadn’t thought
that a power of taking pain and injuries could be real, otherwise he
wouldn’t have offered.

The look of shock on his face, and the way he yanked his arm

back when the cut appeared down his forearm, and vanished from
Bentley, was pure magic. They had no choice but to believe them
after that, and everything out of their mouths was genuine inquiries as
to what Balin had been doing. They looked at all of Bentley’s scars
and took notes, and Kristoff even gave a statement about the work
he’d done on the man to keep him from bleeding out.

Stan stood beside his lover the entire time. The way Bentley’s

eyes cast down as he spoke about his life with Balin was too much for
him to handle alone. Even when the police asked if he could leave, he

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quickly told them that he was Bentley’s husband, and as such, he had
the right to be there for a simple questioning.

Even by human laws, a simple mating had been classified as the

same thing as marriage. Very few states argued against it at this point.

By the end, Bentley’s story was out, and it almost looked as if the

two officers themselves were willing to kick Balin’s ass for the things
he’d done, which put them in Stan’s good books.

There was literally nothing in the world more satisfying than

watching those two cops yank Balin’s hands behind his back. With
the painkillers and quick stitches Kristoff had provided for him, he
remained awake and beautifully aware of the pain of having those
stitches stretched out under the force of the police officer’s less than
gentle handling. He’d actually been glad that he hadn’t killed the little

This in turn led to a lot of talk over the coming days about what

should be done with Balin’s pack. Simon, and even the rest of the
council, were quick to determine that the men and women of that pack
should be brought in, and the two merged together.

Stan wanted his father to kick out anyone who’d had something to

do with Bentley’s misery, including Pinky and any of Balin’s
henchmen. Conveniently for them, they couldn’t be found when the
police went to Balin’s property to question everyone, but Stan wasn’t
much worried about them. They would become rogues, and they
would fuck up eventually, either with the humans or with other packs.
Either way, their days were numbered.

Simon had agreed to Stan’s terms, and ultimately, the transition

was nice and smooth. A pleasant surprise.

Stan had been on edge, and completely defensive against anyone

new coming in, but his heart warmed when he saw an old woman
walk up to Bentley, after an awkward greeting, the two hugged and

It seemed Bentley did have someone on the other side who’d

loved him after all, and he was glad she could be there for his mate.

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All those good things happening, and because Balin had been a

complete idiot about the entire thing.

Thank God for that man’s lack of sense.
Now, after all the police had left, and even the few reporters

who’d come in for the big story of the dragon child locked away and
forced into slavery to the werewolves—which Stan certainly didn’t
appreciate—stopped coming by, they were finally getting some time
alone. Bentley was not a child and not all werewolves had enslaved

It allowed Stan to get back to doing what he wanted to do the

most. Love his mate. Bentley was starting to prove his courage by
demanding lessons for sex. Somehow, he’d found out how to see porn
online—although even Stan had to admit, it wasn’t remotely hard to
find—and now Bentley was asking for lessons on how to do certain

He was still shy. The idea of getting a cum shot to the face seemed

to gross him out, and Stan was never really into that anyway, so he
was fine with Bentley’s request to never have it happen.

No, Bentley’s lessons were a little more on the innocent side. The

man wanted to know how to give proper blow jobs. He seemed to
think that just because the people in the videos could go on and on
meant there was a mysterious trick to keeping his jaw from hurting.

Stan had to tell him otherwise, but it was fun using the hands on

approach for everything. Like he was doing right now.

And Stan was a big believer in hands on learning. To teach

Bentley what was best, he had to do it to the man himself first.

And Bentley was voicing his approval with his hands fisted in

Stan’s hair, his knees up, while panting desperately, barely able to get
a single word out. “Ungh! S–Stan, oh, yeah, like that! Like that!”

Stan had recently taught his mate that more noise tended to be

better when it came to giving and receiving pleasure. There was
nothing he enjoyed more than listening to every single pleasurable
sound that left Bentley’s throat. They were like a symphony of tiny

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touches that went straight to his cock.

Which was an excellent bonus as he knelt between Bentley’s legs

and bobbed his wet lips up and down the man’s shaft, humming so
that he could drive the man even wilder, watch as his spine arched,
and then feel the crown of Bentley’s hard dick touch the back of his

Just fucking wonderful.
Stan had to pull his mouth back, but he kept his hand on Bentley’s

erection, keeping a tight fist around it so that the pleasure never
waned. “See what I did there? You make that noise and it vibrates.”

Bentley was staring up at the ceiling, as if there was something

fascinating on it. His eyes were glazed. “Y–yeah,” he said through
puffy breaths.

Stan chuckled, and then he returned to what he was doing. Bentley

enjoyed teasing himself by trying to hold back his orgasm for as long
as possible, and while Stan enjoyed that about his mate, and knew it
would just bring him more pleasure in the long run, he didn’t bother
telling Bentley that it was nearly impossible. The reason why the men
in those videos could go so long was because they’d taken something
before the shoot, or were having sex multiple times and the editing
made it difficult to notice. He would tell him, eventually, just not

“St–Stan, I’m coming! Oh fuck, I’m coming!”
Bentley had also learned to enjoy cursing while he was being

fucked, and there was nothing sweeter that ever came out of his
mate’s mouth.

Bentley’s hands became even tighter fists as he held onto Stan’s

hair. It was damned painful, but worth it when the young dragon’s
cock swelled inside of his mouth, and then warm cum spurted inside.

Stan drank all of it down. His wolf approved, and even though he

was still hard like he had a steel rod for a cock, he still found some
pleasure in what he’d just done.

He pulled his mouth away from Bentley’s prick before the man

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even had the chance to soften, and he yanked himself up to press long,
luxurious kisses to Bentley’s warm mouth. This was another lesson
for his mate, tasting himself on Stan’s tongue. Bentley’s kissing had
certainly improved much over the last few weeks, and if anything, the
man had become more wanton, more eager, and Stan fucking loved

He loved him. Stan told him so. “I love you,” he said.
Bentley was relaxed, and in a daze beneath him, but he still

smiled. “I love you, too,” he said. “I’m glad you chose me.”

This was something Stan had tried to explain a few times. That he

hadn’t chosen Bentley. Nature had chosen them for each other, but
Bentley seemed to enjoy the idea of choice even more, probably
because there had been so little of it in his life, so Stan stopped
pointing out the differences.

It was basically splitting hairs anyway.
Stan was ready to drift off, to wait for Bentley to be ready for

another round, but Bentley had other ideas as he nuzzled Stan’s neck,
his mischievous little hand trailing down to grasp onto Stan’s cock.
“Want to go hunting?”

Stan tensed, even as a smile pulled on his lips. “Hunting for

what?” he asked.

Bentley returned that smile, but the eagerness in his eyes was

doubled. “For me,” he said.

Like he even needed to ask.
Bentley laughed as Stan jumped out of bed, eager to get that

particular show on the road.

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Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario, Canada, where she is

fervently pursuing the writer’s life while writing about lots of
gorgeous guys. She loves hearing from readers and you can reach her

For all titles by Marcy Jacks, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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