
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - A Treatise on White Magic - Rule XI - Salvation
from Death

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A Treatise on White Magic - Rule Eleven - Salvation from Death

In psychics and in the case of mediums and lower seers
(clairvoyant and clairaudient people) the solar plexus web is permanently ruptured early
in life and easily therefore they pass in or out of the body, going into trance, as it is
called, and functioning on the astral plane. But for these types there is no continuity of
consciousness and there seems no relation between their physical plane existence and the
happenings which they relate whilst in trance and of which they usually remain totally
unaware in the waking consciousness. The whole performance is below the diaphragm and is
related primarily to animal sentient life. In the case of conscious clairvoyance and in
the work of the higher psychics and seers there is no trance, obsession or mediumship. It
is the web in the brain which is punctured and the opening in that region permits the
inflow of light, information and inspiration; it confers also the power to pass into the
state of Samadhi which is the spiritual correspondence to the trance condition of the
animal nature.In the process of death these are, therefore, the two main exits: the
solar plexus for the astrally polarized, [502] physically biased human being and therefore
of the vast majority, and the head center for the mentally polarized and spiritually
oriented human being. This is the first and most important fact to remember and it will
easily be seen how the trend of a life tendency and the focus of the life attention
determine the mode of exit at death. It can be seen also that an effort to control the
astral life and the emotional nature and to orient one's self to the mental world and to
spiritual things has a momentous effect upon the phenomenal aspects of the death process.
If the
student is thinking clearly, it will be apparent to him that one exit concerns the
spiritual and highly evolved man, whilst the other concerns the low grade human being who
has scarcely advanced beyond the animal stage. What then of the average man? A third exit
is now in temporary use; just below the apex of the heart another etheric web is found
covering an orifice of exit. We have, therefore, the following situation:
The exit in the head, used by the intellectual type, by the disciples and initiates of
the world.
The exit in the heart, used by the kindly, well-meaning man or woman who is a good
citizen, an intelligent friend and a philanthropic worker.
The exit in the region of the solar plexus, used by the emotional, unintelligent,
unthinking man and by those whose animal nature is strong.

This is the first point in the new information which will slowly become common
knowledge in the West during the next century. Much of it is already known by thinkers in
the East and is in the nature of a first step towards a rational understanding of the
death process.
The second point to be grasped is that there can be a technique of dying and a training
given during life which will lead up to the utilization of that technique.
As regards the training to which a man can submit himself I will give a few hints which
will be found to [503] convey a new meaning to much work now being done by all aspirants.
The Elder Brothers of the race who have guided humanity through long centuries, are now
busy preparing people for the next great step to be taken. This step will bring in a
continuity of consciousness which will do away with all fear of death and link the
physical and astral planes in such a close relation that they will in reality constitute
one plane. Just as an at-one-ment has to be brought about between the various aspects of
man, so a similar unification has to take place in connection with the various aspects of
the planetary life. The planes have to be at-one-ed as well as soul and body. This has
already been largely accomplished between the etheric plane and the dense physical plane.
Now it is being rapidly carried forward between the physical and the astral.

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