topic 10 the nurse's role in prevention and health education

" Define the term  prevention and  health education .
"  Prevention is better than cure . Explain.
" Describe health prophylaxis in Poland.
EXERCISE 1: Reading comprehension. Read the text carefully, then change the words in brackets to complete
the gaps.
The practice of school nursing began in the United States on October 1, 1902 when the initial role of the school nurse
was to reduce absenteeism by intervening with students and families regarding health care needs (1) & & & & & & &
(RELATION) to (2) & & & & & & & & & .. (COMMUNICATE) diseases. While the nurse s role has expanded
greatly from its original focus, the essence of the practice remains the same. The school nurse supports student success
by (3) & & & & & & & & . (PROVIDE) health care (4) & & & & & & & & & & (ASSESS), intervention, and follow-
up for all children within the school setting.
Seven roles of the school nurse have evolved from this (5) & & & & & & & & & . (DEFINE).
The school nurse provides direct health care to students and staff.& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ..
The school nurse provides care to students and staff who have been (6) & & & & & & & . (INJURY) or who present
with acute (7) & & & & & & & .. (ILL). Care may involve (8) & & & & & & & & .. (TREAT) of health problems
within the scope of nursing practice, communication with parents for treatment, and (9) & & & & & & (REFER) to
other providers. The school nurse uses the nursing process to assess, plan, implement, and (10) & & & & & & & & &
(EVALUATION) care for students with chronic health conditions. The school nurse is responsible for medication
(11) & & & & & & & & & & .. (ADMINISTER) and the performance of health care procedures that are within the
scope of nursing practice and are ordered by an appropriately licensed health care (12) & & & & & & & & ..
(PROVIDE). The school nurse also assists staff in monitoring chronic health conditions.
The school nurse provides leadership for the provision of health services.& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
In addition to (13) & & & & & & & & & (PROVIDE) health services directly, the school nurse must take into account
the nature of the school environment, including available resources. As the health care expert within the school, the
school nurse assesses the (14) & & & & & & . (OVER) system of care and develops a plan for assuring that health
needs are met. This (15) & & & & & & & & & & (LEADER) role includes developing a plan for responding to
emergencies and disasters and (16) & & & & & & & & & (TRAIN) staff to respond appropriately.
The school nurse provides screening and referral for health conditions.& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ..
In order to address potential health problems that are barriers to learning or symptoms of underlying medical
conditions, the school nurse often engages in (17) & & & & & & & & & & (SCREEN) activities. Screening activities
may include vision, (18) & & & & & & & & (HEAR), (19) & & & & & & & & . (POSTURE) and body mass index
The school nurse promotes a healthy school environment.& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
The school nurse provides for the physical and (20) & & & & & & & & & & (EMOTION) safety of the school
community. The school nurse monitors (21) & & & & & & & & & & & . (IMMUNIZE) and reports communicable
diseases as required by law. The school nurse provides leadership to the school in implementing precautions for blood
borne pathogens and other (22) & & & & & & & & & . (INFECTION) diseases. The school nurse also assesses the
physical environment of the school and takes actions to improve health and (23) & & & & & & (SAFE). Such
activities may include an assessment of the playground, indoor air quality evaluation, or a review of patterns of illness
or injury to determine a source of concern. Additionally, the school nurse addresses the emotional environment of the
school to decrease conditions that may lead to (24) & & & & & & & . (BULLY) and violence and/or an environment
not conducive to optimal (25) & & & & & (MENTALITY) health and learning.
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
The school nurse promotes health.& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
The school nurse provides health education by providing health (26) & & & & & & & & .. (INFORM) directly to
individual students, groups of students, or classes or by providing (27) & & & & & & & & & (GUIDE) about the
health education curriculum, encouraging comprehensive, and age (28) & & & & & & & & & . (APPROPRIATELY)
information. They may also provide programs to staff, families, and the community on health topics. Other health
promotion (29) & & & & & & & .. (ACTIVE) may include health fairs for students and their families, consultation
with other school staff such as food service personnel or physical education teachers regarding healthy lifestyles, and
staff (30) & & & & & & & .. (WELL) programs.
The school nurse serves in a leadership role for health policies and programs.& & & & & & & & & & & & & .
As the health care expert within the school system, the school nurse takes a leadership role in the (31) & & & & & &
(DEVELOP) and evaluation of school health policies. The school nurse (32) & & & & & & & & . (PARTICIPATION)
in and provides leadership to coordinated school health programs, crises/disaster management teams, and school
health (33) & & & & & & & & .. (ADVISE) councils. The school nurse promotes nursing as a career by
(34) & & & & & & & & & . (DISCUSS) with students as appropriate, role modelling, and serving as a preceptor for
student nurses or as a mentor for others beginning school nursing practice.
The school nurse serves as a liaison between school personnel, family, community, and health care providers.
The school nurse (35) & & & & & & & & . (COMMUNICATION) with community health providers and community
health care agencies while ensuring appropriate (36) & & & & & & & & .. (CONFIDENTIAL), develops community
partnerships, and serves on community coalitions to (37) & & & & & & & .. (PROMOTION) the health of the
community. The nurse also communicates with the family through telephone calls, assures them with written
communication and home visits as needed, and serves as a (38) & & & & & & & & & & (REPRESENT) of the school
Healthy children are (39) & & & & & & & & & . (SUCCESS) learners. The school nurse has a multi-faceted role
within the school setting, one that supports the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of students and their
success in the (40) & & & & & & & & & (LEARN) process.
EXERCISE 2: Fill in each of the numbered blanks with a suitable word from the box.
education * effects * environment * tertiary * population * needs * diseases * peer *
illness * nursing * expensive * healthcare * prevention * lifestyle * occurrence * positive *
avert * factors * quality * healthy * promoting * occur * understanding * benefits * medical *
Primary prevention in health promotion
Many chronic (1) & & & & & & & & and health conditions could be prevented if more nurses and healthcare
professionals took actions toward primary (2) & & & & & & & .. The goal of health promotion programs (including
primary prevention) is to improve the quality of life for communities. To do this, epidemiologic data is used to find
the cause or source of the problem, identify risk (3) & & & & & & & ., and then determine occurrence rates. The first
step is mass (4) & & & & & & & & . or immunization through efforts defined as primary prevention.
A major role of community health (5) & & & & & & & & is prevention. Prevention means to (6) & & & & & &
problems. There are three levels of prevention: primary, secondary, and (7) & & & & & & & ... Of the three, the basic
level of prevention is called primary prevention. This level of prevention is applied to generally (8) & & & & & & &
people, before disease, injury, or dysfunction occurs. Primary prevention may include increasing people's resistance to
(9) & & & & & & & . (as in the case of immunization), decreasing or eliminating the causes of health problems, or
creating an (10) & & & & & & & & & & . conducive to health rather than health problems.
The importance of primary prevention in program development is the fact that it is easier and less (11) & & & & & & .
to prevent an illness, disease, or dysfunction by (12) & & & & & & & & healthy choices and behaviour in the first
place. It is nurses ability and task to identify patterns of disease (13) & & & & & & & & & , transmission, and
incubation. By identifying risk factors, prevention of injury can occur. Primary prevention involves anticipatory
planning and actions. Nurses must envision potential (14) & & & & & & and problems and then plan so that they
don't (15) & & & & & & & .. Education and immunizations are research based and outcomes are tracked. Primary
prevention means treating a generally healthy (16) & & & & & & & & & so program development would require
finding suitable aggregates to treat. This includes (17) & & & & & & & & & the dynamics of the community
Autor: Justyna Kowalczys, 2012
Primary prevention in (18) & & & & & & & & & .. will create many (19) & & & & & & & & for community
stakeholders in terms of costs averted, (20) & & & & & & & & of life, and productivity. The challenge is to educate,
empower, support and coach members of the community to become proactive in healthy (21) & & & & & & & & .
choices and behaviours. Benefits such as a reduced burden on (22) & & & & & & & . care systems, a reduction of
costs associated with absenteeism, and reduced productivity and achievement, benefits a wide range of community
members. An example of the (23) & & & & & & & & effects of primary prevention can be seen in the school
environment where children are educated about the (24) & & & & & & . of alcohol, given support on how to deal with
(25) & & & & & & & .. pressure, and use the resources within the community.
EXERCISE 3: A GAP FILL. Complete the gaps with single words.
One of 1).................... biggest problems in America today is lack of activity. We know it's good for us but avoid it
2)................... the plague either because we're used to being sedentary 3)................... afraid that exercise has to be
vigorous to be worth our time. The truth is, movement is movement and the 4).................. you do, the healthier you'll
be. Even moderate activities like chores, gardening and walking can 5).................. a difference.
Simple Ways to Move Your Body. You can start the process of 6).................... loss now by adding a little more
activity to your life. If you're not ready for a structured program, start small. Every little bit counts and it all adds up to
burning more 7).................... .
Turn off the TV. Once a week, turn off the TV and 8).................. something a little more physical with your family.
Play games, take a walk... almost anything will be more active than 9).................... on the couch.
Walk more. Look for small ways to walk more. When you get the mail, take a walk around the block, 10)..................
the dog for an extra outing each day or walk on your treadmill for 5 minutes before getting ready for work.
Do some chores. Shoveling snow, working in 11)................... garden, raking leaves, sweeping the floor...these kinds
of activities may not be 'vigorous' exercise, but 12)................... can keep you moving while getting your house in
Pace while you talk. When you're 13)..................... the phone, pace around or even do some cleaning while gabbing.
This is a great way to stay moving while doing something you enjoy.
Be aware. Make a list of all the physical 14)..................... you do on a typical day. If you find that the bulk of your
time is spent sitting, make another 15)..................... of all the ways you could move more - getting up each hour to
stretch or walk, walk the stairs at work, etc.
EXERCISE 4: Listening. STRESS. You will hear a woman being interviewed about stress.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences.
The woman is employed as the school (1) & & & & & & & & & & &
The woman is (2) & & & & & & & & & & & years old.
The two things which cause her stress are (3) & & & & & & & & & & & and (4) & & & & & & & & & & &
She experiences stress (5) & & & & & & & & & & &
Stress causes her to be (6) & & & & & & & & & & &
She has pain in her (7) & & & & & & & & & & &
She believes that medical attention is (8) & & & & & & & & & & &
She thinks that people who suffer from stress should (9) & & & & & & & & & & &
In her opinion psychological therapy is (10) & & & & & & & & & & &
EXERCISE 5: A gap fill.
In the 21st century food will (0) & & do & & more than just feed you. A new range of products appearing
(1) & & & & & & & & & & shelves in shops and supermarkets (2) & & & & & & & & & & designed to give you
specific health benefits. The demands of modern life make these foods very attractive. (3) & & & & & & & & & &
only do they provide proven ways to improve health, but they are also very attractive (4) & & & & & & & & & &
a quick and convenient way of making sure we enjoy a healthy diet.
In some countries it is already possible to buy crisps that make you feel (5) & & & & & & & & & & depressed,
chewing gum that increases your brain power and tea that helps you (6) & & & & & & & & & & over the tiredness
associated (7) & & & & & & & & & & long-distance air travel. (8) & & & & & & & & & & the future, experts
promise biscuits that will keep your heart healthy, and a hot chocolate drink to give you strong bones.
(9) & & & & & & & & & & the fact that these 'functional' foods cannot replace a balanced diet and regular exercise,
they can help the body perform at (10) & & & & & & & & & & best a lot of the time. At
(11) & & & & & & & & & & these foods are more expensive than other foods, but that is due to the ingredients they
(12) & & & & & & & & & & of and the way they are made. All the foods contain probiotics
(13) & & & & & & & & & & increase the number of 'good' bacteria in your stomach, helping to keep your digestive
system healthy.
There may even (14) & & & & & & & & & & a functional food to protect eyesight, so keep an eye out as you never
know (15) & & & & & & & & & & you might be eating tomorrow!
EXERCISE 6: LISTENING. Listen to the interview and complete the sentences with the missing phrases.
1. We must & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & between being overweight and being obese.
2. There is a special formula for & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
3. Obesity is not simply the effect of & & & & & & & & & & & & & ..
4. Some 10% of our society suffer & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
5. On the other hand, being overweight is more common & & & & & & & & & & than & & & & & .& & & .
6. According to & & & & & & & & & & & the number of overweight children in the 5-10 age group has grown.
7. Fewer and fewer people & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .. of excess weight as adults.
8. We have done very little to & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ..
9. Apparently, however, the message & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & . through.
10. I must admit we have been rather unsuccessful in & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .
EXERCISE 7: HEALTH AND THE BODY. Choose the correct option:
Keeping fit and staying healthy have, not surprisingly, become a growth industry. (1) & & & apart from the amount of
money spent each year on doctors' (2) & & & and approved medical treatment, huge sums are now spent on health
foods and (3) & & & of various kinds, from vitamin pills to mineral water, not to mention health clubs and keep-fit
(4) & & & and videos. We are more concerned than ever, it seems, (5) & & & the water we drink and the air we
breathe, and are smoking less, though not yet drinking less alcohol. This does not appear to mean that (6) & & & and
sneezes have been banished, or that we can all expect to live to a hundred. To give a personal example, one of my
friends, who is a keep-fit (7) & & & a non-smoker and teetotaller, and who is very (8) & & & about what he eats, is
at present languishing in bed with a wrist in (9) & & & and a badly sprained ankle. Part of his healthy (10) & & & is
to play squash every day after work, and that (11) & & & for the ankle. He also cycles everywhere, and if you have
ever tried to cycle through the rush-hour traffic with a sprained ankle, you will understand (12) & & & he acquired
the broken wrist. For (13) & & & it seems, is not just a matter of a good (14) & & & and plenty of exercise. Too
much exercise can be harmful, as many joggers have discovered. Eating the right food can easily become an
obsession, as can overworking, which you might have to do so as to be able to afford your (15) & & & of the squash
club, your mountain bike, your health food, and a few holidays in peaceful and healthy places.
1) A) Poles B) Far C) Quite D) So
2) A) prescriptions B) surgeries C) hospitals D) payments
3) A) medications B) cures C) drugs D) remedies
4) A) books B) television C) advice D) enthusiasts
5) A) than B) about C) for D) hence
6) A) colds B) coughs C) flu D) fevers
7) A) fanatic B) follower C) fad D) person
8) A) interested B) varied C) detailed D) particular
9) A) crutches B) plaster C) treatment D) danger
10) A) living B) lifetime C) lifestyle D) liveliness
11) A) is B) caters C) depends D) accounts
12) A) how B) that C) whenever D) thus
13) A) fit B) this C) health D) all
14) A) diet B) eating C) menu D) recipe
15) A) share B) visit C) membership D) subscription
EXERCISE 8: Complete the text.
What you eat is very important for your health. Many people today have an u_________ diet. They eat too much
f__________ food (especially take-away food) and processed food (tinned or frozen). A healthy, w__________ diet should
include proteins, c____________________, fats, and fresh fruit and vegetables. You should control the amount of fat
and carbohydrates you eat if you don't want to p_________ on weight. If you are o_________ you can go on a diet to
l_________ weight, for example avoiding food with too many c_________. Many people today are v_________ and
don't eat any meat. This is a h________ diet if you make sure you eat enough protein from pulses (beans, etc.), eggs and
EXERCISE 9: Provide the missing prepositions.
1. When speaking & & & excessive weight we should make a distinction & & & & . being overweight and being
obese. While the former can potentially lead & & & . a number & & & .. diseases, the latter results & & & a
disease or disorder developing & & & & . the organism.
2. There is a number & & & . factors which must be taken & & & & account when it comes & & & ..
determining the proper weight & & & & a given person & & & .. the first place, we must keep & & .. mind
the person s height and built.
3. Women are often so busy & & & . their family duties that they give little attention & & & . their own physical
well-being. They would spend money & & & . their family and the household rather than pay & & & a gym
or a swimming pool. They put & & .. taking care & & & .. themselves and seem to be only interested & & .
the family.


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