conversions and abbrevs


tsp. = teaspoon
Tbs. = tablespoon
lb. = pound
oz. = ounce (weight)
fl. oz. = fluid ounce (volume)
pt = pint
qt = quart
in. = inch
ml = milliliter
gm = gram
cm. = centimeter
F = Fahrenheit
C = centigrade (Celsius)
° = degrees

1 tsp. = 5 ml
1 Tbs. = 15 ml
2 Tbs. = 30 ml or 1 fl. oz.
1 cup = 240 ml or 8 fl. oz. (vs. 10 oz. per cup in Imperial measure)
1 pt = 480 ml or 16 fl. oz.
1 qt = 960 ml or 32 fl. oz.

1 oz. = 28 gm
1 lb. = 454 gm
2.2 lb. = 1 kg

1 in. = 2.54 cm.

32 °F = 0 °C (water freezes)
212 °F = 100 °C (water boils)

+ Conversion formula: °C = 5/9(°F - 32)

e.g., 400 °F is approximately 204 °C


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