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Safari | Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics

Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics
   Table of Contents
  1. Biology and Computer Science
  2. Getting Started with Perl
  3. The Art of Programming
  4. Sequences and Strings
  5. Motifs and Loops
  6. Subroutines and Bugs
  7. Mutations and Randomization
  8. The Genetic Code
  9. Restriction Maps and Regular Expressions
  10. GenBank
  11. Protein Data Bank
  12. BLAST
  13. Further Topics
  A. Resources
  B. Perl Summary

Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics
Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics
[Symbol][A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][Q][R][S][T][U][V][W][X]F false or true value, evaluating with conditionals , 2nd

 FAQs, Perl , 2nd
 newsgroup information

 FASTA format, DNA sequences reading and extracting sequence data, main program
 reading and formatting file output
reading files subroutine for

 FEATURES table (GenBank annotations)feature keys parsing

 fields, GenBank records PDB record types vs.

 file permission modes, DBM files
 file test operators , 2nd
 -e (exists)

 File\:\:Find module
 filehandles , 2nd
 , 3rd

 filenames, removing newlines from
filesASCII flat files PDB

 attributes, testing for
BLAST output presenting data

 directing output to
 FASTA format, reading DNA from
input from named on command line

opening with system calls

PDB parsing

 protein sequence data, reading from
 writing to

 flags, use of
 floating-point numbers , 2nd

 flow control bad code format and
 conditional statements

folders Macintosh or Windows

 folding of proteins
 for loops , 2nd
 here document in
 initialization and increment of counter
 program using randomization

 foreach loops , 2nd
 , 3rd
 , 4th
 $_ variables in
 variable declaration in

 fork function
 format function , 2nd

 formats, DNA files
 formatted sequence data, writing
formattingcode function calls in nested braces

output printf function
 , 2nd

 formfeeds, matching with metasymbols
 fractions , 2nd

 frequently asked question lists (FAQs), Perl
functions built-in
 nested calls, formatting in code
 Perl, online manual

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