
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Psychology I - Section II - The Jewish

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Esoteric Psychology I - Section Two - III. The Rays and Man

The ancient legend tells us that the three went forth in
sorrow and revolt, laden with their treasures, and thus the history of the wandering Jew
began. It is significant to remember that one of the greatest sons of God Who has worked
on earth, and Who epitomized in Himself the way and the achievement, Jesus of Nazareth,
was a Jew. He reversed all the earlier conditions. He possessed nothing at [398] all. He
was the first of our humanity to achieve, and was a direct descendant of the eldest of the
original three disciples who revolted from the drama of detachment. The Jew
embodies in himself the world prodigal son. He is the symbol of the disciple who has not
yet learned the lesson of a just sense of values. He has been the victim of the Law of
Light and of his inability to comply with that Law. He sinned wilfuly and with his eyes
wide open to results. Hence he knows the law as no other race knows it, for he is
eternally its victim. He has enunciated the law from its negative angle; the Law of Moses
today rules most of the world, and yet fails to bring into life justice and true legality.The
other group of disciples, the representatives (in their day and age) of the race, passed
through the ancient portals of initiation and took the first great step. They came back
with a latent and dim recollection of the episode which separated them from three of their
co-disciples. On their return to life on earth, they spoke of this event. This was their
error; the long antagonism started, which persists until today. Those particular disciples
have themselves passed through their long pilgrimage and have entered into eternal peace,
but the results of their early betrayal of the hidden events of initiation still persist.
Curiously enough, this ancient race, founded by the three who loved that which they had
to offer more than that which they longed to take, were the originators of the Masonic
tradition. Their history (and incidentally the history of humanity) is embodied in that
dramatic ritual. The reward for their sincerity, - for they revolted in utter sincerity,
believing they knew best - was the permission to enact each year, on the return of the day
when they might have entered into light, the story of the search for light. Because they
had been so [399] nearly resurrected from the death of earth into the life of light, the
great tradition of the mysteries was started by them. They chose death and slew that which
"had lived and which could have claimed reward," and which could have spoken the
word of power which would have caused the gates of resurrection to open wide.
We are told
that these three swore an everlasting vow to stand together and never to desert each
other. This vow down the ages they have kept; it has consequently produced that racial
separativeness and community of interests which arouses the antagonism of other races.
Down the ages, the Jew has been wandering, producing much of beauty in the world, and
giving to humanity many of its greatest men, but he has (at the same time) been hated and
persecuted, betrayed and hounded. He embodies, in himself, symbolically, the history of
humanity. The ancient tendency of the Jews to grasp and hold, and also to preserve their
racial and national integrity, are their outstanding characteristics. They cannot be
absorbed, and yet so ancient is the race that nevertheless today no nation in the world
but has its roots in that group which - in old Lemuria - had advanced so far that all its
foremost people stood upon the path of discipleship. There are no racial strains in the
Western world which are not offshoots of this oldest select people, with the exception of
the Finns, Lapps and those nations which show definite mongoloid strains. But the
admixture of what is now called Jewish blood is not found to the same extent, and the
modern Jew is as much a by-product as is the Anglo-Saxon race, only, through an imposed
selective tendency and racial segregation, he has preserved intact more of the original
It is the realization of this common origin which has led [400] the British-Israelites
into their travesty of the truth, and caused them to trace our modern Western history to
the Jews of the Dispersion. It is a far more ancient relation than that, and dates back
into a period that antedates the history of the Jews as it is related for us in the Old
Testament. The original three disciples and their family groups were the ancestors of
three major racial groupings, which can be generalized as follows:
The Semitic
race or races of Biblical and modern times; the Arabs, the Afghans, the Moors and the
offshoots and affiliations of those peoples, including the modern Egyptians. These are all
descended from the eldest of the three disciples.
The Latin
peoples and their various branches throughout the world, and also the Celtic races
wherever found. These are descended from the second of the three disciples.
The Teutons,
the Scandinavians, and the Anglo-Saxons, who are the descendants of the third of the three

The above
is a broad generalization. The period covered is so vast, and the ramifications down the
ages are so numerous, that it is not possible for me to do more than give a general idea.
Gradually the descendants of two of these three disciples have accepted the legends which
were promulgated in Atlantean times, and have ranged themselves on the side of those who
are antagonistic to the Jew, as he is today; they have lost all sense of their common
origin. There is no pure race in the world today, for intermarriage, illicit relations and
promiscuity during the past few million years have been so numerous that there exists no
pure strain. Climate and [401] environment are fundamentally greater determining factors
than any forced segregation, except that which comes through a constant racial
intermarriage. Of this latter factor, only the Hebrew today has preserved any measure of
racial integrity.
humanity awakens to the fact of its common origin, and when the three great major strains
in our modern civilization are recognized, then we shall see the old hatred of the Jew die
out, and he will fuse and blend with the rest of mankind. Even the oriental races, who are
the remnants of the great Atlantean civilization, have in them traces of intermarriage
with the ancestors of the modern Jews and other racial types, but they have not mixed
well, and have therefore preserved their characteristics more successfully than have the
groups of our Western men.
If you ponder upon the above, and if you study the Masonic tradition with care, much
will become clarified in your mind. Ethnologists may disagree, but they cannot disprove
what I have said, for the origins of the present racial world situation lie so far back in
the history of mankind that they cannot even prove their own contentions. All they are
capable of considering is the history of the past one hundred thousand years, and their
work lies with effects of that past and not with originating causes.

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