verbs 1 key

e.g. [S[Betty] P[bakedv m-tr Od[a cake]]S]
a. [[Because it s too drastic S:ADVL_reason],[[the problem of cardiac failures
][is [only roughly ADVP:ADVL_manner] explainedV_d-t* [to the children this age
]VP:P]S]S ]
b. [[Recently ADVP:ADVL_t], [[the doctors from St Mary s hospital NP:S][have
hadV_pt [some additional cases of junctivitis NP:OD][on the medical floors
]VP:P]S]S ]
c. [[The problem of coma NP:S][loomedV_link [bigger AP:SC][with the passage of
time PP:ADVL_t]VP:P]S]
d. [[The man in the door NP:s][glancedV_m-t [around ADVPcomp:ADVL_p][to spot any
potential hijackers VP:ADVL_purpose]VP:P]S]
e. [[A small amount of oil on the floor NP:S][remained [dangerous AP:SC][for
the running kids PP:ADVL_goal]VP:P]S]
f. [[In the corner PP:ADVL_p],[[the three ICU nurses NP:S][were administering
[the closed chest massage NP:ODIR][to Nancy Greeny PP:OIND]VP:P]S]S ]
g. [[The poor girl NP:S][was fibrillatingV_intr [for 12 minutes PP:ADVL_t]VP:P]S]
h. [Susan NP:S][roundedV_pt [the final landing leading to the door no. 2
i. [[The patients NP:S][deemed [the stainless steel shaft of the needle on
Bellow s syringe NP:ODIR][the only rescue from massive cardiac arrest NP:OC]
j. [[The needle NP:S][[suddenly ADVP:ADVP_m][plungedV_acv [into the quivering mass
of cardiac muscle PP:ADVL_place]VP]VP :P]S]
