v2 2 1 2 release notes

Changes to PTS Toolkit V2.2.1.1 -> V2.2.1.2
Last updated July 2002

Version V2.2.1.2 July 2002

This release fixes a number of bugs and issues within the toolkit, from V2.2.1.1

PTS Editor
1. PTS Analysers fixed for multi-threading: they will now work much better.
2. PTS Analysers now interpret CH$xx better. The value used for $xx is the first
$xx= encountered working from the top of the file downwards. This isn't foolproof
but does give some indication of what might happen.
3. ME+UE sequences and MV handled properly in the event analyser.
4. Various minor gripes about undo/redo wrt analyser annotation fixed:
* Undo/redo of analysis annotation now correctly handed when switching analysers.
* Event analyser handles ME/UE sections wrt annotation and undo/redo correctly.
* Analysers mark document as modified during redo process (for annotation).
5. AS can be annotated in event analyser.
6. Analysers handle XS$a[1] correctly, along with the other possible combinations.
7. DI17:x (host level DI for Profibus etc) now handled correctly in event analyser.
8. Sorting of tree works better in event analyser.
9. Event analyser handles MV/EV from trigger variables better.
10. If you 'hide' the analyser (click the X button on the tree view) the analysis
is not updated - this is how people expected it to work. The properties view will
only work if the tree view of the analyser is also visible.
11. The PTS file remembers whether the analyser was visible or not.
12. License dialog in PTS editor is less annoying - knows the difference between
cancel and close now.

PTS Terminal
1. Bell characters (error messages) spotted during LA upload - and then reported
to the user in a dialog. This helps with problems during upload or clone; particularly
the stack overflow issue with PTS when LA in a string (as it is from the terminal
during upload) - and a sequence contains too many levels of nesting.
2. "Paste raw" shortcut changed from Ctrl+E to Ctrl+Shift+V - so that aborting
restore during PTS power on can be done from the keyboard. It is still more reliable
to use the advanced feature of the serial port connection to do this for you -
as it sends the Ctrl+E at just the right moment.

PTS 'Scope
1. Autoscale (all) traces now updates screen display with new scales properly.



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